#process. look at 5s
brainman1987 · 5 months
I spent like.
3 - 4 ish hours on this? And it is almost 11 at night on a school night. Shit
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There’s 4 versions because I like all four of them (also little note here, the smoke was supposed to look like horns and pointy ears, and this peice was originally gonna be black and white but here we are)
The lyrics are from “BOOGIE” by brockhampton!! I was listening to it on repeat for about 4/5s of the whole process
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blueopinions49 · 2 years
Understanding Type 5
An intro to enneagram 5
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Beth Harmon (Queens Gambit) INTJ 5w4 so/sp 
Core Desire (Exploration of the Mind)- They crave knowledge and understanding of the world around them. 
Vice (Avarice)-They will cling to things (Not necessarily material) and keep them guarded in order to feel a sense of comfort. 
Fixation (Miser)- Will hide away their knowledge and general understanding of things due to feeling like it doesn't give as much result as it takes to share it. 
5w4 (The Philosopher)- With the w4 they become more interested in metaphysical constructs and imaginative processes. Interested in the aesthetic and symbolic representation of things. Might be more introverted possibly a bit more on the intense side. Emotionally inaccessible while maintaining a level of intesity. But due to being a withdrawn type and a rejection type all of this emotional intensity is purely internal. 
5w6 (The Troubleshooter)- While the 5w4 will focus on metaphysical constructs and the understanding of the metaphysics on knowledge the 5w6 will be more interested in the  categorization of this knowledge. Will be more practical than then 5w4. More likely to be interested in the applicability of this knowledge in the outer world. Due to their interest in practicality they are gonna be more interested in methodical processes than imaginative ones. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
they have a tendencies to withhold all of their emotions to avoid all form of emotional attachment. 
Harmonic Triad- Competency (1-3-5)
Focuses on the gain of information and performs action in an “objective” manner withholding their emotions from getting in the way. 
Hornevian Triad- Withdrawn (4-5-9)
Detach themselves of reality to preserve their selves due to their being avarice they will withhold allot of themselves around others. 
Object Relations- Rejections (2-5-8)
They will reject any form of emotional attachment that comes their way. will withhold from any form of emotional attachment. 
Social (so)- The social 5 focuses on sharing their knowledge to others they want to expand on information. This subtype will use the knowledge and sharing it in order to keep themselves from feeling. They are more on the social side due to them wanting to share the knowledge they have gained in their life. They are extremely driven, social and competitive. Due to this qualities they can look like 3s and 7s. 
Ex- Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) INTJ 5w4 so/sp, Reed Richards (MARVEL COMICS) INTP 5w6 so/sp and Lara Croft ISFP 5w6 so/sp
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Sexual (sx)- As the counter type of 5 this subtype will focus on gaining the perfect relationship. They will start the relationship slowly by putting you via certain trails if you will. This subtype is only interested in connecting with someone who they can share their inner world with another who understands them. They can be more sensitive than the other 5s and due to this they'll look like 4s while still being a 5 at their core.
Ex-Joe Goldberg (You) INFJ 5w4 sx/sp, Mister Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)  INTJ 5w4 sx/sp and Mother Miranda (RE Village) INTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Self-Preservation (sp) the self-preservation type 5 will hide themselves from others by maintaining themselves away from others by creating physical and metaphysical walls between themselves and others. However they minimize themselves in order to have a safe space for themselves in comfort. They can be more social however it's a social battery that can run out. They can look like 6s sometimes. 
Ex-Alice Liddle (Alice in Wonderland) INTP 5w6 sp/sx, Raven INTJ 5w4 (Teen Titans)  sp/sx and L (Death Note) INTP 5w4 sp/so
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 8
Positive- They become In tune with themselves and uses their anger to pursuit their goals more. They become assertive in their wants
Negative-They become more withdrawn and uses their anger punitively to push others away more.
Moves to 7
Positive- They become in tune with the enviorement less paranoid and fearful. Becomes more interested in the outer world and experiences they can find in it. 
Negative- Overindulges and becomes distracted easily. 
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cupiddivinearrow · 11 months
🎃 What do you need to know come Samhain? 🎃
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- Metamorphosis, Protection
- Silver, black, blue, white, purple, and red
- The Moon
- Your Root, 3rd Eye, and Throat Chakra might be unbalanced
- secrets hidden, secrets revealed
- growth, epiphanies
- 3rd eye, communication, new beginnings
- Might be seeing a lot of 2s (222), 5s (555), or 6s (666)
- Wolf 🐺
- Astrological signs: Libra, Taurus
Pile 1
Maybe it’s time to focus on protecting your energy!
Has this pile been feeling the call to let their hair down, sort of? Have you been exploring new things? Trying to find yourself once again?
Pile 1 has been learning to give back to themselves. You’re currently learning to follow your intuition on what makes you happy and how to fill back up your own cup, instead of pouring to everyone else’s nonstop which left you feeling a bit unbalanced.
This Samhain, Pile 1 will be working on learning to pour more into their cups by not being mean and self sabotaging. Pile 1 will be working on not letting their emotions overcloud their judgement. If you feel the need to isolate yourself so that you can go through whatever you need to go through with some privacy, do it! You will not regret the decision. This decision will cause a change to be completed and a person with confidence and passion will emerge.
Try not to worry caterpillars! You are currently about to emerge from your cocoon as a wiser and better version of yourself, a butterfly! Soar into the unknown and know you are protected. Go out and experience life. Take calculated risks. Find that balance between man and wolf, what’s expected vs the unexpected.
Pile 2:
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- Some of you may practice witchcraft
- Abundant, Passionate, Creative
- Finding Balance
- Energy Worker, Healer
- Manifestor
- Divinely Protected
- Confusion, Fog, What’s Hidden in the Dark
- Colors: Black, Green, Orange, Red
- Numbers: May be seeing 3s (333) and 10s (1010) alot
- Signs: Pisces, heavy Earth energies, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries,
*If you’re feeling called to Pile 1 as well, then you might want to give it a glance as well*
Did you know that? Well, if you didn’t before, now you do!
You may be feeling or felt down on your luck previously Pile 2, and may have let your ego get you down about not getting an offer in the past? Maybe someone betrayed you? Was there a lesson that needed to be learned about loving yourself?
Try not to worry Pile 2, the disappointment you went through was a catalyst for a change.
Because you’re gifts are enhancing. You have the power to manifest anything you want in this world! Anything. Anyone can manifest, but some are more adept than others, and Pile 2, you got it!!! So for the ones that didn’t know, you might want to consider putting in the practice to change the way you think. The mind is powerful, and we only use a small percentage of it. Bring your dreams into this reality, Pile 2. You are powerful and it is real!!!
Now, hold on to your hats my little witches! As you know, with an upgrade, comes new challenges. Some of you may have people around you that you may need to cut off in the near future. These individuals might be people that you thought you could trust and or may be friends or family. These “loved ones” will have a problem with your changes and growth, but don’t let it discourage you! When one door closes, another will open. New friends and better opportunities that are meant for you will be attracted to you instead. So enjoy this process, and keep your head. A whole new world is about to open up to you. Keep moving forward in faith, and you will move towards a partnership.
Also, someone from the past that offered you a cup of deception in the past may be returning because they feel stuck in their heads about this situation. Let them be. Continue moving forward.
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- Temptation comes to mind when I look at this card.
- Passion, Love, Confusion, Deception (Poison), Guidance
- Colors: Red, Green, White, Black
- Numbers: 2s (222), 5s (555), & 6s (666)
- Astrological Signs: Scorpio and Pisces, Water & Earth Energies
Pile 3:
So raise your hand if you’re one of the few that HAS NOT heard the story of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs?
The story goes:
Snow White ran away from home after her evil step mother had her father killed due to a prophecy made by a magic mirror that could foretell one’s grace and beauty. The Evil Stepmother was jealous and ordered Snow White’s death, in which she escaped into the forest and into 7 dwarfs who protected her. One day, an old crone came upon Snow White and offered her an apple. This apple was poisonous. And when Snow White went to bite into the apple, it drops onto the ground and she falls into a deep sleep that only could be broken with true love’s kiss.
Then there’s the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; as well as, the Golden Apple of Avalon.
But then again, you have the saying, “You’re the apple of my eye” which is a statement of affection/ love, or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” which is a statement wishing good health and luck, or the spiritual fact that apples mean love, ecstasy, fertility and abundance.
What does the “apple” mean for you?
Does it mean risk or reward for you?
Decisions, Decisions…?
Pile 3, Are you about to take a bite out of love?
Emotions are the main thing popping out in your reading, which is causing a major change to occur within your life during this time.
A masculine energy that was emotionally unavailable previously is going through a change due to having a renewed faith from happy memories or past life. Pile 3, were you thrown off balance after you received an opportunity to follow your dreams or after receiving some good news about a baby or new project?
Pile 3, are some of you currently feeling independent after a moment of stagnation?
After a change, you may be feeling more confident. However, be mindful about being emotionally unavailable due to an emotional conflict in the near future if it hasn’t happened already. If you don’t become clear on what you want or need to be emotionally fulfilled, it won’t manifest for you. So it’s important to be mindful.
Pile 3, if you’re feeling conflicted on what to do about a situation, choose to move forward. What is meant for you, will be for you regardless. You can’t miss an opportunity that is for you. No matter what, choose you! Determine what’s worth the risk for you, otherwise, delays will occur if you let anything or anyone else discourage you.
🕊️ Bless 🕊️
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I love to know how I do, so please feel free to drop a comment and let me know. Thank you in advance! Bless!
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redstringraven · 1 year
an excruciatingly long ramble about the ‘03 turtles and the enneagram 🐢🧡 pt5 (end)
[ intro + disclaimers post ] [ pt 2 - raph ] [ pt 3 - leo ] [ pt 4 - don ]
mikey, 7 with a 6 wing
we've reached the final entry, lads, but we've still got a lot to talk about. there's also, of course, the chance i might have future things to observe and build on and, if i do, they will be posted and linked as addendums. for now, however? let's blow this popsicle stand.
you might remember way back in the intro post that i said i was excited to talk about mikey because he’s a complicated combination of a lot of moving parts and almost stupidly self-aware. i had a reason i wanted to start this project off with raph and, similarly, i have a reason i wanted to end it with mikey. there’s a chance that some of you might have noticed or caught on, and i’ll give you a moment to think about it.
done? okay cool.
mikey’s 7 is linked to each of his brothers. all three of them have a 7 somewhere in their enneagram web:
raph has a 7 wing. leo’s security number is 7. don’s stress number is 7.
mikey and raph share a lot in common, which is why they both get along so well and also butt heads frequently. i think a detail that may contribute to the latter is that their 7 link is in a wing on raph's end. mikey can see and understand where the 7-wing is influencing and coloring raph's core number, but he himself doesn't share an 8 as a wing. so, when it comes to getting what makes raph tick as an 8, mikey may fall a little short. but if mikey allows himself to chill out enough to access his 5, he might even be able to help raph understand his own temper and process his thoughts objectively.
as for the other two, mikey knows how to coax out leo’s playful side and get him to be kinder with himself and relax, shut his inner critic the hell up. mikey can empathize with don when he’s struggling in silence, bring him out of isolation and back to the present. stress and security numbers are stronger ties than a wing (they will always be attached to that core type, whereas the wing may differ), so mikey can see his strengths reflected in leo when leo's healthy and empathize with don's weaknesses when he's going through a dark spot. mikey would also have a taste of what it's like to live with an inner critic (leo's 1), and be capable of stepping back, slowing down, and being more open to clarity, innovation and insight (don's 5).
bare basics of the 7
7s are one of three assertive types (the others being 3s and 8s), and they’re members of the head triad (made of 5s, 6s, and 7s).
to reiterate: members of the head triad are concerned with anxiety; they carry a great deal of fear and are driven by it. they feel they experience a lack of support and guidance, and because of this they often engage in behaviors they believe will enhance their safety and security. they take in and relate to the world through the mind, and they tend to think and plan carefully before they act.
i’ll also mention again what i said about assertive types in raph’s post: assertives can be described as moving 'against people’. they respond to stress or difficulty by building up, reinforcing, or inflating their ego; they will expand rather than back down or seek protection. assertive types will often have issues processing their feelings.
unlike the previous posts, i think we need to pause here in the basics section for a second. because this is where mikey is different than his brothers.
if you look back to mikey's brothers, each of them have their core number in one triad but their wing in another: raph is in the gut triad, but has a head wing; leo is in the gut triad but has a heart wing; don is in the head triad, but has a heart wing. mikey, however, is fully in the head triad. but wait!: there’s more.
his brother’s core numbers and wings are all the same ‘type’: raph being an 8w7 means he’s fully an assertive type; don being a 5w4 makes him fully a withdrawn type; leo being a 1w2 makes him fully a compliant type. mikey, however, is a 7w6, which makes his core type assertive, but his wing compliant. so while his core number might cause him to inflate his ego, expand rather than back down, his wing’s influence could soften that or even nullify it. remember that compliant types like to be in service of the people around them and move toward others, and they have internalized principles and other dictates they've learned from childhood.
something else i’ve noticed while working on this project is that every triad has one type that seems like they don’t belong in their triad by surface-level observation. 9s are in the anger and gut triad, yet they’re peacemakers, think before they act, and are 'fine' with discomfort so long as everyone around them is happy. 3s don’t appear to be engaged with their feelings despite being in the heart and feeling triad, and they often struggle to connect with those emotions as well as their own identity. 7s are in the thinking and head triad, seeming to be carefree, joyful, and spontaneous in a triad so concerned with fear and anxiety. but where 5s externalize that fear and 6s internalize it... 7s forget it. or, they sure do try to.
a 7’s basic fear is being deprived or trapped in pain
their basic desire is to be happy, satisfied, and to find fulfillment
they believe they’ll be okay so long as they get what they need
childhood take-aways
y’all know the drill. let’s visit that quote from master splinter one final time.
“your path in life will not be an easy one. the outside world will not be a friendly place for you. you four are different in ways the surface dwellers would never understand. to survive, you must master these skills i teach you: the powers of stealth and secrecy. you must become kage, shadow warriors, and you must never be discovered by the outside world.”
it’s not uncommon for a 7’s childhood to be colored by an unconscious feeling of disconnection from their protective and/or nurturing figures, and in response to this 7s choose to nurture themselves. there’s a wide variety of reasons for this perception: another sibling came along and required attention, or there was illness in the family, or the family is living paycheck to paycheck and the protective figures are stressed. but, one way or another, the young 7 unconsciously decides they’re not going to sit around feeling sorry for themselves; if no one will take care of them, they’ll take care of them. this is NOT to say that 7s weren’t close to their protective/nurturing figures, just that on some emotional level they unconsciously decided they had to take care of their own needs.
young 7s will quickly seek out what psychologists call ‘transitional objects’: toys, games, and sometimes playmates. so long as they can find and move toward interesting ideas, experiences, and people, they can repress their underlying feelings of frustration, fear and hurt. where 5s reduce their need to depend on anyone and 6s try to anticipate every possible disaster, 7s create a pain-free world in their mind where they can hang out and think happy thoughts.
like i said back in leo’s post their lives had to’ve been some level of chaos since the word go. master splinter had a LOT to manage and balance and pay attention to, whether it was his own grief/newfound intelligence and change, finding them all a safe environment, or the four boys themselves. we have young leo earnestly doing his best to meet and surpass expectations--going to splinter for advice and approval and more lessons. we have young raph questioning splinter’s authority and glimpses of his temper starting to surface more often. and we have young don choosing to tinker instead of play with his brothers or fully engage in training, and maybe needing a bit more attention during said training because this isn’t the area he’s chosen for his expertise. that’s a lot of attention spread real, real thin. this poor rat is doing his best, man.
while i wouldn’t say this strained or damaged mikey’s relationship with splinter, it wouldn’t surprise me if mikey unconsciously realized he’d need to find the nurturing he wanted elsewhere. much like leo’s 1 would have recognized his protective figure’s responsibilities and expectations, and received them in earnest, mikey’s 7 pulled him toward distractions to better tolerate his own anxiety: toys, trinkets, music, games, comic books, artistic expression. in mikey’s story during tales of leo (s1ep19) we see him wander-dancing around the lair with his headphones on, (allegedly) looking for his gameguy. he pauses to talk to leo, but leo is concentrating and won't engage with him. this leads to mikey deciding to break young leo’s concentration because he, quote: “hates to be ignored”.
mikey as a 7
7s are sometimes nicknamed: ‘the enthusiast’, ‘the generalist’, ‘the multi-tasker’, ‘the wunderkind’, ‘the dilettante’, ‘the connoisseur’, or ‘the energizer’.
7s are masters when it comes to the art of reframing; they can take a bad situation and turn it into a positive light in a blink. it’s a defense mechanism that’s instantaneous, unconscious, and impressive. in his official profile, mikey states that “the other guys seem so down sometimes, they need me around just to lighten things up! life’s a beach!”. heck, there’s a ton of this, here. that happiness is a way of life, life is what you make it, and that "knowing how to take care of yourself in times of trouble is neat... it's like being in a movie”.
if you continue to doubt mikey's place in the thinking/head triad, then you've yet to watch a 7 start to rationalize. should you call them out for acting selfishly or attempt to caution them on making a dumb decision, they’ll defend to the death the reasonableness of their position or provide a million good reasons for doing whatever it is they want to do.
a small example can be found in trouble with triceratons (s2ep2) while the turtles are trying to retrieve honeycutt from the triceratons, resulting in don piloting an alien vehicle while mikey rides sidecar. mikey begins pressing all the buttons--just all of them--and don says “leave the shiny buttons alone, mikey!”. to which mikey responds “but it might be something really good!” (and then he is promptly jettisoned from the car. rest in pieces, king).
a better example could be found in a wing and a prayer (s4ep7). while don, leo and raph are training, mikey's standing by reading a newspaper. leo breaks away from the others to cut through the newspaper in order to get mikey's attention, and he tells mikey. they’re supposed to be training. mikey's quick to say that he is training! he’s doing mental exercises… reading! leo presses “didn’t you learn anything from your battle nexus rematch?”. and mikey has an answer for this, too, in the form of a quote from master splinter about worry, fear and anger... and pin that up on the board--pin it--because we're gonna circle back to that.
much like 8s, 7s don’t like being told what to do. but where an 8 might outright pick a fight with an authority figure, opponent, or leader, a 7 will attempt to manipulate them with charm and charisma. while it wasn't OUR mikey who sweet-talked his way out of sliver's containment in reality check (s3ep19), it was still a version of mikey who pulled it off, and it was our mikey's plan.
7s are crafty lil stinkers. much in the same way they can quickly think to rationalize their wants and behaviors, they will be quick to notice and remember how those around them respond to things, what buttons to press they might need to press to garner the results they want. a prime example of this is his match against raph in the battle nexus.
raph goes into this match confident and eager. he thinks that he’s going to give mikey a life time's worth of get-backs, but… never considers that no one in this tournament knows how to work him like mikey does. ... ... *leans in and lifts microphone closer to my mouth* and we're gonna circle back to that, too.
7s are (for better or worse for those around them) exceptionally bright and quick learners. their minds move fast from one idea to the next, making them fantastic brainstormers and great at synthesizing information; they tend to have excellent mind-body coordination and dexterity. all this can cause them to develop an inflated sense of their own 'giftedness' and cause them to come off as or actually be: arrogant.
i think it’s safe to say that mikey is the most ‘’’naturally gifted’’’ out of the four when it comes to ninjitsu. master splinter draws attention to this in touch and go (s3ep8) when he says mikey has an affinity for the martial arts. but one of the best ‘show-don’t-tell’ examples, in my opinion, can be found in what a croc (s2ep12) where mikey’s the one who holds his ground the longest against stockman’s turtle-bot. and afterward, when they swap weapons, he’s the only one of the four who uses an improvised weapon (two pipes).
it cannot be stated enough times that 7s don’t want to experience unpleasant emotions. sure, no one enjoys feeling frightened, bored, disappointed, sad, frustrated or angry, but emotions like this are downright intolerable for 7s. they want to avoid pain, and they believe they can think their way out of it. things like worry or stress are easier for them to deal with because they can mentally work with them and rationalize a way out, but things like sadness, grief or disappointment are harder. those emotions actually have to be felt to be dealt with. whenever 7s sense they’re getting too close to a painful topic, they might crack a joke or tell a funny story--they're the types who will sneak a wince-worthy pun into a eulogy--anything goofy or distracting to redirect the topic and skirt around those negative emotions. this avoidance can cause them to appear callous or lacking in empathy. mikey? cracking jokes when he “shouldn’t”? maybe coming off as insensitive to the situation around him? more likely than you think.
7s with a 6 wing are sometimes nicknamed ‘the entertainer’. they’re fast-talking, witty, and they're excited by new ideas and highly engaging people with a lot of energy and high spirits. they’re productive, but they can easily lose focus and become scattered. these 7s are sensitive and a bit more anxious than 7w8s, but they’re experts in using charm to disarm. they’re dutiful and loyal to their family and friends, and they’re often funny, entertaining, and highly accepting of others. in healthier states, they’re curious and creative with an excellent sense of humor and a more positive outlook on life than a 7w8. they’re quick-thinking, have cooperative spirits, and organizational abilities that enable them to accomplish a great deal with little effort.
stress & security numbers
mikey’s stress number is a 1, so in times of high stress and downed spirits he’ll begin exhibiting the negative traits associated to 1s. stressed 7s become pessimistic, argumentative, and judgmental. more and more, they’ll begin blaming others around them for their problems, and their thinking will become more black-and-white. they’ll begin to feel the need to restrain themselves but then become frustrated with the structures and limits, and their usual vivaciousness may give way to a grim seriousness.
what enthusiasm they had for their own ideas and opinions will quickly shift into a tendency to critique the views of others; they might become short, impersonal, and impatient--with both themselves and others--attempting to 'teach' those around them why their ideas and opinions are better or correct. and under high stress, their underlying resentment will begin to show. they might begin scolding, nitpicking, and cutting down those around them with withering, sarcastic comments, and they'll adopt a 'hit-and-run' approach to conflict.
the examples of mikey’s 1 could include:
in tales of leo (s1ep19) after mikey finishes telling his story and raph says “if you ask me, leo’s not coming back because he’s afraid”, mikey--quite literally--180s on him and retorts “no one asked you!”
in return to the underground (s2ep13) mikey says don's plan to get the crystal moon back up came from "whackos-r-us", and toward the end when they’re all webbed up and surrounded by monsters, he mocks don and “his big ideas” and does a nasally impression of him
his behavior in most (if not all) of same as it never was (s3ep21); the way he snaps at don right out the gate is radiating with a 1’s anger and, more notably, resentment
in grudge match (s4ep6), he makes a very pointed dig at raph when challenged about his status as the battle nexus champion; i’ll touch on this a bit more later
mikey’s security number is a 5, so when mentally and spiritually healthy he’ll begin to show the positive traits associated with 5s. these 7s grow more comfortable with silence and solitude and are willing to be more serious; they begin to think about the meaning and purpose of their lives. an 'average' health 7 might be creative, but a secure 7 no longer wants to just consume, they want to contribute. 7s on the positive side of a 5 can finally experience satisfaction in the truest sense of the word.
they learn to slow down and quiet the activity in their minds so impressions affect them more deeply, and they become able to stay with their observations and experiences long enough to realize all the amazing things about themselves and the world around them. they can recognize which experiences have real value to them. rather than worry about making the wrong choices or missing out on the best--most exciting--course of action, 7s will simply know what to do. it doesn’t cause 7s to lose their spontaneity or enthusiasm, they just become more free to savor the moment. as 7s learn to quiet their minds and tolerate anxiety that arises, they can access the clarity, innovation, insight, and knowing qualities of a healthy 5.
examples of mikey’s 5 surfacing could include
in the unconvincing turtle titan (s1ep12) after watching the silver sentry interview at the end, while his brothers are asking questions, you can see him just kind of quietly basking in the moment instead of hyping himself or the moment up
in contrast to dipping into his 1 throughout return to the underground, while they’re on their way back home mikey pauses to take a moment to let don know “he may be a pain in the shell, but i’m proud that you’re my bro”. (this back and forth reaction to don's decisions/plans could also be his assertive type expanding in defense early on only for his compliant type to fall back to childhood lessons in doing the right thing, recognizing and appreciating that they've done that here)
in christmas aliens (s3ep1) it’s his idea to go to the children’s home, granting others an exciting and warm holiday experience rather than being concerned with his own. contributing, not consuming.
in grudge match (s4ep6) he takes the time to seek leo out at the end of the episode and thank him
there is an aspect of his 5 surfacing in what he says about leo in samurai tourist (s4ep13) but i hesitate to say that his 5 is fully in the driver’s seat; i’ll get to it when we get there
cardinal sins - 7 and gluttony
once again, as with raph and with don, mikey’s cardinal sin is more than its surface-level explanation. yeah, he eats a lot and enjoys food, but… who doesn’t? i, also, would like pie.
7s embody sunshine and joy and a boundless love for life, always curious, always excited about the next thing to come. but if you scratch those surface appearances off, you’ll find an almost desperate need to avoid pain. the cardinal sin of gluttony isn’t so much about mikey’s passion for pizza as much as it is a need to devour positive experiences, stimulating ideas and fine material things in order to avoid suffering, hurtful memories, or feelings of deprivation. 7s cope by gorging themselves. they jam their calendars with activities and adventures to look forward to, absorb interesting ideas and stories, collect material possession--all in an attempt to fill up an inner emptiness with items and experiences. we all have our ways of defending against pain, and for 7s it’s keeping things lively and positive. they must have more, so they never run out.
one of my books state that 7s are often caught in a cycle of anticipation known as 'the chocolate syndrome'. one of the most exciting things about a box of chocolates is the anticipation of the first bite (you never know what you're gonna get inside, after all). it's often less the experience itself that excites 7s, it's the anticipation OF that experience. a small example of this could be found in the lesson (s3ep13) when young mikey is teaching casey about the importance of having a battle-cry. he hypes up how having a good battle-cry will get foes to flee like cowards, and before casey even has a chance to respond, mikey exclaims "oooOOH, i really wanna see that!! come on, let's try it!". the payoff of this is, obviously, not great. but it didn't lessen the thrill of getting there.
unfortunately, due to their cardinal sin, 7s have a tendency to be the most vulnerable to some form of addiction, both due to their love for anticipation and need of escaping negative feelings. i see a lot of people going to raph when it comes to this topic (especially in terms of substance abuse), i guess because he’s the “problem child”? and his 7 wing might open a vulnerability to that but for the most part… eh. mn.
i bring this subject up in regards to mikey, however, because we actually have a brief example of it in-series.
in the big brawl - part three (s2ep25), raph and mikey pass gennosuke while wandering the battle nexus market. gen is a gambler (it thus needs be remarked that gambling can be as much an addiction as a substance), and he asks them if they want to place a bet on him winning the tournament. raph immediately turns him down and tells him to “find some other sucker” while walking away… but mikey hangs back and asks what the odds on himself are. once he gets those odds he says “i gotta get in on that action!” and asks raph to help him out. raph proceeds to grab mikey by the arm, tell gen to fuck off a second time, and physically removes mikey from the interaction. you might remember me saying back in raph’s post that raph, being an 8, might be the most ‘world-wise’ out of the four. he sees this for what it is, what it could be, and he’s gently peeling mikey away from it.
and as before, let’s look at the other sins in the circle. mikey’s 6 wing, 1 stress and 5 security would give him: fear*, anger, and greed respectively.
*i mentioned in raph's post that seven of the enneagram’s cardinal sins are in line with the traditional ‘deadly sins’; 3s and 6s are the exceptions, with 3’s cardinal sin being deceit and 6’s being fear.
same as it never was with a touch of darkness within
before we dive in, let’s pause to examine 7s at their healthiest and unhealthiest. at their healthiest, 7s can be described as: joyful and satisfied, anticipating and enthusiastic, realistic and productive. at their unhealthiest, 7s can be described as: insatiable and escaping, manic (depressive) and reckless, overwhelmed and paralyzed.
mikey is kind of unique throughout the series in that we don’t really get a lot of heavy episodes with him that would latch onto his more stressed state of mind and drag it out. at least, not in the way that we do with his brothers. sainw, unsurprisingly, is when we get to see a version of mikey in his worst state, and i think there’s a lot of interesting things to examine here with his enneagram type in mind, one of which will carry into the next section.
right off the bat, something to notice about sainw!mikey: he is the ONLY person who doesn’t greet our don warmly. april hugs don. raph also hugs him (that 2 shooting to the surface for a split second). leo’s smiling widely, and he sounds relieved. but mikey? it’s "where the shell have you been?? how could you just abandon us like that?!". it's instantaneous, and he doesn't hesitate to take it a step further, because the first thing he decides to do after is take don to master splinter. that's exactly how he words it, too: "i'm taking you to master splinter". ...--like, i need you to realize how cold of a move this is in hindsight. because script-wise, it's obviously there to do an emotional reveal not just to don but also the audience. but in character context?
this master splinter died after don disappeared. which could mean that his death is information sainw!don doesn't have. but whether it’s our don or sainw!don it doesn’t matter, because mikey presents this information to don much like you drop a bucket of ice water on someone. he takes him to splinter’s grave. it’s not gentle, it's not kind, it’s harsh. as though to say: you left, the team didn’t work, and look what happened. i want you to look at it.
as i said in the stress section--as well as back in don’s post--mikey is leaning hard into his 1. the gang's all here: we got cutting remarks, we got 1’s cardinal sin in anger (resentment), we got blame, we got grim seriousness. i think we can go a bit deeper into the fact that don ‘abandoned’ them, too. for that, we need to look to the darkness within (s3ep14).
jenn (@/plantdonut) brought this to my attention a while ago; i don’t remember the context of the conversation, and i’ve searched our discord chats to no avail--i can only assume she mentioned it during a call. but her point stuck with me, and it will be heavily pulled from in the next paragraph.
mikey’s nightmare in the darkness within features leo joining the lovecraftian entity and attacking him. looking at the themes of each of their nightmares: don’s centers on loss and helplessness, leo’s was about failure, and raph’s was giving into his worst self. mikey’s seems to be about betrayal. it’s an interesting one, because i don’t think the boys have really experienced real betrayal up to this point. their companions have always been their companions, and the people who have 'turned on them' to some degree never fully gained their trust in the first place. but what’s one of the things mikey seeks out when he needs distractions? comic books. superhero comic books. a genre where betrayal is almost laughably frequent and expected to the point of parody. the concept of being betrayed by someone you trust or love is no doubt hovering around in mikey’s subconscious. he already thinks of himself and his brothers as superheroes--he IS a superhero. so, here in this nightmare, he’s experiencing his first "real" betrayal.
and it's not lost on me that... out of the four of them who almost joined the foot? leo. leo’s the one mikey’s having the nightmare about.
take this knowledge and move back to sainw. don disappearing on his family, in a time when mikey needs him most? …that’s a betrayal. sainw!mikey’s world is not only crumbling around him, but if we were to assume that his deepest fear is the same as our mikey’s, then his worst fear has also come true: someone close to him who he loves has betrayed him. don left. the team didn't work anymore. splinter died. raph and leo separated, they "aren't with anyone" anymore.
i think the only smile we get out of sainw!mikey is after don pleads to leo and raph to help him, and leo and raph shake hands. just this... brief blink-and-you-miss-it smile. it's so fleeting.
sainw is probably the most blatant example of mikey’s 1 being active, but there is one specific example we get with our mikey.
mikey beat raph that one time aaaaand uuuh--
originally this was going to be a part of the season four discussion, but it became its own thing. i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone really take note of this, let alone acknowledge it, either. but me sitting here and putting everything through an enneagram filter while rewatching episodes made a light go off.
for starters, i need to reiterate what i said back in raph's post in the season four section: i don't agree with master splinter when he says that all of the boys except leo have healed from their wounds after defeating the shredder. i know what was more a script-thing to emphasize the journey leo's going on, but i really need to restate that i think all of the boys are on the unhealthy end of their enneagram spectrums. their stress numbers are present and active, and this is going to be one time, i think, we see our mikey lean into his. with intent.
grudge match (s4ep6) feels like the episode where the change in leo’s demeanor is beginning to have an actual effect on the family unit. the first three episodes of the season were more an adjustment and ‘’’healing’’’ period in their post-shredder lives, the fourth was leo and casey, and the fifth episode we can see leo's change isn't going away but the 'ripple effect' hasn't quite kicked in yet. it's grudge match when raph begins confronting leo on his shift in attitude and don remarks on the increased intensity of the training.
between the end of the battle nexus arc (s2ep23-26) and grudge match, mikey will sometimes boast about being the battle nexus champion (as is his god given right), and i think it's fair based on dialogue and his family's reactions that he does it off-screen, too. but.
the only time (i'm pretty frickin sure) he brings up that he beat raph is at the very, very end of the last battle nexus episode (s2ep26) and right here in grudge match. it’s no secret that mikey enjoys playfully antagonizing his brothers from time to time, and that he has a tendency to target raph with shenanigans and teasing. but the exchange in grudge match, both due to context and the energy feels… different.
at the end of the big brawl - part four, raph says mikey won on a technicality. to which mikey responds "um. TECHNICALLY, i kicked your sorry butt in one of the bouts. remember?". the energy and body language behind it is much more passive, playful and, overall, good-natured. raph doesn’t respond to it well and tackles mikey to the ground (this would be the first time leo and don are learning this specific information as well), but i think it’s safe to say the remark from mikey was meant to be more competitive ribbing than it was anything else. in grudge match, though?
before this exchange even happens, raph’s temper is already set off--he’s not starting from a more neutral, calm state like he did at the end of the big brawl. leo's insistence on more intense training has him heightened, angry, and wound up. mikey uses his win as a reason to blow off training, and this just fans the flame. raph challenges mikey's status as the battle nexus champion and states he won on sheer, dumb luck. and when mikey says “well, if i remember correctly, i beat YOU fair and square”, he doesn’t just physically lean in once, he leans in twice and that second lean is to emphasize the 'you'. we don’t get to see how raph responds because master splinter interjects, but given that immediately following mikey’s remark don visibly winces, states “ooh i don’t wanna see this”, and removes himself from the space? i think it's fair to say the result would have been... explosive.
8s are competitive. and when it comes to their competitive nature, it’s important to remember they hate losing more than they love winning. winning is good because it cements their capability, but losing is awful because it risks affirming their basic fear. 8s believe they'll be okay so long as they are strong and in control of their situation. i think raph’s feelings toward his loss go beyond just the fact that he lost to mikey. it’s less that he lost to mikey… and more how he lost to mikey. because mikey beat him not by out-fighting him, but by drawing out raph's temper and letting it get the better of him, wear him out, and ultimately be his own undoing. in a way, raph didn't lose to mikey, he lost to himself. and he did that publicly. this wasn't in the privacy of his own home during a training session, or a one-off with some purple dragons in a dark alley-way. this was public. with thousands of eyes watching. when he realizes he lost in that episode, raph says the line "i'll never be able to live with myself!" and while it's most likely dramatics, i feel like there's just the smallest sliver of truth to it. the fact it was mikey, at the end of the day, doesn't really matter. he lost agency to his temper again.
i’m bringing all of this up to say that: given the atmosphere of ‘the room’, raph’s already heightened state… this was a very bad time to dig the knife in, and mikey did it anyway. much like sainw!mikey chose to break the news of splinter's death to don in a harsh way, mikey’s choosing to defend his status in a harsh way. this could easily be an example of that 'hit-and-run' tactic i mentioned in the stress section; mikey's hitting raph with something he knows will further set him off, possibly as a way to redirect his family's frustration with him onto someone else. but, master splinter sees through it. he interjects and keeps attention focused on mikey before raph has the chance to explode.
now. i think it’s more than fair to say that mikey would know raph hates losing and that his temper is a strategic weakness, considering their fight in the battle nexus showcased he knew exactly how to work raph into being his own worst opponent, defeating him without even touching him. but remember at the beginning of the post where i said there's a bit of a disconnect between them, as their only link in the 7 is through a wing rather than a core number?
mikey may know that this is a dig at raph, but it is possible he doesn't know how deep it runs or that raph losing his temper isn't JUST a strategic weakness, it's directly tied to an 8's fear of being controlled/losing control. mikey may not know it was a bit more targeted than he intended it to be, but he doesn't pause or slow down to consider this. the 5's not here right now, the 1 is.
the first half of season four, for the last time
i’m certain there’s already been some observation about mikey and leo’s relationship throughout the first half of season four, and how--out of the brothers--mikey is the most attentive toward leo’s shift in attitude. it’s also interesting to see mikey’s assertive core and compliant wing sort of swing back and forth. i’m both going to talk about mikey’s interactions with leo, here, but toward the end, also his interactions with raph.
as discussed in raph’s post, in cousin sid (s4ep1) raph at first responds positively to leo’s shift in attitude and goes as far as to make a joke he probably shouldn’t have (ye ol' 7 wing). leo turns on him, but mikey gets between them and shuts the interaction down before it can become anything bigger. and, be it for leo’s benefit or his own, he takes charge of getting raph somewhere he won’t be a danger to himself.
in the people’s choice (s4ep2), mikey’s the one who pauses when he notices leo’s not following them to the mill and asks if he’s coming or not. it's a small moment, but he wanted leo to be included in their fun adventure.
as i said in leo’s post, we get a great exchange between leo and mikey in grudge match. to reiterate the exchange:
leo: …no. like pushing yourself beyond your limits. to a place where there are no limits. to be so focused, so ready that nothing and no one will ever catch you off guard again! mikey: um. …we still talking about me, here?
7s will do almost anything to avoid engaging in painful emotions, so when mikey picks up on the fact that leo’s projecting he points it out indirectly. leo doesn’t engage with this observation… so, mikey defaults to making a joke that he could still forfeit. but, as with this episode feeling like the first time leo's shift is shown to have a ripple effect on the family, i think this is the episode where mikey starts to engage with this shift. both in regards to leo and to his brothers.
in wing and a prayer, as i said earlier, leo tries to tell mikey that they need to train so that they’re ready for anything. mikey retorts by quoting master splinter... kind of:
“worry leads to fear. fear leads to anger. anger leads to worry. …--no, hold on. fear leads to anger. anger leads to hate. hates leads tooooo… a dark and moody leo”.
that pesky 7 of his is once again preventing him from communicating directly, but i do think mikey is trying to communicate here. and not JUST to leo. don and raph are also present, and raph even steps into frame as mikey finishes talking. they are, unfortunately, interrupted. and i hope all those pigeons are okay.
in dragons rising (s4ep10) while leo’s training at the beginning of the episode, he has a brief interaction with mikey (and klunk). mikey tries to ask him “how's it going?” but leo doesn’t respond and carries on. mikey then turns to klunk and states that “leo’s mister personality these days” and that “he’s getting tired of it, himself”. this could be his core's assertive type at play. it's expanding a bit, pushing what leo's going through away for mikey's own protection. but toward the end of the episode, after leo chews them all out and storms off, we see raph, casey and mikey in the back of the battleshell. raph verbally expresses agreement with leo, and mikey… kind of nods. i think he not only listened to leo, but also took raph’s acknowledgement/agreement into consideration. i think raph and mikey value each other's opinions a lot more than they let on. we have direct evidence of mikey looking up to raph (he asks himself "what would raph do?" in christmas aliens), and i'll get to raph in a second. back to mikey's handling of leo.
in all hallows thieves (s4ep12), mikey makes a leo-o-lantern. he could be trying to make leo laugh or smile or just… tap into the nostalgia that comes with halloween for them, but he doesn’t get much of a response.
when we finally reach samurai tourist (s4ep13), we have a small collection of things that have happened: mikey has acknowledged leo was projecting onto him in grudge match, mikey has potentially tried to communicate leo’s position and mental state to the other three in wing and a prayer, and mikey has now heard leo express his frustration that they keep losing and that he feels like the rest of them are treating it like it’s all a game. meanwhile, raph is still keeping leo at an arm’s length and is fighting with him and don still seems to be choosing not to engage with leo if he can avoid it.
at the start of the episode, raph and casey discuss leo's behavior. raph's irritated, and casey's treating the whole thing quite flippantly. likely getting antsy about the direction the conversation's heading, mikey makes an attempt to derail it: he jokes that he COULD be training, but it's free comic book day. ...it doesn't work, though. and the conversation continues. as the camera jumps around, mikey starts to look a little irritated, and this time he speaks up for real:
i think all of you should just lay off the poor guy. i mean, it can’t be fun. always being the responsible one? and we’re the ones who really benefit! raph’s free not to think because leo does all the thinking for him. don’s free to dream. and i’m free to take it easy! all because leonardo is busy being responsible enough for all of us!
i hesitate to say that mikey's 5 is doing the driving because he’s not slowing down to engage with his OWN negative and painful emotions. this is much more his 1 at play, taking the moment to 'teach' the others (and even if it is being triggered from an unhealthy state, he's right). it could also be a bit of that 6 wing, that compliant type, trying to be more directly 'in service' to leo rather than tap-dancing around the problem in wing and a prayer.
he acknowledges that the position leo’s in “is not fun”, which is a simple but important line coming from him because 7s will FLOCK toward anything 'fun' in order to avoid pain. this is a way of saying he knows leo’s in a lot of pain, and he then points out how each of them are benefiting from leo’s responsibility (including himself is some of his 5 engaging, as he’s at least embracing some of this guilt rather than denying it by virtue of expressing it).
unfortunately, we don't get to see the other two engage with this because leo pierces raph’s punching bag with his sword and raph starts to have an outburst. but this moment is also kinda interesting.
mikey shouts “easy, raph!” and helps casey hold him back, but don... doesn't do anything. i know he wasn’t standing close to raph, but we've seen him cross spaces in order to help hold raph back in the past. him choosing to remain where he is (and it's not that he's not animated, he puts his bo staff back in his belt) could be that continued choice to remain distanced and disengaged from this entire ~thing~. i think it’s also worth noting that raph’s 5 is active and, in piercing the sandbag, leo just broke one of raph’s resources. might help explain his aggressive reaction.
moving forward from samurai tourist, i mentioned back in raph’s post that there's a shift after mikey shuts their conversation down with how raph responds to leo’s behavior. i think, given that he values mikey's perspective and opinion, he took what mikey said to heart even if it is kind of too-little-too-late.
mikey calls leo’s outburst in the ancient one (s4ep14) before it happens, stating that he thinks “the cork’s about to pop on that unopened bottle”. this is followed by raph calling leo 'a hot-head' and stating that he hates it when leo reminds him of himself (a much gentler observation and description than saying "leo's gone mental"). …and right after this, we get a parallel to meet casey jones (s1ep4), with leo striking master splinter in place of raph attacking mikey. ( idk where else to put this, but while mikey, raph and don are outside splinter’s room listening to splinter and leo talk, and they turn to look at each other uncertainly? mikey looks to raph.)
after the efforts in samurai tourist, it’s kind of sad to see how mikey refers to leo in scion of the shredder (s4ep15). it would seem that compliant type has stepped back, and the assertive type is at the front of things again. where raph refers to leo as “a bum” (again, much gentler terms than we were getting before), mikey’s the one who asks if leo’s going to come back “normal… or, like… MORE normal. because before he left, he was acting kinda… y’know” and he draws a coo-coo next to his temple. raph promptly smacks him for this. leo attacking master splinter may have not only driven up mikey’s 1 (scathing remarks and judgemental views are active) but also woke up that fear of betrayal.
i dunno. it’s just interesting to see that AFTER mikey brought attention to where leo’s head is at, raph started to back off. and after leo took a step too close to something mikey’s afraid of, mikey’s quick to retreat back into old habits and--for the first time since this arc started--starting to throw insults in leo’s direction (and insults in the same line raph was taking from, no less). that compliant type might have been willing to step forward before and do a service to leo by bringing awareness to his condition… but now the assertive core has moved back into place, expanding to keep danger and pain away.
as mentioned in part 1, the two books i referenced and heavily pulled from in the more enneagram-focused sections of this project (the parts where the enneagram itself is explained rather than how it applies to the turtles) were:
the wisdom of the enneagram by don richard riso & russ hudson
the road back to you by ian morgan cron & suzanne stabile
bro i straight up do not know how to top this off. i can’t believe i’m finally done with this after over a year and a half of working on it. <xD absolutely wild. and i just wanna thank anyone who took the time to read all of this, who left me something nice to say, and/or who shared it around. i really, really appreciate it. it’s obviously been a lot of work.
as i’ve said throughout the other posts, should i return with more things to say i’ll make addendums and link them along as i go. but for now: it’s been fun! time to return to art and fic writing. but later. because i'm braindead as all hell right now.
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atoriv-art · 4 months
asks :)
guess who let them pile up for months (meeeeeeee)
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tysm!!! i share a similar view wrt his hair :) i think it's a very fun way to interpret it given he's one of (/the?) only characters to ever go through a change like that! especially given his snake transformations i think it's completely plausible that he found himself mirroring the guy too much and wanted to distance himself from that lol
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thank youuuu it's one of my favorite things to draw honestly :) especially with the uchihas where their eyes are such an integral part of their character design hehe
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:D the positive reception to them honestly makes me really happy given they're a relatively obscure pairing hahahaha thank you!
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thank you so muuuch 🥺 my biggest goal with my art is capturing like, emotional snapshots of the little guys i like and i'm glad it comes through!! :]
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[ post linked ]
it's a fair question! i might elaborate more someday but atm the basic premise is that it's likely it'd be like a pragmatic deal between them? sasuke needs a source of strength and obito is both very powerful and a sharingan user, and obito has reason to look out for sasuke because of itachi hovering over his shoulder + if he trains sasuke correctly he can have a powerful ally on his side... which is i think?? the reason why obito let sasuke hang out with him for so long in canon but it went nowhere looooool
i find orochimaru's integration and then sudden exit from the plot to be a little bit messy so i like to think of ways of streamlining the process and just having sasuke be with the "main" naruto antagonists from an earlier date :0c with the rest of the kids still being with him as i am very fond of both karin and suigetsu ahahaha
i also find the idea of sasuke being in closer proximity to itachi during the timeskip (while still distant ofc) to be fun, like him being akatsuki-adjacent while itachi is also there brings fun scenarios to think about! + the fact itachi really doesn't like obito, so there's an added layer of 👀 as he hates that obito is the one training him but he can't really do anything abt it without showing his hand lol
and, the rest of the akatsuki interacting with a bunch of kids on a "friendly" level is a funny concept lmao
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grouping these together since i assume it was the same person ^^
kks headcanons: hmm i'm actually not sure! i think a lot about kakashi but im blanking on specific headcanons i have :P
top 5s: without much thought to ordering them i'd sayyy
characters: obito, kakashi, itachi, sasuke, and gaara or neji depending on my mood
pairings: sasuneji, sasugaa, kakaobi, itadei and kisaobi or sasusui
what got you into naruto: mostly being really curious about kakashi 😅 he seemed like the type of character i really would like so we watched a few episodes "for fun" just to meet him and then. you know.
thoughts on kakagai: i love kakagai i think it's super cute :)
do you like sasuke x naruto: people keep asking me this KSDJSKJD i'm ambivalent about the pairing, i can see why people like it but it's not for me
would you ever draw naruto (the character): possibly! just no real guarantee since i tend to focus on a small group of characters is all
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🥺 thank you so much!!! sorry about the 25 minutes hahahaha
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thank you so much!! if it helps any i struggle a lot with traditional art hahaha :P
i haven't ever drawn the rest of team 7 atm, no! if i ever do i'll definitely post it as it seems a lot of people are curious about them hahahah
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😭 tysm!!!!
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:D! i'm a firm believer that sasuke is one of the most sun-adjacent characters i've ever seen but alas he is cursed to be misunderstood because he's an emo boy 😔
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:] i'm glad!!! he's very fun to draw hehehe
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cronch-rat · 3 months
The doctor who 50th anniversary 11 disc set (with pictures)
Thought I'd make a post about the coolest thing in my doctor who collection.
Quick background info:
For the 50th anniversary, the BBC made 3/4 (depending on if you count two as the same version) cd collections of doctor who music. The standard one is 4 discs and easy to buy even now. There was also a condensed 2 disc version for America and an extended 11 disc version. There are two versions of this 11 disc set, one in a square box and one which fits into a plastic Tardis but both contain the same tracks.
Now onto my set:
I bought my set earlier this year for probably less than you'd usually get it and keep it with the rest of my collection. The version I have is the Tardis version but without the actual Tardis box itself. The set is one of a limited 1,000 release though I'm not sure if that is just the Tardis version or the box version too in this number. Here is my credentials to prove such claims (Jamie sticker not included, he is there for moral support).
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The general look:
The collection includes a set of 11 discs, each in a disc case with a slipcase over it. The case and slipcase both have artwork corresponding to that doctor on them with the slipcase being in the space of their head. I believe the box version uses the head design but as a square sleeve for that version. The image selection is a bit random as some lesser villains feature to make up the roster and certain companions don't appear at all. For example, Rose features on the 9 and 10 artwork but no other 10th doctor companions do. The cases have art on both sides, one side even combining to make one big artwork. The back of the slipcase lists what stories the music is taken from and the discs are various colours but all follow the same design pattern. I've used my favourite disc for reference.
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The information
The collection comes with a booklet including a bunch of information on the music, composers and the tracks featured. The booklet also have various artworks inside as well. All discs feature only the music of their corresponding doctor besides the 9th disc which includes bonus tracks from classic who, documentaries, the 10th doctor and 11th doctor. The longest disc is disc 5 at 1 hour, 19 minutes and 9 seconds while the disc with the most tracks is disc 2 with 71 tracks. Discs 1 and 2 and just mono while discs 7-11 are just stereo. The rest contain a mix of mono, stereo and electronically processed stereo.
All info listed here:
disc 1 - 1h 18m 5s - 56 tracks
disc 2 - 1h 16m 53s - 71 tracks
disc 3 - 1h 17m 37s - 36 tracks
disc 4 - 1h 15m 54s - 37 tracks
disc 5 - 1h 19m 9s - 22 tracks
disc 6 - 1h 15m 54s - 14 tracks
disc 7 - 1h 19m 4s - 22 tracks
disc 8 - 1h 3m 41s - 34 tracks
disc 9 - 1h 18m 18s (42m 22s from own season, 35m 56 extra content) - 36 tracks (21 own, 15 extra)
disc 10 - 1h 17m 52s - 30 tracks
disc 11 - 1h 14m 50s - 29 tracks
Track lists already exist on the web and there are sites that go into more detail though I believe they are using the box version as their go to. Feel free to ask any questions about this collection if you so wish. I just posted this for fun but if anyone find this interesting then I'm glad :)
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capybaraonabicycle · 8 months
You know something I am really sad about is how the TARDIS interior changed for tenteen. It would have been a whole different story if the clothes had been normal but like this? Everthing the Doctor was just vanished and got replaced. The screwdriver coming out of nothing? The outfit? A new fancy TARDIS?
10 kept the TARDIS from 9 and 12 from 11. 13 had to fight to get her TARDIS back and built herself a new screwdriver in the meantime. 11 had to let her recalibrate until she was usable again and gave him a new screwdriver (? I think ? Don't quite remember where he got the sonic) All of them CHOSE their new outfit and had a whole thing where they searched for it.
And tenteen just gets all those things like this, appearing in his lap. Which is convenient, sure, but I feel like he really lost the identification process on the way. Maybe not as important for him as he knows the body and mind and companion already (in theory) but like, I am not surprised he is going through it like this. He just wanted to hang on to Yaz, wasn't allowed that, lost her, decided she was gonna be excited for change, didn't really get change either and then everything they could hold onto as part of their last identity, everything that was theirs to let go off, just got ripped out of his hands replaced with a weird mixture of 'look how new and nice and shiny' and 'isn't that lovely reminiscent of 4 bodies ago'. No wonder they are running on their gingiva*, I would be so lost and disoriented in his place.
And then obviously from a meta pov I dislike that 15 is apparently copying tenteen's TARDIS now. We got a scene of tenteen exploring the new TARDIS and being excited but for 15 he has already had 1.5 adventures with her. And while we couldn't put tenteen into the old clothes it was okay to put 15 in underwear? Wouldn't it have made much more sense to have the weird clothes' thing happen with the mitosis regeneration? (like, I wouldn't have liked that either but it is a little weird how tenteen got a full suit and 15 got the bare minimum)
And I hate how it feels like every part that made the Doctor 13 got erased as quickly as possible. Luckily, there were a few references at least - if no one got me I know the psychic paper got me <3 - and I GET why the fam didn't show up in the puppet show but like, couldn't you have left tenteen the TARDIS interior at least? I am sure Donna would have liked the crystal columns <3
It feels very rtd to have tenteen showered with gifts he can't even want and that are way too much while others are erased or overshadowed by him and get the leftovers.
On a similar note, I was also direly missing post-regeneration haze for both of them. Who knows (well people who have watched the Christmas special, I guess), maybe that's yet to come for 15? But like how are they supposed to function without running about without a clue and passing out every 5s for a day or two?
*German expression, means to be on one's last legs
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
A little thing I’ve tried doing is paying physical cash for everything and saving the change. So I withdraw like $300 a week then spend cash save all my $1s and $5s and deposit the $1s and $5s back into my local bank. The money i withdraw is from my Vermont bank so I’m saving money just in a really long process way I save all my coins to have at least $80 in change
I have a very good friend that is doing something similar, thought this might be them right up till I got to "Vermont" that and the depositing of the $1's those are just sitting in a stack iirc.
I promised to bring a bunch of singles whenever I finally get to visit that she can earn the old fashioned way, by makin it rain. Gonna get some body glitter for that first too. :) lol
It's a incredibly solid way to save money, people don't write cheques much anymore which those were good for that too since you wrote down every purchase in your register and could see your account total dropping as you did it, banks love the cards we have now because lots of people don't pay attention to their balance or adjust for what hasn't cleared which means overdraft fees for them.
Banking apps have closed some of that gap but not all of it.
It's a great way to save money with keeping track of things.
One thing with your change, shake it in your hands occasionally and if it sounds odd/different look at all the dimes and quarters because those used to be made of solid silver and there's still some floating around, I got one this Sunday which is cool.
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What is 5S? Organizing Workspaces with Lean Methods
If you've ever stepped into a chaotic and cluttered workspace, you know how frustrating it can be to navigate through the mess. From misplaced tools to tangled wires, disorganized workspaces can hinder productivity and create unnecessary stress. That's where 5S comes in – a set of lean methods that aims to streamline and organize workspaces for optimal efficiency. In this article, we'll dive into the world of 5S and explore how it can revolutionize the way you work.
Understanding 5S: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
So what exactly is 5S? It's a methodology that originated in Japan and stands for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Each "S" represents a specific step in the process of organizing workspaces.
Step 1: Sort
The first step of 5S is to sort through all items in your workspace. This involves separating necessary items from unnecessary ones. It's like decluttering your workspace and getting rid of anything that doesn't serve a purpose. By doing so, you create an environment that promotes efficiency and reduces distractions.
Step 2: Set in Order
Once you've sorted everything out, it's time to set things in order. This means assigning a designated place for each item based on its frequency of use or importance. The goal is to make it easy for anyone to find what they need quickly without wasting time searching through piles of clutter.
Step 3: Shine
The third step involves shining or cleaning your workspace thoroughly. It's not just about removing dust quality management or wiping down surfaces; it's quality management about maintaining cleanliness as an ongoing practice. A clean workspace not only looks more appealing but also helps prevent accidents and promotes a healthy working environment.
Step 4: Standardize
Standardization is the key to ensuring that the 5S practices are consistently followed. It involves creating clear guidelines and procedures for maintaining the organized workspace. This step helps everyone in the team understand their responsibilities and ensures that the system remains in place even when faced with changes or challenges.
Step 5: Sustain
The final step of 5S is to sustain the organized workspace. This requires ongoing commitment and continuous improvement. By regularly reviewing and refining the 5S practices, you can ensure that your workspace remains navigate to this website organized and efficient in the long run.
The Benefits of Implementing 5S
You might be wondering, why bother with all this effort? Well, implementing 5S offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact your work environment and productivity. Let's delve into some of them:
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wol-blackthorne · 3 months
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Transcription of Tural Travelogue, pt. 2: Ok'hanu
(Dawntrail All Quests Spoilers ahead)
[Master Post]
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4A/3S - Raha asleep with Salina. Checked in on the missing artifacts. Ishgard knights embarrassed but handling the attacks well. Checking in on Rads & Limsa soon. Also working on that qualification. Clan member in Yyasolani[sic]?
"Justiciar" in Thavnair seems to be a clown. Apex seems to be luck-oriented? Weal/woe
4A/4S - Returned Napikwe's bestiary to Bol Ogaw. Took some bills but may need to hand them to another hunter for now. Not sure when I'll have time again. Not that that's a bad thing. The hunters have things well in hand on the Tural side. S9 [Solution Nine] may need check
Perhaps I am the clown. Nearly lost to a water monk in Kozama'uka that was surprisingly strong. Got away safely! Limsa tomorrow
4A/5S while turning in yesterday's bills, Bol Ogar asked for more information on the beasts within the dome. Napikwe did find data in Living Memory's banks. If the creatures appear near settlements, adventurers can handle them. Limsa soon.
Found Loashkana of Tural in Limsa. I should have known from the initial vision—these "villains" are all mischief and little bite, were it not for the relics. Poisoning in Limsa tied to a Lalafellin man posing as a merchant and an unknown woman. Something about puppets? Don't remember much of the vision unfortunately. Thus, a notebook. Returning home for the day.
6A/6S - I managed to drag Raha away from compiling reports at last. As duty-bound as he may be, the thought of seeing what he had missed in Tural swayed him. And as the areas we will travel first are populated, we felt it was safe to bring Salina. She's been fussy since the boat over, but I'm sure fresh air will help. If nothing else, the Hanu have been a great distraction for her.
We came to Ok'hanu first, as I had during the trials. Salina took to them [the Hanu] immediately. Calls them "fwee"? (Fluffy?) I'm not sure we'll be able to tear her away without a bribe, so I'm putting together a doll that looks like them. Incidentally, I was offered a demonstration of their work with the Landsguard. The L's armor is decorated with molted Hanu feathers. A soldier came to collect and process the feathers, and I commandeered some of the unusuable broken feathers and dye for Salina's doll.
The guard, Nahanshe, reminds me of some old Stone Torch recruits. Not fond of "busy work" but he's learning to appreciate the craft that goes into his armor. Spent the evening dying and oiling feathers.
An archaeologist form the Studium caught be on our way out of Tuliyolal[sic]. Dig site near Yyasolani[sic]? Will investigate when we get there. I had hoped the gleaners for Living Memory had arrived, but my request is currently in a backlog. You would think we could pull a favor but "there is a Process and it must be Followed." At least things have calmed down now. We have time.
4A/7S - Beautiful clear sunrise. Hands forever stained. Today we're blessing the feathers.
Weather changed for the worse. Clearly I'm not attuned to the wind currents here yet. Blessing also took a turn as younglings scolded Nahanshe for his griping. Smells like hazing.
Helped with repairs on village structures until the rain set it. May want to see the nearby cave at night. Kikitola—overflowing with many stars.
4A/8S - Headache from the weather changes. Raha is gathering fruit for an offering while I nurse willow tea. The horrors persist but so do I. Salina's doll had a nameday and he is Nunu.
I'm told it's the wet season and I'm inclined to believe it. By the afternoon, I felt well enough to hunt beetles for the Hanu to make brushes from their shells. I may ask to trade for one for Artemis.
4A/9S - Artemis is getting a good workout running errands between Ok'hanu and Kozanuakiy. I took a short detour to see the bridge near the falls that they call "Breath Between." Or maybe that's the basin. In any case, much of their fish comes from those clear waters before it picks up the forest silt. Also ran into some adventurers dealing with tegu preventing repairs to the stairs, and a hunter looking for poisonous frogs.
I ran into Nahanshe while transporting reeds. He was definitely subject to hazing of a sort. I'm reminded of Gosetsu when we met the Dotharl of the Steppe—so confused by the culture, but willing to accept and learn in the end. Nahanshe is determined to learn more of the Hanu and their relationship to the Landsguard now, which was the point of Lanuhanu's scheme. I suppose I can't question the method if it works.
Busy with repairs the rest of the day.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Maybe I am just purging myself with this question, but regardless I need some advice.
I am a sx/sp 9 (triple withdrawn). A few ago, my long-term partner broke up with me. Being both an attachment type and the stacking (solidifying the sexual), my expectancy towards relationships is very, very long-term. I am devastated, both for the end of the relationship, but also because I see no bright future nor alternatives.
I’m very sorry. The end of a deep relationship can be awful and it will take a long time to recover from it and heal. Try not to rush the process or avoid it, but also do not let it forever define you as a 4 fixer. The truth is, if you WANT another relationship, you can find it. There IS a future for you that contains someone else, even if it doesn’t feel like that right now. But honestly, I would take this time as a 9 to embody yourself, learn what you want as separate from “other,” and learn to take up more space in the world. 9s abdicate themselves and when they lose their other person, they don’t know what to do -- because suddenly, they can’t just drift with someone else’s current, they have to paddle.
So what do YOU want from life? What do YOU want to accomplish? What kind of eggs do YOU like, to borrow a line from Runaway Bride? Could you spend a few months digging into what who you are, what you like, what is fully you?
How can I change my current situation when, historically, I am unable to fight the tendency to remain stagnant through time?
The only way to change is to want something bad enough to put in the effort it requires to get it. If you want a lover, you will have to stop waiting for one to magically find you, and make yourself available to meet people. That means stepping outside of your comfort zone, doing a dating profile, going places to meet people, and not vanishing on the people who take an interest in you. It means becoming PRESENT and EMBODIED. 9s are doing repressed. 4s are doing repressed. 5s are doing repressed. If you don’t decide here and now that you’re not going to waste your life waiting for a life that never happens to you, you will forever stagnate in “doing NOTHING ABOUT MY PROBLEM.” Because as a 9, you see it as your problem, but not a problem for YOU to be proactive about and fix. And you’ll have to realize that any problems are yours to resolve, yours to take take care of. A relationship is yours to pursue, to initiate, to make happen. Few others are going to do it for you.
I may sounds a clingy piece of … work, but I don’t care about career, where to live, but to be merged with the one person, and for +10 years the one person, for me I was certain, was my ex-partner, whom I met out of pure chance. How can I meet people if I am an extremely introverted, even regarding online social communities? No movement, no social activity, no participation. And it hurts so much because I feel trapped within my personality.Sorry for the whining, but any advice?
You’ll have to push through the 9 passivity and “that makes me uncomfortable, so I don’t wanna” and put yourself out there. If you can’t stand the thought of chatting up people in a coffee shop or going to social events, join a dating website, create a profile full of your distinct “sx” flavor, and look for someone who arouses your sx.
Here’s your big sister tough talk: if you want a new partner, get up off your ass and DO something to make it happen.
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I would love to hear your general thoughts on the design direction of OneDnD, especially as it compares to how you feel about the design trends in 5e over the years. I apologize for this exceedingly broad prompt; I read essay series on this topic for fun
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Let me start by saying that I am not an expert in game design, either from an academic perspective or an industry perspective. My only experience here is as someone who's been engaged in the playtest process for both "D&D Next" (which eventually became 5th edition) and "One D&D" (which will eventually become 5th edition 2024).
The D&D Next playtest saw a lot of conflict between traditionalists and non-traditionalists which the traditionalists largely won - hence the Combat Superiority system going from a core Fighter mechanic to the Battle Master subclass, for example - largely because people's memories of the edition wars kicked up by the 3.5 to 4th Edition transition were still strong, and a major part of WotC's intent behind 5th edition was to win back some of the audience share they'd lost to Paizo et al. as well as grow the overll audience with a "back to basics" edition. (There was also a fair bit of lingering conflict over the Tome of Battle, but that's not quite edition warring and is a bit harder to categorize.)
I have to admit that I haven't followed "design trends in 5e over the years," because while I've been playing D&D pretty consistently since 5e came out, I didn't buy Xanathar's and Tasha's and MoM etc. (because my DM had already done so on D&D Beyond) so I don't have a good sense of them as cohesive books that sought to change the design of 5h edition, rather than just "oh that's the book Booming Blade comes from." So I have to admit that I don't know as much to what extent One D&D's design philosophy is an extension of those efforts.
As for One D&D, I am a bit unsure about the overall direction, because I see two conflicting impulses in design at work at the same time. On the one hand, there is clearly an appetite among the devs to swing for the fences and make some big changes to character classes - Moon Druid, Warlock, etc. - within the overall shell of 5th edition. Stuff like class groups, moving subclasses to 3rd level and other anti-dipping moves, moving away from Short Rest mechanics, Weapon Mastery, and so forth starts getting more into game mechanics, but we haven't seen an entirely new game engine in the same way that d20 or AEDU or bounded accuracy were.
On the other hand, there is clearly a mandate to maintain compatibility with 5th edition and make as few changes as possible while still providing a value proposition for the new books, because 5th edition was such a massive success that transformed their playerbase in ways that a lot of older players still haven't really integrated into their thinking, because 5th edition is still selling well and they don't want to rock that boat, and because ".5s" are terrible marketing and numerical edition changes are a real crapshoot whereas "5th edition" is now a brand with some cachet.
I still think we're a bit too early to tell which impulse is going to win out in the end - we've only seen first drafts of any of the characters and we don't know yet what the second drafts will look like, we haven't seen the Monk, we haven't seen most spells, we haven't seen most monsters, etc.
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yesloulou · 8 months
gif anon here again! thank you for answering so quickly i think the main problem for me are two things the fact that english isn't my first language which makes my brain lag when i look at tutorials AND the fact that i can't modify the speed of my gif..
i am gonna be honest i gave up making everything myself so someone recommended me " actions " which are live savers for my dumb self but the speed of the gif with the action is too fast (0,05s) and i don't know how to change that
it's stuck and no matter how many times i change it it stays the same i'm sure i am doing something wrong but i can't find what it is
the gifs aren't ugly but they're too quick somehow i've seen on tutorials that 5s is the best for gifs but everytime i chose 5s it doesn't apply the change
i'm so sorry for the long ask but you're the gif maker that admire the most on this app so in a way i trust you the most on these things
so changing the speed of a gif is actually very easy!! all you need to do is open a gif in ps, select all frames, change the delay time, and then export again. this will not lower the quality of your gif at all bc only the delay time is changed, which doesn't invoke image processing, and it'll only take a few seconds to export. i think making sure you've selected all frames before changing the speed will solve your problem.
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also re: optimal delay time - i mostly go with original delay time + 0.01s. ie:
- if original frame rate is 25 fps, then original delay time is 1s/25fps=0.04s, then i will export my gif at 0.05s - originally 30 fps -> original delay = 0.03s -> export at 0.04s - originally 50 or 60 fps -> original delay = 0.02s -> export at 0.03s
you get the idea! ofc there are also times where i won't want to slow down a gif at all, and i might just export at original speed. example
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a-non-ymouswriter · 2 years
Some questions to hopefully help with getting your wheels turning again-- these are for as many or as few fics as you want to answer! "X" is used to represent that just for coherence's sake. And feel free to give multiple examples or no examples on a case by case basis. Or ask for me to resend this split up so you can do it in parts instead of all at once. Or even ignore this entirely!
I know that, for me, one of the best ways to get my ornery muse to cooperate is to talk with others about whatever I'm trying to write about. And since you've expressed frustration over struggling to write, I want to help at least a little. I know you've also expressed that you've got some irl stuff going on, so I don't want you to feel like it's an "oh god someone is expecting me to write but I can't write and ahhh" thing. If you don't feel up to answering, or it doesn't work for you, that's fine! The goal is to be helpful, not make you feel guilty for struggling. Because, uh, I'm definitely in that particular boat, too. (/cough cough rewrites cough cough)
So! That said!!
-What are your favorite scene/s from X? What about the scenes you were most excited to see the reactions to?
-Who would you say is your favorite character out of everyone you write? Or top 5ish, if you can’t just pick one.
-If you stuck your variants of character X in a room together, what would happen? Like, all the Tommys, all the Dreams, all the Ranboos, etc.
-Who do you think needs a therapy pet? Is it Theo with a dog or calf (or a polar bear) that goes "you are anxious. That means it's 🌟floor time🌟"? And Theo is then bullied into laying down, his therapy pet flops on top of him, and he just has to chill there for like 20 minutes until said pet deems him sufficiently calm again?
-What does your process for writing look like? How much Inane Background Detail™️ do you wind up just not using? Or what about stuff you DID use but people didn't really notice? (Worldbuilding my beloved)
-Do you make art/moodboards/collages/playlists for any of your works? Have you gotten some from others? If so, did they wind up subtly nudging the story/characters in a different way?
aw thank you cocomere :) this may or may not help but it's the thought that definitely counts!
my favorite scenes huh? one of my top ones is definitely from rewind, i was so excited and also very nervous for people to read the climax between tobi and theo. because it was all just emotions and yelling and some violence, but it was great to see the readers who came from the beginning finally see those two idiots get on the same level.
favorite character out of everyone i write? tommy, theo definitely with much bias, but yeah tommy is one of my top 5s to write in my stories. the next would of course, be tubbo, tobi, and finally technoblade even though sometimes writing for him is somewhat difficult lol
oh god, sticking all the variants into one room would be chaos. the tommy room is full of trauma- have you seen the stuff i put the guy in?? theo was abused, brainwashed and branded, tommy from wishes was tricked into selling his soul and throws himself into danger like its going out of style, and tommy from stream labs- well i haven't written out his full backstory but the bits you all got so far is horrifying; disarmed, disabled and temporarily dead.
and that's just tommy! the other characters- y i k e s
i've talked enough of theo, so i'll be going with tobi, he definitely needs a therapy pet as well. mayhaps a bee, mayhaps a dog, or maybe yes. a polar bear. god now i'm just imagining a therapy polar bear sitting on BOTH tobi and theo. that's great XD
my writing process huh? ehhh, i just store bits of the chapter in my head, get them all down on the screen and write out the connecting bits. it's frustrating because sometimes (most of the times now) those connecting bits don't fit or can't be written, or also the bits i had in my head are suddenly not that good in my mind.
i love worldbuilding, it's fantastic, but i have the bad habit of not writing down the worldbuilding beforehand and i don't think i'll be breaking that habit any time soon. it's mostly just in my head for now, but i thankfully, usually, remember the worldbuilding when i need to and if i don't i reread my stories to try and remember.
i don't remember the details of what worldbuilding it was that i was disappointed that no one noticed- or if that happened at all. it has been a while. all in all, most of my worldbuilding seemed to be noticed by some people and i'm thankful for that :D
the only thing i used to make for my stories myself was art. sometimes i did draw art for my stories- you all remember the now dust-gathering blog that is stream labs live. but my motivation for drawing has bitterly died, it might revive at some point but for now it's dead and down. i haven't done the rest, moodboards, playlists, collages- i think other people did make those for my stories.
and maybe they did subtly change a few things, like i said it has been a while so the details are fuzzy.
thanks again cocomere for giving me the ask!
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sweetmastermind · 2 years
StayC ~ General Reading
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Disclaimer: Take this with a grain of salt, energy constantly shifts. I'm not an expert and interpretations could not be the most correct, it's for entertainment purposes. Reading done 20-21/11.
General energy (6p rev. - chariot rev. - sun - ace wands rev. - wheel fortune)
It feels like someone they are doing business with is using their power with not the best intentions, they are giving the girls a lot of things but something is fishy, and they know about this, some karma is going to hit the group (good and bad). There might be some arguments between the girls so the dynamics are a little off. Some activities as a group here and there, maybe a tour/concert could be under review.
Individual energies
Sumin (7c - Strength - judgment rev. - ace pentacles - high priestess - 7s rev. - 5s rev. - 10w rev. - queen pentacles - 4a rev. - 9c)
Looks like a lot is going on, a lot of responsibilities, and there is a change of a big promotion regarding her job, a new opportunity that can skyrocket the team. Regarding her finances, there is something not good there, something fishy that might or may not be revealed to the public. For love, it seems like stress had caused a difficult period regarding a relationship but they slowly are recovering. Health-wise she is dealing with something but seems like is doing better.
Si Eun (ace pentacles - Hagman rev. - death - 3c rev. - 6c - 10e rev. - strength - ace wands rev. - 3w rev. - world - queen wands)
She is slowly going into a new energy period, there are some troubles in the workplace that needs to change and transform, and she needs to voice her opinion regarding some matters, and try to be involved in the creative process. She needs to be careful to not over expend. Regarding her love life, things are not good, lack of communication and time things are just making things not be working. Health-wise doing okay but she may caught something, i thing covid is a big possibility
Isa (8p - 9w rev. - hangman rev. - queen wands rev. - 5w rev. - judgment - 6s rev. - empress rev. - page wands)
She is working hard and diligently, but it looks like her approach is a little stubborn and hyper-focused which is not really good, especially in the workplace, there are some things she is not content but overworking herself is not doing any good to change the situation she is not content with. There might be some issues in regard to her family and how they are expressing some opinions about her and her life. Health-wise could be better, emotionally she needs to find balance and have a good way to cope with stress and negative emotions. Future projects might include photosh*ots
Se Eun (7c rev. - devil - 10c - 5w rev. - ace wands rev. - 10p rev. - lovers rev. - queen swords)
It feels like she is denying some things like realization and reality are slowly making themself present and she is trying to assimilate them. Going onto work issues, they are in a nice position where they are seeing their efforts paying off but not without the struggles of friction between the members and egos, she needs to be careful in who she trusts, not everyone has the best intentions, and that would include family too. Health-wise, she needs to stop repressing her emotions and needs to find a way how to cope with them.
Yoon (5c - 3p rev. - sun - 2w - 5p - moon rev. - page wands - 6p - 9p rev. - ace pentacles)
She is not in the best energy, there is a lot of negativity and emotional baggage she is carrying at the moment, and is affecting how she approaches her job, soon she might have some more opportunities in the working file. Part of the energy she is carrying right now could be from her family, something happened that for the moment is secret, but she still has a lot of support there. Health-wise could be better, changing some things can really help her.
J (hierophant rev. - 2s rev. - sun - 2w - 3s rev. - 3p rev. - king swords - 7c - wheel of fortune)
She is clinging to some issues that are not working for her anymore, there are some disagreements regarding some things with projects and ideas, and is causing friction with the rest of the girls. Apart from that, it seems like she is a little overwhelmed with the things she needs to do that she dismisses a lot of her friendships, there is a lack of effort there, and there are a lot of people that want to get to know her and be friends with her. Health-wise she is in an in-between thing, she needs to find balance and try things that might start working for her, karma is going to do the job if she doesn't find that balance.
Thank you for reading!
Tarot deck used: Marseille Tarot
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wheelie-butch · 2 years
Heya, your talk of wheelchair sports seems so so cool, do you think ambulatory users or folks with energy limiting disabilities (me/cfs etc) would be able to participate? I can't exert myself for super long but would love the community
Hey! Glad you enjoy hearing about it ^-^ I got halfway through writing this and realised I couldn't tell if you meant 'able to participate' as in 'allowed' or 'physically capable of it' so I'll try address both :)
It ended up kinda long so I'm putting it below the cut:
In terms of 'allowed' - I'm no expert but in most cases the short answer is yes! Most clubs just want to get people in and playing. It gets a bit more complicated when you look at competitive tournaments etc. (more on this in a minute) but if you just want to go along for a bit of exercise and meeting people then yeah there'll most likely be others in a similar way there already :)
I'm just going to focus on what I've seen in my time at wheelchair rugby but I will add I know there are sports that are definitely mixed abled and disabled (sitting volleyball, wheelchair rugby league, wheelchair basketball in SOME countries, probably more) so presumably those would definitely be open to everyone.
Okay so at wheelchair rugby aka murderball yeah you'd definitely be allowed to join :) I'm ambulatory myself and have chronic fatigue. There's a really big range of reasons my teammates are there also. I don't actually know many of my teammates diagnoses/conditions but just off the top of my head to give you an idea of the range of ability:
Several people walk seemingly 'normally' when not in a rugby chair
Other people walk with mobility aids or a limp but are still ambulatory (me included, though I usually bring my day chair to practice because the building is kinda big)
Some people walk with lower limp prosthetics
Some people have dwarfism (and don't use a day chair)
I've actually been asked by other players if I'm there because of POTS or ME/CFS so I'm guessing it's not an uncommon reason for people to go?
and then of people who are full time wheelchair users it's still a huge spectrum of difference
BUT (only really important if you want to play competitively)
I don't know much about other wheelchair sports but if you're interested in wheelchair rugby / murderball specifically then it's a little bit more complicated in terms of if you can join a league team or not depending on your disability.
Basically wheelchair rugby is designed as an alternative for basketball for people who have upper-body impairment. There's a classification system to give players points based on their level of impairment which is how teams are built for competitive 4-a-side play (the version they play in the paralympics).
I found rugby way more fun than basketball looked so I chose that to play even though I don't have any upper-body impairment. I'm a 'non classifiable' player, so I can't play in official 4s games, but I can play in 5-a-side games which is its own league and slightly different rules. Most clubs just take everyone who wants to play and will only separate out 4s and 5s players as needed for tournaments.
I'm in no way an expert about classification since it's quite complicated. It's quite a touchy subject often because the tests they do to classify you can be invasive and people often find the system unfair is my understanding. But if you don't have any upper-body impairment then you'll probably be a non-classifiable 5s player like me. However, I have heard mentioned that the classification system is at least supposed to take into account things like fatigue and if you have something that impacts your mental processing. It's basically something you'd end up discussing with your coach after a few months of attending if they felt like you could be classified. I'm probably making it sound a way bigger deal than it would be I just get excited trying to explain rugby haha.
In terms of physically able to play - obviously I don't know your situation but if you have the strength to be ambulatory then I think yeah it's mostly likely you will be able to.
Things to keep in mind:
the chairs are much heavier than a day chair. You might have trouble moving them at first but if you're able to build muscle in your arms it will get easier
obviously it'll differ by club but training at mine is quite long, 2 hours on Tuesday and 3 on Saturday. It might take a bit of trial and error to work out how much you're able to handle but they should be understanding if you can't make it to every session or have to leave early or sit out etc.
rugby is a very high contact sport, you will get bashed into a lot and you will go over at some point. I've never been hurt worse than some bumps and bruises and I don't know anyone who has sustained worse either but just be aware of that
you'll need thick gloves (I use gardening gloves) and tape to keep them on or you will get blisters
it's mixed gender but still mostly men
it's a really technical sport there's so much going on and you have to be thinking all the time! It's taken me about a year to start being able to actually understand what's going on in games rather than be in blind panic, but it gets so much more fun once you do. It also makes it tricky with fatigue though if it gives you brain fog.
games are 4 quarters of something like 8 minutes long I think BUT they end up longer because the clock stops often but you're still playing during that time. It's quite a lot to play on court for one whole game but usually people get subbed in and out a lot
I feel like those are all the things I can think of to say about rugby it took me like 2 hours to write I hope that answered your question alright! Please DM me or send another ask if there's anything else I can talk about that would be useful for you. I really hope you give a sport a go, it's helped me so much beyond just the exercise and I really love it :) let me know if you do I'd love to hear about it!
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