#beautiful gifset op!!
bahoreal · 1 year
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i will love you if i see you every tuesday
and i will love you if i never see you again
lemony snicket, the beatrice letters
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silvadour · 1 year
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killingsboys · 3 months
sometimes i see a gifset on my dash and i'm like wow i cannot believe i don't have this fandom blacklisted yet that's crazyyyyyyy
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wernerherzogs · 2 years
weighing in about the spatort fandom and blocking: look... this fandom is very small. sometimes you just don’t vibe with a person. blocking left and right for no other crime than just not being your cup of tea is necessary if you don‘t want to have your fun ruined immediately, especially if you‘ve been active in this fandom for a while, otherwise you *will* just run into them all the time. don‘t take it personal :^) other creators will gladly take your reblogs and commentary in the tags <3
haha thank you for sending this! i was genuinely just baffled because i didn't remember doing/saying anything ~controversial that might lead to someone blocking me in this fandom, and now that i know what it was all about, i'm even more surprised, because the fact that i prefer a same sex ship over pia and leo doesn't mean i'm "complaining" (according to the op) about them. i've never done that, will never do that, and if i was that bothered about those two, i'd quit watching the show. ;) so from my point of view, the op was being unfair to me (like tbh, where was i complaining in the tags? or anywhere else?) and overreacted. HOWEVER, i don't speak german, i don't know what the caption of that gifset said, so maybe my tags under it read as an attack paired with the caption? idk idk
TL;DR you're right though, it's op's prerogative to block me anyway! sometimes it IS someone's vibe, haha. now the mystery is SOLVED, at least
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dykesbites · 11 months
mutual 1: beautiful scenic photo of a forest
mutual 2: heartwrenching fanart for media youve never heard of
mutual 3: glup shitto and gregory berrycone would've had crazy gay sex if the creators werent cowards
mutual 4: reblogged 23 different blurry photos from a blog that hasnt updated in 5 years
mutual 5: popular textpost
mutual 6: popular textpost
mutual 7: self reblog of the most beautiful art youve ever seen. it has 10 likes and 4 reblogs, 2 of which are op
mutual 8: (poll) should i buy a coffee or kill myself (results: 50/50)
mutual 9: reblogging one of their own popular posts to announce reblogs are turned off (started getting death threats)
mutual 11: umm guys you know the op of (popular textpost) is pro ship and anti furry right?
mutual 12: popular textpost
mutual 13: horror movie gifset tagged with the most nsfw string of words possible
mutual 14: the killer is in my house
mutual 15: popular textpost
mutual 16: ten paragraph in depth analysis of the relationship between characters from a kids cartoon show (six more paragraphs under the cut)
mutual 14: guys im gonna try mixing my double shot espresso with red bull lol
mutual 18: 41 images of capybaras
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
In the reblog vs likes debate, the motto we should unite under is "reblog more of the content you like to see" or "tumblr is different than social media sites and reblogs are integral here for the ecosystem to thrive" rather than "likes are useless!!!" because the latter sets the counterfactual all wrong and is condescending to the large swathes of the user base who do regularly reblog posts.
I am a part of that contingent; I reblog often and doubly so for original creations like art and fic and gifsets. But. When I simply like something rather than reblogging, it's often because the post in question is not in one of my fandoms so not something I'm directly interested in or I disagree with some of the creative choices the op made but still recognise its beauty/value/the hard work that went into it and i want to give op a little pat on the back. When people say "likes are useless!!! and you suck for simply liking and moving on," the alternative is not me reblogging all of these posts i simply liked, it's me moving on without interacting, and I don't think that's a better world for the artists or my mutuals or for me.
We can encourage people to reblog more while still recognising the value of the little hearts that appear in our notifications from people saying good job! this is neat! as they scroll thru their dash.
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nobigsecrets · 4 months
Looking at the gifsets of Lou on Outer Banks, I badly want a military AU where Tommy and Eddie are in the Army and Buck became a Navy SEAL after all.
Like maybe the op Buck's team was on went south and they had to hide and lie low for a while, waiting for exfil. The nearest military base is an Army base, so a helicopter is deployed from there which is piloted by Tommy. Eddie is the medic of the rescue crew. And I can see this play out so many ways. Maybe Buck got hurt. Or maybe someone else got injured and Buck takes care of them as best as he can under the circumstances. Maybe he's even hiding/ignoring his own injury to care for his team. Or maybe he's pulling some stunt to rescue someone just as the helicopter arrives and almost sabotages the whole evac mission, maybe they're starting to take fire—but in the end he's successful and they're saving a life and it's a team effort and that's the start of a beautiful friendship. Maybe even a romance. Preferably of the Buck/Tommy variant. But that's not even a must.
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sasoriis · 3 months
Random finale thoughts...
They ended it at the perfect time, IMO. Initially, I thought they would end it with everyone falling, and leave it at that, but I like that they took the time show us everyone's individual reactions as they fell, as well as a preview of the castles itself. So creepy!
I went into this episode preparing to make another montage of Sanemi moments, but left feeling like each scene deserved its own moment to be highlighted....This is another way of me saying that this episode was beautiful. I mean, most of them are, but I'm finding myself staring at and replaying various scenes over and over again. I'm sure part of this is because of how long I've been waiting to see these scenes in motion, and I'm still processing the fact that they're finally here. Either way, I'm always happy to make more Sanemi gifs, and reblog other Sanemi gifsets 🥹 Speaking of which...
I love what they did with Sanemi this season overall. I know not everyone watches for the slower moments, but the filler moments this season were really special to me. We get to see more Wind Breathing, more of his friendship with Obanai, we hear about his beetles! The only thing still missing is his dog 😭. I don't expect a filler scene of him and his dog, I understand why, at this point, there wouldn't be a filler scene of him and his dog, but I'm going to continue to dream of having a filler scene of him and his dog lmao. Anyway, all of his scenes this episode were perfect.
....Which they really should be since he may not get another big moment for another, what, maybe three years???
I'll be honest, I was kind of disappointed at the trilogy announcement, admittedly for selfish reasons. I'm really looking forward to the UM1 fight, and was prepared to wait two years for Ufotable to animate Infinity Castle as full season, but movie trilogy implies to me that there will be one movie a year, meaning the UM1 movie won't be released until 2027. I also was really looking forward to seeing OP and ED animations for Infinity Castle. So, that kinda bums me out. 2027 is so far away!! HOWEVER.
I get it, and I can accept that practically, it's the best option. Ufotable has other projects, and the next three KnY fights are SO important to execute effectively. They'll need time to do that at the same time that they're working on other series. So...movies make sense. I can wait, because I know they're adapting this series with care and will do their best by it.
The only minor complaint I have this season is their adaptation Sanemi's height. He's shorter than Genya, and that's the truth I'm living lmao.
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demigodofhoolemere · 2 months
*tries to reblog a beautiful, perfect gifset that I want on my blog so badly because it shows off so well what I love about this thing*
*OP I’ve never seen before has me blocked*
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becomingpart2 · 3 months
I can't believe I can't reblog the beautiful omar gifsets I found bc the OP is a spike stan and blocked me 😭
curse you noodle-haired man!!
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chonidale · 1 year
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this has gotta be one of the most unserious, irrational things i’ve ever seen. i know this person has a weird hatred for toni because they have no tumblr etiquette (as seen by putting this shit in a nice gifset about a beautiful moment) and always has to mention they don’t like her when they reblog anything of mine that involves her, but to find something to criticize about her locker room conversation with cheryl this episode is beyond.
toni didn’t offer cheryl advice until cheryl was one afternoon away from running away from home, moving across the country and marrying a boy she’d never love. what kind of person would just sit there, see someone struggling alone, about to make a life ruining mistake, and not say a thing? toni didn’t force cheryl to do a damn thing. the only people forcing cheryl to do anything were her parents and toni was the only one telling her that she doesn’t have to do what they want because she’s the only one that can see what cheryl is actually struggling with. all she did was relate to her and tell her why she would regret doing what she was planning, and it was cheryl that decided what toni said resonated with her and followed her advice not to go through with running away from herself. and then sought toni out to ask for more advice, which toni answered by simply suggesting she read a book. where exactly does op imagine toni gave her literally any steps to follow at any point, even when cheryl literally asked her?
and lmao at “i’ve decided you’re gay”, cheryl IS gay and it was painfully obvious over the course of their interactions (you know, the flirting, the dancing, the gay panic, the freaking out at her performance and suddenly parading a boy around the next day). just like clay could tell kevin was gay when he came out to him. things were like that in the 50s, you recognized people like you in many different ways and you’d find subtle ways to communicate safely and be there for each other.
the people that hate choni are really desperately trying to find things to bitch about this season and it’s so pathetic.
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sugared-violets · 10 months
i love how i've seen so so so many RWRB gifsets that at this point it's like a little scavenger hunt trying to figure out what op grouped each new set together based on. in the beginning it was obvious, we were all doing hands content (it's all about the fucking hands) and where it started/how it's going type sets but as we make more and more it's getting more esoteric every day and i think that's beautiful. i saw one yesterday specifically about alex moving his hips. there was another one about henry breathing. i love it. i hope it never ends.
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theflirtmeister · 6 months
Your Tag under the Cary set saying "whore" and thought this was directed and me and went : "They're right" chhdhdbd
oh my GOD XD me reblogging your gifsets: "this is beautiful but op is a slut"
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bin1es · 2 months
op im so sorry for being mean to someone in the replies of your beautiful gifset, please forgive me
idk what happened if I'm being honest, but it's okay, don't worry <3
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wastrelwoods · 7 months
the baldurs gate three bloggers experience is coming across the one extant beautiful photo or gifset of your favorite characters macking on each other sweet and romantic but its completely unrebloggable bc op is using a mod that gives both of them new, uglier haircuts
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lightasthesun · 8 months
In all honesty I just don't understand people that don't reblog. I'm so serious like I can't wrap my head around it. I always have to control myself from not spam reblogging someone (I fail most of the time).
Don't you want to reblog all these beautiful pieces of art and writing and gifsets that you come across???
I always feel like looking at an all-you-can-eat buffet and I can't decide on what to take so I take EVERYTHING. I gobble it all up. Again and again and again. Coz it's vibrant and colourful and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside (occasionally also absolutely wretched but that's by choice)
And I NEED to reblog because I NEED to scream at the OP and tell them how they touched my soul and changed me at my core and how I want them to do it again!!
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