#bc its my default state
mechawolfie · 2 years
i know why my social anxiety is so terrible i know what i have to do to at least be able to live w it (like ACTUALLY live not just Not Die) & i know i am capable of doing what i have to do & have made some steps already. but i need somewhere to complain
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fagcrisis · 3 months
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reading an essay on anarchistlibrary about alcohol and this rly clicked w me like its the bit ive been looking for. when i ask other people to not drink at meetings i get kind of booed and called a spoilsport but when everyone gets piss drunk and im the only sober one and i have to haul them home and help them throw up, then im also being forced to do something that is uncomfortable and very scary for me, but thats fine i guess
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vampirecatprince · 4 months
The way my autistic ass is absolutely obsessed with almost anything horror related (minus zombies) for basically my whole fucking life and I ONLY JUST NOW REALIZED THAT HORROR IS A SPECIAL INTEREST OF MINE🧍
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
characters that stim in "weird"/"obnoxious" ways own my fuckin heart
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5 minutes in the bridget zone im having to physically resist slamming the potemkin or ino emergency eject buttons
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ok im almost done with my schoolwork and finally have time to relax and think again and GRGRNGRMRGRNRHRAAAGRHRGAHRHAHGAH
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nekumiho · 4 months
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persona 3 reload came out yesterday so Naturally i was obligated to finally do a finished piece with my silly velvet room attendants submas au. alt versions, lore info, and misc doodles under the cut o__o (attendant related p5 spoilers mentioned). also sorry for the eyestrain.
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protags they attend to are Fellow Twins hilda and hilbert who always just get referred to as 'passenger(s)'. velvet room manifestation is the inside of a subway car, no i havent worked out what that symbolizes to hilda and hilbert, dont worry about it. but i think whether its visibly in motion or not wld depend on the protags' mental state, one side of the windows for hilda and one for hilbert. mostly dark empty with no visual movement outside the windows w/ maybe a flickering station light somewhere or a visibly blocked tunnel for when theyre feeling stuck in life, default would be like a well lit platform outside of the window with faceless shadow people walking around, how crowded it is depends on their progress with social links. high speed through the tunnels with their half of the car rocking violently when there's high stress super dire stuff going on, steady movement when theyre making progress with something, etc etc
their brassards HOPEFULLY translate to 'down' (χάμω) and 'up' (πάνω) in greek??? i wanted smth like caroline and justine's hats but also not The Same and uhhh yknow. persona 3 and greek mythology are pretty :handshake:.
i dont wanna steal margaret's eldest sibling clout so i think physically ingo and emmet would be younger than her but only barely. margaret is literally the only attendant i can see being physically over like 35 and i need sbms to be mid thirties at like the bare minimum. theyre highkey disturbed whenever lavenza willingly splits herself back into caroline and justine. weirded out by the other 'twins' in general bc they're not even Real twins. they gatekeep being twins. if anyone asks "so are you guys also just two halves of one person" it will be the most offensive thing you could ever say to them. elizabeth and emmet bully theodore together. ingo doesnt dislike theodore but just kind of forgets he exists because the twins are always being like "my brother, [name] (pauses and remembers theodore), i mean, ONE of my brothers,"
emmet is very :handshake: with elizabeth while ingo is very :handshake: with margaret. they both have their own fave sisters whoops. (sorry lavenza). in any sort of 'dancing game' scenario theyre both awkward as hell. very theodore core in general with emmet having some of the elizabeth vibes of just 'i am just never going to stop making random jerky body movements' ingo is a BIT more stiff. but like in general i think theo's way of life and elizabeth's aria of the soul have pretty good ingo and emmet vibes respectively. if i ever learn model editing beyond texture replacement its so over for my mmds.
i love igor dearly but i think since there are Two of them they can kinda handle stuff on their own while igor helps with Other persona protags in their respective rooms? emmet says shit like "YEAH FUCK IGOR THIS IS OUR LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!" and ingos like "emmet be nice thats still our boss and the only reason he let us be in charge is because hes busy".
ingo handles all persona fusion stuff and emmet does storage/organization/other misc stuff and gives you p3 elizabeth styled quests. they can both be social linked because i say so. emmet is justice arcana and ingo is judgement. emmets quests are the only way or at least the main way to increase your social link with him and if you dont finish one of his Special Request ones you lose your link with him. one of the special requests is to take him and ingo to see a real subway station 100% because theyve never seen one.
of all the other velvet rooms, they like the p4 one the most because the inside of the limo is the closest to the subway car they're familiar with but i think theyd like the p3 one too for the possible rocking motion of the elevator eternally going up
thats all i can think of right now i THINK thats everything??? so heres an original concept sketch,
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and also a funny emmet quest moments doodle
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oh yeah emmet really fucking loves jack frost because they have similar vibes. ingo, on the other hand, is a big pyro jack fan.
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
Tbh it’s kinda stereotypical that a lot of people view Tim as gay and Kon as bi when canon evidence suggests it’s the other way around
Tim has had several relationships with girls that show a lot of love and care even if they don’t work out. But all of Kon’s relationships with girls have been performative in some way (or were like one date with a lesbian)
But since Kon has the super strength people view him as more masculine so they make him bi, and Tim is more academic and has a lithe frame and is often made gay in fics and is given a more feminine role. Tim being a mistreated damsel and Kon being his savior is very common. It’s literally them being assigned top/bottom aka masculine/feminine, it’s just heteronormativity in a different font
YEAAAAAAH ANON GO OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its literally so true ive bitched about this exact thing to my friends before. it's both the homophobia implicit in the idea that a more "traditionally masculine" man (esp one who's not twink-shaped) must be available for m/f ships and cannot possibly be gay, plus the biphobia of the notion that bisexuality is this "half gay, half straight" midpoint default setting for any character who doesn't fit the ~gay archetypes~ or whatever.
like to be clear i have absolutely nothing against bi kon hcs. but i REALLY find the narrative of gay kon compelling (for the same reasons you state!! he has never had a real relationship with a woman) and yet. the one time i made a post about this, SO many people in the notes were like yeah bi kon is good too though. oh yeah you can have this narrative but i like him bi. as if that's a) the default setting and b) the ONLY option, because gay narratives and bi narratives have no distinctions. it was... pretty grating to be honest. it's a shitty way to treat both bisexuality And gayness.
also reminds me of the time someone left hate mail on my fic bc i described kon wearing heels and fishnets lkdjalksjdl like i laugh at it but it was. definitely someone who couldnt handle him being written as an actual queer man lmao. he HAS to be the manly man in the timkon relationship. or whatever.
ANYWAY all this to say, i fully agree with you!!! it's so pervasive and so annoying. also compounded w the number of people in the timkon tags who simply have never touched a kon comic tbh (goes back to bisexuality as being treated as a default not worthy of actual thought or consideration). alas :/
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ikkosu · 27 days
more selkie stuff. thought abt it some more, i think prowl taking your coat works best with a certain foundation. like if he knew you as a 'human' first, getting attached and then found out about the coat. if he did take it he would try to convince himself hes in the right, that keeping you by his side is how he can look after you best. the fact that he'd be lonely without you has nothing to do with it of course.
maybe the selkie doesn't even want to leave him but the fact they have the ability to concerns him, bc yknow. trust issues ahoy
it feels less believable for him to take the coat if he knew them in seal form first. in my mind he would see that as the 'default' state, so to keep them as a human he would have to be really emotionally invested + paranoid/overprotective.
i prefer meeting as a selkie (and fluff over angst)so i'm gonna shelve the coat taking idea in my mind for now
on that note, i thought of something i like more for human prowl and selkie: wearing his clothes! its one of my fav tropes and we miss out on that when he's a bot lol. and the added layer of a selkie, who could view sharing clothes as trusting even if they know it likely doesn't mean the same to a human. first offers you something of his to wear bc you can just walk around naked. then he tries to get you your own clothes but u only want his. making a nest out of his clothes and him grumbling bc he just ironed those shirts dammit.
wait i just realized i switched from him stealing your clothes to you stealing prowls lmao. - gourmet anon
ah yes, I actually did more research on selkie (WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE SITE THATS RELIABLE???) and uh the entire folklore was,,, kind of grim? 😭 The underlying message especially,,,,was king of grim and I would have to agree choosing fluff over angst 😌 the coat thing was kind of angsty and I would imagine prowl doing a hefty amount of research for his conclusions to come to that (hiding the cloak deliberately so selkie comes after him)
I've had enough of giving prowl angst lmao (maybe that coat thing could have other uses...)
But gosh!!
Prowl meeting a seal, unaware of it's true form. It's big eyes and doleful look adorable to the many — but to him, it's an obstacle because currently the seal is trying to drag him into the water, flapping it's tail to splash the at him and he's all but clawing himself to the shore.
Oh but the stealing clothes idea was so adorable!!! Him buying a full set of clothes only for you to strip out of it later because it didn't have his scent and he finds you smooshed in his closet. Prowl is at his wits end.....
I should also start writing and stop procrastinating 😔✊ you are giving me such good ideas. Giving myself a deadline till the end of may for this mermay fic 😮‍💨
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butchpositivity · 3 months
Is it a normal experience to question if you’re butch or femme and go back and forth with those labels? I feel like most people just know if they’re butch or femme already and I feel bad. I feel like either one I went with would have me wishing I could be the other. And I know I could be neither but these labels are really important to me I guess?? I guess it’s not really a butch thing to wish to be femme but idk. I’m comfortable being masculine usually, it’s just my default state. I also want to be seen as masculine and I wanna be a femmes butch!! The label and experiences resonates with me a lot. But I also deeply wish I could dress more feminine or wear makeup and use the femme label.
i say this with love friend but you are trying to change yourself to fit a label rather than allowing a label to describe you i think. like if either one would make you feel bad and want to be the other, i don't think that's you? and maybe im wrong bc really its up to you to figure out yourself without approval from me or anyone, and maybe ur a butchy femme or a femmy butch in your own lil niche, but like just sayin it's totally fine to be fluid or androgynous in presentation too. its also not like, a life long irreversible thing. you can try calling yourself a femme for a while and living your life in that shape and see how it feels and same with butch. idk i hope you get where you're goin though bud, take it easy.
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remcycl333 · 1 year
Whats the difference between fully embodying a state and "pretending"? Like whenever I try switching states I feel like im just trying and pretending. For me its very hard to embody the state of being beautiful for example, IF i never really felt beautiful in my whole life. Its like no matter how hard I Dwell on TSOTWF I always get sucked back into my default state :(
i see stuff like this all the time where people are like "well i've never had my desire before, so how would i know what it would feel like to have it?"
then how do you know you want it? if you could not possibly imagine how it would feel to be beautiful, then how do you know that being beautiful would be better than feeling unattractive?
being beautiful feels the opposite of being unattractive. why do you want to be beautiful? because people will compliment you? so you look good in pictures? so that when you look in the mirror, you'll like what you see? so that you'll be confident? so now imagine that all those things happen to you. imagine how it would feel when someone calls you beautiful. imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a beautiful reflection. and so on so forth
but also remember, you don't need to convince yourself that in your 3D you are beautiful. you need to focus on being beautiful in your imagination. is it really so hard to imagine in your head, either using words or pictures, that you're beautiful? you can be absolutely anything in your 4D, don't give yourself limitations in your own imagination based on what you see in your 3D.
and you don't need to feel beautiful in your 3D. whenever we talk about feeling, we mean the feeling of knowing. the feeling of knowing doesn't mean that you know that your 3D looks a certain way even though it doesn't. the feeling of knowing is knowing that because you have fulfilled yourself in your imagination, your 3D will reflect your 4D because it HAS to. it's law.
do not worry about how long you stay in the state of the wish fulfilled. it is not expected of you to stay in it for long periods of time. we are shifting in and out of states all day long! whenever you notice you've slipped out of TSOTWF and into the state of lack (you'll know bc you're thinking negative thoughts, doubting, checking the 3D, etc), don't beat yourself up. you didn't mess anything up! just shift yourself back to TSOTWF. easy as that!
you are not "pretending." you are fulfilling yourself in imagination. by embodying a state, even though it takes no effort at all, you are in a way putting in the effort to change your 3D. it's like when someone is working out: do they think they're pretending to have a "better body"? no, they're taking the steps to they think are necessary to change their body. so when you're embodying a state, don't think you're pretending to be something you're not. you're putting in the (very minimal) amount of work to manifest your desire.
you are not a victim of your own imagination. you slip out of TSOTWF, oh well! just shift back into it. it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. even i notice i've accidentally slipped out of my desired states sometimes. i just go "oops" and shift back. it's not a big deal! but by making it one, you are keeping yourself in the state of lack.
the more times you go back to TSOTWF, the easier it gets to stay in it. and if you're having trouble staying in it for more than a few seconds, do a technique. go seek solace in your imagination, where you have your desire. you are allowed to have your desire in your 4D, don't let anyone tell u differently! especially not yourself!!!
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thedreadvampy · 7 months
absolutely sucks shit when people are like HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST PUTTING ANY CONDITIONS ON YOUR VOTE as if. the constant shift right doesn't have to do with the belief in major parties that they're owed votes by default on account of not being the other guy.
like they're going to ignore the public's wishes either way but fuck, you don't have to make it that easy for them. literally the second they get in. oh pwetty pwease Mr Biden can you wespect basic human wights? don't worry sir you'll still get my vote if not but I thought I'd ask nicely!!!!
hold their fucking feet to the fire dude. make it clear that your vote is conditional on them listening to the public on the clear and vital points.
(btw 'refusing to vote for Clinton is how Trump got in' no it literally is not. please remember that Trump lost the popular vote anyway and only got in because your country has a weird fucked up system where states are allowed to ignore how their constituents vote.)
(Refusing to vote New Labour after the Iraq War is how the Tories got in over here. Kinda. because what actually happened was we had the first hung parliament since 1979, and then the Lib Dems sold the country up the river for some minor concessions. and then Labour spent the next 10 years actively kneecapping itself by painting its own leadership as a bigger threat than the Tories, and when they had a leftist leading them they still brought the Tories to a hung parliament again in 2017.)
(anyway the point is you all seem to have a majorly inflated sense of how much democracy is involved in elections. Ultimately in cases where the race is close-run it is not the electorate that decide, it's like 100 people in positions of high power, be it the electoral college, the party leadership, or otherwise.)
(none of which is to say your vote is useless. your vote is valuable to politicians. there's a limit to how much they can get away with ignoring the public. but. because your vote is valuable, it's only useful as leverage if there's a possibility you might not give them it. and let's be clear, people WILL change direction if they're worried about losing votes. but unless you're offering them massive funding, then the only reason your opinion would carry any weight is if there's a possibility of your vote being withheld. if you stand up and say VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO YOU'VE GOT MY VOTE WHATEVER HAPPENS then like. You might as well just say 'ignore me, pay attention to those guys who might not vote for you'.)
if the centre and the left's votes are vocally assured regardless of the party's policy or stance, then the party will move right. bc they've already got you, so it's time to court the undecideds. YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT NECESSARY TO A POLITICIAN'S SUCCESS TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU WANT. they don't care. you have to use what little leverage you have, your vote, to make them care. it's the only form of accountability we can bring about that doesn't involve, like, storming the winter palace 🤷‍♀️
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twstunes · 7 months
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looking at the Mirror Chamber very intently. come with me for a sec. Take My Hand.
First thing catching my eye are the windowpanes. They're pretty busy in general, but those thorny curls…suspicious. As is how the overall flow of the panes seems to resemble an inverted form of the design Draconimom's appearance is built around (which is itself based on Maleficent's general character design).
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But u know what really gets me? These aren't the only windows with distinctly thorn-like windowpanes. For some reason, the uppermost windows in the normal classrooms (like in Trein's magic history lessons) have a thorny design too. NO clue if there's any relation there, but it feels too overt to brush off, y'know?
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Next up: the rose arches over the windows. If you look closely at Draconimom's lace cape-thing, you'll notice the roses worked into its pattern (sorta in the 'ear' area of the pattern)– and one of masquerade Malleus' home screen lines has him saying how fond he is of the rose embellishments on his outfit. It's a bit of a stretch, but considering the extreme similarities between Draconimom and our dear buddy Hornton, I'd be willing to bet that roses are A Specific Thing for them. (Plus there's the obvious thorns –> roses connection, and how Draconimom's staff is a giant flower, AND it provides a convenient visual tie-in to the first dorm/major boss we encounter in the main story…)
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Now for the chandelier. Pretty messy-looking for such a fancy chamber, yeah? But with such a distinctive floral pattern to it…and to the lace it seems to be wrapped in. The main focus of the lace seems to be that sorta three-leaf pattern in it, the shape of which is reflected in the bud-like decoration dangling down from the center.
I know I'm making the lace of Draconimom's cape-thing do some heavy lifting in this analysis, but that sorta three-leaf/bud-like shape does appear in it. More noticeable, though, would be how the dangling bud seems to resemble the central decor of Draconimom's heavy belt– just without the sword.
Less relevant, but the presence of chains on the chandelier give me pause. Symbolically, chains are used to represent containment or (a negative sense of) security. I've joked about Draconimom being in the Dark Mirror, but that chains would be placed so nearby…it makes me wonder. Is the person in the mirror being actively restrained or otherwise held by force, as opposed to passively being trapped?
Also, if you look closely…at the top of the chandelier's lace, nearly hidden in the gloom, appears to be the image of a rose.
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Moving along, the bottom of the chandelier looks quite similar to the construction of the botanical garden, just inverted. The four large beams visible in our view of the botanical garden also have a very…pointy quality about them, thanks to the spear pillars acting at their supports. You could say they look almost like thorned vines.
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Looking from the campus map view shows that those large beams fully encircle the building, just as the decorative lines on the chandelier presumably encircle it. In addition, we can also see that the Hall of Mirrors has a somewhat similar construction. (Not using the outer view of the HoM from the official manga bc idk how much artistic leeway the manga artists are allowed.)
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The circles on the coffin lids alternate between being bright green or glowing cyan, depending on whether or not you're summoning cards. It could be that the green is their default "inactive" state, and the cyan glow is caused by them being "active" during the summoning sequence? Seven ("active") coffins appear during the summoning cutscene, which is all but assuredly in reference to the fact you can usually only summon from the 7 available dorms. (The 12 "inactive" coffins seen during the normal view of the Mirror Chamber don't appear to correlate to anything in specific.)
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The lamps lining the Mirror Chamber each have seven lights on them, which could also be a subtle nod at the 7 dorms – it's a bit of an odd design for a lamp, otherwise. All of them together gives me the impression of a grove of saplings.
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last but not least, this is slightly off-topic but WHAT is up with that fountain. why's it got the nastiest lookin water known to man. when was that thing last cleaned. looks bad looks rancid. still feel compelled to take a lil sip tho
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candlecoo · 1 year
So! My theory/headcannon I've had for toshinori is that he's not actually quirkless but rather has minor transformation quirk that relied on having a second quirk much like Yoichi did! Cause there's no plausible reason that I can think of as to why having/losing one for all would make his body change so drastically.
Like, yes he was buff as a teen but are we ever shown when he's older and had gotten the smallmight form? He could simply look like that from old age (also it IS called his 'true form' by him though whether that's cause it's now his default or bc he KNOWS that's what he just grew to look like) much like how Gran torino looks vastly different as well.
So far I haven't thought much about the mechanics of it but I think it's some type of minor body transformation/adaptation quirk that had showed itself when he got ofa and having that 'extra room' so to speak is what allowed him to be a natural at using ofa–not bc he's genuinely a natural but rather his body had the capability to give ofa an open field to run in, so to speak!
So with ofa providing a use for his quirk, you might be asking 'what about how he activates this supposed quirk' to which I present to you something All Might himself had said about his transformation!
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That's right!! He compares it to holding in his gut whereas with Midoriya we see him having to draw out his power more like a microwave! So that got me thinking, what if the gut metaphor is Toshinori drawing on his original quirk not ofa? Or rather, what if his quirk is forcibly activated each time Toshinori powers up One for All which is why he can't tell the difference?
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This actually fits with my thoughts on Yagi/how Yagi's quirk works. The show does state that invisible or hidden quirks are a thing so its not too far fetched to hypothetically assume that may be the case for All Might.
Also the toe joint thing always seemed like weak "evidence" anyway.
But yeah I absolutely agree with this.
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kindestegg · 1 year
What do you think of Collie going back to the sky. Because the way I see it, he's either all alone up there (probably not good for a young child) or he's gone back to living with the other collectors/archivists (which is probably also not good), Maybe he has found a guardian up there who aren't like his old siblings, an entire species of people can't all be bad, right?
hmmm... well first of all, i would like to say i personally never was a fan of the whole "collectors are emotionless assholes by default but our colly is ⁂⁕special⁕⁂ so hes different" like THATS SO STUPID!!! AND DEFEATS SO MUCH OF THE PURPOSE OF IT BEING IMPACTFUL HE CHOSE BY HIMSELF TO BE GOOD! i think the collector/archivist species is likely very very complicated and has a very rich history and hierarchy we just will never know abt in canon bc 1. theyre not the focus here and 2. well it kind of. ended. so.
well. i have good n i have bad feelings about it.
ill start with the bad: i do wish we had seen more of him in the future timeskip, and that he had gotten a more permanent residence. i thiiink the archives are still intact around the titan skull (dont quote me on it though id need to look again), so, no reason why my future idea couldnt be canon with him living there n repurposing them. i think theres definitely a better solution than just sending him away, he couldve still had his little corner to learn stuff, just closer to the ppl he loves n that DO love him back.
heres where the good starts: i think it was actually a good idea for him to not become a noceda or a clawthorne. first of all because there was not enough of a bond between himself n those families to want to adopt him, specially there was a lot of trauma involved that cant be erased with how much he wishes to be good for them now. they still clearly care about each other, but theyre not family, maybe theyll never be, n thats fine. theres also another reason, but going into it would require... me being pretty bold about something thats been nagging on my brain ever since the episode aired, and actually talking about that might devolve into a bigger post in and of itself. i MAY make that post in the future and lose my fear of talking about, but im being cautious for now. all im gonna say about it atm is that if they had made him a noceda or a clawthorne, making him kings sibling, it wouldve made things... very awkward. and bad. so.
i think theres also a pretty fatalistic pessimistic way the fandom seems to be viewing this end: its never stated colly went back to the archivists at all, just "the stars", and its not even immediately after the finale events neither is it permanent- he had to have stayed around at least long enough to make that new portal door, and he visits frequently if king mentioning him being around to do something for luzs bday is any indication (not to mention that book lilith was holding that seemed to be about titans and collectors - i think colly mustve helped with info for that right).
me and the archive house server have actually been discussing this quite a bit, and we have reached the conclusion that the best way to describe this was that they "pulled a snufkin". collector is a space vagabond that travels around once in a while and then eventually always comes back to tell of their spoils to the people he still cares about most. and while that may not be satisfying to people who wanted him to be lovingly adopted into a welcoming family, i think its a good enough fate considering he might not even want a family out of the clawthornes, but rather just to be close to king.
and im sure maybe in the future he might decide to settle again at the isles for a more permanent residence. the future is in OUR hands now! we decide what to do with these characters and their future lives, and ive got a LOT of ideas.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 3 months
okay so this is super self indulgent but preface for those who arent aware i have this whole full world for my ocs & basically its like a 50/50 chance for any given person to have psychic powers called abilities & this ability is entirely dependent on the person themself & has nothing to do with genetics. ur either born with them or u can get them if ur from a different world & are isekai'd in. the only real thing about abilities is it has to be something a person can do with their mind/state of mind & isnt just like some super power like super strength.
anyway i realized this week i feel like i know the isotopes well enough so i ended up spending a lot of time thinking of what abilities they would have and i give u all my final decisions!!!
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Kafu: she has something im going to call window creation. basically the ability to call forth 'windows' which ranges from just invisible walls in the air to creating a pane that lets her (or anyone near by to see it) see into a different place, time, or both. these are in effect solid walls/windows so its theoretically possible to use them as a weapon but given how kafu is i doubt she would think that way & instead would take a more defensive route, using them as a sort of force field or to get info the group otherwise wouldn't know
Sekai: i'm calling hers shadow manipulation. she can take control of shadows in the area and turn them into a semi-physical thing & from there pretty much becomes a distance attacker or defender depending on both her mood & what's necessary. i would like to think she also keeps a little shadow as a pet & it just follows her around or sits on her shoulder. the shadows can change shape btw
Rime: pyromancy. she gets to create & control fire at will. i like to think she puts too much pressure on herself to learn it & ends up unable to do it at first because of that but the second she lets herself breathe she finally gets it & from there puts in so much practice that her style with it ends up absolutely beautiful to watch. default flame color is red bc thats her color but it changes color/temperature with her emotions. u threaten one of the others and watch how fast it ends up blue-white.
Coko: fox. by shifting her mental state she can transform into a fox & while in that form can do things like create wil o wisp/fox fire & force fields, but mostly i think she'd specialize in creating illusions. she probably actually has multiple tails in that form but after drawing the rest of her outfit i thought one was enough to get the idea across. yes this is the third time im giving a chara this ability its bc im not allergic to fun normally people cant talk in the fox form but i like her so i guess she gets a little telepathy as a treat too.
Haru: consciousness walking. that is, she can separate her consciousness from her physical body & move around almost like a ghost. she can interact with the physical world on a minimal level in this state, but more importantly it allows her to see & interact with other people's consciousnesses in a way that's very easy to mess with their perception of the world & throw off their judgment & things like that. kind of like astral projection but not really, also if she gets really skilled with it she'd be able to move both her physical & spiritual forms at once although that is very tiring
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