#so watching the show the first time i had a huge grudge against him
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Beast Wars Depth Charge
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chimychoo · 2 months
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Where do i begin?
So heres the thing, I watched TPOT 12 then took a shower right after. While taking said shower i took a moment to think about everything that went down. And thought of the wildest theory ever..
One and Three, right?
These two fellas have FINALLY appeared after 15 years! Why is that?
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Here is the scene when X found out their value: 7!
Four, Seven, and X are celebrating and generally very happy. Who isnt happy?
Three and one.
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Theyre clearly angered by this whole situation, but why? Who are they angry at?
Theres three possible options:
1. Seven. But that wouldnt make sense, huh? Basically every algebralien has SOME sort of grudge held against him, so its nothing new. Scratch that!
2. Four. Its possible, four has done alot of things. But thats not who im personally going to focus on. Well, partially at least.
That leaves one more person!
3. X. But why them?
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"Theyre just a little silly dude, they did nothing wrong!" And youre right. Thats exactly why theyre a target.
Youre probably wondering, why am i focusing on X, and not four? Four is more of a suspect, after all.
Think about it this way,
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Three is trapped in a prison inside of Four's school, so four put him there! (They are the only one with control over that place anyway.)
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One is trapped inside of the moon. There isnt really any solid proof to prove my theory with this one, but she came out during TPOT. She clearly had the ability to escape and didnt seem tired out and/or surprised that she finally left her prison. One actually seems happy and collected, even going as far as "greeting everyone" once she's out. She chose to come out at this time, just like how she chose to mess with Two's show.
One also confirmed that shes an "old friend of Two's." If One is suddenly against Two after all the years of them knowing each other, Two clearly did something to her.
And youre STILL probably wondering, "Chim! You still didnt explain what X has to do with all of this!"
Four and Two hate eachother, this hatred being caused by Two when they stole more than HALF of the bfb cast.
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(They seem to not be familiar with eachother when they "first" meet. Im not exactly sure why here HELP.)
But anyway!
Who does Four have a good friendship with? X!
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Who does Two have a good friendship with? Also X!
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X is what keeps them sane around eachother, the only main reason why they stick around.
If anything bad were to happen to X, Four and Two clearly have the power and ability to get back at whatever or WHOever caused this harm.
One and Three did something to X, and it resulted in Two and Four snapping.
Three has basically ZERO information on himself, we know nothing about the guy. But what we do know, is that hes agressive.
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In the Number Playground Chronicles, we get an article that explains an event that takes place, Three being apart of it. The article reads:
(To reduce confusion, ill be adding the names for you guys to differenciate whos who.)
"(Five)Integer did not pick up the ball when dropped, and Three Integer, the person playing with him, became impatient. (Five)Integer was angry at (Three)Integer because, Three Integer could simply pick up the ball and throw it to (Five)Integer, and (Three)Integer and (Five)Integer could keep playing.
The horrible, tragic incident happened at 10:13 AM. Three Integer became Upset.
Three Integer at 10:16, Angry.
Three Integer at 10:31, Furious.
Three Integer at 10:24, and "Foaming."
Three Integer at 10:39, when he started to produce smoke.
(Five)Integer picked up the ball at 6:17 PM."
This event did truly happen, we can see the beginning of it play out in the first few seconds of XFOHV:
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Three was so angry and REFUSED to even touch the ball. Five had to go pick it up themself HOURS after the incident.
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Three also WILLINGLY closed the cell door after it was opened. He couldve escaped, yet he didnt. I have two possible reasons for this:
1. He's afraid of Four catching him, so he followed orders and stayed put.
2. Three's gone insane after a decade and a half of being all alone, to the point that he WANTS to stay inside.
One seems like a friendly character, shes smiling in basically the ENTIRETY of her screentime, (minus the part when she conversed with Fanny.)
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But something about her smile isnt right, its almost disturbing. The way she grins in the oddest situations,
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She is seen with a list during the post-credits scene, with four names on it that are all crossed out, meaning they are "completed."
□ Bell.
□ Bomby.
□ Fanny.
□ Ice Cube.
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Notice how all four of these contestants were in some sort of distress during that moment, and One helped them out! In exchange for a "favor."
1. She helped Bell escape elimination by removing her string (something that annoyed Bell constantly due to contestants activley climbing it.) And hiding her.
2. She helped Bomby escape elimination by hiding him.
3. She gave Fanny a new mouth, discarding the need to spend hours at a time searching for it in the ocean.
4. She gave Ice Cube a new pair of legs, allowing her to walk again.
What exactly does One need these favors for? Revenge against Two, of course!
Theres a popular theory stating that Two was kicked out of the equation playground, this would clear up the confusion as to why they basically NEVER appear in the subscriber specials.
Maybe this is because Two hates math! They said it to Gaty in one of the episodes.
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I also believe that One was also kicked out. Why, you may ask?
Take a look at this scene in the beginning of TPOT 11:
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One's picture was hidden underneath Seven's. As if nobody(COUGH COUGH. Espcially four) wanted her to be mentioned so they simply hid her.
Maybe this is how One and Two became friends, two rejects.
1. How the HELL did One get a mouth and... legs?
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2. Judging by One's little room, she probably really likes space and astronomy, maybe thats way the moon was where she was sent.
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3. Kinda freaky to think that One was there in the moon the ENTIRE time. Throughout every single episode of the series from BFDI 1A to TPOT9, and we never knew.
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Yeah tbh idk what else to say this was just a little info dump cause my mind was PACKED. anyways yeah tell me if i missed anything anf let me know about your little theories and opinions on mine! :3
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
i hold it like a grudge - ch. 2
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I forgot to mention, the chapter titles/series name comes from the song, “the grudge.” I’d highly recommend listening to it at least once to get the feel I was going for in this fic, or at least what influenced parts of it.
table of contents try to be tough
It’s raining, not completely unusual for early August, and it feels like a reset. The air smells clean and fresh, and you know that it’s going to be a slow workday. You pull out your computer and check up on your online orders and update some posts on social media. You’re gaining serious traction, with reposts and likes from some American celebrities. Shit, with the way things are going, you could sell your flat and buy an actual house.
The grudge you hold against Jamie doesn’t seem so huge at the moment. It’s still there, but it no longer feels as though he pulled the rug out from under your feet. For the first time, you’re allowed to think about other things than the struggle he left you with. For example, why did he leave you in the first place? You hadn’t considered about it since cutting up everything he ever gave you, too busy with the all-consuming thought how will I survive?
It hurts, hurts much more than you think it still should. 
The two of you grew up together in the same council estate, right next to each other. You terrorized the neighbors while your mothers discussed money and shared food and scrounged together what they could to support both of you. 
When you got older and he was scouted for footie and headed for the academy, you still called him almost every day. He’d listened when you cried about your mum and watched her fade away right in front of you.
He’d gotten leave and come home for her funeral, and helped you pack everything up to either sell or to move next door with Georgie.
Jamie had been there for every part of your life, just as you’d been there for him when his dad came around, or he got yelled at by his teachers. 
He knew you, knew how much it meant that he stayed. Knew how much the support meant, and the way you both had clawed your way to get at least close to the top.
This plagues you as you wrap pickup orders for the day and place them in their spots behind the counter. 
You’re coming to the conclusion that he did it on purpose, that he must have known exactly what he was doing and somehow decided you deserved it, when a customer comes in out of the rain.
“Morning!” you say. “I have your order all ready for you. And it’s all paid for, so nothing else is needed on your end.”
Keeley says “Thanks,” with far less energy than she showed the other day with Jamie.
You ask, “You alright?” before you can stop yourself. 
She huffs out half a laugh. “Yeah, fucking great. Life’s just peachy at the moment, as I’m sure you’ve read in The Sun.”
You hadn’t, but you’ve a good guess what it has to say.
“I’m sorry,” you say as she takes the earrings. 
She just laughs again, short and grating. “Yeah. Y’know, I’ve been on all your socials. Read your website about empowering yourself and all that. Part of the reason why I wanted to come here, actually, y’know, fucking… girls supporting girls.”
You nod, unsure of what to say.
“I’m glad you’re getting the success you deserve, babes. Your bio said you went through a lot of shit to get here. Guess I’m still in my ‘lot of shit,’ part of life, you know? Anyway.” She goes to leave, jewelry tucked safely into her purse.
You think, fuck it.
“Keeley?” you ask hesitantly. She turns back around to face you.
“I just- I’ve been with someone who didn’t value me. Who didn’t hold himself accountable. It didn’t start that way at first, it was a lot of fun, but it ended up hurting me. I haven’t been able to trust anyone like that since, and I don’t want you to end up like me. You don’t have to stay with him. You can have a whole life all on your own, you know?”
Keeley gives you a small smile, says, “Thank you,” and heads out the door.
I deserved it.
Those words ring in your head as you walk home. You don’t bother to open your umbrella, opting to let the rain fall as it will in some form of absolution.
I deserved it.
You shut the door to your flat and drop your clothes on the way to the shower. You turn the knob to scalding, and let the suffocating steam fill the bathroom.
I deserved it.
The rain hits the roof with more force as you drink half a bottle of wine in lieu of dinner. It’ll hurt you tomorrow, but you don’t work tomorrow.
No. It’s 3am, and you’re awoken from vivid dreams of your mum and Georgie and Simon, of Keeley, and of fucking Jamie. 
No. You didn’t- you don’t deserve it. 
“No,” you say aloud. “I know how to swim. I made it.”
With that pronouncement, you pull your blankets tighter around you, slipping easily into a dream where your mum holds you and whispers, “I’m so proud of you.”
It’s another rainy day in Richmond. The sky is dark and cloudy, and you can hear the sound of drops hitting the pavement as soft music plays in the shop. You haven’t seen Jamie or Keeley in a while, but his face is stuck all over Richmond, just like you predicted. 
Every time you see it, you think a calm, fuck you and continue walking. You didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve you.
You’re working on an order when the door chimes and Keeley Jones breezes in.
“Hi, welcome back! Jamie buying you more jewelry?”
Keeley grimaces. “Broke up with him a bit ago, actually. Thought a lot about what you said about accountability, then a friend of mine used the exact same word. It’s a little bit shit, but like you said. I can have a whole life all on my own, yeah?”
“Yeah!” you hastily reassure. “I promise you, it’s fucking brill without him. Hard at first, but you have to know your value.”
She grins a little half-grin and places the Keeley earrings on the counter.
That’s not unexpected, people often want to get rid of gifts from their ex, but you do still have a business.
“I’m so sorry about your breakup, but we can’t really do returns. Everything’s custom, so…” you trail off.
“Oh!” Keeley says. “No, I actually came back because I really fucking love these earrings, and I want something else to go with it. What d’you recommend?”
“Oh!” you parrot. “Well, we have necklaces. The charms are the same style, I can make a mockup for you if you give me a minute.” You turn around to pull out some boxes, and hear the door jingle. The air in the room changes ever so slightly and you know without looking who has just stepped in.
Jamie looks back and forth between you and Keeley, like he didn’t expect to see either of you there. 
That fucking drowning feeling, the one you worked so hard to get over, comes back in full force. 
“Hey,” Jamie says hesitantly, “um, I’ll just-” 
He leaves as quick as he came.
Keeley gives you a strange look. “What the fuck?” she laughs. “Was he looking for me? How the fuck did he know where I was?”
You tear your eyes away from the space Jamie just occupied. It’s been what, a month since the first time he came into your shop? Longer? It feels right and wrong somehow, like it’s both at once; you and him, in the same room, just like it’s always been. Like no time has passed. 
But time has passed, and more importantly the time for you to respond to Keeley has passed. You’ve been quiet a beat longer than normal, and she catches it. Keeley’s a smart girl, smarter than she’s given credit for. She’s puzzling out all the information she has, and you can practically hear it all bouncing around in her mind.
Something clicks into place. You see it in the way Keeley’s entire expression changes. She claps a hand over her mouth and exclaims, “Oh shit!” 
You don’t have a a chance to say anything because she looks at you with horror in her eyes and says, “It was Jamie.”
“What do you mean?” you ask carefully. 
Keeley’s still processing. “It was Jamie,” she repeats. “That’s your ex. The one who didn’t hold himself accountable, the one you said cheated on you. Oh my god, I’m the other woman! How could I do that to you?”
Keeley is having an epiphany mixed with a heart attack.
“You didn’t know!” you argue. “You didn’t know, and you never would have done it if you had.”
“I’m so fucking sorry,” she moans.
You grab her arm. “Keeley. You. Didn’t. Know. It’s been over a year. I’m fine.”
She snaps out of it a little bit, but still looks dazed as she says, “Why the fuck have you been so sweet? You knew exactly who I was.”
You lift a shoulder. “Jamie… he’s like a magnet. I dunno. I get what it’s like when he looks at you, it’s like you can’t believe that someone that wonderful even notices you. And I guess I understand why he dumped me, you know? We’ve known each other since we were kids and it’s fine if you have a regular job, but if you’re a fucking Premier League footballer… probably best to stick with models.”
Keeley walks over to the door and flips the sign to “closed.”
You look at her quizzically, but she just leans against the door and whispers, “I didn’t know you knew each other that long.”
There’s no good response to that statement, so you chew on your lip. For a long moment, you two just stare at each other.
Finally you say, “Okay. Fuck this. We’re going to my flat and we’re going to eat a shit ton of food and get absolutely smashed.”
table of contents
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alphawolfstabs · 4 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT (js realize I have this horrible grudge on this guy's dad wtf)
Stuart Macher's face had been on national news for the past couple weeks, and Stu was feeling fantastic. When you first hear about his case you'd begin to wonder... "What's so special about him? He only killed his father." new reports could never do his story justice, but blame that on the police because they'd never show the public what Stuart had done to his father.
The way his face was completely disfigured, but to even say that was an understatement! The way the blood pulled in the man's poor caved in face, and only using a thermos his father had gotten for him when he was young. And the fact the police found his father’s blood under his fingernails, and all of it trailed up to his elbows like he was in a pool of it. The house was a wreck, easy to say his dad did not go down easy, a worthy fight Stuart thought.
Stuart was being brought into jail after being found guilty; he was such a cooperative and good little boy in court... A liar would say. When put on the stand he didn't say a fucking word, smiling when both his and the other lawyer began to lose their shit. He smirked at the thought while he stared down at his cuffed hands bruising just barely due to the police men putting them on tightly. Once he was brought to his cell, he was met with a roomie— well not really a roomie, a prison guard who was told to stand and watch Stu for the time being as he got settled in. After he was uncuffed, the guard who brought him to the cell warned the other about his conviction, what he had done to his dad. Billy glances at the prisoner, the boy looked about his age and Stu just dropped out of college after three years of it. Then the other guard walked off and to that Stu walked up to the bars. I mean, could anyone blame Stuart?
So, maybe Stu beat the shit out of his father because daddio flipped when he found gay porno mags under his bed, you gotta stand up to the Man, right? He stared at the cold face individual, the way the man didn't make another attempt to make eye contact and wearing a frown on his face. "Hey.." Stu flicked his hand out to him, pressing his face against the cold and unwelcoming bars. "What's your name, huh?" he smiled as the guard stood there unmoving, completely ignoring the prisoner. He huffed a little, this act was boring.
“Hey! William!” A prisoner had shouted from down the long and bare hallway of cells filled with men and boys in orange jumpsuits. The guard then turned his head to look down the hallway, bingo, Stu chuckles a little.
The prison guard Willaim Loomis was the son of Hank Loomis, the warden of the hellhole they put Stuart Macher in. There’s nothing too special about the place, the prisoners are shit and the prison guards are even shitter– maybe even worse than your average because of Warden Looms. William or Billy, didn’t plan on being in this shithole. Maybe when he was tiny and thought that being the warden would be the coolest thing ever but as he grew he had different desires. He really enjoyed the effects on movies, horror movies to be specific and he was going to head the film route until his father offered him a job at the prison. Billy didn’t want to go. He hated the idea of being in that place filled with shit heads who got caught because they suck. But after a couple of days which turned into months then years he became familiar with the prisoner and it turns out they like him a lot more than he thought they would. William thought being the warden’s kid meant he would have a huge target on his back.
Turns out if you give some guys packs of smokes, and porn mags of women, it can be pretty chill. He does favors for a lot of the guys stuck in here but in return he gets respect.
“Who’s the newbie?” The prisoner asked which led Billy to turn his head at Stu. Stu was still smiling, flashing his gums and teeth as he pulled his hands in to grip the bars tightly. Stuart just wanted to have fun.
“Some dumb fucking kid.” Billy said with disdain and to Billy’s luck Stuart's little act was dropped. The smile was gone and the grip on the bars loosened as he continued to press his face against the bars staring at the asshole. The guys started laughing and taunting Stu as they hit the bars and walls of their cells. It brought a little smirk to Bill’s face. He doesn’t know why but he just really wanted to fuck with this guy, they seem about the same age so it doesn’t really matter to William if this kid, what– Stuart? Respected him. He had an entire prison by his side… What’s this one time murderer gonna do? There's tons of murderers in this place that have killed people multiple times... And Billy has been wanting to push someone's buttons for a very long time. thats all i have thats whagt I wanna present to the class please!!!:D
I’m going insane. Did you know that? That I’m going insane??? IM ACTIVELY GOING INSANE DO YOU HEAR MY YELLING????
Goddd.. This is delicious. I’m grrr GRRR RGRRR AHLFSBLFBDKFNDKF
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Get a room you two and BONE
Part two of the Roc & Doc Series
Tim Rockford x plus size OFC (Doc)
Rating: Mature only because of some of the banter.
This blog is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 2.7k
Summary: It’s been a month since “The Case of the Vanishing Pens” had been solved. Things have changed somewhat between Tim and Doc. Are they both okay? Turns out, friends can suck sometimes.
Warnings: bad TV references, teasing, theft, angst?, mention of murder and STD, friends being menaces, the trench coat, bad singing, a murder threat (affectionately)
Notes: Originally, part two was going to be 7k of words. 😅 That was way too long so we’ll have a part two and three. I am working toward something. We’ll all find out when I get there. I’m fond of trench coats now. 😎 A huge smooch to @lady-bess who beta read for me and had some hilarious commentary. 🤣
The top item from the “what should go missing next” poll is in here! The runner ups are in part three. 🤭
Dividers are by the ever lovely @saradika-graphics
Main Masterlist / Tim Rockford Masterlist / Rock & Doc Series
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You and the detective had dinner three times a week and tried to alternate who pays. Tim had you pay the first time but he insisted on paying the others. It’s been a month since “The Case of the Vanishing Pens.” You told Tim that his jokes were as old as Columbo. He was not amused. Tim told you that he’s a classic like Columbo, and you need to show respect. And honestly, he’s more like Kojak - able to find a parking space anywhere in LA. You choked on your shrimp fried rice while sitting in the passenger seat of his car, he patted your back to try and help the piece of shrimp go down, it eventually did. 
“You’re not bald Rockford. Are you starting to go bald? Is that why you think you’re like Kojak?”, you asked, "going to start rocking three piece suits with a briefcase?”. Tim’s face freezes and he squints his eyes. 
“I will kick you out of my car and leave you at this restaurant Doc. Don’t joke about a man’s hair.”
“You wouldn’t dare, Kojak would never. If you’re going to be mad about it, don’t compare yourself to a famous bald TV detective. Stick with Columbo Rockford.” The two of you grinned at each other. Since the pen incident, it’s become even easier to joke with Tim. You feel you’ve grown somewhat closer to him, but you still won’t ask him anything personal. He doesn’t ask you those types of questions either. It crosses an imaginary line you both have drawn for yourselves.
Tim had told you that you didn’t need to pay, he’d been teasing you for stealing his pens, though he still doesn’t fully buy it was just about a menu. You had also told him, “no, we’re both city employees getting shit pay. We gotta split it, Tim.” He laughed and reluctantly agreed. So the two of you started alternating tabs. Why would you offer to pay when you clearly have some unnamed grudge against him (in his mind anyway)? Is this a ‘keep your friends close and enemies closer’ sort of deal? 
The answer doesn’t come to him as he finishes the last of his egg roll, some duck sauce is on his chin in his beard. With a moist towelette you pull from the depths of your tote bag, you dab his chin and succeed in getting the sauce off and making Tim re-evaluate what your end goal is. It’s too soft of a touch as you could have pushed his face as part of your teasing but you didn’t. You’ve given him small hip bumps in the autopsy room or even in your office. Those don’t feel intimate like this, maybe it’s because it’s his car or the lack of space. It’s dangerously close to the line he’s drawn in the sand with you. It’s times like these that Tim is thankful you don’t notice him clearing his throat or keeping his cafe brown eyes on you as you slurp your noodles. He’s thinking too much again.
Rockford ensures that you get back to your small car you call ‘the blueberry.’ The car suits your personality. It feels loud, quirky but not over the top, much like its owner. He never leaves before watching you pull out of the parking lot and make the right turn at the light. It’s then that he begins his own drive home. He sometimes has an inkling to text if you got home alright but he’s never texted you outside of work. Except the two times he picked you up tacos… alright, maybe it was four times, but limited to food options. Why is it so weird? 
Rockford sighs at the orange streetlights ahead of the hood of his old Ford Crown Victoria. His mind is on you again, but it’s just because you spend a lot of time with each other and you look a hell of a lot better than any of his other partners. Well, you’re not his partner but it kinda feels like it when he talks out cases with you. Stevenson is a solid partner, but he’s wet behind the ears and still learning quite a bit. You, on the other hand, listen. Look at him with genuine interest with questions that tell him you were indeed hearing him. Tim is in his driveway wondering if you’ve already walked up the two flights of stairs to your apartment. He knows you like music but what else do you like?
“Shit.” Rockford gets out of his car and enters his home, dropping off his trench coat and shoes near the door. He stretches out on the couch and flips on the TV. There should be something to watch. An episode of Kojak is in progress with him parking perfectly, getting out of the car, bald head shining with a three piece suit and his briefcase. “What are the chances…?”
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As promised, you brought him 4 boxes of pens over the months you’d been eating take out with him. He had nowhere to stick them and wondered if you were pranking him; you were not. You just felt bad about taking his pens for so long. You overdid it a bit, you explained and offered to hold some of them in your office. Tim declined and made room on the top of one of his file cabinets. Seeing something that you’d given him made him smile softly, before turning to face you, he cleared his throat and put his hands on those hips of his, saying he had work to do. You nodded and told him you’d see him around, you were sure there'd be more bodies to look at before long together. The detective sat at his desk and looked at the reports he needed to finish up, they suddenly seemed tedious. He’s wondering if he should have told you it would have been alright if you wanted to stay for a bit. Could have spoken to you while working on them to make the time go faster. Your absence is an issue for Tim. He’s got too many of those already.
Tim stopped by later in the evening to update you on what happened with the arsenic case. Turns out, the victim’s girlfriend had convinced him to become a pescatarian for better health. The girlfriend found out that the victim had two other lovers and had given them the clap (gonorrhea) in addition to her. The three happened to meet in the same clinic where they were getting tested. She had contacted those two after getting diagnosed as the name was different, but the physical description was the same as her boyfriend. It was then that the girlfriend started dosing his food to kill him. She told Tim and the other detectives that she wanted to watch him slowly die. She apparently laughed as they were taking her away in handcuffs. 
You are engrossed in the details. Tim tells you the entire thing from beginning to end, he adds in tidbits from his notes that wouldn’t be in any of your reports. Despite looking like he was tired of everyone’s bullshit ninety percent of the time, the detective was rather animated in explaining the case to you. He walked back and forth in your office and then placed his hands on the back of a chair while leaning in to go over how the dots were connected between the seemingly unrelated people. If the man wasn’t a detective, he should be a voice actor or teacher…you’re sure there’s a suitable profession you’re forgetting in between the options, whatever would warrant people listening to him for a while. 
Toward the end of Tim’s colorful retelling, Kim, one of the clerks and a friend of yours, stopped by the office. She was watching the two of you, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms. She would have made a joke about you getting yourself in Tim’s trench coat but knew you wouldn’t forgive her for saying it in front of the man that you swear you only have respect and adoration for. Kim had tried to get you to understand your feelings, to at least see that you may want to spend time outside of work with the famed detective. The time may include an actual date at some point.
You’d always told her that it was because he’s always been respectful toward you, and that he came by your office when he didn’t need to. Like today. Kim was sure you hadn’t asked for any follow up on the case, yet here Rockford is telling you about it and you’re giving him all his attention. It’s annoying to watch the two of you. Sure he might be older than you, but it’s less than ten years and she’s sure he doesn’t talk to his ex-wife at all. At one point the precinct did think they were going to get back together shortly after you’d become the new medical examiner five years ago but nothing ever came of it. Not that Kim kept that close on an eye on things for you.Thankfully, there’s only been rumors of maybe some women here and there. Detective Rockford is one who stays holster deep in murders and crime. Kim did have to agree with you on one thing, those holsters are a damn good look on the man. She understands why your eyes linger on him. Kim preferred her men to be on the skinny side so she could toss them around a bit - she can be a bit rough at times.
Waiting until Tim seemed finished with his story, Kim knocked on the open door so the two of you would hear her. 
“Hey Doc, Tim. What are you two crazy kids up to? Making some more dinner plans? Going to take it a step above take out and go to a place where there might be seats inside the restaurant?” The detective bit the side of his jaw which Kim was quick to notice and smirked. Like how does she not notice how bothered he is when anyone interrupts him speaking to her? Maybe Tim liked her stealing his pens? Hmm…that’s an idea.
Your face hardens at your friend’s joke and you start nervously pressing your hands together. At least it wasn’t the trenchcoat one she likes to make, thank goodness. Tim looked back at the door and stood up, shaking his head. 
“Hey Kim. Just knew Doc would want to hear how the case turned out. I’m going to head out Doc. I’m going to go make sure Stevenson isn’t still working on the homicide from last week. He makes fun of my chicken scratch, but he types slow as hell for someone fifteen years younger than me. Good night Doc, don’t steal anymore pens. I know she’ll be your accomplice.” Rockford nods, gives you a smile and once at the doorway, cuts his eyes at Kira before leaving. Your friend slides by Tim as he exits and plops down across from you and snickering. 
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“Did the famed detective get a bit pissed at me because I came between him and his dear Doc? For shame and I guess I did know you were taking his pens. To be fair, I did tell you to stop several times.” She playfully tapped her own hand as if she was being reprimanded. You sat back in your chair and shook your head. She’s been teasing you about this for as long as you had stolen that man’s pens well after. Tim didn’t tease you as much anymore. Well, sometimes, but only when you got in the car and he asked to see your hands to make sure you didn’t remove anything from his glove box or console.
“Could you just drop it? Please…what did you come here for Kim?”. 
“I came to remind you that this weekend is our friend’s engagement party. And before you start,” Kim reached out and took hold of Doc’s hand, “you’ve RSVPed, we bought an outfit a few weeks ago just for this party theme and I could give this back to one such man in a trench coat after you go.” Kim’s free hand exposed a little black book that Tim often carried everywhere for his notes. Your eyes are wide, it’s bad enough about the pens but it’s a funny joke now. His book?! 
“Dammit Kim, you need to give it back now!” Kim is shocked at your growl and lets go of your hand, holding tighter to the book. 
“No. You give it to him and say it fell out of his pocket or something. He has fifty places in that trench coat I could have been. I honestly think he likes it when you take his stuff.” She stood up and so did you, were you really going to fight her over this man’s book? “The fact that you’re this upset, proves my point. You need to talk to him, stop just watching him, have him take you to a place where you order and eat inside and maybe go to your place or his and-”
“Don’t finish that sentence. Just give me the book and maybe he won’t push for me to resign or be in a different county or something for harassment.” Your hands are on your head, running through how badly this could go. No matter how nice Tim is, taking that book is almost as bad as taking his tie or holsters. It’s a part of him. Though it would be kinda cool if you held it for a minute. No…no. You can’t go into that rabbit hole. That is reserved for when you’re in your apartment in your PJs and are sipping on some hot chocolate with some cookies. 
“You just need to bone….be on the desk and bone…maybe he keeps the trench coat on while you bone…I know he’s wearing the holsters when you bone…maybe you pull the hair he still has while you bone…you grab his biceps while you bone…”. Kim is singing horribly off key and if you weren’t so frustrated and anxious you’d tell her to shut it. But you need a laugh to release the tension in your body so you do, doubled over on your desk. Kim drops the black book before you and kisses your forehead.
“You just need a push to talk to him and you're already a bit of a thief. Just slip his book in his car the next time you two eat and talk to him. It’s not like people in the department don’t date. That’s how the captain met his wife.” She pats your head. “They fought over a stapler, she threw it at him. He said she had an excellent throwing arm. Love was in the air.” Kim did a jazz hand flourish and you look up, rolling your eyes.
“I would rather not be violent with the man. And I will not…bone him. Gah, you made me say it.” You shake your head and sit back and sigh. “Just please don’t push it. Can I just stay in my safe little bubble, please? Daydream about the man, why can’t I do that? Why will you not let me do that?” 
Kim sat back down and crossed her arms, sucking her teeth, “Real talk right now Doc. It’s not your job title that keeps you from talking to Tim. It’s that you’re scared that he might actually reciprocate your feelings and you may have to be in a relationship with a grown man with baggage, can hold a conversation with you and will be able to hold it down in the bedroom.” Your hands cover your face. You’re not discussing this at work. No…but you are. “Stop acting like you haven’t thought about it.” Kim laughs at your discomfort and embarrassment, but pauses to sneak a peek at her phone. “I would drop more truth bombs at you but I have to go. Tony’s here to pick me up. I will see you tomorrow and this weekend. Maybe one day you’ll have your detective use his investigative skills under a dress like that.”
“Please go to Tony before I have to call and tell him you're on my slab.”
“You’re too busy trying to find a way into a trench coat to worry about murdering me. Take care getting home.”
“I will never tell you anything again. Good night.”
Part One
Part Three
Keen moots who may want the trench coat on with nothing else 🧥:
@alltheglitterandtheroar @sin-djarin @morallyinept @yorksgirl @bitchwitch1981 @heareball @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @yorksgirl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @avastrasposts @clawdee @pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing @rhoorl @inept-the-magnificent @grogusmum @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey @laurfilijames @frenchiereading
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louisupdates · 2 years
The One Direction star has two principal loves: Ronaldinho and James Coppinger
Which was the first match that you ever went to?
I actually got into football quite late, when I started playing at around 11. There were a few Manchester United fans in the family, so the first match I ever went to was an unbelievable first game: the FA Cup fifth round tie against Arsenal in February 2003 - the match when Sir Alex Ferguson kicked the boot and hit David Beckham! My best memories come from Doncaster, who are the only club I support now. We had a fantastic League Cup run in 2005 - we beat Manchester City on penalties, then beat Aston Villa 3-0 and lost to Arsenal on penalties in the quarter-finals. That was my first real low as a football fan. I can remember walking back home absolutely gutted.
Who was your childhood hero and did you ever meet them?
James Coppinger is my club hero - he played at every level and really played for the badge. Everyone in Donny loves him and he’s a great bloke too. After I got into One Direction, I was lucky to meet him and played alongside him a couple of times in charity games. As a fan growing up watching him, that was amazing l. The best person I’ve ever met in football was Pele. I met him about four or five years ago and it was incredible - he had all these stories and we spoke for ages. He was lovely.
What has been your finest moment playing football?
I played in Soccer Aid and Ronaldinho tried to nutmeg me. I was all over his shirt, giving him no respect, and I just managed to nick the ball off him! There's a sick picture that I've seen of it.
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The other moment was when I was about 15. I started as a centre-back, but didn’t grow any taller so moved across to right-back, and scored the only Sunday League goal I ever scored. I’ll never forget it.
What do you like most about going to the match?
The whole atmosphere, that magic. When you have those experiences as a young lad, there’s an element of nostalgia each time you go into a football stadium.
Which players do you admire even though they’ve never played for your club?
As some of my family supported Manchester United, I was never allowed to like Thierry Henry, but those grudge matches against Arsenal were amazing. He was a serious player.
Where’s the best place you’ve ever watched a game?
The Bernabeu - it was Neymar’s first ever Clasico for Barcelona against Real Madrid, which is pretty special. It’s one of the bucket list fixtures to go to. When I was young, Doncaster signed me as a reserve player and I went to a pre-season training camp in Portugal. As a supporter of the club, that’s not something you’re normally privy to, so watching how the squad trained and prepared was fascinating.
A few years ago, you filmed a music video with Bebe Rexha on the pitch at Keepmoat Stadium. What was that like?
It was really important for me and my career. The reason I’m sat here today is because of Doncaster - it’s played a huge role. It’s who I am as a person and it’s what I write songs about. The fact that we were able to film the video at the Keepmoat, where I’ve spent many days and evenings, made it so special. It felt appropriate.
What’s your favourite football book?
It’s not a book, but FourFourTwo! I used to subscribe when I was younger. I’m not a big reader otherwise. I should be, but I’m not.
What’s been your worst experience at a game?
I was playing in a charity match at Celtic Park. I got the ball and turned to my right, then Gobby Agbonkhor come through the back of me and I tore my medial ligament. A combination of the impact and me being very unfit meant I ended up throwing up all over Celtic's stodium, which I know will please a lot of Rangers supporters.
Have any footballers been to a gig?
Paul Pogba came to a One Direction show once, that's the one that stands out - he was really sound. I won’t lie, I don’t think many footballers listen to One Direction songs.
What’s the strangest place you’ve ever met a footballer?
I was in this bar in South America and, purely by chance, Bryan Robson was there with a few friends. He was a bit drunk. We went straight over and he was nice, but it was one of those times where you think, “What is he doing here?!” [Laughs]
What’s the greatest goal you’ve ever seen live?
I was at Zlatan Ibrahimovic's debut for the LA Galaxy, because I spend some time over in Los Angeles. The LAFC keeper launched the ball upfield and it was cleared back to Zlatan about forty yards out. He watched it bounce and then smashed it over the keeper’s head - an unbelievable goal. I love him - I like a bit of s**thousery in my footballers, and he's always had that.
Who’s your current favourite player?
The obvious answer is Erling Haaland, because any fan seeing him rack up the goals this season has been totally in awe. Even if you support Manchester United, you watch him and think he's superb. But for me, Jude Bellingham. I’m so excited by Jude - he's been in brilliant form this season, even before the World Cup.
If you could drop yourself into your all-time five-a-side team, who would you be playing next to?
Well, I play at the back, so I want me and Rio Ferdinand. I'd pick Edwin van der Sar, he was a top keeper in his day, then in midfield I'd have Ronaldinho - I grew up loving his football. Up front, I'll go for Cristiano Ronaldo.
What’s the most important piece of memorabilia that you have?
I had a Doncaster home shirt as a kid that I associate with growing up. A few years ago, I bought the same shirt in my current size - it's special to me, and when I met Pele I asked him to sign it. That was the pinnacle.
[Thanks to TeamLouisMedia for the HD photo.]
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links to fourfourtwouk’s posts about Louis on Twitter and Instagram
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
I've been rewatching encantadia 2016 lately and this has been bugging me lately... This is about Lira's prophecy... First, is that she will bring encantadia to an era of peace and prosperity (hence "ang tagapagligtas ng encantadia".) And the second part which is "Her brother is the one "destined (itinakdang) to kill her. There are a lot of episodes that this was pointed out by both Cassiopeia and Ether. Like that episode when Ether was wiping everybody's memories of her because she was preparing her for the "person" that was meant to end her... This plot hole is still bugging me after all these years. What are your thoughts? Since Sanggre is now in the works, I wonder if they still can remember this... Because honestly, Lira was instrumental in bringing the sisters together but, watching closely, i think they would've still gotten back together with or without her...
For me, I think the reason why Lira didn't get to do much about her mission to reunite the Sang'gres and be the bringer of peace in the first half of the 2016 version (unlike its original counterpart), was that they were focused too much on the love triangle between Amihan, Ybrahim and Alena.
When Ether wiped out everyone's memory of Lira, I thought she'd use the opportunity to get closer to Pirena or...at least Alena and find ways to bring all four of them together. While I understand how desperate she was to make her family especially her parents remember her once more, I was kinda disappointed that she didn't think of her situation as a way to do what she's supposed to do.
As for the Sang'gres reuniting once more, I do agree that even without Lira, the sisters could have sorted things out and rebuilt their relationship on their own. They only needed time: for Alena to heal, for Pirena to be humbled, and for Danaya to soften up. Amihan never held grudges against her sisters despite all the pain she and her siblings went through, she waited for them and when the time came she welcomed them with open arms. Lira barely had anything to do with it.
Even in the war against Hagorn and the Hadezars, she really didn't do anything unlike the 2005 version when Lira didn't only succeed in reuniting the Sang'gres, she was the reason why other engkantados gained the courage to fight beside them.
Amihan ended up doing her daughter's mission, she was the real tagapagligtas and the bringer of peace (to be fair, Cassiopeia prophesized that Amihan was one of the leaders who will bring Hathoria down in one of the episodes).
When Amihan died in the second half of the show I was really hoping for a character development for her and Mira but alas, the screen writers killed her once more, then brought her back to life, then put her in a coma, and then brought her back at the finale.
Lira was one of my favourite characters in the original Encantadia saga but the 2016 version did her dirty.
As for Kahlil, he was just born to be a mere tool for everyone to use. I never liked how sad and tragic his story was even in the original and I was hoping for him to play a huge role at least in the second half of the show, but it never happened.
These siblings had so much potential, but they just wasted them which still makes me upset until now.
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dreamings-free · 2 years
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interview with Louis in the March issue of FourFourTwo magazine 2/2/23
full text under the cut..
by Paul Wilkes
Which was the first match that you ever went to?
I actually got into football quite late, when I started playing at around 11. There were a few Manchester United fans in the family, so the first match I ever went to was an unbelievable first game: the FA Cup fifth round tie against Arsenal in February 2003 – the match when Sir Alex Ferguson kicked the boot and hit David Beckham! My best memories come from Doncaster, who are the only club I support now. We had a fantastic League Cup run in 2005 – we beat Manchester City on penalties, then beat Aston Villa 3-0 and lost to Arsenal on penalties in the quarter-finals. That was my first real low as a football fan. I can remember walking back home absolutely gutted.
Who was your childhood hero and did you ever meet them?
James Coppinger is my club hero – he played at every level and really played for the badge. Everyone in Donny loves him and he’s a great bloke, too. After I got into One Direction, I was lucky to meet him and play alongside him a couple of times in charity games. As a fan growing up watching him, that was amazing. The best person I’ve ever met in football was Pele. I met him about four or five years ago and it was incredible – he had all these stories and we spoke for ages. He was lovely.
What’s been your finest moment playing football?
I played in Soccer Aid and Ronaldinho tried to nutmeg me. I was all over his shirt, giving him no respect, and I just managed to nick the ball off him! There’s a sick picture that I’ve seen of it [right]. The other moment was when I was about 15. I started as a centre-back, but didn’t grow any taller so moved across to right-back and scored the only Sunday League goal I ever scored. I’ll never forget it.
What do you like most about going to the match?
The whole atmosphere, that magic. When you have those experiences as a young lad, there’s an element of nostalgia each time you go inside a football stadium.
Which player do you admire even though they’ve never played for your club?
As some of my family supported Manchester United, I was never allowed to like Thierry Henry, but those grudge matches against Arsenal were amazing. He was a serious player.
Where’s the best place you’ve ever watched a game?
The Bernabeu – it was Neymar’s first ever Clasico for Barcelona against Real Madrid, which was pretty special. It’s one of the bucket list fixtures to go to. When I was young, Doncaster signed me as a reserve player and I went to a pre-season training camp in Portugal. As a supporter of the club, that’s not something you’re normally privy to, so watching how the squad trained and prepared was fascinating.
A few years ago, you filmed a music video with Bebe Rexha on the pitch at the Keepmoat Stadium. What was that like?
It was really important for me in my career. The reason I’m sat here today is because of Doncaster – it’s played a huge role. It’s who I am as a person and it’s what I write songs about. The fact we were able to film the video at the Keepmoat, where I’ve spent many days and evenings, made it so special. It felt appropriate.
What’s your favourite football book?
It’s not a book, but Fourfourtwo! I used to subscribe when I was younger. I’m not a big reader otherwise. I should be, but I’m not.
What’s been your worst experience at a game?
I was playing in a charity match at Celtic Park. I got the ball and turned to my right, then Gabby Agbonlahor came through the back of me and I tore my medial ligament. A combination of the impact and me being very unfit meant I ended up throwing up all over Celtic’s stadium, which I know will please a lot of Rangers supporters.
Have any footballers been to a gig?
Paul Pogba came to a One Direction show once, that’s the one that stands out – he was really sound. I won’t lie, I don’t think many footballers listen to One Direction songs.
Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever met a footballer?
I was in this bar somewhere in South America and, purely by chance, Bryan Robson was there with a few friends. He was a bit drunk. We went straight over and he was nice, but it was one of those times where you think, ‘What is he doing here?!’ [Laughs]
What’s the greatest goal you’ve ever seen live?
I was at Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s debut for LA Galaxy, because I spend some time over in Los Angeles. The LAFC keeper launched the ball upfield and it was cleared back to Zlatan about 40 yards out. He watched it bounce and then smashed it over the keeper’s head, an unbelievable goal. I love him – I like a bit of s**thousery in my footballers, and he’s always had that.
Who’s your current favourite player?
The obvious answer is Erling Haaland, because any fan seeing him rack up the goals this season has been totally in awe. Even if you support Manchester United, you watch him and think he’s superb. But for me, Jude Bellingham. I’m so excited by Jude – he’s been in brilliant form this season, even before the World Cup.
If you could drop yourself into your all-time five-a-side team, who would you be playing next to?
Well, I play at the back, so I want me and Rio Ferdinand. I’d pick Edwin van der Sar, he was a top keeper in his day, then in midfield I’d have Ronaldinho – I grew up loving his football. Up front, I’ll go for Cristiano Ronaldo.
What’s the most important piece of memorabilia that you have?
I had a Doncaster home shirt as a kid that I associate with growing up. A few years ago, I bought the same shirt in my current size – it’s special to me, and when I met Pele I asked him to sign it. That was the pinnacle.
Louis Tomlinson’s solo album, ‘Faith In The Future’, is available to buy now.
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minako85 · 1 year
Profile for my HL MC
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So yeah, someone asked me to see my HL MC backstory, and I thought, why not? No one will really care if I post it here. Also, is that a reference to FGO Moriarty? Yes it is, fight me.
Name: Mina Moriarty Age: 15 Year: 5th year Gender: Female Birthplace: Unknown Blood Status: Born from two muggle-born wizards parents. House: Ravenclaw Patronus: Butterfly
Born from two wizards, she grew up without any knowledge of the wizarding world due to her parents’ immense grudge against the wizarding community itself.
Mina’s father, William Moriarty, and his younger brother James, were two muggle orphans living in an orphanage since William was 6 years old and James was 4 years old. They both showed signs of magic at the same time, followed by another muggle-born young girl that was in the same orphanage as them, Merida.  William and Merida, that already had a very strong friendship, entered Hogwarts when they both turned 10 years old. James joined them two years later. William and Merida were sorted in Hufflepuff, and hoped to find a more welcoming and happy environment than the harsh orphanage life they lived until that moment. However, despite the better food and the warmth of the castle, they experienced a harsh life due to them being muggle born, and the fact that, sadly, both of them had really weak magical abilities, barely enough to pass most of their exams. This made William’s resentment and anger towards the world (and Merida’s own discomfort at it) grow even further. James’s enrollment into Hogwarts made it even worse. Sorted in Slytherin, James showed from the beginning a huge magical ability, a very quick intellect and a very ruthless nature. Whoever was bullying his brother and his dear friend Merida, that he considered like a sister, sooner or later met some accident, many times resulting in injuries of variable severity. No one ever found out, but James was behind all those accidents. William knew the truth, but instead of being grateful, his resentment and hate towards magic grew even more. He started to fear and despise his own brother, that was however just trying to protect them, even though extreme means.
When William and Merida, now officially a couple, graduated from Hogwarts they fled the country, leaving James behind, with just a very brief letter telling him that they wanted nothing more to do with him and the whole wizarding world. James was devastated, and swore to never get attached to anyone anymore. It would take at least 20 years before he would change his mind, meeting the woman that is now his wife.
William and Merida, unable to really flee from the wizarding world, accepted to be spies in the Muggle world. They traveled from place to place at the order of the Ministry to keep watch on Muggles activities, their own very weak magical ability being an asset in their line of work. William was as intelligent as his brother, and he ironically proved to be immensely useful to the very same Ministry he so much hated. When Mina was born, an unintended occurrence, both William and Merida hoped that their daughter could be a squib, without any magical ability. She wasn’t, and Mina showed very early signs of strong magic, which plunged them into despair. They decided to do something illegal, and blocked her powers with a potion that she had to drink every week.
Their wandering life continued until they both started to show signs of a common illness in the Muggle world, tuberculosis. William was the first to fall ill, and stubbornly refused to get any magical healing, prompting Merida to do the same. He was the first to die, leaving Merida, that was showing signs of the illness as well, to despair for her daughter’s future. She decided to go against William’s wishes, and searched for James. Or rather, his wife. She knew that he had married thanks to Colonel Moran, a common acquaintance that kept a close eye on William and Merida for James. Despite everything that happened between them, James never stopped keeping an eye out on his brother and his sister-in law. James had started a very profitable career as a criminal mastermind, and had amassed a great amount of wealth and power in both the Wizarding and Muggle’s criminal underworld. After his unexpected but happy marriage, he slowed down his activities and worked mostly as an arithmancy professor and a consultant for those that needed help outside the law.
Merida knew that James’ wife was a good woman, and pleaded her case. She was going to die, refusing magical healing, but she asked her sister in law to take care of her daughter. Mina had always been kept in the dark about everything, even the existence of her own uncle. James’ wife was indeed a good woman, and pleaded Merida’s case with her husband, telling him to not behave like his brother did, leaving the child alone and stranded. She was able to persuade him, and James accepted to take in a young, confused, grieving Mina when Merida died.
The first thing her aunt did was stopping the potion that blocked her powers, and taught her basic magic. James was not very sold on taking Mina in at first, but quickly grew to like his niece, a fellow curious soul that held no grudge towards him and actually was happy to know and live with them in a comfortable warm house, after years of traveling in whatever location the Ministry wanted them to. Her parents, especially her father William, had always been very stern and rigid with her, and the very carefree, laid back atmosphere at her uncle’s house was a very welcomed change. Despite her loss, she felt happier.
When Hogwarts admission letter came to them, James’ wife was skeptical, as she did not want Mina to think they were sending her away because they did not want her, but Mina was very happy. Going to Hogwarts would mean learning more and having friends, something she never had, but always wanted to. Her aunt asked Professor Fig, the husband of a researcher that she had met at work, and now professor at Hogwarts, to tutor her full time in preparation of her enrollment. Fig was happy to accept, and so Mina was tutored all summer by him, as well by her own uncle and aunt, before officially enrolling in Hogwarts.
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || Part 13: On The Hunt: Assault on The Mansion Pt. 1
Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun! And I’m here to write part one of this drabble volume. Part 2 would be written by my lovely rp partner, @the-silver-peahen-residence so I’m setting the mood and setting up for her to go from there! 
Have a great reading! If you need to catch up, please read the previous chapters below.
Part 1
Part 2 - New Challenger
Part 3 - Planning Operation Party B̶a̶c̶h̶e̶l̶o̶r̶e̶t̶t̶e̶
Part 4-   Party Time Descending Into Chaos
Part 5 - Party Rumble - ( Part was Written by me. :)  )
Part 6 - How to Settle This
Part 7 - Love Jeopardy
Part 8 - Love Jeopardy Second Half
Part 9 - The game wars
Part 10 - Resolution???
Part 11 - Peak of Anger
Part 12 - Head Hunt
------ Summary ----
After the attack on the party and getting the intel based on the evidence and statements from the captured mercernaries. The boys and the fraction leaders are having a plan in motion through Dazai and Eraserhead’s briefing. 
Enjoy the show!!
----- Four Months Later ----
In the criminal underworld, a hitman approaches a client who is sitting at the table inside a dive bar. He is fidgeting and nervous. This must be his first time.
“Alright. I got your call. What’s the job?”
“This one....you gotta kill this monster. I hear you’re the best at what you do..” The client passes a photo. A bounty. The hitman looks over the name and wide his eyes slightly.
The 20-something client chuckles. “Got your attention, huh? Good. Do this and you get-”
“Forget it.” The hitman cuts him off. 
“Huh?! Why?! This damn lizard and their damn team cost me my weapon-smuggling business!!!” The client yelled.
“Do you have any idea who this person is?” The hitman sighed, tapping on the photo.
“Yeah. Van Ink The Dragon. I heard she lead a bunch of punks acting like pro-heroes without licenses, taking down bad guys. They’re nothing compare to you!”
“And you already heard that she took down that anti pro-hero, Iron Titan, right? Fought Killer Night a year ago. And a few others?” The hitman wrinkles his cigarette in annoyance. “Yeah but those guys are-” The client argues but the hitman cuts him off
“Then forget it. Just take the loss and move on. Van Ink The Dragon isn’t someone you want to mess or else the Six Claws will go after you and makes sure you will regret.” The hitman tells him.
“The what-now?” The client blinks stupidly. 
“Ugh...I’m going to tell you what happened the last time when someone who tried to target Van Ink The Dragon. Wanna know what happened?”
“Fine! Can’t it be that bad...” The client huffs, crossing his arms. “Heh. You got no idea...” The hitman begins to tell the story of The Dragon and her Six Claws. “
It took time but thanks to the efforts of Mouse and Fosh with the support of ADA and a few pro-heroes such as Eraserhead. They found the identity of the person who send the mercenaries: Ray Decham. Said to be businessman whose hobbies are hunting, art collecting and is known for a money-laundering business and smuggling naroctics. He looks to be in his late twenties or early thrities, has a knack for throwing huge auction parties. He had that look that similar to a lackey from a Yazuka gang. He has pericngs on his ears as he has boastful look. 
A meeting is being held in a huge office by the ADA who find proof along with Eraserhead and Dazai who are spearheading the investigation behind the incident. 
The fraction leaders are in the meeting in person while their core teammates are watching via online. The DBT are also in person as well as they want to take down the ones responsible. Ink is in the hospital, is fine but unconscious so it’s going to take time for her to wake up. 
Dazai briefed that the motive is that Ray targeted Ink not only for the bounty but he has a reputation in underworld saying that he will take down the Dragon and he has a few friends who have a grudge against her for indirectly messing with their illegal business and he works with a doctor, Adam Ripper who is seen with him on a patio in a photograph having wine. Adam Ripper, an infamous doctor who has a reputation in illegal organ trafficking and his hobby of occult. Dazai theorized that Adam wants Ink or rather her power due to Adam’s pervious crimes. 
So in short, Decham works with Ripper. Decham hired the mercs as he has money as he wants the reputation to take down the famed Van Ink The Dragon and Adam gets to keep her body if succeeded! This got everyone disgusted besides Dazai and Eraserhead who kept a serious straight face. 
But man....they did not take in account for the six who cared about Ink so deeply or the fact their plan failed miserably the moment their hired goons attacked the party the other night.
As the meeting went on, the fraction leaders sense something off. Or rather....everyone in the room knew. The DBT and other fraction leaders can sense the anger and fury, especially Kali. She can sense how angry the boys were. Atsushi gave Dazai notes but she can tell how quiet and eerily calm he is. She sees glimpses of his tiger eyes time from time when Dazai explained the motive of these two men. Rin and Yukio are here too. Yukio had to look towards his brother a few times in concern when Rin keep his mouth shut. Kali can tell he is snarling right now, holding it in. 
Denji and Ren are with the DBT on request to which the fraction allowed them so. Denji muttering something under breath. ‘Fucking bastards..’ and whatnot as he gripping his arms tightly as he is gritting his teeth. 
Ren was silent more than usual. He zeroed in the faces of Ray Decham and Adam Ripper when Dazai summarizes the motives of these two men like he is going to murder them in their sleep. 
But it’s nothing compare to the two upcoming pro-heroes of UA. Midoriya and Bakugo.
 Bakugo hasn’t said one curse throughout this meeting. Not one. There is no outburst from him that disrupts Dazai and Eraserhead’s briefing. Which is worrying DBT and the fraction leaders.  But Midoriya? Yeah, they all FEEL that he’s pissed off because he is not saying a word and he held a blank face.
He hasn’t said one word until he asked.
“So where is Ray Decham located?” Midoriya asked calmly. There is no emotion in his voice. But damn, his voice can cut the tension with a knife, which made the fraction leaders startled. Yuuka, who knew Midoriya, who is not known for anger in class 1-A. He is a happy green bean who is so cheerful and inspires everyone, so hearing him speak like this scares her a little. 
‘Damn....these guys are PISSSSED.’ Fin thought, now pitying any SOBs who tried this shit now.
Guam gulped a little while Joshua and Rex are comforting Ashely, who is now worried about the mission.
“As you can see, this is where Ray lives. In the South Bronx, like the mercenary leader has stated. However...he has a few properties; a mansion in Riverdale which is straight north from the South Bronx. Not too far, another in the Hamptons, and one in Yonkers.” Eraserhead said before listing other properties.
“So the guy is lying-?” Denji growled, now wishing to chop the bastard’s dick off. 
“No, the GPS is correct. The location acts as a checkpoint. Endeavor has arrested his associates who hand in giving the mercs weaponry and has given up Aaron’s whereabouts to us.” Eraserhead added. “We checked the properties with other fraction and it leaves Riverdale. Given the structure of the mansion, it is said to be that Decham lives on this property.
"That said, we have you two along with Atsushi, Rin and the DBT to go to Riverdale and apphrend Decham. We have yet to find Adam Ripper..."Dazai said. 
This got the fraction leaders.
“Wait...are we not participating in this?” Rex asked. 
“Oh no! I think it’s best if we leave in their hands.” Dazai smiles with a laugh. As if he knew what the six are capable of right now. 
‘In their hands???’ Yuuka thought. Knowing Midoriya and Bakguo, they’re top of their class and work under Endeavor so they’re more than capable. So they can handle them. Atsushi? He’s good and he can transforms into a weretiger. She heard Fin that he made some good progress Not sure about Ren but she heard good things about him from Oblivion. Rin? He has a demon sword and can set things on fire. Denji. After what his idea of busting the mercernaries’ balls in getting them to talk?! Yeah...these guys are going to tear the place up. And nothing will stop them.
“Now let’s get this mission on the road!” Dazai laughed.
The fraction leaders has a feeling that Dazai is going to enjoy the destruction oif Ray Decham and his estate. Just like him, Kali nods. “Okay let’s do it. I will accompany them. We have rides! Bernard and Welsey can drive them there.”
“Jaron recovered so he can drive us there as well.” Shdwkyz stated. 
“Hm...” Ren nods. And so the mission begins.
-------- Ray’s Mansion, Riverdale, Bronx -------
There were guards stationed around the manison and inside. There were maids and bulters around doing their routine of housekeeping. Further down the hall, Ray Decham is on a phone call near the pool at his backyard, talking to someone. “No. I haven’t heard anything from Condor and his team. yet” He said. “Huh?! You’re saying they failed?! How?! You said these guys are pros at what they do, Ripper! Tch. Those guys aren’t going to talk. Or else they can forget about being paid! Huh? Go with the back-up plan. Yeah, okay! That’s fine. I will do that.” Ray then blinks. 
“Huh?! You’re leaving?! But what about the dragon?!”
Then he heard a loud explosion that made him stagger, making lose his balance and sits down on a chair. 
“What the fu-” Ray heard it before he hears another explosion. A terrorist attack?! There is shouting and gunshots running out the building. 
“B-boss! We’re under attack!!” Said a guard as he bursts through the doors. There were booming sounds and yelling as the guards were trying to fight something or someone. 
“Hah!?! Under attacked?! By who?!” Ray asked. “The pro-heroes?!”
“Yeah...but uh..”
“Yeah but what?!” Ray demanded to know what’s going on.
“There’s six of them!” The guard cried. 
“SIX?!” Ray yelled in disbelief. 
----- Outside of the Ray’s Property ------
“Well shit! They go through the front?!” Kali said watching this thanks to Mouse and Fosh’s drones who is recording this on the scene. She is eating popcorn and passing this to Oblivion and Rust who are invested in this. 
“I have my money on Atsushi here!” Dazai laughed, watching unfold. He is going to supervising this. Of course....
“I go with Bakugo...” Maggie said.
“Nah...Denji!” Rust said. 
“You guys...” Fosh sighed while Yuuka sighs, “Can you guys take this seriously?!” This is serious but then again. Seeing how the guys took out professional mercernaries. Those guards are no match for them. 
“This is going to be itneresting.” Hellmare said while sipping her frappe. “How much damage are they going to inflict.”
“Till the place in rubble.” Oblivion said.
“Yeah...no doubt about that.” Shdwkyz said. “They’re going to tear the place apart in search of Decham.” 
“Shit.....” Navarro slumped his shoulders. He is thanking god that these guys are not the enemy because holy shit. They are fucking everyone up except for the housekeeping staff. They got fuck of there and went into hiding. 
Navarro can hear the yelling from here.
And so the assualt on the manison begins....
To be continue.
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knifedog · 3 months
Lmao I can’t believe I missed you saying that you watched Kubo and the Two Strings last month - that was my MOVIE when it first came out!! I actually decided to rewatch it after seeing your post, and yeah that last shot of Kubo with his mom and dad’s human SPIRITS smiling at each other and then the audience after everything that happened was just plain mean of the movie makers, no way they didn’t know what they were doing with that XD
(Warning and apologies for the following movie rant that this rewatch awakened in me) What did you think of the Moon King and the Sisters? I thought they were AWESOME villains the first time I saw this in theaters, PLUS it turns out that they’ve got really good rewatch value. In the Sisters’ case, it makes total sense now why the chain-wielding Sister at the boat freaked out and lunged at Beetle when she first saw him. And then there’s the smoking, sword-wielding Sister rubbing him actually being Hanzo in his face at the fortress trap and waiting until he was sharing a tender moment with his son to get back up and kill him for good. These two have a GRUDGE™. In the Moon King’s case, him visiting Kubo’s dream pretending to be a blind seer was actually pretty smart; Kubo of course had no way of knowing what his grandfather looks like at that point, and the Moon King made their meeting spot out of origami paper and was playing his personal shamisen like Kubo always does to make him more comfortable and likely to trust the dream.
SPEAKING OF THE SECOND SISTER AND THE MOON KING, I completely forgot that these two both straight-up backhanded Kubo when he fought back against them?? Hard enough that he blacked out for at least a solid minute each time??? Like, after Kubo swipes at his Aunt’s face with his shamisen pick when she’s about to RIP HIS OTHER EYE OUT, she full-on screams in a rage before smacking him?? Like girl what did you think he was gonna do - you’re standing here GIGGLING about this eye horror shit you’re about to do to your 11-12 YEAR OLD NEPHEW like it’s a game, but all of a sudden there’s a huge problem just ‘cause he broke your mask and pipe in self-defense?? And then she just kinda looks at him on the ground for a moment right before Monkey Mom rushes over with the Sword Unbreakable - YEAH BITCH HE DID A WHOLE FLIP FROM HOW HARD YOU HIT HIM WHAT YOU DIDN’T THINK THAT WOULD HAPPEN OR YOU JUST REALIZED WHAT YOU DID OR WHAT WHAT’S THAT STUPID SORTA-STUNNED-BUT-STILL-ANGRY LOOK FOR!?!
AND WHEN THE MOON KING FINALLY SHOWS UP IN PERSON he’s all amicable and shit like Kubo didn’t lose both his parents all over again all at once and his veneer keeps cracking when Kubo brings up totally valid points that he doesn’t like and when Kubo’s fully fed up and full of rage and like “I’m legit gonna try to kill you now” he’s like “oh how mortal very well” before going literal beast mode and then SQUEEZING Kubo in his creepy tail-hand once he nabs him right before BACKHANDING HIM LITERALLY ACROSS THE WHOLE FOREST THANK GOODNESS KUBO’S A LITERAL DEMIGOD OR HE WOULD’VE BEEN KILLED RIGHT THEN. And SPEAKING OF KILLING I was SURE that the Moon Beast was trying to kill Kubo in return at this point but I misremembered that too?? Because when he corners Kubo as he’s letting go of his anger near the river where the Sisters first showed up he’s all “now take one last look with that lonely eye at this wretched place” and Kubo replies quote “I’m not leaving” with a bunch of stuff about how he can still see with one eye the beauty of the world despite the awful stuff just like his parents did and the Moon Beast replies quote “Then I’ll just have to rip it right out of your head again, won’t I?!” SO HE ACTUALLY STILL WANTS TO TAKE KUBO TO BE PART OF HIS FAMILY IN THE HEAVENS EVEN WHILE DOING ALL THE SHIT HE DID NOT TWO MINUTES AGO, AND THEN HE’S ALL QUOTE “Everything you loved is gone! Everything you knew has been taken from you!” YEAH IT WAS TAKEN BY YOU AND YOUR TWO OTHER DAUGHTERS AND YET YOU’RE TRYING TO CONVINCE YOUR GRANDSON INTO GOING WITH YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF SIMULTANEOUSLY TRYING TO FORCE HIM BY PHYSICALLY ATTACKING HIM AND ARE UPSET IT’S NOT WORKING???
The first Sister isn’t even exempt from this behavior just because she doesn’t have any one-on-one interaction with Kubo since she was giggling right along with her twin when they first met him. The interesting thing is that SHE ALSO shows signs of personally wanting Kubo in the family since both her and her twin said quote “We’re here, Kubo. You’re family has come for you.” when he was running away and tripped at the bridge on top of having HER OWN moment of being pissed that he wasn’t cooperating when she found his drinking gourd in in the snow and said quote “He’s searching for the armor, just like his insolent father.” sounding all irritated/hurt/disappointed??
My thing with the three Moon Family members upon rewatch is that all three of them are obviously abusive and take sadistic joy in what they’re doing yet genuinely want Kubo to be part of their family, try to “comfort” and/or convince him in the middle of what they’re doing (the above example with both Sisters at the bridge plus the second Sister brushing Kubo’s cheek with her hand and shushing him when she’s about to take his other eye plus the Moon King trying to convince him with his words twice, calmly when they first meet and frustratedly near the end) and are pissed that he doesn’t want to go with them all at the EXACT same time?? I’m not bad-angry with it either as if it were bad writing since people like this honest-to-God exist in real life and the Laika writers consistently establish the Moon Family as being this way throughout the movie so you know that’s what they’re going for; I’m good-angry with the characters themselves because - once more with feeling - 👏 what 👏 did 👏 you 👏 think 👏 he 👏 was 👏 gonna 👏 do?? Like I totally get why Monkey Mom had to clarify to Kubo that the Moon King doesn’t hate him (I also misremembered that scene as Kubo asking her “Does Grandfather hate me?” when he actually asked “Why does Grandfather hate me?” like little boy had fully come to that conclusion all on his own at that point in the movie) as well as her comment to the second Sister saying quote “I think we have very different definitions of family” because the mixed signals are really something else?? I don’t know whether it’s because they’re actual malignant sociopaths or because they’re a literally immortal, human-looking godly species or both but I’m just gonna end this by saying kudos to Laika for looking at Even Evil Has Loved Ones, looking back at the movie they’re in the middle of making, and going “yeah, we’re gonna play this trope straight but in the exact opposite of the wholesome and heartwarming read of it 😈” for the SECOND time now.
oh! I love the enthusiasm! I really really really enjoyed the movie, I loved all the characters and character designs. The beats in the movie were great. All the fights were great. It really feels like a movie worth rewatching to notice the interactions now that you know the twist! i just wanted something from kubo mourning the loss of both his human family and his celestial family. he's like twelve? and he's lost everyone he's related to, even if they were trying to kill him. it sounds like he would've wanted all of them in his life if possible. and now he's left with nobody in the whole wide world, or at least he thinks so. I would've loved the finale scene of kubo being devastated of losing all his family and then the village seeing what happened basically adopt him. you know the whole 'your family doesnt have to be who you are born too. your family can be the people around you' the villlagers already like kubo the just never understood why he had to leave before sun down.
its just kinda weird that scene goes to the grandfather when he becomes human.
and I don't mind the darkness! i think it's good for kids to have that!! I just want some balance where it's ok to have loss there's always going to be people around you to help pick up the pieces!
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teconkaals · 1 year
Walking With A Ghost Chapter 6
A small emptiness settled in his chest, a feeling that had nothing to do with his injuries. Ghost closed his eyes for a moment when he understood that it was his desire to live. To be happy. For the first time in many years, Simon didn't want to die.
Makarov has a grudge against someone who is being held in a gulag: Prisoner 627. So, Task Force 141 heads there to find him before he does. A turn of events causes things not to turn out as expected.
AO3 Chapter link: Chapter 6 - Darnkess
Fanfic Masterlist: Here
Next Chapter: Chapter 7 - Downed
Previous Chapter: Chapter 5 - Nightmare
Wordcount: 4568
Rating: Mature
Tags of the fanfic (some of them): hurt/comfort, taking care of each other, blood and violence, happy ending, non explicit sex
A/N: It's a short chapter, but intense. Full of action, typical game violence and suffering. Because we have come here to suffer.
I don’t give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform (I’m publishing on my Ao3 account both English and Spanish).
Ghost could feel the tension as soon as he stepped into the room. Price's face didn't help either: he had a grim expression and was staring at the laptop, frowning in that familiar look Simon knew so well. Something important had happened and it was not good.
He took a deep breath and approached Soap, leaving one of the coffees he was carrying in front of him, distracted by trying to find out what was going on. Simon sat next to him and looked at his friend when he snorted. John leaned over him and took the other coffee from his hand, giving him the one he had left on the table.
“Although I respect you for drinking your coffee like the barbarians, I don't need you to try to convince me to do the same, thanks.”
Simon glanced at him, a half smile beneath his mask.
“It's you who destroys its flavor with so much sugar.”
“Sugar is the joy of life, LT.” He replied with a huge smile.
Ghost chuckled softly making both Price and Gaz look at him in surprise. And no wonder, Simon didn't laugh often. In fact, he was sure it was the first time Gaz had heard him and they had been partners for three years. Ghost couldn't help it either, Soap's presence had a calming healing effect on him that he never thought possible to have again. When they were together, he felt that the wounds hurt less, that the burden on his shoulders was lighter and, during those moments, he believed that he could be happy. That he could leave the demons behind and live a normal life.
Well, everything normal for a soldier.
Still smiling, he lifted his mask up a bit and sipped his coffee. Price smiled for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and typing again on the computer. The huge screen it was connected to flickered and Laswell appeared on it.
Definitely, something big had happened.
Simon had been a bit out of touch for the past couple of weeks. Although they didn't always see each other outside of work, he and John had started spending more time together, and it had taken him off the news.
“It has to be something important for you to be here, Laswell,” Gaz commented, leaning back against the chair.
“I'm afraid so,” she sighed. “Pass it on, John.”
Price tapped quickly on his laptop, and Laswell's image faded into the background as a recording filled the screen. It belonged to a surveillance camera, so the quality wasn't great; however, Ghost sensed that they didn't need it to look good. The static image showed what appeared to be a station, or something similar, with various groups of civilians.
“What you're going to see happened a few hours ago at the Domodedovo International Airport, in Moscow,” Price commented, hitting a key.
The video started playing and the room went silent. It had no audio and Ghost didn't miss it as he saw a small group, dressed in black, open fire on the civilians. His jaw clenched as he watched men, women and children fall under the bursts of automatic rifles.
“Makarov?” He asked tentatively as the video stopped.
Price nodded and tapped again on the laptop. A photo of the terrorist appeared over the video, along with another man Ghost didn’t recognize.
“He's one of them,” he pointed at one of the group. “The other one is Joseph Allen.”
“Allen?” Gaz repeated, frowning. “It’s not a Russian name.”
“He's American,” Laswell replied. “One of… our men. A ranger chosen to infiltrate Makarov's group.”
“Something tells me it didn't turn out all that well,” Soap commented, crossing his arms.
Price took a deep breath and shook his head.
“Makarov killed him before fleeing the airport.”
“He left it there to incriminate the United States,” added Laswell. “All the weapons used in the shooting are American. And witnesses say they all spoke English.”
“Russians won’t leave this message unanswered,” Ghost remarked, fiddling with his coffee. “Makarov knew what he was doing when he left the body there. Things are going to get very ugly from now on.”
“That’s if it doesn't lead to a world war,” Soap snarled.
“We've been digging,” Laswell commented, fixing her gaze on a tablet in front of her, “and we've found the dealer who sold them the weapons.”
“König?” Ghost asked.
“No,” Price responded instantly, looking at him carefully. “Alejandro Rojas, a slippery guy that the CIA caught in Rio de Janeiro.”
A photo of a man appeared on the screen and Ghost looked at it without any interest. Hispanic. That left König out of the equation, and Simon bit back a snort. Ever since he saw him in the Ukraine, he had hoped that their paths would cross again, but it seems König’s dealings with Makarov might be over.
In that case, I'll go find it myself, he thought angrily. I won’t rest until I see him dead.
“Well, what did he say?” Gaz wanted to know. “Because I don't think the CIA has sat idly by.”
“We’ve interrogated him, yes,” Laswell agreed. “He revealed that there's a guy locked up in a gulag who Makarov hates more than the Americans. If he's got his eye on him, we'll go after this guy and use him as bait to catch him.”
“Some guy in a gulag?” Soap asked.
“Prisoner 6-2-7,” Price replied, resting his elbows on the table. “We don't know who he is, but we'll find out.”
“So what's the plan?” Ghost wanted to know.
“We’ll split into several groups,” the Captain replied. “We'll go through the bloody castle, find the prisoner, and take off with him.”
“That place is a fucking fortress,” Gaz pointed out, “how are we going to get in?”
“Down the drains,” this time it was Laswell who answered. “Our informants assure that there are broken walls through which you can enter.”
“Sounds too good to be true,” Ghost snarled, cocking his head.
“It's all we've got,” Price replied. “If that fails, we'll blast our way through. We won't return empty-handed. We leave first thing in the morning. Rest up.”
They got up and left the room. Ghost didn't quite like the plan, but he understood there was no other way, and he knew Price was aware of it. Both the Task Force, and the SAS, were made up of good soldiers who could hold off whatever Russian forces were there. Still, lives would be lost. He looked to his side, to the place where Soap was talking to Gaz, and felt a stab of fear. Death didn’t scare him, nor did the loss itself because he had suffered many throughout his life; however, he didn't want anything to happen to Soap. He was young and full of life. He shouldn't die on the battlefield. Not so soon.
He got distracted as soon as they started preparing and checking the equipment. This mechanical task helped clear his mind for a while, and he tried to keep it that way through dinner in the mess hall. His mates were talking to the soldiers about the mission while he half-listened. Simon glanced at Soap as John dropped a knee against his, giving him an encouraging half smile before continuing to speak to Gaz. Ghost's chest warmed at the gesture and he was once again amazed at Soap's ability to tell his mood, even with his balaclava on. After so much time working together, the Scot must have noticed his body language so much that he was able to tell how Ghost was. Simon smiled a little, realizing that he'd forgotten that Soap was a keen observer.
“Mind if I sleep with you today?” John asked as soon as they left the mess hall and said goodbye to Gaz and the rest of the soldiers. Ghost glanced at him and Soap smiled. “I don't feel like driving,” he added simply.
“The bed isn't very big,” Simon commented, instantly regretting it. “I mean, we'll be very tight.”
“I don't think that's a problem,” Soap chuckled.
Ghost cursed himself for being so clumsy and they walked to his room. He let him through, making sure no one saw them, and he took off his mask as he entered, running a hand through his hair as he headed for the closet.
“Do you want a shirt to sleep in?” He asked Soap. “It's colder here than at your house.”
“There's no need. Besides, I know you'd rather I didn't take it.”
Simon looked at him, raising his eyebrows, and Soap laughed.
“I don't mean anything sexual. Do you think I haven't noticed that your temperature is way below mine? I know you hug me because I'm a human stove.”
“Well, it's one of the reasons,” Simon huffed, amused, and moved closer to kiss him on the forehead.
They got into bed and John hugged him, pulling him to his chest and kissing his shoulder. Simon took a deep breath, relaxing as he felt the warmth of Soap's body close to him. The Scot caressed his hair and his chest, gently, and Simon ended up sleeping almost without realizing it.
Ghost glanced over his shoulder to see that Gaz was following him. The sergeant was a few paces behind him, watching his six, just as alert as he was. Simon sighed, adjusted his night vision goggles better, and continued down the tunnel.
They hadn't had too much trouble getting into the gulag. The information that Laswell handled turned out to be correct, so they could slip through the drains without major setbacks. The place wasn't heavily guarded either, so they were able to move quickly, taking out the few guards there. As they neared his destination, Ghost tried not to think about the pain in his legs from the cold. As might be expected, the sewers weren't dry, so they were forced to wade through sewage for a long way, getting soaked up to their knees. So, apart from the stink, they had to deal with wet clothes in the middle of Russian November. If they didn't catch pneumonia with that, they wouldn't catch it with anything.
He stopped at a corner and looked both ways. Clear. Same as the last three forks.
Ghost snorted. On one hand, he understood that the place was nearly deserted, that castle was lost in the middle of nowhere; a grave full of living dead prisoners, people who were locked away to be forgotten. However, the ideal was to ensure that no one could find them. Not even a well-trained platoon of soldiers. The realization of that had caused his stomach to twist with tension. And, as if that weren't enough, the feeling that the mission wasn’t going to end well settled on his shoulders. He reminded himself that he wasn't in the London Underground tunnels, that it wasn't the same as ten years ago. No one was going to catch him unawares and, of course, he wasn’t going to lose any companion due to carelessness.
They were startled when they heard Price's voice on the radio. The Captain asked the status of each team, one by one, just as he had done half an hour before. As Ghost guessed, no one had found the prisoner's cell they were looking for.
“Do you think he's here?”
He turned to Gaz and looked at him carefully for a few seconds.
“Dunno,” Simon snarled. “Perhaps. There are too many cells and too many corridors, at this rate it will take us days to find him.”
“If we could find a record, it would be easier,” his partner snorted.
Ghost looked at him again and Gaz frowned, confused.
“What?” His expression softened with understanding. “You want us to find it? It could be anywhere. We don't have that much time.”
“I can be quite persuasive.”
Gaz put on a knowing half smile and followed him down the hall.  They ran into a couple of guards at the next fork and took out one of them with ease; they disarmed the other. Gaz stood guard as Ghost questioned him about the record room. The guard refused to answer, however, as soon as the Lieutenant stabbed him with a couple of knives, he quickly stammered the answers. Ghost killed him as soon as they knew the location of the room and they headed there.
“This is Ghost,” he said over the radio. “We're headed for the records. Maybe there we'll find where the prisoner is.”
“Roger that, 7-1,” Price replied. “Report any incident. Out.”
Ghost sighed as they went up some stairs. Although Gaz was a good partner, he missed Soap. The Scotsman never shut up and helped him not to think about things so much. If they were alone, they could talk on the radio, but it was impossible to share the channel with the other teams. Neither was using another: the enemy could be listening and Ghost didn't want Gaz listening to half of his conversation either.
Fucking hell.
He was sure Price had done it on purpose, to keep them from getting distracted. That hurt more than he would admit. That the Captain didn’t trust his professionalism was something he didn’t expect. He was aware that, having feelings involved, the mission could be compromised, however, being such a small team it was easier to bond emotionally. In the One-Four-One everyone was emotionally engaged. And Price the first. In fact, Ghost was about to protest as soon as he found out that Gaz would be his partner, however, he preferred to bite his tongue. It would be useless to reproach him for not being the best example to follow; reminding him how he had mixed personal and work with Amelia, reopening wounds, wasn’t the best way to keep the Captain focused. And they needed him sharp.
“It's here.”
Gaz's voice distracted him and Ghost approached him, entering a room full of servers and old computers. It had a large window on one of the walls that overlooked the corridor, he supposed it would be able to watch from inside without having to go out.
“The bastard didn't lie,” Gaz added, fiddling with a few computers until one turned on. “Okay, let's see if I can find our man.”
He leaned over the keyboard and huffed. Ghost looked at him just in time to see him run his hand over his face.
“What is it?”
“How's your Russian, Lieutenant?”
Ghost clicked his tongue and walked over to the computer. He took a quick look and rested the rifle on the table, typing rapidly. They were storming a gulag, it was logical that the entire system was in Russian. Gaz stepped back a bit to keep an eye on the door and Simon navigated through the various menus as quickly as possible.   The device was very old and it took things more slowly than he would like, but pushing it would only lock it up. And that did not interest him.
He frowned upon finding a list of prisoners and read it carefully. There were no names, which he expected, but cell numbers. He searched some more to see if he located a map and, as soon as he had it in front of him, he pressed the button on the radio so he could speak.
“7-1 to Bravo 6, located target location,” he reported. “He's in cell 720, third floor from where we entered.”
“Roger, Ghost,” Price's voice answered. “RV us as quickly as possible.”
“Copy. Out."
He got up and picked up his gun, advancing towards Gaz when the sound of a gunshot echoed through the room, impacting the glass. The bullet tore through it, tearing it apart and sending pieces in all directions. They ducked quickly, taking cover with one of the tables, and Ghost cursed. He peeked out for a moment and frowned when he saw that the enemies were wearing a different uniform.
“This is Ghost!” He growled into the radio as Gaz fired a couple of times. “We’ve hostile activity in our position. Unknown enemy but well armed.”
“Roger,” Price replied. “Do you need help?”
Ghost looked at Gaz and he shook his head.
“Negative. Find the prisoner. We’ll meet you as soon as possible.”
Ghost closed his eyes briefly, took a deep breath, and gripped his weapon tightly. He rummaged in one of his pockets and pulled out a grenade. Gaz kept firing to keep the enemies at bay and Ghost moved along the table, leaning out for a moment to take a look. He took the pin off the grenade, counted two seconds and threw it through the hole in the window. He heard screams of alarm before the explosion shook the entire floor. He jumped up at the sound of something rattling on the ground. He yanked Gaz to the other end of the room just as an explosion pushed them hard. Simon grunted in pain as he bounced off a closet before hitting the floor. He took a deep breath, feeling a sting in his side, and knew he had broken at least one rib. He searched for Gaz with his gaze and held back a sigh of relief when he saw his mate move a bit past him. Ghost picked up his weapon again and took cover behind a desk.
“Take cover!” He whispered to him, leaning out to shoot a couple of enemies that had entered the room.
Gaz dragged to the other side, leaning his back against the remains of a broken table. He put a hand to his thigh, and Ghost could see the glove glowing in the fluorescent light.
He had been hurt.
Ghost didn't know if it was the result of shrapnel or a bullet, it didn't matter too much at that moment. Enemies were pouring into the room, and while they'd been extremely lucky not to be killed in the explosion, he wasn't so sure they'd get out alive.
He fired a few more times before focusing on Gaz and gesturing to him how he was doing. The Sergeant smirked and gave a thumbs up, but Ghost knew he was only masking the pain and the wound was worse than it looked. Still, he just nodded. Arguing with him would be useless, Gaz was stubborn and would fight to the end against those guys. Same as him.
Neither of them would let themselves be killed so easily.
They opened fire again on the hostiles and, after twenty long minutes, the place fell silent. Ghost waited a few more minutes before gingerly coming out of hiding. He took a good look around the room and the hallway, checking that no one else was left before returning to Gaz's side.
“Let me see,” he whispered, setting his weapon aside and feeling for his partner's thigh.
Gaz grunted and pushed Ghost's hands away.
“I'm good.”
“You've been hit by shrapnel,” Simon replied dryly, “you're not good.”
Ghost looked at him for a few seconds and clucked, snorting in annoyance. He took out the small first-aid kit he carried on his hip and disinfected the wound and covered it with a compression bandage. Then, he stood up and offered Gaz a hand to help him up. The Sergeant took a deep breath as he lowered his wounded leg, stifling a groan of pain, and retrieved his weapon. Ghost eyed him closely, deciding if he requested an evacuation for him. He scrapped the idea in the end knowing that Gaz would object. He picked up his rifle and walked ahead of Gaz, leaving the room. His jaw clenched as he realized his priority had changed: he no longer had to locate the prisoner, what he had to do was get Gaz out of there before he was killed. Or kill them both. Although he was injured himself, Simon had sustained injuries worse than a couple of broken ribs; however, his partner's injury was more limiting and he knew he would start to slow him down long before he was reunited with Price.
Something struck him as he turned a corner, knocking him to the ground. Ghost rolled onto his shoulder, grunting at a stab of pain in his side, and rose quickly. He fired as he moved to the right of him, heading for another stairwell. He took a deep breath and leaned out again, determined to open fire, when he felt his blood run cold as he saw Gaz lying on the ground. He held the rifle tightly and fired at the two enemies who were on top of his partner. Simon moved towards him quickly and took down another pair that came out of a corner. He crouched down next to Gaz and, without taking his eyes off the stairwell, felt his neck.
The weight on his shoulders eased as he felt a strong, rhythmic pulse there. Ghost turned at the sound of footsteps and someone hit him on the head, knocking him to the ground.
“So it was you who were shooting at my men,” a voice growled.
Ghost looked at the newcomer and narrowed his eyes at Makarov. He was pointing his gun at him, just like the guy behind the terrorist. Simon swallowed as he searched for a way out of that situation.
“I should kill both of you,” Makarov added, glancing at Gaz.
“He's already dead,” Ghost snarled, taking a quick look at his companion. The wound in his thigh was bleeding again, forming a small pool of blood under his body.
Makarov kicked Gaz, but he didn't flinch and that seemed to convince him that Ghost was the only one alive. Simon lunged at him as soon as he saw the expression on his face and struggled to get the gun away from him. He pushed Makarov to the ground, digging his knee into his chest, and fired at his escort. He fell to the ground as Ghost felt a stab of pain in his thigh. He turned to the terrorist at once. They were too close to aim the gun, so he slammed the butt into his head. Makarov parried part of the blow by raising an arm; he pulled the knife from Ghost's thigh and plunged it into his belly. Simon took the blow, however, he didn’t budge an inch and Makarov's eyes widened and frowned, confused to see that he had achieved nothing. He struggled with Ghost again, and Ghost grunted as the terrorist pulled the knife from his belly and plunged it into his arm, forcing him to loosen his grip on the weapon. Simon tossed the gun back and wrapped his hands around Makarov’s neck. 
The Russian kicked as soon as he felt the lack of air and tried to wriggle away from him. He punched Ghost in the side with his fist, and Ghost ignored the pain of broken ribs, squeezing the terrorist's neck a little tighter. At that moment, Makarov felt for the handle of the knife that was still sticking out of Ghost's forearm and yanked. Desperately, he jabbed it just below Simon’s clavicle, where the bulletproof vest met the jacket he wore beneath it, hoping it would loosen the pressure on his throat. Makarov understood that it had been useless when he saw that Ghost endured stoically, without flinching.
The Brit’s pain threshold was ridiculously high, the result of what happened in Mexico so many years ago. Of what happened in his childhood. Of what he had suffered throughout his life.
A few long minutes later, Makarov stopped moving, his gaze unfocused, and his body relaxed. The hand that held the knife to Ghost's chest slid from the handle to the ground, motionless. Simon looked at the corpse below him, and then his brain began to process everything that had happened. The pain he felt in the areas where he had been stabbed, the burning in his chest with each breath, the dizziness and weakness from blood loss. Ghost fell on Makarov's legs, on his back and with his gaze fixed on the ceiling of that place. He saw everything blurry, with black dots that covered more and more of his field of vision.
So this was how he was going to die. In the corridor of a smelly, damp and cold gulag. At the feet of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world and a partner who was still unconscious. Simon sighed helplessly and his chest protested in pain. He had a coughing fit that left a metallic taste in his mouth and swallowed hard, trying to stay awake looking at the handle of the knife sticking out of his chest. Ghost smiled helplessly as he realized that the situation was very similar to that of ten years ago, in the subway tunnels. But, this time, the bad guy had died without killing any of his teammates.
He had done well.
However, he didn’t feel fulfilled. A small emptiness settled in his chest, a feeling that had nothing to do with his injuries. Ghost closed his eyes for a moment when he understood that it was his desire to live. To be happy. For the first time in many years, Simon didn't want to die. He wanted to recover, to be able to get up to be with John and to be able to see that smile that he gave him, the one that bore his name. Simon wanted to hear him laugh and talk endlessly; feel his presence when walking; the caresses on the back when they were cuddling in bed; the softness of John’s lips on his, on his scars; the way he played with his hair; the way he whispered nice things to her and reassured her that everything was alright.
Simon felt his mask wet and realized that he was crying. He shed big tears when he realized that he couldn’t feel all that again, that he would never discover how far the door that he had chosen to go through together with John led him. And then Simon felt the weight of regret. Of not having been able to tell John what he felt, of being such a coward as to put a name to what was between them, of not having told him that he loved him. At least not face to face.
Ghost was distracted when something moved in his line of sight, something blurry that spoke in Gaz's voice. He didn't understand everything his partner said, but Simon did catch some words that told him Gaz was asking for an urgent extraction. With great effort, Ghost reached for one of his vest pockets, fumbled it open, and handed Gaz a paper envelope. Simon couldn't see the expression on his face, but from the way he took his hand, and squeezed it, he knew Gaz understood what he was asking for. Ghost closed his eyes, weary, when he heard Price's voice on the other end of the radio, along with Soap's, begging him to hold on.
Simon smiled slightly. At least he could leave having heard, for the last time, the voice of the person who had made him feel alive again.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Okay, so you know “Justice League meets Batman’s kids, who they’d previously been unaware existed” AUs?
So picture that.....but this time, instead of them just having no knowledge of any of these other Gotham vigilantes at all....the Batkids all migrate to various cities as they get older and become known as their protectors - Dick in Bludhaven, Tim in San Francisco, Cass in Hong Kong, etc....
Meaning they’re all established figures, the Justice League are aware of them as solo local heroes who stick to their cities and so they just don’t interact with them much if at all, or else some are members of team lineups but are particularly vague about their histories or life outside of the team’s adventures....
So the big reveal isn’t that they become aware of all these other Gotham vigilantes all at once....its that some big conflict or whatever requires a huge team up of all available heroes, and in the aftermath, they figure out that like.....despite being known as solo heroes who work alone or loners outside of their team settings, 80% of these heroes all not only seem to already know each other, they seem to be related.
And so naturally they all turn to Batman, who has profiles on every known hero and they thus figure had researched these individuals too and just never mentioned this little detail, and they’re like, “Did you know about this?”
And then Nightwing turns to him too, arms crossed and is like, “Yeah Dad, did you know about this?”
And the infamous Red Hood is all: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have never met any of these people before in my life. Lives? Whatever.”
And then Red Robin moodily grates out “I have no siblings.” Since he’s nursing a grudge since Dick and Jason broke into his apartment the night before and replaced all his custom Red Robin gear with Darkwing Duck merchandise and his vengeance will be swift and also totally disproportionate because things escalate quickly in this family, that’s true in every universe.
Cass meanwhile has deftly skewered Jason’s lie by walking over to him and brazenly patting down the man with many many guns with no fear whatsoever. He squawks and futilely attempts to bat her hands away as she riffles through his many pockets, but he doesn’t seem shocked, just annoyed. Eventually, she pulls away and triumphantly reveals a box of Hello Kitty themed band-aids.
“So these are yours then? Just for you?” Black Bat asks smugly. Red Hood squints at the box.
“What the fuck? How long have those been in my jacket? Why are those in my jacket? Did you freaking plant them in my jacket just on the offchance you could at some point in the distant future use them at my expense?”
Black Bat frowns, puzzled. “Yes?”
“Oh come on, Dead Hood,” Spoiler says with an exaggerated toss of her head meant to convey she’s rolling her eyes beneath her own mask. She skips her way across the room to Black Bat and then drapes herself languidly all over the smaller woman. Who in turn doesn’t so much as twitch beneath the sudden added mass as Spoiler holds out her hand towards the box of band-aids. 
“One please. I have a boo-boo,” she says with easy familiarity straight into the intimidating cowl of Black Bat. Only then does she deign to finish her train of thought with Red Hood.
“I mean seriously, are you saying you don’t have potential blackmail set-ups, pre-rigged releases of incriminating material, and a random assortment of traps, pratfalls and mortifying scenarios in place for the express purpose of being able to humiliate any and all of your siblings at any given moment, without any need for additional prep time?”
“Is this true, Little Wing?” Nightwing whirls on the larger Red Hood with a faux-scandalized gasp. The founder and leader of the Titans, formerly the Teen Titans, renowned for his stratagems and calm competence when directing squads of supers in the heat of battle while he keeps pace with nothing more than naturally acquired acrobatics and a utility belt that apparently uses the same technology as Wonder Woman’s invisible jet....now appears to be....staggering with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead, moaning about how he felt....faint? 
What is happening right now, several dozen superheroes want to know. Is this a drill? Are they supposed to be checking for signs of a mental ambush from undetected psychic saboteurs? Did they all hit their heads at the exact same time and are now experiencing some kind of shared mass concussion?
Look, that wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to ever happen on the Watchtower. 
“Have I failed you so utterly?” The veteran child hero bemoans with a dramatic twirl - that when contrasted with his stern demeanor of a mere ten minutes ago - makes the fears of telepathic infiltration seem less paranoia and more....concerningly probable. “Did you learn nothing from me? Did you learn nothing from B?”
He stops and jabs a finger up at the sky. “Quick, everyone! What is the very first rule of Living While Batty?”
As if by rote, over a half a dozen voices chime in from all over the room, causing various heroes to jump. Spooked by yet more and more vigilantes joining in some kind of mass recitation like they and they alone have some kind of clue what the hell is going on and everyone else just hadn’t been invited to the party. Which is just rude, honestly. Nobody likes feeling like they weren’t invited to the party. Not even superheroes. 
“If you’re not going to bother preparing for every possible contingency and at least six impossible ones, you might as well just stay in bed.”
Even the Red Hood joins in the Illuminati chant or Cub Scout pledge or demonic ritual or whatever the fuck that just was, though his slumped and exasperated posture gives away every hint of sulkiness his headgear otherwise would have kept safely hidden. He’s surprisingly more...expressive, than most who’d only known of him by reputation had expected him to be. The day continues to yield surprises.
“Of fucking course I do,” he growls out, snatching the box from Black Bat. She doesn’t even fight to hold onto it, just lets it go with a knowing smirk. “I wasn’t surprised by the idea of it, I was just surprised she bothered with such a weak effort. Like yeah whatever, actually those could be mine. I use those all the time at home. So what?”
He aggressively yanks one of the band-aids out of the box, fumbles with the peel-off strips with one hand and he roughly rolls up the sleeve of his jacket with the other. Then just slaps it on his forearm and raises said appendage high, showing it off this way and that. “See?”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Signal drawls from the other side of the room, nodding his head approvingly. “Totally convincing. Nice job walking that one back, you really showed them.”
Red Hood’s head snaps in his direction with ominous intent. “Watch it, Day-Glo.”
Signal just snorts.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna take constructive criticism on my name and costume from a dude who’s spent the last several years calling himself Red HOOD while running around in a freaking HELMET.”
“Its not meant to be literal, you fucking pedant.”
“So wait, its not literally a helmet? Huh, does it at least protect your head literally, or just like...symbolically? Like if Bane were to clock you across the head, would your concussion just be a metaphor? What’s the treatment protocol for a metaphorical concussion? Fluids, bedrest and a philosophical prescription of two chapters of Chicken Soup for the Soul as needed?”
“Laugh it up, KC and the Sunshine Band,” Red Hood bats back. “You just got yourself disinvited from Thursday night’s poker game.”
Signal just grins and folds his arms over his chest cockily. “Please. You’ve been looking for an excuse to ban me for weeks, cuz you know until you can prove I’m using my ghost vision to cheat, you can’t actually bring suit against me for it in Family Court.”
“That, and also Family Court isn’t a real thing, you toddler. Stop validating Wing-a-ding-ding’s obsession with Shitty TV Nostalgia and just call it that thing where Oracle traps us all in a room until we settle our latest fight without anyone getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, but like, say that five times fast,” Spoiler pipes up. “Its just not practical. Family Court’s way easier.”
“Says the one who’s not even in our fucking family.”
“And yet I grace you all with my sublime presence anyway,” she blows a kiss at him, beatifically unbothered. “You’re welcome.”
The Red Hood scoffs and rounds on his heel, zeroing in on Batwoman in the far corner.
“Hey Auntie B, my siblings are all dead to me and I just helped stop an alien invasion so I deserve nice things like a fun Saturday night. Can you get me into Dad’s fundraiser so I can crash it? He won’t put me back on the list until I promise not to bring any C-4 with me and I won’t promise not to bring any C-4 because he should just trust me that I won’t when I say I’m not gonna and he won’t trust me that I won’t until I admit I shouldn’t have brought any to that sting last month where three tiny little yachts blew up through barely any fault of my own, and I’m just not gonna do that ever because I have convictions and I feel I shouldn’t have to be punished for that. Y’know?”
Batwoman blinks at him. “Kid, I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re my nephew and I love you, but I stopped listening three seconds into all that.”
“Ugh, fine. Can you help me crash Dad’s event tonight so I can teach him a lesson about why he should just trust me not to make a scene so I don’t have to always make a scene to make a point.”
“Tempting as you make that sound,” she says wryly, “I have a strict policy for dealing with you lot and your......everything. I only worry about tolerating one of you at a time, and there’s seven of you, and seven days in the week. You each get your own. You know perfectly well its Robin’s day today. You get me on Tuesday, just like always.”
“Auntie B, we’re not like other families, are we?” Red Robin’s delivery is sarcastically childish and his question clearly rhetorical. Most of his attention is fixated on whatever it is he’s doing with his wrist-mounted computer. 
“No sweetie, we’re all severely fucked in the head and a little bit too comfortable with that.”
“Just checking. Oh hey, Hood, I just emailed you a patch for the hole in your firewall I exploited when replacing all my shit using your accounts just now.”
“You did what?”
“Used your accounts to pay to replace all my stuff that you fucked with last night?” Red Robin says slowly. “Did you not realize that I’ve been sticking within ten feet of you for the past five minutes just so I could clone your devices and do all that while BB and Spoiler kept you distracted? I gotta say, bro, I feel like that’s on you then.”
Red Hood swivels his helmeted head in the direction of the aforementioned two. Black Bat waves. Spoiler shoots him an utterly unrepentant thumbs up.
“You’d side with your ex over me? That’s what its come to?”
“My only allegiance is to chaos,” Spoiler says brightly. Black Bat shrugs.
“Plus he bribes better.”
“Hateful,” Red Hood points at Black Bat, moving on to level the same finger at Spoiler, who curtsies in acknowledgment: “Hateful-er.”
Then the finger rounds the bases to aim judgmentally at Red Robin. “Hateful-est. And that was all Nightwing’s idea anyway, not mine.”
“Oh, I assumed as much,” he says casually. “Your idea of a prank tends to have more of a Carrie vibe. Or be a literal literary reenactment.”
“Its called an homage, 4chan.”
“Whatever, plagiarist. And anyway, I couldn’t go after ‘Wing for payback on this one. He used an Immunity card. If you didn’t want me getting back at you, you should have used one too."
Red Hood looms aggressively. Red Robin ignores willfully. Round and round they go. Superheroes who can survive excessive G-Forces are getting dizzy just watching them have a largely motionless stand-off. That shouldn’t be how that works, but whatever. All the most infamously reclusive and isolated heroes in all hero-dom are apparently part of the same one big reclusive and isolated family of fucked up weirdos and they’re all officially bonkers. Nothing makes sense anymore. Reality broke. Try another stall.
“Okay, but see, in order to have an Immunity card, I would have to participate in one of you losers’ stupid Immunity challenges,” the Red Hood drags out with exaggerated patience. “And I’m just not going to do that, on account of those all being fucking stupid. You see the problem there?”
Red Robin just shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, bro. You can have principles or you can have an Immunity card. You can’t have both.”
Meanwhile, on another side of....the same room.....look, its like, an octagonal room, probably. It has a lot of sides. Robin fends off questions from an aggrieved looking Superboy.
“You never told me you had a bajillion brothers and sisters!”
“Yes but I never said I didn’t either.”
Superboy rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, so I should just assume everyone I meet has a bajillion secret brothers and sisters?”
“Well clearly it would have worked out in your favor in this instance if you had, now wouldn’t it?”
“Assuming of course that you can trust what has been said or implied here today and I am actually related to any of those numbskulls. Which I am not actually admitting to,” Robin tacks on hastily.
Superboy eyes him dubiously. “You joined in the same creepy chant all the others did and then got super self-conscious and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Which uh. I did.”
“First off, your interpretation of body language is abyssmal. I do not get self-conscious,” Robin says with a delivery that probably could have benefited from being a little less self-conscious. “And second....that proves nothing. I guessed what they were going to say.”
“Word for word,” Superboy says super-skeptically.
“I’m very good at guessing things. You know this.”
“Okay. Guess how much I believe you right now then.”
Robin glares and folds his arms grumpily across his chest. 
“And what was that anyway? Was that like....you guys’ family motto or something like that?”
“Oh no,” Spoiler pipes up. “That’s much shorter.”
Superboy balks at that. “Wait, you guys actually have one of those for real?”
“Yup,” Steph says, counting out the words with her fingers. “He who laughs last....probably works for the Joker. So tranq him just to be safe. See? Only sixteen words. The first rule of Living While Batty is way longer, and what we said was just the abridged version. You should hear the original, before Black Bat put her foot down and refused to memorize it unless sizable edits were made.”
Superboy hovers between her and Robin now, both in mid-air and on the verge of taking Spoiler’s words as an invitation to hear just that. A low growl arises from Robin’s direction.
“Must you?” He asks the older vigilante, with a most put upon expression.
She looks at him pityingly. “Do you actually need me to answer that? Like, we’ve met, right? Hi, I’m Spoiler.”
“Wait, so Robin said that I just never specifically asked him if he had a bajillion brothers and sisters, and that’s why he didn’t tell me, so that means he wouldn’t have just lied and there’s not some code of secrecy that flat out forbids telling other people stuff, right?” Superboy realizes excitedly.
“Yes, excellent direction. Go on,” Spoiler says, steepling her fingers. Robin buries his face in the palm of one hand.
“Soooo, what other stuff could you tell me about Robin’s super top secret family that I wouldn’t think to ask about but that he would tell me about if I knew what questions to ask?”
She claps once, lightly but with emphasis. “Well done. You’ve passed the first barrier. Untold secrets await you behind just a few more.”
“I’ll get you for this,” Robin vows calmly. She waves a hand at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you do it before January 1st, remember? You’ve promised retribution like ten times already this year and those don’t roll over, y’know. Rules are rules.”
“Enough!” Thunders a voice then, from the front of the room. Well one of the fronts anyway. Like sides, it has a lot of them, but this is the one where Batman’s standing. All eyes snap to him. Which is kinda just what eyes do when Batman says stuff like that. Its like his superpower, except he doesn’t actually have superpowers, which is what makes it scary. But where the snapping of the eyes (directional) is usually followed by Batman saying something else besides just “hey look at me,” here he pauses in the wake of his own call to attention’s waning reverberations. Uncharacteristically silent.
Not that, y’know, he’s normally Mr. Talkity Talk, but usually his silences feel like he has the words to fill them, he’s just withholding them. This though, this feels more like he doesn’t have any words at all. And he’s as confused by it as any of them, and most everyone else is confused by Batman being confused, and its this whole trickle down economy of confusion and its wrecking havoc on the value of the golden silence standard.
Of course, not everyone present is rendered spellbound with confusion.
“C’mon B,” Nightwing cajoles, leaning forward and practically radiating delight. “I think you know what you have to do now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Its not likely to come around again.”
Red Hood snickers beneath his helmet and chimes in. “Yeah Pops, go ahead. You do this and you’ll actually have my respect for a whole twenty four hours. No, wait. Sixteen. No! Eight. Yeah, eight. Still a good deal.”
“Carpe diem, B,” Red Robin grins, leaning back as if to enjoy the show.
“Hey! Infringe on my trademark one more time, dude,” Signal throws a faux-glare at the former. Red Robin just quirks an eyebrow.
“And what, you’ll start saying Yum every time you eat a burger? Oh no. I’m hoist by my own petard.”
Signal flips him off with a grin and then redirects his attention back to Batman. “Yeah seriously though B, you kinda gotta do it now. Because if you don’t do it, then you’ll forever be the guy who didn’t do it, and you don’t want to be that guy, do you?”
“Yeah you really don’t want to be that guy,” Spoiler shouts out. “Nobody likes that guy. He’s the worst.”
“Do it, do it,” Black Bat starts chanting beside her, steadily picking up speed and volume. Several others start joining in. Even Robin appears to be slightly anticipatory, albeit trying very hard to hide it.
Batman sighs, and somehow everyone manages to hear it. Stills. Waits for....something? Nobody but them seems to have any clue what, but the air is thick and heavy with portentiousness. Something is about to happen, and all most of the heroes present could say for sure is it was something they never would have in a million years seen coming.
Finally, Batman straightens with the resigned air of a man about to have oh so many regrets. He crosses his arms, shakes his head, and in an absolute deadpan monotone, says:
“You are awful children. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing your father.”
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kingsteeth · 2 years
why i don't fuck with ford pines haters and you shouldn't either: a long post by me
hi yeah pull up a fuckin chair or something so the local ford pines apologist himself can tell you something. long post ahead red alert
so. there's too many posts out there just straight up beating the shit out of ford for not being nice, starting the apocalypse, all that bs that i don't like to see! did you even watch the same show i did?
im of the opinion that stanford pines is honestly doing the best he can. if you actually look at it you can see that he's not well adjusted to being "normal" and doing everyday life correctly. you can point to the 30 years spent surviving various dimensions and bill's impact on his psyche to back that up. also, sorry he's not nice i guess? dude gets back to his house and is immediately thrown into this new family dynamic with new people who are all over him (not faulting the kids for being excited, but still), his house doesn't look like he left it, and his brother, who he holds a grudge against, is there. obviously a lot going on.
side note: you don't have to agree with me when i say ford pines is autistic but i choose to interpret him in that way. being autistic myself im sure he resonates with other autistic people.
things probably woulda gone smoother if stan and ford had maybe decided to have a conversation about things instead of going at each other like a pair of rabid skunks, but their relationship isn't at that point yet. sorry that ford's not just gonna forget his life being thrown off track entirely after stan cost him a shot at that college. to stan's credit he did manage to look past that and focus on the present, but ford isn't on the same page for various reasons.
stan would like his brother to be thankful for getting him back, and you know what, ford might even HAVE said thank you. but like i said it's a lot to take in in a short amount of time, and he very obviously needed space.
he ends up getting into the basement and staying there for a while, and despite stan telling the kids not to go down there because HE'S mad, dipper ends up being the one to bring ford up out of there and get him to actually be social. w for dipper!
ford is very obviously preoccupied with keeping bill out of reality, given the rift and all caused by the portal's reactivation. honestly i cannot blame him because bill coming into reality and destroying life as you know it is a terrifying concept and he shouldn't be faulted for worrying about it given their history.
however that doesn't mean that ford deserved all that blame when weirdmageddon actually started! mabel didn't deserve the blame for handing over the rift, and ford didn't deserve the blame for opening up reality for bill to come into in the first place! weirdmageddon was plotted by bill. we are not going to blame the humans that he used and manipulated without their knowledge.
i was honestly? kinda shocked at stan's willingness to just leave ford in bill's captivity during the apocalypse. i get that he was pissed off, but the apocalypse is upon you and the only guy who knows anything about it, your BROTHER, who you dedicated 3 decades to find, is gone? and you're gonna leave him? it frustrated me.
tired of seeing the gravity falls fanbase paint one of the stans as the "good" twin and the other as the "bad" twin. this post is about ford mostly but they both have their faults and they both did shit that wasn't right. i still think they both developed nicely towards the end of the series, but my GOD the way some of you will immediately jump to hating ford because he wasn't nice to stan.
also gonna get into the argument that ford was somehow naive for not seeing bill for what he was. bill presented himself to ford as someone with answers to literally all of ford's problems, and more importantly as a friend and potential partner. that's a huge thing for ford, known for his lack of friends. bill got to ford through his weak points and laid out this future where ford was successful and more importantly, happy. that's not a stupid thing to want, especially not from a powerful being who you KNOW has the capability to make that happen.
ford took that deal thinking it was the smartest thing he had ever done. and honestly if not for bill being a jackass it would have been the best decision he ever made. he took it because he weighed out the information he knew and decided it would further his research and it would grant him knowledge no other human had ever had before. being someone whose entire worth was based around how smart he was, you can see why that would appeal to a person like ford.
during the apocalypse, ford handled it rather well for someone who went through the things he did. he tried to get it over with and done before it was too late, and it almost WAS too late thanks to stan. but like i said before, they both need to be on the same page for things to go well. stan was not where ford was at, and focused on the negatives about ford being back rather than what needed to be done, and almost killed the kids in the process.
essentially, neither of them are good or bad, and i hate the way the fanbase treats ford in specific. stan did his best, yes, and he should be congratulated for it, but ford also was doing his best.
if you watch the show, you can really see the way he behaves and how it relates back to the trauma he's had to go through for literally half of his life. he's stuck in survival mode, and has really had the TRUST NO ONE thing hammered in hard. i think that's a vital part of his character that shouldn't be overlooked.
it's really, really easy for the majority to misinterpret ford as this stuck up asshole who thinks he knows more than everyone, but he kinda DOES know more about bill than everyone. he and bill were close, and i don't really like the way he's boiled down to being an asshole. try to have a braincell or two firing when you watch the show.
this post reads very angrily, but it's moreso directed at the people i've spoken to who hate ford for the reasons i touched on above. nobody has to like him, but you really gotta look into why he does what he does and THEN tell me why you don't like him. cause if it comes down to "he was mean" i'm just gonna assume you don't realize how traumatized people or autistic people behave. (again, my personal interpretation of ford is that he's autistic.)
idk man i love the guy and i hate to see him being done so dirty by the fan base. take care and remember that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIKE HIM! THESE ARE MY DEFENSES FOR ARGUMENTS I SEE AGAINST HIM! no one is gonna force you to like fictional character no. 300 on tumblr dot com! jesus christ. ily and hopefully this reaches the target audience
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stuck With Me ~ KNJ [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Smut, elevator smut, fluffy, silent treatment, public sex,
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Sometimes Namjoon and you fought and when you did it would end up the silent treatment coming from one of you. Today it was Namjoon's turn to give you the silent treatment only you had no idea why. You couldn't even remember what had started the fight, to begin with. All you could remember was showing up to your lunch date and Namjoon being moody with you. Snapping randomly about you dropping your plate on the floor and it spiralled out of control from there.
"Please, Joonie what did I do? Why are you ignoring me?" You questioned as you both stepped into an elevator together. Staff members deciding to leave you both to it as they waited for the next one.
"Did I forget an anniversary? Birthday?" You quizzed, pushing the button that leads to his floor but he folded his arms over his chest in complete silence.
"Namjoon you're acting like a-" There was a huge sound of thunder before the lights began to flicker and the elevator trembled. Your hands were gripping onto the railing that lined the boxed elevator and Namjoon began frantically pressing the alarm but it wasn't doing anything. 
"Must be a power outage," You whispered as he continued to desperately push it over and over again until your phone rang.
"Yes, Hobi?" Namjoon glanced at you out of the corner of his eye when he heard you talking. Hoseok sounded relieved that you answered the phone, 
"Where are you guys? Jimin said he saw you heading for the elevators," You hummed looking around at the frozen elevator.
"Yeah, we're stuck in the second building's elevator..." Hoseok sighed as he looked over at manager Sejin who had been on the phone with the power company. A huge thunderstorm had taken out a bunch of buildings power,
"You're going to be stuck for a while, looks like a power outage in the city. There's a thunderstorm too." Whining you put your hand on your head wondering why this was all happening in the middle of silent treatment from Namjoon.
"Seriously? How long until we get out?" You needed answers but Hoseok didn't have them all, no one did. 
"Technicians can't get to us for two hours."
"Two hours?!" You yelled out as you stared at the wall in front of you, there wasn't much else to stare at.
"You have Joonie to keep you company," Scoffing as you watched your boyfriend you did your best not to laugh. Namjoon was too busy giving you the silent treatment to even think about speaking to you. Namjoon could hold a grudge when he wanted to.
"He's not much company when he's ignoring me," Hoseok chuckled remembering the bickering he had heard while he was in the canteen with you both.
"You'll have time to make up with one another then," You didn't need to see him for you to know he was smirking down the phone. The boys hated it when you fought about stupid things.
"Hobi." You begged, wanting him to stay on the phone with you but you heard him and the rest of the boys laughing. 
"Bye." The dial tone sounded and you stared down at your phone before looking to Namjoon. 
"There's a power outage...We probably won't get out for two hours." No change in Namjoon, all he did was sit down on the floor and lean his head back against the metal wall. 
"Did you even hear me?" You asked sinking down in front of him as you waited for a response but all he did was close his eyes. 
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"You have to speak to me eventually," You told him as you stared at him once again. An hour had passed and the power supply to the building was still cut off. Namjoon barely moved as he sat there, he had been on his phone but that died around half an hour ago and now you were sitting in silence.
"I mean it's a shame you're not going to speak to me," You mumbled as you began pulling out your bag and glancing at your boyfriend who glanced back at you. He knew what was inside of that bag, everything in case of an emergency. Literally everything, snacks, first-aid kit, spare clothes, and water. Normally he would be the one to playfully mock you for carrying so much around with you but this was exactly why you did it.
"Namjoon," You giggled pulling out his favourite brand of snack bars, waving it in front of his face as he looked at you. 
"Speak to me and it's yours," You breathed out as you moved to sit by his side, laying your head on his shoulder. 
"Baby." You whispered as he reached for the bar but you inched it away from him, giggling as he stared at you. 
"Talk to me-" No talking happened, Namjoon simply smashed against yours as you whimpered. Feeling your heart racing as you were suddenly pulled onto his lap, his hands holding your hips as he whined. 
"That's a lot better than the silent treatment," You giggled as you rested your forehead onto his as you panted a little, 
"What's up with you, anyway?" You questioned as you ran your hand over his cheek and smiled weakly. Normally Namjoon would tell you anything that was bothering him but lately he hadn't. 
"It's stupid and nothing. I'm sorry," You sighed as he looked at you, you'd missed hearing his voice so much so you were glad he was finally speaking to you. 
"It's not stupid if it's bothering you that much," You told him as he began blushing. The truth was he had missed you, sure you had been around but the two of you hadn't been together in a long time and he missed it. He missed feeling you clamped around him, the two of you used to be inseparable.
"We haven't...We haven't you know...Done it in so long."
"Done it? What are you? 12?" You giggled as he grumbled something at you under his breath.
"Joonie...We stopped because we got caught," You reminded him of the last time you had been caught having sex in the building. Poor Jungkook was scared of life when he walked into the studio to find you pressed against the glass screen of the recording booth.
"No one is around now," He whispered as he ran his hand up your skirt, hiking up the ends as you whimpered. Looking around for cameras but there weren't any inside of the elevator and even if they were. It was a power outage, no one was going to see what would happen. 
"Joonie," You moaned out as soon as you felt his lips on your neck, biting and sucking on your skin as his hands rubbed your thighs. The boy knew just how to get you in the mood, he had you under his thumb. 
"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop," He whispered in your ear as you shook your head, not wanting this to stop as you ground your hips down into his jeans. Moaning out at the contact, Namjoon chuckled softly. 
His lips moved to that one spot on your neck that made your legs clench together and he chuckled. 
"You love it," He whispered as he continued to suck on that one spot that turned you into a puddle. 
"Namjoon," You whispered tugging at his shirt as he shook his head at you, running his hand up between your skirt and rubbing you through your panties. Your head rolled back as your hips ground down against his hand. His free hand pulling at the thin fabric of your panties and snapping them off, 
"Joonie!" You yelled as you watched him tucking your panties into his pocket. Licking his lips he said nothing as he ground you down against his crotch whimpering a little. 
"Are you that needy?" You giggled as you raised yourself from his lap and undid the button of his jeans. Pulling him free from his boxers and giggling as you saw how red his cock was. 
"Joonie, how long have you been wanting this?" You ran the head of his cock through your folds, enjoying the sounds that left his mouth. Letting out small grunts of annoyance as you continued to tease him at your center, whimpering a little as you rubbed the head of his cock at your entrance. 
"You know I could just thrust up into you," He growled as you smirked down at him, watching as his hands reached up to grip the railing behind him. Moaning as you slowly eased down onto him. Instantly feeling filled as you moaned out his name and gripped his shirt. 
"Oh fuck," He grunted as his hands fell down to your hips, rocking you slowly as he began to moan out loudly. 
"You feel so good, tighter than I remember." He chuckled darkly as he began to buck into you faster, smirking as the lights flickered. 
"Lights are coming on princess...Four floors to get you to cum," He smirked as he got up from the floor, pushing your back against the wall of the elevator. 
"Think you can do it?" You teased as he smirked again, biting your neck harshly as his hips began to move at an erratic pace. Your hands gripped tightly into his shoulders, hard enough to leave a mark as you screamed his name out. 
"Look at that princess, we're moving." He chuckled as the elevator began to move up the floors, making you whimper. 
"Someone could walk in and see me fucking you." He chuckled reaching down to rub your clit with his thumb, grunting when he felt you clenching down tightly. 
"Namjoon...S-Stop we won't be able to-" You could barely finish your sentence as you shut your eyes, flickers of white spots filling your sight as you contracted around him. 
"Hmm? What was that baby?" You could hear the smirk leaking from his tone of voice as he continued to ram into you. Barely giving you time to think as your mind went blank. His fingers strumming against your clit until you exploded around him.
"I-I'm cumming!" You screamed gripping his shirt, ripping it just a little as you kissed him desperately. Riding out your high as Namjoon fucked into you until you were done. 
"What-" Namjoon couldn't finish his sentence as you suddenly dropped down in front of him and took him into your mouth. Wasting no time in moving your head almost as quickly as his thrusts had been, 
"Shit, your mouth feels so warm." He whispered as he pushed his hips against your face, helping you as he grunted loudly. 
Slipping him out of your mouth you pumped his length and smirked evilly, 
"One-floor left baby, you sure you can cum in time?" You smirked as you continued to pump, running your tongue along the slit of his cock when he suddenly thrust into your mouth. Gagging around him you smirked as you began to move your head, taking his sac into your hand and massaging softly just the way he liked.
"Ugh fuck...F-Fuck!" He grunted as his hand slammed against the mirror inside of the elevator and he came undone in your mouth.
Looking up at him you parted your lips to show him that you had taken the full load of him. Swallowing it slowly as you got up from the floor. A small ding from the elevator to signal you had arrived and Namjoon was rushing to chance himself.
"I told you that you would makeup," Hoseok said as you suddenly stepped out of the elevator and smiled, noticing Namjoon storming towards his studio sweating a little. 
"I have to go and sit with him," Excusing yourself you chased after Namjoon, preparing yourself for a second round with one another.
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Tag list: @lyoongx @rms-moonchild @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Ares
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares
He cannot overstate what kind of damage this mortal was able to do in their first few seconds in the Devildom...
The instant they got to their feet, they had managed to incapacitate Satan and knock down Beel. Lucifer himself tried to get between them and Diavolo but…
If he hadn’t moved his head, if he was standing just ONE INCH to the left… he wouldn’t have a head anymore. Barbatos was there to intervene, but had he not they could have probably taken out the Avatar of Pride and done critical damage to the Demon Prince himself in one strike...
Frankly, Lucifer prefers not to dwell on that moment... He's sure Ares must be proud of this one...
He pretty much treats the mortal like a live bomb afterward, if he can get away with not interacting with them at all, that’s what he’ll do.
He’s NOT scared of them... much... It’s just that they have a bullish and uncooperative attitude at best and since they know they can take any of them, they don't even consider him - Lucifer, the eldest demon brother - a threat...
But you know what the most frustrating thing is? They won't give him an inch of respect, but they'll always listen to Levi! Levi!!
Look, Lucifer knows he may not hold a rank among the Hell's army and he might not have been a major player in the Celestial/Demonic wars of the day, but he's still the strongest demons here, dammit!! 😡
Lucifer finds nothing is more embarrassing than having to ask Levi of all people to keep the mortal in line because he can't... Oh, the humiliation… He hopes they leave soon...
At first, he thought they were scary. But in time he thought they were scary… and also pretty damn awkward.
Mammon wasn’t there when they more or less wiped out the majority of his brothers in the Conference Hall but when he finally showed up he'd never seen Lucifer look so pale… If THAT doesn't make you shit your pants, he doesn't know what will.
Naturally, he kind of toned it down on the "stupid human" stuff real quick after seeing that…
But here's the thing. After the two made a pact together, Mammon started to notice that the MC wasn't all that mean, they were just… violent?
He legitimately thought that they couldn’t stand him for a while until one day a guy on the street called him a dirtbag. The MC threw a punch right there! No questions asked, they just decked that guy!!
It was kind of touching… and messy. Very messy. Did he mention that they’re terrifying yet? 😥
As it turns out, the MC has apparently spent a lot of their life just fighting things and being asked to fight things so they're not very used to showing non-violent affection… 
It took him awhile, but he realized that their way of saying, "I like you," is, "I will attack your enemies." So now all he does when his brothers tease him is say, "I'm telling MC!'' and they'll stop immediately. It's great!! 😁
Considers them to be his bodyguard when he goes out to gamble in some… shadier places. Most of the time not even the bouncers want to take on the MC, ain't nobody getting paid enough to lose that many teeth…
Okay, so. It's not very obvious anymore, but he USED to be on the front lines of the war against demons in the Celestial Realm. He was in charge of battle strategies, he led armies, and even now he still holds the highest rank of the royal navy!
So leave it to the kid of a war god to sniff all that out about him, huh…? They appeared to know all about his record the instant they saw him and they actually seemed to respect him for it!
For context, this mortal tells pretty much everybody to shove off but any time he’s around they call him “Admiral” or “sir” and actually pay attention to what he says! He can tell it drives Lucifer insane, but honestly? It’s a bit of an ego boost. 😌
It’s sort of cute when they come to him asking for tactical advice… They get just as into it as he does with his anime and any time he points out something that they haven't seen before they get so excited it's like they're a kid watching a magic trick. HUGE ego boost. 😏
Speaking of anime, it’s hit or miss whether or not they can watch any of it. Anything with good fight scenes (and let’s be honest, not that much talking) they’re on board for. But if the hero and the villain talk to each other for like an episode before throwing punches then the MC will just rant...
MC: “The enemy is distracted... Why aren’t they attacking yet??”
Levi: “Because the villain killed the hero’s best friend and they’re-”
MC: “They could avenge their friend right now if they ended things right here!”
Levi: “MC, we’ve been over this... That’s not how plot works.”
MC: “And now he got away!! See?? They should have killed him when they had the chance!”
Levi: “*sigh*... Let’s just play some CoD.”
The last thing he remembered when the “human” hopped out of the portal was a sharp pain to the side of the temple and Asmo wailing as he fell unconscious…
Yeeeeah, not great. And unfortunately for the mortal the Avatar of Wrath tends to hold a grudge… 
For a comparatively brief moment in time, all of Satan’s considerable ire had shifted away from Lucifer and to their new housemate. They found their bed, clothes, pillows, food, and even their toothbrush cursed!
… But Ares kids must be built from some strong stuff, because half of what he employed didn’t even faze them! He even put an explosive spell on their backpack and not only did they tank the blast, it didn’t hurt them at all!! It was like they’re damn near immortal!
Annnnd they kind of are. Apparently the MC had taken a dip in the River Styx at some point before and became nigh invulnerable…
Was it maybe a little terrifying to know that they had kidnapped a nearly invincible demigod on the level of Achilles? Yes. Did that also mean that they must have had a weakness too? In theory....
Satan honestly devoted a depressing amount of time trying to uncover the “Achilles’ Heel” of his new sworn enemy… until…
The MC was walking with him and Asmo to RAD one morning when they passed by a group of lesser demons harassing a small puppy. Now Satan may be more of a cat man, but NO ONE fucks with animals while he’s around.
He was right about to go over and rip those demons a new one but the MC actually beat him to it! Apparently, the second that they realized what was happening, they launched themselves forward and started bashing the abusers' heads into a wall!
… Live by violence, forgive by violence because in that very moment Satan decided they weren’t so bad after all. He even joined in!
Oh, Asmo gave them both shit all day for the bloodstains on their uniforms and the scratches on their… everywhere, but it’s not like either of them cared. Righteous justice had been served and it was glorious!!
100% would team up with the MC in some kind of vigilante “punish-all-animal-abusers” gig. They have but to ask. 😌
Oh they TERRIFIED Asmo when they first showed up! How else was he supposed to react?? They brought down his brothers like they were made of cardboard!!
Though he had to admit that the confident, battle-ready look they had about them was sexy as hell, he knew better than to go bear poking! 😣 He avoided them like plague until they finally asked him for a pact.
And then he discovered something… something very unexpected….
They're actually adorable!!!
Okay, like, not in appearance (they look like they could pile drive Cerberus for Pete’s sake!) but he discovered that they have NO CLUE how to handle physical affection. Like zero!!
The first time Asmo actually got the courage to try and hug them he expected them to toss him off, but instead they just stood there like a malfunctioning doll, all flustered and confused… It was so cute!!! 🥰
From that point on, Asmo would take every chance he could to wrap his arms around them or kiss their cheeks just to watch them try and fail to handle it. It's more fun than picking on Levi!!
It took two months for them to finally attempt any kind of reciprocation and even that was adorable! They pecked him on the forehead without thinking about it then nearly passed out from the realization. Apparently, they had never felt like kissing anyone before so he was quite honored!
The brothers know that if the MC's looking too mad to listen to Levi, they just need to call Asmo. A nigh invincible warrior becomes a LOT less scary after you’ve cuddled them into submission! 🤭
Beel didn't like them one bit, at least not at the beginning. They had managed to get past him and actually attack Lucifer which was NOT a great first impression on their part...
He honestly saw them as a threat for a while, but unlike the rest of his brothers he didn’t avoid them. He just kept an eye on them.... constantly….
Look. Beel is a big guy. Stealth is not his strong suit… If he's tailing you, you're probably going to know about it because there's a six-foot something behemoth in orange following you around while pounding down bags of chips. He's not very subtle…
That being said, after following them around for a while the two finally got to talking and he realized that they didn’t want to hurt anybody or anything. They were just acting on instinct before.
After making the MC promise not to hurt any of his family, they got on much better terms. Hell, he actually got them into fangol!
Beel's sport of choice is pretty much just ultra-violent American football so the MC took a liking to it instantly! After enough begging, the coach let them try out and they got onto his team immediately.
He likes having them as a teammate! They're very good at the game, uh... even if they take it a little too seriously…
They once tried to convince his teammates to decorate the team bus with "the helmets of their fallen foes." They're REALLY into the sport… But hey, they haven't lost a game since they’ve joined. It’ll be fine!... Probably.
Hahaha… He’s in danger… 😥
It took one look at this mortal to make him rethink the whole, “Trick the Human” plan… Since when have humans looked like that?? They could crush his skull under their heel!!
It took all he had in him to play it cool when they first met because his internal monologue was nothing but screaming… THIS was the "human" he had to use to get him out of there?? How in the WORLD was he going to kill them?!
Admittedly, he had to think about it for a while. Belphie's a clever guy… and a demon. So who needs an honorable fight, anyway? If he can’t win one-on-one, then he’ll cheat!
He waited until the MC got the door open and didn't attempt a frontal assault… No laughter, no gloating. He just waited for them to turn their back, claws ready to dig out their heart, and then-!
MC: "Do you really want to try that?"
The MC must have had some kind of danger sense, because they didn't even have to turn around to know what Belphie was doing…
MC: "Look. I like Beel and you're his twin brother… So I'm willing to let this slide. But if you really want to try me…"
MC: *looks over their shoulder with the glare of a bona fide killer* "I won't hold back."
That was... very persuasive.
The MC brought Belphie down to the others peacefully with his tail between his legs and honestly Lucifer was more relieved that he wasn’t a bloodstain on the floor than he was mad… They could have killed him sooo easily… 
They did, indeed, forgive and forget about the whole “attempted murder” thing, though Belphie was never quite able to shake off how frightening they were in that moment… He had nightmares for a while.
Thankfully, Asmo clued him in that the MC would melt into a harmless puddle of fluff if they got even the slightest bit of physical affection... Oh, the sweet payback he could dish out... It’s cuddle time. 😏
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