#because Miriel fucked up
nishihii · 6 months
rennala marika toxic yuri i cant get you out of my head
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Miriel’s Depression
This is pure speculation.
But what if one of the reasons Miriel was depressed was bc she knew her husband didn’t love her anymore. I mean, with him moving on in 1 valinor year (and even for humans moving on from a dead spouse, one that left an infant behind, within a year is not a sign of things being ok) it really wouldn’t be that surprising if Finwe stopped loving Miriel long before her death.
Furthermore, what if the only reason Miriel even went to Valinor in the first place was because she loved Finwe, and she left the rest of her family (who didn’t want to go) behind?
Heck, what if she did not want to be the queen, but because she loved Finwe she went with it anyways? What if she was a hunter, like celegorm, who prefered to live away from council meetings and society balls? And the reason she started to weave was to escape the golden cage she became trapped in?
What if, all of this misery she persevered through because she loved her husband, because she loved her to-be-born son...
Only for Her to be slapped in the face with the realization that Finwe no longer loved her?
Look, we know nothing about Miriel, other than she was Finwe’s first wife and Feanor’s mother, but, seeing as some traits that the feanorians showcase are clearely not from Finwe (and as far as i know Nerdanel’s side of the family) i’m willing to bet that things like Feanor’s drive , passion and fire, and celegorm’s love of the outdoors and hunting (which ambarussa also share i think?) are all parts of Miriel that are shinning through.
So, if that’s the case, what exactly would cause such a soul to choose to lay down and die?
I will bet you that not everything is what it seems in her and Finwe’s marriage, or her life in aman.
(And, this is even more speculation that’s probably not cannon but food for thought, but what if Finwe and Indis had an affair behind her back? Albeit an emotional one, but one none the less? I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, but Finwe and Indis’s sudden and quick relationship is really sus)
Anyway, these are just some thoughts i had, considering we don’t really know what transpired between Miriel, Finwe, and Indis other than the basics and the end result. But it’s at complete odds with everything we know about elvish behavior, and i am not going to brush Feanor’s reaction to his new step-mother aside because it’s WAY to strong in my opinion, especially since there are cases like Elrond and Elros, where Maedhros and Maglor literally slaughtered Sirion and kidnapped them for a jewel, and yet the two boys still have a positive relationship with M&M. Clearly, there probably is additional things that caused Feanor to be so hostile to Indis and be at odds with his father, despite Finwe apparently favoring Feanor or smth.
It just does not add up.
And, considering that the silmarillion is written from the point of view of an in-verse historian who is biased against the feanorians, it also really would not surprise me if information that would paint Feanor in a more understanding light would be left out, either accidentally or on purpose.
Am i focusing way to much on the Weird af relationship between Miriel, Finwe and Indis and how it affected Feanor, especially considering the little information we are given on it? Some would say yes.
However, i maintain the fact that this weird relationship and the resulting family dynamic between the Finweons is the crucial starting point for everything that happened in the silmarillion, and even stretched all the way through the 3rd age with the One Ring. Therefor, i believe that trying to understand exactly what went wrong, and what we were not told, is worth focusing on as, without this one fucked up relationship drama, the history of the elves would likely have been very different.
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brynnmclean · 6 months
y'all, I feel like I've said this a lot, it is truly a joy to be a GM, but I am so fucking ready to get out of the chair and be a player again
#the goalpost keeps moving#i think i have 10 more sessions in me max#those sessions will be PACKED. have to have a mini boss fight. the breaking of a curse. the boss fight. some kind of arc resolution#that will be player driven! whatever they want to do with relations between two groups before they go north!#and THEN the long awaited audience with gil galad to hopefully broker some kind of alliance between them and tar miriel.#winter will arrive and it will see them either at sea or in lindon. hoping for lindon but they could fuck up negotiations for sure.#the problem with my notes tbh is that there is a lot of stuff in my brain but not a lot on paper#anyway. christ. what is it like just showing up to a d&d session with a character sheet and a notebook.#AKB will be 3 years old in january#i think i'm still in the hot seat until april#i love this campaign. i do i really do. but hoooooo boy. i want a real break.#this last hiatus doesn't feel like it counted because it was schedule driven and i still have to keep things spinning in my mental space.#not to mention no one GMed anything in the meantime#there was some poll recently that was about being a player for a long form campaign like what type of characters have you played#and one-shots and campaigns that fizzled out <3 sessions in don't count#i looked at that poll and was like well damn. i haven't been a player in a long form campaign since probably... 2016. GURPs 4e.#wait that's not true-- the 5e/Star Wars Saga ed hybrid campaign that was a mixed bag. scoundrel ship mechanic zabrak life.#ha! checked my notes! that ended in july 2022#i feel like that one barely counts though because my PC was wrangling the group to keep us on task (frustrating. i am a plot hound player)#these tags are out of hand#i'm just tired and struggling with stat blocks nbd#to be deleted i guess#do i need a loremaster tag?
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serene-faerie · 6 days
Fall of Númenor Dashboard Simulator
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🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
I don't know what kind of propaganda everyone's been drinking lately, but some of y'all are really starting to scare me.
So friendly reminder:
We're not. Meant. To be immortal.
We already have a longer lifespan than most normal humans. Stop being so entitled, y'all.
💎 immortal-warrior Follow
How is it entitled to think that it's unfair that we don't get to be immortal? If it weren't for us, Sauron would've conquered all of Middle-earth!
We deserve immortality for kicking Sauron's ass!
🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
This is exactly the kind of entitlement I was talking about.
#my posts #the gift of men
( 23,456 notes )
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🔥 priestess-of-melkor Follow
You became Melkor's acolyte to gain immortality.
I became Melkor's acolyte to
✨ fuck Zigûr ✨
We are not the same.
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🛡️ lordofandunie18 Follow
This will be my very last post.
For the sake of Númenor, I have to try and appeal to the Valar, just as Eärendil did back in the First Age. If I fail to return, I want all of my followers to pack up and prepare to leave. It's only a matter of time before this island comes to ruin.
Before I leave, I must spread the truth about the king. Though it pains me to do this, I cannot stand by and let his cruelty pass anymore. Here's the truth about Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
TW: rape, incest, domestic abuse, blasphemy against the Valar, violence.
Read more
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🌾 farmgirlofnumenor Following
Okay, anyone else seriously angry about this new temple that the king's building right now???
Before anyone yells at me, I'm not a Faithful, but I'm not one of the King's Men. I'm just sick of the king's overspending on stupid projects and his obsession with becoming immortal.
There are food shortages in the countryside! People are starving to death and all the king cares about is building this temple! But all these nobles care about is immortality, and I'm just so tired of it all.
Oh, and if you come at me about how I should be blaming the Valar or worshiping Melkor, I will block you.
🌿 forest-lover Follow
Well said, my friend!
All the people criticizing you in the notes must be city people feeling so called out for spending their money on cheap makeup and fake treatments. If you feel insulted by this post, then you're part of the problem.
Quit focusing on making yourselves immortal and focus on helping your people for once!
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👑 jewel-daughter-miriel Following
The storms are growing worse. The ground is shaking beneath my feet, and I can see smoke coming from the Meneltarma.
This will most likely be my last post. Númenor is lost, and there's no hope of saving it.
I can only hope that the end will come quickly.
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🕊️ pelargirl Mutuals
Istg the King's Men are so entitled.
They all act like they deserve immortality because they happen to have longer lifespans than most humans.
But you're all ready to sacrifice innocent people and wage war in the south, all because you kicked Sauron's ass thousands of years ago.
You're all awful people and I hope that Eru smites you all.
#i'm so glad i fled to pelargir #to all my faithful friends still in romenna #please stay safe #vent posts #do not reblog
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🦂 harad-traveller Follow
Reblog if you want a giant wave to swallow Númenor
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast!
💠 long-live-westernesse Follow
Wow, this is so rude. We literally introduced so many things to you Haradrim and this is how you thank us???
And y'all wonder why we destroyed your cities.
🏜️ deserts-of-the-south Follow
Anyways, reblog to destroy Númenor!
#entitled numenoreans
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⚔️ soldier-of-armenelos Follow
*kicks down door*
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🐋 nostalgic-numenor Follow
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The coastline of Hyarrostar, before the Shadow
#vintage photos #numenor #faithful #elendili #hyarrostar #nostalgia
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🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Is it bad that I actually kinda enjoy watching Númenor sink? I mean, it sucks that my home is gone, but after everything that Ar-Pharazôn did, I'm just glad that the trash took itself out.
I hope Sauron also got swept up in that wave.
🌊 maidenofandustar Follow
Bro people are dying wtf is wrong with you???
I say this as someone whose sister was sacrificed by the King's Men. I know we all suffered, but not all of those people were King's Men!
We should never celebrate innocent people dying, or we're no better than Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron.
🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Girl my entire family was sacrificed in the Temple of Melkor.
I really don't care about 'being the bigger person'.
I just hope Ar-Pharazôn and all of those pathetic King's Men are drowning like rats right now.
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🗡️ isildur3209 Following
We finally arrived in Middle-earth. It was a rough journey, but we're all safe, if not a little tired.
My brother, wife, and son are safe and sound. However, we got separated from our father's ship thanks to the waves. Don't know what we're gonna do, but for now, I'm gonna take some time to rest and grieve for my home.
#personal #numenor
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Previous post here
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slavonicrhapsody · 9 months
wtf is going on with Rykard’s hair
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So, I finally took it upon myself to make a post laying out the entire Rykard hair color situation, and going over and assessing the potential theories about what’s going on here. For context, the general fan consensus had been that Rykard’s hair was red like his father and siblings. It makes sense for all their hair colors to match, and if we look at the descriptions of both the Redmane Knight helm and the Gelmir Knight helm, they read:
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“Helm worn by knights who fought by General Radahn's side. The red plume is a symbol of Radahn's pedigree as Lord Radagon's son - the mane of the proud Red Lion.” (Redmane Knight Helm)
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“Helm worn by knights once loyal to Praetor Rykard. Its crest of red feathers symbolizes Rykard's pedigree as Lord Radagon's son.” (Gelmir Knight Helm)
The portraits of Rykard displayed in Volcano Manor also seemingly did not contradict this interpretation, since the lighting in the Manor is strongly tinted red:
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However, two images started floating around: in this image, from the Elden Ring manga, the colorist depicted Rykard’s hair as blond.
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We don’t know if this character design was their personal interpretation or if this was specified directly to them by Fromsoft, but it is significant nonetheless.
Then there is this image, which includes the image files of the Volcano Manor portraits taken directly from the game (free from the influence of the Manor’s red-tinted light).
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It shows that Rykard’s hair was painted as pale and slightly golden, in stark contrast to his brother Radahn’s darkly saturated red hair.
In retrospect, we can also look at the art of Rykard’s severed head from the game’s opening, and there appears to be several pale hairs across his face.
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So we can reasonably conclude that, at least at this point in Rykard’s life, his hair is inarguably pale-colored, not red like his family members. However, this doesn’t rule out the idea that his hair has changed color over time. Let’s go over some different theories about where this pale hair color might come from…
First, I’m going to start out with two theories that I think can reasonably be dismissed.
The painting is aged
It has been argued that the color of Rykard’s portrait could have faded and made his hair less pigmented. However, I don’t think this is a good argument because in the same painting, we can see that the red gems in his sword are still quite pigmented. Furthermore, Rykard has multiple other paintings as we have seen, such as the painting of Radahn, that do not appear to have lost significant pigment (plus, the other portrait of Rykard is painted in the exact same colors as the first portrait). Lastly, this theory doesn’t account for the pale hairs present in Rykard’s intro art.
Rykard himself is aged
Many people have interpreted Rykard’s pale hair color as due to age, but I have problems with this theory. It doesn’t make any sense for Rykard to have aged significantly, because neither Radahn nor their parents look aged at all. Rennala doesn’t even have godly blood, but she looks like she hasn’t aged a day since she became queen! Why would Rykard be the only one in their family to get old??? It’s true though that in his portraits, his face looks pretty, for lack of a better term, fucked up. But I have another idea about that which I’ll talk about towards the end… I honestly don’t think he looks particularly old, I think it’s more to do with whatever the hell is going on with his skin. Also, to me, his hair here doesn't really look like it's greying, it looks like it's tinted gold.
With those theories out of the way, here are the theories that I think we can seriously consider.
Rykard was always blond
The main evidence for this theory is that according to Miriel, “Lord Radagon harbored a secret,” which was discovered by a sculptor of the capital. We can then investigate the statue in Leyndell and come to the conclusion that Radagon is Marika. While Radagon was married to Rennala, he ordered the preceptors to don masks with the mouths sewn shut with golden thread “To make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private.” I interpret Radagon’s extreme secrecy as him hiding the truth that he and Marika are one. Radagon and Marika as one being produced twin children, Malenia and Miquella, of which one has Radagon’s red hair and the other has Marika’s pale gold hair. So I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Radagon, who is Marika, could have had a child with Rennala who has Marika’s gold hair.
Some counter-evidence to this theory is again, the description of the Gelmir Knight helm: “Helm worn by knights once loyal to Praetor Rykard. Its crest of red feathers symbolizes Rykard's pedigree as Lord Radagon's son.” This item description definitely can be interpreted as evidence that Rykard indeed inherited Radagon’s red hair, and is invoking it in the design of his soldiers’ helms to draw a connection between himself and his father.
However, I don’t think the use of this symbol necessarily means that Rykard had to have Radagon’s hair color himself. Radagon’s red hair is his defining feature (“Radagon’s glory burns as red as his hair”), so using it as a symbol invokes him and his prowess on the battlefield… which benefits Rykard and Radahn, because they want people to think of Radagon’s strength when they see their armies. In other words, the red plumes could just be the statement “Radagon, the famed warrior, is my father” and not necessarily “Radagon, the famed warrior, is my father and I look just like him.” Interestingly, the Redmane Knight Helm also includes an extra line: “The red plume is a symbol of Radahn's pedigree as Lord Radagon's son - the mane of the proud Red Lion.” The last line here specifically mentions Radahn’s own red hair, but the Gelmir Knight helm has no such reference to Rykard’s hair… perhaps because his hair isn’t actually red?
One side note to discuss… I’ve seen it said that Rennala is actually blond, so Rykard might have inherited it from her. However, this is only a trick of the light — Rennala’s hair is very clearly meant to be brown, which can look either very dark or very light depending on the lighting. Rennala’s hair in her concept art/in-game portrait is unequivocally brown:
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Rykard’s whole appearance changed
This is the last theory I have… which is that Rykard’s hair color used to be red like his family, but changed as a result of his involvement with the Great Serpent. If we take a closer look at Rykard’s in-game art, there’s a lot of questionable things about his face:
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He’s got frighteningly dark eye sockets. His beard and other parts of his face seem to be scaly and fleshy, almost looking like flaps of skin. And in the intro art, his eyes have turned black with a yellow iris, like how we see him in his boss fight.
I’m not sure exactly how, but I think it’s possible that Rykard’s appearance had been somehow drastically altered even before he was devoured… perhaps he could have made some kind of pact with the serpent god that had some physical effects on him? Or if he somehow altered his face himself, in order to appear closer to the serpent and to better embody it? Any of these transformations of his face could also have included a drastic lightening of his hair, who can say for sure?
A counter-argument to this idea is that some of the stranger features of his face might only be artistic, and are not meant to be taken literally… they could be symbolic representations, meant to show his connection and dedication to the path of the serpent.
I can see either of these theories about Rykard’s hair being true, we just don’t have enough information at the moment to explain why he looked the way he did… maybe we will eventually?
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
I think one of my favorite Silmarillion fandom tropes is "Arda Remade is fucked up actually."
Because who gets to decide what a perfect world looks like? Is that even possible? Most of the work I've seen about Arda Remade explores what would happen if the Valar made those choices, and perhaps, chose wrong.
If Miriel never dies, Finwe never remarries, and his other children never exist. If the latter bond takes precedent, and Finwe marries Indis first, what about Feanor? After all, even if Miriel, Finwe, and Indis would be happy with some sort of poly situation (good for them), there's no guarantee that whoever remakes the world would see it that way.
If a perfect world means the elves never leave Valinor, what happens to elves born from unions between exiled Noldor and elves in Middle-Earth? What happens to the half-elves? Is there no need for Earendil, in a world with no Morgoth to fight against? No need for Elrond in a world that shouldn't need healing?
Does anyone even know what's missing? What choices have been made for them? There's just so much tragic potential there.
Anyway, you should go read We Dream of Truth by Drag0nst0rm because it's a beautiful story about the imperfections of Arda Remade.
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imakemywings · 11 months
As noted, I have never bought into the “Finwe and Indis condemned Miriel to eternal death” take on their situation or other views that Finwe and Indis callously fucked Miriel (and/or Feanor) over, partly because it does not, to my eye, comport to how the situation is presented, where the narrative does not place blame on any one of the three of them. The choice to remain in Mandos very much belonged to Miriel, and it was a decision she made repeatedly and without hesitation or wavering. That she might have, many years later, come to regret it does not mean Finwe and Indis were necessarily wrong to rely on the choice Miriel had repeatedly made clear. Neither is Miriel someone malleable and prone to being coerced or manipulated--she, like her son, is firm of mind and unwilling to be swayed by others. And indeed it wasn’t until after Finwe’s death that she did begin to change her mind, at which point Finwe willingly remains in Mandos so that Miriel can accept rebirth.
Even if you don’t accept History of Middle-earth as canon (and no one is required to), I think it can be very indicative of the intent behind The Silmarillion, so I have included some of those quotes below also, because Morgoth’s Ring addresses a few versions of Finwe and Miriel’s story.
“At their parting (for a little while as he thought) Finwë was sad, for it seemed an unhappy chance that the mother should depart and miss the beginning at least of the childhood days of her son.” (The Silmarillion, “Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor”)
Initially, Miriel’s time in Lorien was meant to be temporary and restorative, and Finwe treats it as such, anticipating Miriel’s eventual return. Each version of this story makes it clear that what Finwe wanted above all was not to remarry, but to be reunited with Miriel, and that he was willing to wait for her to return--but not if she persisted in having no plans to ever return.
“Then [after Míriel’s passing] Finwë lived in sorrow; and he went often to the gardens of Lorien, and sitting beneath the silver willows beside the body of his wife he called her by her names. But it was unavailing; and alone in all the Blessed Realm he was deprived of joy.” (The Silmarillion, “Of Fëanor”)
Some of the Valar speak of Finwe’s impatience, but their perspective is much different than that of the Children. Finwe does not immediately give up on Miriel; they speak of her healing in Lorien and Finwe persists in believing that she will return, even after her effective death. In “Of the Silmarils and the Darkening of Valinor--Of Finwe and Miriel” from Morgoth’s Ring, it was twelve years after Miriel’s death that Finwe first approached Manwe about remarriage--a fair chunk of Feanor’s childhood.
“Now Ingwë, hearing of the strange grief of Finwë, and desiring to lift up his heart and withdraw him from vain mourning in Lorien, had sent messages bidding him to leave Túna for a while, and to come and dwell for a season in the full light of the Trees. Finwë thanked him but did not go, while there was yet hope that Míriel would return.” (Morgoth’s Ring, “Of the Silmarils and the Darkening of Valinor--Of Finwë and Míriel”)
It really isn’t until after the passing of the Statute of Finwe and Miriel, when Miriel commits to remaining in Mandos, that Finwe surrenders the hope that she will return and they will be together again.
Even after the statute is passed and Manwe gives Finwe permission to consider remarriage, Finwe still expresses a preference for Miriel’s return rather than remarriage:
“Finwe answered: ‘I am in no haste, My Lord, and my heart has no desire, save the hope that when this doom is made clear to Míriel, she may yet relent and set a term to my bereavement.’“ (Morgoth’s Ring, “Of Finwë and Míriel”)
Certainly you can argue he is focused here on his own feelings--but generously I would suggest it’s not entirely fair to give Miriel the power to choose not return to life but also to prevent her husband from ever moving on. Finwe is and has been willing to wait for Miriel--what appears to frustrate him is that he sees no sign Miriel will ever change her mind and therefore that he will be expected to dwell forever in perpetual grief. Which is, you know. Not great for anyone.
Vaire relays this sentiment to Miriel, who insists she cannot be healed within Arda, and Vaire reports to Namo on her mindset:
“Then Vairë said to Mandos: ‘The spirit of Míriel hath dwelt with me, and I know it. It is small, but it is strong and obdurate: one of those who having said this will I do make their words a law irrevocable unto themselves. Unless constrained, she will not return to life or to Finwë, though he should wait until the ageing of the world.’“ (Morgoth’s Ring, “Of Finwë and Míriel”)
Further confirmation that Miriel’s mind cannot be swayed by counsel (hmm that sound familiar...). Having made her decision, she means to stick with it, no matter how long Finwe waits for her. Asking Finwe--the only widower in Aman--to simply accept never having a partner again is also a heavy price to pay, and for a decision that wasn’t his.
“‘Therefore the one that is in the keeping of Mandos shall remain there until the end of Arda, and shall not awake again or take bodily form. For none among the Quendi shall have two spouses at one time alive and awake...this disunion shall come to pass only with the consent of both. And after the giving of the consent ten years of the Valar shall pass ere Mandos confirms it. Within that time either party may revoke this consent...’
It is said that Míriel answered Mandos saying: ‘I came hither to escape from the body, and I do not desire ever to return to it.’ (Morgoth’s Ring, “The Earliest Version of the Story of Finwë and Míriel”)
This earliest version of the story presents one where Miriel had a decade at minimum to choose to revoke her decision to remain in Mandos and that she herself could have put the nix on the possibility of Finwe’s remarriage, but chose not to do so. In later drafts of the story, the time required to pass before consent is accepted is increased to twelve years. (If you combine this with the twelve years Finwe waits to even approach Manwe about remarriage, this is a total of at least twenty-four years between Miriel’s death and even the possibility of Finwe’s remarriage. Add to this the three years that certain drafts place between this and his marriage with Indis for a potential total of twenty-seven years between Miriel’s death and Finwe’s remarriage.)
Here, Miriel is expressly, clearly, directly informed that she may choose to remain in Mandos, but that if she permits Finwe’s remarriage and he takes it, she will lose the ability to choose rebirth. Still, Miriel sticks with her original decision. With informed consent, Miriel makes her choice. Unless we are meant to assume she doesn’t know what she wants, it’s hard to take this as anything but confirmation that Miriel is sure she will never want to return to life. It seems unfair to condemn Finwe and Indis for taking her at her word, even if she eventually comes to regret her choice. (This is the price of the freedom of choice--you may make a choice you regret.)
“But the shadow of Míriel did not depart from the house of Finwë, nor from his [Finwë’s] heart; and of all whom he loved Fëanor had ever the chief share of his thought.” (The Silmarillion, “Of Feanor”)
Even after his wedding to Indis, Finwe does not forget his love for Miriel, and he certainly doesn’t show favoritism to the children of Indis--rather, he seems particularly concerned that Feanor should know he is loved despite his father’s remarriage. That Feanor refuses to accept this cannot, I think, be laid wholly at the feet of Finwe, particularly into Feanor’s adulthood. We can certainly say that Finwe failed to adequately reassure Feanor--but the text leaves that open as to fault and degrees of fault, and it may be there was nothing Finwe could ever have said that would have consoled Feanor, or it may be that they were both simply very different people and Finwe never managed to get through to Feanor, or it may be that Finwe did not try hard enough to make Feanor feel differently. But I also don’t consider it fair that Feanor’s disapproval should mean Indis and Finwe, two consenting adults, are prohibited from marrying.
That Finwe chooses to go into exile with Feanor and effectively surrenders his crown over it says quite a lot about his affection for Feanor and his willingness to publicly take Feanor’s side. This does not read like a case of Feanor being shunted aside by his father’s remarriage.
“In that evil time Finwë was slain by the Marrer himself, and his body was burned as by lightning stroke and destroyed. Then Míriel and Finwë met again in Mandos and lo! Míriel was glad of the meeting, and her sadness was lightened, and the will in which she had been set was released.
“And when she learned of Finwë all that had befallen since her departure (for she had given no heed to it, nor asked tidings, until then) she was greatly moved; and she said to Finwë in her thought: ‘I erred in leaving thee and our son, or at least in not soon returning after brief repose; for had I done so he might have grown wiser. But the children of Indis shall redress his errors and therefore I am glad they should have being, and Indis hath my love. How should I bear grudge against one who received what I rejected and cherish what I abandoned.’“ (Morgoth’s Ring, “Laws and Customs Among the Eldar”) (emphasis added)
In this earlier draft of the story from HoME, Miriel explicitly approves post-hoc of the marriage, praising the children of Indis and foreseeing they might fix Feanor’s wrongs, and disavowing that she might have any bitterness towards Indis for marrying Finwe. This, I think, is also deeply indicative of how we are meant to view this situation: Miriel herself does not resent Indis. Miriel herself does not think Indis did anything wrong--nor does she seem to believe either Finwe or Indis wronged Feanor. This goes to the point that just because Feanor was angry and upset about his father’s remarriage doesn’t, in and of itself, mean Finwe was wrong to remarry.
Immediately after this, Miriel expresses a desire again for life, and so Finwe entreats Vaire to release Miriel from Mandos:
“And Finwë said to Vairë: ‘Dost thou hear the prayer and desire of Míriel? Why will Mandos refuse this redress of her griefs, that her being may not be void and without avail? Behold! I instead will abide with Mandos for ever, and so make amends.’“ (Morgoth’s Ring, “Laws and Customs Among the Eldar”) (emphasis added)
Both Finwe and Miriel appear here to have regrets about what happened. Unfortunately, regrets are part of life and not necessarily indicative that something wrong was done. But Finwe now voluntarily remains behind in Mandos that Miriel might again have life, now that she has expressed a shift in her view on the matter. Not really the behavior of someone with no concern about Miriel’s happiness or well-being. Nor does he throw himself on the sword suggesting he was wrong to remarry, which would’ve called for some apology to Miriel. Again, I think this is just an overall difficult, tragic situation out of which there was no easy, painless path.
Nor is it suggested that Indis was seeking to horn in on the marriage between Finwe and Miriel.
“She [Indis] loved Finwë dearly; for her heart had turned to him long before, while the Vanyar still dwelt with the Noldor in Túna. In those days, she had looked upon the Lord of the Noldor, and he seemed to her the fairest and noblest of the Eldar...Therefore she remained unwedded when her people removed to Valinor, and she walks often alone in the friths and fields of Valinor, filling them with music.” (Morgoth’s Ring, “Of Finwë and Míriel”)
Yes, Indis loved Finwe even while Miriel was still alive--but no version of the story suggests she tried to slide in when Miriel had died, or tried to disturb their marriage before. In fact, the way she catches Finwe’s attention is entirely accidental.
“...when Indis saw Finwë climbing the paths of the Mountain, and the light of Laurelin was behind him as a glory, without forethought she sang suddenly in great joy, and her voice went up as a song of the lirulin in the sky. Then Finwë heard that song falling from above, and he looked up and saw Indis in the golden light, and he knew in that moment that she loved him and had long done so.” (Morgoth’s Ring, “Of Finwë and Míriel”)
The presentation of Indis has never been, in my view, of a gold-digger or someone who was looking to take advantage of Miriel’s death or absence. Between The Silmarillion and HoME, Indis seems presented more as one who, knowing Miriel desired never to return to life, saw that she and Finwe might find some joy out of his grief. She could not have foreseen that Feanor would take their marraige so poorly, or that he would never forgive it, or the extremes to which he was willing to go to show that, post-Melkor’s release.
As noted in quotes below, even the Valar recognized that Indis had loved Finwe “in patience, and without bitterness,” which is not a descriptor, to me, of someone trying to take personal advantage of the situation. She isn’t at fault for loving Finwe, and she isn’t at fault for his choosing to remarry, or for Miriel’s choosing to die. Honestly of everyone involved here, I think Indis has the least culpability. All she did was marry someone she loved, with the consent of his late wife.
“The wedding of his father was not pleasing to Fëanor; and he had no great love for Indis, nor for Fingolfin and Finarfin, her sons...In those unhappy things which later came to pass, and in which Fëanor was the leader, many saw the effect of this breach within the house of Finwë, judging that if Finwë had endured his loss and been content with the fathering of his mighty son, the courses of Fëanor might have been otherwise...But the children of Indis were great and glorious, and their children also; and if they had not lived the history of the Eldar would have been diminished.” (The Silmarillion, “Of Fëanor”) (emphasis added)
The end of this section is one I think is crucial to remember for the narrative: Tolkien explicitly eschews the idea that everything would’ve simply been better if Finwe and Indis had never married and never had kids. Yes, grief came out of the situation, but joy and greatness came from it too, and erasing Fingolfin, Finarfin, Lalwen, Findis, Fingon, Aredhel, Turgon, Argon, Finrod, Aegnor, Angrod, and Galadriel, and their descendants from the story and the history of the Elves would be a lessening.
This is a sentiment that existed from very early drafts:
“‘Behold! Indis the fair shall be made glad and fruitful, who might have else been solitary....Long hath she loved Finwë, in patience and without bitterness. Aulë named Fëanor the greatest of the Eldar, and in potency that is true. But I say unto you that the children of Indis shall also be great, and the Tale of Arda more glorious because of their coming. And from them shall spring things so fair that no tears shall dim their beauty; in whose being the Valar, and the Kindreds of both of Elves and of Men that are to come shall all have part, and in whose deeds they shall rejoice...When he that shall be called Eärendil setteth foot upon the shores of Aman, ye shall remember my words.’“ (Namo addresses the Valar, Morgoth’s Ring, “Laws and Customs Among the Eldar”) (emphasis added)
Attached to The Earliest Draft of the Story of Finwe and Miriel is this Laws and Customs Among the Eldar wherein the Valar debate whether or not to permit Finwe’s remarriage and whether any of the three Elves involved here is at fault for the situation. During this debate, Namo Mandos gives this proclamation about the greatness of the children of Indis and the impact they will have on the future of Arda, even to anticipating the arrival of Earendil in Aman.
Narratively, Tolkien thus emphasizes that great good comes from the marriage of Finwe and Indis, in spite of Feanor’s response to it which causes much grief for the Elves. If the purpose of the story was to feel that they had acted in pure selfishness and that their marriage was some turning point where the tragedies of the Elves could have been entirely averted, I don’t think he would have taken so much care to make it clear what beneficial things came out of it.
All of which is to say I stand by my original assessment that none of these people was wholly at fault for what happened. Unfortunately we are all of us swayed by our emotions and there are times when there is simply no easy way out of a sticky situation. As in the original post--there was no way to fix this without someone being deeply unhappy. The marriage of Finwe and Indis, particularly as approved by Miriel, probably seemed at the time like the most painless way to handle it, particularly as the strong love of Finwe for Feanor would likely negate Feanor’s being usurped by any children of Indis. Certainly you can choose to read malicious motives into any of the four characters chiefly involved here--but I don’t think it’s the most accurate reading of the text. At worst, I think they could be viewed as careless or blinkered, but I don’t think any of them was ill-intentioned.
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yandere-fics · 3 months
Omega secretly stalking them?
♡ Their Omega Darling Is Stalking Them ♡
(Normally I would exclude Miriel and Runa from this since one is an omega and one is a beta but I thought it was too cute not to do Miriel's and Runa can't be the one one excluded.)
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♡ Miriel doesn't have as strong of a nose as the other ones on account of being an elf but as an omega her nose is at least a bit better than it would be regularly and as such she can tell that her mate is following her around. She giggles every time she gets to come back to her nest and smell that her mate took something from it but replaced it with one of their own, she hopes you'll get to merge nests soon, as soon as she makes you move in with her you're making nests together from now on. ♡
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♡ You're such a cute little puppy, of course she knows you're there, you really can't hide from her, she thinks you want to play hide and seek so every time you're following her around, trying to be sneaky she beelines straight for you to go get her reward, hopefully a kiss or something since she's such a good alpha and she found you. Eventually she does realize you're following her and that's equally cute. She'll make it so easy for you to follow her because she knows you aren't as good of a tracker as her but she wants you to be able to play your cute little game. She won't let you know she's making it easier though, she wants you to still feel the thrill of chasing your target. She does get frustrated you aren't pouncing though and eventually pounces on you so she can show you how you should pounce on her when you stalk her though even if you did pounce she'd also just as easier turn the tables on you soooo... ♡
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♡ She's extremely frustrated by this behavior, she can smell her mate has been all over her office and her apartment but they still haven't talked to her yet and so she gets spy cameras for her apartment and office o she can watch what her mate is doing in there and why they haven't approached her yet, she wants to be patient but this is just testing her far too much. She's very pleased when she sees you snatching things from her office and apartment and although she's still extremely pissed you haven't approached her yet she thinks you must just be so shy and upset she hasn't approached you first, guess she needs to let the more aggressive alpha side out since she has such a shy omega. ♡
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♡ Nikki doesn't understand this behavior, human omegas are so strange, an angel omega would just walk up to their alpha and present if they wanted attention but you're just following her around. Well she doesn't know what you're supposed to do with your human omega but she knows what's supposed to be done with an angel omega so obviously she catches you when you're laying in her bed while she's supposed to be at work and fucks you to sleep with her knot deep in you. That's what you wanted right? Good now cuddle with her. ♡
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♡ This is extremely cute behavior and she loves it, while she would normally pretend to be a beta, since she has a cute omega following her she can let out the alpha side just a bit, at least for you. She makes herself very easy and rewarding to stalk by leaving lots of things that smell like her around all the time so that way you won't lose interest in following her around. If you did stop following her as much then she'd have to tie you up forever and that really is her last resort. ♡
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♡ She's extremely annoyed at first when things go missing from her apartment, not even noticing you're only taking the items drenched in her sweat or her underwear and sports bras, she's just mad someone got into her apartment until she checks her cameras and sees it's a very cute girl and then she's mad cause they probably aren't her soulmate but they're still taking her precious things and so she hunts you but then she sees you're her soulmate and now she's salivating everywhere because that idea makes her way too horny. ♡
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♡ Sawyer is a tad bit bothered by this, you really need to use your words if you want something from her. She will not leave a single thing behind for you to take in her office if you can manage to sneak in and her penthouse will be heavily guarded since she has an omega who can't just ask for things. She admits she likes the attention but not being able to hold her omega and spoil them properly pisses her off, you won't be getting anything from her until you come to her like a big girl and ask for it. ♡
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art-from-within · 29 days
Radagon probably had the biggest “I could never be better than first elden lord” thoughts everyday marika let him swap bodies. Like think abt it. He becomes elden lord, but every one is still. BITCHINg about motherfucking GODFREY. The FIRST ELDEN CHAD. GET IT RADAGON. FIRST ELDEN C H A D. Even Miriel is confused as to how he came abt right? Like yea he was a champion…but the successor to the legend GODFREY? GOD in his name Godfrey? Ehhhhhhhhh you know the ER denizens was shitting tears everytime he walked anywhere. Betting u 100 mil runes ppl were crying abt Godfrey’s exile during his own crowning ceremony
Godfrey is so seductively astonishing in his bearing that he gets passes Radagon can only dream of. Godfrey is tarnished? Dgaf he is top tier. Godfrey grafts? (Serosh) what a madlad. Godfrey wants to genocide so bad he needs a beast to hold him back? That’s what makes him soooo cool. Then comes unkown radagon and all the colosseum fun leaves with Godfrey. And what does Radagon do? What is he cool with? “Magic maths (golden order fudamentalism)” oh. A fucking nerd.
Man becomes concious, right infront of him is a big Godfrey portrait that some dumbass stuck up. Marika probably has wet dreams about Godfrey still. Loud omens (ahem morgott ahem) singing abt Godfrey from the shunning grounds. Serosh symbol everywhere. People don’t remember seconds…they remember firsts. And its quite obvious the lands between still remembers. You have got godrick and his bannermen, well yea makes sense he is his descendant right? Then explain starscourge Radahn having more lions covering his body than red hair cells. Ranni probably hates his guts. Rykard resorts to blasphemy (also probably hates his guts.) Atleast he had malenia and miquella…for a while atleast until Miquella said “your maths aren’t mathing enough” and left him….
sucks to be radagon. But hey, he gets to selfcest atleast. Except Marika fucking hates his guts too because they are polar opposites.
“Hey babe-“
“LEAL hound of the GoLdEn OrDeR”
“Yea….(turns off)”
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The funny thing about the Shibboleth of Feanor is that it REALLY could all have been avoided if Finwe specifically hadn't switched to 's', because as High King most of the Noldor would have followed his lead and kept 'Þ' if he'd kept it. But Finwe didn't drop 'Þ' for Indis. Oh, no...quite the opposite. In fact, the Vanyar used (and later went on to retain) 'Þ', so Indis herself had no problems with saying 'Þerinde'. The Noldor were the ones who got excited about dropping 'Þ' in the first place, and then Finwe finally dropped it and switched to 's' when he married Indis.
And WHY did he do this? I quote:
'[...] after the rejection of his prayers (emphasis mine) by Miriel Finwe accepted the change [...] although in deference to Miriel (emphasis mine again) he had adhered to þ while she lived'. (From The Shibboleth of Feanor in The Shaping of Middle-earth)
So Miriel told Finwe that she wasn't coming back and to stop pestering her (she got asked to come back one too many times and went 'Leave me in peace here!' and peaced out), because of which Finwe apparently got angry and disappointed enough that he started pronouncing her name incorrectly with 's' (for what we can only assume is an unusual way of getting over your dead wife, at which he didn't succeed anyway).
And then at last Indis switched to 's' as well, not just to mix in better with the Noldor, but 'in loyalty to Finwe' (The Shibboleth of Feanor).
NOT to spite Feanor, or undermine him and Miriel. But because Finwe switched.
And obviously, since Finwe is more or less a pure figure to Feanor who can never be blamed, he thought Finwe to be 'led astray' and blamed Indis for Finwe's switching to 's' (which was incorrect), seeing the shift as a rejection of Miriel and of himself. (Which was, actually, somewhat correct. At least the Miriel bit. At least for Finwe, kind of.)
Which ultimately means that the meeting between Finwe and Miriel in the Halls of Mandos should go something like this:
Finwe: Miriel, Miriel! Too long it has been since we saw each other! Seeing you is light enough to me in these darkest of days! But why are you silent? Will you speak with me, Serin— oh, so sorry, I meant Þerin— Miriel, not looking up from her tapestries: Fuck off and start pronouncing my name correctly again or so help me I'll find a way to kill you again myself. You couldn't keep a single sound even in just my name. What is wrong with you. The Finwe I married knew nothing about conforming to society and cared even less to do so. And I liked him that way. Finwe: *departs in shame* *They do not speak again until Finwe apologises profusely to Miriel for condoning a change that was 'a lasting detriment to the Quenya tongue' and then starts compulsively using 'Þ' again*
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and-the-times-we-had · 2 months
i don't know if you're still taking asks for the blorbo bingo, but i'd love to see your take on Fëanor!
Absolutely I am taking asks! :)
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Feanor is my fave silm character. He's The Guy to me. He's so extra and every piece of dialogue he has is a fucking banger. Tolkien really created the Most Character with him. I am Rotating him constantly. There's so much going on in there.
A few of my Feanor headcanons for you (based on the version where Feanor was still a child when Finwe and Indis married):
1) I think that given how close Feanor and Finwe were after Miriel died, it must have been very difficult for child!Feanor to adjust to suddenly having Indis right there. It probably interrupted a lot of the routines he and his father had in their home and made him all the more adverse to Indis being there.
2) I think it's quite possible that, given the fact that we know Feanor married early and left home when he did, that Feanor also ran away from home (possibly multiple times) as a child/teen because home didn't really feel like home to him.
It doesn't sound like Finwe and Indis made their home a very comfortable space for any of their children tbh (consider that Finarfin also canonically dips out to go get married as early as possible and move to Alqualonde).
3) decent possibility that Feanor meets Nerdanel/starts his apprenticeship with Mahtan during one of these instances of running away from home.
4) I think that Feanor's relationship with Finwe, Indis, and his half siblings actually did improve once he was out on his own and especially once he had his own children. Until Melkor got released and fucked it all up.
Ok hope you enjoyed! Thanks for asking about my favorite guy lol
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Please give me more of the Míriel comes out of the halls, the moment Finwë dies. I’m on my knees begging you!
Have a delightful day.
i imagine that the moment Miriel comes out of the halls, she's simultaniously murderous, but also over whelmed, bc what tf is she supposed to do?
she's like the deadbeat mom (though she was dead so-)
i imagine she'd do 1 of two things
not mention her return to anyone and just... disappear into the background
in this scenario i imagine she makes her way to middle earth ( personally hc that Miriel doens't really like valinor at all). maybe she sneaks into fingolfin's host? i don't think he'd know all the elves that joined him soo.....
or maybe she's mor sensible and, because she's technically not been identified as a noldo (bc she wasn't there during the first massacre and she has silver hair, which is a more teleri like trait and no one suspects MIRIEL THERINDE to be out of the hall)
i don't think she reaches feanaro before he sails away with his host bc i imagine she takes a moment to get her barrings and figure out what she's going to do and then hear's about the massacre, and by the time she arrives she's too late.
like i said before, Miriel doesn't strike me as the kind of elf that's all that bothered by the incident, not because she's heartless but bc she's a cuivienen elf and bc she will always prioritize her family over anyone else.
2. the other thing i can see happening is her (begrudgingly) staying in valinor in order to take controll there. sure, it might not be the nicest move but she's the MOTHERFUCKING QUEEN OF THE NOLDO
if anyone has a claim on that throne it's her, thank you.
she's about to make her re-embodiment everyone's problem. (you can see where feanaro get's it from)
now, her taking over the remaining noldo does make things more difficult bc, again, feanaro does not have the best rep atm. but god damnit, no way she's loosing against the third son and fifth child that had no interest in leading.
plus, i refuse to believe that she didn't have her own supporters when she was still alive that stayed in valinor bc they're only gonna respect miriel therinde, or someone who also survived life at the lack, fuck you. they're not following some greenhorn warrior that's to big for his britches to their completely avoidable death, thank you. (sorry feanaro, but you were not made for middle earth. he's a lowkey rich kid that thought he could make it on his own (tbf, most valinor born noldo thought that, hence why they fucked up so many times))
of course in this scenarios, the moment Miriel catches wind of shit going tits up in Berilian, she mobelizes her army (bc Morgoth is out there, fuckers, and you're an idiot if you think that bitch isn't gonna go after valinor the moment he's got ME) and heads to Beriliand. she's got a score to settle with that MotherFucker.
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sieglinde-freud · 6 months
If you had to pick a second trio of awakening kids to put in fates (on Hishido's side) who would you send, why, and where would put them (ie who's retainers would they be and who would they replace or where would they be serving in Hoshido if not retainers).
SORRY THIS TOOK ME LIKE FIVE YEARS TO GET TO, STEDY… i saw it and i was like “ooh i gotta think about this i’ll come back” and then. and then i forgor… BUT ANYWAYSSS
so, to hoshido????? well… i think realistically theyd go down the popularity poll. they seem to want to avoid lucina (lord) and morgan (two of them, picking one means making one and also one robin canon) so next on the list iirc is noire, brady, and gerome. and i think that could work pretty okay, but i think they just kind of all have one fatal flaw here: none of them would be down to go.
the awakening trio works because yeah!! yeah i absolutely buy all three of them being game to go fuck off to a new world because some pathetic man begged them to help save lives. gerome though?? no!! gerome hardly wanted to go back in time to save HIS OWN WORLD!! brady cant fight CANONICALLY, and i highly doubt he’d want to step foot on another battlefield. and noire… i think someone could make a case for noire being willing to come. but i think she’d prefer staying with tharja and protecting the baby version of herself more. and without proper encouragement which would mostly likely come from severa who is. not here. i dont think she’d be too willing. AND I KNOW THAT MEANS IM MISSING OUT ON NOIRE!RHAJAT BUT… come on. you think im gonna give noire to hayato anyways?? no.
so!! a more interesting alternative? kjelle, cynthia, and laurent. i think kjelle and cynthia would be so down if they thought they were gonna be protecting innocents. kjelle wants to fight, grow stronger, and protect, and her natural element is the battlefield. cynthia wants to be a hero and fight for justice, and what better than a country protecting its homeland? as for laurent, i think he’d also like to save people, but i just think this guy would also like traveling around for education purposes. a new land means more insight to gain, and more things to share with his mother when he comes back. so. yeah. perhaps not the tightest reasoning, but i think its much more realistic than like. gerome. sooo
cynthia would most likely stay a pegasus knight? i dont see a reason to change her class. but armor knight is nohrian while sage doesnt exist in fates (technically. im aware onmyoji is the equivalent) sooo they’d have to change. i think theres a few things you could do with kjelle? spear fighter is probably the obvious choice, but i think kinda similar to owain, she’d like a chance to try out other weapons, probably to demonstrate her strength. and for this im strongly leaning master of arms prepromote. yes she’d still have spear access, but having mastered katanas and clubs during her time in hoshido could be really fun i think. as for laurent… lol. apothecary. hes not really here to fight but like. he can. promote him to merchant and he’ll start throwing the army’s treasury at you. dont fuck with him! but obviously kjelle would have armor knight access via heart seal and i think i’d give laurent troubador over dark mage just to reference miriel having that class in awakening but it could go either way. cynthia would probably have… uh. ummmm… fuck. wait. i dont know. sumia gets armor knight and cleric. can we j be funny and give her merc so she has hero access :/// ok thanks
if were following the same format as the og trio, i would j plant them as retainers to make it simple. and… i think i’d go:
kjelle - ryoma
laurent - hinoka
cynthia - sakura
im completely willing to change on this honestly. i thought long and hard about it and then i went “hm. no.” and ended up here. my logic is that of the awakening trio, laslow definitely seems to be the strongest and is nohr’s crown prince’s retainer, and of these three, kjelle is probably the strongest, so same treatment. i also considered the dynamic between saizo and kagero and i just think she’d work the best with them. no bullshit, just work. plus, in a samurai class (moa promotes from samurai) she’d fit in better with ninja than a flier and a uh. a guy.
i put laurent with hinoka and i almost didnt because i think he could have an interesting dynamic with the other royals too. but then i was like “okay. of the three: who would fit into hinokas retainer dynamic that just seems to be ‘giving hinoka a hard time’” and well!!! i think!!! i think its laurent!!! i think laurent would just be engrossed in his studies and the difference in technological progress compared to ylisse (no fireworks but they have giant puppets??? the dolls with the saws??? TANKS????) and hinokas like “uh. hey. did you eat any of ur last three meals?” and he goes “no but i DID make a gun” and azama and setsuna are just like “woahhh thats fucking awesome dude” and i just think if i gave hinoka kjelle or cynthia it wouldnt be as funny. i do things for the bit. always.
and that leaves cynthia for the other two and… i dont actually think she’d go to takumi. i think sakura and her retainers is a much more realistic possibility because takumis trio is just. so. fucking look at them… itd be odd to shove a fourth person in there. it COULD work, but also i kinda just like the idea of cynthia pledging herself to sakura. she’d be all hyped about it too like “the brave warrior defending her princess?!! yessss!!” and sakura would be like. so down for cynthias flower throwing entrance or whatever (with… sakura petals?? yes????) and idk i just think they would be neat. and she could be a nice mediator between subaki and hana who just like. wont shut the fuck up. she’ll either make it better by being a nice middle man or make it worse by also not shutting up except its about something completely different and no progress gets made. both fine outcomes, i think.
and then they fight nohr and go to war with their besties forevs!!!!!!! wooooo!!!! im not writing that out. you decide how that goes. though i think a cynthia vs selena encounter would be insaane… ooh or like an cynthia vs odin justice cabal thing? oouhhvghh… but this post is long enough anyways hi stedy 👋
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sparklecryptid · 8 months
*snickers* Oh bleep, imagine the *utter hilarity* of bi!Luche-as-Miriel and the All The Bastards Ace+Ardor+Thanatos as the Finwe Boys coexisting in the same universe. (Random individual: do you hear banjos somewhere?)
Luche is ignoring everything. She is ignoring her paperwork. She is ignoring the MANY MESSAGES on her phone from her siblings. She is ignoring all the things that she does not have time for because Luche currently has her face on her desk and is mourning her title of second weirdest of her siblings.
Ace is the weirdest is with everything. Or he was. Luche now thinks that she might be the weirdest given her curse, her breaking of the curse, and the fact that she was apparently an elf queen once upon a time.
Fuck her entire life.
Ignoring those messages is a mistake.
Ignoring those messages is a big mistake because when Luche comes out of her self pity mode she discovers that 1) her siblings are going insane 2) they are going insane over the fact that Ace, Ardor, and Thanatos have been kidnapped by someone named Eönwë and 3) Luche is going to have to go and kick someone’s ass.
Luche types out a quick reply telling them not to worry about it and does something horrifically stupid.
She reaches past the threads of the world that separates this one from Arda and Luche latches onto the source of Eos magic that are currently bubbling with anger in Tirion.
She shows up just in time to watch Thanatos punch Eönwë in the face.
“Well,” Luche says, “Looks like you guys have this handled.”
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Making a new post so yall don’t have to keep reblogging the same thing over and over, but hey let’s talk about the armor! Because most of the haters are literally Making Up Reasons to be mad.
Let us start by addressing Elendil, the Sea Guard, and Miriel’s “shirts,” because apparently none of yall have ever heard of a fucking gambeson. Beyond the desire to not have metal chafing against your bare fucking skin in a Mediterranean climate, along with the fact that they are doing most of their battle at sea and heavy mail made of steel would rust at the drop of a hat—
Gambesons are protective! They are effective! They won’t stop everything but they’re definitely protective enough to be essential, non-negotiable kit for a very, very long period of history. What exactly are they?
Quilted jackets. Literally they are just quilted jackets with extra pads of wool in specific locations to provide dampening and protection.
What, then, are Elendil, the Sea Guard, and Miriel wearing? Quilted tunics.
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Over which they are wearing leather surcoats. And over those they wear breastplates. This is literally all bog standard medieval armor. This is a fucking non-issue.
But what about Miriel specifically, and her screen-printed “shirt”?
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You mean the one she is wearing under a full breastplate, pauldrons, and bracers? That shirt? That shirt she’s wearing while astride an armored horse, seated in a medieval saddle? In an ensemble essentially identical to that of her soldiers, only fancier?
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bearholdingashark · 1 month
Out of Context WIPs
I was tagged by @goatsandgangsters and thank you for that because this is such a fun idea!
RULES: summarise your WIPs badly and let people vote on they'd most like to read! (No min number of WIPs, I'm doing this many because I have too many ideas and tumblr wouldn't let me do any more choices 😅)
(Not an official rule, but stealing from @goatsandgangsters: I'll do a sprinto for the winning fic!)
I tag @midwinterspringwrites @scrapbirdy @fiora-miriel @eighteenqs @ahopelessromanticwritersworld (but only if you want to!) and anyone else who wants to!! (and tag me if you make posts because I wanna see what your options are and vote!)
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