#becauee if you really think about it
ma-mariarie243 · 6 months
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I feel bad for miku
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icterid-rubus · 11 months
I went to the Apple Store to get a screen protector and had a fun conversation with a rather cute employee and I wish I were at all socially confident because I would have asked them to maybe go to a bar and watch the game. Gah.
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egot1stical · 1 year
ramblings about how winter king is not a simon but an ice king from my insta story. no idea how much sense this makes
Not to post a serious analysis of mr oncest bait, but it's kind of... *wrong* to say the winter king is Simon? I think it's more accurate to call him an ice king who THINKS he's Simon. His whole bit is that he removed the madness of the crown from himself, but the ice king isn't just "simon but crazy". The ice king is the result of the wish crown's curse over the span of 1000 years breaking down Simon's psyche and replacing and warping and mixing it with Evergreen (specifically Gunther's warped view of him) and adding more madness and sadness till he basically experiences ego death. We know our Simon (at least at this point) considers he and ice king separate entities. They have pretty different personalities
Winter king is more like ice king than Simon:
* Physical stuff. Obviously. He's taller, has longer straighter hair, and is fucking bright blue+ still has evergreen's nose LOL. But also smaller stuff like the fact he dresses different and has different shaped glasses
* WAYYYYY more outgoing. Even before All That, Simon doesn't seem like the most outgoing guy. He would go on expeditions yes but could you imagine that guy throwing a party? No.
* Way more selfish and self absorbed. Which is in line with ice king, but now he's conventionally attractive so everyone else agrees. This is opposed to the fact Simon want to khs
* No consideration for PB. This is an interesting one, because it's the first departure from both our Simon and IK. Obviously ice king was terrible to PB LOL but like....he liked her.....because she was like betty..... And now Simon really respects her (and feels terrible about it.) while WK straight up does NOT care about her. Different from both, but closer to IK because he is a dickweed
* Deals with emotions differently than Simon. Seems to have completely blocked Betty out (assuming they were still close in this universe). And marceline bro... whatever happened there, ice marcy is the KID version of her. He has her bass, so she at least grew up and they've interacted. Maybe she saw him get "fixed" and was like.
Wow! You're not Simon!
* The name. Fionna's dream has the "ice prince", and that's what she calls Simon upon meeting him for the first time. If this was a True Simon, it would make more sense for him to be called the ice prince in universe, no? But he keeps the King title.
Simon spends a lot of the episode jealous of the winter king because he seems so well adiusted while he has the crown.
Simon has no magic, no nothing, but at least he has his brain back. The crown is very much directly linked to his loss of identity and to see WK be CONSCIOUS and LIKED and seemingly HIMSELF with magic is something he desperately wants especially at a time like this when his mental health is down the shitter while everyone talks about how much more fun he was when he was legitimately insane
The difference is that Simon spent every *conscious* moment FIGHTING the crown. Winter king is NOT fighting that shit. He says that he "conquered" it, but no you did not buddy. He is still dependent on it. He cannot survive without it. He just gave up. He's accepted that he's become one with it instead. So did ice king. Except without the madness of ice king, he can be a semi functional human being. He still gets the high of the crown and all its power, but this doesn't change the fact it Changed Who He IS.
Doesn't fucking matter rn becauee Simon hates himself and wants to be someone else but you get the idea. Winter king is just a version of Ice King LARPing as Simon. He can just do this way more convincingly even to himself because he can actually think now
Like “Betty? OH HAHA THE DEAD ONE” is an ice king ass reply and I swear to god at least part of the reason they didn’t get Tom Kenny to do his voice is because it would just be ice king’s voice again
also in regards to why candy queen is like that-Okay one, this goes with the name thing. Princess bubblegum. Normal. Candy Queen. Insane. Same as winter/ice king and ice prince. We cool?
The Madness manifested in Simon/ice king in regards to Betty as romantic obsession. With the madness gone, CQ is the one feeling the brunt of these feelings- which would explain why Winter king doesn't remember feeling so Strongly about betty. Because Simon's feelings about her are naturally just fucking insane, it's so intertwined with the Madness that when that part is removed, so are any feelings towards Betty.
CQ is probably also obsessed with WK and "being together" because the sane part of her mind recognises that this madness is HIS and this is her fucked uo way of trying to like. Give it back.
That’s all I got
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animal coding all the sherbs because im a *loser*
Icarus - they are birb, i dont think i need to elaborate icarus just *is.* though i do also say Icarus is cat coded - they feel like theyd lay in sunbeams and they definitely feel stubbon like a cat does sometimes. (Also curling up in peoples laps. Icarus will both perch on centross and *also* curl up on top of him-)
Midas - Okay, ive said it once ill say it a million times, *moth.* i know its not an animal but mmmmmm midas is moth coded. Mostly becauee of how long they spemt in the Worldport, but also because uh. I said so <3
Reo - Wolf. Reo is wolf coded - but *specifically* a (stereotypical) lone wolf. Mans is alone and is okay with it; they dont need a pack and they dont really seem to want one - at least, from what little we've seen from them. Sort of that stereotypically Sherbert isolation and being okay with it. (Also i guess that idea that, stereotypically, lone wolf characters are a lot meaner? mostly just tying back to them giving a seventeen year old Quixis and not giving a shit.)
Ashril - birb. bro is so birb coded. Flighty runner lad who goes so brrr.
Caine - they are a coyote. therefore, coyote coded. Mans is a silly fighting playful lad and they do brr about it.
Krit - crab <3
Ajax - wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf. specifically a wolf with a pack. They got a little family, and they do a little hunting (murdering the people who wronged them) as a treat :D. (Also because i think ajax deserves a den. den with all the blankets that they drag rondael and emmie (and haley when shes there) into periodically.)
Cedar - Fox coded because at least one of them is fox coded. Honestly i cant tell you why i think theyre fox coded they just have vibes to me. Or raccoon. Maybe raccoon.
Epsilon - cat coded? perhaps? theyre just a silly lad playing with the things thats most recently dragged their interest.
Sherbert - *also* maybe fox coded? Or raven coded. I could see raven for them as well.
Ripley - Some kind of shark, i think. Probably a more gentle one, and not a *massive* shark - a smaller one, but i think theyd be a shark. Simply a lad.
Sherwood - i think some kind of migratory bird? Or a bird constantly moving around. Not an animal that settles into one spot for long, at the least.
Helix - uh. Fuck if i know. Something aggressive, stereotypically, i guess? I don't even know for them-
C!Rina - uh. Dog. /lh /hj. We've had this conversation before on stream many a time, and i think it speaks for itself (even if that conversation wasnt nessarily about the character aspect) But if i *have* to pick something else - uhhh. I wont- /silly
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interlagosed · 3 months
Revolucion!Lando going around art galleries in Hiberia!!
I’LL DO YOU ONE BETTER: Lando attending his own art exhibitions in Hiberia!!
He’s so nervous, because it’s his first real exhibition, “not one of those silly things I did for my GCSEs,” and he just doesn’t really know how to prepare for it. Everyone tells him “Just do what feels right,” and it’s the worst advice in the world becauee how is he supposed to know what feels right? Especially because everything feels wrong! Everything he does with his hair, his clothes, even the way he practices a little speech—it all feels wrong.
He mopes around all day until Carlos comes home from teaching, at which point Carlos immediately frowns and says, “Mi vida.”
“You’re unhappy.”
“On this, the day of your first exhibition.”
“Thanks, Godfather,” Lando mutters and Carlos rolls his eyes. He approaches Lando, genuine concern in his eyes, and Lando feels like melting. But he’s committed to being grumpy, so he perseveres. A hero.
“It’s all– wrong,” Lando blurts out. Carlos raises an eyebrow. “I feel like a fraud.”
“Imposter’s syndrome,” Carlos says knowingly, and Lando glares at him.
“Been there, done that. This is different! I don’t feel like myself, like, I feel like someone pretending to be me. I don’t feel like– I feel like I hired someone else to do the exhibition for me, but I hired myself and I’m bad at being me.”
“Fucked up,” Carlos muses. Lando nods, glum. Then, Carlos says:
“Have you tried just being you?”
Lando stares at him. Carlos shrugs.
“Mate. Babe. What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. For example,” Carlos says, and he gestures broadly at Lando, “you are wearing a suit.”
Lando looks down at himself. He scowls; he remembers vaguely putting it on, hoping it would feel right, but it didn’t. “Thought I should dress up for the occasion,” Lando mutters.
“Why?” Carlos asks. He reaches out for Lando and pulls him closer. Lando’s heartbeat picks up; Carlos pushes back the cuff of his suit jacket, the shirt underneath, and kisses his pulse point. “You look handsome. You look delicious. But you do not look comfortable. And when I think about you at your art exhibition, I don’t think of you in a suit.”
“How do you think of me?” Lando asks quickly, because Carlos hasn’t stopped kissing his wrist and Lando is quickly forgetting what this whole conversation is meant to be about.
“Sorry, sorry,” Carlos says, and he doesn’t sound very sorry. “I think of you in a sweatshirt. Or a hoodie. And some jeans or sweatpants. And sneakers. And you look beautiful.”
Lando blinks. “That simple?”
“That simple,” Carlos confirms, and he kisses Lando’s lips. “Because you’re comfortable. And when you’re comfortable, you’re confident, and you are so, so, so sexy–”
“I have to go change,” Lando says, and he pulls away from Carlos. Carlos looks a little like a lost (horny) puppy in Lando’s wake, so Lando stops, sighs, and goes back to him. When Lando kisses him, it’s through and deep and Carlos has a look in his eyes afterwards that replants the seed of confidence in Lando. Lando grins.
“Sorry. You can have me when everyone else leaves the gallery.”
If Carlos had a tail it would have been wagging.
But when Lando returns, comfortable in a hat, a sweatshirt, and nice but cozy trousers, he feels– good. He feels right. And he gets it.
And it sure doesn’t hurt to see Carlos respond by rushing towards him and tossing him onto the nearest couch.
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I had this really sad heaccanon that I needed to share like...Fiona as a kid not dressing like a kid becauee she needs to be taken seriously or because she needs more tips at a job. Fiona as early as 13 waitressing and trying to look "more grown" for guys to tip more. Never wearing slap bracelets or fun things ( glittery hairbands those ones with the plastic balls you tie together) in her hair because shes got to be taken seriously by teachers at meetings. Just Fionas childhood ending early and it reflecting on her clothes.
sorry for getting to your ask so late, acey! but this is so sad omggg... i can see your vision so clearly and completely agree! especially the forgoing cutesy kiddie clothing to look more 'grown' for jobs and her siblings' teachers and DCFS workers and stuff. ughhhh fiona.... :((
i definitely think this would factor into her self-presentation and clothing choices as a grown-up, too! i'm thinking about the scene in s3 (i think) where she's dressing up to go see her old high school crush and her first outfit is reminiscent of what a teenager would think was a 'hot' and 'grown-up' outfit to impress a boy (see-through tank top, colorful bra, makeup and dangly earrings). her self-image is still very much that of a little girl needing to seem older than she is in order to get the job done.
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yazthebookish · 1 year
There's a difference between wanting Gwyn to be a more multi-layered character (which doesn't necessarily mean she has to be evil or deeply flawed e.g., Yrene, Elide, etc) whose journey is to overcome her obstacles and show what a resilient character she is like all SJM heroines.
Villainize her in the name of "adding complexity and different layers to a character" but her main role would be a plot device used to keep apart two lovebirds, rather than it be a journey of her overcoming her "so-called flaws and darker side" becauee she's just that—a plot device. It doesn't benefit her character at all no matter how you look at it.
So tell me which one genuinely benefits her own arc if people are so eager for her to face challenges and master whatever power she has and to make her as flawed as possible?
Doesn't this whole "luring argument" stem from the fact that she was in Azriel's bonus chapter? Azriel having a positive interactions with her? The slight romantic coding at the end of the chapter?
Although I'm not a fan of the Lightsinger theory because where the canon stands they're nothing but monsters (who knows if she'll elaborate more on those creatures or not)—but the arguments I read from the few Gwynriels who support this theory (a different version from the villain one), they provide much more compelling arguments and theories because the outcome is how to overcome that power, how to be in control, how to not let it define you, and all of that benefits Gwyn's journey alone, no one else.
This series is a romance and I read it for the romance but I also love those healing journeys Sarah writes for these characters regardless of their background and history. I'm by no means an expert in Sarah's writing style or storytelling, but as an avid reader of her books I have faith that she will do all these characters justice, including Gwyn. I always depend on Sarah on writing the most beautiful healing journeys for them alongside a sizzling romance.
And people don't get this... readers can still love Gwyn even if she had a monstrous or darker side. Lidia "The Hind" has so much blood in her hands. Manon has so much blood in her hands. Aelin has so much blood in her hands. Nesta was literally Death. Yet all these characters we managed to love because the author made us love them regardless of their bloody and dark past. They still have love interests who loved them and accepted their past.
Azriel did fucked up shit, would you really think he of all people would judge and resent Gwyn if she had a darker or monstrous side? Would it deter him? He did worse than what we already know.
Sometimes the discussions around Gwyn just strip her of everything we know about her from the canon text because it becomes easier to taint her intentions and actions.
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 11 months
What do you think of the timothee chalamet SNL joke? Do you think it was in poor taste and just really bad timing or do you think it speaks to something deeper. I honestly no longer know what to think of him anymore. Dating Kylie Jenner and now being a part of a terrible SNL skit. Sure he didn't write it but he did agree to say it. I don't know part of me wants to believe the better in him but another part of me doesn't want to feel like an idiot if I am wrong.
Okay so I originally wasn’t gonna talk about this just because people are so reactionary with it and I’ve seen friends of mine get like death threats and shit, so I will preface this by saying the following:
1) I am not a Zionist, more on my beliefs in second. 2) I am a smut writer with various mental illnesses, please do not rely upon me as any sort of authority because I am a certifiable mess. 3) If anyone sends me hate, I will report you immediately. I’m not going to engage with it or respond to it; the only thing you will get from sending me hate is reported and blocked.
So I do think the joke was mostly a situation of bad timing. Something I’ve learned recently is that in other cultures, joking about this kind of thing is very much not done. That’s not the case here. In the US, we make those kinds of jokes all the time. This is the kind of joke you might see on, say, South Park. There is something to be said about the fact that the death is still happening, but, well… that hasn’t really stopped shows like South Park and Family Guy from making those kinds of jokes before, has it? But yeah, either way, it was bad timing.
Do I think Tim is a Zionist? No, I don’t. The beliefs of most Jews I’ve spoken to about this is basically, “yeah, Jews should be allowed in Israel if they want… and so should anybody else.” I think he likely has a similar viewpoint. I think he was given a line and he said it. The joke, I’d like to point out, was just, “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” That’s it, that’s the whole joke. It wasn’t suggesting or implying that they (SNL) were pro-Israel, nothing like that. Just “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” It didn’t mock anyone who had died or was suffering, it was just saying that you don’t wanna publicly associate yourself with Hamas. That’s it.
I was not remotely bothered by the joke when I saw it, honestly. It didn’t occur to me that people might be this upset by it until the next day. If anyone is so bothered by it they think Tim deserves hate, I think you should really dig deep and figure out where you being upset is rooted. Is you being upset about it just a reaction to what other people said? Did you feel that way upon first viewing? If so, I think you should ask yourself why. If you’re angry about what’s happening over there (and I think we all should be, because it’s horrifying), don’t misdirect that anger at some actor who only has a platform becauee we gave him one and whose opinion would otherwise be irrelevant. Direct it where it belongs: with the Israeli government.
Edit: also btw anyone who supports Hamas is gross and that includes the Israeli government
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captainshyguy · 2 months
give me 18 for the salt, i wanna hear your take
oh this is a fun one >:3
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
and to that i say absolutely not! the popularity of a ship in no way actually lends to the quality of it, the chemistry btween the chatacters, etc, its just....popular! and peopel can notably have bad taste sometimes!
obviously all of this also comes with 'quality in general can be subjecive, especially in art- the most dogshit ship u can think of might really resonate with someone or some reason and thats ok' but either way, just becauee a ship is popular in a fandom doesnt automatically make you in denial for not liking it! i think you can potentially be put off a popular pairing bc ur already biased with another one, but i think thats ok! its not a bad thing!
on a similar branch, i'd extend this partly to canon ships too, like canon ships can be written just as bad as fanon, even worse, and not liking them doesnt mean ur in denial! oly...well, deying them cmpltely would really mean that, and even then a) most people have an awareness that a ship they didnt like did happe and this is just for peace of mind and b) again, its ok! being in denial about a ship you dont like is alright! you can mke your own version! art is transformtive!
but yes either way not liking a popular ship doesnt mean ur in denial, beause the masses dont dictate what is the correct thing to ship and shipping is already a hugely subjective thing with many diverse tastes across the world!
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what do you think about the comparison between gojo and kakashi? i really like gojo as a character and jjk story in general but sometimes jjk fans love to brag about how gojo will be always better than kakashi, "he's more powerful and successful" bla bla like it ruins me the affection i have or gojos character
do you actually believe that i've seen jjk fans say gojo was a better teacher than kakashi who also (apparently for them) hasn't done anything good through the series and he wasn't as successful as gojo was? 💀🙏🏻
sorry for this long text but id like to know your opinion on the matter also i love your thoughts on kakashi as a character <33
I don’t wanna be rude but also…
People who make comparison’s like that are dumb
Gojo and Kakashi are from two different world with two different writers. They’re both allowed to do what they can according to their writer
I don’t read JJK (too much blood and death for me) but from what I’ve seen from others who do Gojo is all powerful, looks down on others, actuvely gets sealed away and can’t do a lot for the story until it’s too late for him to even be there for his students
Like 2/3 of his students are dead if i recall correctly because he couldn’t be there for them. This is not to blame Gojo, cuz he was actively written out because the author made him too stupid powerful.
Like, i’m sorry, Kakashi is inherently the more interesting character to me becauee Kishi can keep him in the story without ruining it. He’s bestable. He’s human. He loses.
Gojo doesn’t until sukuna or wtf ever the big bad’s mame is, and then he’s dead
He plays no huge part in the story because he’s so powerful the writer HAD to write him out
That’s boring
That’s not an interesting character to me. Like he is actively not there how people find him interesting is beyond me. Kakshi got written out of ONE plot line by kishi and then immidiatly returned because his presence was neccessary
What did Gojo teach his students while he was locked away? How did he protect them? What did he do for them?
Gojo could be the most brilliant sensei in the world but by virtue of him not being able to be there because he’s written out of the etory, he’s already ear the bottom of the list of good sensei’s because he CAN’T be a good sensei
Kakashi is present
He is there to help his students grow and support them and protect them and even pull them back from danger when he absolutely has too
And because he IS there, he’s also able to be human and make mistakes, which Gojo is not granted the freedom to do.
If Gojo was present he would be a flawed teacher because his personality would clash with his students and things would go wrong and (surprise!!!) his students would probably still die
Gojo is an interesting character on his own. He has his own story with his own arc and him and geto sre what Obito fan’s wish Kakashi and Obito were (actually friends when they were younger)
But he is not Kakashi even if the ahthor did take some inspo from Kakashi. He is a vastly different character with zero similarities in their personalities or behavior’s
Gojo kills the hire ups he views as corrupt
Kakashi faces them head on and changes the system to be something better
They are simply not the same and people who compare are honestly making pathetic grasps at straws because they want others to hate a character they hare, which is honestly weird to me because why is Kakashi living so f***ing rent free in their head?
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chiefblossom · 1 year
So Gwen right (love Gwen actually all Gwen characters are the bomb dot com.) she starts it because (it's Gwen) she was introduced last time probably one of the bigger shocks like "omg Gwen Stacy as a spiderperson??" so they put her in there.
"Let’s do things differently this time. So differently. His name is Miles Morales. He was bitten by a radioactive spider. And he’s not the only one. He hasn’t always had it easy. And he’s not the only one. And now he's on his own. And he's not the only one. You think you know the rest; you don’t. I thought I knew the rest, but I didn't. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I did. And he's not the only one."
EEEEEE OKAY KAJAYGDVDVD so we have the repetition of "he's not the only one." FIVHT EIGHT EIGHT??? the repetition solidifies that he's not the only one HINTING TO THE FUCKING SPIDER SOCIETY like ugh BUT. everyone knew that so I'm focusing on the last line.
I didn’t want to hurt him, but I did. And he's not the only one
hello Gwen <3
She didn't want to hurt him so this relates to all other universes, where Gwen falls (ahhahahahah sorry.) for spider man and gets killed. Especially with what we've seen with Andrew Garfield and how he didn't want to hurt her, but he did.
This literally implies their fate, whatever happens in the next movie implies something will happen romantic or not
But I did. it's an unraveling fate like a canon event, no one can stop it not even gwen. BUT BUT BUT MILES. he's an anomaly right??? he's THE anomaly, meaning their fate won't end up like that, but only HE can stop it
"but he's not the only one" HER DAD???? LIKE COME ON. YK THE WHOLE SCENE WITH LIKE "can you just be my dad!" "you have the right to remain silent." SHOWS US HES BOTTLING IT AWAY. HES HURT. HES BEEN TRYING TO KILL SPIDERWOMAN ALL THIS TIME TO FIND OUT ITS HIS CHILD??
"And he's not the only one." the short repetitive sentence puts the idea into your head and continues to solidify it, and it's the last line from her little monologue keeping it rotating in your head like a rotisserie chicken.
anyways it also shows how he's hurt so much through out this.
then it's still Gwen as he kinda runs away with her has a little cute moment but she gets a call when he's with his mum. causing him to have his little moment with her, about to tell her
GWEN AGAIN. so she said it's elite BITCH WHERE???? and obviously he's upset and hurt.
I'm really enjoying this but I'm gonna stop because this is way to much. thank you if you got here ily
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Didn't I??? Let's see.
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You're right, I didn't know he wrote this.... When I was 16 and first properly getting into Queen!! (not just liking Songs that come on the radio and video channels.) I have, however, known this for quite a while.
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This list clearly doesn't know me very well. It's my second favourite song by him.
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Now this!! This is actually very interesting. Because the soundtrack notes on most tracklisting websites, does just say Brian May or Queen as a band collab. I don't know about the physical copy because I never had the physical soundtrack, just the main movie theme from their deluxe greatest hits boxset. But when you Google for song writing credits for specific songs on the soundtrack, the individuals involved are listed and both Brian and Roger does come up for this one. But I only really googled this becauee of the screenshot about general society thinking Freddie wrote all the songs himself and other members not getting the credit they deserve and someone else replied saying Brian gets all the credit for the soundtrack and that was equally not on.
So admittedlly I did know Roger Co-wrote some of the songs on the soundtrack, I probably knew this and forgot about it, but i only learnt this at all in the last 2 years and purely because of something someone said here in tumblr.
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Oh ffs. I won't even dignify person this one with a reeponse. Who is this article aimed at?
Clearly the data scraping robots need to do a better job next time they throw a targeted article at me to get my clicks.
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yeah but fr why did some of you shared those amazon reviews on twitter? Now they are also on tik tok and everybody is talking about the fact it is evan's amazon. Some people even started buying those products only becauee evan bought them. Yeah sure the reviews are public but public by eventually22 not evan peters. If evan have burner accounts he would probably see that and dont you think he would be concerned? He wasnt happy about the fact fans found his spotify and now he will know fans are stalking him even more and were menaged to find his amazon. He likes privacy and he doesnt want to be followed everywhere. Dont be suprised if he will make new amazon account and we wont see more reviews and that he will be ever more distance towards fans
i'm not trying to be funny, but evan could not be more distanced towards fans at this point. he does not have social media, he does not do any comic cons, he does not do anything with fans and hasn't for years lol i find it baffling and stubborn that he has not transferred his eventually22 spotify playlists over to his new account because he does not add additional tracks.
i believe the amazon reviews were on twitter before they were on my blog, so i can't really directly blame anyone on here for that
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celticdragonmaster · 3 years
#hello dumb tma tag rant incoming becauee I'm still going with my hyperfixation bullshit#I saw this tiktok a few days ago talkimg about the fear classifications that I keep thinking about and it just annoyed me#it was saying jonny went back on what he said about things not being tied specifically to one fear or something like that#talking about when Jon asked Leitner what fear bones fit into#and said that he ignored hisbown thing by giving the fears specific things tied to them like the desolation and fire#and I'm just.....first off do ypu think maybe Leitner's comments were just because fucking BONES is a shittty example#and Jon maybe just asked him a stupid question that therefore had a complecated answer#second did we not listen to the same They're Like Colours speach from Gerry because I feel like that sums this stuff up pretty good#like yeah the line between red and purple is really fuzzy and undefined and hard to judge#and some shades are still Definitely red and some and still Definitely purple#some things just are what they are and don't fit as nicely into other boxes#yes fire got linked pretty exclusively to Desolation but where the hell else does it fit#ypu could MAYBE swing it to slaughter or flesh but it only kinda makes sense there#yes the sky is almost entirely Vast but THE VAST DEALS WITH THE FEAR OF FALLING AND HEIGHTS WHAT DO YOU EXPECT#not to mentioned that from a story telling stand point it just makes sense to have certain things that go together like that#it makes sense to have symbols for a listener to connect with a concept that is a pretty standard writing feature#listen there are plenty of accurate and valid criticism for Jonny and TMA#and I wpuld not even try to argue with those because it is not my place and again they are accurate and need to be said#but I will defend the fear classification system in all its imperfect glory#because I am a nearly graduated bio major with a weirdly deep love of taxonomy so that shit is right up my alley#anyway this was stupid and pointless but I juat needed to say my peace with thia
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goroaix · 2 years
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〘 Wherein Xiao has trouble understanding his emotions when it’s not the feeling of long fallen deity’s despair that was burning away at his every nerve. 〙
xiao x gn reader. no warnings aside from bruising ment
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Xiao was many things. He was the protector of Liyue, the sole remaining Yaksha, an adeptus that had sworn his life to fulfilling his contract. Yet, despite all the achievements he had to his name and every title he had forged, he could not claim to be a being who was in tune with his emotions.
If Xiao would be unwilling admit anything, even though gritted teeth, it would be that he didn’t know the first thing about disciphering the twisting and turning of his heart. He didn’t know why he felt it squeeze when he was greeted by the sight qingxin flowers swaying in the wind, or why he felt something bubble in his gut when he spent time sitting beside a pond and watching the koi swim underneath the crystalline surface.
But he could excuse that, write it off even, as a byproduct of finally being able to rest for a few moments. What he couldn’t excuse was the way his stomach seemed to erupt into hundreds of butterflies whenever he saw them.
For an embarrassingly long while he had thought that this was a danger response, that somehow the person that had been hand making him desserts and crushing flowers into medicine for his bruises was secretly plotting something sinister. That thought was quick to leave, especially when the most evil thing Xiao had seen them do was throw slime condensate at a particularly annoying guest at wangshu inn while their back was turned.
They also had noticed that Xiao had seen them do this, immediately ducking away into a room when they caught his eye from the banister. He didn’t think it was anything noteworthy and decided to not say anything about it (it was a shame too because had he realised that the thing he was surpassing was amusement, he might’ve also laughed at how the guest pulled a face at the slime sliding on their fingers when they pet their hair).
Really, Xiao had no idea what to call this emotion that made his chest constrict, an almost jittery feeling in his well trained muscles. Why would it ever bother him? Why did it bother him? Over the course of millennia, he should have learnt to tune out anything that didn’t serve a purpose.
Yet here he was, sitting with the same person that made his head spin as they placed down the bowls of almond tofu - one for him and one for themselves - and asked about his day.
Good question. Xiao struggled to figure out what he had done today other than sit and think.
“Don’t ask useless questions,” he muttered instead, too prideful to spirit out his actual tumultuous thoughts. “Will you be staying today?”
“Yes. I haven’t spent any time with you in a while.” Xiao did not comment, instead digging at his food and avoiding any glances in their direction. “How do you feel these days? You seem… Different.”
At this, amber eyes glowed with a veiled curiosity, though he continued to eat and instead responded with a grunt of acknowledgment.
“You see things that aren’t there.”
“I see things you don’t want to see, actually. You seem lighter, I’ve almost seen you smile too.”
“So boldly telling lies to an adeptus. You must have hit your head.”
They laughed and the butterflies returned, his grip on the spoon tightening. “Hm, maybe I did when I fell for you.”
“Hmph.” There was no further reply from him, mostly due to the fact that he couldn’t think of one. He was never much of a talker, much less when it came to expressing… Anything really. So when he wanted to tell them that maybe they shouldn’t say things like that becauee it made his insides feel worryingly fuzzy, he couldn’t utter a word.
Xiao settled for doing nothing, looking down at his plate with a stare so intense that it almost burnt through the ceramic. They really loved their one liners that frequently made others push them away.
The soft texture melted on his tongue, the taste a little more sweet than what the chef usually made, but he didn’t mind. There was no way he would ever utter a word of complaint to something that made him feel happy.
Perhaps he had struck gold while pushing his metal spoon into the tofu.
If he was eating something that they had created specially for him and it made him happy, then maybe the way his stomach twisted and turned was because of happiness also.
And for now, when he snuck a glance at their face as they gladly sat in silence at his side, he decided that this label was enough for now. As long as they were there, he was content
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realizashuns · 7 years
anyways I think that there’s so much more to the 2nd house than just material possessions it embodies all the values and perceptions of everything 📣
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