#be safe everyone
gkdmts · 2 months
they way you draw epel changed my brain chemistry please may I see idia in your artstyle
sounds extreme, thanks though!! and here you go, buncha Idias some are fresh and some ive been meaning to post for a while
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oh and have a nice day anon! : )
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allthingsbucktommy · 1 month
You already know that we don't want to get into this kind of stuff, but due to certain things that have happened recently in the fandom, we have the need to write this:
First of all, trolls clearly need attention, and they are getting what they want, one way or another. Don't pay attention to them, report them, block them, disable anonymous asks for a while or forever if necessary. The tags (equal parts bucktommy and buddie) are for enjoying what people like, not for filling them with hate or even "k*** urself". We ask everyone not to continue fueling this madness. You already know what you have to do to make your space, and the entire fandom, a safe place, regardless of your preferences. Try to be more empathetic, and put yourself in the shoes of others, and how you would feel reading certain things.
Sending hate to the other fandom, posting about what you don't like about the other, etc, will not make Tim, the actors or whoever, decide that you are right, that they will do what you want. That's not how it works. Tim will continue writing what he wants, it's his show, not ours. If he or the cast sees certain things, all you will get is the exact opposite of what you want.
And on a more personal note, using "k*** urself", csa, murder, etc, to harm others, has left me speechless. These things that some want are very problematic, and I'm sure they don't realize what they are really doing, so I hope that at some point they will open their eyes and make peace with themselves.
That said, we will continue doing what we have always done, enjoying 911, all the characters, the good things about the fandom, and hoping to be able to share and spread all the good things that you write and create.
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missing-childhood · 2 months
I care about you. I care about you immensely. I care that you ate something small today. I care that you washed your hair. I care that you made your bed. I care that you spoke today. I care that you drank some water. I care about everything because you deserve to have someone care about you. Things get rough and we relapse. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love and compassion. I care about you.
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smproject16 · 1 year
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Watch out
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blairwitherflower · 5 months
Sorry for the late reply I didn't notice this there but I did block him now, there are some stuff I seen him with people like that do I'm very aware what's happening
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sunnywalnut · 4 months
Do's and Don'ts of accepting commissions:
-DON'T disclose if you have recently made an account for a finance app in order to accept commissions (scammers will exploit this. They now know that you don't know how the app works and they do. Haha now you got scammed)
-DO look into their profile. How old is it? How many posts do they have? Followers? How many people are they following? What KIND of people are they following? Some scammers will create new accounts that LOOK old by following multiple people. But if you look into the actual accounts, they'll usually just be the basic ones you are offered when you first make an account. (Think. Celebrities. "Basic" Instagram models. Wannabe musicians. Etc etc) Also look to see if they've got any comments on their page. Some people might not post a lot, but usually they're not following 2000+ people at the same time.
-DON'T give out your personal information, like your email, where you live, your phone number, or birth name(unless legally obligated. Like if it's part of the payment app you're using) scammers will ask for your email SEPARATELY from the link you share to your payment app in order to send you spam and fake emails. ALWAYS send payment plans only. Especially if you already have a way to contact them.
-DON'T trust anyone who's willing to "walk you through" something. This is a business transaction. Not everyone is as good as you hope they are. Even if you don't know what's happening, pretend you do. Get somebody you trust IN REAL LIFE to take a look at what's going on. Ask them to help you instead. NEVER trust strangers to help you with money. Especially online.
-DO set boundaries. You're allowed to say "I'd rather keep things strictly professional" if they try to change the subject. Or repeat that you only accept one form of payment when they say they only have another. Even if they really are a good person and you know it in your heart. This is a BUSINESS transaction. You're not here to make friends or sugar coat things. You can be nice, but also be firm. People take advantage of those who have wobbly boundaries.
-DON'T accept grossly inflated prices. This one is tricky. I know it. You love money, I love money, and hey. Who WOULDN'T want a thick wad of cash from just one drawing, right? Except. That's. How they get ya. They promise you money. You lower your guard. You're extra super nice and sweet bc you want that sweet sweet cash. You think to yourself "oh they just want me to be paid what I'm worth" but NOPE. There's no debating. There's no "well can I tip you at least?" There's no "oh sweet your prices are lower than I expected" it's just "yep I got $300 and I'll send you the full payment right now" RED FLAG. especially if after you say you'll only accept HALF upfront. Also if they tell you their "budget" and keep INSISTING upon that specific number? Red flag. Move along. Scammers will sometimes have a set price. They don't want to go through the effort of changing it for every scam. So they'll insist on the same price regardless of what you change. Beware.
-DON'T fall for any email that claims that you cannot cancel, back out, or dispute something. Also if they claim to be ready to contact the "authorities" most apps will have a "help center" where you can ask questions. And also. They usually aren't the ones that contact the authorities. It's the person who wants their fuckin money. Unfinished transactions usually are void after a while.
-DON'T believe in the "honor system" if you get an email claiming to need somebody to send you x amount of money to "expand" your account and they WILLFULLY agree to pay it, you're dealing with a scammer. Especially if it's a big amount of money. Nobody is willing to throw $200 extra fuckin bucks away on an honor system. Not even Jeffery Bezos.
-DO be wary of people that over explain themselves and what to do when it is not in regards to the actual content they will be receiving. If they're "helping" you read an email, especially one that you haven't shown them, that's a red flag.
-DO be wary of people who do not ask the "right" questions. How long will it take, what are your prices, what styles do you do, can you do this vs that, do you do traditional or digital, etc etc. If they seem aloof and uninterested in ACTUALLY getting a specific piece done, they're not actually in it for the commission. I'm sorry.
-DO be wary of people that send references that do not match your content. I had someone send me a photo reference of two people. I've never posted any realism art EVER. And this was right after uploading a master blast of all my cartoony sketches over the span of 3 hours. And they told me I can "draw it in whatever style" when I told them I don't do hyper realism. Sus. Very sus. Don't trust anyone who doesn't care on what kind of style their piece is gonna be in. Everyone cares. Everyone SHOULD care.
-DON'T be afraid to cancel a commission. Even after you said you'd be able to do it, or that it might be possible, or anything else. Issue the refund(if needed) and tell them that while you're flattered that they came to you, you don't think you'd be the right fit for creating their certain piece. Yes this even goes for people you don't want to work with just because they're downright creepy. Protect your peace. And listen to your gut. It's usually right. I know mine was.
Stay safe out there y'all.
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owl127 · 2 years
support (M)
Dawn had broken when Clarke woke up from a dreamless sleep. She had passed out before 8 p.m., exhausted, complaining about her ankle to an empty house and munching on doritos—though she would deny that last part if Lexa asked. Lexa was all about organic this and organic that in the past months. For the baby, she would justify stealing the perfectly fine hamburger from Clarke’s hand. Clarke yawned, feeling uncomfortable, and shuffled her way to the bathroom before her bladder got the best of her. Their daughter probably had Lexa’s affinity for sports, because she was for sure playing soccer with Clarke’s bladder.
She didn’t hear it at first, not with the sound of flushing and washing her hands. It was too early for any noises from neighbors, and the birds seemed to be having a lazy morning. But something unnamed tugged at her heart, something heavy and familiar, and Clarke made her way downstairs in her pajamas. Halfway down, she heard it clearly.
"Lexa?" she asked, and the muffled sobs stopped. At first, Clarke was angry. It wouldn’t be the first time Lexa had gone for drinks with her friends from the station and overdone it, trying to hide her drunkenness in the downstairs bathroom before filling their bedroom with the smell of alcohol. Clarke wobbled—as much as she would like to argue she simply walked—to the bathroom, expecting to find a drunk Lexa passed out in the shower.
The sobbing stopped with both of Lexa’s hands on her mouth. She smelled like smoke, and Clarke almost gagged at the intensity of it. Lexa always showered after her shifts, especially if they had a call. But her hair was wet, so maybe she did shower, and the smell lingered. Clarke couldn’t kneel next to her, so she simply sat on the closed toilet, one hand on Lexa’s shoulder. Lexa didn’t meet her eyes.
"Honey?" Clarke tried, her heart heavier as she caught sight of bloodshot eyes. "Lexa, what happened?" She had never seen Lexa cry like this—not the body-wracking sobs that she was desperately trying to hide. "Lexa, please talk to me," Clarke asked, her own voice raw and tears pricking at her eyes. Lexa shook her head, and it only took Clarke the nearest suggestion of a hug as Lexa threw herself at her, sobbing on her shoulders.
Endless scenarios crossed Clarke’s mind: Someone had died on their call. Anya, Gus, Lincoln, someone dear to Lexa, or maybe someone was in the hospital right now—but that didn’t make sense. Lexa would be in the hospital and not breaking down on their bathroom floor. Maybe something happened to Indra? Clarke couldn’t imagine anything less than death to surrender Lexa to her knees like that.
"I’m sorry," Lexa said, her voice all scattered gravel. She coughed, turning her head away from Clarke. "I’m sorry."
"It’s okay, babe." Clarke was already crying—damn her hormones—but seeing her wrecked wife made her feel things. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," Lexa said, and immediately started crying again. "I just… I couldn’t…"
"It’s alright." Clarke pulled her back for another long hug, holding her wife as she sobbed. "Was there a call?" Lexa nodded, her damp tresses cold against Clarke’s neck.
Lexa had been through bad calls before. She had pulled corpses from burning houses and mangled bodies from crashed cars; what could have happened to reduce her to this sobbing mess?
Clarke gasped at the touch on her belly. Lexa’s shaking hands held firm but delicately against the bump there, which had grown steadily in the last trimester.
So that was the change.
Clarke sniffled. "Honey, do you want to talk about it?"
Lexa shook her head again, her fingers light and determined over Clarke’s belly. Clarke held her and let her cry, and they watched the sun rise from the small bathroom window. Clarke’s fingers played with Lexa’s hair, feeling it dry out as she touched it. When Clarke’s back started to protest, Lexa croaked in a tired voice, "It was a college party."
Clarke nodded, never stopping the caress on Lexa’s nape, her back, and her neck. Clarke touched any skin she could reach.
"Some idiot used a firework inside a club hosting a college party." Clarke’s heart accelerated. That must have made national news; she was passed out before it broke last night. "It spread too fast. We had to wait to get inside." Lexa swallowed a sob, and Clarke held her tighter. "There was only one exit. Hundreds of kids didn’t make it and choked on the smoke." Clarke’s throat was dry as she tried to swallow. "Some, some of them"—Lexa took a deep breath—"a lot of them thought there was an exit in the bathroom. There wasn’t. 
NThe bodies, they… they piled up. There were dozens in the bathroom."
Shit. Clarke needed some air.
"And…" Lexa cleared her throat, not starting at Clarke; not for a single moment did she look at her. "And when we could enter; their phones. Clarke." She finally met Clarke’s eyes, deep green blurred with red and pain. "Their phones wouldn't stop ringing. All their phones, in all those bodies, ringing, ringing…" Lexa bit her lip and shook her head. "There was a girl holding her phone and… and it had 117 missed calls from ‘Mom’." Clarke was sobbing along with Lexa, her arms shaking as she held her wife. God, Clarke needed to be Lexa’s support, but she also had her limit. 
Lexa had seen death countless times. But this had been the first time she had seen it as a mother. 
They cried in the bathroom together, amid the scent of putrified smoke and leftover pain. 
Clarke held her strong, heroic, and brave wife as she sobbed into her neck, touching her stomach to make a connection with their unborn daughter. 
That morning, the sun rose silently.  
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agirlwithmagicpals · 4 months
happy pride month everyone!!!💜❤️💙🌈🦄
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orphyd · 1 year
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Damn you west coast Floridians aren’t catching any breaks with the hurricanes….
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well. we are as prepared as we can be for Ian.
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scraftsku35 · 2 years
I recall K lives in Herne Bay/Ponsonby (he talked about it on NZ radio once) which is close to the water. I hope he/his family are relatively unaffected. Thinking of all Aucklanders - it looks like crazy amounts of rain.
Yeah I remember that interview. There was another where he said something like I love being able to just leave my house and be on the water like near the water something like that. It was an interview from at least 4-5 years ago. I don’t know if he’s shooting The Boys in Toronto or if he’s home in Auckland. I can’t imagine his worry if he’s in Toronto and this is happening at his home. Thinking positive thoughts that the rain will stop and people can save their homes and that his kids are safe. 💙
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I'm stepping back for a couple of days. Be safe everyone, you have all of my love
💙 💛 💜
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Happy early Halloween, everyone! I hope you all are doing well and if you are partying I hope you all have a great time and get home safely 💕 these past few weeks have been crazy with work and school work but after this week it should be a little relaxed enough for me to focus on the drafts I have waiting to post!
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amortentiaxpotion · 2 years
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( abigail cowen, 20, ciswoman, she/her) hey, is that VIOLET HASTINGS wandering the halls without a companion? the SIXTH YEAR is getting bold. and here I thought the RAVENCLAW was always more loyal, ambitious, & caring. but then they are also known to be obsessive, perfectionist, & self-destructive, so maybe that makes sense. these hard times are enough to change anybody, I suppose. and did you hear people are saying they’re in NO ORGANIZATION? rumors fly when people are cooped up.  here, I’ll show you — Violet always reminded me of a warm cup of tea on a cold day, chaotic academia, a mother’s warm hug and protection from a cruel world, faerie academia, and little affirmation notes hastily put into your lunch to prove your loved. and I’ve heard she’s ONE BAD TEST RESULT FROM BLOWING HER WHOLE FUTURE UP AND RUNNING AWAY FROM THE WIZARDING WORLD ALL TOGETHER. let’s hope the MUGGLEBORN doesn’t get attacked by the beast. or let’s at least hope that rumor doesn’t get back to them before they do. ( Katlyn, 30, Est, She/They)
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anonprosh1p · 1 month
hi, I just wanted to say be careful when opening carrds. Sometimes antis like to hide invisible IP trackers in them
Oh my, I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know!!
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility!❤️🏳️‍⚧️
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