#because he's roughly the same age as cullen
massgrav · 1 year
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I’ve known a man like you – a little older, maybe. You never believed in him, never acknowledged him, always treated him with scorn and disdain. How does it feel, my poor boy ; to be utterly powerless, now that tables have turned? Today, he walks free. You, however, will never know true freedom again.
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demetris-cocksleeve · 2 years
I NEED a part 2 of that size kink with Jacob!!😩💓🤍🤍 I can already see him having the cullens meet her for the first time with her hopping over to Jacob stuttering over her words and him pulling her to the side to fuck her in the woods 🥺🌸🌸🤍 I'm sorry I'm just so in love qith your last fic !
(A/n: No need to apologize, I may slander Jake from time to time, but goddamn if I don't want him to absolutely ruin me at the same time😅)
(I would like to preface that this is NOT the fic for this that I talked about; it's just a second smut piece! I still don't really know if I'm going to make this a whole ass fic, let me know!)
Hope you enjoy~❤️
Taglist: @lendeluxe
Warnings: Size kink, creampie, belly bulge, public sex (does the forest count as public?), angry sex, strength kink
Age Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
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Kinktober- Size Kink Pt. 2: Jacob Black x Fem! Reader
How you ended up in this situation you have no clue..
The morning after the night you and Jacob spent together was kind of a blur.
You learned that not only did your long time crush like you back, but he was part of a pack of werewolves and was sort of -barely- friends with a coven of 'vegetarian' vampires. Oh and how could you forget: you were also his 'imprint' which you have taken into yourself to just call soulmate..
Back to your situation:
You are deep in the woods with none other than your now boyfriend, Jacob Black. He has you pinned against the trunk of a large pine as he roughly fucks up into you. One of you hands in gripping his shoulder as the other scratches at the bark of the tree. His body heat and force of his trusts have you craving more even as you tighten your legs around his waist in preparation for yet another orgasm. At this point he's practically bouncing you on his cock like you're a living fleshlight, you're so fucked out.
After being together for a few months, he had brought you over to the Cullen's to meet them and Bella. Naturally, he and Edward got into an argument and while you wish you could say you were nervous to be in the middle of two feuding supernatural creatures, you were moreso turned on because of the angry flexing of Jacob's muscles as he yelled. Suggesting a walk in the woods to help him calm down, you also had a plan to remedy both of your problems.
His pulsing member was forming a bulge with every thrust he made. Barreling straight into your cervix it was almost painful, though the pleasure outweighs any other sensation you might be feeling. Your hands slide over the taunt muscles of his arms; flexing with effort of holding you up for so long. The feeling of the velvet steel of his arms enough to throw your head back with a groan.
When you were fairly certain you guys were well out of earshot, you had looped your arms around Jake's neck, pulling him down in a searing kiss as you backed up against the evergreen you were now pressed against.
Pulling out of you he sets you down and spins you to face the tree, shoving back into you as he lets out grunts of his own. He grabs both of your hands in his marginally larger ones, intertwining your fingers as he holds them above you head.
"God, I love you so f- ucking much, you don't -ugh- understand.." he mutter, pressing soft kisses along the length of you neck, a complete contrast to the ruthless pace he was driving into you with.
All you could respond with was a high pitched keen as he hits just the right place inside you. Jacob's hips come to a stuttering stop as he empties the contents of his balls into your sopping cunt. The feeling of his hot seed enough to shove you over the edge one last time as well.
He doesn't pull out for a bit as he rests his head in the crook of your neck, letting the both of you catch your breath before returning to the house of vampires that definitely heard your shenanigans..
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stylesluxx · 3 years
9:41pm – p.lahote
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[warnings: angst but eh and like two swears and horrible writing]
summary: in which y/n distances herself from paul in an attempt to protect him | requested!
word count: 4,539
Being best friends with Bella Swan meant you were always in a state of worry. You were worried she'd trip over air and fall into the middle of oncoming traffic, or she'd stab herself with a plastic spoon and Jasper Hale would cause a scene in the middle of the lunchroom. And it's not like you had anything against the Cullens, you were all good friends, but you knew how Jasper could get. And it also didn't help that your boyfriend, Paul's, words were always in the back of your mind about the "leeches." But you knew the Cullens first and knew not to judge them too harshly.
Bella Swan shook up the town of Forks, whether she recognized it or not. You grew up in Forks, loved the quietness and scenery. You weren't too excited to have to leave for college but figured you'd find somewhere that was similar to your hometown. You were pretty quiet and kept to yourself and maybe that's why you and Bella got along so well. But once she befriended you and introduced you to the Cullens, you figured you were entering the new normal.
It had slipped out when Bella was talking in her sleep during a sleepover that the Cullens were supernatural beings and it was a well-known fact that your friend wasn't a good liar. So when you confronted her about it and she was stammering, not giving you a real answer, you just gave her a knowing look.
"I won't tell anyone. I mean, you'd be the only person I tell," You shrugged and she nodded.
"It's a complicated thing, but I trust you. Just... don't think about it around Edward."
You looked at her warily before just nodding your head in agreement.
Of course, Edward already knew thanks to Alice and both you and Bella had to deal with Rosalie's death stare, which bumped her down to being your least favorite Cullen.
And when they left town and left a hole in your best friend, you and Jacob picked her back up and put the pieces together as best as you could, but deep down, you knew only Edward would be able to fix her completely.
And then, Jacob left. You were hurt by this since you two had grown closer. He was like yours and Bella's little brother and him disappearing like how your vampire friends did was painful.
The second time Bella went to confront the boy, you went for moral support. Your arms crossed over your chest as you stood behind Bella, who patiently greeted Billy Black.
"I can't believe this brat is sleeping," You scoffed, but Bella was already out the room, ready to confront the group of guys that just walked on the Black property.
"Bella, no," You called out while following her onto the grass.
"What did you do?"
You reached to grab her arm, ready to go home, but she yanked it out of your grip.
"What did you do? What did you do to him?" She angrily questioned who you assumed to be Sam Uley, pushing him roughly.
He looked exactly how Jacob described; aged beyond his years. He had copper skin, brown eyes, and was about 6'6". Almost as tall as Jacob. And he had the same tattoo Bella said Jacob had.
You looked at the other three boys and they had the same one in the same spot. You recognized Embry, giving him a weird look before turning your attention back to the raging girl in front of you.
"What did we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" The boy that spoke was menacing and looked at Bella as if she were below him. He was intriguing despite his demeanor, but deep down you knew he was just bad luck.
"Bella-" You started but were ignored.
"Nothing! He tells us nothing because he's scared of you," She responds, making the boys in front of you laugh.
You had enough at this point. It was already enough Bella was ignoring you but now being laughed at, you were over it. They weren't necessarily laughing at you but what Bella said was exactly how you felt as well. It felt as if they were invalidating your worry.
"Oh fuck off!" You scoffed, though you weren't spared a glance from the boy. You went to reach for the keys in Bella's coat pocket but were taken aback by her swinging her arm back and slapping the menacing boy.
The muscular, six-foot boy went from shaking with laughter to shaking with anger, causing your eyes to widen.
"It's too late now!" Laughed the boy to your left but his comment and Sam's warning fell on deaf ears.
"Isabella!" You spoke sternly, grabbing her arm and slowly backing away from the group.
The boy in front of you disappeared and in his spot, a huge, dark silver wolf stood. If you knew nothing about the supernatural world, you could've sworn this was a nightmare but once you saw his eyes, you knew it was the same boy.
You and Bella turned around, facing the Black house as you started running, losing your hold on her.
"Bella! Y/N!" The brat, as you called him, shouted, jumping off his porch and running toward you.
"Run! Jake run!" Bella screamed, attempting to warn him, but he kept running ahead with no intention of slowing down.
She jumped over Bella as she clumsily tumbled to the ground, making you groan and turn to pull her up. But in the midst of trying to rescue your friend, you see the other turn into a russet brown wolf, standing taller than the silver one.
"It's always something when I'm with you, I'll give you that," You mumbled and watched the two wolves go at each other, breaking Billy's boat and tumbling into the woods.
"Take them back to Emily's place," Sam directed the remaining two before running into the woods.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag."
You rolled your eyes at the corny joke as you pulled Bella to her feet.
"The next time I say we leave, let's just leave, yeah?" You huffed and started toward the big red truck.
You arrived at the small brown home in the middle of the woods and you sighed, still trying to take in the events that happened less than 10 minutes ago.
Embry and the other boy jumped out of the truck, leaving you and Bella in the two-seat truck, her on your lap.
"Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay," Bella suggested as she rolled down the window.
Honestly, you weren't thinking about the well-being of either of the boys. But instead, you replayed the whole interaction with the silver wolf before he changed. You have to ask Jacob what his name was, but casually so he wouldn't try to tease you about a crush.
"Have Paul sink some teeth in him. Serves him right!"
So the menacing one's name was Paul. You nodded as you took the information and set up a folder for him in your head.
They were talking about some bet before stopping and turning to look at the two of you in the truck.
"Come on in guys, we won't bite!" Embry called, giving you two a boyish smile making you chuckle. You always thought he was adorable, like a little baby you wanted to squish.
"I know we're a bit shaken up, but come on Bells, with the other people we hang out with, we really aren't in the position to hesitate," You said, patting her thigh as encouragement.
She got out of the car and you followed behind, giving Embry a small smile.
"You know, I liked you better with long hair," You teased the lanky boy as you walked up the steps to the house.
"Gotta keep it short so my fur isn't too long," He answered with a grin on his face, walking behind you. "Oh hey, about Emily, Sam's fiancée: don't stare. It bugs Sam."
"Why would we stare?" You questioned before walking inside the house, immediately met with warmth and the smell of muffins.
"You guys hungry? Like I have to ask," You heard the melodic voice tease the boys.
"Who's this?" She asked after looking up and giving both you and Bella a smile.
"Y/N Y/L/N and Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared introduced you two as he sat at the table.
"Hm, so you're the vampire girls?" Emily teased.
"Ehhh, I'm more neutral territory," You chuckled, hoping to help ease Bella so she could take over talking for now.
"So you're... the wolf girl?" Bella added on, after thinking a bit for a comeback. "Guess so- well, I'm engaged to one."
You watched as Embry sat and Emily brought the fresh muffins over to the table. The boys immediately reached out for them.
"Save some for your brothers. And ladies first. Muffin?"
You looked over at Bella and nodded as she mumbled a quick "sure."
You grabbed a muffin hesitantly (you didn't want to overstep even though you were offered one).
You zoned out as Bella talked to Emily and the boys, and you settled on thinking about "Paul." You replayed the interaction and how he kept his fierce brown eyes on Bella, his target. Why was he so defensive about whatever Jacob did or didn't say? The way his emotions changed so quickly gave you whiplash. He went from being defensive to laughing and then pissed (which you don't blame him for, Bella shouldn't have slapped him). You knew this wasn't someone that you would necessarily enjoy being around. He just seems loud and like he can never just have a relaxed moment; he's fueled off of his emotions. But you couldn't help but think about his brown eyes, tanned skin, and toned body. You couldn't stop yourself from picturing a quiet day in with him, staying on the couch and watching movies all day. In this dream, you had tamed him and he was relaxed and just wanted to be up under you all day.
You were taken away by your thoughts when Sam walked in, though you were hoping it was Paul. You frowned when you realized who it was and just watched as he walked over to Emily and started kissing her.
You put your head down, not wanting to watch their intimate moment, but your cheeks began to flush because only moments ago you wished it was you and Paul. You looked over at Bella and saw she was looking down too, causing you to grab her hand and squeeze. That was your small attempt at pushing Edward out of her mind.
Yours and Bella's heads both snapped toward the door as your heard footsteps move toward the house. You watched Jacob playfully shove Paul and laugh before they came up the stairs and into the house.
Paul walked by the two of you and sat at the table, grabbing a muffin.
He turned to look at Bella and said, "sorry" with a cocky smirk on his face.
He turned back to eat his muffin but Jacob cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest while he leaned on the doorway.
"To Y/N too," He told Paul sternly, making the boy sigh.
"Oh that's alright-" You started but you were cut off by the sound of Paul inhaling sharply.
He was looking in your eyes, getting really to apologize before he inhaled and his eyes widened in shock.
You blinked uncomfortably as he sat there silently eyeing you. It wasn't how he was looking at Bella earlier, you weren't a target, but you were all he could focus on. You chuckled shyly and used one hand to scratch the back of your neck and used the other to squeeze Bella's hand tightly.
It was then that you noticed that the whole room went silent, making you even more flustered.
"Um, can we talk, Jake?" Bella initiated the conversation, giving you an exit, which you were thankful for.
He hesitantly nodded, tearing his eyes from Paul and focusing on the two of you looking at him, practically begging for an escape route.
"Thank you so much for the muffin," You softly smiled at Emily as you and Bella walked toward the door. You gave everyone a wave and gave Paul one last glance before shutting the door behind you.
The three of you started walking, but it was a while before anyone said anything. You were still flustered by Paul freezing up at the sight of you. It was weird, but still, not the weirdest thing to happen today.
"So... what the fuck was that?" You blurted out, pulling yourself out of your thoughts.
"So, you're a werewolf," Bella said at the same time, hands in her pockets as if this were a normal conversation.
"Last time I checked," He sighed, avoiding your question. "Few lucky members from the tribe have the gene. A bloodsucker moves into town... and the fever sets in."
"Mono," Bella raised her eyebrows, chuckling at his pathetic lie.
"Yeah, I wish."
"Well, can't you find a way to just stop? I mean... it's wrong."
Oh, here we go, the morality police.
"It's not a lifestyle choice, Bella."
"Bella, he literally said it was in his genes," You interjected, giving her a weird look.
You three had stopped walking, and you and Jacob turned to look at the girl who wanted to play God.
You loved Bella, you really did, but she was dating a vampire. You thought it was weird she was trying to police Jacob.
"I was born this way; I can't help it," Jacob continued. "You're such a hypocrite! What, I'm not the right kind of monster for you?"
You silently agreed with Jacob, nodding your head.
"It's not what you are... it's what you do," Bella attempted to argue. "They never hurt anybody. You've killed people, Jake."
"Mmh, but didn't- never mind," You shook your head, deciding not to get involved.
"Bella, we're not killing anyone."
"Then who is?"
"What we're trying to protect you people from. The only thing we do kill. Vampires."
"No, Jake, you can't-"
"Don't worry, we can't touch your little precious Cullens unless they violate the treaty."
You were bored of the conversation and tuned out, trying to kick around a rock that was stuck in the sand.
Had this been any other time, you would've been intrigued but you only wanted answers to your question. What happened the fuck happened with Paul?
"So... you're not gonna answer my question?" You asked once the two sorted everything out.
"That's something you have to talk to Paul about," Jacob answered, making you roll your eyes.
"Okay, well, you know how I get weird around new people. I was weird with you for like a month," You frowned.
"I don't think it's gonna be anything like that. It'll feel natural to be around him."
You sat at the lunch table between Bella and Mike Newton as Alice talked about throwing a graduation party at the Cullen residence.
"Another party, Alice?"
"It'll be fun," She spoke optimistically, making her smile.
"Yeah, that's what you said last time," Bella huffed, making you nudge her.
"Well, I'm excited, Alice," You spoke up, giving her a small smile that she returned.
But the smile was quickly wiped off her face as she zoned out and sat back in the chair. Edward turned his head, seemingly zoning out as well, causing you and Bella to turn toward the regular teens next to you, hoping to distract them.
"Hey, Angela?"
"Do you need some help with those?" Bella asked as you both reached over to look at whatever she was working on.
You and Bella both shared a look of concern before turning back and helping your friend.
At the end of the school day, you and Bella walked out of the school together, you looking for Paul's truck and her looking for Edward.
You spotted your boyfriend pulling in, and you turned to face Bella, gripping onto the straps of your backpack.
"When Edward spills, fill me in," You told her, making her nod.
"Definitely. I think you're the only one that can communicate with the pack right now. Jacob isn't talking to me so... if anything were to happen, only you could tell them."
You nodded sullenly, hoping it wasn't something that needed the pack's attention. You were hoping it wasn't something big.
Paul pulled up right in front of you, greeting Bella politely, making you smile.
"See you tomorrow, Bells," You promised as you opened the truck door and got in.
"Hi Lover," You greeted your boyfriend and leaned over to peck his lips.
"Hi Little Wolf," He smiled and helped you take your backpack off. He set it in the backseat next to his before pulling out of the parking lot.
He drove from the school to Emily's house, grabbing your bags out of the backseat once you arrived.
You two would do this every day after school: go to Emily's and do homework with the news playing in the background just in case.
"Hi, Em!" You greeted the woman that seemed to be making a bunch of pasta for dinner. "Would you like some help?"
"No, I'm okay. Go get some work done," Emily assured you, and you nodded, going into the living room.
You greeted the boys and wrapped Jacob in your arms. "Hi Brat," You teased and pinched his back.
"Hey," He chuckled and pulled you into a headlock. "Missed me?"
"I saw you yesterday. You better stop before I get Paul to beat you up," You said and pushed him away. "I hate you."
"You don't."
You playfully rolled your eyes before sitting next to Paul on the couch and pulling your homework out of your bag.
"He's so annoying," You mumbled to your boyfriend and rested your head on his shoulders.
"Tuh, I already knew that," He scoffed and kissed the top of your head.
You sighed and started working on your biology homework, tuning everything out until you felt Paul tightly grip your hand.
"What?" You asked, looking up at him before turning to the tv.
The news anchor was talking about all the disappearances in Seattle, and because you knew what you knew, you knew it was something that the pack and the Cullens would have to get involved in.
You frowned and returned Paul's squeeze, quickly growing worried. Is this was Alice's vision was about earlier? Did they know about this? Did they have a plan?
Once the news transitioned to the weather forecast, nobody moved a muscle. You figured they were in shock or were trying to figure out a plan
"Alice had a vision today, at lunch. We're just waiting for Edward to spill," You spoke up and turned to look up at Paul, examining his face.
His face was serious but scrunched with determination until he turned to look back at you. He let the tenseness fall away and gave you a small smile to try to get you to relax.
"I don't want more people getting hurt," You mumbled.
"We're gonna do what we can to protect Forks. Hopefully, it stays in Seattle, but until this dies down we're going to do more patrolling. We can't afford to slack off," Sam spoke sternly.
Paul turned and nodded at his alpha's words but pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly, as if you were to vanish.
The next day, you were walking to the cafeteria with Bella and Edward, and you knew you had to say something before you got to the table.
"It was about the Seattle thing, wasn't it?" You asked the two, clutching onto the books in your hands. "The pack plans on doing more strict patrols."
It was silent for a moment, both of them hesitating to speak.
"What is it?" You sighed, prepared to hear the worst.
"It was about you, Y/N," Bella said then but her lip tentatively.
"What about me?"
"We didn't want to tell you because we didn't want you to worry-"
"But it was only right," Bella cut off her boyfriend, making your eyes furrow in confusion.
You stopped walking, and so did they. You guys let the hallway clear out before Bella continued talking.
"I've told you about Victoria."
"Yeah, and Jacob told us the pack killed her friend with the dreads," You nodded, but you still didn't understand where this was going and what it had to do with you. "What does she have to do with me, or anything for that matter?"
"For some reason, she has her eyes set on you. I was able to talk to Paul when he left your house after dropping you off last night. We agreed to take turns watching you," Edward broke the news to you as calmly and gently as he could.
From the corner of your eye, you could see both Alice and Jasper waiting outside of the cafeteria. It explained why you weren't freaking out, but you wondered what it would be like once you weren't around him. You knew you'd try to stay calm for Paul's sake, but what happens when you get home and you're alone in your room? Will it all hit you then, or will it already be bottled by then?
"Well, what's new, I guess? Forks is in mortal danger, and the supernatural has come together to save the town," You huffed and slapped your hands on your thighs before blowing a raspberry in the air. "Can we grab lunch now?"
Bella and Edward shared a look while you walked ahead, going into the cafeteria.
The day dragged on longer than it usually did, but you were one of the first people out of the building. You didn't even wait for Bella at her locker like you usually do. But you concluded because of what was happening that Paul was waiting outside for you. You figured he was sitting there at least 10 minutes before you got out of class.
Once you were out the school doors, you felt yourself growing tenser. You were out of Jasper's reach, and your emotions were finally starting to hit you.
"Hi, Little Wolf," Paul greeted you, trying to act like everything was normal. He hated making you worry, and you knew that.
"Hey," Your response was short, and you didn't even look in his direction. You kept your eyes on your lap.
"I'm not your Lover?" He teased, pulling out of the school parking lot.
"I just wanna go straight home today," You mumbled.
"The leech told you-"
"Bella told me. I don't want to argue, Paul. I think it's best if I go home."
He wanted to argue, you could tell by the way he was gripping the steering wheel that he disagreed with your decision, but just like you, he didn't want to argue. So, he took you home, no questions asked.
And when you were getting out of the car, you told him you'd drive yourself to and from school tomorrow.
"Just until this whole situation dies down. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me, especially you," You said, and shut the door behind you once you got out of the car, leaving no space for him to argue.
You gave him one last smile before walking inside your house and locking the door once you shut it.
In the evening, you were at your desk completing homework, but you were still so paranoid. Your eyes looked out the window, searching for anything in the trees that might be a threat to you. But there was no threat, just a dark silver wolf laying in between the trees, keeping watch.
You frowned, feeling bad that you were pushing him away, but you didn't want him to get mixed up in your mess. You felt ten times safer with him watching you, but you knew he had to be exhausted; after a long day of school and patrol, who would want to stay up all night being a guard dog?
You moved away from your desk, deciding it was time for bed. You took a shower and did your night routine before laying in bed, pulling the covers over your body.
You didn't get much sleep that night. You didn't get much sleep for the next two weeks. It was hard being without Paul and your friends. You were so scared about something happening in your sleep that you were barely getting any. And the fact that you haven't been face-to-face with Paul in weeks put a real strain on you. Your physical and mental health was all messed up. The separation was difficult, but not being able to explain any of this to your parents made it much harder. You had no one to talk to, and you know you did it to yourself, but the well-being of your friends and family always came first, so you wanted to stick it out despite how you felt.
For two weeks, you stayed alert, listening to every noise, watching every shadow, though your paranoia made most of it up.
But this time, you knew you heard a sound and it made you shoot out of bed. Not hesitating, you reached for your phone and called Paul. You didn't see him resting by the trees when you got up to go shower. You assumed that he was finally getting some rest and now you felt even worse about calling him; the day he decided to get some rest, you were interrupting him.
He didn't answer the phone, which you expected, but you still opened the window in your bedroom, letting the cold air blow through. He'd let himself in once he got there.
You didn't expect him to get there as quickly as he did. It had only been three minutes of you biting your nails anxiously and staying far away from your door.
He came through your door fully clothed and immediately pulled you into his arms, warming up your freezing body and calming your nerves.
"Were you asleep? Where were you? You weren't here," You bombarded him with questions as you dug your face into his chest.
"I was just running a bit late. I was already on my way when you called. Why did you call?" He asked, rubbing your back soothingly.
"I'm sorry, I just- it's already so hard being away from you, and I've been scared, and I thought I heard something downstairs. I don't know," You rambled and held onto your boyfriend's waist tightly.
"If it were a leech, you probably wouldn't have even heard them coming. It was probably just your dad grabbing a snack or something. You know he's always up for a snack," He assured you before kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah, that's true," You quietly giggled and let all your worry dissipate. You kept your head resting on his chest as he rocked your two back and forth. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too. Let's never separate again."
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[AN: hey so, I didn't know what to name this so I just named it off of the time it was requested. anyway, I kinda don't like this so uh yeah]
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
OC Interview: Fane Lavellan
Thank you for the tag @dungeons-and-dragon-age! I’ve been eyeing up this meme for a while actually, so this was perfect timing! X3
This takes place Post-Trespasser, about a month or two after, in fact. Solas brought the idea forward, and of course, Fane refused. But after some coaxing, some explanation as to why, and the promise of a whole cake, Fane agreed to humor the request. 
I got carried awaaaaaay! XD
Can you introduce yourself?
“I can, but it’s a lengthy list,” He sighs, “...Those who are close to me, who see as but an elf, call me Fane. Those who wish to meet cobble, call me Lavellan or Herald. Those who are blinded by reverence call me ‘He Who Flew Above’. Denizens of the Fade refer to me as, ‘Devotion’ or ‘Tenacity’. However, my true name is..” He sighs again, “...Aterian. I rarely go by it, but the truth won’t be ignored. It never can be.”
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
“Male. Elvhen. Dragon.” He huffs through his nose, shifting his gaze off to the side, “That’s all I’ll say on that. As for orientation, I’m...emotionally driven. If you asked me to look at another and tell you what’s attractive about them I would say, ‘Nothing.’ I don’t know them, so I feel nothing for them.“ He shrugs, turning his gaze back, but brandishes a glare, “There’s only one person who defies that response, and that’s because he knows me, without and within. More than that, is none of your business.”
Where and when were you born?
He lifts a hand, massaging a temple, “The ‘where’ is simple; Elvhenan. Specifics are lost to me, however, so you’ll have to be content with that response.” He shifts his gaze downwards, slowly crossing his arms, “As to when?” He sighs heavily, “...I have no answer for that other than: I’m roughly the same age, if not older, as Solas. Does it matter, honestly? Numbers fall through the cracks after a specific threshold is crossed.” What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
He unravels a crossed arm and guides his hand downwards, tapping the pommel of a sword he has fastened to his waist, “Sword. I use either long swords, short swords, or great swords.” He raises an eyebrow as a question is forwarded, “Shields?” He sneers a bit. “I don’t use shields. They get in the way, and anyways,” He raises his hand once more, the expanse steadily beginning to glow blue and silver before a spectral coating of scales cover the entirety, “this is better than any shield. I prefer the front lines, the place I can make sure no one breaches, and the lingering memory of what I once was makes sure I can do just that.” He dispels the scales and shakes out his hand before returning it to his crossed counterpart, “It takes energy to maintain, but I’m getting better at holding it for longer.”  Lastly, are you happy?
He blinks before his entire expression softens, two toned eyes shining with primary gold as they shift downwards, “...If you had asked that of me over twelve years ago I would have spat in your face and said, ‘Happiness doesn’t exist in this world’. But now..” He trails off, casting a sidelong glance towards one of the fortress’s entryways; a familiar voice sounding, firm, but soft, as if reprimanding a child, “...I understand what happiness is, and it’s in every corner if you allow yourself to see it.” His eyes shift back, holding a far away look and voice coming forward in a murmur, “I only wish we all could be happy; together.”
Family and Friends
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
His face holds a conflicted look, as if the memory is painful before speaking, “Complicated,” he says before beginning to tap a finger against his bicep, “I had a mother. She died when I was fifteen from a wasting disease, but she was the picture of serenity. Calm, guiding, measured. Hair like moonlight. Eyes like a clear autumn day. She was--” Unbranded features twist with a look of grief, eyes going dark as his voice drops, “...I’d rather not speak of her. It still hurts to. It hurts to speak of any of them,” His eyes narrow, grief stricken expression turning somewhat bitter, “...Especially those who throw all you did for them back into your face because they refused to listen when you needed them to most. Even so, I still wish for her happiness. Cullen better be treating her right,” That bitter turns outright malicious, dark eyes going darker as another question is meekly asked, “Father? I have no father. I only had a monster that haunted my childhood, tore my token of devotion apart, and then stalked me in my dreams. So, no. I have nothing to say about that concept.”
Have you ever ran away from home?
He chuckles, “Many, many times,” He throws most of his weight into one side, tilting his head back as if thinking, counting, “I can’t even remember the amount of times I fled into the forests, to be honest. All I know is that it happened weekly, maybe even daily,” He brings his head back, snowy hair moving with the action to brush the tops of his cheekbones, “Why do you look so surprised?” he asks, snorting a bit at the meek response of, ‘Why so often?’, “Because I refused to endure being treated like a beast every hour of the day merely because I believed differently, or rather, not at all.” He sighs within the next moment, “...I wasn’t any better than the Dalish, though. I lashed out, I spat in their face, dragged their heritage through the dirt, inflicted harm from the smallest of things...” He squeezes his arms, eyes narrowing into a glare, but seeming to see through everything, “...The past repeats. An infernal spiral that will never slow.” Would you consider marriage or having children?
“Marriage? Children?” He blinks, pale visage suddenly going flush before he snarls, “Why do I need to answer those questions?!” The blush deepens and he responds despite his displeased expression, muttering and biting the inside of his cheek, “...Damned keen eyed elves. They know, don’t they? I swear if Abelas fucking ran that mouth of his, I’ll--” He sighs heavily, letting his head fall limp a bit in defeat, “...Yes. To both. The latter is already taken care of, as everyone situated in the Crossroads knows, but...” Pointed ears are now a deep shade of red, “...marriage is...on hold. War time isn’t an ideal summer wedding.” His voice drops, eyes shimmering as if he was before the person his heart yearned for, “...The sky deserves a venue better than a garden of death and deceit.” Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
“There were those in the Inquisition who I didn’t exactly see eye to eye with,” he started before shaking his head, “but I didn’t hate anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own views and what they find important.” He scowls a bit, tapping his bicep once again with a finger, “...Even if they didn’t extend the same kindness to me in the beginning. ‘Do you believe in the Maker?’ ‘Do you believe you’re chosen?’ ‘You need to use the people’s faith. It gives them hope.’” He mocks before snorting harshly, “No. No, I don’t. Oh, that suddenly makes me trash? Ohhh. How terrible.” He scoffs. “Disgusting.” Which friend knows everything about you?
“Solas,” He says within a heart beat before clearing his throat, shifting his gaze away sheepishly, “He knows me without and within.” Emerald and gold blaze as the orbs go wide, the blush of roses coming back in full force, “Wait, wait, wait! I didn’t mean--! Fuck! You better wipe that shit eating grin off your face, elf, or I swear I’ll do it for you!” He growls in frustation, throwing his hands in the air, “Why did I agree to this? What fucking dragon entertains an interview!? This is worst than the courts in Arlathan used to be! And that’s saying something!”
Asked by Fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
”I am literate. Sometimes to a fault, in fact,” He smiles a bit, “Poetry is my niche; a lingering memory of my mother. So, I speak cryptically at times,” He snorts, amused, “Although, I guess that isn’t much of a surprise since the Elvhen language is riddled in verse rather than practical application. Still, even some of the ancients left have a hard time deciphering my words,” He shrugs, smile turning into a smirk, “They never expected a dragon to be able to talk, I guess. Well, ta-dah.”  The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
A somber expression flits across his visage and eyes, “...That, eventually, I would hurt the one person I never wanted to.” The corner of his mouth twitches, holding both bitterness and grief; a painful duo, “...And retribution came just as swiftly, but it--” He sighs, shaking his head in defeat before muttering under his breath, “Observe and accept. Observe that what came to pass was uncontrollable, and accept that it had to happen for your path to continue, for your soul to be complete.” What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
His face blanks, mouth going into a hard line before a sigh exits through his nose slowly, “...That I don’t have tail.” He snarls, blank expression twisting in warning, “Laugh, elf. Do it.” He nods in the next second when no sounds of amusement come forth, expression going stoic once more, “That’s what I thought. You try living centuries in one form and then transitioning. See what happens.” Do you have mental health or physical issues?
He nods, sighing tiredly. “Like my names, I have a lot.” A hand motions to his body lazily, “My entire body is littered in scars, inflicted through crude experiments by an abomination that sought power like so many others,” He expression sours, jaw working back a forth, “They’ve calmed over the years, but the memories are not so kind.” He sighs, trying to calm himself and lifts his left hand; the Anchor glowing faintly and his eyes watch it, “I have an illness, or rather, sensitivity to any Fade born essence. That, too, has calmed and I’m grateful for that. As for my mind..” He trails off, grimacing a bit as if suddenly in pain, “...Visualize the Void, and there’s your answer. Black walls with crimson torches, seats empty, but somehow wanting for memories to take their seats. However, those occupants never come, burnt to ash by fury’s flame. That’s my mind in a nutshell.” What is your current main goal?
He raises his eyebrows, pursing his lips, “Mm, as of right now, I’m busy helping Solas unlock the eluvians that he couldn’t while I was away,” He flexes his marked hand, watching it with a look of determination in his eyes, “That’ll take time, but after, my people, my kin will have their skies back. I won’t let this power be squandered, and I won’t let the key that I’ve been entrusted with fall into the wrong hands.” His face hardens further, “For if that key rusts, the locks break and the sky will blacken as surely as the earth will redden.”
Drink or food?
“Drinks.” He says with ease, shrugging, “Food is comforting, especially sweets, but a glass of rum or ale, or a cup of chamomile tea really pounds the word ‘relaxation’ into my head.” Cats or dogs?
He smiles, warmth caressing its edges, “You’ve seen Nislean wandering about the halls, laying on the window sills and curling up in front of the fire,” He hums suddenly, crossing his arms again, “Which reminds me, I need to go out of the Crossroads for milk. I’ll be getting more than five bottles this time.” Optimist or pessimist?
“Depends on who you ask,” He shrugs, seeming unbothered, “I’m neither from a personal standpoint. I try to see the bright spots, but shadows can be very persistent.”   Sassy or sarcastic?
He snorts, “Ask Fen’harel,” his voice is light upon the title, playfully mocking in its deepness, “He knows all about that side. Although, he would label it, ‘insufferable’. I would call myself dryly sarcastic, though.”
Have You Ever
Been caught sneaking out?
He purses his lips, “Hmm. Not that I can recall,” he says slowly before his brows jumped and his eyes lit up with memory, “Oh! Wait. There was that one time where I was with Solas and Mythal in a...courtyard, I think?” He shrugs before shrugging, “Doesn’t matter. But, I tried to slip away, tail and all, and I...may have shattered one or two or three eluvians trying to get to the balcony.” He somewhat wistfully, smirking, “Elgar’nan got fucking stuck in a far off settlement for a week, though. Completely worth getting my horn chewed off by a wolf.” Broken a bone?
“Surprisingly, no.” He huffs in amusement, “Wonder of wonders, truthfully.” Received flowers?
“I have,” He scowls, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disgust, “but I always throw them into the fire. Most are from suitors, those who don’t know what the fuck ‘taken’ means.” Ghosted someone?
His face tightens, completely deadpan, “...No?”, he says, voice raising in question a bit, “At least I don’t believe so. But, then again...oh.” He blanks further, “...Oh. I understand the term now. You mortals are forever twisting the languages, aren’t you? I can’t keep up, but the answer is still no.” Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
“Maybe once or twice, but I don’t ‘laugh’ per say.” He huffs through his nose deliberately, “I do that; a puff of air. Some habits are never truly able to be broken. No matter the form.”
Tagging: @oxygenforthewicked @blueheaded @little-lightning-lavellan @noire-pandora @the-dreadful-canine and anyone else that’d like to play! (no pressure, of course!)
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thenightling · 4 years
In slight defense of Twilight
The few times I will defend Twilight:
1.  “He stalks her and watches her sleep.  It’s creepy!”  Yes.  Yes, it is.   This is a GOOD thing for vampire fiction!  Let it be creepy!  You understand that this is predator behavior.  He is a vampire.  Vampires are predators.  First you complain because it’s romantic but the moment Edward does something that is traditional for vampire fiction, and is genuinely predatory and creepy, it’s criticized for being that way.   He’s a vampire!  You either complain because he’s not creepy enough or you complain when he is creepy.  Do make up your mind.
Even romantic depictions of Dracula watch his lovers sleep.  Carmilla does that.  Hell, even Angel did that in the first season of Buffy.
2.   “He’s far too old for Bella.  He’s like a hundred.  And she’s only a teenager.  He should find someone his own age.”  Again, let us look back at romantic depictions of Dracula.   In the original novel he was not romantic but in modern films and even in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books Dracula and Mina were lovers.  Mina was nineteen.  Dracula is five hundred and eighty-nine.  
Similar can be said of Carmilla and her infatuation with Laura.  Laura was only eighteen and described as being child-like and innocent while Carmilla was centuries old.    
Angel and Spike were both centuries old when they met Buffy.    
Realistically there aren’t many who are Edward’s own age if at all.  And in Twilight Edward has the convenient excuse of that fact that he’s mentally still the age he was when he was turned into a vampire.  I’m not saying these relationships are okay, just pointing out that they are already common in vampire fiction.  
3.     “Vampires burn in the sun.”  Technically no. This was an invention of Hollywood.  It started with the German expressionist film, Nosferatu where it could be seen as a metaphor for falling in love.   Some years later Hollywood adopted the burning in the sun.  Though the Universal monster movie sequels do use burning in the sun as a vampire weakness, in the 1931 Dracula, burning in the sun was not listed as a means Dracula could die but in the sequels it became a common weakness.  
Then the British horror film company, Hammer, used burning in the sun for their Dracula movies and it became a permanent trope of modern vampire film making.   But in the original Dracula novel and the Carmilla novel, both could walk about by day just fine.  It was just not their natural time. 
During the day Dracula would spend several hours sleeping in a box lined with his homeland soil as a means to loophole a rule that vampires have to return to their original grave in order to rest.  Dracula and Carmilla were weaker by day, tired, and somewhat light sensitive. Dracula could not shapeshift for most of the day until sundown.  And it was his natural time of rest.  Carmilla preferred to stay in the shade and though she could function by day, she would sleep until close to noon.   
The vampires in Whitley Strieber’s The Hunger were nocturnal but could function for part of the day as well.  They just had to sleep for six hours during daylight to rejuvenate themselves. 
4.  No, Blade would NOT kill Edward Cullen if they existed in the same universe.  If you’re familiar with the actual Blade comics you would understand why.   Blade, himself, is about ninety-years-old in the comics.  He would not begrudge someone being a century old and dating someone who is roughly college age.  He, himself, has done it.  
Blade does not hunt “vegan vampires.”  If the vampire is not killing anyone, he’ll make threats, make it clear if they slip up- even once- he’ll come after them, but he usually won’t hunt them.   How many times has he spared Morbius in Marvel comics?   Or at the very least just beaten him senseless instead of killing him?   
I hate to say it but I think Lindsey Ellis may be right, that a lot of Twilight hate comes from an irrational resentment teenage girls and anything that might appeal to them becoming popular.   
No, Twilight is not good. It has some really stupid lore - Sparkling, breaking like porcelain dolls when badly wounded (which, to me, is worse than sparkling), “vampire venom” but a lot of the reactions to Twilight are over-the-top and hating for the wrong reasons.
End of rant.
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wallwriterstuff · 3 years
Ooo what would be “Venom is Thicker Than Blood” Y/n first encounter with the Cullens? Would she go with Demetri when the Volturi checks in with Renesmee?
Aro is very pleased Y/N can't be swayed anymore because it is clear from Carlisle's face how disappointed he is that they seem to be recruiting children now. Of course the reality is that isn't what happened at all but thats how he sees it since his perception of them has been warped over the course of the saga. Y/N doesn't meet the Cullens until she's out of her newborn year and though she doesn't get on all that well with the others, she and Renesmee actually become great friends.
The age thing for the hybrid is confusing, but physically she's looking roughly the same age as Y/N is and she doesn't have any of the spooky stories about her that Jane and Alec do so...chess? Video games? We have a football if you like sports? Demetri is mildly confused by the whole ordeal but says nothing due to how amusing it is to watch Edward have a complete meltdown at his daughter practically befriending a Volturi guard.
"Doesn't she look so pretty with her hair like that Aunt Alice?"
"Y/N what did we say about betting?"
"But I swear this time I thought I could win! It's not my fault Felix taught me to play chess wrong Dad!"
By the time they leave the Cullen's are incredibly stressed out but Renesmee and Y/N have exchanged phone numbers purely so Y/N can introduce her to memes.
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writing-essence · 4 years
Daddy Issues (Part 3)- Carlisle Cullen
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x (female) Reader
Warnings: mention of abuse, age gap, language, panic attack
Summary: Relationship deepens between the reader and Carlisle.
Author’s Note: My favorite part I’ve written so far :) -Kelsie
Word Count: 1,261
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You didn’t see him for all of that week. Eventually Charlie sent you back home because your father was threatening to file you as a missing person.
The week after that you spent alone as well. Your bruises were almost completely gone now, with just a few still showing. You wanted to tell him, but you knew you shouldn’t. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. His hair, his eyes, his hands, his lips against your skin. 
Why did he have to leave you with that?
By the third week you started to get better. That was until he showed up at the school. You were on your way to lunch when you saw him, standing by the front offices speaking to the school nurse. You froze and a sea of students continued walking past you. You hoped the crowd masked you from him but he turned anyway, immediately making eye contact with you. You spun quickly away from the cafeteria and out the front doors of the school. It took you three weeks to finally start feeling better but all of that meant nothing now. You dropped your textbooks in the wet grass as you started to hyperventilate.
His hand was on your shoulder, spinning you around to face him.
“What the hell?” You snapped, pushing his hand off of you, “Why the hell would you kiss me like that then expect me to pretend it never happened?”
“Lower your voice,” He mumbled, grabbing your textbooks from off the grass and leading you roughly to his car in the parking lot.
Once you were both sat in it he turned to you.
“Let me see your arm,” He said, reaching toward you.
“No,” You pulled away, leaning your back against the closed car door behind you, “Answer my question,”
He sighed, obviously frustrated, “I didn’t expect you to do anything,”
“Why’d you do it then?”
He looked away from you and out toward the other cars parked outside.
“I couldn’t help myself,”
The two of you sat for a moment in silence before you slowly rolled your sleeve up.
“Most of the bruises are gone,” You mumbled.
He reached over again and this time you let him take your arm to examine it.
“There’s nothing more I can do for you,” He said, letting go of your arm, “The burn will most likely be scarred on your hand for the rest of your life,”
“Great,” You mumbled, looking down.
“Do you want to go get coffee?”
You looked over at him in shock. He couldn’t be serious right now.
“So what?” You said, frustrated, “You can tell me that it’s inappropriate then ditch me at my friends house?”
“You’re mad at me,”
“What if I promise I won’t do that this time?” He gave you a coy smile.
You sighed, defeated, “Fine,”
He took you to a small cafe in town and bought you a drink. It was mostly empty considering it was 1pm on a Tuesday. The table in between the two of you was very small and his knee kept brushing against your inner thigh.
“Did you excuse me from class again?” You asked as you played with the straw in your drink absentmindedly.
“Yes,” He was leaned over the table toward you, watching you closely.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked, looking up at him.
“I like you,” His voice was low as he leaned forward more, “But... there are things about me that you don’t know,”
“Like what?”
“I can’t tell you,” He leaned all the way back in his chair and his knee brushed up your inner thigh more, causing you to lose your breath for a moment.
“Then why warn me?”
“You’ll probably find out,”
You couldn’t have been more confused in that moment.
After coffee he -reluctantly- dropped you off at your house around the same time you would have normally come home from school. 
The next day after school you were standing by Bella and Edward near Bella’s truck when a familiar car pulled up.
“Isn’t that your dad?” Jessica appeared suddenly behind you.
“Yea,” Edward mumbled, looking over at you, “He’s not here for me though,”
You looked at him, confused. Why would Carlisle pick you up directly from school? You felt your classmates eyes on you as you made your way over to his car.
“Feel like going somewhere?” He asked, smirking over at you.
“I guess so,”
You got in quickly. You knew you wouldn’t hear the end of this from your friends tomorrow.
“Why would you pick me up in the middle of everyone like that?” You asked, looking over at him, “People are gonna get suspicious,”
“Of what?” His dark sunglasses shielded his eyes from you so you couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“I don’t know… that we’re like… together, or something,”
“Are we?”
You blushed deeply and looked away, “No, I’m still mad at you,” This earned you a deep laugh from him.
He pulled up to a trail near a forest you had never hiked before.
“Another hike?” You questioned, “because the first one went so well?”
He laughed again and shook his head, “This is different,”
You followed him out of the car and into trees. The rocky trail soon turned to sand and you realized the trail led to a rocky beach along the river. You didn’t go to the beach often. The mix of rocks and sand beneath you was unfamiliar. You followed him over to a collection of large rocks along the perimeter of the beach.
“I wanted to apologize,” He said as he reached over and entwined his cold fingers with yours, “I still feel like this is… inappropriate, but... I can't help myself around you,”
Your stomach flipped as he pulled you closer. You could smell his cologne again. Unable to find the right words to say, you looked away.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” He asked, stepping back.
“No-” You said quickly, “I’m crazy about you,”
Suddenly he wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and quickly setting you down so you were sitting on a large rock that was behind you. At this height you were face to face with him. His hands reached down and opened your legs so he could step closer. Quickly and feverishly you grabbed his face, pulling him into you and kissing him deeply. His arms snaked around you, pulling your chest into his and deepening the kiss. After a few moments, you pulled away to catch your breath.
“Holy shit,” You laughed, watching as he tucked your hair out of your face.
Once you caught your breath he leaned forward and kissed you again, this time softer, before pulling away once more.
“I feel as if this is something we should keep… private… from the public,” He mumbled, resting his forehead against yours, “I don’t want people talking about you behind your back,”
“You should be more worried about yourself,” You laughed, “You’re a doctor… and I'm just.. a high school student,”
“You… are… everything,” He kissed you again before helping you off the large rock.
The two of you walked hand in hand for a few minutes down the rocky shore before you froze. You pulled your hand out of his grip quickly and stepped away.
“That fishing pole- it’s my dads,” You gasped. Sitting on the shore already set up was the same pole your father had when he took you fishing as a kid. 
You had been on this beach before.
“He’s here,”
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panlight · 4 years
Your point about Meyer wanting the car chase reminded me of what you(?) said about her working backwards. She wants these SPECIFIC moments and so has to justify them. Meyer had to have the Cullens in Forks because that was her vision, so she worked backwards to justify their presence. Or how Nessie is no doubt fertile so Meyer worked backwards with her wonky science to justify why Jacob/Nessie are able to procreate. I guess that's a way to write stories, but that just makes so many plotholes.
Yes, or like how she envisioned them as a family and in high school and so she wrote this convoluted explanation of why they live this way, instead of being like “okay, I have a group of vampires roughly the same age [17-26], what is the most logical way for them to present themselves in public?” because starting from there, “foster siblings who are all dating each other in high school with adoptive parents barely visually older than them” would . . . probably not be the answer. 
Or New Moon! I’m willing to bet cash money she wanted this Romeo and Juliet miscommunication and dramatic moment in Volterra with the sun at high noon on the Volturi’s big public holiday but then you think . . . is that really the best way for Edward to try and destroy himself, logically speaking? He’s putting his whole family at risk going to the Volturi, since both he and Aro are mind readers, so Aro’s going to get WAY MORE info reading Edward’s mind that he would anyone else. It’s a lot of travel time to get to Italy, too, and he was seriously considering murdering people to get the Volturi’s attention and incur their wrath and didn’t because he didn’t want to disappoint Carlisle. (AND WHY DID ALICE NOT TELL ANYONE BELLA WAS ALIVE FOR TWO WHOLE DAYS?!). And the miscommunication necessitates Edward-pretending-to-be-Carlisle on the phone and Jacob answering the phone at Bella’s house which is in itself quite strange. Not to mention killing off poor Harry Clearwater so there can be a reference to a funeral that Edward can mistake to be Bella’s and then like . . . never really dealing with the loss of Harry at all until pairing Charlie off with newly single Sue. She writes how antagonistic the pack is to Leah and it’s like, her dad literally just died! But it never seems to be a factor. 
And just . . . Renesmee. Literally everything about Renesmee. She obviously had this idea that E/B should have a child and stretched her own canon to the breaking point to make it happen. And it makes no sense that the housekeeper on Isle Esme just so happens to know exactly what’s going on but Carlisle Cullen, curious vampire doctor with a wife and daughter who long for children, never looked into any vampire procreation myths. I would get that he (and Esme, and Rosalie and Emmett) looked into them and just decided they were myth, but everyone just being all “I’ve never heard of this before!” and then finding info when they google (or bing. . .) it is just . . . what. 
And the wild thing about Midnight Sun, which other people have already said, is that she seems to double down and try to explain all the strange choices she makes and often just . . . makes them worse? The tear moment was weird in Twilight, it’s even more bizarre in MS. The Cullens coming back never made sense (partly because originally she wrote it with them there and the wolves didn’t exist and then added the wolves later) and she tries to make it better by having them politely inform Billy they’re coming but it just makes it worse. She goes out of her way to explain why the nomads didn’t hear Bella’s heartbeat by having Jasper manifest a brand new aspect of his gift that even Edward didn’t know about (and is never mentioned in the original books or the guide), and also Edward tapping his foot to cover the sound.
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melisusthewee · 3 years
About - Quinn Trevelyan
Thank you for tagging me @cleverblackcat​ !  I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to choose an OC/protagonist or if it was preset... and everyone seems to be doing their Inquisitors so I will as well.
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Name: Quinn Julius Barrington Trevelyan
Alias: Inquisitor, Your Worship, Herald, Boss
Gender: male
Age: 34 as of DAI (9:42 Dragon)
Species: Human
Zodiac: whichever the equivalent of a Leo is (he was a summer baby)
Abilities/Talents: Quinn is an excellent marksman, but his true talent lies in his charisma.  On a personal level, he can charm his way into hearts and usually talk his way out of any trouble he might find himself in.  He would be good at the Grand Game if he were either Orlesian or interested in it.  He is decent enough at cards that he doesn’t need to cheat, but will anyway if enough coin is at stake.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Andrastian
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common/Trade tongue mostly but knows a little bit of Antivan due to his family’s frequent dealings with Antivan trading families like the Montilyets; can recite parts of the Chant in Orlesian but has no working understanding of the language itself
Family: Quinn is the youngest of five children with three older brothers and a sister.  As the youngest, he often felt overlooked and ignored as the forgotten extra child and acted out because of this.  He remains on poor terms with his parents and thus makes a point of preventing any sort of diplomatic ties between Bann Trevelyan and the Inquisition. 
Friends: He is not one for forming close and lasting friendships and so is everyone’s friend and yet has very few friends himself.  Within the Inner Circle he would likely consider Dorian and Iron Bull his closest friends (they are certainly his favourite drinking buddies), though he does end up striking an unexpected friendship with Cullen of all people.
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Relationship status: had a brief relationship with Cassandra, but couldn’t commit in the end; post-DAI he remains single
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green with red flakes / black / other (gold)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 6′0″ (and yes, that is his real height; he's not 5′11″ pretending to be taller)
Weight: roughly 175 lbs give or take
Scars: a small scar across one of his eyebrows and the story of how he got it changes every time he tells it
Facial Features: Has freckles, but they’re not always easily visible (depends on the light and how long he’s been in the sun) and are mostly concentrated on his shoulders and across his nose; has very distinct facial hair (the CC has its limits, it’s much more like Errol Flynn’s Robin Hood or Fandral of the Warrior’s Three... they’re both the same archetype so you get the idea); naturally blue eyes that do gradually become greener as the Anchor grows, though after it’s removed his eyes do slowly revert back; crow’s feet around his eyes when he smiles
Tattoos: none
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Snakes or Spiders?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future? (if he had to pick one... but he really just... you know... lives in The Moment, man)
Tagging: look, I honestly don’t know which of you are still into Dragon Age fandom these days, so if you are, please consider yourself tagged!  And let me know if you do fill this in so I can take stock for future content!
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one-shots-blog · 4 years
A/n: Hello, part 3 of my series. I finished watching the TV show, Psych again, My favorite character is Carlton Lassiter. I was thinking about writhing some Psych fanfic. Tell me what you think.  Do not own anything. 
Hours went by until Jay got done telling the Cullens and Bella what happened through the years of Hogwarts. The good and bad times she experiences because she was friends with Harry Potter. 
Jay walked down the stairs after Hermione, nervous about going to the Yule Ball. She knew her friends would not approve the guy that was her date, but that did not matter. She accepted him for everything he has done in the past, and she hoped her friends believed in her.
Slowly, she makes her way towards her date, dress gliding against the floor. She was wearing a sequinned lace green dress with a satin basque waist, hugging her figure perfectly, showing her curves.
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 She smiles when her eyes meet Harry's, seeing how dashing he look next to his date. Her head turns to meet the silver-gray eyes of her partner, knees becoming week. 
A blush appears on her face when he holds out his hand for her. Jay slides her hand in his grateful, not tripping down the stairs. Notably, in front of the many pair of eyes on them. "You look beautiful," Draco said, smirking when he notice her blush. He loved it when he could make her cheeks flush because of him—rolling her eyes at his arrogance before leading them to the Great Hall, awed by the transformation. 
" I love magic," she said, breathless, glancing at Draco with a grin. Standing in the front, she was able to see the four contestants open the dance, which was beautiful to see. 
"Can I have this dance?" Draco asked the same smug smirk she grew to love on his face, as he offers his hand. "I would love to, " she replied, allowing him to drag her to the dance floor that many couples occupied.
Jay places her head against Draco's chest, dancing to the slow beat, enjoying the peaceful moment.  "Potter and Wessel keep glaring at me," he mumbled in her ear, bringing her closer to his boy. Jay groaned mentally, knowing they can never have one night of peace, "ignore them. They don't like I went with the school's ferret," she teased, loving the disappearance of his arrogant smirk. 
Draco glares at her slightly, not liking she brought up the embarrassing moment for him. He still resented the buffoon as a teacher, but could not do anything to get that man fired. He tried. "Shut up," he grumbled, pouting slightly to the point only Jay realized it. Jay laughs, shaking her head, leaning up to press her lips against his for a second. "Sorry, Baby Draco. Did I hurt your poor feelings?"
Draco growled, not like she was teasing him, even if he did like her. No one messes with Draco Lucius Malfoy. He grins mischievously, hands on her waist as he pulls her close till there was no space between them. He roughly kissed her, not caring about the people that could see them together. Her hands wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss. Her body felt on fire; butterflies in her stomach made her feel giddy. 
Few seconds pass until the two broke apart, trying to get air in their lungs. Draco stared at Jay, realizing this is the girl he wants to be with, no matter what. "I love you," he whispered, cupping her cheeks in his hands, kissing her gentler this time. 
Jay's eyes light up, hearing what Draco told her. Her heart beats fast, loving the rare side of Draco; she only sees because she feels special. "I love you too," she confessed, not wanting this moment ever to end, not knowing the horrors to come. 
"Jay?" Bella, meekly said, not want to anger her cousin since it appeared she remembered something special. Jay's head snaps towards Bella's spot on the piano with Edward, her eyes narrowed, scanning the area.  
"Yes?" Jay questioned, calming down as she felt Teddy in her arms, sleeping. She sighs, glancing over the vampire family, not feeling utterly comfortable with them since Hermione and she had a bad experience with one. 
Emmett is bouncing up and down, excited to ask her to follow up questions since he wanted to learn more about the magical world. Rosalie kept glancing at the child, longing in her eyes to get close to the boy. Alice frowned, not understanding why her powers were not working, and could not see any of their futures. Jay would connect to their future, but it frustrated Alice for it to be unknown. Jasper sat next to Jay, feeling comfortable next to her, not wanting to drink every drop of blood. He felt connected to her and wanted to be there for her. Not like the fact, there was already a man in her life. 
Carlisle sat beside his wife, not understanding how he did not know about the magical world. He heard rumors about witches and wizards but never knew it was real. He was fascinated this young woman lived through so much for her age and how strong she is. He would love to hear more and hope she would give her expertise on the medical side of the magic world. Esme stared at the poor girl, feeling sorry for her and everything that she went through. She did not like that Jay and her friends were in danger since they were 11. 
Bella was shocked at how much her cousin was hiding from her. Bella would have thought Jay was joking about being a witch and want to get her tested. Now, she was more accepting of the supernatural things that existed. I mean, Bella is dating a vampire. She then remembers, Jacob is a werewolf, so of course, witches were real. Edward glared at Jay, not trusting her for one bit. He did not like that her mind was blocked for him. He knew she was impacting Alice as well; this caused him to be cautious around her.  
Jay's phone beeps, making her shift in her seat, needing to reach the phone. She looked up, staring into the amber eyes of Rosalie if she remembered correctly. Hermione told her vampires could not conceive with each other, but there were some exceptions. Jay sighs, having a feeling Draco was trying to check up on her since it has gotten late. Debating, she finally thought it would be okay," would you like to hold him," she asked, Rosalie. 
The room went silent; everyone glancing at the two girls, wearily, not knowing how Rosalie will react. Bella opened her mouth to protest but shut it when Rosalie glares at her. "I would love to," Rosalie said softly, holding out her arms for the baby. Jay gets up, wrapping the blanket around Teddy, thinking about how cold Rosalie would feel to him. Jay gently sets Teddy in Rosalie's arms, noticing her gentle expression that seemed she was close to tears. 
Jay quickly gets her phone to see it was Draco. Rolling her eyes, she calls him, knowing she could cast a silencing charm because they knew who she was. Casting the Magic, she sits down beside Jasper, the boy that made her nervous. Not the scared nervous, but more like a schoolgirl crush nervous, which surprised her. 
"Where are you? Please tell me you are not still with them." Draco said, worried. Jay could see him frantically pacing, which made her feel guilty for what she was putting him through. 
"Yes, but that is because my cousin had to know. She can be bossy as Hermione at times," she said, glancing at Bella, smirking at Edward just to piss him off. 
" Ah yes, little miss know it all was very bossy. Never knew why you are friends with her," he drawled, not caring that he was friends with Granger as well. 
Jay rolled her eyes, not bothered by his attitude, knowing he lashes out is his mechanism to protect himself. "I will stay the night. Now, do I keep Teddy, or do you want to get him? Also, you will not get me to leave. I need to make sure the Cullens and my cousin are safe. Did you do the thing I asked you?"
" Really? We were on vacation for you to relax. Did you tell Potter what is going on? You know he will not like the idea of Teddy being around those things. I will pick him up in an hour. I am doing it right now, so I will come over when it is complete. Send me the details on where I need to go. I love you," he drawled, not hiding his annoyance from her leaving him. 
"I love you too, ferret. It is just for one night; then, we will spend the rest of our vacation together. I still have those clothes I need to show you, you know. I think you will like the emerald green lingerie I got for you," Jay smiled when she heard his low groan. "I will see you later, love."
Hanging up, she waves her hand, disarming the charm, hearing the people around her talk. "Why could we not hear you?"
"Can you show me more magic?"
"Who was it?"
"Are you hungry?"
More questions were thrown at Jay, making her stop them with her hands. "Magic. Sure. None of your business, Eddiekins. I am, and I should feed Teddy while I am at it. " Jay said, getting up, waving her hand, and a pop sound scared everyone. There on the table was a bag that was not there before. Rummaging through the bag, she grabs a few things looking at Esme, "can you show me the kitchen?"
Before Esme could talk, Jasper stands, offering his hand, " I can show you, ma'am," he replied in his southern drawl, sending shivers down Jay's spine. Nodding, she motions for Rosalie to follow, knowing she did not want to give up Teddy anytime soon. The three went to the kitchen, silently, each in their minds thinking.
'I wonder if she will let me babysit.'
'She sure is interesting compared to her cousin. I do not see how the two are related,' Jasper thinking, hearing Edward growling at him. Jasper sends calmness towards Edward, not liking how he could read his thought.  
The two vampires watch the witch tinker around the kitchen, not minding the others were listening in excluding Bella. "Sorry, I need to feed him before he comes. Knowing him, he will not like that Teddy has been sleeping since he will be up all night," Jay explained, finish fixing the bottle. She then offers the bottle to Rosalie, surprising the two. The two thought she would take Teddy to feed him, not give the bottle away. 
"I feed him a lot of times. I figured you would want a chance," Jay explained, softly, careful not to press her. Rosalie smiles, nodding her head as she takes the bottle. She is beginning to feed Teddy, watching how his tiny fingers tried to grab the bottle. 
Jay moved to the side, grabbed her phone, silently took a picture of the scene, and thought of getting the photo developed. She figured Rosalie would like the photo to remind her of the baby. Jay's eyes trail toward the man that made her feel things should not. She wondered how his honey blonde hair felt if she ran her fingers through them. Jasper was muscular, unlike Edward, but lean, unlike Emmett. His skin covered in scars spaced most thickly together on his neck and jaw. 
A fighter screamed in Jay's mind, knowing how it feels to have scars from war. She knew who he was when she learned his name. She mentally thanked Hermione for getting that book of the Confederate Army, having a long chapter of the youngest Major Jasper Whitlock. Unconsciously, she adjusts her clothes, making sure none of her scars could see. After the final battle, it was hard for Jay to look at her body. It would take time for Jay to get most of the scars to fade with the help of Madam Pomfrey.
"Are you okay?" Jasper's voice interpreted Jay's thoughts, making her shake her head. "Sorry, was just thinking of something," she said, walking towards Rosalie, gently grabbing Teddy. She starts to pat him on the back, rocking him side to side, waiting for him to burp. Jay sings in a gentle tone, walking towards where the other vampires are. 
"Well, don't you look all motherly and comfortable with these blood-suckers," a cold, menacing voice drawled out, surprising the vampires and Bella with the sudden intrusion. 
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
FUNERAL HOME MEET-CUTE PROMPT FOR MORRISTAIR!! (i actually don't know what a meet-cute is, but i am hereforthissssss)
So...you already pretty much know what happened to this. But this is now officially a “meet-weird,” and it has inspired my latest WIP. So thank you, friend! Your ideas are the best! I’m linking to AO3 in another post, because it’s a whole ass chapter of a whole new work now, but here’s the finished part featuring Morrigan, just for you...
In what appeared to be some kind of office, a large faux mahogany desk stood, taking up most of the little square room with its oversized workspace and overhead cabinets. The room seemed to be overflowing with old yellowing papers and file folders stuffed haphazardly into filing cabinets and every other spare nook and cranny not taken up by the imposing furniture. Behind several piles of “unfiled” paperwork, there was a young, dark-haired woman leaning back in a beaten up fake leather executive office chair, also ridiculously big for the size of the room. Her thick-soled black boots were kicked nonchalantly up on one of the only cleared-off spaces in sight, and she had some kind of device in her hand that she was absent-mindedly tapping at and scrolling through.
Neria could sense the device’s connection to a larger network, but refrained from trying to link up with it herself. Establishing a closed, local connection with the self-contained and heavily-defended network of the sterile Facility computers was one thing...connecting with another Link out in the wild seemed risky, even for her. She imagined Cullen congratulating her on her restraint and recognition of “appropriate boundaries.” And Jowan shaking his head at her for missing an opportunity to try out her skills now that she was finally out of that wretched, stifling place.
“What?” the woman at the desk asked, sounding annoyed that anyone had dared to bother her.
She was around the same age as the two of them, though she seemed to be wearing lots of dark eye makeup to try and hide the fact. Her tight black jeans, torn and faded on purpose, and her loose net shirt hanging perfectly-slouched off of one shoulder to reveal a dark burgundy bra strap betrayed her false apathy, as well.
But her spiky golden collar necklace reminded Neria of scrapping with her parents as a little girl. “Vintage costume jewelry...” her mother had explained to her when she’d picked something similar out of the scrap pile with a look of awe and wonder like she’d found something truly valuable amid the heaps of old electronics. “You can keep it. It’s practically worthless.”
Worthless trinkets. A voice that wasn’t Neria’s or her mother’s chided her in her head.
The woman behind the desk seemed to fix her eyes on Neria for just a moment, a glimpse of recognition snapping itself into some kind of shared consciousness between them. Then, as quickly as her eyes had flickered over her, she withdrew again, returning her attention to her device while Neria blinked, continuing to stare blankly at her necklace.
“Yes, er...we were wondering about making some arrangements. For a friend. Who died recently in the...” Alistair nodded toward Ostagar, but the young woman seemed unmoved.
“He was a fairly important person,” Neria chimed in, trying to be helpful. “Do you have a discount for that?”
“Neri…” Alistair groaned, shaking his head.
“Ah, yes.” There was a hint of something new in the young woman’s face as she looked up at them again. Amusement? Intrigue? Loathing? Whatever it was, it was better than the cold contemptuous indifference she’d been trying so hard to show them up until this point. “The ‘fairly important person’ discount...let me just look that one up.”
She kept her golden eyes on Alistair now, a tiny hint of half of a smirk as she smashed the keys of a dusty yellowed keyboard that didn’t appear to actually be connected to anything. “Oh, how strange. It seems that was only for a limited time. As in, while the person was still alive. And thus, still important.”
Neria seemed to consider this for a moment. “Huh.” Then she shrugged, looking up at Alistair. “I mean, we tried, right?”
“Anyway," Alistair continued. "His body is currently…”
“Dismembered,” Neria interjected, nodding emphatically.
Alistair turned and gawked at her in disbelief for only a moment, before shaking his head as if he could ever shake the horrific images she'd just so casually conjured up back out of his mind.
“But we would still like to arrange a small funeral?” he said, turning back pleadingly to the young woman behind the desk. “To honor him somehow, and help lay his soul...to rest…? Or to help it pass over to…” he trailed off, unsure where he was even going with this.
He had noticed the woman’s left eyebrow raising higher and higher the longer he rambled and it remained there, arched in condemnation as she asked, “So what do you expect us to do about it?”
“Aren’t you...a funeral home?”
“I mean...I guess…” She sighed, then pushed a button on an old telecom console in front of her. “Motherrrr…”
“What is it, girl?!” a voice crackled over the speaker.
“Customers...I think?”
“Send them back to me, then.”
There was a harsh click, and the young woman’s attention returned to her device.
Neria elbowed Alistair after a few moments and he cleared his throat.
“She will meet with you in the trailer out back,” the young woman drawled, somehow rolling her eyes at them without even looking up. She lifted her bare shoulder to indicate roughly which direction they might proceed.
“Thanks!” Alistair chirped. “We’ll find it!”
He hastily pulled Neria by the arm out to the hallway, in the direction of the harshly glowing EXIT sign, and then pushed through the rear emergency door, which, to the surprise of no one, was already disarmed.
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writtenbyhappynerds · 4 years
Unit 7: Crossover Fanfic
    Welcome back! This is the last unit we will cover before Exam 2, which will be on Units 5, 6, and 7: Twins Are Very Stupid, Making It Real, and now Crossovers. A good crossover should be able to unite two worlds and a multitude of characters under one singular plot. The common issues we see with crossovers are that they force a union or bend two worlds that are too contrasting to work. These things can break the rules of the universe, which as we discussed in Unit 1; the rules of the universe are meant to protect both the validity of your OC and the canon of the cast. In many crossovers, these rules get ignored. Crossover fanfiction is difficult to execute because instead of having to abide by one set of canon, the writer not only has two universes but has to find a common link between the two worlds that allows them to meet.
    Not everything's meant to be a crossover. Good crossover fanfiction has a common denominator that is not the OC, that ties the two worlds together. If the only thing that can keep two worlds together is the original character, lots of loose ends and plot holes make themselves readily available. A common denominator is a good rule of thumb for crossover fanfiction; it lets the reader believe that the two separate canons can exist in the same universe. If you were to make a crossover between say, Young Justice, and Harry Potter, it’s a continuity error, and there isn’t a single element between the two that would convince a reader they are from the same world.
    Along the same lines of continuity errors, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson is not a good crossover. At least, the Percy Jackson era of the series is not. The two exist in completely different timelines. Harry Potter is too old, as his story took place in the 90s while Percy Jackson was 12 in 2005. If you want a demiwitch, you’d need to age up the demigod so he/they/she’s just as old as Harry Potter, and would be roughly 25 by the time Percy Jackson first arrives at Camp Half-Blood, or you would need to age up the witch/wizard; this character wouldn’t have gone to school with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but they would have been a witch/wizard in the same universe in time to meet Percy Jackson. When you mash together Percy Jackson and Harry Potter you get continuity errors and the pop culture references of each narrative become plot holes. In Percy Jackson, cell phones are tools that monsters can use to track demigods and are kept strictly for emergencies. In Harry Potter not only was muggle technology not compatible with magic, but cell phones were not popularized. A demigod going to Hogwarts with Harry Potter would not bring a phone. Something has to give to make certain unions work so that the canon of the characters can be protected. On top of that, when you combine Percy Jackson and Harry Potter... too many black hair green-eye protagonists. We have to thin the numbers of these types of protagonists, and when you combine them there are way too many in one room. 
    There are many good examples of crossover out there. Bad ones as we’ve mentioned have nothing that links them together, but let’s give good examples.
    Dexter and Sherlock is a good crossover example because both are in the crime genre, and the main characters of each cast have the same sociopathic tendencies. So, maybe someone who knows Dexter goes abroad to England for vacation. Maybe Dexter takes Rita and the kids abroad to get away from something and meets the detective who would know from one look who Dexter is.
    Another good example is Twilight and Harry Potter and/or Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Immortality is a solution to continuity errors that work for some, but not all, fanfiction. The Cullens as immortal vampires give the writer more freedom to choose when their narrative takes place. Since the Cullens could be any age, the writer only has to line up their characters with Newt, Queenie, Harry, or Dumbledore. However, keep in mind the continuity of Twilight. While some characters like Carlisle, Edward, and Esme were with the coven for a long time, others like Jasper, Alice, and Rosalie did not join until much later. Immortality does not fix every continuity error. You still have to obey the canon. Perhaps the vampires depicted in Twilight are a variation of the species, and Carslile had to conduct business within the Department of Magical Cooperation on behalf of either himself or the Volturi. Both have mythical beasts and supernatural elements that could convince the reader they exist in the same world.
    Bruce Waye and the Batfamily is a good potential crossover with the Addams Family. Both have dark gothic elements and strong family ties that make them compatible. On top of that, the Addams Family considers anyone who wears their clothes and spends their money family. It is easy for a reader to believe that Thomas or Martha were considered distant cousins of the Addamses and that Wednesday, Pugsley, or Pubert decided to reach out after a chance encounter. The goal of the writer then is to apply a healthy dose of realism to these crossovers. Is Wednesday Addams going to put on a Kevlar suit and fight crime? No! None of the Addams are. Is she going to poke fun at Bruce for doing so? Probably. Would Pubert offer himself to a villain as bait for the thrill of it? Would Pugsley be called upon to break down the formula behind Joker venom or fear gas? Yes because both those keep each character in their element.
    The goal of crossover fanfiction should be to keep a character in their element while putting them in a new environment. Don’t take characters too far out of their comfort zones, and don’t try and give them abilities or skills that they wouldn’t naturally earn on their own. It fudges the realism of the narrative. A character who doesn’t normally do magic would not be given circumstances where they can suddenly do magic. The comfort levels of a character have an upper limit to their abilities. These comfort levels are why Wednesday Addams wouldn’t fight crime. Why Dexter wouldn’t become a consulting detective. Why Percy Jackson wouldn’t cast spells. None of these would happen because they are too far outside the comfort zone and abilities of what we as a collective know these characters to be. Crossover fanfiction can unite two universes, but it’s on the author to make it make sense. Make the story work for both universes, and make sure they have something in common so the narrative can appear believable.
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randomkposts · 4 years
The crack twilight shipping conversation
E :-"I took care of those girls who spread rumors about you"
"What girls?"
"Not important "
I have back flashes of this kid and I'm like yo she scares me.
K : Jane is terrifying. Just not in the same way to Bella as she is to others.
"We are going to Yellowknife, so you can see the northern lights at this time of year! They are glorious! This guy has agreed to fly us."
"Jane, I don't- wait, why is he shaking"
"Juicebox is also excited to see the northern lights"
Shaking man: "Absolutely ecstatic"
"I made sure that all the warm clothing fits your size! It's even real fur! "
Crack twilight ships
K - E, Crack AU, where Jane is the one who imprints on Bella, going after James for crime, and Bella has to deal with the insane situation of "I think I was kidnapped by a child, and the child is trying to woo me."
Except Jane's Idea of wooing is terrifying and surreal, and has some pretty bizarre stuff to try to impress her.
"But let's double check!"
K :-”Jane, why do you always give people such strange nicknames? Quickmunch, O delicious, lunchmeat, mosquito bait, and now juicebox?
Except for Jaccob, who you just called stinky
Why do you call him that?
-Because he just is
He doesn't smell any worse than any other athletic teenage boy. You haven't even seen him since he got sick.
Hey, does she have a nickname for Bella, you think?
E -Jacobs sweating furiously at all these vampires
K -It's because he's a wolfy shapeshifter, but for story purposes, Jane has no Idea, just that she hates Bella's childhood friend.
Alec, who is back in Voltera, but Jane talks on the phone too, assumes she's being possessive of who Bella spends time with, and views him as a rival.
He tells her that.
E - The fact he face times this stuff. Supportive bro vampire.
K - Don't kill the rival Jane. Bella will be crying, and you don't want to spend time with her mourning. Maybe take her on a trip, and get some personal time
E -She does, but also scares ppl to give them cool shite.
K -I had a crack thought once, where I thought what's the randomest most out there mates I can give vampires. , where Jane's mate was a random old man that she met in the food chamber, was like ,"wait don't kill him!" It became quite a debate.
Alec's, on the other hand, was a toddler he met on a job, where a lady had been vampired, and had bad control.  The kid wasn't even related to the target, just on a walk in a bad place and time. He can't get the face out of his head.
Neither of them are decided on who has it worse.
But Bella being shippable with almost any vampire in the series has way more potential for comedy.
Still, question, does Bella ever come to return the affection?
Edward is hundreds of years older than her, but looks roughly around her age. Staying beautiful, and around his age was something Bella found important to her in their relationship.
Jane, for all she is also centuries older than Bella, can not easily be mistaken for a young adult. Admittedly it could be claimed, possibly by dwarfism, but given that  physical appearance is important to Bella, and plays a part in her affections to other people, how would that play into any potential relationship with Jane?
K - God, weird how what starts as crack, leads me to wonder about real questions.
If that random old man is in fact Jane's soulmate in the crack mate's verse, should she take her mate in the form she finds him, or eat him and hope he reincarnates. Is there only one possible match, or are there potential matches walking around that finalize when conditions are met? Is the old man, at his age, fit to be a mate to a centuries old vampire of a young body? What if he's amnesic. How would that translate to vampirism?
Should Alec keep tabs on the toddler who could be his mate, or let them go and hope for another chance encounter?
E -Probably yes, even though you are aware she is older than you, she is mature maybe *I debate on that due to they stay in that state forever* but you can't get over the fact that is a child's body
K -If Alec chose to keep tabs, when would be the time to reintroduce himself? And how?
E - I say let them go, cause this is a bit too close with the Renesmee and Jacob kind of thing
Hmmm I say reincarnation is kinder?
K-Is reincarnation even real, or a hope?
How would you find them?
E -They have vampires, werewolves and shit, but does reincarnation really draw the line?
First off how did they even know they were mates?
K -It is, though I can't see Alec child napping the toddler, and raising them himself
Some voice in their head screams "Mine!"
Edwards was just weird, because he thought his voice meant " my meal"
E -Bwhahaha
Oh God Eddy
K -The Cullens are unusual in that they turn people in life threatening situations.
Still,Carslie and Esmae certinally had some affection between them, before she commited suicide.
Why did Rosaline get Emmet turned again?
Beyond the bear wound, I mean?
She doesn't seem the type to go out of her way to do something like that for just anyone.
Maybe it was blurred by the blood, and the need for control, but something about him called out to her, I think.
"Rosalie confessed to Bella that she saved Emmett from dying because of his innocent look, dimples, and curly hair that reminded her of her best friend Vera's child, Henry, and that ever since the day she saw the baby she always wanted a child of her own just like him."
Somehow, I doubt she looked much at the appearance of someone covered in blood. She is trying to resist killing after afromented bear mauling.
That sounds like a post rescue justification.
E - True. Always wondered about that.
K - Anyway, I think he might just send Gianna, or something to guard the kid for a bit, if he decided to keep tabs. Gianna is just glad to be temporarily spared, and hopes that job success may mean Alec turns her into a vampire, or at the least, doesn't kill her.
E -Shot, i would make sure that kid have the best life ever if that means he doesn't kill me
K - But anyways, to a vampire who is not rescuing a human from a dangerous situation, or abstaining in general, sometimes they get a sense of "Mine!" About humans they see.
Jane, as a member of Voltri, where mates are occasionally found like this, has heard, and does not question, and in fact jumps on the opportunity.
Her human smells delicious, and is resistant to her gift, and absolutely perfect. Now, how to not kill her, while making Jane the center of her world.
That kid has aunt Gianna, who is not really an aunt, but is... A family friend now, and full intent to make the kid happy.
Gianna is a dead secretary as of Breaking Dawn, I think, But Alec has a need for the human, so he can borrow her.
She's well aware of her morality, at this point.
Also, get rid of that James guy, who found Bella while she was hiking in the woods, in this verse.
E - Yeah lets get rid of him!
Honestly the image of a grown asa man getting his ass handed to him by some 12 year old cracks me up.
K -While Bella might find inclination to view Jane romantically, possibly, sexual orientation may be an issue for her.
In cannon, Bella had the higher sex drive then Edward, and would have prefered that to marriage, indicating she may have a higher sex drive then romantic inclination.
Book Bella didn't show much interest in women, and I don't know what way she swings in this AU, but either way, that Jane has the body of a child would probably complicate things in that aspect.
Would Bella be exploring cross orientation here, or having a crisis for her finding a sex drive for someone who's body is closer to a childs then an adults?
Both would be complex issues.
-It does!First she takes him out with mental fire, then she fights and tears him up, in hopes of impressing her would (will) be  mate!
E -Crisis at the sex drive, cause again kids body, and I'd be hella creeped out. And orientation since I haven't seen her show much interest in woman so that's a lot of issues for her to start on
"And here we see the alpha female show her dominance by obliterating the high male in order to impress her mate"
K - Its kind of weird to even talk about it, yes.
But it would come up in this context
Bella herself, would probably be creeped out
Jane, might be less so, due to being centuries older than her, and living in a different time with different marriage standards
E - Bella is like "oh honey no, that's. ..no"
K -Jane was born in England around 800 A.D, the daughter of an Anglo-Saxon woman and a Frankish soldier.
She was 12-13 when transformed.
Let's bump it up to 13, because while both are far too young for being burned at the stake, 13 is slightly more
Was reading this
"Contrary to Victorian beliefs that pale, delicate women were the most attractive, Brown says that actually, muscles are key. It's the earliest known example of #fitspiration:
"All women would be healthier and none the less beautiful if they possessed firm muscles and strong limbs; this scarcely any one could controvert."
Even if she wants to consign herself to a life of singledom: "And if a girl never intends to marry she should be none the less mindful of her health."
Brown explains that women are often less inclined to discuss sensitive maladies than their male counterparts. But that's wrong.
"Young women should learn that to neglect disease is to create more," he stresses.
"Secondly, they should appreciate the fact that, though they may get very little sympathy from either the other sex or their own, there is no execuse for not taking their complaint boldly and sensibly to that quarter made for them, namely, their doctor."
And this guy sounds kind of radical for the time, and possibly today even, for some, but why does that last line still feel relevant to today's attitude of women's health.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
2019 Fic Meme
My end of year fic meme, compiled from some old Livejournal fic memes that I do when I write stuff. I do this for fun, because I like looking back at what I have and haven’t written, and what keeps popping up again.
It’s meant to be silly fun, and if anyone else wants to do it, PLEASE DO. I don’t want to tag anyone and put pressure on you in case you don’t want to/don’t think you have enough fic/hate memes. 
12 Days of Fic-Mas (Twilight, WIP) Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bonus.  Twelve days of fic extracts, previews, and drabbles focusing on Alice Cullen. Encompasses Folie A Deux, The Only Girl in the World, JessaminexAlice, Omens, Asylum, The Long Way Around, The Dark and the Unknown, Hybrid, Runaway, All These Broken Things, & The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon 
Shadow to Light  (WIP) (Alice/Jasper, AU Angst, PG) In 1918, Jasper lures the newborn known as Mary-Alice back to Monterrey. He is lost to her before it even begins.
Total number of completed stories: Lol.
Total word count: 33,304 words were posted. 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?  Look, I just... 2019 was a wash in so many ways. I played a lot of Fortnite really badly. I would have loved to be able to say Shadow to Light was finished, or that I was posting Hybrid regularly or something, but I can’t. I wish, wish, wish I had posted more but alas. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Outside of Twilight, I dabbled with some reader/Ben in the Umbrella Academy, and I was messing around with some Janet/Wanda in my personal MCU canon. As for Twilight, I think my stuff got a lot darker? Like, we’re down the rabbit hole here, and somehow Alice ended up being the most feared vampire in the Americas? Yeah. 
And there’s the Avengers/Twilight fic that is simultaneously three fics and one fic because I cannot make Executive Decisions and I can’t decide if I like 1. Alice knowing Bucky from Before Jasper; 2. Alice knowing Hawkeye from when he was a kid in the circus and being how Natasha and Clint got out of Budapest, or 3. the Volturi hooking up with Hydra and ... yeah, I think this one is legit the most second-most one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever written. (I’ve been filing today, and boy howdy have I written some actual shit.)
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? That’s like making me pick a favourite child. I’m always so, so proud of Shadow to Light, and I love The Dark and the Unknown ‘verse, and Hybrid is just hanging out there, chilling and ugh. My babies <3 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?  TwilightFicMas was a huge risk! I wasn’t sure anyone cared unless I was posting more Shadow to Light, and people were SO nice and enthusiastic. So I guess the lesson is shut up and share more fic? Get out of your own head and spend time in the community because fandom isn’t meant to be lonely?
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?  I’m starting a graphic design business AND my masters in design in 2020, so I figure fic is going to be my downtime next year. Ideally, I would love to get STL finished, Memento Vivere’s sequel going, and have a few of my shorter pieces posted. I would really love to get some of my original stuff ready for publication, but I’d be happy studying, running my business, and doing the fic thing for 2020.  
My best story of this year: That’s up to the readers, I guess. Everyone seemed obscenely enthusiastic about The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon, though, and I was not expecting that at all - I was actually upset that I left the ‘dud’ fic for the last day of FicMas. 
My most popular story: Shadow to Light. Everyone is so nice and enthusiastic and polite about that one. I’m not used to it! Fandom for me is usually me sitting in a corner, doin’ my obscure thing, and maybe one or two people will read what I’m working on.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:  I think everyone was super enthusiastic and nice about everything I posted this year. Maybe Folie A Deux? But like, that reflects more on me and the excerpts that I chose to post rather than the fic or the audience itself. 
Most fun story to write:  The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon because that Alice is so happy; I have this playlist for it that is super upbeat and funky. 
Hybrid is fun because that Alice likes to torment Jasper. He understands Edward on a molecular level once Alice arrives. 
Most Sexy Story: The Dark and the Unknown is the front-runner for that, because most of the sexy goings-on in Shadow to Light is very much focused on the psychological and emotional aspects rather than the physical.
Story with the single sexiest moment:  The Dark and the Unknown. I am still deeply uncomfortable writing sex scenes, so this may be the only one I ever do. The implication of a blow job in Shadow to Light nearly kill me tbh.
The forest behind the school is silent; just her breathing, and the slight wind. No birds or wildlife, none of the hum of the traffic or of the school.
They don’t undress more than necessary, her skirt slid to her hips, and he takes her roughly against a tree, flakes of bark falling into the dirt. She is hot and slick, and silent as he fucks her, his fingers digging into her hips, a growl rising in his chest. She is every bit his fantasy; the smell of damp flowers, the sweetness of her flesh, her willing supplication. His fingers tear through the lace of her tights as he grips her thighs, and the heels of her shoes must be bending, she’s digging them into the backs of his legs so hard.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:  The Long Way Around makes Jasper and Alice’s relationship pretty fucked up, and tbh I look back at it and really struggle with how dark it is and how dark Jasper’s character becomes. There’s a reason that Shadow to Light is the ‘official’ version - it’s a better balance, and I actually think Maria is a lot more interesting in Shadow to Light as a villain with complex relationships with both Jasper and Alice to the point where none of them really want to have to kill each other, but there is a lot of hate on both sides. 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:  That’s a hard question. Shadow to Light definitely did that because I had to consider what happened when you took Alice out of the picture, and how that changed what happened, and considered the inter-family relationships. So much of canon relies on Alice’s visions that things can’t just happen the same way. 
Hardest story to write: Shadow to Light isn’t easy because I have such a specific idea of how it plays out, how it ‘looks’ in my head, and because Alice is so fundamentally different to canon. More innocent when it comes to normal interactions, and so controlled because it meant life or death - but she’s still got to be Alice in a way that people can recognize. It also has to sound right? If I can’t get the right turn of phrase for one scene, it has to be put aside until I can work it out. 
 All These Broken Things is hard because I started it back in, like, 2014ish and my writing and understanding of the characters and canon has changed so much - plus there are a few sections that came to me quite early in the writing, and now sound really out of place, but are such a strong linchpin for the story that I have to rework them in. It’s a good kind of hard, though, because I’ve improved so much, my ideas and goals are more refined. 
Most disappointing:  Omens is a little bitch, honestly. I started it for a fic contest and kept going to explore Alice’s human life, and it doesn’t quite feel like my writing? It needs reworking, and be a little less obvious because I think the ‘four horsemen of the apocalypse’ is a good theme for a Human!Alice fic. 
Easiest story to write: Depends on my mood; Hybrid is great when I’m in kind of a ‘girls kicking ass’ mood and boot up my action girls playlist.
Biggest surprise:  Hybrid started as a love story that was basically ‘yeah, let’s make this shit super dramatic and overwrought’, and turned into this actual story with a huge focus on family and relationships. I can’t remember why I decided Alice’s father had a husband except that I was thinking about small town ‘otherness’, and LGBT+ people can and are still considered ‘other’ in these spaces. 
Then you add in Alice and Cynthia who are basically in the same boat but have been separated for their entire lives. Alice has knowledge in her corner, whilst having to fight through foster care, abuse, and hospital; whilst Cynthia has lived a very normal but privileged life as the daughter of a mixed-race same-sex couple in a very small town. I went full-hog with this, and added in an extended family, because I really hated how canon went balls-to-the-wall to isolate Bella from everyone, including Charlie. 
Like, this thing is a monster, and whilst I plan to sit down and rewrite the outline (which dates back to 2016, and I hate the ending of), I stopped outlining at 65 freaking chapters. 
Most unintentionally telling story:  I think this question that still confuses me finally gets a decent answer in The Dark and the Unknown - Jasper is seeing most of it from his perspective, and there isn’t a ton of dialogue. I’ve tried to avoid an info-dump, but it’s meant to be quite supernatural in tone, and focusing on vampire senses and gifts enhances that. 
Story I’d like to revise:  All These Broken Things wins that one. Due to the age of the piece, there are some pacing and tone issues in later chapters that are the reason I haven’t formally posted it. 
Story I didn’t write but will at some point, I swear: Oh man, I really want to finish A Thousand Years of Solitude, which is a Tanya fic. I’m really happy with what I’ve got so far, but it sounds smarter and more layered than it really is, so I’m kind of stuck. 
Mad World because Romani!Alice is super sassy and taking 0% of Swan or Cullen bullshit - I think 90% of my fic is just me going, “yeah, that’s not how normal people react.” And I’m a sucker for gothic horror. 
What else? Aww, Against A Wall which is AU Human Jasper coming from the shittiest home, and Alice finding him. It’s meant to be short, and another one I have a really clear idea of how it needs to work. 
And the one where Alice’s gift is a sentient power that pushes her to follow it; that Bad Things happen if she doesn’t; that Renesmee was always Endgame for Something, and Alice was a key piece to get that result. Or the one where Aro takes Alice as a ‘guest’ for a period because of Edward and Bella, and Alice’s gift is basically broken. 
Good times. I have like 5 years of fic on this computer, we could be here for awhile. 
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
30 Questions About Your Dragon Age Protagonists
from @littlebirdofprey - I reblogged it here in case anyone else wants to do it.
Warden(s): Aster Amell, Morgan Walker
Hawke(s): Cal and Ava Hawke
Inquisitor: Tash Adaar
What would your Warden generally think of your Hawke and your inquisitor?
Aster thinks Tash is the most adorable thing. He also secretly approves of Cal letting his old friend Anders go free. He wouldn’t trust Ava much, considering she is in a relationship with a man who hates mages and a man Aster calls a “warmongering ex-Chantry boy.”
Ava reminds Morgan of Morrigan, although he’d never tell either of them that. He thinks Cal is a fool who is incapable of taking things seriously. He feels protective of Tash, thinking the boy is too young to have such responsibility on him.
What would your Hawke generally think of your warden and your Inquisitor?
Considering Cal adopts Tash with Varric, he enjoys the boy’s company, but thinks Tash could loosen up a little. He underestimates Aster because the Chancellor seems so soft and friendly. Cal thinks Morgan is too dour and serious. Ava finds it hard to get over her distrust of Qunari, but finds Tash to be pleasant enough, if a tad annoying. She respects Aster for being a mage in a position of power. She is completely indifferent to Morgan.
What would your Inquisitor generally think of your warden and your Hawke?
Tash looks up to Cal because he seems so cool, especially after reading The Tale of the Champion. He’s disappointed that Ava seems to judge him for his horns and their relationship will never be any warmer than tepid. He likes Aster because they both have similar personalities. He might have a slight crush on Morgan because he’s very handsome.
What would they think about each other’s love interests (if they romanced someone of course)
Aster dislikes Fenris simply because Fenris would hate him on principle. He thinks Sebastian is a fool and cretin. He would get along with Varric. Morgan appreciates Fenris’ position as valid, since mages are dangerous, but he can’t stand Sebastian’s Chanty self-righteousness.
Ava and Cal are both surprised that Morrigan and Morgan are a couple. Birds of a feather, they suppose... Cal thinks Aster did well marriage-wise. Ava thinks Alistair is a bit of a ditz.
 Tash thinks Aster and Alistair are the cutest couple, and wants to have a relationship like theirs. Surprisingly, Tash likes and respects Morrigan. He thinks Fenris is too rigid against mages and... well, Sebastian was his least favorite character in The Tale of the Champion. Tash adores Varric. 
Is your inquisitor jealous that both the warden and Hawke have a mabari hound?
Yes. Tash loves mabari.
What would they think of each other’s combat skills/techniques?
All of them are surprised at Tash’s mastery of magic. Morgan shapeshifts in combat and is surprisingly physical for a mage, which Cal appreciates. Aster’s healing magic is universally appreciated. None of the mages thinks much of Ava’s force magic. Tash likes Cal’s flashy style, while Morgan and Aster disapprove.
What would your inquisitor and warden think of what happened in Kirkwall? Would they have supported Hawke’s decisions?
Tash admires Cal, but wishes that Tal-Vashoth and Vashoth didn’t receive the brunt of the blame for the Arishok’s actions. They aren’t Qunari. Qunari could be humans, even. He wonders, though, if siding with the Chantry against the Qunari would have been any better.
Aster is horrified that his old friend Anders could have blown up the Chantry. This is not the friendly young apprentice nor the snarky, kind Warden he knew. He approves of Hawke siding with the mages over the Chantry.
Morgan has very little opinion of the events in Kirkwall beyond how they effect his family. His wife is trying to mingle her way into Celene’s ear to sponsor her research into the Crossroads - he hasn’t got time to worry about a Chantry being blown up.
Would your warden or Hawke have actually accepted the role of inquisitor if Cassandra had located them as she’d planned to? Would they have been a good leader for the Inquisition?
Aster is not exactly hidden, but as the King-Consort and Chancellor of Ferelden, as well as Arl of Amaranthine, he’s not in any position to become Inquisitor. However, he would have been exceptional in the role, having built up connections over ten years and remaining a powerful warrior.
Morgan would not accept under any circumstance. He’s engrossed in being a father and a research assistant to his wife, as well as helping Warden-Commander Caron search for a cure to the Taint. He’s too unconcerned with people’s opinion to be a good Inquisitor.
Ava might have accepted the role, but she’s worried she might be pregnant, and doesn’t want to risk the possible future heir to Starkhaven’s throne.She’d be terrible as Inquisitor, being far too ruthless (and contemptuous of Orlesians) to win the people’s hearts.
Cal would not have accepted. He’s done his part for the people, he thinks, and he can’t give any more of himself than he already has. He’s content to stay by Varric’s side for the rest of his days, simply reading about adventures in his husband’s novels. He’d be a good Inquisitor, though, with his diplomatic style and easy charm.
Do your protagonists share the same opinions on the Chantry?
No. Aster is a believer in the Maker and the Chantry. He knows things aren’t perfect, but thinks the Chantry can help improve. Ava also believes in the Chantry, although she disapproves of the Circles.
Cal doesn’t like the Chantry. He doesn’t believe in the Maker, and he doesn’t think the Chantry is good for much more than bigotry and fanaticism. Morgan also has a dislike for the Chantry, although he figures it’s possible the Maker exists. 
Tash believes in the Maker, but not Andraste. For all anybody knows, the lady could have been crazy, or manipulating people like he’s been doing. So he puts Leliana on the Sunburst Throne because even if the Chant is utter nonsense, she can use it to help people. 
Do your protagonists share the same opinions on mages rights?
Yes. All of them believe that mages should have the same rights as non-mages, and that it is wrong to imprison them in the circles.
Do your protagonists share the same opinions on blood magic?
No. While nearly all of them disapprove of blood magic, it is for different reasons. Aster hates blood magic because the Chantry says it is wrong. Cal doesn’t trust it. Tash thinks that it’s too dangerous to trust people with.
Morgan doesn’t think blood magic itself is inherently bad, just the practitioners. Ava 10/10 would use (and has used) blood magic, although she refrains in front of her lovers and friends.
Do your protagonists share the same opinions on The Game?
Fereldens tend to hate the game on principle, so Aster, Cal, and Ava all have a dislike for Orlesian politics, although Aster and Cal tend to excel at it by being friendly people. It’s harder for Ava.
Morgan thinks it’s stupid, but he knows it’s a fact of Orlesian life and determines he won’t be caught not knowing the rules. He is just as responsible as Morrigan is for their rise to power as the Empress’ Court Sorcerers.
Tash loves the Game, probably because he’s a natural. He’s also young enough that he doesn’t quite understand the severity of some of the moves necessary to excel in the game, so he’s quite a dangerous opponent. He and Josephine and Leliana make a threatening trio.
If they’d been in each other’s places would they have made the same or different choices? And who would they have romanced, if anyone?
Roughly the same. Cal might have put Anora on the throne and romanced either Leliana or Zevran. Ava would have defiled those Ashes and probably tried to bag Zevran or Alistair. Tash would have gone roughly the same, except he would let Alistair stay a Warden and might have wiggled his way into becoming an Arl.
 Aster might have executed Anders. He wouldn’t have romanced anyone. Morgan might have tried to play the political game and try to remove or assassinate Meredith before things could escalate. He might have gravitated to Merrill, Isabela, or Anders. Tash would have sided at various times against the Chantry and the Qunari, possibly making more chaos. Varric totally would have adopted him then, too.
 Aster would love to have met Cullen again after all those years and might have tried to romance him. He’d put Briala on the throne. Morgan would go mostly similar, but he’d romance Josephine and perhaps he might have had something with Solas. Cal would have gone with Celene and saved the mages and romanced the Iron Bull or Josephine. Ava would have disbanded the Templars to control them and then romanced Blackwall.
Would your protagonists have the same character alignment?  
Aster, Morgan, Tash: Neutral Good (Aster wavers between Neutral and Lawful Good; Tash has some Neutral Evil in him because he’ll do his best to advance himself and his loved ones while doing good)
Cal: Chaotic Good
Ava: Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil
Would your protagonists have the same Hogwarts house?
Cal: Gryffindor
Tash: Hufflepuff
Aster, Morgan: Ravenclaw
Ava: Slytherin
If Origins and Inquisition had the 3 personalities (Diplomatic, Sarcastic, Aggressive) which would your warden and inquisitor have predominately been? And what one did your Hawke have?
Morgan would be clearly Sarcastic. Aster would be totally Diplomatic.
Tash would be Diplomatic.
Cal was a clean middle Diplomatic-Sarcastic, though Diplomatic won out, and Ava was Aggressive with some Sarcastic.
What is the biggest similarity between your protagonists?
They all depend hard on their companions/love interests. Aster and Morgan both went through some serious culture shock because Aster had been in the Circle as long as he could remember and Morgan was from a completely different world. Cal suddenly felt like he didn’t have to be alone in protecting and raising his siblings and could have some friends and fun for once. Ava learned from a young age that she needed to look out for number one, but finds it helpful to lean on her companions and rewarding when they lean on her. Tash had recently lost his entire family, and the Inner Circle became a new family group for him, giving him new parents, aunts, uncles, and siblings.
What is the biggest difference between your protagonists?
How selfless they are. Ava is the most selfish and power-hungry, wanting to impose her will on a world that has tried its best to marginalize her. She’ll use everything in her power, from pushing Sebastian to make them rulers of Starkhaven to using blood magic. Although he’s a lovely person, Tash might be the second most selfish, as he’s a child and of course he’s going to want to promote his own needs and his new family over everyone else. Then comes Morgan, who really does have a heroic personality and kind of adopts anyone he meets who needs help, but his main focuses, in order, are Kieran, Morrigan, and himself. Cal is self-sacrificing, but a reluctant hero through and through who just wanted to coast through life without having to take care of much. He learns by Inquisition that maybe he doesn’t have to be responsible for the world anymore. Aster truly wants to help people, which kind of makes him and Alistair the best rulers of Ferelden, even if he needs to learn how to take breaks.
Who handles responsibility the best? And who handles it the worst?
Aster handles responsibility with grace and expedience. He does everything on time and is very useful in managing others. Alistair does his best to teach him to slow down and calm down.
Cal hates being responsible for something. He’s been responsible for his siblings all his life and just wants to relax a little.
Do they share any of the same hobbies?
Not really. Aster, Tash, and Ava are all avid readers.
Would you ever ship any of them together?
Possibly Morgan/Aster, Morgan/Ava, or Morgan/Cal, but nothing else.
How old were each of your protagonists at the start of their respective games? Do you think their age affected the choices they made? Looking back would they have done any major action differently?
Aster was only 19 at the start of Origins, while Morgan was a more reasonable 23. While still young, neither of them would have changed their decisions.
Not entirely sure how old the Hawkes were, but Cal was a young adult and Ava a teenager at the beginning. By Inquisition, Cal is in his mid-to-late thirties and Ava in her late twenties.
Tash is around 12-13 at the start of Inquisition.
How do each of your protagonists handle loss?
Aster: Reasonably well.    
Morgan: Alright.         
Ava: Moves right on. 
Tash: cries a lot but moves to healing.   
Cal: poorly.
What is/was their relationship with their family like?
For Aster, non-existent. He was taken to the Circle at a very young age and does not remember his family. They disowned their mage son and had no contact. Morgan loved his father, but his mother was verbally and at times physically abusive. Leandra always treated Cal less than because (unbeknownst to him), he was the son of Malcolm with an elven woman. He always felt like she hated him and was using him as a nanny to the Twins and Ava. He gets along with his sisters better than Carver. Ava always felt neglected and forgotten by Leandra. She gets along with her brothers and has an intense rivalry with Bethany. Tash had a wonderful family, barring his Saarebas birth mother who tried to take him back to the Qun.
Do any of your protagonists marry and/or have children?
Aster marries Alistair after many years of being his Chancellor and lover. They may seek to adopt a child or use a surrogate for Alistair to create an heir.
Cal marries Varric after reuniting post-Inquisition and they adopt Tash (and Cole).
Ava marries Sebastian to become Princess of Starkhaven, but is in a polyamorous relationship with him and Fenris. She may be pregnant with Fenris’ child.
Morgan has Kieran with Morrigan and a relationship with her, though they aren’t married in the eyes of the Chantry.
Tash: maybe in the future.
What would their fears on the graves in the fade during Here Lies The Abyss be?
Aster: Hopelessness
Tash: Solitude
Cal: Never Being Free
Ava: Powerlessness
Morgan: This Is All A Dream
How do they each feel about the Deep Roads?
Aster: “It’s creepy and I hate it.”
Tash: “Get me out. Get me out. Get me out....”
Cal: “It’s okay, once you get used to the dark. And the claustrophobia. And the oppressive silence. It’s actually kinda nice. Not saying I’d build a summer home here, but...”
Ava: “I have a feeling the Maker was not in a good mood when He made these tunnels.”
Morgan: “Nope.”
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kierarutherford · 5 years
I know you have a few published works and a ton of stuff on AO3... how did you get started on your writing, and are there any tips you would give to someone that was interested in pursuing that?
Thank you so much for the question! Wow, alright so I actually started in fanfic when I was about 16 (eek aging myself). I played a video game called Knights of the Old Republic and I was mad. So mad. I wanted a more in-depth romance between the main character and Carth Onasi. A grizzled military man, disillusioned with life. Eager to seek revenge and save the galaxy. ALSO voiced by pure sex Raphael Sbarge. Known best for his more modern role In Mass Effect as Kaidan Alenko. *Ahem* loved him too. 
So I sat at my little shitty computer, in my bedroom and I re-wrote the whole damn thing. I was so proud of myself, I printed it all out, punched holes in it and put it in a binder. (I STILL have it!) 
For years, I wanted to write creative stories but life wasn’t entirely kind in that regards and I ended up in a shitty relationship. Which is when I died. Literally. After some recovery, I found strength in my favorite series: Dragon Age and Mass Effect. 
Inquisition came out, and OMG Cullen!!! I couldn’t get enough of him. Seriously, obsessed! So much so I wanted to change things again. I wanted an Inquisitor that didn’t follow the lines, didn’t stick to a repeat process (I’d beaten the game roughly 30 times before I got to this point.) Then, I stumbled upon fanfics when I was googling Cullen related things. I was instantly like, “shit, I can do this! It’s not some weird closet stuff?” (ahem, again I’m 32... ) so I sat at my much better computer and I applied to AO3, and set up a tumblr. 
I started with Kiera Lavellan. Her story, which to be fair wasn’t as well thought out as I had hoped. I needed someone different to play with and I toyed with AU’s until I fleshed out Diana Trevelyan. She was my fire cracker where Kiera was a logical girl, an elf who wanted to be human. Because, why not? 
I read and read and read until I ran into an incident. I wrote a piece because I had seen SO many three some ideas that I wanted to make one. So I thought about an idea that made sense to me and wrote it. Some time after someone claimed I ripped off their idea. It was a horrifying event and I nearly quit. I took about a month off, and got angry. Clicked open a new doc and wrote. It flowed like fire from my fingers and I stopped reading other people’s stuff. I felt horrible not being able to share in people’s amazing work. But over time I realized one MAJOR thing: there are no original ideas. Only original styles and twists. We’ve all written “the coffee shop” or “a hallmark movie” type event, but our words, our style and characters make it unique. 
I read rarely now, I guess a part of me is still terrified. But I have some little mental things when I write. For one, I am mindful not to start off sentences with the same word repeatedly. IE: He, she, they, I. I try not to use the same descriptor in a row i.e, “They walked through the woods. Taking a path less walked upon.” Walked and walked sound strange like that so I do: “They walked through the woods, taking the path less worn by travelers.”
Other than that, I am still learning. I think writing is always about learning, and developing your style. Read your work back, out loud, word for word. Does it flow? Would you speak like that? Does it sound strange? Is there a better way to put that? Then, I post. For original content, I do a rough draft and walk away, sometimes for several months. I have a friend I verbally read it to, and we discuss. From there I’ll edit again and leave it to sit. Repeat above and then publish. It’s not easy, but I find it very rewarding. 
Thanks again for the questions I hope that answered them. My BIGGEST tip: Write. Even if you think it’s absolute garbage, write. You will never improve if you never do it. 
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