murderballadeer · 2 months
1. how many times have you changed your url?
2. what does your blog title mean?
3. how old is nina?
(i’m new here lol)
i've changed my url 8 times (bringingupbaby1938 -> hildy-dont-be-hasty -> johnsonshildy -> laurenbacallgf -> ladyoftheharbour -> folksingers -> ladyoftheharbour -> topicalsongs -> ladyoftheharbour -> murderballadeer), my blog title is one of woody guthrie's 1943 new year's resolutions that i thought was a nice sentiment, and nina is around two and a half years old (she's a rescue so we're not 100% sure but the vet estimated she was born around january or february 2022)!
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omgthatdress · 4 years
do you have a favourite decade for fashion? a trend or style from a while ago that you'd like to see make a comeback?
Well I’m a Hot Topic Goth at heart, so I’m always gonna love that. Historically, I love the 1920s.
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glamourofyesteryear · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart 🦋
Awww thank you Lucie!!!! 💖💖💖  Right back at you, I can tell you have such a good heart! 💖  Lauren Bacall will do a little happy dance for me <3
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grusinskayas · 4 years
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i was tagged (a long time ago) by @theimpossiblescheme to post "some of my formative influences – different pieces of media that explain a lot about why i am the way i am." thank you! 💕
old films in general were very formative to me but there isn't just one film i can choose to represent that, so instead i picked fred and ginger who were one of the first old hollywood things i came across and fell in love and a streetcar named desire because it's one of my favorite stories + vivien leigh is also very important to me.
(dogville is also on this list but i had to choose an even number of pictures KSJFKDKS)
i tag @mscarolinebingley @she-went-all-cylon @kittensmctavish @norashelley @hildy-dont-be-hasty and @joanleslies :)
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bl00dline · 4 years
freeze! you’re under arrest for being so lovely! copy this message to as many blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it! keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!! 🌺✨🌷🌷✨🌸🌸💐✨🌾✨🌷✨✨🌼✨🌸🌷💐✨🌸
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Thank you Lucie! 💗💗💗
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lesbiancolumbo · 4 years
just wondering, which fred & ginger movie are you watching?
follow the fleet! i like it so far, i wasn’t intending for that to be my last of the fred and gingers but it almost never goes to tcm on demand so i just haven’t had the opportunity ‘til now
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 21, 2021: The African Queen (Part 2)
Ah, Part 2! So, how are they doing at this point again?
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RIGHT. Rapids. Well, let’s not navel-gaze, let’s see how they do! Check out the first part of the Recap right here to see how we got to this point!
Recap (2/2)
So they go over the rapids, which are basically just a short waterfall. It’s one hell of a ride, that’s for sure, and the two have some difficulty.
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But even through that, they ride it out fine! More than fine, as they celebrate surviving the fort and the rapids. Rose lets out a kind of awkward “hip-hip hooray, and descends further into her adrenaline junkie fervor, saying the bullets were like mosquitoes. She, uh...she’s really getting into this whole thing, huh?
Charlie, meanwhile, is just overjoyed to still be alive, and embraces Rose in celebration. They have their own little twin rants about the occasion, and Charlie finishes it off with his own hip-hip-hooray! That’s followed by...
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Well...OK then. Both of them seem taken aback by the kiss, and they brush it off as it nothing’s happened. But you can tell that things are different after this. And it seems like both of them are kind of into. Charlie, OK, I can sort of buy, but Rose has really started to experience a different side of life, and she’s embracing the SHIT out of it.
Doesn’t take them long to actually kiss in earnest, either, and they quickly succumb to their passions. Can’t imagine that they succumb completely, though, given Rose’s status as a woman of faith and all that. Either way, the two quickly legit fall in love. This is despite not knowing each other’s first names, goddamn. They finally start to refer to each other on a more personal basis, and they continue their journey down the river.
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The two start to enjoy themselves, with Charlie imitating animals he sees down the river (the GIF up above is him imitating a hippo), and Rose laughs with a little snort that I will freely admit is adorable. But that’s cut juuuuuust a little short, when they hear and see what’s coming: more rapids.
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And these are WAY worse than the other two, descending into a straight-up waterfall. Still, the boat makes it through, but not entirely undamaged this time. Propeller shaft is a little messed up, and supplies are limited. But Rosie, ever the optimistic innovator, manages to convince Charlie to give it a try, and to let her help.
And honestly...I’m digging their relationship. They’re EXTREMELY different people, but they’re also one of the best examples of opposites attracting that I’ve seen this month. And not only do they work together as a couple, but they LITERALLY work together to fix the boat! They weld a propeller together using makeshift bellows and a wooden fire on short, and the boat’s back to being river-worthy.
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And the Ulanga River becomes the Bora, and elephants cavort along the shore...where the hell are they? Like, real talk, I’ve seen Nile crocodiles, elephants, hippos, babbons? Hold on, lemme look up these rivers while these two get assaulted by a massive swarm of mosquitoes, which looks unbearable.
OK, so considering that they’re in German East Africa, they’re probably going through Tanzania. And apparently, the river itself is a pretty common place to find all of those animals co-existing, as well as the largest population of Nile crocodiles in Africa, and a breeding ground for a bunch of bird species, like openbill storks and African skimmers...and can I take this cruise? Like, is there an option to go on a cruise through this area? ‘Cause I wanna. I REALLY wanna, goddamn. I would KILL to see this shit, I mean it. 
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OK, well, moving on, the two make their way through a papyrus swamp, and they get badly stuck in the mud. They’re forced to make their way out of the reeds by getting out and literally towing it through the muck. Charlie does so, while Rose helps from above. 
But remember what I said about a lot of shit being in the water? Well, it’s time for leeches! Yay! Charlie seems to think that they’ve poisoned him, but that’s DEFINITELY not how leeches work. You wouldn’t know that, though, as Charlie starts to feel sick. Even so, they have to pull the boat through the muck onceagain, with Rose using a machete to clear the way.
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But again, it doesn’t seem to matter, as a fever-stricken Charlie is convinced that the two of them are now permanently stuck in the mud, and that the two will die there. Rose seems to agree, and she prays to God once more, accepting their deaths, and asking for him to be merciful, despite their...weakness? That would seem to indicate that something may have been...consummated. Huh. Go figure.
But God’s not taking them yet, as the heavens produce not mercy, but torrential rain, which covers the giraffes, hippos, lions, and...I think those are puku? Common antelope species found around the river. But the rains also bring salvation, as the risen water level sweeps the boat out of the mud and onto the lake (which is fictional, by the way)!
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But even now, after ALL OF THAT, it isn’t over yet, as the Königin Luise is on the horizon, about to spot them! They head back towards the reeds to hide, and narrowly escape. They decide to enact their torpedo plan at night, and spend the next few days making the torpedoes and cleaning the ship.
They argue about who’s going with the ship to take out the Luise, but they decide to both go, as they’d rather not risk losing each other if anything were to happen. They head out under cover of night and rain, and it’s then that something occurs to me...are they gonna make it out of this? Because swimming in a lake as big as this is no...oh, wait, never mind, the boat just sank. Shit.
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Rose is lost, and Charlie’s found by the ship, who interrogate him under suspicion of being a spy for the British. He’s sentenced to death by hanging, immediately. And JUST as they do so, they find Rose and bring her to the ship. They embrace each other, but Rose is also interrogated by the “court” of sailors.
Rose, however, don’t give a FUCK, and just STRAIGHT-UP ADMITS THEIR PLAN! Holy shit, lady’s got balls. Charlie goes along with her, and the Captain (Peter Bull) is more intrigued than angry. But, y’know, not really gonna stop the whole “hanging” thing, now is it?
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The two are lead onto the deck to be hanged. Meanwhile, the sunken The African Queen is still out there, submerged in the lake, with the torpedoes in tact. As they’re about to be hanged together, Charlie asks the ship’s captain to marry them, in ANOTHER ballsy move. Fuck me, I love this bullshit! Dumbest thing in the world, and yet I completely buy it!
The Captain, agreeing with me, actually does marry them as the nooses are tied around their necks. And that’s when Chekov’s boat is hit, and the whole thing goes down! HOLY FUCK!! Charlie takes the opportunity and throws off the nooses, and the two dive off the boat as the Königin Luise sinks entirely! The two, now married, swim off to the shore. And that’s it!
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The African Queen! Another lovely film, with an ending that’s...abrupt as fuck, I’m gonna be honest with you. 
But I’ll get into that in the Review! See you there!
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murderballadeer · 6 months
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avasgal · 4 years
1, 2 and 15 :)
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors
It changes from time to time, but I gotta go with these at the moment:
Black Raspberry
2: Top 3 Disney Movies
My favorite Disney movies are probably not everyone’s favorites.
101 Dalmations
Robin Hood 
15: Top 3 kinds of flower
Oooh I love flowers :)
Thank you for sending these :)
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miss-audrey-dear · 4 years
4, 6 and 14 <3
Eeh! I actually got an ask! And from the queen herself thank you my dear 🥰
4. How do you tend to discover new music? I play a lot of my playlist radios on spotify or look up random appropriate playlists to play at work and end up liking them.
6. Is there a song you really liked as a child and don’t like it as much now but would still get up and dance to it? The first songs that came to mind was I Will Survive by Gloria Gayner and Dancing Queen by Abba.
14. What genre of music to you avoid at all costs? I would say like mumble rap and like anything too hardcore.
music asks
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grusinskayas · 4 years
2020 faves
i was tagged by @hildy-dont-be-hasty. thanks, lucie! 💕
the mysterious affair at styles by agatha christie
the pledge by friedrich dürrenmatt
bird box by jash malerman
~ quarantine killed my reading habits ~
the fall of the house of usher by edgar allan poe
fun home by alison bechdel
there, but for you, go i by brittain ashford
this is very complicated because i don’t think of music in terms of albums
beware there’s only going to be musical theatre stuff ahead
ghost quartet: live at the mckittrick
chess in concert
matilda the musical
natasha, pierre and the great comet of 1812
one week [1920]; the invisible man [1933]; mad love [1935]; the devil-doll [1936]; a woman’s face [1938]; ball of fire [1941]; cat girl [1957]; eyes without a face [1960]; peeping tom [1960]; the rocky horror picture show [1975]; clue [1985]; my neighbor totoro [1988]; princess mononoke [1997].
i tag @imaginerium @mscarolinebingley @she-went-all-cylon @kittensmctavish @vintagemol and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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norashelley · 4 years
well I could definitely go for a in home soda fountain like ginger had, i love driving and long dress!
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bl00dline · 4 years
I was tagged by the darling @hildy-dont-be-hasty to spell out my username with songs! It’s been so long since I’ve done one of these. Thanks for the tag!
B- Blue River by Bix Beiderbecke (1927)
U- I don’t know
S- Some of These Days by Sophie Tucker (1929)
T- There’s a Long Long Trail by James Reed and J.F. Harrison (1915)
E- East St. Louis Toodle-oo by Duke Ellington (1927)
R- Rêverie by Claude Debussy (1890)
K- Keep the Home Fires Burning by John McCormack (1917)
E- Everything Reminds Me of That Old Sweetheart of Mine by Henry Burr (1915)
A- All of Me by Mildred Bailey (1932)
T- The Very Thought of You by Al Bowlly (1934)
O- Oh, You Beautiful Doll by the American Quartet (1911)
N- Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out by Bessie Smith (1929)
I’m tagging @alfred-st-john, @silverscene, @thehighsign, @vampire-reanimator, and @schofielded if any of you fancy doing this!
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filminghere · 4 years
1939, 1942 and 1950!
Thanks~ <3
I answered 1939 earlier with Gone with the Wind, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and The Wizard of Oz (First Love as an honorable mention) and 1942 with Casablanca, Now, Voyager, and The Pride of the Yankees (and The Magnificent Ambersons and Random Harvest as honorable mentions).
I remember liking The Women when it comes to other 1939 movies, but it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen it.
Some other 1942 films I think are great that I didn’t mention earlier are Bambi, To Be or Not to Be, and Mrs. Miniver.
1950: - Sunset Boulevard - Cinderella - Gun Crazy
I was debating whether or not to put Gun Crazy or Born Yesterday!
send me a year and I’ll pick my top 3 movies from that year
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luciatraskwrites · 4 years
hey, could i be added to the taglist for what came from the fair? it sounds really interesting! my writing blog is @stuff-lucie-wrote
of course! thank you, i’m so glad you’re interested!!
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maureenoharra · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart 🦋
Thank you, Lucie!! You’re definitely one of the sweetest on this site ❤️❤️❤️
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