#bc those two days i def won't get anything done
airenyah · 1 year
i keep seeing gifs from our dining table on my dash bur unfortunately my brain refuses to let me watch anything at all that isn't a gmmtv series until i've finished writing my thesis
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1eos · 7 months
Sorry but I feel crazy for feeling :/ about how now people are going "make noise about this! Spread the word about what is happening! Make it know that this is bad!" About this like where was this energy for black folk 😭 feels so complicated like yes its fucked up but also am i crazy for feeling mad about how people ignore shit when it happens to black people but suddenly when it happens to white people then the whole site shouts about it? 😭 sucks because you can't even complain about it because YOU KNOW you will get people calling you names for it 😭 sorry I feel more complex feelings and sorry I feel more annoyed than anything 😭 I am one of the bad ones if I said "it sucks that everyone is ignoring the racism because this is happening to a white trans person" I would still be in the wrong to them and they'll point at me and call psyop 😭😭😭😭😭
youre not bad and you're not crazy either. cuz in the end of the day nothing's gonna get done if you won't listen to black ppl 🤷🏾‍♀️ as they say you're only as strong as your weakest link if you have someone in your community that is free to be attacked at will you're giving an in for everyone to be attacked. someone already made a post comparing the two situations but its similar to sex workers raising the alarm about how websites were trying to censor them and how it would only get worse if ppl allowed it and ppl really fell for the 'protecting kids' rhetoric and now here we are with that crazy kosa censorship bill. when ppl just straight up ignored that staff has the ability to moderate and go scorched earth but only want to do it against ppl they don't like and those ppl seemingly being anyone black :) that SHOULDVE been when non blacks woke tf up and started pushing back bc if u allow it to happen to one group of ppl its def gonna keep happening
and you, and anyone else who feels some time of way abt this, aren't in the wrong for feeling that way! its actually annoying as hell 😭😭😭 its like someone handing you the answers to a test but you still fucking fail bc you don't respect the ppl who gave it to you. and we all obvs feel bad for the ppl getting deleted and when it comes to the ppl actually being deleted they really aren't the problem. its the ppl on tumblr who rally around them saying stupid shit like 'this has never been done before' yes it has and im willing to bet YOU were reblogging those posts calling black ppl russian psyops for having an opinion thats beyond blue good red bad! and this lack of respect for people who will always be one of the first to face repercussion is why we can't get shit done bc after tumblr banned black ppl and erased the ferguson and blm tags nonblacks turned around and were encouraging folks to give this bigoted ass website money bc you have to 'support your favorite hellsite' girl what......
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nathank77 · 5 months
12:18 a.m
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Talk about driving me fucking crazy. Can you just tell me? Cause I want a retest if it comes back positive.
At this point I'm just accepting I have HSV2. Do I know for sure? Absolutely not cause quest won't finish the fucking test and I've had absolutely no symptoms but- pretending it's a positive will make a positive less traumatic.
I haven't talked to my mother yet but for some reason, I know damn well if I have it, it's from her giving birth to me vaginally.
How do I feel about this? Well if I pretend it's def positive, even though I know I have HSV1....
1) Well I've been asymptomatic for 16 years to 33 years depending on if it was from my Mother or my two sexcapade so who really cares when it comes to my body? I'm not going to ever get symptoms.
2) Obviously I'll be worried I'll get symptoms one day bc they can be a horror story but I have to use time as a reference and psychosis as the most traumatizing event cause it is and then all my other shit that didn't trigger it.
Also there are treatments for it, if you end up being someone very symptomatic that can stop infection frequency. Katelyn had to do it cause she had many outbreaks.
I can avoid certain things that cause outbreaks and otherwise I can just assume I'll never have symptoms and only worry about it if I do.
And if I ever do I won't be surprised bc I'll know.
3) I feel bad for all my exes. Cause I'm telling 2 or 3 out of 4 of them. If I can reach Cecile. I mean I'd want to know if it was the shoe on the other foot so I could get tested. I can't tell Jon cause he won't talk to me but I would if I could.
They'll also low key hate me-its not my fault planned parenthood only tests for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia..
I've gotten all my tests done at planned parenthood after every partner since I was like 18 years old and I was over here thinking they screened for everything but they don't. They do not do a full panel like my primary care did. They don't even test for Hepitas for christ sake.
-I'm over here thinking I only have two things, one that isn't even a std:
1] HSV1- My cold sores make it undeniable and I've told everyone I dated.
2] I have Pearly Penile Papules, I've had those since I started testosterone. They aren't sexually attractive, they line the head of my dick and they are ultra tiny. However they increase sexual pleasure and they aren't contagious. They don't do anything. They just exist. They are harmless. I've always told my partners about them bc everyone freaks out about bumps down below and I actually went to Planned Parenthood and had them look at my dick and diagnose it years ago, so it's actually what they are.
3) My main concern is that no one will date me bc I will tell everyone that I get serious with. Not right away but well before sex.
- I wish she hadn't done the blood test. They say needless suffering for a reason. Cause they aren't very accurate and I'm over here saying, "Nathan idc if it's in progress you have HSV2, in order to soften the blow if it comes back positive."
- Either way I wait. I'm mostly concerned that no one will date me. I can't blame someone for not wanting it.
- I mean I'm a transguy. I'm disabled. I'm very mentally ill. I'm a low life. And If I have HSV2 good bye to any chance of me finding a partner.
-Either way it's still in progress. It could come back negative, I just got to prepare for the worst case scenario. And if it comes back negative I'll be happy as a pig in shit. If it comes back positive, then I'll feel all the things I wrote above and I'll get retested and I'll start looking at test accuracy rates.
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Hello! Can I get a matchup for jujutsu kaisen please?
Appearance : 5'4 ace/heteromantic girl ambivert.Dark brown hair/eyes (I wear glasses but they are also sun glasses because bright lights give me a headache) a little chubby/muscled and pale skin+permanent smirk/smile/ neutral face. Plump lips. My style varies a lot (always comfy) but I never wear dresses heels/makeup. I love to imagine outfits with symbols from fandoms or my own drawings so I have a rather unique style (most of the time I wear a NASA jacket and leather boots/sneakers, I also love sleeveless turtleneck) who changes a lot. I have malleable cheeks and tiny hands/fingers/wrist.
MBTI: INTP-T and chaotic neutral/good
Zodiac: Gemini sun, Taurus rising, libra moon
Enneagram : My dominant is type 5 then 8. Quizzes says that I am a 5w6 or 8w7
Personality : .Sarcastic,a little naive but I have a backbone (don't bother flirting with me and if you feel that I am flirting with you which happens a lot then it's just my personality and on the rare occasion I notice they have to confess or I won't believe it) ,calculative,protective,creative,expressive,manipulative,a devil's advocate,prideful,charismatic, smartass, bookworm, daydreamer, a little insensitive/blunt because I'm more on the logical side ,vengeful, mischievous, a huge tease, open minded, very curious, gets annoyed easily, impatient (unless it's in drawing because I am a perfectionist there) so kind of a bad temper, observant but not romantically,sadistic to a point but my conscience prevents me from doing these acts. Indifferent to many things, morally...unique as my moral compass is on the neutral side I don't believe in absolute evil/good.
With my friends I am either laughing, goofing around or annoyed. I love to give bad puns or cursed ideas who are gore/weird and saying I know y all love me. Those who don't talk to me see me as a nerd aggressive smart and blunt person ( even prideful) and strangers as polite and kind. I notice a lot of details because I don't let my guard down even if I daydream plus I have a photographic + sound memory and they work very well in all situations which can be a bother when I try to concentrate which is difficult for me because I get distracted easily. Also I have very weird reflexes so...anyone who approaches me by surprise gets hit, any sudden movement and I already have my leg/arm going their way which got me into a lot of trouble.
Dislikes: I fight for my beliefs. I have trust issues so I never talk about my problems and will use humor when confronted. Bright lights. Cooking. Slow things or people. When I get teased in a mean way (otherwise I actually like being teased it's a fun fight after). People who change side easily and hypocrites. Overly serious people. I tend to be aggressive and expose an annoyed face easily (I am moody), plus I hate orders and love pressing buttons it's funny(in a fun way rarely in a mean one) unless it's a sensitive subject. When I feel that I am unwanted or someone insults me or take me for granted I become very cold and distance myself and the relationship becomes strained the more they take time to ask for forgiveness, something I might give but will never forget.
Likes: I love cats/laughter/sweets/pranks/dark humour/ a true crime and Supernatural enthusiast and I love science especially concerning space, chemistry, robotic and psychology. Books, sleep, drawing and video games too. Cherries. Sushi.Oh and debates I love them. Surprises too I hate routine and runs away from it. I like making character analysis which I often get right but never show to the people around me because I know they will trust me less.
Hobbits : Reading, getting lost in a book, drawing, learning, debating, daydreaming, sports (I practice karate and shooting), art (piano/drawing/writing especially poetry) and video games
I have some bad habits like biting my nails (I just got rid of it by painting them black)/lips and moving my leg up and down because I am always nervous, disorganized room/sleep and eating schedule plus I am lazy. Also I might try to hide it but I am very competitive and a sore loser
Fun fact : I dream a lot and write my dreams. I don't mind nightmares on the contrary I welcome them because I find them to be a nice experience and they give me ideas plus the amount of emotions you can feel is amazing. I also tend to curse while talking.
I rarely get motivated but when I do I give a very good work and put my soul in it, if I don't reach my goal I feel down for a while and become very snappy.
I am a lazy student (hell if I don't feel like writting I don't especially exercises that I understood) but also at top of my class so none says anything (i can befriend people easily if I want to, teachers included). My projects are often done last minute or just improvisation but I get a good mark at them which means that yes sometimes I can become arrogant and I don't really know what it feels like to study really hard and fail sorry. But I know it will bite me later. I often argue my way out of a situation with anyone : I know the exercise why should I write it? If I told you the answer then I know how I got it and you know it too no need for me to write the correction. Mum the brain is a muscle too so I am in fact exercising.
When dealing with an emotional person I don't know what to do I will try to give them words to keep going, it succeed but I am rather harsh plus I try to make jokes to cheer them up.But if a friend breaks down before me I will do my best to cheer them up (ahem jokes and reminding them of all the success they achieved) and if I am comfortable and they want a hug I will give it. I hate people who denies that others helped them.
My love language is gifts, quality time, a little act of service and affection in private if comfortable. I also love to send memes saying it reminds me of us/you and holding pinkies.
Please can you not consider geto,mahito, nanami, todo and junpei as matchups I am uncomfortable with them.
I am stubborn, moody (one day I can be really cold/snappy to the person because I am in a bad mood but I apologize after) and can be perceived as unloving even if it's not the case, well sometimes but I usually love affection despite me never saying affectionate things.
Thank you very much for your time! 😋
AHHH THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST !! this is my first jjk one i hope you like it !!
i won't be answering it in order lol i do it on memory then go back to make sure i got everything i hope that's okay !!
as for your matchup.... ITADORI
so a lot influenced my decision on this, first thing being
your mood, you said repeatedly how you can get moody and we all know itadori our precious bby is a ball of sunshine and very easy going. he would totally understand me give you space if you needed it and just try his best to help you feel better if something is bothering you :)
he would LOVE to link pinkies with you and spend quality time with you
our baby is a resident ISFP so you two def have similar aspects
he would love your pressing buttons/hating orders part of your personality bc i feel like it would lead to several clashes between you and some of the teachers and he would think that's SO FUNNY OMG
he also loves your sense of humor and there is never a dull moment between you two
if you were comfy with it, he would love to hear about your dreams because he thinks it's so cool that you write them down
please let him paint your nails he would love it
he would send you memes too x10 this boy has endless memes in his phone, you're guaranteed a laugh when you text him.
he would totally appreciate your way of cheering people up because it's exactly what he needs
you best invite this boy to anything karate related because he thinks it's SO COOL i mean we all know he has natural abilities but putting it into a martial arts form is s o amazing to him and he really admires you
don't be surprised if he asks you to draw him
he loves your style and think you look so badass
i totally hc itadori somewhere on the ace spectrum, probably demi
going and getting sushi together in the middle of the night low key just sneaking out
nights in watching crime shows or supernatural he absolutely LOVES occult stuff as we know he would probably make the two of you try a ouija board
COOKING DATES you two would make dinner for the first years and gojo every now and then and all the praises go to your cooking it's so good
all in all, itadori is the calm to your storm, you two mesh together very well and he loves you with his whole heart
- cas :)
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savrenim · 4 years
Hey man, I am just wandering if I should go for another reread of ifmlam, but I wanna tell you that your writing blows my mind every single time, that your story telling keeps me captivted, that the relationship and dynamics created make me cry cause I know it won't last and that the skill with which you play with the what ifs and the world you created makes me smile. Thank you for the effort you put into you work, and please let me know if there is anything else you've done that I can read.
<3 <3 <3 <3 oh my gods this is. aaaah. thank you so much??? I am Crying.
so I still definitely am writing ifmlam -- the Hamilton film reminded me of some of the reasons that I originally fell in love with Hamilton, and even though my feelings about the setting remain Complicated, and ooof I have so many other projects that updates might be Slow, that is a thing that has definitely been spurred and is still happening. 
as for other things I’ve written/am writing which oh my gods oh my gods I cannot believe aaaah I’m so??? glad that you like stuff enough to want to read my other stuff?
--- we raise it up is my current fic that is updating most regularly, it is for The Magnus Archives and it also involves future foreknowledge as a super major plot point, bc oops “give characters knowledge of canon and see what they do with it” is apparently my favorite trope. I am usually very not into podcasts because I don’t process purely auditory things very well? (music is fine, which was why Hamilton worked, but also, I could read the lyrics.) but, uh, I read The Magnus Archives bc all of the transcripts exist online and that’s actually a pretty fun collection of interlacing short stories and worldbuilding and plot and gay! and fandom to get into and I think works just as well in a written medium as it does in an auditory one. the fic is major spoilers through season 4 and also kind of.... does assume background knowledge of seasons 1-4 to make sense, but I’m really really pleased with what I’ve written so far and what I’m planning to write I think the world background lore is maybe the hottest take I’ve ever had and I’m very much looking forward to the second half of the fic, that is kind of all about its reveal
-- the wind, the wind, the wind also known as lesbian Hadestown in space fanfic is something that I’ve been working on for oops a year and it’s finally gotten to the point where I’ve been dragged into an obsessive wanting to work on it and only it, which means that it’ll probably??? be ready for posting??? by the end of the week??? maybe two at most??? I’ll defs post a link on tumblr, but it’ll also go up on my ao3 page, which means if you temporarily subscribe to me as an author there you will not miss it. or just, like, check my ao3 page in a week or two.
-- gay murder elf bachelorette is a solo DnD campaign that a friend has been running for me as an experiment to kind of... flesh out I think a period of history in the world that they run a lot of their main campaigns in? anyways it’s been the experience of living in a novel and less like playing DnD, so I, uh, novelized three of the six arcs I’ve been in so far. they are:      -- Book 2: Of Wolves And Ravens: As Told By Three Letters Sent From Cloudfall Fort      -- Book 3: Tests of Faith (includes only one in-universe letter the rest of it is mostly dramatic storytelling, I might fix it one day but oooof so many writing projects so little time)       -- Book 4:To Stare Into Darkness: The Infestation Incident Of Black Lotus Labs, As Told By Four Letters Unsent, Three Letters Sent, And The Official Report Drafted By Acolyte Consecrate Iria Strell there are also canonical in-universe correspondences that can be found here and here that take place in between Books 3 and 4. I...may or may not write Book 5, which if I do will be Book 5: The Knives Behind Their Teeth: As Told By Consecrated Priest Iria Strell's Personal Notes On The Civilized Corpse Investigation that from the title alone you can tell was a banger (it is even MORE of a banger than the title implies. there was necromancy. there was the gay mess of THREE girlfriends all in the same town. there was Everyone Expects the Caedic Inquisition. there was dramatic truth reveals about my sketchy mentor. there was everything) but that is a balance of amount of time it takes to write these things vs Everything Else I Need To Do and I have recordings of the sessions so it’s not like I need them for memory means...??? we’ll see. the books are.... I really like them? I’m proud of my experimentation with the epistolary writing style. I think Book 4 is definitely better than Book 2 because I learned that I didn’t need to include every detail, and it’s definitely understandable to read without Book 2 if you’re willing to accept things in media res, so if you only read one I recommend that one. but they’re all pretty fun.
-- I’m also defs writing some original novels, that are eventually going to be posted for free online and I’ll probably start a tumblr that is just them but they’ll also be announced and linked to here? there’s The Numanok Files which are “bounty hunter punches ghosts in space” and will probably be coming out first, just bc it’s a series of novellas and it’s easier and less complicated to plot, and then trash novel (actually called “Opus” which has some cool in-universe meanings and is not just because this thing is my Magnum Opus, but trash novel in my heart) that is just. entirely self-indulgent written with zero intention of being good and only to be fun for me but in doing so is idk totally trashy but in some sense maybe the best thing I’ve ever written just in terms of it’s unapologetic and it does what it wants, which is what I like most in a story? but that is defs going to be several years because I want it all written before I start posting it and have I written a full conlang grammar structure and now need to write the language for my favorite fictional society in that universe? it’s more likely than you think. Numanok Files I wouldn’t be surprised if the first book is out within a year; it’s been fully outlined and partially drafted and the full drafting and editing process esp for something under 50k doesn’t really take me too long. I’m kind of transitioning from fanfic to original work just because I’m really excited about my ideas, so at this point I think ifmlam, wriu, and twtwtw are going to be the last fanfic I end up writing? but who knows.
this.... got very long but those are all of the things I’ve worked on and am working on in the immediate future, enjoy??? also gods no pressure to look into or enjoy any of them, I’m just so honored that you’ve enjoyed ifmlam to even consider checking anything else I write out
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-Live Blogging: Finale Time!
With reaction images this time!
Adorabat's practicing her screaming! Bet that's gonna come in handy later.
"Fneh!" Wow what an introduction Eugene
His design is like? Really cool?? He looks practically nothing like Adorabat tho. And why does he have a spade on his stomach instead of a heart??
Badgerclops drew him with a giant ass mustache lol.
Adorabat takes banjo lessons? More importantly, Eugene thought she was at a banjo lesson FOR 8 MONTHS?!
"She scares me" lol
Adorabat ran away from home? Why?
"I thought you were a ward of the state!" Remember when everyone thought Adorabat was an orphan? Yea.
"I thought you were my conscience!" Badgerclops...you've lived with Adorabat for a year...went to her school...AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A PIECE OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?!
...why did Badgerclops use Adorabat as monster bait...
I expected to hate Eugene but he's actually really cute and interesting?? Aside from the fact he thinks Mao Mao & Badgerclops are criminals. Love to see him again sometime!
Wow her dad has a whole badass mansion!! Why doesn't she just stay there...
Oh...her mom died...that's why he's so protective of her and was so upset when she left. Also her mom looks amazing & I wanna see a flashback episode with her. For some reason I can imagine her sounding like a deeper version of Scoops?
Aww Adorabat's room is super cool! Also Eugene cracking the door for her asfgjkl
"Do you think that monsters attacking the city are gonna - wait, does that have peanut butter in it? " (Cuts to MM & BC eating ice cream while crying) That's a perfectly rational reaction to losing your adoptive daughter
"I can keep it together!" (Cut to Mao Mao trying and failing to shovel ice cream in his mouth with his helmet on) NSADGEDHAMADH
Wait a second. Mao's eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. ISN'T CHOCOLATE TOXIC TO CATS?!
"But you said I was part of the team!!" "Then you're...off the team."
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Adorabat crying while showing Eugene the picture OUCH MY HEART...
"I used to go exploring in those caves with Mom all the time..." I'm guessing those are the caves from the promo?
"She wasn't afraid of anything!" " Well Adorabat definitely takes after her mother...
"And then one day, Sonara didn't come back with you." Ooh her name's Sonara!! Pretty!! I can't tell if they chose it cuz it sounds like Sonar or because it means "pleasant sounding"
Glad to see Adorabat's still a die-hard metal fan, even with Eugene
Oof Mao isn't taking this well at ALL if he's pretending Adorabat's molt is her...
Ooh there's Sonara's looking glass, bet that's gonna be important
Yay Adorabat saved her dad!
Damn Adorabat must be super traumatized after basically watching her mother die. No wonder she tried to murder Boba-Chan!
Oh the only way to stop the monster is by screaming!
(Mao Mao hears Adorabat scream) "ADORABAT?!" ADOPTIVE DAD POWERS ACTIVATE
Ooh her mother's figure appears over her when she says she's not afraid of anyone...maybe her spirit's inside of her or something?
Eugene & Adorabat both apologized to each other I...
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"You can't just leave without the most fearless member of the group!" YAAY ADORABAT'S BACK (Also how are we gonna explain to Eugene Adorabat's scared of the dark?)
"I'll mess 'em up real good! So good, their mommies and daddies won't be able to recognize them when I'm done..." Daaammmnnn...
"She scares me :)"
I wonder...is Sonara really dead? Or are they gonna pull a Kipo & have her still be alive but in a different form?
Badge-A-Fire explosion
Uhh...where is Badgerclops? And why is Mao Mao on the top bunk?!
Of course Badgerclops is petty enough to install a fake monster alarm on his laptop to wake Mao Mao and Adorabat up.
"This is a super-serious work meeting, as you can see by the fact that I haven't provided any snacks!" No snacks?! This must be a serious issue!! /s
"As you know, I am a creative genius. Sometimes there's so much natural creative genius that my brain overloads, and I enter a heightened state that I call 'Ultra Focus'..." Oh so basically like hyperfixation?
"...where I break into a creative sprint, inventing super-advanced technology at supernatural speeds, unparalleled by anyone in the entire field of science." Okay maybe only a LITTLE bit like hyperfixation...wait a second, IS THAT WHY BADGERCLOPS IS SO TIRED ALL THE TIME?!
Uhh did he get his arm stuck in the front door? HE TOOK THE AEROCYCLE?!
"...I forget everything the next morning." Remember my headcanon that Badgerclops represses his memories? Yea...
"Which is why it's not my fault and I don't think I should be criticized :D" TBH I screamed with laughter at this scene solely because of the expression he made
...HE GAVE THE SKY PIRATES THE GEM CELL?! I mean he clearly wasn't thinking right when he did it BUT STILL?!
"Oh hey, I told you I'd use that weird elevator thing!" Dude you LITERALLY used it in Ultraclops. What are you talking about.
"If the Sky Pirates had the Gem Cell, they would've used it already!" That is a fair point ngl.
Umm...did Badgerclops give Adorabat a BOMB?!
Tbh if my friend woke me up in the middle of the night with weird-looking eyes and handed me a timer while saying something about an explosion I would DEFINITELY not go back to sleep afterwards...
Mao wiping Badgerclops' tears I'm
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A paper towel dispenser? Well that's not that bad - IS THAT A GIANT PAIR OF PANTS?!
Ooh it's not a shock collar it's a translator!! That makes a bit more sense... "I HAVE NO REMORSE OR CONCEPT OF EMPATHY!" ...if the monster doesn't have remorse or empathy how does it know what those words mean...
Badgerclops keeps telling Mao Mao & Adorabat not to criticize him...hmm...I wonder who criticized his inventions that made him that way...*cough* HIS MOM *cough*
"Are all your inventions this weird?!" "YOU'RE WEIRD!!"
What in the absolute hell is going on dgaadhdagdadga
Okay but when Badgerclops clutched his head and started shaking when Mao Mao asked why he made those things...I FELT THAT IN MY HEART I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL
Ngl this scene really hit home for me cuz that's how I act when I have a breakdown...
The timer went off but nothing blew up - WAIT, IS THAT A REPLICA OF MECHA HOSSORAFFASNAKEARANG?!
"Initializing Totally Humane Knockout Procedure." (Proceeds to slam the Sheriff's Dept. into the ground) ajdajdgdad
Ooh...ohh they're on some sort of water park...ride...thing??
"And if I didn't want us to get out, then I made sure we couldn't...with super-strong shoe things." But there isn't any on Adorabat, can't she just squeeze herself out?
Ooh I'm getting Pirates of the Caribbean vibes
There's the Gem Cell, it must be powering the ride! Also the robotic arm slaps Mao's hand the same way Mao slaps Badgerclops' hand in Flyaway skkkk
"My amazing creativity is finally gonna destroy us all..." "Hey, at least we'll be destroyed together!" Fair point, fair point
The shoosh returneth
"I always loved inventing." So he was an inventor ever since he was little? Daww.
YOUNG BC IS SO ADORABLE!! He has a lil medical patch instead of an eyepatch which is def more accurate to real life...but what's the vest for? Protection in case he falls? A pressure stim?
That figure's def his mom since they rejected his ideas & he mentions she was mean to him. Also the theory that his mom's a villain seems a bit stronger since they straight-up hand him a tool kid + a set of blueprints with no regard to his safety...
"Also there was a bunch of other kids at school and some other people throughout my life who mocked me relentlessly." THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ADORABAT YOU COULDN'T RELATE TO HER WHEN SHE SAID NO ONE WANTED TO BE HER FRIEND?! (Also I noticed literally all the kids are other badgers, so I'm assuming Badgerclops grew up sheltered like Mao Mao did.)
So the Ultra Focus is basically a really weird coping mechanism to deal with all the abuse and bullying he went through? Holy fuckkk
"They only made fun of you because they were jealous. Happened to me my whole life!" Umm...
"Even the dance chip I surgically implanted in your brain?" Excuse me the dance chip that you WHAT
"I love you-" HE SAID IT 💗💓💗💓
"I'm finally around people who love and understand me..."
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Wait did the cannon misfire? DID IT BLOW A HOLE IN THE GROUND?!
"Take it away, Boss Hosstritch!" (Distorted garbling)
Oof Mao caught all the water
"We hope you all enjoyed being Badgerclops' friend." 💞💕💞💕
Not that anyone cares but I noticed there's a picture of some of the Sweetypies on the monitors, meaning 1. Badgerclops tested it out using them first, or 2. Badgerclops just likes those Sweetypies for whatever reason. Tho that makes me wonder why he'd choose Pinky of all people...
Zing Your Heart Out
Why are they giving out rotten sushi??
Ooh god Chester's gonna be super freaking annoying in this episode, I can feel it.
"What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!" BAYBEY
Jesus what a prick. GET HIM MAO MAO
Ngl that background's really pretty...
Oooh no the Ruby Pure Heart's being weird again. Ooh no.
FUCK YEA ROAST HIM BABY - Did Adorabat's eyes turn purple because the Ruby Pure Heart gave her powers?
Oh so the siren in Badgerclops' robo-arm is a backup monster alarm?
More Sky Pirates - and the Pure Heart's being weird again...
"I'd tell you but despite your height it'd go right over your HEAD!" Asdfgghjjk
"For someone with two brains, you're not very BRIGHT!" EVEN BETTER
Kevin said he was raising money for a school trip, then for a trip to the hospital...which one is he raising money for?!
"One second, I'm getting mad, and the next thing you know-" Is she freaking possessed??
Wait, is the Pure Heart TALKING to Adorabat?! How?!
Cluckins you don't ask people what's wrong with their eyeballs...even if there is something wrong with their eyeballs
The pure 'oh shit' on Marion's face when Adorabat turns to her
Half of the people she insulted showed up to her party! Didn't that mean she loved them?!
Oh god not this bitch again - nvm, thanks Adorabat
"Taking over the castle and ruling Pure Heart Valley forever does sound nice..." This is starting to remind me of that one AU where Adorabat turns evil, becomes the ruler of the Sky Pirates, then convinces them to kill Snugglemagne and becomes the queen of Pure Heart...she isn't gonna kill Snugglemagne, is she?
What did Adorabat tell Snugglemagne?! I WANNA KNO
Why is Pinky stealing teeth...reminds me of this
"I...hate myself! Therefore, I'm invincible!" So the trick to not getting your ego destroyed...is to not have an ego. Sounds reasonable.
"Your bug platter, my king?" Genderfluid Adorabat rights
"Mao Mao, your head looks like a CROW!" (Mao Mao caws) IT WAS A LIE HE ISN'T A CAT HE WAS A CROW THIS WHOLE TIME-
"It looks like a half-melted ice cream cone!!" That is...a strange way to describe your own neck...
"Well, I'm...bad (◡‿◡)" Kinda weird that the canonically depressed character can't even cleverly insult himself
...why does Adorabat's skin smell like old cantaloupe
Positivity outweighs negativity!
"WHERE DOES A 800 POUND GORILLA SIT?!" "Where ever it wants!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜" Curse you for making me laugh...
OOH NO THE JOKEBOOK! - Wait nvm Mao remembers Adorabat's jokes!
I think the reason they used that joke is because it represents Mao Mao and Adorabat - Adorabat is blue, and she wants to be like Mao Mao, who wears red. What is BLUE, and smells like (is similar to) RED paint?
YAAAY HE BROKE HER FREE FROM MIND CONTROL!! And did BC get Thanos snapped in the background?
"Thank goodness you're alright! We almost..." Fucking murdered you? Yea
"Might we have our crown and kingdom back, yes?"
"Sorry for being such a monster today." "You're a monster everyday." Is that a joke because she was today's villain, a reference to Sleeper Sofa or foreshadowing?
I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops decide to investigate what's up with the Heart in Season Two, cause I highly doubt they'll let Adorabat getting fucking possessed go under the radar.
The visual gag of Mao trying to stomp out his ice cream cone like a cigarette is perfect. This is peak comedy everyone else go home
Strange Bedfellows
"So, your name is Boss Hosstrich, but you're not actually the boss?" How long did it take him to realize that
JFC Mao & Orangusnake are REALLY hellbent on killing each other huh...at least the deputies and the other Sky Pirates have common sense.
Hahaha nice Dragon Ball Z reference - and they both got crushed by the monster! Lovely.
...did Mao seriously think he died and went to heaven?
So does Orangusnake breathe through Tanner or do they both breathe independently & Coby can feel when Tanner can't?
Dang those skeletons remind me of the Steven Universe Future episode Growing Pains. And why is Lucky inside of Orangusnake? "THAT WAS MY LUNCH, JERK!" Ooh that's why.
"They're full of these tiny, little cracks or, as they're known in the medical field, 'whoopsie-boo-boos'." AGSADGASGADGDASG
Damn their skeletons are just gonna freaking evaporate huh...
"The doctor said I was very brave :D"
Ooh shit the Deputies and the other Sky Pirates met at the same elevator, are they gonna fight - nevermind, they're still calling time.
"You don't have the guts!" "I have a million guts." That is...mildly concerning
"Yeah, I wanted to be a baker, before I realized I liked hurting people so much." Then why doesn't she just like, help Muffins or something?
Tbh I thought Ratarang was holding a gun and I'm glad it was just a weirdly wrapped banana
"Aww, y'all shouldn't have - this is empty." "Just like my heart when you injure yourself!!" He loves him sm...💓💓
"Why didn't you bring me weapons?!" "Because this is a hospital, and I'm a good boy (◡‿◡ )"
"I really feel like this could be a turning point in their relationship." (Mao and Orangusnake proceed to try and kill each other again) *sigh*
Ngl Mao & Orangusnake constantly repeating themselves is getting super annoying.
That hospital bed beeping is giving me flashbacks to all the times I went to the hospital for seizures...
"You know y'all could live like this, like, all the time if you didn't go around hurting people, right?" "Pssh! Tsk-tsk, boy. You know I gots to hurt people." Uhh you guys should really listen to Badgerclops he knows what tf he's talking about
UUhh, whose egg is that? "MAMA" ASGagddahDh
Of course they had to land in freaking CEMENT to realize that maybe they shouldn't kill each other
Did Mao just deflate like a ballo- oh nvm there he go.
Boneless Mao. Boneless Mao.
And Mao saved Orangusnake!! By...breaking every bone in his body somehow.
"I'm the kind of hero who wants to save you so I can fight you later...at the right time and place." Just gonna file this along with the credit score scene from Perfect Couple in the 'Orangumao' folder.
Is Badgerclops duct taping Mao to the stretcher? I mean, at least he won't move & hurt himself again but geez
Tbh Zing would’ve made a better finale than this ep. At least it had a sequel hook
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shadowwarper · 3 years
i've lost enough weight and the exercise i've done is very physically visible on my body and i love it lmfao
like you can start to see my abs and you can def see my collarbones, my hipbones, the veins in my hands, its so good
best part is it looks "healthy"!! my orthorexic/anorexic ass gets to count calories, macros, weigh stuff on a food scale, only buy foods that have no added sugar and are low carb, and exercise every single day for hours, and hell, i'm being praised for it 💕
been on a plateau for a few weeks though and it's pissing me off, ate a bit more carb heavy foods yesterday and today and with a few sugar-y snacks like donuts, here's hoping my metabolism will catch the hint :/
lol plus being on two medications that are actively appetite suppressants literally makes my ed easy and even ENJOYABLE. i actually like exercising w ring fit adventure, i actually don't mind eating too much bc i know protein and fats won't make me gain any, it's those huge carb-bombs and anything with tons of added sugar that are what make u gain
(natural sugars are fine because they contain fibers which counteracts sugar's high-low spikes on blood sugar, hence why it's not necessarily total carbs/sugars, it's net carbs)
it's such a blessing and a curse to be so knowledgeable about how the body works along w exercise/food ect lmfao, gotta love it,, #just orthorexic tings
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