#beach episode when
silverliningspidey · 25 days
expanding on my non swimmer todd reality because its the season of swimming and i have thoughts to be thunk
neil is 100% concerned about todd in the event that he’d fall in or something, neil definitely did lifeguard training or those water rescue courses and he takes it seriously goddammit. hes offered to teach him multiple times but todd has always refused. neil always watches him a little out of the corner of his eye when they’re out on the water.
todd isn’t upset about his lack of ability but he’s a little embarrassed. he doesn’t really have a good reason as to why he doesnt know how. he has a hazy memory of going out of his depth in his local pool when he was smaller, the feeling of the ground dropping from beneath him spooked him so badly that he had to be hauled out of the pool by the lifeguard, his parents were more upset that he’d forced them to leave early. he didnt go back to the local pool after that.
he’s happy out reading while minding everyone’s towels at the beach, definitely writes some sappy poetry
he tans surprisingly well, in contrast to neil who is chronically sunburnt. neil takes the excuse to spend time with todd quietly reading in the shade. neil just tends to fall asleep in the heat, and todd doesnt mind that either. if he writes sappy poetry about that too then thats nobodies business
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sweepseven · 16 days
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fizzytoo · 6 months
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we're down by the beach and karlach asks wyll if he wants to swim CUTE
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wulfums · 1 year
Consider: scudworth getting absolutely demolished by a wave at the beach bcuz he was too distracted looking at shirtless wulfington.
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colordodge · 1 month
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vacations with ur plushie
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Friender-Bender! (Dreamy for the Summer Vacation already...~)
Let's be honest, we all wanna kiss that belly by now.
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rowrowronnie · 2 months
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riddler’s beach episode!!
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years
I'm incredibly soft about the fact that the people Caleb shares a sending stone with aren’t the mighty nein members who live furthest away, but the ones who live the closest. That, when also taking into account the easy invitation to dinner and request for a spare bedroom (and the mention that Caleb has the worst timing when calling, implying he calls often) makes so much known about their domestic lives. How often does Yasha make a quick call to invite Caleb for dinner to try some new (barely edible) dish? How often do Caleb and Beau stay up late doing research, with him staying the night in the guest room? How often does Caleb call in the middle of the night with a question?
The nein getting together for adventuring is fun, but man, I'd absolutely sit down for a few hours of them just being domestic and settled like this.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Zuko and Azula in "The Beach"
Lately I think a lot about "The Beach" episode [x], especially about this small detail of great teamwork Zuko and Azula have during the game.
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Zuko is looking ahead, directly facing their rivals (who had the control of the ball at this moment) but his body is clearly lowered to the ground, left hand most likely touching the ground, legs bent and widely spaced - a clear contrast to Mai standing near and how he stood before on two separate occasions
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which is why I think Zuko willingly create an opportunity for Azula, so she could jump higher - something she definitely used to their team’s advantage. If Azula simply jumped on her brother’s back when he wasn’t expecting it or wasn’t ready, he would probably just fall face down from the impact but as the scene shows, he had no such problem nor was angry about it in the following scenes.
During the game sequences there was no dialogue shown between our protagonists, so it is hard to determine if Azula in advance called Zuko to give her a “lift” or Zuko offered on his own, or did they were that much in sync they just acted without thinking. Regardless I like this few seconds long interaction, because for me it implies how they trusted each other despite all the rivalry and bitterness from previous episodes. Like Zuko trusted Azula won’t use that moment to hurt/humiliate him by overuse of force, the same as Azula trusted in Zuko’s strength and that he won’t mess up by losing his balance. It is a small thing but no less sweet to see them working well together when fighting for the same goal - what reminds me a bit their teamwork from the previous season finale.
Interestingly, it was also the second time Zuko assisted Azula in scoring against their rivals while not scoring himself any point on screen. The first time happened almost right at the beggining of the game (second from total five sequences)
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while each girl have the solo sequence of winning a point:
Azula's first attack,
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later Ty Lee landing on the net
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and Mai kicking the ball (and presumably scoring)
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while Zuko’s two actions are shared only with his younger sister while there is no sense of competition between the siblings, something contrasting a lot with some previous and later episodes.
Azula is bossy and competitive through most of the episode and her brother lets her be that without a complaint. Azula and Zuko get along pretty well and A) do not argue (with the exception of the campfire scene and then they argue not even for the whole scene itself) and B) don't get on each nerves the way they do in the palace, with Ozai's presence looming in the back of their mind. I absolutely adore this episode, as it humanizes all our Fire Nation characters by showing them as teenagers outside the war zone but also giving us a bit of insight into what Azula and Zuko could be if Ozai didn't pit them against each other. And they could be a great team!
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
omg i love all of your art but the more cartoony? style u used in that ask about courting is so cute its killing me
Hehe 🥰
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Yeah did I ever tell you guys I figured out how to draw chibis :D
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coloredlion102-blog · 2 years
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*breaks down into tears*
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rockturbot · 8 months
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
I was disappointed that Haruhi was treated like a girl by the host club members. Anyway I’m trans now 👍
this is actually probably another example of cultural disconnect irt ouran! I don't blame you for it because if im right about where you're coming from, it's a linguistic thing and unless you understand japanese/how japanese works it's not a connection you're going to make. I think that much of what english-speaking fans percieve as haruhi being treated like a girl by the hosts, aside from tamaki's obvious Thing about her gender, is the constant use of she/her pronouns. Most of the hosts (sans tamaki) don't go out of their way to treat her like a girl in terms of like, social context, aside from a few bits that are implied to be instigated by tamaki (i.e. lobelia academy plot.) I will admit that the she/her-ing of haruhi is pervasive in the english translations of the show, but it's not actually an accurate reflection of the original content. Conversational japanese largely drops gendered pronouns from most sentences, meaning there's very little overt gendering of haruhi either way by most characters in the show. this is part of the reason why it's somewhat believable that she managed to pass herself off as a guy--it's actually entirely possible that she didn't KNOW that people were assuming she was male until the hosts made a big deal out of it, because it's unlikely she would be referred to by gendered pronouns in conversation with her peers. this is unfortunately one of those things that it's almost impossible to not lose in translation since english sentence structure relies so heavily on gendered pronouns, but i do think it's worth pointing out that in the original japanese the boys WEREN'T openly calling her a girl at every turn. except for tamaki who absolutely was but that's like his own whole seperate thing
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asukachii · 11 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen 2 || Ep.2
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ittsybittsybunny · 5 months
Percy Jackson Episode 7: We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of [Review]
Was I a little worried about the fourth pearl after last week, yes. Did I wish they would have lost it with the whole Tartarus thing so it seemed even more threatening, yes - but do I love how this episode went - also yes.
Long story short, I think they saved their budget for this episode and the finale and it shows!! Sometimes it still feels a little fast-paced, but I appreciate that Grover and Percy finally got some bonding time.
Also, the framing of Percy and his mother in the past vs. present finally leading to the appearance of Poseidon has broken me. I was genuinely tearing up and losing my mind when Sally made her offering and Toby Stephens is a wonderful Poseidon (with the exact accent Percy faked for Athena back at the arch).
Hold Fast Sally Jackson, and prepare yourself Ares for the beat down of a lifetime!
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wyfy-meltdown · 1 month
Shortly after Madoka Magica released (to great success), everyone started trying to make the next big "magical girl misery" anime. I think the reason those ones didn't really take off is because they missed the point of Madoka: the love of others and self-sacrifice is center stage, and we only really feel bad for the characters of Madoka Magica because we see them happy.
Madoka Magica isn't just a misery fest; Mami's death matters because we understand Mami's dreams and struggles, Sayaka becoming Oktavia is impactful because we see her downfall that isn't her fault (or anyone's for that matter). Madoka (and to a secondary extent, Homura) never give up hope or trying.
Madoka isn't constantly victimised and abused (unlike some over-the-top edgy magical girl animes I know) she's in tragic circumstances and still tries her best; still WANTS the best for the world around her.
Making something sad isn't about how much we see a character suffer and struggle; it's about making the struggles and suffering they go through impactful through their story. Wants, relationships, traits, and flaws... That's what makes a character's pain painful for an audience.
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