#taylor marchetti
is-that-what-they-said · 10 months
Taylor: Some boy called for you. Tiffany: Really? What was his name? Taylor: I don't know. I can't remember. Tiffany: What did he say? Taylor: I told you I can't remember. It was months ago. - Later that day - Tiffany: I ain't ever getting married. Boys are stupid. [The phone rings] Tiffany: [Jumps over the table to get to the phone] Tiffany: Hello~ Tiffany speaking~ Taylor: Did you run to the phone? Do you feel stupid now?
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orlissa · 3 months
Mid-Year Reading Round-Up
So I haven't done any monthly reading summaries in a while, but we have just put a stopper on June, so I thought I'd do a bit of a mid-year account. So, without further ado:
So far in 2024 I have
Read 34 individual books (okay, one I started in December, but finished in January, and one I finished today, but most of it was read in June. Some books were also read twice/three times because of work)
Read further 4 comic volumes
Finished 1 audiobook (I will not add this to the books, not because audibooks are inferior, but because this specific edition was the abridged version of half of a book)
I DNF'd 2 books
Read over 16K words
Translated just ove 74 sheets of text (one sheet accounts for about 6K words; this amount comes together from 4 full and 2 partial books--one book I was asked to take over 2/3s the way through, another I'm currently working on)
My best reads so far this year (these include re-reads, I don't care):
Letters of Enchanment duology by Rebecca Ross
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
The Agency for Scandal by Laura Wood
Weyward by Emilia Hart
Goddess in the Machine duology by Lora Beth Johnson
The Inheritence Games trilogy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (I haven't read book 4 yet)
James Herriot: All Creatures Great and Small
Honorable mentions:
Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross
A Heavy Dose of Allison Tandy by Jeff Bishop
The Power by Naomi Alderman
Threads the Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher
A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond
Doing Time by Jodi Taylor
The worst books I actually finished:
Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti
Girl, Goddess, Queen by Bea Fitzpatrick
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mcrololo · 3 years
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Old art sketch dump pt. 1
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lepetitchemin · 3 years
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bemtevee · 3 years
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   ›      ♡     VENUS ALESSIA COLONNA DI MARCHETTI JAGGER é uma MULHER CIS de 21 anos, veio originalmente de LIVERPOOL/INGLATERRA, mas agora estuda MODA na Università di Bologna como PAGANTE e está no TERCEIRO ano. ouvi boatos por aí que ela faz parte da Adam Societatis como RECRUTADORA e foi chamada porque DESTAQUE PESSOAL & POSSUI PODER AQUISITIVO (É LEGADO)… mas isso é uma lenda urbana, né? em todo caso, ela tem a energia toda da carta OS ENAMORADOS e é conhecida por ser ROMÂNTICA e IMPREVISÍVEL, além de alguns nos corredores acharem que se parece com MADELYN CLINE.
━━ ♡ DI BASE
NOME COMPLETO: venus alessia colonna di marchetti jagger
APELIDOS: vee, v, veeda, sailor venus, marquesinha, valentina
IDADE: 21 anos
TAROT: os enamorados
MAPA ASTRAL:  sol em leão, lua em aquário, ascendente em sagitário e vênus em virgem
OCUPAÇÃO:  estudante de moda em università di bologna e vitrinista/atendente de meio período em brechó obsoleto; membro do clube de moda; aliança feminista; aliança lgbtq+; possui um programa semanal na rádio da faculdade, “dia de santa valentina” todas as quinta-feiras as 18hrs.
QUALIDADES:  romântica, voluntariosa, ambiciosa, generosa, carismática, afetuosa, magnética, visionária, curiosa & socialmente consciente
DEFEITOS: convencida, orgulhosa, pretensiosa, egocêntrica, imprevisível, dispersa, narcisista, teimosa, dramática & arrogante
GOSTOS: batom vermelho, perfume adocicado, livros de jane austen, rock, costurar, colecionar peças vintage, figurinos cinematográficos, tocar guitarra, dançar, reuniões familiares, ambientes organizados, conversar por horas, andar de moto, intrometer-se na vida alheia, jantar a luz de velas, cachorro-quente, peônias, roupas asseadas, penteados de cabelo, modern family, novelas latinas, filmes da marvel, filmes preto e branco, harry styles
DESGOSTOS: pessoas grosseiras, desorganização e sujeira, rotinas inflexíveis, compartilhar espaços, desperdício, invasão da sua privacidade, john meyer, taylor swift, música pop genérica, pedir desculpas, gossip girl, fast fashion, filmes da dc, gal gadot, tofu, chá verde, morcegos, indiscrição, brigas, tomar decisões, pessoas ciumentas e possessivas
TEMPERAMENTO: sanguine (dominant)
INSPO: jules vaughn (euphoria), lady dianna spencer, emma woodhouse (emma), maureen johnson (rent), taylor swift, serena van der woodsen (gossip girl), alice cullen (crepúsculo), ariel (a pequena sereia), giselle (encantada), sailor venus (sailor moon), amy march (adoráveis mulheres), forest gump (forest gump - o contador de histórias), carla rosón (elite), joey tribbiani (f.r.i.e.n.d.s), rachel green(f.r.i.e.n.d.s), haley dunphy (modern family), ashley banks (um maluco no pedaço) e cher horowitz (as patricinhas de beverly hills).
𝐕𝐞̂𝐧𝐮𝐬 WEH-noos (Latin) VEE-nəs (English) (substantivo feminino) ᴀsᴛʀᴏɴᴏᴍɪᴀ segundo planeta em ordem de afastamento do Sol, com órbita entre Mercúrio e a Terra. ᴍɪᴛᴏʟᴏɢɪᴀ​ o nome da deusa romana do amor e do sexo, era assimilada com a deusa grega Afrodite. ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀ ᴘᴏᴘ nome da filha do vocalista da banda “The Outsiders”, Jack Jagger, e da modelo italiana Paola Colonna Jagger.
AVISO DE GATILHO:  Menções à depressão, vício em jogo e drogas, transtorno de personalidade limítrofe e tentativa de sequestro. Nada explícito ou aprofundado.
Todo conto de fadas se inicia com um sonoro e clássico “era uma vez”, o de Venus Jagger fora diferente. A história que leva a vida de jovem se iniciou com diversas manchetes denunciando a existência de um caso extraconjugal em várias colunas de fofoca de todo o mundo, algo que já denunciava o quão subversivo seria seu conto de fadas moderno. Sua história, com diversos momentos Deus ex machina, muitas vezes parecia algo inventado por um contador de histórias. Para muitos, e para a própria Vee - como passou a ser chamada ainda muito nova por sua família; a pequena marquesa ou princesa do rock como fora apelidada pelos jornalistas, vivia a vida perfeita, porém todos sabem que existem problemas também no paraíso.
Após inúmeros rumores de infidelidade, o affair escandaloso da modelo Paola Colonna e o rockstar inglês Jack Jagger resulta no nascimento de Venus Jagger. A bebê foi nomeada Venus, o mesmo nome da deusa romana do amor, que o casal acreditava ter abençoado sua união, e uma música de mesmo nome - Paola e Jack nunca chegaram a um acordo a respeito de qual música era, a mulher afirmava ser a canção cantada por Frankie Avalon e o outro retrucava que não; a escolha havia se dado pela música da banda de rock Shocking Blue. A amada e adorada filha do casal, cresce alheia a toda perturbação e escândalos que cercam sua perfeita família.
A bela e saudável menina nasceu no verão na cidade de Liverpool, devido à certa obsessão que Jack possuía com os Beatles e ao fato da banda do pai estar trabalhando na cidade ao produzir seu novo álbum. Tornou-se a alegria de ambas as famílias, ela era o ponto de paz em toda aquela situação conturbada que Jack e Paola criaram. Venus cresceu em um ambiente diferente da maioria das crianças; além de todo o luxo que a cercava, ainda havia a rotina de rockstar de seu pai, que a fazia passar meses de seus primeiros meses de sua vida em tour junto da banda e os muitos irmãos que via todo verão - chegando até a conviver diariamente com Hanna, Lucas, Marcellus e futuramente Kamilah.
Fundamentos do hinduísmo, budismo, ensinamento artístico, musical, crenças hippies e alternativas faziam parte de tudo que lhe era ensinado, porém, acima de tudo era pregado o amor. Amor pela vida; amor pela família; amor pelo próximo; amor pela natureza; amor próprio; amor; amor e amor.
Venus fora criada em um castelo de delícias, sendo privada de visões do mundo feio, o mundo real, onde princesas deveriam matar seus próprios dragões. Nunca soube da real natureza do início do relacionamento de seus pais e muito menos o estado da relação de ambos, era blindada pelos pais e avós. Passou grande parte de sua infância entre a casa de seus pais e a de seus avós maternos. Jack vivia como um rockstar; o que o significava viver sob o modo sexo, drogas e rock n’ roll. Paola seguia o homem por onde podia, pela excitação da vida pública e da estrada, além do medo de ser traída.
Paola decidiu que Venus deveria ser modelo. Nunca houve uma conversa ou indagação a respeito do desejo da garota, ela simplesmente foi jogada em meio a castings e sessões de foto. Ela era fotogênica, carismática e obediente, embora não soubesse ao certo se gostava daquilo. Tudo que Venus sabia é que ela era desejada assim que entrava em um cômodo e aquilo era gratificante. Embora não gostasse muito de ver seu rosto redondo e infantil em comerciais e revistas, Venus gostava de ter sua mãe por perto e às vezes a abraçava forte como se aquilo fosse garantir que ela parasse de partir. Toda a exposição da jovem cessou-se quando um fã obcecado por Jack tentou sequestrar Venus na porta de sua escola, a partir daquele momento a dinâmica familiar dos Jagger se transformou.
Sempre foi uma boa aluna, não era a mais brilhante de suas classes, mas estava entre as favoritas de seus professores. Parte disso vinha de seu carisma natural, encantava a todos com seu jeito doce, meigo, engraçado e despretensioso. Venus era dita como um ímã, era difícil tirar os olhos da mesma quando adentrava em uma sala. Até tinha potencial para excelência, porém também era nitidamente preguiçosa e se desestimulava muito fácil. Nunca se dedicou completamente e pelo tempo necessário para ser espetacular, algo que a frustrava e lhe causava sentimentos negativos.
Parecia ser tão fácil ser Venus, ela possuía uma boa aparência, era saudável, tinha uma família bonita e estruturada — talvez não na visão da família tradicional, afinal não era exatamente moral um homem ter seis filhos bastardos — e parecia estar feliz o tempo todo. E de fato, não eram apenas aparências, era fácil ser Venus. A jovem nunca tivera problemas sérios como grande parte da população mundial, vivia como uma princesa de conto de fadas em seu final feliz. Venus era uma pessoa doce e boa, pois nunca teve que ser de outra forma para ter o seu lugar no mundo, tudo sempre fora — ou parecia ser — harmônico a seu redor.
Uma princesa que vivia em uma busca constante pelo seu amor verdadeiro, busca que vinha se mostrando um tanto quanto frustrante. Venus havia tido diversos namorados e namoradas desde o início da sua adolescência até os dias atuais, alguns relacionamentos duravam poucas semanas e outros meses. Não era novidade para seu círculo íntimo quando Venus anunciava “estou solteira, acho que somos incompatíveis” ou “sabe a Aurora? Terminamos semana passada quando percebi que não a amava do jeito certo… Ou de jeito algum, não sei, acho que confundi as coisas. Agora estou namorando Francesco e dessa vez é eterno”. Que seja eterno enquanto dure!
No meio de tudo isso ainda tinha IMPERADOR. Este era sempre um pensamento no fundo da mente de Venus, o que mais podia se assemelhar ao de Siena no mundo tortuoso do afeto de Jagger. Desde a pré-adolescência o rapaz é dono de parte do afeto de Vee; é correto se afirmar parte, pois o sentimento sempre é preterido quando Venus conhece outro alguém. Ela o admira imensamente, o acha extremamente lindo, atraente, educado e inteligente. Eles se conhecem desde sempre, ele a conhece tão bem — talvez bem até demais, ela já se questionou — e sempre pareceu certo para Venus.  Existem apenas dois problemas nesta paixão: ele é irmão de sua melhor amiga, IMPERATRIZ, e nunca correspondeu minimamente seus sentimentos ou investidas. É frustrante e cansativo, porém Venus acredita que ele é a razão para nunca ter dado certo com ninguém… Fala sério, está na cara que eles são almas gêmeas! Ela afirma que irá esperar até que ele perceba isto, afinal o que é bom leva tempo.
Marco Polo, o polêmico presidente, ocupou espaço no coração de Venus durante cinco meses logo após assumir o mandato da presidência. A jovem se viu apaixonada pelo rapaz e agiu sobre isso, causando surpresa de Marco. Embora quem olhasse de fora não compreendesse muito como aquele casal funcionava, Venus e Polo divertiam-se juntos. Tudo ia bem, Vee planejava convidar Polo para conhecer sua família e dizer que o amava, quando o rapaz disse que não podiam mais ficar juntos. Venus ficou arrasada e seu ego estraçalhou-se, ela havia recebido um pé na bunda de Marco Polo Fortunato! Espalhou haver sido ela a acabar com o relacionamento, embora seus olhos avermelhados de tanto chorar contassem outra história. Em poucas semanas já havia supero o fora repentino e voltou as boas com Polo, decidiram manter uma amizade com base no carinho que sentiam um pelo outro.
IMPERADOR e IMPERATRIZ foram umas das razões por Venus aceitar fazer parte da Adam Societatis. Ela certamente riria e recusaria o convite para as primeiras reuniões se não fosse a presença de ambos, adora estar por perto e ter algo que era “só deles”.  Também havia o gosto de saber que haviam desejado sua presença ali, naquele “clubinho” exclusivo, era uma boa massagem para o seu ego. Não sabe apontar porque foi convidada, mas Marco Polo sempre dizia que alguém como Venus não passava despercebida. Com o entendimento da dimensão do que se tratava o grupo, passou a se interessar pelos assuntos tratados e quando viu já estava praticando todas as ações ritualísticas propostas; foi tão rápido quanto cair no sono.
O título do marquesado da avó de Venus é quase que inválido e figurativo. Embora a família Colonna seja considerada pelo Vaticano como Príncipes da Santa Fé e o título de Gemma ser reconhecido pelos Saboia — a última família real italiana que ficara exilada até 2002 —, a Itália já não vive em um regime monárquico. A razão por ainda se referirem ao título é puramente financeira, visto que o marketing de todos os produtos derivados da marca “A Marquesa” é benéfico devido à ligação com a realeza. Além disso, há também todos outros benefícios financeiros, como a galeria da família localizada em Roma e todos outros bens adquiridos no período monárquico do país. Recebem impostos do uso das propriedades da família pelo governo e detém os direitos de todas as obras de arte, fazendo do legado algo lucrativo. Venus não conta a todos sobre a história de sua família, afinal não tem nenhuma obrigação real ou interferência em seu dia a dia. Entende o benefício financeiro e compreende o “legado” que vem com todos os bens da família; é geralmente chamada marquesa em tom de deboche, algo que a irrita mesmo que levemente.
Kamilah Jagger é uma das irmãs mais velha e a única pessoa em todo mundo de quem Venus sente inveja. A mais velha parece ser superior a Venus em tudo, desde a idade até o talento para as artes. A morena não pode se recordar do momento em que superou Kamilah em algo e isso a frustra. A admiração que Jack — o pai de ambas  — tem pela filha mais velha desperta ainda mais o sentimento de cobiça da jovem, tudo que ela deseja é que o pai a admire da mesma forma. O que Venus não enxerga é todo o esforço que Kamilah fez até chegar a excelência, o tempo de estudo que dedicou a suas paixões e que Jack a admira igualmente, mesmo que Kamilah seja “melhor”.
Trabalha meio período como vitrinista e vendedora (depende do movimento do dia e da ocupação de sua chefe) no brechó Obsoleto há cerca de um ano. Venus não possui necessidade financeira de trabalhar enquanto está na universidade, porém acredita que as maiores inspirações para figurinos cinematográficos venham de lugares como brechós. Além disso, vem montando seu pequeno acervo com peças vintages que acha no lugar e inspira-se diariamente na clientela do local. Tentou viver com o salário que recebe, mas possui luxos que não abriria mão em nome da arte — mesmo que a ame.
Não é novidade que Venus prefira uma vida mais pacata quando o assunto é exposição, porém, filha de quem é era impossível negar totalmente sua veia de amor ao estrelato. Foi assim que surgiu Valentina, ou Santa Valentina, a apresentadora da rádio da Bolonha que embala as noites de quinta-feira às 18 h com seus conselhos amorosos e seleção de músicas românticas em seu programa "Dia de Santa Valentina". Todas as histórias relacionadas ao amor estão permitidas e Valentina palpita com ajuda de ouvintes os casos que recebe. Apenas uma pessoa da direção da rádio sabe que Venus é Valentina e é quem a auxilia no programa da rádio. Inicialmente houve certa descrença de Jagger que aquele programa daria certo, afinal Valentina viveria no anonimato com direito a transformador de voz, porém o mistério atraiu público do campus.
“Por mais amável que seja o seu gênio, seu coração não é dos mais fáceis de atingir.”, a frase de Jane Austen certamente definiria Venus e suas emoções. Embora se apaixone, seus sentimentos são extremamente fugazes e raramente duradouros. Tem como sonho viver um amor como um romance de Jane Austen, sabendo todos os diálogos do filme Orgulho e Preconceito e tendo lido os romances mais vezes do que gosta de admitir.
Já foi presa algumas vezes ao participar de protestos, nunca passa mais que algumas horas na prisão, mas sempre sai com alguma história inacreditável. Vem tentando ser mais branda na hora de protestar, a notícia de alguma forma sempre chega a seus pais e escuta inúmeros sermões em razões a sua falta de responsabilidade e cuidado.
Um de seus maiores sonhos é fazer cirurgias plásticas. A primeira vez que o desejo se mostrou foi em seu aniversário de dezesseis anos, Venus pediu aos pais que lhe dessem de presente uma aplicação de silicone nos seios. Paola e Jack negaram, alegaram que a filha era linda como era e muito jovem para pensar em procedimentos estéticos. Conseguiu convencê-los a permitir que aplique ácido hialurônico nos lábios e o faz desde então. Ela prosseguiu o pedido nos anos seguintes e seus pais tomaram a seguinte decisão: aos vinte e cinco anos, Venus poderá ter acesso a seu fundo fiduciário e praticar qualquer cirurgia que desejar. Venus conta os dias para a data.
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jakeperalta · 3 years
ella’s creator shoutout 💖 week one!
i’ve seen lots of people doing these and it always makes me so happy when i’m included in one and i have lots of love to give to the wonderful creators on here so i figured i’d join in!! i’m sure you guys know the drill but basically each week or so i’ll be compiling a list of my favourite edits i’ve come across that week (and it would be really cool if some of my followers checked them out!) 💕 also as always, feel free to tag me using #tuserella because i love to see people’s creations 🥺 anyway here’s some wonderful creations that i’ve loved this week:
thg section titles gifset by @lovestory
thg catching fire gifset by @nobodynocrime
b99 dynamics gifset by @peraltastarkov
taylor swift headers by @delilahhbard
taylor swift lover album redesign graphic by @gavemethebleus
taylor swift speak now (taylor’s version) concept graphic by @iseedaylight
taylor swift folklore art by @taylorswiftf
taylor swift 1989/reputation gifset by @hermionegrangcr
taylor swift albums gifset by @nathansc
taylor swift 1989 (taylor’s version) concept graphic by @mehargreeves
teen wolf ten years gifset by @starkkov
jatp luke & julie gifset by @shangs
jatp tour concept graphic by @apainting-ghost
sex education jackson marchetti gifset by @softmaevewiley
disney cinderella gifset by @sharonscarter
marvel sam wilson gifset by @niinaazenik
marvel sam & bucky gifset by @twerkforambrose
in the heights gifset by @caroldanvr
all of them can also be found in my creator shoutout tag here!
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juicemagazine · 3 years
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JUICE MAG #78 features Tom Groholski on the cover, photo by Henry Ford, and features interviews with: Lizzie Armanto, Greyson Fletcher, AJ Nelson, Pedro Delfino, Elijah Berle, Andy Anderson, Chris Pastras, Patrick Truitt, Penelope Houston, Dave Alvin and Full Circle Full Pipe Skateboarding Photos of Grant Taylor, Kevin Kowalski, Cody Lockwood, Ronnie Sandoval, John “Tex” Gibson, Craig Johnson, Dan Wilkes, Geoff Rowley, Noa Marchetti, Giuseppe “Gipsy” Taccori, Paolo Tufoni, Daan Van Der Linden, Madars Apse, Melvin Abdou Salam, Phil Zwijsen, Crazy Kyle, Curren Caples, Daewon Song, Josh Borden, Christian Hosoi, Jamie Quaintance, Rick Charnoski, Mickey O’Keefe, Jesse Martinez, Josh Landau, Bennett Harada, Paul “Dicky” Davis, Ale Cesana, Adam Hopkins, Mark “Trawler” Lawer, Sam Stuart, Sam Partaix, Chris Cab, Simon Sac Reynolds, Axel “Pudi” Gorger, Youness Amrani, David Pang, Max Barrera, Dan Luciani, Allen Guimond, George Wilson, Steve Olson, Scott Oster, Kenny King, Rick Blackhart, Mike Folmer, Tim Galvin, Keith Stephenson, David Hackett, Jay Adams, Steve Pingleton, John Pingleton, Ron Theobald, Laura Thornhill, Mike Muir, Larry Mead, Jerry Valdez, Steve Alba, John Worthington, Steve Brockway, Rick Riffle, Joey Vela, Pat Black, Scott Hostert, Barry Roach, Indy Alba, Nic Rivera, Mario Thornton, Khidhar Geban, Alex Asher, Caleb Nicholls, Jay Vasconcellos, Henrique Imperiano, Alexandre Dota, Ryan Faust, Marco Morelli, Joel Webb, Pierre Jambe, Bruno, Jeremy Butterworth, Blake Convey, Barry Strachan, Johnno Hardy, Chany Lagueux, Frederique Luyet, Dan Brueton, Jean Terrisse, Kid Caviar, Tye Donnelly, Freddie De Sota, Rob Maushund, Klara Kemoade, Pat Bareis, Bill Billing, Aaron Astorga, Arab Groff, Dan McCabe, Angel Guedez, Chris Jatoft, BJ Morrill, Ryan Schmalz, Timmo Jak, Bryan Pennington, Dave Warne, Elle Warne, Cole Graves, Ollie Graves, Tristan Graves, Spencer Graves, Shane Carrick, Hugo Liard, Luke Macfee, Justin Stevenson, Chris Freeman, Jason Park, Kenny Mollica, Kelly Lynn, Ed Peck, Shawn Coffman, Nate Perkins, Frank Richardson, Phoebe Bostwick and Curtis Hsiang. #skate @juicemagazine 🙏 https://www.instagram.com/juicemagazine/p/CYg9VOOll5a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sisilafami · 4 years
Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake Playboi Carti - Whole Lotta Red Polo G - The Goat Los and Nutty - Panagnl4e Vol. 2 Preservation - Eastern Medicine, Western Illness Sada Baby - Skuba Sada 2 (Deluxe) Medhane - Cold Water $ilkMoney - Attack Of The Future... / G.T.F.O.M.D Akai Solo - Eleventh Wind Roc Marciano - Mt. Marci Chief Keef - Ferrari Musik Rio Da Yung Og - City On My Back Armand Hammer - Shrines Max_B - Charly Tony Shhnow & 10kdunkin - Rp's & Plan B's Shawny Binladen - Merry Wickmas Babyface Ray - For You Tae Dawg - Ooze God / Dawgprint 2 Lil Baby - My Turn (Deluxe) TisaKorean - Wasteland Lil Uzi Vert - Luv vs The World 2 R.A.P. Ferreira - Purple Moonlight Pages Ka - Descendants of Cain 03 Greedo - Load It Up Vol. 01 TyFontaine - 1800 / Virtual World Moor Mother & billy woods - BRASS Boldy James - The Price Of Tea In China (Deluxe) Mad Moon - Mad Space Smino - She already decided mixtape G Herbo - PTSD B Side WTM Scoob - A Beautiful Drug / Don't Be Proud / I Went to Plu2o Young Nudy - Anyways KanKan - B4 AMGs & SRTs Drakeo the Ruler - We Know the Truth (Deluxe) Tree - The Blue Tape Yak Gotti - Gotti Outta Here KrispyLife Kidd & Ysr Gramz - Kid N Play CeeFineAss - Welcome to My City H31R - ve·loc·i·ty Baby Smoove - Hardwood Classic Lucki - Almost There Bandgang Lonnie Bands & Bandgang Javar - The Scamily Damedot - Mafia Lord (Chapter I)
18veno – R4z / Pablo 21 Savage - Savage Mode II Akai Solo - Ride Alone, Fly Together / Like Hajime Autumn! - Ils Verront / Solitary DaBoii - Tour Vibes Dopeboy Ra - Mobstyle Duwap Kaine - Bad Kid From The 4 Flo Milli – Ho, why is you here Goonew - Big64 2 Hook - I Love You 2, Hook Key Glock - Yellow Tape Lil Durk - Just Cause Y'all Waited 2 (Deluxe) Lil Keed - Trapped On Cleveland 3 (Deluxe part) Lil Shane Krush - 5000 Degrees in the Field Los - Carlos \ G Shit Vol. 1 Master Holy - A Holy Journal Megan Thee Stallion - Good News MIKE - weight of the world NLE Choppa - Top Choppa PG RA - God's Gift Rod Wave - Pray 4 Love (Deluxe) Rylo Rodriguez - G.I.H.F Rx Papi - The Real Dominic Toretto/ Mood Sada Baby - Bartier Bounty 2 Spotemgottem - Final Destination Starlito – Paternity Leave Su'lan - Baby Glock Gang WB Nutty – TWYH (That's What Ya Heard) Yhung T.O. x DaBoii - Demon and Mufasa YN Jay - Coochie Land (Deluxe)
amaarae - The Angel You Don't Know Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World Teyana Taylor - The Album Liv.E - Couldn't Wait to Tell You... Brandy - B7 Kehlani - It Was Good Until It Wasn't keiyaA - Forever, Ya Girl
Amplify20 (info @ amplify2020.blogspot.com) :
Michael Pisaro-Liu - Tai Pi Bryan Eubanks - Qualia-Cosmos English - Democracy Keith Rowe - an assemblage - construct for 45 voices / GF SUC TARAB - 41 containers Vanessa Rossetto - perhaps at some time you have acted in a play- even if it was when you were a child Bonnie Jones - An Hour is a Sea Joe Foster - Since I Don't Know When Michael Rosenstein - Outer Cape Sojourn Lionel Marchetti - L'ignorance Kevin Drumm - Q Manja Ristić - Out Of Thin Air Benedict Drew - Music for crawling inside a costume Marc Baron - Elle a traversé deux fois la même rivière Shira Legmann - The Ganges Heather Frasch - The sound of objects helps me remember Zhu Wenbo - Open Reinier van Houdt - friction sleep maze (22 april 2020) / horizon without traveler (22 may 2020) Moniek Darge - Quarantine Butterfly Ivan Palacký - Sanctuary
Choi Joonyong & Jin Sangtae - Hole In My Head Olli Aarni - Mustikoita ja kissankelloja Linda Catlin Smith - Meadow Naomi Pinnock - Lines and Spaces Dominique Lemaître - De l’espace trouver la fin et le milieu Manuel Pessôa de Lima - Realejo Sarah Hughes - I love this city and its outlying lands Philip Sulidae - Tupik Paolo Coteni - Nel Corso Del Tempo Lil Jurg Frey Live 5-2-2020 / Live 5-14-2020 Delphine Dora - L'inattingible Greg Stuart - Colluvium Du Yun - A Cockroach's Tarantella Clara Ianotta - Earthing Timothy McCormack - Karst Lucy Liyou - Welfare YIN YUE- An Amateur Compilation
Digital Beats:
DJ Diaki - Balani fou DJ MC - DA LEGENDARY HIT FACTORY Equiknoxx - Equiknoxx Music in 2020 Gooooose & DJ Scotch Egg - jac DJ Lycox - Kizas do Ly NÍDIA - Badjuda Sukulbembe FELIX - Oito ou Oitenta
Nice forms:
Elysia Crampton - ORCORARA 2010 Joanne Robertson - Painting Stupid Girls Lorenzo Senni - Scacco Matto Beatrice Dillon - Workaround Dylan Henner - The Invention of the Human Brannten Schnure - Ei, wir tun dir nichts zuleide! Space Afrika - hybtwibt Autechre - PLUS James Ferraro - Neurogeist Mohammad Reza Mortazavi & Burnt Friedman - Yek 2 Mark Fell & Will Guthrie - Infoldings Merula - Sleep Eiko Ishibashi - Hyakki Yagyō Various - Kulør 006 Employee - Hold Music Vol. 1
Techno / House?:
Serwed - Serwed II 33EMYBW - Arthropods Terrence Dixon - Galactic Halo Actress - 88 / Karma & Desire Nkisi - Initiation Speaker Music - Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry Lord of the Isles - Whities 029
Moor Mother - Circuit City Nick Malkin - A Typical Night in the Pit Lemon Quartet - Crestless Moor Mother and Olof Melander - ANTHOLOGIA 01 Jon Hassell - Seeing Through Sound (Pentimento Volume Two) Moor Mother - Clepsydra
Charli XCX - How i'm feeling now LISACHRIS - uchushimin meat computer - virtual house arrest FROMTHEHEART - things happen- it's ok! EM Records - S.D.S -零- (Subscription Double Suicide -Zero-)
New Old:
Foul Play - Origins Roland Kayn - Requiem Pour Patrice Lumumba George Lewis - Rainbow Family Henning Christiansen - Op.201 L´Essere Umano Erravando La Voca Errabando Adult Fantasies - Towers of Silence Notchnoi Prospekt - Курорты Кавказа (Health Resorts of the Caucasus) Charles Curtis - Performances & Recordings 1998-2018
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The Fern Lounge 7/16
The end of Beatles week tonight. It is a star studded playlist tonight, with Count Basie, Ella and Aretha, as well as others. If you like the Miami/Cuban Latin jazz sound, I highly recommend Willy Chirino, his fun fusion sounds will knock your socks off. Oo-koo-ka-chew!
Count Basie - Yesterday Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da Sarah Vaughan - You Never Give Me Your Money Karen Souza - Strawberry Fields Forever Ella Fitzgerald - Can't Buy Me Love George Benson - The Long And Winding Road Vince Guaraldi - I'm A Loser - Live Willy Chirino - Yellow Submarine Richie Havens - Here Comes The Sun Canadian Brass - Penny Lane Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 - With A Little Help From My Friends Ella Fitzgerald - Hey Jude Caravan of Thieves - Girl/ Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite Los Mariachis - Back in the USSR - Instrumental Susan Getz - The Long And Winding Road Juanjo Dominguez - Across The Universe Lucky Chops - Helter Skelter Bobby McFerrin - Drive My Car Count Basie - Help Bud Shank - Hello Goodbye Hot Four Creole Jazzband - Lady Madonna Willy Chirino - Blackbird Shirley Bassey - The Fool on the Hill - 1994 Remaster Joe Marchetti Xplode - Get Back (Funk Jazz) Livingston Taylor - Paperback Writer Aretha Franklin - Let It Be
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Hi guys! This is just so that you don’t have to send in asks for everything when you want to know something about my blog!!
Do you take requests?
I do! My blurb requests are pretty much always open but my fic requests are open a lot less of the time, but the info for that will be in my bio :) also for requests I’ll only write them if they’re specific and not just like “Write some fluff please” because I have little imagination whoooo
Do you do tag lists?
The only tag lists I do are for individual series, I don’t do general ones for characters/actors as a whole and I also only accept tag requests in my inbox and if someone does not respond to loads of chapters of my fic then I will remove them bc upholding tag lists is hella hard work
What’s a tag list?
It’s a way of letting certain followers know that I’ve posted the next part of a series that I write 
Whats your name/age/sexuality/pronouns/nationality?
I’m Courtney, I’m 17, I’m not straight and I’m still trying to work out what exactly I am, my pronouns are she/her and I am English!
Can I tag you in my writing?
Of course you can! Please, please tag me I love reading what you guys have written and I don’t read anywhere near enough as I used to
Why don’t you respond to work?
I do respond! However because this blog ( @writingfortoomanyfandoms ) is a side blog, I have to respond with my main ( @ijustreallylovezebras ) so that’s why that blog is constantly replying haha
Do you write smut?
I don’t! I’m sorry! If you request smut I will not write it, though if it’s embedded in part of a request then I will still do the request I will just not include smut :)
What does your tracked tag mean?
My tracked tag is usercourt and it basically means that whenever someone posts something under that tag I see it! I made it so that you can tag me in your work without tagging my blog directly bc I often don’t see it when that happens so by using a tracked tag I’m somewhat more likely to see your work (whether it be fics, art, playlists, moodboards or whatever) and that way I can reblog it onto my blog and try and get more recognition for your work if that makes sense! So please always feel free to tag your work with usercourt so that I can see it :)
Who do you write for?
Ben Hardy
Joe Mazzello
Gwilym Lee
Rami Malek
(BoRhap!)Roger Taylor
(BoRhap!)John Deacon
(BoRhap!)Brian May
Warren Worthington (X-Men Apocalypse)
Four (6 Underground)
Peter Beale (East Enders)
Pat Murray (Undrafted)
Eugene Sledge (The Pacific)
Gardner Langway (Dear Sidewalk)
Charlie Nelson (Midsomer Murders)
The Umbrella Academy Hargreeves Children
Richard Madden
Robb Stark (Game of Thrones)
Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015)
David Budd (Bodyguard)
Leo West (Ibiza)
Joseph Blake (1917)
Taron Egerton 
Eggsy Unwin (Kingsmen)
Robin Hood (Robin Hood)
Rocketman!Bernie Taupin
Rocketman!Ray Williams
Shayne Topp (Smosh)
Damien Haas (Smosh)
Courtney Miller (Smosh)
Jake Gyllenhaal
Detective Loki (Prisoners)
Jamie Randall (Love and Other Drugs)
Louis Bloom (Nightcrawler)
Donnie Darko (Donnie Darko)
Dr David Jordan (Life)
Robert Graysmith (Zodiac)
Adam Bell (Enemy)
Anthony Claire (Enemy)
Colter Stevens (Source Code)
Edward Sheffield (Nocturnal Animals)
Tony Hastings (Nocturnal Animals)
Morf Vandewalt (Velvet Buzzsaw)
Davis Mitchell (Demolition)
Billy ‘The Great’ Hope (Southpaw)
Tommy Cahill (Brothers)
Chris Evans
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Ari Levinson (Red Sea Diving Resort)
Ashton Irwin (5 Seconds of Summer)
Calum Hood (5 Seconds of Summer)
Luke Hemmings (5 Seconds of Summer)
Michael Clifford (5 Seconds of Summer)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Dacre Montgomery
Joe Keery
Maya Hawke
Zach Dempsey (13 Reasons Why)
Justin Foley (13 Reasons Why)
Clay Jensen (13 Reasons Why)
Alex Standall (13 Reasons Why)
Sebastian Stan
Chris Beck (The Martian)
Jefferson (Once Upon A Time)
Carter Baizen (Gossip Girl)
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
Louis Tomlinson
Peter Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Otis Milburn (Sex Education)
Maeve Wiley (Sex Education)
Jackson Marchetti (Sex Education)
Sean Wiley (Sex Education)
Asa Butterfield
Emma Mackey
Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low)
Jack Barakat (All Time Low)
Zack Merrick (All Time Low)
Rian Dawson (All Time Low)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Fred Weasley (Harry Potter)
George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Charlie Weasley (Harry Potter) 
Oliver Wood (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Young!Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Young!Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Young!James Potter (Harry Potter) 
Newt Scamander (Harry Potter)
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harvcrd · 5 years
Hunter Lancaster.
Isla Howell.
October Hayes & Atticus Lincoln.
Giovanni Sorrentino & Aspen Lowe.
Lucia Vicuña.
Yuta Kim.
Jocelyn Henstridge.
Follow Recientes:
Warner Ernaut.
Thomas Adanson.
Dorota Der Veen. 
Aurora Burrell.
Catherine Evans.
Unfollow y (rostros liberados) recientes por inactividad:
Lynn Yang. (Park Chaeyoung)
Philippa Ferguson.  (Taylor Swift)
Samantha Kwon. (Kim Jiwoo) 
Dante Marchetti. (Nicholas Galitzine) 
Ginevra Foster. (Sophie Turner) 
Lavinia Tozier. (Kathryn Newton) 
Charity Bohen. (Melissa Benoist)
William Bucle. (Charlie Cox)
Canons liberados:
Dante Marchetti.
Ginevra Foster.
Bios subidas: 20/20
Femeninos ocupados: 3/10
Masculinos ocupados: 5/10
Alpha: 7
Kappa: 7
Delta: 10
Epsilon: 7
Normal Dorms: 7
Teacher Dorms: 9
Estudiantes: 38
Profesores: 9
Femeninos: 20
Masculinos: 27
Total: 47
Todos a los que se le haya dado unfollow pueden volver a recuperar el personaje mandando un simple ask. Esto es en base y sujeto a la disponibilidad del fc y/o personaje canon.
Las listas han sido actualizadas, tanto los fc’s ocupados, las fraternidades y la lista de habitaciones.
Si notan algún error no teman en comunicarlo a la administración para que sea corregido.
¡Estamos en medio de una actividad: Alpha ft. Delta! Por aquí toda la información del evento.
Recordamos no ignorar a nadie, mis niños. 
El gossip esta totalmente abierto y a su disposición.
Les agradecemos a todos ser parte de nuestra pequeña familia y esperamos tenerlos durante mucho tiempo con nosotros. Saben que ante cualquier duda o inquietud pueden acudir al ask, o enviarnos un IM y nos contactaremos lo más pronto posible. ¡Que tengan una bonita noche! ¡Feliz Navidad! y ¡Larga vida a Harvard!
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Taylor: I'm going over to Lynn's house to make homework.
Tiffany: Oh my god, will you bring mine?
0 notes
sleepykittypaws · 6 years
2020 Theatrical Holiday Premieres
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Updated: December 10,  2020
Lina From Lima (holiday-set drama written and directed by Maria Paz Gonzalez; starring Emilia Ossandon, Sebastian Brahm and Cecilia Cartasegna; A Peruvian woman working for a wealthy family in Chile prepares for a Christmas trip home to see her son, her first in a decade, but things don’t go as planned) - Jan. 4, festival (Trailer); also available on HBO Max as of Oct. 8
The Lodge (Christmas-set horror film starring Riley Keough, Jaeden Martell and Alicia Silverstone; A soon-to-be stepmom gets snowed in with her fiancé's two children at a remote holiday village. Just as relations begin to thaw between the trio, some strange and frightening events take place.) - Feb. 7, Rated R (Trailer); also available on Hulu as of May 5 
The Crossing (a.k.a. Flukten Over Grensen; Norwegian-language film directed by Johanne Helgeland; In WWII Norway, two young children’s parents, active in the resistance, are captured by Nazis just days before Christmas, leaving them to fend for both themselves and the Jewish children they find hidden in their house) - Feb. 14, Norway/US TBA (Trailer, Website)
Tidy Tim’s (holiday comedy starring Shane Woodson, Rich Williams and Jennifer Day, about a father and son run who run a rickety used car lot in Southern California that is facing foreclosure.) - Feb. 15, Rated PG-13, festival (Trailer) also available on DVD Oct. 6
12 Days of Christmas (holiday movie starring Annie Newton and Drew Petriello; directed by Michael Boyle; Best friends home from college on Christmas break navigate an unplanned pregnancy, making it a tricky holiday with their families) - Mar 7, Cinequest Film Festival (Facebook, Website, Trailer) also available on DVD Sep. 1
The Last Christmas Party (indie drama starring Samantha Brooks, Anna Clare Kerr, Lainey Woo, James Williams, Martin Drop and Gabriel Armentano; directed by Julian Santos; Three college couples attend the last fraught party before Christmas break; filmed in New York) - June 7, Festival (Website, Trailer) available on Amazon Prime Nov. 13
Merry Christmas, Yiwu (Documentary from director Mladen Kovacevic focusing on life for workers in the Chinese city that has over 600 Christmas ornament and decor factories.) - June 24, Hot Docs Film Festival (Website, Facebook, Teaser)
A New York Christmas Wedding (starring Chris Noth, Avery Whitted, Joe Perrino, Adriana DeMeo and Tyra Ferrell; written and directed by Otoja Abit; As her Christmas Eve wedding draws near, a woman is visited by an angel and shown what could have been if she’d allowed her feelings for her childhood friend to flourish instead.) - Aug 21, Festival (Trailer, Trailer 2) also available on Netflix as of Nov. 5
A Christmas Cancellation (holiday movie starring Lauren Melty, Marcus Ellison and Elliott Kashner; written and directed by Justin Timpane; A group of fictional TV characters who become sentient as their show is set to end; filmed in Washington, D.C.) - Aug. 31, American Golden Picture International Film Festival (Website, Facebook, Trailer) available on Amazon Prime Nov. 13
A Christmas Tree Love Story (holiday movie starring Gregory Piccirilli and Ashley Holliday Tavares, filmed in Georgia; Two old friends reminiscence while searching for the perfect Christmas tree) - Sep 8, Richmond International Film Festival (Website, Trailer); also available on Amazon Prime as of Dec. 21
Blackbird (drama starring Susan Sarandon, Kate Winslet, Sam Neill, Mia Wasikowska and Rainn Wilson;  A woman with ALS who wants to end her life on her own terms, gathers her family for one final Christmas celebration) - Sep. 18, Rated R (Trailer) also available VOD
We Three Kings (faith-based film from writer-directors Joseph and Stacie Graber; starring Michael W. Smith, Rebecca St. James and Nice Davies; The story behind the Christmas carol; filmed in Denver, Colo.) - Sep. 27, festival (Website, Trailer)
It Cuts Deep (horror-comedy from writer-director Nicholas Santos; A couple on Christmas vacation trying to figure out their future have their lives turned upside down by a disturbing stranger; filmed in Cape Cod, Mass.) - Oct. 8  (Website)
The War With Grandpa (holiday-set family comedy starring Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, Uma Thurman, Jane Seymour, Rob Riggle and Cheech Marin; A grandfather comes to live with his daughter, ousting his grandson from his room and prompting a declaration of war from young to old) - Oct. 9, Rated PG (Trailer), available on digital Dec. 15 and DVD Dec. 22
The Wolf of Snow Hollow (holiday-set horror comedy written, directed and starring Jim Cummings, alongside Riki Lindhome, Robert Forster and Chloe East; A small town sheriff tries to keep control of a panicking small town as a string of murders on full moons makes the townspeople think supernatural thoughts) - Oct. 9, Rated R (Trailer)
The Food Club (a.k.a. Madklubben; Danish film directed by Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg and starring Kirsten Olesen, Stina Ekblad and Kirsten Lehfeldt; A women abandoned by her husband on Christmas Eve leans on her friends, a widow and lifelong singleton who take her to Italy to take part in an culinary adventure) - Oct. 22 Denmark (Danish Trailer)
Fair Haven (partially crowd-funded indie from Red Skies Studios starring Bobby McGruther and Amandalyn McLellan; A death in the family brings a musician on the verge of making it back to his hometown for the holidays) - Oct. 24, Catskills International Film Festival (Facebook, Indiegogo)
Friendsgiving  (a.k.a. Dinner with Friends; starring Kat Dennings, Malin Akerman, Christine Taylor, Aisha Tyler, Jane Seymour, Chelsea Peretti and Ryan Hansen; directed by Nicol Paone; Friends host a chaotic Thanksgiving dinner) - Oct. 23, Rated R (Trailer) also available on blu-ray Oct. 27
Gledelig Jul (a.k.a. Another Happy Christmas; Norwegian comedy starring Anne Marit Jacobsen and Otto Jespersen; directed by Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken; The story of a family coming together for holidays for the first time in years, where secrets are revealed.) - Oct. 30, Norway  (Website)
A Christmas Gift from Bob (sequel to 2016′s A Street Cat Named Bob, based on the book; starring Kristina Tonteri-Young and Luke Treadaway; A ginger cat saves a homeless man at Christmas) - Nov. 6 UK (Trailer)
My Dad’s Christmas Date (UK holiday-set, comedy-drama starring Joely Richardson, Jeremy Piven, Roger Ashton-Griffiths and Olivia-Mai Barrett; directed by Mick Davis and co-written by Brian and Jack Marchetti; A teenager struggling to cope with her mother’s death signs up her depressed, widower father for a dating service) - Nov. 6, limited (Website, Trailer, Trailer 2) Also available on iTunes
The Santa Box (family movie from writer/director Spanky Dustin Ward and starring Cami Carver and Shawn Stevens; A girl who thinks she’s cursed by Christmas finds a note in a Santa Box left on her doorstep that changes everything; filmed in Utah) - Nov. 6, limited (Facebook) also available via DVD and digital on Nov. 10
Julemandens Datter 2 (a.k.a. All I Want for Christmas 2; Danish-language family film sequel to the popular 2018 movie; After Lucia becomes the first girl to gain entrance to the Santa School, she most prove her best friend, Oscar’s, innocence, after he’s wrongly accused of a crime and expelled from school.) - Nov. 12, Denmark (Trailer)
A Wrestling Christmas Miracle (low-budget movie from right-wing Justice for All Productions, starring Ken Del Vecchio and Oriana D’Agostino and re-using many scenes from last year’s A Karate Christmas Miracle; A young wrestler gives up the sport to make a movie he hope will wake his comatose friend for Christmas) - Nov. 15, festival; also available as of Nov. 27 on Amazon Prime
Malous Jul (Danish-language fantasy film from Frederik Norgaard; starring Karla My Nordquist and Lars Ranthe; A troubled girl finds herself spending Christmas on an island with a family of elves) - Nov. 19, Denmark (Website)
Some Kind of Christmas (holiday movie written and directed by Davien Harlis and produced by his own Act1Scene2 Productions; starring Tomathan McGinnis, Mariela Perez Calderon, Andre Lamar and Derrell Lester; A man comes home for Christmas for the first time in years, but finds his holiday spirit tested when he hires a fake boyfriend to bring home for Christmas) - Nov. 19-21, Cinevision in Ga.  (Website)
A Carolina Christmas (right-wing, faith-based holiday movie from Dalton Pictures; A new city inspector tries to stifle a town’s Christmas celebrations; filmed in South Carolina) - Nov. 20, limited (Making Of Series)
Michael McClean’s The Forgotten Carols (filmed adaptation of the long-running, faith-based, original musical; filmed in Cedar City, Utah) - Nov. 20 in select theaters (Website, Trailer)
The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two (holiday movie sequel to the 2018 film starring Kurt Russell as a sassy Santa, Goldie Hawn, Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Tyrese Gibson; directed by Chris Columbus; Kate Pierce—now a cynical teenager—is unexpectedly reunited with Santa Claus when a mysterious, magical troublemaker named Belsnickel threatens to destroy Christmas forever.) - Nov. 25 (Trailer) also available on Netflix
Fatman (action-comedy written and directed by Ian and Eshom Nelms, starring Walton Goggins, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Chance Hurstfield, and Mel Gibson as a “rowdy, unorthodox” Santa Claus who is fighting his popularity decline when a 12-year-old hires a hitman to do him in after receiving a lump of coal the previous season.) - Nov. 13, Rated R (Trailer), available on digital Nov. 17
A Christmas Carol (live-action animated feature starring Andy Serkis, Carey Mulligan, Daniel Kaluuya, Martin Freeman and Leslie Caron; abstract re-telling of A Christmas Carol when, during a children’s paper theater telling of the classic story, we enter the imagination of a child hearing it told.) - Nov. 19, limited release (Featurette, Trailer) also available in the UK starting Dec. 4
Katherine Jenkins: Christmas Spectacular (concert film featuring the Welsh opera singer's 2019 Royal Albert Hall Christmas show, including special guests Vanessa Redgrave and Bill Nighy) - Dec. 1 in UK, also available VOD
The Loss Adjuster (holiday movie starring Luke Goss, Martin Kemp, Joan Collins, Gary Siner and Cathy Tyson; An insurance adjuster’s wife leaves him a week before Christmas and his day just gets worse from there, until he discovers how truly lucky he is with the help of some Christmas magic) - Dec. 1 in UK (Trailer, Facebook) also available same day digital in the U.S.
Christmas in the Jungle (Latvian-Estonian family adventure movie, with mainly English dialogue; starring Paaru Oja, Tonu Kark, Rukman Rosadi; directed by Jaak Kilmi; When a 10-year-old girl is moved to the tropics by her parents, she has trouble getting into the holiday spirit, so she and a local friend head into the jungle in search of the Christmas Shaman; filmed in Indonesia) - Dec. 1 in Estonia
Saving the Spirit of Christmas (holiday musical written, produced and directed by members of the Grand Prairie Arts Council; A teen mourns the loss of her favorite Christmas traditions due to COVID, prompting the Spirit of Christmas to visit her) - Dec. 3, drive-in, benefit premiere at South Grand Prairie High School
Dear Santa (feature documentary from filmmaker Dana Nachman; based on the USPS’s Operation Santa, which allows people to adopt and answer children’s letters to Santa.) - Dec. 4 (Website, Trailer) Also available VOD
Lost at Christmas (holiday movie starring Natalie Clark and Kenny Boyle; After being dumped by his fiancé after a rejected proposal, two strangers stranded in the Scottish Highlands join forces to try and get home in time for Christmas; filmed on location in Scotland) - Dec. 4 in UK (Website, Trailer) also available VOD on Dec. 7 (UK only)
Nomadland (drama starring Frances McDormand, Gay DeForest and Patricia Grier; directed by Chloe Zhao; Exploring the life of a modern nomad, who travels the country looking for temporary seasonal work; starting at the holidays) - Dec. 4, limited (Trailer)
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Directed and written by Pedro Brenner, starring Guillermo Ivan and filmed in Mexico, the holiday-set, faith-based story of a reporter sent to research the meaning of a miracle who ends up needing one himself) - Dec. 10, limited (Trailer)
Silent Night (UK action-thriller written and directed by Will Thorne, starring Bradley Taylor and Cary Crankson; An ex-con hoping to go straight and spend a nice Christmas with his daughter, but who gets drawn back into the criminal life) - Dec. 11 in UK (Facebook) also available on UK VOD Dec. 14 and DVD Dec. 28 
Christmas on Mars (a.k.a. Un Natale su Marte; Italian Christmas comedy from director Neri Parenti; filmed in Rome) - Dec. 17 in Italy
The Lost Christmas (Dutch comedy about a theater producer who tries to save his theater from a Coronavirus-caused crisis by putting on a spectacular holiday show that goes horribly wrong; filmed in Velsen) - Dec. 21, Netherlands (Instagram, Trailer)
Pieces of a Woman (partially holiday-set drama starring Vanessa Kirby, Shia LeBeouf and Ellen Burstyn; A home birth goes horribly wrong, leaving a family and community to pick up the pieces) - Dec. 30 (Trailer), available on Netflix, January 7, 2021
Creatures (holiday horror-comedy about a group of students who find an adorable injured alien, only to find he’s being chased by terrifying creatures) - Dec. in UK (Facebook, Trailer, Trailer 2)
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mcrololo · 4 years
Hey bro if you’re still doing the headcanon ask meme do you maybe wanna answer it for.......... Taylor “force of chaos” Marchetti and possibly Chase as a bonus (but only if you want to!!) eyes emoji
Bro I would love to give you the Taylor Content™ because I know you love her!! I’ll add things for Chase too but not everything because I haven’t had a chance to write him yet. Sexuality Headcanon: Taylor is also a disaster lesbian. Although I still feel like she falls on the ace spectrum somewhere?? Like demi, or maybe even gray. Chase doesn’t label it! He’s genderblind for sure though.  Gender Headcanon: Taylor is a cis female, Chase I feel like he’s going to end up on the nonbinary spectrum. Not sure where yet.  A ship I have with said character: Taylor & your Lynn all the way!! I can’t picture her with anyone else these days.  A BROTP I have with said character: For sure Taylor & @shikariix’ Tiffany, because of the whole adoptive thing. Tiffany offered Taylor a found family just by convincing her parents, and Taylor appreciates that a lot (even though she’d never say it out loud). But I also love the dynamic between Taylor and your Jane?? Imagine Tiffany and Jane’s wedding, Taylor looking bored at some point, and Jane suggesting they should switch all the coats and numbers in the cloakroom (because yes, they would have a grand wedding), and Taylor immediately speeding off to it.  A NOTP I have with said character: Taylor x calming down, maybe?? Taylor x behaving??? A random headcanon: Tiffany has a lot of bad influences on Taylor, and one of them is webshopping after midnight. Taylor once bought flower crowns for herself and her pokémon and she’ll wear them on her way to fuck up Nathan for what he did to Tiffany. As for Chase: I think his favorite show is ATLA because he can relate to Aang a lot, but I just came up with that on the spot, so I don’t know if that’s fully true.  General Opinion over said character: Taylor is one of my favorite PJ characters. She holds a special place in my heart because I do feel like she played a part in having our friendship grow. Yeah I know there’s also Alex and Lynn, but the combination of sibling-like friends and shipping two characters is twice the headcanons and I love that for us. Taylor also taught me to sometimes just not give a damn and do what I want. As for Chase, I don’t think I already have an opinion on him? But I love the headcanons we have for him and Terry!!
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beauxbatonsprjct · 4 years
Aquí encontrarás los hechizos y rostros que se encuentran ya en uso. Están divididos por casas, las cuales cuentan con 10 cupos cada una. Si tienes dudas puedes consultarlas por mensaje, no nos molesta.
Jefe de casa: Thylane Levine | Josephine Skriver| #Sectusempra
1. Alexander Dennis Pierre | Sam Claflin | #Incendio
2. Aryana G. Leblanc | Mahlagha Jaberi | #MaleficioTempestad
3. Aryelle v. Everdale | Taylor Swift | #ArestoMomentum
Crystal Marchetti | Sabrina Carpenter | #Ascendio
4. Malia a Hough | Bebe Rexha | #Lumos
5. Kyle Crowell | Darren Chirs | #Accio
6. Raizel E. Kózlova | Sara Sampaio | #Bombarda
Jefe de casa: Daniel Rousso | Daniel Illesca | #Alohomora
1. Artemisa Blacksley | Katherine Mcnamara | #Confundus
2. Gabrielle Rosenberg | Kiernan Shipka | #AviectumIgnis
3. Giselle Alderaan | Dua Lipa | #SalvioHexia
4. Lukya A Vasiliev | Adelaide Kane | #Furnuculus
5. Mora Crowell | Adèle Exarchopoulos | #Revelio
6. Sasha Maxwell | Emma Watson | #PetrificusTotalus
Jefe de casa: Gala Brown | Christina Aguilera | #Evanesco
1. Adelle Everdele | Sofia Carson | #AppareVestigium
2. Amber Früchlich | Lucy Hale | #Muffliato
3. Anabelle Ginoble | Shelley Hennig | #Supefy
4. Joseph Murphy | Eddie Redmayne | #Reducto
5. Natalia Middleton | Mckenna Grace | #Rictusempra
6. Thomas Armstrong | Justin Bieber | #Riddikulus
Jefe de casa: Geraldine Moolhuitzen | Martha Hunt | #EspectroPatronum
1. Alexey Devonglier | Kevin Lutolf | #Desmaius
2. Damon Zweig | Ian Somelhalder | #Sepensortia
3. Esmeralde Kutzyanova | Candice Swanepoel | #Levicorpus
4. Fiorella Falconi | Lily Collins | #Obliviate
5. Gideon Gold French | Levi Miller | #VulneraSanentur
6. Hope Aldridge | Felicity Jones | #Legeremens
7. Josephine Middleton | Gigi Hadid | #Crucio
8. Olibeth MacLeòid | Jennie Kim | #Morsmorde
9. Savannah Bathory | Emily Ratajkow | #Expelliarmus
10. Serėn Elin Gold French | Leighton Meester | #StellaCascadia
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nextdogs-blog · 5 years
Deacon Jones, Butkus and LT unanimous All-Team picks
Deacon Jones, Butkus and LT unanimous All-Team picks
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Deacon Jones, Dick Butkus and Lawrence Taylor are among six unanimous choices at defensive line and linebacker for the NFL’s All-Time Team.
Linebackers Butkus and Taylor and linemen Jones, Gino Marchetti, Bob Lilly and Alan Page have been chosen by all 26 panelists in voting revealed Friday to celebrate the NFL’s centennial season.
Also selected up front are Reggie White, Bruce Smith, Doug…
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