#because I think the best ship name would be hippo
ohshy · 4 months
Apart from Hipercy, what are your favorite punch out fics?
im assuming u meant ships right?? IN AAANY CASE, here u go bro !!
Royal army (von kaiser x king hippo) is definitely up there as my favorite PO ship. I love how it started out as a crackship from a joke in animal crossing but then just delved into Whatever the fuck w/ maber KJDHKSJF.
But seriously though !! they just Work somehow... like you have both of them having royal names (albeit i hc hippos is an actual title he carries, and kaisers more of a stage name bc of his interest in royal n military history). Plus, I think kaiser would b very interested in learning more ab hippos culture n hippo would b happy to indulge him. It's what elevates Kaiser from ''just another peasant'' to Hippo as someone who he's willing to talk to! Not many people take his title seriously as hippo island's fairly unknown outside of the south pacific hes from, so when they first meet, Kaiser's a huge breath of fresh air to him.
Seeing as Kaiser is a polyglot as well in my HC, I like to think he was one of the few people in the WVBA who had prior knowledge of Hippo Island and it's language. Although Kaiser can only speak a couple basic sentences and struggles with the pronounciation, Hippo still appreciates the effort. In turn, Kaiser has also taught Hippo some German, the language being easier to Hippo due to the sounds made.
Totally T4T (tism4tism).
ALSO imagine the hippo island kids n kaiser's academy kids going on some type of exchange w/ one another !! theyd have the time of their lives !! The kids would totally get into an argument over who's cooler too.
They're a lot like opposites attracting as well. Hippo, although he is responsible to his people, is generally a lot more easygoing n defo helps kaiser let loose a bit more like how he did in his 20s (berliner party days baybe !!!) But Hippo learns a lot from Kaiser too ! he really admires his work ethic, and loves how much of a leader n fatherly he is to the kids he teaches. He admires his resilience as well, both having confided much into eachother. His resilicience almost like a... MACHINE?!? Either way, both have positions in which they lead in some way, and theyve both taught eachother a lot.
Also they bond over dead mother figures (hippos who died of illness, and kaiser's who went missing when he was very young.)
As for how they'd butt heads, would be kaisers endless need to seek approval due to his dad being emotionally constipated, and hippos occasional emotional outbursts (poor emotional regulation). also hippos friendly teasing (how he shows affection, aside from physical contact) sometimes strikes a nerve w/ kaiser, esp if it's about his age or career.
One time, after a particularly exhausting match, kaiser just fell asleep on hippos lap as the latter was holding him. Aran walked by in disbelief, w/ hippo going ''heh, jealous? ;)'' w/ aran going ''Nah, not at all''
One last thing.... hippo sees kaiser as a kitten (thank you maber for that idea i am obsessed); kaiser's height n physique r significantly smaller than hippo's, leading to hippo often times patting him on the head n even picking him up like he weighs nothing. Kaiser secretly rly likes it, but he won't tell him directly because yknow... hes got a rep to protect.
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^ Kaiser to Hippo
other ships i like include.... Red bull (soda x bull) burnt bread (joe x aran) u can blame charlie for both those (jk jk bro im glad u got me into those ships. But please read his fics, thats how i got into them) and disco kid x heike kagero !!
Red bull is just very neat bc of the whole, in simple terms, sunshine x grump dynamic (and im saying simple terms bc charlie's fics flesh out their relationship A LOT more n its basically the best ok go read his fics), burnt bread bc of how unlikely yet funny it is, and disco x heike bc, eventhough theyve never interacted, you KNOW theyd absolutely be bffs at the very least.
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hullomoon · 1 year
ao3 wrapped 2022
i was tagged by @goodiecornbread and @five678patty, thank you 💙💙💙 (also the wrapped lists were fairly close, so i combined them because there was only a difference of two)
Works published: 74!
Hits: 18, 592
Bookmarks: 172
Most popular by Kudos: The Haus Official Ship Names
Most Hits: when i’m alone and blue as can be
Longest: It’ll be Alright, When the Morning Comes (co-written with @kindofspecificstore) (16, 200 words) | [podfic] Fine (5 hours 27 minutes 27 seconds)
Shortest: tits a dream (265 words) | [podfic] holiday volcanoes (2 minutes 52 seconds)
Most Comments: and maybe it all comes around
Work that made me cry: definitely podding Fine
Work that made me smile: if only i could have a puppy. that was truly a project i wrote just so i could make fun goofs
Gifts I have received: 10. as close as pages in a book by @stereopticons
[Podfic] Brewer Birthday (Non)Bombardments for Budd by @godoflaundrybaskets and @petrodobreva
[Podfic] spelling it out by @godoflaundrybaskets
[Podfic] The Guestbook of David and Patrick Rose-Brewer! by Amanita_Fierce, @schittposting, @cottagepodfics, @thesleepyskipper, @petalwritesx, @whetherwoman, B13_MaybeThisTime, @n0connections, @sunlightsymphony, @sweatersinthesummer, HowOldAreWe, Djapchan, @godoflaundrybaskets, @roseszain, wi22iou, @devilwithabirddress, and @landofsonlali
Best (Friend) Practices by @sarahlevys
Let’s Take This Offline by @sarahlevys and @middyblue
[Podfic] Hold you in my arms all night by AlexisSomethingRose
Wanna be your girl by @the-kellephant
[Podfic] in her brown eyes (the ones she gave to me) by @godoflaundrybaskets
[Podfic] David Rose vs the House Hippo by LittleRedRobinHood
Gifts I've given: [podfic] Learned Our Lessons Well for LittleRedRobinHood, sunrise in our eyes for nontoxic, through the airwaves (collab) for schittposting and danieljradcliffe, slow and sure for sonlali, [podfic] A String of Bad Luck (collab) for HowOldAreWe, [Podfic] Wellies Always Kiss and Tell (collab) for ThirdEye1234, throw wishes to the well (collab) for MelancholyMorningstar, [podfic] your body’s poetry (speak to me) for poddingthemost, but it’s golden for kindospecificstore,
Collaborations: okay, so because i do multivoices i do a lot of collabing. so much, i don’t i even think i can properly list them here because this poor post would end up super long lol. I can tell you that a rough estimate is that i collabed on 17-20 of my works. you can look at my yearly round-up posts or my ao3 to see specifically which works i collabed on.
Series: Cuddling Podficlets which was a collab with friends, Whumptober Lite 2022, and the ever present: from readers like you, thank you!
Schitt’s Creek Secret Valentine 2022: but it’s golden
Hey Sweetheart 2022: a united front
Schitt’s Creek Winter Podfic Exchange 2022: [podfic] your body’s poetry (speak to me)
SC Mediafest: It’ll be Alright When the Morning Comes - [podfic] Fine Repairs - You Remember It All Too Well (collab) - [podfic] Pride and Prejudice and Schitt’s Creek - [podfic] and by tomorrow i’ll be on my way
Podfic Please!: [podfic] what could i do (but follow your love)
Voiceteam 2022
Schitt’s Creek Finish-it fest: you take the (cheese) cake
SC Pride Fest: whittling away at the self (who am i?) (collab)
Schitt’s Creek Rare Fest: [Podfic] The Seven Husbands of Alexis Rose (collab) - Simply the Vet
SC Passions and Pastimes 2022: [podfic] we stood steady as the stars
Summer Podfic Swap: [podfic] Learned Our Lessons Well
OMGCP Peach Week 2022: baby, i’m so into you
PodTogether 2022: The Haus Official Ship Names (collab)
Elevate! 2022: it’s fine if it’s with you - [podfic] wherever you go there you are
Flufftoberfest 2022
SC Frozen Over 2022: [podfic] The Big Chill - [podfic] just a little bit of magic (collab)
tagging: i’m tagging anyone who i @ in this post, anyone who i collabed with this year, and anyone who wants to participate!
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methoxyethane · 4 years
Someone had been creeping up on Lance’s high scores lately.
Lance had been going to this arcade since he was ten years old, back when all the best games were just being installed like Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga. Now half the games had changed but Lance’s favorites were still around, and he had been working on beating his own high scores for the last seven years - as well as mastering every new game that came in.
Lance was so familiar with this arcade, his home turf, that he even knew all of the regulars by face, and most by name. So when a new guy started looming around and a new set of initials started climbing their way up the leaderboard, it was easy to connect one dot with two.
The guy he suspected was here now, focused on a game of Afterburner, leaning over the game just enough to make his red leather jacket ride up so Lance could see the shape of his ass in tight black denim. Not that Lance typically spent a whole lot of time looking at dude’s asses, but. When perfection was in front of you, it warranted notice.
Speaking of perfection, this guy was totally making Afterburner his bitch. Lance watched him from behind, annihilating enemy ships and smoothly flying through the skies, dodging enemy fire without so much as skimming the ground as it flipped upside down and back again.
“You’re pretty good,” Lance said after a while, leaning up against the arcade machine to get his attention. “You’re KKS, right?”
The newcomer - KKS - nodded. “Keith Kogane-Shirogane,” he said, eyes not peeling away from the screen as he blew a dismissive bubble of pink gum out of his mouth.
Lance whistled. “Quite a mouthful. Mind if I just call you Keith?”
“If you feel the need to talk to me,” was Keith’s clipped reply.
Lance grinned to himself. He wanted to be annoyed at this guy's dismissive attitude, but instead all Lance could think was that that eyeliner looked really cute on him. Made him look like some kind of hard rock punk kitten. Even his standoffish vibe was kind of working for Lance.
Did he dare try to pick up a dude at his regular hangout spot, though? Did he want everyone in the arcade to know he liked men?
“What about you?” Keith asked through his bubblegum. “You got a name, or are you just some kind of creep?”
Yeah, fuck it. If anyone noticed him hitting on Keithy-kitten here and didn’t like it, they could just fuck right off. This was Miami, baby, and anything rolled in the City of Magic. “I’m Lance,” he said, still torn between watching the Afterbuner game Keith was wrecking and Keith’s face as he did it. “Also known as ‘LEM.’”
“I figured,” Keith said, and Lance watched as he divebombed into the ground to take out his last two lives and finish up the game. “If you were anyone else, you wouldn’t be strutting around like you own the place.”
He punched in his initials and finally turned to regard Lance, eyes flickering up and down Lance to give him a good once-over. “So tell me what’s up, Lance? Just come over here to ruin my concentration?”
“You were doing just fine even with me here,” Lance said easily. “I was just wondering if you wanted to play doubles with me. You know, partner up for a few rounds.”
Keith’s bubblegum snapped as he considered, before he shrugged. “If you got the quarters.”
Lance grinned. They went for Pac-Man first, Lance paying for Keith’s game as they both started up on opposite ends of the screen. And if one of them individually was good the two of them together were phenomenal, blasting through levels at top speed and racking up points like they were nothing.
Lance bumped his hips against Keith’s multiple times while they were playing, using the loading screens between levels to flirt with Keith and generally brush against him as much as possible.
They switched over to Galaga after a while, but multiplayer on this game was just taking turns. It left Lance with more time to concentrate on flirting with Keith, testing the limits of what the other gamer would put up with in terms of Lance’s bad pick up lines. Keith didn’t talk much, still chewing absently on his gum as he annihilated his turn at the game, but he didn’t tell Lance to fuck off and sometimes he’d lightly kick at him or bump his hip against Lance’s, which Lance was fairly confident to be his way of flirting back.
“You know, most guys would probably throw the game so I can get my turn faster. If they were trying this hard to impress me.” Keith mentioned idly, leaning against the machine as he waited for his turn.
“How’s that supposed to impress you?” Lance said back, taking his eyes off the game long enough to glance at Keith. “You want someone who will lay down at your feet, or someone you can actually play with?”
Keith smirked, and it looked like Lance had passed whatever test he was playing at. So Lance made his move, abandoning the game mid-level to turn to Keith and ask, “So what does it take for a guy to get your phone number, then?”
Keith stared at him for a long second, considering. Then, he pointed to the wall behind the counter, declaring, “I’ve had my eye on that pink hippo on the wall. Win it for me, and I’ll go out with you.”
Lance’s eyes widened. The hippo on the wall was no joke - the thing was massive, a cheerful pink plush monster with huge smiling jaws, and it cost 3,000 tickets to win.
They’d already earned a few tickets just from goofing off all night. And Lance still had a stash of tickets of his own just from coming here so often, which meant…
Lance nodded firmly. “I’ll win it for you before this place closes tonight.”
A thick black eyebrow raised. “You think you can do it all in one night?” He said, genuinely interested for the first time all night.
“I can’t let you get away, can I?” Lance grinned at him. “I won’t get a chance like this again.”
Keith smiled, leaning himself against the wall. “Well then. I gotta see this.”
It did in fact, take all night. Lance started with skeeball, because it was a fast way to wrack up tickets with his perfect aim. Keith even had the decency to look impressed as Lance scored bullseye after bullseye, until his arms got tired and his aim started to falter.
Other than that his best two games were Duck Hunt and Donkey Kong, and a few hours straining his eyes on each and he finally had the tickets he needed. He slammed them down on the counter fifteen minutes before closing time, pointing to the hippo on the wall with a grin that bordered on feral.
And then the best part happened. Lance handed the stuffed animal off to Keith, who took it iot his arms with wide eyes and a slight bush tinging his cheeks.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you actually got it for me,” he said, actual human emotion in his voice for the first time all night. “It’s so cute…” he rubbed his face against the doll’s, smiling happily as he declared, “And so much softer than he looks. I thought it would be cheap for sure but this is actually a really nice plush.”
He stopped cuddling the doll to blink up at Lance, his blush fully overtaking his face. “I suppose this means I owe you a date.”
“If you have the time,” Lance said casually, fully enjoying everything he learned about Keith as they got to know each other. He knew the guy was cute, but he hadn’t expected THIS level of adorable.
Keith used the free hand not currently cradling an oversized plush to flip his hair off his neck. “You can start by walking me home.”
Offering his arm, Lance escalated his date out of the arcade. “After you, my lovely.
Behind them, the guy at the ticket counter rolled his eyes. No one noticed.
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reddie 38?
38. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” - feat. figure skater Eddie and ice hockey player Richie. 
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As the music poured through the speakers, Eddie focused on his movements as he skated across the ice, twirling and jumping when the routine called for it. Ever since he was little, being on the ice had been his dream. He had grown up watching the skaters on the TV, begging his mother and father to enrol him in classes, which they eventually did. Now, sixteen years later he was twenty one and heading straight for the Olympics.
That is, if he could master the damn double axel jump.
It wasn’t that he couldn;t do the jump, because he could just fine. It was the landing that he was having difficulty with, with every attempt it was a stumble or an ungraceful landing, which was beginning to annoy the hell out of his mother. She wasn’t even his coach, but because she was the one paying for his lessons and rink time, she believed her opinion overruled everyone else's, even his coach’s.
“Edward, for goodness sake, I’m not paying for you skate like a hippopotamus! I pay for you to skate like a swan, glide across the ice, land as though it's no effort at all! You’ll never qualify for the Olympics skating like that!” His mother screamed through the auditorium and Eddie came to a halt on the side of the rink, breathing heavily.
He looked up at his mother, who was red in the face next to his horrified coach. Normally, his mother kept her more...insulting comments to when it was just him and her in the rink, but sometimes she couldn’t help herself. His coach, Maggie Tozier, whipped her head around to face Sonia, a scowl on her face. “Mrs Kasprak, if you are going to treat my skater like that I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
The look on his mother’s face told Eddie that she was about to set off. She squared up Maggie and crossed her arms, “I’m the one paying for your time here, therefore I’m not leaving. If I want to give my son some tough love then I will, it’s a harsh world out there and sometimes he needs some harsh criticism so he can be better!”
“Or maybe your words will make him worse, because he won’t stop trying to please you,” Maggie snapped back, not backing down. Their arguing seemed to gain the attention of Mr Corcoran, the owner of the rink, who stuck his head out of his office and pointed to one of the private rooms away from the rink.
Eddie watched with a sigh as both his mother and his coach walked down towards the room, the door slamming behind them. Silence filled the rink and Eddie at least had peace for a few moments while they fought over the best way to teach him skating. He was just about to skate over to the music and attempt the jump again when someone from the other side of the rink called his name.
He turned around and when he saw the owner of the voice, Eddie’s cheeks turned a light pink. It was his coach’s son, Richie Tozier, who was also one of the stars of the Derry Ice Hockey Team. He wasn’t dressed in his gear yet, but his bag was slunk over his shoulder, which meant Eddie’s rink time was coming to an end. He smiled and skated over, placing his hands on the edge of the rink. “Hey, Richie.”
“Hey there, Spaghetti,” Richie grinned back, glancing around the bleachers of the rink. “Where is everyone? Not often I get the chance to speak to you alone with either your mom or my mom scolding me for distracting you.”
Eddie sighed once more, rolling his eyes, “They are arguing...again. This time it’s about the best way to tell me that I suck.” He shrugged and Richie’s eyes widened. “Not- not that your mom said that I suck or anything, but my mom? She thinks I’m a hippo because I can’t land the double axel smoothly.”
Richie blinked and tilted his head to the side, “You mean the most difficult jump in skating? You mean the one my mom only really introduced you to a few weeks ago? That jump?” He asked and Eddie nodded his head. “Damn, your mother is brutal Eds, no offence.” He smiled. “If it is any consolation to you, I think you are the best skater that my mom has ever taken on. None of the others ever made as much progress or are as half as motivated as you are.”
At that, Eddie lit up, trying to contain his smile as best as he could. He wasn’t going to deny it, Eddie had a huge ass crush on Richie, and he was pretty sure that Richie felt the same way about him. The only thing really keeping them apart was Sonia and her stink eye whenever Richie so much as breathed in Eddie’s direction. For some reason, since the moment they met, his mother had developed a hatred for Richie, even though his mother was Eddie’s coach. In Eddie’s opinion, it made no sense.
Richie was smiling at Eddie, a smile that was only really reserved for him, and he opened his mouth as though he was about to say something, but he never got the chance as his mother’s shrill voice screamed through the rink. “EDWARD!” Eddie whipped his head around to see Sonia barging towards them, Maggie close on her tail. She approached Richie and jabbed one of her chubby fingers into his chest. “What have I told you, keep away from my son. All you’ll do is distract him and my Eddie doesn’t need any distractions if he is going to be a champion.”
“Get your hands off of my son, Sonia. What have I told you before,” Maggie hissed as she appeared behind them. “Richie, please go to the locker room and get ready for practice. Zack will be here soon and he’ll want you all on the rink and ready to go.”
With a sigh, Richie nodded and turned to head to the locker room. He stopped a few steps away and turned back around. “I know you don’t like me very much, and that’s fine, but you really shouldn’t treat Eddie like crap. He is a fantastic skater, and by putting him down the way you do, you’re the one most likely to distract him.” He turned to Eddie, who was still on the ice, staring at him in shock and awe. “See you around, Eds.” He winked and turned away, heading to the locker room.
Once he was out of sight, both his mother and Maggie turned to face Eddie. Before his mother could speak up though, Maggie stepped forward, “Your mother has agreed to stop attending our lessons together. In order to give you more time to focus with me on the ice. She will still come with you to your private sessions when she can though.” She smiled. “Hit the locker room, practice is over for the day and the Ice Resurfacer needs to clean the ice for the Hockey Team. We’ll work on that jump tomorrow, okay?”
Eddie nodded his head and, ignoring his mother, he skated to the edge of the rink and towards the other locker room to change. On his way there, he passed by the Hockey Team’s private locker room and happened to overhear his name being mentioned. Unable to stop himself from listening in, Eddie moved a little closer.
“You still haven’t told him? Damn Rich, this is getting insane.” Bill Denbrough spoke and Eddie could just tell he was rolling his eyes. “You come to practice early every day just so you can get a chance to either watch him skate or flirt with him until your mom...or his mom, chases you away. Just tell him and put us out of our misery.”
What could they be talking about? What did Richie need to tell him? He didn’t get a chance to think too much over it, as Richie spoke up. “Oh really Bill, and what do you suggest I say? “Oh hey Eddie! Why haven’t you kissed me yet? I’m crazy ‘bout ya!” He heard Richie sigh heavily. “We’re friends and I don’t...I don’t want to distract him. He deserves to qualify for the Olympics in the trials next month.”
Eddie didn’t stay to hear any of the rest, as he could hear his mother's voice approaching. Quickly, he dodged into the locker room and changed out of his outfit and back into his normal clothes, running a hand through his hair as he looked in the mirror. His cheeks were flushed red and a smile was threatening to appear. Richie liked him back. Richie wanted to kiss him.
As he left the locker room, the Hockey Team were leaving theirs, heading to the rink to start their practice. His mother was by the door, waiting for him and he caught Richie’s eye as they walked past each other. Then, Eddie stopped and turned back around, “Richie! Wait!”
Richie stopped and turned around, his brows furrowed in confusion as Eddie approached him. He bit his lip and finally let himself smile as he pushed up on his toes, settling his hands on Richie’s shoulders and pressing their lips together in a soft, first kiss.
Immediately, all the boys started to holler and wolf whistle, causing Eddie to pull back with a flush on his cheeks, matching Richie’s own. “Eds?” He breathed, ignoring all his teammates. “You- what?”
“Dinner, you and me, tomorrow after practice?” Eddie asked and Richie nodded, almost dumbfounded, but he finally broke into a grin.
“Pick you up at seven Spaghetti,” he winked, just as Zack Denbrough whistled for them all to get on the ice or they would be facing some serious warm ups. He backed away, unable to take his eyes off of Eddie.
Eddie bit his lip and blew Richie a kiss, getting out a giggle as RIchie jumped into the air and caught it, pressing his fist to his lips and he waved softy. “I can’t wait.”
* * * * * 
@3tothe1 @anellope @annxmatron @appojoos @are-you-reddie-for-it  @beepbeeprichiellc @bi-bi-richie @billdenbrough @bitchbrak @callmechee @dadbodrichie @derrylosers @disneyfan567 @eddiekaspprak @eds-trashmouth @eduardoandale @girasol-eddie @gloire-celeste @halfway-happy353 @hawkinsbabe @inthebreadbinwrites @itfandomprompts @its-stranger-than-you-think @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @kat-ships-everything @lifesucksheres20bucks @loserslibrary @losers-gotta-stick-together @madi-artist @mars-14 @marsisaplanetyall @moonlightrichie @nancynwheeler @no-she-wasnt-reddie @oldguybones @photoboothreddie @pink-psychic @purplepoisonedgem @queen-sock @ransonelovebot @rebecca-the-queen @reddie-for-anything @reddie-to-cryy @reddieforlove @reddiesetandgo @richietoaster @richietoizer @roobarrtrashmouth @rreddies @s-onora @s-s-georgie @sashadrowned @sedanleystanley @sloppybitchreddie @sparklingrainbowdragon @spirited-marvel @stellarbisexual @studpuffin @takeourpure @that-weird-girls-blog @thegoshdiddlydangdoor @thejadeazalea @thorn-harvester-ven @tinyarmedtrex @tozier-boy @tozierking @toziesque @trashmouthtozierr @twoidiotsinl0ve @ultrapaninibred @vanity190 @violetreddie @virgo-luthie @wilding-throught-thehallways @xandertheundead  
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indestinatus · 4 years
The Photograph
(Cairo - chapter 1/4)
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“Okay, Tali, time for bed,” said Tony, kissing her head from where she remained curled up beside him on the couch.
"Abba, movie,” she asked, looking up to him with her big chocolate eyes. He loved those eyes. They reminded him of someone.
“We’ve already watched two, sweet cheeks.”
The snow fell unrelenting outside, covering the dimly lit streets of Paris, but Tali’s sweet giggle warmed the apartment as Tony tickled her sides and raised her in the air.
“Even little ninjas need to go to bed,” Tony declared, as he carried his little girl in his arms to the other room. She smacked his cheek, still laughing.
Tony laid her to her tiny pink bed and kissed her forehead. Tali grabbed her two fuzzy toys tightly, her ritual every night. A little dog Ziva packed with her named Kelev and a worn-out hippo with a gothic collar, which Abby gave her as a welcoming gift, Bert.
Already tightly tucked in bed, Tali gradually opened a smile and sent puppy eyes Tony’s way.
“Okay, T, but only one, alright?” he declared as he laid himself down next to her, pulling her close to his chest.
Tony took the photo from her bedside table and turned on the fairy lights. The room turned into various shades of gold and Tali twinkled her eyes, not showing any sign of tiredness.
"Which one would you like?” he asked her, eyes watering with the sight of his picture with Ziva in Paris. Every time he glanced at it, his chest ached. She looked stunning, just as she did that day, riding that motorcycle, hair unbound.
"Box,” Tali declared, to no surprise to her father. It was one of her favorites.
"The box one, got it. But real quick, okay?”
"One cold, but very sunny, afternoon, many years ago, papa Gibbs asked Ima and Abba to go searching for a pirate who worked in the Norfolk Docks, an ugly pirate named… Ray…”
“Ray no.”
“Then what’s his name, princess Tali?”
Tony burst out laughing at that. “Okay, sweet cheeks, let me finish then,” he said. She was just like her mother, always contradicting him.
God, he missed her.
“A ruthless, cruel and a widely famous pirate named… Captain Butterfly… who was smuggling weapons and gold inside his ship, to the faraway and dangerous lands of… Iraq. He stocked his treasures inside a massive box, bigger than you and bigger even than me, and everyone knew it was forbidden to enter it. But Ima and Abba were brave, just like you Tali, and had a job to do for papa Gibbs. So they entered the box to seek the treasures. But… it was a magic box, and just like that,” Tony snapped his fingers, “It locked with them inside it. They were trapped.”
"Hours passed and no one came to their aid, and the magic box started moving! We were trapped inside a moving thing! We had to act quickly, so Ima and I started to put our brilliant minds into action. Well, as you know, she’s way smarter than me, and after much discussion, we came to a solution.”
“As two very special agents trapped inside the cold magic box of Captain Butterfly do, we started to throw his treasure away, for papa Gibbs to find our tracks, just like Hansel and Gretel. It was a brilliant idea, to be honest, but what we didn’t realize was that it was gold we were throwing away! Gold! And civilians walking by started to pick it up and erase our path! We were locked in and now invisible as well.”
“But, as you also know, we had papa Gibbs. And he’s the most perceptive man I know, so he figured it out fast enough. And he soon managed to get us out of the magic box of Captain Butterfly, using his secret password. He never told any of us what that was, though. He’s a man of many secrets. And that was one of the many times Abba fell more in love with Ima.”
“I'm sorry, princess, it's time for bed” said Tony, as he kissed the photograph, “now you,” and Tali kissed it too.
“Good night, mon Coeur,” he told her as he kissed her little forehead one more time and turned off the lights.
“Luv you, Abba.”
“Love you too, sweet cheeks.”
Snow continued to fall outside.
That night, Tony didn’t leave the picture on Tali’s bedside table. This story was one of the most difficult to tell. He walked slowly to stand near the fireplace, the photo of his past lover in hand, and let the flames illuminate their smiling faces, a memory he so fondly returned to every now and then.
Ziva loves Paris. He missed her so much, more every day. Her secretive smile to him, her constant bickering, their forbidden love. Tali was growing up too fast and she wasn’t there to witness it. To be by his side. One of the things he thought about most was how good she’d be as a mother. He was so profoundly sorry time didn’t have the best timing for him to see that.
And now he was alone. For good.
Silent tears spilled over his cheeks, as the image of them happy in Paris a lifetime ago burned in his mind.
The flames illuminated the back of the picture, turning it to bright orange.
There was something written in it.
Tony DiNozzo took the frame out as fast as he could, heartbeat racing.
It’s been six months since Tali arrived at the navy yard doors, six months since he started to look for any trace of Ziva like a madman. Six months he bothered McGee everyday, tracing calls and fighting for her, his hope fading with time, but always there. She was always in the back of his head, and their memories blurred his vision wherever he went.
There was indeed a message. He couldn’t think straight.
And here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; that which is essential is invisible to the eye.
November 21st, 2016
That which is essential is invisible to the eye.
That’s her quote, the quote she shared when he was telling her about his mother, years ago. The Little Prince.
God, what did it even mean?
And here is my secret, a very simple secret.
That she was alive? It was too vague, he was seeing things, wishful thinking. Or perhaps…
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
Why did she write that? She’d sent that picture with Tali, packed along with all her other things, so the message was surely for him.
She had sent that with Tali. She’d had enough time to do that. How… strange.
That which is essential is invisible to the eye.
"Oh", escaped his lips, out loud.
It was all a decoy, wasn’t it? It was invisible for everyone, they all had believed she was dead, gone with the flames in Israel and leaving only her daughter behind. They stopped looking because they didn’t see anything. They just saw her confirmed dead. Even Gibbs. He didn't go looking for her.
They didn’t know her well, though.
He knew her. He knew what was invisible, the wrongness of it all. Ziva David, former Mossad officer, had enough time to save her daughter with everything essential to her packed and ready to leave but didn’t have time to save herself? Time to go into hiding?
November 21st, 2016.
Today was November 16th, this date was five days in the future. It still didn’t come to pass.
Why write it like that? Why? Why? Why on the 21st of November?
Important dates, official days, birthdays, everything muddled up inside Tony’s racing mind. Clouded thoughts.
Tali. Tali’s birthday.
Her little sister Tali’s birthday was November 21st. And every year she…
She went to an opera house to honor her sister.
This was a message. This was a message for him.
For him, who knew her, who took care of her many years ago on that same date, blasting music loudly in the bullpen because she had to stay working late.
This was a message for him.
She was alive. She was alive. She was alive.
Anthony DiNozzo let out a harsh chuckle, one he carried with him since he first knew about the fire. Since he started hoping everything was a lie. He was dreaming, he was…
He had to go. Now. This was five days away.
Tony ran to their daughter’s bedroom, not being able to contain his sudden euphoria. He turned the lights on quickly, only to find Tali still up, but pretending to be asleep, as if only to please her father. She was grasping Ziva’s necklace with one of her little hands and the other one was in her mouth as she was sucking her thumb.
“Let’s pack our things, princess,” he said, already grabbing the suitcase from her wardrobe, “we’re going to find Ima.”
"Ima!”, declared Tali with a big smile, quickly dismissing the act of sleeping with the mention of her mother.
Tony looked back at her, beaming widely, the first time he let himself do that freely for ages.
"She's in Cairo.”
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chapter 2, chapter 3
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 21, 2021: The African Queen (Part 2)
Ah, Part 2! So, how are they doing at this point again?
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RIGHT. Rapids. Well, let’s not navel-gaze, let’s see how they do! Check out the first part of the Recap right here to see how we got to this point!
Recap (2/2)
So they go over the rapids, which are basically just a short waterfall. It’s one hell of a ride, that’s for sure, and the two have some difficulty.
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But even through that, they ride it out fine! More than fine, as they celebrate surviving the fort and the rapids. Rose lets out a kind of awkward “hip-hip hooray, and descends further into her adrenaline junkie fervor, saying the bullets were like mosquitoes. She, uh...she’s really getting into this whole thing, huh?
Charlie, meanwhile, is just overjoyed to still be alive, and embraces Rose in celebration. They have their own little twin rants about the occasion, and Charlie finishes it off with his own hip-hip-hooray! That’s followed by...
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Well...OK then. Both of them seem taken aback by the kiss, and they brush it off as it nothing’s happened. But you can tell that things are different after this. And it seems like both of them are kind of into. Charlie, OK, I can sort of buy, but Rose has really started to experience a different side of life, and she’s embracing the SHIT out of it.
Doesn’t take them long to actually kiss in earnest, either, and they quickly succumb to their passions. Can’t imagine that they succumb completely, though, given Rose’s status as a woman of faith and all that. Either way, the two quickly legit fall in love. This is despite not knowing each other’s first names, goddamn. They finally start to refer to each other on a more personal basis, and they continue their journey down the river.
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The two start to enjoy themselves, with Charlie imitating animals he sees down the river (the GIF up above is him imitating a hippo), and Rose laughs with a little snort that I will freely admit is adorable. But that’s cut juuuuuust a little short, when they hear and see what’s coming: more rapids.
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And these are WAY worse than the other two, descending into a straight-up waterfall. Still, the boat makes it through, but not entirely undamaged this time. Propeller shaft is a little messed up, and supplies are limited. But Rosie, ever the optimistic innovator, manages to convince Charlie to give it a try, and to let her help.
And honestly...I’m digging their relationship. They’re EXTREMELY different people, but they’re also one of the best examples of opposites attracting that I’ve seen this month. And not only do they work together as a couple, but they LITERALLY work together to fix the boat! They weld a propeller together using makeshift bellows and a wooden fire on short, and the boat’s back to being river-worthy.
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And the Ulanga River becomes the Bora, and elephants cavort along the shore...where the hell are they? Like, real talk, I’ve seen Nile crocodiles, elephants, hippos, babbons? Hold on, lemme look up these rivers while these two get assaulted by a massive swarm of mosquitoes, which looks unbearable.
OK, so considering that they’re in German East Africa, they’re probably going through Tanzania. And apparently, the river itself is a pretty common place to find all of those animals co-existing, as well as the largest population of Nile crocodiles in Africa, and a breeding ground for a bunch of bird species, like openbill storks and African skimmers...and can I take this cruise? Like, is there an option to go on a cruise through this area? ‘Cause I wanna. I REALLY wanna, goddamn. I would KILL to see this shit, I mean it. 
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OK, well, moving on, the two make their way through a papyrus swamp, and they get badly stuck in the mud. They’re forced to make their way out of the reeds by getting out and literally towing it through the muck. Charlie does so, while Rose helps from above. 
But remember what I said about a lot of shit being in the water? Well, it’s time for leeches! Yay! Charlie seems to think that they’ve poisoned him, but that’s DEFINITELY not how leeches work. You wouldn’t know that, though, as Charlie starts to feel sick. Even so, they have to pull the boat through the muck onceagain, with Rose using a machete to clear the way.
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But again, it doesn’t seem to matter, as a fever-stricken Charlie is convinced that the two of them are now permanently stuck in the mud, and that the two will die there. Rose seems to agree, and she prays to God once more, accepting their deaths, and asking for him to be merciful, despite their...weakness? That would seem to indicate that something may have been...consummated. Huh. Go figure.
But God’s not taking them yet, as the heavens produce not mercy, but torrential rain, which covers the giraffes, hippos, lions, and...I think those are puku? Common antelope species found around the river. But the rains also bring salvation, as the risen water level sweeps the boat out of the mud and onto the lake (which is fictional, by the way)!
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But even now, after ALL OF THAT, it isn’t over yet, as the Königin Luise is on the horizon, about to spot them! They head back towards the reeds to hide, and narrowly escape. They decide to enact their torpedo plan at night, and spend the next few days making the torpedoes and cleaning the ship.
They argue about who’s going with the ship to take out the Luise, but they decide to both go, as they’d rather not risk losing each other if anything were to happen. They head out under cover of night and rain, and it’s then that something occurs to me...are they gonna make it out of this? Because swimming in a lake as big as this is no...oh, wait, never mind, the boat just sank. Shit.
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Rose is lost, and Charlie’s found by the ship, who interrogate him under suspicion of being a spy for the British. He’s sentenced to death by hanging, immediately. And JUST as they do so, they find Rose and bring her to the ship. They embrace each other, but Rose is also interrogated by the “court” of sailors.
Rose, however, don’t give a FUCK, and just STRAIGHT-UP ADMITS THEIR PLAN! Holy shit, lady’s got balls. Charlie goes along with her, and the Captain (Peter Bull) is more intrigued than angry. But, y’know, not really gonna stop the whole “hanging” thing, now is it?
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The two are lead onto the deck to be hanged. Meanwhile, the sunken The African Queen is still out there, submerged in the lake, with the torpedoes in tact. As they’re about to be hanged together, Charlie asks the ship’s captain to marry them, in ANOTHER ballsy move. Fuck me, I love this bullshit! Dumbest thing in the world, and yet I completely buy it!
The Captain, agreeing with me, actually does marry them as the nooses are tied around their necks. And that’s when Chekov’s boat is hit, and the whole thing goes down! HOLY FUCK!! Charlie takes the opportunity and throws off the nooses, and the two dive off the boat as the Königin Luise sinks entirely! The two, now married, swim off to the shore. And that’s it!
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The African Queen! Another lovely film, with an ending that’s...abrupt as fuck, I’m gonna be honest with you. 
But I’ll get into that in the Review! See you there!
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kmseokjins · 5 years
Mellifluous (Chapter 8)
Fandom: BTS Pairing: BTS x Reader /  Poly!OT7 x Reader Warnings: n/a this chapter Summary: Reader sits down to explain her story to the boys.
Notes: I wanted to have this chapter up looong before this but you know, life got in the way recently. Sorry it’s short ;_; <3
Archive Of Our Own || Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
You could say, without a doubt, that you’d just experienced one of the best meals of your life. Despite the shriek of alarm from Jin as he bolted into the kitchen, you hadn’t tasted anything wrong with the meal. It was flavorful and you had been half tempted to go for seconds (your body was healing, and it often demanded more nutrients), but you stopped yourself.
You had been clumsy enough with the chopsticks, completely perplexed as both Jin and Taehyung had shown you multiple times how to use them. They hadn’t seemed upset or frustrated, but you swore Jin looked like he was two seconds from just feeding you himself before you finally figured it out.
After the werewolves had their full of food (werewolves could seriously put away a lot of food, you had observed), the table had swiftly descended into chaos. You could only figure it had something to do with clean up, and you’d watched wide eyed as they seemed to play a game, of which you deemed was rock, paper, scissors.
Yoongi and Taehyung had lost if their defeated expressions and the sudden joyous sounds of the others were anything to go by. You sat there for several minutes watching them, feeling a bit homesick. You missed the comfort of home, of your family, and taking in just how close the seven were to each other just really...hit home. You were promptly startled from your thoughts at the sudden urging of Hobi, who excitedly ushered you out of your seat and towards the living room.
Which is where you now found yourself, legs drawn up towards your chest as you rested your chin on your knees, watching the TV screen as Jungkook had immediately reclaimed his seat on the floor to continue the game he had been playing. The soft murmurs of the others reached your ears over the sound of the TV, but you automatically tuned them out. They weren’t saying anything you could understand.
You haven’t realized all seven werewolves are staring at you until Namjoon clears his throat gently. You blink, jerking your head up slightly as you look around at them. Taehyung and Yoongi had obviously finished cleaning up and joined all of you in the living room without you even noticing. Had they been talking to you? “I’m...I’m sorry, what? I didn’t catch that.”
“What’s your story?” Jin prompts from where he’s perched on the chair arm where Namjoon sits, “You were wandering the park when Jungkook and Jimin found you that first night.”
“Oh..” You trailed off before you cleared your throat, attempting to stall for a few seconds to gather your courage, “I...almost seven months ago, the community of shifters where I lived was attacked by Hunters. Most of my family got away, I think, but they shot me before I could shift and get away. My dad..” You paused, tightening your arms around your legs at the memory, at the knowledge of what happened to her dad rushed over you again. Your throat feels tight and you’re aware that the werewolves can smell your distress, most supernatural creatures could. The couch dips next to you, a warm body pressing against your side followed by a soft whine, and the floral scent lets you know it’s Jimin without even looking.
“They killed him and I couldn’t do anything about it, there were suddenly too many of them. They must have sedated me with something because I couldn’t fight them when they...when they put that collar on me,” You reached up absently to brush your fingers over the side of your neck at the memory, “The hunters put me in a cage with two other shifters before they torched the place and drove away,”
As you look up from where you’d been focusing on the floor, you noticed the looks of horror, sympathy, and anger filtering over all their faces in varying degrees. Jimin nuzzles against your shoulder and you glance sideways at him before slowly leaning over to rest your head against his. Your eyes flutter close at your action, smiling slightly at the hum that rumbles from the werewolf’s chest. Despite the fact that they’re werewolves, you find comfort in the touch of another. It’s nice, a sense of not being alone when you are so far away from where you’d come from.
“I don’t remember the journey, they kept me sedated because I wouldn’t shift to my human form like the other two that they’d captured,” You continued, “We were taken to this warehouse and sold like exotic animals, like nothing more than a piece of jewelry. A human kept me for months before he took me to be sold again, and that’s when I escaped. I didn’t know where I was, trying to shift so many times and get that wretched collar off exhausted me. That’s how those humans found me,” You flick your eyes towards the youngest werewolf, who straightens slightly at your attention, “I...I never thanked you...you or Jimin. Thank you.”
It felt like a weight lifted at finally being able to thank them for taking you in that night. Sure, you would have most likely survived your injuries, but what if they had found you again?
“Why did they take only three of you?” Yoongi questions after a minute or so of silence descends over the living room.
“Our shifting abilities, if I had to guess,” You answered, “I’m not like most shifters, whereas the majority of our population are restricted to a certain animal or two, there are a handful of us who can shift into whatever animal we want.” You shrug, pausing for a moment, “There are limits though, it’s difficult to hold the form of much bigger animals, like Hippos, Elephants, Giraffes. Well, I suppose it might be easier the bigger the shifter? I’m not entirely sure...”
“That’s so cool!”
“What happened the other day, with the staff member you tried to attack?” You bristle at Namjoon’s question, straightening up in your seat. 
“She’s a hunter,” You answer, watching the brief looks they all exchange with each other, “She recognized me for what I was after I tried to attack her. I wanted to run at first, but...but none of you seemed alarmed by her.” You fidget your hands again, “It didn’t feel right leaving you without trying to do something. Hunters aren’t merciful, especially to your kind.” Tightening your grip around your legs now, you swallow thickly, “I’m sorry about causing problems the other night, and I’m...I’m sorry that I was the reason you were attacked.”
“What?” Jimin questions beside you, “Of course it’s not your fault.”
“They’ve never been so bold before but that’s not necessarily your fault.” Namjoon agrees, “It was only a matter of time before something like that happened. Our Idol status only protects us so much, unfortunately. We shouldn’t have to worry about it anymore, the company upped security after we reported it to our Regional Alpha and council.”
“Regional Alpha?” You questioned curiously, “You also have a council..?”
“The Regional Alpha is responsible for all the packs in the area, and he’s head of the council,” Hobi explains, drawing your attention towards him, “If there’s a problem or something, all packs go through him to sort it out.”
“After the attack, we had to contact him and the council.” Namjoon adds, “We told them what happened and…told them about you. They want to meet with you.”
“Wha...What?” The word sputters out before you can stop it at the admission from the leader of the group. Your body immediately stiffens in response, eyes wide as your brain reels with the information. They told their council about you, a shifter, being among them? How could they do that? A part of you knows that you don’t really have a right to be angry with them; after all, you had been a surprise to them, and they didn’t really know you.
They didn’t owe you anything, but it still hurts.
One would have to be an idiot not to see the sudden tension in your body language. The sudden racing of your heart was alarming to the seven werewolves, especially coupled with the fear rolling off of you in waves. The seven exchanged uneasy and alarmed looks with each other, uncertain of the cause of your distress.
“It’s not as bad as it sounds, [Name],” Namjoon immediately injects soothingly, “The council is more than fair.”
You wanted to believe him, but the amositity that you’d learned about from a young age between shifters and werewolves held you back from doing so. What was the purpose of meeting you? Was it to ship you off, getting you away from the pack? Or maybe they wanted to meet you so they could take you prisoner and make an example out of you to other shifters? God, what if they turned you into the hunters to keep the boys safe?
You should leave while you still had the chance. Where would you go? How would you get back home? You could always shift and fly home or something, right? The sooner you left, the better. No sooner than the decision crossed your mind, you’re abruptly getting to your feet from the couch. You miss the slightly flailing of Jimin behind you on the couch as he tries to right himself at your abrupt absence.
“I...I should probably go, right? I mean, I hate to bother your council or overstay my welcome any more than I already have. I need to get back to my family, if…” You trail off suddenly, throat tightening as your brain briefly mulls over the worse case scenario: you don’t have any family left. You’d be alone. What would you do then? You could always find a new community of shifters, but you didn’t even know where to begin with that. Shifters weren’t essentially pack-orientated like werewolves.
Maybe you could just disappear into a nice tropical forest and pretend to be a jaguar or leopard or something. 
“You don’t have to leave!” Jimin’s declaration drags you from your thoughts and back to the blonde werewolf perched on the couch. He’s eyeing you carefully, like he’s conflicted on whether he wants to stay where he is or jump on you to stop you from going anywhere. 
“But the council…” You sputter softly, darting your attention among the seven werewolves as your brain attempts to come up with an excuse. You’re about five seconds from shifting into the smallest animal you can think of when Jungkook catches your attention.
“Maybe they can help with getting you back to your family..?” Jungkook offers hesitantly, looking towards Namjoon for confirmation. 
You’re immediately looking at Namjoon, eyebrows raising in a silent question. The werewolf shifts slightly, glancing sideways at Jin before back to you, “You can ask, I’m sure they’ll hear you out.”
Was it worth taking the risk? You wanted to protest, to get them to stop offering these promises that you’re 90% sure they can’t keep. Part of you wonders if they would defend you should it come down to it or if they would passively watch if the worst comes to pass. Another part of you, call it intuition if you will, is adamant that they wouldn’t leave you high and dry.
Even if there was just a glimmer of hope to see your family again, you had to take it. You would be a fool not to.
Releasing a puff of air from your lungs, you relax slightly in place, “Okay.” You nod slowly in confirmation, “When do I meet this council?” Maybe you’ll have time to prepare.
“End of the week.” Jin answers with a smile before he bounces to his feet, “Time for dessert!” He declares with flourish before he’s bounding off for the kitchen.
“She can’t meet the council wearing our clothes,” Taehyung says, drawing your attention towards him, eyebrows furrowed. Was he talking about you?
“Why not? I think she looks cute!” Jimin counters, grinning widely when you turn to look at him blankly.
“She’ll need something else. I’m sure the staff could let her borrow something. The council likes their formal wear.” Namjoon  speaks up this time, smiling apologetically as you swing your attention towards him now, a frown on your lips.
“[Name], how do you feel about dresses?”
TAGLIST: @im-emo-motherfuckers
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Aggretsuko
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Her one bright spot in this day-in, day-out hellhole is her mic, a karaoke business, a solo room, and blazing death metal. Once she’s singing some hardcore death metal and unleashes her fury of her hectic workday, she’s ready to take on the world again. And just like with the Hello Kitty world, this series has many animals with quite the interesting line-up of quirks. For example we’ve got a sly fox who monitors Instagram, a suck-up dog, a hygena who is into rock, a fashionable gorilla who’s friends with a bird, a hippo that’s a spy, and yeah, the chauvinistic pig who’s also the boss. BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: So this anime is sort of exclusive to Netflix in every aspect (that includes in Japan). I’m noticing a lot of popular anime titles are being exclusive to Netflix. I mean, if they’re able to air them weekly as they air in Japan, I have no problem. It’s just the waiting for something to air and then they decide to bundle everything so you can binge watch is where I have a problem. Believe it or not, I’m not a binge-watcher. Every now and then I can breeze through at the most 6 episodes in a whole day, but a whole series or season, no! Yeah, Medea has a life outside of anime reviews (shocking)! I only did that once and that was a good eight years ago. But I digress! I will say that Netflix got their shit together better than Amazon. Anime Strike was such a major fuck-up from day one. Thank God it’s dead. Anyways, this does include an English dub. By the looks of all the Netflix exclusive animes, they all seem to be dubbed by VSI in L.A. (I guess a smaller version of Bang Zoom productions) with Patrick Seitz doing a lot of the casting. This was a very well casted dub (which is more than what I can say about a certain redub they did recently). But I really do love this dub with Erica Mendez, G.K. Bowes, Ben Diskin, Ray Chase, and many others. And oh my God, Jamison Boaz is like the best with the metal Retsuko moments! With the sub, you will not find much info on the voice of Retsuko. Rumor has it that she’s married to the guy who does the screaming death metal for Retsuko (who is also the director of Aggretsuko). Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Retsuko is played by Kaolip *Retsuko (metal version) is played by Rareko (director of Aggretsuko) *Haida is played by Shingo Katou *Fenneko is played by Marina Inoue (known for Aria on Pokemon XY, Armin on Attack on Titan, Yoko on Gurren Lagann, Jessica on Umineko, Kyouko on Skip Beat, Wataru on Hayate, and Rei on H.O.T.D.) ENGLISH CAST: *Retsuko is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, Tsuruko on Anohana, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April) *Retsuko (metal version) is played by Jamison Boaz *Haida is played by Ben Diskin (known for Sai on Naruto Shippuden, Satoru on ERASED, Joseph/Jojo on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Umino on Sailor Moon redub, and Numba 1 on Kids Next Door) *Fenneko is played by Katelyn Gault (known for Prof Badcock on Little Witch Academia) FAVORITE CHARACTER: I’m a Fenneko fan. What’s not to like? Her mischievous behavior, her social media activity, and that freakin’ laugh! DISLIKED CHARACTER: It’s hard to find characters to hate here! Believe it or not once you get past the debut episode of an asshole character, you see them for more than just an asshole and think, maybe they’re not that much of an asshole. Yeah, in all good conscience I can’t really add Ton even if he’s a sexist pig. And Anai just needed to be pushed in the right direction so he can succeed. I don’t fully hate Anai…I fear him. Wait a second and I’ll talk a bit below! Then there are those characters who still rub on me the wrong way and those characters are Tsubone, Tsunoda, and Komiya. But I’m laying off Komiya. I don’t know why! Maybe it’s because Todd Haberkorn plays this little brown-noser that it makes me laugh to a point where I can’t hate on him. Yeah, Haberkorn is that good! Tsunoda knows the game and does what she has to do in order to survive in the office and on social media. I’m not thrilled to witness females put on the charm at the workplace the way she does, but you know it happens. Tsubone just seems like such a bitch so for the moment I’ll leave her on my dislike corner. Okay, anybody else? Shit. Retsuko’s mother!
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Yeah, as I mentioned recently in my Top 10 Worst Anime Mothers list, I had to put Retsuko’s mother on there. She was such a pushy mama that she did so much damage to her daughter’s life. Okay lady, lay the fuck off! Your daughter is not living with you at home, she has a stable job, and she’s making the most of her life. She doesn’t need you giving her embarrassing clothes to wear, hooking her up with random bachelors, flat-out lie to her with photoshopped photos, force her on speed-dating, break into her apartment, and just be a complete hypocrite! SHIPPING: Retsuko has had quite the romantic cycle throughout the 20 episodes. Let’s go down this list, shall we? Retsuko x Haida: Ah, the little ship that can’t even leave port. Haida has had this humungous crush on Retsuko throughout the entire series. However this love is unrequited. Retsuko just sees Haida as a workmate and a friend, nothing more. Haida has been friend-zoned so many times. Even when he tries to release his feelings towards Retsuko, most of the time it would fall on deaf ears or in the case of season one’s finale/Christmas special, a rejection. Then again, it came right after a break-up and no one wants a rebound! But I do find myself rooting for this little ship to one day set sail. I know one day they’ll be together and I will await for that to happen. Retsuko x Resasuke: I really don’t know what drew Retsuko to this pot-plant. Yeah, I call Resasuke a pot-plant because of his nothing phases him attitude, his abundance of plants at home, and monotone voice. IT DOESN’T HELP THAT HE’S VOICED BY SAITAMA! It was pretty clear that there were a lot of loose connections between this couple that despite both Retsuko and Resasuke having some things in common, not going to work. It was not the best of ships. Retsuko x Tadano: Tadano was the man in Retsuko’s life that could have given her anything her heart desires. Everything except a family since Tadano doesn’t want to get married or start a family. Retsuko always dreamed of having a sugar daddy of a husband so that she could quit her soul-crushing job (at least that’s what she wanted in season one). But in season two she realized that she likes her job and wants to be with someone that resonates with her. As for wanting a family, Retsuko kind of grew to the idea of one day becoming a wife and mother. But Tadano wants nothing to do with that. Retsuko x Shirota: Aw, this was kinda cute even though these two were totally hooked up because of their nosy mothers. Retsuko at the time was scared at the prospect of getting married and Shirota completely understood. But when Retsuko asked about Shirota after some time had passed, Retsuko’s mother said that he was hooked up with another girl and it’s going well. I felt that sting all the way over here. I know he was the right guy at the wrong time, but I felt for Retsuko. Second place for me in the shipping department. Retsuko x Anai: GOOD FUCKDOM NO! Who would ask for this to happen?! TWO THINGS THAT FRIGHTEN ME: Yep, two things frighten me quite a bit. First thing would be whenever Ton smiles. I know most of the time when he’s smiling, it’s one of those fake as hell smiles, but they are frightening to see regardless. And the whole floor agrees as seeing that scared the ever-loving crap out of everyone there. And second…Anai! When you first meet him, you think he’s a positive go-getter. But when he’s behind his cellphone, he is downright scary. He ends up cyber-stalking half the office including Retsuko, Haida, and even Ton. ENDING TO SEASON ONE: We all know how much Haida has a this huge crush on Retsuko right? Let’s add a new love interest to spice things up! An absolute space cadet by the name of Resasuke! Retsuko has seen him around the office and on the train when she’s on the way to work. The only problem is, no one is able to get through to him…he’s so spacey! So one night, Retsuko gets roped into going on a speed date with some of the girls in the office. And the men they met are also some men from the office. And Retsuko surprisingly wound up having a meaningful conversation with Resasuke. Through text messages. Even though they’re right in front of each other. Sighs in disgust because I really hate that in real life as to showing my real age. Actually, I probably shouldn't scold the boy as he could be on the Autism Spectrum and has problems communicating normally with people in social interactions. Unfortunately, Retsuko winds up drinking too much alcohol that night and forgets key parts of what happened. All she knows is that when she woke up, her heart was all pitter-patter. It must be indegest…no, it’s love! Retsuko definitely sees something in Resasuke that no one else can see. Not even Washimi or Gouri can see it! But the important thing is that Retsuko is on cloud nine that nothing gets her down and when nothing gets her down, she’s not going to go “metal”. However, the “metal” side was ready to peak out. It’s clear that Resasuke doesn’t know much about relationships or other social interaction for that matter. He can’t tell when Retsuko is in pain and isn’t that considerate to her. Plus he wasn’t really the one who wanted to go on the dates. He was always put up by one of his co-workers. Meanwhile, Haida (who has had a major crush on Retsuko from the beginning) has been super moody. He gets so drunk one night and ends up the hospital because dumbass injured himself accidentally. So the following day at work was hectic for Retsuko, Fenneko, and Ton. During that long day of work, Retsuko’s boss (while always grumpy and insulting to Retsuko) made a little sense to her today. His words kinda hit Retsuko in the terms of the relationship dilemma. I know he meant it in terms of the accounting job, but I think it struck a nerve with how Retsuko is in her relationship with Resasuke. “If you keep giving out more than what you’re getting back in return, eventually there ain’t gonna be anything left” So…Retsuko took Resasuke to karaoke and expressed it all out. In the end, Retsuko and Resasuke split up. But could there be hope for Haida now? Well, we close things out in Haida’s hospital room and Retsuko visits him. And surprise, surprise, it looks like a love confession! What will Retsuko say? Tune in next ti…end of the season now! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Unlike all the other episodes (which are 13 minutes long at most), this one is a full 22 minute special. We start the Christmas special with what Retsuko said to Haida. It was a rejection. So you know Haida was going to be a depressed basket case for a while. But let’s not worry about that now, it’s Christmas time! And the episode focuses on what everyone around the office is doing for the special holiday. Tsunoda’s going out with a guy (no surprise there). Kabae is spending it with her husband and three kids (and also hide the presents so the kids won’t find them). Before Retsuko could figure out what she wants to do, in comes Ton with paperwork that needs to be done by the end of the night. Retsuko still put up a brave front finishing her work and also fooling social media that she’s having a fabulous dinner. But Fenneko knew that was a lie when she saw the picture and told Haida that she’s at work suffering through paperwork. And being the hopeless romantic, Haida tries to get to the office to help her, but found she was no longer there when he arrived. After Retsuko finished, her friends Gouri and Washimi swooped in and treated her to dinner. But after dinner, Retsuko bumped into Haida…so Haida got a little lucky there. And he got to spend a few moments alone with Retsuko. SEASON TWO: After the success Aggretsuko made in 2018, strike twice while the iron is still hot! Season two dropped this June with brand new characters, new love interests, and so much METAL! Actually, not as many metal moments as season one, but still there. Retsuko had her hands full all through this season with her mother setting her up with “eligible” bachelors, work still giving her the business, a new guy at work who’s possessed by Beelzebub’s cellphone, getting her driver’s license, and possibly meeting the man of her dreams. And with all those, Retsuko’s going to need some time in the karaoke booth to let out this pile of rage. And this season we meet Retsuko’s mother (a different shade of panda than her daughter), a woman who is way too invasive of her daughter’s privacy and home life. Then we have Anai (a badger), a straight out of college newbie at work. If even one thing is said to him that even seems 1% offensive, he will break out his phone and cyber stalk that person and threaten them with a harassment charge. And then there’s Tadano (a donkey) who Retsuko meets in a driver’s education course. Oh, wait until you meet Tadano! END OF SEASON TWO: As it turns out, Tadano (the guy Retsuko meets at Driver’s Ed) isn’t really a slacker like she thought at first, but a multi-millionaire with his work in A.I. He’s a major celebrity in the tech world and Retsuko’s company wants to partner with him. Meanwhile Tadano has eyes for Retsuko…as a love interest! This could be it! This could be Retsuko’s chance at absolute happiness, where she can have anything in the world with this sugar daddy. There’s a drawback to this. Recently, Retsuko has been thinking if she’s really wife/mother material after seeing some of her coworkers (like Kabae and Ton with their families). Plus the whole marriage conversation with her mom probably got to her too. So she’s thinking more and more about starting a family. However… Tadano has NO interest in either marriage or having kids! For some time, Retsuko and Tadano were seeing each other privately. But somehow, someone got pictures of them together and it spread throughout the internet. And everyone, including Retsuko’s mother, friends, and co-workers were blown off their asses when they saw pictures of Retsuko with Tadano. Meanwhile, Haida got drunk and wound up on his back again! Retsuko tried her best to see the bright side of all this. But she kept running into hate-filled posts bashing her for dating Tadano. And the whole dilemma that she and Tadano aren’t on the same wavelengths when it comes to marriage and family is digging at her like a shiv. Add to that, Tadano wants Retsuko to quit her job since he believes her job will be obsolete once his A.I. business takes over. After some soul searching, Retsuko came back to work after a few days of being AWOL and was ready to hand Ton her resignation letter. Ton sat back and watched all this happen and wouldn’t accept this. He gives her shit literally every day of her job, even giving her the nickname “Calander” because her “days are numbered”. But he knows that all of this isn’t even her deciding. Tadano is doing all the talking and actions for her. Once again, Ton was able to reach Retsuko with his words. So Retsuko knows what she must do. Retsuko’s friends Washimi and Gouri put aside a heated fight they previously had in order to help. So they ambushed Tadano, had Haida take care of his entourage, and have Retsuko hijack his limo. Their destination, the karoke bar! And that’s when Retsuko released out everything through METAL! In short, Retsuko and Tadano split up. So she’s (once again) back at square one. But it was fun, right?! Wow, this is pretty…real to me. In fact, it’s almost on Bojack Horseman levels. Yeah, you can tell I’ve dived into Netflix. Cartoons with cute animals in it…but they deal with adult issues. Yeah, animation’s not always for kids (otherwise I would have watched a lot more Ralph Bakshi when I was 7). Anyways, this anime does speak to me and just about anyone with a job that causes you immense stress. Retsuko gets the shit-deal at her work which causes her to vent it out in a karaoke booth. A job that chips away at you every single day you’re there. Disappointment of every variety when some shred of hope pops through. Workers who take advantage of the hard work you put in. Drunk boss that stumbles into work late and passes out hungover. Working 10 hour days with no overtime pay! Having that drunk idiot boss always calling in sick because he’s hungover from the night before. Whoops, those last three were my bad experiences with a bad job. The working world can be cruel. I’m glad I left that nightmare job for the good old store that rhymes with Mole Goods. It has its ups and downs but it’s been kind enough to me for me to stay in the company for almost 12 years at this point and time. But everyone has their own reasons for staying at a job that abuses you. Mostly survival! Retsuko wishes that she could find a rich husband so that she could quit this horrible job. Don’t we all? Sadly things can’t be like the way they were in post-war era United States (or so I imagine). In my case, the middle class is a gangrene arm ready to be chopped off, cost of college is expeninential and I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to pay off my student loans 30 years after I die. Depending on what economic world you’re in, it’s almost impossible to quit your stable job to be a housewife. Unless you’re Marge Simpson or part of the elite 1% there’s no fucking way. And then Tadano shows up! But funny thing, money can’t buy you happiness! Sure it’s great if you could find a sugar daddy husband, but if there’s no real love or compatibility, it’s not gonna last. The love issues Retsuko had these last two seasons…I can’t really relate. Thankfully, my mother is not as neurotic about me finding a husband. As I have been butt-fucked in the relationship department, I don’t give a shit about finding a mate (at the moment) and my mother has accepted that. And I’ve never really felt anything for workmates nor have I ever met a young entrapeneur. I’m sure other people can relate to some of these issues, but not me. Thankfully we see different views on marriage from different characters. Fenneko believes people her age don’t even think about it and hopefully they’ll be the generation to kill the idea of marriage, Haida is still a hopeless romantic when it comes to Retsuko, Gouri will get back up after being heartbroken time and time again, Washimi thinks marriage isn’t worth it and even sheds light on an old marriage during the second season, Ton is married and has two kids (though he seems pretty put-off by them), and then you have Kabae who has a husband and three little kids and she’s happy with her family every single day! Back to the working world topic, Aggretsuko showed how much the working world impacts us. Without having a character say it, this anime brought out many thoughts when we see many of these characters. For example, Anai! Many fans hated this guy the second he started cyber-bullying Retsuko. But others see Anai as a guy with the adult world finally crushing down on him. An ugly glimpse at how life can be (particularly in Japan). He’s fresh out of college and sometimes college does NOT prepare you for the real working world. And as we all know this cruel statistic, Japan has the highest rate of suicides in several age brakets in the world. Including young teenagers! An atmosphere of failure can cause one to do that or act erraticly. Aggretsuko doesn’t necessarily say this, but it’s very much felt that it’s implied if you think about it. Yes, I still find Anai to be a bit of that millennial shit that feels offended by anything even when a co-worker is trying to help them. But if you think about it, all of this feels new and scary. I’m sure everybody in the office at the beginning of their job experience had felt this scary feeling before. Man, these shows really get me to think a bit! I do recommend this anime to just about anyone. Just note that this anime is NOT as depressing as Bojack Horseman. But it can get real at times that makes you step back and say, “Wow, I can totally relate.” And to anyone who is a total metal-head (like me) might enjoy those parts when Retsuko screams into a microphone. This anime is only available through Netflix. It shouldn’t take you too long to finish though as each episode is approximately 15 minutes each and there’s only 20 episodes overall (+ one special). Okay, now that Aggretsuko is done...what's next?
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Little Witch Academia it is!
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canyouhearthelight · 5 years
The Miys, Ch. 22
This is where things start to get a little more serious.  Also, I finally worked the story in a direction that I could introduce the final character from my 100 Follower contest: ‘Maverick’ Okima.  All credit for this character goes to @werewolf2578.  As has happened with both of the other characters from that contest, his appearance is intended to be a one-off, but he is really pushing to become a character that appears again and again (thanks, @baelpenrose and @parisconstantine, you two have a hand in that).
For anyone curious, I wrote Ch. 21 and this one in a single go, and actually had to find a good place to break the two.  Please read and comment.... feedback is favorite thing here lately.
I could feel a hell of a migraine coming on, but desperately tried to ignore it.  The entire Council was clustered together, along with one of the Miys’ bodies and several administrators.  After Grey and Huynh’s revelation that the damage that caused our stop was a deliberate act, we gathered everyone else up to determine our next steps.
“We have two things we need to consider,” Grey started, pushing their glasses up their nose in what I was beginning to think was a decisive gesture. “Fixing the current situation, and determining what caused it in the first place. Do we address these concurrently or consecutively?”
Xiomara raised a finger to speak. “Can we openly prioritize the immediate issue of repairing sensors, while quietly figuring out who the fuck did this?”
“It was quite rude to damage the ship our Hosts graciously supplied us,” Pragnav Ranganathan, Councilor for Information and Data Systems, growled. “I will gladly prioritize resources to the investigation.”  Despite his normally quiet demeanor, Pragnav had very definite ideas of hospitality and nothing offended him worse than the idea of being rude to our Hosts. Huynh nodded firmly, as the only person present who actually saw the deliberate act. The rest of us voiced our agreement at Xiomara’s idea.
Taking a deep breath, I glanced at Grey, who nodded that I should take over.  “Xiomara, since this overlaps our areas, you and I need to select crew to navigate and pilot us somewhere.  Grey, your help would be appreciated, since you have access to any medical data that would be a deciding factor.”  To the Miys, “How many candidates do we have and what are we looking for?”
“We have forty candidates present, and while anyone who has Terran certification to fly should be able to fulfill our needs, it would be best if they are someone who has experience with large craft and no – I think the Terran term is ‘zero vector’?”
“With no sensors, what about debris that may hit the Ark?” Xiomara asked.
“Shields are still fully operational, so anything that will not be visible through an observation port would not be a problem, provided we are not attacked.”
“Truthfully, it is a less than one percent probability, especially given that it has not happened since we reduced to sub-light speeds.  Currently we are at a full stop, so an attack would have taken place already. Once we determine where we are located, I can provide an assessment of how likely an attack would be where we would need to travel.”
Something caught up in my mind. “You said we have forty pilots present.” I turned to my friend and assistant. “How many should there be, Arantxa?”
A brief pause as she tapped at her data screen. “Fifty-two.”
“Once we account for those present, pass the names of anyone not here over to Xiomara and… Pragnav. They are immediately suspect. All pilots were requested, even if they can just fly a Cessna.”
After that, we were face to face with a crowd of candidates for who would save our asses.  Several betrayed military backgrounds: stiff postures, precise motions.  Cocky grins warred with stern frowns for the most appropriate expression in the face of the unknown.  While I could appreciate the serious expressions given the situation, truthfully my faith was leaning closer to the overconfident ones; I always had a firm belief that pilots and surgeons needed to believe they were in infallible, because they had to be perfect, every time.  I leaned over to Xiomara, who had the most commanding presence of the three Councillors present. “Time to start weeding them out,” I whispered.
Without hesitation, she stepped forward. “Everyone, hands up. We’re going to go through the list of flight certifications from most basic to most advanced. If you don’t have it, hands down. This will not necessarily disqualify you, but we need to know what we are working with.” Nods throughout the crowd, and a forest of hands went up. When she got through the list, only three hands had gone down, although two had gone down about halfway through.
“Okay, everyone up again. We’re moving to the bigger stuff. Experience flying with no zero vector.”
As expected, several hands went down at this, leaving just over ten.  This was expected, since flying without a zero vector was pretty much limited to flying over the ocean or piloting out of the atmosphere.  Anyone who put their hands down was asked to step to the side.
“Military cargo.” Down to eight.
“Bombers” left five.
“Fighters” narrowed it to three.
“VTOL” gave us our pilot.
“And you are?” Xiomara asked with affected boredom.
“Jake Okima, but I answer to Maverick,” he grinned.  I was pretty sure he thought he was charming, but Xiomara and I exchanged a glance and rolled our eyes. ‘Maverick’? Really?
“Certifications confirmed, in addition to EtoL,” Grey’s voice interjected.  
Wide-eyed, I turned to face my fellow Councillor. “Are you serious?”  I half thought he made it all up, honestly.
“Yes, Sophia. Fifteen confirmed combat kills as a fighter pilot, certified in all civilian levels before joining armed forces, selected as one of the cargo pilots to fly supplies and personnel to Lunar Base.”
“And backup pilot for the Padrugoi,” the subject of our discussion added, smirking infuriatingly.
I whipped my head around, eyes narrowed, but before I could say anything, a petite hand held me back. My sister had appeared next to me while I was focused on the pilot selection. “If you were backup pilot for the Padrugoi, why are you here? I saw the Padrugoi explode.”
“I – um,” he blanched, looking down. “I overslept?”
“You’re full of shit is what you are,” Xiomara laughed.
“He is not,” Grey confirmed without looking up. “Jake Okima, Terran Defense force, backup to Aleski Ivanov. Declared AWOL the morning of the launch. Reports indicate he was seen at multiple bars the night before, bragging about his ‘last night on Earth’.”
“Hungover, overslept, same thing,” he shrugged unabashedly. A bestial growl emanated from the small woman next to me, and it was my turn to hold her back. Internally, I didn’t blame her. This is the person who is supposed to save us?
Grey spoke up, breaking the brittle silence. “We have selected our best pilot candidate.  Regardless of what reasons he had not to be in his assigned berth for the Launch, he is still the only human on board qualified to pilot a planetary vessel. Pilot Okima, are you sober now?”
“Hey,” he protested indignantly. “That was the only time I’ve drank in my life, so cut me some slack.  Alcohol is not worth the hangover the next day, believe me.  I’ll stick to caffeine, thank you.  Just show me where I’ll be flying the Ark from, and tell me where I’m going.”
The Miys gave a low buzz, rubbing its fine hands together and betraying its stress. “Ordinarily, the ship is piloted from here,” it gestured to the large space we were standing in. “However, as you can see, there are no observation ports.  I am working to locate such a port that is sufficiently forward viewing, so that I can temporarily install the necessary equipment in there.”
Okima shook his head vigorously, “That’s not going to work, I’m sorry. I’ve seen every obs view on this ship, none of the ports are big enough.  If you want me, or anyone, to fly this boat, we need to see as much as possible.” He looked at the Council members present with pleading eyes. “Please, I want to do this, but I can’t fly while looking through a pinhole.  No one could, not with something this big.”
“I understood that humans can ‘fly’ using dead reckoning, without sensors,” the Miys said, confused.
Before Okima could start again, I held up my hand to stop him. “No – shit, you aren’t Noah – Japeth, we can navigate and steer through visual acuity and instinct, and we do it really well, but the ‘visual’ acuity part of that is essential.  Our brains can reckon and calculate distance and size on a level we don’t even realize is happening.  Our ancestors could do calculus before we even knew what calculus was. But we need to have maximum visual input to supply the information our brains need to make those calculations. It would be like…. Asking you to walk around the ship with only one sensory organ exposed and no connection to the rest of your bodies.”
The enormous hippo-spider shuddered at the thought. “I believe I understand, Wisdom. We will discuss you naming another of my bodies later, but for now, how do we – work around? – work around the lack of any appropriate spaces for Pilot Okima to utilize?”
Arantxa grabbed my wrist gently to get my attention. “Video games,” she said with a look of dawning realization.
Oh, hell yeah.  She was absolutely right. “Get Pranav and Eino.” When she dashed off to do that, I turned to everyone else. Xiomara and Grey looked both confused and curious, while Okima was rubbing his hands together in excitement.  Clearly, he figured out what we were about to do. For the benefit of the other two, I explained. “We may not have a single window large enough to pilot with, but they’re dotted all over the outside hull.  We’re going to wire up a camera to every single one of them, run the feeds in here, and give Jake here the biggest video game ever.”
Suddenly, Xiomara’s predatory grin matched the one on Okima’s face.  Grey however, was still somewhat lost. “And what do Councillors Ranganathan and Wiitala have to do with this?”
“We’ll need Pranav’s people to get everything hooked up correctly, and Eino has access to most of the video equipment on the ship.  He may even have some of the viewports already wired for video, for educational purposes.”
“You are correct, Councilor Reid. Eighty-seven percent of them, actually,” a soft voice came from over my shoulder.  “We can bring the screens here if the signal can be re-routed,” the tall Finnish man glanced at the smaller man beside him.
“If my people cannot do that, I will need new people,” Pranav confirmed. “Although I will need Derek for this, to ensure that the signals are synched correctly.”  When I blanched slightly at the realization that Pranav was aware of the young man’s….hobbies, he gently waved my concerns away.  “Derek is good for the programmers.  He keeps them on their toes, and gives them a strong benchmark for network security. ‘No one short of Derek Okafor could get in here’ they say.  But, for this, I cannot have anyone short of that level of precision.”
“There is a big issue of Derek and crowds,” I tried to explain.  “As in, they mix like gasoline and fire.”
“He would not need to go to the viewports, only get here so he can synchronize everything on this end.”
Still, I was worried. All I could think about was the sheer press of people I had encountered on the way to Level One.  I had a better tolerance for tight crowds than Derek did, by several orders of magnitude, and I nearly had a panic attack before –
“Soph,” my sister said softly to get my attention. When she knew she had my attention, she stood straighter and said slightly louder, so everyone could hear, “I’ll go get him. The Miys won’t be able to keep up – no offense, Japeth.” The Miys only groaned when she used the name I had tacked on to this particular avatar. “I can take Antoine with me. I’ll need at least one more large-ish person.” She looked Eino in the eye. “How well do you know Derek Okafor?”
“Only by name,” he answered, puzzled.
“Won’t work. Conor’s with him, right?”  I nodded. “Okay, Conor will work. Shit, no he won’t. Someone needs to stay with Sam.” She started snapping her fingers, trying to think.
“What if I accompany you, and we have Zachary Khan meet us there?” Arantxa suggested.  “We both are well-known to Derek.  Neither of us is large, but at least with two of us, we can buffer him from the crowds.  If he brings Mac, he should be fine.”
“What makes this guy so special that he needs escorts and the ship’s cat just to set up my screens?” Okima blurted out with a look of disgust.
Before anyone else could react, I whipped around with a snarl, stalking up to him. “That ‘guy’ is a very sweet and funny seventeen-year-old who happens to be the best damned programmer and hacker on this ship.  He also happens to have explosive problems with crowds and noise, and despises strangers touching him.  And Mac is certainly not the ‘ship’s cat’, he belongs to me and my sister, and is literally the only thing that can calm Derek down when he is stressed.  Don’t you dare sneer at him, or act like he’s less than you. We have thirty-nine other pilots to replace you, but only one Derek to make this work.”
The entire time, I had been steadily stepping forward, ensuring I was getting my point across.  Jake had backed up against the wall, hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Geez, calm down, lady.  You could have just told me he was autistic.  I didn’t know.”  When I started to growl, he hurriedly pointed at his face. “Asperger’s! Asperger’s! I’m on the spectrum, I get it!”  Oh god, I thought as I scrambled back out of his personal space.  “It’s fine, I don’t have space issues, other than forgetting other people do,” he laughed. “I’ve never met this guy, but I’m glad he has people like you in his corner. Most of us don’t get that.”  He glanced over my shoulder at Tyche and Arantxa. “Go!  Let’s get this party started!”
With a weary sigh, I turned and nodded to them.  “Let’s get this show on the road.”
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The Dragon Prince Tag
I wasn’t tagged...but I saw this and I had to fill it out. I am obligated by my own laws about quiz taking to do so. Sorry. (I read from the one I got this from that it was made by @ true-neutral-earth-elf)
Rules: Answer all 25 questions to the best of your ability, then tag 5 other blogs.
#1. Which Primal Source Do you identify most with? Why?
The official quiz said Ocean, and I agree. At least for now.
Moon is a good second guess though.
#2. Elves or Humans?
Dragons. *shot* Uh...I can’t really choose right now. We’ve only seen the human side of the conflict so far. I want to see the elf side of things before I choose a side.
#3. If you had to choose, would you rather free Runaan from the coin or Aaravos from the mirror?
...I know I’m basically an Aarahoe...and it’s very obvious by the era title “Return of Aaravos” he’s going to break free...but I still don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
But Runaan...I’ll get into my opinion on him later. I’ll just say the one reason I’d have for freeing him right now is because of Rayla. If she asked, I’d try.
#4. Best animal companion?
Oh don’t make me choose! Um, Bait is the obvious choice because he’s got the most personality. Ava’s also a good girl though...and Phoe-Phoe is a beautiful Moon Phoenix! Oh and then there’s the Aarapod/Wormavos...but if I had to choose, I guess Bait.
EDIT: Actually Berto the parrot! Best animal companion! XD
#5. Best humanoid companion?
To have as your own? Also a tough choice...since they’re all good choices. Except Fen. *shot*
#6. You can revive one character, who is it and why them?
That’s also a tough one...Sarai seems like a good choice, based on what we saw of her...but almost every death in this show is for a reason that leads to major story choices. So...probably no one.
#7. Otp?
Please note this is my opinion. Not yours. If you disagree, that’s fine, but none of my choices are meant to be controversial.
Rayllum. I don’t care if they end up canon, not to the extent I’ll meme or throw a fit or something if it does or doesn’t, but they have the best chemistry I’ve seen in a cartoon in a while.
Other pairings I like:
Amaya x Gren-This is very unlikely given the age gap...I know they’re just close friends as we’ve seen, but it seems nice as a background ship to me.
Harrow x Sarai-Do I need to explain?
Harrow x Viren-Again, I know they were just friends but...it’s also a nice thought. What if they were? You know? (Alternatively: Harrow, Sarai, and Viren could be interesting to think about in an AU too)
Viren x Aaravos-Not super into this one...because this is a Toxic relationship with a capital T if you only look at canon footage. But the fandom has made some interesting “What if it was like this” content...and I love both Viren and Aaravos as characters. Just not their dynamic so far.
Aaravos x Reader/Self-Insert/OC-Aaravos x Anyone really, but I love the self-inserts and “x Reader” stories and headcanons. I’m a part of the problem of course...but that’s beside the point.
Viren x Reader/Self-Insert/OC-I see less of him than any of the main cast in this area, for good reason, but what I have seen...I support you and wish there was more out there. He wasn’t always who he is now.
#8. Unpopular opinion?
1.) Ok, probably the most unpopular...I’m not a huge Runaan fan. I don’t dislike him, don’t get me wrong. I’m just kind of indifferent. I like that he’s an uncle figure to Rayla and that’s really sweet...but I’m just not as interested in him or Tinker as what looks to be a lot of the fandom. Again, I don’t dislike them at all, but I don’t have strong feelings yet either. (That is a bit hypocritical since I know just as much, if not less, about Aaravos...but he intrigues me. There are so many mysteries surrounding him and he’s being built up big time...starting with his role as narrator. I’m not seeing that with Runaan. Sorry.)
2.) Viren is my favorite character, hands down. He’s the most interesting and such a refreshing take on an old idea. I don’t love to hate him for this either, like I do a lot of my favorite villains in the media I consume. I genuinely like him as a character, and that adds to my conflict on how to feel about Aaravos...
3.) I really hope Harrow isn’t Pip (the bird.) I think Pip escaped, but it’s not Harrow. It’s just Pip...whom Ezran can still communicate with if they go that route.
I also hope Callum isn’t half-elf. I don’t know if that’s unpopular, but it just feels like an easy way out. The show doesn’t feel like they’d do that when they’re trying to say Dark Magic is an easy way out, a short cut instead of spending years learning runes and the philosophy of the magic you study.
#9. Favorite headcanon?
More of a theory...but the one that Crowmaster is an Earthblood elf in disguise. I really like that.
Also all the Aaravos headcanons. Some are super cute, others are fuel for my angsty, sadistic writer’s heart.
#10. Best siblings pair?
Both the Broyals and the One Brain Cell Siblings. I won’t choose between them, they’re both great.
#11. Who’s your Queen?
...We haven’t seen the Dragon Queen yet...so I won’t say her in case she’s insane from grief or something... Uh...man, I don’t know. I’ll stay undecided for now.
#12. Lujanne offers you ice cream, how do you respond?
Is it Bubblegum flavored?
#13. Be honest, do you have the guts to use dark magic?
The guts? Maybe. The drive? Not really. My only reason to use it would be to test my theory if everyone goes through what Callum did when he used it. That weird dream where he had to choose. But that’s coming from someone that knows the consequences of Dark Magic and all the comparisons being made about it.
It’s like smoking, it’s like cancer, and for me it’s like killing household pests. When I started out, I was very hesitant about how hard to swat when killing flies that got in the house. Now, I use full force from so much time doing so. It got easier and easier and now it’s almost second nature.
That’s how I would describe the use of Dark Magic. Why it’s so easy for Viren to kill with it, why it gets easier for Claudia to as well...just my thoughts.
#14. Who’s best elf? Why?
I’m not sure yet. Rayla’s the only one that hasn’t insulted humanity in some way so far...but because I’m biased and thirsty: Aaravos (XD)
#15. Hot brown morning potion or leaf flavored water?
Hot brown morning potion WITH chocolate mixed in. Otherwise, I’ll take your flavored water.
#16. Best use for magic?
It depends what type. I’ll go with illusions for...personal reasons. Related to a certain starry elf in a mirror...
#17. Who wins the best hair award?
Does Thunder count? I mean look at that beard! *shot* I dunno...I like them all. But Harrow, Viren, and Aaravos (ofc) stand out most when I think about hairstyles.
#18. Viren; misguided, evil, or actually the good guy?
It’s hard to say right now...everyone raises some good points...but it’s too early to say. Is he just power-hungry? Seeking control? Wants to take control of the East side, the magical side of Xadia, for a selfish reason? Or was he being honest when he claimed to love the kingdom? That war is coming and they need to take action?
What we know from the creators is Viren’s main goal or dream is to “get his name in the history books” though I could have worded that wrong. Basically I’ll just say...he’s clearly the villain. Maybe he didn’t start out that way, but by now he’s definitely willing to do whatever it takes to get his way. Is it a good cause? I don’t know yet...but I can’t say he’s a good guy or the Good Guy at this point.
#19. Would you rather fly with Phoe-Phoe, hike with Corvus, sail with Villads, or stay home with Opeli?
I would love to fly, but Villads is just the best...and I like Corvus but I hate hiking...Phoe-Phoe or Villads.
#20. Who’s your crush?
Isn’t it obvious? Viren, of course. *shot* I mean like I said...I like him...but it’s obviously Aaravos.
#21. You’re being chased by a cotton candy hippo; reaction?
Confusion. And I run.
#22. Choose a champion.
I don’t get this one...
#23. Favorite scene? Why?
It’s hard to choose just one... All Viren and Aaravos’ scenes are great...but I’ll go with the scene where Callum is reading King Harrow’s letter. That is my favorite moment.
A more humorous answer: Anything with Villads, but I love his introduction.
#24. Should Soren be a poet?
I mean who am I to judge? I think people that complain about “bad poetry” need to lighten up about it.
#25. Soggy Socks. (No more context)
...I think that’s the metaphor. Villads is the only reason this is ok to me.
Tags: I only have one friend I know in the TDP fandom who won’t mind being tagged...so: @allykatsart and anyone else that wants to fill it out.
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blossom-hwa · 7 years
The Adventures of Cecia Seo |1| - ALL
If you guys actually like this absolute bullshit then tell me and I’ll do a part two or even more parts
It was actually a lot of fun to write as a stress reliever
Pairing: none (fem!reader, though)
Genre: just stupidity, texting!au
Word Count: 1.8k
Meeting NCT, your older brother’s boyband, was a great experience and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 
NCT Masterlist
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You, June 10, 12:02 am
John Suh, June 10, 12:02 am
oh lord
i can’t believe you’re coming all the way to seoul to annoy me now
congrats tho lil sis!
also why are you up rn
it’s midnight over there
You, June 10, 12:03 am
John Suh, June 10, 12:04 am
when are you coming????
You, June 10, 12:04 am
lemme check the email
um i get to seoul on August 28 and then school in SNU actually starts on September 1
John Suh, June 10, 12:06 am
and now it’s time for the inevitable question
‘when do i get to meet nct????’
You, June 10, 12:07 am
fuck off john suh
that’s still your contact name btw
and it’s not my fault that they’re all talented amazing people
i can’t help my wanting to meet them and tell them they deserve the world
John Suh, June 10, 12:07 am
okay rude first of all
also do i not deserve the world either
You, June 10, 12:08 am
John Suh, June 10, 12:08 am
okay whatever
go study your chemistry or computer science or whatever
You, June 10, 12:09 am
John Suh, June 10, 12:09 am
jocks are better than nerds
You, June 10, 12:09 am
at least nerds actually get somewhere
i seem to remember you spending nine years in SM’s basement
John Suh, June 10, 12:10 am
b l o c k e d
You, June 12, 7:05 am
okay but i’m serious this time johnny
are you okay with me meeting nct?
i’m not joking, i really admire them and their hard work and i’d love to make friends with them but if you don’t want to it’s okay
John Suh, June 12, 7:05 am
lmao i was joking last time
i’m cool with you meeting them
they don’t know about you tho lol
i never told them i have a sister
You, June 12, 7:07 am
what the fuck seo youngho
John Suh, June 12, 7:08 am
You, June 12, 7:09 am
are you fucking kidding me
john seo
where are you
answer your phone
are you dead
John Suh, June 12, 7:20 am
sorry Jaehyun saw our messages and he grabbed my phone and started yelling to the dorm that i had a sister
You, June 12, 7:23 am
ffs i thought you died
oh of course an English speaker got hold of your phone
i’ll leave you to deal with your bandmates rn
i’ve got an internship to go to
John Suh, June 12, 7:23 am
have fun
TY Trek, June 12, 8:25 pm
Seo Youngho why did you never tell us you had a sister
Moon Tail, June 12, 8:25 pm
yea i thought u trusted us
You, June 12, 8:26 pm
it just never came up sorry
ding dong hyuck, June 12, 8:26 pm
how old is she????
what’s her name???
what’s she like???
You, June 12, 8:27 pm
okay first of all why so many question marks
soon to turn nineteen, Cecia, and annoying
absolutely fully capable, June 12, 8:28 pm
when can we meet her??
You, June 12, 8:29 pm
surprisingly soon
she’s coming to seoul for an exchange program
she arrives on August 28
jaeffrey, June 12, 8:30 pm
where is she coming from?
like what school i mean
You, June 12, 8:30 pm
here she’ll be going to SNU
jisung pwark, June 12, 8:31 pm
isn’t MIT that really good school in Massachusetts you told me about hyung
ding dong hyuck, June 12, 8:31 pm
You, June 12, 8:32 pm
kinda??? i guess
do bunny, June 12, 8:33 pm
hyung can you tell us more about her?
like her majors and interests and stuff like that
i’m curious
10, June 12, 8:33 pm
yea i’m curious too
can’t believe the fans ship us as johnten because we’re best friends but i never even knew you had a sister
You, June 12, 8:34 pm
jesus calm yourself ten
okay so she’s double majoring in computer science and chemistry
TY Trek, June 12, 8:34 pm
You, June 12, 8:34 pm
she’s actually adopted
jeez taeyong calm down
Moon Tail, June 12, 8:35 pm
taeyong’s literally staring at his phone in disbelief rn
absolutely fully capable, June 12, 8:35 pm
do you think she can help me with my chemistry homework
wait what she’s adopted
You, June 12, 8:36 pm
ethnically Chinese
still is pretty fluent in mandarin
learned Korean after getting sick of not being able to understand what my family was talking about half the time
winwin situation, June 12, 8:37 pm
oh yay she speaks Chinese
You, June 12, 8:37 pm
idk Mark you have to ask her but she’ll probably say yes
oh she’s a fan of NCT
chen-dolphin, June 12, 8:38 pm
does she play piano like you hyung
You, June 12, 8:38 pm
and violin
do bunny, June 12, 8:39 pm
lmao i should log off before my ego takes another hit
10, June 12, 8:40 pm
no stay on hyung
your ego needs to deflate a bit
do bunny, June 12, 8:40 pm
uncalled for
You, July 30, 11:01 pm
mom says she wants you to pick me up from the airport when i get there
John Suh, August 1, 3:10 am
ugh fine
You, August 1, 3:15 am
you woke me up fuck you
John Suh, August 1, 3:16 am
sor-RY i was in an interview earlier
you sure you weren’t finishing a procrastinated-on paper
You, August 1, 3:20 am
i don’t procrastinate you know me Johnathon
John Suh, August 1, 3:21 am
thats not my name
You, August 1, 3:22 am
idc i’m going back to sleep
You, August 28, 9:34 pm
where are you
John Suh, August 28, 9:38 pm
hold on Ten nearly got recognized just now
You, August 28, 9:38 pm
John Suh, August 28, 9:39 pm
he insisted on getting to meet you first bc ‘i’m your best friend’
doyoung’s here too
you can meet two of your biases at once how handy
You, August 28, 9:39 pm
oh my god i look like a mess why would you do this to me
hold up i can see you
John Suh, August 28, 9:40 pm
wait what
i still can’t see you
You, August 28, 9:41 pm
you’re a fucking tree johnny seo
why did your tall-ass family decide to adopt a short person like me
oh holy shit it’s actually ten and doyoung
two of my biases in nct
oh my god
i can’t do this oh my god
John Suh, August 28, 9:43 pm
you wanted to meet them gdi
they’re just people calm yourself
and i see you now i’m coming to get you
You, August 28, 9:44 pm
yes please save me from this sea of people i need to sleep
10, August 29, 8:30 am
your sister’s very pretty hyung
You, August 29, 8:31 am
thanks i think?
do bunny, August 29, 8:31 am
she is
who’s her third bias you mentioned she had three
You, August 29, 8:32 am
do bunny, August 29, 8:33 am
why though
10, August 29, 8:33 am
yeah why
You, August 29, 8:34 am
‘his vocals are heavenly’
‘oh my god his voice is like an angel’s’
‘i can die in peace now’
do bunny, August 29, 8:35 am
okay but what does she say about my vocals
You, August 29, 8:35 am
‘okay how rude’
‘i don’t deserve this shit’
‘he’s not allowed to look so hot while singing and dancing i look like a hippo when i try’
‘what is this madness’
10, August 29, 8:36 am
does she talk about my heavenly dancing
You, August 29, 8:36 am
but if it makes you feel better
she screams because you’re too good looking while you dance
10, August 29, 8:37 am
i feel much better now hyung thanks
You, August 29, 10:30 am
ten and doyoung are very sweet and nice make sure you tell them i said that
also where are you i’m in the practice room already
the staff here are very nice
oop hold up taeyong is here
John Suh, August 29, 10:40 am
sorry some of us are running late
You, August 29, 10:41 am
John Suh, August 29, 10:42 am
lmao those were my thoughts when i first met him too
You, August 29, 10:45 am
John Suh, August 29, 10:46 am
lord jesus help me
are you going to spam about each nct member you meet
i’m coming to the practice room rn
- 10 has added Cesium to the chat! -
You, August 29, 9:31 pm
what is the meaning of this ten chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
Cesium, August 29, 9:32 pm
do bunny, August 29, 9:33 pm
hi cecia!
winwin situation, August 29, 9:33 pm
hello cecia~
TY Trek, August 29, 9:33 pm
so on behalf of all of nct i welcome you to the group chat Cecia! so we don’t have to deal with lik 20 hellos in the chat
10, August 29, 9:34 pm
why does Johnny hyung have your name saved as Cesium cecia
Cesium, August 29, 9:35 pm
i would curse but the dreamies are in the chat so i’ll refrain
probably because cecia sounds like cesium and cesium is an element in the periodic table and i’m studying chemistry so he thinks it’s ‘clever’
You, August 29, 9:35 pm
it IS clever
fight me
Cesium, August 29, 9:36 pm
johnathon seo you haven’t been clever since the day you got knocked out by a baseball in third grade.
i can deck you 
try me
do bunny, August 29, 9:37 pm
i can hear the dreamies laughing
i think chenle is dying
Cesium, August 29, 9:37 pm
for the record i have johnny’s name saved as ‘John Suh’
TY Trek, August 29: 9:38 pm
is Jaehyun choking?
Cesium, August 29, 9:38 pm
oh it’s jeffrey
don’t die please
or else my friend who’s jaehyun-biased won’t have anything to live for
jaeffrey, August 29, 9:39 pm
i’m not dying lol
johnny is though
he’s getting wrecked
absolutely fully capable, August 29, 9:40 pm
oh my god hyung please stop
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Can you??? Answer??? All the Soft Asks??????
This is gonna take a while ;;;;;
🌸Blankets: Have you been in love?
🌸Stuffies: How did you meet your best friend?
I have 3 of them??
My oldest friendship dates back to Kindergarten. His name is Joshua, he gave me a flower, and told me I was pretty. I still talk to and hang out with him. I tease him a lot because I’m older than him by 7 months but he’s like;;; 6’ tall? I love him with all my heart though. We’ve been through a lot of shit together.
My current IRL best friend I met my freshman year; her sophomore year of high school. We actually only passed by eachother during passing period, but we both had the same nerdy Doctor Who bag. I had said I like her backpack and she was about to say thanks, but she burst into laughter after she saw we had the same bag. A few weeks later we were both cast in our school’s first musical of the year and she hasn’t been able to get rid of me since. We’ve gone through almost too much together if I’m being honest…
My BEST FRIEND BEST FRIEND is @thighkyuu We met on here over a year ago after one of us was having a bad night; I can’t remember which, but we must have talked til like 4 AM. We bonded over Mysme, anime, music, our philosophies about life, our depression and anxiety ((fucked up as that may sound it’s true)), just all kinds of things. We’ve both been through our separate traumas over the course of that year, but we were there for eachother. She’s been my only constant over this year and I would do anything for her.
🌸Fluffy Pillows: What happened in your most recent dream?
Jesus, here comes my voltron obsessed ass.
Okay. So. Everyone knows that I love Keith, I’d do anything for him, so naturally we’re partners. “There is no way you two aren’t twins.” If I remember, I think Lance said that.
Anyway, in the dream, this was before they left Earth. Keith and I were in the shack going over our cork board filled with papers/files stolen from the Garrison, photographs of the strange markings on the cave wall, the rock formations in the desert, and all of this string; we’re covering the board trying to figure out what the hell pulled us out in the middle of the desert. All the sudden there was a flash of light and a huge BOOM. Naturally we both ran outside and saw an alien space craft entering the atmosphere. My first thought of course “I’m taking my hoverbike and explosives from the back.” “I’m taking mine to see what the fuck is in that ship.”
I set off the explosives and get the fuck out of there. It all goes as canon but I’m riding next to Keith on my hoverbike while he has 4 other people on his bike. Im dying from laughter and Keith just looks pissed but then we get to the cliff and we’re both ecstatic about it while 3 of the 5 on his bike scream in terror. The rest goes as canon but I’m tagging along and adding in my 2 cents in every now and again.
When we go to look for Red, Keith can’t get a clear feel for him. Keith knows the general area he’s going to be in but can not figure out which hangar Red is in. Suddenly theres like this ping in my head and I grab his upper arm and start pulling him to the hangar Red is in. We’re both relieved as fuck and Keith goes up to him and asks for entry and Red denies, I look over and see all the soldiers running toward us and start backing the fuck up. “RED OPEN THE FUCK UP!” still no entry, Keith opens the hangar door sucking everything out into space. We’re both freaking the fuck out cause what the hell do we do?! Red comes in. Keith is in the pilot’s seat; I’m standing next to him cause what else am I supposed to do??
Then I woke up.
🌸Scented Candles: How do you relax?
I watch voltron. Sketch Keith. Listen to music. Go on tumblr. You know anti-social fun stuff.
🌸Gem Stones: What’s your birthstone/favourite stone?
My birthstone is Garnet. It is also my favourite stone.
🌸Pyjamas: Describe your favourite pyjamas!
I dont wear pyjamas… I’m usually fully dressed or completely naked when I go to bed.
🌸Fuzzy Socks: What’s your favourite movie?
V for Vendetta. No competition.
🌸Kittens & Puppies: Name of your pet or your ideal pet?
Zarina Karina McBeana The Third. My bichon. She’s turning 11 this year *sniffles* they grow up so fast.
🌸Laughter: What’s the funniest joke you’ve heard?
My ex-boyfriend saying he’s sorry for everything he’s done to me and then asking for me back. I was clutching my fucking sides I was laughing so hard.
🌸Mittens: Do you like the snow?
🌸Hot Coco: What’s your favourite Starbucks drink?
Chai anything. I’m easy to please.
🌸Soft Kisses: Describe your OTP
We been makin shades of purple out of Red and Blue.
🌸Rainy Days: What do you do on a rainy day?
Sleep. Go on tumblr. Sleep more.
🌸Flower Petals: What’s your favourite flower?
Orchids because I too die if not given the proper attention.
🌸Cotton Candy: What’s your favourite candy?
Albanese Gummi Bears. It has to be Albanese or I will not eat them.
🌸Bubble Baths: Your favourite memory?
Turning around and seeing Sam’s face for the first time IRL at Kamicon a couple weeks ago.
🌸Wooly Scarfs: What song do you think relates the most to you?
Sick of losing soulmates by Dodie Clark. There are many kinds of soulmates. Friend soulmates, romatic soulmates, mentoring soulmates. And I’ve lost too many soulmates in my short life. I dont think I can handle losing any more…
🌸Roasted Marshmallows: Your camping with friends! Describe the forest you’re pitching your tent in.
We found a clearing in the thick of green woods next to a stream. The friendly scent of pine needles reminds me of home. Joshua is pitching tents. Mary Grace is chatting away with Abby and Tina about the mountain we’ve just climbed down. Sam and I find ourselves in the middle of the forest enjoying the smell of the dew drops in the grass as we collect kindle wood. Cosmo is tuning her ukulele when we finish the fire and set up camp. The evening begins creeping in as the sun starts to fade from view. We all stay in a comfortable silence as we look up at the stars and swirling nebula; listen to the sound of the gentle breeze and Cosmo lazily strumming “I can’t help falling in love with you” by Elvis Presley. The air is chilled but everything feels warm.
🌸Bird Songs: Name 5 things you love
Keith Kogane, friends/family, music, theater, sharp objects.
🌸Old Books: Do you read? If so, what’s your favourite book series?
I do read. My favourite book series continues to be the hunger games. My favourite solo book is The fault in our stars.
🌸Warm Hugs: Who would you love a hug from right now?
My choreographer Kristina Lewis… She took her own life 2 years ago… I’d do anything to bring her back and tell her how much I love her…
🌸Clouds: What’s the best shaped cloud you’ve seen?
It was the shape of a hippo! I was so excited.
🌸Fae: Describe yourself as a fairy
Little shit. Sets things on fire all the time. Makes people’s lives a living hell. Wears red and black clothes only. Definitely one of those fairys that have dragon kind of wings.
🌸Holding Hands: What was the name of your first love?
🌸Cupcakes: Favourite cupcake flavour?
Vanilla bean. I’m a very plan person.
🌸Tealights: Describe a romantic date perfect for you
At home, Pizza and candy boxes everywhere, blanket pile, lights off, movie marathon, cuddling, forehead kisses, raspberries being blown into the neck and cheek, smiles, giggling, flustered faces.
🌸Gardens: What’s the sweetest gift you’ve received
My tech teacher bought me these beautiful detail brushes ((for those of you who dont know I was head painter at my old school)). They’re my most treasured possessions.
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Where To Buy Mattress Under 500
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Particular health issues may need a specific selection. For example, individuals with back problems are suggested to obtain a firm want you to offer the S-curve with the back. Deciding depends upon the person’s choices and conditions by the end for the day.
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It founded last 1946 by Joan Clarke and Tom, Silentnight mattress had been offering the English public with air mattresses over 66 years. Initially known as Clarke Bed mattress’s Limited, it was not until 1951 that this brand everyone knows was born. This main re-branding came soon after manufacturing moved in 1949, by Skipton, North Yorkshire, to some larger site to keep up with requirement. This was the 2nd move in a 2-year period, after moving to a different site in Skipton later after the family performed business was founded. This company moved once more in 1961 to its present site following necessary expansion plans.
Currently located in Barnoldswick, Lancashire, they’ve gotten to be the Britain’s largest major bed producers; one mattress offered each 90 seconds. Within the Silentnight Group, their brand name has made over 40 million mattresses under $500 because their conception. It’s estimated they create around 1,800 beds per day, with 500 of the mattresses shipped direct to customers and also a more 1,300 delivered to mattress retailers around Britain. Actually, if you arranged all the beds, they’ve sold in the last five years alone, the range will span Rome and again and would cover to 800 football pitch.
Choosing the Mattress For The Budget ($500)
Within 1986, the development of their well-known Hippo and Duck plan encapsulated their brand name like a British house name. The use of both  different characters coincided using the launch of their Ultimate Spring System. The Duck and Hippo were chosen to show ultimate spring systems -no-roll feature. This latest spring system was the first one to be introduced in the British for more than three decades. It was late improved to their trademarked Miracoil Spring System from the late 1990s. This particular production process uses a single continuous spring using various fillings. This technique equally distributes bodyweight over the part of the bed, making a great support system, enabling a very good night’s sleep no matter size or weight.
There are presently many mattress products proposed by the Silentnight group along with the popular Miracoil mattress range. This consists of the Miratex mattress that uses the newest foam technology which features  no-roll Miracoil spring system. The usage of foam makes a mattress that moulds for the model of your body when you sleep. Mira pocket then again, uses a  pair of layer spring system. Additionally, it uses similar springs as being the Miracoil but with a further support and convenience of 800 small pocket springs.
Silent night Company comes on extreme measures over the past 25 years, regularly appearing themselves  as experts in not just mattresses but sleep. It’s their commitment, innovation and smart branding, which have seen Silentnight mattresses always thrive in the industry.
Taking Care of Your Mattress:
After researching, comparing and haggling to find a good deal on a cheap mattress, you have finally found one that's just right for you!   Now it's time to take care of your investment!  With the proper care your mattress can last you up to 10 years.  Here are a few pointers to keep your cheap mattress under $500 in good shape:
1. Avoid moisture and mildew by unwrapping your mattress immediately. Keeping it covered in plastic will prevent air circulation, causing dampness and molding to occur.  This also goes for any plastic cover or sheet.  You may think it is protecting your mattress, while it is actually destroying it!
2. Be sure to use a washable mattress cover to protect your mattress from stains and wear and tear. A mattress cover will also help avoid dust and dander for those with allergies and asthma problems.
3. Flip and rotate your new cheap mattress on a regular basis.   Keeping track of where to flip it next can be accomplished by simply numbering the corners with a marker.
4. Remove dust and dirt by vacuuming it occasionally. Again this is especially helpful to those with allergies as well.
5. Pull the covers down and air your mattress out every morning before making the bed! Any perspiration or moisture should be allowed to dry out before being trapped in by the covers. This will also help prevent any mold, mildew or rot from occurring.
6. Last but not least, I know it's hard, but resist jumping on the bed, or allowing the children to.  This can greatly damage the support of the mattress over time!
Finding a cheap mattress under 500 can be a confusing and overwhelming endeavor.  Taking care of the mattress will save you from having to go through all of that hassle again anytime soon! Here is a video highlighting some of the bets mattresses under $500
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monkey-network · 7 years
Two Cent Riffs: My Little Pony Movie, BAYBEE
#BackAtItAgain #TSPOILERS #PonyCinemassacre
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Julien: Why is it “The Movie”? It can just be “My Little Pony”. We all should know this version and the superior version that was the 80s. Roy: Excuse me? Julien: Hey, the Smooze song made that movie for me.
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Roy: Man, I’ll never stop liking stain glass windows. Julien: Hold up. Twilight has wings? ...Okay, I have missed a lot apparently. Roy: Yeah, but it’s nothing to worry............. Julien: I can sense a pause. What’s up? Roy: Oh, I’m just getting flashbacks....of people bitching online [shudders]
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Julien: AH YES, MOVE the sun, and MOVE it back. Roy: Doesn’t seem like a big deal for this celebration. We’re just depriving people from some possibly needed sunlight and fucking with the tides to sooth the feng shui of it. Julien: Can I call the “Pony Privilege” card?
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Julien: Huh, I forgot Applejack existed. Roy: She’s a main character, bruh. Julien: Yeah, it the background. Am I right lads, or am I right lads? Dom: “You’re all right, lad.” Julien: Cheers lad.
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Roy: Guess we know which couple’s getting the focus this time. Julien: Do we really have to ship right now? Roy: It’s been 7 years, dude. Fans practically learned about “shipping” thanks to this show. Julien: Hmm...that sounds pitiful, but I’ve wanted Princess Bubblegum to melt on Marceline since the beginning so what can I say?
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Julien: Looks like Pinkie had her climax.
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Roy: Okay, I’m all for Sia pony here (does have a lovely voice), but are there any rapper ponies? Julien: They’re an underground niche of pony musicians after 2Pon and Biggie bit the bullet. Roy: What about DJ Pon-3? Julien: Dub is not rap, brother.
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Roy: Bowser’s back?! Julien: And we’re only what...12 minutes in? That’s an academy record. Shit, this movie’ll be over in a blink.
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Julien: Okay, I’m liking this new villain here. Design wise, very coordinated. Color scheme is on point. Roy: I just wonder how she’ll be forgiven. Julien: Come on, man. Villains aren’t always meant to be redeemed. Roy: Ye, you need watch the rest of the show.
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Roy: Oh no, all the other 3D piloted ships are slowly coming this way. Julien: Yeah, Futurama’s done better.
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Julien: Oh shit, that is a fucking sweep down and over Pele kick. Roy: She would be great in WWE.
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Julien: Well there goes two of the most powerful ponies in this series. Roy: Well hold on. Maybe Celestia, and Luna are only powerful in the fields or cutie marks they’re given. Like yeah, they’re powerful, but only in raising the sun and moon and whatever Cadence does. So really, they probably couldn’t beat Tempest’s rock spells as much as any powerful unicorn could have... Julien: So, they were useless to begin with? Roy: Kinda, yeah.
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Roy: Hey, it’s Crissy. Julien: Wha? I thought her named was Derpy. Why Crissy? Roy: Oh no, Derpy is her name; won’t deny that. But Crissy’s just short for Criss Cross, like her eyes that are the ONE DEFINING TRAIT FOR HER EXISTENCE. It feels like a better name, you know? Julien:...You got me there. That does sound better.
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Julien: WELL, after a daring escape via a gigantic waterfall, now they’re on their way to go seek the hippos. Roy: Hippogriffs. Julien: Goddammit man! *sigh* I mean what if they were hippos and I could actually see some awesome hippos in this movie or show?....Fuck, you know?! Hippos are cool. They’re big, strong, and awesome and you jus- *sigh* tch, you’re a bastard. Roy: Jesus man, I’m sorry. Julien: No, I’m sorry but it’s like...I just think hippos are neat is all.
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Roy: Oh snap. It’s Ray Donovan. Julien: Okay, this may be a screenshot, but I could already tell Liev Schreiber was tap dancing for his check and was just having a blast doing so; like Jason Mamoa in the Justice League movie.
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Julien: How I feel about Michael Pena. Roy: Come on, he’s got his good roles. Julien: Name one that’s memorable. Roy: Well..........................................................
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Julien: Woo, that place looks like shit. How come the ponies haven’t help them out, they could spare the resources. Roy: Maybe the town didn’t want any help? Julien: Dude, no. How can just ignore a town that looks broken down, industrial, probably impoverished, smoggy, with some pretty disgusting water surrounding it? HOW can any pony worth their riches just ignore this practically desolate area while continuously celebrating whatever they want? Roy: Let’s....never mind all that.
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Roy: Oh no, 1/5 of the fanbase. ⁽ᵂᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ʲᵒᵏᶦⁿᵍ. ᵀʰᶦˢ ˢᶜᵉⁿᵉ ᶜᵒⁿˢᶦˢᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵒʷⁿˢᶠᵒˡᵏ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃˡˡʸ ᶜʳᵒʷᵈᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒⁿᶦᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵘʸ ᵃⁿᵈ/ᵒʳ ᶜᵒˡˡᵉᶜᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ. ᴬⁿᵈ ʷʰᶦˡᵉ ʷᵉ ʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿˢᵘᵐᵉʳ ᶠᵃⁿˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵈᵉᵈᶦᶜᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠʳᵃⁿᶜʰᶦˢᵉ, ᵗʰᶦˢ ʲᵒᵏᵉ ᶦˢ ᵃ ᶜᵒⁿˢᶦᵈᵉʳᵃᵇˡᵉ ᶠˡᵃᶜᶜᶦᵈ ᵖᵘⁿᶜʰˡᶦⁿᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᶜʳᶦᵖᵗ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵈᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ. ᴺᵒʷ ʰᵉʳᵉ’ˢ ᵃ ᵏᶦᵗᵗᵉⁿ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᵉ ʷʰᶦˡˢᵗ ʷᵉ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᶦⁿᵘᵉ.⁾
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Awwwww, she’s sleepy
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Julien: Oh boy, we got attractive felines in this universe. Roy: Eh, furry love aside, I’m more attracted to the comic’s nubian felines
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Roy: Hello “Friend like me” Julien: Oye, don’t go pointing out the better things others have done. We’ll be here all week.
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Roy: Can I say, “Suggestive?” Julien: Hey, they’re old enough to get some pussy in their life.
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Julien: Okay, best character in the movie. Roy: Eh, I’m not convinced.
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Roy: Okay, now I am.
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Julien: That...is gonna cost ‘em. Roy: Pfft, like they’re gonna pay for it. Julien: I thought the ignorant rich of America were annoying.
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Julien: Okay, there’s one thing that’ll never make sense here. So they’re oppressed and they work under the Storm King’s rule and they couldn’t be pirates. But it takes ONE song and they decide “Fuck it. We’re pirates again.” Roy: Have you ever had a song dedicated to helping you get your confidence and groove back?
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[Gasp] The lesbian call.
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Roy: I love how they play dramatic angry music over the colorful destruction that is their ship.
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Julien: Hey, this reminds me of my Steven Universe fanfic. Roy: What? Julien: I dreamed and started a fanfic about Connie being an Arcane Knight that is seeking the original gems that helped salvage the land from the tyrannical Homeworld generals and this was where Lapis resided because she was originally master of nature but went into hiding after she, Peridot (master of metal) and Amethyst (master of animals) had a fallout.
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Julien: When she goes so deep, she’s feeling your sunken place
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Roy: Now to be fair, she was trying to save her civilization while her friends were fucking around. Julien: Yeah, stealing from a civilization that suffered from the same enemies they’re dealing with now. Why didn’t the ponies help the hippogriffs when they clearly could have? This feels racist in a way. Roy: Specist? Julien: Yes. Thank you.
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Julien: Okay, I can see where both sides are coming from, you know? However, I have a neutralizer that, possibly(?), erases both sides of this argument. How did it take them (the ponies) this long to try and stop the Storm King’s reign when it started to affect them personally? Where were any of them when the Storm King’s armada took over the Hippogriffs, the pirates, that city? I mean, I wouldn’t worry about this so much if the movie wasn’t so full of its “Friendship Solves All” theme to drive home how this will resolve when it could’ve been resolved LONG AGO! Roy: Jesus dude, it’s not that big a deal here. Julien: NO BRO, it is a big deal. Because they made 4 comics, so much merch, got good players like Sia, Liev, Emily Blunt, etc. all for movie that barely tries to integrate its new universe to a series that’s been around for 7 fucking years!
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Ah good, we’re entered the third act.
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Roy: Song time. Julien: I’ll allow it. Tempest is honestly the only best thing about this movie. Also, was Emily Blunt in Chicago???
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Julien: So...let me get this straight. This girl stood up to a fucking bear and she gets shunned for her suffering? Fuck those kids! Roy: Yeah, I can see where she’d want revenge.
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Roy: Okay movie, these Hippogriff designs are good. You live this time. Julien: This time? It’s still getting the slaughter, honey. [revs chainsaw]
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Julien: You know Twilight fucked up when Sia pony is staring you down. Roy: With what eyes? Julien: Eye. Roy: I didn’t know you were Scottish.
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I won’t question how they could breath in there.
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Roy: Aw jeez, she was out for blood today. Julien: He’s getting creamed out there.
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Julien: JESUS CHRIST, they brought flames to the party. Seriously, they are burning these beasts alive without fear.
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One got consumed in the flames. Like, damn movie.
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Roy: Okay, I get that Storm King’s a playful villain, but now he’s just monkeying around. Julien: Liev just wanted his paycheck. He’s doing just as good as everyone.
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Roy: Looks like Pinkie Pie is on her a game this time. Julien: When she’s not yelling all her lines. Am I right lads, or am I right lads? Dom: “You’re all right, lad!” Julien: Cheers, lad.
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Roy: Betrayal, I never knew could the Storm King could do such a thing. Julien: All I can think of is Twilight yeeting her into the cloud.
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Gone with the wind.
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Julien: Jesus christ. Roy: Exactly.
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Roy: HA. He didn’t expect somebody to jump in the way of the bomb, only to then tag them and infect them with the spell as well. This doesn’t make sense in a way. Julien: Who cares, he’s fucking dead.
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That’s right. Dead. On Screen. Full High Definition. YOUR MOVE, “DISNEY”.
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Roy: So wait, what if Tempest actually got her horn back? Julien: Mass Genocide, everybody in Equestria incinerated; but hey: SPARKLY, COLORFUL EXPLOSIONS RIGHT?!
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Julien: And that’s the My Little Pony Movie, ladies and gentlemen. Final thoughts? Roy: Fizzlepop Berrytwist is one of the worst names you could ever give your child. But other than that, I enjoyed what I got, mediocrity and all. Hell, I’m just glad there’s a 2D animated film in American theaters again. Could spell potential for the 16 mil. it earned at the Box Office. 👍👍 Julien: I thought it was alright and could’ve done better for their story beats than taking stuff from other better movies. A fun romp nonetheless.👍👎 Well, what now? Roy: Well, it’s Halloween. Wanna howl at the moon together? Julien: Sure.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 7 years
Step away from the laptop, we’re watching movies
So, treats, basically all I write. @terezees your trick was hard but I hope you enjoyed it. I thought I’d give platonic cuddling a try. I remember when I went to Otakon, my friend told me she’s cuddled with everyone in our room and I was the last one on the list, but she ended passing out before I did, so we’ll see how this goes.
How was it the second month of the semester already? It was like all the teachers had decided to just throw all the work they possibly could onto them and laugh while watching them struggle. Keith knew this would happen when he decided to be a double major but he was so sure he could handle it. Now, he wasn’t sure.
His eyes felt strained as he kept his eyes on his laptop. He was close to slamming his head on the table when something blocked his eyes. He grabbed at the hands covering his eyes.
“What the hell?”
The hands disappeared and he felt weight on his back and someone rest their head on top of his.
“Hello mullet.”
Lance, his next door neighbour and best friend since high school. They considered themselves rivals and some people thought they didn’t like each other but they just got used to each other. The balanced each other out and Keith was pretty glad that they were going to the same college. God knows he wouldn’t leave his room because he was so socially inept.
“Lance, what are you doing here? Don’t you have a dance to choreograph?”
“Hi Lance, haven’t seen you all week. I missed you. I’m so glad you came to check up on me.” Lance mocked, obviously not happy with his greeting.
“Hi. How did you get in here?”
“That roommate who moved out 2 weeks in gave me his key to give back to security and I might have forgotten. But hey, isn’t it good I didn’t? We would of found you dead if I didn’t check up on you. How swamped with assignments are you?”
“You don’t want to know. My eyes are burning.”
Lance got off of Keith and leaned against the desk he was sitting at. “Have you taken your contacts out at all?” he asked, pointing to his own squared shaped glasses that sat on his face.
“Oh, uh…”
“Oh god,” Lance groaned before grabbing the back of Keith’s chair and pulling him from his desk and laptop. “Ok, enough. Go take your contacts out, take a shower and get into comfy clothes and bring both you and Red down into the Tetris lounge. I am banning you from anymore work.”
“But my homework...”
“Will still be there. Do not make me call Shiro or Allura. They’ll be worst, trust me.” Lance said staring Keith down. Keith didn’t want to deal with either people so he sighed and stood up from his chair. “Good mullet. Hurry up and meet me downstairs.”
Ok, so while he was a bit annoyed at being pulled from his work, even though he been ready to call quits, the shower was amazing, even with the warm water. Plus he had the whole bathroom to himself which felt nice. Once he was out, he changed into his pyjamas when he saw a red blob of fabric spilling from one of his dresser drawers. It was his red lion kigurumi that Lance’s mom made him. Lance did say get comfortable. He pulled it on, sliding his glasses on his face and after he pinned his bangs back, he grabbed his large purple hippo plush. Yes it was purple and he called it Red, it was the first name that came to mind when he won it during his freshmen year at their Winter Blast event. She made a great pillow and was the perfect thing to cuddle.
He made his way into the Tetris lounge, which was the lounge on the first floor of their dorm that held the TV and all the furniture was extremely easy to move so every day, they seemed to be in different positions. Lance had taken over it seemed, pushing both sofas so it created a long bed. It looked cosy with all Lance’s comforters and pillows and his blue lion teddy bear. Lance was focused on connecting his laptop to the TV, so Keith just climbed into the nest, putting Red behind him so he could lean on her.
“Hey, you’re wearing your kigurumi. I should have worn mine.” Lance said, when he noticed Keith was there.
“You said get comfy. What are we doing?”
“We’re watching movies.” Lance brandished his bookbag and dumped it out, shoving all the DVD cases to the shorter guy. “I brought most of them, take your pick.”
Keith fingered through the pile of them pulling out his favourites. He stopped at the sight of a pink covered case. “A Barbie movie really?”
“Oh, so you don’t want to watch Barbie Diaries or 12 Dancing Princesses. I can send those back to my sister if you want.”
“I didn’t say that.” Keith wouldn’t admit it, but after watching Barbie Diaries and 12 Dancing Princesses with Lance’s younger sisters, he got kinda hooked. They were good. “But we’re watching a horror movie too.”
“Oh come on, Keith. This is supposed to be relaxing.”
“I find horror movies relaxing, get over it.”
He listened to Lance grumble as he grabbed one of the DVDs in Keith’s watch pile and put it in his laptop’s disk drive. He was quick to skip right to the main menu and the music from the third Harry Potter movie started, cutting short as he hit ‘Play Movie’. He climbed into the nest and plopped himself down next to Keith.
“Pass me that bag.” Lance asked, pointing to a plastic bag that sat on the table near Keith. “I brought snacks and Hunk made cookies. I was able to save some from Pidge.”
The two’s attention was eventually captured by the movie as the mindlessly ate the snacks Lance had brought. Keith had made himself comfortable by throwing his legs over one end of the couch, his head cushioned on Lance’s stomach while Red rested on his own stomach.
“Draco was hot.” Lance said, watching as the blond boy was punched by Hermione.
“I mean, Tom Felton is still hot.” Keith said, biting into a cookie, making crumbs. He knew Lance would get annoyed at him about that later but he didn’t care.
“I know, but still. When I watched these movies, I kept thinking ‘If Harry won’t do him, I will’.”
“Too bad you still ship him with Harry.” Keith pointed out.
“They had potential. You can’t deny that.” Lance stated. Keith just hummed, reaching for another cookie.
The movie eventually ended and like Keith thought, Lance glared at him for the pile of crumbs he left on his lap. While Lance dusted his pants off and shook the blanket they had been lying on off, Keith put in the next movie, which was the horror movie.
“This is gonna suck.” Lance moaned as Keith climbed back to his seat.
Keith put Red behind him so he could lean on her again held out his arms. “Here you big baby.” Lance was quick to cuddle close to his side, hugging his blue lion close. “Try not to scream to loud, I don’t want the RA thinking someone’s dying.”
“No promises. I’m just doing this to help you feel better.”
“Oh yeah, thanks by the way. I know I complained earlier but I really needed this.” Keith thanked
“Of course you did. How about next time you know you’re getting swamped, you text me? I might only be a dance major but your my best friend and any rehearsal can wait.”
“Yeah, I will.”
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