#bc i guess i write character introspection now??
slowtimelove · 2 years
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— put it down, put it down, put it down.  ||  j.m.
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thrilling-oneway · 9 days
i forgot i had "character analysis is my passion" in my bio because i probably put it there in late 2022..? and at that point the only serious character analysis i'd done outside media class and posted online was for sth so it was kinda just me being obnoxious but i guess it fits now since prsk character analysis is the only real thing i contribute lol. foreshadowing but not intentionally
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 1 month
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for tagging @jrooc
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I’ve always been an avid reader and as a kid I wanted to be a writer so that was the start. I’ve been reading fanfic since i was in highschool, and I’ve had many different barely started fanfics started over the years but last year was the first time I was able to actually finish anything/taken it seriously. I think it just came down to college teaching me the last bit of discipline in my creative practice
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Just Gallavich, but I’m very confident I will write destiel in my lifetime
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I published my first fic in September of last year!
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
it goes back and forth, when i enter a fandom i read fanfic voraciously but now i think i write a little more, its a balance between you can write the fanfic you want to read and you can read other peoples work to experience ideas you would never think of or just a different take on a familiar topic - both are good. I’m currently slowly going through and re-reading my old fics to get them ready to print and bind and its been a super fun process
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I hope i’ve improved a lot overall lol the main thing i always want to do well is portray the environment the way i envision it bc the worlds of my fanfics are rich and beautiful in my head so i just want to get better and better at pulling people into that
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Not a ton of weird research, a lot of google maps-ing to get a better understanding of the layout of Chicago and understanding how far away states/cities are from one another (i’m american, just a weird bicoastal one)
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
literally any comment, all of them are amazing and i can’t believe people read what i write and actually like it ?!? beautiful and very novel
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
um - i guess ABO, i was originally going to publish mine all mine anonymously bc it was very cringe inducing and still kind of is but tbh when i read it back i was like- wait this is good, even if it’s weird.
psychopomp is also a weird story, the way i thought/felt about it while writing was deeply weird and all the the themes of death and decay and devotion and consummation as an allegory for love were intended to be dark and just- weird
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Emotionally introspective fics that also really study the characters are really hard and i dont know why I keep fucking writing them - after finishing the fic im writing now i have to shift to something more plot focused
its really hard for obvious reasons but i also feel like i am an extremely logic driven person with a very particular worldview and all these characters are more emotionally driven than me. so i have to work very hard to not write behaviors from my pov and my decision making but from a studied understanding of the characters - which might be a good thing idk
um also idk if it needs to be said but brevity is not my strong suit, i should probably work on that
10. What is the easiest type?
Fluff, just cuddling and pillow talk baby i love that shit, also idk if i write smut well but it def goes the quickest for me
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Pages app on my icloud - I write after work some days, on my lunch break and on the train ride home. Every so often ill wake up early on a weekend and be in the mood to put on my noise canceling headphones and write for hours, but thats not super often
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
uhh - we’ll see. my true crime au is def one i want to write but all my ideas for the plot are just too dark rn, so well see if i can get it to lighten up a bit
13. What made you choose your username?
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tagging 5 writers: @callivich @mmmichyyy @iansw0rld @energievie @metalheadmickey
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sighonaraa · 1 month
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Tagged by the wonderful @lady-of-the-spirit and the lovely @kvetchinglyneurotic and the incredible @altschmerzes!! thank you guys <3
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
3 (ted lasso, daredevil, and thor & loki which i'm counting as one)! but i have a lotta fics in the works for different fandoms ESPECIALLY as of now the bear. because. if you've been on or near my blog lately. You Know.
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
writing fanfiction? probably since i was like 11/12, so 8 or 9 years. but that was just for goofy fun in my google docs. i didn't publish my first Actual fic till just last year in fact!!
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
i think i go through like... idk, waves or something? when i first watch/read something that Sparks The Brain, i'll devour all the fic i can tailored to my interests/character dynamics/etc. but then i usually start writing and once i do that i read fic a loooooot more sporadically and i'll go through long periods of not reading any fic, just writing my own and re-watching/re-reading the source material.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
hmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. i think that writing fic has allowed me to get more comfortable with writing platonic intimacy and affection and love? i've always wanted to, but there's so much amatonormativity (no, autocorrect, i don't mean noninflammatory JDKLFJ) in the world and especially in fandom spaces that it always felt like. idk. something that i Shouldn't be writing, i guess? but entering into the fandom space myself and engaging with other incredible lovely brilliant creators has given me SUCH a boost in terms of like. really leaning into what i love writing because it is important and good and true and necessary.
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
for the mom city fix it, i had to do a lot of research about funeral planning in london specifically, and it was really reaaallyyyyy hard because apparently every single place has different laws and rules about what you can do, what you can't do, et cetera. i was trying to figure out how jamie could just like. Not. have to deal with that. and i finally stumbled across the possibility of public health funerals, which was so perfect and only took ten hours of me frantically googling "what do you DO if a family member DIES and you HATE THEM".
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
is it cheating to say any and all? because it's true! but i do have a special place in my heart for comments that pull out specific lines and react to them they're very :') to me.
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
i feel like in the general Fandomness of fandom gen affection/love/intimacy tends to be sparse? i'm so so lucky to have found people here that enjoy those types of stories as much as i do but. i guess they would still kinda be considered fringe to most.
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
happy stories? where nothing goes wrong?? Who Is She
9. What is the easiest type?
it's not like. EASY easy because it often ends with me clawing out my hair but. more often than not my fics will quickly spill over from "ooh a 2k one-shot" to "HOLY FUCK the sub-plots are multiplying". and those longer fics often come more naturally and tend to be more introspective, messy, full of emotion.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
i toggle back and forth between google docs, scrivener, and my phone notes app! and i do most of my writing like. whenever, i suppose? we've got a couch by three big ol' windows and i love sitting there bc i can look out and there's so much natural light. unfortunately, i think most of my Best writing happens at the beautiful sexy hours of 2 in the morning.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
i really want to write like. something explicitly Whump-related, i suppose? i think a lot of my fics have definitely done the emotional whump side of things, but i want to do a fic that's also got the physical whump. luckily i have a bad things happen bingo card now, so! we shall see where the tides of fate take me!
12. What made you choose your username?
oh my god. [buries face in hands]. embarrassing. when i was twelve and didn't have tumblr yet i decided that when i One Day did have an account it was going to be 'sighonara' because. haha. sayonara but SIGHonara . puntastic. and then when it did come time to make my tumblr account that idea had kinda stuck so i was just like. might as well! and i'm not displeased with that tbh. feels good feels right.
i'm doing this so late that i'm not sure who's been tagged and who hasn't so! feel free to ignore this if you've already gotten it (or if you just. don't want to do it which is so fair <3)! @thirteenemeraldcats, @jamietarttsnorthernattitude, @orbitalpirate, @anguishmacgyver, @roughroadhaley, @eluvion, and @jamietxrtt!!
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edsbacktattoo · 7 months
ok i was kind of purposefully avoiding the details of the gravy basket theory because it's sounded so dumb but holy shit i really didn't know the extent of it. sorry in advance to be rambling in your inbox.
i thought if i wanted to talk about it i should read the post in full but honestly that was a struggle on its own. it just completely misunderstands the way the show uses ed experiencing purgatory as metaphor. like, the innkeeper does not show us this sort of wish fulfilling dream state at all, and ed externalizing his self hatred into the figment of hornigold is a simple, concise idea that the show specifically goes out of its way to make clear. episode 8 just doesn't have this. like, you'd have to make the argument that literally EVERY CHARACTER PRESENT IN THE EPISODE is somehow representative of an aspect of stede's psyche. it's not just a matter of him projecting his desires into a falsely constructed space, it's a matter of internal issues manifesting from the subconscious, which is what the show has established. it's particularly bizarre to me that they don't make any effort to argue what izzy is meant to represent in this theory, or what him dying could mean symbolically (which is. y'know. the point of the gravy basket as it's been explored). also there's just a complete disregard for ed's arc in the finale which is. eugh. come on.
and this is all still being generous in taking the idea of the "gravy basket" at face value. like, it feels a little ridiculous to even entertain the idea enough to try to argue it. i'm just so baffled.
(it did make me think about psychonauts to the point of wanting to replay it, so. i guess there's that.)
PRECISELY!!!!!!!!! don’t apologise for rambling in my inbox when you’re so correct my dear friend <3
i can’t believe that this theory has such a vice grip on some people. when it first appeared on my dash (and it did, not because a mutual reblogged it, but bc i follow the ofmd tag, and tumblr is evil and gave me the post bc it thought it was being helpful) i thought it was. a joke. i thought the op was having a laugh. but the more i read the more i started to worry. it takes a very distinct lack of media comprehension to come up with something like this.
now, i want to make it clear that i do feel for the people who enjoy izzy normally. like the folks who just like him because he’s interesting and fucked up and strange. the people that don’t woobify him, ya know? those guys are all right.
but the kind of devotion that leads to behaviour like this? threatening and belittling the writers of the show? calling ed violent and thinking he’s going to be an abuser to stede, the man he’s in love with? if you genuinely believe that then there is something seriously wrong with you, and i think you ought to look introspectively <3
also, as a side note, a large criticism i’ve seen for season 2 is poor writing (which is just not at all correct) but to make up for said “poor writing” the theories that people are whipping up are genuinely like. worse? imagine if they did the gravy basket thing again. gravy basket 2: electric boogaloo. that would be bad writing. that would be lazy!!
no, what they did instead was deliberate and careful and beautiful and hopeful. open ended and bittersweet. and yet. AND YET!!!! you get folks trying to cope so bad it makes them look stupid.
and this is all that i will say on the matter. tho, ive never played psychonauts and this might be the thing that makes me dive into that :)
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7m7n7 · 3 days
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lmao @cosmicjoke just curious...do you actually even believe what you wrote? or are you just that pathetically lacking in self-awareness? it literally takes an EFFORT to even scroll through how much you blabbered about me FOR DAYS, HOLY SHIT LMFAO. anyway, scroll away in this one i guess, since it includes some receipts from poor blameless wittle ewuwi fandom you're claiming is "mostly good" and just must be "defensive" to awful people such as myself :-(
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Yeah, i said you woobiefied him (which is a degradation of character no matter how much you froth from mouth 🙂) and YOU wrote me 3 different wholeass paragraphs and in one of them accused me of sending you hate. And you still do, despite the fact i had literally no reason to do so. wanna suck up to eruri fandom that bad, huh? you're so fucking stupid and SO obsessed with retaining that moral highground you SO CLEARLY jack off to, you're even letting eruris who hate you using you to get back at me. who do you think those anons and sock accs you're chatting w are? "this dumb bitch comes at me with insults and accusations" what a hilarious sentence! can you write one sentence without projecting so intensely that you need to be in a mental ward?
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"self shippers are so jealous uwu" OHHHHHH MY GOD LMAO. the fucking eruri rhetoric of GRAND PROJECTION. NO fucking self-shippers gives a fuck to eruri you absolute dumbass 😭 entire discourse happens bc eruris harass them (and other levi shippers) bc of THEIR OWN JEALOUSY holy fuck!!! how can you be so fucking disgustingly biased? and even though you know i also like rivaere and have no problem w other levi ships, you're trying to use me as a scapegoat to "prove" self-shippers are "homophobic" and against "gay ships" start discourse with real levi stans bc some of them also didn't validate your ridiculously awful levi takes apparently. even though you also should be well aware tons of OC shippers also enjoy or don't mind eruri, you're literally attacking people JUST bc they disagreed with you in a previous discourse, just like what you're doing to me right now.
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LMAOOOO nobody's crying anything you braindead loser, and the only one getting "curb-stomped" is your pea-sized brain trying to generate a sentence that doesn't have five contradictions and failing pathetically. "if they just left a sentence exactly like what i had in mind uwuwuwu i wouldnt have started to froth from mouth uwuwuuw how dare they accuse me of woobiefying levi when i obv woobiefy him uwuuuwu 🥺" LMAO nobody is obligated to treat your fragile ass like glass, not my goddamn problem you're so fucking pathetic you start losing you GODDAMN MIND when someone strays a little outside what you deem as acceptable. i didn't throw insults or anything at first either, i just said what it is: that you woobiefy his character, and you clearly can't stand being told the truth. Once again: you %100000 woobiefy him and resent people who don't agree with you. the fact you're THIS vitriolic towards people (thanks for showing i wasn't the only one, at least!) acting like i tainted your honor shows that enough. you literally wrote a "call out" bc of one comment which YOU turned into a fight. you lack introspection madly and you constantly project, so ofc you're just gonna spiral into another fit of rage when you see this, but you can't fool people who are unbiased no matter how much you blabber on 🙂
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Ohhh lmao, it reaaaaaaally couldn't be more obvious you have beef with people who like top levi. that's literally it. Do you fucking realize how goddamn creepy you are when you talk about how i must want to get "smacked around" by a man just bc i said you were woobiefying him? You're a fucking freak. You have no idea what i even like (since you're so curious, i enjoy a wiiide range of levi) but this doesn't have anything to do with what we talk, you think people don't woobiefy characters they like as tops? bc it's SUPER common in most fandoms. the way you immediate resort to talking about people's sexual fantasies is freak behaviour and shows where your true problem lies. and what does this even mean "what the actual reality of Levi's sexuality would likely be"? Do you think people who have trauma can't be dominant? "Assuredly wouldn't enjoy sexual aggression" Why, were you in the room when he was banging people? That's just your hc you're pushing as canon, AGAIN. You want everyone to act like their hcs are just ooc hcs, but they have to accept your hcs as canonical regardless of how much bullshit they are. There's this insane push against *any* top levi content from eruri stans which they dub exactly as you do even though it doesn't reflect the fanon at all, and it makes it TOO OBVIOUS what your real issue is. Lmao, an eruri shipper who has a problem w ppl who like top levi, what a fucking surprise! 🙂
also this is from that @p-ssypink imbecile who's also obv an eruri
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stop projecting and pulling discourse out of your ass. "forced masculinization" levi is already a hypermasculine character in canon, you clown. which probably makes you cry :^) and what does this have to do with homophobia? you think all gay men are feminine? pretty sure such stereotyping constitutes as homophobia. anyway, i said "my deal is im in love w him" bc that clown said something like "your whole deal is your hate for eruri rather than stanning levi" i think that message was cut from the og. obv loving a character doesnt make anyone an authority. but "every eruri is out to get self shippers bc they're ego-maniacal lunatics who cant separate fanon from canon and only see levi as a smol bean omega bottom to be protected" Yes, you got one thing correct, congrats! :) 👏🏻 That's exactly how %99 of eruri shippers are like and anyone who has been in this fandom long enough knows that. But "to be protected" is misplaced, since they mostly get off on degrading and torturing him. sometimes they just like to pretend they have any sympathy for him since they've been accused of being levi haters since ALWAYS, lmfao, but don't worry, i can send you a lot where they admit that too. and ofc, the pretend sadness fits right into their agenda with that sad pathetic little doormat levi they want.
anyways. am i homophobic or are people who consistently emasculate a character in %99.9999 of their fanon bc they think being feminine or bottom is degrading the ones who are homophobic? or maybe calling him the f slur constantly, you'd think qualifies? you don't think treating him like a "little twink who's only job is to get fucked" is fetishistic and homophobic, is that tooootally okay for you? What about bullying and mocking people who think differently and forcing their hcs on them, is that fine?
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"inability to top" hmmmmmm i wonder how do these people see t/b roles and why they're so aggressive about them 🤔
plotting to get a levi/oc video down....kudos on that courage to admit that on their main! 👏🏻
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there are so many, this was veeeeeeery hard to pick tbh but here are just few examples. and no, these aren't just one off events or "bad apples" and all of these people are known eruris, and some have thousands of followers. you may accuse me of "making hating eruri my entire online identity" which is fine and dandy. but ENTIRE eruri fandom makes their identiy hating on what they deem is a threat to their glorification fantasy.
as a bonus here are some multishippers who love eruri talk about the same issue being so common as well 🙂
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i think it should be clear why :')
and @jayteacups saying this nonsense, idk if theyre just playing obtuse but lmfao. some people just don't know mentality in shipping communities enough soooo
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having an OC/self-insert have NOTHING TO DO with what im talking about when i criticize self-inserting/identifying etc with a character. and what i'm criticizing isn't even the fact they self-insert into a character lmfao, it's the entire toxicity it brings, bc through overly identifying w some inadequecy of a character (in this case it's obviously the fact levi's more popular and attractive than erwin that bothers them) they grow jealous and resentful, bend canon to alleviate their insecurity + derive ego wank and attack others who don't validate them. as a result, practically all they do is degrading levi in every way and use him as a validation device (and other characters too btw, just look at how they treat zeke) to make erwin come off "superior", gatekeeping levi bc they can't stand seeing him w other characters, even real life fangirls, both out of possessiveness but also bc it ruins their narrative where erwin's the "conventionally attractive" one. that's the reason for the push against people who like levi in a "hetero" way (read: Top, masculine, alpha, daddy, het, whatever bc they think it translates into "conventionally attractive" lmfao, and precisely why they love bi erwin but NEVER bi levi). and this isn't just against self-shippers, they treat every other levi fandom similarly, and these ships also get mocked as "self insert ships". ironic considering their treatment of erwin puts early ff.net mary sues to shame 🥴 they can't be honest about jackshit bc it ruins their glorification fantasy where erwin has to be the one that ship is all about. they're the definition of "have my cake and eat it too", they act like they barely tolerate levi just for erwin's sake but bitchfight over him every second with everyone, depict him as a one-sided simp for erwin, try to alleviate their insecurity by reducing him to a loser doormat while doing the exact opposites towards erwin.
⬇️ gotta be pretty self explanatory lmfao
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^ Very famous and beloved people among eruris
despite the fact there's a lot of pushback, they'll still argue tooth and nail that women wouldn't like levi and would prefer erwin. Why do you think this is soooo important to them? :^) ⬇️ lol wonder why they want him to convince ppl he's "feminine" so bad! almost like it's bc they see it as unattractive and degrading! but sure, we're the sexist homophobes for hating eruri fans, right? oh and the white supremacist rhetoric also so common - bc i've never seen anyone refer to being blonde in MEN as a good thing outside eruri fandom - since it's a feminine stereotype. "tall DARK and handsome", no? :') But they'll use ANYTHING just to make erwin look better, so they're pretend it's related to generic beauty standards rather than, idk, fucking rantings from hitler's headquarters. maybe some other day i should post them calling him aryan, hmmm....
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look at how they act towards even their own (rare good ones lmao) artists when they depict levi in a conventionally attractive way, they bash on it and call it "hetero" hmmm :')
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Oh oops they already said the quiet part loud! 😱But going around shitting on artists and calling levi "erwin's submissive little bitch" is okay to you, right?
By the way, one of the anons cosmicjoke made a fake acc to come at me just now on twitter bc i called out one of the eruris calling levi f*ggot. Apparently according to them it's just no big deal, that's just calling levi "gay". :') linking it bc too many pics: https://x.com/emeraldsas77759/status/1801556666556559451
Just a small taste of what eruri fandom is like, since most people here on tumblr don't have a fucking clue. Anyway cosmic"joke", what an apt name. Now, you can puke blood all over all you want like the useless, pathetic eruri ass-kisser you are and write few other novels for my sake! don't get too comfy with those erwin stans who are now sending you their love instead of harassing you tho lmfao!
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(^ bc they said levi had a bolo tie of his own and MAYBE he wasn't wearing erwin's bolo tie in the FUCKING OFFICIAL ART LMFAO)
"don't ruin the rep of our fandom they're not eruris uwu" Familiar argument, isn't it? :') bc THAT'S what they do, creating ungodly amounts of toxicity, shitting on everyone, intruding in everyone's spaces, then when they get even a little pushback, they start screeching like little rats trying to shift the blame on others. These are the people you defend when you defend eruris. But hey, you can continue to suck up to them, try not to step one milimeter out of line tho, saying levi isn't erwin's dog may get you death threats. Have fun, goodnight, good luck! 😘
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inkvvvells · 10 months
galaxy on fire - prelude (thrawn x original female character)
Title: galaxy on fire Pairing: Thrawn x OFC Rating: M (eventually) Warnings: violence, torture, blood (eventual mentions of past assault, slavery. eventual sexually explicit content) Other Things: Enemies to friends to lovers, SLOW BURN, both the Empire and Rebels suck, touched starved, competency kink… I don’t know what else lol Summary: Born into slavery on the Outer Rim, Celena thinks she finally has a surefire plan to buy her freedom from a Hutt crime family. But everything goes wrong when she’s caught by Imperials and accused of being a Rebel and just when she thinks things can’t get any worse she meets a certain Grand Admiral…
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Note: This may or may not be the start of a longer fic. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now and I haven’t posted fic in YEARS because normally I don’t want to post anything that’s not finished and I don’t finish anything but… idk. Here I am, lol. I like the idea of someone just trying to exist in this galaxy with no ties or love for either side. I know that most fic on here that people want is x reader fics but as I sometimes tldr introspection I don’t think I can pull that off for an x reader fic because I don’t want to tell anyone how to feel lol. So enjoy I guess, maybe I’ll write more. I might also rewrite this bc I’m not happy with it. I just wanted to bang this intro out and see what happens so… BASICALLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!
Note 2: Also I realize that this is like confessing to sins but I haven’t read the new Thrawn trilogy. I am an expanded universe girlie and I have never emotionally recovered from them axing all of that. I’ve based this Thrawn mostly off Rebels with the EU in the back of my mind. Will I read those books? Maybe? I know Zhan wrote them and I trust him but I am a bitter, petty, salty bitch SOOOOO. There will likely be some references to things and characters from the EU (most likely Mara Jade and Thrawn’s reasons for joining the Empire). Sorry not sorry. If when I read the canon books I may incorporate parts of that. IDK.
Note 3: Also I pictured Deepika Padukone as Celena. But feel free to picture her however you want.
Note 4: I don’t really like this title so it will likely change.
“I will ask you again, Rebel Scum,” Governor Pryce’s voice was cold as ice. “Where are the Rebels who sent you?!”
Celena’s ears were ringing and her vision was blurry. They had been like this for hours, with her strapped to a gurney and Pryce torturing her and yelling, demanding to know who sent her. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been so painful, the fact Pryce was so convinced that Celena was with the Rebellion when in fact she hated the Rebellion.
Almost as much as she hated the Empire.
Celena had been caught trying to steal a weapons cache just outside of the Imperial base on Lothal. The most curious thing about it was she had been alone. It was daring to be sure but it raised the question of who sent her. She was human, late twenties with brown skin and long almost wild dark hair. She would have been beautiful if she hadn’t been strapped down and covered in blood and grime. 
“I already told you,” Celena raised her head to look up at Pryce. Her head was throbbing from the gash in it and she could feel blood trickling down her cheek. “I’m not with the Rebels.” “Do you really expect me to believe that?” Pryce leaned closer to her. 
“I don’t care what you believe,” Celena winces. “It’s the truth.”
Pryce sighs overexaggeratedly and takes a step back. “There are other ways of making you talk,” she gestures to the IT-O hovering in the corner of the room. “I simply wanted to give you the opportunity to say it on your own terms.”
“Wow,” Celena rolls her eyes. “How generous of you. With all the torture I totally missed how nice you are.”
Pryce’s nostrils flare and she hits the button controlling the shock treatment, sending another course of electricity and pain through Celena’s entire body. Celena tries to hold back her scream but fails and her scream seems to only make Pryce more excited. Almost like she was getting off on this. 
“I’ll give you one more chance or this is going to get very painful for you,” Pryce says menacingly. “Where are the Rebels who sent you?”
Celena can tell Pryce is getting annoyed and she can’t help but be amused by that. A smirk tugs on her lips one that seems to make Pryce even more annoyed. “Do your worst.”
Pryce snarls, she’s about to bring over the IT-0 droid when the doors to the room slide open. She freezes when she sees who has entered the room. “Grand Admiral,” Pryce tenses slightly. 
“Is this the thief?” Thrawn says, not even looking at Pryce, instead his attention is on Celena. 
Celena doesn’t say anything, she just looks at Thrawn. Her eyes narrow slightly as he moves to stand in front of her. She doesn’t seem impressed or scared of him. 
“I was just about to use the serum on her,” Pryce replies.
“You’ve been questioning her for hours Governor,” Thrawn is still looking at Celena. “And she has yet to break. Perhaps you are losing your touch.”
“I just need more time Grand Admi–” Pryce is cut off by Thrawn raising a hand to silence her. 
“You are done here Governor, you may go,” Thrawn says dismissively. Pryce bristles slightly, for a moment it looks like she’s going to protest but then she leaves. Celena chuckles weakly. “Ohh… she didn’t like that,” Celena muses. “No,” Thrawn says. He continues to stare at Celena, as if he’s trying to figure out who she is just from looking at her. “If you’re going to torture me I’ve had worse…” Celena winces as she raises her head to look up at him. She’s realizing now that unlike all the other Imperials he isn’t human, she makes a slightly confused sound. “Something amuses you?” “You’re …not human.”
“How observant of you.”
“And you’re with the Empire? …why?”
Thrawn raises a brow. It was curious to him that this woman would think to ask that when she was the one captive, she was the one being tortured. And yet she was curious about something that to him was trivial in this moment.
“What is your name?” Thrawn asks instead of replying.
It was a question that Pryce hadn’t bothered to ask her.
“Celena.” “Celena. No surname?”
“Are you a Rebel?” “Your friend seems to think so.”
“Governor Pryce has a tendency to be… overzealous in her methods,” Thrawn leans in closer to Celena, as if he’s studying. “Is that what you’d call it?” Celena scoffs slightly. She feels uneasy under the gaze of his glowing red eyes. She’s met Chiss before so it wasn’t his eyes that unnerved her it was something about the way he was looking at her. 
“Are you going to tell me your name?” she asks. 
Thrawn tilts his head. “Thrawn.”
“...your actual name.”
Thrawn pauses a moment. “Mitth’raw’nuruodo.”
“Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” she repeats. She doesn’t seem to struggle saying his name as most humans would. There is barely even a hint of an accent as she says it.
Thrawn is surprised but he doesn’t show it. He doubts this woman is with the Rebels. The Rebels wouldn’t have sent someone to do something so risky alone. Which made the question of who she really was all the more interesting. He moves to the side of the gurney Celena is strapped to and presses a button, the straps retract and the suddenness of it sends Celena falling to the floor. She hits the floor hard and groans softly. 
“Bring her to my office,” Thrawn finally looks away from her, focusing on the Stormtrooper standing by the door. “I will question her there.”
Thrawn leaves the room, leaving Celena on the floor. Every part of her body aches, now that she’s on the ground it even hurts to breathe. This hadn’t gone how she hoped it would. And inwardly she feels sick. She had been so sure her plan would work she hadn’t really thought of the alternative. Or maybe at this point, she didn’t care. Getting caught by the Imperials was no worse than what she had to go back to. The Stormtrooper yanks her roughly off the floor. “Get moving Rebel Scum!”
Thrawn watches Celena as she uses a damp cloth to wipe the blood off her face. When she got to his temporary office he had a cloth with a bowl of warm water waiting for her as well as food. There was something different about this woman, something he found intriguing. And since torture hadn’t made her talk, he would try something else - something less crass than the interrogation droid.
“Do you always stare,” Celena asks, lowering the cloth so she can fully look at Thrawn. “You aren’t a Rebel,” Thrawn says simply. “That much is obvious.” “To you,” Celena replies, her eyes going down to the food. “It’s not tampered with,” Thrawn tilts his head. “That would defeat the purpose of bringing you here.”
“Why am I here then?” Celena lowers the cloth. There is still blood on her face. It’s dried and it’s itchy on her skin but that feels like the least of her concerns right now. What she needed was a way out here. 
Thrawn doesn’t say anything right away. “I must say I’m impressed you withstood Pryce’s torture. Most would break under such duress.” 
Now Celena is the one who is quiet she looks at the plate of food - basic bread, likely from those portion packets she had gotten so accustomed to eating. 
“I take it you have met my kind before,” Thrawn says.
“Once,” Celena replies. She doesn’t want to elaborate on that. Instead, her attention goes to the few art pieces in the room. 
Even if this was just a temporary office for Thrawn before he went back to his ship he liked to be surrounded by art. He had made sure to bring a few pieces with him, after all if he was going to be here for any length of time he needed something. He had brought one of Sabine Wren’s paintings with him, it made sense considering the Ghost crew’s ties to Lothal. And it would give him more time to study it, to understand it – to understand the Rebels. 
Celena begins to wipe at the blood and grime on her face again, moving the damp cloth down to her neck. Thrawn watches her, he studies her. With some of the blood removed there really is no denying she is beautiful, it wasn’t attraction just a simple fact. He squints slightly as she wipes away the dried blood from her neck, there is a mark there…
“I know you are not a Rebel, Celena,” Thrawn stands up and moves to stand behind her chair. He leans down, putting a hand on Celena’s head to move her so he can get a better look at it. “What are you–” Celena tries to pull away from him. “This mark,” Thrawn stares at it. It isn’t just a mark, it’s a brand. “You belong to the Hutt Cartel.”
Celena pulls away from him, dropping the cloth and standing up. From the way she pulls away it’s clear she doesn’t like being touched. She crosses her arms over her chest as she glares at Thrawn. “And if I do?” 
Thrawn straightens and puts his hands behind his back as he looks at her. “The Hutts would not be foolish enough to send you to steal from us and considering how you still have that brand,” he pauses for a moment. “Did you think you could give them the weapons cache in exchange for your freedom?”
Celena moves her arms tighter around herself. “Does it matter?”
“I suppose it does not,” Thrawn takes a step closer to her. “At least not to most of the Imperials here.” “You’re Imperial.”
“Yes, I am.”
For a few moments, they stood there, staring at each other. Something about the way Thrawn looks at her makes Celena’s skin crawl and soon she has to look away. Instead of looking at him she turns her attention to the painting in the corner of the room. 
“You like art?” Thrawn asks.
Celena says nothing, she takes a few steps closer to it as she takes it in. The shapes, the colours, they all seem to have meaning and for a brief moment she feels a pang of jealousy. This artist had a story. A purpose. Thrawn watches her, her reaction to the piece makes him more curious about her. 
It was hard not to be curious. Besides… she could become useful later. Connections to the Hutt Cartel, connections to the Outer Rim.
“This was painted by a Mandalorian,” Thrawn moves so he’s standing next to her. 
“This is a story,” Celena says, still looking at the painting. “I doubt you’re supposed to have this.”
“I like to collect art from my adversaries,” Thrawn says. “It allows me to understand them better. Their motivations.” “I doubt the artist likes you have this then.”
Thrawn almost chuckles. “No, I doubt she does either.” 
Celena turns to look at him then, her brow furrowed. “So what are you going to do with me then?”
“I am going to give you a room, with a proper bed,” Thrawn replies. “You will stay here until I decide what to do with you.” Celena’s mouth opens to say something. “Do not mistake this for kindness Celena. I am merely deciding how useful you could be to me. Until then you will be locked in a room. I suggest you don’t try to escape.”
Celena stares at him, there is something almost menacing about the way Thrawn says that. She knows if she tries to escape he won’t stop whatever will happen to her. It also seems clear that he knows she has nothing to escape too. Go back to the Hutts or stay here and just wait and hope that she may have a better outcome.
She didn’t have a choice. So she forces a smile. 
“With Imperial hospitality, how could I refuse?”
Thrawn smirks.
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Lowkey... I was so excited about Moonlight Chicken bc big fan of 1000 stars and Cupids last wish.... but how did the earthmix ship have the least impact? Maybe MSP and Eclipse were more recent so those ships overshadowed? And 1000 stars and CLW don't really have side ships so the main couple could shine? or maybe bc MC didn't have a real plot and earthmix does better in plot-heavy shows?? I'm just so confused bc I only watched the show for earthmix and came out shipping the sideships more than them and I want to deeply analyze wtf happened
I want to preface this by saying that I enjoyed MLC immensely—it’s only the second Thai BL ever that I’ve rated 10/10—but I do agree that the JimWen storyline was the weakest of the three. The problem wasn’t the chemistry, though; it was the writing. EarthMix have amazing sexual chemistry and they did what they could with a flawed script.
The first problem, in my opinion, was that the character of Wen was severely underdeveloped. How do I know this? Try describing Wen in one word without using his physical appearance or profession. The only words I can come up with are slutty and sad. And unfortunately, a sad slut does not a main character make. Even Praew, who had the least amount of screen time, has a bigger personality.
The second problem is that Jim and Wen’s relationship has no stakes and very little conflict. Theirs is a very quiet story, more introspective than plot-driven, and that’s a perfectly valid way to write, but you’re setting them up for failure when you make Heart and LiMing the secondary ship because Heart and LiMing are all conflict all the time—both internal conflict (Heart blaming LiMing for breaking the vase + their ongoing communication difficulties) and external conflict (the disapproval of their respective families).
We don’t spend our mental energy worrying about Jim and Wen because in the long run it doesn’t really matter whether they get together or not. If Jim never gives in to Wen’s advances, they will just go back to their separate lives and they will still be fine. The stakes in the JimWen plotline are about Jim’s diner, not the relationship itself, and it’s frustrating because they were so close to getting it right.
This is pure speculation, but my guess is that if P’Jojo had directed MLC like he was supposed to, he would have made Wen a cheater for real. And suddenly, there are stakes! I know a lot of people don’t like infidelity plotlines and I get it, but it would have made Jim and Wen’s relationship 1000x more interesting because now Wen is being forced to choose between the life he has built with a partner of six years versus the chance of something better. And on the other side, there is Jim who has unwittingly fallen in love with someone who is treating another man the exact same way Jim’s cheating ex-husband treated him. God, it would have been beautiful.
So, to answer your question, I don’t think EarthMix were overshadowed by the other couples, I think the script just fucked them over. That being said, I still enjoyed the show as a whole. Stories are going to resonate with who they resonate with. But in the case of MLC, I really do think the brunt of the issue was with the writing.
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peninkwrites · 2 months
1, 2, 50, 51, and 79 for the ask game! If that's not too many 😭
No such thing as too many questions!! I love this stuff!
1 - Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
My memory is a very large sieve if I do not write something down the moment I think of it, it is gone forever. So. I tend to start jotting down notes and outlining the moment I have A Thought and then it just grows from there. I’m not a heavy outliner though sometimes it’s just like, one sentence of a Thing Happens and then once I can get my hands on a keyboard I’m ready to go. I’d argue I’m constantly daydreaming as well which is what my notes app is for. If I cannot be in front of my computer, I’m still writing stuff in there.
2 - Where do you get your fic ideas?
“Would that be fucked up or what?” Ok but actually I tend to look for things I wanted resolved in canon, things that explore the characters, “what ifs”, stuff like that. Mafia AU is an experiment for me in character motivations and at this point I forgot what got me thinking of the mafia premise.
50 - How would you describe your writing style?
If I’m being generous, cinematic? I love love love dialogue. Dialogue is my bread and butter and everything else is just awkwardly built around it. My writing skills seem to be set up like dialogue > action > inner monologue > descriptions. I want to get better at figurative language and I guess indirect character exploration? Yeah. Right now, I write like a screenplay with extra detailed notes on character feelings.
51 - Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Um. Yes and no. I fucking love super introspective character-study type fics where the exploration of the character is Shown to us, not simply told via dialogue, which is what I tend to use as a crutch. I mean, my character study type fics are literally therapy fics bc the characters are forced to talk about their feelings. Stories where half the meaning is shown through what is UNSAID are everything to me. I read what I feel like I can’t write. But also. I reread my own fics perhaps more often than I should because it is literally exactly what I’d like to read. So. I don’t often seek out fics like my own because I’ve got my own inventory covered lmao.
79 - Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
Just basic shit. Write daily if you can, read when you can and try to read lots of different things and try to read critically! That’s something I’ve been slacking on, I’ve been reading a ton of books lately but I’m not gaining anything from them as a writer bc I’m not consuming them as a writer, y’know? So, I’m trying to get better at that!
Ty for the ask! this was lots of fun and got me thinkin ^-^
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dcvilgrams · 11 months
writer asks! 🥺 ✨ 🛠 and 🧠 for Satan
oh man for Satan??? definitely his interactions with Xhura forever and always but especially when they make their pact. it's just so cute and wholesome and they understand being the 'odd one out' even in a family of oddballs and they just... really are there for each other, y'know??
like look here, aren't they so cute???
came back to this once I reached the last question realizing you meant the headcanon was for Satan and not all of the questions, including this one—oh well, enjoy the foot blurb XD
But Satan just laughs at first. "Right now?" That's not as funny as— "on your hand?" He's nice enough to want Xhura to think that through. He knows a witch with a pact mark on her tongue and does not envy the demon who tastes everything. “Well—where the hell else would it go? ... If my hand isn’t good enough, how about my foot!” He goes in for another light kick like earlier. Everyone hates feet. It’s the perfect revenge. Satan effortlessly catches the foot swinging his way before it can make any more damaging contact. He laughs, fondly, with all of that trust and brotherly affection still fresh at the front of his mind— "Oh." He laughs even harder. "I suppose that serves us both right." And it's done. And it's beautiful. And, yeah, it's still pretty funny.
biiiiig siiiigh bc i literally suck at doing thisssss but I guess if I must then I must...
I guess I can compliment myself on my stream-of-consciousness writing style. I've been told that it makes certain introspective scenes and scenes that involve a lot of chaotic turmoil very exciting and immersive to read
I am a big advocate for using scrivener, as well as it's mind-mapping sister scapple. for script writing I have an old version of celtx installed on my laptop that doesn't require their new subscription thank god
scriv has been my godsend from day one and though it may be pricy, I've literally used it every day and for every chapter and writing blurb and idea that's popped into my head since I discovered it
my favorite headcanon for Satan is probably baby Satan, which was @houselamentation's idea first, and doesn't go with canon revealed in NB but it's still fucking hilarious to imagine a sharp-toothed hellion baby terrorizing the brothers when they first arrived in the Devildom
fanfic writer emoji ask | my ask
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operaofsocks · 9 months
(rereading the last few chapters) damn this is pretty good actually
like... i'm impressed mostly with my ability to make it seem like i know what i'm doing. bc i very much do not. between memory issues, impulsivity, the length of time i've been working on this, and just the general way my creative process works, i am very firmly winging it chapter to chapter.
mind, i've had like... very broad story beats in mind that i was able to direct the narrative towards, but until i am right up on an event, i don't have a great sense of how it's going to go. i guess things are more fun for me that way? but sometimes it does leave me stuck for prolonged periods of time when i'm not sure where to go next.
here's a few scenes i've been thinking of for a while that i finally got to write these past few chapters (and no, i never wrote them down before i got to them):
dipper gets attacked by a lake monster and bill saves him (this has been clanging around in my head for a while. as i recall the very first iteration of the idea involved the family going out on a boat and dipper getting taken in front of them all, with bill being the only one actually able to do anything. for reasons now obvious, the idea of the family taking bill out on a calm fishing trip hasn't been plausible for a while. believe it or not this also originally had little to nothing to do with the rift aside from the amped up weirdness happening around town because of it)
bill and dipper finally get close romantically but are interrupted by mabel (another old one. years, now. originally they were going to be illuminated by the car's headlights while wrapped up in each other and close to kissing. this was also originally divorced from the previous scene, and not in direct response to it. i also think bill wasn't going to actually manage to land a kiss.)
separated from dipper, bill has to make the choice to return to the shack on his own, not under the influence of binding (thiiiiis one has changed a lot more than the others. arguably it's also one of the oldest ideas i've had for lrth; pretty sure i came up with it around the time bill emerged into the real world, and if it was before then, i likely didn't have the binding element there. the original idea was for mabel to drag dipper home after the almost-kiss and, in her fury, just abandon bill out there in the woods. then he'd make his way back to the shack of his own volition, with some introspection from his point of view about the situation. i also intended for him to find his cane, lost when dipper first bound him. i had pretty much abandoned this idea until i realized if i pit him directly against pyronica, that would be a great explanation for how the family was willing to let him go off on his own (they had no choice) and i could make it a lot more severe than it had originally been. i very nearly still did the cane thing, but upon rereading the chapter where dipper finds bill's statue, i realized i'd placed it way too close to the shack for bill to have ended up there while trying to get pyronica as far away as possible. i am currently undecided on if the cane makes a return; bill's brief look at it in his dreamscape was an allusion to him realizing he didn't actually have it anymore.)
bill and/or ford very clearly state they used to be together (i've had bill allude to it previously but it never seemed to fit in anywhere to just say it outright)
pyronica specifically becomes a major threat (don't remember why. i think i just like her, despite the absolute lack of unique character she actually has in weirdmageddon)
there's others... smaller things, mostly, little details i managed to hold onto over the years and eventually got to use. like bill and dipper going shopping with pacifica. (sorry that scene was mostly off-screen, i just really did not want to write a shopping montage, gomen nasai)
there are some other major scenes i've yet to get to but still have plans for. two, actually, that have been in the works for a long time; as i near them, they are beginning to take shape. so we'll see how it goes.
i don't know how many more chapters there will be. i don't think it's going to be over 30, but i genuinely can't say. i have started thinking about the first chapter of "good intentions", the sequel, which has a very rough plot idea but very little by way of actual planned content, as per usual.
...i also have been working on a post-apocalyptic AU of sorts for a while, in my head, though i haven't visited it terribly recently; i think my biggest hangup is that i don't know if i can make it billdip or if it'd work better as a genfic. multi-chapter genfic... imagine... idk if i could even keep up with that i'm ngl
anyway. i hope this post has been a fun read! and i also hope my shoddy planning hasn't ruined the magic for any of you lmao. sorry for winging everything. it will happen again
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🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
yasmeanie <3,
well, i'll get to it then. the rainbow is answered so i'll just do the other two! i will /try/ to be concise but again, no promises.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
considering who's asked this question, i suppose the fun answer would be vibes. and i guess that encapsulates what is the most important part to me---the mood, the tone, the themes they just need to feel right to me. i personally enjoy writing more emotional, character study-esque, introspective fics which is partially from my literature background in literary analyses. don't get me wrong, plot and characters and world-building is fun and all, but i think the emotional crux of the fic is most important to me which is why my tags are less technical or setting-based, and more like 'angst' or 'hurt/comfort' which tends to deal with the emotional gravitas of the work.
i think part of this is done through figurative language, so language is important to me. i think, first and foremost, i'm a poet and that translates to my prose and my fics, which tend to be more poetic, metaphorical filled with grandeur; purple prose if you will.
so yay emotions!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
oh fun!
so i have adhd and ive been working on multiple projects at once (as per usual, typical coolbeans honestly)
and here are the final chapters of my two favorite unfinished multichaps currently (with blurbs!)
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so this is chapter 8 of the office au i've been writing for f4! i'm pretty far through but im still sorting out some plot details and trying to find time to write it all!
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so this is my uber-fave (and only) fiery priest fic that im hella obsessed with right now and i'm soooo close to finishing chapter 4 i just need to power through for a couple hours and i should be done.
as for my up and coming work(s), i have lots of fun things !
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this is for my despised beloves strangers again the show i cant get enough and it ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. i want to give my baby hara the justice she deserves bc everyone in that show did her dirty and i will redeem her myself so be it. i said fuck canon and redid the ending as i deserve to
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this is lawschool fic bc i saw something on pinterest and was inspired. it's all fluff pointless romance really.
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this one i've had in my reserves since december when i watched the show and i WAS obsessed bc my man yim siwan needs to portray more green flag cuties but i also wanted horny daebeom
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these two are what i like to call my sister fics. they're the folklore and evermore if you will. the sidecouple angst in two different flavours. if you've read beware the villainess, the first is like where she finally manages to get him freed, a post canon work, and the second as the title states, is canon divergence and still angsty but more adultier flavoured. more hurt.
i love love yona and yohan from beware the villainess this is them in case u dont know they are my favorite grumpy saintess queen x sunshine wizard simp
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i've been really into manhwas since early last year (honestly if u follow me dedicatedly anywhere on social media, you'd probably already know this) and i have some i want to write for!
rosey posey <3 (coolbeans/ro)
link to the original post if anyone else wants to ask me more! i'm finally back (proper) for the better i think <3 ask me more things im currently accepting prompts <3 !!!
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shenzuns · 2 years
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name.  kiwi  !
pronouns.  they  /  them  (  +  she  /  he  )
preference  of  communication.  uhhh probably... IMs or discord  ???  i give out my discord as much as i can, but i’m very bad at talking to people BHDFDJF
name  of  muse.  shen qingqiu, or shen yuan depending on who you get acquainted with...  first  ?  it’s very verse dependent, if you meet him when he’s transmigrated then it’s shen qingqiu bc by that point he’s given up his old identity as  “  shen yuan  “
rp  experience  /  how  long.  good god i’ve probably been here since i was like... 13? so...  8 years disgostang
best  experience.  shitposting  !  that’s literally all i do on a daily basis anyways, but my best rp experiences were when the community would kind of get together and do silly shit on the dash. i don’t see much of that anymore at all now lol, unfortunate  !  oh, and, in character games were THE shit like...  i still try to get those going when i can bc there’s nothing more fun than muses meeting each other for the first time to yell at each other about being the imposter or something.  also, when you kind of have a group of people who are in a specific verse, and matching urls, and just idk very community based things were always my type of beat  !
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers.  i...  don’t really have many actually  ?  it’s quite litchrally the basic principal that people have been touting for years, read rules  (  please god, i know he acts like a straight guy but my man is gay as all hell Do Not approach him romantically if ur muse is fem aligned  ), don’t try to play god without My permission, don’t forceship unless i say it’s cool cus i love forceshipping with my breasties, don’t... tell me what my muse is... or how he could be  /  act like... man.  uhhh, probably also like, feeling as though i have to diminish how powerful or mean a muse is otherwise me and someone’s mun will get off on the wrong foot like...  i’m sorry i don’t control my muse’s power level it’s on UR muse to not instigate a fight if u Know my muse is strong man.  uhhh...  when people complain about posting too much ooc like ok just say u don’t want to have fun or get to know the ppl behind the screen.  also, it kind of squicks me when ppl are like ‘oh ur character isn’t super canon’ like i already have phobias, don’t add to that man  ---  also canon divergencies exist.  and then other stuff is just stupid shit like, if we’re shipping and there’s no reciprocating amount of effort put in it just tanks me, and like.  fighting over ships too lawl like, i get if toxic ships aren’t ppls cups of tea but that doesn’t mean u have to kill someone over it  (  this does NOT include actually problematic ships, yall are adult enough to get what i mean here  )
fluff,  angst,  or  smut.  all i guess  ???  my fatal flaw is liking angst and smut but being too much of a baby to write it out and  /  or talk about it.  like, i’m very bad at writing angst but it’s all i give my muses so I Want To Learn.  and, re: smut i’m... weirdly shy  ?  which is funny bc it’s horny thoughts 24/7 here but i just get anxious and lock up even though i want to write smut. it’s fucked up and evil and i’m the bearer of the curse SFNFKMSF
plots  or  memes.  boooth...  i say tentatively, LIKE i’m kind of bad at plotting is the thing.  i prefer discussing character dynamics and then discussing how things can go from that.  also, s.qq is kind of difficult to plot with i’ve come to slowly realize  ???  but i also Have to plot with him to get anywhere, so u see it’s a pain.  BUT I LOVE MEMES i thrive on memes, it’s the best way i interact  !  i do try my best to send in stuff and i adore getting things in return  (  i’m just slow as fuck but i always smile when i get asks  )
long  or  short  replies.  UHHHH...  it really depends but i’ll be real, i talk too fucking much when i write SHDSFMKFDKM a bitch doesn’t know how to shut up and s.qq is an overthinker so he’s very introspective  (  TOO introspective u might say  ), so while i love the idea of short replies...  it never really works out that way for me </3
best  time  to  write.  man.  who even knows w/ me at this point LMAOO probably night though that’s when everything’s quiet for me and i can vibe, or like.  the early hours of daybreak.  but idk when my motivation, creativity and social battery are up there is usually when i start writing again
are  you  like  your  muse.  KIIIND OF  ???  my friend’s and i like to joke around that i’m kind of a shen yuan at times, i actually really latched onto his character BECAUSE of his neurosis but.  i dunno, i’m not as logic driven as he is, nor am i as stilted emotionally  /  with my affections.  so, yes and no  !  he can be difficult to write sometimes because of how different he is from me, i think.  i’ve never written a muse like him before, so it’s definitely a challenge, but a fun one  !  i also think it’s pretty natural to take on muses similar to you or put parts of yourself in a muse, bc how else are you supposed to understand them on a deeper level yk  ?  it helps with getting into a muses mental imo.
tagged.  @oftwilight​  thank u sybil, ily  !  <3
tagging.  @junshang​,  @feiyuie​,  @mellodiies​,  @kuurtaa​,  @chiheru​,  @hymnblood​,  @fuxian​,  @suender​  &  if ur reading this that’s it. ur tagged, @ me i want to see  !
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adrianicsea · 2 years
Is there anything you wanted to include in swg but couldn’t fit/weren’t sure how to add in?
yes! even though i outline the chapters in advance, sometimes i’ll be mid-draft and realize that something isn’t working out the way i wanted it to, or i’ll think of a totally new idea that works better than whatever i had planned in advance. this won’t be a comprehensive list bc there’s some stuff i think COULD still make it to the finished product, so ask me again after the whole story’s done! but here’s a smattering of ideas and subplots that didn’t make it and will Certainly Most Definitely Never show up, as well as some plot events that originally happened in a different sequence. [going roughly in chapter order]
for starters, lawrence’s foot wasn’t originally planned to be in adam’s fridge. swg was PLANNED to be a shorter, more introspective character study about lawrence, and it was going to be much more ambiguous about whether adam was There or just a projection of lawrence’s guilt and desire. it’s absolutely insane to think about now!!
while he was going through adam’s apartment in ch4, i briefly considered having lawrence stumble across adam’s dick/toy collection. i decided against it because i think it would have played too comedically and it felt... kind of invasive. i didn’t want lawrence to see that part of adam and form any (more) preconceived notions of him before getting to know adam as a person.
lawrence’s therapy appointment was first outlined for chapter 7. it turned out as i was writing that the story needed a LOT more detail and time spent on all sorts of elements, which is why it ended up pushed all the way back to chapter 9.
the timing of a&l learning about the apartment fire (specifically, the news making it public that the apartment was ADAM’S) moved like 3 times. it was also supposed to happen much earlier, but got moved back so the story could have more room to breathe and develop.
similarly, a&l’s conversation about their histories and their youth that takes place in ch14 was originally planned for ch10.
lawrence’s letter to his mother in ch13 was originally planned to be written to simon and was supposed to be a coming-out letter.
this is the most major cut element, in that it was actually WRITTEN before i decided not to do it— in ch13, diana wasn’t going to let adam go, and lawrence was going to take adam and diana out of the bookstore to explain to diana that adam was his special ghost friend. it got cut because it ultimately felt out of character; diana was going to have to keep adam’s existence a secret from alison, and i didn’t think that lawrence would ask something like that of diana. the ongoing issue of “will diana tell alison” was just one subplot too many, so it got the axe. i’ve shown this draft to a few close friends, but i guess i could share it publicly, if anyone wants to see it? it ends VERY abruptly bc i gave up on it in the middle, but like... idk it might be interesting for y’all to see the forbidden swg content.
lawrence was supposed to tell adam about simon in ch14
in ch16, a&l weren’t originally going to interact with the nerve gas house, but once i got them there, i realized there was NO way adam would walk away from that house without trying to help.
not really cut content or anything but there’s a piece of MAJOR plot foreshadowing in chapter 16’s chapter title/title song that i don’t think anybody’s picked up on yet. if they have, they haven’t said anything about it 👀
similarly, the shower scene that’s now in ch19 was originally going to go in ch16, before amanda comes back.
in ch17/18, adam was going to be MUCH more hostile and threatening to amanda at first.
lawrence wasn’t going to actually, physically come out to adam in ch20– or at least, he wasn’t originally planned to say the words “i’m gay” to adam. he surprised me with that when i was writing that chapter but it was the right move in hindsight!!
(no chapter) at one point, lawrence was going to have to try to go “undercover” to talk to adam’s friends, and this was going to entail lawrence dyeing his hair black and trying to dress more punk. this was also an attempt to make lawrence less recognizable, bc at this point he was going to be a person of interest to the MPD. this was a vague scene that i had planned, but never figured out where to put in the story, and in the end i decided against it bc it just felt... too funny.
okay that’s all i could find in my outline notes/remember that i thought was interesting!! like i said, there’s some other stuff that hasn’t happened Yet but still MIGHT, so this isn’t a full list— ask me again after ch40 goes live JDJDJSHSHSHD. let me know if you’re interested in the cut scene with diana, i guess i could polish it up and throw it on ao3! and literally thank you for asking, i have pages on pages of notes and outlines and ideas for swg and talking about it makes me SOOOO happy
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cookinguptales · 2 years
queenofthefaces said: I do think it’s a writing style change, but a change that came around because they’ve gotten more comfortable with the characters + the focus of the show has shifted a bit. The sense of like…if they went back and rewrote the early seasons the characterization would be different bc their relationship to the character is different. Like they’ve been through a lot more together 😂 I’m hungover so idk if this is coherent tho lmao
I do think they’re more comfortable now with what the characters eventually became, but I think it’s also important to keep in mind that the showrunner did literally change and I think most of these things were a direct result of that. The show has definitely been more introspective and focused on characterization/character growth in s3/s4. I think it would definitely look different if the current writers went back and wrote s1/2 because... I mean... they’re literally different writers and showrunners at this point. lmao
Like obviously there’s a lot of overlap. It’s not like entirely new people came in and took over between seasons and it’s not like you can’t see the current writers’ hand in the old seasons. But Clement was the showrunner back then and usually ended up writing or at least co-writing the key episodes himself, so once Paul Simms and Stefani Robinson ended up taking over from him, of course things were going to change some. I think it’s kind of unfair to be like “well, I’m sure they’d do it differently now” when it’s literally different people in charge. Like... I guess yes, they would write it differently than the person who did write it then. lmao
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courtrecord · 1 year
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i think i’m pretty good at dialogue (my beloved), character voice, and general introspection about characters’ situations
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
hmm i don’t really have a particular time of day? whenever i’m in the mood, i guess. often my most productive writing time is whenever im supposed to be paying attention to something else :)
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
this is an interesting question bc i’ve been in a huge growth period over the past year, so i’m like. hmm. i definitely could get better at imagery/description, that’s been true forever, it is simply not my strong suit. and also like, writing plot? it’s something i feel more comfortable with now than i did a year ago but there’s still a lot of room for improvement there
ask me fanfic questions!
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