#be your own boss ideas
activ-franchise · 1 month
Exploring Digital Marketing Franchise Opportunities in the UK
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In today's fast-changing online world, businesses are always looking for new ways to improve how they appear online and connect with the right customers. One avenue that has gained significant traction in recent years is digital marketing franchises. These franchises offer individuals the opportunity to tap into a proven business model and capitalise on the growing demand for digital marketing services. For aspiring entrepreneurs looking to delve into the realm of franchising, exploring top UK franchises in the digital marketing sector could pave the way for a lucrative venture.
The Appeal of Digital Marketing Franchises: Empowering Entrepreneurs
The allure of digital marketing franchises lies in their potential to empower individuals to start their own business ventures with the backing of a reputable brand and established systems. Aspiring entrepreneurs often seek out opportunities to leverage their skills and passion for marketing while minimising the risks associated with launching a new venture from scratch. By aligning with UK franchises in the digital marketing niche, individuals can access comprehensive training, ongoing support, and a network of like-minded professionals, thereby increasing their chances of success.
Flexibility in Business Ownership: Tailoring Services to Local Markets
One of the key advantages of digital marketing franchises is the flexibility they offer in terms of business ownership. Whether you're a seasoned marketer looking to strike out on your own or someone with a keen interest in the field but limited experience, there are opportunities available to suit various backgrounds and skill sets. From content creation and social media management to search engine optimisation and pay-per-click advertising, digital marketing franchises encompass a broad spectrum of services, allowing franchisees to tailor their offerings to meet the needs of local businesses.
Navigating the Journey to Entrepreneurship: Support and Resources
Embarking on the journey to start your own business can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, with the support and resources provided by reputable digital marketing franchises, the path to entrepreneurship becomes more manageable. Franchisees benefit from access to proven marketing strategies, cutting-edge technology platforms, and ongoing professional development opportunities. Moreover, by leveraging the brand recognition and reputation of UK franchises, entrepreneurs can establish credibility in the market and attract clients more effectively.
Seizing Opportunities in a Dynamic Industry: Building a Successful Venture
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses of all sizes recognise the importance of maintaining a strong online presence. This presents a wealth of opportunities for individuals looking to carve out a niche in the digital marketing industry. By aligning with UK franchises, entrepreneurs can tap into this burgeoning market and position themselves as trusted advisors to local businesses seeking to enhance their digital footprint. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a budding entrepreneur, exploring digital marketing franchise opportunities could be the first step towards building a successful business venture.
In conclusion, for aspiring entrepreneurs eager to start their own business ventures in the dynamic field of digital marketing, exploring top UK franchises is a strategic move. These franchises offer a gateway to entrepreneurship by providing comprehensive support, proven business models, and access to a network of industry professionals. By capitalising on the growing demand for digital marketing services and aligning with reputable franchises like Activ Franchise, individuals can embark on a rewarding journey towards business ownership and success in the ever-expanding digital landscape. Explore the possibilities, seize the opportunity, and join the ranks of the best UK franchises shaping the future of digital marketing.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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A new challenger approaches (slowly)
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The bourgeois or "exploiting class" doesn't inherently include the person who gets their nails done biweekly, or the disabled person who has a carer, or the guy who got a $70 video game for full-price, or the person who relies on medication (yes even the ones you don't think they "need"), or anything else like this. None of these people will, on average, have the ability to exploit workers by means of ownership or whatever.
While you are busy fighting with fellow workers, you are still being exploited by your boss, by capitalism, by (potentially) not having healthcare, by being overworked and underpaid, and so are they.
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drinkingdeadpeopletea · 2 months
and shout-out to weepe's guards! competent enough to move quicker than kozma's people, strong enough to overpower them despite being outnumbered, and seemingly didn't even blink at not just killing other people but at doing it with horrific weaponized tearror-blood. weepe found these guys in the fucking TRUST?
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beneathsilverstars · 16 days
thinkign about oc gender headcanons
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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Luxiem & Vibes
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: just something short and sweet so that i don't forget how to write lmao
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a different writing layout! the dividers aren't present due to the shortness of length!
i cant be bothered to colour the names too differently (sorry boss)
just general vibes lmao, try figuring out what part of their personality (lore wise + minor details from their livestreams) i'm referencing ^^
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
a quiet campus library near exams season
you can feel how stressed out the students are in the library, yet there seems to be this air of serenity still
quiet clacking of keys, the quick flutters of papers and the smell of monster energy drinks mixed with an unhealthy amount of espresso
a dark alleyway in an otherwise dazzling street at night
neon signs, cigarette smoke and whistling all masking away the darkness within the city's brilliant lights
the lion's eyes watching as its prey walks by
a forest meadow surrounded by fire
the otherwise serene scenery is surrounded by chaos as the flames crept closer
the smell of burnt wood, the green hues withering away and the sun feeling as if it was shining even brighter. one may say that this is just fine
a cemetary in the middle of the night.
they say if you enter the cemetary at a certain hour, many souls could be found wandering around the graves
eerie stillness, leaves rustling and the suspicious chuckling that could be heard across the graveyard
sailing in the middle of the ocean during a still night.
no one knows what could be lurking under the waters or could tell how violent the waves could be, yet there seems to be comfort in the unknown
waves crashing against the otherwise still boat, the chilling salty air and the serene scenery of ocean for miles on end
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hellafluff · 10 months
Currently obsessively thinking about a silent hill from Mary's perspective. Starting in the hospital, the nurses replaced with doctors, faces blacked out except for white shiny gnashing teeth. She only has in her pockets a note written on hotel stationary that says I'm Sorry.
Escaping and meeting a young man, cute and a lil awkward, who says you look a lot like his girlfriend Maria, and shes missing too? Can we look for her together?
Hes... sweet, a bit quiet. He gets very close to Mary often, pushes her boundaries, but this is all weird and strange and maybe hes just scared. When she mentions it, however, he makes a rude remark abt Just Wanting To Help Her but backs off.
They get seperated when the Red Pyramid Thing, unchanged in this version, comes and attacks them both, but chooses to persue him.
Laura is still there, and when Mary and her meet they cling together. She talks about an awful, ugly man she met earlier, and to watch out for him. She helps guide Mary through a maze like area before the Other World sets in and separates them.
The monsters in Mary's Silent Hill are almost all larger then her, and many masculine in appearance. They attack her head, try and choke her. Certain ones cough and gasp, arms thrashing wildly and thrashing on the floor when knocked down. Some seems to have exposed, black lungs that stutter to breathe. If Angela and Eddie are the same in this version, then their boss fights remain the same. The Abstract Daddy just as horrifying to Mary as it is to Angela.
Every reunion with the man, hes different. Less nice, more haunted looking. He starts to call her Maria, and barely acknowledges her if she corrects him. Following his advice leads to darker and more dangerous areas. The Red Pyramid keeps coming and chasing him away, but shes always collateral damage when that happens.
Eventually, she makes it to the hotel. Hes waiting for her in the hotel room, haggard, almost unrecognizable from the man he was when they first met. He has a monologue about how she's been sick, and hes been trying his best to be there for her. She doesnt understand, she doesnt know him, shes NOT Maria! She never will be. She starts coughing.
He makes to leave but at the last second turns, and hes a monster now. Large, fleshy, imposing, always trying to suffocate her under thick hands. Upon his defeat, two Red Pyramids arrive and stab at the dying thing over and over until finally impaling themselves.
There are different endings still. She remembers her disease, and her murder, in most of them. In the best ending she leaves the town with Laura, likely still ill, but alive again. In one of the worst, she wakes up in the trunk of a car, as water begins seeping in.
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whoredmode · 1 year
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we’re alive!
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neatfrog · 1 month
Ok I’m stoned so I’m going to be silly for a moment, pls don’t take any of this seriously I’m just having a laugh
Y’all know what I like? Using icons to represent characters/ships. Not sure if it originated in eastern fandom spaces but I saw it on Twitter a lot back when I used it
Example: 📻🍎 (radioapple) - that’s an easy one!
huskerdust uhhh 🐱🕷️ ? mmm wish there were cuter spider emojis (and this looks shite on dark mode)
😈🦉- stolitz!
fizzmodeus: 🤡🐓 (ok this one is honestly cracking me up but it makes sense right???)
I’m at a loss for what to use for Charlie, for Vaggie maybe uhh 🪽(angel wing)? or is that way too on the nose lol
Ok yeah I’m tapped out now but this was fun to think about for 5 minutes
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flowering-darkness · 2 months
connecting things that happened when you played the game your F/O is in, to the story of your selfship with that F/O, is something that can truly be so special
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lucky-draws · 2 years
Ocelot is so interesting and tragic and insane because he was essentially raised in and molded for a world that the patriots weren’t so much dedicated to building as much as they believed that a man from such a world would be the perfect spy and ocelot is only able to find affirmation of such a world in the eyes and heart of Big Boss. He’s like an otter in the desert that fell in love with a goldfish in a bowl, the most water he’s ever seen in his life. A goldfish that tells him stories of the sea, a magical wonderful place neither of them have ever actually known.
YEEEAAAAS OMG. your mind your words!!! you're right + that's a very funky way of putting it. food for thought.
and like ocelot's childhood/his molding into shape by the philosophers is so so interesting to think abt honestly....... tragic and insane guy indeed.....
actually on this ive been thinking thoughts abt the philosophers etc bc i recently saw a page from the mgs4 novel on my dash, and like phew. (phew. i have the novel myself + i flicked through it to find the bit rather than dig up the post i saw and my god. what a novel.certainly some sentences in here.) anyway this bit:
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the 'my insignificant personality' bit is very interesting and tasty to me....... i guess from childhood he's been raised to be an actor, to play numerous roles, as part of being a spy, and as such is used to sort of burying his true personality very deep, or pushing it aside. repressing it all. and i think...
like i often think of him in relation to bosselot as being like. he's raised to be working for various organisations, to be devoted to the philosophers and their will, and from childhood he's given all these ideas beyond his age about countries and politics and all these faceless organisations or powers, and i think of him as when he finds bb, it's like all that falls away and he suddenly finds someONE who's worth devoting his life, his skills to instead.
and maybe HE thinks of it as being far superior, far more meaningful than being loyal to any country or organisation, because bb is real and alive and smexy (sorry) and fascinating and all the rest of it. however.
i think the sort of tragedy of it is is that while bb might seem like that at the start, this goofy mgs3 eater of raw snakes, what bb becomes is essentially just another faceless concept; he loses his humanity, he becomes obsessed, he's this symbol of war, he IS war, he is a gun as he himself says, and i think it's like ocelot in his own mind is so infatuated that he doesn't see it maybe, or he does but it's too late , and the reality is that his devotion to big boss is hardly any less demeaning, or any less tragic, than devoting his life to the philosophers or to america or russia or whoever. idk. especially if you think of this is in a more canon sense of bosselot i.e. Not requited. because ocelot really does not get anything at all from his devotion.
Which. i guess links or mirrors the boss. Loyalty to the end. she's loyal to her country and gets nothing for it except you know. Exploitation and death. And ocelot is. Loyal to big boss and he THINKS he's on to something good, that bb is far more of a worthy cause than patriotism, but what does he get for it? the same thing really. it's a thankless task and it ends with his whole personality destroyed, except in his final moments, and death at the hands of a knock-off snake. idk.
kgnghfhffhjsk so yeah. well here we are with more bosselot discussion on this fine wednesday. thank u for dropping by!!!!!!! its very true what u say i enjoyed it and unfortunately was motivated to add my own ramblings.peace and love and meow meow meow meow meow miaow miao fucking mrreow on earth!!!!! 🐆
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activ-franchise · 1 month
Discover the power of franchise marketing companies. Unlock opportunities to start your own business venture in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.
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jamlabs · 5 months
Strangelove and BB are two sides of the same coin when it comes to obsessive love. Neither of them cope well and neither of them really understand who the Boss is as a whole person but that's the point. Neither can let go of the past out of love. Neither of their idealized versions of the Boss is a good one and both have reasons for seeing her the way they do. Their obsession isn't healthy or good or even representative of what she would have wanted but neither know her any different to say otherwise. SL knew her when she first started contemplating peace. BB only knew her as a warmonger and soldier.
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bookish-bi-mormon · 11 months
Very dangerous listening to the always sunny podcast. Giving me ideas
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transsweet · 1 year
every time someone says scc are worthless characters in deltarune i feel my soul wither away more and more
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 2 years
i feel like if pokemon continues the legends series, they're probably gonna make the games different types of rpg games. so here's my idea for a legends games
pokemon legends: kyurem. it takes place during the unovan civil war and it's a choose your own adventure game.
a pair of twins is sent back in time as the space-time rifts first found in hisui have been spreading to the other regions and causing divergences in the flow of time. now the twins have to choose between joining the army of truth, army of ideals, or to go to a supposed ghost town where strange things are happening.
no matter what twin you choose, the other is still a main character of the story. unlike in legends arceus where the mc is practically a hero in history, you and your twin have to keep a low profile since it's a pretty big part of unovan history you've been sent back to.
i don't know all of the ancestors i want to have in each path you choose but here are some.
army of truth:
one of the two royal twins
bianca's ancestor, the professor
army of ideals:
one of the two royal twins
cheren's ancestor, the professor
nimbasa town, the ghost town:
elizabeth/eliza - elesa's ancestor, head rancher
emit - amnesiac station master, does supply runs
bella - fennel's ancestor, the professor
rosemary - n's ancestor, leads security and is a move tutor
griffith - ghetsis' ancestor, mayor of nimbasa
"daniel" - drayden's ancestor, wandering salesman
the protags look like the b2w2 protags and for a good reason. i won't say the reason.
i don't really have a lot of ideas. the armies are more for not using pokemon at all or only using them as tools. the people in nimbasa town have a much more partner like relationship with pokemon. that's all i have.
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