#bc one problem is solved. at least.
opal-owl-flight · 2 months
I'd hardly call you a monster, 4. You stepped in and protected 3 from Neo in a way Neo understood. Even if it wasn't the best choice and won't change Neo's mind, it's better than anything 8 would have done. I don't think she realizes that no amount of words will ever make Neo change her mind.
For what it's worth, I'd rather have someone do what you did than stand on the sidelines and do nothing. Just give 8 some time to calm down and think about things. I'm sure she'll come around, and you can both apologize to the other.
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“All I did was scare 8…but I do hope youre right.
…I dont know how Ill be if she decides to never come back to us.”
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blluespirit · 28 days
Another thing I love about is Zuko is 100% ready for a fight at all times. When Azula shows up at the Western Air Temple he’s immediately ready to go all hands. The Earth Kingdom soldiers in Zuko Alone want to fight? My man’s going to do it and he’s going to humiliate you while he’s at it. When he and Katara are hunting down Yon Rha and they find the current leader of the Southern Raiders Zuko beats that guy up no problem. When he sees Iroh in prison post-COD he’s throwing that guard up against the wall and off his feet like he’s a couple of grapes. The Beach has him launching people across the room. He’s ALWAYS ready to go and he’s not afraid to just throw away the bending, the swords and the knives and just go all in with just his hand-to-hand combat skills.
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starofhisheart · 8 months
So much of the "bad" behaviour in ofmd are trauma responses and i love that they show how yeah sometimes we dont respond in the most healthy of ways, we fuck up and we hurt those closest to us, but we still deserve love and kindness at the end of the day
Just so important to me
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theflyingfeeling · 1 month
yes it's just me whining about the same thing for the billionth time, pls just scroll past nothing new to see here 👋
#i just want to enjoy the summer but i feel like i don't deserve to if i'm not constantly trying to become employed again 😭#''apply for jobs then? problem solved'' uh-huh yes but!! i also hate applying for jobs#job seeking can be so incredibly humiliating#first i have to send them a letter BEGGING to be invited to an interview#and then i have to try and convince them that i am actually competent and good at my job even though you have my cv right there#and then afterwards they call me to tell me they found someone who they liked better than me#(or rather someone who was more competent than me judging by their work history etc.)#it's like ''yes we are hiring but not YOU specifically lol''#like. at school if you take a test you get the grade you deserve based on how you did in the exam.#it's something you can actually directly affect yourself#but if someone who's applying for the same job with me has more work experience or whatever they will get hired over me no matter what i do#(at least that's how it usually works on my field)#in which case it doesn't matter if i do well in the interview or nah. bc the other person was always going to be picked for the job anyway#and yes one could say i can then be satisfied if i did my best but it's little consolation when i'm still unemployed!!#and so every time i apply for a job and get rejected it feels like a personal failure#and to avoid that feeling of failure i want to avoid applying for jobs altogether#so yeah. being active in job seeking is more likely to relieve me from this misery but job seeking is ALSO misery. so 🤷‍♀️#that on top of the fact i don't even _want_ to apply for all the open positions on my field#but i feel obliged to because it's what i have a degree on. and when i'm unemployed i don't have the luxury to choose which ones i apply fo#i can't afford to be picky#I DON'T DREAM OF LABOUR I JUST NEED MONEY TO LIVE BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO DO JUST ANY JOB! I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THAT!#i don't want to come home crying from work every day because i hate every single aspect of my life INCLUDING my job 😭#when this semester i actually HAD a job i didn't mind waking up to every morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair#to conclude i don't deserve to enjoy myself in the summer because i'm not doing enough to fix my unemployement situation#(just like i don't deserve to feel sad about being lonely because i don't work hard enough to maintain deep friendships#but that's a crisis for another day! stay tuned ✌️)
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quirkle2 · 8 months
“Exactly. That’s where I come in,” he slowly floats away once he knows Shigeo has balance, “Just for one night. I possess you, you get the grandest sleep you’ve ever had in your life, and while you’re busy schnoozing, Ritsu will do your homework.” Dimple holds out a little hand. “Deal, partner?” Shigeo looks at it like he’s seeing another world, like it’s the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel, and his hand twitches at his side. He’s still got this other against his dresser and he grips the wood until his fingers go white, digits wrapping around the corner like he wants to snap it off. But he also looks at it like he’s seen this before, like he knows how this will go, like he wants to stay no and turn away and then his legs are wobbling and his eyes are tired and he’s losing steam by the day. Dimple watches him think over the consequences, weigh the reward against it, watches him go back and forth between an open expression and that stern, guarded one. This is exactly why he hadn’t offered this sooner. If he’d done this a few weeks ago, Shigeo still would’ve had energy left in him, no matter how little, and it would’ve convinced him he could keep going. He would’ve said no immediately, wouldn’t turned him down without a thought. But now, the kid is worn down. The kid is salivating at the idea of a good night’s sleep, a full, deep eight hours uninterrupted, and Dimple is an expert in offering deals at good moments. He knows how to starve people of things they need, knows how to cut off the things that make people straight thinkers, and he also knows this isn’t the most honest way to do this, but he has to. Possessing the kid will give him access to his thoughts. Shigeo gets to sleep, and Dimple gets to find out if the stench of death is really what he thinks it is.
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nerdynikki94 · 11 months
Honestly? Did I want more from DTAMHD? Yes, I did. I wanted something signifying actual progression for Dennis' character (even just a crumb of genuine growth) , and I sincerely don't think we got that. However... we did get a fascinating insight into the process of his mind. Dennis' level of self-denial is so ironic and profound. He can't acknowledge the inevitability that he's middle-aged.
(I swear this episode honestly has given me an alt hc, that the show is based in his mind; because logistically, a man of his lifestyle and malnourishment could not commit the feats he is constantly sailing through. TGGB & DTAMHD... back-to-back? What happened to his hand? Did he even sprain it? Or is he just the most dramatic brat in the gang - clearly the latter.)
It is important to note that he didn’t fix the actual problem. He momentarily masked the symptoms, but ignore long-term help with blood pressure medicine is not going to fix the issue, nor is it going to protect him from fucking keeling over in a stressful situation (when he's not in a contained and quiet Doctor's exam room) and his blood pressure spikes.
I'm honestly a little jaded at this point (16 Fucking Seasons of crumbs, y'all), but if one were to continue 'trusting the structure' this episode conveyed a lot.
The B Plot: The pressure cooker. The metaphor parallels the building pressure Dennis quick-tempered bouts of rage. So, to toss out a little 'cat-in-the-wall' conjecture here: The pressure cooker is Dennis, but we all saw him eat that bloody diamond in the end and we all heard Mac's speech about coal turning into diamonds under massive pressure. Dennis' experience is a theory of pressure, he daydreams it all in the span of a minute or so. He's roleplaying with hypothetical obstacles. There's no risk. Maybe Dennis, isn't the pressure cooker, but the coal.
If I were to try and take anything hopeful out of this episode, it would be the way the narrative is showing us that this episode acknowledged that Dennis isn't ready yet. It's not his turn to break. It's going to take real, substantial pressure to get that diamond.
It was a hell of a misdirect (and honestly a little bit of a slap in the face), but if these characters live in the real world, where people are bound by the laws of mortality, then Dennis should have his time.
Genuinely, who fucking knows?
I'm not hating on the episode. We all know this is the trashy dick joke sitcom. I just thought that if Mac & Charlie could have moments of genuine heartbreak, culminating in deep catharsis, that maybe Dennis could have that too.... but no.
Can't wait to see the sunny dudebros miss the point & proclaim Dennis Reynolds - SA victim, traumatized individual with an emotionally tumultuous personality disorder - the new Andrew Tate.
I'm sorry, but yeah. I'm a little miffed. It was all a dream, and everything goes Dennis' way. Y'all I'm fucking tired. This was a great episode for Glenn, but a fucking frustrating episode for Dennis. I may have wanted a little macden, but all I cared about was seeing Dennis face the limitations of his mortality, to see that he's failing his body and his brain. He didn't have to actually take the medicine (I wouldn't expect him to), but Goddammit, everything seems to work out in his delusional favor. So, of course he's going to continue being delusional, and probably only change for the worse.
I'll say it: I wanted a broken Dennis, and we did not get that. He didn't even crack, the unbearble and apparently now canonical Golden God. That episode's title was intended to tease sunnyblr.
Excuse the plethora of tags. I just kept getting more irritated.
#what i take from the episode is further insight to the lengths of Dennis' repression which adds to my fic#iasip s16#i will say this: i can't dislike this episode solely because of how phenomenal glennjamin's performance was.#I'd say I'm retracting the title of macden 'truther'. I'm still a stan. but this ep made me realize dennis is too coddled by the narrative#with TGGB he's constantly winning. even the game he doesn't stay to watch the end of. his body performing near miracles. wtf#the real reason I'm seriously bothered is the sunny dudebros. they already idolize dennis#this ep has only made it worse because the obvious point of Dennis' actual delusions will go right over their heads.#anybody with a grounded sense of reality can tell you that dennis did not solve a problem#he dreamt up a scenario in some kind of toxic meditation session. he's getting older. and his denial is metastasizing#Dennis' denial isn't sustainable. I'm kind of cutting off my investment in that regard. he's a fucking mess & he's currently being idolized#dennis reynolds#definitely not my favorite episode. not bc of lack of macden. a little bc Den needs limitations. mainly bc 'it was all a dream' is cheap#ranting.excuse me for wanting 1 of my fave characts actually have his poor health.self-destructive coping mechanism/trauma acknowledged#can't believe i was actually afraid i wouldn't be able to write because too much might happen in DTAMHD...! 🤣#it should've all happened. but instead ended w/him getting charges pressed when he tried to break into ceo's home#ngl. this one hurt. I'm ready for Mac to give up on Dennis. i just wish this fucking show would let him.#excuse me while i go bawl like a baby watching MFHP. because I'm heartbroken that Dennis' BPD makes him push Mac away.#let's just say that realization has been bogging me down in my personal life the last couple of days. & this bummed me out.#Robert McElhenney. I'm outside the studio screaming at you to just let Mac move on & actually meet someone!#I'm not saying he deserves a relationship. but fuck... after 40 yrs of repression can he at least have a fling & fall out of love w/Den?#Dennis won't ever let him meet someone. & he'll never treat Mac like he actually cares about him.bc his own vulnerability terrifies him.😭
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lesbianlenas · 1 year
applying for an apartment was. tbh. the worst experience of my life….if i don’t get accepted for this apartment i will kms so aggressively the whole world will explode just from my forceful energy alone…..
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mishkakagehishka · 4 months
Honestly i love a3 comfort game ever but. I was listening to sick sick sick and got to thinking, i really wish masumi got some character development re: the whole "crush" he has on izumi. Like, i get it's a joseimuke and you have to have all the archetypes to maximise your audience, but i also think they could easily give him some development and then just introduce a new yandere in a following act. Because it just :/ i don't vibe with the fact that it didn't take a lot at all, within the first act, that it was revealed masumi's neglected and his parents are pretty absent. If it wasn't outright stated, it was heavily implied that he doesn't have a crush, his infatuation with izumi is literally just a result of the fact that he's desperate for attention from a parental figure, and sees izumi as one. I appreciate that he had an arc about learning to love acting, as most had, but i still don't vibe with the fact that he's still unhealthily obsessed with izumi👹
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iholli · 4 months
trying desperately to keep it together knowing all I'm doing is slapping flextape over holes in the Titanic and having absolutely no one to ask for help 👌
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stabbylambchop · 1 year
Hey uh
anyone here on Art Fight this year or-
Cuz I'm on there, same name and everything. I'm on Team Vampires.
You can like, add me or whatever...I mean, if you want...
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I haven't interacted with anyone on here or even really drawn in a couple months, sweet pulsating spider-christ ...
#I KNOW I KNOW I CAN JUST. DO THE THING. BUT I ALSO CAN'T. YKNOW????#I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY MIND HAS BEEN I DON'T#I'M STILL STRUGGLING WITH HEALTH Y'ALL#and sometimes instead of bouncing back and forth from feeling stable enough to do things and absolute dog shit i just-#-'welp i guess I'll just not do anything! that'll solve all of my problems! I'll get better if i don't do things and just rest and space out#-'WOW I CAN JUST BE ISOLATED AND PATHETIC IN MY ROOM ALL DAY COOL'#like...I EVEN GOT MY PAIN MEDS BACK! AND I QUALIFIED FOR A HIGHER DOSE WHICH IS A MIRACLE BC THIS IS FLORIDA!!#but like. idk.#and it's not like i don't care at all!!! I've missed you guys like fuck!!!! i just feel like I'm so far behind and everyone is on another-#-plane of existence at this point! and the longer it goes the more guilty i feel coming back bc i feel ashamed and lazy...#but i know you guys don't give a shit about at all. and I'm sorry for assuming and being so hard on myself#but also my fandoms are all over the place rn so uh. I'm so sorry LOL#but seriously anyone on art fight?? i really need to get back drawing but it's daunting...#especially since my guess 2 or 3 years were kickass by the last 2 literally no one but my wife interacted with me#one friendly fire from my partner. in two fights. after putting HOURS OF EFFORT THRU CHRONIC PAIN AND ILLNESS into all of those pieces...#i know I didn't draw a fuckton but i just got so discouraged and sad after awhile. and some never even got any attackee comments.#it all felt so damn pointless#but I'm nothing if not a survivor#as Zapp Brannigan once said; 'the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised'#I'm a hot fuckin mess but even if i barely get any interaction at all again i can at least say i didn't give up-#and put in effort and love like always. no half-assing with art fight unless it's just me and my wife or a friend doin stupid friendly fires#BUT ANYWAY I STILL WANNA FUCK SLASHERS. IF ANYTHING THERE'S STILL THAT. IT'S STILL ME.
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exmotranny · 9 months
how to get adhd medication
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread
If I See You Again Tomorrow
YA contemporary/light sci-fi
follows a boy almost a year into a time loop, who has almost given up on finding a way out
until a new boy shows up at his school - which has never happened before - and he’s motivated to step out of his monotony and maybe find a way out
exploring loneliness and social isolation
#If I See You Again Tomorrow#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#ok i enjoyed some aspects of this like the MCs personal journey and mental health stuff i guess. friendships.#but the romance was annoying and unnecesary. not just my bitter aro ass saying this a lot of other reviews do too lol#the love interest is convinced that you have to find your soulmate to get out of the time loop for no logical reason??? & the MC (and me) is#like what the fuck man that’s stupid.#but then also he’s like we can’t hang out; you just think you Like me because we’re both in this time loop; focus on finding your soulmate!!#LIKE WHO CARES ABOUT CRUSHES?#YOU’RE THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE IN THIS TIME LOOP WHY WOULD YOU NOT WORK TOGETHER TO FIGURE IT OUT……….#this is more me being frustrated at the character than the author but i feel like. the author could have thought of some better reasons for#him to avoid the mc i guess lol. or at least lampshade the stupidity#it……sort of ends up being soulmatey anyway#or at least he decides they in love anyway but lol u guys spent one day together then didn't see each other for 2 months or whatever???#so the end was definitely disappointing#I think it would have been way better if he did all his friend and family goodbyes then went to the place#and nothing happened and it turned out that after 365 days you just. pop out of it; problem never ‘’solved’’.#but then he goes to find beau anyway and they start something on their own terms#(bc like getting ‘trapped forever’ after a year would mean there’s instances of two people disappearing forever at the same time - they have#no proof for that either? I guess they would also have instances of people saying they did just get out of it after a year too but. well may#be if that happens you have amnesia. which wouldn’t work for this book. but anyway)#idk#also him hating his mum made me cringe because that was Obvious. i feel like a little more time could have been spent on that#and like i did enjoy it overall for the majority of it that wasn't the romantic thing! it could have been so good if it removed that#and gave everything else its full focus
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trans-leek-cookie · 8 months
Thinking abt AITSF and the ownership of bodies
#Like my immediate first thought was about Date and [spoiler] and like. Damn. And I realize now the other character I wanna talk abt is also#Super spoiler heavy anyway spoilers for AITSF#Fuckin... it's saitos body but it's Date's body too. Is that fair though? Is Date isn't maliciously or even intentionally taking it Saito i#Literally the problem but like. Does that take away his right to his own body. He made a bad choice that he regrets and refuses to accept#Responsibility/accountability for but also like. That's his fucking body he was born in. And if u take into account the oxytocin thing. Man#Idk its just. He wanted to try rohans body but then he wants his own back. Despite the fact it probably made him miserable.#And dates just hanging out in there but his 'original' body is equally alien bc what the fuck man he's been Date for 6 years and this was#Date's fucking body bc. It just was god damn. So the question is if one of the two somehow deserves the body more. Which I think is#Obv a fucked up question but like. Yknow. You probably shouldn't lose the rights to ur body bc of being a bad person bc yknow human rights#Are human rights but also there's no malintent from date initially and he also Did Not Make The Choice so like. Who gets the body in the#Divorce. Anyway they're both Serial killers so like.#Anyway manaka.... in the warehouse... I could maybe contrast this by saying smthn abt date and Saito being two owners of one body while#Manaka is divorced from her own body. But idk. Manaka wasn't given a proper funeral for a long long time. Would she have wanted one?#Her body helped solve the case but. Damn. She doesn't have any wants bc she dead but still. I don't think anyone would want their body#Frozen like that for years. I think she'd at least want a grave her daughter and friends could visit. But she can't have that#Anyway fuck so sejima I wish he died in canon
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mildmayfoxe · 9 months
bro. i completely fucked up my headphones case (stupid mistake. my fault) (my poor beloved headphones) the other day and ordered the newer version of the same thing bc my same ones wouldn’t arrive in time for my trip (leaving thursday) and they were on sale ($38!) (i have off brand bluetooth ear buds) (i’m not spending $100 on headphones sorry) (my cheap ones work just fine) and the new ones came today and the sound quality was absolutely awful. tinny and horrible. and they wanted me to download an APP!! waste of money and time. so disappointing. however i did just find my same ones (they could never let me down) on walmart dot com (for $44. acceptable) and they are supposed to arrive on wednesday. pray for me
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delta-piscium · 11 months
mmh and what if i rewrote an entire wip just to change the pov what then? (tears, that's what)
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pinkseas · 1 year
girl help i am having Thoughts
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