#bc they were bored and i didn't have anything else to entertain them with
simplyghosting · 1 year
Apparently budgies REALLY like being sung to.
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cheezyhamster · 22 days
Doodle of Albatross and his granddaughter
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Granddaughter is an OC! One of my first, in fact!
Biiiig infodump under cut
Her name is Sapphire, accidentally sharing the name of Albatross's sister
My first iteration of her was an Animus princess that had universe-jumping abilities/discovered that her magic went beyond the reaches of her reality (Had this idea so that she could be an OC in any fandom/become a sona). This idea was probably when I was roughly 10-11. She was childish and stubborn.
In this iteration she discovered that she could "teleport" during the Seawing Massacre, wishing that she was anywhere safe as a knife sent by Albatross was stabbing her in the face (it didn't go very deep)
She looked something like this afterwards (I never made a reference :/):
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As I used her more often I realized that I had no idea what her personality was and how she dealt with her abilities
I then decided that she eventually became cold and manipulative, treating the inhabitants in each universe as playthings, seeing how things turned out if she did this or that a specific way, before getting bored and moving on.
This version of Sapphire kind of disappeared when I started working on developing a Wings of Fire/Hunger Games-esque AU called the Flare Trials, where dragons in districts had their wings removed at hatching so as to leave them less able to revolt and fight the winged dragons of the Capitol. Tributes and the Games were initially developed as a means to both entertain dragons in the Capitol and incite fear and hopelessness in district dragons in watching young dragons fight to the death without any opportunity for a dragonet to survive. Eventually it was amended so that one district of dragonets could "win" and be granted wings and fame. Sapphire came in because she was the protagonist and won. Almost every other WoF OC I have came from this AU
Animus "Canon" Sapphire and weak Flare Trials Sapphire kind of merged for a while, but when I stopped working on the AU Animus Sapphire became separate again, though I didn't do anything with her until pretty much just now bc I fell into a Harry Potter phase (oof) and then into the OMORI phase I'm in now.
As I drew the doodle with Albatross today I had a thought of a version of Sapphire that could possibly be more solid? Sapphire looked up to Albatross heavily, aspiring to be just like him and was unwaveringly supportive and loyal to him. Albatross eventually opened up to Sapphire about how he was treated, confiding in her about how he is unappreciated and generally abused by his family (Queen Lagoon). Sapphire responded with righteous anger towards her grandmother, insisting that Albatross shouldn't let everyone bully him anymore. This inadvertently leads to the massacre. Sometime in between, however, Albatross, planning out the massacre, gives Sapphire Animus magic mostly experimentally, intending for her to help in the massacre and to aid in killing her brother (Fathom), Albatross's replacement (threat). Unfortunately for him, Sapphire is horrified by his plan and refuses to go along with his commands during the massacre, trying to dissuade Albatross before eventually fleeing after he lost patience with her and sent a knife flying into her face as she commanded her crown to keep her alive as fast as she could, though she still ended up scarred after her brush with death. Afterwards, she lived undercover, the crown she bore keeping her alive indefinitely. I don't have much else of an idea right now but uhh Darkstalker sized Seawing that is old as dirt and wrinkly 😁
Thanks for reading this infodump. As is evidenced, I love talking about my OCs! (All of them)
Please ask me about them or tell me to stop idk
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palalabu · 1 year
i have a question if you don’t mind answering. i only started following f1 earlier this year and what happened yesterday was mind blowing. seeing two former teammates help each other to a win, when drivers on the same team only care about themselves, driving faster than their teammate, beating their teammate, their teammate being the one they have the most competition with and then the idea of even helping someone on a completely different team, your rival, is probably most likely very unheard of!
all the official accounts tweeting, posting “carlando” - is that something that has been done before?? i don’t know if it’s because they know the posts will gain engagement and i know everyone jokes about carlando and there was the dts episode, but has this ever happened with a driver pairing before? i know f1 and the teams have had their fair share of bromances but this just seems crazy to me!!???
so i took sabatical since seb domination era. so i missed the whole brocedes era, and you guys need to let me in if they used to hyped up their bromance or not back then, before it all came crash and burn ofc. I'm just gonna preface this with that bc i think they were the only one that was known to be carlando level close.
so, there's this thing called liberty media, right. before they took over f1, f1 was simply put boring. it tried to be exclusive, and only for rich men who could afford rolex was the image they were trying to have. there was even a time where bernie ecclestone (the holder of f1 rights, the FOM basically) didn't allow the drivers to have twitter (but still they had it back then). so it was a very different treatment altogether before liberty media took over.
now, i started to follow f1 again in dec 2019. so yes, I missed all the actual carlando moments real time and had to catch up big time. and I was surprised to see how the media treated them. the interview with simon lazenby, the german tv asked them "who's the bride between the two of you". that was wild to me. this is official, major broadcasting stations. all I know was that f1 shipping used to be well kept in fandom spaces like LiveJournal (I wasn't even on f1blr back then).
but i think they (the media, team, and carlando themselves) didn't really use the term 'carlando' until around 2020, even late 2020 I guess. so i feel like things even escalate since then?
So anyway, it's just a different time that we're in. back then, social media was not used as much, so teams and media didn't have to keep creating viral posts. red bull was the most fun team you guys! and probably the only one who created content? f1 in general wasn't as popular as it is after DTS, so again, there were less people to entertain and I guess f1 had a more serious image.
and i mean ofc even back then there were drivers who were close friends, but I don't think the media paid too much attention to it. the only "pair" that I can recall being publicly known or like constantly linked up to each other was massa and his engineer, rob smedley, especially after the whole 'felipe baby' radio (just google it). but other than that I can't think of anyone else. like I know seb and kimi used to be really close when they were neighbors, but they were in different teams, so i don't remember they were doing features with the two of them or anything like that.
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this became v long and rambly sorry!
music was decent but unremarkable overall like none of it was particularly memorable. they made the orchestra pit the pool which was kind of cool and the valley of ashes set was nice. other sets were meh imo. the performers were the only reason the entire show wasn't completely flat. esp eva noblezada and the nick i saw (i saw the u/s). they just did not give jeremy jordan much to do except be in love w daisy in their scenes together so his presence just felt kind of awkward on stage. samantha pauly was decent as jordan but the amount of time spent on nick and jordan (mostly them being v In Love and getting engaged) seems to have ended up leaving nick and gatsby on the cutting room floor. like nick and gatsby talk once when gatsby tells him about daisy and asks him to set up a meeting, they interact a bit when gatsby is panicking right before seeing daisy, and then they talk right before gatsby dies. 2/3 are completely about daisy and literally nothing else which is esp irritating given how uninteresting nick and jordan are in their scenes. even the numbers that were meant to be classic splashy broadway dance numbers were really boring (and i say this as someone w a deep fondness for splashy broadway dance numbers) and didn't feel particularly rooted in the time period, which is a missed opportunity imo. i didn't really like much of the choreography either as someone who has no real knowledge about dancing lol -  it just wasn't fun to watch. they tried to use wolfsheim as narrator-adjacent in the 2nd act opening which was incredibly boring. they also try and create tension by having wolfsheim threaten gatsby bc he's hasn't been doing his job or w/e and it does not work at all. myrtle and george's separate numbers in the 2nd act were better than most of the rest of the show. esp myrtle's bc she has a come-to-jesus moment about tom right before getting killed which has more impact than the entire rest of the show. they move the beautiful little fool convo (as a song) to the end which was baffling to me bc nick is like "you're just hiding away w your money when gatsby got killed bc he took the blame for you murdering someone" and then daisy sings about hoping her daughter's a beautiful little fool like ?????? girl wtf are you talking about. it just felt so out of place. found the writing for daisy v frustrating bc they did the thing where they try to make a character more likable by dulling or removing their flaws and end up just removing anything that makes them interesting. tom was so flat. even the way any scene w him was directed was flat, esp when he hits myrtle. no impact at all you barely even notice it happen. i was bored throughout most of the show. i get what you said about it being beautiful but empty but even the parts that could get by on that had no entertainment value.
Oh holy shit it’s worse than I thought. I knew they made nick straight, which yeah fine okay I can step outside my Stupid Gay Nick world long enough to accept that straight nick is the norm, whatever, so disappointing but whatever—
But he and jordan are like. Engaged?…really? Mr. I Wont Be Rumored Into Engagement? Getting engaged to a woman in the spotlight? Who he can’t even admit to loving fully? Are you goddamn motherfucking joking with me right now?
And like. I get that there’s no real villain in the great gatsby and that’s the point, it’s the system not the people whatever. But you mean to tell me they looked at tom, that fucking asshole, and then *didn’t use him to colorize the scenes?* You expect me to believe anyone else is ‘good’ in this when TOM BUCHANAN’S greatest sin is being boring? Where’s the fucking bottom line? Where’s the depth of character?
And then…nick and jay don’t even talk but three goddamn times?
I’m serious. Even canon nick fucking carraway admitted to hanging out with him often.
Like. It’s very important that nick is the narrator. He fits such a very very specific niche of a character that he just cannot be replaced without damaging the integrity of the story as we know it, which is clearly cut and dry the story they aimed to tell. Do you think fitz’s choice in OPENING THE BOOK discussing not jay and daisy but NICK’S ‘GOOD’ CHARACTER was just an accident??? Hello??? Is anyone seeing this?
I can’t even. Like. Huh???
God it makes me SO mad they fumbled daisy too. In a modern gaze we have sooooo much more room to explore her character and they just fucking. They fumbled the goddamn bag. The failed her, and I’ve already talked about how unfair it was to cast Eva in a role defined by its whiteness. God. I just. Oh my god
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tracybirds · 2 years
Bored waiting for my friend to wake up so random snippet for funsies (lowkey I was just thinking about black holes bc of who I am as a person)
Brains was quiet, looking alternately between the exploded metal casing and his knees. Jeff didn't fail to notice how he wouldn't meet his eyes.
"What do you kn-know about black holes, Mr Tracy?"
"What the hell has that got to do with anything?" he demanded. "A black hole didn't do this, there's no science fiction driving the TV-21's engine."
His fist buried itself into the sofa, scowl deepening in disgust. He should have caught the error, he'd seen people killed for less as a test pilot.
He could have left his children orphans.
Oh, God, he thought. He could have left them orphans.
"It matters, Mr Tracy," said Brains, interrupting his thoughts. "Black holes were n-nothing more than a strange quirk of mathematics for decades. Decades of p-pure theory that nobody seriously expected to find. N-nobody except those who dreamed, and more than that, those who dreamed deep enough to go searching in the data. It was all there for anyone who c-cared to look, to imagine, to discover."
Brains looked up, eyes hard and mouth the thin determined line that Jeff knew so well.
"Mr Tracy, even now, p-people talk about black holes breaking physics. That's what you've asked me to do, you kn-know. Except the laws of physics don't break inside a black hole. The laws of physics are incomplete."
Jeff stared at him. He'd known Brains for years now, his second in this whole endeavour, the only one to ever take the desperate ramblings of a heart-broken man seriously. Everyone else had felt sorry for him, the man who'd lost his wife and never gotten over it. Brains had considered the matter calmly, without rushing, then told him exactly what he thought.
"I c-can do that, Mr Tracy."
And now Jeff saw a man who believed even more fiercely than him. He'd never stopped to wonder why Brains would even entertain the notion. Never stopped to think about what must have happened to create the same assurance that everyone should be saved.
Brains stood and strode over to the scrapheap that once stood sleek and tall. He ran his hands over the ugly scar that tore through the cockpit, leaving a gaping hole where the shrapnel that was once the engine had ripped itself apart.
"This isn't broken, Mr Tracy," he said, his words as soft as the dawn. "The TV-21 isn't done. How c-can it be? It's incomplete."
Brains looked back at him.
"We'll finish it, Mr Tracy. We're n-not the type of men who kn-know how to stop."
He nodded, the echo of a rumbling mountain ringing in his ears.
"I know Brain, you're right."
He swallowed, staring up at the ragged jet, beaten and broken before her time.
"We go on."
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songtwo · 2 years
Abt Wednesday, I'm a huge Addams family fan and I was looking forward to see a school full of supergoth kids but... She's 'the' goth girl? Weird. Also I wish they told you more about the school, like does everyone have powers? It doesn't seem to be the case, the worldbuilding is a bit lacking, for me. Also the love triangle just makes me laugh. I like both guys but... Why. Other than that it entertains me but I was hoping for something much different. It should be much much weirder.
The way if they didn't tell u every 5 seconds it's a school for weirdos u wouldn't even realize like they literally look like they go to Riverdale high there is literally nothing strange or peculiar about them. What was also so boring was their dance like ur telling me the """weird""" kids are dancing to dua lipa and not to bauhaus and siouxsie??? The only thing they got right was the cramps but now their song is all over tiktok so at what cost.
I wish the show had been made for actual weird kids and not ur average netflix enjoyer/tiktok user which was impossible from the start as it was a Netflix show but it could've been good if it was from a different platform and catered to the right audience.
Anyways yes the worldbuilding is so weak I swear the first three Gorillaz albums have a better storyline and are more cohesive than whatever they did on Wednesday.
Love triangles always suck sooooo bad honestly like not to be annoying but Wednesday and enid made more sense than Wednesday and any of those guys and also it's so funny bc she literally only talked to them about solving the mystery and they're both like u led me on and sent me mixed signals like what . Also they both looked the same it took me a few eps to tell them apart
What also rly annoyed me was how ugly the sets and lighting and costumes were even the first season of sabrina did it better like everything just looked so normal and boring when Burton's films used to be so visually compelling with its practical effects and strange quirky sets and costumes were always so on point and here there was literally nothing of that
The only good thing was Jenna Ortega's performance she literally carried the entire show and she would've been perfect had the show followed a completely different direction but good 4 her excited to see what she does next
Then again u can't really expect a Netflix show to do anything else but entertain but what bugs me here is that they used such an iconic goth character and just yassified her and took a lot of what made her so unique and beloved and jenna did everything she could to bring her some justice but sadly that wasnt enough with that script and basically everything else . But thats capitalism and the death of film i guess
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
very, very interesting point about whether some people in the paranormal community hold snc at a distance - i think I agree. I've seen some of that sentiment on tiktok/YT/reddit, especially from an older crowd that still seems to have a bit of a bias against YT and popular creators. that they're not "serious" enough and working with them might tarnish a certain hardcore contingent's credibility. interestingly, I don't really see that at all with Shane & Ryan, who had a bizarre revisionist history spin with Ghost Files coming out where suddenly they're like the best ghost hunters ever and not uhhh.. two goofy guys at Buzzfeed who would do stuff like wear cat ears and show their belly buttons to try to seduce ghosts. when snc first started dabbling in 2018ish, hell when Shane and Ryan first started out, this sort of judgement and skepticism didn't really exist in the same way it does now. fascinating how a paranormal community has really been developing but I can see how that complicates collabs snc may want to do. (and they're also well-liked by tons of paranormal content creators too so I'll cherish the ones we get ig)
this became such a long response, my bad lol
well a lot of the ppl that do paranormal investigating for a living are usually much older than snc so i think a lot of them feel like snc are just jumping on a bandwagon and will leave once it no longer makes them money. but i don't agree with that.
and again, i also do and don't believe the idea that snc aren't serious enough or not professional enough to be taken seriously. they just do things their own way. which can be both good and bad but i think it is what sets them apart. also realistically, they are entertainers first before anything else. so if they were stoic and had no reaction to some of the shit they have experienced, ppl would be bored and no one would watch.
slight side tangent, but i saw on reddit someone saying that they think snc will never get taken seriously enough bc, among a bunch of other stuff, they curse a lot. like……… you can't be serious. hate to be the bear of bad news, but tons of everyday ppl curse frequently. and i highly doubt snc are in a profession where cursing is frowned upon lol
i think one of the problems snc face, still, is that ppl see their content as what they did way back in the day. like 2019/when sam used to do the 3 am challenges. like they see that, and think that that's what they are still doing, which just isn't the case. but bc there is already that notion that snc are """liars""", ppl that don't like them for those reasons aren't gonna give them a chance. but honestly they have improved so much over the years, it's a shame some ppl write them off.
but whatever, your loss sksk
as for shane and ryan, honestly i haven't watched them since they were on buzzfeed so i can't really comment on what they do now. but from what i've heard from other ppl/fans is that they don't really do the same shit they once did. like obviously there is some overlap for sure, but the vibe is different.
maybe this is just a misconception, idk, but i gotta ask: the way some ppl talk about them, they make it seem as if they are just goofy and don't take it seriously anymore. like i know ryan used to believe in all this stuff and shane was the one that outwardly would joke about demons and not believe anything paranormal that could happen, but like… is that different now? i genuinely want to know bc that's the vibe i get from other ppl's comments. like now they make a mockery of what they used to do/ghost hunting in general, but not in a mean way. more as in like "we don't really believe and we're trying to show you this shit is bs too" or whatever. kinda like how the later seasons of ghost hunters, they would actively disprove their evidence or constantly trying to find a logically explanation instead of just… accepting that it might actually be paranormal.
i'm not saying any of this to be mean to shane and ryan. i'm just genuinely curious as to if i'm right or not. bc again i haven't watched them since they were on buzzfeed.
if i'm honest, i love the paranormal. i love ghost hunting and the supernatural. i find it all fascinating. however…. i think it's a bit silly to try and argue who's the best ghost hunter or who should or shouldn't be taken seriously. i mean, there is no science to this. this is a profession that you kinda have to have a bit of a whimsical nature to you, otherwise you look goofy lol
maybe i'm wrong, but i think both snc and shane and ryan can exist in the same universe without it being a who's better than who fight. i think a collab would be a bit strange, but i also wouldn't be completely against it in theory.
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Hi BPP! Do you like and listen to any SME groups? I've been trying to get into some of them, and a lot of kpop fans seem to really respect them, so I was wondering if you had any thoughts or recs?
Ask 2: BPP I've never seen hive mind like in SM stans who think SM entertainment is the pinnacle of art and Lee soo man is God. Is this where company stans came from? Cuz nobody capes harder for that bloodletting, human slaver, tax evading creep like SM stans and it boggles my mind that they worship this man when so many idols have gone to COURT to fight him for their BASIC rights and it happened less than 10 years ago!! I was in a Twitter space yesterday and an SM stan shawol was DEFENDING lee soo man????? Huh??? How many idols have to DIE due to poor care AND HAVE HIM ON TRIAL FOR SLAVERY for SM stans to be reasonable? It's like they were brainwashed and it disgusts me to no end. Even his shareholders are taking him to court bc he STILL CONTROLS THE COMPANY PROFIT AND IDOLS. I can't even think of getting into their music when that ONE company has been the source of so much pain for DECADES the whole enterprise should be burned down. WHYYYY are people into SM?????
Hi Anons,
(Not putting the s in brackets because there's no way in hell you're both the same person lmaoo)
Why are people into SM? I don't allow kink shaming on my blog Anon2, just so you know.
SME is respected by some people in spite of everything, because SME knows how to find and develop talent (the company also receives the most in government funding so I'd be surprised if they didn't), and is one agency that well executes delivering a fully immersive 'k-pop' experience. The company also knows how to make good music (despite what some of their most popular tracks suggest), but SME is also constantly handicapped by its limited expression of artist creativity. In my opinion.
SME is the longest running k-pop agency, and the genre is literally oversaturated with their music. I'm not sure how many people know this, but Lee Sooman started out as a singer and one Korean band I remember seeing in my home as a kid was Masamtrio, a k-pop band he belonged to. I'm mentioning this because Lee sooman (SM Entertainment literally stands for SooMan Entertainment) has historically strongly controlled everything that goes on in that agency, including how formulaic his artists sound (*cough* Yoo Young-jin *sneeze*), and consequently why much of k-pop is the way it is today. SooMan is a singer and a self-professed 'method' man, and if you've been reading my blog for some time now, you've probably seen me mention how many k-pop vocalists sing in a particular way that I've grown very bored of.
My views do contrast with the mainline k-pop thinking that puts SM artists as the height of innovation, citing groups like Aespa for example because the group includes AI members and is set in the Kwangya metaverse...
Do the AI girls actually do anything? No. Can anybody actually explain what Kwangya is? No. Do any of the (human) Aespa girls regularly contribute to composing, songwriting, dance, anything? No. But boy do those girls give you attitude, down to how they enunciate "level" in Next Level. It looks and sounds cool and that's enough for some people.
So I guess that sets the tone for the rest of this post. Lol.
SM has a formula that works, though it hardly ever includes direct input from the idols themselves. The company sticks to certain themes and the artists are trained to present in certain ways, and that's why the company is able to build a stable following of fans. Long story short, SM specializes in producing performance artists, so if you're all about performance art and don't care for much else, SM has got you more than covered.
But the thing for me with SM, is that after a while the company became predictable in what it churned out, in the sort of idols and music it produced. And I think anyone who has been into k-pop for a while will tell you the same thing. For example, when talking about 'idol typecasts', generally speaking here:
Taemin + Kai = Ten
BoA + Yuri = Seulgi
I could list a few more but I don't want to piss off their stans reading this more than I've already done at this point, and anyway I think you get the gist.
In terms of music, the sound of this company is decidedly Black. Like Black in the way that they hardly ever try to change up the sound at all (and I'll explain a bit more below). For a group like NCT for example: their sound is essentially trap music + hyper-pop + contemporary R&B, with musical motifs literally lifted off classic Black artists (who aren't always credited). An example:
Take 7th Sense by NCT U. In my opinion, the whole song sounds 'inspired' by Me & U by Cassie. Listen to timestamp 0:35 - 0:44 in 7th Sense.
Now compare it to 0:35 - 0:50 in Cassie's song.
Like I can't be the only person who hears it's the same song just pitched lower, slowed down, and punctuated with rap verses...
All of k-pop borrows heavily from Black music and Black creators, but no agency does so more than SME in my opinion.
All this said, there are some groups/songs I like:
NCT. Specifically NCT 127 and NCT U though the other units are alright too. The sort of hiphop NCT produces is a synthetic analogue to actual hip hop (which is closer to what BTS produces) but it's recognizable and similar enough to the hip hop I listen to. The syntheticness of their sound is likely the result of certain SooMan disciples in the company (again *cough* Yoo Young-jin *sneeze*) remixing and sometimes bastardizing the work of Black songwriters and producers. By this I mean, many SM songs are made by hosting blind camps to source music directly from Black creators (though those creators are not always paid fairly), and then that music is given to the lead producers in SM who often do the final arrangements. Most times the result is that trademark Frankenstein noise music, but sometimes it actually works.
Some songs I like: 7th Sense, Limitless, OK, Simon Says.
I like that some members in NCT contribute by sometimes writing their rap verses, but I'll be honest, NCT's lyrics annoy me often and there's also the thing of SM SMing the heck out of the bridge like ... why the fuck does this company stuff into a song as many randomized modulations as possible? It rarely works, most times it's a poorly timed distraction. But anyway that's not a ding on only NCT - every SM group has this flaw. Like they'd be better off letting more of their artists write their own music. IMO. There's also a reliability tiff I have with the group - their genuine bops are few and far in between. Like I can't stand 2 Baddies. Again IMO.
Another group I like is Red Velvet and see above for my talking points on the group. One thing I'll add is I'm less into their 'Red' sound, and more into their 'Velvet' songs, and again see above for reasons why. i.e. their Velvet sound is very Black R&B with almost nothing done to change it up from the Black classics the songs appear to be inspired by (based on my hearing at least), and so as that's a genre I recognize immediately and like in any case, it's easy for me to take to their Velvet concept songs.
Some songs I like: La Rouge, Automatic, Wildside, One of These Nights.
I also really like Ten and would rank him higher than many SM favourites such as Kai and Baekhyun. But maybe that's just me.
Anon 1, I haven't exactly given the most glowing review of SME and their sound, but I hope it helps to know I left out many ugly topics and details. Like I said, the company knows how to develop talent and make good music, and many idols under their management are undeniably talented, some I'd even call artists. Since you already seem to like them, I'm certain you'll discover your favourites soon enough.
Good luck 💜
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ry0chann · 2 years
I looove the way you write Kunikida but I always imagined him as a super shy virgin who probably gets flustered at even the MENTION of sex, yet I’ve found very few fics like that. I was curious if you would do a drabble on that pretty pleaseeee since you write him so well ☺️
yes yes yes. i actually do see him as being easily flustered and super awkward in sexual situations but i never write for them 🤧
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"seven" minutes in heaven
Doppo Kunikida x fem!reader
↝ genre: smut, college au
↝ word count: 3.1k
↝ warnings: ⚠️ nsfw!! , Dazai cameo, mentions of slight intoxication, virgin!Kunikida, no loss of virginity, slightly submissive!Kunikida, handjob, oral (m), cum eating
↝ notes: you get a whole one shot bc i was inspired haha. it may be a little ooc character for him, but i think it turned out alright. also so so sorry this took me so long to get around to, hopefully it's still good
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Damn Dazai for convincing him to play such a stupid game; 7 minutes in heaven. Of course he'd suggest playing it. You, in addition to Kunikida, Dazai, and a few of your dorm mates had gotten together for a game night. It started with innocent card games, but a few beers later the infamous Osamu had suggested playing something else.
Kunikida found it childish, and demeaning, to subject himself to such a game; a complete waste of his time if you asked him. The only plus was that you would be playing as well, though if anything, that triggered his anxiety. Kunikida's always had a crush on you, one that seemed to consume his thoughts whenever in your presence. If he ended up being paired with you, that didn't necessarily mean anything had to happen. You could just talk for the time being, however, he knew that everyone would at least expect a little kiss to be shared.
His heart was beating a little faster than usual, a nervousness running through his veins as Dazai's eyes land on him. He knew Dazai would be the one to call all the shots, and was also aware that he would be the one to pair him up with someone. Had it been anybody else, Kunikida would've been fine, but Dazai insisted on it. And who did he pair Kida up with? You, of course.
Hearing his name followed by yours made his heart nearly jump out of his chest. Kunikida still wore that dour expression he always seemed to sport, but the light blush of his cheeks said more than words would. Dazai knew Kida liked you, that's why he recommended playing this, and why he chose the two of you to go first.
Kunikida could've protested, yet he didn't. Maybe he figured it'd be easier to get it over with than to waste his breath arguing, or maybe he was more intrigued than he was letting on. Regardless, he would reluctantly squeeze into the small closet with you.
"You don't have to be so tense y'know." Your voice was low, as to not let the others hear your conversation too clearly.
Kunikida was sat directly in front of you, his knees up against his chest in attempts to give you room to be comfortable. It was dark, and you couldn't see much, yet you knew that Kunikida was struggling to keep his eyes off you. Honestly, you were flattered. Kunikida has always been someone you admired, someone who you liked more than you realized. You were a bit giddy to be sitting here with him, a part of you hoping something would happen during the time you had together.
There was a loud chatter coming from outside the closet, Dazai and the others laughing and enjoying themselves. You wondered that when your seven minutes were up, if any of them would even remember to let you out. It didn't really matter though, it's not like you were locked in here.
Kunikida sighs, shifting uncomfortably in place. It might've only been seven minutes, but sitting in silence would make it feel like a lifetime. Two minutes in and you were already bored.
"Kunikida?" you say, a bit warily.
"Yes y/n?"
You chew your lip, contemplating if you should turn this snooze-fest into something more entertaining. Kunikida was a very "professional" type of person, in your eyes. He probably wouldn't put up with any of your antics, knowing he rarely puts up with anyone's. However, you didn't want to sit here any longer doing nothing.
"I think you should kiss me." you blurt out confidently, despite the blush spread across your cheeks.
He feels his face get hot and his heart races. He wonders if he even heard you properly— the noise from outside the closet being louder than you think it would be.
"We gotta pass the time somehow... Just one quick peck, and I'll leave you alone." you pry.
Did you actually expect him to give in? Of course not. There was no way he would, but right now you were simply testing the waters. You just wanted to see what he'd do. Kunikida awkwardly clears his throat, and you can see him shift again through the dark.
If he was being completely honest with himself, he wanted to kiss you. Kunikida didn't really like the idea of his first kiss being in a closet though. He wanted it to be special, wanted it to mean something. But in his eyes, he assumed this wouldn't mean anything to you. Unbeknownst to him, it would. You yearned to feel his lips on yours. Constantly finding yourself wondering what it'd be like.
"I um, I'm not sure that's a good idea..." he retorts.
"Why not? Are you scared?" Your question came out lighthearted but you still worried he'd take it the wrong way.
He blushes darkly at hearing your innocent ask, embarrassment washing over him before he even opened his mouth. "Scared" wasn't the right word. "Reluctant" would be more fitting. It's not that Kunikida didn't want to kiss you, he just felt the moment wasn't right.
"Now just isn't the time..." he whispers, turning his head away from your stare.
You purse your lips, wondering if you should bother provoking him any more. He was prone to getting annoyed pretty easily, and while you'd rather not have an irritated Kunikida as company, you continue pressing him anyway.
"Well... I wanna kiss you..." you say, toying with the hem of your shirt as your face remains flushed.
Admitting that to him made your slightly confident facade falter. His eyes widen at hearing your confession, heart suddenly beginning to beat faster. He hoped you weren't just pulling his leg, he wanted you to be serious. Sure, he was hesitant at first, but hearing you openly say you actually wanted it, made him a little more willing.
"Y-you do?"
"Mhm... And it's not like anybody will see it, or hear it..."
You hoped that he'd comply, wishing he would at least let you give him a small one. The amount of time you had left in here was unknown, so you wanted to get your kiss before it ran out.
Kunikida was nervous as hell, unsure of what to say or do. You take it upon yourself to crawl over to him, sitting on your knees directly in front of him. He straightens his already perfect posture, inhaling sharply when he feels your presence closer to him.
At this point, the others outside the closet had forgotten about you. It most likely already been seven minutes and the others didn't care to let you out. Probably because they were drunk off their asses and had forgotten you were even playing a game. Either of you inside could've left on our own, yet you were stuck staring at each other in the dark, waiting for someone to make a move.
You take a deep breath, prepping yourself for the possible rejection of the question you're about to ask.
"So... Can I kiss you?"
He chews his lip, hesitating answering you before miraculously nodding. "Yes."
His answer shocked you. You didn’t think he’d actually comply. Nervously, you part his legs, which were covering his chest, and lean in, pressing your lips to his softly. Kunikida tenses under you, quickly relaxing when he felt how soft your lips were. You pull away slowly, blushing like a schoolgirl and trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart. But before you could, Kunikida got it to nearly stop. He readjusts in front of you, sitting on his knees just like you were before, cupping your cheek and pulling you back in for a kiss.
He wasn't sure what came over him, it was out of character to do something so impulsive, but it felt right. You didn't stop him either. You didn't want to. He was a surprisingly good kisser. You weren't sure what to expect, but it was much better than you would've imagined. His lips meld with yours perfectly, as if they were made to be connected.
Things became heated quickly, your innocent kiss turning perverse in a matter of seconds. You end up on his lap, hands resting on his shoulders while your tongue explores his mouth. His face was burning red, heart pounding in his chest and a familiar excitement running through his veins. His hands were on your waist, fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
Without even trying to, you innocently rut against him, simply trying to make yourself comfortable. The action, however, makes him whimper, his face darkening in color in response to the noise he made. You pull away with a smirk, now feeling something poking at your jeans. He’s quiet, trying to avoid your gaze in the darkness of the closet. You whisper his name, cupping his cheek to get his attention.
He sighs shakily, taking his hands off your body. “I-I’m sorry…”
You chuckle, pecking his lips. “Don’t apologize, it’s okay… We can stop if you want to. I’m sure we should’ve been out of here already anyway.”
You shift on top of him again, getting ready to get off his lap, but he stops you. The gesture has you taken aback, the feel of his hands on your waist startling you. Kunikida retracts his palms from your form, whispering another apology. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him. Every decision he had been making was done impulsively. Normally he wouldn’t be so reckless, but perhaps you had his thoughts clouded.
“Y/n… W-we don’t have to stop.” he murmurs, trying his best to sit still with you on his lap.
You bite your lip, hesitating to make another move. You could feel his bulge underneath you, using every last bit of self-control to keep yourself from grinding against it. Your heart was beating so fast he could probably hear it over the noise outside.
“You wanna keep going?” you ask genuinely, needing the clarification.
He nods, boldly placing his hands at your waist and keeping them there. Suddenly craving him, you lean in, kissing him once more but with a bit more desperation this time. He inhales sharply, tugging at your shirt with a groan. You wouldn’t have expected him to react this way, yet at the same time, it was predictable. You knew he’s never gotten intimate with anyone before, merely because of his own strict rules for himself. Yet here he was with you, letting your tongue slip into his mouth while his hands rub at your sides.
Maybe it was just the alcohol in your system, but you were both yearning for something more than this. You roll your hips, needing to feel the friction, which elicited a moan from the blonde. Your arms were draped over his shoulders, your body grinding against his steadily. He could barely keep his lips on yours from how good it felt to have you move on top of him like this. He’d grasp at your hips, bucking his own up into the air just to make you moan.
Growing impatient, you slide off his lap, his lips almost refusing to part from yours. Now between his legs, you grope him through his slacks, feeling how large he had become. It intrigued you, to say the least, your mouth practically watering at the thought of what he could be hiding.
“P-please don’t tease me…” he begs, rutting up against your palm.
Excitement floods your veins, your cunt aching between your thighs as you shakily unbutton his pants. Kunikida stares at you, flustered, anticipating whatever moves you end up making. You tug his pants down just enough to expose him, pulling his boxers down immediately after. Through the very very small sliver of light shining into the closet, you can see how his cock stands straight in front of you. You wrap a hand around it, feeling it throb. It leaks in your hold, pre-cum seeping out of its slit and onto your hand. You hum with satisfaction, gliding your fist up his length then down to the base. He gasps, covering his mouth with embarrassment. You swipe your thumb over his swollen tip, another soft moan escaping him.
“Does that feel good Kida?”
His back arches, a quiet “mhm” coming from him in response to your question. You spit on his length, circling your palm around the head of his cock. Kunikida moans, whimpering your name as your hand starts to pump his shaft. You could tell he was trying his best to stay still, growing needier with every stroke. Your pace started to quicken, and you spit on his cock again just to keep it wet. His moans were deep, almost stifled, as if he were trying to hold back from making any noise. You didn’t blame him for trying to be quiet, you almost forgot there were people on the other side of the door. Regardless, you wouldn’t let that stop you from treating him how you wanted.
You scoot a little further from him, lowering your head to plant a kiss on his leaking cock. He hisses at the contact your lips make, murmuring a “please.” Hearing him beg was giving you butterflies— you never pinned him for being the submissive type, but maybe he was just a bit more sensitive than you expected. Your tongue swirls around his tip, tasting the slightly salty liquid that trickles out of it, before you take him in your mouth.
Kunikida lets out a throaty moan, bucking his hips and causing you to gag. “Fuck, s-sorry.”
You hum, still lowering your head to take him deeper. He brings a hand to your head, resting it there while you bob up and down on his length. He was quite big, or at least, bigger than you would’ve expected. Your throat felt full, in a way that only made the moisture build in your panties. You’d moan every time your mouth came back down, gripping his thighs just to brace yourself for the rough feel of his tip hitting the back of your throat.
You maintained a relatively slow pace at first, trying to train yourself to take him with ease and finding yourself struggling just a tad. Kunikida was surprisingly patient, in spite of his desperation. The way he’d groan was telling enough though, that he wanted more than you were giving. You come up off his shaft with a pop, your lips swollen and red, catching your breath then getting back to work. Every time your tongue would flatten on his length, or every time you’d moan, Kunikida would let out the most lewd sounds. You’ve never heard such pretty moans from a man before, it was guaranteed your panties were soaked just from hearing him. He’d say your name in a tone that was almost explicit, it had you whimpering around his cock.
“God y-y/n, please keep going~” he whines, arching his back.
At this point, you had him squirming for you. You had picked up the pace, sucking him off a little faster than before. It was messier, and much louder, but you enjoyed it. To make him feel so good that he couldn’t even sit still did wonders for your ego. The sounds you’d make around him were anything but modest, but rather, noisy and vulgar. You were forcing yourself to take every inch, making yourself choke on his cock and drool all over him.
He was getting close, you could tell. His dick would twitch in your mouth, jerking whenever you’d focus on his tip. You made sure to bring all your attention to that sensitive head of his, hollowing your cheeks and sucking it like candy. You’d pump the base of his shaft, only bringing him closer.
“F-fuck, I’m gonna cum—” Kunikida covered his mouth again, not wanting to accidentally moan too loud, though that’s all you could ask for.
You lift your head a bit, rubbing the tip of his cock on your tongue while your fist strokes him quickly. “Cum for me Kida. I wanna taste it.”
He thrusts up into your hand, groaning desperately when you take him back in your mouth. A few more strokes later and he was soon finishing for you. You moan, sitting there and letting his cum flood your mouth. His eyes practically roll to the back of his head, his body tensing a bit as he empties into your throat. He came quite a bit, giving you more to swallow than you were anticipating. You take it all down though, grinning when you finally come up off of him. Your lips were glossed with his cum, a bit trickling down your chin. Kunikida reaches over cupping your cheek and unexpectedly kissing you.
“Th-thank you…” he speaks close to your lips, “I’ll have to return the favor sometime.”
You blush darkly, bashfully giggling. ���W-well, you know where to find me…”
He kisses you again, backing away to pull his pants up. Just as he was fixing his belt, there was a loud knock at the door, the person behind it presumably being the person who forced you two in here.
“Hey lovebirds, the party’s over. The game ended a while ago, but we didn’t feel like letting you out.” Dazai laughs, knowing damn well you and Kunikida were fooling around. “Hopefully you weren’t sitting in silence the whole time. That’d be a real waste.”
Kunikida sighs, pushing the door open to reveal a smirking Dazai on the other side. Neither of them say anything as he steps out, but they seem to exchange a glance that said more than words ever could. Embarrassed, you step out after him, clearing your throat.
“Um, i-it’s pretty late now, isn’t it? I’m pretty tired.” you exclaim, trying to nonchalantly get everyone to leave.
Dazai nods knowingly, hugging you goodbye. Before he pulls away though, he holds you in place. “I’ll be sure to send Kunikida your way tomorrow. I doubt he’ll need any convincing.”
He chuckles, parting from you and patting Kunikida on the back. “Alrighty, we’ll be on our way then. We had fun tonight, didn’t we Kunikida~?”
There was emphasis on Dazai’s words, as if he already knew the answer to his own question. Kunikida rolls his eyes, poorly hiding the soft blush that spread across his cheeks.
“I’ll see you soon y/n.” he subtly grins in your direction, turning to leave to avoid any further suspicion.
You smile, waving goodbye and already anticipating the next time you’d see him.
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[ @leviamere , @thepyroarchon , @arixsux ]
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xplrvibes · 2 years
personally, i tend to dislike collabs bc if i’m subscribing to a channel, i’m interested to see the owner(s) of the channel and not the owner(s) and 15 other people. however, I don’t mind collabs if they add something to the video. something actually useful or interesting or historical, knowledge, it could even be a damn priest and i’d be like oh ok, cool, a new vision. i don’t even like or agree with what priests preach but it is something different, new, a different way to approach a thing that’s getting old already. it’s the same videos over and over again under different locations. i’d bet my two dollars those two haven’t even sat down to study a bit deeper about the paranormal world. i personally don’t mind stas or kat or amanda but honestly to me they add absolutely nothing. i actually get over annoyed with the dramatics. snc seem to get even worse when those three (or one of them) are around, they hype up their reactions, they hype up the editing, and in the end it’s two girls crying and being “traumatized” and one over religious girl who’s very good at conning but never substantially does or says anything that we haven’t heard before. seth and steve/haunted nights have their own content, know their stuff, feel things, see things, add stuff to the table and nate tries his best without overreacting or saying everything is scary and paranormal. i can deal with that. but it’s like… sam and colby. that’s the name of the channel. why am i getting the human trinkets too?
I totally hear that....collabs can be annoying, especially when it's people you don't know, or have any connection to. Sometimes, the collabs wind up working out, but sometimes they are a horrible bustaroo.
For example: I didn't enjoy when they collabed with that Summer girl during 25x25. It made no sense. She wasn't friends with them, she didn't come in with any prior experience or knowledge with drifting...it was awkward and weird and obviously set up by their (shared) management and was just pointless.
At least with the girls and Nate, they have an already built in friendship and comfortability with them, so the awkwardness isn't there.
The thing is- and maybe this is where my zen approach to the whole thing comes from- snc aren't professionals (no matter what bs they spew). They are youtubers who do ghost hunting content- partially because it entertains them, and partially because they fell into it in 2019, blew up doing it, and now their annoying ass fans won't let them try anything else. So, they kind of look at it from an entertainment perspective, more than a true paranormal perspective. They want people who will be entertaining on camera for youtube purposes, not necessarily historians.
And that sucks, because I am a fan of the history of places, and would love to hear more from the tour guides! But that isn't what the standard youtube audience is hungry for. Did you know that enough fans complained about how much history and backstory they were adding into the videos, that they decided to start cutting some of it out? The viewers were finding the backstory boring.
That's what they're up against.
Honestly- if snc continue on in the youtube space, they'll have to keep adding in elements that add a touch of that over the top entertainment style to their videos- friends that they have inside jokes with, or people who will freak out to the max over every little thing, is the easiest way to achieve that. Youtube audiences want to see friendgroups doing stupid shit, not necessarily top tier professional ghost hunting.
They are trying to do little things to innovate, in their own way. But, the old tried and true youtube tricks aren't going to go anywhere, at least not until they get that huge Netflix deal I've been joking about them stumbling into for the last year and a half.
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Okay I saw This and went "Let's Do This"
This is for Logicality bc bitch ya'll know I love them too much (Human AU bc otherwise that wouldn't make sense)
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1. Acts like they're dying when they have a cold; Logan. He's most definitely the type to go "why am I stricken with such awful bodily functions? Oh, what am I to do??" and is just,,, super worried since he n e v e r gets sick.
2. Gets mad at the TV and throws the remote: Logan. His temper when there's a falsehood stated in the news is just... unrivaled. Logan is now only allowed to view the news on his phone, with one of those indestructible cases.
3. Gets the worst road rage: Logan. Again, he hates idiots who can't drive for shit and his patience is as thin as paper as it is. He's had a hard day of work and now he has this shit to deal with??
4. Spends too much time in the bathroom on their phone: Patton. Once he was in there for two hours binging The Office. Logan had to pick the lock to get him out.
5. Packs the whole closet for an overnight trip: Logan. It's not so much anxiety as it is "well, fuck, who knows?" and he can't resist Patton's puppy eyes.
6. Hates the In-Laws: Logan. He only sighed up to marry the love of his life, he did n o t sign up to deal with Patton's family. One Patton was enough.
7. Hits the snooze button... 11 times: Patton. Logan has become his new alarm clock with a kiss to his nose and breakfast, and that surely wakes him up.
8. Makes the other late for work: Patton. Oops, they got into another morning makeout session bc Pat didn't want to say goodbye to Logan and well,,, it works.
9. Uses the television as a babysitter: Logan. Has no fricken clue how to handle kids and when he's on his wits end he just shoves them in front of Barney and calls it a day.
10. Takes in the stray dog: Patton. You all know he's gonna see that poor, old dog on the streets, soaked in dirt and chilled to the bone and skinnier than he needs to be and just... looks around, then snatches him. Two days later he's fat as a pig and cuddling between the two and Logan is just... not surprised.
11. Suggests a 3 am trip to McDonalds: Patton. He does it just to mess with Logan and to hear him mumble, "I can't believe I actually love this cryptid..."
12. Leaves their shoes for the other to trip on: Logan. It's payback for the McDonalds.
13. Can't make up their mind when it comes to dinner: Patton. He thinks it all looks great, but their wallets disagree with buying everything so,, it's just very stressful for him.
14. Needs to be reminded of all their appointments: Patton. He always forgets and Logan is like a fricken computer, so he doesn't really need to remember anyway.
15. Bribes the other to do the chores, get out of the house... take a shower: Patton. Those puppy eyes and kisses get Logan every time, and tbh he doesn't really mind doing them anyway.
16. Picks the movies: Patton. He knows Logan enough so he won't do anything too drastic, but he also doesn't just let Logan pick bc he knows that if he did they'd watch documentaries on some boring shit. So he usually goes with horror movies with strong sci-fi themes so that they're both entertained and Patton can cuddle into his side when scared.
17. Takes the safety steps when building a fort: Logan. He doesn't want his husband to die somehow, and if they're going to build a fort, they're going to build a good fort.
18. Kisses the other's injuries better: Patton. He doesn't care that he's near blood and shit, he'll make sure Logan is happy and safe before anything else. He's just a sweet bab that doesn't really know what else to do ;;
19. Is addicted to mobile games: Patton. Logan has tried everything; parental locks, app security, and grounding him, but somehow he still manages to get on without Logan's noticing. It's strangely brilliant and Logan is a little impressed.
20. Kills the spiders: Logan. Patton cannot bring himself to be in the room, let alone actually hurt the poor creature. He's not that heartless towards the poor smol arachnids.
21. Hogs the blankets: Patton. Patton is constantly cold and wants all the blankets, and I mean,, Logan isn't complaining. That just gives him reason to snuggle up as close as possible.
22. Takes pranks too far: Logan. He doesn't exactly know how the art of pranking works, so he just sort of,,, takes it a bit too far and overly complicated. That's why he never pranks.
23. Makes the dirty jokes: P A T T O N. I cannot stress just how many jokes Patton makes just to make Logan start coughing wildly and check his ears to see if he heard right. He loves making Logan flustered and he'll be damned that it's funny when Logan tries to explain that Patton has made these jokes a lot and no one believes him. Patton makes up for it with some kisses tho.
24. Keeps a piggy bank: Logan. He likes keeping all the money made from precious memories in the piggy bank to remind him of Patton, since it's so childlike and adorable.
25. Has no problem having ice cream for breakfast: Patton. Doesn't give a shit. Logan will tell him that's unhealthy just as Patton goes to finish another tub.
26. Gets a tattoo when they're drunk: Logan. He went to a co-worker party and, when one of his more annoying co-workers dared him to down a bottle of whiskey, he just couldn't refuse. So now he's waiting on the curb for a bus home when he spots a tattoo parlor and, in his drunk mind, decides it's a good idea to get Patton's name on his neck in nice letters. It turns out surprisingly okay and when Patton found it that morning, he almost cried of happiness and anger because HOW MUCH DID THAT COST WERE DID YOU GET IT WHAT HAPPENED--
27. Trips over their own feet: Patton. One time Logan caught him princess style, all suave and shit, and Patton made a pun so Logan dropped him. It was a nice memory.
28. Makes the other go on a walk: Logan. He's very restless after work and, when Patton gets home, he'll walk with Patton to catch up and calm down. Patton doesn't really mind, he thinks it's cute as hell.
29. Whines until they get what they want: Patton. Patton will most certainly beg and scream like a little child, especially when Logan is being stubborn. Which is every time. Logan usually shuts him up with a kiss and begrudgingly agrees.
30. Tries to act tough but really isn't: Logan. He's a big softy, but doesn't really know how to show that since he's never really been romantically involved before Patton, so this is all new to him and he built up a few walls. Patton quickly knocked them down with kindness though.
31. Talks the most, says the least: Patton.
32. Talks the least, says the most: Logan.
0 notes
golbrocklovely · 2 years
My favorite Hellweek video so far was def the one with Michelle, simply because she is one of my fav youtubers to watch. Literally, she is such an inspiration with what she does, I kinda wish SnC will collab on her channel do so some other challenges. (everyone should check out her channel it's really good) Even though she was scared in the video with SnC, I didn't mind her being jumpy because honestly she reacted like I would react in that situation lmao. It felt more genuine than how the other girls react sometimes.
I guess this time Hellweek feels a bit off because I think SnC are burnt out from doing spooky stuff. This is, I think, the longest period they did without changing their content and it starts to feel a bit reduntant. Like after a while you should get used to certain things happening but they still scream their heads off when one of their devices goes off. Their reactions are too much for someone who does this now for over a year. I also don't like the humour they have in certain videos, I don't mind them cracking jokes from time to time but sometimes it's too much. One of the reasons I don't vibe with Ghost Files (new Ryan and Shane show on Watcher) so much, it's entertaining but when they start to insult the ghosts it's just not my thing. I loved their buzzfeed unsolved true crime way more than the supernatural stuff.
I also think SnC start to compensate with over editing their stuff, like doing essentially the same video every other day they propably think we will get bored, so they want to make it scarier by adding a bunch of unnecessary pics and videos which is kinda annoying. Idk SnC are people who never stuck long with just one thing, they always did other stuff, and now they don't have their personal channels anymore because they are stuck with the main channel. I think maybe they need a creative break from it. Last year's Hellweek was great because it was new but after an entire year of only doing essentially Hellweeks every other month I get it that it can get tiring. And now they kinda positioned themselves as youtube's ghosthunters it's hard to do anything else. (but that is just my opinion)
there's really only been like two that i thought were kinda lame or borderline not that good at all, and that was mississippi mansion and myrtles plantation. and i would say the best one was the bell witch cave. the one with michelle is tied with first place to me as well, or at least one of the higher up ones. i think she was a good addition to the video and her reactions were on par with basically any other guest. i don't think she overreacted or underreacted comparatively to the other girls they've had on there.
i don't know if it's burnout, but if i may be so bold to say this: i don't actually think hell week this year is any crazier than last year's. i think they're both on the same level, the difference is the conjuring finale vs what we all kind of assume will be a not so crazy ending with the winchester mansion. i haven't finished or even started my full review of hell week, and i do want to compare it to last year's, but i honestly feel like both are basically the same, the difference is that last year's was so new to us that it was exciting, and this year it doesn't feel that way bc of the constant content they have been giving us.
if anything, i think some of us are burned out from snc and the way they do paranormal investigating. i think that's why if they continue to do hell week, they need to up the ante or do something that they don't do usually for other series or seasons. bc otherwise, what exactly separates hell week from season one or two? nothing really. it's the same ppl, for the most part, going to similar locations like before.
i will say, idk why they started hamming up the jokes a bit this time around, but it's not working in their favor in my book. besides the fact that every place they go to they're getting told to gtfo, i think it's also really weird that they would do "reenactments" and shit like that. but then on top of that, try to make it funny. it's not even a disrespectful thing (even tho it is) it's also just… not funny. and feels very out of place. i love snc and i love their humor for the most part, and i wouldn't want them to start changing that, but this…. was a no bueno type of deal for me.
and i think their reactions are fine bc realistically they're going to these new places they've never been before and they don't know if they're gonna get evidence so i can only imagine it does freak them out regardless when they do get it. plus, it would be very jarring if they all of sudden just stop having reactions to things bc they've grown used to it. they could calm down a bit tho lol
and like i mentioned in another ask, i feel like they wanted to try out new stuff bc it's hell week, which is fine if you're not in a time crunch. but clearly they are and were. so it's a bit weird to me to pull out all the stops when you don't have the time to fully deliver it.
i plan to make a list with my hell week review of things i would love for them to start implementing or doing next year with whatever content they do come out with. god knows they won't see it, but it's nice to know that i'm just putting my thoughts out there. but one of the major things i would love for them to do is to honestly a) find time for themselves to just… not work and b) start back up the personal channels. bc i think that's where they got to get a lot of creativity out that they don't get to do on the main channel.
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