studiodelta · 1 year
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studio delta has announced on the 27th of august on all of their social media accounts that a new page has been published to its official website: 'into the deltaverse’, a round of public auditions to join the company’s roster! 
auditions will be running through september, and they are open to the general public. the audition process consists of two stages: first, those interested in participating must fill out the personal information form on the website and submit alongside it a 90 second solo video consisting of an introduction and a showcase of two or more skills. as noted in a footnote, those skills can be anything from your usual singing and dancing to using your own lyrics or choreography, reciting poetry while hopping on one foot, a brief rap verse followed by a reenactment of king the land’s last scene, and more! the most important thing is to show versatility - after all, studio delta is known for its “producer-dols” and notoriously encourages thinking outside the box!
the videos will be evaluated by top rated coaches in the industry, and an unspecified select few will be invited for the second stage: a private in loco audition with the company. from there, wannabes might be offered a contract with studio delta. 
we wish good luck to everyone participating, and let’s get the hashtag #intothedeltaverse trending!
welcome to studio delta’s first official audition event! this is for wannabes only and will run until september 10 at 11:59pm EST. any threads or solos posted after the deadline will not count towards participation. follow-up messages will be sent to a select few with more instructions regarding the second stage of the audition process after this date. no points will be awarded during this event, so there is no form to submit. 
please note that, although you may write with other muses in order to be counted in the event, even if different muses come up with a performance idea together, in-character your muse is still expected to submit an individual, separate video focused solely on them. 
please use the hashtag #BE:INTOTHEDELTAVERSE for all posts relating to this event.
TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUDITION PROCESS, please write a 300+ word solo or a 4-post thread with another muse about the audition. please also state clearly somewhere in your post the two skills your muse has chosen, such as having at the top of your post “skills showcased: one and two”. some examples of what can be counted as participation are: filming the audition video, practicing choreography with a friend, writing lyrics to an original song your muse intends on performing, reeling after submitting the video and wondering if it’s good enough, and more! as long as the content shows your muse’s clear intent on auditioning and what skills they plan on showcasing, it will be counted.
as stated, muses must showcase two separate skills. this can be two performance skills, two ancillary skills, or a mixture of both! if you’re unsure of whether or not your idea qualifies for the requirements, don’t hesitate to shoot this blog a message and we’ll clear it up for you.
! IMPORTANT: once done with your solo or points, please submit the link to this blog so it can be counted as your audition!
good luck! 
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behaein · 1 year
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — INTO THE DELTAVERSE. aka, haein's audition for INTO THE DELTAVERSE (rough ref.) / skills: singing, dancing (original choreography)
knowing studio delta and their reputation, haein realized that she can't possibly get away with a normal audition tape. she's aware that they're probably looking for something different. someone who catches their eyes immediately. a couple of months ago, she would have been confident that she fit into that category, but she wasn't so sure anymore.
of course, that wouldn't stop her from joining this audition, especially not after all the encouragement she received from her peers at the dance and vocal academies she's been religiously attending. some may think she's appearing too desperate with how many doors she's knocking on, but she likes to call it determination. she doesn't care how many opportunities she has to take up, but she will accomplish what she came to korea for.
eventually, she settles down on an original choreography. again, she contemplated on this because the reps at studio delta most likely have seen her dancing from next gen. it was impossible they couldn't since they were part of the judging panel. however, this was an audition tape which meant at the end of the day, she had to show off what she was best at, and that was still dancing. the original choreography is just her own little twist to show off her skills and what she can bring to the table.
she finishes one draft of the audition tape and almost submits it when she thinks that something's missing. it doesn't seem like enough, so she impulsively heads down to the han river with a video camera. it's the middle of day, which means lots of people, but she's not concerned about that right now. what she needs is an impressive video.
and so she sings the track live along with the choreography that she's made. another chance to show that she isn't a weak vocalist because as much as she's over the humiliation of her voice crack, it's still something that needs to be proven to those who watched next gen and definitely something that'll probably continue to follow her until that day.
by the time she's done with her second draft, haein feels much better. this video and everything just feels a lot more like her. hopefully, whomever watches the video agrees.
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bejinyoung · 1 year
into the deltaverse callback by moon jinyoung covering pink venom by quartz (ref. 0:15-1:15)
the first thing moon jinyoung does when entering the room he's meant to perform in is check the friction of his shoes against the polished wooden floor. last time he had been invited to the studio delta building, albeit the older building before the axis merger, had been a fucking embarrassment; old shoes with treads worn too thin had no traction on the flood. he's lucky he didn't hurt anything but his pride back then. to his relief, this time he seems to be in for a little better luck.
"hello, i'm moon jinyoung," he bows politely to his evaluators, but they already know who he is. they're the ones who called him back and surely the papers in front of them tell everything that they might need to know; his name, his age, his resume, and all of those details he had filled out online already. he takes a breath to steady his nerves and flashes his most winning smile. jinyoung knows that it's not performance talent alone that makes an idol.
"today i'll be covering pink venom, originally by quartz. but, honestly, i changed the choreography a little to suit me better. i hope you like it." he bows again as he thanks the judges for their time in advance, then backs himself into position on the center point marked on the floor. he only has one chance to get this right, so he'll do his god damned best to impress.
the music starts and jinyoung's body snaps to attention, practiced movements coming naturally with a grace and power that he agonized over for hours in the mirror. he doesn't have anything against the more feminine movements of the original choreography, it's not that; it's just that he doesn't think it suits him. sure, he could've probably picked a male artist to cover instead, but isn't delta a more creative company to start? surely they'd appreciate this more. regardless, he doesn't think about such things now. instead, he pretends that he's once again on stage, competing, performing in front of hundreds or thousands of fans. he dances as if the room was a concert and the judges were his adoring audience, making eye contact and that cocky-confident smile that suits quartz's song so well. if he could wink, he would; he tried to practice that too.
the song comes to a close and jinyoung finds himself wishing that he had time to show more. but alas, he holds the finishing pose for a few extra seconds before relaxing his posture and bowing again. he expects to be dismissed rather quickly afterwards, but it's the judges who present him with further questions instead.
"what would you have done differently in your previous auditions that might have yearned more positive results?"
oh. jinyoung swallows thickly before managing a smile. surely there's some sort of humor to be found in this situation. "wore better shoes?" he can't remember if this is the same panel as before, or if they would even remember him at all. "i had an audition once where i was wearing old sneakers and the grip on the bottom was completely shot. i ended up slipping and messing up my dance... that was my fault for not being better prepared."
"how will you feel if this results in another rejection? will you give up on being an idol?"
each question seems harder to answer than the last. any trace of a smile vanishes from jinyoung's face, the mood suddenly quite somber. "i..." will he? he's thought about it, certainly. he's getting old. not literally, but old for a trainee. there will come a point where youth is more desirable, where he will no longer look appealing to any company no matter how good he dances or how handsome he may be. he certainly can't tell them that he's waiting on results from other auditions as well, though they may already know that. "i don't know," he answers honestly, unable to lie even if he could think of a good one. "maybe. i've thought about it. i know there's an... expiration date on this dream of mine. i don't know when exactly that is, though. i just... i guess i'll try as hard as i can until i can't anymore."
he bows his head, humbled by their interrogation.
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bejoomi · 1 year
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singing & composition & piano: ocean eyes piano version (:12-1:07; 2:09-2:37)
joomi decides to audition the day before video submissions are due.
before then, the idea spent about two weeks rotating in the back of his mind like a rotisserie chicken that needed to cook for far too long (the kind where you test the temperature over and over and somehow it's still not done, what the hell?)
when auditions were announced, he didn't even consider them relevant to him. he had friends that he knew would audition, and he was happy to cheer them on while being even happier to have a band to make music with without having to dance whatsoever.
then cam got signed to sr media. honestly, joomi was happy for him too; cam was a former idol, and he knew from working with him on next gen how badly he wanted to chase that dream again. he couldn't help but feel a little sad, too, though. dead calm was really just getting started, and he was happy with the team's dynamic. he knew they would have a lot of fun together, and then...suddenly that was disrupted. he'd have to find another bassist; ideally someone that could rap, too, since they had some fun covers they would play involving cam's rapping skills.
that was a high task, really, even though he had some people in the back of his mind that might work but probably not quite. he still worked two jobs on top of running the band, and still had therapy and needed time to dedicate to self care, as his therapist told him. overall...he didn't have as much time and energy to put into finding a replacement for cam as he wanted.
besides, how long can he really expect the band to last, even if he does find a substitution for cam? kian is committed to the band, but joomi knows his heart really lies with becoming an idol as well, not remaining a guitarist in an emo band for the rest of his life. yejun would probably stick around, but then there's kou, who...joomi loves, but honestly isn't sure he can count on as a permanent fixture of the band either. the guy didn't even realize he was a permanent fixture of the band until weeks into their practices.
there are also his friends already in studio delta: ren and dohyun, who he misses, and can't write music with anymore due to company policy. he would love to be able to write with them again, even if it was kpop music instead of rock music. it could be a fun foray, maybe?
then there's moon jinyoung. joomi would love to pretend his decision to audition for studio delta has nothing to do with his new friend's absolute desperation to become an idol, but that would be a lie. at first, he doesn't want to audition because of jinyoung; what if he gets picked to move forward and jinyoung doesn't? would he ever forgive him for that?
but then again, would he ever see jinyoung again if he became a trainee without him? that shouldn't matter, but it does. it matters too much.
if he put his all into the audition, or even decided he'd audition just for the hell of it more than a day early, he could probably write an original song just for his keyboard and this purpose. instead, he rushes around, trying to decide whether to adapt one of dead calm's songs to a piano arrangement, or to try to finish a song in progress, or something or something or something. no, dead calm's music is dead calm's music; he doesn't want to use it for his audition, which feels a bit like a betrayal to the band anyway, even though he knows everyone in it would support him in doing this.
instead, he settles on arranging a song by someone else that he really likes for piano. it's not as impressive as he'd like, but then again, he isn't sure if he even wants to make it past the first round of auditions; who cares if he gives it his all, really? right?
if anyone that reviewed auditions for next gen will be reviewing videos for delta auditions, joomi's chosen location will look familiar: that same music store he filmed his video in before, after hours.
it's different this time, though. so much is different. this time, he knows he can sing. he knows music is important to him, and that there has to be a place for him somewhere in that sprawling and diverse industry. kpop? that he isn't so sure of. he isn't eager to dance at all, but, he is...strangely eager to show how he's improved since his next gen audition, at the very least. he has more confidence now; more experience singing and performing and loving it.
his hands fall onto the piano's keys like they belong there, then flit along the keys as he sings.
he feels a little stupid. he feels stupid, because every time he practiced singing this stupid song, he thought of moon jinyoung. that shouldn't surprise him, though. a lot of the time he's thinking about moon jinyoung, even though he tries not to. he thinks about him as he sings now too, and he knows this audition will be the best it can be if he just lets it go. letting go is incredibly difficult for joomi under all circumstances, but it's easier sitting in front of the piano than anywhere else.
so he tries to sing it like he means it, because the song is relatable, and when it comes to putting on a good performance, that's a good thing. it's not so good for joomi's pride or mental state, but that doesn't matter right now.
all that matters is his voice and the piano and the emotion the song requires from him to pull it off at all. he won't be able to if he holds back. fine. jinyoung's eyes aren't the color of the ocean, but he remembers what they look like when he's laying next to him, and it's not as weird to stare as much as he wants to. fine. this stupid song matters to him most when it's about moon jinyoung.
it's easy to sing no fair and i'm scared, even with the difficulty of the vocal arrangement he made to accompany the piano, mainly because those are the words he means the most. nothing feels fair and everything feels scary, especially when it comes to whatever his heart is doing these days. he doesn't believe good things ever really stay; he doesn't believe in love. it's scary that these days, he kind of wants to, and not fair that it doesn't even feel like he has a choice.
fallin' into your ocean eyes those ocean eyes
when the song ends, and his video stops, he sits at the piano for a few moments and stares blankly down at the keys.
should he feel better? theoretically, he got all of that out of his system, right? a healthy outlet.
he doesn't, though. he really just feels tired.
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besiwoo · 1 year
into the deltaverse audition skills: acting (ref) & dancing (ref)
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he'd lost a bet.
that's it, really. siwoo isn't known to be particularly crazy about the idol lifestyle. no, actually, he doesn't really care too much about the idol life, or music in general. so it doesn't really make sense as to why siwoo would audition for an entertainment company of all places. but he'd lost a bet – one that he now knows he shouldn't have placed with alex. man. fuck alex.
"fuck alex," he mutters under his breath as he sets up his camera.
whatever. all he has to do is audition for this thing, and then well, whatever happens next will happen. maybe siwoo will forget all about this embarrassing ordeal and go on with his life.
"hello, my name is ryu siwoo. i'm a twenty year old college student," he bows. he's clad in a tommy hilfiger button down shirt, and his hair is styled as it usually is – neatly with the assumption that he has his life together ( he doesn't. because if he did have his life together, he wouldn't be doing all this because of a bet in the first place ).
"first, i'll be showing you a reenactment of different emotions from one of my favourite dramas, moving." it's a hit tv show with big name actors, trending articles everywhere so he assumes that everyone should know what it is. if not, he hopes that they at least enjoy his audition enough to not think he's a big idiot.
he's equipped himself with background and all that jazz.
the first emotion is happiness, and he reenacts a scene where bongseok is smiling up at his family in a yellow raincoat. he tries his hardest to show that.
next, is love. and his eyes shift slightly, the gaze of happiness falling into one of longing. "i saw you, and fell for you," he says, reciting a line from the drama.
the emotion then quickly shifts into anger. his eyebrows furrow, and breathing starts getting heavy.
before finally, it lands on sadness. the last emotion. "i was dying inside," he says in an almost whisper, reciting yet another line, but loud enough for the camera to catch it.
his first part of the audition ends like that, and he bows.
"now, i will show you a dance."
it's a simple dance, one he'd learned at those dance classes he'd like to join haein in. but this one was specifically for beginners, there really isn't much to it. just a simple bounce of the body, the crossing of hands. all siwoo really has to do is not mess it up so badly that he's deemed as someone with two left feet. there's nothing complicated about this dance at all, no change in formation, or getting on the floor and the steps stay consistent; which is probably why siwoo doesn't stress too much about it.
it's done. finally.
he bows again to the camera and smiles, "thank you."
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besana · 1 year
into the DELTAVERSE - huang lucy ver! -------skills showcased: dancing & choreography - insp
lucy is so incredibly nervous about this audition. however, she's had a lot of practice dealing with her own anxiety, and she knows what she's good at. she's definitely not the strongest singer to audition, and she's likely not even going to be the strongest dancer.
she does, however, have charm.
she designs her dance around that, around showcasing her energy, her charm, her excitement. she channels her nerves into that same excitement, letting herself smile and have fun with the choreography throughout her practice sessions.
she only gives herself a week of practice, though she does so daily, even if she can't make it to the dance studio every day. regardless of her schedule, she finds time to run through the motions of her choreography every day, be it in her bedroom, in the kitchen making breakfast, or even in the shower. she can't do the full dance like that, of course, but she can practice the smaller moves and can make sure she remembers the order of everything.
she even spends her commutes watching videos of her previous practices, committing the dance to memory and making note of places she can improve for the actual audition video.
she doesn't let herself think about her chances. she doesn't let herself consider how many talented people must be auditioning, or how few people will likely succeed. she can't think about the numbers, can't think about the likelihood of success -- all she can focus on is doing her absolute best to show off her charm and the talent she does have.
when the time comes to finally film the video, lucy does as many takes as she can without passing out, trying to have more fun each time than she did in the last take. she ends up using the second try, where she had the most fun with filming. the third, fourth, and fifth run-throughs all got progressively lower energy as she grew tired, and the first served as more of a warm-up anyway.
she films her introduction, splices it to the beginning of the video, and sends it off to studio delta. it's out of her hands, now -- she did all she could, showed the best she had. there's nothing else to do now except wait.
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bexmatt · 1 year
so hot
"i'll pick another try rather than giving up"
skills chosen: singing, dance song chosen: darl!ng's so hot
the chasing of his dreams would never end. mattheo had travelled to korea two years ago to chase his dream of becoming an idol. it was much more difficult to become a trainee than mattheo had thought it to be. he thought he’d get into company, and then grow from there, but he’d learned with time that he needed some skill or some potential before he could become a trainee. it was difficult, because he had to practice by himself, he didn’t really have a place to dance, so he borrowed his grandmother’s garden when he had time to practice dance. he had his guitar and he practiced singing in his apartment, but it was difficult learning by yourself, he was just trying his best and watching a lot of youtube videos.
mattheo had auditioned to studio delta before, but with no luck, just like he’d auditioned everywhere else before with no luck. it was a friend of his who sent the message that studio delta was holding auditions, and of course mattheo had to try, maybe he’d finally become good enough to be able to join a company? 
while he wasn’t confident in dance, they’d been asked to showcase two or more skills, and mattheo couldn’t either compose nor choreograph, so he had to pick between dance and rap, singing was a given. at last, he’d chosen dance, while he wasn’t particularly good at it, he was a better dancer than rapper.
click, record.
he bows “hello, my name is choi mattheo, my korean name is choi dal, i am twenty-one years old in international age, i’ll be singing and dancing to darl!ng’s so hot today, thank you for being willing to watch this video” he gives another bow, before leaving the camera for a moment to turn on the music and then quickly returning. 
“choi mattheo, we’re back!” changing the lyrics slightly. he focuses a lot on his singing, and tries his best to dance as well as he can. he’s nervous for this, but excited too. his practice on breath control is showing itself worthy today. he tries his best to focus on facial expressions too, and it finally comes to an end, he’s slightly out of breath for the dance, even though it wasn’t very difficult. “this was choi mattheo! thank you” and one last bow.
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bejinyoung · 1 year
into the deltaverse audition by moon jinyoung showcasing DANCE & CHOREOGRAPHY
it really should just figure that, of course, studio delta wouldn't have some sort of normal audition process. they'd have to be different and unique and living up to their name as one of the top, most selective companies in the industry. and really, jinyoung realizes that he's most likely just wasting his time by trying to throw his hat into the ring for a third time; shouldn't two rejections from them already be enough? and yet, here he is, the same shitty iphone 5 propped up against the studio wall as he once again stays late at the studio to film something new for that damned company.
they want two skills and it takes jinyoung an embarrassingly long time to realize that it's possible for him to kill two birds with one stone. he knew he was going to dance, as he has for every audition he's ever attended. it's all he really knows how to do, after all, and the few lessons he's received during his tenure on next gen don't really count anymore all these months later without having practiced singing or rapping since then. no, what he can show instead is not just dance, but also his own original choreography.
it's been a while since he's developed something serious, something a little more difficult than teaching the little ones how to move to a beat and count to eight, but he revels in the chance to flex those creative muscles for the first time in a while, to stretch out and have a little fun with it.
so he presses record on his old, barely functioning phone, sends up a prayer that it doesn't fail in the middle, and smiles at the camera immediately. "hi, i'm moon jinyoung," he wastes no time, backing off from his phone as he speaks and bowing as soon as he gets to his feet. "and today i'll be showing you both my dance and choreography skills; i hope it's okay that i've rolled them both into one."
thank god for his fellow dance teachers who humor his attempts at auditioning to be an idol, especially the one who agreed to use his own phone to play the music for jinyoung, right on cue. he's ready for it, having practiced even the intro about a dozen times before he felt ready to film. there's only the shortest pause as he shakes out his arms and settles into position, and then the music starts.
jinyoung just hopes that third time is the charm, and that whatever the results of this video are, it's worth the effort.
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