#because Oh My Girl isn't really active as a group lol
wnitrs · 7 months
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Which boy groups/girl groups would you guys wanna see Go Won? i was thinking Purple Kiss considering that they are coming back with a hacker concept!
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pacifymebby · 9 months
Nothing happened extreme lol just that girl posting Sam on her stories yet again and tagging Whitley bay😅😅she’s desperate this new years
So I'm not gonna answer all of the asks because I'm overrun with them and also some of them are lowkey mean lol but...
I don't think it's serious cause if they were his recent activity would be wildly disrespectful and I can't see any lassie putting up with that?
I think what people are saying about Sam being desperate for company like, isn't that what all of us are, aren't all people kind of programmed to enjoy and want company, no one wants to be lonely especially not at times of the year when everyone's together... I've also personally found New Years Eve especially to be one of those where you feel lonely if you're not in a relationship? I've spent most new year's eves with my dad and wider family and it's always been so fun but there's always that moment at the countdown when everyone's getting in their new years kiss and you're left craving that kind of romance... Like people don't want to go to bed alone on New year?
I think him wanting company is totally normal and like, you'll see it in friend groups cross country, people will slot themselves in wherever they can, and they'll follow their fwb or person they know they'll get a snog from at the end of the night?
I wouldn't deep it at all, I've spent new years with boyfriends, fwb, just pals, people o don't even really like that much... You just go wherever the party is and you don't deep it too much?
I actually once abandoned my bf on Nye because I thought my dad's party sounded better so it really is just about where companys gonna be good?
Also when these girls post stuff they're probably 90% doing it to court attention from their friends... That's how Insta works, people post something on their story because they want a handful of people to see it without sharing it directly to that person and looking desperate? Fact is we know NOTHING about the girl and she could have numerous motivation for posting a story, she might be courting attention on here but also she might just want to make like three people she knows go "oh my god no way" especially if she comes from a private school background those kids love to compete and gossip hahaha.
I reckon none of its as deep as people are deeping it tbh
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starrspice · 2 years
Thank you for answering my other ask! I am curious about everyone's events, and if you're still willing to put together a list I'd love to read it! I was a girl scout when I was younger, so that's my camp experience, but I'm really interested in summer camps so this au is very interesting to me lol. Oh, and do they have charging stations there for everyone? And can you tell us more about the other two humans aside from Y/N and Vanessa?
Yes yes yes yes ABSOLUTELY Thank you for asking!!!!
Ok to Start, everyone's events
Freddy- Play activities! This usually involves a variety of props and toys, like jumpropes, hula hoops, foam balls, and a variety of other stuff. Most times he'll have some fun creative game to play, but his events are basically just recess.
Chica-Snacks. Usually involves teaching the campers to make different fun snacks and having all the groups make different variations of snacks! (The camper's favorite to make is ice cream) and these snacks are usually enjoyed that night at a big bon fire!
Foxy and Bonnie- Team activities. Foxy and Bonnie co-lead these events and its usually team games like capture the flag and kickball! The two are very close friends but also very competitive with eachother.
Roxy- Nature activities. Usually a Hike, rock climbing, or camping lessons like how to start a fire. She also sets up occasional nature scavenger hunts.
Monty- Water activities. As I said on the last post, anything involving water is Monty's forte, sometimes this is just a big swim day at the camp's lake, or an extra long afternoon in the pool! He's the camp favorite on hot days.
Sun- Crafts! Of course Sun is in charge of campwide crafts, usually teaching the kids how to tie dye, or make lanyards! He also has a box full of friendship bracelets (at least one from every camper). His best event was when he lead the camp in making custom flags for each cabin!
Moon- Camp songs! He teaches the entire camp songs, and usually has fun song-based games for campers to do! He also passes out small instruments like tambourines and maracas for the kids to play along with! Unlike the other counselors though, Moon's event day is reserved for the Friday night bonfires!
Y/N and Delilah- Educational interactive activities! Usually involving some cool sciencey medical fact, Delilah and Y/N usually team up to teach the kids something cool and new, although it can sometimes be boring (like their lesson on poison Ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. But sometimes they're a big hit, like teaching the kids how to ride horses or showing them snakes from the reptile house.
As for the rest of your question
Charging stations, YES! They do have charging stations! Just like in the pizzaplex they each have their own rooms (albeit less fancy than those of the plex as they're remodeled cabin rooms that the human counselors used to stay in) They do have charging stations! However, as part of their outdoor upgrades, they can go about two and a half days without charging, although it isn't recommended. The counselors (human and animatronic) all stay in a very large cabin that rests kind of in between all the camper's cabins so they can hear and rush to the kids aid should something happen! Y/N, Delilah, and K.C. Stay here but Vanessa has her own quarters.
Also I'd LOVE to tell you about Delilah and K.C.
K.C. is actually Y/N's roommate! The two were dormmates In their early college days and got along so well they just moved into an apartment together! K.C. Is a mechanical engineering major and was actually really excited about having animatronics at the camp! K.C. is also the one who convinced Y/N to come back to work at the camp this year (after they swore up and down that last year would be the last time they worked at a summer camp)! K.C. is actually their initials and their name is Kasey Caldwell. (They go by K.C. because they think its funny that it sounds just like their normal first name)
As for Delilah, she has been a counselor at the camp for years! She's studying to become a zoologist and has a LOVE for animals. She takes care of the animals they keep there at camp, and is happy to teach the kids about them. She also happens to be the granddaughter of the camp's previous owners and went to the camp since she was a little kid! She's a bit more hesitant around the animatronics at first, but quickly becomes friends with them, and loves having them around! She's very friendly but also kind of oblivious. Y/N and K.C. love her dearly though and the three of them like to call themselves "The Terrible Trio" even though they're really not that bad
Vanessa is kind of a mystery to Y/N. She does her job and keeps the camp stocked full of supplies and operational, but she never seems to be around. Whenever Y/N HAS talked to Vanessa she's very wishy washy, sometimes being very friendly before suddenly being very cold and threatening. (and Y/N Swears they've heard her talking to herself a few times) very freaky Lady. Gives Y/N bad vibes
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hellonoblesky · 1 year
(Under a cut bc I got so invested talking abt this w Cio (bungoustraypups) that I made. several characters to accompany his backstory)
Ok so two main things you need to know for this
1: Hirotsu trans ftm but I'm just gonn call him He this whole time. BUT NOTE: He doesn't come out until like right towards the end, so he's still presenting as a girl for most of this 2: in 70s Japan, girls weren't allowed to join gangs. In response to this, they made their own, called sukeban gangs
So basically to set the scene. Pre-bsd Yokohama. The Port Mafia has yet to rise to infamy. Sukeban gangs are forming in the streets. One of them features our Hirotsu as one of their members. A scrappy kid, not yet having fully discovered himself, and with so much pent up anger at the world that he doesn't quite know what to do with.
The gang he's in is small. There's members who come in and out of it, but there's four main members. They've got abilities. That's why they're the four main ones. And that's why they stick together.
(Yes they're my OCs sorry guys I got too silly <- isn't sorry at all)
So the lineup is as follows:
Inoue Youko: Her ability, Through Walls and War, allows her to see through walls when she closes her left eye. She's the team lookout, and can pull her weight in a fight pretty damn well
Saikita Hiroko: the group's mechanic and getaway artist. Her ability, Whispers in Metal, allows her to "understand" and "speak to" machines
Hino Koyuki: not a fighter or a runner, Koyuki is a thief and a schemer. Her ability, Down to the Bone, is a constantly active ability that causes her to only see living things as their internal workings. She can only see faces through photos and videos
And Hirotsu, of course
So the thing is. Their gang, because of their combined Abilities, gives them such a wild advantage over the other sukeban in the area, that the other gangs get sick of them, and start to Plot.
So while Hirotsu and the gang are busy trying to figure out what the hell they're supposed to make their living situation (they're fresh out of high school) (3/4 of them got kicked out of home due to their delinquency) (1/4 of them never really had a home to begin with)(not telling you which one tho)(It's Koyuki), almost every other sukeban gang converges on them.
It is not an easy fight. In fact, it's a fight so rough that their rivals manage to tear out Youko's right eye, the one she needs to look through in order to use her ability, essentially taking away her access to her ability as a whole. It's a fight so rough that it's the reason Hirotsu wears a monocle. Because his eye got fucked up in the brawl. And it's a fight so rough that it leaves the four of them clinging to an actively breaking down boat that Hiroko is desperately trying to keep running for dear life as they run.
It's about here Hirotsu comes out as trans and whatever, everyone else is chill with it, it's whatevs. They don't flaunt being Sukeban at this time anyway because they're trying to slip under the radar as they get back into Yokohama
This is when Hirostu stumbles into the Port Mafia. It wasn't as impressive as it is now at the time, but it was good enough that they could offer him a place to stay, and enough of a wage to send to his friends to keep them afloat while they worked things out. He doesn't want to get them involved in more gang wars. He's worried about Youko and how she's dealing with the loss of her ability. He's worried about Koyuki, who's frailer than the rest of them and shudders away from most people. And he's worried about Hiroko, who's snagging odd mechanics jobs just on the off chance she can grab lunch.
So he takes up the PM's offer. He does not let the other three join. They get into a fight about this. They split ways for a long time, but Hirotsu still sends money.
His loyalty to the PM becomes fierce. He forms the Black Lizard.
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imogenlefay · 9 months
So I read that book... Bunny
woo, we can continue this. so, title is a lie because i didn't read it, i listened to the audiobook, but i refuse to let that stop me. counting audiobooks bolsters my book count and therefore (somehow) my confidence. (also, with audiobooks it's very likely i mistype some names because i just go from listening. like, took me sooo long to find out the aliens in lindsay ellis' books are called pequod and not p-quad, so be patient with me on that one) so let's goooo, this is an insane one.
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Summary: Samantha Mackey is a creative writing students in a funk. her mother dead, her father hiding from the authorities abroad, her teachers misunderstanding her, and worst of all, writers' block for her dark and edgy stories that still kinda ring hollow to her, because what has even happened to her? also a mentor ignoring her after some alluded to happenings one night after a party when she was super drunk. oh, and the bunnies. we'll get to the bunnies. basically, the one bright spot is her best friend ava, a super tall gothy lady wearing a veil and meshed gloves, inviting her to live together, making fun of her elite school and everything lame, and totes not her sapphic obsession, nooooo.
anyway, the bunnies. her cohort in writing workshop, a four girl stereotypical cutesie girls' club, imagine mean girls mixed in with insane ammounts of cotton candy. overly cutesy, always hugging and everything, calling each other bunny at all times ("how was your weekend, bunny?" - "oh silly bunny, we were together. at bunny's house, remember?" - "oh yes, that's right, bunny! love you, bunny!")
so this candy cotton group and samantha are the only members in workshop. and it could go on like this - until the bunnies invite her to their "smut salon". with ava acting super weird, and the bunnies being welcoming, samantha dips her toe into the bunnies' world - and gets dragged under.
except, bunnydom isn't just fun and games and teas and cupcakes. there's a whole frankenstein-ian experience. samantha has to struggle with her identity, power, friendships, and so on.
General Feelings: oh my god. this is... insane. seriously, i still don't know quite how to feel about it, but i think i love it. i can't even tell you the genre, because it mixes so many things, so many tones. it's a wild ride that keeps you guessing what the hell is going on. there's one big twists among many others, which you can absolutely see coming, but then again, i prefer that to twists coming out of nowhere.
that being said, the novel has flaws. the supernatural elements are never really explained. you keep wondering how the characters even learned how to do it. how it all made sense. you don't find out much about the bunnies' deals. samantha is mostly a passive protagonist, getting swept around by the plot and other characters (though to be fair, that gets called out in the story). her reactions often make little sense. and sad to say, it doesn't stick the landing, with the climactic scene leading to basically no consequences for anyone.
still, very enjoyable, if you're willing to go a little crazy.
Recommendation: Definitely check this one out. I plan to give it a second listen, see how it holds up when knowing all the twists.
Spoilery feelings:
(prob still vague; not sure how much sense this makes if you haven't read it)
so samantha is a very unreliable narrator, but honestly, i like this kind of unreliable. one thing i'll never forgive a book is if the narrator actively lies to the reader (like, the reader. if the story is told as an interrogation and he lies to the interrogator that's one thing. but if it's just straight narration and a few chapters later the narrator is like "lol, no, actually it happened this way:..." then i'm out.) anyway, her unreliableness is interesting, especially because it makes me second guess a lot of things actually happening. probably doesn't help that the bunnies' are constantly on some sort of undefined happy pills.
the first scene with the "hybrids" (don't call them boys, except they're always boys) is nice and creepy. the bunnies invite samantha to a prom-themed party, with just them, and the four bunnies all have dates that look very handsome, but also kind of similar with the same eyes and weird leather gloves, and ask the same intense questions. which is weird enough. except, then samantha's first crush shows up who she hasn't talked to in forever, with the same gloves and eyes and weird intense questions. you wouldn't immediately assume that someone did a weird experiment and transformed a bunny into a boy (i said don't call them boys!), but you'd expect her to be weirded out. not go "oh, he's here, this is amazing!"
i love the pretentious ways the bunnies describe their experiment. like, blending art and different species, and making "hybrids" and "darlings", but in the end they just try to magic up boy toys.
best thing is when samantha is part of the bunnies and the narration changes, when she's basically talking in first person plural and all the bunnies are a collective.
on one hand, i wish the bunnies were a bit more distinct, but when i think about it, it's just the duchess who seems super reserved, so maybe that is her distinction. and they're this collective, so it all makes sense.
i know she loves ava, but i thought she was sus for a loooong while. like, janis from mean girls toxic. and then i wondered if she was real or if samantha had just conjured her up from her imagination, like a hallucination. still, the way ava is described through the book is done really well. like, you see that samantha cares about her a lot, and the more it progresses the more you see that it's not just friendship, way before samantha is ready to name it, like a very nice solidifying realization.
i didn't like max. like, his whole deal. and his project with the bunnies. didn't really like their humiliation either, because... honestly, what was so bad that samantha needed revenge on them, anyway? their whole humiliation scene felt weird, and not that funny.
now, the climax actaully was pretty cool, so i liked that. but then, it ends, and... nothing happens. the bunnies are very injured, but graduate. samantha graduates. has a potential love interest hanging around despite her ignoring him for most of the book. everyone goes their own way, bit of a fizzle.
...ok, i know i mostly put the flaws in here. but mostly because the flaws are what stick in my head, and which i have feelings about. despite the flaws, this book is a very wild ride, and a lot of fun. so, if you're still here, go check it out.
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13 sentinels spoilers 3
Yuki chan! Great So aiba eirika has been missing for weeks knew she was sus with tamao's face
In hindsight i should have progressed natsuno sooner a lot of things make more sense now like how miura got to 1985 and the sentinel takamiya's story was just talking about. Two kisaragis... Wait is that android kisaragi that ida lobotomized for having a panic attack and being uncontrollable. robot girl fight. So that is tamao, kinda. "Erika aiba" that was shadowing takamiya yuki is the kurabe tamao AI that ida made. And 426 is android kisaragi that has gone rogue and now has a grudge against ida. 426 won the robot fight and body jacked tamaobot. Poor bj has gone through the most out of the entire cast. Yup second miura confirmation. Android kisarsgi says natsuno is the new kaiju commander and that natsuno will be taking orders from her now and shoots her with nanomachines. Hmm memory loss the magic gun strikes again. Assuming 426 is still in tamaobot they tampered with bj again, and is also the eirika aiba tailing yuki (before the robot fight i assumed it was ida keeping rabs on her). "In the final phase of the [Ark] project humanity will be restarted", the final phase was what og shinonome wanted to sabotage and loop. Og ohata is gouto's son, wow theres a lot of divorce in 2188. Love that. I did remeber from last year that bj was miura but i dont remember which miura he is
It took me a while to figure out maybe 5 or 6 characters but these stories are mostly linear. The charts are misleading in that there isn't really a beaching story the endpoints are usually unlocked sequentially as though clouds are unlocked in previous routes. Most of the character routes even say that this isnt a timeloop (minus ogata who actually is in a timeloop but his story js still sequential) its a new day in the character's routine for each path.
The iori gaslighting lol nah youre crazy it was just a dream. Oh right i learned all her weird dreams are from morimura's or "morimura"s memory transplant experiments. Just the sheer number of morimura running around and the multiple identities and bodies i love this story i hate keeping track of things in this story. Did professor morimura lose her compatibility because of iori? Damn iori cute boy threatens you a gunpoint and grabs you by the shirt and you start spilling your deepest secrets without reservation. Hmm but if all those were the memories of one lifetime why's there an older juro? Or was that someone else dream. Btw i love that shu, juro, and iori a e a weird dream club they'd totally have a group chat about it. The morimura on console with gouto didnt recognize fuyusaka that's more evidence she's a different person than nurse morimura. Im still confused whats new. But hey juro and iori were lovers, this game is more romance heavy than i thought it would be. So the two tried to stop the interstellar project by bombing, failed, morimura died maybe and rhen 16 year younger morinura traveled forward to 2097 to kill juro. Probably not 1v1 but theres 3 of you you totally could have beat up wajima. Starting to think wajima likes taking a pounding, he really is asking for it most of the time, his entire role in the story is to act out of line and then get beat up for that. Well, fuyusaka's not short on bravery. Girl you do not know him you fell in love with the idea of love you've spent 10 min tops with him.
Sekigahara: i dont remember what was going on in your story... Oh yeah that convo about closing the loop, that was before the disaster battle were ei' sentinel got jacked by 426 and morimura emergency ejected the pilots to the different sectors. So there were loops before that, i cant keep this all straight damn my poor memory. Oh so it was ida that made the sentinels go rogue in the battle of 2065 because he bargained ryuko's safety with ei and was trying to undermine morimura. Did he just lie about 426. Ei is clearly the scapegoat. When aegis activates shifting is disabled and all those from other sectors are permanently stuck. Still no clue about the whole time descends into chaos thing. What im assuming is kisaragibot tells sekigahara that he's infected with code dd-426 which is cutting off some of his nanomachines and causing memory related brain damage (shinonome is probably the same). Wonder how nurse morimura ties into this. 20% transplant rate? Was nurse morimura trying to made ida#2 with amiguchi? So the one in ogata's story searching for the d-code key is okino. Okino purposefully infected themself with dd-426 to try and use it to detached the d-code and wiped his own memory. Okino is WILD backed up his memory and personality onto an AI and then ran that AI and overrode his own brain. Okino causes problems on purpose Tsukasa. The cat better not be the universal control system or stomething. Bj miura was the sentinel 17's AI before getting shoved into the little drone. 18 can only be operated by ai ... Who has 18 now man i really need to memorize these. Uh 18 is 3rd gen? Kisaragi? 1944 miura? Hmm so 17 was also one of the previously "automated" sentinels makes me wonder how sentient the others were. Ok ai miura definitely isnt from 2188 then. My memory is failing me has natsuno met sekigahara yet?
Ogata: back to the timeloop mines: found ei and ryoko collapsed and he had dd-426 in his hand. Ida calls the 15 commanders on the d forces, 13 +okino who is the 15th? Tamao? Yeah it is okino on the other end of the line. Lol they kidnapped ogata and tied him to a chair in an abandoned warehouse. Wrong genre! 1 out of the 15 is broadcasting the kaiju signals, wasnt that ogata? One of the scenes earlier said who it was .. was ogata up until 2 months ago.
Yay I finally get to do hijiyama's. I find this route to be one of the most entertaining because okino is just running mental circles around hijiyama. This story is so funny all the jocks are here. okino giving the most fake lackluster bored sounding love confession i've ever heard and ogata falling for it like "damn i'm a stud" and then hijiyama is off to the side have a crisis collapsed on the ground because he's that down bad over okino. Yeah he would be a sub for okino, wants to be bullied. ...the files reveal that tying hijiyama to the chair was literally just to toy with him since okino already knew what was in his brain from previously adjusting code.
Yakushiji: fluffy says 1944 miura has immunity to dd426 because of the component surgically embedded into his forehead that "forces him to use magic". Mr. Kitty controls the tv the one thing that idol had to work around, my wild guess is still kitty cat is universal control. So only she can see fluffy and fluffy is maybe mimicking the appearance of the actual school cat. Gotta say megumi's story is probably my least favorite so far.
Kurabe: shiba not existing to anyone else is not a twist i was expecting. 48q qta_cba those were the nanomachines being administered to kurabe! Its to make shiba the artificial personality. Wait they were trying to reintroduce izumi's memories? That means yakushiji was doing all that for nothing. And shiba is izumi? This part lost me. I get i remembered right the izumi morimura and shiba are trying to resurrect isnt the one from ... Idk Yakushiji's boyfriend, they're trying to resurrect an earlier iteration izumi. The izumi okino and fuyusaka from visitor from another world seem to be from 2104. That 16 year gap has been bothering me for weeks but its sector 0 why are all the other shifts 40 years. But 2104 to 2088. Something oh didnt ida timetravel back and meet morimura on that bridge, two overlapping events.doomed timeline so it is a different iteration! Also terrorist izumi might be 426. Which would explain the statements gouto said about nurse morimura working with them.
Gonna try and finish fuyusaka's story. Oh great there's another one. Now we have nurse morimura, child professor morimura, catsuit morimura, and fuyusaka all in 1984. Oh catsuit is nurse morimura she just changed her clothes. Wait but didnt sekigahara kill her. So there's just been 2 izumis runnin around this whole time 426 and pilot kid. Still not clear on the reset mechanic i thought i understood it but kept getting confused maybe im overthinking it. Nurse morinura is an illusion made by universal control... More evidence for the matrix hypothesis or i suppose with advanced enough production facilities and control there is no difference between the matrix and reality. Going to sector 0 doesnt save you from a reset it scans a person as data and recreates them in the new world. Aegis cuts the world off from universal control. So in the final battle iori is using ei's sentinel, but he's there so where did he get that gen1 guess i'll find out. Im just realizing iori spent all her time chasing ei and didnt actually learn much compared to the other characters.
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disdaidal · 1 year
something you're excited about AND top 5 characters currently ❤️
Oh heya! 👋💖 I already answered here what I'm most excited about, so. :3
My top 5 characters?
Cahir (The Witcher). He's my newest conquer so duh. This knight bitch already (kind of) caught my interest on the last previous seasons of TW because I mean - a cunty, ambitious, antagonistic guy on a holy mission, any means necessary? Yeah. But I was still like, hmm, he's kinda, you know, but I don't know. But s3, this season? He was just really kind of pathetic (like a sad, wet little kitten compared to the murderous little twink that he was in s1), but still cool and complex, and I decided that's it. I'm putting him in a box and taking him home with me. Like, villain/antagonistic dudes with potential redemption arcs? Sign me the fuck up.
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things). I may not have been really active in this fandom lately because... well, you know. But he's still mine and you can pry this bitch from my cold, dead hands. I originally didn't care much for him in s2 (I didn't hate him by any means but I just couldn't take him and his macho-ism seriously lol), but then s3 came and his character arc just... fucked me up. Broke my heart. Like he had wronged and sinned, yes; he was a massive bitch and a bully, sure. But he was also never really given a chance to properly redeem himself, at any point in the show imo. And that fucked me up and broke my heart and so he's mine.
Ellen Ripley (Alien). My first (bi) awakening and also the first female protagonist that I felt like I could really look up to. She may not be big and muscular, or a man-hating girlboss who doesn't cry or show emotion when she feels bad, but she kicks ass. She kicks alien butt. She's a woman but she has big balls. She fucks. And she loves cats, too. And that I can appreciate. A lot.
Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker). I feel like this is a recurring theme with me but a character who starts off as an antagonist/villain and then gets a redemption arc? Yeah. Like, she's also gone through so much shit in her life - she's been forced to go through hell and back and raised to believe emotions mean weakness - and then she allies with the protagonist and slowly finds home with him and his 'merry band', and starts to *feel* things and even show *emotion* and like. A simple girl like me, with simple tastes - how could I watch a character unfold like that and not feel *anything*? Anything at all? Impossible. Yeah, so she's also mine.
Fili (The Hobbit). I feel like he's a bit of wild card in this group because he isn't an antagonist with a complex story line, or some big ass protagonist ready to save the world. But I had such a huge crush on him when the Hobbit movies came out about 10 years ago, and having recently rewatched/revisited the LotR & Hobbit trilogies, I realized just how much I loved him back then and how much I love him even now. He didn't get a lot of screen time, not even that many lines. But his bravery, stubbornness and will to defy his 'destiny' and go to the edge of the earth, hell and back, to protect his baby brother touched me. Through his character, I also found his actor, Dean O'Gorman, and his numerous other acting projects and man, he's great. The Deano fandom has also been kind, chill and just a great place to hang out at every now and then, so. It's all thanks to this "golden lion prince" dwarf here.
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omishu · 1 year
Ask meme: 1, 3, 9, 18, 21, 24, 33, 42, 44 (you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to), 46
Phew, boy howdy! there's a lot going on here, but ily, boo *gen-z style finger hearts* Thank you for the asks, m'buddy *tips hand-steamed ten-gallon hat at you*
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club, Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the Pokemon eevee, Rapunzel from Tangled, Elsa from Frozen, Baymax from Big Hero 6. Yes, a lot of these are Disney; it was my hyperfixation for at least a decade, don't @ me.
3. do you leave the window open at night?
As much as possible, yes. BUT my parents don’t like me having my bedroom door and window open at the same time. So if I want Lewis to be able to freely come and go from my room, I have to keep the window closed. If I really want it open, then Lewis gets locked either in or out, which is kind of a bummer since his litterbox and food/water are in the laundry room across the hall. He also likes it being open, though, because it's about as close to being outside as he cares to get, even with a leash and harness; it makes him feel adventurous to hear the waterfalls, rustling trees, and various wildlife outside from the comfort of my ultraplush bed lol he can also smell things and feel the breeze/heat, but more on a sample/trial basis.
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
I guess if I HAD to pick a form to drink coffee, it'd be cold. As you know, I really don't care for the stuff, but I get a shit-ton of Starbucks giftcards and their frapps are basically milkshakes.
18. what hair products do you use?
Oh boy, I have QUITE the repertoire, but I barely use any of it. A lot of it is for specific styles for specific events, so I just have all kinds of pins, mouses, gels, sprays, combs/brushes, heat tools, etc, etc. My sister got my whole family on Monat, but I'm broke af so I buy a normalizing shampoo from my stylist because my thin, fine, flat, straight-ass hair gets oily af unless I use that. I like to use a leave-in conditioner spray too, because it isn't too heavy and also keeps the oils under control better. If I blowdry or curl my hair (with a straightening iron), I like to use some strong-hold hairspray (no particular brand) that I brush out, just so it stays looking nice longer.
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
I have a little teddy bear in a flower hat and dress that my mother's mother gave me ages ago. It's probably the only plushie to survive all of my purges and definitely the only gift I've kept from any of my grandparents, besides like ... heirloom jewelry. My oldest sister used to always call me her dolly-bear because she loved cuddling me and dressing me up (my autistic tomboy ass hated that shit sm istg). The nickname has kinda grown on me, now that I've embraced my gender non comformity, because I 1) think it's funny to imagine an actual bear wearing a dress and 2) have reclaimed my own sense of femininity in a way that wields it as a weapon in my own arsenal rather than against me while also embracing my somewhat aggressive/rough-around-the-edges approach to. Lot of things. But during a senior trip with my highschool church youth group, we went to a flee market and were given a $2 bill with some change (to match our grad year) and told to pick something to represent ourselves, and then over the course of the weekend had to give it away to a stranger we met at one of our activities and explain it. I found a similar bear and had a hard time finding anyone or working up the nerve to give it away, so I carried it around everywhere - amusement park, Wal-Mart runs, hiking, etc. The day we headed back to our town, we visited a church for their service, and a little girl there got upset that she lost her toy. I gave her my dolly-bear, and she looked so awestruck. That was a pretty cool moment for me, because giving her basically myself (metaphorically) brought her so much joy and comfort. I still think about that sometimes. You've probably seen the bear from my Grandmother because I had it in my dorm.
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Gosh, right now? Probably sweating and getting sunburned lol maybe jumping into my family's in-ground pool if it was closer to the actual house haha but fr maybe have my beach umbrella set up in a stand with beach towels under us and electric fans blowing on us, drinking beer and eating ice cream bars, laughing and reminiscing and dreaming and commiserating. God, I miss you so much.
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
Gotta check my calendar fr because work has been insane lately. I do have a lot of adventures planned for the next few months though. Hopefully one or more involves you visiting! *eyes* hm been doing a lot of pool party cookouts for family birthdays lately and been to a few special screenings for films in cosplay. But my last legit adventure was probably last month when I took my friend to her first ever RenFaire. Or maybe my city's annual Bee Festival. Idk ask me again around Thanksgiving because by then I'll have a ton under my belt for the year. The first half of this year has severely lacked any quality adventures.
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again!! Ni no Kuni: Crossworlds is my favorite mobile game ever!!! I mean c'mon it's got Ghibli art, and even Joe Hisaishi does the freaking music! The story is cool, the characters are cool, the monsters/fighting are cool. I freaking love this game. It has a lot going on, so I only do like the dailies/weeklies, but they have regular events going, like, all the time. I love it so much, and I want all my friends to play with me, so we can have our own Kingdom and do party dungeons together. It's a fantasy MMORPG, which is my fave genre, and is also an isekai.
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
[SoundCloud Rapper voice] YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO IT IS: my mother.
46. favorite holiday film?
Which holiday are we talking about? If you mean like ... winter holidays, then ... idk there're a lot of Christmas movies I try to watch every year; Elf, The Nativity Story, White Christmas, KLAUS, Jingle Jangle, etc. Idk if I really have a true favorite though (Klaus, probably)
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astra-nomy · 2 years
If it isn't too personal how has your life changed after applying law of assumption?
Of course star!!
How Manifesting Has Changed My Life <3
What I've manifested so far:
Manifested my SP: I've talked about this before, but I manifested an SP that is literally one of the most fun and incredible people to be around. He makes me so happy guys.
Desired Face and Body: It took me a while to decide to manifest this because I really wanted to love myself before I decided to completely upheave how I picture myself. Eventually I recognized that it wasn't shameful to want what I want, and that if I have this power, I should use it to make myself happy.
Perfect Grades: I now get perfect grades, like 100s on everything without studying. And even though my brothers and I go to different school, I manifested that I know exactly what is on their tests so I can help them study.
Leaving a Toxic Friend Group: For a while, I was in a drama-filled friend group and I kept going back and forth on "Oh this person is the problem" or "I'm the problem" and it was really hectic and stressful. So I started affirming that everything would work out in the best possible way for me. After a while, one friend ditched and another rejoined the group, and it's been great ever since.
Getting Along with my Siblings: So me and my brothers used to fight, like, constantly. They weren't bad, but we started going days where two of us would be actively ignoring each other but talking to the others and it really started to take a toll, especially since we all have a year left before we all head off to college to do separate things. It was kind of like being in a really argumentative friend group again, because they kind of are my best friends. I affirmed that we get along and don't have really big fights any more - I also affirmed that we're good at communicating, because that was a big part of the problem. Eventually we started letting the other know when something they said pissed us off and working through it instead of just going radio silent.
What I will manifest in the future:
Getting into my Dream College: I haven't started applying to places just yet, but I already know which college I'm going to because I've manifested I'll get in and be able to study everything I want. I'm probably going to manifest my brothers getting into their dreams colleges too once I figure out where they want to go.
Dream Career: Again, I haven't done this yet because I'm still in high school, but I know what I want to do for a career, so I've decided that everything that happens after high school will lead me directly to my dreams
Dream Apartment: So after binging New Girl lol, my brothers and I decided we wanted to get a cool ass apartment together one day, maybe after or during college, it depends on where we all go, so I'm definitely going to manifest that!
That's all I can think of right now, but I hope that answers your question!
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burr-ell · 3 years
"(And the church, not-so-accordingly, but we don’t have time for me to list all the things that annoy me about Dorothea.)" 👀 if you don't mind I'm kinda curious about that lol :o
Speak to me everything about your dislikes about Dorothea. I'd 100% love to hear it. She's not high on my BE list, either, but aside from two from that class, maybe three, if I push it, the rest fall fast on my, "Nah", list.
oh gods anons yall tryna get me in trouble with ALL of twitter
As far as story is concerned, Dorothea just falls flat for me. I don't get much of a dynamic character arc from her. The game tries to go with this "ooh, she starts out flirty and sexy, and then the war starts and she's sad and pretty and hates war! isnt that different? isn't that sad??" like no........it's not?? really??? That's not an arc. I found that Dorothea's comments about the war read more like the game trying to hamfistedly declare that War Bad because War Made Pretty Girl Sad, rather than actually taking the time to show it. They at least gave her a little more meat when they included that line in SS about her taking care of orphans, but it never goes anywhere.
On top of that, I found a lot of her lines and views to be flat-out mopey and whiny. The worst offender I can think of is her post-kill line in the Red Canyon:
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maam this is a military school
Like, this school was canonically founded to unite the three nations to fend off Almyran invasions. It's called the Officers' Academy. What'd you THINK you were gonna do? But no, it's a Very Incisive And Thought-Provoking Line About The Evils Of Crusading Religion, or something. Did they not give yall like.....pamphlets at orientation??
Her hatred of the Church and the goddess is also misplaced—which could be interesting, but it's written in such a way that she never has to confront it. No, the Church didn't do anything to help her when she was impoverished...because the church got chased out of the empire over a century beforehand. No, the goddess didn't do anything to fix her situation...because the goddess was slumbering inside Byleth. But Dorothea never canonically learns those things, so she never has to deal with her preconceived notions being challenged. Now she can access a Hidden Talent in Faith, but I find it. hmm. that when she brings it up to Byleth in one of the student goal change requests, she explicitly frames it as "I don't believe in the goddess, but I believe in you". In other words, it's resolved by more player pandering instead of taking a real opportunity for character growth.
(I love Byleth, she’s my pfp and I stan Claudeleth, but the Black Eagles are full to bursting with player pandering to a degree that the other houses just. don’t have, and it hurts the characters and the group dynamic as a result.)
She wants to attract a rich husband and secure her future financially, but doesn't actually do anything other than shove her boobs out and sing—she doesn't want to learn any military or diplomatic skills, she doesn't seem to have any interest in learning hospitality or statesmanship, and she actively insults many of the nobles she can support with. As Lorenz points out, being even a minor noblewoman is harder than that; it requires an actual formal education in politics and running a household. Now that could be an interesting character beat, that she unconsciously sabotages herself because she believes she's not really worthy of the future she claims to want, or because she just tells everyone she wants to be a gold digger but really she wants true love, but that's not a concept that's addressed in the story. She comes off—at least in the lolcalization—as a shallow, Sad But Pretty Yas Kween Slay archetype rather than an actual well-rounded dynamic character.
Like other characters in the Empire, she's incredibly self-pitying, hypocritical, and annoying to watch, and often behaves as waifu bait because the devs wanted you to pick Black Eagles first. She's at her most interesting on Silver Snow, but it still feels incomplete, and fandom hates that route and only wants Communist Kween Who Says Eat The Rich—and that means that the most utterly stale and boring versions of her are the popular versions that I see everywhere.
(There's this idea that because Dorothea had it rough, she should be allowed to do and say whatever she wants and get whatever prizes she wants, and you're obviously a bad person if you don't like her. Like with Ashe and Bernie, fandom turned a character who just sort of mildly annoys me into a character I find utterly insufferable.)
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mdkellyellieandwy · 3 years
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36+1 weeks today! Only 4 more weeks to go!
We had our appointment today, and we will have one every week until she makes her arrival. Today her heart rate was in the lower 150s, which is great! Belly is measuring 35 weeks, which is a change from before when belly had been measuring almost a week ahead. But doctor isn't worried because still measuring between 35-37 weeks. :) She is head down, and doctor double checked using the ultrasound. 💛 Had my group b strep test, so will probably get those results soon. Not dilated and Nora is still pretty high up. Which is common since it's not my first - she might not really "engage" until active labor. Which probably won't happen for another 4 weeks if she follows her siblings' lead. Doctor did say no going in labor this weekend because he won't be in town, but I don't see that being an issue. Lol.
Cravings really haven't changed. Fruit in general and flavored milk. Oh, and just about anything pumpkin related - like pumpkin muffins or pumpkin pie. One of the perks of being pregnant around this time I suppose. 😅
4 more weeks until we get to meet our newest addition. We cannot wait. We love you, sweet girl. Keep growing. 💛
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Hey so you don’t need to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable…but I just noticed that you post about your faith a lot and you seemed pro lgbt so I wanted to reach out. I used to be very Catholic (like my family never missed mass kinda deal) But when I came out as gay, my family and the community pretty much rejected me so I left the church. I’m very left leaning, and so many Catholics I’ve met have told me you can’t be Christian if you aren’t conservative (and straight…)
How do you deal with it all? Because sometimes I miss my faith. But I also feel like there isn’t a place for me in it anymore with the way the world is.
Also I understand you’re just a girl and not like the authority on the church lol. I guess I was just wondering how you deal with the negativity.
(Also, this was all sent with love and absolutely no judgment. Sorry if it reads funny. I think you’re great!)💙💙💙
Hey anon! Sorry this took a few days, but no problem at all!
First I want to say that Christianity and Catholicism are not actually interchangeable/the same religion (this is why, as I assume you've seen lol, I remark that nightcrawler and I have similar religions instead of just saying "we have the same" one). So although I'm familiar with Catholic beliefs, I can only truly speak from a Christian standpoint here; But I'll still respond and I hope my own experience can maybe help light some direction for you :)
I guess with the above stated, I can't really tell you how to deal with negativity from the Catholic church considering I myself am not Catholic. However, I can tell you that anyone who would claim themselves as a Christian and yet utilizes persecution and fear tactics (i.e: you can NEVER be saved if.... Blah blah blah) is, at best, misinformed on what Christianity actually is, and at worst, is actively withholding the Christlike love that a self professing Christian is meant to be exuding.
I know this isn't the question at hand, but I really want to make sure you and anyone else reading this understand that if these people oh so truly believed that these things you've mentioned were sins, then the last thing they should be doing is casting you away. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", after all. Know this: We are called to love one another unconditionally, because God loves us unconditionally, and I would encourage you to search for a church body that understands and practices this truth.
Keeping that in mind as I come back to your question, I've seen behavior like this even under Christianity, so I suppose the best I can say is to 1) understand that they are wrong for their actions with the negativity as you've described it and 2) that, although I know it feels hard to believe or impossible to find, there are people of your faith out there who will be accepting as they should be.
I say this bc I too have had problems trying to find a like-minded church group, and it was very difficult for me too for a while there and I mean over a year of sticking to one place, trying a few others, and then finally arriving to a place where I saw the type of things I should be seeing from my religious fellows. That's the key is the thing, it's all about keeping up the search and knowing what you are looking for in the church body. Things can only get better if you try to work towards it, and I can speak from experience that you will find what you're looking for if you're willing or able to experiment around with new places!
I hope this answered your question and I'm so sorry things are so difficult for you right now, but all things happen for a reason and struggles, no matter how daunting, cannot last forever when we hold onto faith and aim for better circumstances. Have courage my friend, and I wish you luck and encouragement to pursue your faith and find a church establishment who accepts and loves you as they are meant to :)
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
What kind of boyfriend are they? [Persona]
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Characters Included: Akira Kurusu, Akechi Goro, Yosuke Hanamura, Yu Narukami, Minato Arisato & Shinjiro Aragaki
Note: I'm mixing Persona 3, 4 & 5! :3 Except all of them are my fav characters (HUSBANDOS—) ahem. Anyway. I hope ya'll enjoy this :3 (This is over 500+ words... whOOPS--)
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: Spoilers
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Akira Kurusu
-Akira is the kind of boyfriend that teases the heck out of you. Like he loves to fluster you so much from embarrassment, whether from kissing you in public or simply holding your hands. He'll have that smirk on his face, its always present. (You're wondering if it's permanent though—)
-But I can also see Akira as the guy who loves someone, really loves that one (aside from the fact that he dates multiple girls in the game—). The reason why he teases you is because he loves you, and for that reason, when he finds that you are close to fainting or uncomfortable, he'll stop teasing you. He doesn't want you fainting or uncomfortable around him!
-He's also a natural romantic guy. Like he'll give you flowers and gifts (or trinkets he found). He wants to spoil you so much but he has limited money, so he resorted to small gifts and trinkets that reminded him of you. Your dates consist of staying at the LeBlanc, enjoying the cafe itself or inside the attic (i.e: his room).
-He loves affection so much, but not because he's touch-starved, he simply just loves you so much (yes, I'll say it over and over again :3). If you want cuddles, then cuddles you get. No matter where, but I think he prefers it private since, you know, his reputation? He just doesn't want to affect your reputation because of his ;-; But kisses, on the other hand, he can do it even in public, he has no shame -3- He'll even leave a kiss on you for teasing purposes (and to see your flustered self). He'll just laugh at your reaction, finding every reaction you have is cute on you. (He also has a picture of you as his wallpaper in his phone :) and his friends knows it since he shows it to them.. he's so proud and in-love with you :3)
-But if you don't like or uncomfortable of affection or him touching you, he understands. He'll always ask permission before holding you or kissing you. He respects your privacy and comfort more than his own. If you find uncomfortable, then he'll find a way for it to make it comfortable with you.
-I can see Akira giving his s/o a piggyback-ride, no matter whether you weigh heavily or just right (but if you weigh very lightly, he'll be concerned). He really doesn't mind your weight at all (he likes to say you don't weigh a lot). I can also see him as a domestic guy, he learned how to cook (thanks to Sojiro) and learned to take care of animals (Morgana, lol).
-He's protective of you. If you're in the Phantom Thieves, double-protectiveness over you activated. He just doesn't want you to get hurt ;-; He's scared of losing you in the Metaverse. So if an attack is directed at you, he'll get the hit. If you get hit while he isn't paying attention (probably coming up a strategy), after the battle, he'll immediately patch you up or go to a nearby resting place. And I can also see the rest of the Team also being protective of you :3
-Akira is also observant about you, even if he doesn't look like it. So he knows immediately when you're upset or uncomfortable. In which case, he'll drag you away from the source immediately. Leaving that person dumbfounded.
-If you feel sad about something, the actions of Akira would depend on how severe your sadness or situation is (though they are still similar to one another). Did someone talk bad about you? Don't worry, Akira would hug you and voice out all of the good things about you (and probably imagine how he'll defeat that person's shadow). Did someone close to you recently die? Akira will bring some comfort food to you (or to his place if you went there) and comfort you while eating. Are you upset because of your grades? "Treasure.. have you seen Ryuji's?" but in all seriousness, he'll offer to help you study for the next test. Are you having a existential crisis? He'll also comfort you as he voice out how important you are to him, and that's the reason why he calls you his "treasure". Are you sad because everyone is unique and you're just you? Akira would say how special you are to him and that you don't need to stand out.
-Long story short, he'll comfort you no matter what. :) Can I have a Akira pls? -3- I'm getting jealous over here...
-But if he needs comforting, please comfort him ;-; Sometimes, all of the duties of handling his rehabilitation, school and being the Phantom Thief leader and people in general gets to him. He's still a kid— teenager. And it gets to him sometimes. He's the kind of guy that bottles his emotions up until it cannot anymore hold itself together. So please comfort this boi ;-;
-Overall, he's like a perfect boyfriend :)
Goro Akechi
-Akechi is somewhat-like Akira, yet different at the same time. He's hesitant to pursue or enter a relationship because of his Detective (and other) duties, he fear that he cannot handle a relationship because of that. So the word "surprise" might be an understatement at how Akechi feels as you, his now newly-announced s/o, told him that you just want to love him and lets him do whatever he does. Akechi was actually glad to have someone like you his s/o, someone who understands and love him at the same time. Akechi would be lying if he didn't find you attractive when you first meet.
-Akechi will tease you time from time, enjoying every reaction your making each time, it never fails to put a smile on his face. But he might not be into PDA, since he likes to keep your relationship a secret to the world (media). He tells you so that you won't have to fear about his fanbase. But in reality, he just fears that if Shido knows about you, he would use you against Akechi (which he doesn't like -3-).
-Let's face it, he has you as his wallpaper in his phone. Whenever he feels lonely or just have a moment to himself, he'll just open his phone and stares at his wallpaper. He unconsciously smiles at you in the picture as he continues his day with a smile present on his face. Many people who's near to him noted how happy he was when he looks at his phone for some reason. But Akira manages to find out while he's raising his confidant level for Akechi :)
-Akechi would notice every quirks and twitches you have, since undoubtedly, he has a keen and observant eyes. He would immediately know which ones you like, which ones you don't like, how comfortable you are, how uncomfortable you currently are, and more. But that doesn't make him a stalker >:( He just wants to know which ones you prefer and how comfortable you are. He prioritizes your comfort over his :)
-Akechi always put his mask on around everyone else, but to you? His mask is slowly slipping away. If you play your cards right, he might reveal his true self to you and only you. But he won't tell you about Shido, since he still fears your safety. He tells you partly everything about his childhood, how his life is in the orphanage and all that. Akechi'll mentally prepare himself for you reaction, are you disgusted? Would you leave him now that you know? Those thoughts ran through his head. When (not if because you chose him, how dare you not accepting him >:(.) you accept him though, he'll start to cry.
-Akechi might not be a natural at being romantic, but he tries. I can see him as a gentlemen type though :3, like he'll open doors for you and pulls the chair for you. He'll also give you gifts and trinkets he saw while in his detective duties. I imagine him giving you your favorite flower every meeting (or dates) you two have, like if you're just walking and suddenly come across Akechi, he (for some reason) has your favorite flower at hand and ready to give it to you. Expect your house to be filled with flowers with how often you two meet.
-But its not everyday you two meet, note this. Akechi already warned you about his job since it takes up most of his time, so he's usually not able to meet you as often as he likes to. But he'll call or text you if he has free time, probably asking how you are and lets you rant about what happened during the day. Akechi loves hearing your voice, so he lets you rant as long as you want. If he's given a day-off (so rare ;-;), he'll want to spend it with you. Though he prefers to stay at home, but if you want to go somewhere, he'll concede.
-Your dates consist of going to restaurants, cafe and LeBlanc. This boi loves pancakes, so you better bring him to a restaurant where they serve pancakes X3. But if you can cook pancakes, Akechi would probably want to marry you on the spot :). Whenever you are in LeBlanc though, you would stare at the duo trying out-wit each other, its amusing to you how frustrated Akechi is and smug Akira is.
-But I can see Akechi being touch-starved since he doesn't have anyone while growing up, so he practically clings to you like a koala. But if you're uncomfortable with affectionate touches, he doesn't mind either. Just please hold his hand so that he feels safe (it also settles his mind and heart knowing you're still here by his side ;-;).
-If you're in the Phantom Thieves (oh boy, here we go), Akechi would be scared at the idea of having to kill you and the rest of the team. He knows how much the group of misfits means to you, but he knows he has to do the task he's given. So until that time come, just stay in his arms and let him love you while he still can ;-; (I'm making this depressing..). While still into the subject of comforting, if he starts to cry because of all the stress, please comfort him ;-; Though I can also see him pushing you away, in fear you'll get hurt. Just persist and continue to comfort him :) He'll slowly warm up to you.
-If you need comforting though, he'll get awkward and not know how to comfort you. Don't blame him though (because he never had anyone, remember?). He'll try his best to comfort you, and by that I mean letting you cry as he holds you. He'll make you rant about what you're sad about, and just listens to you. After the crying mess, he'll drag you to the TV to watch a movie. He did this so that whatever the reason behind your crying would be temporarily be gone. But if it involve some school issues, he'll help you there since he knows about that area. But the others? Yeah, haha... no.
-Akechi isn't a perfect boyfriend but he tries :) (Just prepare yourself in breaking up with him when you reach Shido's Palace :(.)
Yosuke Hanamura
-Yosuke is a bit of a tease but not too much, only eliciting a reaction from you. Yosuke is also a bit shy when it comes to the subject of romance, so he might be awkward and shy at times (this is the moments where you have to take the lead). Like that time where he first asked you out on a date, he's so nervous that he stumbles with his words (the rest of his friends were cheering for him from behind). You have to connect the dots if you ever want to understand what he's trying to say, and you better say yes :)
-He's not really into PDA like most people expect (probably because of his somewhat-shyness). But he always likes to hold hands with you. Not many people know you two are together though, only his friends (and parents) since you two act like best friends still. His friends also relentlessly tease the both of you (mainly Yosuke though), much to his dismay.
-Yosuke also wants to spoil you so he spend all of his money getting what you want, so please don't abuse this and pLEASE MAKE HIM STOP! Because Yosuke might end up being more broke than ever ;-; He's too kind...
-Yosuke might take a while to get used to the fact that you two are a couple (since he's still hang-up with Saki's death), but when he does get used to it, prepare yourself. Yosuke loves giving you back-hugs, even more if its a back-hug you didn't expect. He just hugs you from behind and stuff his face into your neck or hair, either way they smell good. Yes, he loves your smell, got a problem? He also loves peppering you with kisses on your neck (not in a sensual way though!), he doesn't know why but he does it. If you're ticklish in that area, it just gives him a reason to do just that (he loves the sound of your laughter).
-He shares his headphones with you and lets you borrow it for the rest of the day if you want. He's also the kind of guy that if you're short, places his head on top of your head and arms around your figure and sway the both of you (I like this idea, it's too adorable >w<). Also the kind of guy that uses his height as an advantage to grab an item you need and hold it above his head while laughing as you try to get it back. This is his kind of teasing :)
-Your date consists of Junes or your place (not his because Teddie is there). Junes is his favorite place so if you want to date there, he'll be ecstatic. You two will sit there while eating the food you bought as you two talk about random things you two can think of. I think this is Yosuke's ideal date though, just relaxing and talking. But if his boredom comes to play, be prepared because he's gonna drag you away from Junes or your house and explore Inaba together. Boredom is what Yosuke fears afterall. If you two are hanging out in your house, be prepared for pillow fights and tickle fights because Yosuke is for sure gonna start it :)
-Yosuke would also might use some pick-up lines on you, some cheesy ones and some random ones. If you use a pick-up line on him as well, you two will have a pick-up contest on which one would have the best pick-up line ever. You two will also have inside jokes that only you two understand. Yosuke also loves you pouncing on him from behind and giving you piggy-back rides, but if its in public, he might get embarrassed.
-Being Yosuke's girlfriend also means being great friends with his, mainly Yu. Yu is Yosuke's partner (I SHIP IT!!) so he wants you to meet his partner. The team would instantly welcome you into their group, and they love you very much :3 Yu also hangs out with you and Yosuke, if you or Yosuke suggest it (he ain't telling being a third-wheeler :/). Teddie would also join in on your date if its at Junes, Yosuke easily getting angry at Teddie for interrupting your date.
-If you're in the Investigation Team, he'll get protective of you, acting like you're knight. He'll be damned if you get hit, so he mostly get the hits directed for you. But if you get hit, he'll sulk and beg forgiveness to you (even though its not either your faults that the Shadow is fast enough). He'll also help you train if you have a hard time with your Persona.
-Yosuke is observant and perspective so he notices your mood, quirks and twitches. He'll immediately notice if you're mood dampen, even if its a little he'll notice. He wants to immediately know what's wrong. If you want to cry, he'll let you cry as he holds you close. If you say "I'm fine", Yosuke would argue that you're clearly aren't. Either way, Yosuke would make sure to make you let it all out.
-If you're sad, he'll comfort you. Whatever the reason is, he'll know it later. The first thing to do is comfort you. He'll not immediately ask you to tell him, he'll let you take your time to explain to him why he found you crying (or sad). Is it about grades? Don't worry, it happens. Yosuke would teach you (he's intelligent, he just doesn't know it yet :3). Is it because of bullying (or someone talking bad about you)? Yosuke would get angry at them as he started to rant why they shouldn't do that and that you shouldn't listen to them. Is it because someone close to you died? Yosuke would remain silent as he just hugs you. Long story short, he'll comfort you in every way..
-Remember me stating Yosuke is observant? Yeah, I'm gonna bring it up again. Yosuke prioritizes your comfort over his, as he finds ways for you to be comfortable if you're uncomfortable. Yosuke always reassure you that he doesn't love Saki anymore, but in truth, he's just reassuring himself. But after Yosuke talked to Yu, he'll confront you about this. Please forgive him and comfort him ;-; he needs it. Afterall, first love is much harder to let go of..
-Overall, Yosuke loves and cherishes you. Please be patient with this man as he tries to move on from the death of his first love :)
Yu Narukami
-Yu is the kind of guy that also teases his s/o by kissing their nose, leaving unexpected kiss on the lips and surprising them by hugging them from behind. He loves every flustered reaction you have (and thinks its cute every time). He'll stop if you want, but if not, he'll continue to tease you with his teasing antics. He's also kind of childish (this is my perspective of Yu, don't judge :3) so while holding hands with you, he'll swing it back-and-forth, while also being careful not to hit anyone.
-People can tell that you two are immediately a couple though (from Yu's antics alone), since Yu is an affectionate partner to have. You know the thing where the person's significant other is sitting on a chair while the other is sitting on the floor and in-between their significant other's legs? Yu is on the floor while you are on the chair. This usually results in Yu putting your legs on his shoulders and carrying you around like that, not putting you down until class start or he has to (much to your dismay and embarrassment), which usually Yu reluctantly let you go.
-His friends would gag at the sight of you (Yosuke), but they're super supportive towards their Captain's relationship with you. But they would ask their Leader to tone down his affection towards you.
-Yu loves to cuddle you and peppering you with kisses all over your face, he has no shame (;-; or :)). He's also the kind of guy that stays faithful with one only, and stays with that person because when he loves, he really loves :3 (again, aside from the games :3). He wants you to know about his love for you, and the only way he knows how is engulfing you with it :) He is mature but he lets loose around you because he's so comfortable with you. He's also a domestic-kind of guy (similar to Akira). If you don't how to cook, don't worry! Yu is here to teach you how, starting how to make Curry.
-Yu lets you borrow his jacket (or hoodie) whenever its cold, and usually blush at the sight of you in his clothing. Its usually big since he's so freakin' tall -_- He'll also help you in your projects and homework, usually having it at either your home or his. Though in his, Nanako would pester you two (not in a bad way though). Oh, and also both Dojima and Nanako immediately accepts you as Yu's s/o. So no worries about there :)
-Your dates consist of either houses or exploring Inaba together. Yu's still new in Inaba so he wants to explore it while he still can. Whether you live there or recently moved there (like him) doesn't matter to him. Since you lived there, do you mind showing him around then? If not, don't worry, let's explore together! In houses though, you two just mostly chill. Talking about random stuff while listening to music or watching TV.
-I can see him as a guy that gives you your favorite flower and tuck it in your head :3 (Don't worry, he already got rid of the thorns in it). This guy lives for cheesiness :3 Oh, I forgot to mention. Teddie would tease you and Yu (though very ineffective) and worship you as well since your dating his sensei.
-If you're in the Investigation Team, he'll be very protective of you but he lets you fight (he trusts you that you won't intentionally get hurt :/). But if a Shadow hurt you, Yu would immediately kill it and tend to you. But when it comes to the lady boss (Adachi), Yu would ask you to not join the fight, in fear you would get hurt. If you persist enough, Yu would reluctantly let you join the battle in one condition, stay by his side.
-Yu is also an observant fellow, seemingly enough to figure out a person's true self, even if that person doesn't. Yu can tell if you're not being yourself or not in the mood, he will ask you instantly what's wrong. If you don't tell, Yu would get worried but doesn't press on. He's worried because (if you're not yet in the Team) you might appear in the Midnight Realm or your Shadow self will appear again. So please tell him what's wrong so that his worry will cease. If you do tell him, he'll listen to you.
-If you're sad, he'll comfort you. He'll do it everytime you feel sad or want to cry. He'll hold you close and either bask in silence or listening to you rant. Your choice :)
-Also, Yu spoils you so much to the point that you have to tell him to stop because he might get broke like Yosuke. But he always reassure you that he has spare money. But please stop this boi from spoiling you too much... OR you spoil him in return (he'll gratefully accept whatever you've given him).
-Overall, Yu is an ideal boyfriend to have (I want a Yu :(.)
Minato Arisato
-Minato likes to tease you a bit to see your (cute) flustered reaction, he enjoys seeing you like that afterall. But he won't do it every time. Which is worse because you have to expect the unexpected. Like when you were writing something in your notebook, the next thing you knew that Minato kiss your cheek. Yes, he's a cheeky bastard :)
-Minato also shares his headphones with you and bask in it. If you have a playlist of your own, he'll listen to it with you. Minato is a private boi, so he does little to no PDA. Prefers all of the affection behind doors, his or your dorm. Though he doesn't mind holding hands with you or giving you a hug, only rarely does he give you a kiss in public.
-Minato isn't as affectionate as the other leaders are (almost all of them are except him ;-;), but he tries his best. Like Yu, he shows his love for you through actions instead of words since talking is a pain for him. He'll cuddle you inside either your dorms and pepper you kisses all over your face. He also has no shame ;).
-He prefers to relax and chill since he doesn't want to waste energy (I'm having Oreki vibes here owo'). So his ideal date is to just chillax in the bed, curled up with one another, and cuddling each other. He likes the feeling of your legs entangle with his though. And this is basically your date! Though he will also take you out to Paulownia Mall or anywhere since he doesn't want you to cope up in the room for too long.
-Minato also likes giving you gifts and small trinkets while he's going around town, stating that they remind him of you. He will also remember everything you said to him, which is handy since he also remembers which ones you want. You probably didn't know this so when its either your birthday or Christmas, you'll be surprised to see the thing you wanted to have.
-Minato loves everything about you, your hair, your eyes, your voice, your laughter, your hands, just basically everything. This is the only time he'll be vocal about it, much to your embarrassment. He'll also give you a piggy-back ride if you want, even in public. He might not look like much, but he's pretty strong for a short guy. (Probably from all the training he has done with Akihiko :).)
-The SEES basically accepts you by this point, since you make their Leader happy, their fine with you. Junpei might flirt with you every now and then. Yukari would talk with you about girl things. Akihiko might also drag you to his training session, in which Minato drags you away from your senpai -w- Basically, they just accept you to their wholesome family. Also, Aigis might thanked you for making their Leader happy.
-If you're in the SEES, Minato would still treat you like any other member. Except for the fact that he's stuck by your side through the journey to reach Tartarus' top. He'll help you train your Persona if you need training.
-Minato is also observant about you (all of these bois are observant -_-), so he will instantly know when something is wrong. But he might not let you know about it, and lets it go along. It isn't until you two are alone in the room when he asks you what's wrong. You don't need to answer him, just let him scoop you up in his arms. He respects your privacy though if you want to left alone, but be aware that you'll find him sleeping outside of your door.
-If you're upset about something, he'll know what's bothering you even if you don't tell him, he just knows. For now, he'll comfort you. After that, he'll deal with the problem. If its about someone talking bad about you, he'll get Mitsuru involve. If its about projects and homework or not understanding the lesson, he'll help and teach you about it. He's a smart boi.
-I can see Minato finding it adorable at what you look like with his clothes, he just finds it so cute. He lets you steal his clothes though. As long as you wear them, it's fine. Though you need to return those or else he has nothing left to wear.
-Overall, Minato is a private affectionate bby :)
Shinjiro Aragaki
-Shinjiro doesn't tease often as the previous bois does, but he does tease. If you have a short stature, he'll get what you were getting and hold it above his head while watching you with a smirk on his face as you tried to get it from him. If he's feeling bold, he might place a kiss on your mouth and chuckle at your surprised, flustered face. Though he doesn't do this often.
-Shinjiro likes ruffling your hair for some reason. He won't admit it but he feels relaxed whenever he feels your hair or ran his fingers through your hair, it just feels so relaxing and calm for him. He also likes pinching you whenever he gets annoyed at you, if you pinch back, you two will have a pinching contest.
-Shinjiro has a hard time opening up to other people, so its a huge achievement if you manage to make him your boyfriend. He'll be flustered by it of course as he looks away while blushing ever-so-slightly. He's a bit of a tsun-tsun. But everyone who knows him (Akihiko and Mitsuru) would take note how Shinjiro's face soften around you, you can almost see a faint smile on his face whenever he looks at you. "He looks like a lovesick puppy." - Mitsuru, 2009
-Shinjiro isn't into PDA, so whenever you want to hold hands with him, he'll get flustered. But he won't refuse as he removes his hand from his pocket and holds your hand with his. He's just embarrassed. He'll drag you places to places, probably explore the town while you two can.
-He's not afraid to speak his mind though, beware. He'll speak without hesitation if you did something bad or do something stupid. If you did do something stupid, he'll snicker while teasingly taunting you. You'll get embarrassed by this of course. But when you two started to eat, you'll laugh at his comments about the food. His snide remarks never fails to make you laugh.
-Shinjiro allows you to take off his beanie and place it on your head, he might need to look away to hide his embarrassment and flustered self. His mind is racing on how cute you look with his beanie, WHY DOES THAT BEANIE LOOK BETTER ON YOU RATHER ON HIM?! He'll never understand that logic ever.
-Be prepared as well for competitions and playful fights, because this guy is competitive like Akihiko. He'll playfully banter with you about the difference between some things. Also, he'll be embarrassed when you find out that he cooks way better than you. If you ask if you can have some, he'll immediately say no. But if you continue to pester him, he'll soon give in. Be prepared to taste Heaven :)
-Shinjiro is insecure to himself because there is so much better guys out there for you, yet you chose him. Someone who'll not live long, someone who'll eventually leave you alone with a shattered heart. His mind will always plague this scenarios over and over again, he'll even be wide-awake at night just thinking about it. When he asks you one day why you chose him, you better reply honestly :) Reassure him that you love him and only him.
-Shinjiro is observant as hell so he knows immediately if you're hiding something or upset. Like MInato, he'll not ask you at once. Though if this behavior carries on for days, be prepared for Shinjiro's interrogation :) He just wants to help you, so please come to him if you have a problem with anything
-(I just realized I made SEES bois with sad s/o. Please read how Shinjiro comforts you whenever you're sad there. x.)
-I can see him telling you to find another one to love when he dies. Move on, but don't forget about Shinjiro. Continue living even if he's not there, he'll remain in your heart forever.. (Okay.. I teared up in this one ;-;).
-Overall, please be with this boi until the very end..
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everydayanth · 4 years
Question re: cultural appropriation: I am Vampirically WhiteTM (I combust/evaporate if exposed to sunlight over 5 seconds), but I sometimes do *all* my hair in tiny, uneven plaits that don't hug my scalp. Answers on various forums seem to only distinguish between big/sparse braids & Black hairstyles, so there isn't a nuanced answer for, "This style isn't Cornrows but I *do* use all my hair." [1/2]
The intention *isn't* to cuddle up as closely to traditionally African styles as possible, but rather so I can take the braids out 3 days later to poof up like a lion/Princess Merida. Humans are a braiding, weaving species, I really do like doing this thing, & I'm not always of the mindset that just b/c something *might* be problematic, I should just bend to my anxieties/White Guilt. Am I still sending the wrong message with my style? [2/2]
Honestly, I have to start by saying I’m a white female, so the action/consequence of this process holds no harm over me and therefore my answer cannot speak for the people (black, specifically women) being potentially appropriated. I can only speak of my own development and understanding of appropriating black culture, specifically with hair.
I grew up in a “black neighborhood” (a problematic concept in itself) and in school, we sat in a train-line of girls during read-aloud and braided each others’ hair. I learned to braid black hair by 2nd grade. We were kids, we saw the differences in our phenotypic traits, but we adapted and didn’t mind much. One time a friend tried oiling my hair and it did not end well, lol, I was a greasy mop the whole day. Braiding was culturally relevant to us as friends, but also to me as an individual: my mom would braid my hair on her good days. In the summer, she would put my hair in many tiny loose braids, similar to what you described, not cornrows, but small braids because it was hot and we didn’t have ac and it was an easy solution. We were judged accordingly based on uniform and size and I distinctly remember the day I learned about the use of a long pinky nail, lol. I didn’t think about it much until I got to high school, then college and studied social science and talked to POC friends there and really began to understand the problems. 
It’s not the act of wearing your hair in a particular style, we humans learn from each other, we copy, we reproduce, we recreate, and we do it for decoration and efficiency or usefulness. Every culture plays with hair and braids and for every example of appropriation, someone has a counter example perceived to be “their ancestors” or some sort of genetic heritage (”I’m 1/32 Native”) giving them rights to partake in a specific kind of decoration or practice. But that’s not the issue. The issue is that when black people, specifically black women, wear their hair in braids, they are treated disrespectfully by our society, while when white people, specifically women, wear locs or braids, they are often rewarded for being worldly or exotic or interesting. 
There is not a common consensus; “black people” are not made of a uniform opinion, and whether something is problematic or offensive varies from one person to another. Appropriation, however, is a little easier to spot because it comes with a reward to some but with a punishment to the people who owned, initiated, or historically created or utilized a thing in the same way.
Black hair and hairstyles have been historically degraded, and its easy to think we live in a better world, but when Kim Kardashian wears “boxer braids” it becomes a trend, while Sasha Obama’s braids were criticized or attributed to past trends rather than her own rich ancestry. When Zendaya shows up in beautiful dreads and dressed to the nines, she is met with racist remarks, while Christina Aguilera’s were considered an “urban” phase.
Appropriation comes from capitalizing off something that isn’t yours, or that you can remove from your identity should the oppressor challenge you (thus why “white-passing” is often part of the conversation). Actively fighting against it means educating yourself on histories of oppression and abuse, modern social perspectives of white privilege, and what we do with all those pieces. 
Black girls are sent home from school or suspended all the time for wearing their hair naturally, in traditional styles, or in styles like weaves that make black hair easier to manage in a non-African climate. Loose braids worn by black girls are still condemned in schools today, while white girls back from Jamaica go unpunished and their braids and beads remain a symbol of money, experience, and privilege. Black men, as well as black LGBTQ+ individuals, are also judged harshly by different (often white-dominated) groups for their own styles and are definitely part of the conversation. 
Understanding the role of hair in culture and seeing the ongoing inequality is the most important thing we can do. Ideally, someday, we live in a world where we can all do what we want so long as it doesn’t harm another person, but we do not live there, and BIPOC are much more subjected to policing of their images, bodies, and especially hair than white people. 
Hair dressers learn white hair by default, not both, most kids never learn about different hair textures or the evolutionary purpose for the differences, they simply learn that one majority group can do whatever they like without negative reinforcement, while the other must adhere to strict rules to emulate the look of the majority with chemicals, expensive tools, and treatments, or be mocked, judged, degraded, and not able to participate in society without fear or ridicule of their personhood, their bodies, their natural selves, as well as the potential loss of job security, violence, or harsher social punishments, like ostracization, being jailed, or murdered by police without consequence. How a majority identifies an “other” has historically included hair texture and style as well as skin color.
Personally, I think intent matters. I don’t braid my hair anymore as a public style. Sure, I braid clumps of it while watching TV or hanging out around the house if I want something of a uniform wave (my mom has type 3 and my dad has type 2 and I got a franken-head of both lol), but I don’t wear many braids as a style out in public. Wearing braids as a young kid made me look like the girls in my class, it connected me to the people around me, and I was subjected to judgement by the black moms based on quality (at least those who spoke up, again, I was a child). I was blending, but when I got to high school, I realized that wearing braids brought an attention with it - oh, you’re interesting, or pretentious, but for my POC friends, employers made them remove braids. They heard condescending things like “your hair is too ghetto” while I began to hear that I was the “ghetto friend, wow so cool and cultured and street smart.” It was always insulting, but one is shittier (you know which one) because it is only condescending, and seeks to erase culture and judges based on racist biases.
If we normalize black hairstyles through popular trends, that seems like a good thing, right? But if white people are the ones normalizing it, then the agency of black people has been taken away from the black communities and restored through a white-savior complex. Not free will or choice, but through the appropriation of their own culture which then replaces the act of demonstrating culture (like wearing braids) as an act of the oppressor mocking and being praised. 
I know or plenty of white girls who wore braids or dreads or black hairstyles as a counter-culture identifier, in the way of popular artists and celebrities, but also activists and stoners appropriating Rastafarian culture. This makes black culture a counter-culture instead of an aspect of American culture or black culture within America that is respected and valued inherently. It otherizes, fetishizes, and tokenizes black culture, takes advantage of the current racist system and white privilege/bias, and gains an aesthetic. That is an intent to appropriate for social gains, and it’s all over the music industry and Hollywood. 
At the end of the day, I don’t think my opinion here can matter, I’m not harmed by your action. Braids are braids and I have a... not-normal history of exposure and love of black hair that most white girls don’t, but even then, I had to grow and listen and understand the nuances of my environment and the society around it. Is it different wearing styles in the middle of nowhere with no social interactions vs. posting on social media or interacting in society? Yeah, I think it is.
So I suppose the sum of the parts is:
Are you benefitting socially from wearing your hair this way? If so, then yeah, that’s sucky for the BIPOC people being pushed down for doing the same and is harmful appropriation. How you measure that seems to depend on intent, so the bias of wanting to keep doing something you like has to be accounted for. 
Is your intent to fit an aesthetic? If so, yeah, definitely a problem. 
Reflect on why you like doing this, what is it you gain or feel or imbibe or get out of the experience in the first place? I’d say at the end of the day, know the history of oppression that exists in America and around the world. Being aware and able to identify appropriation in media, pop culture, and everyday life, as well as the history of it, allows you to be an ally.
And finally, do you listen to what people are saying?
If/when people say things about your hair, understand that you are a social exception to the style and address it. I do think there is a responsibility to engage in these conversations when we ride the line of these grey areas, like when culture is shared with us, to what extent we participate and own it is 100% dependent on that relationship. Be willing to hear black people if they say it is uncomfortable, listen to what they mean, have a conversation about it and be willing to let go of a thing you want if that is the feedback you get.
I think a lot of appropriation comes from the denial of history and the ignorance of oppression. If Kim K made a statement that said “these aren’t boxer braids, they are cornrows, worn by African American women for centuries, mocked and ridiculed by white culture, but have been an efficient way to manage African textured hair in the new climate environment of the Americas when forced here as slaves. Many were forcibly shaven, but for those who were allowed to express themselves in small subtle ways as slaves, through jim crow, and even today, the decoration and design of cornrows was and is incredibly meaningful.” That’s a different conversation about appropriation, that’s using privilege and platform without placating or denying the experiences of others to educate and address appropriation, rather than solely profiting off the attention and claiming to create a “trend.” Black hair is beautiful and should be appreciated and allowed to be as bold or big as an individual wants it to be. 
Hair is one of the coolest, most useful phenotypic traits of thermoregulation in humans/primates, and science still has a few questions yet to research regarding the evolution of different textures and colors. Your own hair texture can change over time, as you grow, especially in women, depending on hormones, especially through pregnancy, nutrition, and chemical treatments like chemotherapy, as well as genetics, and even environmental changes in water hardness, haircare routine and treatment materials. 
With slavery, migrations, immigrations, and other historic and contemporary movements of humans comes the issues of adaption and change to fit the new environment, fighting forced assimilation, colonization, denial of cultural expression, and active racism. We need to be able to talk about these aspects of race in society and listen if and when people say what we are doing is harmful. I think the most important thing to do is educate ourselves on the purpose, history, and meaning of a thing, particularly if we are gaining positive attention from it while others suffer for it. Talk to people of color around you who are willing to offer an opinion, and listen to them. Research the history and speak up when you see the double standard in practice. 
My line is here: if I can find evidence of a POC being criticized for a style (and it’s not my natural hair), I’m not going to wear that style in public or on social media, but I am going to praise it, and criticize those racist comments degrading or demeaning it, I will champion it and demand schools do away with discriminating hair policies, and ask my library to spend money on children’s books about black hair, and do the work of finding black people voicing their opinions, or having a vulnerable and authentic conversation with a friend, then listen and make a judgement from there. If the consensus is that the style is harmful and you continue to wear it, then yeah I’d say that’s a pretty bad message that says: I just don’t care, I want to do this so I will. 
This follows a moral judgement for me: if you love someone and they tell you a thing you do is actively harming them and show you evidence of the harm (as in: it’s not just annoying, but actually harmful to them), but you continue to participate in the thing, that’s not love. I can’t fully picture the specific style, and I don’t know your intent or if/how you gain from the style, so I’m having a hard time forming a full opinion. Is this a style that has been addressed by black communities as harmful? Is it a few different styles put together? Are you in a diverse place, are you criticized for the look, is it even a look to you? 
Personally, I’d say it rides too close to the line for my own comfort and I wouldn’t be wearing a multi-braid style in public (as in more than two, I rock the french-braid pigtails while hiking because its easier to find ticks), but again, I’m not someone who would be being harmed by it. I often try to resist judgement of strangers’ hair unless I know them and their background or platform, because I don’t know their culture, ancestry, or heritage, so I don’t hold others in society to the same standard as myself.
I’d love to hear other peoples’, particularly POC, opinions and experiences with hair and appropriation. 
If there are a few un-uniform braids, is it different than many uniform loose braids, what about compared to cornrows, where is your personal line? Is it different from your social line? How would you judge or hold people accountable in society?
P.s. Thanks for asking and trying to learn more about the potential social impact you are having. I think that’s a great step toward a more equal world that can appreciate culture without taking advantage of others. It sounds like you’re trying to do your research to learn more about whether your action is having a negative consequence, and I appreciate you taking the time to be vulnerable and research and question yourself. I think that also has to be rewarded.
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grethan-allmance · 5 years
Admittedly, this vid was in my recommendation before, but the title and the the thumbnail just turned me off (not Ethan's smile, though. I love that lol). Then, @zarrysrose told me about it and about what she thought of it and so I tried to keep and open mind and checked it out.
This a vid of a psychic reader reading on Emma using what I think is the tarot cards. If you like that sort of thing, the vid is actually interesting. Don't get turned off by the title (because I did, I get it) because in it he said he doesn't believe Emma was in a relationship with anyone, he said she's in a good place and now concerning herself about that. But, that is not the interesting point.
Now, the most interesting part to me is when he pulled the cards about secret relationship. He suspected she might be an empath and that she hold a lot of other people's secret, whether it was just something she unconsciously picked up on or was told straight up. A secret keeper of sort. He didn't feel like the 'secret relationship' was hers, but there is someone/whose relationship she was protecting by becoming distraction, or 'smoke and mirrors'.
It may not be grethan, maybe it's about someone else. But, right now the biggest 'smoke' is ethma, and it only makes sense if it was to hide a relationship that concerns Ethan, or the twins, or just within the sister squad because it was a ship born around that time. And of course I thought 'Grethan!'
I know, her life doesn't really revolves around the squad or the twins. So it is possible that maybe it wasn't about Grethan. Maybe it was about someone else. On the other hand though, it's just making so much sense that I kinda can't get it out of my head, thus this post. I also have read theories made about Ethma being a distraction away from Grethan even far before this vid, when the squad was still active and my blog just have like 5 posts in it. So, this vid just feels like it was backing up those past theories.
Now, it is a tarot reading and I am quite sceptic, it isn't a hardcore fact but it is a possibility and it all kinda makes sense. And most of all, I like the image of Emma he painted with his reading. Like I get the sense that can be her, outside of the major ethma drama and sister squad. I may not see her a lot, as in don't watch her vids much, but from the limited amount of time I have seen her, it did feel possible and not like, a stretch.
Another point I feel like making is this is possibly the most positive thought I have of her thus far. Listening to him and seeing the image of her he was painting, I thought I'd like that girl if it was true. Now, while her videos are still isn't my thing, I still like this possibility of this person. Seriously, ethma and ss really did her disservice. He's really just focusing on her and that is such a refreshing thing to see instead of bundling her up to a group or other influencers. Not like I see other influencers since I tend to stay away from anything that mentions Emma and Ethan in the same title, or even talking about either without themselves actually there in the vid, unless I saw something grethan-y on it posted by someone else or someone recommended it.
But anyway, this is a Grethan blog, not an Emma blog, so I'll just stop here. Grethan is absolutely the point of this post even though I talk too much about Emma (but the vid is focused on Emma, so it's kinda inevitable honestly), but I also feel the need to claim that this vid also helps me to kinda shed what bad light I have on Emma just by her association with 'Ethma'. I never necessarily interested in her content, but I know I don't hate her as her either. But her association with Ethma is really strong and I couldn't help be internally annoyed whenever she appears in the same frame with Ethan, because I just kept thinking 'oh great, here we go again, ethma stans be loud and they being fed and social media will be annoying for a while'. See, it's not even herself that annoys me, but the effect.
His reading might be just that, a reading. It can be wrong and I may will be disappointed. Still, I like what I saw.
Okay, stopping now. That's it. For real. Sorry about all the Emma talk. I'm still not gonna stan her or anything, though if he does change her content like what the guy read, I may be tempted to try.
Okay. That's it. Thoughts over. Sorry for the long post and hopefully I'm not offending anyone.
Edit: after writing this, then looking back at those so-called 'ethma tea', I saw it in a new light. As in, not in ethma way, but rather a more clearer picture of how their friendship seems to work. I remember when I saw those, there was this niggling doubt that said in a small voice, 'what if it is?' Despite my brain saying 'they friends!! No Ethma! Hate Ethma!' But now I saw those and I just thought 'of course, she is this kind of person, and he is that kind of person. This is friendship. And this friendship is important to them. This is the kind of friendship where romance just has no place in it.'
...I'm actually feeling kinda offended for them that it got turned romantic because in this case, it kind of cheapens the friendship.
....This vid is magic, man. Even though I know it can be wrong and there is a possibility of me being disappointed in the future, I love my thoughts right now in regards to this topic.
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blogenana · 5 years
Doctor Who - Earthshock Live Review
So I have my crisps and lemonade and im ready to continue my journey through classic who - idk why I just started live blogging it...
• People are climbing
• So they've found something- an alien I'm assuming- why do humans always tamper with things we shouldn't
• Oh they haven't found something theyre looking for people
• I hate how classic who drags on so slowly
• Sinister music
• 'probably nothing" foreshadowing...
• Okay get to the killing already
• Wow I forget they must have their own rooms in the Tardis
• Lots of books in Adrics room
• "why should that interest me" ooh okay Adric getting a bit sassy
• Why's he fed up
• looool "I'm tired of being considered a joke" "why am I being constantly teased" maybe because you're annoying and you make sexist remarks?
• oh chill
• The doctor don't have time to deal with this
• aww okay Adric being jealous that Nyssa and Tegan get more attention from the doctor than him is kinda cute
• 'I give you my word' 'just as you gave your word to Tegan" okaaaaay go off (spoiler alert) ik Adric dies in this because I saw a spoiler so this is very sad foreshadowing that the doctor will break his word to Adric about making time for him- kinda sad
• I hate the celery stick
• okay Adric kick off
• Doctor can't take criticism which is interesting because the last time he was probably ever blamed for something was One with Barbara and Ian. I don't remember any companion ever criticizing him like this before
• 'Well it can wait' you'll regret that
• "I'm tired of being an outsider" this would make sense if we had seen him being an outsider before - in my opinion Tegan is the outsider as she's new and not as mathematically advanced as the others. also I would say that Adric is the closest to the doctor out of all 3 so his point isn't really valid
• I guess this is the writers way of making adrics death more tragic
• ooh Adrics theme
• I swear he was an outsider amongst his own people too
• 'the tools would go missing" why do these people never take the hint
• forgot Adric was from e space- tbh what was the doctors plan when he did demand to go home eventually- did he wanna travel with him till he died?
• "e space is another universe, there isn't a taxi service that goes back and forth"
• Romana mention!
• "im not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction" the doctor has never experienced a companion death before - also foreshadowing
• "you know I think since his regeneration he's become decidedly immature" this is funny also like 4 was soooo mature
• I like Adric and Five's relationship
• the actor who plays Adric has gone better
• Nyssa is the most mature out of this entire group
• "breathe deeply and relax" why is Tegan a meditation instructer out of nowhere
• the doctor didn't take much convincing
• lol the doctor bopping Tegans nose was cute
• Ooh Dinosaur bones
• let me guess - the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was an alien spaceship or aliens killed them
• Someone screamed
• Ooh yeah she be dead
• Okay the villains look like they're wearing gimp costumes
• Reminds me of American Horror Story Murder House & the leather monster
• Aah doctor who giving a lesson on how the dinosaurs were killed. We love a show that educates
• Did I mention how much I hate the celery stick because I hate it honestly whose idea was it
• Bro chill why is this man grabbing the doctor like that what he do
• Calm the fuck down mate
• Gimp people be shooting
• Okay they may be androids but they'll always be gimp people to me
• Android vision
• Why they gotta hit us with the plot twist like that i wasn't ready
• The Cybermen looks sad
• Hehehe the face is funny
• Gimps be strong
• Why do the Cybermen sound muffled
• I find it more creepy when they have human voices than Robots because it makes It more real that these machines have humans in them
• hHaven't seen them in some time
• I love Tegans sarcasm
• I'm cracking up at the Cybermen voice
• 1 gimp down 1 to go
• tThe gimps be dead
• 'prepare to activate the devise" dun dun DUN
• Damn the Cybermen be skinny
• I'm bored i want doctor/cybeman action
• Okay it's getting intense
• Cybermen be SHOOK
• "cyber technology is too advanced for earthlings" figure it out then mate
• He's recognised the Tardis
• I'm geeking out
• Imma watch this bit a few times hang on
• Aah I loved that it was so cool bloody hell I'm a nerd
• The 2nd Cybermen looked shocked while he was watching
• "have you no emotions sir" classic
• "Adric do you have a moment" "I'm hungry" Okay I like him in this one he's a mood. Why is he suddenly likeable the ep he dies
• "all part of the daily routine" see what I mean
• Well your daily routine Is gonna end soon
• He doesn't wanna go home!!
• Doctor is relieved it's cute
• Ah this is sad
• It would be easier if i didn't know he was gonna die
• Cos I do like their relationship
• Okay we're being introduced to new people
• "you're beginning to bore me" the writers knew
• I'm trying really hard to concentrate I've zoned out
• Ah the doctor has got my attention "I want to announce my presence, see what the reaction is" course
• aaaand the doctor is caught and he's being accused for murder again
• Don't they have cctv just check it
• "apprehended why can't he just say caught" me in English classes
• 'even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a time lord"
• I thought Cybermen had no emotions but this Cybermen just said he wants the doctor to suffer for their past defeats - revenge is an emotion which is v ironic
• Hh SHIT the Cybermen are walking
• lol tegan " im just a mouth and legs" she's such a mood
• The Cybermen music is cool
• The doctors face when he sees them
• Aah the soldier has betrayed them
• Why is it that whenever there's a women in charge the men who is second can't handle it and goes rogue
• iIt's such a typical trope
• The dialogue for the doctor is great
• "you know them"
• "oh yes, we go back a long way"
• Haha "I'm surprised they didn't mention me" 'well perhaps you overestimate your importance" "oh I doubt it" doctor is and will always be that bitch
• The doctor is doing doctory things
• "that's very clever" "oh it is" the doctor bragging about how clever he is starts here
• Damn tegan she just shot a Cyberman
• Flashback to "the doctor makes people into weapons"
• Finally the doctor vs Cybermen showdown
• Lol I knew they would kill the betrayer
• "our records indicate that you have a fondness for earth" (especially earth girls)
• "this time we shall succeed in destroying the earth" no you won't mate
• Ah the Cybermen coming out of plastic Wrap is a throwback to the 2nd Doctor Cybermen story
• Tegan looks like a badass with the gun
• So they're destroying the leaders of various planets before they destroy the Cybermen
• Tegan has no idea what she's doing
• I love how Five says the most savage lines with the most polite tone
• He could tear you down and look like he's complimenting you
• Tegan has been caught
• Cyberman in the Tardis is weird
• 'who is this woman' - 'no-one of consequence' - 'thanks a lot - gotta love Tegan
• Okay wow that scene between the doctor and the Cyberman about emotions gave me goose bumps what a thrilling scene
• The Cybermen has a point- he can control the doctor because he has emotions
• I'll never get tired of the debate about emotions between them because it genuinely feels like the Cyberman defend the concept of having no emotions to defend their existence
• Five looks hot when he's defending emotions
• Fuck they need to leave Adric behind
• Shit I'm getting nervous
• His theme is playing!
• The Doctor looks conflicted
• Adric leaving his hand out after the doctor let go...
• "I'll see you soon" this is the actors best performance because you can see in his eyes he knows he won't
• The Doctor has never had a companion die before so he walks away without looking back
• "it will once you start getting rusty" Tegan is funny
• Adric is plotting
• The Cybermen say they have no emotions but forcing Tegan watch her own planet getting destroyed is extremely sadistic
• Clever Adric
• The Earth looks different
• Okay so Adric's cleverness is what gets him killed because he knows he can crack the code
• The Dinosaurs! I knew it!
• Oh crap Earth is safe but Adric doesn't know that
• I think this comes down to Adric wanting the doctors attention and wanting to be the best to have his attention
• The Doctor has his pin!
• Five suffocating and shooting a Cyberman is shocking to see
• Adric whyyyyyy
• This Cyberman walking towards him is bloody persistent
• "Now I'll never know if i was right" such Adric last words
• Id like to believe he was
• Damn.
• The Doctors face. The fact that it could have been avoided if he just left the ship
• Adric is the first companion that died on the Doctor's watch
• Adric died thinking the Earth was going to be destroyed and he could have stopped it
• The credits!! his gold star! the silence! this must have been a shock to the viewers. If i didn't know beforehand through spoilers I would be going crazy
• Earthshock had it's ups and downs, the downs in regards to the pace of the plot however the story was good and the Cybermen were fantastic especially their interactions against the doctor. Tegan and Adric were great. Nyssa didn't really have much to do. Davison was amazing. I liked the writing.
• Also I liked the structural shift of the story to the cave androids to the bomb to the spaceship to dealing with The Cybermen to saving Earth and then to Adrics death
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