#bc he will NEVER be dinobot
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Beast Wars Depth Charge
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Do you ever read a post online where someone complains about how "IDW never talks about this [idea/character/plot/theme]" and you just think to yourself... this person hasn't read anything besides MTMTE have they?
Really sad when you see people complaining "the story never talked about this!" and act angry about it as if it's some oppressive flaw that the writer (JRO) was evil for never talking about but it's like. Bud if you just read exRID/OP or maybe Windblade/TAAO you would have read plenty about that.
The two worst ones I can think of off the top of my head are "Optimus is always treated like a saint, I hate how he gets away with everything just because he's a Prime" (wrong, read literally anything Barber writes) and "the Decepticons never get a sympathetic perspective, they're always just villains and the narrative is totally just treating them as if being revolutionaries makes them evil" (wrong, read several side stories that Barber wrote). Like literally the moral of the story is just "read something besides MTMTE."
And I'm not complaining about people who are just curious or don't know. I'm talking specifically about people who complain, or say MTMTE is bad, or generally act as if JRO's writing/MTMTE/LL represents the entirety of IDW1 and basically act like, if JRO didn't write it it doesn't exist and clearly since he didn't write it that means no one else did. Like please I'm begging you to read the other less popular but still good series in IDW1 and you'll find multiple stories/ideas that they tell that MTMTE/LL doesn't.
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cybertron-after-dark · 5 months
You should write beast wars, can I have some silly predacon headcanons?
I should absolutely write beast wars. Silly Predacon headcanons coming up
-Megatron talks battle strategy with his rubber duck all the time. He considers it his most trusted advisor because it's never said anything stupid and never tried to kill him. Honestly, he's tempted to think of the little dude as his only real friend.
-Speaking of Megatron, the man is a WHORE for a good bath bomb. Lush addiction, 100%. He has a whole hidden stock of bath bombs, bath salts, scented oils, candles, decorative soaps, scented metal polish and flower petals specifically for spoiling himself when he feels like hes completely surrounded by idiots. Which is often. Has he ever tried to eat one of the decorative soaps that look like baked goods? It doesn't count if it's the t rex hand.
-the reason skorponok occasionally reverts into caveman speak for some episodes is the writers couldn't figure out what to do with him he knows talking like that pisses off tarantulas and he thinks his annoyance is funny even though literally nobody else is amused by the bit.
-skorponok actually kind of misses dinobot because he made his job a lot easier. Constantly pitching ideas, suggesting battle strategies, pointing out flaws in plans. He was useful, even if he seemed to hate skorponok. He doesn't really know how to be a good second in command anymore because a crucial part of the dynamic is missing and he just can't adapt.
-waspinator is perfectly capable of speaking in normal grammar and not in the third person but he's been doing it since he joined in with Megatron and at this point he thinks he's in too deep to knock it off. He thinks it makes him sound cuter because it's actually an evolution of internet uwu speak. Memes get weirdly translated from earth to Cybertron and back.
-waspinator is actually really good at baking but he'll get blasted to bits a thousand times over before he lets anyone other than terrorsaur know because none of his other coworkers deserve to try his cupcakes (and also because he doesn't want to get "promoted" to kitchen slave). Dinobot knew, but he didn't snitch. Wasp never found out that Dinobot would occasionally snag a brownie, he always thought he just counted wrong.
-Terrorsaur is not above attempting to seduce a maximal but all his flirting attempts go horribly awry. If they don't outright reject him they just have no idea what he's getting at bc Predacon flirting is usually a lot different than maximal flirting so everyone thinks he's just kind of being a dick like usual. Dinobot knows exactly what is happening and ranges anywhere from amused to disgusted by the cross-faction fling attempts. The flying weasel clearly has no principles.
-Every couple weeks or so wasp and terrorsaur will get together to watch terrible movies over a bottle of highgrade and it always devolves into bitching about megatron. They tried inviting tarantulas a few times but he'd always make things Weird by bringing in slashers with really good special effects and proceeding to gush about how tasty the gore looks.
-Tarantulas knows what just about every living species in the known galaxy tastes like, organic, mechanical and everything in between. If it's made contact with Cybertron, chances are he's he's tried their flesh (or lack thereof). If it's at all possible, he wants to find out enough about the Vok to figure out how to capture, kill and eat one.
-Tarantulas also thinks rampage is a total poser when it comes to cannibalism. He doesn't even look like he's having fun with it. Barely any torturing or teasing beforehand, only dramatic monologues about fear and anguish. Bah! Amateur...
-Blackarachnia has a trash tv addiction. She doesn't know WHY the Darksyde's datatrax has every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and like 30 TLC produced shows, but she refuses to stop watching them. Tarantulas fucking hates it. She does not care and if he complains she will turn the volume higher.
-Blackarachnia has incredibly mixed feelings on the story Cinderella. On the one hand, it gives her a degree of hope. A girl reduced to a work slave for terrible people that gets to escape and live it up with a guy that lives her? Great conceptually, but she only got to get out of it because she was a good person and nice to everyone. Blackarachnia? Not quite so disgustingly sweet. She's a bad girl through and through. And evidently bad people don't get to escape bad situations. Oh well. She can always try to fake it til she makes it.
-Inferno has always secretly hoped that when the war is over, his Queen Megatron will settle down with him and repopulate the colony together. He has wildly saccharine domestic daydreams of being with his giant beloved lizardy queen and their 3000+ kids. He has accidentally let this slip around Megatron once, who proceeded to pointedly ignore what he just said.
-Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia got Inferno to watch Drag Race but upon hearing the contestants being called queen, he took it a bit too literally and interpreted the show as the sad, underwhelming way human queens settle disputes between their colonies instead of just fighting the proper way. Lame.
-Quickstrike is so so very sad he can't play video games. He wants to play GTA and cause excessive and wanton death and destruction, but his fucked up hands cannot hold the controller. He forsakes Primus for building him the way he did. He keeps trying to get tarantulas to make him a usable controller but he gets brushed off every time.
-Quickstrike has attempted to ride inferno in his beast mode into battle. It did not end well but for about a solid 18 seconds it looked metal as hell.
-Rampage actually really likes depth charge and wants to be friends sooooo bad but he doesn't know how to handle that in a healthy way so he keeps trying to get his attention by playing up the cannibalism thing and hoping they fight again. Honestly he just kind of likes depth charge holding him, even if it's in a chokehold.
-After losing transmutate, Rampage projected a lot of his grief onto waspinator, which lead to a very strange period of time on the ship where rampage would get very cuddly and protective of wasp, who was incredibly terrified of what would happen if he shoved the crab off. Usually accompanied by Rampage being Incredibly Sad.
-every month the preds have a game night. Usually a board game or card game with Megatron's house rules. Said house rules are specifically designed to make a fight break out for his amusement. These game nights typically end with at least three people in the r-chamber and somebody missing at least one limb.
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therodpod · 1 year
it is time for my ranking of Optimus Prime’s parenting skills… which are only semi-serious (at best) and mostly consists of inside jokes. Enjoy.
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1. Starting off strong, G1!Optimus: 7.9/10.
Okay listen, technically speaking he was everyone’s dad BUT he looked like he was about to strangle anyone that wasn’t Bumblebee on more than one occasion, and plus he died :/ which totally wasn’t cool, bc it made my bbg hate himself♥️. and there’s also just like. his treatment of the Dinobots… so. Yikes, king. Points were doxxed xoxo.
2. My personal favorite—Cyberverse!Optimus: 8/10.
I’d give him ten out of ten for being an absolute MILF but he also let’s all three sons be absolute demons and never seems to know where they are, AND gives the impression that he’s locking himself in the pantry and eating a snack just to escape them for a few minutes (https://youtu.be/CHWMIAaUj1M), so sorry babe. being a divorced single mother is never easy, but you look fantastic doing it ((btw he’s PTA parents with Grimlock, but unlike him, he never knows what’s going on)).
3. Honorable mention bc I technically haven’t finished it. Armada!Optimus: 7.9/1
He gives me army dad awkwardly trying to raise a military brat and that’s why it’s so low, bc while he isn’t a terrible parent TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, he’s still in the army and is raising his son in it. like maybe the kid wanted to make art, man. SMH.
4. IDW!Optimus, my beloathed♥️. 5/10.
Bumblebee is the golden child who has never done anything wrong in his entire life in Optimus’ optics, while Rodimus is the estranged son who he only sees on the holidays MAYBE and whom he hates. In fact, I’m doubtful he even likes seeing him that much.
5. #Boymom Prime!Optimus: 9/10
another one who gets points redacted bc did you see him with Smokescreen? that man is a boymom. He believes boys will be boys and posts on cyberbook “I didn’t know love until I looked into my sons’ eyes; ‘til are one; my little rascals are starting cube-ball soon and it’s so tiring driving them everywhere but I wouldn’t have it any other way!! #BoyMom.”
6. Netflix!Optimus: 0/10.
not a parent, boo.
7. Twenty-Three-Old-College-Dropout Animated!Optimus. 2/10.
I give him two points bc he’s more like their older brother, but he also hasn’t straight up killed them so that gives him /some/ bonuses. Bee’s like fourteen, and Bulkhead’s like fifteen, and he’s barely twenty-three living with Prowl who is a HIGH-SCHOOL dropout at twenty-five and is a hippie who smokes a blunt in their garage—and Ratchet is in his mid-seventies and never leaves his room, so you can see why he deserves the two points for not snapping.
8. Earthspark Optimus, ‘the cool dad’: 8.9/10.
He’s delightful and awkward and tries his best, but he’s also obviously overworked and doesn’t always have time to be there emotionally for Bumblebee; he also hates his son’s ex and I’m sure threw a party when him and Breakdown broke up, despite being divorced himself (Elita-1) and having an /interesting/ past himself (Megatron). hope that helps. Still better than IDW.
9. Half-joking, Japanese!Optimus. 10/10.
Idk what’s going on there, but he looks delightful.
10. Optimus Micheal Prime, Bayverse: 1/10.
just the worst parenting my man, somehow even worse than IDW!OP bc atleast he /liked/ Bumblebee. he started really good during the first movie, and then it must q u ick ly derailed. somebody send CPS on his ass.
11. Beeverse!Optimus: 10/10.
watching him go John Wick on the decepticons so Bee could escape? delightful. the fact that he sent him on the “‘safest’” planet in the galaxy? hilarious. the ‘very well’? my favorite op line in all the continuities. also one of his best designs ONG.
12. The man, the myth, the legend - Optimus Primal. 7.9/10.
mostly going off that one gag where they were too scared to tell him they did something wrong, I have built my personal headcanon. I feel like Primal has made Cheetor cry when he helped him with his math homework, and will even beat Rattrap’s grown ass if you catch him in the wrong mood. (he’s literally just this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKX4t93/) ((and it’s definitely cheetor and rattrap)).
13. Finally, the end––RID2002 Optimus Prime: 6/10.
he never knew what was going on, SMHHHH. Wedge fraternizing with Sky-Byte? who knows! he certainly doesn’t. Side-Burn potentially becoming his future-in-law and Just Being Like ThatTM in general? well he never talks to Ultra Magnus anyway, and boys will be boys, amiright? but don’t be fooled, though, I love Car Robots and I would die for all of them. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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riverstone21 · 1 year
Short little Dinotrap piece I'm putting here bc my notes app is full & i need to empty it out
There was this face Rattrap would make when he was losing the fight but seemed to be exactly where he wanted to be. He would bite at his bottom lip, the corners of his mouth curling up just slightly, and his optics shined a brighter hue and got all squinty. His frame was usually hot by then, from their fighting and adrenaline of course. His fans sometimes kicked on too, softly humming to fill the silence between their bickering.
Whenever Rattrap got that way, there was a strange moment where Dinobot felt like Rattrap had him wrapped around his golden, little finger. Even though he was the on top, the one overpowering the mouse, Rattrap undeniablely had some level of control over him. He didn't quite know how or why, but time would always slow a bit down as Rattrap would then fire a breathless insult at him, and in turn Dinobot's initially combative drive would edge away as he returned the insult and took in the sight of the almost smug rat below him. Maybe it was because his optics started to wander and different thoughts occupied his mind that he lost his enthusiasm to resume their sparring. Rattrap would squirm slightly, often making a small noise in accompaniment. And always, always, Dinobot zeroed in on it. Rattrap never failed to notice the attention shift, his subtle satisfaction glowering even more. It was infuriating. He would quip another teasing line, bait that Dinobot couldn't help but swallow in an instant. Rattrap complained and struggled, but he never freed himself. He never really tried. Any attempt was a half-assed one. And time and time again, Dinobot fell prey to Rattrap's tricks, ending up with Rattrap below him, right where he wanted to be.
But was it really a trick if Dinobot was right where he wanted to be?
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
hey! i was just wondering if you have any plans for any trans men/transmasc characters in ttb? if not, do you know if any of the other people that have taken characters in the ttb universe have any? bc if so i'd love to know more about them. thank you!
Aye, I'd been hedging on that decision for two characters specifically (since they're both still being workshopped/developed) but I'll bite the bullet and confirm it for now that Thundercracker and Swoop are both trans men.
Teo 'Thundercracker' Cortes has more info on him here and here.
Sylas 'Swoop' Wyzenko has far less info as of the moment--I'm trying to cobble together his past before he was a Dinobot---but what I can tell you as of now:
Was formerly an artist who fell on hard times and was homeless for a bit before he was rounded up as a potential test subject.
Very close to Grimlock, the two of them get along best out of all the Dinobots. Him being the smallest of the Dinobots made him a particular target of abuse for their handlers when they were gangpressed into indentured servitude under Proteus, and Grimlock made sure each and every one of them paid once the crew managed to break free. He's often found perching on Grim's shoulder whenever they're hanging out together.
He's training as a medic under Ratchet specifically to care for his crewmates who all have. Not-so-good experiences with heavily medical/scientific settings and have massive trust issues with anyone outside their group. This is not to say they refuse to work with Ratchet, but they're clearly more comfortable/less tense with Swoop than Ratch (Ratchet is fine and even encouraging of this--more medics is never a bad thing).
Prone to panic attacks when being manhandled/restrained.
There's one brain cell between them when they're in primal fury mode, and he's usually the one holding it. (He's the thinker of the lot)
As such, is about the only one on the team Grimlock will generally listen to/discuss tactics with.
Pretty much the heart of the team/the nicest Dinobot, but will not hesitate to drop bodies if you look at Grimlock or Sludge the wrong way.
Still does art! Paints, specifically, and is part of the Autobots' weekly art jam session with Mirage, Bumblebee and Sunstreaker.
For others, you can ask the people responsible for them, there's a list you can find at the bottom of this post.
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dorkicon · 1 year
beast wars for the ask meme!
The first character I first fell in love with:
wellllll :^) dinobote of course. hes such a shithead about his code of honor, and everything else...whats not to love? <3
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
ohhh rattrap, no question. i hated his rat ass for like half of season one i think, before he grew on me... fell victim to the classic jerk with a heart of gold trap. now hes one of my favorite beasties of all time.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
im silverbots greatest hater. probably. im not even putting blackarachnia/bolt in my least favorite ship section bc im just that much of a hater.
...something about him just rubs me the wrong way...oh i know youre good bc u were born a maximal protoform blackarachnia 🙄 whatever dogboy. we just had an arc of dinobot proving that your origins dont need to define you. why would you even say that silverbolt. look at me. wh
The character I love that everyone else hates:
gee! i dunno. waspinator? the fandom might like him, but god hates his ass, and thats serious competition.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
ehhh. megatron? i loved him in season 1, found him terrifying in season 2, and got plain sick of him in season 3. i blame simon furman.
The character I would totally smooch:
rampage. sorry. next question.
The character I’d want to be like:
i wish i had a quarter of optimus' patience bc i trally think i wouldve thrown dinobot AND rattrap out of the airlock, man.
The character I’d slap:
A pairing that I love:
im doops eternal soldier o7 rattnox is cool too. sometimes i get rdc brainworms....blackarachnia/tigatron/airazor is myyyy pet crackship.
A pairing that I despise:
i dont get bw megop at all really. i just dont see any chemistry there whatsoever. aint terrible, i just dont get it.
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
listen I think bulkhead is far MORE Boyfriend Material than most of the tfa cast but I doubt the majority of the fandom is ready for that conversation
#i admit i do obsess over the 3 out of 6 main guys the fandom goes crazy over#(the 6 main guys being bee‚ b1urr‚ shocks‚ megs‚ op‚ & blitz)#but in my defense. i only would want to kiss bee and thats it the other 2 i like to chop into pieces and cook them in a stir fry#bulkhead though is by far more hunka hunka burning love than all these losers#more hubba hubba even akdgdldhdlhffl#he goes so unappreciated tho including by myself i dont post any of my drawings of him :[#i think maybe its bc the writers dont. Bother giving him a huge struggle or anything so ppl dont get as invested in him#which could have Definitely been done bc bulkhead had this whole thing in the first ep#where hes like ''im not a brainless brute!! i have a sensitive side too!''#though they. resolve that by ''forget sensitive smashing stuff is fun'' bc this is a show for little boys in the early 2000s#oh wait did i say first ep i meant like the. 3rd ep ig#ok anyway#they do?? kinda touch on it again in later episodes here and there like the dinobots ep but its never.#Really Explored as much as i think it could have.#bc honestly i Love the arc bulkhead goes though where he goes to art#to express himself & kinda try to prove to the world that theres more depth to him than just The Big Guy#but they use it to be like ''BULKHEAD SUCKS AT ART LMAO!!! look at everybody making fun of bulkhead bc isnt it SOOOO funny''#like its not :[ but again this is a boys cartoon from the early 2000s idk what i was expecting#i think if it were made later it would have tackled that a lot better#and Actually have bulkhead being an artist be smth a lot more meaningful#idk maybe thats like me as a sappy artist though#at least the little kernels of a well crafted compelling bulkhead focused narrative are there. they just never put them in the ground#ogh maybe i should start obsessing over bulkhead and do the shit canon failed him on#this is how bulkhead lovers can win#i'll singlehandedly convince everyone that man is kissable (/j i dont actually think i have that skill to do that)#🐝 could you repeat the last part? 🟦
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svtskneecaps · 2 years
tct server culture is that the bots are just as valued parts of the server as the people
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paranoidpoltergeist · 2 years
Starscream is genuinely such a tragic character because as much as he's just kinda crazy every iteration has something that just makes u feel so bad for him.
IDW Starscream is something I couldn't scrape the surface of if you gave me 107 days. G1 Starscream's is not only mainly just used for comic relief the poor guy, but he lost his partner who then turns around and in his eyes betrays him. I mean Skyfire had every right to go "what in the fuc" and dip but the fact he went with Starscream in the first place tells me that somewhere along the way something happened to make him go coocoo.
In prime he was seemingly manipulated into joining the Decepticons and then constantly talked down to. From my perspective it honestly just seemed like Starscream was after praise or recognition which he never gets, now if this is because Megatron's a dick or because of the dark energon idk. I mean he kept the Decepticons afloat the entire time Megatron was gone chasing what was by all accounts a myth and did more then we saw Megs do THE ENTIRE SERIES. He managed to kill an Autobot, we never actually see any casualties and they've got a steady flow of energon.
I mean even in RID his main goal was to just kill Megs and tbh if I'd been beat down over everything I did, even if it was wrong bc I personally thought it was the right way to go about it, I'd be majorly pissed too. Yeah he wants control of the Decepticons but(and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong it's been a very long time since I've watched prime) I only remember him actually attempting to kill Megatron once or twice. Sure he was self serving but just bc he wants respect.
Bayverse Starscream was just the saddest thing I've ever seen. He could breathe and Megatron was drop kicking him off a building, didn't even get to be the treacherous sic jeez💀
Dude the WFC Trilogy was so wild idek how to word it so kind of a take on his character as a whole here. It was weird and characterizations were way off but I actually liked Starscream. He was still the guy we know and love but with a neat twist. He still had that tragic feeling to him especially getting traumatized and all but Dinobot telling him everything he went through wasn't an excuse to hurt other people was just *chefs kiss* bc it's really not. As tragic as Stars character is it's not an excuse for him to hurt the people around him. I mean no matter how bad I can feel for Prime Screamer he still used and manipulated everyone around him(Knockout for one). This is in no way me trying to justify or make him a good guy, a character can be tragic while still being a bad person. Somebody get him in therapy lol.
Oh man and don't get me started on the Unicron Trilogy Starscream. Probably the most tragic of them all, poor guy did not deserve any of Megatrons abuse. Allow me to let him speak for himself "I tried to gain favor from you, but nothing was ever good enough. No matter how many battles I fought, you always found fault." He really just wanted recognition, he literally sacrificed himself just so Megatron could get it through his thick head he needed to team up with the Autobots, and I recently had someone point out to me Starscream probably could have done some damage to Unicron with Swindle but he knew he was gonna die and he didn't wanna drag his mini-con down with him. Just ow.
Animated Screamer was just wild idek what he was on I can't defend him lmao bro opens the show trying and almost succeeded in killing Megan. I'd comment on Cyberverse if I could but I haven't actually got to watching that yet whoops. I feel like I remember seeing a clip of him talking about wanting the respect he deserved which honestly could have been his ego talking or really sad idk, but back to what I was originally saying.
Almost every time he shows up and you pay him any attention besides comic relief he's a super tragic character and it's not only what makes him one of my favorite but it makes me sad when I see people completely disregard everything but whats on the barest of surface levels. I feel like that's all Micheal Bay did he remembered Star being comic relief and so thats all he was. He's like an onion for lack of a better analogy, got a million layers, might make u cry, and you either love him or hate him. He could be such a compelling interesting character like with IDW but no one wants to look below the surface AND I GET IT 9/10 were literal children's shows so they're forgiven but Micheal Bay is on my hit list for that one.
edit: bro if this makes absolutely zero sense I literally wrote and posted this at 3am and then just scheduled it at a normal time for reasons I'm not actually 100% on so sorry💀
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swervesfirstblaster · 3 years
beast wars is so good, in only 5 episodes dinobot already marked optimus primal as dead two times just so he could be the leader but ends up failing in both times bc optimus was fucking alive all the time and so he just pretends he never said anything like 😭😭 dude u just said to everyone that the bot was dead u were already burying him
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rinovarka · 4 years
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Transformer Musical Chibis, days 6-10! Mostly Cyberverse this time around lol.
Link to Chibis 1-5! , 11-15, 16-20, 21-28, 29-31
6) Omega Supreme with a piccolo, just because I think its funny, because Piccolos are the smallest woodwind instrument, OS is one of the largest autobots, and I dont think he would understand the concept of a musical instrument.  Omega Supreme is a my second favorite TF! He gets more cameos than Metroplex, and like Metroplex, is used also mainly as a “wow cool robot” factor (like in Seige he literally does nothing as Cybertron is being destroyed, and only appears to pop out of the ground, only to not be heard or seen again LOL), but I love the story he gets in G1 and TFA.  I think its something to say that OS is said in G1 to have his emotions wiped out, but he is the only TF I think who has tears.  I wish his journey of discovering emotions again was expanded upon, but hey, its G1 lol.  
Like Metroplex, I have a lil fanfic idea for him, in which he gets stuck in a human sized holoform that looks literally like as I drew him, chibish and more friendlier, and learns what it means to feel in a middle of nowhere town in the US.
7) Cyberverse Astrotrain with a harmonica. My third favorite TF! I love all forms of Astrotrain honestly, but Cyberverse had it right when they made him an absolute giant compared to everyone. I never want to see normal sized Astrotrain EVER again!!! It was actually a screenshot of him towering over Megatron that made me want to watch Cyberverse LOL mmhhmhmhmhm big boye time,,,,,bIG BOY TIME,,,,
I like his dynamic with Dead-End, just both being grumpy and jerks to others in general. I wish there was more Astrotrain, like whne he flew off with Megatron X, i was like nO KING COME BACk LDJHFKLSDHGLKSDNGLKSG!!!!!! If the Cyberverse movie doesnt have him I will cry lakjfslkgsg.
8) Cyberverse Clobber with a trombone! Probably tbe kind of person who doesn't know how to play music, probably makes audials bleed but if she enjoys it she enjoys it. Clobber is,,, just a cute character who seems to have just fallen in with the wrong faction, was happy to see her become an Autobot, ahahah. She's big, strong, and kinda dumb and unconfident but a nice person who means well, so basically she checks all my boxes for characters I like lol. She just want to vibe with Lockdown and Hot Rod, I think their small amounts of interactions are great Also I appreciate big dumb girl solidarity bc dang, me too queen
9) Cyberverse Arcee. with an electric guitar I think she's may favorite Arcee. Idk I like unapologetically Head Empty No Thought characters. Like she's just here to have a good time!! Just taking selfies with Earth animals, no thoughts, just vibes.. I love her dynamic with Grimlock, whose smart but also head empty at the same time. Like he's book smart bc he knows how to build and things, but idk maybe spending all his time with Arcee made them have 1 collective braincell. Or he's just a fun dude too! Im just saying Arcee and Grimlock would go on journeys with Meteorfire and Cosmos!!!!!!!!
10)Cyberverse Grimlock with a xylophone! I was never a huge fan of the dinobots, but I actually grew to like Cyberverse Grimlock! He has a posh voice, is self reliant and technologically smart, and likes going on adventures. I think he has a fun dynamic with Arcee and I like how Head Empty they both are XD   Spoilery opinion bit!!! He has an interesting story, in which his g1 personality returns due to being stuck on prehistoric earth, alone, and adapting to Earth life, that being dinosaurs! However I feel that the episode, "King of the Dinosaurs" (for me) personally highlights one of the gripes I do have with Cyberverse: timing with emotional beats. The whole episode is how he got there, what he did, and Bumblebee and Windblade chasing him down after reactivating him, as he tries to look for his dinosaur friends and the world he once knew. At the end he is told that its all gone, and personally I f e l t for him as he calls for "Friends?" in regards to the long gone dinos, and how his final recording was for them to be strong in the face of inevitable death. But within the minute he's just like "lol oops sometimes I be like that :D" Like I get Cyberverse is a light hearted show and has like a 11 minute run time, I do! I just felt a bit jarred at how quickly certain concepts, (not just this one), get resolved. But thats just my opinion and I do like the concept, its just, aaaaa ^^;;;
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why-its-kai · 3 years
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meant to do this yesterday but comparison between my on-card 1996 Dinobot vs the loose 1996 Dinobot, he definitely was able to close his jaw at some point but was probably played with a lot by his previous owner which makes me happy to know. i’m usually all about opening my toys to be able to like actually play with them (and to enjoy the transforming part of my transformers especially) but bc my on-card Dinobot is in the rarer first wave packaging, he��s been condemned to stay like that forever and sometimes i do feel bad that he never got played with. i get so sappy over toys sorry
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transfemstarscream · 3 years
I'm currently watching beast wars, and what's your opinion on like the original show? Currently my fave character is Dinobot bc he feels like the secret Starscream redemption arc we never got and i headcanon every new character we meet as an enby until i hear their pronouns
BEAST WARS IS FANTASTIC i love it. i get why people (at least now) are put off by the dated animation and concept, but it's honestly got everything i want in a transformers show. comedy driven yet doesn't try too hard to make you laugh (sometimes relies more on character interactions than just slapstick for example), earned emotional moments treated with the right atmosphere (and even given to some of the predacons), and overall great writing and development for almost all the characters. i think season 3 kind of slacks a bit, but i don't have any *major* complaints with the first and second season.
the dynamic between the maximals as people who definitely don't want to be here slowing developing into this little found family is great, and i think it's one of the few transformers shows where i cared about the m/f couples (even if the sexual dimorphism still bugs me a little, at least in blackarachnia's case). the predacons are dickheads but that doesn't take away from how well written they can be (rampage and transmutate hurts my heart), and i think megatron in BW is a good balance of comedic and threatening. i don't want this to be too long but just know BW is so, so good to me.
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dorkicon · 3 years
beast wars!
beast wars!!
The first character I first fell in love with: 
dinobot. literally by the second episode when he was talking about honor and stuff i was like um....<3
i have a weak spots for characters who have a code of honor they stick to...even if its whatever the hell dinobot has going on. also hes big and cool and he sucks and i like him ^_^
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
rattrap... my dearest...
umm i think for the first few episodes i really hated rattrap LOL ...id say hes definitely one of my favorites now...probably one of my favorite tf characters in general, i love his character arc. hes such a bitch. he smells bad. hes like the uncle your mom wont let you talk to because he let you drink a beer at the family reunion
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
oh, i dont know... i really dont like silverbolt...i just think he sucks
its been a little while since ive watched beast wars, but those scenes where he was trying to convince blackarachnia she was a maximal at heart bc she was a maximal protoform or whatever like 😐 idk didnt we just watch a whole season where a main characters arc was like "your origins dont have to define you"...i dunno, does that make sense? like it just felt like he wouldntve put in the effort if she hadnt been a "former maximal"
god. damn it. man it wouldve been cool if they had blackarachnia do her face heel turn independent of silverbolt, but. cant win em all
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
honestly, no clue...
i love rhinox a lot...people dont hate him but theres still not a lot of content for him </3
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
The character I would totally smooch: 
yeah, keep scrolling.
The character I’d want to be like:
id love to have an ounce of the patience optimus primal must have to function on a daily basis.
The character I’d slap: 
tarantulas! he gives me the fucking willies
A pairing that I love:
dinobot/op :^)
i also legitimately liked tigatron/airazor. that scene where tigatrons all "then the lady shall ride a tiger!" wtf. like thats not the cutest thing ever. get outta here. i love it. (blackarachnia/tigatron/airazor would be cool. theres zero content for it ...)
rampage/depth charge is interesting. that whole "i see myself in you and i hate it" dynamic. i unno, im picky about it though, ive seen a bit of weird ass fic for that ship. it also has a lot of comedic potential LMAO
A pairing that I despise: 
blackarachnia/silverbolt...(see above^)
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
beast warhrerhbjgdsf
ok so at the end of the beast wars opening when they go ‘BEAST WARS’ the end sounds all garbled so its like ‘BEAST WARGHISHUDFBJKSFNS’ its really funny
so we’ve watched more beast wars!! woohoo
we've watched thru ep 21 now wrow
I continue to really like this show despite the cgi continuing to be painful
I like the characters and plots a lot...it feels pretty episodic rn but there's a throughline of character development and dynamic establishment that keeps things fresh
plus, new characters!! blackarachnia returned offscreen right after she left I guess, so she's here now...I like how she like immediately has her own agenda and isn't loyal to megatron (or tarantulas, who had a hand in her creation) 
and tigatron!! what a cool dude I love him. he’s so chill, and I like that he’s into nature and stuff, that's awesome. he is super epic and I feel like he’s saved the maximals sooo many times lmao. for some reason I feel like he’s eventually gonna be like ‘no I'm gonna go be one with nature sorry guys bye’ and leave the cast - specifically if we move the setting to space/cybtertron later in the show I feel like he’d stay on earth. that's just my hunch tho idk 
and airazor!!! she is super cool, I like her design a lot. cool bord lady...the maximals definitely needed someone who could fly other than optimus (which, why can he fly, he’s a GORILLA). and airazor is dope, I hope she sticks around
also the pods are a great way to introduce new characters and create conflict - all the eps w/the pods have had great tension, and I like that the good guys don't always win (like when the predacons got a pod to make blackarachnia, and later inferno)
ah yes inferno, that was a fun one - I liked how he was more ant-like and that translated into him trying to protect the pod, calling it ‘the colony.’ he’s so massive for some reason which is kinda funny. also ruth and I both hate that he flies around with his spinning ant ass. cursed 
also ruth implored me to include the fact that we’ve been calling scorponok a beta cuck bc he’s just such a loser hbvjakhdsfnaks
on that note its sooo funny to me that literally all of the predacons aren't really loyal to megatron, w/the exception of scorponok, who isn't very useful anyways. like, we start the show off with dinobot defecting like IMMEDIATELY and all the other predacons are trying to take over or undermine megatrons authority constantly. he doesn't seem to care that much tho which is funny. I feel like they spread out the megatron-starscream dynamic from g1 throughout like all the predacons lmao 
also megatron is so funnyyyyyy I love him lmao. he’s so dramatic, he’s like a theater kid but more advanced - like a classically Shakespearian play actor. 
and I find it funny that megatron like, barely ever leaves the base?? he just kinda chills out there and sends his underlings to do stuff, which they’re almost never successful at accomplishing. I feel like megatron has participated in like 3 fights this whole time and almost never actively participates in the plot, unless the plot is taking place at the predacon base. I wonder if he’s busy plotting or something...
also ruth and I both noticed that the characterizations kinda changed around a little from the beginning, like rattrap being less mutinous, optimus being more understanding, etc; which tbh seems to be a bigger Thing in 90s/2000s cartoons (that is, the whole ‘not having the main cast’s characterizations nailed down at the beginning of the show’ thing)
ok what else has happened...I find it super funny that there's been TWO episodes where megatron tries to reprogram a maximal in some way to give the predacons an advantage, and both times it backfired spectacularly. like, didn't he learn from the first time!? 
the starscreams ghost ep was WILD omg. also I saw that that ep was up next and I was like ‘oh we should watch the g1 s3 ep where starscream is a ghost bc there might be important context we’ll need’ and ruth was like ok fine and then we watched it AND IT WAS SO BAD. MY GOD
like, we watched a fair amount of g1 before starting beast wars, and I’ve watched a couple s3 eps (which, I know s3 isn't as well regarded as the pre-movie stuff, but I guess I must have watched some of the better eps bc they weren't like THIS), so i knew this ep probably wouldn't be very good...but we were NOT prepared for the level of badness we were presented with vbahdjkfhbahsjkdf
I mean maybe we were missing in-show context, but also we just had no idea what was going on the entire time basically. the entire episode was so wack. the only takeaway I had is that octane and sandstorm are dating
anyways enough about g1. the beast wars starscreams ghost ep was actually good, I missed g1 starscream, that iconic bitch...none of the predacons are quite on his level in terms of sheer legendary bastard energies
I liked that blackarachnia was like starscreams protégé, complete with her betraying him at the end lmao 
also idk if this is something we’re supposed to know from the beginning, but ruth didn't realize that beast wars megatron and op aren't g1 megatron and op and she was like :0 when that was kinda revealed this ep - idk if that's a spoiler or not but I already knew that going in lol 
oh and the part where op said ‘LETS MAKE THIS A DOUBLE DATE’ and busted dinobot out of the cr chamber? Gay™
oh my god and that ep where the maximals were stuck in beast form and like, reverted to their animal instincts was...sure something vbhajdkfsnbskjf that was a lot 
it was like a much more goofy version of the stuff in animorphs about the characters being influenced by their animal morph’s instincts (which was almost always presented in an absolutely horrifying manner)
but yeah we have 6 eps left in the season (!!!) which we’re looking to finish soon, I’ll probably make another post for those eps and s1 in general woohoo
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