#bcos did you know! me and stevie! have the same birthday!
stevebabey · 1 year
i hope ur day got better, also i’d love to hear ur angsty steve thoughts bc i have many. whenever u post ur next angst fic i will come running like a stampeding emu
this made me laugh just a little 🤏 i love the visual u provided hehehe, however angsty steve thought did NOT get written tho, i’m sorry to disappoint :(
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kissygrayson · 5 years
LANDSLIDE: Chapter Three - The New Kid.
... in which Harry and Y/N fall in love at University. 
series masterlist
A few days had passed since Y/N had last seen Harry. They had texted a lot since the party, a lot meaning whenever they weren't at class or studying, they where texting. Zayn and Amy had met up the day after the party to finish their art project. Amy had told her everything that happened the night of the party after she left with Zayn, he had took her to his flat showing her his art work while Amy stood amazed. They then talked for a while Zayn helped Amy come up for an inspiration for her homework. They may have kissed a little.
Y/N had just finished up with a two hour anatomy lecture and all she wanted to do what get home into her pjs, order pizza and binge watch friends with Amy, but god had other plans. 
“Y/N!” She heard a familiar Irish voice call behind her. She turned to see Niall chasing after her, attempting to catch up while holding a million text books and his laptop. 
“Whats up?” she asked confused. She had never really spoken to Niall before, other than the odd hi they’d give her each while she passed his seat in class. 
“Are you busy tonight?” He asked while trying to catch his breath. 
“Im not sure, why? Are you okay?” She questioned. Confused as to why Niall was asking her out. 
“The boys and I are going out for food and a few drinks, nothing to exciting. But Zayn invited Amy, so im inviting you for Harry” He chuckled nervously. 
“And why couldn't Harry ask me himself?” She asked with a smirk. 
“Because he's a pussy and shit scared of Sophie, please come tonight!!” he paused while Sammie walked by giving them both a little wave. “And please invite Sammie, ill pay you”
Y/N watched as Niall’s eyes followed Sammie out of the building then turning his attention back to her.  
“Okay fine, only because I wanna see Amy and Zayn” she laughed.
The pair exchanged numbers then going on their own ways, while walking towards her flat Y/N sent a quick message to Harry. 
Y/N: why did niall just invite me to dinner tonight for you?
harry: i swear i’ll kill him one day. I was going to invite you anyways x
harry: are you coming?
Y/N: yeah, better be good bcos i was looking forward to watching friends all night 
harry: i’ll be there, it'll be worth it. x see you soon!!
Y/N: nothing is better than friends but okay harry :)
Y/N: see you later!!! x
Y/N shook her head laughing, probably looking insane. After the party and the chats her and Harry had over the past few days she’d grown to really like the boy, he always texted to check up on her, make sure she was drinking enough water and eating, that she hadn't overstudied that day knowing she pushed herself to the limit. Then the few times he’d phoned her to make sure she was okay when walking home alone at night. 
Harry had obviously fallen for the girl too, in a space of one week. He never thought he’d like anyone like that again after what had happened with Sophie. He had promised himself he wouldn't. But Y/N was different, there was something about her that Harry was obsessed with. 
“When where you going to tell me you’re going out with Zayn tonight?” Y/N questioned Amy, both of them sat on Amy’s bed.
Amy looked at Y/N her eyebrows raised and a smile on her face “Harry finally grew some balls and asked you then?” 
“No” She laughed “Niall did”
“Niall? Zayn said he had a crush on Sammie?” Amy replied confused. 
“Oh, he definitely does. He invited me for Harry” Y/N said with a laugh. 
Amy laughed shaking her head. Harry had told Zayn who told Amy that Harry may or may not have a crush on her best friend, but Sophie was stopping him from acting on his feelings. Mostly scared that Y/N would get hurt, not by him but by Sophie. 
“Do you like him?” Amy asked like a little girl at a sleepover. Y/N shook her head trying not to show the smile on her face. Amy slapped her arm turning more from where she was sat. “You so do!!!” 
“Okay maybe a little, but I don't know Amy” Y/N groaned falling back, her head hitting the pillow, Amy then doing the same thing. 
“Im sure he likes you too Y/N/N” Amy said giving her best friend a small smile. She knew she couldn't tell her what Zayn had said, it wasn't her place to tell. Harry had to do that himself. 
“Lets just get ready, i’m starving and I really wanna see Zayn” Amy laughed then getting up and going towards her wardrobe. 
“You saw him an hour ago, obsessive already. I should warn him!” Y/N joked then speeding out of Amy’s bedroom before she could smack her with a boot. 
“Love you!!” Y/N called out. Amy giving her the finger in return. 
We’re inside was the message written across Amy’s screen, sent by Louis. Her and Y/N entered the restaurant, it was packed with uni students and families, clearly being a popular spot in the area. They noticed the group sitting at a large table in the corner, chatting among themselves until Zayn noticed them. 
“Guys!” He called over waving his hands towards them. 
“Hey!!” Amy said shuffling in to sit beside the dark haired boy. Y/N took the empty seat beside Liam saying a small hi to him. 
“You must be Y/N” he smiled. Harry had told him a lot about her, like how they ended up in his room at his birthday party fangiriling over Stevie Nicks. Harry was sat to the right of Liam, who sat beside Sammie. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, move in towards Harry” He smiled. 
Y/N gave him a smile whispering a small thank you as she got up letting Liam get by her. 
“Hey love” Harry smiled widely pulling the girl into a side hug. Y/N smiled into the hug, her chin resting on his shoulder. 
“How was class?” he questioned. 
“Boring as usual, yours?” 
“Same” he replied, his eyes skimming over the menu, then passing it to her to look over. 
After deciding on their meals and ordering a few drinks the group all chatted among themselves. Niall, Sammie and Y/N complaining about how boring their lecture was, Amy and Zayn discussing their art projects, Louis was busy texting Abby who couldn't make it tonight due to studying and Liam and Harry chatted about Liams new obsession with pretty little liars, random he knows. 
Their food arrived, more drinks also. Y/N promised herself she wasn't going to drink, but her she was 3 drinks in. 
“I’m going to the bathroom, does anyone want anything else to drink?” She asked the group knowing she had to pass the bar on the way the back. 
She got a chorus of im good or no thanks. Harry tugged on her wrist before she could stand up. 
“Will you be okay?” He asked noticing the hundreds of young guys and older in the restaurant. 
Y/N laughed “Im going for a pee Harry, i’ll be fine” Harry shook his head in response whispering i’ll miss you. 
“You're obsessed mate” Niall laughed from across the table. Harry gave him the middle finger in response. 
“Fuck you Niall” he groaned. 
After finishing her business and reapplying her lipgloss Y/N left the bathroom. Taking the same route Liam had earlier she passed a table crowed with guys, a few girls too. She smiled at them, most of them returning it. 
“Y/N? Or am I mixing you up for someone else?” A guy in the group suddenly asked. She stopped in her tracks confused, she didn't recognise any the faces.
“Yeah? Whats up?” she asked, the boy who asked the question getting up and making his way towards her. Now stood in front her Rosabella noticed him as the new guy in her class, Ian. He had recently joined - 3 days ago. David her old study buddy was kicked from the class for not attending his classes, being caught taking drugs on campus and selling. She was glad he had bailed on her the times he did not wanting to get caught up with that. Ian was his replacement in class. 
“You’re new? Im sure I saw you earlier?” She laughed. Ian ran his hand through his black hair a smile playing on his face. 
From the table across the room Niall had caught where Harrys eyed glared at. He chuckled realising what was happening. 
“Don't be jealous H” Niall said. The group turned to him in confusion to which he pointed his head in Y/N and Ians direction. 
“Thats the new kid Ian” Sammie said also noticing him from class. “He started a few days ago”
“You need to tell her Harry” Amy said. Harry leaned back in the seat, letting out a huff. The others nodded in agreement. 
Y/N laughed at something Ian had said again causing Harry to groan in annoyance even more before muttering “I know”. 
“You're gonna leave it too late bro” Louis said giving his best friend a sympathetic smile. Harry nodded, he knew. He was scared, shit scared. It had only been a week and he felt strongly about her. It scared him too much. 
“Hey guys” Y/N smiled happily taking her seat beside Harry, then taking a sip of her drink. Harry watched her while a smile, she truly was something else. 
“Who where you talking too?” Amy asked breaking the silence. 
“Ian, he just started taking our classes” she said pointing to Niall and Sammie. “He was just asking me to help him catch up” She smiled unaware of the glare Harry was now sending in Ian’s direction. 
taglist: @vinylhazza @cryinabtharvey
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