#because he definitely likes to poke fun at her (in an affectionate way)
shivunin · 9 months
kissing them to shut them up for wen 💖
ahh this one ended up sweeter than I'd initially intended c: thank you for the prompt!
(Kiss prompts)
Whatever May Come
(Arianwen Tabris/Zevran Arainai | 877 Words | No warnings)
“Well,” Zevran said, nudging Wen’s elbow with his own, “you are a fine lady now, it would seem.”
Arianwen grimaced and took a sip of her wine—which was, to her annoyance, better-tasting than the acidic stuff she’d once bought from the alienage shop. She should’ve known that being given charge of an arling would bring jokes from him, but she’d been too preoccupied by…everything else to prepare herself properly.
The grand hall in the palace was full of noise and people. They danced in the center, gowns in eye-popping colors swirling together into a massive mosaic, talked in huddles about the room, waited in line for an audience with their new king…Arianwen was glad to sit above it all with Zevran. They’d found a deep window opening on the upper level and perched there now, obscured from the room at large. 
“Very soon,” he went on, gesturing grandly with his lovely, scarred hand, “you will be demanding that the guards cut off someone’s head instead of doing it yourself.”
Wen grimaced and polished off the last of her cup, setting it aside on the window ledge.  
“You will likely have stables full of fancy horses before the year is out—and special stables for all of your other creatures.” 
She tried to imagine herself swanning about a set of stables full of horses she’d no idea how to ride and could not do it. For most of her life, she’d despised the nobility; she did not like the idea of becoming one of them, with their frivolous feuds and absurd customs. Could such a transformation even be possible, after everything else? She didn’t like to think it would happen to her, but what if…
“Perhaps you we become so preoccupied with baubles and jewels that I will be obliged to go and steal some for you instead of—”
Wen interrupted him by leaning forward and kissing him, leaving the end of the sentence unsaid. Zevran laughed against her lips, but leaned closer and curled his hand along her jaw. When she pulled away, it was only to rest her forehead against his. 
“I am not,” she told him, her voice a low whisper, “going to ask you to steal for me. If I want someone’s jewels, I will take them myself. You can stay behind and cover my tracks.”
“And let you have all the fun without me?” Zevran asked, eyes twinkling in the well-lit hall. “You are a cruel mistress indeed, mi vida.”
“I cannot win,” she grimaced. “Very well, then. What other ridiculous things will I do once I am arlessa?”
“Well,” he told her, and kissed her cheek, “you will have a scandalous affair with an assassin from Antiva.”
“Yes. And you will have every knife you could possibly want. They will all but bristle from your bed.”
“That doesn’t sound awful.”
“Mm,” Zevran agreed, and kissed her other cheek. “And speaking of your bed…”
“Yes?” she said, eyes drifting slightly closed. 
Something about the way he spoke to her made the rest of the room fade away, made the glittering celebrations feel dim in comparison. 
“You will have a bed,” he said, and kissed her nose. “Not a bedroll or a cot, but a bed where you can sleep soundly.”
His voice had softened somewhat—the way he only ever spoke to her. Arianwen heard it and held very still, not wanting to chase it away with hasty words or movement. She disliked conversation, was profoundly annoyed by too much sound, but sometimes she felt she would do almost anything to make Zevran keep talking to her like that.
“But all of that can wait, yes? I believe we have more immediate plans.”
“We do,” she agreed, her voice just as soft. 
Zevran kissed her, gentle and slow, and she could feel the relief in it, the gratitude. His hand curled around the side of her face as tenderly as if she were made of glass, and for once it did not scare her. When he angled his head to the side, his lips slid over her cheekbone lightly and she shivered. 
“You will come with me to Antiva,” he murmured against her ear, “and I will show you everything that is best about it. We will run across the rooftops under the moon and dance in the streets, and we will leave all this behind for a time.” 
He kissed her cheek, the pressure so soft she might not have felt it if she wasn’t focused so entirely on his touch. 
“And I will have you all to myself.” 
“Yes,” she sighed, and leaned her cheek against his. “Go on.” 
His chuckle was quiet. One of his hands found hers, fingers twining together in her lap, and his voice went on, tender and full of a quiet hope. 
Wen focused on him and him alone, shutting out the rest of the world. For a time, there was only the window ledge and the two of them. No heroes, no Crows, no titles or Blight to worry over. For a time, they were only Arianwen and Zevran, and the hands that they had used for so many long days of violence rested joined and quiescent in their laps. 
And Arianwen closed her eyes and listened.
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joonberriess · 10 months
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⊹₊ ⋆ “that dick make my soul smile,”
TAGS — creampie, fingering, slight degradation, dirty talk (LOTS), jk’s a sleazy mess at first, oc is done, mamas is stressed out, rough sex, jk rocks her shit 💀, some praise here n there, jk’s affectionate tonight, sex tapes r mentioned again, shower sex(?) not rlly, possessive!jk, breeding kink, never ending saga of jk saying “mama” or “ma”
WORD COUNT — 2.6 k
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“Trash, trash, trash,” you mumble to yourself while you sort out the mail in your hands, “oh definitely trash.” You sigh and shake your head. You’re knocked out of your thoughts when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle and pull you back, “What the hell–” You hiss in surprise.
“Hey mama.” Jungkook’s stupid voice comes from behind, you already know he’s sporting a stupid grin on his fucking face. You shove his arms off and turn around to look at him with an annoyed glare, “Oh c’mon don’t be like that, aren’t you happy to see me? You weren’t mad at me like this yesterday when you had my head between your–” You quickly reach up to cover his mouth and look around the empty hall.
“Are you insane? There’s people around, Jesus, you don’t have any shame do you?” You side eye him, “First off,” you shake your head, “what are you doing here? I didn’t text you and Jiho didn’t ask, so why are you here?” You give him a look, “And if you’re looking for Jiho you’d know he’s on a camping trip with his cousins.”
Jungkook raises his hands in surrender, “Can’t a man come see his baby mama anymore? Shit you suck the fun out of trying to surprise you baby,” he shakes his head but you know, Jeon Jungkook isn’t fooling anyone and certainly not you.
“You forgot, didn't you.” You scoff, “Of course you did, what else did I expect? This camping trip is all Jiho talked about last week and yet you still manage to forget that because you’re thinking with your other head.” You roll your eyes and turn to unlock the front door, “Sometimes I wonder what Jiho even fucking sees in you, you’re a deadbeat Jungkook, a deadbeat.”
Jungkook chuckles, “To be fair my other head is the reason you get a good night’s sleep.” He says with a smirk on his lips as he stands there admiring the way your ass looks in that tight pencil skirt you’re wearing. You turn around to shoot him a glare but say nothing else and simply step into your apartment. Jungkook leans against the doorframe with both arms raised, “So, you gonna let me in sweetheart?” He licks his lips, poking his tongue out to push at his lip ring.
You look into his eyes and then down at his lips, “Well?” You shrug your coat and slip your heels off, “You gonna stand there all night or what?” He chuckles quietly and slips into your apartment, shutting the door behind him.
“This is new.” Jungkook comments, “Don’t remember you ever smoking.” He inspects the ashtray with a noncommittal hum.
“It’s not just for me.” You say uncharacteristically calm, “I bought it for you, figured you needed one since you love leaving a mess on my patio.” You don’t miss the way he smiles fondly at you, “Don’t get too excited dipshit, I smoke too, don't forget that.” You scoff and disappear down the hall.
Jungkook whistles under his breath and follows after you, “I didn’t say anything ma,” he kicks your bedroom door closed and settles himself over your bed, “what’s up with you? You’re not being your usual angry self.” He watches you go around your room putting things away and picking out your clothes.
“I’m tired Jungkook, I had two meetings back to back and all I wanna do is come home to shower and sleep. Can’t do that because you decided to come bother me at this fuckin’ hour.” You mumble and then throw a pair of panties at him full speed, “Don’t think I didn’t see the shit you posted either, you’re not funny.”
Jungkook throws his head back with a laugh, “Really? Cause I thought it was hilarious, I think it perfectly describes us.” He cheekily grins at you with that dumb lovestruck look of his.
You stop to give him an exasperated look, “Jungkook,” sigh, “telling people you’re always fucking your baby mama regardless is not funny, neither is saying ‘I fuck her when she mad at me.’ You’re a child.” You shake your head. You throw more clothes onto the bed and grab your robe and towel, “Don’t make a mess in my house Jungkook, I’m not in the mood tonight.”
Jungkook watches you with a pleased smile, “I won’t.” He reaches for your tv remote, “I’ll be rightttt here, sitting like a good boy for you ma.” He winks, “You just go ‘head and shower.” You eyed him suspiciously for a few seconds, he kept smiling goofily so you ended up walking away with no words.
You know he was up to something with the way he kept smiling so stupid. You grumble under your breath and hope he just doesn’t cause you to have a fucking aneurysm or something. You swear this man was going to send you to an early grave at this point.
Everything sounded pretty quiet out there, you heard Jungkook get up at some point but you figured he was going to smoke or get something. He even left the TV on, which you were grateful for because you didn’t do too well with silence. “What are you doing..” You mutter with closed eyes, just enjoying the hot water running down your exhausted body.
You were in the middle of reaching for your loofah when you heard the glass door open and Jungkook step in after you. “Pass me that bottle over there.” You softly hum.
Jungkook whistles softly and tugs you back into him, “Relax baby, let me do all the work.” He says in your ear, “I got you..” He gently pries the loofah out of your hands, “Worked so hard this entire week, baby deserves to rest.” He squirts some of your body wash onto the loofah. You don’t correct him because that’s true, hell you deserved this princess treatment for putting up with his ass too.
He gently ran his hand over your body, lathering your body up in the soap suds leaving you smelling like strawberries. He doesn’t try any funny business surprisingly, when he finishes he puts his hands on your shoulders and begins massaging gently. A quiet moan escapes your lips as relief rushes through you, “Damn you’re stiff as shit here.” Jungkook comments.
You lean your head back on his chest with a closed eye smile, “You’re finally being useful for once.” You chuckle.
“What are you talking about? I fuck you plenty baby, far as I know this dick makes you fall asleep faster than the fucking melatonin you take.” He laughs, making you laugh a little too. Jungkook lets your shoulders go and wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you backwards so your back is to his front. “Got you something special.” He mumbles into your shoulder.
“Did you now?” you huff in amusement and gently stroke his arm, “What did you get hm?”
“Nothing much, figured you needed a night in so I ordered some fried chicken and soju.” He lays gentle kisses over your shoulder and buries his face in your neck, “I set up a movie to watch too.”
You turn your head to face him, looking into his eyes before smiling softly and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, “Thank you. Guess you’re not a dipshit afterall.” He laughs at your words and you ignore him, opting to press your lips against his once more. Jungkook welcomes you, his fingers dance across your tummy and inch downwards causing your breath to hitch in excitement.
Jungkook’s lips wetly smack against yours, muffled grunt leaving him as he holds you tighter against him. The kiss initially started off slow and more controlled, now it’s wet and messy with sloppy noises filling the space between you two. You pant into his mouth and your eyes flutter open to look at him pleadingly.
Jungkook grins softly as he pushes you towards the glass, “There you go baby, let loose for me, I’ll make you feel so fucking good.” He has you pressed right up against the glass, tits smushed and hands on either side of you. You bite your lip and push your ass back against his thick cock, it’s hot and throbbing against your cheek making you all the more eager to get it inside of you.
“Look at you, pussy’s drooling all over my cock,” he bites his lip and swipes his cockhead through your dewy slick folds, “hear that? ‘s your pussy callin’ out to me baby.” He pushes in slightly, letting the tip pop in with a lewd squelch.
Your lips part in a breathy moan and you push back for more but he stops you with a gentle hand on your hip. “Not here baby, relax for me.” He says as he lets his cock slip out, “Gonna fuck your pussy with my fingers first, get you nice and stretched out before I fuck you with my cock.” He cups your pussy in his hand and lets his fingers slip through the mess dripping from your folds.
Jungkook takes his time opening you up, slipping his middle and then his ring finger into you until they’re knuckle deep. Your mouth falls open but nothing comes out, this is exactly what you needed after those long hours in the office this entire week. Jungkook does not disappoint when he begins pumping them in and out slowly, making sure he hits every nook and cranny inside of you.
“There we go,” Jungkook whispers and begins kissing down your neck, “doing so good for me mama,” he sucks a hickey into your skin, “let go for me.” He nibbles on your earlobe and uses his other hand to wrap around your throat, not choking–simply holding it.
Your eyes flutter shut and you lean your head back on his shoulder, “Oh fuck yes,” you sigh in bliss, “right there.” You circle your hips, gasping when his fingers brush against your g-spot.
Jungkook pulls you back in and kisses up your neck slowly, “You’re so fuckin’ pretty baby, look at you, dripping all over my fingers like a little cock hungry slut. Bet you missed this dick baby, need me to come fuck it in your needy little pussy, have you all spread on the bed for me begging for more,” he whispers as he kisses the side of your face, “you gonna be a good girl and take it?” He jabs his fingers into your g-spot causing a burst of pleasure to hit you.
“Yeah,” you pant softly, “want it deep inside,” you bite your lip and spread your thighs a bit wider, “need it so bad.” You whimper quietly and push back on his fingers.
Jungkook chuckles breathily, “Yeah..” He moves his fingers faster, jostling you as your back arches, “Make it messy for me sweetheart, go ‘head and cum,” he has you locked in place, keeping you from moving anywhere. His fingers piston in and out of you rapidly, loud squelching noises resonating as bits of slick drip down your inner thighs.
“Oh fuck..!” You gasp and clench down, “C-Coming..” You hump his fingers desperately, “K-Keep going, right there, right there,” you whimper out and feel your orgasm come crashing down on you, hitting harder as all the stress lifts itself from your body.
Jungkook slows down until you’re whining in overstimulation, “Clean ‘em.” He slips his wet messy fingers into your mouth, “Fuck.” He groans, “C’mere baby.” He turns you around and lifts you up in his arms, “Need you on my cock.”
“Wait, the water!” You reach behind blindly to turn the knob, groaning when he begins sucking on your soft tits.
“Fuck..!” You throw your head back on the pillow with gritted teeth. He’s fucking you so fast and hard you’re honestly no sure what to focus on anymore..him? The skin slapping? The bed creaking? He’s not making it so easy either with the way he’s groaning and panting right by your ear.
Jungkook has you folded under him, his hands grip the back of your thighs and hold them up while he plows your swollen dripping pussy with his fat cock. The room feels stuffy, sheets are strewn about messily and you’re both laid bare in the open without a single care. Jungkook isn’t faring much better, his moans are choked up and every so often you feel him throb inside you.
“You like that baby?” He pants breathlessly against your lips, “Got you clenching so tight around my cock, practically drooling all over me.” He rolls his hips against yours smoothly, pelvis pressing down and rubbing along your clit stimulating it. His balls press against your taint with soft palping noises every time he grinds into you.
You shakily claw at his shoulders and moan needily, the angle certainly has your legs feeling like jelly and your poor cunt throbbing from the pounding he’s giving you. “Love it,” you turn your face to slot your lips against his messily, “fills me up so good baby.” You cup his face in your hands and hold him in place while he works his cock in and out of you.
Jungkook lets out a muffled moan as he starts picking up the pace, hips smacking into yours over and over again with deafening slaps. He lets your thighs go in favor of planting them on either side of you on the bed, “Hear that sloppy little pussy? Got it creaming all over my cock and makin’ a mess. Who’s fuckin’ you baby? C’mon tell me.”
“You are.” You whimper out, “Shit–right there,” you mewl.
“That’s right sweetheart, no one else can give it to you the way I can. You can fucking try but at the end of the day this pussy is mine to fuck,” slap, “mine to use,” slap, “mine to breed.” He growls in your ear lowly, “Gonna ruin you for anyone else, so next the time you plan on letting someone else have it you’ll be remembering the way I fucked you so good.” He hisses softly and sits up, landing a set of punishing thrusts on you, making your body bounce a bit off the mattress.
Your head rolls back and you let out a series of staccato moans, crying out for more and scrambling to grip the bed sheets, the pillows, the blankets–anything. He’s fucking you within an inch of your life and you feel like you’re about to pass out from the sweet pleasure mixed with a tiny hint of pain from the way his hips smack into your ass. “Jungkook..!” You sob out.
Jungkook grits his teeth and reaches down to pinch your clit cruelly, relishing in the way your back arches off the bed. “Go on, cum for me little mama.”
With perfectly aimed thrusts and the combination of his fingers on your sensitive bud, you cum for a second time on his cock. He leaves you trembling on the bed, whimpering and whining. Jungkook follows up shortly with a low moan and your name escaping his lips, “Fucking hell.” He whispers breathlessly.
You let your jelly-like legs fall on the bed, “I’m not getting up.” You mutter, “Put the chicken away, ‘m going to sleep..” You turn on your side and curl up, shivering when his cock slips out of your battered pussy.
Jungkook hums, “The things I do for you baby,” he sighs softly as he strokes your thigh up and down, “lucky I love and appreciate you mama so much.” He rolls out of bed and slips his loose sweats on.
“You love me.” You sleepily mumble, “ ‘n you love my pussy.. I love your dick too.” You smile in your sleep, a bit delirious from the fucking and the strong orgasm he had given you.
Jungkook eyes you with a grin, “Damn right I do.”
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @frieschan
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Bestie, I’m here with a new request. Scenario where their kids/kid are mama’s boy/girl and they want to do absolutely everything with her leaving them on the side all the time 😭😭 with toji, nanami, gojo, geto and sukuna,
Maybe you can do another one but with haikyuu boys 🫶🏻
I feel so bad for having let my requests fester especially when I see all the ones from my mutuals and stuff I’m just like… :(but it’s hopefully ok because I’m back trying to get to at least the request I know won’t overwhelm me too much!!(if you don’t see yours written yet just know I’m going to get to it sometime this week!!)I definitely can write one for haikyuu boys just let me know which ones you’d like!!tysm for the request pls if anyone has anything else they want to see let me know because I love writing requests(just got overwhelmed for a bit)
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Tw- cursing(Toji calls Megumi a little shit affectionately, the word pissy), single dad Toji, reader pokes fun at how bad Sakuna’s singing is…
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It’s Megumi he’s a huge mama’s boy after you two are introduced and Toji is silently jealous because it’s just been him and little squirt for so long and now when his girlfriend comes along his son suddenly rather spend time with her than his old man!
You’d met Toji when Megumi was only around four months old but your relationship didn’t begin until Megumi was around eight months old and definitely weren’t introduced until then.
However this still didn’t stop Megumi from wanting to be held by you all the time.
Toji watches as Megumi literally wiggles his way out of his arms and crawls into the kitchen because he’d heard you let out the tiniest sigh. Before Toji knows it you’re squealing down a little affectionate, “hi darling” falling from your lips as Megumi smiles up at you babbling as he lifts his arms to be held.
Toji huffs before getting out of his recliner and going into the kitchen.
“Little shit” he mumbles as he ruffles Megumi’s dark hair, “a little mama’s boy aren’t you” Megumi practically burrows his face into your shoulder as he smiles bashfully as if he understands Toji.
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He didn’t find it funny whenever he’d bring Yuuji home from the daycare and set him down only for him to run over to you chattering away about his day unprompted yet Nanami had to play fifty questions to get him to say what he wanted for dinner later.
But with you Yuuji was babbling ninety to nothing about how much he wanted to try the spaghetti you’d promised to make this morning.
But while Nanami is a bit jealous, he still is happy, because Yuuji loves you both even though he’s a little more comfortable with you than he is nanami.
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Literally jealous, pouting the whole entire time it’s so bad it’s not even funny😭
Your daughter hadn’t even made one yet so she was continuing to take her little naps, today however when Satoru went to get her from her bed she blinked up at him, normally he’d sit in the recliner with her and she’d take another little nap against him before completely waking up but upon walking into the living room she immediately reached out for you whining when her dad tried to sit down with her as she continued to open and close her chunky fists at you.
“Hi angel” you whisper pecking her forehead.
She goes a bit shy curling up into you as she rubs her face with her little fists.
Gojo pouts at her reaction, that was their thing! How dare you steal her attention from him!
“She’s still tired Satoru…I’m sure when she wakes up she’ll be back to normal” you whisper as you gently rock the chair next to him already knowing his reaction.
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When you meet the girls and they warm up to you quicker than they did to him he pretends he isn’t upset.
Truly though he is because it took some time to have the girls come out of their shells and get used to living with him. But seeing the way they would run up to you with pretty bottles of sparkling nail polishes or the way they’d come to you with a hairbrush begging you to detangle their hair, it felt nice but he was also jealous.
“Why don’t you spend the day with the girls tomorrow?” You ask one night as you’re both getting ready for bed.
He grumbles, “I think you should spend some bonding time together Geto…I think they’d like that…” and the next morning the girls aren’t running to you with the brush but to their dad like they used to and he feels himself melt a bit with how in tune you are with himself even when he doesn’t notice.
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He’s pissy. And for the life of you, you cannot figure out why, all that happened was you laid your daughter down for her midday nap and when you came back he had managed to turn off the tv and was now holding his head up with his hand looking everywhere’s but at you.
“What’s wrong” your voice is soft yet he still rolls his eyes.
Your eyes widen a bit when you realize that normally Sakuna will put her down for a nap…of course he tries every time to shut you out of the nursery but the walls of your house aren’t thick enough to block out his horrid singing…sometimes you wonder how in hell your daughter falls asleep to her dad’s lullabies.
“I’m sure she isn’t asleep yet…might as well go now” with that he’s pushing himself off the couch rushing into the nursery before you hear the rhythmic hums of his lullaby.
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Pls let me know if you guys want to see anything else because I love writing requests!!
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
Bestie pinnie!! I am so very tipsy, is there any chance you could do some hc's of the icons with a drunk/tipsy s/o? One that's affectionate and shit?
Hope the dungeon is going well!!
[This was a while ago, hope you're okay lmao. The dungeon is alive and full.]
TW: Dubious consent.
Vesper finds this so cute. Oh, you're so adorable. A couple drinks and you want to climb him like a tree, you're just the cutest. Vesper meets your affection twofold, cooing and goading you into waxing poetic about how you feel regarding him. He's also definitely taking this as an invitation to find out what type of drunk you are doing sex. Do you get sloppy and lazy or are you the type that comes alight with passion? The giggly ones are always fun.
Zizz also thinks fondly of these moments. He's one of the icons that drinks the least, so you can get pretty drunk around him, Zizz will be there to protect you (though never from himself). He welcomes your affection, enjoying petting you while you ramble half-coherently and love on him. He's the type to lay there with a wagging tail and point to several parts of himself, asking you to kiss them if you really love him. Eventually, he'll recommend you sleep it off on him, what he does to you while you're in a drunken slumber stays forever a mystery...
Kalymir finds this so fucking funny. Look at you, you little bumbling fool! What a lightweight! He's on his tenth bottle, you're such a pussy (you are worryingly drunk, that was not a drink for humans). He definitely makes fun of you, leaning out of your reach when you try to kiss him and goading you into getting irritated enough to drunkenly snap at him. If you're half-crazy enough to bite him out of frustration, that's what he wants. For every smooch and coo you land on Kalymir, he slaps your ass and pokes around at you, but your pathetic state is getting to him. Wanna sweat that alcohol off, runt? Start running, he'll give you a head start since you're already giggling about it. He's laughing too.
Vorticia drinks plenty. There's nothing like a fine wine, even if she also indulges in harder stuff often enough. Point is, you're not drinking alone with her more often than not. By the time you're tipsy, she's hammered. And you'll note the way her serpent tongue gets the best of her because she starts slurring those "s"s pretty heavily. It's actually very easy to fluster the Queen in this state, so you'll get her to blush and laugh loudly, laying down somewhere just to enjoy some pleasant moments with her charming Queenie. She's definitely going to try to at least finger you a little, joking around when you react in shock, as if she's not really doing anything weird. You're likely to get very sloppy, drooling oral. She'll empty a bottle on you and go to town.
Cero is chastising you for having absolutely no self-control, even if there's a drunken tint to his cheeks as well. You're a complete mess, this is shameful, get a hold of yourself- Why yes, he is handsome. He's very kind to you, that is also true. My my, you're being very honest today, aren't you? What started as chiding and bitching very quickly turns into a reluctant tolerance, and then very eager conversation- As Cero blushes heavily and his usually frowning visage melts into a genuinely soft look full of adoration for you. He'll let you cling to him, kiss around and even stain his outfit, if only just to hear you say you love him more than anything, that you think he's so hoootttt and prettyyy and smart and wowwww. You should get drunk more often, he concludes.
Rinx has such an endless selection of liquor, it's a small miracle you're only tipsy and not blacked out on the floor. He's very talkative when he drinks, so your affectionate quips are returned with his own affectionate thoughts for you and invitations to try different brands- This one's so old, it might kill you, better not. He can't help picking you up and walking around with you under his armpit like a purse dog as he rambles on and on and flusters while you kiss at him drunkenly. There's definitely going to be some very messy humping at one point, he has yet to shut the fuck up, even when you kiss him.
Livius gets as drunk as you do, which takes more drinks than it does for you. Since he mirrors a lot of your mannerisms in all sorts of situations, he's also going to mimic your drunken stupor, to the best of his abilities. "I loves you"s are met with "I love you more"s and it escalates into stupid, cheesy comparisons. His voice gets high and whiny and Livius needs to have his arms coiled around you, he might even be more affectionate than you. He's very prone to tickling you a lot in this state, just to hear you laugh and try to torture him back. It's adorable and painfully lovey-dovey from start to finish.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 7 months
For the ship game 21 or 23 pls
21. Which of their friends/family pokes fun at them for them getting flustered/affectionate?
Everyone, the answer is everyone.
Ok but seriously, I would say the ones to tease the most, are Peter B, Miles's parents (really to Miles,) and Hobie just a bit, this is mostly directed towards Gwen because Hobie has been telling her it could work out since day one.
(Because before ATSV Hobie had needed to hear Gwen rambles in "not in love" (aka her refusing to accept her own feelings,) and this is payback.)
It really doesn't stop them, like sure they may try to cut it out for being embarrassed or annoyed at first, but they can't really stop themselves even they wanted to. Gwen eventually sticks back to Miles like a barnacle, and Miles starts spewing corny lines.
23. Do they like pick up lines?
Kind of? I don't think either of them are good at it.
Miles definitely tries, a lot, even after they are together; but it makes Gwen laugh more than anything (which is what he goes of, most of the time.) I think Miles's lines work more when they aren't intended to be pick-up, just mushy stuff because he is a sweetheart who calls her my angel and my sunshine (and THIS is what makes Gwen blush and get flustered.)
Gwen does it more like a tease; and this is because she doesn't think she can pull it off if she actually try to play it straight. Gwen may be cool, but she can also be awkward and sadly words aren't her strong suit.
They have their own ways to communicate their love for each other anyways, luckily.
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toughandbitter · 5 months
Jess Margera general relationship headcanons
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Just some headcanons, very sfw.
not spell checked either... sorry :/
I feel like for all the guys they have a tougher exterior but they're secretly sweethearts. They just don't let on about it all that much.
Jess is not an exception and he's very private so it's likely he's not super out there about your relationship
That doesn't mean he's ashamed or anything, he just doesn't feel the need to show you off or anything
However, always has an arm around you or something
and that's more likely to be close to you 
He's kind of like 'casually dominant' ig?? Like, I feel like he has that air about him
Has a way of guiding you to him 
Probably the type of guy to touch the small of your back if he needs you to move or something at a party
Speaking of, I can see him being a bit more out there with his affection when he's had a few to drink
Like I can see him hugging you from behind at a party, you holding a beer or something for you both to share when you're talking to other people. 
I feel like he's probably super affectionate in secret
A big fan of hugs from behind, kisses on the neck, SPOONING 100%
He is always the big spoon idc
but like even if he's not affectionate with you all the time, he's super proud of you
like totally in love
If someone asks about you he's like, 'yeah, that's my girlfriend.'
However, does like a bit of affection from you 
like doesn't mind being kissed on the cheek in front of his friends
kind of brightens up a bit when you do that
ALWAYS watches you walk away
likes to admire the view, obviously???
The guys make fun of him for doing it
The guys love to make fun of him when it comes to you
His demeanor changes a lot when you're around
He always seems a bit more settled when he's with you
Also loves to listen to you talk, looking at you enamoured
Dico noticing it, making fun of Jess' heart eyes for you
You poking fun at him for it when no one's around
Him kissing you to shut you up
He's just totally whipped for you
I feel like it's crucial for your guys' relationship that you get along with his friends and family
I bet Ape and Phil are really welcoming
He thinks it's really cute if you help Ape out as well
Like if he's ever sat with the guys and sees you helping her clean up or cook he's definitely got a stupid smile on his face because of it. 
When he's on tour, you might spend a lot of time at Ape and Phil's or Bam's
It means you're probably featured on Viva La Bam a bit
You being one of the reasons he watches VLB
Likes to see you rep CKY merch on there as well
Plus he thinks it's funny to watch you take the piss out of Bam
It's like you're doing his job for him
Plus being on VLB means you can sometimes get sent to visit him on tour for free when there's like a crossover episode
Both of you finding hard when he's on the road
You guys being really cute when you guys reunite
You picking him up from the airport, being a total cliche and doing one of those hugs where you jump into his arms
Bam saying it's cheesy after seeing it at some point, neither of you care at all
Him enjoying domesticity when he's home because of that 
Likes stuff like home cooked meals, cooking with you, really likes to wake up with you
Low key loves shopping with you, even if he's just carrying bags for you
Likes to just sit and do nothing with you sometimes
it's kind of an unspoken rule that if you guys don't have anything to do in a morning you guys stay in bed waiting for the other one to wake up 
This had to start because he's definitely the type to pull you in closer if you try and get up before him
If he wakes up before you, he will definitely lie there cuddling you, maybe kissing your forehead every once in a while
If you have your back against his chest will kiss your shoulder and the back of your head
This is definitely done if he's leaving for tour that day
You guys wake up earlier to just do this before he leaves
Also being on Radio Bam as well
Always sat next to each other
Bam harassing you for embarrassing things about Jess 
Bam also telling embarrassing stories about him, and both of you just laughing about it
Jess getting fed up of arguing with Bam
You just sitting next to him, playing with his hands while he chats shit with the rest of the guys
He seems like he'd be a chill boyfriend as well
like very secure in your guys' relationship
Never getting mad if another guy flirts with you
Tends to turn the other guy into a bit of a joke
Which isn't hard for him because of how funny he is
Is also able to make you laugh in any situation
He just likes being in your company 
You seem to cheer him up a lot, especially if the band pisses him off
You guys just being a really solid couple and supporting each other
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skinandscales-if · 1 year
How would ROs (and ??? for some fun lol) react if they overheard MC gushing about them to a friend of theirs?? Like " They're just so amazing, I love ( insert over a dozen things about the RO) about them!" How would reactions change from crushing to relationship stage??
aww 🥺 this one’s so sweet
Crushing Stage-
Atlas: Stunned and wouldn’t bring it up. It takes him a really long while to believe that what MC is saying, and even then isn’t fully convinced there’s some kind of intentional move at play. Maybe they positioned themselves just right so he could hear them? Maybe the group collaborated to get at a weak spot of his? He needs time to think this over.
Puck: Leaves it alone but definitely thinks about it for a while. Tries and succeeds for a long while to leave it be and not put MC in any confronting situation, but can’t help but give small, practically imperceptible ‘tells’ from time to time. They are all very lighthearted, from asking if MC had a fun conversation with their friends, to playfully exaggerating the traits they heard MC mention. Doesn’t admit to anything though.
Skye: You know when you get a compliment from someone you admire and notice it more in your day to day? Skye certainly doesn’t intend to do such a thing but she 100% starts performing the positive traits she heard MC talking about more often. Honestly to the point where it becomes increasingly obvious that she heard. She tries to sidestep the conversation every time though.
Reese: Steps away as soon as he hears it and doesn’t bring it up. He instantly gets afraid of that type of dedication and adoration and starts to isolate himself from MC. Refuses to really get at the heart of the problem though, and the issue eventually combines with a bunch of other problems until one day he bursts.
???: Ah yes. A classic distraction technique. She will be more prepared for this next time if you think to pull this again.
Relationship Stage-
Atlas: Still stunned, but allows himself to believe it this time. He stands off to the side, not sure if he should insert himself, but smiles fondly as he listens. It really is a treasure to know you’re loved even without your presence. And even though he’s still coming around to the idea, it gets easier every passing day.
Puck: Walks in quietly into the conversation and jokingly pretends they didn’t hear anything. “My ears were burning,” etc etc, pokes fun at the situation and MC but they are really charmed and honored, just wanting to be around MC in general after that. All loving, but MC WILL be hearing about this for a while.
Skye: Attracts herself to MC like a MAGNET. It’s like she hasn’t even had to introduce herself- a perfect way to be basically invited into a conversation and she’s extra excited to hear such sweet things from MC. Participates with the rest of the group but from the way she’s basically wrapped around MC and making goo goo eyes at them, its clear to everyone that the conversation is over.
Reese: Doesn’t go to MC, but listens in for a lot longer with a softer smile. When seeing MC again, he acts incredibly affectionate though, and is glued to their side for a lot longer than normal. Is much more susceptible to giving said affection because he truly does feel like MC meant it and really admires the love that comes when he can’t make up some nonsense excuse to why they don’t really mean it.
???: Shit. That technique was a little too effective. She is exasperated. Why does MC need to tell everyone about her again?
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years
Dustin H ~ (tickle hcs) 🐢
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*First of all- one of the greatest, smartest, funniest characters no debate. That isn’t to say other characters aren’t those traits I just love him a lot.
*He’s so adorable look at him!!! 🥺💖
*His laugh is pure happiness mixed with high pitched giggles. I could honestly listen to it for hours.
*Definitely gets tickled a lot by Steve and Lucas.
*Also you cannot tell me Suzie and Dustin didn’t have tickle fights at camp. She found out he was ticklish and has never let him live it down.
*When Steve first learned Dustin was ticklish, it was season 2 when Dustin couldn’t really go to anyone else and he was kind of on his own.
*He felt down so Steve was comforting him and Steve nudged his side resulting in a yelp from Dustin.
*This led to a one sided tickle fight which ended in a long hug. Steve would never verbally admit to anyone how affectionate he is with his kids, but he never tries to hide it.
*Lucas tickles him because they’ve always had a close bond and he mostly uses it against Dustin to get his way. In a playful way of course.
*There have been many DND games that have to do with tickle monsters which end in someone getting tickled if they lose. Dustin and Will are the main targets.
*I don’t know why but I feel like he’d have a really ticklish stomach and sides.
*Dustin also has really ticklish underarms and he’ll slam his arms to his sides whenever someone tickles him there. He won’t lift them until the person tickling him takes their hands away or someone physically pins his arms.
*Susceptible to air tickles but only by a few people. Steve, Susie, Lucas, and Will. Eventually Eddie because they get closer and Eddie finds out he’s ticklish.
*It only really works with those he’s close too and those who tend to tickle him a lot.
*Referring back to the stomach and sides, he lets out the happiest laughter when tickled there. You can tell how much fun he’s having and his eyes get all squinty when he’s laughing- 😭💖 I love him.
*Mike let it slip to Eddie during a Hellfire club meeting that Dustin is ticklish and welp. RIP Dustin.
*Eddie is a ruthless yet sweet ler, especially to his adopted freshman, and Dustin finds himself getting random pokes and tickles from Eddie almost every time they see each other.
*Pokes to his sides make him yelp and pokes to his stomach make him fold over in giggles.
*Such a playful ler.
*Loves tickle fights and making his friends laugh. 💖
*Has gotten Steve back a couple times on his own, which got him wrecked afterwards. But he’s been able to get Steve back tenfold with the help of the other kids and/or Robin and Eddie.
*He also got exclusive info about his secret tickle spots from Nancy.
*Dustin + Steve = Playful Ler Duo
*Dustin + Eddie = Ruthless Ler Duo (mostly to Steve)
*Dustin will sneak knee squeezes to Steve to watch him jump. Of course Dustin can only get away with that when they’re in public.
*His main targets are Steve, Will, Lucas, Susie when they can see each other in person, and has occasionally tried to poke at Max when they’re all being playful.
*Mike and El tickle each other enough to where now Dustin feels he’d be crossing a boundary if he did it now. He used to tickle Mike a bit when they were younger but not so much now. Same with El when she first joined the gang and was getting used to physical contact.
*He says that Susie’s laugh is the best sound to ever exist. ✨ When they’re on the phone or talking over the large radio, Dustin will tease Susie by telling her how much he misses tickling her and seeing her laugh. Also how he’s gonna tickle her the next time they see each other.
*Then Susie teases him back and he gets all flustered and lee mood hits. Poor Dusty Bun.
*Dustin likes to let whoever he’s tickling move around instead of pinning them. In my opinion he’s a 50/50 switch so the chance of them retaliating is always fun for him.
*Pinning someone down is usually done when he’s tickling Steve with Eddie and Robin or there’s a group tickle fight. Some of the kids need to be held down or they’ll kick and punch.
*Overall, such a sweetheart and just wants to have fun and laugh with his friends and girlfriend. Loves being tickled by those he trusts and are closest too and adores being able to bring happiness to those around him with a few tickles.
Gosh I love that kid so much 😭💖💖💖 Same goes for Gaten as a person he’s so nice and funny and all around such an amazing person! Thanks for reading!
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bookworm-2692 · 6 months
🌲 favourite member/character?
🧨 favourite season and why?
🔥 if you were in the life games, how would you play it?
⚡️most cinematic death?
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
🔮 predict the winner of secret life
<3 love to hear your thoughts
Uhhhh sorry about the delay getting to answer this! I first saw the ask on my phone and wanted to wait until I got to my laptop and then forgot until I got another ask haha.
🌲 favourite member/character?
Oh man this is hard! I'm really liking Gem this season, and Pearl is always fantastic. Her Double Life was extra great, but I've loved her loyalty to her team and the way she's trying to get them to win in both Limited Life and Secret Life, even when her teammates are a bit pathetic (affectionate) sometimes (BigB and Mumbo...). I loved Impulse in Limited Life and how much he was trying to win without letting on that he was tryharding it... Also Skizz Limited Life my beloved <3. Skizz is wonderful and I wish he was in Double Life so I could've been introduced to him at the same time I was introduced to the rest of cast (apart from the two I had known about for a decade already). They're all fun and so wonderful!
🧨 favourite season and why?
Third Life and Last Life are excluded because I have only seen three sessions of Third Life (was about to start session 4 when Limited Life was released) and none of Last Life (because I was gonna watch it when I finished Third Life and that hasn't happened yet). I think Double Life will always have a soft spot in my heart because it was the first one I saw and I loved the soulmates mechanic (I still wonder how things may have changed if, on a red life death, the one who died still dies, but their soulmate gets like a totem effect and continues playing as a solo red... I think that would have made it interesting, especially to see Pearl hunt Scott. I've noodled this as an au but not really come to any conclusions yet. Also what would Tango have done, being alone so early?? That sort of thing). Also I watched Pearl's POV first each week because she uploaded just before I went to bed on Friday night, and everyone else would upload while I was asleep, so that just made her win that much better <3.
I also loved Limited Life because Skizz my beloved <3. I loved how they had solid teams but the alliances between teams changed every five minutes it was so funny. I loved how cavalier they were with dying until they were like "oh shit" because it was the end and they were desperate. I loved making my life tracker graph for this season. Limited Life was a lot of fun.
Secret Life is also fantastic so far. I love the tasks and the interactions (and canon Gem in the life series!). Unfortunately, Secret Life is uploading concurrently with Decked Out running. During Double Life I managed to watch every single POV each week. During Limited Life I was busier, so I only managed to watch most POVs each week. For Decked Out, I was mostly keeping up with everyone's streamed runs, but behind on videos... and now Secret Life is happening... so I'm way behind on both, because keeping up with just one is a full time job and I like both. So I will definitely have to go back later and watch more Secret Life POVs because I just can't keep up with Decked Out at the same time.
So all in all... I think Double Life is my favourite. The Divorce Quartet stuff was great, and I loved Pearl so much. I might go have a poke again at some point about what may have happened if the final death disconnected the soulbond (especially if they players weren't aware that would happen, so Jimmy still dies first but Tango is alive... and then the chaos as everyone realises their red soulmate is no longer safe...)
🔥 if you were in the life games, how would you play it?
Oh man, this is hard! I'll be honest, I've hardly played minecraft in years other than a few hours here and there starting a new world and then getting too busy to continue. So I definitely don't have PVP skills and would probably honestly be a pretty wet cat. I guess try to find a solid team and try to build some houses/some basic wheat farms, and try not to die pathetically too quickly??? I don't like lying, so I'd be really bad at being boogeyman if that was in play. I don't think I'd betray my teammate, but I would probably be pretty easy to betray. I would definitely die in the bottom half of the rankings lmao.
⚡️most cinematic death?
This one is also hard. Ren and BigB in Double Life was good, with the absolute fluke of a dripstone kill. Also Double Life, but when Bdubs and Impulse became red as Ren was hunting Bdubs, and Impulse took the time to change the music disc to be thematically appropriate is absolutely iconic. In Limited Life, I think Jimmy's final death was fairly cinematic - surrounded by everyone, the fall, the lightning... the tragedy of it all really makes it. Grian's final death is only cinematic in its parallels - falling in the same manner as Jimmy, from skynet, especially as both of them are often interpreted as being birds. I think also Scott's death from green to yellow is cinematic, when the entire yellow server was chasing him, so it involves him escaping everyone, and then the swimming through water, Jimmy trying to kill him, and Scott desperately trying to swim to Martyn so that Martyn can get his time instead of an enemy. I'm not sure if Secret Life has had any cinematic deaths so far... wait actually. Jimmy and Martyn becoming red. From Impulse's POV he (or nvbzy) did a lot of awesome cinematic shots of the dragon fight, including the moment the intruders appeared and then two of them immediately died. Was very cinematic from Impulse's POV, though I haven't seen it from their POVs yet.
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
Hmm. I like that Pearl canonised Tilly having three lives too, she died on her yellow life at the end of the season, which means she's technically still there on her red life. I also like where I saw somewhere about Matchbox potentially being a reincarnation of Tilly?? This is less an interpretation and more based on the skin, but I love that Gem is corrupted by the End now due to the circumstances involved with how she became yellow. I am also now suddenly incapable of remembering any other interpretations, or at least forgetting what is canon and what is an interpretation haha.
Wait I do also love the post that mentions Gem being brought in as a Listener agent simply because Martyn and Jimmy are too pathetic right now lmao
🔮 predict the winner of secret life
I think Impulse has a good chance this time. He's a solid player, and his team is solid and loyal. He came second in Limited Life, and was fairly high in the previous seasons too. Limited Life really showed how much he's willing to work to win, and this time he won't have Scott kill him three times in a row lmao. Scott is also a really good player, but because he's won, he won't want to win again (Pearl has explicitly stated this as well, but Scott hasn't stated it but has shown it with his actions in Double and Limited Life where he very easily could have won again twice over but chose not to), so he will be able to help his teammates. Gem is good at PVP but she's a little more reckless with her hearts than Impulse - actually, Impulse and Skizz both have an advantage with experience being in UHC mode. So yeah, Impulse makes sense to me. And after Limited Life he deserves it. It would be funny if like Gem won on her first season though, or if somehow Jimmy won after becoming the second red so early. I don't think Jimmy will win but it'd be so funny if he did (and so cathartic if he broke the canary curse by winning).
Thank you so much for sending these asks in, and apologies for the week and a half delay in answering!!
Ask game questions here
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kittytheartist · 2 years
Thanks for answering the ask! I would love to see more of you talking about Beta TeruKane!
hi again Anon :)
you're welcome! and thank YOU for the ask uwu
it was very fun and I had an amazing time doing it but it is also very hard to write them out, they just have this different vibe between them then canon yk...?
anyways I think Beta!Teru kicks Akane's legs randomly under the table
and would definitely be more obnoxious when asking for favors!! imagine him being more optimistic and just kicking Akane's shin sooo hard and then leaning over with such a wide grin saying his name in his face like, he has no chill
and Beta!Akane is slowly withering tbh
he can't take much more of this before he shuts Teru out of his head forever. usually he ignores him like canon except he just stares at his paperwork intently instead of his usual "no" beta!Akane just flat out moves on! Which makes beta!Teru want to pull his chair under him.... it never ends well for Akane
I think Beta!Teru would give Akane more of the "I respect you" look and then after Akane is like "what?(kinda gay)" Teru just gives him a malicious smile and pokes him with his sword (affectionately) and beta!Teru probably likes telling Akane he's gonna die. not like seriously! but like "that's gonna get you killed" I just know he would idk. but as much as I'm making him out too be the worst, he's a lot more calm I swear! well, maybe not calm but like like like
MORE NORMAL??? okay he is a little more modest then our canon jerk Teru
Beta!Akane is a bit more hesitant and stubborn to help Teru, he doesn't exactly see it as worth it most of the time. but the sheer respect both of them have for each other breaks through so TeruKane team up
but I think they'd like to try and step on each other's shoes whilst multitasking the fighting. but when it's intense they don't do that ehe
anyways beta!Akane doesn't talk about Aoi in the student council room after work is done like canon!Akane does. but Beta!Teru still likes too talk about his siblings whenever. although Akane won't go out of his way once she's even slightly mentioned he'll be like "are you asking about Ao-Chan?" and then go on and on and on about Aoi and the way her hair falls. he gets a lot more crazy then Canon, instead of in love or gawking, he's just so crazy over her! but he also rants about how he needs too keep this part of him on the low for her because she would most likely be worried. she's too perfect too be worried about him <3
and Beta!Teru just continues too give the stare or grin of "this is getting old" or "I'll steal your girl" but we all know he's full of shit and just wants too hear Akane talk about whatever.
but Beta!Teru genuinely doesn't want him too get as passionate talking about his loved ones, unlike canon!Teru who just wants Akane too talk because he gets so over the top about caring. but yk Beta!Teru just kinda doesn't have time too waste because he HAS A LIFE
a less exercist life and more study but still better then canon</3
ahhh I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I'm done rambling ugugisbsjdb ty for the ask Anon! <3
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a-wayfairing-stranger · 9 months
I have spotted ask games 👀
3, 4 and 5 from the Part 6 asks for Leta and her lovers, please!
3. Who wears the other's clothes? What does the other think about that?
Leta steals everyone's clothes, if she's cold? Thats Gaunt's great-coat she's wrapped up in, She's sleeping? She's using Rawne's camo cloak as a blanket, she needs pyjamas? Oops one of Gaunts or Rawne's undershirts it is.
4. Who is constantly teasing the other? How does that person react?
It goes in circles, in the beginning its definitely Leta poking fun at her boys because no way in Hell are Rawne and Gaunt going to be playful with each other, but as things go on and everyone becomes more comfortable its a free for all.
5. Who's more physically affectionate?
I wanna say Rawne, his love language is definitely touch and he's always touching Leta in one way or another, partly because he is a big softie (He'll keep that secret until his dying day) and partly because he likes to show off that Leta's his (Well he has shares in her at least)
6. Who's the better cook?
Who can cook the best out of two rich boys and a feral street-child?
Probs Rawne, because he's the only one who's ever really learnt, I imagine his Mother taught him, He is constantly in stress about how Leta and Gaunt hardly eat, Just eat the fething food for the love of the Throne.
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lunaticsandidiots · 2 years
Okay so I bite. As a love language. Platonically, romantically I bite. I will bite my friends and family at random times. At this point they’ve just accepted it. But I want to know how you think the team would react if the reader did that 😭 because I’m WEIRD
a/n: ok fr this is such a cute idea i MUST WRITE IT, because adrian’s biting HCs were about him biting, but now we get to flip the script & add the others!
11th street kids + biting…
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(gn!reader) (18+)
adrian wouldn’t give it a second thought. like the word ‘why’ would never pop up in regards to your affinity for tooth-based affection.
because he’d bite you right back.
you: *bites adrian*
adrian: aww babe, that’s so sweet!
chris would definitely make fun of you for it, but in a loving way. like when you call someone a weirdo (affectionate).
he’d end up calling you ‘pacman’ or ‘jaws’ or something as a joke, but then it’d stick and be your nickname forever.
you: *bites chris*
chris: love you too, you lil wendigo.
the first time you bit her, she’d be so fucking confused,
harcourt: did you just… bite me?
you: …yeah?
harcourt: …
i think she’d grow fond of it over time, though just like chris i think she’d always (affectionately) poke a little fun at it.
i think economos would be less ‘weirded out’ than emilia and chris, but he’s also not a total wild mutt like adrian. just somewhere in the middle.
i think he’d find it endearing as hell, and maybe if you were sad, he might even bite you back in an attempt to cheer you up.
economos: *tries to bite you*
you: what was that? did you just try to bite me?
economos: well it always cheers me up…
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
gravity falls headcanons!!
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dipper: it’s literally canon that dipper is very ticklish, and it’s also canon that his sister takes advantage of this fact. as shown in the show, he is definitely ticklish under his arms (and i wonder if he chose to target that spot on gideon because it’s his own worst spot?👀) but he’s pretty sensitive everywhere. his laugh is a bit high-pitched and very giggly, and if anyone other than mabel is tickling him, he gets incredibly blushy. he’s pretty embarrassed about how sensitive he is, because he feels like it’s childish or non-manly, but he just can’t help it! it definitely contributes to the amount of teasing he endures at the hands of his family and friends, but he doesn’t really mind that much. as a ler, he usually only goes after mabel, but he is ruthless and strategic. he memorizes his lee’s worst spots and the best ways to reduce them to giggly messes, and will make sure to tire them out enough so they can’t get revenge.
mabel: not quite as ticklish as her twin, but mabel is still definitely very ticklish. it’s very fitting with her bubbly personality, and her desire to make other people smile often leads to her launching tickle attacks. her most ticklish spot his her stomach and her laugh is usually composed of shrieks and snorts. as a ler though, she is even more ruthless than her brother, although not as strategic. she has no stealth while starting a tickle fight, which sometimes lets the other person get a head start to run away/strike first. she loves both sides of tickling though because she thinks it’s fun and a nice way to bond!! also, she will not hesitate to spill dipper’s tickle spots to others.
stan: like mabel, he’s the less ticklish twin, but that isn’t saying much. as the more rough-and-tough brother, he always wanted to start and finish tickle fights, but if ford managed to get hold of his ribs, he was done for. laugh is wheezy and is a major squirmer. as a ler, he’s very playful and loves to verbally tease.
ford: firstly, i would just like to say that his extra fingers are probably quite helpful while tickling someone. okay, anyway, ford is pretty ticklish and acts like he despises it, but as long as it’s someone close to him, he actually finds it a bit fun, but he would never admit it. his worst spot is his hips, and his laugh is very gruff. as a ler, he’d be verbally teasy but physically super gentle, and is the only person that can get away with tickling stan.
wendy: growing up in a big family prepared her for tickle fights at a very young age. she is the kind of ler who will pin you down and tickle until you agree to her terms, and she’ll be incredibly smug afterwards. however, she is pretty ticklish herself, mostly on her knees. luckily, she wears jeans so often, the spot is usually shielded by denim which masks the sensation. she’s also ticklish on her neck and ears, so the hat is good protection as well.
soos: i believe there’s a canon scene of soos giggling after being poked in the stomach, and honestly he just radiates ticklish tummy vibes. i don’t imagine him as super sensitive, but his stomach is his weak spot. he’s a very goofy ler, especially with the kids, chasing them around the mystery shack and scooping them up to be tickled.
pacifica: with a pretty unaffectionate family, pacifica doesn’t have much experience with tickling. she is pretty ticklish, especially on her sides, but if anyone tried she would probably shove them away. secretly, though, she longs for an affectionate, playful relationship with someone (platonically or romantically) and wouldn’t be upset if that special someone were to tickle her. as a ler, she wouldn’t be very confident at first, but once she got the hang of it, she would be totally cruel and make her lee beg. she likes the little power trip it gives her, and she also just likes being close with people.
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spencersawkward · 3 years
*house call // wes (Dollface)*
ssummary: when her pet cat gives her a scare, Reader decides to call the vet to make sure everything is going to be okay. 
pairing: Fem!Reader x Wes
word count: 5.4k
content warnings: discussion of cannabis/cannabis consumption, unprotected penetrative sex, use of nicknames (baby, sweetheart), SoftDom!Wes, breeding kink, creampie. 
request: can you do a wes smutty one shot if you’re down?! 
A/N: to be fair, i haven’t watched Dollface in a minute, but i’m obsessed with the domestic vibes that Matthew gives off when he plays Wes and i just thought it would be super cute. anyway, this was super fun also i wanna fuck Wes. ok enjoy!
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the absolute best part of your day is when the package arrives at your doorstep. you impulse-purchased it about two weeks ago while you were hanging out with one of your close friends, and you've been looking forward to trying it every day since. 
or, really, for your cat to try it. 
you've read reviews and been extremely diligent to make sure the stuff is completely safe, and everything you've seen or read was singing the praises of this cat weed (which isn't actually cannabis at all, but catnip made to look like it).
as you take the cardboard box to the kitchen table and pry open the top with the help of a Swiss army knife, you're grinning. Klimt comes scampering into the room to see what all the fuss is about, sitting at your feet with his tail curled around his legs. 
"no peeking." you scold him gently. your kitten, the friendliest little rescue tabby around, simply stares blankly back. when you remove the wrapping from the glass jar and stare at it up close, you're impressed by how realistic it looks. the label shows cat-friendly ingredients only, but you unscrew the top and get a whiff of catnip. 
Klimt begins to weave in between your legs, nudging them affectionately and beginning to purr. you giggle and bend down to give him a few pets. his nose twitches; he tries to sniff at the foreign object, but you put it back on the table. 
"don't be greedy, babe." you scratch between his pointed ears and he lets out a whiny meow. 
it's about his dinner time, and you were hoping to give him his treat tonight after he finishes his dry food. so you make yourself something simple with the leftovers in your fridge and do some more work on your laptop while you two eat together. 
you've had Klimt for a while, now. you call him a kitten even though he's a full-grown cat-- he's just as playful and enthusiastic as any newborn. his eyes are the color of meadow grass, and his nose is scattered with tiny freckles. it makes him look like he's just come from digging around the backyard, but it really just adds to his charm. 
not to mention his ceaselessly social tendencies: Klimt is always around when your friends come over, worming his way in between you or sitting on one of the free chair cushions to listen. you wonder if he knows what you're saying sometimes, because when you talk about the embarrassing things you've done that day or the failed interactions you've had, he always lifts his head to give you something of a judgmental stare. 
once you've settled down for the evening and turned on the TV, you decide that now is the time. Klimt is aimlessly poking at a few of his toys. he bats at a fake mouse between his paws.
"kitten," you click your tongue and get up to grab the jar. "are you ready to try this stuff?" 
as if he's going to answer. he hears your footsteps coming back his way and watches patiently. it's only when you pour out a little bit in front of him that he gets curious about the stuff. you admire his movements as he bends down and examines. 
although you keep an eye on him while watching your show, you don't notice much of a change in him. he starts to roll about on the floor, which is to be expected, but it's only when he starts to chase around his fake mouse that things get interesting. 
you laugh as Klimt goes nuts, jumping back and attacking the thing like he's ready to come in for the kill. it's really funny, but you're interrupted by your phone buzzing. you told your friend that you were doing this tonight. 
"hi!" you answer the FaceTime call right away. 
"how is he?" you can hear the smile in Andi's voice as you turn the camera. 
"he's loving it." 
"oh my god," she laughs. Klimt arches his back, leaping so highly in the air, you raise your eyebrows. "I wonder how long it'll last." she muses. 
"I'm guessing we'll get about an hour more of this before he passes out for the next two days." you joke. he gets strong bursts of energy usually, but they only last so long until he's curled up on the window sill or in your bed. 
Andi and you talk for a while as Klimt tires himself out and plays with all of his favorite toys. you dangle a string in front of him for a decent amount of time, too, just to make him get up on his hindquarters. he's a natural entertainer, a lithe little thing who lets out a few irritated meows to demonstrate his impertinence. 
after about forty-five minutes, however, you notice your cat's behavior change. he keeps raising his hackles and rolling about, and something about it makes you nervous. he doesn't usually act like this, not even when he plays with the other catnip toys he's accumulated. 
"what's wrong?" Andi notes your furrowed brow as you look past the camera of your phone and at your pet. 
"he's just acting really weird," you pat the couch cushion to call him over, but he doesn't even glance up. "I don't know why." 
"maybe it's the cat weed." she suggests. you purse your lips and try to think. 
"yeah, but nobody in the reviews ever mentioned anything like this."
"I'm sure he's fine, Y/N."  
"yeah, I know..." but you're worried. Klimt is your pal, your cuddle buddy. as he rubs his cheek against the wooden floor, you feel guilt pool in your stomach. if he's hurt because of some dumb online purchase, you're never going to forgive yourself. "I'm gonna call the vet just to be sure."  
"oh, okay," she sounds surprised, but doesn't try to stop you. "let me know what they say." 
"I will." you hang up the phone and stare at your companion for a few seconds. he leaps into the air and does a somersault before letting out some deeply disturbing whine that reminds you to call the vet. better safe than sorry.  
when the doorbell rings, you're practically twiddling your thumbs anxiously. Klimt hasn't settled at all, and you haven't even bothered to change out of your lounging ensemble. you're pretty sure you look a mess, but hopefully the person won't care too much. 
you don't know who to expect-- your usual vet is an older woman who is friends with your mom, but her receptionist said she was out tonight and would send over another vet to check it out. 
when you swing open the door, you immediately regret the decision to stay in sweatpants. 
"hi, I'm Wes." the guy gives you a friendly smile and holds up his bag. it's almost comically old-fashioned, something out of an old movie, and you half-expect him to be wearing a stethoscope around his neck. 
he's gorgeous, though. definitely a good amount older than you, tall with brown curls and stubble. his features stand out to you even under the porch light, and your mouth guppies idiotically. 
"hi," you manage. his eyes flicker to your hand, which is seemingly blocking him from coming inside the house, and you jolt back a little to let him in. you clear your throat. "sorry." 
as he steps inside and you close the door behind him, getting one tiny moment to yourself, your eyes widen. way to make yourself look like a bumbling fool. 
"I heard that there's a tabby who got into some catnip?" you catch him looking around the front of your house, eyes catching on the framed photos before finding yours again. you can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, but nod confidently.  
"yeah, Klimt. he should still be in the living room." 
"Klimt? like the artist?" he chuckles and follows you into the rest of the home. his voice has a nice timbre to it, something low and gentle that fits well with his occupation.  
"yeah, exactly." you turn to smile at him. 
you hear the cat before you see him. he's climbed to the top of his cat tree and leaps down onto the ground, paws hitting the surface in a way that can't have been comfortable. he chirps and looks up at Wes, whose lips are turned up with amusement.    
"are you the man of the hour?" he asks, approaching the cat. Klimt's pupils get enormous and he prepares to pounce on the newcomer. 
"careful--" you start to warn him, but the cat launches himself right into Wes' arms. the vet turns to you, holding him to his chest, and grins. warmth spreads over your skin with embarrassment. "sorry." 
"no need to apologize," he starts to pet Klimt, who is only slightly struggling to escape. he wants to go wild again, but Wes isn't going to let go. "they call me the Cat Wrangler at the office." 
"really?" you snort. he brings your pet over to the couch and sets him on the cushions, careful to keep him in place. 
"no way." he shoots you a dazzling smile. the joke makes you giggle, and you feel yourself become even more self-conscious about the outfit you're wearing. this is just your luck, having hot guys come over when you distinctly look your worst. 
Wes scratches between Klimt's ears and glances up at you again. "is there any reason in particular you're worried about the catnip?" 
"yeah, actually," you nod, brought back to reality. "I know it's supposed to make them more playful, but he's just been acting weird and I got worried that there was something in it that messed with his head." 
"can I see the container for it?" he asks. you go to grab the jar, only to remember that it proudly announces itself as cannabis for cats. profound embarrassment causes you to hesitate with the stuff in your hands. 
it's not like he's here for you to flirt with, but you're still thinking about how stupid and young you're going to look with this stuff in front of him, a hot older guy who seems to have his life under control. you peek at him once more from the kitchen, at the way he smiles and starts to talk softly to Klimt as if he were a peer. 
he's kinda crazy, and it makes you smile. 
"it's cat weed." you hand him the glass container, and Wes breaks into a grin as he looks at the front. 
"oh my gosh, I've heard about this!" his eyes move quickly over the label. you're in shock. 
"yeah, it's hilarious. here, can you make sure our friend here doesn't move while I read the ingredients?" he gestures. the knot of anxiety within you loosens a bit. you nod obediently, going to scoop up your pet and sit him on your lap. he's still squirmy, but he doesn't look ready to attack either of you, thankfully. 
"hey, you." you greet your pal affectionately. his tail is wagging impatiently while Wes kneels on the ground beside the couch. there's a silver ring on his finger, but you notice with relief that it's not on his fourth one. 
when he sets the jar down on the coffee table with the kind of smile that hints at some secret amusement, you frown. "what?"
"nothing," he shakes his head. "Klimt is gonna be totally fine."
"are you sure?" you pet the feline's smooth coat. 
"definitely. you know how drugs affect people differently?" he asks. you want to say no, you don't know that because why would you, but then you remember that there is quite literally a glass-blown bowl sitting on your kitchen table. 
"sure." you reply honestly. 
"it's the same with cats: some just feel the effects a little more." he shrugs. you think this over for a second. 
"that makes sense." 
"yeah, I'd estimate about an hour more of this wildcat behavior before he takes a ten-hour nap." he cracks another joke and you find yourself totally charmed by him. something about the way he talks just makes your heart beat like crazy.  
"that's a relief." 
he chuckles and stands up, grabbing the bag (which he never even had to use) and starting to walk out of the living room. you can smell his delicious cologne as he moves past you.  
"sorry for making you come out here so late." you apologize from the couch. Wes turns to look at you with an easygoing expression. his free hand is tucked into his pocket.  
"no worries. you have a lovely home." he gestures to the kitchen, and then at the bowl sitting there in the open. you have to fight the smile on your face.  
"thanks." you're smirking. right before he's about to head back out, you ask a question that's been wriggling around in your mind since he arrived. "why no title?" 
"you mean, like, Doctor or something?" he stops in the threshold. one hand leans against it while he answers your question. you still can't get over how tall he is. 
"sure. I mean, you are a doctor, right?" it comes out more dubious than you intended, but he doesn't get offended, only smiles. 
"yes, I'm a doctor. I went to Davis." he points like the school is right outside your door. you nod.  
there's a silence where you just look at each other, and you forget that you look like you just rolled out of bed. he clears his throat. 
"to answer your question, I just go by Wes because you're not my patient-- Klimt is." he points to the kitten, who is now chasing his own tail like a dog. you snort at the sight. 
"how humble of you." 
"I know, right?" he's joking. you find yourself not wanting him to leave, even though you've really just met. he's so sweet and funny and handsome... your stomach is flipping over and over like a schoolgirl. 
and it's stupid that you can't think of one plausible reason for him to stay, but every step he takes shortens your time to think. so you just blurt, instead. 
"would you want a beer?" 
Wes pauses and looks at you, an unreadable expression on his face. "a beer?" 
"yeah, I mean... you came all the way out here and I just feel bad for causing a fuss over nothing." you scramble slightly to justify your words. you don't ever drink beer-- do you even have any? god, this is embarrassing.  
the vet checks the watch on his wrist, then smiles at you with a halting kind of enjoyment, before nodding. "sure." 
"okay, great." you turn on your heel to hide the grin on your face. he follows you again to the kitchen area and leans against the counter while you open the fridge. the best form of flirting you can manage right now is bending over shamelessly and taking your time to poke around. 
thankfully, there are three cold bottles left towards the back. you take out two and use the tool in one of your drawers to pop the tops off. he watches patiently, takes a sip when you hand the drink to him. your eyes meet. 
"so, what prompted the cat weed purchase?" he starts the conversation effortlessly, and you try to keep your eyes from wandering over the shape of him. now that he's just standing in front of you, you're noticing the way his sweater sits against his frame, his long legs and the way his head rests on an elegantly-proportioned neck. 
"I just saw it and thought it would be fun." you shrug honestly. he smiles.  
"do you think you're gonna let him try it again another time?"  
"I don't know," you cross your arms over your chest. "I'm a little nervous, but he also was having a lot of fun until I made him sit still." 
"fair enough." you both turn your gazes to the cat. he's nudging a little toy ball with his nose and watching it roll across the floor. there are tiny bells inside that jingle. Wes turns back to you. "what do you do?"
"graphic designer." 
"an artist." he raises his brows, impressed. 
"not exactly saving animal lives, but I get by." you take another sip of your drink. 
"it's not like that, mostly." he rolls his eyes playfully. 
"then what's it like?"
"I just see and talk to people's pets all day. it's a pretty great job, even when it's not. you know?" he's optimistic about it. you're drawn to his positive energy, to the way he smiles when he speaks like he's preparing to deliver a witty joke. 
 you're hopelessly attracted to him, and the space between you is becoming unbearable. even though he's a guy you just met, you can feel in your gut that something about this is just right. you want his body against yours. 
 "you okay?" he breaks what you only now realize is a silence, and you blink to clear the dirty images from your mind. 
"yeah." only thinking about you fucking me against a countertop. it must be the fact that you haven't gotten laid in a while or something, because you usually aren't this attracted to people within the first hour. it takes longer for you to even want to kiss them.  
"what kind of stuff do you design?" he seems genuinely interested as he shifts and continues to nurse his drink.  
"I work for a tech startup downtown, so it's a lot of website work to make sure it's navigable and pretty." you try to sum up your duties, but it's hard when his hazel eyes are so intent. he listens to every word.  
"do you do personal work, too? like, just for you?" 
"actually, yeah!" this sparks your excitement. 
"can I see?" his smile widens. "only if you're comfortable, of course."  
"sure." you're beaming.  
he stays put as you start to go out of the kitchen, but then you smile. "you can come with." 
"oh." he sets his beer down on the counter and follows you, slightly surprised. but you don't care; you were nervous before, but he's stayed for this long. maybe he wants you, too. 
once you get to your bedroom, you're grateful that it's been freshly cleaned. there's even a bouquet from the flower's market sitting on your dresser, and you head over to the desk to sift through the drawers for what you want. 
"cool room." he compliments from the threshold. he's careful not to make you uncomfortable, but also can't resist the curiosity that draws his gaze from wall to wall. you find the stack of papers and smile. 
"thanks," you place the folder in his hands. "these are some printed versions of stuff I did last year." 
Wes immediately begins to flip through the art. him seeing your stuff makes you nervous, so you pretend to focus on straightening up the few items that sit on your desk. you wipe your fingertip over a nonexistent film of dust. 
"these are amazing," he says, holding a card stock copy in between his index and middle fingers. "holy shit."
"thank you." you're trying to keep from smiling too hard. you can tell that he's being genuine with his compliments, and it makes your heart swell. 
"definitely. are you showing anywhere?" 
"at an exhibit downtown a couple months back, but I've been so busy with work that personal stuff hasn't really been on the table, you know?"
he nods in understanding and continues to go through until the end. when he's finished, he looks up and sees you, his eyes concentrated. he doesn't speak at first, and an undercurrent ripples across the room. there are about three feet between you, and you have no excuse to lessen it. 
he licks his lips slowly. you purse yours, unsure of what to say. 
"I'm glad you called tonight." his voice is lower, slightly uncertain, like he's testing the boundaries. except you don't want boundaries right now. you want to go wild on him. 
"me, too." you reply. it's in your eyes, that begging for him to do what you're scared to initiate. 
your tongue is pressed to the back of your teeth in anticipation. and when he sets the art back on your desk and comes closer, you feel yourself give in. bubbles of excitement travel up your body as he grabs your face and bends down to kiss you. 
it's full, passionate, not the kind of kiss you give someone you've just met. laced with desire and longing, you respond immediately. hands immediately run to his forearms, over his shoulders as he imposes beautifully on your form. it's so hard, you lean back slightly. your torso presses against his until he pushes you against the wall. 
the slight gasp that escapes your lips causes him to smile, followed by your moan and clutching fingers. the material of his sweater, the taste of him mingled with that sophisticated, gentle smell of cologne that you want printed all over your skin. 
"come here." he murmurs against your mouth and reaches down to the back of your thigh so you can hook your leg around his waist. you whine at the easy access he has to grind against your core, both of you desperate. 
"Wes." you pant into his open mouth. he sucks on your bottom lip before finding your cheek and jaw. his fingertips tighten around your flesh. 
"this feel good, sweetheart?" he checks in. coincidentally, his jeans grind against your panties at exactly the right spot and your hips jump. you release a pleasured yelp. 
"sounds like it." he latches onto your throat with a possessive excitement. you can feel him sucking and biting at the skin until you're positive there'll be marks tomorrow. you hope there are; purpled evidence of his touch. he digs his nails into your thighs. "you like it when older men touch you, baby?" 
he blows over your tender throat before attacking it again. you sigh contentedly at the way he mingles sensations for your pleasure. "yes." 
he grunts and nips at your collarbone, sliding the strap of your top down your shoulder so that he can effortlessly flutter his lips over the skin. you grip at him and toss your head back against the wall. his weight on yours is divine. it makes you weak, but that doesn't matter. he's practically holding you up at this point. 
when his hand pushes under the hem of your shirt and dances over your stomach, you arch your back for more. he's gentle yet firm, pulling you close like he wants to breathe your oxygen. he's tracing over your ribcage, all the way up to the valley of your breasts, before cupping one and moaning into your shoulder. 
he kisses you again with an aching hunger that can't be satiated. your tongues meet and Wes finds your hardened nipples beneath the thin fabric of your bralette. you sigh while he starts to circle one with his thumb.  
"you're perfect." he breathes. 
you want to bask in this moment, to enjoy the shock across your skin when he reaches his hand back down between your bodies to dip below the waistband of your sweatpants, but you're just so greedy. he could make you cum over and over and it would never be enough. 
"what do you want me to do to you?" Wes is hovering over your lower stomach, dangerously close to where you need him most. he's teasing. the warmth of his skin drives you mad. his breath brushes over the shell of your ear. 
"fuck me." it's the only response you can fathom. every other instinct in your body flies out the window and is replaced by a craving to sink your proverbial (and literal) teeth into him.
but he loves it, apparently, because he pushes you back against the wall with a nearly bruising force. "I can do that." 
with those words, he quickly grabs your other leg and lifts you into his arms, bringing you to the bed and laying you delicately on the mattress while you giggle. you stare up at him with an almost daydreamy lust. his cheeks are flushed. 
you only get a second of that heavenly sight, though, before he dips down and pushes your shirt up to see your tits and kiss up the chasm between your ribs. his stubble tickles your skin, which causes you to smile. 
by the time he's pulled your sweatpants off and tossed them to the side, you're whining for him to strip down as well. 
"what is it, pretty girl?" he murmurs against your tummy. when you try to squeeze your thighs, he pushes them apart. 
"I wanna see you." your fingertips touch at his sweater. he chuckles and pulls the garment over his head. it messes up his perfect hair even more and you love it, tangling your fingers in it. he bites his lip. 
"do you want me to taste you first?" he keeps stroking the inside of your thighs and staring down at the skimpy lace that you're positive that you've already soaked. you're making him crazy with the way you roll your hips against air, against nothing, seeking any kind of stimulation. 
"I can't wait." you shake your head. as nice as it would be, you're going to implode if he doesn't fill you up soon. he drags his fingers down your clothed slit and groans when he feels just how ready you are for him. 
"let's take these off then, okay, sweetheart?" he hooks his fingers in the panties and waits for you to nod before tugging them down your legs. you whimper at the cool air that hits your core, soaked and needy. Wes stares at your body on display for him. 
as he gets back up from the floor to kiss you again, you both work to remove the rest of his clothes. his skin is perfect under your hands. his chest is warm, solid, and when he climbs on top of you, his arms rest on either side of your head.
one hand comes down to grab his own cock and stroke it a few times before lowering himself to rub it against your throbbing clit. you whimper at the pressure; he's mindless when he feels how easily you cover him in your essence. 
"so fucking wet..." he groans while rutting against you. 
"Wes, please--" your breath hitches. "put it in." 
"begging?" he teases your entrance with the head and smirks. "good girl." 
"mhmm." you're smiling, but your mouth drops open when he pushes himself inside. 
it's a heavy feeling, him filling you up. he's thick and the stretching of your walls makes him groan and rest his head on your shoulder. he kisses the skin there while diving deeper into your body. 
you're shaking slightly from the mixture of pain and pleasure, his size forcing your body to work quickly to accommodate. your eyes are squeezed shut, but you run your hands over his back and shoulders to stay grounded. it feels like a dream. 
he starts to pull out, coated in your wetness while you whimper below him, and he grabs your face with one hand in a dominant, soft gesture. "okay?"
he pushes back in. the air in your lungs is practically gone at this point, he's so deep inside. your eyes roll back and push your hips up to take him at a new angle. Wes finds his pace easily, rocking into your body at a manageable pace to let you get used to the sensation. 
every time his hips roll down and he buries himself in you, he presses on your clit and sends a new shock through your body. he leans on his elbows to get closer and feel every undulation of your body. you love how his thrusts force your legs apart, how he moans your name and causes the headboard to repeatedly hit the wall while maintaining eye contact. hazel irises that rake over your features with lust. 
"you feel so good." he speeds up a little when he hits a certain spot. you can feel him deep and hard, causing a small bump to rise in your stomach with each stroke. his voice is husky and dark. like a man starved. 
"fuck..." you drag your nails down his back. he groans at the red marks that you will no doubt leave for him. 
"clingy thing, huh?" he sucks at your throat affectionately. "I come over for one thing and you can't help yourself." 
hearing Wes speak through his own panting is like listening to a secret, and you never want it to stop. he's reveling in the sordid crush of his own wants, and the way he shoves into you shows you that he has no intention of slowing down for a while. 
"I'm impatient." you smirk. he pulls away to admire your expression. 
"so am I." he kisses your lips and starts to pound into you. the juxtaposition of his tenderness and the sharp snap of his hips to yours fills you with butterflies. you love how much he wants to ruin you. 
"Wes-- oh my god!" you whimper. he grabs your hips and yanks them closer to him so he can go as deep as possible, so he can hit your cervix. 
"that's right, sweetheart," he pants. you can tell that he's starting to lose control. "say my name. I want everyone to know what a good little slut you are for me." 
the commanding tone makes your body shake. "I- I'm cumming, Wes, please--"
"please what, baby?" he taunts. his index finger is tracing over your jaw. 
you don't know what it is that you're wanting, except more. as your form shudders and tightens, walls fluttering around his cock, you lose the capacity to speak. you grind your hips against him and cry out pathetically while he pushes you back down and slams ruthlessly into your pussy. 
"cum inside-- please, I need it--" you writhe. he groans at the request. 
"fuck, yes..." he sheathes himself. "take it."
you gasp as he repeatedly hits your weakest point and spills hot ropes of his cum inside you, still thrusting in and out and whimpering into your shoulder at the clenching sensation you give his cock. it's warm, strangely delightful, nearly sending you into another orgasm sheerly from the sight. 
he mutters unintelligibly as he empties himself in your pussy, but you catch a growled "so needy," between deep moans. you're clinging to him like you'll never have it again. you might not. 
he slows down, giving shallower thrusts while riding out his high and shoving his cum deeper inside. it turns lazy and messy, both of you panting, before he finally pulls out and rolls over next to you. 
you press the back of your hand to your forehead. it's sweaty from all the work he just put you through, but you feel amazing at the same time. your eyes keep flickering from the ceiling above to his rising and falling chest beside you. his nose twitches; he turns his head to look at your face. 
although you expect him to say something, he doesn't. instead, you just stare at each other. the air conditioner rattles gently in the background. you're not sure how long this lasts, this soaking in, but he's the first to break it. 
you find the corners of your lips turning up. "hi." 
"do you mind if I go get something to clean you up?" he asks softly, his fingertips finding your forearm with ease and drifting over it.
"sure. bathroom is the first door on the left." 
he gets up and you watch him gather his clothes, eyes glued to his perfect form. you can't believe you just had sex with your veterinarian. you don't regret it at all. 
he wanders out of the room and your eyes follow, only to see Klimt sitting patiently by the door. 
"what are you doing, perv?" you tease as he comes over and leaps up onto the bed. his kitten paws pad over the blankets and settle into the crook of your arm. you smile to yourself, recalling how sweet the vet was with him. "hey, Wes?" you call out. 
"yeah?" he comes back into the room with a warm washcloth and a small smile on his face. 
"would you wanna get coffee or something sometime?" you bite your lip. maybe he doesn't want to go on a date, but it's worth a shot.
"sure." he breaks into a grin that makes you giddy. thank god, because you really were hoping to see him again. 
you can't wait.  
taglist (lmk about adding/removal or add yourself to the list here!): @jareids @reidsconverse @xoxomgg @may-b-a-u-shewritestoo @la-vie-en-amour1 @g0lden-cth @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @kisseslikecoffee @spenxerslut @slutforthegubes @spookydrreid @depressedgothgrl @flipper-kisses @multixfandomwriter​ @willowrose99​ @gingeraleluke​ @chasemoonlight​ @spencerreid9​ 
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
obitine for the ship ask meme!
♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa I'm sticking to my headcanon from earlier that Jedi subconsciously use the Force to guide them through life, and it's like. Obi-Wan isn't intentionally using his superpowers to always open a door correctly. But he just doesn't need to think about which way the door opens for his hand to do it correctly. Satine sometimes walks while reading and it takes a few seconds to process that she's using a door wrong.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them Satine on account of having fewer cultural hangups about pining.
Who starts the tickle fights Obi-Wan. He likes to poke her ribs as a surprise and see her react. She gives just as good as she gets, though.
Who starts the pillow fights Satine. Definitely Satine.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile Obi-Wan. There's something very nice and peaceful about feeling her relax through the Force.
Who mistakes salt for sugar Satine, for similar reasons to the door thing.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning Obi-Wan, he can't read the Mando'a on Satine's microwave to figure out which button makes it stop yelling at him.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines Oh boy I want to say this one is Obi-Wan? Unfortunately, Satine likes him best when she can make fun of him (which is fair, since he's the same right back), and this is fuel for mockery. (That might be why he does it.)
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order They both do! They also argue if it should be alphabetical by title, by author, if there should be genre or subject categories, how narrow those categories should be, how to handle series, and whether two of the same book in different languages should be sorted together, if the titles are different.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies Satine! She's trying to be charming and saucy and flirty. It works.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion Satine again! Mostly because Obi-Wan rarely buys anything for himself (general lack of material interests, because Jedi), and she wants to treat him whenever possible. Actually hold on I want a modern au with high powered lawyer Satine playing sugar mommy to Obi-Wan (who does a lot, but it's all volunteer/activism work that he doesn't get paid for, so he lives on Satine's dime).
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen Satine, I think she wants to play 'make constellations out of the freckles on my boyfriend's back.'
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation This is another one for Satine! Partly because Obi-Wan ends up broke and fighting for his life on most of his trips, while Satine actually gets to act the part of a tourist, if only to avoid insulting the local government. (She usually buys them for Korkie.) I just realized this is probably about joint Obitine vacations, whoops. Still probably Satine, though, I think she'd like getting them for Korkie.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines Oh, this one is an Obi-Wan thing. Mostly because I'm pretty sure Ewan McGregor used to be featured in teen mag couple surveys, and I think that's very funny.
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