#its both because its tru and because im evil!
nattyontherun · 7 months
Hey! I have a question, hope you don't mind. In Hearthfire Ino and Sakura say that Kakashi can be petty... is he really, though? What has Kakashi done that they consider petty?
fun question! and one i've been waiting on someone (other than @emberswrites lmao luv u bb) to ask!
so HF plays a lot with perception - as in, how characters view the situation at hand (Shisui coming back to life), themselves in relation to the situation (this answers why I chose "revolving closer - to collision" as the series name, yes) and each other.
to ino, sakura (though hardly perfect) is sorta the victim here? imagine it from her perspective: long time bestie, potential love of her life, shags up with the love of her life, they have a few blissful years of marriage (because why would sakura reveal that she's having problems with sasuke because of his mental health??) and then they break up ("mutually") only for said love of sakura's life to immediately move in with kakashi? the fact that sasuke gets SOME side-eyes and maybe a few whispers is literally amazing??? that's how you know ppl are scared of him??? because trust, if he were some commoner chuunin he'd get dragged to FILTH for this.
and so that's ino's perspective. she's already predisposed to thinking less kindly about sasuke and kakashi - kakashi in particular because, considering the beach and kakashi's age and literal job as hokage - it's easy to point at him and go "hey, this is the mfker who caused all this" so when kakashi lashes out in little ways: giving sakura the cold shoulder, some extra work maybe, or distancing himself or sasuke physically from her sometimes, that all just comes off as petty as fuck!
as for sakura - i like to think that HF sakura at least understands exactly why their relationship broke apart. it's this weird juxtaposition of knowing it wouldn't have worked out whether or not KKSS became a thing, yet hating specifically that KKSS became a thing because kakashi was sasuke's shoulder to cry on, so to speak. so she's in a position where, when ino points out something kakashi did as "petty", she doesn't /want/ to disagree, but she can't really /agree/ either, so she just lets ino do all the talking for her and lets the truth sit between them like still water.
so that leads us to that final scene between sakura and ino in HF, where ino asks about kakashi's pettiness and all sakura can do is *proverbial shrug*
i do wanna say though that, especially early on in the SSSK "separation", i do think kakashi has a strong need to be very very petty and that he indulges that need. it's small things ofc. like i said: cold shoulder, extra work, avoidance. without context, it goes from petty to downright mean, tbh... with context, from sakura's perspective at least, it's kakashi lashing out in a way that least disrupts their lifes work while making it abundantly clear how upset he is at her. so all the rumors start and die this way, early on, without context.
ino does learn bits and pieces about sasuke's illness over the years... but smth smth first perceptions, smth smth kakashi and sakura aren't really/friends/ anymore in that point in time. like i said FUN stuff!!
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ravenquingvax · 6 months
14 year old me deserved better
we shouldn't have been bullied, our parents shouldn't have emotionally neglected us, we shouldn't have been allowed free reign on the internet
i have irreversible trauma all because my parents didn't understand the difference between giving shelter & food to someone and real parenting
i felt abandoned and unloved and pushed away and hated
i felt utterly worthless to, and unwanted by, the very people who had fought to have me
my parents went through IVF to have me, you know, and yet my whole life I've never really felt loved or wanted by them
i ended up so alone and scared i fell into an older person's trap and was hurt in ways that i didn't understand back then
i felt so broken and discarded, like i truly had nothing left to give to anyone else
it really fucked me up
i understand how this all happened and it sickens me
i hate that some parents hate their children and hurt them internationally, i hate that some parents don't know love and therefore can't give it to their own children in the future
i hate that people refuse to accept that girls can be evil and predatory, i hate that we treat victims as criminals even if they "followed every rule"
its no wonder i gave up on my education in the end
its no wonder i stopped living
im stuck and I feel helpless
i was talking to people, I was getting help, I was making progress (and technically i still am but not in ways that truly help in the long run) but it got too overwhelming and i just fucking shut down again
i feel trapped in a body that doesn't belong to me
it never did and never will
i feel trapped in a cycle of anger and sadness and sickness and exhaustion
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i feel so fucking stuck
so fucking done
i woke up at 6am today and i couldn't fall back asleep
i trued writing it off, literally by writing fanfiction, and I've refreshed tumblr and twitter so many times since I woke up that in kind of sick of them
its now 8am and I feel dead
but not energy wise
just emotionally unwound
I'll probably feel better after i have some water and talk to my boyfriend, knowing me
but i wanted to talk about how just fucked everything feels
i feel like a vase someone smashed into smithereens and that was put back together with paper mache and string
her name kills me almost every time I see or hear it now
i think i might hate myself less than her these days, honestly
she stole my innocence and my trust and my childish love
she robbed me of a colour, of a book series, of a movie, of a flower and of so much more
she probably doesn't even remember me anymore, if she's still alive after everything
i don't know what I'd prefer
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would i rather she got help and found love and happiness?
would i rather the opposite?
i feel too tired to care
she's not the last, nor am i certain she was truly the first
but she ruined me in ways nobody else could dream to
she left a sickness in my veins that i cant get rid of
its almost become lovely
i would miss it if it were gone
the hate is ugly and hisses, but i take comfort in its heat
maybe i am broken, maybe she broke me, maybe
i woke up today with terrible thoughts of things i dont want to do to myself or to others
thats fucked up
i can't remember if i was always like this or if she did this
maybe its both
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all i know is that im tired
i want to stop hurting
i want to stop being scared
i want to stop being angry
i want to stop being sad
i want to stop being so tired
i just want to live and love
i love people, i do
i hate feeling such strong hatred that im not so sure is even really my own
i just want to be happy
i feel sick
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umsoheyaurora · 2 years
In U-Dub-hope-my-pizza-is-not-spitItaly-habitabantly-esshplielieamas llamas
Are you just dicking around truing to see what the fuck im going to say next because uou are pre-cognitioning it???
You are seeing the potenitalities and pastabilities of the multiversenessseseseseseseseeesesessssszzzzzzZzz not Nazi shit
Haha u kno i can hear u right? Right?
Any slutty butt fuck sluts wanna go nutz and try and take my wedding ring off my wedding ring finger with her asshole ???
Its an open challenge…i have the ring on here on my right hand see???? Well now left as younsee and i hear that unsee and hear…and guys…u know they see ur dickless wonderousness or lack therof when you pee but u can pacify her with ur pacifier micropenis…cuz well no one told me magic is real….yes cuddlefish/jellousyfish operators addicted to…trchnology in lieu of actual lnowledge or ability or intelligence…
Yes so open challenge on the whole anal stink finger taking off my chesting giesha japanese not-american whore slutwife that traveled through timebto fuck and suck all the jiggas around….i bet she isnoregnant with my friends ‘gay’ japanese partner ( asians are inherently a bit more androgenous ehich i have no qualms with and God or Kamisama or …other gods and goddeses of old are Dead….or dormant….the OG one true GangDaddymack’illmakyaJumpJump
GOD Was Binary Trans and stuck hisntounge up his own ass and then followed with his God see (Goatse!!!!!1!!!1! ;) -head and as They did so and killed Themselves giving rise to the Holy and Unholy (Cunt an rmpty Cum vessel. Men are the sword (pinky dinks to Donkey Schlongs) and source of all the cummies….love and magic and this telepathologic network i am broadcasting on is…..not to be used for Evil and God doesnt care if you fuck….x, y, or z….how could They??? They tongued their so ass so hard it created both Everythingness and Nothingness (beyond the Holy He-She-It …the Holy Sheet which has a masculine bias but is notnlimted to cock/ testosterone biased Individuals as testosterone and oestrogenowners ownly)…..
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gooopy · 3 years
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#congratulations! your roommate at tumblr university is ashley a self-proclaimed fujoshi. she has 20 gay otps but she'll get a little weird i
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some assorted homestuck doodles from the other night
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11 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 16:57:11 GMT
Oooo you want to look at my silly little snakmonster form so baddd (with regular for comparison)!! Muxnell Goopetal, came to the island because they got on the wrong boat by accident and has since then devoted to helping out where they can! Often found digging through the grojnd for triffany, trying (and largely failing) to catch snax for cromdos schemes, offering useless advice to floofty and volunteering for experiments, or otherwise truing to be a help! When the journalist arrives, they treat them with hostility, tellin em to mind their business out of jealousy.
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20 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 19:29:22 GMT
this one was a banger in the discord server lmao
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[id: two drawings of the same person designing ocs. one shows a homestuck troll, a humanoid with horns and a devious expression. the second oc is a simple doodle of a grumpus, a round, smiling creature. both artists are thinking the same thing, a block of text reading “oh boy, gotta pick a color for this new character im making! it’ll be the main point of their appearance! oh also gotta come up with a name that fits the specific naming scheme! im so excited to add them to this cast of around twelve characters! there are so many strange new concepts in this world, such as new animals, new versions of words, parallels to our world. im really fascinated by the grey leader figure! and the yellow tech guy, and the strangely peppy history nerd with a weird relationship with death! haha i love this media so much.” end id]
34 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 20:59:15 GMT
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my submission for the V.A.I.N.!! i just doodled myself as a funny goopy lil dude :]. i used the ratio 1600x900 and i used mspaint along with a mouse for this, it was super fun so thank you @scientifichubris​ !!!!
its tough work being a villainless minion, yknow! especially when youre slime and any evil plans just stick to you :/ im hoping to find a minionless villain! i work best in scientific areas and- and uh.. hold on a second let me just... ugh.. 
35 notes • Posted 2021-04-06 07:20:43 GMT
I made a tiny lil filbo and hes a little lumpy but i love him for it (along with an even tinier, lumpier filbo) he now lives on my desk on a little dollhouse chair and i adore him
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82 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 09:56:44 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
mutuals send me a number and I’ll make a post about you!
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Oooooooh my god, where do I even begin.  I love and adore you so much, my young babu wofe.          We have been friends for years at this point and I remember following you on a whim because your one muse was just real big Daddy vibes but not in the gross disgusting way and we just instantly clicked??? We talk so fucking much that it’s not even funny and I honestly think I can talk to you about anything. Even my nasty complaints about people and things that I probably can’t tell to most. I’m really glad you can take my teasing in stride even though I think you just need to accept your furry ways, okay? ITS OKAY TO JUST ACCEPT IT. THERE ARE DIFFERENT FLAVORS OF IT. JUST LOOK WITHIN URSELF, YOU KNOW IT’S TRU-- skdjghskjdhg
       I think you have a really good head on your shoulders that will do you really well in the future once you move on to bigger and better things. Life has been really tough on you since we first started talking and you’ve managed to power through it all with your head held high. I know experiences and events have polarized you with a lot of things, but just know that not everyone out in the universe is awful, because, I mean, I’m out there and that alone should be like... A+++ reasoning dsjkgsjdg. But I’m serious in that you are capable of so much and that even all these difficult times have just made you stronger to kick the future’s ass when it comes. 
       When it comes to writing, you and i have so many fucking AUs. So many and every day we manage to come up with like... 12 more. Each AU has like 7 sub AUs because we really get down to the nitty gritty of potential possibilities and plotting!! with you!!! is the best??? I get so heart broken when I wake up and I don’t have a million messages (even tho I know ur busy so it’s okay) and I know you wake up and look at your phone like damn this bitch went off again about this dumb comic again didn’t she AND IM SORRY OKAY, I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS FOR OUR OCs LET ME HAVE THIS. 
        I honestly just think you’re great and I’m sure I would have lost my sanity here in China if I wasn’t able to find that good good smutty outlet we both seem to have with each other. BY. THE FUCKING WAY. I have never written that much smut in my life and now I’m scared to write smut on the dash because I used to be so fucking good and flowery with it and now when I talk with you, I’m like “hue hue hueh ue dick in butt” and we both sit there and ugly evil laugh about lube. 
SO YEAH. I would rate this friendship 10/10 A++ would recommend. 
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huangfilms · 6 years
❁ soft bias tag! ❁
tagged by the lovelies: @yukuwu and @qteaxuxi i love you!
1. who’s my bias?
✧ ez money, i love my bubbly boy renjun! i love him so much im so Soft For Him *FAT FUCKING SIGH*
2. what made you notice him?
✧ when i first saw him in chewing gum i was like- i’m NOT stanning ANY of them (tru story i think i was jealous cause they out here DOING STUFF and im just sitting on my broke ass all day smh) but then when his hot cheeto headass came in mfal my heart: stolen,,, now i literally love him so much it HURTS !
3. what’s your favorite thing about them?
✧ i love his laugh/smile so much but i also love the fact that he can put his members in a chokehold and they wouldn’t even FLINCH 
4. who would initiate skinship more?
✧ me,,,,,,,,,,,,, im a clingy ho but i feel like we would both initiate skinship ! but i also feel that renjun is more likely to initiate skinship behind closed doors like kisses and cuddling
5. who would hog blankets more?
✧ LMFAO THIS IS COMING AT ME! i 100% would hog all the blankets im sorry sweetie HAHAHAH
6. who would be more clingy?
✧ WHKASDHF 100% me i need hat Attention All The Time 
7. who would say “i love you” first?
✧ i feel like we both be too shy to say ‘i love you’ first but i feel like i would get tired of waiting for him to say it so my headass would probs say it first HAHA
8. who would be more easily flustered?
✧ both of us, idk i get so blushy easily! ajsdhl and he gets blushy too! so both of us = flustered easily
9. what cuddling position would you two have?
✧ HM I FEEL LIKE we would both be big AND little spoon, like if he was feeling down then he would be the little spoon and vice versa! im getting soft who made these questions i just wan. t to talk.
10. which colors remind you of them and why?
✧ I INSTANTLY SEE THE COLOR YELLOW WHEN I SEE HIM OR ORANGE BECAUSE I LOVE THOSE COLORS AND I LOVE HIM AND HES JUST- I LOVE HIM! SO MUCH! but anyway yellow because when he smiles i just feel warm and yellow is warm to me askdjfh
11. which season would you like to spend with them?
✧ i would love to spend spring with him! spring is such a soft concept to me because its not too hot or too cold and its the perfect weather to go on picnics or outdoor dates and im! soft! 
12. who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter?
✧ i’m pretty sure i would make the cookies and he would steal the batter LMFAOOOO i love baking and honestly- renjun is just Evil Like That
13. which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
14. who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
✧ i would love to adopt 50 dogs renjun would probs adopt balloons but anyway if renjun would want cats then we getting cats i don’t hate cats i just prefer dogs over cats LMAOHDKSHG
15. which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
✧ i think we’re both mediocre enough at cooking to NOT burn the kitchen so i thhink we’re good with that HAHAHDKS
16. who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?
✧ i feel like my headass would be leaning over the railings a lot cause im a Dumb Bitch but like anyway renjun would probably have like his hand on my shirt every time there was a railing HHHHHH
17. what would watching a horror film with them be like?
18. who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
✧ neither of us would be a smooth flirt we would both be cheesy and cringe at each other The Whole Time HAHKAF
19. who is more competitive?
✧ probably me??? i like the idea of winning but i always know that its just a game HAHAHKASD
20. who would have to be given constant reminders (reminders to eat, don’t forget your keys, etc.)
✧ he would probably have to remind me a lot of these things because i tend to be VERY forgetful,,,,,,,,, i always place my phone somewhere and like 3 minutes later i don’t know where i put it HAHAHA im so dumb
21. who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3am?
✧ BOTH OF US! i feel like we are both equally meme-y and clingy to be sending memes and saying ‘i miss you’ so i think it’s just an even playing field ya know !
i’ll tag:  @norenmin-enthusiast @ggukxie @renjunchokingtaeil @cokehei @peachchenle and @starsindreamies ! 
i’ll also tag whoever wants to do this! if you’ve been tagged already then u can ignore this and carry on with life LMAO! no pressure!
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organictaeyong · 7 years
best friend!johnny
• the type of best friend • who u kind of want to stab 71% of the time • and johnny insists that’s how u kno it’s real • “it makes the friendship real bc you want to kill me but you won’t because you’d miss me this is tru love y/n” • always trying to pull pranks on you • like the classics puts your hand in warm water when you fall asleep • swapping your shampoo for hair removal cream • you noticed right away • but you were a little too close to maybe going bald • you guys have something of a prank war going on
• “yo y/n why the pained expression” • “johnny put salt instead of sugar in my coffee but im drinking it because im petty and wont let him win” • you get him back by putting shaving cream in his bed • he was so tired he didn’t even notice and just hopped straight in • is still traumatised • as are the rest of nct who had to witness him running around covered in shaving cream and screaming at 3am • you only call a truce every now and then • to target the rest of nct • still waiting for someone to notice you replaced the bar of soap with a block of cheese • regularly shows up at your door at like 2am for food • has his own key to your place • you’re still shocked every time you come home and see him and ten watching tv • “johnny you know the key was for emergencies right” • “are u telling me that running out of popcorn was not an emergency ?????????????” • usually crashes on the couch after eating all your food • sometimes is considerate though • like he does the dishes for you before he goes • sometimes he’s the opposite • hides the remote • forgets where he hides it and ends up buying you another • moves all your stuff to high shelves • or on top of the fridge • and places where you can’t reach • so he can mock you about being short • “johnny why you gotta be the exception to the nice tall people stereotype” • “I am a nice tall person” • “you’re an evil tree man” • y’all play the floor is lava game everywhere • you just shout it and the other person has to get off the floor as quick as possible • it’s all fun and games • except for the time johnny yelled it • and there was nothing around to jump onto • so you just sort of jumped onto jaehyuns back • thought you might die of embarrassment • got johnny back by shouting it in the middle of the park • which ended with johnny getting stuck in a bin • always trying to set you up with the members • “hey what’s your ideal first date asking for a friend……” • “uh idk coffee ?? nice walk in the park???” • “omg haha such a funny story doyoung loves both of those things probably you should hang out ; -))))” • “johnny stop trying to set me up with all your members ffs………………..unless they are sicheng then carry on” • you best be ready for joHNNYS FASHION EV Alu ATi On every other day • like honestly every time you go to hang out he’ll stop suddenly and you’re like ?????????? • and he’s like it’s time • and you’re like boi if you don’t stop being so cryptic ??????? • and then he’s like ITS TIME FOR JOHNNYS FASHION EVALUATION • “4/10 who wears navy and black together c’mon y/n” • “joHNNY YOU LITERALLY WORE A BATHROBE ON STAGE” • uses it to mock you mostly • although sometimes he hypes you up • like the time he actually does set you up ith sicheng • he can tell you’re nervous and you keep pulling at your clothes • so he’s like guess whaT JOHNNYS FASHION EVALUATION • 11/10 PERFECT OUTFIT FOR A FIRST DATE !!!!!!!! • THE JACKET REALLY PULLS IT TOGETHER !!! WHAT !!! A !!!! LOOK !!! • even though he is annoying and raising your blood pressure 9/10 times • he’s a really great friend when you need him to be • will let u cry on him • will tell you the funniest jokes he knows to try get you to smile • will drop what he’s doing and do everything he can to make you feel better • will also get ice cream and listen to you complain about the mean girl at work • will actually listen to what you’re saying • which gets you shook every now and then because like ?????? • you don’t think he’s capable of paying attention sometimes • brings ten along every now and then • and y’all drag people you don’t like • listen she’s just being salty because she doesn’t have any eyebrows of her own • after you’re done smack talking • they’ll try lighten the atmosphere • the usual is dramatic readings of nearby books • omG IS THAT 50 SHADES • johNNY NO • and of course ten is all for it • encouraging johnny • and of course you (and ten lbr) look out for johnny if he ever gets down • which is really rare • he usually just gets annoyed • “y/n im so mad right now” • “you want me to send you memes to help you calm down??????” • you have a folder on your phone of memes for johnny • you guys have such a long snapchat streak • live snaps you the mess of making dinner in the dorms each night • spams you with bad pictures of the members • will snapchat you even if he’s sitting beside you • “johnny wyd snapping me selfies” • “the lords work obviously” • sitting in the dorms with the rest of nct • telling them all the dumb stories u have about johnny • “hey y/n remember when you dared me to lick that swingset lol” • “no I said johnny don’t lick the swingset and you said no one tells johnny seo what to do, licked it, and ended up in hospital” • “yeah lmao good times” • lowkey always brings ten along to plans • “johnny stop inviting me on dates I don’t want to be a third wheel !!” • “yeah johnny at least bring a date for y/n next time smh” • johnny always trying to convince you to let him do your makeup • “johnny no I watch lipstick prince I know you don’t know what blusher is” • “pls I need to improve im tired of being dragged by doyoung : -((((((“ • so you let him do it • but you always end up lowkey looking like a clown • because johnny has learned what blusher is • but being subtle isn’t his specialty • tries to convince you it’s a good look • even though your eyebrows are lowkey taking up half your forehead • just really fun to be around • like you don’t even need to be going out and doing anything to have a good time • just sitting and talking is so fun • anything Is fun if it’s with bff johnny • he more than lives up to his best friend title • more than you could ever ask for • and you love him • even if you lowkey want to kill him at times • but like johnny says you don’t because you’d miss him too much • because he is a relly great best friend
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
harry: im a narcissist i love drama im a bad bitch give me all of the attention 24/7💅🏼 some harry stans: MY POOR WITTLE HARRU WAS BULLIED INTO PERFORMING AT THIS EVIL SHOW 😖
Anonymous said: I think all the atenttion will go to Katy and Taylor feud and Harry just backstage eating popcorn lmao. Also I would pay Adriana Lima 30$ to punch harrys face :-)
Anonymous said: 1. Harry's going to pull an Ariana and get hit with someone's wings 2. I need him to accidentally knock Gigi off the stage 3. If he doesn't take a picture with Candice then what's the fucking point!? 4. I hope he flirts and we get a bunch of pictures of him with models so Ms I don't take showers will cry.
u know he's gonna get hit with wings AT LEAST twice
Anonymous said: Harry "Hot Mess" Styles
my man
Anonymous said: I’m just here hoping big head gets hit by one of the wings
you know he will
Anonymous said: i guarantee taylor and harry are gonna take a pic with their arms around each other smirking (cause they both petty and love the drama) and the tabloids will lose it haylors will be resurrected from the dead and the rest of us are gonna wish we were dead lmao
bye ik
Anonymous said: i’ll bet you five bucks he’s gonna go too hard during kiwi and accidentally bump into/knock over a model LMAO
lets hope its miss geegee
Anonymous said: I don't undestand what people mean when they say they hate the essence of the vs show. The point of it is selling lingerie,no?
just the whole thing about having the perfect body and all that when all the models are stick thin
Anonymous said: I mean you don’t have to support VSFS to support harry so there’s really no need to be upset about it. Him performing isn’t supporting the messages they put out and he isn’t sending any of those messages himself
legit lmao
Anonymous said: Days like this I wish I was in a different fandom. Everyone was fucking hyped when The Weeknd, Hozier, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Rhianna, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and anyone else like all their fans were hyped for them to do it because it is an incredible opportunity but of course it’s the harries that are all up in arms and want to fight and make into it Something it’s not and create so much damn drama that is unneeded. Harry don’t deserve this side of his fans.
tru lmao like the only reason I'm annoyed (as i was last year for gaga) is just that i gotta sit through the whole thing to see my fav LMAO
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theday · 7 years
anyways, ill say bye now... i hope ure well rested and have a good day!! (wait, i remember what i wanted to ask!! at least i think this is what i wanted to ask? anywys, do u know what u want to do now that ure finished w school? if u dont mind me asking, of course, i understand if u think its a bit personal!) ok, now im done, have a good day!! take care and stay hydrated!! (and now i really did send u a bunch of asks..)
omg i hope u dont mind but ill be answering the stuff from ur last ask here (the one where i… deleted everything) under cut bc itll be 2x longer now
so first !!!!! how i got into kpop!!! it was thanks to my good pal (@.briwoon) boxy! i follow her on twitter and despite her being a day6 stan twt i had her unmuted anyway bc.. after years of being an anime blog on tumblr and seeing all my anime mutuals slowly converting into kpop blogs one by one i was able to filter the kpop out of my brain?? smth like that since back then i wasnt into kpop and i didnt want to unfollow since im mutuals with most of them :-0 
another backstory - i was one of those people who never saw themselves getting into kpop? and i think the main reason was bc i thought liking kpop would make u seem lame?? due to the influence from people around me?? but as years went by and as my mutuals changed interests it stopped bothering me and that mindset kind of just? faded away bc who am i to call other people’s happiness bad?? but despite being okay with it i never really made the move to get into any groups lmao that was until i got tired of my interest at that time (seiyuu, japanese voice actors) and my interests would always. not last?? idk so maybe thats why i didnt want to get invested but it happened regardless 
anyway usually i wouldnt take notice of her rts but this . this beautiful man with orange hair and minion glasses caught my eye when i was scrolling through my timeline and i was like o worm? oh mu god? hes beautiful? so i slid into her dms and asked her whomst the beautiful man was and she sent me all their mvs after that from congratulations to i smile (the most recent mv at that time, late june) for me to watch :-D now at that time, from what little knowledge i had of kpop.. i understood that groups would be singing and dancing so i was prepared to see some sick moves or smth?? but then. i clicked on miss i smile and my wig flew off? bc… wtf.? they were playing instruments???? and they sounded good ??? so i was like oh my god? a band??????
before day6 i also had (have) a preference for bands and the way their music sounds so i was like?? ready to just. get on board yknow?? i watched how can i say and i saw the lanky noodle wearing glasses and i was like o fuck mu life? i caved and asked boxy for their names and other information and best decision of my life bc.. they really make me happy!!! after that like the day after ? myabe they did a vlive and i was like o shit? what do i do… so i downloaded the vapp and wowie i love it? its my second home…… i watched every vlive they had at that time and i thought that was a lot… (it isnt, compared to mx) and i was just rly content??
(ok i know u asked for kpop and not … day6 or other groups bc im gonna talk abt how i got into mx and astro too bc…… how can i Not.. u can skip this part tho i just wanna ramble abt my loves? ill tell u when u can continue)
that was peak happiness for me at that time.. until… boxy started talking about monsta x in our groupchat (with @.tokayhk) and she would just ramble abt this kihyun fella (who i vaguely knew bc my real life friend likes him and mx and i bought her his pc before along with the guilty clan part 2) so i was like hmm interesting… and honestly? i wasnt going to get into monsta x i really wasnt planning on asking her abt them (since i was scared id lose interest in day6 right after) but then.. she started linking videos and i .. my resolve crumbled down as i heard monsta x yelling and … this beautiful cover (which boxy sent to show us how powerful kihyuns vocals are but i was 2 focused on mister aka minhyukku) and she told us how funny these monsta men are and i was like o h no…………….. eventually one day in late august i asked her to tell me more about these monstas…… aftert that i watched every mxray episode (starting from season 2 bc i dont know 1 comes before 2) and even though i didnt know anyone who was on screen except jooheon i found it really funny and?? it made me laugh so much i love mx?? ya… boxys kind of like my guardian angel?? shes really the reason im living tbh… introducing me to all these lovely people?? thank u miss boxy i love u
now. for the astrosus….. they were a bit different.. because i didnt have boxys help and they were the first group i took interest in solely bymyself so i knew i was in for a wild ride (at first, i couldnt even differentiate brian from sungjin in day6 lmao) after stanning monsta x and day6 i became more?? open to kpop and i started watching unhelpful guides on youtube bc . they were funnie and idk its nice??/ and i stumbled upon the astro one (which wasnt that funny but more helpful than anythng) and i was like. oh worm? the cicada group… bc i watched a short clip of them catching that stupid cicada in their office as it appeared on my tl one day so i clicked on the video ..and after watching that it led me to another video of astro being extra for 6 minutes and those six minutes/????? best six minutes of my life because theyre so fnny and they made me laugh a lot? (combined with the editing from op) so bc they were funnie i decided to look them up and read their profiles/??? i watched their nimdle video and only knew mj bc his tag was the two letters m and j lol but it really made me bust both of my lungs i just?? laughed A Lot 
im not sure how i managed to put name to face so quickly but it mightve been bc after the nimdle videos i watched every ddoca and astro play as well as their vlives available bc..  i just inhale the content at godspeed?? 
for mx and astro i was drawn in by their personalities before their music because they were on more variety shows and had more chances to show dorky they all are which made it way quicker for me to fall for the two groups??? for day6 its a bit sad but the weekly scheduled vlives arent enough for me to tell what kind of people they are (although those r still hilarious) i just wish they would go on more variety shows?? its understandable if they themselves dont want to be on any shows though!!! i love all 3 groups with all my heart :-D 
ok if u skipped u can start from here ill be answering the questions now lmao
FIRSTof all,,,,, youre learning how to drive?? thats so cool >:-0 we’re not allowed to learn until we’re like...?? 18?? or 21 idk but not so Soon :-( and its cute u think abt me (or of what to say) but pleaseth stay safe... i hope ur driving lessons go smoothly until u end theM!!! hopefully youll be able to get ur licence :-D 
aNDD!!! the thought of drinking warm tea when its cold outside.. is so ?? nice to think about hecc u better drink that tEA and enjoy it !!!! stay warm and comfy miss RM ..... and it even snows there????? thats so cool tbh ?? (i love snow but maybe thats bc it doesnt snow here so i dont know the tru evil of snow but like.... its so.... white and fluffy??) i would ask u 2 take pics and show me but alas...... the time is not right :-( do u know when we’re allowed to expose ourselves?? i forgot rip... but its sometime next month right im excited???? since its near my birthday !!!!! 
ok now to answer this ask no i actually have no clue what i want to be after i finish school?? yikEs but last year i (jokingly) said i wanted to be a farmer??? idk if i might actually do that probably not i guess im just freestyling (going with the flow) for now we’ll see where life takes me 
and like i said u can ask me anything !!! im fine with it :-) alsooooo please dont ever feel bad about sending too many asks bc its a lovely thing to wake up to and i just?? get rly happy when i see all the asks in my activity :-D!!  
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[A6A6I5] ====>
DAVE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. thanks DIZZAVE: Drop it like its hot. biznut DAVE: it stizzay fizzeels a shawty odd accept'n an apology from somebody who i jizzust mizzy n technizzle had nuttin ta do wit mah life D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: even if yizzay do feel guilty splinterways or whateva DIZZY: it be just a mesze' up situation DAVE: n i guess i had ta vent DAVE: n there wiznas neva anyone i wanted ta say all thizzle ta DAVE: n tha onlizzle th'n thiznat wizzay giznonna drag it out of me i guess was like a teen stand-'n phantizzle of mah dizzay bro DAVE: jiznust sizzay perfectly innocizzle dude havin ta takes the brunt of T-H-to-tha-izzis shit
D-TO-THA-IZZIRK: I'm not particulizzle innocent tizzy. DIRK: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. I've mesze' a lizzot of th'n up. DIRK: Boo-Yaa! Wit mah friends. DIRK: Honestly, that whizny I wasn't thiznat bent on straight trippin' arizzle, when I shizzle up. DIRK: N pretty much jumped at the offa of ridin' here ta git rizzle fo` some yet ta be explained bizzattle. DIRK: Battles be easizzle. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Just you, a sword, some bad guys... it a lot bitch than hav'n to cracka fo` saggin' yizzou dizzay. DIRK: Fo` tha most pizzle, I feel pretty bad 'bout tha rizzle I played 'n mah niggaz' lives. DIRK: Especially Jizzay.
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: what happened there
DIZZIRK cuz its a pimp thang: I don't even know. Tru niggaz do niggaz. D-TO-THA-IZZIRK: An unmitigated disaster fo` which I'm entirely ta bizzy. DIZZAY: It not any one th'n so sit back relax new jacks get smacked. I think I was just a completely toxic element 'n his lizzy from day one. DIRK: I dizzay kniznow whiznat he do'n now. DIRK doggystyle: I wouldn't be surprised if he wizzy try'n ta avoid me as miznuch as possible. DIRK: I'm sizzure that fo` the best and yo momma. DIZNIRK: I think I nee' ta stay out of his businizzles fo` a G-to-tha-izzood while, so I dizzon't rizzy poison'n anotha innocent kid life. DIRK cuz Im tha Double O G: Like I did with you, apparizzle.
DAVE ya dig? Y-to-tha-izzeah DAVE: i miznean DIZZY: maybe its a shawty diffizzle cauze relatizzles between pimp be a whizzole otha th'n DAVE in all flavas: its tricky S-H-to-tha-izzit and youre bizzy figur'n stuff out on a relatively eqizzle foot'n n yizzle both at tha sizzay point 'n yo' lizzles DAVE: its not like whizzen one person be olda n suppoze' ta be a lizzle mizzle... Bounce wit me. DIZZAVE cuz Im tha Double O G: neva M-to-tha-izzind dis be a fizzle up th'n ta think 'bout DAVE: Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. bizzy the bottom line be yizzay lay'n low W-H-to-tha-izzile you sort out yo' sizzy cizzle hurt
DIZZLE: Right. DIRK: Tha mobbin' wit that, wit mah adult self... DIZZAY mah nizzle: Ways. DIRK: Tha sad th'n is, D-TO-THA-IZZIRK: I can rizzle see it. DIRK upside yo head: How someone lizzay me can go uncheckizzle 'n life, and turn out ta become a much worze person tizzy I already am. DIRK yeah yeah baby: I guess I'm jizzust relievizzle I still hizzy sizzle time ta mizzle sure that doesn't happen.
DAVE: you dizzle actually S-to-tha-izzeem like a bad person ta me though
DAVE, know what im sayin? nizzle
DIZNIRK: Whizzle niznot? DIRK: We dizzle just meet, afta all. You gotta check dis shit out yo.
DAVE: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. coz DAVE: i dunno if truly bad thugz wrestle so much wit baller theyre good or bad DIZZAY: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. i thizzay if i eva senze' mah brizzay lizzle DAVE: struggled at all wit what he wizzas do'n or who he wizzay DIZZAY: or showizzle any sort of dizzoubt DAVE like old skool shit: that mizzle have changed everyth'n DAVE: bizzut T-H-to-tha-izzere was cracka a cizzy 'n it DAVE: or the slightizzle hint of introspection behind tha aggressive cizzle facade DAVE: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. if there was i sure neva noticed DAVE: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. i mizzle persizzle DIZZY: i think 'bout it all the time now DAVE: wizzy it actually means ta be good or bizzay DIZZLE, betta check yo self: or if not sum-m sum-m that starklizzle mizzle DAVE: at least just mackin' ta examine tha differizzle between bein decent n bein a douche DAVE: maybe its because of him i worry 'bout that now D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: but fo` me i think that internal struggle be kind of miznild DAVE: fo` him aww nah... DAVE: or yizzy i mean DAVE: You gotta check dis shit out yo. it sizzle like S-to-tha-izzome pretty dark shit DAVE: like grappl'n wit fo my bling bling... DAVE: becom'n evil vs simply try'n not ta
DIZZIRK now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: Yeah in all flavas. DIRK so jus' chill: That not too fizzle off n we out!
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE n shit: bizzy tha point be DAVE fo' real: even just talkizzle ta yizzay a shawty bit DIZZAY: its obvious yiznouve been pimpin' wit that D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: which means thizzle yizzou cizzare enough ta put 'n S-to-tha-izzome effort DAVE: i think that ciznounts fo` sum-m sum-m
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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incorrectexoquotes · 8 years
Hi I'm new to exo and there's so many members (not that I'm complaining) I was wondering if u can tell me about the personalities and distinct features to help me remember their names??? Thx~ Also I understand their used to be 12 members and if u can include the ex-members that would the dope~
sehun: he is the baby of the group a very tall very handsome baby, noodly limbs but like….graceful noodle because he’s a great dancer so he’s like those dancing noodles in front of gas stations, he makes fun of everyone and probably roasts all of exo daily but he’s a big baby so he loves his boys a lot and probably cries while watching lilo and stitch because ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten, he has terrible selfie skills and has a thing for white girls (nothing wrong with liking white girls but he liked a kylie jenner thing once ??? i guess god doesn’t give with two hands?) , sometimes he looks mean as hell but remember he is just a big baby please handle with care
kai: his real name is jongin, he has beautiful tan skin and he is living proof that god really DOES give with two hands because he is both beautiful and also sweet as hell and also handsome and sarcastic funny??, during interviews he’s always staring intently at the person talking because he doesn’t want to miss a single word like what kind of Angel™?, his only flaw is that he doesn’t like wearing socks and he’d probably fall asleep in ur lap whenever possible at the most inopportune moments, he dances Great and the way he moves his body??? boy was born for the stage he draws your eyes immediately during performances, he has fluffy lips and fluffy hair and the deadliest Gaze when he looks straight into the camera, obsessed with dogs he has like 3 and he’d steal sehun’s dog vivi if he could lets be real maybe he’s just a bunch of dogs operating a human suit in order to take over the world? plausible theory, one time he had to be locked in a room by the staff so he’d stay and finish his vlive broadcast, all he does is laugh that cute dorky laugh (search it up because i’m literally sitting here typing this and hearing his laugh in my head it’s so distinct and memorable wow), he’s probably a goddamn hipster and into slam poetry…love it
D.O.: aka kyungsoo, literally good at EVERYTHING he does, dancing??? YES!!! singing??? a LEGEND! acting???? A KING OF KINGS WHERE THE OSCAR AT??!!!!, pretends he hates exo but he actually runs fyexo on the side, probably has his calendar filled out with the release dates of all of the other member’s solo stuff so he can listen/watch right away and then pretend like he didn’t because he cares more than anyone but he’s not about to show it, has pretty heart-shaped lips and big eyes and never dyes his hair a different color anymore it’s always black, recently got a terrible haircut that tested my love but then he showed his forehead and the world was good again, born january 12 1993 which is also the day zayn malik was born and i wholeheartedly believe there is a Reason for this, has the softest smoothest chocolaty velvet voice on earth and i could listen to him say baby girl and senorita for the rest of my life, BIG SMILE, people talk about satansoo and maybe he’s evil because he’s a capricorn and short as hell (therefore full of lots of inner anger) but i truly believe he’s just a small bean with a big smile and a bigger heart who’s kinda into platonic bdsm
chanyeol: oh boy where do we start, main rapper, a meme, got big ass eyes, a very tall baby but in the sense that he’s like 85% legs 20% ears and 50% In His Feelings At All Times, cries about everything, he’s allergic to dogs and cats but he Endures the pain just so he can hold his family dog like………that’s cute, he’s noodly and not even a graceful noodle just 85% noodle legs hurdling through life at too-fast speeds that his legs cannot keep up with but thankfully he is trying, HIS ARMS ARE SO THICK, he owns this one black sweatshirt and wears it all the damn time yet he’s owns a rolex who is he, like he literally wears the same outfit for days i bet he’s always skipping laundry day, he composes and writes music and plays like 10 instruments some of which include the guitar, piano, my heart, etc, awkward as hell, part of 92/beagle line and probably loud and giggly as hell too, a crier, his news anchor sister is really hot i stan his sister, DJs at exo concerts and let me tell u….boy knows how to Kick Ass, VOICE SO DEEP YOU’LL START RECITING POETRY FOR JONGIN’S SLAM POETRY SESSIONS
chen: real name is jongdae, smiles like :3, HIS VOCALS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD, his voice feels like taking 6 shots at once and you’re good until you stand up and everything hits you at once and you’re bouncing off the walls maybe possibly crying, small but full of roasts, looks like he gives the sweetest hug gentle and soft while he rubs your back, probably smells really nice, the whiniest voice ever, *jongdae voice* whyyyyyyyyy, *jongdae voice* [screaming], screams a lot, have you ever listened to jongdae’s solo “uprising” because he truly busted my fucking ears once and it was the best experience of my life, secretly aspires to be in a heavy metal band and was probably the sole reason why exo did a heavy metal version of mama during an awards show, he has a square jaw and curly lips and pretty eyelashes and he gives off this very serene vibe, part of 92/beagle line, I LOVE IT WHEN HE SMILES, honestly the sweetest boy, everyone calls him the mom of the group he’s literally the mom friend who doesn’t love the mom friend, ripped his pants during mama 2016 and kept his cool thru creating a skirt w his jacket on the spot, snarky as shit 10/10 would recommend, doesn’t have an instagram?? for why??
baekhyun: LOUD AS SHIT, a sweetheart, he has the prettiest hands, used to be cute and then decided to gym so now he’s cute but also hot, lotto baekhyun=hot pirate shirt baekhyun, he literally has an entire series where he plays league of legends with heechul and invites random people to play embarrassing games and scream with, jongdae was on one episode and they screamed together and it was beautiful exo’s harmonies are legendary, dance line passing, exo m passing, moodmaker which means he makes CORNY ASS JOKES AND I’M WHIPPED SO I LAUGH, connoisseur of stanning girl groups and always doing girl group dances, a focking dweeb, BIG RECTANGULAR SMILE ALL TEETH SHINY AS HELL CHIP SKYLARK WROTE MY SHINY TEETH AND ME ABOUT BAEKHYUN, probably thinks lightning mcqueen is cute and jongdae the type to agree, has a literal daddy kink and flaunts it on instagram.com, he is literally ALWAYS talking, not sure if he knows how to not talk, like you see the guy always talking in exo videos and he has a loud voice? that’s baekhyun (not the one screaming at extreme decibels but the guy sceaming at slightly lower than extreme decibels), highly endearing, baekhyun flirts with everyone trust me im an expert, does embarrassing things on purpose and then gets embarrassed two minutes later and repeats process every day, a Relatable Meme, 92/beagle line member #3
lay: real name is yixing, last Chinese member left, HARDWORKING, ANGEL, GOD SENT HIM TO US TO SHOW US THAT HUMANS CAN BE GOOD, a part of dance line and his dancing is so good to watch it’s sharp and precise and his hip thrusts *fans self while baekhyun fans himself on the other side of the world*, always looks like he’s spitting straight fire at awards show speeches, pointing up during speeches to show that exo is #1, soooo hardworking he’s made his own studio and released his own solo album and acts and does variety in china and travels back and forth between exo and solo activities and is always thinking about his exo boys while thinking of his fans (xingmis), KING, according to exo he has a thing for spreading their ass cheeks, calls it ‘refreshing’ but im pretty sure he just has a kink, has tired droopy looking eyes its cute, literal human incarnation of those “[takes a hit from bong] how do my feet smell if they don’t have a nose?”, super chill like he that dude who’d just sit through the end of the world and you’d be like….tru…and join him in Chill Bliss while the world falls apart around you
suho: aka Junmyeon (Joonmyun is another way to spell it), suho means “guardian angel” because he thinks he’s a guardian angel and PLOT TWIST HE IS!!! HE IS EXO’S ANGEL AND HE TAKES CARE OF THEM BY NAGGING AND LISTENNING AND BEING SWEET AND MAKING DAD JOKES, dad joke example #1: when someone asked him what park they should go to while they were in nyc and he said “linkin park” i kid u not i am not making this shit up, he’s very, very pretty like SOOOO HANDSOME kinda looks like the guy who’d be your suga daddy tbh, he is exo’s self-proclaimed funniest member and tbh he truly is the funniest member his dad jokes are out of this world exo can suck it, smol pal, he’s the leader of the group and the rest of exo like to roast him but tbh he’s the best leader and i will always have a soft spot for him ever since that time when krisgate happened and exo won for overdose and he went up on stage all alone to accept the award and the way he held it together so well for everyone, his band himself and the fans, was the most heartbreaking thing ever i love kim junmyeon he’s just a loving single dad trying to make it out there in this cruel worl
Xiumin: aka Minseok, he looks like a cute bun but he’s actually the oldest and is so beefed up he could probably beat u up and ur grandchildren’s children would feel it, LITERALLY SOOOOO HOT, he used to be really quiet during debut and he is still kinda quiet but he’s been working on it and doing much better and exo supports him thru it, honestly its the quiet ones u gotta watch for boy probably gathers all the tea on the rest of exo and spills it at isac when no one is watching, YALL SEEN THOSE PICS OF KANGAROOS, that’s minseok he’s cute like a kangaroo but he can also murder u with a pinky finger and u would probably thank him not gonna lie, he has pretty slanted eyes and he’s a really good dancer and he has a lovely voice AND HE CAN WRAP example #2 of god truly giving with two hands, he loves sports and back before luhangate he and luhan were literally inseparable #bffs4lyfe, the CUTEST SMILE IN EXISTENCE, WHEN HE SMILES WARS END, literally everyone is under this boy’s spell like minseok barely does variety he showed up on running man once for .02 seconds in a clip he wasnt even invited to the show and he trended for like a whole day, he ate mocha bread on xoxo and mocha bread sold out everywhere, he is literally the chuck norris of exo, he’s always trending for breathing it’s beautful and relatable me too south korea
ex members: so they were all apart of exo m (exo’s chinese subunit who promoted in china), exo m also includes xiumin, chen, and lay, the rest of the members above were in exo k, who mainly promoted in south korea
tao: aka zitao, A BABYYYYYYYYYYYYY, BABIER THAN SEHUN EVEN THO HE’S LIKE…KYUNGSOO’S AGE, he’s got a cat-like face, pretty tanned skin, and he was super tall, king of being a wushu master, basically he’s entirely capable of kicking ass wherever he goes but he’s scared of everything, couldn’t shower alone back in the old days, everyone loved taking caring of him, suho was literally his mother, he looked scary during debut era because of his emo hair, but he’s the biggest baby ever and he and sehun made up the raddest baby club ever, they rode around in expensive cars just to get food from the convenience store, dramatique as hell, i really really liked his rapping he had flow it was great also his iconic part in growl….binch, RED HAIR TAO………GODS GIFT, HIS MUSIC NOW IS LIKE…..culture shock he’s a smol baby but those mvs m’dude, i miss him
luhan: apparently hes a fkn freak have you heard his new songs, “put in work like the renaissance move that body like a gymnahst ask me what i want  lalalalala blow me like a flute WOO OoooooOOOHOHHOOH show me what IT do oooohoooh” Lu by Luhan (2015), ok like he was literally so iconic???, cute face like honestly so gorgeous but he always had this obsession with being MANLY, he and his manly BRO MINSEOK would do BRO things like Coffee BRODATES and play soccer together and hang out under BROBRELLAS at isac, he’s good at acting and making it in a matt damon movie yes binch, i loved his voice it was sweet and harmonized so well with jongdae’s voice and yixing’s, he genuinely had the sweetest friendships with his bros, A LITERAL MEME RUNNING MAN LUHAN WAS ICONIC , he doesn’t know what he’s doing w his face and is constantly derping its beautiful, literally the original exo meme face tbh, white producer: luhan you’re the best! luhan: [hits the whip nervously], i miss him so much omg
kris: aka Kris Wu or Wu Yifan some say kevin was also a name…. a man of many names, luhan might have been the original exo meme face but kris was the original extra ass meme, obsessed with space and the biggest dork in the world (universe), his relationship with the boys was like….so beautiful….and its been nearly three years but it always warms my hort, a really good actor he’s making it big out there, SOME TIMES HE’D WEAR THE UGLIEST SHIT TO THE AIRPORT AND HONESTLY….IT WAS WILD HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A FASHION ICON, HONESTLY kris in exo showtime was the most iconic thing i’ve ever seen, exo’s other dad or now it’s exo’s ex dad, probably shared dad jokes with suho when they’d have their dad meetings, he’s otherworldly hot and he has these piercing eyes and he went bald for like a month after leaving exo but now he’s making it big in a vin diesel movie with my girl deepika #bless, krisgate was literally the wildest thing he exposed sm and i still get war flashbacks about it, rip exo m(emories), i miss him too but they’re all doing good out there so its fine
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 7 "We're Just A Group Of Happy Campers" - Dom
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Is it bad that the reason I love this challenge is because of seeing the suffering its making people go through.......why am i a hero again
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Why is it final 20 but I feel like I've nearly made jury? hmmm? Anyways...I feel good with how I've played up to this point. Being 1 of 3 villains to never receive a vote certainly feels good.....but I still know I have eyes on me since I haven't exactly been SUPER subtle??? Granted, I totally thought they were going to blindside me in the Linus vote given my shady business in the Alex vote (I mean....I can't deny it, I was def shady) but they didn't! Although I would feel much better if I could somehow snag an idol....but I'm not sure how anyone could get one without an idol clue (that was likely received by pure luck...) so for now, I kinda just have to be vulnerable to a successful idol play by someone that hates me (aka Richie) But if Richie were smart, he'd be coming to people besides Tommy/Kage to rally votes against Kage (or maybe Junior?), but he hasn't yet, which makes me believe that either A) There's a group that doesn't have me in it B) Tommy has Richie controlled C) Richie just isn't smart Cuz right now, the only people I'd consider voting are Richie, Kage, and Junior.... here's to hoping I either master Japanese and scam this immunity or survive one last vote before the swap! VL Confessional: I used to think I was pitied upon for my flop of a social game but hey maybe I have one??? or not. i cant tell if these people just tolerate me or like me or are using me. fuck all of 'em. who knew a hero could survive on the villains tribe for so long???
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So it turns out both tribes are going to tribal, which means I actually have to start thinking about who to vote for........... LMAO JK I'VE BEEN PLANNING THE NEXT FOUR PEOPLE TO BE VOTING OUT OF OUR TRIBE SINCE WE FIRST VOTED OUT MIST! Ruthie, it's your turn sweetheart. After ranking all of the people I want out of the game, you're significantly the most dangerous because you play UTR, and you make it super deep every time, and you killed All Stars from what I was told (until you got targeted for being TOO GOOD once it came to merge). You're not someone I can just think about working with because I'm afraid you're going to beat me in so many aspects. It's just a respect thing, no hard feelings hopefully considering you seem like a really stand up girl. I think it's about that time I message you with the "well.... time to go to tribal" message :/
So yea.... Ruthie is starting to spread like wildfire and already I've planted the seed in Drew, Andrew, Pippa and Steffen, and all of them are spreading that around QUICK. Drew and I got added to a bros alliance with Trace, Ashton, Steffen and Dom, which I wanted to happen anyways. Not necessarily with Drew, but Drew being in it is actually perfect because Drew is in my other alliance with Kendall, Alex, Pippa, Isaac, Andrew, which means the ONLY person not in either alliance chat was Ruthie, which made it really easy to rationalize with Drew as to why we needed to take that route. Also, making an easy vote this round, considering there's massive potential for a tribe swap next round, we don't want ANY split votes. We need to show that the heroes are one unit for now. The only downside I can see with this is if I get swapped onto a tribe with minority heroes, and the Villains would want to break up our cohesive team. The only thing I know is that if I go to tribal, I've got at least a second lease on life in this game because I have that idol with Steffen, so after finding the idol, I'm not too worried about swaps anymore because I know there's a very good chance I'll make it out of the swap alive. The swap is going to be where I start making bonds with Villains I've yet to interact and play with; like Junior, Richie, Jonathan, Brian, etc. Players, who I want relationships with, but don't have yet because we're on opposite tribes. This swap is going to be interesting, and I'm really excited to see it play out if we get the chance, and if we don't get the chance, it'll probably be Kendall or Alex C. going home next tribal council because that's what I want to happen, which means it's likely to come true. I honestly don't understand how people don't see that the name I want, I get....... tbh I'm pretty sure Andrew might be onto the fact that I wanted Ruthie gone, when Andrew wanted Kendall or Drew, and all of a sudden people going for Ruthie, it seems that it could easily be traced back to me, but I doubt it. I think i'm good for now, and I hope Andrew knows that he can trust me. Another thing I really need to work on is my long term relationships with Pippa and Isaac because I really haven't had as many conversations with them, but I hope that they both know that it'll be really hard for me to turn on them because they're so nice and also not the STRONGEST of players, which makes for a great goat late game. I'm not sure, but I'm just taking it one step at a time for right now, and if I make it past this one, I'm in the final 18, which actually seems like a big accomplishment just due to the fact that so many fucking people have gone home already, so pat on the back to me, but I'm not even close to my goal yet. 
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uh tommy is fucking hard to deal with because he seems so easily persuaded ...its sad anyways alex and ...linus (rip holy fuck) are gone...i wish richie went when linus did but if i have to sacrifice linus to get to swap then like..so fucking be it. so the tru hunties ( me, crow, jon and tommy) are now in a beautiful spot because the vote is looking to be richie or brian so obv we have majority now tommy wants other things so i just need to give him a lot of attention. TBH I love that boy so much but i can see why andreas says were similar.. because were both crazy and def on the villains for a reason. But im glad hes crazy loyal bc im loyal af to him <3 <3 <3 it seems like either ruthie or someone else is going on the heroes but kendall aka my gf told me shes in a majority alliance with isaac, her, drew, alex, andrew and pippa so i mean like ...GET IT. they will prob save ruthie?!?! because she seems to be like off limits always ANYWAYS BRIAN IS ANNOYING AND IM TIRED OF CROW LOVING HIM BUT IM TRYING NOT TO BE APPARENT ABOUT IT BRIAN IS IN CONSTANT ...annoying mode it seems like..hes such a snake he basically sells anyone out to get further and i mean like theres a difference between doing it to someone who ur not loyal to and who is not loyal to u but crow and i are loyal af to him (at least they think im loyal to them?) jeejejjejeje anyways i want richie gone but if richie has an idol?? then like...i mean idrc because i know i have one so im good hehehehehohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh I GUESS that was my evil laugh dklfhjdskjfh
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hi im secretly fluent in Japanese.
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lol why do i always talk to people before they get voted out just in case they dont ... brian(but pat went instead) ash alex linus and now richie i feel like a bitch but ive been honest with them -but lowkey i feel like this is saving my ass in case they stay so they think im gr8 hehehehohoh plspls swap us soon also kendall is so oblivious about johnny she was like omg keep johnny safe like btich hes talking to all the villains and the boys on my tribes are attention whores so they will love him soon enuf...hes cute and his social game is on fleek so i need to watch out for him heheheoehoh
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So, I just wanna point out that yesterday Drew told me he wanted to get Ruthie out. So of course I was the one to bring it up to the group so that if it comes down to it I can say that I helped push it towards Ruthie. I trust the group but lowkey if I get out I won't be shocked? But once this vote happens, especially if it happens the way I think it will, then I can have a lot more faith in the group I'm with.
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Me: jonathan told me that jr told him he only trusts jonathan LOL 🐦 Crow Jones 🐦: jr is literally such a garden snake 🐦 Crow Jones 🐦: like a real snake would at least do it better crow is so gr8 i love him..he still savage and will prob win over me but i still love him 
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So Linus died last round for no reason other than he was on the outs.  But like challenge strength kiddies !!! And now they're targetting Richie to stay united right before a swap.  Like.. get Kage or Junior or Tommy out thnx.  They're the most toxic to villains unity and WHEN I get fucked by them non-sexually, I will be choking myself.
ALSO, I miss Jaiden so much.  These people are kinda lame-os.  I like them as people, but like 👀
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Phew, I'm glad to have immunity. But beyond that, I'm really realizing that I cannot relate to most of these people. They don't show their true colors and it's annoying af. You wanna know what Crow is thinking? Ask Crow. like caw-caw bitch I'll tell ya! Richie is going cuz he decided to throw my name in the mud. nuh uh. that dont fly with me. since it's been a while, i need to do my weekly tribal roast Junior - Like I told Sarah, he's a garden snake. It's like the one you kinda feel bad for just squirming along in your front yard acting like some mean 'ole cobra. Not subtle or good at playing the snake, next. Tommy - Literally has the same convos with nearly everyone. His social game is that of a robot and it's definitely apparent now that I'm playing with him again. I just hope these other fools don't fall for it too. Kage - I don't know how he's still here cuz everyone he's made an alliance with has gone home (besides Tommy but Tommy's aligned with everyone). That's why I'm keeping my distance. Richie - We went our separate ways. He actually seemed chill until he blew up before the Alex vote. Hopefully his 14 seconds of fame was worth it! Brian - love this boi. I can relate to him a TON but idk how he seems to always do well in ts....if it weren't for people like Sarah and I, he could have easily been 25th this season I think? Maybe he's a mastermind idk, but I haven't figured him out yet as a player.. Jonathan - I love his realness, which is why I stuck by him when his name was thrown out and when I had to pick an alliance. He probably doesn't trust me for shit, but he's been a good asset to my game, particularly this round. Sarah - I wouldn't say she's my ride-or-die per se cuz I know she's werking her social game with a lot of people, but we've been in every alliance together so far, so strategically, I see us going far together until we are separated. But I also know she's a villain. I'm a villain. Villains don't work together loyally 5ever!!
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BRIAN IM SORRY YOU DONT DESERVE THIS!!!! Ugh I hate everything. Last night junior came to me with a plan to save me and I'm like cool and whatever keeps me here idgaf I'm in self preservation mode. Junior says Jonathan is super connected in the tribe and I'm like ya true and goes on this long spiel about it and I just wanted him to get to the point but finally he was like I think Brian would be the easiest vote. And ughhh I really like Brian and he's been the most on my side since the beginning out of the people left. Like literally everyone that I have any game connection with leaves. Ashley Jaiden Alex Linus and now Brian it's enough I'm so over it if he leaves and we don't swap and lose I'm FUCKED. BUT IM ALSO FUCKED RN. So Brian leaving is bad for me moving forward the alternative is that I leave and there is no moving forward so like..... It's not much of a choice there's no way I can flip this game around I spent the last 2 rounds since Alex left trying to shift the target onto Sarah and that didn't work at all I have no traction with these people. So step one was I mention Brian's name to tommy and tommy of course was so ambiguous and like just prying for information and I wasn't trying to throw Brian under the bus but I just wanted to plant the seed that Brian might be the easy vote plus tommy did vote for Brian week 1 so maybe there's some tension there??? So from there junior went and talked to tommy and kage and got them in on the Brian vote so if they're legit we only need one more but that's where it gets tricky because Sarah/crow/Jon are all going to vote together and I literally called Sarah and crow out in front of the tribe and threw them under the bus with receipts and hardcore exposure campaigns to multiple people on this tribe lmao so I'm fucked But I went to Sarah and we had a long talk just small talk and socializing and then moved to game talk where I really played up the emotional aspect where "I've been so alone and I was hurt that I thought I found my people and it all came crashing down and I just feel so isolated and it sucks and I'm sad :(" and I apologized really sincerely and tried to smooth everything over and just like make it so she's not scared of me sticking around because if she's doesn't think I'll come after her then the plan for junior to approach her to vote out Brian is more apt to get rolling because that door has already been opened.   I dont know if I'm going to still be here I can't play the in your face campaign against Brian or try and flip the script outright strategic game rn I have to just be in the background and make the case for why keeping me isn't harmful to anyone's game and let other people take care of numbers and I hate it when other people have any say in my destiny because if this tribe has proven anything it's that they can't be trusted like junior is SUCH a wimp when it comes to making moves he's so afraid of doing anything that if he thinks he's not going to be able to get the votes on Brian I know he'll give up on trying to save me so having him being the leader of the save Richie parade is truly terrifying. Ugh time has passed and junior is heckling out and I'm trying to convince crow now and I'm working my ass off while at dinner with my family and my phones going to die so RIP???????
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http://youtu.be/9ptMGA9SUO0 oooo
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So like nothing has happened on the heroes tribe because we've literally been on this huge winning streak. The streak itself has made things easier and challenging at the same time. We've grown so close that besides Drew or Steffen I don't want to see anyone leave. Had Drew lost immunity I would've tried my hardest to send him home because I have a sneaking suspicion Steffen and Drew have something going on and if we take out Steffen first that'll piss Johnny off, who we need as a number. So Drew has to go before Steffen as lon as they're on the same tribe with Johnny. Because Drew won immunity everyone decided to play it safe and either vote for Ruthie or Kendall and I think everyone decided on Ruthie because Kendall is on the edge of death and Ruthie is a huge social threat. I love her to death like she's the definition of a hero but we can't let her make it far.
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I'm sad, maybe my heart wasn't in it as much this time as it was for me during Arabia? I'm not sure, I really thought I could trust Andrew, Steffen and especially Drew but I should have known better, fought harder and tried to make stronger connections with other people on my tribe.  It was a fun experience and I hate that Richie, Alex and I left so soon and that the three of us didn't get to be on a tribe together but maybe we'll get a chance to play together again one day and the Family will make it to the end for real! Right now I'm not sure who I'm rooting for.  Steffen and Drew seem to be putting out the most effort but I'm bitter that they didn't tell me my name was being thrown around.  We'll see, I'm going to follow the season closely and cheer everyone on though!
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