#bc i legit couldn't see it at one point
fyrewalks · 7 months
i survived my migraine enough to write so i'm gonna spend sometime stocking up the queue today
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frogchiro · 7 months
can I request thots on hybrid coyote graves and maybe a sweet little farmer who dotes on him- she legit gives him food and scratches all the time thinking he's a dog because of how sweet he is to her- plot twist he's just being polite cuz he's in love and is ready to mate her anytime she bends over 💕 bonus points if she's totally receptive and that makes him go feral
I think you'd like my cottage core!Reader au I did a while back!! Bc it's basically what you described, just Coyote!Philip being the biggest menace to poor reader who just wants to live her quaint and calm life in her cottage surrounded by forests and rolling fields of green, but suddenly this loud, cocky coyote hybrid appeared!
He may be loud with his howls and yowls and keeping you up at night but that are just his mating calls! He wants you to know he's an eligible coyote male, very strong and virile and that he's ready to mate with you! And he has to let you know too!
But you never hold that against him, bless your heart. You can never say no to those big blue eyes and the charming, toothy smile he sends your way. He's older but very handsome in a rogue-ish, rugged way. And he's very friendly and chatty too! Swings by your cottage every day to chat with you and spending the whole day with you (sometimes the night too, unknowingly to you he sometimes sleeps in your garden) and sometimes he comes bearing gifts! They range from berries to dead birds he hunted for you to fluffy warm pelts and blankets for the harsh winters here! (You don't ask how he got the last one)
And after all his efforts you can't just not try and repay him :(( Philip wants to prove he is a great provider and can and will take care of you (and any possible pups you produce) so you make delicious jam from the berries he gathered that you later put into those cookies he loves snacking on and you use the birds he hunted and the vegetables from your garden to make rich, nutricious meals for the hybrid and he is yet to turn a single one of them down <3
As for the pelts and blankets they come in handy when a harsh winter hits and you're scrambling to put together a fire in the fireplace to warm yourself and your home and assemble what is basically a pillow fort in your bed to warm yourself....But you couldn't help but worry about Phil. You know he has his den in the woods and that the pelt on his back and chest give him some warmth but this winter is worse than any you've seen and you worry about your hybrid companion, what if he freezes to death?
You were about to dress yourself and go out looking for him to invite him but luck was on your side and the hybrid male came to you first! He had his charming smile as always as he nonchalantly asked if he could warm himself up in your cottage and despite his bravado, you could see that the man was freezing cold so you immediately pulled him inside and basically stated that he is going to be staying with you for the rest of the winter and you won't take no for an answer.
Of course Philip was elated to hear it! For him this was basically a proposal and before long you two were snuggled under the warm furs and blankets Phil gave you (not before he insistently rubbed himself on your entire bed to 'scent it thoroughly'), falling asleep blissfully except for your hot blush as you felt the hot and hard pressure between your thighs and the blonde's panting and whines :((
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thelilylav · 4 months
Hmmm... very interesting to me that Taylor Swift is trending rn and yet for some reason no one in that tag is complaining that her trending is taking away from what's going on in Palestine and what's happening in Rafah. And yet for some reason, people couldn't seem to shut up in the Kendrick Lamar tag when he was trending about how the whole beef was just two celebrities beef (it's much deeper than that) and were making up theories abt how the whole thing was taking attention away from Palestine and everyone talking about it should feel ashamed of themselves (every single account I saw in that tag was posting about Palestine too).
And the thing that's really getting me is that Taylor is trending bc of a change to the Eras tour. An objectively unimportant change to make, especially when compared to what's going on in Rafah. But that's not what gets hate, no, it's the predator getting called out in an industry known for exploitation by one of the biggest artists in said industry. The racism isn't even implicit atp...
Edit: ok so just to clarify no this wasn't meant to insinuate that Taylor trending was some setup of Israel (that's just... like objectively wrong lmao), it was to point out that when it comes to a black artist in hip hop (a predominantly non-white genre) people wouldn't let fans of said genre just enjoy the music and shenanigans happening in that genre and that's it's hypocritical to act like people can't care abt two things at once, but they can enjoy their white "feminist icon" pop star (a much whiter genre) without anyone bringing hate into that tag. like i put in the tags, the anti taylor tag is for filtering bc i honestly don't see this post as particularly negative for taylor swift, it's a critique of the fans. and i'm calling out swifties particularly bc the ones who were saying that the beef was manufactured to take eyes off of rafah were swifties, and the ones being racist in the kendrick tag were swifties. i'm not exaggerating like almost every hate post i saw mentioning the beef being manufactured was a swiftie account. it is weird to act like people caring about very serious allegations happening in a genre of music isn't reason enough to make a big deal of the situation and go INTO THE TAG and complain, but it is especially hypocritical and frankly quite infuriating to see the same people who complained about a big deal of a situation being a "distraction" from gaza and then blog abt taylor swift . it's fine if u want to blog abt music u like, honestly idc abt that, if that's all u do then this legit isn't targeted at u, this is targeted at the swifties who came into the kendrick tag to complain and then went back to talking abt swift two seconds later like they weren't doing the same thing they were complaining abt two minutes before. (sry for the long explanation, but i just don't want ppl taking my words out of context and i rlly tried to word this all clearly, but idk man sometimes u think u word something well and then nobody undrestands wtf u were on abt so i wanted to make sure it was clear) also, if you're a zionist or israel supporter, i will be blocking u if u interact with this post. ok ty bye bye
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atsumwah · 2 years
about time
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featuring : iwaizumi hajime
includes : you being oikawa's sister, brothers best friend trope, a teeny tiny mention of drinking, and you and makki being besties
notes : i legit put iwa and bo in the wheel name spinning thing bcs i was too indecisive to pick and iwa won three in a row....the universe apparently sided with this hunk 2day ! ignore the mistakes if you find any, i’ll fix em laterzzz :)))
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being oikawa's sister had its perks.
you're instantly popular, you have boys queuing up to get your number, every girl in the school was nice to you ( though they only wanted to get closer to your brother but you didn't care honestly) so really there wasn't anything you can complain about.
except that you have the biggest crush on your brother's best friend.
it's not that he's just hot, like insanely godly hot, he's also really nice. all the years you've known iwaizumi, there wasn't a moment where he wasn't a gentleman to you, despite being together for so long people might mistake you three as siblings.
like when you were five and fell on your knees, he was the one who ran to get the first aid kit (damn your brother he did nothing but laugh, the audacity)
or when you were thirteen when you were scared to walk alone after school without oikawa because he was sick and iwaizumi offered himself up despite having his classes end way earlier than you (and continues to do so when your brother couldn't accompany you)
or when you were 21, drunk off your ass at a bar and having him pick you up, knowing that his campus was literally halfway across town but still came when he heard you sobbing at the other end of the phone.
the little things he does makes your heart flutter, toes curl and mind only filled with thoughts of him. he's the reason why your standards in men are so high and you aren't going to settle less than any of that. you weren't going to settle if it wasn't him.
even so, you're pretty sure he doesn't see you in the same light. again, you've known each other for years, you basically grew up together, so you're pretty sure he only sees you as his best friend annoying little sister (even worse, he's own little sister)
"why does he have to be like that, makki?" you whine, your head lulling to the right to rest on your best friend's shoulder.
"that being?" he teased, taking a sip from his drink as he eyed you from the side.
"you know, irresistibly hot." you gestured to iwaizumi who was working at the counter, "how am i supposed to move on if i see him everyday?"
"that's your own fault. you know he works here."
you did but that's not the point.
"still," you grumbled out, "thought i was being obvious enough. can't he just, i don't know,reject me?"
"honey, you and i both know he's oblivious as hell. i think you need to spell it out for him to get it."
you groaned, hitting your head against the table again.
"hey, what if i set you up with a guy? maybe you'll learn to move on." makki suggested.
it wasn't like the idea of meeting someone new hasn't crossed your mind before. it's just that, well, they're not him.
"did you miss the part where haji's literally perfect and most men aren't?"
"most men besides haji and you aren't."
"better." he said smugly before continuing. "what if i made sure he checks all your boxes, hmm? i know a lot of people."
"i don't know," you bit your lip, "i guess i trust you…"
"that's a dangerous thing to do, you know?"
your head whipped to the sound of his voice coming from behind you.
"i'm literally your best friend, dude."
"not by choice."
a chuckle escaped your lips at his bluntness.
"what are you talking about and why are you trusting makki with it?"
before you could even answer, makki did for you.
"we were talking about setting her up on a date," he said proudly.
"a date, huh?" he eyed you from the side, "thought you had all the boys lining up your feet, princess."
you're so unfair, hajime. 
"they're not that interesting, i guess." you said instead.
"good. keep your standards high. you can't trust men these days."
"you're literally a man."
"i'm different."
"ahem." makki not so subtly coughed again.
"like I said, i'm different—ow— i will literally kick you, makki."
you only smiled, never agreeing more with a statement. he was different, or maybe there was something different about the way you felt for him compared to anyone else. and as much as you wanted something more with him, you're smart enough to realize that that dream was way out of reach.
maybe going on a blind date wouldn't be the worst idea.
"i'm so gonna kill you!"
"what'd he do?" makki said on the other line.
"not only did he criticize what i ordered, he even took some of my food and didn't even ask for it! he said and i quote 'a pretty thing like you can't finish this, right?' you know i don't share food!"
"i’m sorry bout that honey. he seemed pretty cool when i talked to him before. he did looked excited when he saw a picture of you."
"ugh men. that's it, i'm just gonna wait for my prince charming to come."
"so no more blind dates?"
"nope." you clicked your tongue as you opened the door to your apartment. "thanks hiro, i did appreciate the thought. i'm gonna call it a night."
"alright, sleep tight honey."
you removed the phone lodged between your shoulder and ear before dropping through keys in the bowl next to the door.
"you're home early."
you let out a gasp at the sudden intruder, your heart calming down when you realize who it was. "my god, how did you come in?"
"you gave me the keys, dumbass." iwaizumi shook the spare keys in front of you, then settled himself on the countertop. "so how was your date?"
"how'd you know it was today?" you took off your coat and immediately went to the refrigerator, taking out a can of—well two cans— of something that would probably make you forget your date.
"makki's not one to keep quiet, you know."
"right. well, it's a lost cause you could say."
"that bad?"
"yup," you downed it down immediately, wincing at the aftertaste. "what're you doing here anyways? it's late."
"had to make sure you got back safe." he said nonchalantly, "your brother would've nagged me if something happened to you."
"i'm a big girl, hajime. i can take care of myself." you said, annoyed, though your beating heart says otherwise. "pretty sure he's dying for me to get someone. he's always saying how i'm repulsing men."
"we both know that's not true, princess," he says.
ugh there it is again. that stupid nickname that makes you weak in the knees for the man in front of you.
"yeah well…" you started, avoiding his eyes as you spoke, "i appreciate you coming to check up on me but i don't need another brother breathing down my back, alright?"
you expect him to shrug it off or to roll his eyes like oikawa would but instead you're confused at his next words.
"do i really give off that impression to you?"
you turned your head towards him. it almost sounded like he was hurt. "what do you mean?"
"nothing." he says almost instantly after that. "nothing, i just— forget i said anything." and with that he goes off to grab his coat hanging by the rack.
but you were curious. because the way he said it seemed like it was out of surprise. like it's the first time he realized that.
"wait," you grabbed his arm before he could go. "tell me what you mean by that?"
was it the booze that made you act this way too? yeah probably.
" 's doesn't matter. forget it, alright?" he makes a move to leave but tug his arm out. you hold on tighter.
"tell me." you say, persistently. "i’m not letting you go until you tell me. i'll jump on your back right now even."
"let go."
"for someone bigger than my brother you sure are a wimp."
"are you trying to provoke me?"
"is it working?" you said before adding, "wimp."
"it's not working."
you pouted. "it always works with tooru."
"that's because he has a huge ego." he let out a yelp when you actually fulfilled your threat by jumping on his back. "hey, get off!"
"not until you tell me!" you locked your legs around him with your arms around his neck to stay determined. "this usually works on tooru too. only it involves a lot more hair pulling." you said triumphantly, before realizing how close your face has gotten to his. apparently he noticed it too judging by how wide his eyes are and how red he looks up close.
"if i tell you, you might hate me." he whispers, words only for you to hear.
"i could never hate you." that's ridiculous. you were literally in love with him, hello?
he looked uncertain, but eventually gave in when you were still stubborn to let him go.
“...i like you, y/n."
"if you're messing with me, i will pull your hair out." you managed to say.
"please don't. mine doesn't grow as fast as your shitty brother."
"you're…for real then?"
"then why would you think i hate you?"
iwaizumi winced, like the next few words were gonna be painful. "you said you think of me as a brother."
"because i thought you only saw me as a sister!" you blurted out.
"what?" his big saucer eyes matching your own. "what're you saying?"
"i'm in love with you." you bit your lip and continued on. "i've been in love with you ever since i can remember."
there. it was finally out, no takesies backsies. honestly it felt good to have that in the open. it was like ripping off a bandaid, painful but at the same time, relieving.
but then panic set in when he didn't say anything for a solid minute.
you watched as his face slowly turned red till the tip of his ears and his mouth opening, closing, as if still figuring out what to say. his hands moved first, slowly taking you off of his back and turning your body so you were now hugging him from the front, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
"so… we like each other?" he says, lips unbelievably close to your own.
"so if i wanted to kiss you, your would say…" he trails off, eyes solely focusing on your lips.
"i'd say it's about damn time, haji." you mimicked his movements.
"about damn time," he mutters before claiming your lips with his.
about damn time indeed.
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Besides the one argument (immoral fruit incident), has Wukong ever had a “legitimate” reason to be angry at Sophie?
Not because she wasn’t giving him the attention he believed he deserved or something
I feel like one incident where Wukong was legit mad at Sophie when Six-Eared Macaque disguised himself as Wukong again before Wukong had a chance to drive one punch. Macaque did a little sneaky attack and cast some sand smoke around them that prevented Wukong, Sophie, and him included to see anything in a few seconds. In those few seconds, he used his abilities to become fake Wukong which drew Sophie AND Wukong into the loop. Especially Sophie because she couldn't recognize which one is the real Wukong. They both looked and acted extremely identical. Wukong ofc knew that Macaque is trying to fool Sophie tho no matter what he said, or did Macaque mimic that very well, and that made him very angry. Especially because Sophie just couldn't see that he was the real Sun Wukong. For a second he was very furious with Sophie but all of this was because he was stressed, frustrated, and even scared so it blinded him to see that there is no reason to be mad at her. Luckily once he saw Sophie break down he snapped out of it and realized the real issue.
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Btw when I drew Wukong and Macaque as Wukong I pictured the real Wukong on the left side. My animatic actually hints that bc he always stands on the left side, which I recommend watching if you haven't seen it :D But yeah I don't think Wukong has ever been legit angry with Sophie at any point. Frustrated and annoyed sure, but never angry at her. After all, she never purposely want to hurt or made him sad/angry and Wukong knows that very well.
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bestygogirl · 8 months
Group C Finals!
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!! This is ANZU. Yugioh's most dedicated friendship philosopher!!! The one who knew the power of friendship before anyone else did!! Always backing up her guy friends even when (especially when) they're up their own asses about card games!! Not the mom friend bc she's reckless and nuts in her own special way!! The girl Yami confided in when he couldn't even confide in Yuugi... who sees through everyone's bullshit into their true feelings.... who said "learning how to love yourself is a game we play our whole lives"..... She is THEE GIRL. Literally iconic. Foundational to the whole damn text!! She didn't haul ass after a bunch of goofy card game geeks supporting them through 343 chapters and suffer through endless early 2000s Anzu-bashing fic to NOT win this tournament!!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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rosenecklaces · 2 months
No one can convince me that Feyre and Nesta aren’t pro Elriel. We’ve seen plenty of evidence of that in the past books. Feyre questioned why the Cauldron didn’t pair Elain and Azriel, saying that they were a better match. Nesta doesn’t like Lucien and already knows that Azriel has feelings for Elain and didn’t have a problem with that.
Even Rhys figured that something was going on when Azriel made some silly excuse in ACOFAS as to why he didn’t spy on Lucien. Perhaps he doesn’t want Azriel to become the Tamlin of that story, but it’s not because he’s opposed to Elain rejecting the matting bond.
Sorry for answering late I have tesis presentation tomorrow and is ROUGH 💀
Anyways yes and yes. I think what happens with people denying that it's that obvious or that nes/fey wouldn't approve is merely lies or convincing themselves between the echo chambers that are Elucien/Gwynriel sides
Isn't only because Elain is their sister, or just their hate (nes) or animosity (fey) towards Luc. This two woman like Azriel, they know him for years now like Feyre literally was the first Archeron to meet him and Nesta is basically one of his best friends, to think they have no valid opinions nor insight in the matter is stupid they KNOW him in some level and the fact they both are MC's and had a "elain and him looks good/I know why you don't want to be near lulu" moment speaks VOLUMES that's s*m speaking to the reader about his feelings
With Rhysand is more simple than that, I don't think he'll ever fear Az become tamtam or whatever he doesn't see that blonde man as a person at this point, so I don't think the situation with Az is about that. It IS about fear of Courts clashing, about Elain's safety, the matter of fact is that if Lulu isn't the one to call a BR Beron 100% will and Rhys already knows that (the fact he mentioned political repercussions at all is enough of a clue) I'm one to believe he knows Elriel is legit, bc he's not dumb and Az straight up telling him why couldn't he be mated with her when they like eachother was what sended him on High Lord Mood Panic, he knows his brother is serious and as one of the characters that knows him for years he KNOWS that the only way to "tame Az" is the rank card, which he also knows isn't about to last that much if one Shadowsinger have the custom of ignoring it (next book the drama will be served if he tries to end the forbidden love and I can't wait)
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ma3mae · 1 year
Hi, can I request? I'm actually doing an exam and yeah it almost finished but I didn't finished 100%. Can you do a scenario where the reader is overthinking about the exam that she submitted. When I didn't finished I was like overthinking that I'm useless, failed, worthless, etc. ( i did that because I thought I can upgrade this semester but turns out I'm failed.) Thankyou so much of you can write this thing for me! (Also can I get a cuddle from Chuuya 🥺🥺🥺)
"Exams are a hassle"
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Summary: Exams have been stressing you out for weeks now so how does your boyfriend comfort you? (Chuuya x Reader)
Genre: plenty of fluff but also a bit depressing ^ anon request tells u why
Warnings: a bit of self loathing and sleep deprivation bc exams are the best booster for self confidence I FEEL U ANON
A/N: thank you for your request!! I hope this will somehow be able to lift you up 😩✋ you can do it, anon!! Soon you'll be done and then u can relax and enter bsd brainrot again. Also didnt proofread this bc im writing this in a car so the nausea is lowkey kicking in 😩😩 hope this doesnt seem rushed omggg
Part 2 : In sickness and health
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Nakahara Chuuya
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our cheeto boy finally coming home after a normal day work
Like comepletely annihilating a mini terrorist organisation LMAO 🤡
he comes home to find yourself on the same spot and legit same position on the couch he has last seen you like FKING 12 HOURS AGO???
is instantly baffled and worried because??
"Are you seriously STILL preparing for your exam?? Don't you need a break??"
he immediately shuts himself up tho as he just sees the dark bags under your eyes and the red eyes and oh no :((
a sniffle follows as you bury ur face into your hands and this BOY IS JUMPING across the room to get to you
Jk but hes instantly by your side and cradling you in his arms
h-his light? the love of his life??? HATING HERSELF???? BC OF AN EXAM?????
u know what that means 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓
Jk no jail
Hes gonna come at you WITH FACTS THO 😤✋
Exhaustion was weighting onto you like nothing else. Your eyes were hurting at this point from having to look at the same screen for weeks now, only taking breaks to go to the toilet or either drown yourself in energy drink or coffee.
Your boyfriend would often be absent because of his work and he'd support you as always. You saw the worry in his eyes and he would ask if you'd like his help or if there's anything he could do for you.
But you kept refusing him since he had already enough on his shoulders in your eyes. He was probably even more tired than you yet still managed to shine so brightly whenever he'd look at you with so much adoration in his eyes for you, no matter how horrible his day went.
Slowly but surely felt something bubbling up inside you.
"No... I can't deal with this right now." you tried to convince yourself as you swallowed the lump inside your throat.
You looked at the time on the screen of your PC, trying to see through the blur infront of your eyes.
Fuck, you were tired. You just wanted to quit everything, cry yourself to sleep and finally be at peace but no. This shitty exam just had to be one of the most important events in your life and you really couldn't fuck this one up.
As you buried your face in your hands, you could faintly hear keys rustling outside the door.
No! I can't let him see me like this!
Yet your tears just wouldn't stop and soon enough you heard him enter.
"Hey, doll. What the hell, you're still awake? I told you to just go to sl-!"
You didn't want to answer him. No, you simply couldn't even if you wanted to.
Only mere seconds passed before you felt gloved hands grasp both of your hands.
"Sweetheart... Listen to me."
You merely shook your head as he watched your shoulders tremble.
Clicking his tounge, he lifted you up with ease, pulling a sudden yelp out of you.
"No, Chuuya. Please put me back, I have to g-"
"Y/N, just listen to me for one damn time."
How could you refuse him? When you could feel his warmth so close to you.
Yet your guilt was frankly consuming your whole being. You could hear it in his voice.
Was he angry? Annoyed?
Because of you?
You just wanted to get through this exam by yourself. How could you burden him when he had already enough on his own plate. He didn't need someome like you just adding more onto it.
"I'm sorry, Chuu..."
You felt him sit down onto the couch, the soft light of the screen illuminating the space.
"For what?" He whispered to you as he began to rub circles onto your back.
"It's just..."
A sigh escaped as you felt his hands grasp yours, finally letting him see you fully for the first time and yet the sight made your heart clench.
"No, none of that shit anymore, alright? If you want to rant about it then rant. If you want to cry about it then cry. But no way in hell can you expect me to sit back any longer. It already went on for long enough these past few weeks. You need a break, Y/N. "
There he was.
The love of your life, wearing his heart on his sleeve for you as he poured it out.
Always being honest with you and laying himself bare.
Its what made you fall in love with him but you couldn't deny that you envied that part of him too.
Yet he always managed to make it a part of you too with words alone.
"But I can't. I'm afraid, Chuuya. Afraid that I'll fail this. Because then what? I don't know what I'm supposed to do if the worst would happen. I just-!"
You couldn't see anything anymore. Eyes so blurry as you tried your best to look at him.
And he still managed to leave you breathless as he wiped your tears away, feeling as if you'd be looking at the sunrise itself.
Always giving the energy to let you see the next day.
"I just don't want to burden you. Anyone. Even myself. But what am I supposed to do? I feel so useless everytime I memorize something and I just keep forgetting it because I just don't want to fail. What should I just d-"
Soft lips met yours, a slight tinge of the cherry chapstick you had gifted him on your taste buds.
"You are not a burden, Y/N. Not to anyone, you or even me. I meant if for every time when I asked if I could help. Yet you would always tell me you'd want to do this yourself and if my girlfriend wants to do that then why shouldn't I let her? But everyone has their limit and you need to understand that. I know you've been crying yourself to sleep these past few weeks and I hated myself for letting something like this happen. "
He let his lips linger on your right cheek.
"It's okay to be afraid."
Linger on your left.
"It's okay to cry.
Linger on your forehead.
"But the last thing I'd let you do..."
And lastly return back to your lips.
"Is you feeling like a burden. Feeling useless and everything that comes with it because you are none of that."
You gently took his face into your hands, letting your shaken eyes gaze into his firm ones.
"But what if I fail?"
"You won't. I know you can do it. I've seen how you are, Y/N. Hell you're one of the strongest people I know. You'll stand up for what's right. Every time I come battered, bruised and everything else, you'd always be there to comfort me, tend to my wounds, even feed me when you have to. Your presence alone would make the weight vanish on my shoulders, yet you always carry it without any complaints. So let me do the same to you and help you. "
You tightly wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder.
"But it's just an ex-"
"You better not fucking tell me that its JUST an exam. I'm not listening to any of that for tonight."
You felt his lips stretch into a smile as he buried his face into the crook of neck.
"Let's just go to bed and I'll help you rehearse everything, okay?"
"Are you sure about that? Is your patience gonna hold out long enough?"
You let out an "acK!" as he suddenly tightened his arms around you.
"Don't underestimate me, doll. You've seen what I can do so rehearsing for a puny exam won't be a challenge at all. So let's-!"
He lifted the both of you up with his ability, floating towards your bedroom.
"-just sleep already because we both deserve it after tonight, alright?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his sudden silliness.
"Oi, what are you laughing at"
"No, nothing. Just appreciating my boyfriend, his handy power and the love he'd always give me."
"D-Don't be so sappy. Rest and save that energy for tomorrow."
"Hmm, oh well. But I still wanna say that I love you though."
"Out of nowhere... but I love you too. Always will."
Anyway yall rehearse that shit together and ur boy being the one to take breaks bc bro wtf have u been learning???? This some science level shit?? But he gives u snacks, cuddles, support and everything you need
bro's gonna pamper you as soon as you finally had ur exam and you gotta restrain him from showering you with gifts bc of how happy he is
HIS future wife deserves the best after all 😤😤😤✋✋✋✋
if u tell him that he doesnt need to buy you so much and that you'd be happy with him just being there then oh...
dont expect him to hold back after being so cute 🤡 especially after yall havent done anything for weeks probably so time to catch up 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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slexenskee · 1 year
I'm just curious. Can I ask more about JJK/GOT? It’s just that as soon as I saw the Satoru/Robb couple I immediately became interested 😅
Sure haha I have a few plot points I could use feedback on
The backstory is where I'm??
Idk if I want Satoru to be reborn as Viserys and start his life just vibing as a pampered prince kinda ambivalent about his life / couldn't care less about the rebellion or his batshit father until he gets shipped off to Dragonstone and eventually Essos. Then he kinda realizes A) his little sister is literally relying on him to exist and they're situation is pretty rough and B) he has no more fucks to give and now he can really do whatever tf he wants. Kinda goes a bit wild, takes over one of the free cities (casually), gets worshipped by the Dothraki as a god (accidentally), ends up creating something of an empire in the Disputed Lands/takes over the Stepstones and now all the pirates and traders pay him for safe passing like sailors paying tribute to the altars of gods. Mostly he's just bemused by it, and doesn't care what they do so long as they don't bother him or his sister, who's raising her dragons (a gift from Illyrio) and just living a nice happy life.
OR he's not Viserys at all, he legit transmigrates adult body (and powers) and all and becomes a wandering god around Essos just sort of feeling his way through this random new world - definitely goes to Valyria just because he can, makes a fortune selling all the random junk he picks up there and becomes something of a master on the topic just bc he ends up learning so much about it as someone who regularly hangs out there, and one way or another ends up the accidental god of the Stepstones like he is the first scenario. Except this time he's cajoled to Pentos at the behest of Illyrio Mopatis, who wants to know more about the Valyrian freehold, and while he's there he meets Dany and Viserys. Immediately clocks Viserys as a nutjob and Dany as abused but honestly doesn't really care about either of them until he sees the dragon eggs + his Six Eyes see Dany has magic and it's reacting with the eggs. He pays Illyrio/Viserys a veritable king's treasure in exchange for Dany as his 'bride' and gets the eggs as her bridal gift... which he does not bc he wants a bride but bc dragons are, in his opinion, the only cool thing in this world and he wants to have one as a pet and Dany is his ticket to that.
EITHER way he's the god of the Stepstones and Westeros tries to push their weight around and fails regularly. Gojo eradicates probably like 3 Redwyne and Lannister fleets and lets them wash up to Dorne in pieces before Westeros finally gets the picture to leave him the hell alone. Robert Baratheon comes personally a few times mainly because he has a total hard-on for Gojo and frankly just loves the fighting (his adoration is not returned), Oberyn becomes one of his favorite drinking buddies. They probably fuck multiple times, let's be real.
He's not interested in taking over the world or anything - honestly if it wasn't for Dany he'd have like zero purpose for existing so he's lowkey happy to have her in his life, but it's definitely a brother and sister relationship no matter which way I go with his backstory. It's all very wholesome.
By the time we get to S1 Gojo is an undisputed world power that's also something of an eccentric recluse.
He doesn't get involved in the plot until one way or another he's notified of Shit Happening™ in the far north. Idk how yet - maybe he senses it himself, or one of the Red priests/priestesses tells him?
He goes to the wall, meets Jon Snow, learns some of the Northern history, feels bad for the Night's Watch - who are actually doing the lord's work up in this damn place, what is wrong with westeros, smh - and sends men and plenty of food/supplies as he can see the magic in the Wall and knows it's not just there to look pretty. Especially not when his Six Eyes can see that the Land of Always Winter has more magic and is more active than old Valyria. He jokingly propositions Jon Snow, who to his surprise is not actually gay, and then afterwards when he's summarily rejected casually propositions his 'sister' for him instead- who's going through a romance phase and wants a handsome man and Gojo, being a good brother and also a fucking troll, decides to help out. Whether Gojo is actually Viserys or not, at this point everyone assumes he's Valyrian and also related to Dany no matter what he says, so he just rolls with it. Jon still declines, because he's still all up in his duty and honor phase. (He notices Jon has magic, like Dany, but assumes that's just because of the Northern magic)
He becomes fast friends with Maester Aemon, deeply interested in his stories of the Far North. He's actually interested in the North, in general, bc its one of the few parts of the world he hasn't yet gone to, and also has a history that's almost as old as Valyria. The Free Folk are downright unfriendly to him, so he decides to try his luck with Winterfell.
Idk what the route is but basically from the Wall he ends up in The North and finally meets Robb smack in the middle of the War of the 5 Kings. Maybe he goes to Winterfell with a letter from Jon, and then from Winterfell to Robb? Or from Jon straight to Robb? Basically no matter which way he ends up going, he gets a warm intro from one of Robb's siblings (or both). He also gets tasked, by one or both of them, to look for the Stark sisters. Gojo's all like, 'LOL look for them? Bruh I could blast down the Red Keep and drag them out within the next hour, but sure ok I'll 'look' for them). It's especially easy because he realizes all the Starks have more magic than most, so his Six Eyes can pick them out easily.
So Robb and Gojo kind of have immediate chemistry. Robb has obviously heard a lot about him, most of it mysterious, all of it dangerous, so he's shocked when this stupidly good looking guy comes out of literally nowhere (teleports) and has some messages for him, and is also going to go fetch his sisters as a personal favor. That last one he's a bit cautious about, because he's heard plenty about this Valyrian god or devil or both, and he doesn't believe for a second such a powerful being would offer such a boon for free.
Gojo's only response is 'I've got a little sister too ya know, I understand how it feels to be an older brother that wants to see them safe and sound' and Robb's all like, blushy and flustered, but plays the hard line and sort of just dismisses him and denies his help. And Gojo's all like, 'damn this guy's hot' also 'if my gaydar isn't wrong, which it usually isn't, he'd totally be into me' and also 'he'd be even more into me if I really did rescue his sisters'. Which he was going to do anyway.
He obviously finds both of them. Arya gets a free assassination teacher that doesn't come with the price tag of her soul, Sansa doesn't have a tragic few years ahead of her.
Idk haven't figured much else out after that. Robb pines but refuses to act on his feelings, but Gojo is swapped in for Talisa so we all know how this ends. There'll be plenty of consequences for that though, but no Starks are going to be injured (aside from Bran lo siento) in the making of this fic.
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aureli-us · 6 months
okay halo people new question: what do you think chief actually looks like??? i LOVE masked characters (cough miraak) because i love the chance to sort of invent them physically below the mask. for that reason i hope to never actually see a canon john face in the games (despite being the literal greenest newbie to play halo on the planet rn) BUT i really enjoy trying to think of it myself??? some ideas i got browsing:
Tumblr media
from the halo: escalation comic so the site said. i LOVE his baby blues i love how deep and colorful they are. i cant tell if he looks a little tan under there or it's just the shadow? i've seen somewhere the games or books describe him as too pale bc he rots in his armor all the time lmao. BUT i really really enjoy the oceanic eyes. idk if this comic ever shows his full face, i saw others did, but i would be SO interested to see what they do with the rest of him bc he'd probs look sick as fuck in the dark horse style
THIS ONE to me is gorgeous. i 100% love his hair here, it's exactly how i imagined it. brown and short, but like, military short but NOT a buzz (sorry i hate him w a buzzcut. its most probable but i cant😭) big fan of the widow's peak/hairline and tbh i really like his scars? im all for him being fucked up. part of me also wonders if his face would possibly be more protected??? but also all i know about spartans is that becoming a spartan Hurts so maybe they're like,,,, GMO scars
(ik i legit haven't touched deviantart for like....a decade) THIS was a cool collection. OP points out some similarities that are interesting (mainly his short brown hair, straight nose, and SCRUFF🥰🥰🥰). my favorite favorite favorite is probably second column from left, three down, the one where he has 117 buzzed into his undercut. that shit goes fuckin HARRRRRRRDDDDDDD. i tried to reverse search it but i couldn't rly find the OG of that one, which is sad 😔
that's all!!! i just thought it'd be cool to get ppl's thoughts. i saw a lot of comments that were basically like "chief has no face to me, he's the helmet" and tbh it makes a lot of sense, esp since that's legit how he was designed for the express purpose of first person feeling/relatability. feel free to reply or dm me your ideas!!!
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phantomofthehoepera · 4 months
I love your 2023 Repo the Genetic Opera art... Please... Please I'm desperate I need to know the lore... Please...
HAIIII SORRY I'M SO LATE TO THIS idk if you meant any lore in specific so I'm gonna take this as an opportunity to just dump all the shit I made up in my brain peace and love <333333
so like the main stuff I made up I guess would be the repomums which again was a cocreation with my darling precious @slydiddledeedee the lore is very basically they were all in an opera troupe with mag and marni and were cursed by god to die if they ever slept with an italian man. they also all left rotti for nathan, rotti kind of picked them off one by one like he'd marry one of them she'd leave him and die and he'd get a new one. no one present recognised the pattern of this. they're all colour coordinated which is a thing I like to do for the largo kids when I draw them so I guess it's genetic idk. important fun fact is that luigi personally killed his mum and was then lobotomised just a little bit which is why I keep drawing him with that big ole head scar.
other thing I made up was lore for the random zydrate lady as part of a larger effort to make shit up abt graverobber. most of my ideas for her are vague also not at all based in the movie I need to stress this is basically just an oc that I borrowed a character from the movie for. n ee way the story kind of goes she and graves start off in the drug dealer/drug addict business at the same time and they're roomies sometimes when they can afford it. she'll usually be more involved in whatever post movie ideas are floating around in my head at the moment bc I do feel like it's important to get a perspective that more like. on the ground if that makes sense?? bc like no one in the movie is super affected by the repossession system as much as I would like to see so she's my hero she's my class struggle queen.
speaking of graves I have so many ideas abt him in my head like the way I cope with the existence of scary scary evil wicked terrence is I just completely redesign him like moreseo than any of the other characters. to ME he's a freaky evil little dyke he probably was on whatever supercharged t repoworld has for a week or two but couldn't afford any more than that but like I said the t was supercharged so he can still sing his parts peace and love. I like to personally give him an actual concrete geneco debt bc like obv he has to have one but I would like it spelled out please just to have gramber relationship drama. think it would be funny if his heart gave out on him and he has a synthetic one, once again this is all for gramber relationship drama. in my brain he has been kind of fixated on her ever since he was a kid (see this piece). I also do like to give him and shilo kind of a sibling thing going on for literally no other reason than I like sibling dynamics I think they're delightful. I think post movie shilo should start an awful band and he should peddle her cds to his customers.
I have sooo many thoughts on the largo siblings like I said luigi straight up murdered his mother probably when he was very young. the way I picture it he's always been pretty unstable and wouldn't have been made as much of a public figure, unlike amber and pavi who I picture as having been like legit child stars at some point. like idk the way I picture it rotti would almost publicise them more after having to keep luigi that much out of the public eye since he's yknow. insane. I like to lean more into the opera vibes and give them little ballet shoes and shit like for some reason I always picture them as dancers. n ee way I think growing out of child stardom hit amber the hardest, not that would have coped super well either. pavi at least in the movie seems to have kind of a place at the table when they talk abt who's to inherent and like we usually see him at rotti's side while amber is usually out on her own and like idk it's kind of impossible not to read it as gendered to ME. also I always need to stress I don't make their backstories sad to make them sympathetic I do it bc I'm thoroughly successionpilled thank you and goodnight.
don't have that many thoughts on shilo and nathan, esp on nathan I moreso just have critiques of how he's written like icl I find the jekyll and hyde routine sooo uninspired. like idk I just think he becomes that much more horrifying of a character if you picture him as more calculated in his violence. I also just think it's kind of lame how little talk there seems to be abt the fact that he is like severely abusive to shilo like it's such a huge part of the movie I feel like it maybe becomes a bit too obvious to talk abt if that makes sense? like it's such a fact of life but whenever I start thinking about it for too long I want to scream like beyond the poison thing which like would be enough on its own the way he gaslights and hits her is literally scary and I just feel like a lot of that horror gets lost when he's depicted as like. sometimes not being in full control like it sort of takes away his agency and in turn a lot of the impact of his character, at least to me.
as for shilo like I said not many thoughts I'm mostly just interested in where she'd go post movie like I said I want her to start a shitty band I feel like that could heal her. also want her to lose the wig like idk could be symbolic maybe 👍
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
Your CC Warfare fic legit had me stressing out so bad I thought I was feeling a genuinely new emotion, lol. That whole thing was like a really bad car crash: it's terrible what happened, but you can't look away. If Strongarm had just said nothing, she would've avoided putting her foot in her mouth and getting in trouble. With how tense everything was, I see no reason why she would jump in. I understand she was trying to help Sideswipe out of that situation, but she did it in like the complete opposite direction! She should've reared him in, not back him up. She said it herself that they were war veterans. Though, I suppose that's easier said. Strongarm may be intelligible of the war records and Autobot law, but truthfully, plain intelligence pales in the face of wisdom and actual experience. Intelligence says: this war could've easily been won because of xyz. Wisdom and experience say completely otherwise. And I guess that is one of the points Optimus is trying to make: that Strongarm and Sideswipe do not have the wisdom or experience to understand exactly why things played out the way they did. I have the feeling the two simply looked at the war records itself and not any history that came before, especially Optimus' involvement with Megatron's revolution. I don't know if that would make much of a difference for Sideswipe tbh but I think Strongarm would be able to see just a little why Optimus couldn't outright kill Megatron in the beginning like Sideswipe said he should've. Even so, going back to the records itself , it won't contain legitimately every single thing that happened. It probably only recorded decisive battles and notable events. Billions of people were involved, and with that many variables, it would be impossible to say that the war could've been won if only Optimus did something sooner. WHICH BY THE WAY MAKES THIS SO MUCH WORSE. Sideswipe (and by extension Strongarm) is basically saying that Optimus is personally responsible for dragging on an intergalactic war just because he didn't off one guy as if the most wicked bots in the face of existence werent out there making lives worse on purpose under the cover of the war and would help stretch it to continue their sick actions. As if there weren't a hundred other Megatrons ready to continue the war themselves the moment Megatron died. If I could write an essay on every reason why the war dragged on, I'll be writing until I die and never come close to finishing. Even within the small game Optimus planned there are obvious reasons why it wouldn't be a quick or easy victory if they even win: limited number of fighters (no guarantee they'd hit the max min bc rallying people to fight is difficult), no details until they got to Helex (you're not always going to know what your goal is when being sent out to fight), no resources from the state (war is expensive and getting funding is difficult). So imagine that plus way more reasons plus on a planetary scale. The scope is simply unfathomable. Anyways, I think this comment has gone on long enough lol. Excellent work as always and I'm excited but also incredibly nervous to see how this all plays out. Take care!
This whole fic is one giant show. Optimus wants the idiots under Bee's control to LEARN. You've already picked up the logical reasoning behind the rules he's laid down so far. And let me tell you, its only going to get more complicated. War is a difficult and unpredictable thing. Optimus is going to make that as real as possible in this non-lethal scenario.
Is it overkill? Maybe. But if even those serving under Bumblebee don't have the barest inkling of the truth? It hints at a FAR larger problem. I am going to have so much fun writing this thing. I want to get a few chapters stockpiled and then I will post them on Ao3 and continue there :3
Thank you for enjoying my writing and giving this lovely analysis. This sort of things makes my dad and encourages me to write more.
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
So someone out there in the tyt/tgol universe must be writing at least some fanfiction right?? I don’t know what it would be about but probably a lot of the standard y/n and x reader fics mixed with some stuff about the lunchtable group. However, someone must be writing the pollen and piper x shell fics. And then there’s also Naomi x Apollo, Percabeth, and just the fact that it would be real person fiction for them also makes me so envious lmaoo 😭😭 But back to the point of my ask, are the characters reading it? Because I’d like to believe that they would, they may even write some themselves (cough cough Kayla cough cough) but I just don’t think some of them would be able to resist the urge to go on Ao3 like the rest of us. Like even if it was just pure curiosity and not for casual enjoyment. And then imagine their shipping culture and their tumblr and they (the fans) must be having so much fun knowing that a ship being canon means it’s like real life and oh my god THE MEET AND GREETS. I usually don’t care too much for celebrities and are fine with just appreciating their art but I’d actually feel previously unknown levels of excitement if I could meet legit anyone from the main cast of tyt. And like I’m totally yapping right now, but it reminds me of when my mom was like “yk I would’ve gotten you eras tour tickets if you told me about it sooner right?” And I was like “huh 😀” So yeah if I could get the equivalent but make it a Nico concert that mistake would’ve never made made on my watch. But this must be what the bts fanfiction authors kinda feel like except we’re all forced to watch from afar and the people in the actual universe get to have all the fun, and they get to have all of our celebrities too so they get extra but at least we get your fics so they’re at a significant loss too so ig that’s how we even the playing field.
ohh they definitely are. i don't know if there'd be much pollen fics, because they weren't very popular at the time- maybe more *now* after, like, pictures of them with kayla at archery competitions and stuff. shel/piper would be more like piper/reader or piper/oc, seeing as shel isn't publicly dating her, and people don't really know who she is- though i'm sure that some people would come up with oc's that are relatively close to herjkfsd
percabeth and naomi/apollo DEF have a few fics, and now i'm just thinking of someone writing an au where naomi lives and they get back together after many years... it wouldn't happen, ofc, but i think someone would definitely write it. there's a lot of au potential with them, at least from an outside perspective, if someone sees them as a right person wrong time sort of romance (it isn't, in my head, not in this au, but it could be seen that way)
solangelo and valdangelo are probably the most popular, just nico has,,, sort of, maybe nearly, surpassed jason and piper in fame at this point? maybe not jason, but seeing as piper took a step back over the recent years, he's definitely growing further. so jasico would prob also be popular, though i think the more... crazed fans would like the childhood friends to lovers trope more with will and leo! prob even some will/leo/nico with how codependent they all are LMAO
i think KAYLA would 100% read silly fics as a laugh, just so that she could quote them to her friends, bc she'd think it's hilarious. there may even be like one nico/kayla fic (which, ew) and she's just sitting there CACKLING over it bc nico's character couldn't be so wrong. neither could hers, for that matter.
other than that, i think i wrote before that shel has def written fanfic, and so has lou ellen, though i think lou ellen wrote more, like, fictional stories fanfic, not real people. and shel might've too- as a rule, i tend to stay away from writing real people into fanfics unless it's like, mentioning an actor/singer in passing
but you are literally SO REAL FOR THIS god i wish i could see a nico di angelo concert live. like fr all my problems would be solved it'd just be so nice. im srsly so jealous of the people in the tyt universe for just getting them as real life celebrities😭
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ok yknow what - more thoughts about the ending of S5 and why I was so thrown by it
That's one thing.
The other thing is how ambiguous Gabriel's feelings toward Adrien actually ARE. does he hate him? see him as someone to be controlled? as a power play? what's up with the pancakes and the 'call me dad' then??? is it just for show/a ruse/a trick/a trap that'll get revealed?
I could see a real change of heart happening when he realized he was dying. if he didn't also continue browbeating Adrien about being with Kagami and not Marinette.
he didn't HAVE a rich-person superiority complex UNTIL season 5, either, so that came out of nowhere.
his attitude towards Adrien doesn't seem to have changed at all WHAT DO THE PANCAKES MEAN THEN?? Even Nathalie is surprised by this! it is never explained!
Then Ladybug comes in with "Nathalie is dying, you're dying, how much sacrifices are you willing to make?? Adrien has moved on, but you're about to DESTROY him! Nathalie is dying! You're dying! Giving his mother back won't help anything!"
and this works?? for some reason?? looking back I suppose the pancakes DID mean he cared for Adrien?????? and the Kagami thing was the one and only thing he put his foot down about?
IDK this needed to be foreshadowed a LOT better. we needed to really see him, telling Emilie or Nathalie "wow... I've been treating Adrien so poorly lately... I should be a better dad... this is really important to me. like even to the point of like. half the reason I'm bringing Emilie back at all is for him!" And guess what? He DID tell this (or most of it) to Adrien! And I didn't believe him! Why? BC HE'S LIED TO ADRIEN BEFORE. He's also manipulated Adrien's friends (and anyone, really!) just to get an akuma victim. (don't tell me this wasn't what was happening WAY BACK IN THE BUBBLER.)
honestly I've NEVER been sure whether Gabriel's concern for Adrien is real. it seemed real in Santa Claws. It seemed very much less real in The Collector. It seemed less and less real with every alternate reality where Adrien/Cat Noir was akumatized because Gabriel found out his identity.
like - the one time Gabriel saw Adrien, just Adrien, and DIDN'T akumatize him! and the time Adrien was in danger and Gabriel gave different instructions to an akumatized villain! the moment Gabriel realizes he's Cat Noir he becomes fair game??
Anyways this. all helps us with not knowing until the last moment what Gabriel is gonna do when he has both Miraculouses to make a wish. but it's NOT WORTH THE AUDIENCE CONFUSION!
and then we have a timeskip to 'happily ever after' basically and the main focus is the environment!?!? and the political system?!?! SINCE WHEN WAS MYLENE THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THIS SHOW?? SINCE WHEN WAS MS BUSTIER THE MAIN CHARACTER?? got me really questioning also bc all this good stuff is too good to be true??? what's the catch?? is Hawk Moth ruler over all Paris or smth?? the whole show is legit about balance, does that only mean balance when it comes to Miraculouses? what's the downside to all this utopian stuff??
we see ?Emilie? I thought?!?! existing? (but apparently it was Amelie??) and that's about ALL the closure we get for ANYTHING
WHAT EVEN HAPPENED THEN? WHAT WAS THE WISH? I thought Gabriel wished for Emilie to be brought back! and the sacrifice was (plot twist!) HIMSELF since he was dying anyway??? BUT NO APPARENTLY THAT WAS AMELIE SO WHAT DID HE EVEN DO? Did he sacrifice himself so NATHALIE could live (I don't remember if she's around but she might've been) for Adrien, and Gabriel could be reunited with Emilie in death??
instead we get unified Plagg and Tikki FOR LADYBUG??
just. for real guys
endings need to be decisive. NOT vague and ambiguous. not this way.
TL;DR Adrien/Cat Noir needed to be there, and we needed much more clarity on Gabriel/Hawk Moth's motives/intentions. also the ending/epilogue needed. uh. much better prioritization lol.
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In regards to the weird backlash over Benn Beckman's live action casting--I'm sorry you expected a character at 38-48 to look like anything else but a legit older man. I'm sorry they cast a 39 year old in the role of an older man, first seen at age 38
In terms of looks, the trivia section of the wiki mentions that Oda said that Benn looks like a mouse. The man doesn't even have eyebrows
Like we all think he's hot, I think he's hot, he knows he's hot with that playboy attitude apparently--but please take a second to look at this beloved older man with no eyebrows and undereye creases and come back to me. Tell me you think those are subjectively sexy features and that we're not all fixated on someone who's yeah, normal, but a little strange
Yes I think he's genuinely beautiful for those reasons (among other things) but he's just some guy and I'm glad we get to see him as just some guy. He's incredibly smart and sympathetic and protective but like most of Shanks' crew, they look like normal people. I'm sorry you wanted all supermodels for the crew who camps out on an island the majority of the time. Realistically he'd smell like tobacco and alcohol, even just from proximity, even if he's absolutely one of the crew that actually showers everyday. Yeah Yasopp and Shanks are banging and Lucky Roux too--although apparently a lot of you haven't matured to the point where you realize fat people are hot--but they're all normal people with Benn being the oldest by far. If we were dealing with post-timeskip Benn here, you mean to tell me you think a 50 year old man would look any other way? Them hiring a 39 year old is fucking kind if someone ten years away from 50 is this upsetting to you
Like the one thing I'd fix is the wig styling. That's it. I feel like it needs to fit just a smidge better but this isn't RuPaul's Drag Race--I don't expect the wigs of all things to be top tier. We saw the Wado Ichimonji bend (which I'm also not taking seriously/I think it's so fucking funny) and people are irritated that Taz Skylar is more muscular as Sanji than Mackenyu as Zoro--as if Zoro wasn't a fucking beanstalk of a man in part one?
I get wanting to be picky about things, especially your faves, but they are never going to adhere to everything everyone could possibly dream of for a fancast. Hell, they don't even draw the characters the same in the manga anymore, with certain things (skin tones) being more important than other, more preferential things (hair color, type--even if those changes irritate me too)
You don't have to like the casting but for fuck's sake do you want an apology from fat people? Older people? He's not even 40! Get over yourselves. I'm thrilled that so much of this cast just looks like themselves. That they look like regular fucking people and that we can designate the entire budget to Chuu and Arlong and Buggy instead.
Plus Mihawk is gorgeous all the time and I think this is accentuated by like. Yeah the cast is hot and cute and good looking but they're also normal people. He gets to be this otherworldly beauty amongst good looking people you'd see everyday because he's this striking, chilling, strict, and beautiful presence around just, everyone else.
But if you think for a fucking second I'm personally not singing my fucking praises when a character like Benn Beckman has a round stomach like that my God like I don't know what the rest of you are doing wasting your time wishing he had abs, for fuck's sake he's on the crew of borderline cirrhosis, I think ALL of them should have beer bellies. Thank fuck for Lucky Roux and Benn Beckman in the same scene bc that was a blessing, thank fuck for fat people
Do you know how hot it'd be if someone as big as Crocodile was fat? How strange it'd genuinely be if he isn't? He's fucking massive, what do you want him to weigh, 170lbs? He couldn't support the fat titties y'all give him with that low of a weight
Do you know how hot Alvida is with her round face and double chin? For Benn Beckman of all characters to have a stomach, for Lucky Roux to be fat and endearing and cute and able to be written as an actual character and not like, a beach ball of a man, is the closest thing we're gonna get to fat people being allowed to exist normally in One Piece
And the story isn't fucking about them! One Piece has over 1000 episodes and Netflix is going to cancel this inevitably as they do with every show to avoid paying their actors and writers--we literally do not have time to give Benn more than a background role anyways. What's it matter if you don't like how he looks in the two scenes they're gonna give him
Lastly look at his IMDB pic and tell me he's not handsome
The point isn't to only respect people if they're attractive but like. He's really good looking anyways! Y'all are letting your perfect perception of Benn Beckman to overwhelm the actual performance being done, and of a background character no less. You guys are letting a cheap wig poison you into calling a real life person ugly for daring to play the role of a background character as instructed
This fatphobia and ageism (of a fucking, 39 year old man like he's pushing 100) combo is literally the mirror image of every anime fan power-scaling on Twitter, the "this is how Kaido and Big Mom will win" dudes preoccupied with their own poorly written fantasies rather than seeing what a clearly-written, the-good-guys-will-prevail story is plainly saying to the audience
You are becoming no different than the pathetic dudes (who aren't strong, who aren't doing fight choreo, who may even have the same amount of fat but who think they're immune to the same hatred for it--who could be doing all these things but still are worthless pieces of shit because they're spiteful and have no personalities or interests beyond that) saying he's not tough enough, that he should be stronger and more fit--in a show where everyone's either fit or ugly, in a show that showed him to be average size--real skinny even in the manga, as with everyone else at that point! from luffy to zoro to sanji, they all were beanpoles--in a world where no one can be normal about other people of any weight they perceive to be "fat," regardless of if that's the case or not
This is supposed to be for fun and being so irrevocably rattled by the little things is detracting from your enjoyment of something intended to deviate from the source media and that in some ways (in regards to the variety of people being casted/in regards to Luffy being Brazilian in Oda's words) is closer to the source media than we think
You don't have to have Liebenberg as your Beckman choice. You don't have to like the trimmed down storyline, even in the face of needing to cut for time no matter what. It's fine to be the type of person who wants adaptations to be as close to the source media as possible and I've felt that way about certain media too! I dislike when what I fixate on isn't the main focus of a new creation! But directing any dissatisfaction towards this dude doing the job he was hired for because you think he's ugly is ridiculous
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immren · 7 months
tell me abt immrens mom ‼️‼️
omg thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about her (and immren) a little bit! she's not entirely fleshed out (i should flesh her out some more, so this is a good starting point ^_^)
her name is ilmiira of house kylth. she's the head of her household, priestess of lolth, and also a powerful sorcerer. she's extremely cunning + manipulative but less ruthless than you would maybe expect the matron mother to be.
she had 3 daughters by the time she found a random baby laying in a pile of gore. quite honestly, she was straight up going to ignore him and leave him there, but she literally couldn't bring herself to do that. she believed finding him was an omen from lolth, so she instantly felt attachment to this baby.
she raised him with a sense of importance as if he was her first daughter. she gave him the name immren. (which, if i properly used the drow name chart.. im'ryn .. devoted/love + blooded 😭) she personally taught him how to use his magic (since he showed early signs of being a magic user.. Sorcerer moment.) and also the teachings of lolth. she gifted him a family heirloom that he still keeps and wears yearsss later (it gives him a buff to his spellcasting, most definitely.)
while she was very nurturing towards him, she often had to be cruel so he wouldn't grow up to be soft. (poisoning him so he'd gain resistance, telling his sisters to not hold back during hand-to-hand combat training as soon as he was old enough to hold a knife, punishing him if he cried at all, etc) she really encouraged his violent tendencies..
which that did lead to a huge betrayal with him murdering one of her daughters. she was extremely upset. i think she assumed this was a test of lolth of some sort. like "oh is This the omen?" , but even then, she hesitated to kill him. that gave him the opportunity to run away (that 8 year old would have legit died if he tried to fight her lol.)
then i think after that, she sort of upped her devotion to lolth to desperately avoid any sort of punishment from her, like borderline zealous. i might change my mind later, but she never ended up getting punished for anything, (besides her social status plummeting bc Thats embarrassing.) because the way i see it, immren isn't a true drow, he was made from bhaal's gore. so it was like, an 'outsider' murdering one of her own. If that makes sense. if it doesnt.. well... my brain can imagine anything.. i also dont know how lolth would feel about her raising a bhaalspawn though.. Hmm.
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