#bc yknow i love recording shit that only matters to me
murasakiyuzu · 8 months
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its time to start the countdown rewatch i guess
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lgbtqlegends · 3 years
If you had to pick a woman to make a trio with Avalance who would you pick?
ooo that's a good one. a tough one, but a good one. thanks for the ask!
okay so. my very first instinct was to say felicity, bc i think it'd be very cute and also bc i've actually written an ava/sara/felicity fic before.
however. the more thought i put into it (which at the time of writing this is not necessarily a whole lot bc i just saw this ask like 2 seconds ago lmao), the more i think i'm not gonna be able to pick just One, bc each one i think about would be very cool or cute or w/e in it's own way. so i guess,instead of answering this with just One solid/definite answer, i'll give you a list of arrowverse woman (and for the record i have presently only watched arrow, supergirl, batwoman and legends (obviously, considering this is a legends blog lmao) so, probably won't be anyone from any of the other shows lmao) and a little thing of like, why i think it would be cool or w/e
felicity smoak - okay like i said, i just think it'd be really cute and also i have already written fic for it so, also i love smoakingcanary and i love avalance so why not combine them. also ava and felicity are both Nerds and i think their relationship would be great
nyssa al ghul - okay this is an obvious answer bc the 3 of them are top tier in terms of badassery and the 3 of them would be Very awesome and also v hot together
alex danvers - i mean c'mon, 2 directors and a captain of a timeship?? what more could i possibly want. it would be, Very cool
kara danvers - 1. it would be very cute, there would be So Much Cuddling and 2. uhh, kryptonian, hello, how cool would that be
nia nal - i just think it'd be super cute, and also i just Really love nia nal so
kate kane - again, very much badasses, it would be, very fun and very cool to see, i think the 3 of them would have a lot of fun
ryan wilder - at this point i started to be like "yknow what. why not." (i'm joking, mostly, I'm just tired lol it's like 1AM here). in all seriousness, i think ryan and sara would very much match each other's energies of like. "there's so many things that are fucked up in the world, we've very much seen and lived through them, and we are going to do everything possible in our power to make the world a little less fucked up and to fight for what's right." and they won't take crap from anyone but also know there are times when they need to be held accountable. and obviously ava is also like that too, but i think her being a clone and having most of her memories programmed she doesn't have Quite as many of those experiences of like. yes the world is really fucked up. like sara and ryan would, but she 100% has the idea of like. but it doesnt have to be that way, there are things they can do to make it better. i think it'd be a really cool dynamic to see.
sophie moore - pretty much the same reason for most of these lmao, they're all very badass and i just think it would be neat
zari tomaz - bc halfway through me making a list i realized that i'd failed to mention any of the women from legends, despite being perfectly free to do so. again, mostly, i just think it'd be neatand i think that the 3 of them would be able to help each other a lot.
charlie - just, it would be so good. so good. also imagine charlie and sara annoying the shit out of ava bc they got high together and accidentally woke ava up in the middle of the night
amaya jiwe - again just, it would be very cool, and i think ava and amaya's personalities would greatly help to ground sara, and ava and amaya would appreciate the extra level-headedness and calm and planning and stuff no matter how much they fondly but exasperatedly adore sara's recklessness
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hebescus · 3 years
Misa for the ask game
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send me a character!
we all love misa don't we?
1. sexuality headcanon
now this is tricky. to be honest i don't have one bcs it's just kind of confusing (idk dude i take these shits seriously, for some reason). but i'd like to think she's either bi or omni
2. otp
remisa!!! obv i think they're neat.
3. brotp
her and matsuda are very cute together yknow? they'll hype each other up and both of them are the 'idiot shut the fuck up' characters according on how they're treated by others and they have good vibes. also mello too, if only they can meet properly :")
4. notp
hmm, no one ship them anyway, but whatever going on with her and higuchi in canon,,,,🤢🤢 (that's on him though)
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
she write songs but never wants to take any step further no matter how many times her manager offer her good producers to hire and record it.
6. favorite line from this character
Okay to be quite honest I don't have one but i googled and in dn wiki there's this quote "If I die now, I'll be happy…kill me while I'm still young and pretty" which is just.....whoa
7. one way in which I relate to this character
light yagami simp maybe wanting to be nice regardless the situation? also i do too, talk a little too much
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
when she kiss L's cheek, idk but that scene in general makes me feel kind of embarrassed, it's bc of both misa and L though... actually a lot of their interaction in the anime give me second hand embarrassment. also the amount of sexist writing in her character...please o&o
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
same as light, problematic cinnamon roll!
thank you yall <33
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starfxckersinc · 4 years
Do you think Curt and Brian’s relationship was toxic? Could it be fixed?
ehehhebdjend lomg post
uhh I def think their relationship was toxic but I don’t think it was abusive as lots of people like to imply; for abuse to occur there has to be a pretty big power imbalance & i don’t think that was there between them. like, I think a lot of people personify Brian as a cold manipulative person simply bc he was more popular as an artist & more business oriented as a person but not once do we see him actually lording that over Curt or bending him to his will with it.....the one time it’s even brought up in the film Brian is obviously trying to protect him from Jerry & the machinery of the music industry. like tbh I’m more concerned with Curt’s outbursts; his rages are not only inappropriate but unhealthy. there’s no excuse to scream & break shit bc ur not getting your way, it’s at best embarrassing & at worst terrifying. I think the anger is actually supposed to be directed at Jerry in that scene, but it doesn’t really excuse the way he’s treating Brian, who obviously is being used as a puppet bc his fear of failure causes him to listen to anything Jerry says.
Like.........Tbh I think in their pre-break up scene Curt rlly was just not reading the room, but at the same time I don’t blame him bc as Mandy says, Brian was projecting a fantasy onto him instead of trying to love & understand a real person. I think a lot of suppressed aggression & existential fear was coming out, deeper than losing Brian I’m sure he was worried about what his career was turning into & where he would go without Bijou Music to pay for him. Also I’m sure by that time, due to both drugs & his huge ambitions, Brian had become distant with him in a way he couldn’t handle; I think that Curt was truly really in love with & grateful to Brian for taking him in and Brian was just a bit too self centered at the time to understand the importance of that. I’m sure the feeling was mutual, but also I totally get being more attached to your career than your boyfriend, it’s a pretty normal part of being a young adult no matter what ur aspiration is. However, Curt isn’t like Brian in that regard- I don’t think he’s really interested in being a pop idol & I don’t think he lives off attention in the same way. He can’t handle feeling abandoned by probably the only or one of the only people who’s ever been genuinely loving & kind towards him and it seriously psyches his shit out. I don’t think it’s dramatic to theorize that Brian is the first person he’d ever fallen in love with and I definitely think that Curt was the most serious & mutual love affair of Brian’s life.
I’m not sure how anybody can rlly argue that they weren’t in love with each other, I just think like. it wasn’t the right time and I’m not sure how a relationship CAN be healthy when it’s actively being marketed and monetized to sell records & concert tickets. I’m not sure how it can be healthy when it’s only Allowed because it boosts Brian’s image, & when a third party is calling the shots on whether it’s sustainable. like, their various faults & traumas & obsessions aside, that’s not something that can genuinely become deep & long lasting unless it’s taken apart & put back together in a different & more human setting.
like idk. I’m really tired of the way most ppl who like VG view their relationship bc I do Actually think they should’ve been the endgame couple in the whole thing and it’s sort of skeevy to romanticize Curt & Arthur instead, tho I don’t think Curt & Arthur’s relationship ITSELF is skeevy. It’s just that Curt and Brian are the proper ages for each other, with similar faults and backgrounds, they have the same vocation, and I think it’s easy to play off their nostalgias as missing their fame but to me it was always pretty clear that they miss each other. like i literally can’t work Tommy Stone into my interpretation of the film bc I think it’s such a disgrace to the character of Brian to write him that way, but despite interpretation Curt is still going to his gigs even if they’re against everything he probably believes in as a gay punk artist during the Reagan era. & it’s not bc he misses the past, it’s bc he misses Brian. & Brian showed up at Death of Glitter & it wasn’t just bc the macabre appealed to his dramatic bitch side, he showed up bc Curt came back to London. & half of Bittersweet is in German & Curt defected to Germany. And Curt’s following blue headed teenagers around the streets of Berlin. Curt hooked up with Arthur bc Arthur was dressed like Brian- It’s written into the Script that Arthur has the same hopeful eyes that Curt remembers from a long time ago.
I’m just kinda gushing abt this now but I think the function of Curt in Arthur’s life wasn’t to be his soulmate, I think it was to continually liberate him from the conventional life he’s just not built for, which is the reason he gives him the pin. I just think it’s sort of a misread to think they got together because I’m not sure that was the lovestory at hand here. I think it was always Curt & Brian.
so like can the relationship be fixed.......yeah I totally think it can. My Fan Theory (which y’all are free to steal & write about) is that Brian Slade actually left for Paris after death of glitter & took a hiatus to write plays there bc it was the city where Oscar Wilde was buried. Curt probably continued to have substance abuse issues into the early 80’s, when I like to think he moved from Berlin to New York & then back to Michigan, where he lived in rural isolation for a while, writing acoustically & drinking like a fish. At some point around 1990(when the world probably would’ve been up to speed with Curt) Jack would’ve fished him out of there and released his folk masterpiece, panned at the time but a classic by 2020, yknow, and I think Brian probably would’ve returned to music sometime in the 80’s bc he’s just a naturally poppy person & it would’ve been a good decade for him. It could be that Brian’s return is what jonsed Curt back into society, idk, but I think after they both return to their passions they probably would rebuild things.
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
ben hanscom hcs
@gazebros and i were very deep in Loving Ben Hours tonight so we put our heads together and wrote these hcs for our boy.
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soft ben hcs.
you were like the absolute best of friends for so long.
like, the stereotypical best friends to lovers trope.
you and ben leave derry together. you go to the same college and do the same architecture courses.
the decision to leave derry behind was an easy one.
you get a small, cheap apartment in a dodgy building because it's all you can afford
and ben absolutely Hates how small it is, because he HATES feeling trapped.
he keeps it clean and free of useless clutter so it feels bigger.
cuddling because its definitely platonic and we don't have buried feelings for each other or anything and it's not like we've never shared a bed before yknow like it's totally Normal and also we can't afford central heating and it's COLD.
listening to new kids on the block very loudly and very often to piss off your asshole neighbours.
true crime documentaries!!!! trying to solve the cold cases!!!!
neither of you have the stomach for the supernatural ones, though, but you can't figure out why.
supporting ben's decision to lose weight.
reassuring him that he doesn't have to do this, that maybe it isn't worth the struggle.
you see how hard it is on him sometimes
but he works hard and it's something he really wants so you support him wholeheartedly.
working out with him and tryna do his diets with him even though you HATE IT and give up after a week.
doing that thing where you sit on his back and he does press-ups.
he's not-so-subtley hostile to anyone you bring home, as hard as he tries to be welcoming, and you behave in a similar way to his many girlfriends.
there were a Few.
because ben is fucking hot.
unbearable sexual tension
and one drunk kiss
maybe two
(ft. inappropriate touching.)
but when you Finally get together,,,,,,,
unsurprisingly due to a drunk hookup, the sexual tension reaching boiling point.
oh my god.
ben is the Absolute Softest Boyfriend Ever.
hand kisses
cheek kisses
lookin up at you with those big ass heart eyes and kissin your palm and you're just... 😔💕💕
not to mention, a Sex God.
he's all about body worship and praise because he knows what its like being insecure and unhappy in your skin.
telling you how perfect you are
and he really believes it.
he is such a good listener too, and toxic masculinity is NOT his thing.
"ben hanscom, poet, architect, sex god."
"shut up, nerd."
he's so Disgustingly In Love with you.
"hey, babe?"
"have you always been so beautiful?"
and since you'd been best friends for years before, there's a deeper level to your relationship that not many people can understand.
the inside jokes and knowing looks and deep understanding of each other that could only come from being best friends first.
ben is quite insecure.
which means he knows not to brush off your insecurities as if they're silly.
because he knows how it feels.
you pretend not to notice how he spends a little longer than probably necessary looking in the mirror, eyeing his stretch marks and poking at his stomach
even after the weight loss
because the marks are still there
and the faded H on his stomach that he can't remember how he got.
"are you sure you don't love me just because i got in shape?"
"no, baby. of course not. i've been in love with you for as long as i can remember."
kissing his stretch marks and assuring him that you'll love him no matter what he looks like.
and he cries.
you've been dating for a Long Ass time when ben finally popped the question.
now, ben isn't a violent person by nature, but something about shouting "that's my wife!" and knocking a guy out with one swift punch really appeals to him.
his architecture business really took off, so you have more money than you'd ever had as college students.
more money than you knew what to do with, really.
seriously, for christmas, the first christmas after buying your first house together, ben buys you a real tree.
and you're lowkey pissed bc of the whole cutting down trees business, and he apologises.
the next day, he shows you files for his plans to plant like 2000 new trees.
this man is so extra.
you're both lowkey environmental activists and have criminal records bc you've been arrested at like 12 separate climate change protests.
he donates SO MUCH to charity.
though you had the money, ben knows you won't want a grand gesture.
he does it at home.
after dinner and a movie. (cliché)
he took you back home, and a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶x̶
s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶,̶ ̶b̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶s̶c̶o̶m̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶G̶i̶v̶e̶r̶
holding you in your shared bed, all soft touches and heart eyes, as usual.
you had no idea what was coming.
and then he just
slipped a ring onto your finger.
then you cried.
and he cried, because yknow, baby.
"can we kiss and watch true crime shows for the rest of our lives?"
"i would love nothing more, benny."
you want so badly to tell people that you were engaged, but there's nobody to tell.
the only people you have, really, are each other.
of course, there were work friends and such, but there's... something else.
you keep wanting to call people, to tell them that you and ben had finally gotten engaged.
but you can't remember who.
you can't remember much of your life before college, actually.
sometimes you'd go to the phone, start dialling some number, and realise you didn't know who you were dialling.
you thought you were losing your mind.
until you caught ben doing the exact same thing.
the next day, you get The Call.
"it's mike. mike hanlon. from derry."
"uh... ben? can you, um, come down here, please? now?!"
he was on a conference call, arguing about some open plan on a new building, but he came running as soon as you asked.
"babe, what is it? what's wrong?"
"just... here."
"...holy shit."
and then you remembered.
"i've really been in love with you my whole damn life, huh? even since you were all heart eyes for beverly."
he felt guilty at that
but it wasn't his fault.
"right, well, we'll have to postpone the wedding, huh?"
"yeah, and add six new people to the guest list."
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sappy "i've loved my spesh for a year now" post
one year ago today, i got into twrp.
that's not to say i wasnt familiar with them before june 3rd, 2019. my big love was nsp, so i very much knew and appreciated them! i remember when nsp played on conan i was so happy for all of them and hoped twrp was getting just as much credit as nsp because they totally deserve it! i remember listening to guardians of the zone a couple years back in david's car and latching onto rock n roll best friends (my first favorite twrp song and still one of my faves!) and listening to that a lot. i remember the third starbomb album coming out last april and thinking, wow, this is definitely their best album musically because of twrp's instrumentation! and of course, like everyone else, i was obsessed with starlight brigade when the video came out, and recognized it was twrp's song featuring dan, not just a dan project. but i didn't have their names memorized, and for whatever reason, i thought they were all silent performers? like, i thought none of them talked and sung only talked/performed with talkbox. (i mean, i was like 60% right? at least at the time.)
on this day last year, i was showing my best friend arin and suzy's (gg) hot pepper gaming videos and then i noticed twrp's in the related videos. i was like oh my gosh! i didn't know twrp did one of these! and you can imagine my surprise when sung and meouch started talking fhfhdjdlfj i was literally like WAIT THEY TALK??? I REALLY THOUGHT NONE OF THEM TALKED. it's always really funny to look back on. and even though they spent most of that video suffering i thought they were so funny and likeable that i was like. maybe i should finally actually get into twrp.
and holy shit.
there's so much to twrp that i know i didn't do it all in a day. it's hard for me to get used to a band by listening to all their music once, so i took it album by album. i started with guardians of the zone, because i was already very familiar with it. listened to that on loop for a while, then moved onto together through time since it was their most recent album at the time. then, i went backwards from there.
i searched for all the lore i could. i read wiki pages, spent literal hours reading reddit AMAs, watched every video on their youtube channel and the hour long compilation of their instagram videos. this all took place over the span of like? a few days? a week? it's hard to say really. i fell so fast.
from that point on, i have so many stories, we would be here all day. i remember listening to believe in your dreams on repeat the day i became a d*sney trainer, and the literal day after that, they released hidden potential. then of course, the release of return to wherever, which i listened to nonstop for ages. the album is my jam because i love albums with a cohesive theme and songs that blend into each other. it's hard to beat together through time, but rtw comes really close.
i saw them for the first time live on july 30th, 2019. unfortunately, something happened that night that changed my life for the worse. but that wasn't twrp's fault at all. the show itself was incredible. i'd never been to a general admission concert of one of my faves, it was absolutely surreal that they were all right in front of me. and of course, they put on a hell of a show. they always do. god, i love them.
on august 9th 2019, i went to my first sung stream. it was a party stream and i'm on the east coast, so i stayed up until 3 AM to hear sung give me my first talkbox shoutout. i recorded it and still have the video. it made me smile in the early part of a very dark time in my life.
i made a lot of friends in that stream, we all shared twitters and i'm still friends/mutuals with all of them! and i've only made more friends since, especially at nsp10. nsp10 was incredible for many reasons, but a big one was that the three hours my fiancé and i were waiting outside the venue to be let in, we were just walking around saying hi to my twrp friends, meeting a bunch of them for the first time. and i made new friends! i remember standing in a group, shivering in my heart boner cosplay, and one of the guys saying "you're artie, right? i follow you on twitter, i love your cosplay!" he seemed like he was really gathering the courage to say it to me, he had no idea how happy it would make me! (shoutout to logan! you're awesome!)
really, if any of my twrp friends are reading this, i love you to pieces. meeting you has definitely been a high point of the last 365 days.
again, i have so many stories. but since this is already so long i'm just gonna cut to march 5th, 2020. that was the night i met them. now, i'm not a shy person at all, and over the past few years i haven't really been very socially anxious. i'm able to carry myself in conversation, even with strangers. but i've never met a fave before. let alone four faves at once. so, naturally, everything i had planned on saying completely left my brain. but they're literally the best, so it was still an absolute dream. the first thing sung said when he saw me was "hey you look great!" (my outfit was clearly inspired by his own, fancy orange hat and all, so he probs wanted to Respect The Drip but he was right regardless and also HOLY SHIT) and i had my baby porg gary with me (the sunshine of my life) and they all interacted with him and it was super wholesome.
they played two nights in orlando, and i went to both shows because of course i did. first night was great, second night was even better even though that was my GA show. they played life party on night 2, which might as well be my favorite song of all time. it has carried me through every bad moment since i first heard it. big and small. i have a lyric from it tattoo'd on my arm as a constant reminder that i'm alive, and that is something to be ecstatic about. i also had more room to dance and move around on night 2, and dance and move around i did. then, when the show was over and scatman played, i got out everything else i had. august-november 2019 was actual hell for me, and i was still dealing with the aftermath of it all. but that concert high made me realize, holy shit! all of it is over! it doesn't matter anymore! twrp carried me through one of the roughest periods of my life, and met me at the finish line with a fucking gold medal. i fucking did it. now i have none of the bad, and all of the good. it was one of the best feelings i've ever had, and one of the happiest nights of my life.
since then, twrp continues to keep me going. of course the world has been a total shitshow, but everyone's streams (especially the twrp show) have been the highlight of my week every week.
i've always considered myself a very positive person, but last year was a very bad year for my depression, as well as traumatic at times. and i've always had problems feeling understood. i still do. but twrp said hey! literally nobody understands us. not even ourselves! but that's okay! we want you to be happy and feel loved and supported no matter what. and i really can't thank them enough for it.
this part is mostly for another longer post, but i wanted to mention it since it's also really important. i fully came to terms with being a mlm last year after years of compulsory heterosexuality, and twrp played a big part in me exploring and accepting that about myself. and i was already very secure in my gender identity when i found them, but hearing "this song goes out to all the ladies, fellas, and everyone in between" shook me to my very core. i've never loved a band that literally said "shoutout to trans/nb people" at every concert. god. i love them so fucking much.
so this was even longer than i expected (and i expected it to be long bc yknow. spesh.) but i just have so much love and gratitude for this band. every day of my life i'm so thankful that doctor sung, commander meouch, lord phobos, and havve hogan exist and are spreading all this love and positivity to their fans every day. i've never loved a band like this, and i probably never will. they are truly special.
and it's only been a year!!!!
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egg-sunyoulk · 7 years
up10tion sunyoul’s high notes & best singing: a compilation (2015-2017)
hey! new to up10tion? heard of them before but haven’t gotten the chance to get into them? long-time fan? no matter who you are, you might enjoy listening to our main vocalist’s pretty voice :) if you’re not a fan of up10tion, please do me a favour and listen to at least one of the performances on this list. you won’t regret it, i promise! anyways, happy birthday to our sweet bun sunyoul~
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disclaimer: not here to argue about technique, or compare to other singers! i know that sunyoul isn’t the best in terms of technique, but his voice is lovely and unique and honey10s would love to share it :)
1. sunyoul on king of masked singer: so chanwhee’s “tears” highest note hit: G5 (at 1:48) date: january 2016
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this is the one that most people know- i mean, tricking an entire audience into thinking that you’re female isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do yknow this performance is what got a lot of people into up10tion (including me) so it’s a pretty important + precious performance. (also those high notes like damn)
2. come back to me - up10tion highest note: F#5 (falsetto) date: october 2017  starting from 2:51. wow. going from that emotional heavy line to that soft pretty falsetto WOW this saved my grades  (i legitimately have 2:51 to 3:05 recorded on loop and i play it daily it’s that beautiful)
3. because - up10tion highest note: D5 when harmonizing with kogyeol date: november 2016
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o fuck o fuck his lil melisma thing at 2:14 is so good u gotta listen and it’s LIVE starting at 2:03 sunyoul slays the song have i mentioned that this is like my fave live performance by up10tion ever o fuck help
4. up10tion - just like that highest note: C5 date: may 2017 PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ONE !! here’s the performance, though it was so damn good i had to make a compilation of his voice in the performance. u gotta listen. u gotta. (if ur looking at the full performance, sunyoul’s best parts start at 1:12 and 2:02.) (he wasn’t even supposed to do the little trill at 2:15 lmao so extra i love it) alsdk
5. up10tion on immortal song: baek zyoung’s “dash” highest note: D5 (falsetto) date: november 2015
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i have to admit, i only included this one for the C#5 to D5 starting at 4:24, bc like... the band behind them coming to a full halt... sunyoul’s voice alone ringing through the venue... that’s some good shit 
6. white night - up10tion highest note: E5 date: november 2016 damn, this must have been a hard era for sunyoul considering that the climax of the title track is him just him and his high notes (D#5 at 2:43, and going up to E5 at 3:08). anyways they’re high notes so there you go. rest in peace white night-era sunyoul. rest in peace his vocal cords.
7. once again - up10tion highest note: B4 fave performance: august 10, 2017 in osaka that A4 at 4:04... wow. skin cleared. crops fed. prob the least strained (i think? idk man) and clearest high note i’ve heard from him
8. up10tion for onstyle: hong jinyoung’s love battery (a capella) highest note: C5 date: may 2016 i mean when wei’s making this face you know it’s good:
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9. sara bareilles’ “gravity” highest note: A4 date: september 2017 wow his pronounciation is so heckin good !! also his voice is so soothing man a perfect lullaby
10. sunyoul’s a capella cover of orion highest note: D5 date: may 2017 listen to the hush that falls over the fans when he sings that fifth to the D5 at 1:01... o boi my ears are swooning
11. duet with hwanhee: urban zakapa’s painting spring highest note: D#5 date: may 2016 best parts: - the C5s + climb to the D#5 starting at 2:45 - the C5 starting at 3:09 - 3:50 to 3:53 wow - sunyoul’s excessive hand movements ??? they did well considering it was like really late and their voices weren’t in good condition and they were cute nervous baby rookies :) 
12. sunyoul + sul undo on duet song festival: so risae’s “you and i” highest note: D5 date: september 2016 the performance starts at around 1:36:22 if you click the link.  u can listen to his low range in the beginning and then the high-ass harmonies with sul undo... wow the fact that he practiced and performed with such an esteemed senior vocalist in the music industry makes it sound so polished
13. up10tion’s a capella cover of sechskies’ “couple” highest note: A4 date: december 2015
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the “hamkke” (around 1:17) is beautiful. i’ve never replayed a part so much (also he cute !! cutest boy)
14. dream you - up10tion highest note: B4ish? SUNYOUL SLAYING THAT CHORUS  the first time i heard that part i was so surprised and i hope u will be surprised too
15. UP’s “Puyo Puyo” highest note: D5 (falsetto) date: august 2016 we don’t talk about this one. (but if you’re willing... sunyoul’s parts are at 0:44 and 0:58.) (you have been warned.)
16. MAMAMOO’s “Decalcomanie” highest note: C#5 date: late 2016 - early 2017 shit i love this one starts around 0:49 and the real high note starts 0:59 what a cute mamamoo fanboy
17. duet with kuhn: akdong musician’s “don’t cross your legs” highest note: D5 date: july 2017
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(wow look im great at screencaps) anyways this is cute and sunyoul raps so it’s great the lil thing in sunyoul’s voice when he comes in at 0:34... you can see hongki’s eyebrows rise up to his hairline
18. let it go from frozen highest note: D#5 date: june 2017 not a fan of the high notes but when he sings “the wind is howling like the swirling storm inside” or whatever the whole world stops to listen, angels descend from heaven, elsa herself steps out of the screen to bless him with magical ice powers
19. park hyoshin’s wild flower highest note: C#5  date: may 2016
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this high note... powerful as HECK... the whole thing is 13 seconds between breaths... that vibrato throughout the song is honey to my ears he sounds sort of like he’s trying to deepen his voice near the start/middle but then it gets more relaxed and normal at the end 
20. national anthem, a capella, at the nexen vs. hanhwa sports game highest note: C5 at 0:42 date: may 2016 the one i think of every time an mc describes sunyoul’s voice as pretty. i mean. it’s the national anthem. a capella. with lovely-sounding reverb and echo and all that jazz. it sounds real pretty from like 0:44 on. enjoy yourself. rock out to the korean national anthem. idk
21. cheeze’s “mood indigo” (here, or here if u want to skip to timestamps) highest note: C5 date: october 2017 yo 0:25... <3 and the sweet-sounding falsetto... when 0:47 happened i was like “aww that’s pretty” but i was sobbing by the end what a precious bun
22. everything - up10tion highest note: C5 fave performance: comeback showcase, june 2017 just the way he sings his solo part... something abt it is so sweet and soft and cute and gentle
honorable mentions:
twice’s cheer up (oh god he’s so cute)
a thousand years (wow his pronounciation... stunning)
abba’s honey honey, probably recorded in a hotel bathroom (that high note... and the lil thing he does with his voice when he sings “movie star”)
王力宏’s 春雨裡洗過的太陽
naul’s memory of the wind (mmm yess my pretty)
that one time he saw a dog and his voice went from F4 to F5
obligatory high notes:
so dangerous - up10tion (making him scream an E5 in up10tion’s debut song? @ top media + their vocal trainers: wtf are you doing to his voice regardless it’s a high note so here it is, at 3:57. pls stop damaging his voice top media)
reblog/reply with the number of your favourite performance! (only if you want to ofc)
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i was tagged by @lovelylangst to do this! i tag (if you want) @marcoandthebodts, @pierce-the-llama, @natmeansnight, @mclanchez-dictionary, @operationkuro, @yes-tybaltcapulet, @snowglobegays, @fictional-artist, @k1ancer, @graceisinspired, @equineporcupine
>post the rules
>answer the questions given to you by the tagger
>write 11 questions
>tag 11 people
My Questions:
1. Are you a Peppermint chocolate or a Potato chip chocolate?
WHAT IS POTATO CHIP CHOCOLATE OMF LOLLL but seriously i love peppermint sm (during holiday season chickfila has chocolate peppermint shakes and we spend so much money on those every year bc they are so good)
2. Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu, Free, or My hero Academia?
probably free (even tho when i think about free i also think of 50% off soo) HOWEVER my coworker tries to convince me to watch hero academia every time he sees me loll
3. Gay or nah? (If nah, please state orientation)
biromantic ace
4. Okay so I have a question, do any of y’all ever stay up for like hours at a time just questioning why we think hairless animals are ugly when WE (humans) are hairless animals? How ugly do our dogs think we are? Do they like us for our personality because physically we must be attractive to them? I Just?
i have tried so hard to think hairless animals are cute but their skin gives me the heebeegeebees but then when i see a human w fur (like yknow dense, thick body hair) it creeps me out as well sooo idk. i honestly do not care if my dog thinks im ugly as long as he lets me play rope w him we good
5. Are you a Keith, a Lance, or a Meme?
probably a lance tbh (tho im an impuslive scorpio like keith so. i have had to control myself in the last week and refrain from sending passive agressive texts to someone bc i know its not going to do any good but i reeaaallly want to )
6. Victor Nikiforov singing Ra ra Rasputin and Yuuri recording it, or Yurio blasting MCR and singing it?
i think the first one would be funnier to watch bc the second one could happen regularly xD
7. Three AM phone calls or nah?
noooo i go to bed at like 10 pm everyday i am asleep and wont hear my phone go off if u text/call me
8. Do you ever ponder how fucked up racism is, because in the south its a bunch of really blatant obvious easy to call out shit, but everywhere else its so much harder to call out, and most people think racism is only in the south and thats a fucked up mentality because in reality its everywhere in the US and we really need to do something about it but we dont? Because I do.
i only ever see it in the south bc thats where ive lived for most of my life, and usually it gives me a headache when i hear it bc like those are real ppl youre talking about??
9. Ever had a crush on your friend but couldn’t do anything about it because they’re so cool and your not? (Me rn honestly)
no but i see ppl on my dash i want to talk to but i dont bc theyre cooler than me
10. Strawberries or Banana
11. Are you a MEME?
i tried so hard....but in the end, it doesnt even matter
My Questions
1. If you had a boat, what would you name it?
2. What have you been able to get away with (and no one find out it was you)?
3. What is the best (and worst) purchase you ever made?
4. What is your catchphrase?
5. What is the most useless talent you have?
6. What is the most ridiculous thing youve seen/read this week?
7. Has anyone mispelled your name, and if so, what is the most obscure way it has been mispelled?
8. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone elses home?
9. If you were arrested with no explaination on why, what would your friends/family assume you had done?
10. What is the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
11. What is the most badass quote from a real person you know?
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wiltking · 7 years
1 hi wilt. im starting university soon and everyones so excited but im trans and im dreading it more than anything. im trying to get inclusive housing but theyre not making it easy and i realized im going to have to debate with them on the phone several times in order to even begin to convince them to do this. and they still might not. i have crippling phone anxiety, i get choked up making phone calls to ask store hours so idk how ill do this. and on top of that in order to get inclusive (cont)
housing and to get my name/gender changed in the records i need my parents permission, parents who have been denying my gender for years despite me explicitly telling them im trans over and over. and hrt doesnt look like its gonna happen anytime in the next couple of years. im such a wreck and i really just dont want to deal with this. society makes being trans so fucking hard like it just punishes us even though we didnt do anything wrong. anyway i just wanted to let you know that your blog makes me feel better bc it lets me know that im not the only one fighting the system. sometimes society almost convinces me that im being stupid and ridiculously demanding and i should just give in and kill myself bc im not obviously not wanted. but then i remember that people like you are out there. its comforting to know that not everyone hates me just because of who i am. and your art is so incredible and i love the representation and trans positivity. it has inspired me to make my own trans ocs and i found that it really helped make things more bearable to have characters like me to write and draw and dream about. keep up the good work and i hope one day things work out for the both of us. i apologize for being long winded and venting, i just wanted to get my feelings out and let you know how grateful i am for the work you put into this community
hi anon, sorry for taking a little while to reply. this just hit me in a number of ways and i didnt know what to say. ive definitely heard horror stories about universities disrespecting trans students. it really does suck. i hope you wont be the first trans person thats requested housing and they have some experience with it... but if they continue to refuse, maybe you can make a fuss about it. file some kind of complaint. because you deserve better. sometimes it works, sometimes not. maybe you’ll be able to pave the way to make things better for trans students who come after you. 
i dont have much experience with that kind of thing though. i was out when i went to college but.. quietly. instead of requesting a name change on the records i would email my professors and request to use my correct name in their classes. it wasnt ideal but it was all i was brave enough to do at the time. because ive had so many horrible experiences with telling people im trans, i automatically assume bad things will happen. but i think ive already experienced the worst possible things from my home life, so now im somewhat jaded. and have the ability to be way more assertive. because whats the worst that can happen? something ive already lived through and survived? bring it on. it awful but i know i can deal with it. 
and yknow, sometimes people are decent. yesterday i got my name changed on my drivers license and the nice lady at the dmv told me what i had to do to change my gender marker (even though i told her i wasnt doing that yet). so i think not all hope is lost for us folks. its true i feel hopeless 98% of the time but i think its always worth it to try our best. sometimes that means taking matters into your own hands and demanding certain treatment, and other times it means gritting your teeth and putting up with a bad situation for a few years. i wish i had more positive things to say here but it sounds like you know how ive been through the wringer. im wishing you all the best with your university situation though. let me know how it goes? i also have atrocious phone anxiety and have to call my insurance tomorrow about covering my transition this year so we’ll both be suffering :’)
ive heard trans people on hrt say that the time spent pre-hrt will seem like nothing once you get the goods, and i find that hard to believe. ive known hrt was right for me since i was 14/15 and i still wont be on it by the time im 20. the only upside to having to wait so long is that my need for it is absolutely solidified. my mom has fed doubt into my head for these entire 5 years but the jokes on her i still want it! and im getting it this year no matter what! the #1 thing that really got me through to this point was focusing on my own completed goals, no matter how small. things like buying my first pair of men’s pants, telling a friend i was trans for the first time, requesting hrt from my doc when i was like 16 (i got turned down, but the point is i tried), and every time i stand up for myself is a victory. i wont lie to you, its extremely shitty to have to wait so long for treatment, but there are still little things you can do. 
im also super glad youre making trans ocs!! thats absolutely my #1 way to cope and process gender shit. its literally like therapy for me. really glad to know its helping you too. sorry this got so long; last thing i want to say is that anything bad or difficult that happens to you will make you stronger. 
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