vodkaing · 1 day
im so glad you reblogged because i had u in mind as a mvk fucker specifically. thank you for your service
one day ill play ace attorney for teh realz and ill finally meet him
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pentimint · 3 months
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donaldtheduckdad · 2 years
(leans into the microphone) homumiko
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unamused-kookaburra · 7 months
you're welcome B)
Fucking come through! Thank you legend 🙏
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
thank you for the homumiko food 🙏🏽
;u; your welcome hehe
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nicandragon · 2 years
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Boss/Date commission for @\beamkatanachronicles ! Thank you!! 🙏
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twentytwo-onebee · 1 month
Chapters: 10/? Rating: Mature Relationships: Lady Baskerville/Klint van Zieks, Jigoku Seishirou/Original Character(s), Mikotoba Yuujin/Original Character(s), Mikotoba Yuujin/Lady Baskerville/Klint van Zieks, Herlock Sholmes/Mikotoba Yuujin Characters: Lady Baskerville (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Klimt van Zieks | Klint van Zieks, Jigoku Seishirou, Mikotoba Yuujin, Courtney Sithe, Asougi Genshin, John H. Watson | John H. Wilson (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Historical Character(s), Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Mycroft Holmes, Mikotoba Ayame
i updated again, so resharing my study era fic! young widower yujin mikotoba tries to get out there again after a couple years in london, but it turns out lingering grief, his weird thing with his flatmate, and being queer and asian in 1880s london are wayyy harder to juggle than he thinks. ........also all this messy relationship drama eventually leads to a yujin is iris’ biodad AU-verse. oops?!!!
also featuring: a lot of geeking out over victorian history, literature, and the aesthetic movement (and yes aa-ified oscar wilde is gonna show up eventually lol) 💚
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nicht-alles-gold · 8 months
Tagged by @king-in-yellow - I was going to say thank you for the tag meme but it's probably not called that anymore.
last song: spice up your life hahaha
fave color: purple
currently watching: I'm one episode away from completing the Poirot tv movie series and it's been great and I am sad about it. not sure what'll be next.
last movie: the bird with the crystal plumage
currently reading: murder on the links (yeah I'm reading Poirot also I've never really had a mystery phase before ok) and alta (probably my last attempt at Lackey; I really want to like her because she's so prolific and writing about cool creatures all the time but everything I've read of her feels dully middle grade no matter what age range it's meant to be and it's just super boring)
sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet
relationship status: single lol
current obsession: idk about obsessed but I keep making drinks with a chai component and it's really good. actually my unhealthy obsession is mindlessly finding 60s/70s horror movies on tubi no one cares about and watching them and being like hey that was pretty good.
last google: a boring thing for work, so the last interesting thing I googled instead is that connexion used to be the standard british spelling of connection and I just think it's way cooler you know!
currently working on: halloween/fall crafts. sewing. trying to get better at composition but I'm bad at it I get annoyed and give up. u_u
tagging: uhh only if you want to! @beamkatanachronicles @mimsta @nuricurry
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batbrobeyond · 4 months
15 Questions
Tagged by @quasi-normalcy
Are you named after anyone?
Both my first and middle names come from my great-grandparents' surnames. I like to joke that I have 3 last names.
When was the last time you cried?
Teared up on the train the other day reading Fullmetal Alchemist; the flashback where Ed transmuted Al's soul. Got me right in the brother-feels.
Do you have kids?
One, kinda, long story. I see him as often as I can.
What sports do you play/have you played?
None very well, but frisbee's a lot of fun.
Do you use sarcasm?
Noooooo, never.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hair and clothing style.
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings I guess, I generally like my horror campy.
Any talents?
Drawing cartoons & never getting lost.
Where were you born?
Lawn Guylin' (Long Island)
What are your hobbies?
Games, puzzles, drawing
Do you have any pets?
Two cats at home and a whole plethora of dogs I walk for work.
How tall are you?
People regularly ask me to get things off high shelves at the grocery store.
Favorite subject in school?
Math and science; the more math-like the better.
Dream job?
The guy who sets up photos for "I Spy" books.
@discosnail @herbertwest @beamkatanachronicles
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serious-moonlight · 2 years
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2425 roundup for the first half of 2022
ft. the commission i did for @beamkatanachronicles!! thank you again and hope you are enjoying rustic windswept kamui 🤠
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rainy-circle · 1 year
@basil-touche tagged me in this People You Want to Know Better thing like.... oh my god THREE WEEKS AGO and I only recently remembered to do it so. APOLOGIES FRIEND SLFJSLJF
Three ships: Wrightworth, Sonamy, annnnd fuck it I'm still being eaten by Hollow Knight brainworms so I'll toss one of THOSE AT YA - Bretta/Myla Last song: "You Got a Friend in Me" as covered by TBSkyen, who recorded it just to make a little montage in his playthrough of Dark Souls 2 for when he did a bit of co-op. It is. very charming. Last movie: Interstella 5555! it is also very charming. Go watch it. Currently reading: Volume 1 of Lore Olympus! Read a little bit in-between folding laundry today. Currently consuming: uhh they're basically Cheetos, but they're made by a different smaller company so they're technically called ~Cheese Curls~ but. they're Cheetos basically haha! Currently craving: Marshmallow candies?? Specifically these banana ones. Though I also had one of my fairly regular cravings for candy corn earlier today slfjsljf No pressure tags!!: @avas-poltergeist, @deliriumsdelight7, @rogueimperator, @zeawesomebirdie, @beamkatanachronicles, @octopusasahat, @blondiest
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tagged by @taupewolfy - 5 songs, 10 followers 1. Not Tomorrow - Akira Yamaoka: Going to be very hard to do this without getting songs from video games. But this is my favorite track from Silent Hill. 2. Gods Bound by Rules - Keiichi Okabe: Not surprised another video game track showed up. Anyway, I love this track and practically every version of it. I highly recommend checking out the piano collections version here. 3. Bye Bye Symphony - Foxy Shazam: You can't go wrong with a band called Foxy Shazam. I got into them in college and this song especially never fails to put me in a good mood. If you like Queen, you'll like Foxy Shazam. 4. Rage - Medium Build: This is an artist my sister recommended to me and I'm glad she did. He's got an amazing tone and I love his lyrics. 5. Rot - DBMK: Another track that puts me in a good mood. It's just fun! tagging: @d-manaceattorney @mycamakes @masterturner @beamkatanachronicles @cuccoamongdragons @hopefulencounter @synthiosys @grraveryl @slettlune @the-awesome-eggplant-wizard Do it if you'd like! It's up to you!
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donaldtheduckdad · 2 years
"his babygirl tendencies have bewitched me body and soul" makes eye contact with you while slowly holding up susato's father
*sweats as I am averting my gaze* I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT *starts running*
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unamused-kookaburra · 10 months
that's the biker from hotline miami, he's a side character in the first game with his own side story and then also appears briefly in the second!! 🏍
Oooh thank you!! Might have to give it a go!!
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
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Requests for Herlock interacting with some animal (iris @icey-popp) (lol @pupbeat), Yujin (@beamkatanachronicles, @majjiktricks) and susato (@poly-hebdo)
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twentytwo-onebee · 6 months
"You'll make a fine father." "A young father." "You'll be twenty by the time he's born." Seishiro pauses. "Er, you will, won't you?"
i wrote genshin/jigoku for @aaholidayrare's past/future prompt! they dont even know they're already doomed. :')
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