#bc I do not believe in a heaven for ''good people'' and hell for ''bad people'' that's frankly ridiculous
lsd-astronaut · 7 months
Hello!! I hope you don’t mind me asking but could you do a fluffy Crowley x Demon!reader x Aziraphale fic (or headcanons)??
Maybe something like what it’s like all being in a relationship together?
(Also if it’s not too much to ask can the reader use a cane to walk around? Maybe because of something relating to when they fell and became a demon? If not that’s okay!!!)
First of all, I love you and I could kiss you in the mouth right now. I’VE BEEN SAYING FOR AGES THAT CROWLEY WOULD HAVE CHRONIC PAIN BC OF THE FUCKING FALL. I refuse to believe for one moment that you can fall all the way from Heaven, land on the ground and be all “hey guys i’m fine!”
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Aziraphale x Demon!Reader x Crowley
Please like and reblog<3
Warnings: chronic pain, but nothing else, this is just good old fluff
• You were an archangel along with Crowley, with the same obligations in making the cosmos✨ so you both met Aziraphale at the same time
• When Azi told you both that the project was destined to close in a few thousand years, you were the one that proposed to fill a complain to God (and crowley seconded you)
• Cue a war and a Fall later, Crowley and you are in Hell, but in different departments so you don’t see each other much
• In fact, you didn’t see Azi and Crowley for the first time since the Fall until the crucifixion of Jesus
• You stood beside them in silent reverence to this poor soul lost for all of humanity
• “What sort of mother would wish this fate upon her own kin?” Crowley and Azi turned to you with confused expressions (although Crowley gained a lot of respect for that comment hehe)
• After some idle conversation, and Crowley convincing Aziraphale not to just smite you right there and then, you three decide to traverse the world
• Centuries pass, and Crowley and you stay around humans (you love their way of living, and he likes children so everyone wins)
• You like to read everything you can get your hands on, to Crowley’s chagrin
• “Now I have two bookworms. What have I done to deserve this?”
• It’s circa the year 1000, in the new continent that these curious people called Vikings have discovered, when Crowley and you decide to experiment a human thing that you had wanted to try for a long time
• Your first kiss is messy, and there are more teeth than anything else; besides Crowley insists it feels slimey
• However, she can’t help but to accept he got a bit aroused by it
• Practice makes better, as they say, and so you do
• Although you spend the most time with Crowley, your relationship with Aziraphale also evolves throughout the years
• The “we have a mutual but I still don’t like you” to “maybe I do care about you” pipeline, if you want
• You take him to all kind of food places and bookstores, and he warms up to you a lot
• Introducing him to classical music was your proudest moment, and also the pettiest as Crowley had crossed you a bit beforehand
• The first time you kiss Aziraphale (or rather, he does), is one time you both were a bit tipsy during a masquerade ball in Paris in the 18th century
• He is a bit unexperienced but he gets the hang out of it really quick
• The three of you “confess” to each other in 1941, after the magic show fiasco
• Crowley looks nonchalant but you can see behind his eyes, he was worried sick he would be separated from both of you
• You make sure to give him extra cuddles that night
• Fast forward to 2008 and you work in Warlock’s house along with Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis, you being Warlock’s governess (like this is the fucking 1800s or smth lmao)
• It is at this time that the two of them notice you limping a bit every day after all chores have been done
• You insist that it is nothing and that you are perfectly capable of walking
• However, Ashtoreth happens to see you during one of your bad flares
• She immediately helps you to sit down on the bed, and looks at you expecting an explanation
• Her no-nonsense glare deters you from making up an excuse so you tell her the whole truth
• When you had fallen, you hadn’t landed correctly and had broken your legs on impact
• Miracles hadn’t done the full job and so you had been forced to endure the pain of the bones repairing themselves not quite right
• You had learned to mask the pain after centuries of practice but some days were just worse than others
• The next day, Ashtoreth gifts you a cane adorned with a snake head with little wings
• You proudly use it every day forward
• After the Second Coming, the three of you go to live in South Downs, finally able to be yourselves together
• There is still so much stuff to learn about everything, but you’re immortal and you are not alone, so why the hurry?
• As the sun sets on the horizon, you lean your head on Aziraphale’s shoulder as he reads one of Jane Austen’s books, and Crowley’s head is on your lap, already snoring softly
• You will be okay
I just wanted to say, I’m sorry if this is not what you asked for exactly as it is my first time writing for these two and I haven’t written either in two years so I feel I’m very rusty. I forgot ab the chronic pain until almost at the end, and I talk more about the history of you relationship than the actual relationship in itself lmao
Still, I hope you like it!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Something that I couldn't put into words but now I can about the Chaggie conflict in "Rosie" and one other reason it hurt: Charlie questioning Vaggie's loyalty. Yes, I know it wasn't because of Vaggie's origin but because of the lie itself but still hurts and clearly hurt Vaggie - she has been nothing but loyal and honest in Charlie's dream and has only ever done 1 lie in all of that. And when it's revealed, Charlie is now questioning everything - Again, I understand but it still hurts. And I know this might be redundant, I WANT this moment to come back again in S2. I don't know how but I want Vaggie to admit how angry/hurt it made her that Charlie questioned the loyalty she has given without asking for anything. What do you think?
i don't think Vaggie was even slightly angry with Charlie until her girlfriend made a magically binding pact with an unrepentant serial killer the second Vaggie wasn't looking XD
......we're asking a bit much by expecting the woman who hates and judges herself over her own mass murderer past... to then be upset that her girlfriend was also hurt and angry about that and reacted badly to randomly having all that dropped out of the clear blue sky in the middle of an already terrible day...
so in that ep got the vibe Vaggie spent the entire time feeling sick and guilty over the whole thing tbh. As usual
(and her feeling very very not good about seeing Alastor getting all creepy mentor with a Charlie who just got a wedge driven between her and her main emotional support- im 100% sure Vaggie's "Charlie can we talk-?" following Alastor's "good girl" thing was her wanting to know EXACTLY what deal her gf just made with Alastor and what the hell she was thinking and charlie are you sure Vaggie can't just stab him a little as a warning-)
But Vaggie, she's also not really uh. Not got a good track record of wanting or letting Charlie know about her feeling bad about stuff, emotions wise. Even when Charlie is right next to her reaching out. That's not her thing???
ah what the hell tangent time
like one big reason Vaggie DIDN'T fess up her past to Charlie was her being scared Charlie would be hurt by it and actually hate her for having done that, because Vaggie is being hurt by her past and hates herself for having it (re: every time she's called angels like herself deranged), so even though the blackmail against her made NO real sense and Adam's threat was just him not understanding that someone (charlie) could ACTUALLY believe in redemption for LITERALLY anyone (she does), it still pinged Vaggie's fear right in the heart, making the stuff like how Charlie is letting a known serial killer live in the hotel and help out with her and Vaggie's dream go RIGHT out the window-
(to be fair from Vaggie's pov there's probably a BIG difference between ending someone's mortal life on Earth (a la normal sinner seral killers) and presumably destroying their entire soul forever (re: exorcists) so like, that's kinda fair, but it still doesn't include how Charlie is WILLING TO WORK WITH AND THINK THE BEST OF HEAVEN AND THE EXORCISTS ANYWAY which is WHY she thought going to heaven to talk with them could work in the first place)
(to be extra fair it doesn't MATTER how much Vaggie trusts Charlie bc Vaggie had body parts ripped off and her eye permanently gouged out and was abandoned in hell by someone ELSE she use to trust once and THAT means really trusting people not to hate or abandon her is gonna take her putting some more blame on Adam and Lute and co and less on herself, because as long as she focuses on what SHE did (murderer) to make all this happen TO herself (filth like you doesn't deserve-) she's never gonna fully get that what happened to her was a choice shit people made (let's exterminate ppl for fun! let's rip off our comrade's wings and eye without hesitation!!!), one they didn't have to make, one she didn't make for them- meaning non-shit people like Charlie probably won't do that to her, actually, bc people like Charlie will care about Vaggie as a person outside of her being useful or being exactly what is wanted. Like how Charlie was more worried about Vaggie at the end of ep 3 than anything else and wouldn't let Vaggie blame herself and was fine with things being hard as long as she and Vaggie could face them together. Like how Charlie was calmed in the More Than Anything reprise not by Vaggie promising to fix everything but by Vaggie saying Charlie is important and wonderful to HER)
if anything Vaggie might be upset if she found out Charlie had less of a problem with the Exorcist thing than with the lying thing
If you (Vaggie) think you still need to EARN redemption, then having someone say your sins don't bother them so much can ironically make you panic and either think they're lying to you OR it can make you worry you've downplayed what you've done and are somehow tricking the person you love into believing you're a better person than you actually are and therefor might be taking advantage of them, which of course you don't want to do because you love them, which is a pretty big contradiction you probably won't notice is there
Sooooo i could see Vaggie spiraling into something like THAT but,
her be angry at Charlie for being upset over the thing Vaggie hates about herself? the mental health levels aren't good enough for that one yet XD
basically both Vaggie and Charlie got to live through the very fun experience of being trapped in your own head and trauma
anyway, the fact that Charlie didn't ask or want or LET Vaggie do an apology for any of that at the hotel gates says more than enough for me, for both of them. Just like with Vaggie putting her own fear and self-loathing onto Charlie, most of Charlie's pain in that ep didn't come from Vaggie's past or Vaggie's lie.
I've said Charlie's bad at figuring out what she's feeling and ep 7 is where it really bit her in the ass- she got hit with an identity crisis (turns out the one person who always believes in her didn't trust her enough to tell her this) (this on top of the epic fail of their shared dream to save sinners from extermination and the looming destruction of the hotel that represents that dream) and trauma trigger (what if Vaggie lied about all of that too, what if she never really loved or had faith in Charlie, what if Charlie is going to be alone again) without understanding that's what was going on or that it was something coming from herself as much as from Vaggie.
Being away from Vaggie didn't reduce Charlie's stress during that ep, it made it worse, until Rosie had to yoink her in for an emergency counseling session. Before that Charlie vents about how she told Vaggie everything and shared everything with her (the exorcist thing gets a TINY throwaway mention it is NOT the focus here) and when you add the lie revelation to how Vaggie asked to be alone on the roof in ep 3 instead of letting Charlie be there for her, it stops being about ONE lie TO Charlie, and turns into YEARS of lies ABOUT Charlie's place in Vaggie's life.
Which was terrifying and painful and... went away the MOMENT Charlie realized Vaggie did actual love her and believe in her, and was not actually going to leave her.
If actions mean more than words then their reunion at the hotel gates is them both saying the only thing either of them want to hear- I missed you, i love you, i want to be with you. Here's this horrible souvenir i picked up for your while we were on opposite sides of town and thanks babe im gonna fling myself into your open arms about it.
Vaggie hates herself too much to feel like Charlie owes her an apology for being hurt and angry at the Exorcist lie. It was a pretty big thing to keep hidden
i mean murder aside, Charlie had no idea Vaggie's opinions and advice about heaven was from personal experience, she probably assumed it was just normal sinner bias against the people who kill sinners and not, you know, Vaggie secretly dissing on how terrible her former boss and co-workers used to be. Maybe Charlie would've approached the talking to heaven differently if she'd known. Maybe she would've tried strangling Lute's hologram in ep 1. we will sadly never know
we DO know that Vaggie ran to hug Charlie right after the secret was revealed, which means Vaggie was mainly worried about Charlie being hurt by it, which doesn't really leave a lot of room for Vaggie to be upset at Charlie when Charlie does turn out to be hurt by it
so Vaggie wanting an apology from Charlie? I see her more wanting a very, very, VERY long hug
but if Charlie ever tries giving an apology anyway (a la the balcony scene in ep 3), that might just freak Vaggie out and fuck her up with "oh no my gf doesn't understand how bad the things i've done are am i tricking her am i using her would she be better off without me" issues for the foreseeable future ^w^;
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im-just-an-angel · 6 months
one of the most sick things i have realized in the ppl around me who are still catholic, is how much they are plagued with catholic guilt. a girl who won't get surgery bc she believes its punishment for her sins. ppl who are nearly suicidal in their desire for heaven, and since heaven is coming, they do nothing to change their situation. they dont try to improve their lives or others or the planet bc at the end of the day this is a "fallen world" and "heaven is waiting." it is so sick to drill into a persons head since theyre a child that they were born evil, that they need god to fix them, they need god to sustain them, as if it wont affect their mental state at all as adults. my little cousins who have already shown signs of having anxiety about god, like asking if he'll be mad at them/their parents for doing normal, human things. like really being afraid of what that would mean. my opinion and love for this world and its people shifted sp drastically when i realized i could just stop. i could stop being afraid of god. i could stop thinking we all deserved to burn in a lake of eternal fire. who even makes a lake of eternal fire anyway? that very much does not sound like a me problem. when i left the church, i very much still believed in hell, and i very much believed it was a place i would go, and would deserve to go. but i chose it anyway. i chose the eternal torture, because who does a thing like eternal torture? if god would torture me forever, than that wasn't someone i wanted to associate with, consequences be damned. and slowly, i started to see the world differently. i know the world is on fire, and theres a few too many genocides occuring at the moment, and i do truly have it in me to detest forever the people who hurt innocent people. but still, desite it all, despite everything, i think we're good. yes, we do bad things, but at the end of the day, most of us just want to go home, and cuddle our pets/loved ones, and eat a good meal, and look at the stars and dream. we're not so different, and we're not so bad. idk where i was going with all this exactly, but i think the cure to catholic guilt is choosing to believe in the good. catholism says goodness can only come from god, and thats why were damned. but i think we *are* good. even despite all the reasons ppl give me on the contrary. bc i see ppl wish happy holidays to strangers, holidays they dont celebrate themselves, just to see them happy. i see strangers go out of there way to help people every single day. bc most of us understand that we all just want the same things, and are willing to help each other get them. we arent evil, and bad things arent some divine punishment, sometimes things just suck. the cure to catholic guilt, i think, is a love that can outcompete the divine.
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skelebellie · 8 months
okay this is something i’ve been thinking about since watching hazbin hotel
tdlr: the four horsemen and its correlation to hell, heaven, and power of overlords.
so, i’ve been doing a lot of research about christianity for a hazbin hotel oc/persona, bc i was *accidently* put into a christian cult/future megachurch as a child and this is what they call healing. as such, i’ve been doing research into the book of revelations vs. the book of ezekiel. SPECIFICALLY the interpretation of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. typically these are interpreted as death/pestilence, war, conquest, and famine. now, there’s two interpretations of the four horsemen. one where its interpreted as the four horsemen being on the ‘good’ side since their released by jesus/lamb of god/lion of judas by unlocking 4/7 seals of the book in gods right hand.
the other, which I interpret more, is the idea that the four horsemen of the apocalypse dont belong to a side. their whole shtick is that they enact chaos and destruction by virtue of gods will in order to prep for the rapture. their very existence is contradictory of each other, to be an enactment of god (which is considered good or holy), yet enacting destruction and chaos.
which brings me to this little thought.
i wondered /what/ gives a sinner power in hell. we’ve seen that deals certainly do something, but it seems as if some demons just spawn in hell with a shit ton of power. at first i thought ‘oh yeah its gotta be dependent on how bad they are or what sins they committed’, but that DOESNT MAKE SENSE. 1) (i only number this and nothing else) alastor is one of the most powerful sinners in the pride ring yet even he has a moral code (re: vizies q+a answer about alastor having similar morals to dexter). And for someone like Valentino, who I would argue as the most ruthless evil motherfucker out there, to have less power than a walking and talking TV, it just doesn’t make sense. Of course- the originals sins we see in Helluva Boss are going to be powerful because they are the original sins, but what about everyone else, about humans.
That’s what the rapture is about, clearing the earth and saving the “good” people, the idea that humanity has become too poisoned and we need to start over (they shit on humanity for 90% of the show, justifiably). But the four horseman represent everything in humanity that remains eerily constant. there was always been war, famine, death/pestilence, and a need to control others (conquest). they are but facets of what already exist. so what if a sinners (previously humans) powers come from their enactment of these principles during their living life. Alastor embodies a lot of famine (cannibalism) and death (serial killer), Vox has a need to control (conquest) others, Carmilla literally runs her entire company based on the fact that people need weapons to fight against angels (war).
and it would make sense why adam, despite being the supreme douche leader that he is, hasn’t been cast out of hell. he does what he does because he believes its a necessarily act, but all it does it scream war and death like a 5 year old on caffeine. the four horsemen do not choose a side, so no matter where their represented, heaven or hell, its still a justifiable fuel for power.
anyways autism speaks and sure is it loud. this is a very whishy washy theory but i think it’s an interesting idea and i am 100% down from criticism from people who understand the bible way more than me.
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petitprincess1 · 8 months
What critiques do you have of Hazbin? I'm wondering because I keep seeing a lot of criticism and hate towards it and I don't Wana get into something that's possible waste of time. Srry if thats rude
Dude, you're perfectly fine. I'm gonna keep it to like five points bc some things that I have problems with are mainly nitpicks. None of this, imo, is a dealbreaker for me. However, if it is for you, fair.
This is one that everyone has talked about and I fully agree with. The pacing is whiplash-inducing. I still do believe it's better than HB S1, but there is just so much information being thrown around that it's mind-boggling. The songs definitely help to slow things down a bit and introduce more info in an engaging, catchy way. However, I feel like there were some eps that either needed to come sooner or later in the series. I get they were fighting the clock, but still.
Lucifer and Charlie's relationship needed better explaining. Without going into spoilers, from what it felt like in the Pilot, it seemed like they were building up to something a bit more confrontational. I always figured Charlie possibly embellished Lucifer's words, but now it makes it feel like Charlie was talking to a completely different man. Someone that isn't even her father. Lu acts so much like Charlie, or vice versa, that it seems almost impossible to misinterpret his words.
NO FILLERS! The closest episode to a filler is the 3 ep, but even that brings up information and moves the plot along with key points. Now, that's not a bad thing entirely. It keeps you engaged. But this show very much lacks any breathing room. There's so much being thrown your way. Either things get overly talked about or not talked about enough. Which brings me to my next point-
The world-building is both fulfilling and empty. You do get a good sense of Heaven and Hell in this universe, especially Hell. You get an idea of the hierarchy and even some hypocrisy. However, we also don't really know how Heaven nor Hell operates. Like Lucifer appeared to be a shut-in. Yes, Lilith was the one inspiring demonkind, but what about when she disappeared? Is that why everything is garbage now? How much does Lucifer influence Hell? Where are the archangels? Was this conflict not important? Is there a "God" even in this show? What is Heaven's hierarchal system? There's so much being said, while also nothing being explained.
This one is the lowest for me bc I'm a bit torn on it. I've seen a few people complain about how the main characters are introduced as if you're supposed to know them. I didn't get this feeling, but I'm also a fan of Hazbin. I try to go in with a fairly "empty mind" so that I can view the material without rose-tinted glasses. However, it felt like some of the characters were given decent introductions at times. Idk. I'd like to know other's opinions on that.
Another one that I want to add is probably more diversity in the body sizes in the show. I'm not too worried about it bc Helluva Boss does a great job with body diversity, but Hazbin seems to be fairly stick and slender. But, again, I'm not too worried about it.
All in all, those are my biggest issues with the show. Like I said, none of these are dealbreakers, especially since we'll be getting a S2. Vivzie seems to listen to criticism, judging by the differences with HB S1 vs S2. So, I'm really hoping that we finally get to relax and actually get to know the characters more. Like, Adam shows the 7 Deadly Sins, while Charlie shows the 7 Virtues. I hope Adam isn't permanently dead bc I feel like this would be a good wake-up for him. He'll become the being that they were exterminating. But only time will tell.
Majority of this can be blamed on Prime and A24 for only giving them 8 episodes. I feel like either a longer run-time or more eps would've helped the show. Hopefully, they'll have learned from their mistakes in the next season.
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incorrectfandomthings · 8 months
Okay so I was listening to the Caleb Hyles version of Happy Day in Hell and I thought of this so.... Prepare for an infodump under the cut!!
Alt title: an autistic person waffles about their hyperfixation for far too many words.
Alastor Morningstar: Taking the place of Charlie is Alastor— sadistic as ever and really only running the hotel out of spite.
In this AU, I imagine that Lucifer pulled a Percy Jackson Gods and had a kid with a mortal woman back in the early 1900s. The child that resulted was Alastor. An extremely powerful demon that after living on Earth was brought to Hell by Lucifer after orders from Heaven.
Inspired by his Mother, who always saw the good in people, he founded the Hazbin Hotel to prove that human souls were more capable than Heaven realized.
A majority of heaven thought this was insane and impossible: except for one person. Enter Vox.
Vox: Former Seraphim, sorta acted as Emily before Emily.
He heard about the hotel and thought it sounded like a great idea. He fought against Heaven over this. Eventually, after proving time and again that he wasn't so loyal once he knew about the exterminations, he was stripped of his status and cast into Hell.
Shortly after arriving, he came across Alastor, who saw this as an opportunity. If he could prove that a fallen angel could get back into heaven, than human souls could, too. So, he let Vox stay at the hotel.
Vox catches feelings. Bad. He fell fast and *hard*. But, of course, his romance gets sidelined by...
Charlie Morningstar: Lucifer's first child and the hostess of the hotel. She genuinely believes in the mission and wants to help her brother succeed, even if he's just doing it out of spite.
She helps the place get off the ground with commercials, meetings with Heaven, you name it. This includes getting staff.
Now, I don't have much for them right now, but here's pretty much how it goes:
Vaggie and Husk switch, Pentious and Nifty switch. Angel is still himself, mostly bc I couldn't find anyone to switch him with in good faith.
Vox keeps his history pretty quiet, considering that he feels like he's part of the reason the extermination happened and he knows damn well Alastor's position on heaven (he hates them for keeping him from his mother).
Charlie, being the sweetheart that she is figures it's not good to keep secrets and tells Alastor despite Vox telling her explicitly not to.
Vox is absolutely terrified that Alastor will hate him. Spoiler alert: he gets the closest thing to a kiss Alastor is ever gonna give anyone. (He lets Vox touch his ears) but to be clear, I am absolutely not trying to softboi either of them, they're fucked up and evil. Alastor frequently threatens the people in the hotel because he's tired of their bs.
If you made it to the end, you get a cookie 🍪
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skubean · 2 years
what about luxiem with a bold person?
hi hi, anon! thank you for the idea!! i actually like this idea since it's the opposite of what i wrote bfr for vox and luca. sorry it took a while to do this, i'm a little sick rn T.T anyways, hope you liked this one <3
Luxiem with a Bold! Gender Neutral Reader
characters: luca kaneshiro, shu yamino, mysta rias, ike eveland, vox akuma
notes: gender neutral reader, i wasn't sure if i wanted to make reader be in a romantic or platonic relationship but i guess you can interpret it as you like, i used different interpretations of bold here so some might be slightly suggestive, nothing else enjoy!!
luca kaneshiro
you know how luca's always saying how he's not bullyable and tends to (playfully) bully others instead?
yea so when you counterattacked his teasing, safe to say this guy was absolutely shocked.
like, he knew you were cute and all, but he didn't expect for you to be on the same level as he is when it comes to teasing.
it's like he'd be all brave and kusogaki, and then you counter him, and the next thing he knows is he's a mess, a blushing mess.
you're pretty observant, so you notice the way he reacts, which will only entice more reaction from him.
one time you playfully touched his thigh while he was gaming, and the poor dude started stuttering so bad.
an idiot, for sure.
he's fine with pda, but for some reason, you like teasing him while touching him, so he's wary of it (like he gets really red)
overall, this man is too pure for the world. you'd feel a little bad but how else will you be able to see such a reaction from a mafia boss?
shu yamino
believe me when i say this, but shu definitely is chill as hell when you act all bold around him.
you'd say the most shocking thing, and this guy will just snicker at you.
which is why you get braver around him, just to get that reaction out of him.
if you're lucky, he'd say stuff back to you.
kind of like the type where you flirt and say stupid shit, but he says it back seriously and it just goes haywire.
if you're someone who's bold with the way you talk, i believe shu is like your #1 supporter. he doesn't seem like a man who would say much, but this guy would have your back no matter what. it's you both against the world fr fr.
i believe in bold and flirty shu agenda (real!!)
though shu won't like it if you do bold stuff around other people/in public, because he doesn't want you to get hurt.
to top it off, i believe shu is pretty cool with have a bold person around. don't piss him off though, he's feisty.
mysta rias
mysta's pretty bold, isn't he. so i expect a you + mysta combo to be double the trouble.
the unstoppable duo that just does whatever they want, says whatever's on their mind.
you both just fit right with each other (match made in heaven)
but trust me, if you reciprocate back his words, this guy goes brain dead from it.
kinda like the type that can tease you, but can't handle being teased. sort of like luca in a way, except he's more brazen.
y'all did the pokemon pass or smash thing, and this guy is just dead ass surprised from your play at it bcs what the fuck.
mysta's a sweet boy though, he still gets really shy when you say stuff.
he's gotten used to your affection, so i don't think it bothers him anymore.
but hug him for too long and this guy goes craaazy (because he's shy lmao)
anyways, mysta + you duo is deadly, physically and mentally.
ike eveland
ike is a man who's good with words, you can't fight him, nuh uh.
my lord have you seen eki? exactly.
he'd act like he's tired of your bs or like doesn't really like what you're doing, but you know this guy loves it, he's just tryna mask it.
you being bold either puts a nasty grin on his face, or the loudest sigh ever heard from mankind.
told him your darkest deepest secrets and this guy stares back at you, mouth wide opened tryna process what he just heard.
you just giggle in response.
ike lowkey likes seeing you be bold and defend yourself when people do things against your beliefs. he thinks it's endearing.
though he doesn't ever tell you, he just lets you run free, only holding you back when he deems necessary.
10/10, tsundere. acts like he doesn't like it, likes it like hell.
vox akuma
vox himself is already one hell of a bold guy T.T
some days, it's like a competition to see who's bolder. (you lose)
y'all could be platonic or dating, and this guy still says the sluttiest shit ever, and gets you a blushing mess.
he likes that your energy matches his, so it makes him really happy.
i'd say it's pretty crazy to see two people with such brazen language (ykwim).
he's a sweetheart though, kinda like the type that let's their partner say mean stuff, while they support wholeheartedly.
the first time you did a bold move and pretty much sat on him, this guy had the most shit-eating grin you've ever seen.
he held onto you, which made you panic, and then laughs seeing you get all red.
trust me, it doesn't work. he's too powerful T.T you think you're bold until you face vox akuma.
a/n: hi, sorry this one's pretty short and somewhat really ooc. i wrote this based on what i picture each member would be like! also, i'm getting a lot sicker so i'll probably not be able to write a valentine's fic today, but i'll try tomorrow since it might be valentine's in other places of the world! happy valentine's by the way everyone <3 stay safe! - eden
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jealizmuch · 1 year
CAN WE TALK ABOUT AZIRAPHALE’S REACTION TO THE KISS THOUGH. BC THAT WAS INSANE AZIRAPHALE LOOKED SO DISGUSTED BUT NOT DISGUSTED. BRO WAS LIKE “why would you admit the thing we’d been dancing around for millenia right now. why did you do this to me crowley. how could you possibly make me admit that ive been in love with you this whole time, when ive spent my entire life catering to the needs of heaven and dancing around my heart and how much i want to be with you, because you’re a demon and i’m an angel and we’re on opposite sides, when i was fascinated by you back when you were an angel, when you approached me in eden, and all the times we’d seen each other over the 6000 years we had on earth, meeting behind dark alleyways and at our rendezvous points knowing we could die for merely interacting with each other. when now, when we could go back to heaven, the “good guys” together, and we could see each other safely, you turn me away. when we could be together right now if you came and followed me to heaven. why would you do this crowley.”
and crowley’s like “i’ve loved you since the Beginning and you were the reason why i put up with all this heaven/hell bullshit, knowing that no matter what would happen it would always be me and you, a team, an us. and now you want to go back to the place that kicked me out for asking the right questions, the place that tried to destroy you when it was actually me disguised as you, the place that you are too good and too pure for with the people that treat you so much worse than you deserve. you want to give up your bookshop, the life we had together here, our dinners at the ritz, our meaningless conversations over the phone, the things that made this peaceful, fragile existence that i was so content in living in so worthwhile, because i loved you back then and i love you now and if gabriel and beelzebub could be together then i want to try being with you too. they proved that a relationship like ours was possible, and i want to spend eternity with you aziraphale. i want to so badlt. but you want to throw all that away for your “good guys”. because that’s all we are to you, when it boils down to it, isn’t it? i’m the demon and you’re the angel. the bad guys vs the good guys.”
so anyway i am ill
(plus the freaking. trembling and touching his lips from aziraphale like he couldnt believe that just happened. i hate this show)
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hinamie · 2 days
hi hina what are your top three pokemon games??
b/w & b2/w2 I BELIEVE IN GEN5 SUPREMACY !!! the MUSIC!!!! THE GRAPHICSSS GOD THE LIMITED 3D GRAPHICS THEYRE SO CHARMING!!!!!!! not to mention the loml N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god i feel so much about N. honestly the motivations of the evil team r actually so interesting and I think it makes for some of the most compelling story u see in the early pokemon games. pokemon liberation??? hello???? it's one thing to want to take over the world or like. flood the earth but to manipulate the masses and play to people's guilty conscience by insinuating that they might be Hurting pokemon by keeping them captive??? they did not have to cook so severely with that concept but i'm so glad they did. That being said I think I prefer the story of the original b/w games just because of how new and unsettling it was to encounter team plasma for the first time and all the interactions with N, but I do rly appreciate how the sequels expounded on them! colress is ok as a villain and even more ok as mad scientist twink eyecandy so I'll allow him gfsdjh I also do like that b2/w2 included more pokemon in the base games I love you early riolu i love you castelia city eevee encounter,,,. I also LOVE how they tried to pull a Trainer Red 2.0 with the postgame battle against the b/w MC in the sequels god gen5 is so GOOD :’)
Platinum i mean is anyone surprised hfdsjg sinnoh is art to me. fr all i rave about gen5 gen4 is the one I grew up with and played alongside my friend group as a kid so when it comes to the nostalgia factor, sinnoh is unmatched. The legendaries in this gen r iconic and so well designed there is not a single one that sticks out as a hard miss. sinnoh gave us cresselia and darkrai it gave us 2 forms of shaymin it gave us !!! glaceon!!!!!!!! i love u sinnoh always <3
hg/ss listen i know these games get a bit of a bad rep for having poor power scaling and being baby games in terms of difficulty but i do not care bc i can see my guys walking behind me and that is all i care about argue with a wall!!!!! also pokeathelon >>>>>>>> 
i also have to give an honourary mention to sw/sh gdfshjgdsjk games that arguably get an even Worse rep ik but hear me out. they were my return to the pokemon games after having skipped gens 6-7 entirely and I enjoyed my playthrough SO much I genuinely had so much fun. I wasn’t too put off by the glitches or the objectively bad plot, I was just so happy to be playing pokemon again :’> ALSO I am a proud Hop defender I respect the hell out of the writers for the arc they gave him. Was it rushed and underdeveloped yes but by pokemon game standards? I honestly found Hop’s self-doubt n identity crisis super moving sue me. Also the trainer character designs r so GOOD RAIHAN CALL ME 
another honourary mention to s/v gfjhd i haven't played it personally bc I could not get past the graphics of it but speaking of compelling pokemon storytelling,,, Arvin mr. mommy/daddy issues I care abt u so much. ALSO CHAR DESIGN HEAVEN HELLO LIKE GRUSHA?? RIKA??? CALL M E
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loiswasadevil · 10 months
youre such a terrible fucking troll. youve got a lazy backstory, you "dont know" where your money comes from, you dont know what happened to your mom (tbh thats plausible, but unlikely), like youre seriously so bad at this HAHAHA. good run tho. i know you wont answer this bc you cant disprove, but u made me laugh so much. thank u frfr
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You're an artist! Please tell us a story about a time you had blood drawn.
(tw for mentions of needles
alright, here's the thing: i had fainted before. In fact, there was a full month or so during which i would frequently faint (and bonk my head on the way down, ugh) so I was already familiar with what fainting would feel like before I lost consciousness. It stopped after some time, but the knowledge remained.
fast forward to the day i'm getting my blood drawn. I haven't eaten anything for 12 hours, they're stabbing me with a needle, i'm v sensitive so it hurts like heck and i'm looking away bc I know seeing the blood doesn't help.
I'm holding up. I can do this. I'll be fine.
In comes the other nurse, holding something in her hands and crowding in to the front of where i'm sitting and saying "hi, i'm here to measure your coagulation" (I was not warned that would happen) and she stabs a needle in my earlobe in a way that feels like she'd actually cut me with a tiny razor. She looks at my ear for a second, thanks me, excuses herself and walks off.
All the while the blood-drawing nurse is taking what feels like the tenth vial of my life sauce.
(putting a "read more" below so I won't clog people's dashboards lmao)
And I'm thinking how I wish I didn't have to take these tests every six months to check my hormone levels due to my stupid hashimoto's. (It's an autoimmune disorder, if I don't take my hormones my thyroid antibodies start trying to kill my thyroid bc they're stupid little fucks).
Anyway, I suddenly feel it. Shivers creeping up my nape all the way to the base of my skull. A feeling like my head is suddenly hollow but also simultaneously too heavy to hold upright. Darkness slowly yet steadily devouring the corners of my vision.
Ah, crap, I think. I'm gonna faint.
Since I have no interest in suddenly collapsing and having - hell forbid - the needle cut my vein or whatever, I turn my swimming gaze to the nurse and say, very seriously:
"I'm gonna faint."
The nurse, suddenly wide-eyed, exclaims:
"Oh, no, darlin', please don't do that!"
To which, in my mind, I sarcastically reply "oh, my bad, cancelling the fainting now. Apologies, I did not know it was a bad time", but before I can make the joke, my entire body and brain decide to hit the snooze button and I collapse.
When I come to, I'm in a white corridor, being carried in the arms of a very attractive nurse guy, and I'm thinking like 'boy, I never believed in heaven, but it sure it's starting to look good'.
He plonks me down on my back on a gurney, and I foggily realize I am not dead yet. The man is relieved to see me well, and he practically begs me to eat a saltine cracker bc apparently my pressure had dropped to shit levels.
More or less the exact same thing happened three other occasions before I followed a nurse's advice and started having my blood drawn while lying on my back rather than sitting.
Whenever the staff on a lab says that "that's not necessary, just sit" or "oh we don't have a place to have you lying down" I now reply "okay sure, it's just that I always faint and I will definitely faint now too, just letting u know :)"... and suddenly a reclining chair or gurney appears.
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extraterezi · 1 year
I'm a big fan of two characters being well aware that they love each other - no oblivious unrequited pining, no miscommunication - just being fully aware that they're loved back, BUT, emotions and situations being messy and scary enough for them to not quite know what to do about it and/or messing it up real bad. Bc in real life you'll notice - relationships are really hard! Even when the situation seems simple enough. Being honest and brave is terrifying! And reading other peoples intentions without bias is a complicated endeavor even for the most empathic and socially blessed
And I think that's whats putting me off about a lot of good omens s2 content I see on here, bc while I agree that they can both be dense in their own separate ways, Aziraphale and Crowley know logically that they are important to each other and that it goes both ways. But see, that doesnt mean anything in the grand scheme of things. That doesnt mean they know in what way and what that means for them. Someone can tell you they love you to your face and you'll realize, if you give it a think, that that doesn't mean you know any more at all about what that person wants from you
I think letting the characters know both gives them some agency and emotional depth beyond "these oblivious gay idiots cant see they're soulmates", which was charming the first few times it happened but now just feels so trite. Its also detrimental to the conversation we could have about the really fun stuff about characters and their relationship to each other - their values and way of thinking and saying things and how those will inevitable clash with the other's and create conflict!
The tension in Aziraphale and Crowleys relationship doesnt come from will-they-wont-they insecure pining. And it doesnt necessarily come from the classic fanfic miscommunication either. It comes from the fact that they have different worldviews and ways of thinking of their relationship, different worries and insecurities, that makes it hard to communicate. To read the others actions. And human romance would not resolve that. A proper consensual kiss would not solve shit! It would communicate to the other that they do, indeed, want to engage in that kind of physical human activities. It would say things about their desire and how human it is and how theyre not on the side of hell nor heaven but rather with earth and humanity because thats what they've become really. It might even make both of them more likely to listen to the other with good faith. BUT. Its not enough, not even close, to resolving that tension.
So. I don't want a fluffy next season. I dont want them to just TALK TO EACH OTHER! <3 and confess and smooch and merry second coming of christ everyone. I like a happy ending as much as anyone, but theres so much potential here to make this complicated and appealing, and if we're stuck on the level where we believe them to be oblivious to each others heart-eyes and 6000 years of gallivating I think thats as far as we'll ever get.
This is not specifically about gomens though I just think its unrealistic and boring to reduce all pairings to "theyre so insecure and/or stupid they cant see that theyre in love" bc while you can definitely have a hard time believing you are loved, in real life doing anything alone with another person will feel intimate and special no matter your relationship, and if you like them and they happen to hold eyecontact and ask you to hang out more just that alone will make the vast majority of people go "hmm seems like they might like me". What that means is another pickle all together. But you'll definitely consider it! And if you do everything together and are always referred to as a duo and save the world together and have little inside jokes? ...yea
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
i won't go so far as to say they annoy me, because everyone has their own opinions, but i just CANNOT agree with any takes saying that their entire relationship has been dysfunctional or built on solely on false premises or etc. anything else in that vein. i know we've been dissecting the issues a lot to explain the breakup, but i'm going to go out on a limb and say that as a whole there's way more love than problems and there's way more good than bad. and that doesn't erase the problems or the bad or make them any less in need of fixing, i'm just saying overall the love in their relationship and the good parts of it definitely win out. plus, PLEASE cut them a bit of slack for the constraints the Heaven&Hell rigmarole put on their relationship. and i don't mean in a trauma way, i mean in a physical threat, having to do everything secretly kinda way.
further asks and response under the cut:
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hi anon!!!✨ okay won't lie, the first ask made my blood pressure rocket through the ceiling 😅 but you're good, thanks for coming back to clarify, i really appreciate it - bc tbh idk if i would have had the acuity to have answered this today otherwise!!!✨
i hear you - speaking more personally for a sec (i will actually address what you're saying in a mo!), i hope you don't mind, it is slightly exhausting when some read my ask responses or metas, and genuinely believe that im purposefully trying to find negativity in the story or the characters, especially crowley. im not at all; i truly just find the dozens of layers to them both (and the storyline - the ethics, philosophy, psychology!) really, really interesting, and i find it fun to examine. i don't take any joy in pointing out flaws or dysfunctions for the sake of it, but more that, for me, it makes the whole relationship so much more relatable, and compelling. here are two creatures that are literally as non-human as it can get, and they're making mistakes, or miscommunicating, or have 'issues' the same as a lot of us do? that's really comforting to me - to look at two characters that i treasure acutely, and be able to recognise the ways in which they're not perfect. their story, in that respect, suddenly doesn't feel inaccessible.
but braindump-that-you-didnt-ask-for over!!!✨
i agree that their relationship is ultimately rooted in love. i think that that love has taken in many incarnations over the course of their narrative, emerging from general attraction/fascination, to acquaintances, to uniquely-relatable-to-each-other-and-only-each-other colleagues, to friends, to best friends, to deeply-pining crushes, to being unrequited love interests, to being full-throttle in love with each other, to being each other's family and sanctuary... all of these at the same time, and some evolving and merging into others. i don't personally hold the belief that romantic love has been there since the beginning (but fully respect where people do see it that way!) but romantic love isn't the only love that aziraphale and crowley are built on.
there have been problems and misunderstandings amongst all of that, times where they possibly don't know each other as much as they like to think they do, where they've not been kind or gentle to each other, but that doesn't mean that none of it isn't all interwoven, in every fibre, with love (whatever form that takes). they may not be human, but they are navigating something uniquely human, and that isn't always going to be perfect.
add to that, just as you say, the literal threat that hangs over both of them where they're not allowed to acknowledge a single part of any of the above; to do so not only puts themselves at risk, but the other at risk moreso. that fear - that sword of damocles, as others way more poetically-minded than me have put it - is borne out of love, of concern, of respect, and friendship. it's not a question, again as you say (because i wholeheartedly agree with you!), of one loving the other more than the vice versa, and one always having to bend to the other until they break whilst the other doesn't get a look-in. the way i see it, sometimes you do have to bend to each other in relationships, friendships etc., but that's a mark of trust, respect, and love in and of itself; that you can feel that you can look to the other for support when you need it, feel comfortable in being vulnerable enough to do so, and be so deeply loved in return as to be the one to support when the other needs it themselves.
there are times in the narrative where one lets the other down, or hurts them, sure - but that doesn't mean that that's the nail in the coffin. it's not going to ruin them, or end them, or drive them apart irrevocably; it's causing/caused issues that they simply need to work to mend... and tbh, they're probably not even aware that some of those cracks are there! once again, i think it's fair to say that this happens in most relationships, and usually - usually - most problems such as the more human-like ones they're facing now (especially the ones borne out of wanting to protect one another!) are fixable with patience, communication, kindness, time, and continuous love!
i do think s3 is really going to upend this, though, and put it to that aforementioned breaking point; i think there is going to be stuff revealed which leaves each other completely bare for the other to see - no secrets, no smokescreen, no glamour - and prove to be the true test of that love. but let's face it (because it will happen); they will choose to love each other anyway. perhaps even because of what s3 will reveal. i don't think ive ever seen their love for each other as unconditional - like i said, i think such a 'condition'/test will be put to them both in s3 and turn their view of each other on its head - but their love for each other in, all its guise, is strong, deep, and profound enough that it will be what they choose every time✨
if you would like to come back off anon, that is entirely up to you and i'll leave that for you to decide - or message privately? - i don't mind!!! but again thank you for clarifying the tone, i find tone hard to read sometimes and i appreciate the follow-up asks!!!💕
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p4nishers · 1 year
Tbh I DO feel like people thinking Aziraphale has a Plan or believing in the coffee theory takes away from the emotional impact and the narrative as a whole. It's a cult. Aziraphale has spent his entire life in a cult. I don't personally have that kind of religious trauma, but it's very real and it can be very hard to shake the conditioning. What's four years of freedom in the face of over six thousand. When we KNOW he struggles with black and white mentality (Crowley falling was a singular mistake, he alone is the exception to the 'demons are evil' rule, the system is not broken there are just a few bad apples) and this season he's not quite coping with the lack of connection to Heaven. The Metatron's approach is exactly that of an abuser trying to coax their victim into compliance. Crowley leaves already knowing from experience that both Heaven and Hell are corrupt. Aziraphale notably hasn't learned that lesson yet, but S3 is setting up for him to have a rude awakening. And it's not OOC at all.
you said it perfectly, thank you. it's not out of character, it's not the coffee, it's not metatron literally controlling his mind (yes i saw someone theorize that, it was a whole thing).
it's an entire existence of brainwashing and abuse.
honestly, i wasn't surprised very much when aziraphale accepted metatron's offer or that he didn't see the problem with it in the first place. every flashback this season (besides maybe 1941) was just the show saying loudly and clearly to us how much influence heaven still has on aziraphale's thinking, even if he can learn, he still will fall back on what they brainwashed him into. in the job ep he was so eager to find a way to make heaven be the good guys, he was absolutely certain that this wasn't what God wanted, despite the fact that They ordered the whole thing.
he cannot just escape this kind of good/bad and black/white thinking bc it's what he knew his whole life. and that's what crowley doesn't, can't understand bc he fell relatively early, before earth and people, and he had thousands of years to see how rotten heaven actually is but aziraphale doesn't have that. he didn't fall, he's still an angel and still has the same mindset despite seeing heaven wanting to end the world perhaps even more than hell. and no, he can't break out of it until he sees the whole problem up close, sees how fundamentally wrong everything is and that it cannot be changed.
even if we are all upset about this, i think we should keep in mind that if this didn't happen, if aziraphale didn't get to see the system as it actually is, he would've still believed in it in some way and shared their mindsets, however unintentionally, and he and crowley could never have truly lasted without both of them learning from their mistakes. because crowley needs to learn too, needs to see that running away from it all doesn't solve anything and it will eventually catch up with him.
that's why the coffee theory, even if it ends up being true, which i highly doubt, is not good for aziraphale's character and not the "big saving grace" everyone thinks it is.
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quillyfied · 1 year
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART FIVE (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E5)
- Okay. Shax’s belt buckle certainly looks very snakelike, but her mannerisms are almost more lizard like to me? Very abrupt jerky movements. Straight lines.
- Okay but this whole discussion with Furfur is both hilarious and makes me wonder about the actual climate of heaven and hell post-Apocanope. Bc the idea that the actual legions of hell and hosts of heaven aren’t actually interested in fighting…yeah, seems supported by the text, actually.
- “Can I watch?” Always
- Alright the immediate way that Aziraphale is prepared to give away rare parts of his collection in order to get everyone there…unsettling? Surprising? Another drop in the bucket of suspense??
- Alright but the fact that he’s actually bothered by it is making me feel Some Kind of Way actually. Something something appears that he’s lost interest or is prepared to sacrifice his material comforts for The Greater Good, in actuality is doing his duty as a protector and guardian even if it hurts him. Don’t mind me, just need to lie down on the floor for a moment.
- Shax’s continued troubles with securing her demon army also continues to make me wonder what Beelzebub themself is playing at. If even Satan himself can’t command 10,000 killer demons into being, and would have to settle for about 70 creepy and unease-radiating layabouts…wtf??
- Unless Furfur is messing with her. For not backing him up in 1941. Entirely possible.
- Also Crowley’s goofing around with the crystal ball. Just want to bask in pure delightful silliness for a moment.
- Alright, back to Shax, who has a whole leather battle outfit? Certainly scary but all I can think is “did it take her an hour to squeeze into it?”
- Eric! Beloved Eric! And the manifold unfortunate ways his superiors dispose of him. Feels familiar and comfy, actually.
- Shax not knowing what she’s doing and being bad at winging it, Example 664
- Aziraphale persisting in French despite Justine really getting fed up with it: second clue that Aziraphale is putting this “night to remember” under more pressure than initially anticipated.
- Eric clarifying that they don’t really want to be fighting angels: lending more credence to my theory that The Big One/the Second Coming is going to fall apart due to out of touch management tbh
- I have deep curiosity about what the Christmas lights debacle is all about
- Nina! DRAG HIM.
- Other people’s love lives always seem so much more straightforward than our own. Coupled with melancholy romantic music. And a frankly heartbreaking expression on Nina’s face. I’m so sad for her. I’m equally sad for Crowley tbh.
- Lots of use of lightning this season. Noticing that Shax’s is dual blue and red…have to go back and see what color Crowley’s is.
- Shax’s shoulder pads remind me of a dragon or a lizard too tbh
- Something too about the opening that I can’t seem to articulate clearly but strikes me: when the bridge between the two planets breaks apart after Crowley and Aziraphale’s little dance back and forth (still on the wrong sides btw), the bridge reforms after a few seconds, but sideways. And one of the bridge halves is an entirely different bridge. Foreshadowing?
- This episode’s theater feature: The Ball, by Jane Austen. With the onscreen picture being, I believe, a couple of the demons?
- Can I just say—adore the pretty rose in Crowley’s shot. Also paused at the exact right moment to catch Aziraphale’s amused and fond expression while Crowley tries to express a real concern. Love that he cares, wish he would listen.
- The complexities of being in a toxic relationship. Even knowing you’re well shot of them, the ways they break you down don’t really leave. Nina is a mirror for Aziraphale.
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I do truly think that Crowley spilling the beans here will have consequences in the future.
- Crowley’s rage and hurt tho. Thank you for that, David Tennant, we have been blessed beyond measure.
- Shoutout to the person in the notes of my post about the second episode who said the little hissing chime happens whenever Crowley takes off his shades in an important moment, bc I caught it this time!
- The way Jim is so childlike in his un-Gabriel state makes me wonder if angels in their natural state are just Like That—joyful, trusting, full of genuine love and care. We see it in angel Crowley, we see it in early days Aziraphale, we see it in Jim, we see it in Muriel. Which makes the Fall feel all the more harrowing in concept. If any of the angels who Fell truly understood WHY they fell, just that they were loathsome in some way and deserved what they got.
- Crowley pulling back from causing actual harm because despite his very good and logical reasonings for not wanting Gabriel there…he’s still himself. Gabriel in his right mind would be one thing. This is Jim. He’s something else entirely right now.
- The understanding of the empty house metaphor though. Breaking my heart here.
- “Where is your memory, then?” Brings to mind immediately another John Finnemore quote: “you see, that’s a very stupid question that you just happen to have gotten lucky with.” And THE MATCHBOX! Aha! The plot continues to thicken!
- OH. I missed that the “institutional problem” line was something Crowley got to hear first before going to heaven was even on the table.
- I’m sorry Jim’s adorable little nod, GET THE MAN SOME HOT CHOCCY THEN
- Okay okay—the way Michael instantly dismisses Muriel’s assessment that Crowley fed them about love and humans being weird—brings to mind the meta I cannot find now of angels post-fall just. Not asking questions. Not questioning anything at all. Even taking credit for knowing things that are blatantly incorrect. They are just as broken as the demons tbh.
- I wonder at Michael’s slow glance to the side at Uriel’s insistence on labeling Aziraphale a traitor every time. Michael not liking Uriel stepping on their toes as acting supreme archangel?
- Muriel’s subtle little eyeliner. Love it.
- Also how they know a super powerful miracle occurred at the bookshop, how everyone seems to know or suspect that’s where Gabriel is, and YET. Jimbriel hides in plain sight anyway. Because a miracle that powerful is affecting even the archangels. Also interesting to note that they know a miracle occurred but they don’t know why. I know this is known but somehow I’m just now connecting the dots fully. They can track miraculous power. They can’t know the reason until the angel who did the miracle reports. What an elegant loophole to exploit for thousands of years.
- Nobody would believe you anyway XD
- WAIT AND SEE. I cannot believe Neil wrote that in after tormenting tumblr with it for months. I have such irreversible fondness for that phrase now.
- The soundtrack being so pretty ;A;
- Also, I know it’s actually not great the way Aziraphale’s ball moves forward in stealing away free will to a degree, but moment of quiet glee for how he gussies up everyone entering the shop, too
- MRS SANDWICH. I will be committing it to memory.
- “Everything else was taken” Nina what does that MEAN
- Okay the creepy fog and Crowley’s insistence that something is wrong—we are starting on the topsy turvy carousel of the night! Stuff is getting Weird!!
- Shoutout to the magic shop owner’s spouse! A lovely color on them indeed!
- How is it that Justine is reduced to stereotypical Frenchwoman? Aziraphale. Good grief.
- Also, Aziraphale: why is Gabriel dressed like Elton John?
- Aziraphale. Aziraphale you are sounding like the guy in Sense and Sensibility who keeps trying to push the Dashwoods into dancing and enjoying themselves when they’re emotionally distraught.
- Interesting how Maggie doesn’t notice the demons at all. Or Crowley shouting at them from across the street.
- Wondering how in touch Crowley is with hell to know that these are low ranking demons and if Shax is fully aware that Furfur likely screwed her over big time.
- The warm reddish interior at odds with the eerie greenish exterior. Love that framing.
- Mrs. Sandwich finding the best and most erotic way of getting around the language block Aziraphale has put in place now (SERIOUSLY, ANGEL), deffo a highlight of the second season for me. What a delightful little scene. With horrific implications re:Aziraphale’s unwillingness to break his own fantasy of helping to realize the actual danger he’s put them all in until it’s too late.
- Tiny miracle chime when Nina grabs Maggie’s hand
- Nina and Maggie not being entirely taken in by the atmosphere Aziraphale set. Intentional? Incidental?
- I can’t hear that wet slapping noise without thinking about Monty Python.
- Aziraphale and Crowley? Failing to communicate whilst danger draws near? NAAAHHH
- (I remember reading someone’s very innocent “I hope they dance this season!” pre-s2 prediction and having the reaction of “nice thought but there’s no way. Save it for fandom.” AND HERE I AM. WITH THE EGG ON MY FACE. FRIED BY THE WATTAGE OF MICHAEL SHEEN’S SMILE.)
- Okay but the way Crowley lets himself be led out though too
- “I’m not afraid of hard work.” MAGGIE. DELIGHTFUL PRETTY EARNEST MAGGIE.
- “I think you’re overestimating how much trouble we’re actually in.” NOPE.
- Aziraphale, in trying to help solve the tangle he’s in, has just created the perfect storm of harm for all involved. France in a frilly frock coat all over again. Only worse.
- Jim being willing to go tho TT_TT
- “You came to me. I said I would protect you. And I will.” HES. A. GUARDIAN. I. AM. CRYING.
- The fact that Shax sends Jimbriel back inside instead of trying to rip him apart is so funny. As is her attempt to spell toast XD apologies. Toste. (Throwback to Hastur and Ligur joking about toasting Crowley. Such fond memories.)
- Crowley throwing around rules he’s made up: the exact thing he would do and I’ve been deeply hoping he would do one day
- “I won’t leave you on your own.” “I know” WEEPING
- I was going to make a comment about the freaked out faces of Crowley and Aziraphale as Mr. Brown is quite possibly eaten or maimed, but I just found out one of the demons is named Skittles and I have to be joyful about that first.
- The miracles not working on Nina and Maggie!! WHY??
- “We aren’t leaving you on your own.” Maggie is brave and cares about her friends. Maggie is a mirror for Crowley.
- “But rescuing me makes him so happy” CANON. DECLARED. TEXT AND NOT JUST SUBTEXT.
- Crowley going James Bond with Muriel. ADORING IT
- The convo about tricking?? And then CROWLEY being the one to order the doors closed?? PARALLELS.
Okay. One episode left. Not many brain cells remaining. Time to grab a snack and buckle in, bc it’s about time to watch my heart get ripped out a second time.
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siriuslystarbucks · 2 years
I was thinking – it’s not hard to imagine dark Sirius with his family baggage and general modus of taking no prisoners when he’s on a roll… What about dark James? There’s a bit of a trickster in him, able to do cruel things not because he’s acting out, but just because it’s fun. Dark James would be dangerous wild card no matter the side bc he doesn’t need a cause if he has thrill. ESP. with Sirius at his side even if Sirius would not go full dark, nothing would do them part
liSTEN I absolutely love dark!James and Sirius. That's the good shit. Sirius is so unbelievably dangerous and powerful, and even if he still hates his parents, he's a Black and that gives him a lot of knowledge other people don't have (and, depending on the AU, family magic and other advantages of his bloodline).
Dark!James is a personal favorite, because I feel like you can write him exactly the same way except when it comes to morals and combat. He talks with his friends the same way, he dresses the same, he'd have the same career (in this house we don't believe in auror James because ACAB, but even if you do like that job for him, I genuinely don't think it would change based on him being a bit evil). Just, y'know, instead of caring that something bad is happening purely because it's bad, he cares a hell of a lot more when he's inconvenienced. He'll put a motherfucker in hospital for making him late to a date with Sirius, but the systematic oppression of werewolves? Not really his concern, even if he thinks it's stupid. I think it would be more chilling-- and therefore more entertaining-- if James were written like this, I guess is what I'm saying XD
I liiiiiive for one of them being basically good but switching because they see how the other person is. Neither heaven nor hell can separate them, so why not go for it?
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