#who knows? not me !
leftski-art · 9 months
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gonna be honest idk what to tag this one because idk what he even is but I hope you enjoy him anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cool-person-yey · 7 months
45% of my brain is like " the puter voices are jmart and jonah magnus!!11!1!1!!;" and 45% are " they know we were going to try make TMA and tmagp have some sort of direct relation and they're using it to trick us" and the other 10% are " these motherfuckers are planning something totally different and completely unexpected"
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a4lesbian · 2 years
It’s like i want to be the most important person in your life but I don’t want to kiss your lips or have sex with you
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anothercrisis · 2 years
@alexgalaxyboo and I were just chatting in the comments on this post (because I’m an absolute menace to everyone’s comment sections deal with it) so my brain was in Think About SoapGhost mode, you know as it frequently is, and Think About The Way They Love Each Other mode.
Following me? So I rolled out of my sick bed to make myself a tea, as you do, and I can’t even have a moment without these stupid idiots intruding on my thoughts, because my stupid tea bag decided to have a stupid little quote on the tag that says “Trust creates peace” and I just…
My brain, that is always unwell but is inside of a sick body today, went: Yeah that checks out. Ghost learns to trust Johnny with his vulnerability and finds the peace in his love to be Simon. Soap learns to trust Ghost with all of him and finds peace in his acceptance to be the full weight of himself.
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slugpup2 · 2 years
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okay just one more doodle post
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localicecreambiter · 8 months
Writing Warm-up: 7th times the Charm
I haven't written anything substantial in a long while so I decided to crank out a little thing for some practice. I didn't proof read so forgive the mistakes and terrible writing flow
my first actual loz piece
"What can I do to help?"
It was always the same question. The same tone. The longer he knew the other, the more sure he grew that Link wasn't even aware it was something he did. The Hylian was just helpful by nature; a heart pure and true is what Ravio always said. Too nice for his own good.
So when a group of self proclaimed heros knocked on his dear friend's door, asking for Link to help on another quest, Ravio couldn't say he was surprised.
Lorule was a land buzzing with magic, despite the (previously) lack of triforce. It was a kingdom filled with strange monsters, items, and people. So to say the Lolian was magically inclined would be an understatement. Identifying Hyrule's magic had been challenging initially. Despite the similarities, there was a distinct difference in magical presence that threw the merchant off at points. Just as their lands mirrored not exactly the same, the magic reflected in kind. While he tended to get confused, there was no denying the glaringly obvious: these heros held the exact same magic Link harbored.
It was something unexplainable, not through words, at the very least. Call it a gut feeling, but he just knew.
Wisdom had always been drawn to courage anyhow.
The small cottage atop a hill in central Hyrule had never felt so empty as Link saddled his adventuring bag. His excitement betrayed the cool persona he attempted to keep, fidgety digits readjusting his bag strap every few seconds. They would make eye contact every so often as the party trotted along the pebbled road, greenery edging his vision. That was the toughest part about being friends with a hero: the guy had responsibilities set upon him by the goddess. No matter how much Link grumbled and complained, cursed and forsaken, he always did his duty at the end of the day.
It was one of the numerous things that set them so far apart.
He shook his head, vowing he had let go of that insecurity years ago. He wasn't 14 anymore, he wasn't the failed hero of Lorule. He was a merchant, and a friend of the hero of Hyrule. He wanted nothing more, nothing less. So when Link swung around to offer one last goodbye, pride swelled inside the cowardly rabbit.
"Try and make it back in one piece, pal." He tried for a smile, lip quivering with emotion. "Sheerow and I will always be rooting for you back home, so don't let us down buddy."
Link only shook his head, smirk doing nothing to hide the fondness on his face. "Yeah yeah, no promises. Make sure my house doesn't burn down… And don't pawn off my stuff." The pointed look was playful, they both knew he would never dream of it.
They could stand there and banter all day, but Ravio knew Link had more important places to be.
"I'll see you later." Not a question, nor an offer, but a fact. The merchant could do nothing but nod for fear he'd lose his composure. There was always some uncertainty when leaving for an adventure, but if Link was anything, it was reliable.
He always made it home without fail.
And as the portal closed, he was reminded of how fast things can change in a single moment.
There was always a constant, and as he turned to make the trek back to the empty feeling cottage on a hill in central Hyrule, he hoped silently Link would be that constant.
The odds were six to nothing. A reassuring ratio.
The Lolian smiled, he could live with those odds.
Link would be home before he knew it.
@kaite--s i figured you'd wanna see this since we've been discussing (but seeing as you lurk in the ravio tags as much as I do im sure you would have found it eventually)
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
live footage from my google docs rn of me and all my wips
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"Such hostility"
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*insert gif of fanning self here because I can only add ten images to a post and I'm one picture short of this scene being done *
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You know that tasted like glass saying that.
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The relief on his face is killing me.
"Let's remember how things used to be shall we? And don't let these bars fool you dear(ie).
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You can see the derangedness of rumple under mr. Gold's expression.
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The way he's holding it, protectively.
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
quick someone send me good vibes before i lose my goddamn mind over absolutely nothing.
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sunflower-eddiediaz · 22 days
i haven't finished the edit i wanted to do for summer of buddie this week 👀 i had the idea on week 2.... why is it the end of week 5 and it's still not out
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alloru · 1 year
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I redrew the sketch and coloured it! maybe I'll make a fully rendered drawing out of this sometime, maybe not :¹
the colours took quite a bit to decide on, but I'm really happy with them at the moment! I also started the design process with looking at a bunch of references but scrapped all of it and just made some stuff up lol
those pants definitely shouldn't fit the aesthetic the other stuff has going on but oh well, somehow it does! I also absolutely love the triple-parted-cloak in the front as well, I'll definitely reuse that element sometime in the future :>
dark skin with glowing bright hair inspired by @kingspacebar!
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
June of Doom day 2
“get in” (sobbing/survivor’s guilt/salve)
Content warning: mention of death, implied burning of bodies
Whumpee didn't know who was saving them. They didn't know if they were being saved, or if they'd just traded one monster for another. All they knew was that they were exhausted. Too tired to fight, too tired to question the motivations of the people dragging them from Whumper's empty base.
Empty, because they were the only person left alive. Empty, because all the captives had worked together desperately to escape Whumper, and only one of them actually survived. Knowing how many lives were sacrificed along the way, Whumpee couldn't even find peace in the fact that Whumper was dead.
They'd expected to die alongside them. They didn't know what to do now that they hadn't.
"We're here, get in."
Whumpee blinked, the sudden words pulling them from their thoughts. Their savior had led them to a van, white and nondescript. It sat outside the building they'd considered their prison for weeks, parked alone.
"But…that's not enough," the words came out slow and halting, Whumpee's voice thick from unuse. "We'll need more cars for the others."
"You're the only survivor, and all my men plus you can fit in a single vehicle. Get in."
"No, you don't understand," Whumpee tried to pull away, but the grip on their wrist was unyielding. "They're bodies need to be returned home. They all had families, they'll need funeral rights and–"
Whumpee stopped when they heard several pairs of footsteps approaching. They turned to find their savior's men leaving the building. None of them were carrying body bags.
One of the men lingered at the open door. When the others had gone a distance away, he threw something through the doors. Even from that distance, Whumper could hear the sound of fire bursting to life. In mere moments, an orange glow began showing from the windows. 
Whumpee stared, eyes wide, as their fellow prisoners burned.
"We're leaving," Whumpee felt the grip on their wrist tighten, felt themselves being dragged into the van. They didn't have the strength left to resist.
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thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Working on the new Blackwater chapter, we going with the smut or nah? Who knows
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strawberrycowtime · 5 months
what are your pronouns GO
uughghghhgh do i have tooooo
i don't really care that much lols gender is like washi tape in that no matter how much i want it to stick to me it just wont :T
she/they is fine in general but feel free to use whatever
actually rn i am feeling antiboy. no he/hims for this fairy princess please and thanks
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dismaltouch · 1 year
*  ♡  ↪  𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 @housefircs​​​
♡  muse : faith paetz.
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“you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind?”
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lamboficarus · 7 months
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did a bunch of doodles watching an artists stream today :)
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