#bbs exchange
fastcardotmp3 · 9 months
“Where am I going?”
“Give me the goddamn room number or— or doctor’s name or— fuckin’—”
“Just slow down, take a breath, okay?” Nancy Wheeler is a level presence, which is ironic Eddie thinks, considering he’s watched her commit multiple felonies even outside of an active apocalyptic situation. 
She’s holding his hand, but he can’t feel it past the aching numbness of uncertainty running through his veins. She’s talking to him as she leads him through the lobby and towards a bank of industrial silver elevators, but he can’t hear her over the chaos of the past hour. 
He was on the air when he got the page, a mug of coffee in hand since he isn’t used to DJing the early morning shows quite yet and a quite frankly sick lineup of songs ready to help his listeners start the day.  
He was on air, still, when his vocal cords seized up, when he left dead air hanging for a full three seconds before his co-host was able to jump in and take over for him. 
He was on air, when his pager buzzed on the desk and he was on air, too, when the little window screamed—
—and then he wasn’t on air anymore. 
Eddie didn’t grab his coat, which he doesn’t even realize until this moment, striding down the endless halls of Community North on Nancy’s heels. 
He didn’t do much of anything, he doesn’t think, can’t even recall whether or not he explained where he was going, why he was leaving work in the middle of the show, why his hands were trembling and his voice cracking and his breath stuttering. 
A 911 page and a call at a payphone just long enough to find out which hospital, Nance I can be there— I’ll be there, and Eddie blacked out, went into full autopilot, almost slipped on black ice in the parking lot twice and cursed the insurance company for not letting him get a new prosthesis for another two months at least four times after that and drove. 
He doesn’t remember driving. He doesn’t remember parking. 
He’s going to wonder, later, whether or not he locked his truck or even shut the goddamn door before he came barreling in through the ER entrance, but right now all he cares about is this—
“Nance, was it his head? Did he— Or burns, was it burns—?”
Nancy grabs him by both shoulders and drags him to a stop square in front of a door with the blinds drawn over the narrow window. She looks him in the eye. 
If Steve were dead, she wouldn’t be looking him in the eye.
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steddie | 2.6k words | rated T | angst with a happy ending
Steve is injured in a fire. His ex-boyfriend gets a call. It was supposed to be easier this way. 
read on ao3
🩵for my beloved louseph @cheatghost whom I am grateful to have met in this corner of the internet every single day of my silly little life, please accept this as the Biggest Warmest Kiss during these cold, cold months 🩵
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kkpwnall · 9 months
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tell me something (give me hope for the night) || rated t || 7.3k words
[read on ao3]
for alex @ariadnebf happy holidays and a happiest new year!! i hope 2024 is as kind to you as you've been to me this past year, it's been a joy to get to talk to you and hang out online together. you're a great friend and i'm so glad we met in this little corner of the internet!! thanks for bringing us all together <33
with many thanks to lou @cheatghost for so lovingly beta reading <33
“Well well well, if it isn't Steve Harrington…”
Steve drops his head on the ticket counter. This cannot be happening.
In his breathless sprint through the airport, he didn’t even look at any of the other passengers sitting at the gate. So of course the first time he hears that drawling voice again in six– hell almost seven years now– has to be when he's absolutely shit out of luck. 
He pulls in a deep, centering breath before he straightens up and spins around to face him, plastering on his most charming smile and leaning hard against the ticket counter. 
“Eddie Munson, how the hell are you?” Alright, tone it down. Tries to pass off the way he cringes by running a hand through his hair. “What uh, what brings you all the way out here?”
“Missing the same flight you are, by the looks of it.” Eddie smirks at him, brown eyes sparkling with mirth and mischief. 
Steve’s not a hundred percent sure he’s not just imagining Eddie standing there, in the middle of the gate seating, shoving a worn paperback into a lumpy duffle bag. Because just like that it’s 1986 again, and all those old feelings he packed up and put away, never to be seen again, swore up and down he was over and done with forever, flood through his brain. Hot and prickly. Like some sort of holiday air travel-induced delirium.
[keep reading on ao3]
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aroceu · 1 year
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Announcing the Bad Buddy Prompt Fest in celebration of the Our Skyy 2 episodes! Here is a brief rundown of our schedule; but you can find all the other information for the challenge on our AO3 collection profile: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/badbuddypromptfest2023/profile
Follow the Twitter to stay up to date with announcements: https://twitter.com/badbuddyxchange
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fragilecapric0rnn · 9 months
It Might Be Worth It For Once
Explicit | Steddie AU | pornstar!steve | Different First Meeting | 5.1k
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for @judasofsuburbia
Finally, I am pleased to reveal this gift for my wonderful friend Emily!
I know the holiday season is over, but who doesn't love a good NYE fic!
I don't always write smut, but I was so excited to dig into this story for you, Em!!!! This was such a fun fic to write and has so many more feelings that I was expecting for it to have, and not nearly as much smut as one might expect from a pornstar!Steve AU. But alas, here is the product of our one-off conversation spurred by this wonderful fanart!
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paprikadotmp4 · 3 months
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jayde sparkle sparkle✨
by paprikadotmp4🌶️
for @marirah !!
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fishbonne-t · 8 months
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had to draw him at least once hair down
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snippy-tano · 1 year
hello everyone and surprise!
this fic is for @haven-is-happy!!
I decided to sign up and participate in a fic exchange, specifically a clone fic exchange (organized by @cloneficgiftexchange!) and I was given you @haven-is-happy! I really hope you like and enjoy this. I had a lot of fun writing it. It was sooooo hard to pick which clone to write about, so I ended up numbering them randomly and rolling some dice. Kix was the winner!
the fic is a bit...suggestive in the beginning, so I hope you don’t mind! I know you said you were cool with smut, but I’m not really a writing-smut kinda gal, but!! i am more than fine being a little suggestive ;)
I really hope you like this!!! please let me know!! :)))))
Your morning started out pretty perfect. 
You woke to the arm wrapped around your middle tightening ever so slightly. You sighed happily, turning over to wrap your arm around the trooper beside you. 
“Mornin’” Kix said and you buried your nose in his neck. 
“Good morning.”
He let out a deep breath, hand burning a trail up and down your bare spine. You tangled your legs with his, tugging him impossibly closer. 
“Do we have to get up?” You breathed and Kix’s chest rumbled against yours.
“We do. Eventually.”
The two of you lapsed into silence and you could feel yourself starting to doze back off. But you forced yourself back awake, knowing that one of you needed to start the process of getting ready for the day. 
“What time is it?” You asked and Kix huffed, turning slightly so he could see the chronometer on the wall. 
“A little after 0600.” He replied and you hummed in response. 
Almost simultaneously, you both tensed. 
Kix was late for his shift in the medbay. Very late.
He practically pushed you off of him, tripping over your intertwined legs and hitting the floor with a loud thump. You laughed as he cursed, rushing to his feet.
You rolled over, pulling the blankets against your chest. You watched as he scrambled to pull on his clothes and armor, stumbling around your small quarters. You could have gotten up to help him, but he seemed to have it under control, so you just watched him. He ran out with a flourish, calling a goodbye over his shoulder as the door slid shut behind him.
You counted in your head until the door opened again as Kix ran in. He pressed his lips to your forehead before turning and running back out the door. You laughed to yourself as you slumped back into the warm covers. It was still early and you had time until your shift, but you should still probably start getting ready so as to not be rushed like Kix had been. 
With a groan, you rolled out of bed, gently folding the worn blankets so they would be ready that evening. You headed into the small refresher, washing your face and brushing your teeth. It was when you headed back into your room that you noticed Kix’s datapad half buried under your uniform shirt that had been tossed the night before.
You thought back to the night before and felt your heart jump in your chest. It had been a pretty great night. 
You glanced at the door before releasing a fond sigh. 
What were you going to do with him?
You picked up your uniform and set it on the bed before returning to the ‘fresher. You styled your hair and got dressed in your uniform, tidying up along the way. When you were ready, you grabbed his datapad before heading out. 
You made a quick stop at the mess hall, grabbing yourself something to eat on the way and something small for Kix since you knew he did not think of grabbing something since he was so late. A few troopers said hello to you on your walk to the medbay and you returned their greetings with a smile. 
When you finally walked into the medbay, it was quiet. It was still early, so save for a few troopers checking in, most of the medics were restocking supplies and cleaning up. Your eyes fixed on Kix almost immediately. He was standing near the middle of the medbay, sorting through a crate of supplies that were datestamped from the day before.
You watched him for a moment as he dug around inside before glancing beside the crate. His eyebrows furrowed as he moved a few things aside, almost as if he was looking for something. Kix stepped back, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You almost felt sorry for him. 
You decided to put him out of his misery and approached him, tapping him on the shoulder. When he looked at you, his face portrayed confusion, but his eyes were shining as he smiled. 
“What are you doing here? Are you on your way to your shift?” He asked and you nodded. “I am, but I needed to stop by here first.” You said and he took a step closer, voice dropping. 
You were keenly aware of the other medics in the medbay, but you weren’t about to backdown from a challenge. Besides, most of the medics knew about the nature of your relationship and it was a well kept secret among those who frequented the medbay. 
Kix hummed. “What? Couldn’t wait and needed to see me before you started your shift?”
You smiled, before moving the datapad from behind your back and holding it in front of you. His eyes darted down before he flushed. 
“Ah. Yes. Thank you for that.” He said with an awkward chuckle as you continued to smile at him. 
Without saying anything else, you held up a piece of fruit and some bread you’d brought him from the mess hall. His eyes brightened and he melted.
“How did I get so lucky?” He asked, taking everything from your hands before setting it on the crate next to him. 
It was your turn to hum, finger tapping your chin. “Luck had nothing to do with it.”
Kix wrapped an arm around your shoulders with a smile, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “Thank you.”
You returned his embrace, letting your head thump against him. “Any time.”
He pulled back before pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Don’t worry, I will thank you properly later.”
It was your turn to flush slightly, smiling widely. If it was anything like the night before, you were absolutely going to enjoy it. “I look forward to it then.”
He grinned just as broadly as you stepped back and straightened. “Get back to work, trooper.”
“Yessir.” He drawled and you flashed him another smile before turning and heading out of the medbay. Before the door shut, you could hear the other medics begin teasing Kix with well-meaning jabs as he protested. You smiled to yourself as you headed to your own post. 
Kix livened up your life in a way you never imagined.
You looked after him, and he looked after you. It was everything to two individuals serving in a war. You would do your best to make sure that every day was a good one, both of you deserved that much. Kix was it for you. And you’d do anything for him. 
[And if later that night Kix did in fact express his many, many thanks, you took the chance to thank him right back.]
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you know what i may hate the black butler anime for the absolute nonsense that it was, but i do have to be grateful for the interaction they gave us of
sebastian: i don’t like dogs
ciel: woof
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mvnsvn6 · 9 months
Haven’t posted anything new for a sec so take a snippet of Killing Time, my BB fic, for an early Wip Wednesday
“Warm enough?”
Eddie sinks into Steve’s hold, letting muscular arms encircle, sighing in contentness.
“How about you?”
Steve laughs, head resting on Ed’s shoulder, “Am I? Well, I don’t know, I could be a little bit warmer.”
“I might have something to help with that.”
And there’s absolutely nothing quite as symphonic as the thundering beat of Eddie’s heart. How it pulses fast every single time he offers himself to Steve, just like the first.
Eddie’s like his own personal sun, nothing in the world could put out his brightness and warmth.
Not even the fangs that tear into his throat.
No, sharp canines only ignite and make him sing louder.
“Yeah, that’s it.”
The vampire can’t help how his eyes roll back into his head, pleasure completely paralyzing his body apart from the muscles needed to pull swallow after swallow of Edward’s blood.
The man goes limp in his arms, surrendering himself so easily with the effects of the venom coursing through his veins. Not as potent as it used to be but euphoric nonetheless, still able to slow down some of his movement.
Rivulets of blood soar past his jugular, collarbones, staining the white fur of the blanket that’s still wrapped around him. Which, now that he realizes, he struggles to unwrap himself, arms pulling weakly at the fabric before Stephen intervenes.
Fangs rip out from his throat, “I’ve got you.”
The sound of his husky voice sends a shiver down Eddie’s spine, desire ripping through him.
“Show me,” he whispers.
And the blanket is spread across the floor, Eddie sprawled on top of it, the fire crackling in the background, snow piling outside. They meet in a bloody kiss, Edward not unused to the taste of his own blood at this point.
Stephen and Edward feast at the same time, hunger meet carnal desire.
A lot of the vampire’s meal times end up this way, with Eddie splayed beneath him, aching. Steve full and warm but not quite sated.
Unbuttoning the shirt and pants he’s tucked into, Steve licks up the blood that’s traveled down along the way. He sits back on his haunches, talons raking across his chest down to his navel, admiring, always that.
And it’s reverent and worshipful, almost like Steve’s calling him that and not just using it as an exclamation. Edward keens forward, unable to sit still, and undresses the other man too.
Steve remains above Eddie while he kisses at his collarbones, pecs, stomach, wherever he can reach while still beneath him. Steve grips him by the throat, causing Edward to gasp and look up at him, completely forgetting whatever he was doing before. He rests back on the palm of his hands and arches his back, presenting his throat.
Stephen pulls his hand away and Eddie leans forward to follow but gets held back by Steve’s right hand, left hand going to his mouth. He looks at the red that continued to bleed freely from the puncture wounds that marred Eddie throat.
And then, while holding a steady gaze with Eddie, he pops the covered fingers into his mouth. Lapping at the blood that covers his palm as well and Edward feels like he’s going crazy. He leans back on his elbows hard, unable to hold himself up any longer, and he’s sure if he were standing his knees would have buckled. The sight makes him hard and wanting, eyes heavy-lidded with his pupils blown wide, chest heaving.
Stephen smiles, “Getting all worked up, huh?”
Eddie nods obediently.
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tammyghostal · 4 months
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akkivee · 1 year
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i am in tears samatoki and kuukou reacted the exact same way to seeing sasara’s clown ass ability lmao
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knightzp · 7 months
really doubting i can manage to do something for 2wink week on time........
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pvnks0ul · 8 months
last anon is so real that werewolf fic changed lives
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...So did ymmfs...
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Hey, it’s nice to see you around again! I saw you say you are reading a fan fic soon? That’s cool that you are getting back into it. Do you have any recommendations? :0
Heeeeeey! ❤️ Here, I finally consider myself having read 'enough' Bloodborne fanfics, sooooo let me just share a few! Though I will be sincere; my selection of characters and themes to read is a bit narrow (for now), I do not read anything in the row x) Let's see!
This is a short and finished fanfic that explains the mechanics of Micolash's mirrors teleportation from alchemical and occult standpoint, as well as HOW and WHY he is 'the Host of the Nightmare' and... without any exagerration or flattery?
This is basically all I've ever wanted from fanfiction about Micolash. I was honestly impressed by alchemical and historical knowledge elaborated and how precisely it is explained how things WORK. Fictional universe giving very exact formulas, mechanics and rules of worldbuilding always felt like absolutely next-level thing for me, and something I think Bloodborne fandom REALLY needs. ESPECIALLY regarding the dark academia horror related characters like Micolash. Writing level is also very good.
ALSO, this particular fanfic made me realise something about School of Mensis that BLEW my mind, so I will bring up a bit from it in another post, stay tuned in
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(Not to mention that I am absolutely in love with this portrayal of 'early' Micolash, only just having set a foot on his path to insanity, being very stubborn and determined yet clearly having no realistic esteem of how HARD this way will be. Almost childish naivety of a boy that fell in love with inhuman knowledge...)
Now finished works end. x) This fanfic I actually got recommended several times as one of like, two people that love Edgar. I am already enjoying it VERY much, it was definitely worth the hype from my friends I'll say.
It is written in the style of letters and diary notes mostly by Edgar, though sometimes scribbles of other characters are found and... Well, in this case, I did not KNOW I needed this. I absolutely love reasonable and analytical approach of Edgar and how well old English is imitated. (I personally also find this fanfic very handy as a reference to how people in Bloodborne setting would talk, since I just can't imitate this style as someone for whom English is not even the first language... Thank you for teaching me 5000 old-fashioned synonyms. )
Honestly, I think this is the best format for describing Edgar's slow descent into insanity possible; we can see how he loses his objective and falls in love with Micolash through his eyes, it illustrates the progression much more effectively than third face writing would in my opinion. I would not even call it a ship fanfic not yet at least?, he falls in love not with a man but with a cult leader but that is... even better? I don't want to spoil at what point the fanfic is right now as I write this post, but it was SO awesome that I've been thinking about it all day. Without irony, I want Whatever This Is even more than normal "ship" now o_o'
This is also a work in progress, an ambitious project to tell the full story of discovery of the Old Blood and Pthumerian secrets, getting help of Cainhurst in investigations, all the researches, forming of the Healing Church and so on so on...
I am really impressed that Fantomette, as someone without prior experience with writing (and not speaking English as native language, like me) jumped to something so big. But honestly? I've had a lot of fun reading this story. It is just... so many characters, so many themes, and chapters are written absolutely correctly in how they lead events from point A to point B and how the mood changes. There is never too much emotion+information, and never not enough. I don't know how to explain it well as I am still a visual artist, not a writer, but it legit feels like watching a fun TV show! You get invested.
I will be blunt; skill, artistry, grammar (especially in foreign language), sometimes even consistency... they all are important but there is always time to develop them. The most, and most, and MOST important thing for the writing, without which NO skill matters is to be entertaining and engaging. And this fanfic did entertain me and did make me care about what was going on, so of course I can recommend it with clear conscience.
(Also, side note, I gave her many advices on how to improve this or that sentence and pointed out some wrongly used synonyms or typos... I was worried that I'd accidentally destroy her self-esteem, but she has been receiving constructive criticism very well and is willing to improve. Like.. I can just say this person has talent and will go very far.)
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So yeah! Waiting for the latter two to get more chapters and be finished.. and also hoping for more stuff like the first one please!
I'd say I am very particular on the 'gives my blorbo a justice' fanfics, and those that either do not focus on a ship or make it weeeeeeeird. Each of the listed fanfics are an example of what I am after; exploration and exact explanation of the science and magic, study of a character and their progress as a person, and detalization of 50000 events and characters that formed Yharnam's story! If you got some more, let me know too!
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kaerinio · 9 months
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Thinking about . . .
A Storm of Swords, Daenerys IV
Dany pushed open the lid of the chest with a small slippered foot. It was full of gold coins, just as the envoy said. She grabbed a handful and let them run through her fingers. They shone brightly as they tumbled and fell; new minted, most of them, stabled with a stepped pyramid on one face and the harpy of Ghis on the other. “Very pretty, I wonder how many chests like this I shall find when I take your city?”
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He chuckled. “None, for that you shall never do.”
“I have a gift for you as well.” She slammed the chest shut. “Three days. On the morning of the third day, send out your slaves. All of them. Every man, woman, and child shall be given a weapon, and as much food, clothing, coin, and goods as he or she can carry. These they shall be allowed to choose freely from among their masters’ possessions, as payment for their years of servitude. When all the slaves have departed, you will open your gates and allow my Unsullied to enter and search your city, to make certain none remain in bondage.” 
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incandescentflower · 1 year
my work for the bbs exchange!
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