#bc oz lied to her for YEARS
bestworstcase · 1 year
what ruby says: are we supposed to be mourning jaune’s make-believe friends?
what she means: jaune labeled all the paper pleasers with the names of his friends and then abused them for years, ignoring everything they told him about what they wanted because he decided they needed to be protected from themselves because they were too stupid and crazy to really mean what they said. (<- ruby knows exactly how that feels.) the paper pleasers were not his friends, he didn’t care about them—they were props to make him feel better. they were real people whom jaune treated like toys to play pretend about saving his real friends. the make-believe hero. and ruby’s supposed to feel sorry for him now? because his little toys finally broke free?
what wby+j probably hear: ruby thinks it’s stupid to care about the paper pleasers because afterans aren’t real people.
what salem says: none of that matters anymore! why spend our lives trying to redeem these humans when we could replace them with what they could never be?
what she means: the brothers never had the right to massacre humankind, and now that they have abandoned remnant, abdicated their responsibility as its creators, and sworn not to return until they’re summoned, nothing they say matters at all. these humans did nothing wrong and the gods gave them nothing and deserve nothing in return; trying to ‘redeem’ these humans is a waste of time because there is nothing to redeem. the only person alive who needs redemption before the gods is salem herself, and she doesn’t want it—because to redeem herself is to justify what the brothers did, to say that the slaughter of the whole planet and the millions of years she spent in solitude were good and just and fair, and she knows that isn’t true. the gods want humans to grovel for forgiveness? the gods can burn.
what ozma probably hears: salem wants to kill everybody because she doesn’t think these humans are real people.
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strqyr · 10 months
I think, Salem, is a wonderful gal yknow, she's seen the rise and fall of humanity, the good and bad, I think if all of humanity needs a villain to hate, she'll take that role. Is she bringing back the gods, to finally die, or is she ready to remove them, what good has the gods done to her and her people, all of them lived a life forsaken. I have no idea what I'm mumbling about here, but basically everyone in the rwby fandom hates Salem because she's a woman with a mixed moral compass, and thus must been seen as a bitch, she's 'evil' so she must of course have all these flaws, but in reality, remove the context and compare her to Oz, and you'll find similarities, if the genders were swapped, I think Salem would have been someone the fandom praises, for being a hot immortal man
i've been along this ride since day 1 and lemme tell ya, at this point it's mostly just funny to watch the absolute pretzels people will twist themselves into to "prove" their point, like.
salem (allegedly, can't exactly say for certain at this point of time) lying to her followers about her true goal is manipulative, but ozpin lying about salem being immortal, the actual reason he was made to reincarnate by light, and the true nature of this war (it's unwinnable y'all) isn't. he's just some guy :( he has trust issues, of course he wouldn't trust team rwby with everything right off the bat even when yang made it clear that she'd follow him as long as there were no more lies and half-truths... eh, qrow branwen? never heard of him! yeah he's made some missteps but he learns from his mistakes!!... let's just ignore how he's been running in circles for who knows how long. he's doing his best :( and he cares about people :( that makes everything he does actually okay, right? at least, you shouldn't bring his mistakes or fucked up things up or blame him! that's bashing :(
salem though. what a bitch, she should have accepted the death of the only person in her life who truly cared about her (pyrrha and penny though, they're coming back any day now, even if it's in someone else's head). it's not like watching humanity get wiped out and the utter solitude she would have lived in for thousands, hell, millions of years afterwards would have some effect on a person. no sir, she's always been mean and manipulative and evil and have you considered her father kept her locked up since she was a baby for a reason????
the last part about her father is a hyperbole... i think. i hope.
anyway. the double standards are funny.
there's also the aspect of people taking a simple statement like "salem isn't planning the destruction of the world and instead wants to fight the gods and this is a good thing bc the gods are the main problem here", read way too much into it and end up turning it into "so you think salem's the actual good guy and oz is the villain???" and it's like. no one said that but you. like, man...
my dog has a better reading comprehension than this, and he's five months old and chews walls. c'mon.
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chryzure-archive · 3 years
your lies are easy to read
AUTHOR’S NOTE: so, anybody guess it? be honest with me. was it obvious? i was worried it was obvious bc my little sibling guessed immediately ;w;
— — —
Chrysi didn’t like the way the situation had panned out. She probably would’ve preferred to be teamed up with Alice and Oz. Maybe even Gilbert too, though that was more speculation on Break’s part. Something about the way she held herself around him felt much more… contained. Defensive. Based on the vicious way she interacted with him at every turn, at any rate. 
Ever since she’d come back, he discovered her to be more difficult than before to understand. The familiarity he’d gained had disappeared within moments, and suddenly everything she said, everything she did, made him question things. And he didn’t much like not knowing things. 
Right now, the girl trudged behind him, her steps catching on rocks and sending them scattering around the backs of Break’s heels. At first, he didn’t mind it. Just a couple grey, shapeless pebbles here and there—kicked up from countless feet chewing up these old streets, tearing them up from constant use. But now it was more of stones, and it was beginning to get annoying. 
After one more particularly large stone hitting a particularly sensitive point on his Achilles tendon, he whipped around with a tense smile. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said lightly, even though he was leaning more towards wanting to strangle her. “I’ve been boring you, have I?”
Chrysi glanced up with an arched brow, her eyes studiously unreadable. Break had to admit, that particular trait was impressive. Acting with the face—with the body—was a much easier task. But the eyes—a trickier achievement, and one Chrysi had perfected in recent years. In any other situation, Break would be proud. 
But right now, Chrysi had employed a tactic she’d learned most recently in an attempt to annoy him. 
“No, nothing about this is boring,” she said, her voice a flat monotone. “All very fascinating.”
Break’s close-lipped smile crept upwards, so tight he thought he might split some skin. It didn’t have to be his.
She’d become combative ever since she’d come back, too. Humorous when she shut Gilbert down left and right, but particularly aggravating when Break tried to prod at her. He supposed it should’ve made sense—that she’d hold such intense distrust with regards to a man like Break, an inherently dangerous man—but that didn’t stop him from comparing it to the way she’d acted when she’d first met him. Not quite the same level of unhelpfulness then and now. She’s been an angel back then—in comparison, at least.
He masked his thoughts with a hum. “Well,” he said genially, the usual hint of danger lilting his undertone, “if you do find yourself getting bored, don’t hesitate to ask me any questions to fill up this silence.”
A ploy for him, mostly, because he wanted to see just what questions she would ask. At this point, Break found her to be a particularly fascinating specimen to be studied. Or maybe a mystery to be uncovered. 
They stared at each other for a beat too long, their faces blank, their eyes searching. Both of them had something to hide, or something to protect, and whatever she saw made Chrysi’s face twist into some sort of expression that was somehow even harder for Break to decipher, even though it was far more expressive than the look she had before.
That’s why he wasn’t completely surprised by her first question.
“What is your problem?” Her words were caustic, burning like acid.
Break tilted his head. “Whatever do you mean?”
Say it out loud. Give it shape. 
Chrysi ran a hand through her hair in agitation, sending her already-unruly curls into disarray. “You know damn well what I mean,” she said, and she sounded disgusted. 
Hmm. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. To be honest, he wasn’t quite sure which thing she was talking about—he did so many things at once that might be considered a problem in everyone else’s eyes that it could be any number of them. 
That absolutely irritated her, just as Break had hoped. She was fraying at the edges, and he couldn’t exactly blame her. 
“What do you want with me?” She crossed her arms over her chest, but rather than looking belligerent, she looked small. “You didn’t fight so hard to get me to work with you for no reason. What the hell do you want?”
Break allowed the silence to crackle between them for one beat, two, and he kept his face wiped clean of any sort of expression. Chrysi may have been asking the questions, but Break was the one getting the answers he wanted in the end. 
Icy night air buffeted them, smelling distinctly of silent wickedness and secrets. 
Finally, he let out a long sigh. Another one of his unnerving smiles cracked over his face. Chrysi didn’t seem startled in the slightest. 
“I want to study you,” he confessed with a hum. “Observe your behaviours. You’re very fascinating, Chrysi Solstice. Especially since you’ve come back.”
Her face didn’t even so much as twitch. 
“... So you really do have issues.” Not a question. “Didn’t think they were this bad, though.”
His eyebrow twitched before he could stop it. His smile remained on his face, frozen. 
How absolutely infuriating. How absolutely Chrysi. 
“Perhaps not as bad as yours,” he said in a saccharine voice. 
Chrysi smirked. Somehow, she’d turned this back around on him exactly in the way she used to before. “Sure. Say that as much as you want.”
Break definitely had a lot more he wanted to say, but he was wise enough not to fall into the familiar trap she’d set. Chrysi often liked to drag him into similar aimless arguments that only served to irritate both of them, and as much as Break would love to indulge in such a pastime, they really didn’t have any time for it. 
Instead, he turned around, placing a steadying hand on his sheathed sword. 
For how casual they had been acting, the wrongness was nigh palpable. It prickled down the back of his neck with little sharp claws, and he’d be very surprised if Chrysi couldn’t sense it in that bizarre way of hers. 
He didn’t want to use Mad Hatter too much this time around, but he was prepared to have to. For some reason, he doubted Chrysi would have the ability to tip her typical hand—what with last time being the one she’d ceased to exist on this plane of existence for quite a while. 
Plus, he’d promised Alice he’d protect Chrysi. For how much he liked to tease her—and Gilbert too, for that matter—he’d keep that promise. He always did. 
A rustle cut through the cold with a snap. 
His body was more attuned to his weapon than his mind was, sometimes. 
That’s why Break wasn’t too surprised when his sword had already been unsheathed, glinting in the low light of the evening. Instinct, inherent ability, something he’d trained himself to do since he was known by a different name and he acted as a knight rather than what he was now. 
But it was a little more surprising that he was pointing the sword right at Chrysi’s throat rather than some other enemy. More surprising still when he couldn’t move his arm one way or the next. Nor could he move his legs, his mouth, his—
Break couldn’t move his entire body.
It felt like something invisible had started to crawl over him. That very same something mirrored its movements within him, on the inside of his skin, and he wanted to shudder.
She didn’t bat an eye. He doubted she’d want to, anyway, what with him pointing a weapon at her throat and all. 
Her gaze jumped from him to the sword to the side and back to him again. Something was still processing in the back of her mind, but for right now, her eyes gleamed red and gold and her expression was deadly. 
“Xerxes Break,” she said slowly, warningly, and almost a little bit like she was trying to reach him through whatever was puppeteering his movements at the moment, “you do not want to point that at me right now. Wouldn’t you agree?” But tightness took the bite of her words from her, a sort of shake to her voice that Break couldn’t quite figure out.
Rather than listen to her—which, for once, Break found her request to be quite reasonable—his body leapt forward. If he could’ve screamed, he probably would’ve. The sensation that tore through his body was entirely unlike anything he’d felt before. Like a thousand claws of bats and lizards and rats had been unleashed upon the inside of his skin, Break’s movements sent violent spasms of pain through his body. But he couldn’t react to the agony, the unpleasantness, and he watched on in silent horror.
The tip of his sword would’ve bitten into the fragile flesh of her throat had Chrysi not immediately taken a leap in the opposite direction. 
She spat out a colorful curse as Break rushed forward in a horrible facsimile of his typical dance with the blade. Every move she made, he was barely half a second behind. No matter what she did, Break doubted she’d be able to best him in this state.  Maybe before, when Chrysi had full control of her powers and memories, but now?
Well, he had to admit: he was thoroughly worried for her. 
And, to be completely honest, Break was ashamed. He wouldn’t often admit it, but right here, right now? Yes, ashamed was how he felt.
Truly, how humiliating was it to be caught off guard by a Chain? He’d thought he’d been better than that. 
Now, Gilbert—had he been here, Break wouldn’t have been the slightest bit surprised if he’d been controlled by a Chain. In fact, he was almost certain the boy (and boy he always would be, no matter how much he’d grown taller than Break in recent years) had been controlled by one. Recently, too. 
But Break himself—
There was no excusing it, and he was thoroughly disgusted with himself. 
His disgust wouldn’t stop the movement of his sword, however, and his movements had been honed to the point of speed so fast it was nearly impossible to follow with the human eye. It was a sour taste in the back of his throat, and no little fear stabbing his heart, and even still—
Chrysi’s eyes flashed. 
She threw herself back in the nick of time, tumbling roughly over the old wooden crates with a crunch that Break sincerely hoped was the crate rather than the girl.
Whichever it was, she’d hopped back onto her feet before he could take a final blow at her prone figure. 
A quick, cursory glance at him made her lips twist into a frown and complete understanding calmed her movements. 
“Right,” she said, as if Break had warned her aloud. “Got it.”
In response, he surged forward, the edge of his sword sharp and glinting and far more dangerous than he assured Gilbert and Alice it would be.  
It caught in the folds of her clothing. 
Chrysi swore, and a kick slammed into Break’s knee faster and harder than he ever would’ve anticipated from her. He’d always thought his reach extended farther than Chrysi’s aim, but evidently—
She darted underneath his outstretched arm, so fast that her hair became a white blur. Her arm hooked around his torso. 
The two tumbled to the ground from her momentum. His lungs were so shocked from the air being knocked out of them that he could barely wheeze in any cursory breaths, anything to clear his vision, anything to make the suffocating feeling in his chest go away. 
He stared into Chrysi’s wild eyes. Her face had gone ice-white, almost matching the tone of her hair, and he realized with a jolt that she’d only avoided his attack based on pure luck. 
His expression had been schooled into blankness, but inside, panic writhed. 
Break did not enjoy the fact that he was made to hurt Chrysi. He did not enjoy the fact that he had no control over his movement. He did not enjoy the fact that Chrysi had turned into a stranger as soon as she’d returned, even though Gilbert said otherwise, and he did not enjoy whatever had taken hold of his limbs taking advantage of that fact. 
He wanted to cease attacking her, to sit her down, to pick her brain, to have the familiar battles of their wicked wit. 
And yet, his hand still grasped the hilt of his sword. Whatever horrible hold the creature had on his limbs still made him move with the unnatural twitch of a puppet. 
“Can you describe what’s going on?” Chrysi asked, her voice very calm and her face very much not so. 
Ha. She was trying to fix it. 
Break hoped she could. 
It was a strange feeling—a weightless feeling—as his arm began to lift once more. The scrabbling feeling of claws along the inside of his skin worsened. His hand readjusted, a disturbed sense of carefulness to his movements as he tried not to alarm Chrysi. With the care of a mother soothing her child, his blade slipped between her curls. So, so delicate, so precise, that he doubted she could even sense her hair moving on the back of her neck. 
She must’ve been unable to feel it. She had to have been unable to feel it. Her face didn’t flicker once, her blood didn’t drain further from her face, her eyes didn’t widen. 
Even still, without warning, without a breath left to breathe, she twisted her body to the side before his blade could sever the connection of her spine. Her hands flashed up, wrapping around his wrist tight enough to bleed the color from her knuckles. Her nails gouged his skin. Had he looked up, he would not have been surprised if there was blood welling up from his skin. Honestly, if Break could’ve, he would’ve slapped her away. 
But he continued to stare at her, face composed, blood seething beneath the surface, the blow to his pride and his fear for her sour on his tongue. 
“What does it feel like, Break?” Chrysi demanded, voice urgent. 
His other hand came sailing up and hit her square in the ear. 
Chrysi tumbled off him with a cry. 
The coppery taste of blood filled his mouth. 
Break slowly pushed himself off the ground, and he tried his damndest to put a hold on every movement he was capable of, tried to stop the straightening of his body, tried to stop the grip on his weapon. 
But he couldn’t stop it. 
He towered over a very small Chrysi. She stared up at him, one hand still cupped over her ear, looking woozy, looking like she was one step away from falling over and curling up in a ball. A pitiful display in every single sense of the word.
Yet her eyes hardened.
“I am done fucking playing,” she growled. 
She threw herself backwards before he could swing downwards at her. She moved too quickly and too assuredly for a person who had just had her vestibular senses shot to hell and back. 
She was inhuman. She was unnatural. 
She was—
Break somehow managed to dodge the rock she’d thrown at him—and based on her aim, he wouldn’t be surprised if she’d managed to take out his one remaining eye had she hit him. 
It was all he—it, because it wasn’t him controlling everything, they weren’t his actions—needed to spur himself forward. His blade was quicksilver, glowing even in the low light, and moving so fast he couldn’t define its shape in the slightest. 
Chrysi moved faster, but only just. 
Blood sprayed—bright red, bright gold, bright, bright, bright. Brighter than the night cloaking them, brighter than the silver of his blade, brighter than the look in her eyes. 
Her expression darkened. 
“Oh, come on, Kevin,” Chrysi snarled, her hair tangling in her eyes as she danced away from him. “Don’t tell me you can’t fight back against something as simple as goddamn mind control. That famous Red-Eyed Specter legend must’ve all been for nothing, huh?”
Her words were savage, tearing from her mouth in a way that Break knew had to be painful.
His mind was torn perfectly down the middle. 
That was an even more sour taste in his mouth than his concern for her. 
She knew what she was saying. Every word was true. All of it, a loud message, and she wanted him to hear it until long after the echoes had died. 
The gold in her eyes glowed. She didn’t look human. She didn’t even look mortal. 
But the way her lips twitched upwards, the mania, the blood smearing across her face—all of it was Chrysi, Chrysi, Chrysi. So insanely Chrysi, so sharply Chrysi, so wildly Chrysi. 
“How does it feel?” she cried, and a laugh threatened to break her words. Fearsome tears glittered in her eyes. “Say it, Kevin Legnard! Give it some fucking shape!”
Electricity stung him. 
The words ripped their way from him, pushed out with every ounce of strength he had. 
“Claws inside!” he managed to spit out, and his sword flashed towards her once more. 
Gold flashed like a knife in her eyes. The tips of her fingers paled, glowing as a familiar shape began to form in her hands—complete with a wicked curve and glinting like a strike of lightning. Her staff, fully realized in a way that he hadn’t seen since before her disappearance. 
Break didn’t have the time to blink—he doubted that he had the ability to—before Chrysi came charging at him. 
She looked crazed, blood from her cut mingling with a creeping nosebleed that dripped over her snarling mouth. Her eyes gleamed palely—enough so that it looked as if she had pearled cataracts instead of irises. Her momentum was so great that he was certain she had to have skipped a couple running steps. 
But he didn’t have much time to process her movement. 
All he could think as the weapon flashed overhead was, How bizarre that she can use that now, of all times. 
It wasn’t bizarre. Not really. 
Break’s thoughts went white as the terrible crawling feeling within his body dissipated. 
He collapsed to the ground with a hiss. Distantly, he heard Chrysi tumble to a similar stop with a much more vulgar set of swears.
To be completely honest, he just wanted to curl up into a ball. Not only had the sensation been thoroughly unpleasant—like a horde of small lizards, all crawling through his veins, along the inside of his skin, into his limbs—but to have it all be torn away so violently made blood spray from his mouth, painting the ground red.
Damn his dying body.
But he forced himself upright, because he still had a job to do and he’d already messed up part of it. He needed to fix it starting now.
His head swam. Pain screamed through him in protest. He could barely hear the sounds of the night around them over the rushing of blood in his ears.
“Where—” He couldn’t finish his sentence before he started coughing, but Chrysi seemed to understand what he was trying to say.
Her hair fell over her face as she pulled her knees up to her chest. The skin of her knuckles almost glowed white from how tightly she gripped her fae staff.
“It wasn’t a Chain,” she said shortly. If Break squinted, he could see the quiver of her shoulders. “That’s why Mad Hatter didn’t protect you. And why I’m not going after it right now.” She lifted her chin up and up and up, until she was looking at the bleak black sky. Her expression twisted into something unreadable, something with a purse to her lips and a furrow to her brow—and her grip tightened so much that Break wondered if he’d see the skin on the back of her knuckles split to weep tears of blood. “It’s not here anymore though. They like to disappear as soon as they’re done playing with their prey.”
Break frowned. 
He didn’t like not knowing what “it” was, nor did he quite understand how Chrysi was so cavalier about it all.
Finally her head listed in his direction. Exhaustion made her eyes half-lidded, almost as heavy as the line of her mouth. Fatigue and overuse of her powers drained her face of color. Blood spotted the inside of her lips, as if her teeth had cut into her skin as she slammed against the ground. 
“It’s an Otherly.”
She’d read his mind again. 
He didn’t doubt that she knew what other questions he had for her, but the shape of her form made him suspect that she perhaps didn’t want to get further pressed. 
With a low groan, she pushed herself up off the ground. “I doubt either of us are going to be much good for the rest of the night. This was just some sort of low-stakes mission anyway, right?”
She was correct. 
Break chased his own frown away with an amiable look, but inwardly, he wanted to laugh bitterly in her face.
“I guess I’ll have to agree for now,” he said lightly, as if he hadn’t almost killed her, as if his body wasn’t on the brink of death, as if he hadn’t figured everything out. 
He, too, stood—though he personally thought he’d had more grace in his dismount. Not that Chrysi seemed to care. 
She kept her back to him. Tension lined her form, and when she walked, she favored her left foot. She had to have injured it somehow when she’d taken those many falls. 
Her path started to lead them back to the headquarters and—damn. 
What fools they all were. 
Break tracked Chrysi’s uneven pace with an arched brow. 
She was so obvious.
Kevin, Raven, Mad Hatter, Bloody Black Rabbit—names, places, actions, emotions—the way she moved, the way she cracked, the way her eyes were always taking in information, the way her face schooled itself—
God, so obvious. 
Almost insulting, if not for the fact that he himself hadn’t gotten the final nail driven into the coffin only moments before. He felt a hint of embarrassment too, though he’d give himself credit for suspecting it ever since the beginning.
Break stared at her with a half-lidded eye. “Just how long,” he asked slowly, “are you planning to lie about your lost memory?”
She froze, and, aha. 
He’d hit the mark perfectly. 
“Damn it, Break,” Chrysi breathed, and suddenly her stance changed to the one he was more familiar with. She didn’t turn to face him, but she didn’t need to. He could perfectly imagine her expression. “Let me be a little selfish for a bit longer, won’t you?”
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topconfessions · 3 years
Some tarot readers make me so fucking mad when they include their weird obsessions with a celeb they do a reading about into the reading. I know the kpop, or celebs worldwide, tarot community is quite small but the word spreads around like wildfire. And it makes tarot look so bad. I know there are batshit insane tarot readers for western celebs. There's one Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer stan, that made a tarot acc and they keep on lying and everyone belives them. She saud that Arm & Hammer never did any of the abuse and he only r*p*d some women bc he's frustrated that Tomato Chalet and him can't be an openly gay couple. An the kpop readers are on another level. 98% of them are solely around the spouses or sexuality. I found one acc who has over 40 readings on Jungkooks future partner and most of them are like 30+ minutes long. As of now she should have covered the partners entire life span and secrets lmao. I really don't fucking get it. Maybe it's just my brain trying to think logically how you can become so addicted to do those readings on celebs and what you can possibly gain from it, because the future changes all the time?!! And 99% of them are jsut describing themselves or and idol they ship the requested idol with. It makes me resent the tarot community so much, they have a big platform to soew their lies and bs and everyone delusional keeps on adding fire to the fuel.
Okay #1 the armie hammer reader is a fake and Liar. I believe it was doctor oz? His ex girlfriend revealed and spilled the tea sharing what happened to her with him she even has the mark on herself where he physically branded her like burned her with something trying to brand her some letter or symbol. And she spoke about how she talked to his mom about his behavior and the mother was basically hurt and feels he is a lost soul and lost cause. She looked really hurt about it all. So the reader is a sick and delusional she needs to stop and this shows how uniformed she is.
Also thats obsessive compulsion. Unless the channel is dedicated specifically to one particular celebrity then it doesnt need to be all about them. The future isn't 99% certain cause external factors aka unexpected occurrences we cannot see coming nor control happen. Also we are born with free will. No matter how accurate something is, the person being read on can always abruptly change his or her mind or do something unexpected or make a change in choice due to pressuring or meddling from an outside person or source. I read a spot on interview about one of my fave celebs but I'm not taking it 200% cause he could change at any moment or knock a girl up.
And Tim seems very of the moment like An Industry plant like Olivia Rosrigo. Meh. Tarot readers across the board in all forms or celebrity are all to comfortable with outing people and taking a celebrity sexuality into their own hands. When I see readers do shady shit I have to back out. There was one reader I liked named lamartownsend who showed his true colors time and time again plus he became rude to people allowing his little fan base to attack certain people who left comments on his videos he didn't want to see.
Tarot is being tainted now and becoming a business while on the other flip side its a Narc trip. These idiots don't realize kpop idols have a shelf life and most Korean celebrities who are not well established actors or singers have limited popularity. Will they still be obsessed within 5-6 years? I don't even keep with idols anymore and especially the ones I used to hardcore Stan.
They need to be called out. Tarot will never give you so much specfic information and if readers have that info then they are missing and abusing it.
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loudmouthcd · 4 years
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✰— 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 , 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ; shutup g .
ANY NICKNAMES?: g is my nickname hee hoo .
PRONOUNS: she / her 
WHAT’S YOUR ZODIAC SIGN?: im on the cusp of cap and sagg i think
MBTI?: enfp 
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S)?:  as many have said . .fleabag from fleabag . scott mccall from teen wolf , oz from buffy the vampire slayer , veronica mars from veronica mars , logan echolls from veronica mars , zuko from atla , manny santos from degrassi, michonne from the walking dead , nellie crain from haunting of hill house , clementine from the walking dead game , rebeca from elite  , diego hargreeves from the umbrella academy . amy dunne from gone girl .
ANY FAVORITE SHOWS?: veronica mars , fleabag , degrassi , the haunting of hill house , big little lies , nathan for you 
FAVORITE MOVIES?: ten things i hate about you , short term 12 , her , perks of being a wallflower , moonlight , 21 / 22 jump street , the duff , gone girl . 
FAVORITE VIDEO GAME?: the wolf among us , until dawn , the walking dead !
FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST, ALBUM, OR SONG?: frank ocean . sza . cherry by harry styles . lorde . mystery of love by sufjan stevens . kiana lede . 
FAVORITE BOOK?:  the great believers by rebecca makkai . one of us is lying by ashley elston . a good girls guide to murder by holly jackson . the kite runner by khaled hosseini . perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky .
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: noooo i wish 
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD YOU GO?: spain would be nice . or italy . or greece . i wanna run away and live on a vineyard and make my own wine .
WOULD YOU RATHER FIGHT ONE HORSE SIZED DUCK OR 10 DUCK SIZED HORSES?: i would befriend the horse sized duck . it would be like befriending psyduck irl . thats kinda a vibe . 
FMK ( BARRY BEE BENSON, SHREK, OR THE ONCELER ):  i have no idea who any of these chars are except shrek . so i guess ill fuck , marry then kill him . sorry dacre montgomery . . 
ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE TO LINK? THINK YOUR PINTEREST, MAIN, W/E: hee hoo im over at @pocmuzings​ 
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RPING FOR?: for personal reasons i will not be answering this ( almost 10 years omg . .. )
DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE TYPES OF CONNECTIONS? ( THINK FRIENDS, ENEMIES, ETC. ): i LOVE wholesome friends . someone else mentioned found family and i agree ! i love a sunshine and grump type of connection . i love chaotic friendships that literally are just . . disaster after disaster . i will never say no to a ride or die . . also do i love a slow burn ? you bet ! even tho im impatient af ! 
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE RP EVENTS?: is it just me who lowkey misses au events . . bc i do . i miss when rps used to do those . they were always Fun .  i do love a good spookyish sort of event , like a halloween party , or a ‘ murder mystery ‘  / whodunnit themed thing . i won’t lie i always love a date-auction event bc theyre so stupid and fun and throw some wild pairings into the mix . somebody mentioned a bonfire event and i agree ???? or tbh just any event where everyone is super Drunk and dumb as heck ! 
DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE RP TASKS?:  i like tasks that are about npc’s in ur characters life , like family or a an old neighbour . i do also love music related tasks bc i’m a Hoe for music .  i also like tasks where randomizers assign u someone to thread with ! gives chance to rp with someone new and break out of a mould a lil !
ANYTHING ELSE?: if u read all of this . . wow . . get a life ! no im kidding , thank u . mwah have a great day and drink some water !
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wickedlyqueer · 5 years
Hey I just recently got into the fandom and want to start reading some gelfie fics but I don’t know any! Could you recommend some? What are the most popular ones?
Hell yeah you do! :D
Since I’ve already made a similar list before I want to start with some awesome current fics (because the fandom has never been more active on AO3! and I want to celebrate that). Since you specifically asked for the most popular ones I’ll also include those that are generally considered the must-read gelphie fics.
Between The Lines - tiniestgay
You like fake dating AUs? You like the movie To All The Boys I Loved Before? Well, good news! Melissa (@gayforthropp) is doing a gelphie au about this movie and it’s fucking lit. The premise is that Elphaba has written three love letters whenever she really crushed on a girl. Only, these letters make their way out one day and Glinda is one of the recipients… Hmmm. 👀
A Face Like Starlight - TheSecondQueenOfSol 
This fic is so good! It hasn’t updated in a few months, but it’s one of my absolute favorites of 2018 and I can’t wait till the next chapter. It’s a Hogwarts AU (a fluffy one!) and over the years Glinda and Elphaba slowly start an understanding and then some more. It also has enby-Elphie! Need I say more? @themistsoftime is awesome and I hope to see more of their work because it’s amazing.
Expectations - show_me_the_universe
The concept of this fic is so fascinating and creative! Rachel (@two-gay-witches) has decided to create a gelphie fanfic that follows the songs on Hayley Kiyoko’s album Expectations. So reading the chapters, and listening to the songs really makes this fic so original.
It hasn’t completed yet but it’s definitely worth the read! As are all the other AUs she started (rachel, ily, but one fic at a time ;)), but this one stands out to me the most.
Strange, Sweet - neednot
Nita (@need-not) is a master at poetic prose. Honestly, I don’t know how they do it. Strange, Sweet is a Phantom of the Opera-esque AU and it’s as thrilling as it is intriguing and I cannot wait to read more! If you can’t get enough of their work (like I do) you can also read the completed fic Far Safer that is a book-based AU and is really worth your time!
Wiretapped Life - tinyace 
Oz is split in two. Glinda is in her 40s and concocts a plan to ‘disappear’ and tries to find Elphaba, who she hasn’t seen in over a decade. Through her memories, the reader learns about her history, the decisions she took and the relationship she had with Elphaba and how politics ripped it all apart. 
So yeah, I’m writing this fic, but I’m hella proud of it so I’m going to promote it lmao. Note that I rated this fic 16+ mostly for its heavy topics. I can’t stop you as a minor, but please be careful. Because this fic goes deep into complicated politics, trauma and a whole lot more.
I haven’t read every fic out there, but I do know that @splish–splash–sploosh has read every fic on AO3 (and conveniently they also are an active writer with lots of one-shots, definitely worth checking out!) so they might have some more recs for you!
Okay now for the ‘popular-who-are-popular-for-a-reason fics’ I’ve made a similar list before. Fics I don’t mention rn are still very much worth checking out. Under a cut bc it’s getting long and most people have seen these before.
Do you like modern AU gelphie? Do you like trans characters? Do you like complex characters that sometimes make bad decisions and them fucking up and dealing with a fuckton of trauma? Boy howdy, you need to read the entire work of Emmanuel right the fuck now. Most work is 18+ so keep that in mind, though. But so fucking good, so incredibly interesting.
The golden standard of gelphie fics and the only reason I’d go on ff.net tbh. It’s all very bookverse and it’s so fucking good. Read their entire oeuvre. They have 8 delicious gelphie stories. It’s so fucking good. All of it is so fucking good!!!!! 
An absolute legend amongst mere mortals. Has written about 750k words solely dedicated to gelphie. Gee (@lily-onher-grave) has taken a well-deserved break, but if you like your slowburn, you gotta go with her work. Loved by the entire fandom. The absolute slowburn queen. What a treasure to this fandom she is. We’re glad to have her.
Beta Nova
You’ll catch me dead before I stop hyping their work. Emerald City Lies is the most perfect fanfic I’ve ever read. It’s witty, the gelphie dynamic is so fucking spot on and it’s INCOMPLETE. AND IT’S WORTH EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF YOUR LIFE OKAY!! A gelphie 80s AU where they are both in tv journalism. Just read it and have an absolute blast!!
I asked Melissa if I could put my fics on the ‘fan favorite’ list and she said yes. Closing off, I just wanted to mention my two other completed multi-chapter fics, because I’d love for people to read them!
Walls of Sanctuary can only be described as a fucking rollercoaster. It’s the Wicked characters in a loosely based Hunchback of Notre Dame narrative. There’s romance, death, political resistance, and a ton of gelphie. 
My Bike’s Gone is a fluffy high school AU with a twist: it’s based on the dutch school system! It’s short and sweet (~20k) and people tend to read this after I’ve broken their hearts in Walls of Sanctuary or Wiretapped Life :). I guess I’m titled ‘angst god’ in the discord for a reason. whoops!
Well, that’s my long list for now! There are still some incredible fics that aren’t on this list bc it got so long. So definitely check out some more writers (though I think you’ll be contend with this for a while) because we’ve got some talented fuckers in this fandom! ^^
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vvitchcrvfttm · 5 years
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* . ROSS LYNCH,  TRANS MALE,  HE/HIM.  —  looks  like  CYRUS GOODE  is  attending   AURORIA UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they're  the  TWENTY-ONE year  old  child  of  THEODORA / THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST ( ADOPTED BY GLINDA ) ,  which  means  they're  from  OZ .  heard  they're  OBSERVANT  &  CHARMING ,  but  can  also  be  INSECURE  &  LONELY  ;  we  all  have  our  bad  days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  BLACK BRIMMED HATS & DIAMOND HEADBANDS , CANDLES LIGHTING BY THEMSELVES , BLONDE HAIR WITH DARK & INGROWN ROOTS , BLACK POLISHED FINGERTIPS CLINGING TO A STAR-TIPPED WAND.
                                        ❛  dreams unwind and LOVE’S a state of mind. ❜                                             playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.    
yeah I cracked. I saw ‘oz’ n immediately had 2 bring my og witch child... this oc i’ve had for like, three years?? and he’s changed so much over my course of writing him bUT doing that is literally so !! fun n I’mm so excited to introduce him 2 u guys. please proceed w/ caution however bc the following contains trigger warnings for toxic relationships , manipulation , depression , and mentions of drug / alcohol / cigarette use. none I dive deeply into , but pls be cautious !!
He’s conceived as a product of an affair between the Witch and the Wizard - as of course , the story does start out when he first arrives in Oz and she , still kind and innocent , falls for a conman’s game. But the events that follow after spiral so quickly that she doesn’t even know she’s pregnant until everything’s over , and she gives birth in seclusion.
Well , almost seclusion.
The only person there is Glinda.
It’s slated for her crimes against Oz that she be sent to the Isle - and Glinda knows for multiple reasons that sending her child with her to the Isle of the Lost will be a horrible idea.
1.) The Isle is essentially a large prison. A child can’t be raised in a prison.
2.) All of the good that Theodora held inside of her , all of the love in her heart , was stolen and taken away from her by her wicked sister. And that’s not Theodora’s fault - but can she give a child love and affection when she’s in such a state ?? Maybe it’s possible , but it’s risky.
3.) If the child is Oscar’s , the child will have to at least have a chance of experiencing life in Oz. Even though , the Wizard has to keep up his facade.
4.) When he settles down from his crying , he looks up at Glinda with innocent , big brown eyes that she finds her heart melting for. He doesn’t sport the same green shade of skin his mother does , but his eyes are Oscar’s and his features are similar to Theodora’s before she turned wicked. And she can’t turn away a face like that.
Glinda selfishly makes the decision to hide away the child and raise him as her own - and Theodora is sent to the Isle , knowing that her baby is in the good witch’s hands and anguishly lamenting for days - until of course , he’s an afterthought.
But the baby does indeed get care from Glinda - too much , in fact. Her child is spoiled - thankfully not rotten , given that a good witch teaches her child to be a good child. And every time he talks to her , she gives him the utmost love and care a mother can give - when he discovers his identity , she’s more than willing to accept him and makes adjustments around Emerald City so everyone else knows to as well. Whenever he’s hurt or sad or sick , she refuses to leave his side so she can comfort him and protect him as much as he needs. Whenever he asks for something , if it’s not out of reason , she can’t say no. He’s spoiled - but not rotten. He’s spoiled sweet. 
But Glinda can’t protect him forever - and she knows she can’t hide his real origin from him forever. He doesn’t know why he’s had such a weird allergy to water since he was little , hence why he bathes with heaps of soap and bath salts so the water becomes a solution that won’t sting. He can’t stay in the ocean for too long since the saltwater’s definitely not pure , but will hurt after a long while. And soon he’ll begin to ask questions - and Glinda prepares herself while Cyrus experiments with other means.
Boys included.
Falling for another Auradonian boy is expected , and Cyrus sees him as the perfect gentleman. But underneath the flattering words and sweet nothings lies an ulterior motive to break into Glinda’s quarters and steal her wand since his parents were followers of Evanora’s - and Glinda killed her. And before it even comes to a breaking point , the relationship grows toxic , growing more and more evident that he’s being used for not only his status in Oz , but also because of his parentage.
It finally ends when he breaks into Glinda’s palace , finding not only the wand but the crucial information that Glinda’s son is not her biological son. And when Cyrus catches him , he firstly tells Cyrus that he’s never loved him ( along with the million things he finds wrong with him that drill into the young man’s self-esteem ) and that his mother - his mother who’s done nothing but love him his entire life - has lied to him. His biological mother is a dirty criminal on the Isle , and Cyrus will probably be just like her when he gets older. 
He’s thwarted , thank Oz ; but there’s enough damage already done. 
Cyrus grows confused and cold - disgusted that he gave his trust away so quickly to someone so VILE , but also wondering how he could easily believe the lies from both that individual and his mother because he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand. And a heated argument with Glinda - probably the first awful one they’ve ever had - leads Cyrus to running away from the palace for a few days , now feeling like a good portion of his life has been a lie. 
He spends his time wandering around the Emerald City - at least his mother knows he’s safe in the Emerald City , so she keeps her distance. And in the meanwhile , he researches the woman who gave birth to him to a T , reading about how she used to be so kind and sweet but then the Wizard led her to giving her heart away , and she turned wicked soon after . . . 
Her story matches up with his up until the part she turns wicked , so he’s left worrying if that’ll be his fate , as well.
When he returns home , he’s become DISTANT AND ANGRY AND MOODY - while he lets his mother hug him and kiss him and tell him how much he loves her , he’s closed off still and allows himself to fall deeper into a low he can’t seem to get out of. Everything hurts. Everything hurts and nothing seems to make it better so he decides he must have to change in order to stop it. And the only way he can seemingly change is if he takes after the roots he’s only dug up now.
To try and start anew , Glinda proposes they move to Auroria. He finishes prep school and graduates at eighteen , moving onto University ; but the change of scenery means only it’s a different palace and a different area with a bunch of faces that will also probably judge him for being different. He’s always been a quiet loner of a child - and he wants it to end.
So yes , he starts going out more. And in that sense , he starts making himself more social with parties and drinking and smoking and learning to do things his mother can’t imagine. He makes a reputation for himself as a DELINQUENT as he starts to act out , getting into fights with people he disagrees with and even using that magic she taught him for petty vengeance. Also , for business - since he’s growing talented with potions and enchantments.  
While maybe he’s opened back up to his mother , he’s still different. He’s no longer sweet and trusting and his heart is no longer upon his sleeve - instead , there’s a MASK , a mask of cockiness and callousness to hide the fact he still hurts , and he throws himself into discomforting situations to dedicate himself to acting like he’s someone he isn’t. And the more he plays into this , the more he wonders about who he really is , and who the identity of ‘ Cyrus Goode ’ is.
It used to be easy to answer the question , ‘ Are you a good witch or a bad witch ?? ’
Now . . . he’s not so sure. And with now people coming from where his mother lies , he’s wondering if he can figure out that answer. Especially maybe if he can fit in with people . . . like him.
So yES thank u sm for reading that super long backstory !! Again Cyrus is one of my deeply beloved OCs , he’s a rly confused boy trying to figure out who he is while also trying to convince himself he’s someone he isn’t to lessen his pain of being hurt. That being said , lemme be frank - how he is on the outside vs. how he is on the outside are two very different things.
On the OUTSIDE , he’s a cocky loudmouth who probably gets into way more trouble than he needs in. He’s also willing to indulge into more risks considering he thinks it’s going to numb him. A party boy through and through , he’s . . . an acquired taste. He acts careless , like he’s invincible and there’s nothing you can do to break him.
But on the INSIDE , he’s still sad , lonely , scared - but immensely sweet and soft. There’s a part of him that still wants to be himself , to openly trust and love and all - but he doesn’t think that’s an option anymore since he let himself get hurt so easily. But he’s not proud of the person he’s becoming but he doesn’t think . . . he has many options.
Sometimes , though , that mask will crack , and Cyrus will break. Sometimes it’s when he needs a release , and other times it’s unwarranted. He’s so afraid of that happening in front of other people since the fear of being vulnerable is too real , since he’s worried that’ll lead to him being taken advantage of again.
So even if he does have a lot of ‘ friends, ’ not many he’s close with. And while he has a habit of flirting and sleeping around , relationships aren’t his thing - despite the fact he actually WANTS love and validation and affection to a t.
But that isn’t to say his charm is fake - no , not at all. He’s naturally a bit of a charming kid , extremely observant with body language and reading the atmosphere. And he’s pretty good at keeping a conversation , genuinely knowing the right spots to hit as well as how to keep a conversation going on how to end it. It’s what makes people want to keep him around despite the fact he can be fucking annoying at times.
He’s a good kid underneath everything - there’s just a lot of confusion & denial & fear covering it. 
He’s EXTREMELY talented & bright in both magic and art !! He’s fond of painting and sketching and often expresses his true emotions in his artwork - it’s a bit why he’s so hesitant to show him to people.
And magic.... well , Glinda taught him everything he knows. And his own studies made for him to teach himself valuable practices , as well.
He’s a practicing witch religiously , as well. Crystals , sigils , tarot cards , etc. He’s an expert in all of it. He almost ALWAYS has at least one crystal on his person - and a lot of the jewelry he wears is enchanted. 
SPEAKING OF JEWELRY & AESTHETICS ,,,, dude’s fashion sense has changed a bit since he’s tried to embrace more of his inner West Witch but I will say. Both styles are cute.
When he was more in tune with his ‘Good Witch’ side , he wore very nice silver , blue , white etc. vests with glittery patterns over nice white shirts with rolled up sleeves. Yk how Glinda has her crown ?? He had ( and still has ) multiple bejeweled headbands bc frankly they look cute on him. 
Over tIME THOUGH he’s definitely embraced the ‘witch in all black’ thing 100%. Likes the big, floppy black hats and almost always has a black headband to accompany it. Choker necklaces, biker gloves, leather jackets - also his own pair of ruby boots , but they’re not powerful or anything they just look cute. Also almost always has some pair of sunglasses on bc they make a nice accessory even when you’re wearing them on the top of your head and not ur face.
And again - both ways , 100% is always wearing a few crystals and enchanted pieces of jewelry. 
To express himself a bit more he’s also gotten a few tattoos !! Mainly on his arms for now , but there’s one exception since he has a teeny , tiny star on his right cheek. It looks more like a little freckle if you’re not up close - but other than that , it’s stars and stuff along his arms as well as sigils , spells , etc.
He’s definitely not as strained w/ his mom rn since he’s taken a chance to like. Think things over. Since it’s been about 4-5 years since the initial reveal his biological mother is Theodora. While he’s still very confused about . . . everything , he stills takes walks with his mom through her garden and routinely talks to her about stuff. Maybe it’s not super duper close like before , but it’s better than four years ago. 
It takes a lot to earn his trust. Like , a shit ton. If u rly wanna form a close bond with him and earn his trust ur gonna have to work for it bc Cyrus is determined to not let himself get hurt again and that means he’s extremely guarded.
Still has that water allergy : ( But it’s not all liquids it’s just !! Pure / natural water. So the more gunked up the water is with a solute , the less likely it is to make him sizzle.
Also has 100% taught himself how to ride a broom thx to his mother aka ‘SURRENDER DOROTHY’
and also smoke cigarettes out of crushed poppy seeds bc again, gotta stay tru to mother
Again I think I specified this earlier ago bt he��s determined to try and fit in with at least some Isle kids since . . . his mother’s on the Isle. She’s a villain. His mom is Glinda but his mother is Theodora and he wants to be closer to her and he thinks he’s sort of doing so by embracing the Isle kids and wanting to be a part of them.
I still feel like he’s very. Teeter tottery on it since he grew up in Auradon and probably has some meaningful connections there and he doesn’t want to say goodbye to that but also he learns now it’s by a twist of fate he didn’t end up on the Isle and almost wonders if he was meant to.
I’m going very ‘Fire Emblem Fates’ on this idk I just found the idea of an AK adopted when he was supposed to be a VK as. Intriguing.
He’s also dealing w/ like. If his Mom ever decides to like , retire or something ?? Is he the next Good Witch of the South or is he destined to be the next Wicked Witch of the West ??? It’s tough.
Also bc I forgot to mention it already !! He’s panromantic pansexual and 6′3 bc I fckin said so. May or may not have researched height spells to make himself taller.
I also just wanna let u all know if this intro seems v. Serious I promise u Cyrus is a witty memefucker and not in a Luke ‘deadpan snarker’ way he’s just. Loudmouthed n uncensored and makes jokes at every given minute he can bc eVERYONE likes a funny guy.
Again he’s like. A comfort character. This dude means so much to me n I’m so excited to throw him at u guys.  
I wanted 2 list characters that helped inspire who he is today bt. I think I might save that 4 like... a graphic or smth. :^)
Also friends that r just. Rly shocked by how much he’s changed. and kinda miss how he used to be before he got hurt : (
friends that sorta prefer how he’s changed?? maybe partygoing friends n stuff???
folks who are lowkey ‘wow goode got cool/hot/badass/etc.’ bc it’s definitely a signficant Shift
VKs who are encouraging him to embrace tht side of him more n dig down to his roots !!
AKs who are encouraging him to not have to try n change for that n be how he always was !!
Ppl in general who just rly would like for him to be himself and embrace who he is rather than trying to stick to a single side !!
AKs who see him as kind of like. A traitor 4 wanting to get close with the VKs
VKs who see him as too much of an AK and r basically like ‘idc if ur mother literally coined the term ‘wicked witch’ u can’t sit with us.
Rly I’m just so addicted to this ‘CHOOSE A SIDE’ thing like I generally find that as a plot so. Interesting n I def want all the connections that are sort of impacted by it since Cyrus is discovering so much abt himself
I also wld love some folks in generals he can like... be soft around. Let down his walls around. Slowly they get to know him and take the time and patiently earn his trust even tho he rly is a lot to handle.
Ppl who solely like him for the fact he can do magic bc again haha y’all can deffo use him idm
Ppl who rly dislike him whether it be for the fact he acts like a cocky dick on the outside or they don’t like how he’s trying to change himself and he doesn’t seem authentic at all literally Cyrus can b kind of sucky so pls make ppl dislike him. None of my OCs get along w/ him. Luke maybe dated him for a day n got tired already. 
He’s a lot 2 handle.
Okay he’s kind of a flirt like Luke and even tho he’s not nearly on their self-proclaimed philanderer level he still kinds. Gets around so pls gimme hookups on either end
Old crushes he used to have in Auradon when he was a lil kid, in middle school, high school w/e that never happened for whatever reasons
Also an angsty unrequited crush bc I love pain
Exes that were folks he tried to date in Auradon after he got hurt bt it just. Didn’t work out for w/e reason - probably bc Cyrus is terrified of getting hurt again.
Would also lov that one longterm relationship that lasted for like. A year or so while Cyrus was going through his shit that was probably rly good for him and they though it’d last but he had to break it off out of his own fear : (
First healthy love plot based off of San Francisco by TDE per piacere?
Listen I kno I already have a first love plot wanted for Luke bt this one’s sad for dIFFERENT REASONS 
I’d lov like ?? A will they/won’t they where Cyrus kind of has to open up n’ stuff before they can rly be together and it’s just up in the air even tho there are mUTUAL feelings ?? I wanna explore the relationship part of this tho instead of just. Throwing them into a ship n the next day they’re 2gether. Also would have to b discussed when seeing chemistry between the characters since. Ya.
Thats it.
me: i kno i just listed the obligatory shippy stuff but i want to remind u again i love it when other characters hate mine
I love just exploring. Connections and relationships between characters in general whether they’re hostile, platonic, romantic, etc. like I love exploring that stuff like I’m here 4 everything.
ibh sometimes i worry abt posting shippy connections just bc i dont wanna give the impression thATS ALL I WANT even tho i think i listed more non-shippy connections than shippy
...i still worry.
bt yeah licherally give me anything. I’m a plot hoe even tho I suck at it.
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koohiss · 8 years
30 years since the last critically acclaimed movie, but only like, 50 or 10 since the last one, depending on how time works, skywalkers are fucking shit up in the galaxy once more...
Luke’s gone, Leia’s still a badass, the heavy metal empire has been replaced with the emo-lite first order, just as much nazi garbage and none of the impressive capes. Instead they have a giant toddler who stomps around and eats shit on a regular basis and jerks off to his grandpa’s dead face, probably. Fucking weeb. This pilot, Poe, who I honestly don’t feel much of a connection to, sorry, is trying to get this old man to give him a map to Luke so he can come kick ass. But the douchelord Kellog’s Frosted Fuckup shows up and shoots everyone, bc uncle issues or something. poe gets captured, but shoves the map into his magic 8 ball, which escapes and finds a random superhuman jedi lady of amazingly ironic ancestry in the middle of, you guessed it, a desert. She’s Rey, and to quote some ghost guy who once got gutted inside a palace’s weird power dungeon murder hole, she’s probably maybe might be the chosen one for real this time, I swear to the force it’s for real this time yoda. Then, this amazeballs stormtrooper, Finn, has morals and courage and heart and all the things they wanted in wizard of oz, and is like, fuck this nazi shit, I’m out, and helps poe escape. Sadly, they crash, and poe apparently dies but really leaves finn to die in a plothole of a scene that someone in the writers room should be really embarassed over. Finn meets rey, and it’s love at first “oh shit”. It’s all meet cute/meet thief for a second, and then shit starts blowing up sideways, there was hand holding and running and “follow me”s and then the girl in white and the guy with the leather jacket get on the falcon and leave the desert planet. Classic. Speaking of classic, being the collector’s machinery that she is, the falcon breaks down and they get caught in a tractor beam of a larger ship, which conveniently Han and Chewie are on. Two gangs show up, the giant squid-tribbles escape, scooby doo mayhem ensues. They get away in the falcon and nope the fuck out. Spooky the gollum wannabe teases Kyle about Han and he acts like a pissbaby, says it’s nothing. Oh, and I guess he surprises everyone because somehow this giant moronic imbecile incompetent failure came from the pure glorious happy love of han and leia. Fuck you jar jar abrams. Fuck you in the eye. With a lensflare. This bullshit. The gang checks the map and realize it’s borked, Han gives the lowdown on “it’s real” and also that some sick asswipe death-murdered the jedi like some moron trilby with anger management issues because his mom cancelled his xbox live account because he wasn’t getting good enough grades at jedi academy due to playing the sith campaign of some shitty remade SW game with a pretty decent plot that every teen boy over analyzes and gets the wrong take away from. Anyways, they go to Takodana and Maz’s epic castle that was never fully explained. For some reason they need her to find the resistance for them, which I’m like, just have Han wave at a holocam for like, 2 seconds and you will find literally almost everyone except luke because he’s pouting over history repeating itself. So naturally while they are all chilling at the castle, the party splits bc Finn is scared and Rey is gonna go home and Han is just like, eyes roll emoji. Who knows where chewie went, they act like he isn’t a character or something. But twist, the big ol space nazis find them. Rey finds a lightsaber (prolly just a family heirloom or smth, nbd) and bolts after having visions of all these epics ass movies and shit. My beloved young padawan super duper force sensitive jedi in training Finn is given the lightsaber, bc even Maz can tell that those two are always gonna watch out for each other and are obvs soulmates and he’s the best bet to get it to Rey, the inheriting granddaughter. (also, didn’t a bunch of little kids get murdered with that at least once, possibly twice???) As they leave, death star 3 and with a much lamer name but really cool lore blows the everloving shit out of coruscant 2.0, killing a few more characters that I was probably more interested in than Kyle’s boring weepy “my parents dont’ accept me for being an edgelord” lame ass backstory. Then the TIE fighters try to wreck my fave dudes with some weak sauce army, but then that same ace pilot who apparently left finn to fucking die, nbd, true love amirite? brings the party to them in an epic callback with improved graphics. Meanwhile, that boring infant Ronald mcdumbass over here shows up and after a let down of a fight (c’mon rey, shoot him!) kidnaps his cousin. Gets all creepy and makes teenagers with poor romance comprehension (not their fault, imo) think it’s love and come up with all this bullshit as to why they aren’t cousins. Sigh. But Rey, light of my life, is stronger than this woobie weeb, and she makes him have to run back to the safety of his darth vader body pillow, while she up and obi wans her way out of this bitch. The theme-swapped leto-joker looking vastly subpar offbrand trashcan may have padme’s hair, but rey has her climb up random shit abilities, which go a lot farther honestly. (they both have her hit and miss fashion taste so at least there’s that in common you goddamned r/los that’s all i will give you) Mr. Hotshot takes everyone back to Resistance HQ and conveniently brings the drama too, since he followed teeny!leias footsteps and lead a superweapon to the not-so-secret-anymore base. Everyone scrambles, finn kinda sorta maybe lies through his teeth a little so he can rescue rey, leia guilts han because apparently no (coughdudecough) director can write a conflicted and damaged woman who also happens to be strong without making her completely subsume to whichever half of the dichotomy is needed for the current scene… They go to death star 3 and prepare to fuck shit up. Specifically by doing things that have never been done before with no guarantee they will survive and sassing each other mercilessly. My babies. They find rey off being her badass self, and then right at the point where everything has to go to shit to make the third act interesting, some motherfucking emo up and kills my geriatric fave. Fuck you, marilyn manson. Fuck you. Chewie takes the logical next step and blows his fucking guts out with a laser crossbow bolt, AND blows the fucking guts out of his fanboy cosplay of the death star, because fuck you that’s why. So that’s how the dramatic “ur up past curfew” conversation goes, because I can never have nice things, no the precious goth boy has to live, apparently my needs aren’t important to multi-trillion dollar entertainment corporations, whatever. The absolute wrench fucker chases my beautiful darlings around the currently imploding fucking doom orb of stupid, and they waste his ass with amazing shows of jedi prowess. Finn fights him first and the bastard cheats with his fucking laser butterfly knife like an ass, and precious finn who has never trained a day in his life for this bullshit can only hold on so long before the cheating bastard takes him down. Then rey, pillar of light and all that is good, curbstomps his ass with the prowling predator walk of her father and grandfather before her. Suck it, ron. She’s the chosen one, bitch. Anyways, so I guess the bombs let fly boy (only) get inside and pew pew up the place enough that it rejoined it’s godforsaken stop-building-death-moons-they-don-t-work ancestors. Old ghastly jazzhands on the demon projector asks the weasley kid to go pick up kyle’s raggedy strung out ass, like I fucking care at this point. Everybody goes home (AKA chewie saves all of your asses because even if you ignore him he’s still a cool dude like that) and they totally gloss over the deaths of characters I care about to give us this arbitrary fucking scene of the golden cock block and ir3cutesty5u the soccerball annoying r2, who magically wakes up and magically doesn’t nuke their inferior asses and instead gives them the stupid fucking map, why do you even need a fucking map, all you need is coordinates, jesus christ it’s space, you can just plug the fucking three axis code into the computer and float ur ass over why is there a goddamn treasure map to safeway just use the damn gps good god. It’s space. With infinite wifi. Rey and chewie go to this bird shit covered island and find luke sulking, probably about getting bird shit on his suede jedi boots or losing his best friend and failing his nephew and sister and and the entire galaxy or something like that and then the movie ends
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bestworstcase · 3 months
Wait, hold on, does Salem not know about Oz's whole like. Security measures Light put in. I feel like if she did she'd be more forgiving bc Oz is literally constantly being subjected to psychological and even physical torture (if he fights the merge). He's on The Tightest Leash Ever and basically has very little to no control on what he does. Like it's pretty clear he secretly agrees with Salem, but he can hardly think about it (seemingly has to communicate that vaguely via fairytales in a book) let alone actually act on it.
I feel like she likely doesn't know. I think if Salem knew about the metaphorical shock collar she'd be pissed on his behalf and probably be more forgiving. Granted it doesn't undo the hurt she's experienced but I think it'd make a lot of things make more sense to her. Can only imagine how that revelation would go down
yeah exactly literally all she knows is that
he was given a choice to come back
to unite humanity on light’s behalf
he said yes
he intends to see it through
he reincarnates by taking over somebody else, almost instantaneously*
because that is everything ozma knew when he told her the truth.
(*this changed after he divided his magic to create the maidens—using what magic he has left accelerates the merger; getting rid of most of his magic was likely ozma’s best effort to stop killing his hosts, even if it didn’t quite work)
hence "why do you keep. coming. back." to salem this looks like oz has been choosing to come back, over and over and over again, killing someone each time, solely for the purpose of enacting his god’s genocidal design—and she’s laying that next to her memories of the person who rescued her from her abusive, tyrannical father, and her memories of the person who lied to her for more than a decade to manipulate her into unwittingly serving her own tormentor, and going WHY while also, i’d imagine, questioning whether that person she remembers from millions and millions of years ago was ever even real, or if she was just too naive and too blinded by infatuation to see his true self.
after all… she only knew him a few years, before he died, and then she was alone for all that time, and then he came back and deceived her, tricked her—she absolutely does not believe anymore that he truly loved her at all, the second time—and he has to all appearances spent thousands of years since then DETERMINED to rid the world of her at any cost. what’s more likely? that he really was this wonderful person she remembers, or that a girl who’d never left her cell before and never known anything but cruelty and abuse saw her rescuer through the rosiest of rose-colored glasses?
with the history and the scant information she has it is so much easier for salem to believe that ozma is just…awful, and she was a naive love-blinded fool not to see it before he stabbed her in the back, than to hold onto “no, the good person i knew for a tiny fraction of our lives millions of years ago is the one who’s real, something is wrong.”
but yeah like. the instant she learns what’s really going on here, that ozma agreed to something he didn’t understand once and he’s been shackled to it ever since by a curse designed to destroy his sense of self and Force Him to obey… like at that point it isn’t even really a matter of forgiving him, it’s all of the hatred and anger and hurt and confusion she feels toward ozma now wrenching away from him onto the god of light. i think she’s going to snap to HOW DARE HE DO THIS TO YOU so fast it’ll even make her head spin.
esp bc like, waves at 6.4, salem is already boiling alive in guilt over her part in their daughters dying. as soon as she has the information to put together that ozma has essentially been psychologically tortured into becoming light’s weapon i think she is going to immediately realize that light set her and ozma up to fail on purpose, counting on her to lash out when ozma betrayed her so as to seal off the only possible escape he might have, meaning she has been manipulated into becoming an instrument of ozma’s torture just as he has hers. which 1. will obviously inflame her self-hatred to horrific new extremes but also 2. this woman is going to be out for BLOOD.
this is the why and the how of the ozlem reconciliation; ozma is cursed and salem doesn’t know that yet, so she’s furious and vengeful because she doesn’t understand why he’s doing this but she’s also just one revelation away from snapping back emotionally to the time she tried to Bodily Shield Ozma From Divine Fire.
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strqyr · 2 years
Since it would’ve been pretty early, maybe what Tai thought of as breaking apart the team was Raven being more vocal about her doubts on Oz and refusing to be placated. Being the odd one out always causes rifts, and if Q and S were also team trust Oz at the time then fighting all the time bc of that would probably make working together hard. The doing a number on their family is more understandable from Tai’s perspective bc regardless of WHY Raven still left her child and the man she cared enough about to have a child with. And with Tai being how he is, seemingly not good at being super delicate when it comes to negative emotions or depression, didn’t seem to know how to handle that other than cast some angsty thoughts towards Raven. Even though it seems he still cares about her
Team STRQ three chapter backstory WHEN WHEN WHEN
i honestly think that this is going to be a case of two (or more) perspectives where neither of them is particularly wrong, i.e. you can understand where both parties are coming from. especially since terms 'team' and 'family' are involved, and team strq was a team turned family, just like team rwby is.
for the sake of this speculation, let's assume that during her search, raven found out the truth, perhaps even by meeting salem at the end of it. after coming back, she tells her team, at which point it's raven's word against ozpin's—and summer, tai, and qrow decide to trust ozpin over raven.
from tai's (and likely summer's and qrow's) point of view, there really isn't a problem; raven was simply lied to by salem, whose methods include causing division amongst allies, and ozpin, who has been alive for much much longer and would surely know the truth, is setting the record straight. so when raven doesn't let it go and the rift grows larger, leading to raven leaving and their team breaking apart, well, it's raven's faults that caused it.
from raven's point of view, there is a problem; her team is either calling her a liar or that she's easily manipulated by the enemy, neither of which are exactly ideal when she knows she's telling the truth. no matter what, a level of trust they might have had is now broken, and if any other attempts to convince her teammates—even the like of "go investigate yourself, then"—were met with refusal, that trust would keep deteriorating until eventually imploding with raven leaving because her team wouldn't trust her.
( this is basically team rwby after yang attacked mercury during the tournament, and they managed to trust her word even if their eyes told them differently. imagine how it must have felt for raven when it's just word vs word, and on top of that qrow, her own brother, decides to trust some dude he has known for some 4 years over her, who has stuck with him their entire life—whose semblance directly links her to him—when everyone else wants him as far away from them as possible. i would be a little miffed in that case too )
focusing only on team strq (since we don't know exactly when yang was born, whether it was after or before raven left) "breaking the team apart" and "doing a number on our family" is essentially one and the same—at least it sounds like that from raven's pov, if her "were we ever [family]?" to qrow is anything to go by—so when it comes down to "who's at fault", i can see why both sides would be pointing fingers at the other and not themselves.
basically, if team strq was an AITA post, the answer would be Everyone Sucks Here, and they really should have just sat down, been mature and talked through it instead of...whatever it is that they did.
which does make me wonder if they had some deeper issues long before this that were simply brushed aside for the sake of ~team harmony~ with every new issue being another stick, another douse of gasoline that was ignored, until this situation acted as a lit match that burned it all down.
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