#because I design the processes and if people dont follow the processes its because i designed them wrong
terrorbirb · 10 months
I think permanent corrective actions and root cause analysis exist solely to cause people with OCD and anxiety disorders to ruin their brains.
#totes bro#every time i make a mistake i make 3 mistakes#1 i mixed up letters in a word and pulled the wrong thing#2 i know i mix up numbers and letters so i should have had a system in place to prevent this#3 whatever system i come up with is guaranteed to not be permanent so if anything similar happens its also my fault#and then it's 'if you keep asking why what is the cause of the problem'#and the answer cant be human error or lack of funds so its some system i didnt design always#and this is sthe same thing if someone else makes a mistake because i didn't design a process that would have prevented that#and once again whatever i do change is guaranteed to fail in the future and then it's nicole didnt you try to fix this already#but often its like some tangential problem like i pulled the wrong qty of the right item#i tell my therapists this and they ask is there an answer where i am not to blame in this entire company and the answer is no#♥️#because I design the processes and if people dont follow the processes its because i designed them wrong#anyway! having really bad anxiety hours#I've tried to bring this up and I get told 'well design a better process where this isnt the problem ' and that.... misses the point#Because now the problem is i feel anxious because i failed to make processes that are infallible (which is the expectation) and so i need t#make a process to handle my anxiety which is guaranteed to fail#and is also my fault that i feel the anxiety because why didn't i correct for this sooner when i started my anxiety#they say these things like 'look on the bright side you can improve' and really i cant because even if i do i wont fully improve#which you know makes the permanent corrective action not permanent#and they say you know permanent doesnt mean definitely permanent but then any time theres a problem theyre like 'why wasnt it permanently..#and i try to say you told me last time permanent doesnt mean permanent and its no. bad. youre just trying to stop short of a well polished#process. look at 5s#and it starts over and over and over#i try to say the way we do this doesnt work for me because everything is my fault even if its someone elses error#and because it causes me anxiety because I know no process is perfect but it was supposed to be permanent#but hr my bosses everyone just do not empathize with me at all and cant figure out why im anxious and how this makes it worse#because there's room for improvement!#also if its not clear many of the mistakes are because im dyslexic
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loviingpedri · 11 months
Did You Know I Loved You?
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prompt: pedri never forgot you
warnings: cursing, grammar issues. all pictures used are not owned by me. not proofread.
word count: 1735
angst, some fluff
dedicated to all my pedri girlies <3
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pedri and you were inseparable. from the day you walked into his parents' restaurant, the air suddenly changed. the town seemed to sparkle in tenerife when you two were exploring the island.
"let's play football," pedri slowly kicked the ball to you.
"it's so hot outside though," you groaned at the thought of kicking a ball in the burning sun.
"pleaseee, i wanna practice just for a little bit." you knew you couldn't say no to him. the decision ended up leaving you playing with him until the moon smiled at the duo.
little did you know, the moon never smiled and the sun never glistened after that day.
“so what? you’re just gonna leave?” you shouted at pedri in disbelief.
“i can do what i want. you can’t control my decisions for the rest of my life,” he sighed and sat down to control his thoughts. “you knew this was gonna happen. i need to grow my career. i wanted to be in a work environment which i enjoyed. just don’t be so self-centered right now.”
“im self-centered? i didn’t even get a warning you would leave to this big city. you knew for weeks. fer knew for weeks. you said i was your family pedro, and family doesn’t hide things from each other.” the yelling echoed through the house. it was a situation that would never be fixed.
“i cant just tell my best friend that i’m leaving in 2 weeks. it would ruin everything. if you knew, you would’ve changed my mind and i wouldn’t be successful for anything.”
“pedro gonzalez, think for one fucking second. you kept a secret that could’ve changed everything. the moments we had together could’ve been more important than anything. i just needed one warning and this wouldn’t be happening. i don’t give a shit that you want to continue your passion. all i always wanted was for us to be happy.” it took everything in your power to not leave the house after you completely lashed out on him.
you knew deep down you didn’t want him to go because he was your first love. he was your first kiss, first friend, and first person to even talk to you in tenerife. you didn’t know who he was gonna see. you sure did not want him to talk to rich girls blinged out with their designer bags. you were scared shitless of how life would be without him. he was the only person who knew everything about you and what you should do in anxious situations.
then, the tears came. would he visit you? would he ever speak to you? would he write or text you? would you ever see him again? will there be time for the two of you to be together again.
“why are you crying? come on, its not that big of a deal.” he huffed loudly, shaking his head in stress that this was not the way this was suppose to happen.
“pedri, you are leaving to the city. i dont even know if i’ll ever get into contact with you anymore. you’ll have new friends, new people to worry about, and probably gonna knock someone up while you’re at it. can’t you just let me process this for one second.” and that’s when you made a mistake. doubting pedri was never a good idea. especially about the people he loved. especially when it came from the person who he loves the most.
pedri got up and looked at you for one last time. unexpectedly, he walked out the door without a word. you sat there in tears, debating to chase him or just let him go. the sobs fully came out.
2 years had passed since he left. everyday, he thought about you. “what would y/n do? what would y/n say?” he questioned his decisions by following your mindset everyday. he begged his brother to tell how you were doing. never a word budged from fer since the huge fallout spread throughout the city.
tenerife was never the same. since both lost communication, it felt like the island itself was hopeless.
you, continued to push yourself through school. showing everyone that you would do well without him was your motivation. you’ve worked so hard to prove yourself to people that you had a job offer in barcelona.
of course, you accepted the job. people were upset that their beautiful youngin was finally moving on in life. moving into your modern apartment was like a fever dream. you’ve had your doubts, but it was definitely worth it. everyday, there would be news of pedri. pedri, barcelona’s best midfielder. pedri, one of the best young players in the world. pedri, the guy who gets every spanish girl all over him. hell, a video of him was going viral for taking a girl’s number and putting it into his pocket. obviously, it was implied that he would never have a single thought about you. fuck, it was stupid to even try to reach out for him.
after sitting in your living room while trying to find something to entertain yourself that wasn’t pedri related, you decided to go out for once. there seemed so much to do in the city instead of being lazy at home. walking for ages in the wind, you finally found a small cafe to rest. ordering your latte and sitting down, your thoughts were interrupted by a boy.
“excuse me, are you y/n?” said a boy that was not too much younger than you.
“yes i am,” you nodded your head slowly before taking a slow sip. it was a little awkward considering he looked at you in shock.
“i’m sorry. i’m pablo gavi. or known as gavi. you’re the person on pedri’s lock screen. he always talks about you during practice. holy shit, i never thought i would meet you. are you visiting him?”
what the fuck just happened. pedri still remembers me? why am i his lock screen? why does he talk about me? what does he say? for a moment, you sat there trying to understand what he said. gavi, confused on why you’re frozen in time, waved his hand in front of your face to make sure you’re okay.
“oh no, i’m not visiting. pedri and i don’t really talk anymore,” you shook your head and forced a little smile. only to ease the tension of gavi’s then saddened look.
“that’s weird. he talks about you like you’re his girlfriend or something. i thought you were doing long distance,” he shrugged his shoulders. “maybe you should visit camp nou. i think he’ll be happy to see you.”
quickly, you rejected his offer. “oh no, we exactly didn’t end off our friendship in the best terms. i think it’s better if we just don’t see each other again.”
“i insist. i’ll give you my number and i’ll text you all the details.” he took his arm giving you his phone. you bowed your head in defeat and put your phone number in.
unfortunately, everyone’s eyes had been on you and gavi.
the next morning, your phone was blown up in notifications. your best friend constantly texting you on how you’re viral on twitter. paparazzi snapped pictures of your interaction with gavi.
“fuck.” you mumbled before groaning in defeat. you knew you had faced defeat in keeping a low-profile.
gavi, you knew, was for sure fucked. if pedri had seen the pictures, he was definitely getting beat up.
during practice, gavi kept his best to avoid his best friend. when pedri came up to him, he quickly turned pale.
“what’s wrong with you? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” pedri patted him on his back with a small laugh. gavi sighed in relief. he’s glad to have all his teeth and no black eye before the game.
“yeah, i’m fine.” and that’s when everything wasn’t. balde came up to him, rubbing his head and patting him.
“so, who’s the new girl? it’s all over the internet and not a word from you.” fuck you balde was the first thought that came to gavi’s head. gavi’s head was pounding. he didnt know what to say, how to react, or what to do.
“wow gavi. what other secrets are you keeping from us. let me see the picture balde.” pedri laughed even harder from the thought of gavi even approaching a girl. at that moment, gavi had to remind himself that he wasn’t 9 anymore. he couldn’t just simply run and cry his way out of this. luckily, balde only showed pedri the picture from the window. when you were facing towards him and could only see him offering his phone. gavi’s blood started to circulate again and his heart rate slowed.
“i cant really see her face, but she looks so familiar to me.” well no shit jackass. that was the girl you’ve been in love with since second grade. in fact, she’s sitting on the side waiting for you.
your heart was about to jump out in any second. you sat there for two hours for them to be finished with training. each time pedri walked towards your direction, your nerves would start running around. luckily, he didnt see you a single time.
gavi texted you from the locker room that he was coming towards your direction. you never expected this to be happening. you were debating to run away, but your feet forced you to stay. you knew your mind was fighting to hate him, yet your heart convinced you to see him. even if it was the last time. finally, you heard footsteps coming.
pedri was wiping the sweat off his face. he came to a full stop. he thought he was hallucinating. he thought it was a dream. he stared at you for which felt like minutes. admiring your facial features, you sat there frozen. it was harder to read his facial expressions now. did he want you to leave? did he want you there? why isn’t he saying anything?
what felt like years, he started walking towards you. again, your nerves were still jumping. eventually, he made his way in front of you. suddenly, he smiled.
“holy shit you’re beautiful.” the state of confusion turned into love with one simple kiss. your lips connecting made the world happier. the air cleared. the atmosphere was different.
it felt peaceful.
author’s note: hi everyone! i’m so glad you enjoyed my first story let’s be tourists. this is my second time i’m writing on tumblr, so im still getting use to it. i will be taking requests once i figure out how to set it up. please let me know if you have any suggestions on what i could improve on. thank you for all of the support !!! <3
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thewanderersminuet · 7 months
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Wanted to post a clearer version of my loveybug design
Overexplaining my thought process under the cut
-with catwalker his green hair helps to sell the idea that hes someone else, I wanted to also change her hair color for a similar effect. In this case I took some inspiration from cosmobugs bright blue hair.
-for marinette when i design new transformations for her I like to make her hairstyle reflect the animal in some way (multimouse's buns being reminiscent of mouse ears, lady noire's braid instead of a tail, pegabugs ponytail and so on) on her normal ladybug design i see her ribbons as reminiscent of antennae and while I dont think the bow reads as antennae in any way i still wanted to keep the ribbon in some way
-her hair is down because as loveybug shes metaphorically letting her hair down. That being said... Its not marinette or ladybug thats acting more open and flirtatious.... Its loveybug. Someone that doesnt really exist. Its fine if people dislike her or find her off putting, because as soon as marinette goes back to ladybug she will cease to exist. So she still has a braid in her hair, because while shes letting loose in some ways there's still a part of herself shes holding back.
-when you change the spots to hearts it starts to make the look read "ladybug" less. I added the cape to look like bug wings to make it still read ladybug.
-i kept the ballet slipper look from @anna-scribbles design because I thought it was super cute
If anyone wants to come play dolls with us i am following the loveybug Au tag so if you tag your stuff with that ill see it!!
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howler-moon · 28 days
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Ok gang I needed to step in I can't take this anymore. The recent Warrior Cats covers and field guide art have been driving me nuts and when this cover dropped something inside me just snapped are you happy Erins I finally did proper fan art of your furry soap opera are you happy now. I used to really like the new artists covers I was his number one defender but now I,m just genuinely concerned if they're giving him any time. Here's a ramble of my thought process if yall are into that: I see a lot of the time with people redesigning covers that they take a completely formula to the actual books and illustrate an actual scene. I love these but I have absolutely no idea what goes on in this arc so I would have to keep to the floating head formula. Since there's no official design for Moonpaw yet either I kept the characters the same (i would possibly have replaced Crowfeather with Moonpaw although looking back having Crow there for "the elders quest" might fit more). I myself have no designs for Leaf, Tawny or Crow so i just slapped on whatever. I did have the thought to reference The apprentices quest cover at one point, as I feel like this arc will just be full of references (Following a "friend since arc one", recycled plot points, the book being called the elders quest.. If they call a book "Out of the wild" you all owe me one million dollars/hj) but uhm that was boring and i had a different idea anyway :3 I wanted to put a spin on the usual floating head formula (literally)(I just made it profile instead of front facing) and i would like to imagine the rest of the books in this arc would follow this formula with a different character each time. I originally wanted to keep the blue colour scheme, but it was not giving gang im sorry. I can only shade with purples and yellows forgive me. The excuse i realised i could make half way through is that a sunset fits the name "changing skies" way better that a blue gradient. THE SKY IS LITERALLY CHANGING ITS RIGHT THERE. I also added the faint stars in the sky as reference to the problems with connecting to starclan tee hee. I was originally going to draw Leafstar blind but decided against it as i dont know how she loses her vision and I dont like drawing blind characters with milky eyes when its not accurate... I compensated by obscuring her pupil with a sparkle because she deserves to feel pretty Yeah i think thats it Obligatory Polish cover appreciation moment:
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wasyago · 9 months
episode 110 spoilers
just like, random thoughts and stuff, mostly bits that i remembered
i sat down to write this i forgot everything oh my god--
in chip's flashback. the black rose pirates following the king to the big sakura tree, and arlin holding baby chip's hand. this. the cutest shit ever, i think i almost cried at the image of this big badass group of pirates and this itty bitty child led gently by his hand. even if i didn't cry before i sure will right now, baby chip you're so dear to me...
QUEEN! they didn't remember anything aughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 and their and chip's little talk about how they're going to put the pieces together :( and their hug :(
whatever drey, finn and earl are doing on the ship... like, what? hello? glad they're having fun tho lol. also wait hold on a second. how did drey answer the call? i mean, probably with his leg or something, if i had to guess. or maybe finn held it up for him. not sure if finn is at it enough to be able to answer the shell by himself, so earl and drey are the only ones who can actually use it. and seing how earl is in a... predicament. hm.
jay saying that when she looks at gillion she sees family. AUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGH AUGH OUGH jay ferin i love you. and this is so important to me not only because like hell yes they're more than friends they're a family, but also for jay of all people, considering her relationship with her blood tied family and how complicated her relationship with this word is.
also girl please do something about your leg, im begging you. the bone is visible, this shit is not going to heal up by itself. i dont know how you're still limping around this must hurt so bad. i guess adrenalin maybe, but still. at least get some bandages or something, i don't know... what is it with jay and her legs actually. she fell off a roof in edison kingdom and landed on a piece of metal that fucked up her leg, and now this.
oh my god niklaus, how could i forget about my babygirl. i mean, what can i say i love this guy. i dont know how many times ive relistened to his intro song, but definitely more than i should've... um. there was a lot of big important lore that i don't have the brain capacity to process rn.... i want to say that niki is the nameless prince and/or the thing trapped in the hole in the sea. because he can only interact with one person at a time by inviting them to his pocket dimension (even with jay it was said that the time around her stopped while she was talking with niklaus), implying that niki is trapped somewhere and this is the only constricted way he can interact with the world. and to answer chip's questions he said he wants freedom more than anything, again implying that right now he doesn't have this freedom. which makes sense, right? but then, the big bad thing was supposedly trapped thousands of years ago (i think?), but niklaus was a world famous pirate lord not so long ago and not trapped anywhere, so.....? idk im probably missing something. can't for the life of me find the moment where they read the nameless prince book so like, whatever.
that moment where jay talked to chip about how she thinks its all her fault and she should've just gave up her arm and leg. and how chip reassures her....... them 🥺🤲 kind of inspired by that post abt chip and jay i reblogged earlier, but these two talking about their emotions and feelings is so dear to me. just, being human with each other and opening up. gill is great ofc, but i feel like for these two its much easier to talk to each other to feel understood and heard. i love them.....
chip is still very much dead and probably won't be resurrected any time soon, so... hooray new undead chip design! but also oh my god my poor boy... forever 19... (also charlie and condi being surprised that chip is only 19. yeah </3) my poor guy my poor baby, he sounds so beaten and depressed in the beginning of the episode, its just breaking my heart qwq...
star and zamia <333 hehe
chip trying to marry igneous. lol. darling chill out, you just got out of one unsuccessful marriage and it didn't teach you anything, you're dead, you're only 19, you've known this guy for like, 2 days? don't get me wrong, godspeed to chip, but cmon man take him out to dinner first or something
and uhhh. the end, that's all i got
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unicornsaures · 2 months
talk. about whatever’s on your mind. aaaanything and everything just in case u needed an invitation to yap today 😻😻
taking this as a excuse to have a yap session about my nonhuman aus because there are SO. many things that are included for very specific reasons(mainly elf laurens cause its my main nonhuman au, but the divinity AU isnt exempt from secret meanings either >:3c) but i just never elaborate on any deeper meanings because technically theyre supposed to be up for interpretation but screw that things are included for very. very specific reasons
OKAY STARTING WITH ELF LAURENS !! Im starting off with his design itself because while its not necessarily a secret, his markings are extremely important to the story because obviously its a massive focus with the whole insecurity thing and attempting to scratch them off so!! In his early design it isnt included, but theres two things i added to either foreshadow things or that make more sense because certain things previously didnt have reasoning. For starters, his voice! I make it *very* clear that Laurens absolutely hates his voice - yknow, with that high pitched nonhuman growl? Theres a reason for that! In my AU, elves arent supposed to have markings on their throat; it fucks with their vocal chords. Yknow who does have a marking on their throat? Thats right, John does! So not only does he have 'two' voices, he also has a big reminder of that just straight in the middle of his throat - so rven if he didnt talk people would know why. Then theres the dots on his head. Thats foreshadowing. Cant tell you what its foreshadowing, but take that information how you will.
Also would like to elaborate on his relationship with Kinloch in the fic because no, Kinloch is not evil or bad or abusive. I try and make it clear that their relationship isnt necessarily healthy, but thats also not Kinloch's fault either way. Its Johns own inability to stabilize his emotions surrounding someone he cares about(ex. begging him to run away with him - when rejected, he runs away himself.) This is a massive mischaracterization of Laurens on my part but like I said in the fic itself, its just me projecting for 4k words. Oh, and he gets that scar on his lip when he's 20 in what i call a 'drinking accident.' Dont ask me to elaborate on that either, John is just a reckless drunk.
Obviously theres the whole art thing, but i think its pretty self explanatory on why hes drawing. I think i stated explicitly it was a coping device but if not i think thats obvious but i never elaborated on his medium of choice; graphite :3!! Its messy. Thats it. He uses the powdered graphite, which i think he would find it was a representation of process rather than product. The point of using graphite is the limited choice of color that only leaves an artist with shades. It also just goes with the theme of his art because idk, hes out here drawing the idea and/or image of death itself in a way its gorey but also gorgeous, so take that as you will.
Also I have had many yap sessions on why exactly John draws the gorey and grotesque but ill save you on insane details and simplify it down to; after his mothers death, he was naturally drawn to the beauty found within something so vile and horrifying.
Okay ive talked all too long aboute the elf laurens thing, so now the divinity AU! There isnt much meaning inside of this other than the very very clear toxic relationship between Alex and John; but its toxic for a reason. As dysfunctional as they may be, they are better of together than apart. Like mentioned in the fic itself, Alex was cruel to his devotees and followers before John came along. I wont go into specifics or anything, he was just cruel. John, on the other hand, was also cruel. Thats why hes a fallen angel, obviously. He fell due to others actions but the reason he followed this other person in the first place is because they were holding something he did over his head, threatening to tell higher deity's and whatnot. But instead, John is a fucking idiot and ended up doing what this person wanted which ultimately ended up in him falling and losing everything. Obviously, this leaves someone scarred because ill just say it, in this AU at least, falling from wherever they may be is not a painless experience.
In turn, he hasn't physically fallen anywhere, but there are physical signs and overall, you can tell by how they act. So, upon finding Alexander - a god, basically - the only other purpose he has in life is to peldge devotion to someone. Hes basically shunned from other angels, and so finding a deity to pledge devotion to is the only thing he can do. Their relationship is not at all healthy. Ive described it as a worshiped/worshiper dynamic because thats what it is. No matter if Alex views John as an equal, Laurens will always view alex as a higher being than he is and in short its a massive power imbalance with how willing John is to bend over backwards for him(ex. ripping off his wings ! Never happens, alex wont physically let him, but like i said, John is willing.) The only reason I say that they should stay together is that other deity's wouldnt stop him from doing this kind of thing. 'Offering your wings to prove your devotion? Yeah, hand em over.' is basically what would happen and it would be 10x more of a corrupted relationship than john and alex have. Alex keeps him in line basically, and John worships him like..well, like the god he is i guess.
Again, this AU is me majorly projecting so take it as you will. But Alex is also completely unaware to why John is a fallen angel anyway. Even being a god, he cant just see peoples sins. He only knows when someone has sinned.
"A shame Alexander may not know his transgressions, he’s sure he couldn't have done much wrong with how much of a pleasure he’s been."
Pulling out the quotes for this story because i personally think its just easier to explain things if its been read.
John nods absentmindedly, leaning into the heat of his palms that make his face contort in a painful type of love.
Its mentioned a few times, but being touched by Alex at all brings physical pain. Mostly because he's not supposed to be touched by a higher being while being a fallen angel, but it also has something to do with the fact he 'swore on his ability to love to prove his devotion.' In short, John didnt think he had the ability to love, much less deserve it. So, being touched by one he fell for brings him physical pain because he shouldnt be supposed to! The love he spoke of when he exempted Alex from this was love a devotee has for their god, not love like as romantic love. Obviously, in a way, he broke his own promise. This is also why the pain goes away after alexander admits he loves him because at that point, 'his god' basically just excused the fact he broke his pledge by announcing any feelings he may have are returned. So yeah! Thats fun.
Anyway, that was my yap session. I talked for way too long uhm..oops! Im not normal about nonhumans :(
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exocynraku · 1 year
would you mind sharing how you go about drawing the anatomy (body/legs/tail in relation to head) of a cat? its like the main thing i struggle with that i cant seem to find all too many tutorials for. apologies if youve answered something similar you just draw really good cat bodies & poses
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i have NO idea how to put my thought process into words but i do have this image which has helped me very much (its a pic of a cat i saw here on tumblr that i just drew lines over) and also one simple rule that ive been trying to follow lately: the cats head (w/o ears) should be able to fit into the cats chest area and if it does not your head is too big
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heres an example i drew quickly !! i also want to say that this is if you want your cats to be relatively anatomically correct (or at least how my brain says it should be) if your style says otherwise that is OK!!!!!!!!!!! do whatever you want idc . i also do break this rule and make heads too big occasionally (usually on kits cuz its funny looking) head size compared to tail doesnt really matter (to me) tails are very silly fun to draw and i like to have fun with it and leg size i usually base off of whether or not i think this cat would be able to stand up (ex: i wouldnt give a cat like the one at the bottom on the pic above skinny thin tall legs their legs would be chubbier and thicker) i also often draw necks too thin because well thats just how i draw them which doesnt matter too much the only rule with that i put in place for myself is the body has to be at least a LITTLE thicker than the neck er i dont think i have anything else to say the only other thing i think i could give you is breaking down the different body parts (like i did on the first image) for some of my designs which could maybe help ? if you want that then just send an ask! actually with that breaking down different body parts if you want to learn good anatomy id reccomened just finding images of cats online (preferably ones with different body types & simple poses) and then segmenting off their body parts like i did in the first pic it helped me alot when i used to reference images (now most of my poses just come from my head) because then i had a structure to draw off of (think of how some people draw human bodies with boxes and circles and triangles) ok im done for realsies now sorry i couldnt helpp too much im bad at explaining my though processes lawl
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errintheimmp · 5 months
Fresh new start \Vox!xFem!reader\
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vox x fem!reader
tw; Smut, lemon, use of tongue (fem receiving), strong language, s3x
Pink= thoughts of Y/N
blue = Vox
purple = Velvette
Red = Val
My first post on this. I had it written for a little over 3 weeks. I hope u Enjoy it.
I am the illegitimate child of the Goetia family , after I were born my mother fled the Pride ring to the Greed ring. Fast forward, I was 20 years old and got a job opportunity with the 3 V's as one of Velvette's models to start out with. My mother doesn't want me to go mostly for safety (and the fact that your father hasn't sent his spell book yet). But I had to take this opportunity, if I didn't I don't know when this will come back. Not only that, I would get to work with Vox. One of the 3 V's in the tower, I heard that he was a very serious person when it comes to business. But he is also very sweet to the people he wants. He got Velvette to look at me for her modeling gigs. But regardless I took this position and started to pack my bags, I didn't want to stay in hiding just because of what my parents did. A few days after, I went to the train station to get a one way ticket to the pride ring.
I got off the train with a sense of relief but also a sense of fear. A fear that you picked to wrong choice, that I should have stayed in Greed. But I cant look back, right now this is for me. I took a deep breath and past through the gates of the Pride ring. I got scanned in and made my way to the load off for my luggage. my phone starts ringing and its mom, she just want to make sure that I made it safely.
After I grabbed my things, I went off to my assigned apartment that Velvette got me. Its pretty close to the V's so I don't need to make a massive commute. after I got settled in, I heard a knock on the door. Its Velvette.
" Hey Y/N! Look I know you just got here but you neeeed to come with me. I have a show to get done and one of my models got torn to pieces; And my replacement just went MIA!"
" Oh ummm ok......I just need to..."
"Not now Y/N! Get your feathered ass in here now!"
I didn't want to disappoint her, let alone piss her off. So I scrambled to find my sweater and ran out of the apartment. Thank christ on a stick that I made it cuz everything is chaos.
" Damn this is a hot mess.."
People are throwing clothes on racks and tables, Models are getting into the dresses for the show, and people are arriving. it was a mess. but along the mess you spot a familiar looking person in the crowd.
"Is that Vox?"
Velvette responded, " Yeah, That flat faced prince comes to my shows sometimes. But he only does just to bitch about his time being wasted. He is a tool."
" There has to be a reason as to why he is here."
V: " I dont know, but there is a show thats needs to happen. So hurry up!!"
I got to my station put on the first dress that is due to go out. Even though I am the 4th person out, I still felt nervous. I have never modeled before. ( i should have said that before i got here, but thems the brakes). But most of the nerves isn't just from not modeling before, it also cuz of Vox. I've heard that he is one of the most curt but charming out of all the Vs.
Then lights dimmed and the music started playing, models started coming out one by one with V's designs. Even though V claimed that he didnt want to be here, he is paying attention. Almost as if he is looking for someone. Before I could process, I had to walk.
I walked out in a solid red dress with a sweetheart neck line, with black mesh cut outs on the sides. Its cute but not something I normally wear. I took a glimpse of the sides as I was walking down, camera flashes with whispers of complements.
"She is really pretty...maybe i could sign her on."
" If that dress was on anyone else, it would not sell"
" I cant take pictures with all these flashes :| "
The my eye came across the flat prince's face and ........he froze. His eyes followed me as if he never seen a woman before. I got to the end, turned around and went back stage.
V: " That was pretty good. since this is your first show I'm not gonna let you do multiple rows until your 3rd show. Got that?"
I shook my head yes and got ready to head upstairs to meet the rest of the Vs.
2 1/2 hours later;
I went upstairs with Velvette with a few dresses in my hand. Neither of us said anything throughout the elevator ride, it was more like a comfortable silence. We got up to the penthouse of the tower were Val and Vox were waiting.
Val; " AH yes. you must be Y/N? Correct?"
"Yes hello. Its an honor to be in your presence."
Val; " I like her....she knows her place here...."
'Nah I just don't want a moth man to be mad and blowing smoke up my ass...'
" Hello, Its and hon...."
"You dont have to say that to me. Just call me Vox."
" oh ok."
" I saw you in the show earlier today. You did pretty well. And you were very pretty."
" Thank you..."
There was a moment of silence for a little bit. Every time I try looking at Vox, he would quickly look away. Almost as if he was avoiding something.
"All right, you go back downstairs and pick up the rest of the makeup. I'll get Moth boi and Flat prince to get some more show times."
I shook my head and did as I was told. I cleaned up the aftereffects of the show and put up the designs that were not used. It took a while, but it was finally done. I went back upstairs to see if Velvette had anything else but I bummed into Vox instead.
" Oh hi, I didn't mean to stop you like this."
" No no it's my fault I was paying attention. I am assuming you are looking for Velvette."
" Yes. I dont know if she had anything else...."
" Well she is busy rn so I'll take you to complete a few projects."
I got a little excited, ME?! with Vox?!?! How? And am I technically Velvette's model?! Who cares! I am with this charming man for a few hours.....THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!!!!!
" This is my office, I want you to file these patents for me. Once that's done i'll be at my desk to give you anything else."
" oh ok..."
" great my idea of fun does not have filing cabinets in it...." *
Disappointed, I got to work with these stupid patents. After a while, it became more peaceful and I got into a nice flow. Fast forward 4 hours, I was almost done I just needed the last 2 packets. I went over to Voxs' desk to see him face down moaning to himself. with no time to think, i turned him over to see if he is ok.......He was fine he was just slightly drunk.
"for a grown man he sure is a lightweight..." *
" Sir are you ok? how long have you been at your desk like this?"
" Hi...I thought you weeerreeee gone for tthee......*hiccup*...day"
" No I still have about 2 more to do"
" You can doo..that laterrr....for now...i want to cuddle....."
Did he just say cuddle?!
" Im ok with that, as long as you are not putting people and yourself in danger."
He smiled at me, like the genuine smile you give when you haven't seen someone in a long time. I took his hand and pulled him to the couch, as we sat down he topled over into my lap. A little superised, i just stroked his back. This last for a little bit until he sat and asked me something....
" Can I kiss you? I have been waiting to ask that since you got here."
I blushed, Even though he was drunk he still was nice to me. I love what he does and how he conducts himself too. But the biggest deal for me was that I felt safe. I don't feel creeped out like with Val, nor feel stressed out like with Velvette. I was chaotic, hot, and nervous.
" yes you can"
Vox reached out his hand to stroke my face, he leaned in and kissed me. He moved his hand from my cheek to the back of my head. I leaned into the kiss a little bit more, putting my hands on his chest. He breathed heavily in my ear as we leaned in closer. I pushed his boetie off of his neck along with his white shirt.
" I don't think the couch is the best place for this.."
Vox took my hand and lead me to his bed across the way. He sat me down and kissed my neck all over. I let out a small moan as he continued. He wrapped his arms around me holding me, as if he doesn't want to let go. I slowly went to take of his suit jacket, exposing his back and shoulders.
" Please contiue.....I haven't felt this way in a long time.."
My heart skipped a beat...my hands were getting a little shaky as I started to hold his face....
" Can I take off your belt?"
Vox face went all different shades of red. He shook his head yes, so I did as he wanted. At this point, his length was bursting it wanted to leave its domestic prison. I leaned a little more into him, at this point I was on top of him. Heart pounding, mind racing, breath getting more frantic. He then started to un-do the blouse I had, exposing the brown lace bra underneath. He looked up at me, and kissed me as has took of the shirt letting it fall to the floor.
" Do you want to go all the way?"
" Yes, with you, Yes"
After I gave him the ok, he rolled on top of me. taking my shirt with it. I don't know how but he did, He then slowly when down and kissed my inner thighs. I was shaking with anticapation, I want him to stick his touge inside me....to taste me. He put his hand over my lower belly and slighty pressing me down. He made his way inside, I let out a small moan as he ate, I could feel him painting my insides. he then moved to the top humming as he went. I tighen my legs around his head but he kept going, Vox hummed faster. Making sure he pumped he with his fingers. Twist and turns, I could feel myself about the come....
" PlEaSe!"
" What do you say? be a good girl..."
" Please, I want you inside me...."
Without another word, he slid his length out of its prison and put it inside me. The pain went as quickly as it came. He continued to pump himself into me. I was gripping the couch begging him to go faster. His pacing became less steading and more like his breathing, erratic.
"I cant keep this uup...ffor too long.."
I could feel him throbbing inside, I could feel that he was close. But I wanted him to keep going. I felt my walls gripping him even harder and i know he could feel it too.
Then his pace picked up even harder and faster. In the middle of it all he ripped off my bra to get a better look at me. When it was off, he look down on me. Admiring his baby girl, he gave a small smile while saying..
"I love you....I love you so much please come with me"
" I love you too, i would love too"
He quickly bend down to held me, I wrapped my arms and legs around him. As he wrapped his arms around me, we both let out a soft moan into each other. I slowly released and sprawled out on the bed. He pulled out and fell beside me, we were still riding the high that we had for each other. I turned to look at him with a gentle smile..
" Can we do this again? I really enjoyed doing this with you.....with no Val."
Vox chuckled, " He wont now...He has his own stuff to worry about. And yes we can do this as long as we like.."
Thanks for Reading, this is my first fan fic. that I was able to post. I hope you like it. I may even to more with other characters.
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end3rf0x · 8 months
Meet Accimer, The Schedule Keeper!
Knock Knock, Cha Ching, How Do! Salutations and Hello, People of Tumblr! I uhh...dont exactly know my way around this place just yet, but I'm more than happy to learn! If you've seen me or heard of me before, its likely from the likes of the beloved Dysfunk and they're animation of Moon saying, "Periodt." as I was the voice of Moon in said animation! But that's besides the point, as I've come here today to share with you all my special lad, my Daycare Attendant OC, Accimer!
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Accimer is a Daycare Attendant Animatronic who is in charge of maintaining a daily schedule for all the goings on in the daycare! He uses his pocket watch that is attached to his waist via a tether cable to see which kids are due for pick up at what times, and from there he takes them to the pick up area right on time, at the dot! He is also in charge of things like making sure Nap Time happens not a minute sooner than it should, and ends not a minute later than scheduled for.
Now, something to note about Accimer is that his construction was....flawed, shall we say. You see, when originally being produced in Le Factory as it were, the good folks over at Fazbear Entertainment responsible for creating the new animatronics had a bit of an oopsie and mixed up the blueprints for the new schedule maintainer robot with old, scrapped blueprints for a robot of the same purpose. Not realizing their error, the construction crew just went along with it and made Accimer. It was shortly after starting that they had realized their error, however, as many parts of Accimer's body and design are very crude and hodge podged together. Many parts of his body are constructed from S.T.A.F.F bot parts that have been welded together or taken apart in order to form certain parts of his body, including his Hands, Feet (which cannot normally be seen thanks to his boots, but I assure you they are there), and his Shoulders. After a long and very cumbersome construction process, the only thing left to give Accimer was a face plate of some kind. This is when an Executive discovered what was going on and chewed out the construction crew for following the wrong blueprints. Once the lecture was over, one of the crew asked, "What do we do about the face?" to which the angry Executive said, "I dont know! That thing is going in the daycare, right? Just put a moon on it or something for all I care! Meanwhile, I'm going to make some calls to the company to keep us all from getting fired. Oh, and you're all most certainly going to face reprecutions from this mistake. Expected a docked paycheck in the mail next time we pay your sorry asses!"
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There's plenty more to his story that goes far more into detail about his creation, of which I am not willing to go into right because uhh... *looks at clock that reads 3:18am*...well, I think it best for my sanity LMAO. That being said, however, you can read his full story here!
Dont worry, there is still something very important about him that I will go over in this post. I wont leave ya too high and dry! You see, Accimer has what I have dubbed, "Animatronic Insomnia." The reason he has this is because of a constant and ever present lack of power at any given time. Unlike the other Daycare Animatronics with functioning charging stations that actually, ya know, charge them at night, Accimer's charging station is in a state of disarray. Old, faded paint that's been chipped away with the passage of time, half of the lights dont work properly and or at all, and the ones that do are about as bright as a Gas Station LED light. This busted up, sorry excuse for a charging station doesn't do Accimer any favors in trying to charge. In fact, he has to fight with it every single night in order to get the damn thing to actually work and depending on how long it takes for him to get the thing to charge him determines how much battery we will get for the day ahead of him. Sometimes he gets lucky and can get it to work within about 25 minutes or so, other times it takes a full hour and a half before it finally kicks on and functions properly. As a result, he can either get up to 75 or even 80 percent or be left with a meesely 37 to as low at 29 percent battery. He's unfortunately never experienced the pure bliss of 100% battery, but he's thankfully never felt the pain of 0% either. Just a mixed amount of real high and real low, babyyyy
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Alright then I think that about does it! If you'd like to know more about Accimer, then feel free to ask me! Id love to answer some questions about my special lad! In addition, I'd urge you to check out the attached Google Doc, as there are tons of other details and story beats that I left out of this post that I'm sure would interest anyone wanting to know more! One other small little detail I'd like to throw in is that Accimer exists in the same world as @notdysfunk 's Callisto and @ilsole 's Myrtus! In fact, Myrtus and Accimer are like brothers! They get along quite well and that little fact makes me happy :)
Now that that's out of the way, Father is tired and shall see his happy ass to bed. Hope you like my lad! Oh, and here, have some AU designs too, because you deserve them! Included are Mermaid AU wherein he's a Mermaid/Leviathan type creature inspired by the Sea Dragon Leviathan of Subnautica fame, as well as a Mandela Catalouge AU with his Alternate Form! I do apologize for the camera quality btw, I have to use my selfie camera on my phone because my actual camera is like MAD broken. Its a long story
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Welp, that's gonna do it for me. I've been your host, and this has been one lengthy ass Tumblr post. Hope you enjoyed! Goodnight, Tristate Area!
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maydaymayramble · 2 months
my final opinion on Fashion Dreamer as a devoted fan of style savvy
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so as my initial deep disappointment started wearing off, i realised that it was unfair of me to immediately compare Fashion Dreamer to the style savvy series so harshly because they are simply not the same! Fashion Dreamer IS co developed by synsophia and it IS a game that revolves around fashion, but otherwise, they’re two completely different games.
you dont have a boutique to run, you dont have any customers to assist, you cant make connections with people and gradually make a name for yourself, you cant improve the community in the setting you live in etc etc. your just an influencer doing vague fashion related tasks and irl “influencer” would do.
tl;dr once i separated the two and started to see Fashion Dreamer as its own game instead a style savvy without any charm i started to really enjoy it for what it is
there’s no real tangible story here at all, only faint goals to achieve very early game and then thats it, and its obvious that they were never going for that in the first place because this isn't style savvy! its a completely new game that only has SynSophia working on in collaboration with another company. im sure if nintendo didn't decline SynSophia's request for another style savvy game on the switch this im sure this conversation would not exist but unfortunately, they did, and now we only have Fashion Dreamer, which serves as a descendant of a successor to the style savvy games.
now that i've managed to separate Fashion Dreamer and style savvy as two completely different games i want to talk about what i actually /like/ about Fashion Dreamer. i was super super disappointed my first time playing not only because i immediately held it to exact same standards as a style savvy game, but also because by itself it felt quite unfinished.
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with my very first time playing i felt like after 2 hours or so i had already seen all the game had to offer. and while i wasn’t wrong and the gameplay just had to grow on me, still i wasn’t all that motivated with the goals you had to complete or the rewards it gave you. it also doesn’t help that there isn’t anything all that challenging about creating lookits for other muses, or any way to fail them.
yes, you have to create lookits to get epoints to make more clothes for your brand and level up so you can unlock even more clothes for your brand but ah, that part isnt really all that impressing. its just fine
i can appreciate all the effort that went into the clothes making process though, that’s definitely the most impressive part of this game. i’d say its the most impressive thing out of all the fashion games ive ever played. i have soo much fun making my own clothes! as an artist i feel like my creativity has no limits and i can literally make whatever i want, however i imagine it. for me, this one amazing feature alone is enough to carry the rest of the games mediocrity.
once i have an idea for a piece of clothing i think would look nice, i can just take out FD and create what i thought of immediately. even though i forgot about it for so long, for a brief period as an adolescent i really really wanted to be fashion designer and this feature reminded me of my silly wish and made me love it all the more
i also like the photo egg stuff, the poses are all super cute and i like the expressions the muses make. im very glad that they put in a scrapbook feature that allows you to save specific ensembles (that and no way to filter clothes by color were probably my biggest complaint) i already have a bunch of outfits saved in my notebooks that i absolutely adore. i do wish they were prettier backgrounds for notebooks though
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and the event stuff.. is just fine. it's not the worst thing in the world, i enjoy creating outfits for character or player muses out of all but it also isnt that fun. a little grindy and annoying, but just fine. if this game had a story or plotline to follow i think i would be able to enjoy it alot more maybe? running around cocoons doing vague influencer-like tasks just isnt all that engaging for me.
the last thing i'd like to say about FD is that i actually do get happy when ppl like my stuff. like wow, they actually like my product! it does make me kinda feel like i do have a semi successful brand that people are paying attention to. ofc most of my reasons for designing clothes is because i was inspired too, but getting those fake like notifications make me want to display them just in case others would like them too.
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in conclusion, all of this to say what exactly?? i enjoy Fashion Dreamer now! i like it quite a lot, i find it enjoyable and satisfying, and it scratches those fashion related itches ive been having but didn't know how to make them go away. i really love being able to create clothes exactly how i imagine them, and i enjoy being able to dress my oc's up so prettily and accurately. i also really enjoy the overall art direction of this game, the backgrounds really caught my eye and they all stand out individually in my mind.
im not 100% sure but i think FD is popular in japan? which makes me happy because i know overseas and english speaking fans of style savvy really dislike this game, especially upon initial release. i was one of them but now i can say i dont hate this game at all anymore. once i stopped comparing everything to style savvy, for what it is, is just fine. the reason why i made this long ass post in the first place was because FD already gets SOO much hate online from everyone, and i think its a little unwarranted. if this me talking about everything i dislike about FD this post would probably be much longer lmao, but i didnt want to add to all the flack it gets. if you stopped playing after a few hours like i did i'd say its definitely worth a second chance! just see it for what it is and you'll have a much better time
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coldvampire · 2 years
on nines' wiki for fic stuff, have some copy-paste of me going Feral about him and kat in discord
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crying thinking abt how genuinely kat will compliment her man & how inadvertantly Serious she gets bc she really does sincerely mean it & it would be easier to process if she was actually doing it to fluster him but no sometimes she just gets into a certain mood
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also the idea of her like hgjhkj absolutely backing him 100% when other barons push back on shit like this, knowing that her reputation is in a very strange place where too much will be seen as in poor form but not really caring bc she knows how to exude enough bad vibes to get people to shut up lmao. his coterie might feel the same as she does but they dont have the same effect on audiences, the ventrue aura of 'listen to me or Else' comes in handy and he gfhjk doesnt quite know how to feel abt it being used for him lmao
she does love how much he cares tho,,, its a very sexy quality its not smth shes used to. she might not completely Agree with him all the time but the way she completely trusts him overrides that so it doesnt actually Matter. & i think she also sort of uses that as a better moral compass than the one thats been trained into her, like inherently she sees herself as a semi-bad person bc of how shes able to detach from certain decisions and thats just not how he operates & she has a lot of respect for that (& probably also misses the fact that if we're comparing traumas hers are a lot more. uh. Direct lmfao.)
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also god love her but she is Not a Car Girl TM. she will sit there in the garage trying her hardest to follow along & ask questions but rly truly, she has no idea wtf he is saying to her. she recognizes that he is talking about parts and seems Excited & shes just glad it requires minimal thought on her end beyond very basic open ended questions. im pretty sure he thinks she understands a Lot more about mechanical stuff than she actually does bc shes very good at picking out important words and repeating them gfhjjfdgfhg shes not TRYING to bullshit interest she just doesnt have the heart to tell him she have 0 comprehension of anything he said just now. he is so stressed so much she wants him to be happy & relaxed whenever theres an opportunity for it :(
also he listens to her interests gfhgjh even if theyre significantly less technical lmao. she likes dissecting the manufactured drama & relationships of reality tv and stuff like that bc it reminds her of a Much lower stakes version of kindred politics & the pettiness is entertaining to her. he also gets to hold her while they watch on the couch or in bed while she goes & picks apart all of the 'fighting' and production tampering & he loves hearing her talk in general but its kind of fascinating to him how she can take something so shallow & dissect it, loves how Perceptive she is when it comes to people in particular. i think sometimes if she's maybe squirming a bit much or maybe if he just feels like it he'll offer to paint her nails. she's really on top of keeping up a manicure but doesnt always do acrylics & i think he would actually get fairly into the fact that 1. its essentially just Hand Holding for a reason and 2. it requires a decently steady hand & attention to detail so it doesnt get messed up and as someone who restores bikes with tiny intricate mechanical parts, hes surprisingly well suited to this. i bet he would do little designs too if he had the tools for it. it just feels good to do something for her :')
she knows jewellery even if she doesnt know fuck all about mechanics. firmly believe she just buys him stuff all the time & shes stupidly good at nailing what someone's preferred style is. like i dont think hes ever had someone who just casually gets so many things bc 'i saw this and thought of you' and again acts like its nbd??? because it is?? shes like yeah ofc why Wouldnt i? & tbh i dont even think that the gifts stop with him either once the rest of his coterie realizes shes cool and not a camarilla mole lmao they also start getting little things. jewellery keychains shirts Whatever, all usually just dropped into their hands mid-conversation with very little acknowledgment from her. if you mention youve had your eye on a bracelet or smth she'll just grab it without thinking. if Really pressed she'll probably brush it off as 'i wasnt spending my money anyway' (girl likes to take cash when she feeds from the wealthier Reverse Orphans TM especially if theyre also cheating gfhjhj) but rly. she just enjoys making people happy, which is also something her adores about her. its the casual way its just ingrained into her personality & how she doesnt make a huge deal about it, its just how she is.
ofc he always makes sure to take care of her back, she clearly expresses affection in gift giving and acts of service but she likes quality time & physical touch for herself. which is absolutely okay by his book, he was never even close to being as touch starved as she was at any point whereas she went literal Years without being touched in some way that wasnt negative or hurtful in some form. its overwhelming for her initially & she doesnt really know how to Ask for contact but by god she gets it through him. he's always loved holding her; she just seems to tuck in Perfectly into his arms. if she's maybe getting too overwhelmed with that then he's also good to switch gears to maybe just having a hand on her back or leg or holding her hand bc there's a period right when they first officially get together where she's still trying to level herself out after so much isolation. & he's such a constant reassuring presence, it almost doesn't feel real.
tbh if he wasn't as stable as he was im not sure she would have been able to heal properly after killing her sire, she had spent so long tethered to that man and shaping her life around running from him that she didnt quite know what to Do with herself when he was gone. nines didnt explicitly provide a 'purpose' for her life, he just gave her a place to rest and recuperate while she figured herself out and started to understand the fact that she was finally safe. & that's another thing, her sire might have been a genuine threat to the point she didnt want to risk his safety, but everything else? i doubt there would be any stopping his protection instincts. sometimes thats a concern to her, but again, she needed to be with someone who would be able to be that type of support & strength while she finally released literal decades of repressed trauma & a constant fight or flight state. he cant protect her from her own mind, but he can put a stop to any outside threats. she's never had that. he might have been abandoned by a ton of people in his life, but she would have taken that over the active harm/passive allowance of harm. understanding that, to him, she is someone worth protecting? its a wild learning curve.
im also sure theres some angst to be found in his history of being abandoned + her former commitment fear that evolved into the constant need to Be Around Him but also consider: the amount of comfort he would finally have knowing theres a 99% chance if theyre at home he just has to walk into the next room to see her (assuming she isnt already closer) & how she openly admits to wanting him on all levels, like shes not just gonna be someone else who walks out of his life. absolutely her favourite spot in the world is curls up beside him, like thats where she considers Home to be and ohh man. i think that just stirs smth up in him internally. ofc he cares about a lot of people and a lot of people care about him back but this is Different. in retrospect, knowing what she went through just to be able to sit here with him? even though there was a chance she would be rejected for not being transparent with her situation prior & never fully committing (even if she otherwise would have)? knowing he might be Too Hurt to let her back in and trying it anyway & letting him take the lead on the pacing and decide what it was He needed, that's insane. but she wanted to be with him so badly it was a risk she was willing to take on, which is telling bc her whole thing was caution to the point of being detrimental to herself.
it's like,,, he knows how it feels to have followers. but just like he did with her, she was able to peel back layers and layers of public-facing personality traits & see who he was in the privacy of his own home, and Still wanted him. imo even though he knows how to command a room, he's still not 100% positive what it is about Him Specifically that makes him so special to everyone else aside form being the guy who was in the right place at the right time to make a reputation for himself. but she's like. the one person where he actually feels like he maybe understand why she looks at him that way, & its still a nebulous feeling, but its more Concrete than what he gets from starry-eyed fledglings. kat is not and has never been someone who gives people more credit than they deserve or who blindly follows people. she's harsh and she has to have a Reason to do that.
if theres ever a situation where she has to drink blood outside of her restriction, you know he's gonna be the one to take care of her. she's not a fan of it, she's in pain and she feels gross and doesn't want him to Watch the whole episode, but why would he be put off by it? they both came from big families with plenty of kids, the threshold for being grossed out by that stuff is really goddamn high for them both lmao. also she looks completely Miserable curled up on the floor like that, if she needs someone to hold her hair and rub her back a bit then okay! she will have that its what she deserves! she's gonna resist a little at first bc she was always the one doing that for her sisters being the oldest with no mother/mother figure for most of their lives but like with a lot of stuff he does, she will relax and melt into the touch after a bit and start to physically decompress. if she's up for up she will also be carried to whichever soft surface she desires, no questions asked.
theyre so domestic it Hurts. fully believe the only actual regret she has about the relationship is missing the boat on them both being human & getting to live that normal suburban family life bc she know she would have completely abandoned her Rich Husband goals & it would have been fine in the end + her dad would have loved him. theres a very deep part of her psyche with a list of names that would have sounded fantastic for theoretical children like fdgfhgjh god. she is so far gone for him, 'vampires dont love' my ASS. not to be cheesy but he's It for her, even when theyre in a rough spot she literally cannot imagine being around anyone else or giving herself to someone so fully like that and trusting that they won't use that against her or shatter her heart in the process.
i just gfsfdhgfrwhgqsahxgfghgfejgwdshhjgrf theyre so in love. SO in love.
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peachyninjago · 2 years
What do you think Movie Harumi's past would be like?
but mostly three so I'll explain all the ideas that i have
1. the most accurate to canon: shes a supporter of lord Garmadon. at first, she was one of the few people that liked Lloyd (besides the snf) because of Garmadon being his dad, but she immediately hated him once he was revealed to be the gn and made Garma stop all his villainy and stuff. i dont really use this ver of her mostly bc idk what'd be a good motive for her being a villain?? maybe to match the lighter/goofier tone of tlnm-verse she could be like an evil-ex type character on the surface, but then have some deeper layers underneath?? yeah idk much about this version of her lol
2. i took this one mostly from someone else's au snippets (i forgot who they were but i owe them my life for this headcanon) and its that the SOG is a school gang and Rumi runs it!! yknow that one piece of tlnm art i doodled of her?? this was the version :DD shes mysterious, standoffish, and even a bit creepy, but in actuality shes pretty sweet!! again, dont really know why she'd have a cult following for Garmadon in this, but hey, it gives her a reason to be protective of lloyd!! tldr; local school cryptid girl who might be a witch is very protective of her estranged friend
3. and, last but not least, my 1000% purely self indulgent version of tlnm rumi!!! youre getting an essay for this lol. under the cut because it's VERY LONG. excuse my spelling errors :D
She and lloyd are (adopted) siblings!! her bio parents were nurses on koko's side of the war, getting killed by Garmadons army in the process. Harumi's parents, thinking that they were safe where they were, brought Harumi with them to their designated camp site/zone place. of course, they WERENT safe, but where else were they supposed to leave their daughter??? plus, she was only, like... 1.
After the raid on the camp, when the smoke cleared, only one living being remained; a crying little girl.
Now Lloyd (and yes, i know in tlnm canon koko left with lloyd when he was only a few months old, but this is MY little sandbox and i get to do what i want <3<3. she left with him when he was about 3 here), who was around 2 and a half by now, was currently in Garmadons custody (koko and garma switched custody every week or for plot AND bc that seems like something theyd legitimately do)
When he wandered off from his dad, he stumbled upon her. when garma found him just a few minutes later, playing with this young girl and picking her up like she was family?? he just kinda went 'well sure he can have a sister i guess' and she was just kinda?? adopted??? (your dystopian au rumi 🤝 my tlnm au rumi)
When koko left with lloyd, she TRIED to take harumi with her, but rumi- who only really considered Garmadon and Lloyd as her family- stayed behind with her dad. she doesn't know that he was the root of the cause behind the death of her bio parents (yet)
So, she spends the next few years training under Garmadon, getting stronger, yada yada. fast forward to when she's around 14 and Lloyd's around 16
Its the very first time rumis allowed to go to Ninjago City WITH garma and his generals. she does more damage on her own compared to like. 12 of them combined, so its unsurprising when shes suddenly confronted by a certain green ninja
Now, keep note, these two havent seen eachother in over 10 years. all the memories they have of each other are blurry. of course, they were both in disguises/different outfits (lloyd in his gi, rumi in her S.O.G uniform) so they didn't recognize each other at first. but, after harumis makeup started melting away, and her hair became more frazzled?
Well, lloyd could recognize her from anywhere
He stopped that fight SO FAST. idk if he'd immediately tell her who he is right then and there, but he'd stop fighting her. then, after he got her to listen, he'd pull her to the side and explain everything. including the death of her bio parents, now that she was old enough to understand it
To say Harumi was conflicted was the understatement of the century. Garmadon gave her everything- Literally made her who she is. hes her dad, and she loves him. but could she have been someone- Anyone else if her parents didn't die that day?
Actually, if Lloyd didnt find her, would she have been left to die, too?
the hypothetical conversation back at Garmadon's volcano im imagining in my head for these two rn is heartwrenching (writes that down for my wip folder) BUT it ends in harumi running away. back to the city, back to Lloyd
In all honesty, she doesn't really feel Comfortable or Good Enough to be hanging with lloyd and his friends. (and yes, she knows about the mass bullying on Lloyd, and is a second away from destroying this city herself about it frfr) BUT bc of this, she asks koko (who shes trying to refer to as mom btw) if theres any place she can go. somewhere outside the city, but not too far from the only family she had left
Sadly, Koko didnt have an answer.
But Lloyd did.
And that answer was in a little library right outside of Ninjago City, where the only other family member Harumi hasn't met yet lives :)
tldr, she vibes with morro at his haunted library and visits lloyd every week or so :DD
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pigeonwit · 11 months
Hi hi hello how are youuuu
wbwbwb do you have any thoughts about detective noir au Jack (also do you also picture him as Michael Jack wbwbw)??
(i’m thinking of designing him next now that i finished all kath’s designs wbwbwb)
[screaming crying throwing up] babe wake up potential new walkman-cat detective noir au design*!!!
(*potentially, in the future at a nonspecific date because we value taking our time and creating at a pace best for us in this house)
honestly man. im biased. im always seeing jack as michael. he is the only jack ever to me. and again i do not know noir very well, and this is your au, so whatever suggestions i have are free to just be thrown out. but,,, homme fatale is a great trope and its so rarely used and it WORKS for jack. hes shady, hes obviously putting up a front, youre not sure if you can trust him, he'd slay a sax-heavy musical motif/theme. but hes also vulnerable, when he does wrong he does it for a reason, hes a young person in a desperate situation and he wants out however he can, and the closer he comes to escaping this terrible situation hes in and getting to a better life, the more he has to sacrifice his own morals.
(also not to like. push my own wants here but if you're planning on using michael jack... hes already wearing red.)
disclaimer: i dont know what the plot of your au is here, i dont know what youre planning, i am JUST going off the impression i have so far; if thats wrong, if anything im saying goes against what you personally want for this au, literally just throw what im saying away. this is your thing, im just a suggestion box. a vibe generator if you will.
(although if you do wanna share what you have planned id love to hear it 👉👈)
in my own head ive just got a vague idea of jack and davey both being involved in the web of a very dangerous case that theyre both trying to solve, but both have different reasons for doing so. neither of them want the other to solve it first, but if they have to work together to stop the true guilty party at the heart of this case, they will begrudgingly do it - and learn more about each other in the process. just imagine shady shadowy homme fatale jack slinking around daveys investigation and fucking shit up for him that davey only realizes hours after jacks left - and hes furious about it but also DAMN that was kind of impressive. imagine davey effortlessly smooth talking his way around people until they just give him what he wants, because he KNOWS people, hes spent his whole life studying how to be Like Them, so he knows how to use that against them - and jack is just stunned because... wow, maybe this stuff shirt is more competent than he thought. imagine davey, who tries so hard to maintain a flawlessly black-and-white moral compass, having to put all his faith in a man who is very VERY gray. imagine jack constantly having his guard up around davey only to learn that underneath his 'rules were made to be followed' exterior is a very desperate man just trying to survive. i think thered be an aspect for both of them of putting all your trust and faith in someone you know could easily turn on you, and then being surprised and fascinated and touched that they cared enough not to do that. that theres someone out there in this very shitty world who is just kind without having a reason to be.
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puppyeared · 2 years
I love your work so much!! Do you have tips on finding a style?
omg thank you so much!!! and yeah id be more than happy to give u some pointers, i put them under the cut because i ended up rambling lol
the only reason i've been able to work on (and still improving!) my art all these years is because ive taught myself to kind of learn from different artists. if you wanted to make the best tasting cake in the world, wouldnt you want to experiment with different flavors before moving on to what you like?
what i mean by this is, dont restrict yourself basically!! any invisible rules you make for yourself should be ones you know you can follow reasonably, not because other people told you what does and doesn't work.
which brings me to my next point, which is to really take the time to study what you like in another artist's style. don't just take things from an art piece because you think it looks good. instead, try to point out what you really like and why, and then you can start asking yourself questions for your own art!
let's say you really like the way this artist chooses colors for their art. do they follow a certain pattern, or is it a different palette each time? what makes it work, do they make them really saturated and energetic, or are they toned down and calming? what colors do they use the most, and why? when you start breaking down one thing (i like the way this artist colors) into smaller things that you can ask yourself, then you can kind of set up goals you want for yourself. this way you're not making the artist's goals yours, it's more like you see what they see and what those goals look like to you.
another thing thats part of my process and kind of related to what i talked about above is having a references folder handy! for me, i tend to split up my references into 2 main categories: art references and art inspiration
what does this mean? well, art reference is like what i mean when i say to study other peoples art. when i see an art piece i like, i tend to put it in my folder so i can go back and look at it anytime. on the other hand, art inspiration could be photographs or paintings that you dont want to study the style of, but you just really like the overall tone it has, and maybe it gives you ideas for stuff you wanna draw
I dont take this art to steal credit or show to anyone else, its strictly for personal use!! and even so, when I do do this, i make sure to type in the artist's username or URL just because. when you go to the museum and take pictures of the paintings, you are saving them for reference, not to tote as yours on the internet!!
if you're uncomfortable with saving other peoples art, you could also just keep it on hand through a draft or save it! on instagram i bookmark art i really like, and on tumblr I sometimes save art to my drafts. whatever works for you honestly!
you can even go the extra mile and make more subcategories if you want! are you unimaginative when it comes to designing outfits? bam, outfits folder, now i can go back and look at outfits i really like! do you want to try different palettes, but you can't come up with funky colors? bam, palette folder for color palettes you like and want to play with!! anything to go with your needs baby!!!
you might have also noticed this if you've been following me for a while, but playing with your tools is also something i recommend! i tend to change my brushes any which way the wind blows, and like, nobodys really stopping me lol. maybe you feel like watercolor isnt your thing anymore, and you want to try coloring with oil pastels. or maybe you dont like the way this textured brush looks, so you're trying this one instead and before you know it, it's like oh my god where has this brush been all my life.
and finally, i want to share my personal opinion on art clones. "but puppy!" you wail, "art clones are copying other artists art styles, its lazy and theyre not putting in the work!" you're not wrong! but at the same time, do you think you would be able to make that super yummy blueberry muffin without that recipe on pinterest? i know thats not the same thing, but what i'm trying to say is, we all have to start somewhere and i think we should learn to respect the way other artists grow.
back in 2017, lots of people were drawing their ocs with big round shiba eye brows, and nowadays some people have moved on from that, while others continue to use it. and thats ok! its nobodys job to say what goes in art! did you know when rebecca sugar, the creator of steven universe, was 15, her art style was based on the invader zim art style? it's true!
so before you start calling yourself an art clone for even drawing the same angle of a line another artist does, ask yourself: am i pretending to be this person? if the answer is no, then great! nothing in this world is original as much as people want you to believe, and while i can't tell you what is and isn't okay for everything that goes in art, at the end of the day whatever you draw should be for you. i know this gets a lot of flack, especially when it comes to vivziepop clones because her art style is so distinct, but like!! if you know it's not her and that person isn't trying to copy exactly everything about her, then that's it!
i could go on about this more, but i really don't want to start anything and i think i made my main points clear. TLDR: open yourself up to different art styles, DON'T STEAL ART AND MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT THE ARTIST, clones are more nuanced than you think, and at the end of the day, look back on how far you've come and feel proud of yourself!
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calmingpi · 10 months
Some more hall of tuesday stuff~
Specifically, some thought processes and concepts. Yes, I know its Wednesday, but I got too tired + didn't feel well last night to type all this out
I'm noting the design process of this one, because while writing a Tarvek thing the other day it occurred to me that I have a habit of getting attached to characters that follow some philosophies that have become attached to lolita fashion- the dislike of ones true personality, using consumerism and extravagant tastes to fill a metaphorical hole, hiding negative traits beneath literal layers of cute clothing, presenting a personality thats within specific ideals of elegance and refinement, the concept of feminine androgyny, etc
Tuesday the first
Anyway, this outfit was inspired by Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Streamer Tarvek
I can't even possibly explain why i drew this to begin with, partly because i dont actually remember. But i love this au SO much. I wrote a whole bunch of these that i never ended up finishing. Heres a couple of them
Tumblr media
Tarveks streams are not gamer related; its more of a commentary stream but really he talks about whatever he wants. Often hes prompted by questions from the viewers, that causes him to go on extreme tangents about whatever. History, politics, pop culture, math, literally whatever. It's also not a popular stream in the grand scheme of things. He doesnt market or promote this thing at all, but he has a small and very dedicated fanbase of very strange people. In general tarvek likes having an audience and not having to act really put together and refined. Instead he can infodump to strangers and not worry about impressing people too much. And he can wear cat ears and feel only a little bit silly instead of a lot
Girl Watching With Colette
Tarvek is married to agatha and gil in this, which i believe ive mentioned, and i think ive also mentioned that he pretends the stream doesnt exist to them. They dont bother him about it, but they do watch it and regularly comment. I think hes just embarrassed about having a goofy internet outlet, and they just really love watching him excitedly talk about his interests
This was another one from the original prompt list, called "girl watching with Colette." They're sitting at a little teahouse, i think. There's a sequel prompt called "Gil watching with Colette," where Tarvek is holding a large pair of binoculars and absolutely SEETHING with anger while Colette is laughing. Otherwise exactly the same setting
Before this blog, one of my first Tarvek drawings is a picture of him dressed as Nayeon from Twice. I also remember a picture I did of Lars in a Love Dive inspired outfit being complimented a lot on here, lol.
Anyway, this one was inspired by the concept photos for Unforgiven by Llesserafim. I think concept photos are a really cool form of art in general. Art direction. Needs more recognition, really!
This one was based off the "fallen angel" style of photos they did, but they also have this weird "office cowboy" style of photos? From the same album? I have no idea what that was about, but it's really funny to me. There's a horse loose in the office space. He's using the copier. I didn't know he knew how to do that. Anyway, maybe I should do an office cowboy Tarvek, too. Ive drawn him as a cowboy before, and it was really fun
I Still Feel Alive
This is actually my favorite tuesday, which is funny cause it was just coloring practice, really. But my favorite bit is really all the just. Amount of stuff i shoved in there. We're on castle wulfenbach, hes been stabbed and poisoned (dw about it), hes drinking the vaccine gil made from his notes, weve got his favorite clank girls (which by the way i unfortunately love that we have tinka without a head and anevka without a body), his weasels of course, agathas portrait (because whos office is this, really?), we've got the portal to the eldritch monster dimension out the window there, and an apple tree!
I drew Tarvek with a lot of apple themes for a while, as a reference to his condescending snake description. Its kind of funny 2 me to think of agatha and gil as adam and eve (dont ask which is which. I dont think it particularly matters, tbh), and tarvek as the evil snake, because i think its exactly how hed see himself really. Whether hes actually an evil snake or not. Token evil teammate, awful seductress, yadda yadda yadda. Really, aggie and gil arent innocent either, which makes it funnier 2 me
I really love the idea of tarvek as a godqueen (or godking, i just think godqueen suits him better) because he was originally supposed to be killed off in sturmhalten. He could always still be killed off, which would be very disappointing because i think we would have wasted a lot of time then. Or he could live and things would be as expected. Or we could go the funnier route and make him literally immortal. That would be hilarious to me!
Also, im pretty sure gils going to be storm king. And with agatha as the heterodyne + probably a godqueen, and gil as storm king and the only one whos graduated college, i believe tarvek should be allowed a little immortality. Or maybe financial compensation. As a treat. Make it harder for bang to bully him
Looks wise, godqueen tarvek is based on what he keeps shoving agatha in (sidenote: that is NOT anevkas dress. Can you even imagine her in that? That is his dress. I dont think he wore it, but its definitely tarveks). When it comes to dresses i always put tarvek in something really flowy and needlessly gaudy. But suits and pants should be a tighter fit. A lot of the design inspo is wizard of oz based, particularly ozma. In a lot of illustrations she wears these very loose fitting gowns, and often very simple crowns and a few specifically placed flowers
His crown is also little storm clouds. If gil was a godking hed have little lightning bolts, but i think gil shouldnt be a godking. He can already lift tanks. But if he was, hed have little lightning bolts. Theyd match!
Tuesday Anniversary
First of all, i love painting. Like i love it SO much. Ok, cool
I wanted Agatha in the picture right off the bat, but originally I was going to draw them dancing at Albias ball. I drew this, discovered i drew them facing the wrong way, scrapped it, and then crab anons drink got spilled on them, so it was not meant to be. Also, frankly, i think the impact would have been all wrong. I wanted a kind of "what tarvek wished had happened" kind of thing and instead i think it just keeps bringing back how gil and aggie danced together. And really i wanted something special for just agatha and tarvek, since i tend to do so much gil shipping with them. Its been a while where ive drawn them something of their own
So i kept thinking about tarvek and agatha ideals, from his perspective. I went back to his "when im an evil overload and agatha is my sexy dark mistress" idea, but decided to go for a more likely scenario. So this is sometime in the future, and hes happy being able to walk her down the hall for whatever it is theyre doing. Theyre in Castle of course (with the little wall hangings from the game! I love those), and shes let him dress her up in one of his flowy dresses. His outfits still really similar to the one from the ball, which is also really similar to the one from sturmhalten. I think its just a design choice he likes, so i kept that up. Agatha also has two rings, because this is a moment to themselves but theyll never stop loving gil, really
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isa-ah · 2 years
i'm just super nervous about asking about it because i know very little about it. but like idk it seems like a possibility i should explore, but I don't even know if the info i do have is true and i'm scared of barging into a space i don't belong
tbh its really hard to self identify a system by design. you have to consider what it is and why you have it- a dire means your brain takes to break off pieces of yourself to contain childhood trauma within so that you can still function baseline. its by definition something thats really hard to confront or grasp bc its all about repression and divvying up things that would make it difficult to impossible for you to function. this is called a covert system, and some systems Stay that way. theyre functional, either without defined alters, or with alters that stealth and keep things smoothed over.
that said, there are flags you can look for. when youre triggered, how do you process it? do you feel depersonalized? not like yourself, or even not able to reflect on what happened even if you felt cognizant AS it happened? some people black out entirely when an alter fronts, leaving black hole memory gaps, but for me its more of a grey out; like im aware as things happen but in retrospect my memory of it is VERY fuzzy or nonexistent. i know where the time went, but i cant remember anything specific about it. i also feel a bit like im being puppeted around, esp bc none of my alters communicate the same way i do. (ie bentley is pretty harsh w a thick twang, shy is nonverbal, arthur is deep voice king autism, etc).
in my experience, my system didnt become more overt until several years out from living with any of my family, and with only relatively shitty things going on in my life. i felt safe in my environment and so my brain settled in and began unpacking things that i had previously been too busy in a survival mentality to be able to handle. bentley kinda shambled forward after a few days of feeling really out of it and our relationship went from there. lo says he thinks my role in the system is as a protector (which makes sense ig) so it was really difficult for me to talk about it for a good couple months bc i felt like i needed to keep it hush hush to myself & safe. its VERY hard to reach a point of confidently proclaiming you have a system by virtue of it WANTING to be covert. having a support system of friends really made the difference for me, i think.
as far as getting in touch with yourself, there are a few things you can try; art has been a big way for my alters to express themselves through something i enjoy doing, so finding something to bond over could be good. journaling often, leaving up little notes for yourself, or maybe pulling threads you feel compelled to follow (clothes you wouldnt normally wear, a strikingly specific character design, a comfort xyz that you dont necessarily vibe with, specific music that makes your brain buzz) have also all been pretty noteworthy i think.
idk at the end of the day i think if you feel like you have some kind of disturbance like that, you probably do. it might not necessarily be alters, or a system, but trauma can have a really wide range of effects on your brain and theres a spectrum of ways it can manifest. if this one is compelling you to dig into it, then you should i think! its not like youre taking resources out of other peoples mouths, it really doesnt work like that.
anyway ive been typing for so long i dont remember if i had a good conclusive wrap up so! if you have any questions just lmk :->
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