#and conflict-avoidant to an extreme because of it
wilwheaton · 21 hours
“This is a media and Kamala Harris fact check that I wanna clarify and clear up right now … She used two programs to wave a wand and to say, ‘We’re not gonna deport those people here.’ If Kamala Harris waves the wand illegally and says these people are now here legally, I’m still gonna call them an illegal alien.” That’s Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), talking about the Haitian migrants in the town of Springfield in his home state — the majority of whom are in the country legally. As Vance points out in his remarks, most of the migrants in question are in the U.S. legally through programs like mass parole due to urgent humanitarian issues and/or temporary protective status, a temporary status given to nationals of specifically designated countries that are confronting an ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions. The key word here is legal. Calling them illegal aliens because you want to attack the candidate that’s running against you is not only racist and xenophobic but also an extremely dangerous line to cross. We’ve seen the results of that very racism and xenophobia play out in real time in Springfield for the past week.
Making America Deportable Again
Jeffrey Dahmer Vance is admitting that he’s a liar. He’s admitting that they have no policies or plans to improve your life. He’s admitting that he’s so inexperienced, that Trump’s record is so unpopular and indefensible, they will just make up lies -- that they know are hurting people -- to avoid facing how weak they are.
Make no mistake: Trump and Vance have no plans to help anyone except themselves and their billionaire owners. If they can execute their coup successfully this time, not only will they never leave office, they will obliterate the middle class and the working poor. They will ensure that the most vulnerable among us suffer even more than they already are.
They know that voters know that. They know that, outside of the cult, they have no support. So they amplify a racist lie in an effort to distract and fool voters.
That worked in 2016, and it almost worked in 2020.
It is not working now. We are not going back.
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whetstonefires · 2 days
Thinking about the parallels set up between Wei Wuxian and Mo Xuanyu, and how actually most of them are oddly specious.
The sketch of the backstory lines up, but on close examination they're mirror images.
Wei Wuxian wasn't kicked out of his sect, he left it. Wei Wuxian didn't hate the house he grew up in, he loved it, and getting the people there killed was the absolute last purpose for which his dark powers were ever intended.
Jiang Cheng was no Mo Ziyuan--his jealousy was a complicated thing all twisted up with love, and while he would lash out at Wei Wuxian both as a casual means of shit communication and more damagingly in moments of high tension, he had neither the desire nor the ability to bully him, and in general respected his boundaries almost too well.
When Wei Wuxian destroyed himself about Jiang Cheng, it was to give him cultivation, and protect his life and happiness. He would never have killed him.
Madam Yu was a domineering aunt-like figure, who hated Wei Wuxian for reasons of reputation, and because she had resented his dead mother, but she crucially did not have the power to actually disrupt his lifestyle to any significant extent.
Mo Xuanyu was shut up in a small room to rot; Wei Wuxian didn't even attend classes unless he wanted to. Mo Xuanyu was weak and disliked; Wei Wuxian was brilliant and popular.
Mo Xuanyu's uncle is a cipher of a figure, without character or agency, a nonentity who is resented to death apparently mostly for what he didn't do; in theory he is the master of the house, but he certainly never protected his wife and son's punching bag from them.
And this is what got me thinking along this track: because people keep interpreting Jiang Fengmian as this, as exactly like Mo Xuanyu's nameless uncle, a nonentity who lets his wife make all the decisions, and is contemptible therefore.
He shows up in fic characterized this way all the time, handled narratively as a gap rather than a person, an absence where there should have been a parent, and it's...totally inaccurate? The man only has a few scenes but the things that are most firmly established about him are:
he regularly goes out of his way to protect Wei Wuxian
he's extremely fond of Wei Wuxian
he cares a lot about ethical behavior
he's conflict-avoidant and gentle
he can and will overrule Yu Ziyuan when he's made up his mind, and there's nothing she can do about it
his communication skills are mediocre at best
he doesn't understand jiang cheng
he has a dumb sense of humor
Now almost none of this made it into cql besides point 4 and maybe 6, 5 is technically there but buried by the cinematic framing, so I totally get why the fandom on the whole struggles to characterize him well, and it's easier to write him off.
But it keeps bugging me to see him and Yu Ziyuan squashed into the mold of the Mo, because not only is that boring and reductive and kind-of-missing-the-point, it's like. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's characterization suffers a lot when you alter the environment and take away the influence exerted by their shared father figure.
Jiang Fengmian was Wei Wuxian's primary adult role model and it shows.
Jiang Cheng's relationship to his own sense of ethics is fraught because 'teaching him good ethics' was his dad's number one parenting goal, but they misunderstood each other so badly (partly because Yu Ziyuan kept loudly misinterpreting them to each other, which is so realistic I can't get over it, that's exactly how it works good lord) that Jiang Cheng has a direct association between the concept of 'doing the right thing even when it's hard' and a feeling of personal inadequacy.
The fact that Wei Wuxian got their dad-person's approval for being exactly himself and Jiang Cheng not only couldn't do that, he couldn't even get that same level of approval when he really pushed himself to rise to expectations, because Jiang Fengmian did not intend that warmth as a 'reward,' and so never realized he was withholding it, and therefore misunderstood Jiang Cheng's visible jealousy as a dangerous sense of personal entitlement that had to be carefully restrained, which reinforced his distrust of Jiang-Cheng-the-person and fed into a shitty loop where they were less and less able to relate to one another--that's fantastic. That's so human! I love it so much.
Both their failures are their own but at the same time it would never have gotten so bad if Yu Ziyuan hadn't been interjecting herself in there, in the middle of their relationship, fucking it up. That's family, baby.
I would ofc like if there was more fic engaging with the subtleties of all this because it's so good, mxtx did such elegant work here and it is not sufficiently appreciated. But it's the kind of thing that's hard to write good fic about; I am struggling with it myself.
So mostly I wish there was just more fic that didn't impose Mo Xuanyu's cliche angst backstory on Wei Wuxian, who has a whole different thing going on.
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pinkseas · 2 years
girl help i am having Thoughts
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prentissluvr · 13 days
guys i think i'm like... a conflict resolution god like. i can't even lie i'm so good at that shit... HAHAHA STOP THAT'S SUCH AN ODD THING TO SAY WHATTT
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
watched the moominvalley AND 90s anime takes on the Last Dragon back to back earlier and I'm still so fucked up emotionally
#what if there was a living metaphor for our relationship and I just kind of gave it to a passing fisherman to avoid that whole business#because you're desperately conflict avoidant and terrified of being left and i'm juggling genuine desires for Me Time#with glaring emotional issues#and this little last living miracle of nature was making us both extremely upset/uncomfortable with the issues it invoked#and *points* king of conflict avoidance and dude who would literally rather die than not seem chill about everything#the moominvalley take is crunchy and emotionally devastating enough but THE 90S ANIME....#the fact it's paired with snufkin casually trying to leave months early because uhhhh. The Cards#(and I say 'casually' but you KNOW he is not casual about it but no he's chill! there's no real Reason he's looking for an excuse#to take off it's The Cards. gonna catch some minnows to give me an excuse to book it now)#and he KNOWS it's breaking moomin's heart but he just can't address that#and giving away the Troubling Underlying Problems dragon is paired with him giving away the minnows that were his excuse to leave#but he can't say he DECIDED to stay or that he didn't want the dragon he just. straight up lies. KING of emotional distance dysfunction#if we didn't lie about this we'd lose our potential no-fault excuses for booking it in the future! i love him sm#and moomin just accepts the dragon vanishing bc he's willing to settle just for snufkin hanging out with him#and they end the ep by moomin calling the dragon 'silly' and snufkin saying it'd be bad to keep because it's fickle and unloyal...#gnawing on the table. i did not expect this relationship to Get me so hard but by god the problems and issues are right up my alley#i'm always obsessed with the complexity of 'we both have problems and different emotional/practical needs in a relationship'#'and loving each other is painful and complicated even though it's so important to both of us'#and I actually do not find it in fiction very often#vic talks#aside from that one fanart I reblogged yeah this is how everyone finds out I'm getting into the moomins. sorry in advance
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neurob-ug · 4 months
Some people learned the phrase "you don't owe anyone anything" and RAN with it. Like.. I think your inability to provide a base level of consideration and respect for your surroundings unless you "owe them" is way more concerning than whatever you had going on beforehand, but okay.
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exerlin · 6 months
my life would be so much better with a 2nd non-bathroom room and a bunny rabbit
#bnuny thoughts#i think im getting burnt out on splatoon and it's making me sad#idk what else to do i wish i could pursue my hobbies but without space or meds i can't muster the strength i need#also i tried looking for a job today and wow. you even need a food certification to be paid minimum wage??#i just can't deal with this shit at all still#job hunting irl doesnt work and neither does online#too many barriers to entry for the simplest of things#i don't understand how anyone functions under these conditions#im not good enough at anything to be paid for it i guess#this system thinks i should die i guess#food is taking up all my extra money nowadays#and im still running out of food stamps#im eating 2 cups of ramen a day ($3 each) because i keep gagging on the $1 maruchan cups of ramen#i ordered a copious amount of noodles on amazon hoping to keep my food costs strictly on my EBT this month#trying to go out by myself as little as possible so that I can afford to be able to *insert literally anything that isn't play video games*#im so so deeply tired of video games i wish i could experience the wonders of life and reality but that costs money each time#video games cost money 1 time and can be played over and over again#sometimes they dont even cost money#but a drink that isn't prepackaged costs at least $5#and food is even more than that#and no loitering because everything is actually private property#and also i feel extremely uncomfortable in public places like parks because strangers have always been hostile to me (in georgia)#and i have not had any experiences that conflict with that trend as i avoid public spaces (which is easy because you have to seek them out)#i want to be in one but i won't feel comfortable because i will feel like i don't belong#also i wouldnt know what to do#and anything like “daydreaming” or “relaxing” would probably result in my dazed ass accidentally staring at someone for too long#i just don't know how to deal with such an intense fear#at least not by myself
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alullinchaos · 11 months
i know wwii was a beyond major geopolitical event but it still surprises me how often i come across something that says "and things are this way because WW2"
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novy2sirius · 1 month
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based on numerology
tw: sexualization, emotional/physical abuse, substance abuse/addiction, criminals, death ♥︎
the whole chart matters. take this with a grain of salt ♥︎
this is based on the numerical meanings (numerology) of these numbers not degree theory ♥︎
do not read if you aren’t 18+ ♥︎
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♂ MARS AT 1°/10°/19°/28° · having these mars degrees indicates that you are someone who has a lot of sex appeal and people may obsess over you a lot. with this does come a lot of hate or envy from others as well. you can make lots of money from martian related topics such as modeling, athletics, sex, tattoo work, etc. people with these degrees in their mars are also extremely ambitious and never take no for an answer when they truly want something. when it comes to conflict these people don’t like passive aggressiveness they want you to be up front with them from the beginning and will also do the same. they like to resolve a conflict immediately when it first occurs or have time to themselves if they’re too angry to talk about anything. sexually the women with these degrees tend to love a dominant partner, but the men with these degrees tend to be the one’s that like to dominate in bed. they have a really high sex drive and may come off as very sexual people. when it comes to their presence these people can come off as intimidating at times and when lower vibrational they can be bullies or just very mean spirited. the one’s that are higher vibrational will not waste their energy on being mean to others or being vengeful, but instead will put their energy toward their passions in life
♂ MARS AT 2° · having this mars degree means that a lot of people will find your body to be sexually appealing. at times you may get sexualized a lot. when it comes to conflict these people are peacemakers and don’t like to stir the pot. they prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible because it makes them very anxious. when lower vibrational because of this they can be passive aggressive and bad at confronting conflict head on. when higher vibrational they will try to understand everyone’s perspective during conflict and be understanding while trying to resolve it in a healthy way. this is the most feminine mars degree you can have. usually these people have a more feminine vibe depending on the rest of their chart. a downside to this degree is that these people usually are not the best leaders
♂ MARS AT 3°/12°/21° · having these mars degrees means that you’re someone who needs a lot of communication to resolve conflict. you typically will not just naturally understand why someone is upset unless they tell you. when lower vibrational during conflict these people can be very impulsive with their words, harsh at times, and childish in conflict. when higher vibrational they tend to just be very straight forward in the way they communicate and straight to the point. these degrees in mars can also indicate that you have a sexy voice that many people find hot. you would benefit in life from speaking up for people and yourself. these people make great public speakers and activists because they usually aren’t afraid to use their voice when it comes to important matters. these are not the kind of people you want to get into a roast battle with because they will have you speechless with their comebacks. they tend to be very funny to a lot of people. these people are naturally very creative and can benefit from using their creativity toward their passions. something random i’ve noticed is low vibrational people with these degrees in their mars often get in trouble with the law/are criminals
♂ MARS AT 4°/13° · having these mars degrees means that you are someone who’s extremely hardworking. often these people are workhorses and will stop at nothing to have their desires. these people tend to have a super high sex drives and aren’t afraid to put in the work during sex to please their partner. people with these degrees in their mars typically have broad shoulders or a very muscular body type. when lower vibrational these degrees can be challenging because these people tend to be overly aggressive, violent, and have a lot of jealousy toward others. when higher vibrational these people are very disciplined and smart when it comes to the decisions they make in their life. these people could do really well in the criminal justice field. they would make great cops, criminal investigators, soldiers, etc. i don’t recommend that someone with one of these mars degrees goes into a career where they’re sitting around too much. they thrive more so in careers where they’re constantly being introduced to new tasks and moving a lot
♂ MARS AT 5°/14°/23° · having these mars degrees means that you’re someone that’s a bit on the wild side. you’re always down for an adventure and love to constantly be moving and traveling if you can. when unevolved these people can sometimes be players since 5 energy in numerology is very sexual and loves its freedom while Mars is about speed and moving fast. these people tend to love sex, but may struggle with confusing lust and love at times even if they don’t initially realize it. these people often have a lot of sex appeal and are very sexually attractive. they have a charm about them that others find very seductive and it makes many people desire them. these people are great entertainers and are very witty. they have a natural charisma about them that makes others addicted to them. although this can also create jealousy in others and make many people want to bring you down if you have these degrees in your mars out of hatred in themselves for not having what you have. at worst people with these degrees in their mars can be relationship/home wreckers, irresponsible, chaotic, alcoholics, or drug addicts. when it comes to conflict they don’t really like to dwell on things too much because they’re free spirits and want to just have fun. if you try telling them what to do or make them feel restricted in any way though they won’t want you in their life and will distance themselves from you. health wise these people tend to be very fit and have good diets
♂ MARS AT 6°/15°/24° · having these mars degrees means that you’re definitely really good in bed. these people like to please their partner before themselves in bed. they usually have high fertility. they also have praise kinks a lot of the time. when it comes to exercise these people can be lazy at times and bed rotters. they like staying in their comfort zone and don’t enjoy leaving it. the downside to these degrees in your mars is that it can make you on the lazier side and can make you lack ambition if you don’t have any placements to contradict this energy. often these people may not have good health because of this. they’re homebodies. they will be responsible whenever they need to though. when it comes to conflict they value their friendships and relationships a lot, so they try not to step on any toes. they’re very loving people, but when they’re mad.. they’re really mad and stubborn. it just takes a lot to get them to that point. when it comes to their family sometimes they do have family issues since mars is associated with the conflicts in our life and 6 is the number of family in numerology. they can lack intelligence if they don’t have any energies contradicting this in their chart
♂ MARS AT 7°/16°/25° · having these mars degrees means that you’re not someone who enjoys being involved in conflict and prefers to just mind your own business. when these people don’t like someone they usually won’t tell them. they’d rather avoid the drama of telling someone they wanna cut them off and just slowly walk away from a friendship/relationship. these people are often on the more introverted side and can be bad at communicating their feelings during conflict. they’re often misunderstood which makes them feel very lonely and struggle a lot with loneliness (sometimes even when they’re not alone). they could be surrounded by a group of people and still feel alone. people with these degrees are most likely to be narcissistic or psychopathic when at a very low vibration since 7 is the number of the psycho and mars represents aggressive energy. these degrees in your mars are some of the most challenging when it comes to romance/friendship as well. the positive to these mars degrees is that these people tend to be highly intelligent and very strong spiritually. they tend to have great instincts and be very intuitive. they notice a lot of things that others don’t notice
♂ MARS AT 8°/17°/26° · having these mars degrees indicates that you’re an amazing leader. you would do great in a career involving business related things or running your own business. these people seek power and can do very well in positions of power as long as they don’t take advantage of their power and use it for bad or act greedy. they often have good judgment of others and can tell the type of person someone is immediately when meeting them. they see things in people that others don’t. if they’re at a lower vibration they can be thoughtless and not think about how their actions may hurt others. at very worst they could be emotionally or physically abusive, ignorant, vengeful, obsessive, and cruel. when it comes to their career they tend to be very wealthy when they’re older, but may experience ups and downs with money in their childhood and in early adulthood. they are very hard workers when they really want something bad enough. if they don’t have a deep desire for something they will not put in any effort though. these people were actually meant to be materialistic in this life time just not to the point where it’s the only thing they value. these people do live a very karmic life which can be the challenge of having these degree in your mars. when they hurt others karma will come back to them quickly, but the vice versa also occurs if people hurt them (the people who hurt them will get bad karma quickly). sexually, these people have a lot of stamina in bed. even the men can last longer than most other men
♂ MARS AT 0°/9°/18°/27° · having these mars degrees can mean that you’re a powerful manifestor and have the ability to manifest more quickly than most others. manifestation ability is not reliant on placements, however it’s simply just that these people tend to have a better understanding earlier on of manifestation than most others which makes them usually have better manifesting skills. these people tend to have a quick death that happens suddenly since mars represents speed and 9 in numerology represents death. these people tend to be great adapters no matter what place you put them in. they are quick learners and very intelligent. when lower vibrational these people tend to have big egos and a superiority complex or need to “prove others wrong” since they have lack of respect for others opinions. they can also be violent, struggle with addiction, dramatic, liars, possessive, or be immoral when at a lower vibration. when at a higher vibration these people know how to use their emotional energy and turn it into amazing art whether that be in the form of music, acting, or literal artwork such as painting and drawing, etc. they can especially be amazing actors though since 9 is the number of illusion. they’re naturally good liars/fakers, so with that energy in mars the planet associated with intense emotions and enthusiasm they can act in a way that seems very realistic. they’re very compassionate and usually come off very charming and attractive to others. they can be good leaders or followers. in bed usually they’re switches and can enjoy being dominant or submissive depending on their mood
♂ MARS AT 11°/20°/29° · having these mars degrees can mean that you’re a very emotional person. it’s usually because of how spiritually connected these people are though and their ability to tap into others energies. sometimes unintentionally. often these people have psychic abilities and will dream about things before they occur in the physical realm. these people tend to dislike hookup culture a lot and prefer having a real and deep connection with someone before ever having sex with them. when it comes to work they do well in emotionally strenuous jobs like being an ICU nurse, 911 operator, etc. they would do well as an athlete, actor, rapper, life coach, salesman, etc though. these people have a lot of charisma and can seduce people into getting what they want. they are good manipulators, so be cautious if you do see this in someone’s chart in case they’re low vibrational. at very worst when these people are at a low vibration they could be the type to lure you in with charm and then hurt you especially if they’re emotionally unstable people. when it comes to conflict these people tend to be very empathetic toward others emotions when at a higher vibration and want the best for them, so they try to understand how the other person feels before explaining how they feel. however, when you hurt someone with one of these degrees in their mars it can be dangerous since these people have the power to make others really emotional
♂ MARS AT 22° · having this mars degree means that you’re very wise, especially when it comes to problem solving. they’re good at analyzing details that others can’t. they tend to also give very good advice to others when they need help with their problems or conflicts in life. they’re powerful people and leaders. they tend to be people that think outside of the box and the opposite of a follower. health wise these people tend to have very muscular bodies and can be very fit. these people can be great body builders if they want to be. emotionally these people can be pretty sensitive at times and if low vibrational very stubborn or ruthless. when at a higher vibration these people tend to use their energy toward things that help them become more powerful and achieve more. a downside is these people can be really stubborn when you try to give them advice. they don’t like taking it. sexually these people will feel more pleasure the more confident they feel and may enjoy more aggressive or intense sex
comment your mars degree and what posts you want me to make next. reblogs are appreciated!!
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xjulixred45x · 8 months
I could't contain myself guys sorry--
Bro, do you realize how scary it would be to have Vox as a Yandere?
just imagine it. You could be one of his workers, maybe too good at your job, because not only do you do what Vox tells you without asking questions, but you also know what to say and what not to say to avoid a "tantrum" from him. or rather, when his insecurities attack with force like when Alastor returns.
Vox would probably be a somewhat condescending yandere (as seen with Val) but don't think you can't turn tables easily, if you stroke his ego enough, you can have him around your finger. but that doesn't make it any less dangerous for those around you.
He makes the typical 180 degree turn in attitude when it comes to Other Employees and when it comes to You. Damn, you may be the only one of his employees who gets paid vacations (or even vacations) or even birthday bonuses, things like that. He likes to give you his things or products with the excuse that "they are for testing" even if they have already been released on the market.
Vox: who the fuck eat My leftovers!?! WHENEVER WHO WAS I'M GOING TO-
Darling: it was me sir.
Vox:--give You the rest and take You out for lunch, You haven't eaten in the whole day AGAIN, didn't ya?
He definitely avoids conflict with you by hypnotizing you, when he starts to feel hostility, fear on your part or that you want to leave, he makes you "out of nowhere" have "ONE MORE TASK" and you can't help but do what he says.
and IT IS NOT just to avoid fights or for you to leave, it is something CONSTANT (once every two days MINIMUM), although Vox is not worried about your brain turning into mush due to its powers, it always keeps nutritious things in your diet and they come out relatively often , as you have to follow him everywhere.
Eventually he becomes more clingy and needy in this case, it's practically not that he's proposing to you or anything, he's just slowly dragging you into a relationship without you realizing it (because you're not lucid enough). Unless you develop a higher level of tolerance to his hypotonic trick, I don't think you'll notice his Red Flags.
I think it would be ESPECIALLY BAD if Darling is also a Sinner, because then they wouldn't even be able to get out of the pride ring to run away from Vox. leaving you with many fewer options and having to avoid all of Vox's technology, which you could only achieve by 1- going to the Cannibal Legion or 2- going to the Hazbin Hotel.
Running away is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, not only because of his hypnotic trick, but because he literally has EYES EVERYWHERE, on every screen in hell. If you somehow manage to get away with it and run away, Vox would be SO ANGRY and looking for you all over hell with their screens.
Although definitely if you were gone more than a day, he would be more distraught than angry and would begin to despair. Even Val and Velvet would give him a hand because of how bad it would be.
Just imagine, thinking that you finally lost sight of Vox's search drones, without realizing that you stand in front of some store and VOX ITSELF appears on the screens :)
If you made the stupid decision to go to the Hazbin Hotel, Vox would be distraught and would even think that Alastor was somehow holding you hostage, obviously! Why would you go there if you knew his biggest enemy was there? Alastor must be using you as a bargaining chip! How dare he!?
(in this case, fortunately, the punishment is much less severe, but he would definitely monitor you for the rest of your life)
When he eventually gets you back (after a few days or even WEEKS of anguish) expect, first of all, to be in a mortal embrace that lasts AT LEAST 2 days and then receive your "punishment" which would be to be under hypnosis for AT LEAST 1 YEAR to be sure that this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
Although calm down! He gives your mind breaks periodically because 1- he doesn't know if that would ultimate mess with your head and 2- it's nice to hear YOU talk instead of the robotic version.
When that year FINALLY ends, you will be a much more obedient, more terrified, sweeter version of You, according to Vox, like a frightened Deer. It was a long and hard process, but the good thing is that you don't have to do anything anymore! absolutely! Just do what he tells you and everything will be fine.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Not one of the Best yanderes to have, but Def not the worst
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luludeluluramblings · 2 months
Jason Todd’s Obsession with Smalltown!Reader
A/N: I know Jason is a fan favorite. Initially he wasn’t going to be the first to fall into obsession, but I think it fits him in this context. I hope I captured his personality right.
A/N: Frick, this doesn’t sound platonic at all. Oops. Just pretend it is. My bad. I got carried away. (I’ll try to keep it more platonic in the story line.)
A/N: Jesus take the wheel, I need to take more time to think this stuff through. I headcanon Reader is Seventeen about to turn eighteen, which means I gotta add more warnings. I’m so sorry, y’all.
Warning: Slight NSFW, Violence, Choking, potential age gap, ambiguous ages.
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First one obsessed with Reader, after Bruce and Alfred, is Jason. He’s pissed about it too. Initially, he made note to despise reader on principle.
Reader is Bruce’s favorite. Bruce cares so much about Reader that he would literally keep them away for their safety. While it seems everyone else in Bruce’s life Jason suffers for being close to him. Bruce obviously knows he destroys everyone he brings into his life. Yet he still keeps dragging people into it without any care. What if he does that to Reader, too?
But, the Smalltown charm mixed with a sweet smile instantly broke him. Instantly.
Problem is, Jason’s pit-madness triggers easily and sometimes comes out as cute aggression. And, to him, reader is fucking adorable. The darker thoughts in his head tell him to corrupt and break reader. But, his rational thoughts remind him how precious Reader is and how he doesn’t actually want to hurt them. He’s at a constant state of internal conflict.
Remembering how his father treated his step Mother also makes Jason feel extreme guilt over how he sees Reader. Pre-pit Jason would have found Reader cute and charmed them. But, Post-pit Jason finds reader cute and wants to fucking ruin them.
It doesn’t help that reader snarks back. Making them even more adorable in his eyes. And, making him want to pin them to the fucking wall.
When he finally blows up at Reader, that’s him channeling his frustration into his words. Slamming his fist into the wall, breaking things. He wants to slam Reader into the wall and fucking break them. Because if he did what his madness was telling him to do, Jason would never forgive himself.
Bruce confronting him allowed him to change outlets and get the rage out. Yelling at Bruce and destroying the room helped ease the madness. But, after the incident, he takes to avoiding reader or only being around when he has someone to hold him back and take the heat off Reader.
He still desperately wants to be around Reader, they’re so fucking cute and he wants to keep them safe. But, god, does he also want to see if choking them somehow makes them even cuter.
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loveemagicpeace · 7 months
🏹1st house & You 🌌
💕1st house describes you as a person, your appearance. The Ascendant and the 1st house-This area of the chart denotes your body as the vehicle for your life force and vitality, and so suggests your sense of yourself as a physically separate individual. Being the symbol of the birth moment, it also describes your arrival into the world and the pattern of responses this sets up. Your Ascendant (or rising) sign is a powerful indicator of how you feel about yourself.💕
⚡️1st house Sun -the person usually looks proud, illuminated and casirmatic. The charisma of these persons is very noticeable. Many times their hair is noticed because it is like a lion's mane or it melts. They put a lot into their hair and take care of it. I notice that these people often dress in one color or wear various inscriptions, paintings related to childhood (many times you see cartoon T-shirts) or some kind of logos. Many times they like to dress in brands. Many times they come forward very confident, but in reality many times they are not at all. Many times the sun covers up their insecurity or weakness. You know how to enlighten others around you and people with this position are often popular among people. People love you quickly. You almost never experience something very terrible (unless there are aspects and other houses that are darker).
🌙1st house Moon- persons tend to appear more kind, caring and friendly. But they can also come forward capriciously (depending on their mood). Emotions are carried on their face and it is difficult to reveal them. Individuals with the Moon in the 1st House wear their hearts on their sleeves and follow their hearts. They have good intuition and are quick to feel things emotionally. Many times the moon creates a cancer look or makes a person's head rounder. People can have gentle soft appearance, a smiling face, and a yearning for comfort, pleasure, and luxury.
🍀1st house Mercury-people look thinner and taller. Usually, when you talk to them, they come across as very smart and intelligent. Many times there are people who have the energy to talk a lot. Above all, their mind and thinking is in the foreground. Many people can ask them for advice. Mercury also gives many thoughts, which you say out loud. You can practically speak your mind. These people also start talking quickly and are the initiators of topics. Maybe sometimes they say things out loud without meaning to. Many times they have multiple personalities and are never really committed to just one thing. They can quickly change their mind if they are not sure about it. What I also noticed is that in reality they talk a lot because they want to get rid of the unpleasant feeling of silence. They do not like the death of silence and many times they prefer noise.
🧚🏼‍♀️1st house Venus-venus usually gives feminine beauty and many people can find you beautiful. You can often get compliments. Your energy is relaxing and often these people are natural (they like natural beauty). This placement gives you a warm, friendly aura and an elegant air that people find irresistible. These individuals tend to be well liked and exude an aura of warmth, friendliness. These individuals tend to be extremely tolerant, accommodating and often compromise their own inner needs and wishes for the sake of maintaining peace and avoiding conflict. You tend to attract others to you quite readily, and rarely come on too strong or aggressively. Venus in the 1st, you might come across as charming, keen to get on with everyone and oil the wheels. There are people who will make you feel that you can be beautiful no matter what u wear. Although they are either very natural without make-up and especially if they have virgo rising. Or they may be obsessed with doing beauty touch-ups and make-up.
🦋1st house Mars- Mars here can come out all guns blazing, a pattern that may reflect emergencies in the birth experience or the early presence of a rival. There may be a lot of masculine energy here. These people know how to do men's jobs and can come forward quite dominantly and decisively. Their energy is usually more intense, strong and strict. You can have a more athletic body or you can have lots of muscles. Facial features tend to be more severe, strong and dark. Many times they emit more dangerous energy (people can be afraid of them). They are people who react quickly and fight for the things/people they love. Very passionate people. They are fearless and dare a lot. They will always be up for crazy things. What I noticed about these people is that thay often attract some situation that are more aggressive or people that following them or something like that(not always).
🐚1st house Saturn- people tend to look older than they really are. Many times they give off the energy of a parent or a more authoritative energy. They are responsible and serious people who do not like someone who is too childish. Otherwise, these people are non-judgmental, you will rarely ever see them judge someone. They may have weight problems and may fluctuate a lot. Their face is similar to saturn, when you look at their face you can see the shape of saturn. They have reinforced bones, especially if they are thin, their body shape is very noticeable. They usually have tattoos. There is one thing about Saturn people that they don't actually look like some kind of business oriented people, but they actually look opposite of that. Many times darker with my style or even emo style I notice many times. Although mostly more chipped/torn style. They love things that are dark or scary sometimes.
🫧1st house Neptune-this people have a magical outlook and energy. When you're in their presence, you feel like they're not real at all or like they're from a movie. They also have the appearance of a mermaid. They have shiny and pearly eyes. When you look into their eyes, it looks like you will get lost in them. They have hypnotic eyes. Their appearance is usually dreamy and many people cannot define exactly how they see their beauty. They have a very energetically magical approach (many times they leave special energy on others). But they can also draw a lot of other people's energy. People often ask them for help or advice. People can often be shy in front of them because they have celebrities energy. Many times they live in their dream world. Neptune's influence endows the individual with a profound understanding of their innermost personality. Eyes are often grey or blue of a rather cold shade.
🧃1st house Uranus-your energy is above all unique and special. People find you unique and different. You have your own energy. You dare to be different and you like to stand out with your appearance, clothes and opinion. Many times your opinion or view may differ from others. Your style can often be very interesting and you know how to style pieces of clothing that others would never do very well. Things look special on you. With Uranus in the 1st house can be described as having unusual and unconventional qualities that person have. You may have a particular body shape or there may be a part of you that is very different from others and people find that interesting about you. This makes you stand out from the crowd.
💘1st house Jupiter-happiness is with you everywhere. There are many happy coincidences. You have a confident and optimistic energy. People can often see you as someone who always finds a way. You can be a very good teacher to others and have a lot of wisdom about things. Regardless of everything, you always find faith and trust in the things you love to do and trust that things will turn out well. You are a spontaneous person who sees life as full of opportunities. You never stop living and many times you live for the moment. Also gives you a charming and attractive appearance, which will draw people towards you. Your charming personality makes you stand out in a crowd and people admire you for the same. You love learning new things and gathering new experiences by traveling around the world. Your personality may be infused with humor, joy, and generosity. You like to experience things even if you never heard of them before. This is like a challenge to you.
🌌1st house Pluto- Your personality is many times an enigma. Because you always decide how much of yourself you want to share and show to others. Sometimes you can trust the wrong people too quickly, and sometimes it takes a long time to trust new ones. A powerful and transformative placement that can significantly influence a person's life and personality. Although pluto is prominent and the first house is the most expressive house, I would say that sometimes it can be difficult to express how you really feel or to share it with others. It is important that when you meet people / when you are dealing with a certain situation, you always listen to your feelings. It is good to carry a smoky quartz crystal with you. With Pluto you can find strength and courage and show people your strong energy. You can also feel people's souls. The first house is your appearance, it's good to change your appearance evey now or then because that's how you leave the past behind. Also pay attention to the signs around you cuz sometimes people trying to tell you something or the signs itself try to tell you something and you ignored it. Cuz pluto people have the tendency to ignore all of the signs because they don't trust them but it's actually the signs that are good for them (especially if this sign is repeated several times). And many times these people change their appearance when they want to escape from someone or change their life.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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junesilk · 6 months
HIII omg ive been looking for a hxh blog for a WHILE there’s barely any that’s very active😭😭okok so since i’m a kurapika simp could you write headcanons and IF YOU WANTT, a mini scenario of jealous kurapika? hmm if you want an idea it could be smth like the reader has a guy bsf and kura got jealous from the lack of attention :(( THANK YOUU!
hxh main 4 x fem!reader
characters included: kurapika, leorio, killua, gon
i absolutely will, i have always loved jealousy prompts!! i’ve got several of these asks so far, so i’ll just kill multiple birds with one stone and go ahead and put them all together into a list of headcanons
not beta read ☝️
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He’d be quiet in the moment, withdrawing himself from the conversation while staying by your side.
You most likely wouldn’t notice it right away because he is naturally a quiet person—
The most he would do is send a glare at the man taking all of your attention away, but other than that he’d avoid conflict.
As soon as you two were alone in a private setting, he would be much more clingy than usual
Which, in of itself would be unusual, as he’s not the type to be so physically attatched.
Perhaps it was his more possessive side coming out to play, but it certainly was new.
He’d know. Out of all of the main four, he’d pick it up fastest.
If the conversation wasn’t important, he’d find a way to end it quickly, to save you the jealousy.
If it is, he probably wouldn’t speed through it quite as much, but he’d place his hand on the small of your back,
His little way of assuring you he’s all yours.
He’d bring it up once you were alone, assuring you that he only had eyes for you.
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You’d feel his hand slide around your waist, looking up to see him staring at the other person
It was weird, you’d never seen him like… this!
If he was actively speaking in the conversation, every sentence referring to you would include some form of a pet name.
You could’ve sworn he said the words honey & babe at LEAST seven times
Once at home, he’d remind you who you loved most, pressing kisses to your flushed face.
Oh boy.
He’d be so proud, honestly. You loved him enough to be jealous? Heart melted.
You’d take his hand, tightly pressing your palms together and squeezing.
It’d take him a while to realize you’d been giving the other girl nasty looks for a few minutes, but once he did, he chuckled.
He’d make an excuse, wave goodbye to the poor girl, and then turn his attention to you.
“Woah, babe. If looks could kill..” He’d joke about it for a while, but in the end, he’d assure you there’s nobody he loves more.
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He’d be extremely mean. Not to you, but to the man you were speaking to.
Killua is naturally really sarcastic, but he takes it to a whole other level.
Scoffing whenever the man made a joke, crossing his arms and looking away when you laugh.
He might use his assassin lineage to scare the other man away, but it’s rare he would need it.
He’s scary enough.
After freaking out the other man to the point where he’d left, he’d flick your forehead and roll his eyes. “That guy was looking at you weird!”
You wouldn’t know that he knew.
Not until the day afterwards, when there’s a chocolate robot laying beside your head when you wake up.
It’s his way for apologizing, or just letting you know that he did, in fact, know you were jealous
When asked, he’d shrug it off.
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Gon’s not the type of person to get jealous.
He simply just doesn’t. It’s not because he doesn’t care for you or anything.
It’s because he’s too busy becoming friends with the new person!
Sure, he may pout if he’s not very interested in the conversation being held, but that’s the most he’d do.
We’ve all seen the movie.
Gon is oblivious, and remains to be that way unless you flat out tell him.
Feels bad for not realizing it earlier, but once told he tries his best to make it up to you.
He’d take you out on a date the next day, perhaps a picnic or something out in nature.
You can’t stay mad at him. After all, he just doesn’t pick up on these kinds of things very fast.
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i hate how this got progressively shorter…… but wtv!!!
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synchodai · 3 months
I get this impression that House of the Dragon doesn't get that "named" heirs aren't really the norm in Westeros. If it were that easy for someone to just give everything to their favorite child, Randall Tarly wouldn't have needed to force Sam to go to the Wall and Tywin could have simply chosen Cersei over Tyrion as heir of Casterly Rock.
If we look at the history Westeros borrows from, the concept of "naming" heirs wasn't really a thing in medieval England. Landed gentry didn't have direct say over the order of succession until the Statute of Wills in 1540. Before then, land and subsequent titles could only be inherited through agnatic primogeniture.
Agnatic primogeniture prioritized the living, eldest, trueborn son. Claims can only be passed on patrilineally. This means that a grandaughter can inherit a claim of her grandfather's titles through her father, but a grandson cannot be given the same through his mother. However, if his mother finally does have land and titles under her own name (not under her father's), only then does her son and other children enter the line of succession.
The reason it was like this was because it kept land and titles under one family. Daughters are less preferred because when they are married, they become part of their husband's family — meaning that any titles they receive will be inherited through a new line. This wouldn't be an ideal situation because it gives two families claims to the titles. The more claimants there are, the more unstable the hold the owner has.
In other words, agnatic primogeniture was practiced for stability. Because back in the day, titles weren't just property or land. They came with governorship over a people, so a stable and predictable transfer of titles was necessary to avoid civil conflicts and questions of legitimacy.
A landed lord or lady wasn't given the right to designate heirs for a few reasons:
Most of them were vassals who oversaw the land in the name of someone higher up. It technically isn't even theirs to give away (see: feudal land tenure).
The wishes of a human being are less predictable than having a determined line of succession based on birth order. What if he becomes incapable of declaring an heir either through illness or disability? What if he's captured and a bad actor forces him to name this person heir under threat of violence?
People died unexpectedly all time. This was before germ theory and modern medicine — child mortality was extremely high. With no refrigeration technology, a single poor harvest could mean dying from starvation. Bandits, cutthroats, and raiders were a constant threat. They could not afford to rely on a person choosing a different heir every time the old heir drops dead, because the landed lord/lady could die just as suddenly.
Even 21st century families stab each other in the back over who gets grandma's house — so imagine having an uncertain line of succession in the middle ages over a life-defining lordship and without a modern-day court system to mediate.
Going back to HotD, whenever Targaryens did go against the established line of succession, they could only have done it by consolidating the support of their vassals. Only royalty seemed to have the power to bend agnatic primogeniture, but even then they were beholden to it.
When Jaehaerys I ascended the throne over Aerea, it was mainly because there were those who saw Maegor the Cruel's act of disinheriting Jaehaerys as null and void. This restored Jaehaerys place in the line of succession above Aerea.
And when Rhaenys was passed over for Baelon, Jaehaerys had to convene his lords and offer compelling reasons as to why — her young age, her lack of an heir, her Velaryon last name, etc. It wasn't a given that just because she was a woman that she was ineligible. If he was doing it purely out of misogyny, he still had to legally justify his misogyny in order to strip away her rights.
Even after consolidating support, the book mentions Jaehaerys I and Viserys I's respective hold on the crown was still weakened. Even though their claims were backed by reasons cosigned by a powerful majority, they still had to ensure the security of their rule through other means. There were people who doubted their right to rule, and those people had to be placated with gifts (by Viserys) or intimidated into submission (by Jaehaerys).
So we come to Viserys I who never gave his vassals a reason why Rhaenyra should supercede his three sons other than, "I said so." Had he convened with his lords and maybe made the argument that a first marriage takes precendence over a second one, then maybe he could have set a new precedent and gathered support.
But no, he didn't. He relied on the power of his own words and the lords' personal oaths — oaths that he didn't exactly plan how he would enforce posthumously.
And the Realm did not choose to adopt a different succession law after Jaehaerys's designation of Baelon in 92 AC or the Council of Harrenhal choosing Viserys on 101 AC. If those two events did change anything, it was that now women were exempt from the line of succession for the crown and only the crown. It did not set the precedence that monarchs could freely choose heirs. It did not upend the whole system; it only made a tweak, as most lawful policy-changes do, by carving out at an exception. It was a committee, not a revolution.
Before and after the Dance, no other monarch, lord, or lady "declared" an heir that went against agnatic primogeniture, save for Dornish who have cognatic (equal-gender) primogeniture instead. Ramsay had to get rid of Roose Bolton's living trueborn son AND be legitimized by the crown in order to be recognized as heir (only a crowned monarch can legitimize baseborn children which is another world-building pillar a lot of people miss). Randall basically had to force Sam to abdicate because he wanted his younger brother to inherit instead. And of course, Tywin despite his intense hatred of Tyrion is forced to acknowledge him as his heir.
The rigidity of the line of succession is a major and constant source of conflict in the series, so it baffles me that people really thought that characters could just freely choose their heirs. That's why we have a civil war. It wasn't a misunderstanding. It's the expected consequences of someone carelessly going against a foundational tenent of the society they inhabit.
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tiamathh · 1 month
Compliments from the Universe
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Note: From the universe and me to you, you're all doing so well keep it up and take care of yourselves! My Paid Readings have been reopened if you want to check them out there's only 17 slots <3
Masterlist | Paid Readings | Paid Feedback
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Hi Pile 1! The universe is here to complement you on your ability to stay truthful and vulnerable even in situations that make you want to lie and avoid and run away. You embrace change and don't run from it which makes life a tad bit easier for you than others who keep trying to claw their way out of inevitable situations. You are courageous and beautiful and people want to court you or ask you out because of how fun and flirty you seem.
Fast paced those are the words that can be used for you, but in a good way of course you want something and you go for it, you don't wait for life to happen and life rewards you by keeping things interesting whether for good or for bad, usually for the good though. You're free spirited and have the ability to be alone and stay with yourself and your thoughts which is very tough for some people (me) to do, this ability of yours does not only make you very self aware but also puts you on a path to self actualisation and being the best version of yourself.
You're sensual and I heard the song "All I do is win win win no matter what" so you have that going for you, even if it seems like things are not going your way, you somehow still keep control of yourself and ground yourself till you end up making things happen for you. You do not go down without a fight and have a natural affinity towards healing. Your presence itself is like a bandage on a cut, warm and safe and protective.
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Hello Pile 2 <3 The universe is here to give you your flowers for being someone who knows how to protect your peace, you have the ability to save up and aren't a big spender which also provides you with stability and a good eye for investments. You may be someone who starts a lot of projects and even though you may not see them through, you still use whatever you've learnt from the previous project into new ones, whatever you learn you never let go to waste and always carry it with you. You have the kind of speech which can pull people in, the way you talk makes people want to listen to you, not only because of your words but also your voice helps calm others down.
You're blessed with the ability to see through people's bs and save yourself and the people close to you from such individuals as well. You carry yourself with a lot of grace and poise and may be very lucky when it comes to finances but this is not all luck it's also based on how you work hard for whatever you have. You don't shy away from controversy or conflict either, you know how to fight and you'll do it if you need to.
You refuse to trap yourself within the conventionality of society and let yourself do what you want and live how you want, you don't fear judgement, the only thing you fear is not being able to experience life the way you want which is very commendable. You entirely understand the concept of living for yourself and not for anyone else which makes the universe give you what you want if you ask nicely.
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Hi Pile 3! The universe wants to tell you that they're proud of how you are extremely firm when it comes to any decision you make and how you have the ability to balance rationality and emotionality and do them both justice whenever you make your decisions. You're someone who has grown into this role which is even more commendable because you were able to overcome your inability to make decisions and may have been wishy washy.
You have this feeling of restlessness and freshness to you, like the wind at the top of a mountain, filled with energy and gusto but just so refreshing. However, you know when to stop and stand still, you know when it is right for you to take a step back and self evaluate. You're someone who's very sociable and loveable, a lot of people are naturally drawn to you and you may be someone who steps into the spotlight with ease, you do not have troubles when it comes to mingling with people from any walk of life and could also have a lot of wanderlust within you which encourages you to experience new things and everything the world has to offer.
You're generous and willing to help anyone out especially when they're just starting out, I heard start ups so that could be important for someone. You have this ability within you where you are very good at laying foundations for anything, your foundation with your life and what you want to do itself is very strong and almost unshakeable and you may not experience a lot of tower moments in your life because as soon as you clock that something is not working for you or meant for you, you get rid of it yourself and don't force the universe to intervene.
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writers-potion · 4 months
Writing Mad Characters
Okay this is a bit awkward because I had this question copypasted into Google Docs I use to draft my answers, and I realized I've lost the question in my inbox (which is being flooded).
So...I'm so sorry for whoever asked this question. Sorry for the delay because I was struggling with life in general for the past month and definitely SORRY for losing your question (-‸ლ)
Q: I'm writing a story where a major character is slowly spiraling into madness where small details kinda hint into the downfall right before the bigger details appear and then it the floodgates open. Is there anything I should avoid? Anything that I should keep in mind? Anything that I should research?
Things to Avoid
“Mad” or “Insane” is too general. Writing a cliched ‘crazy’ character who randomly talks to imaginary people and lashes out at strangers, you’ll offend a whole bunch of people who've gone through/have mental illnesses. Read up on existing mental conditions (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic disorder and borderline personality disorder, etc.) to see what your character might have. 
Words like “mad” “crazy” or “insane” aren’t enough when you’re describing their status. As mentioned, these words hardly mean much when it comes to providing a clear description.
Contradicting yourself. Throwing random unhinged symptoms here and there wouldn’t work. In fact, you must have a clear arc on which they’re traveling and ensure that your “hints” are all getting at something.
Making the character overly destructive or harmful to others (when nothing really justifies it)
Justifying damaging behavior with this “madness”. Mad or not, your character will still have motives and goals that drive them forward. 
Making them look incompetent just the fact that they have a mental condition that makes them appear “mad” to others shouldn’t prevent them from achieving success. In fact, they may be even more cool-hearted and logical when it comes to their obsessions/goals. 
Research Tips
Narrow down the mental conditions your character experiences. Even if it’s a fictional condition, try basing it on existing ones and building on top of them. 
Take some time to study characters and/or real clinical cases that resemble the kind of madness you’re going for. 
- Anxiety Disorders: excessive fear and dread (ex. phobias) - Mood Disorders: persistent swings in mood or persistent feelings that interfere with daily life (ex. Depression, bipolar) - Psychotic Disorders: disordered thinking (ex. schizophrenia) - Eating Disorders: extreme emotional attitudes toward food (ex. Bulimia, anorexia) - Impulse Disorders: unable to resist urges (ex. Kleptomania, pyromania, gambling) - Personality Disorders: extreme inflexible personality traits (ex. Anti-social disorder, OCPD) - Past Traumatic Stress: persistent, frightening memories leading to emotional numbness 
Does your character have empathy?  
A sociopathic kind of madness is different. 
General Writing Tips for Spiraling into Madness
Establish a Baseline 
A lot of factors (stress, family history, innate personality, trauma, etc.) can contribute to madness, but it is not going to happen in a week. Define the existing mental and physical conditions your character has, and start from there. 
If you’re aiming for suicidal tendencies at the end, you want to start with symptoms of depression (a condition that may lead to suicide) - growing apathetic, erratic sleeping patterns, irritability, etc. 
This is also the stage where you want to plant some triggers that’ll go off later.
Trigger Events
A perfectly sound character suddenly spiraling down the madness route due to a single accident or traumatizing event isn’t convincing. 
A madness “snap” denies the reader the experience of watching the character’s journey into madness and how they feel about it. 
Internal Conflict (antagonist in himself) 
You must remember that madness is incurable. If someone could “cure” themselves by eating healthy, exercising and taking a few pills, it wouldn’t be much of a madness, would it? This means that the worst antagonist is going to be the character themselves, or the part of them that’s been taken away. 
Show how they are frustrated with themselves, scared of themselves, angry at their “alternative self”. The experience of not knowing yourself is a whole journey of its own.
Physical Manifestations/Quirks
If your character has a routine, show how they break down. 
They might develop habits that they otherwise would never allow themselves to have, perhaps as an effort to “keep this madness out”
Deteriorating Relationships
Depict how the character’s madness impacts his closed/loved ones. In the earlier stages, those close to him might be faster to notice and accept the signs of madness, even if the character denies it him/herself.
The first signs of madness might show when the character is trying to deal with difficult relationships - like losing patience and being unable to pick up subtle social clues.
Choosing Obsessions Over Primal Urges 
For these characters, obsession can take over a person’s normal urge to eat, sleep or even live. This can lead to, more or less, suicide. 
Example: In Black Swan, Nina’s obsession with becoming the perfect ballerina drive her to insanity, to the point where she doesn't mind dying on stage for the show.
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