#because i'm playing the free trial version
qu1cks1lversb1tch · 2 months
You | Lute x Redeemed!Sinner
Warnings: post season one by two months BUT Adam miraculously survived, Lute was able to get her arm regrown by some divine intervention, Lute being a bitch 97% of the time, Adam being Adam, reader being a sweetheart, strong language, some derogatory nicknames towards sinners, reader is HEAVILY implied to be a bisexual (real queen shit), WxW, probably very out of character for both Lute and Adam — but I've never written for either of them before ✨
Word Count: 3.2K
Summary: you were a redeemed sinner, yet Lute still hated you. . . Though soon, things would change for the better.
A/N — Silva is Latin for Forest *** (I know, I'm so creative). The sick meal is something I love even when I'm not sick, but feel free to imagine whatever you want for it :) but remember: ALWAYS WASH YOUR RICE
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The sky brightened, bringing along with it the dawn of your first day in Heaven. Having been a long time resident of the Hazbin Hotel, you were as skeptical as the others, but played your part in wanting Charlie's dreams to come true. 
You were the first official resident, though more of an employee by the time Angel Dust came around, and a friend — a damned good one — to anyone who came through those doors. 
It didn't matter who they were. Whether it was Alastor, Husk, or even Lucifer himself, it didn't matter. You were an excellent listener.
Perhaps that was part of the reason you had been redeemed. 
It was possible that the other part of the reason why was because you regretted your singular act of immoral wrath when you were alive and you thought about it every day. 
You had walked the straight and narrow your entire life — married young and planned on having children once you were out of college and had a stable job. . . Then your husband cheated on you with his co-worker and it was as if you were possessed by blind rage. You killed him. 
You didn't kill her — she didn't know you existed, so you let her live. . . Then she found out of your existence rather quickly and karma came in the form of a pissed off woman wearing cheap perfume and fake red bottoms. 
So you crash landed into Hell immediately. No trial in purgatory. Straight into the melting pot of horrendous historical figures that you had been forced to write essays about in High School and people like you, who did one wrong thing. 
Watching the sun rise for the first time in almost ten years, you supposed you owed it all to Charlie. Having her as a supportive friend throughout your stay. 
First to arrive, second to be redeemed. 
The halo and wings were an odd feeling compared to the horns and sharp tail. . . As well as the white, light blue, and gold version of the outfit you were wearing when you ascended. Odd but welcomed. 
“Thank you.” You whispered aloud, sitting on the dock behind the building you had been guided to upon your arrival just hours before, surrounded by the water that was completely unaffected by murkiness or toxic waste. It was the cleanest water you'd ever seen. 
Wind chimes sang in the breeze that slightly rippled the top of the vast lake, distorting the reflected pinks and yellows of the golden sunrise. 
Voices drew closer, yet they didn't matter as the air warmed comfortably, the sun rising higher and higher in the blue sky. 
It was nice seeing blue instead of red. It felt human. It felt calm. 
“[Y/N]?” A voice called out and you turned around to face the newcomer. 
A smile broke out on your face as you came to see Sera with Sir Pentious and Emily at her side. The younger seraphim was buzzing with excitement. 
You carefully stood so as to not fall into the lake, approaching them slowly. “It's good to see you again, Pentious.” You said, hugging the former snake demon. 
He returned the quick embrace and blushed, just like he did when you were both in Hell. You and Charlie were the first to give him a chance. “You too missss [Y/N]. . .” 
You smiled at him once again before turning to Emily, who seemed to be the one temporarily in charge. “Welcome to Heaven! There's so much for you to see and do! But first, do you have any questions?”
“Where exactly in Heaven are we?” You questioned, gesturing to the lake with trees to either side, but with water for as far as you could see. 
“You're at the Silva Lake house.” Sera spoke up. “It was built when Sir Pentious arrived, as a way to prepare him for the eyes of the other angels who never set foot in Hell. . . As well as a potential sanctuary for any other sinners who may be redeemed along the way, such as yourself.”
A sanctuary for the redeemed made perfect sense when you thought about it. Heaven had to do something to not only make up for the mistake in leadership that led to the annual Extermination Day, but they couldn't just throw former sinners into society without getting them used to the new conditions. 
It would be like bringing a knife to a gunfight. . . They'd be ill prepared and it wouldn't look good for anyone, especially the higher-ups. 
“So, what do we have to do?” 
This time it was Emily who replied to you. “Just be here and show us that you have no problem learning how things work up here. . . It's not too complicated, but there are a few new rules in place after recent events. . . But don't worry! I'm sure you'll both be fine!” She smiled brightly, clapping her hands together. 
You could only hope everything would be alright.
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Two weeks after your arrival, you had begun to think that you could handle the new realm in which you resided. 
At the Silva Lake house, you had a set routine which consisted of a lovely breakfast with Sir Pentious in the breakfast nook, morning lessons with Emily, a silent nature stroll with Sera, a trip to the city — just barely inside the limits — purely so you could see what you'd eventually be joining, and dinners alone because Sir Pentious was allowed to stay in the city longer than you and go further because he had been there longer.
It was nice to have a schedule, but having the same one every day was beginning to bore you. At least Charlie's schedules had made room for stuff outside of trust exercises. . . Stuff like hotel movie nights, family dinners, and fun outings. 
Two weeks and you thought you were ready. A five minute meeting was all it took for that false sense of readiness to fly out the window. 
One look in the golden eyes of the woman who would've killed you less than three months ago, had it not been for Vaggie stepping in, was enough to make you feel as if your leg was still stuck under the burning pile of rubble with an angelic blade mere inches away from your throat. 
The pain and any physical indication of it happening was long gone, but the memory was still there as if it had just happened moments ago. 
Yet you still regarded her as if she was an inhabitant of the hotel — with a smile and an open mind. 
Your welcoming smile was met with a glare of disdain from the exorcist angel, who looked as if she'd try to kill you again if you so much as breathed wrong in her direction. 
Shockingly, Adam, who had been uncharacteristically quiet during the whole meeting, was more open to conversing with you than Lute was. This was all part of Heaven's new plan. 
Sera wanted you to forgive Lute for the part she played in almost killing you and your friends. 
She wanted Sir Pentious to forgive Adam for ‘killing’ him during the battle. 
And she wanted them to forgive the both of you for the roles played in the battle, despite you avoiding the battle where you could. 
“I sincerely apologize for the role I played in the battle that cost you many angels.” You said, catching Emily giving you two thumbs up from behind the two. 
“Now, Lute. . . Apologize to her.” Sera ordered lightly. 
The exorcist crossed her arms. “No. Why should I have to apologize to a lowly sinner?” She scoffed. “Not happening.”
You frowned. Lowly sinner? Ouch. . . 
“She is redeemed, Lute —”
“Is she? She looks the same. A wardrobe makeover doesn't change who someone is. And she practically reeks of Hell.” Lute turned her nose up at you. 
“I think that's enough for this evening, Sera. . . Adam, Lute. . . I apologize once again and hope you can find it within your hearts to forgive me.” You then turned away and walked towards your room.
“Sure thing, Bitch!” Adam called out just before your bedroom door closed roughly with a click. 
Lowly sinner? Reeking of Hell? 
The words stung. . . You should be mad, or even mildly frustrated. . . But you're more disappointed. Even when Adam, Lute, and the other exorcists were attacking your friends, you had been nice. . . But they didn't seem to care. It felt like you were redeemed for nothing. 
So you laid on your bed in silence, with tears unwillingly cascading down your cheeks, until your usual dinner time rolled around and Emily coaxed you out before she and Sera left. 
As you warmed up a prepped meal, you noticed that Adam and Lute were still there at the lake house, though neither paid any mind to you. Not while you milled about the kitchen. Not while you ate. 
The only time they paid any attention to you was when you walked across the far side of the living room to reach the bathroom for your evening shower. Even then, Lute only glared while Adam made derogatory comments about joining you in the shower. 
You ignored both of them, and when you came out of the bathroom, they were no longer in the living room, so you assumed they left. 
It became evident just hours later that they, in fact, hadn't left. The dead giveaway was the loud rock music that played from the TV in the living room, during a time you knew Sir Pentious was asleep — and the former snake demon didn't care for rock all that much. He was more of a classical music guy, but he could also get behind r&b. 
And you knew with the time, Sera and Emily wouldn't be around for another four hours.
You wanted to ignore it. Oh you tried so hard to ignore it, going as far as to cover your head with one of your pillows. . . But you could still hear it. And now you couldn't fall back asleep. 
Trying was pointless. 
Your morning started two hours earlier than it usually did, which unironically gave you time to do things that you couldn't do with the tight schedule. . . Like having morning coffee by the lake as the sun rose, breakfast that wasn't cereal or freezer waffles, or even a nice little swim with a shower after.
“What the fuck, dude?” You heard Adam's tired voice yell from the opposite side of the lake house, the music immediately muting. 
Lute's more awake voice could be heard through the walls, but you were unable to make out anything she was saying. . . So you sighed and went on to make a nice breakfast, in hopes it would help set the mood for the day. 
A good mood for a good day — hopefully. 
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Adam and Lute weren't allowed to leave until all was forgiven and peace was made between the four of you. Orders from the almighty creator who hadn't taken too kindly to Sera, Lute, and Adam attempting to play God in his absence. 
What shocked you the most was Emily canceling lessons for the foreseeable future, purely because she could, saying ‘you've been at this for a while, you deserve a break so you're not burnt out’.
It was almost laughable. 
After the disruptive morning of rock n’ roll, you went back to the regular schedule for the most part. . . But before you knew it, you had been in Heaven for a month and your limits were being tested. 
Your food had gone missing from the fridge. 
Your laundry had gotten mixed up, despite being separated by your hand. . . Which resulted in two of your brand new favorite shirts to shrink in the dryer — you still wore them anyway.
Things you set down were never where you placed them. 
At first it drove you crazy — you thought you were losing your mind. Until Sir Pentious had come to you one late evening and revealed something he noticed. 
Lute had been either eating your food or throwing it away. 
Lute had been the one switching your laundry around. 
Lute had been the one moving everything you set down. 
You couldn't understand why someone would go to such lengths to inconvenience you when you had been so accommodating for the both of them. . . So you ignored her. 
And it pissed her off. 
How dare you ignore her existence while she was cursing yours? 
One evening, you were making a nice, hearty meal because you and Sir Pentious had fallen victim to the early autumn allergy fueled cold. It was something your parents would've made whenever you were feeling under the weather — you were just glad the ingredients were in the house. 
Adam entered the kitchen without his mask and opened the fridge as you were opening the cabinet that was filled with bowls and plates. 
“Whatcha makin’, Hot Stuff?” Adam questioned, closing the fridge. 
You glanced at him confused before opting to reply, rather than questioning anything he called you. At least he wasn't calling you sinner scum. 
“Dinner.” You croaked in reply, using a pot holder to lift the lid off of the large pan where thinly sliced and seasoned steak was simmering in a homemade mushroom gravy. You then gestured to the pot of fluffy white rice next to the pan of cauliflower. (Again, it's one of my favorites — so delicious.)
“There's plenty for you and Lute to join us, if you'd like to.” You almost lost your voice by the end of the sentence, but the first man heard you. 
“Yeah, okay. . . It looks more edible than that shit in the freezer — whatever the fuck that is.”
You would've laughed if you knew you wouldn't have landed yourself in a coughing fit. So you settled for a smile as you plated up the food. 
“It looks disgusting.” Lute sneered from the doorway. 
Immediately, your smile dropped and your fork clattered onto the wooden table. “Then don't eat it.” You snapped, taking your seat as Sir Pentious slithered into the kitchen. 
“This shit looks good as fuck, Danger Tits.” Adam shoved a fork full of steak in his mouth and released a downright sinful moan. “You're missin’ out.”
Sir Pentious nodded in agreement, eating what was on his plate relatively quickly. You appreciated Adam and Pentious trying to make things better, even if Adam was using his own way to make it seem so. . .
But you were slowly losing your patience, which became evident by the way you verbally snapped.
Lute didn't speak to you — or rather speak down to you for a few days, but she lingered while Adam got to know you better. . . She seemed rather put off with how things were going. 
Like how when you couldn't reach something, completely uncomfortable with using your new wings, Adam would grab it without stopping whatever conversation was going on. 
Or when he'd offer to make dinner (or buy dinner for everyone) just so you could have a break. 
Or even now when you were draping your towel over a chair on the back deck, prior to your swim in the lake, and he happened to be out there in the sun. You heard him mention something about you being ‘hot as fuck’ in your swimsuit, but you mostly ignored him, aside from a light blush dusting your cheeks. 
From him, she learned your favorite color, your favorite animal, your favorite everything, basically. . . And when your eyes found Lute, she was glaring at Adam, not you, for once. 
Rather than questioning it, you accepted it and found your way into the lake where eventually, they both joined you at a distance. You felt oddly alone, since Sir Pentious had decided to stay in — he still wasn't feeling the best, so you urged him to rest, claiming you'd be fine. 
Lute seemed to be attempting to drown Adam and he took it in a playful way, yelling and laughing loudly while she splashed him and jumped on top of him — something that seemed out of character for her. 
Though they both soon went underwater and just as you decided you were ready to go in, you were pulled under and came face to face with Lute. Your eyes widened as your heart beat rapidly in your chest. 
She wasn't glaring at you. . . There was no animosity behind her gaze, her hands locked onto your arms. She smirked after what felt like an eternity and pulled you back up to the surface with her. 
“Stay away from her, Adam.” Lute practically growled, holding you close. 
This was odd. It felt so wrong, but it felt so right having her arms wrapped around your waist. She hadn't touched you until then, so you weren't sure what to make of the situation.
“So you finally —”
“Shut up!”
Adam only smirked and shot out of the water, going to dry off on the deck. 
“I suppose we need to talk?” You questioned softly. 
Lute nodded and released her hold on you so that the two of you could reach the deck once more. 
You sat in the chair that Adam had previously occupied and she turned one to face you, taking a seat there. She stayed silent for a few minutes, watching you dry your hair and wrap your towel around your shoulders. 
Lute then took another moment to admire the way the late morning light caught on your face, before she spoke. 
“I was wrong about you. . . There's sinners who don't deserve good things and then there's you. . . I — you. . . You've proven yourself and. . . I'm sorry for how things have been since I showed up.”
You smiled at the apology, finally looking into her golden eyes. “You're forgiven. . . But if I might ask. . . Why did you hate me so much?” 
She became nervous, you could see it. 
“I thought you might be as bad as the regular sinners — I know what you did when you were alive and I know that's why you went to Hell. . . But these last few weeks showed me why you wound up here.” Something akin to adoration laced her tone and you blushed under her gaze. 
It was such a quick change. . . But it seemed like a good one. It seemed like common knowledge that she wasn't the greatest at expressing emotions, having been so deep in her work for the longest time.
Before you could open your mouth to reply, your heart bursted as a new sensation graced you — Lute's lips on yours. You felt your heartbeat quicken once again and your face heated up violently. 
She pulled away a moment later, stuttering out an apology. 
“I shouldn't have — hmph!” 
You immediately shut her up with another quick kiss before leaving a sweet peck on her cheek once you had removed your lips from hers. “I didn't mind. . . If this has the chance of becoming something, I want there to be communication. . . If you're okay with that. . ?”
“That's fine. . . [Y/N]?”
“We forgive you. . . I forgive you.”
You grinned and stood from your seat, reaching your hand out for Lute. “Wonderful. . . How about some lunch?” 
She snorted and shook her head, but still stood and took your hand, allowing you to guide her into the lake house for lunch. 
She sat beside you while everyone ate, shutting Adam down the moment he looked like he was going to open his mouth and say something stupid — which was often. 
You were happy and hopeful. Maybe this could grow into something beautiful. . . Maybe this could be your forever relationship. 
Just maybe. 
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Additional A/N — if anyone wants the Fem!Redeemed!Sinner x Lute story to continue, requests are open! Give me ideas!
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threepandas · 9 days
Bad End: Witness
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"Specimen '873 is starting to disappoint me. He was showing such promise. These numbers, however?" My keeper muttered to himself, distaste painting his face as he watched the feed in front of him. "Unacceptable for a battle class. He might as well be spare biomass at this point."
He was supposed to be wearing his glasses, not holding them. They may have been called "reading" glasses? But they were not, technically, just for that. They also had a blue light filter. Helped with headaches and eyestrain. He just hated wearing them because he thought they made him look old.
A God Forbid ANYTHING remind him of the passage of time.
He did NOT take it kindly.
I managed to avoid THAT landmine by virtue of having witnessed his receiving them. An "incident" that resulted in his head slamming against a screen. Protocol demanded he get checked. In the process, they discovered his eye sight was declining. It was a... bad day. I brought him things to break and stayed very, very quiet.
He bounced back fairly quickly, though. Once the arrogant researcher who had arranged for the incident to even OCCUR? Tried to come lord his "weakened old man" status over him. It was one thing to "accidently" let the battle class get unfettered access to weapons before loyalty train. But to be dumb enough to step into his lab, call him weak, and gloat about it?
Dr. Raghnall Periculum was many things.
But "unwilling to bludgeon a man to death with the nearest object" was not one of them.
He was dangerous like that. Murderous. It came and went like shifting storms, all you could really do was learn to read the triggers. Get good at knowing when to back up. When to hold really, REALLY still. After all... this was a lawless, immoral place. No one here could or WOULD stop him.
They were all just as bad.
Gritty Sci-Fi Otome games are... a lot less fun to LIVE. To be honest? They are actually pretty horrifying. Traumatizing, really. Hellish. As in, I am pretty sure this is a futuristic version Of Hell (but that is a personal opinion). I regret EVER playing a single damn one. But... BUT? I CLING to the knowledge I gained from it. So I can not regret it completely. Because through them? Through KNOWING this world?
I KNOW this will end. KNOW we will be free. That these monsters will pay for what they've done. The epilog promises a golden age. A beautiful, peaceful dawn after this long and terrible night, filled with horrors. I just... I just have to survive. Hold on. Keep my head down and pray.
I may be trapped in hell, but I'm not broken.
We will be Free.
I have SEEN IT.
Sometimes the greatest defiance is just refusing to die. Just keeping hope alive. I... I can do that. May not be able to fight my way out. Not smart enough to hack or sabotage these nightmares. But I can stay alive. I... I can do that. Bear witness, that someday I may stand against them in trial. Record. So no one is forgotten.
It doesn't feel like enough. I feel tired and angry. Hateful and small. But for the sake of my sanity? I make myself feel nothing. Compartmentalize. I've... I've become unfortunately quite good at it. Good at a lot of terrible things. Like placating. Making myself small. Being invisible. A retail smile. Being one with the furniture.
See, just like the poor souls on the screens in front of him? I'm a Clone. Of who? I have no idea. None of us do. They use old DNA databases. From when it was first commercially available, I think. Like those ancestry tests. Here it was squirrelled away, kept for later use. Which... was us.
My template has been dead for centuries, I think. Or perhaps? She would have considered herself my mother? I hope she would have, strange as I turned out to be. We are all children of the dead. It'd be nice to think they'd have wanted us.
Dr. Periculum's cup lifts lightly as he take a drink, more focused on his work then anything else. That heft is about midway point. I've discovered if I begin brewing now, it will be done by the time his cup is empty and he wants more. A glance at the closest screen gives me the time. Food too, is a good idea.
He likely won't eat it. But if it's there? The chances are higher. And when he comes out of his focus, it'll be available. Less chance of him getting irritated by hunger.
On a well practiced route through piles of notes and projects I know better then to touch, I quietly make my way to the coffee machine. Begin another round of abomination the caffeine tar. It is, quite honestly, a wonder he hasn't accused me of trying to poison him to a heart attack.
A few granules of salt, a bit of cinnamon, some expensive fatty creamer, aaaand? There. Unholy bitterness gone. "Just" a cup of liquid tar so potent it could make a rhino taste time.
I also grab one of the meat pies and put it on a little paper plate.
Ah... what has my life become? That I am so well practiced in make snacks for a monster? Picking them up, I don't dare answer that. That way lies madness. Don't think about it. It can wash out in therapy. After. Because there WILL be an After. There HAS to be an After.
Careful steps and...? Just as I estimated. He just ran out. I nearly silently tap the paper plate down to the edge of the table then slide it forward, with-in ease of reach, but not too close. Then I swap the cups. Go to step away. Only to freeze. As, out of the corner of my eye, I see one of his hands briefly leave his keyboard to make a nearly dismissive "one moment" gesture.
Stay put. Don't move. I'll address you when I'm done with my, more important, thoughts. I feel the flash of fear, of panic, but let it go. There is nothing I can do. I will be hurt or I won't be hurt. There is no use suffering twice, through speculation and fear, I remind myself. Force my mind empty and pleasant. Retail smile. Happy to serve.
He finishes. Leans back, dissatisfied with some project or other, and finally slips on his glasses. Gestures imperiously for the cup in my hands. I do not question of course, merely hand it to him. He takes it, passes it to his other hand, and sets it aside. Then, casually, leans slightly over and wraps a thickly muscled arm around my waist. Dragging me off my feet and into his lap.
"You know, girl? B-21873 really was, actually quite promising. I was starting to think I'd keep him. Decent speed, good stamina, excellent problem solving. His test scoring was exceeding all expectations. Really thought I might have gotten you a little friend to play with. A gaurd so I could send you out on some chores safely. But no, he just HAD to be a failure." He said, leaning forward to grab his cup.
I was crushed awkwardly close. Could feel every moment. Acutely aware of his woody and sea air cologne, the coffee on his breath as words were spoken far to close, the beating of a heartbeat I could feel against my arm. Hyper aware of him. Why was I in his lap? This felt dangerous. I should not be in his lap.
Between sips, he turned his head and pressed his lips to my temple, not kissing... somehow worse. Just... just breathing me in. Slow, deliberate, and deep. Like savoring a scent, a sensation. The subtle back and forth, as though rubbing his lips against my hair. Enjoying the feeling against sensitive skin. It could almost be a cuddle on any other man. It took everything I had not to shudder.
"Unlike you of course. You pet, could never disappoint me. If these rejects tried even half as hard as my perfect darling girl? The world'd be a better place." He paused his almost nuzzling. To simply rest his head against mine, pulling off his glasses so he could tuck his head closer. His breathe was hot against my ear. His voice gravel and distain as it spoke of others.
"It's disgusting. Like they don't even try. We spend countless resources breeding, feeding, and training them... for what? Failure? I'm starting to think those bastards are deliberately sending me bad specimens."
Every word he said was horrifying. I could not cry. Dare not. But my heart screamed for those poor souls. They were just kids. Trapped in hell. Tortured from birth. Disposed of when they no longer met some arbitrarily impossible anime standard. If I turned my head, even slightly, I KNEW, I would be faced with screens of untold suffering. Feeds of "testing". So called training. Autopsy reports and datapoints.
Lists of who... who had been deemed "not good enough".
Who were scheduled to become "recycled biomass".
But if I looked? I would weep for them. And that? That was dangerous right now. Right NOW? I had to be pleasant company. A child's doll to be dragged around. No thoughts, no differing opinions. Preferably no opinions at ALL. Just warm and huggable. Soft. A beloved pet who serves coffee and brings things when told. Endure. I just... I must simply ENDURE.
The night will end. Dawn will come. Believe in her.
J-Just empty your head... and Believe In Her.
An alert pops up. I can hear it on a screen somewhere behind me. Dr. Periculum turns his head to look, reaching for his snack. Freezes. Then, a sharp bark of laughter. It's violent, like the strike of a lightning bolt, jostling me. The ones that follow just as harsh. He's not a man that laughs often. And it's not a kind sound.
Filled with schadenfreude, his laughter is like the vicious barks of hunting hounds. The shots of a weapon. A short and harsh to the ears sound, over and over. Delight in the suffering of an enemy. The fall of a rival. It strikes through his body like seizures. Making him lean forward to read. Brace against the desk, tighten his grip around me, widen the brace of his legs.
Glancing up, his eyes are alight with manic glee. His grin is vicious.
He looks Feral.
"Well, well, WELL! What do we have HERE?! Is that Jack ANDERSON'S facility I see? Mr. 'Master of the genome' himself? Looks like SOMEONE got AHEAD of themselves! Ha!" Raghnall cackles spinning his chair so I can see the screen. Leaning back to grab his cup and toast with it. "Look what we have here, pet! Some fucking KARMA! I knew that little shit wasn't worth the paper his degree was printed on! See this? THIS is what happens when you can't control your own damn compound!"
"Rest in PIECES, you worthless little SHIT!"
I sat. Frozen. As Dr. Periculum laughed and laughed, his mood viciously pleased. Because... because I recognized that facility. Chapter Two. There was an animation that played. The... the BREAKOUT! Joy filled me. Like the first rays of dawn. That was HER. S-she was OUT! Free! She DID it! Oh god... oh god she was COMING! It had finally BEGUN!
I caught myself. Barely.
My eyes felt a bit wet so I disguised it with a fake yawn. I dare not show empathy. NEVER show empathy. Keep it guarded like diamonds in your chest. If he thought, for even a moment, that I empathized with anyone but him. CARED about anyone but him? They wouldn't last the hour.
And it would be the longest, cruelest, hour in existence, as they died.
You make that sort of mistake exactly ONCE.
"Ah~ todays a GOOD day. And you know what we should do?" He hummed, nearly a coo as he spun us almost lazily around on his chair. In whimsical circles like a bored child. "We should celebrate. Ding dong, the fuckers dead~ HA HA! Not to mention? It's been entirely too long, pet, since I've spoiled you rotten. We should get a cake, hmm? You want a cake? Lil treat? Sweet lil treat for my girl?"
"I could get you that new dress I've been looking at. Bet you'll look like a classy lil princess, won't that be nice? Can even make it match the trackers I'm finishing up! No more uncomfy collars when we go out! Just pretty lil bracelets, ain't that nice?"
I force myself to smile. Nod. Ignore the fear and anger, the humiliation and helplessness. It's not time yet. Bid your time. You will LOSE your chance for True Freedom if you give in to your anger. Your hurt. Patience, THEN strike. Remember! Chapter two! There are FIVE.
He stopped spinning, planting his feet on the floor. His manic grin softening. No less unhinged, less full of teeth, but perhaps the closest a man like him could come to loving. His eyes obsessive as the roam my face. Cataloging everything.
"You know, pet? You really might be might greatest creation. Best thing I've ever made or done. Anyone wants you? They'd have to pry you from my cold, dead hands. I'd burn EVERYTHING down. Kill just about EVERYONE." His voice was the sort of whispered confession meant for churches, not the heart of this hell he had built. It felt unholy. Dangerous.
Exactly like him.
"Once I figure how to take humanity to it's next stage? Reverse aging? Heck, even stop it. I promise, pet. Gonna take you with me. You're coming along for the ride. Straight to the end. Heat death of the universe. Well become GODS, pet. Live forever and a day. Bet you can't wait, huh?"
"Don't worry. The futures going be BEAUTIFUL. Just you wait."
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
S2 predictions...
Just listing this before the episodes hit next week :)
Based on the interviews, reviews and all the tidbits we have heard and seen over the last 1,5 years.
I'm putting this under the cut because there might be spoilers in it that some haven't seen?!? Probably not many surprises, given my asks :) Just in case.
Not in a particular order!
Armand's retelling of Lestat's and his past will have a very deliberate touch to them. He will paint his and Lestat's (his)story in a certain light, for effect. Personally, I don't think it will take away anything from TVL in s3 (if anything, it might build more anticipation, at least for me). Gabrielle won't be in it.
Louis will be aware. He knows - most of it. (What was it in that interview? 80-90%?^^). He probably has asked Armand to help, too. The things not matching will be little things at first, if at all. We haven't heard anything in the reviews wrt the episode 5 fight, or murder night, so they are keeping that for the last two episodes (since we have already seen shots of it in the trailer). That means that the events will likely be combined with the trial, and that... will then be quite cataclysmic. And harrowing.
The trial itself will probably be version 1, too. We'll see if we get a second one after the tale breaks once more in this season, but it might be that we only get it in s3, where we will probably get another ep5 revisit, too, imho. This version of the trial will show Lestat fully in control and blaming Louis and Claudia, too. (This is the version Louis will believe happened.)
Louis and Claudia probably have to flee in the war, we saw them running, which is probably also why they don't have access to their money. That will change in Paris, I bet. Roget's will come into play here, even if only in a short nod.
Louis and his hobby are definitely linked to Louis' perception of reality (and therefore his visions of Lestat, too). Guess Lestat is eating that one photograph Louis looked at in the extended look there... :) - and it will be the one they look at "together".
I don't think Claudia and Madeleine will be lovers. Not only to avoid the kill-the-gays-trap, but also because Claudia apparently bonds with her over compassion, not desire. Also, I believe it was Mark Johnson who said they would stay close to the book there.
The Eastern Europe parts will be gritty and sobering for Louis and Claudia. The horrific possibilities of their existence will be a grating wake-up call to the way Lestat lived with them.
Nicolas will be in the flashbacks to the 1790s, but Armand will not dwell on him for long... again, which I think is only proper, because a) did Armand not care for him too much, but b) also because I don't think the flashbacks will be as extensive as might expect them to be.
That said, Lestat strutting in with the cross does speak of a certain scene, so the kidnapping probably happens. As others have theorized as well, I think that it might be when Lestat is charging Armand in the red coat outside on the street.
I think the bitch fest in the first few episodes in Dubai will be epic.
A propos bitch fest, the one between Armand and Lestat in the past will be tame by comparison, as Armand's version is much more focused on how intense Lestat was and their relationship, imho. Nicki is likely dismissed as inconsequential, as said before.
Claudia will come full into her own throughout the season - almost there, almost free, toasting to the future - and then. That kiss to Louis' cheek will be the "Judas' kiss" just before the vampires come for them.
I think Louis will (try to) break up with Armand (to leave with Claudia and Madeleine), which will lead to Armand allowing it all.
Armand's little Frankenstein moment might be founded in genuine desire to help her slash wants to see what happens. I do think it will be part of the reveals in the last episodes.
With Carol Cutshall's comments re Lestat's pinstripes in mind (aka he being a "jailor" to Louis and Claudia) that speaks volumes for the pinstripes on Armand's pajama as well as the bedroom design in Dubai. With the comment re Louis "missing the natural world" in s1, I do think Armand is fully controlling the whole environment and keeping Louis in a golden cage in Dubai.
When the books come crashing down (which is in all likelihood connected to The Groan somehow) Armand will try to save Daniel. And he therefore might miss out on saving Louis.
I think Louis will throw himself off the balcony at sunrise (in a Merrick-esque event due to the (diary-) revelations) in an echo of Paul's suicide. I think they will think him dead and put him into his literal coffin and put pebbles on him, because he so loved the tree (which might have Claudia's ashes buried at its roots). (And that is why Jacob commented on "spreading Louis' ashes" through NOLA with these pebbles - because the Louis after will be changed.)
I think he will be resurrected through Lestat (and possibly Armand) as seen in the scene in the one trailer.
Lestat is somewhere near, probably comatose till the last episode. He will likely connected to The Groan, because while Armand certainly can conjure metaphysical events in the books this specific "hint" is imho connected to something else in that building.
That "something else" could very well be "Those Who Must Be Kept" because even in s1 there were a lot of Marius hints, and... well. The name has already dropped as well in s1, and in that one review there was that "Adam and Eve" hint... so I expect a lot more of THAT, too.
The Devil's Minion will be fact after the season - we have already heard about a bottle episode and Rolin's comments are fresh in my mind re ep5 and 8 and I expect those to set up, detail and then twist DM around.
Armand will save Louis and they will be hunted by Santiago, who Armand then defeats. Louis will burn down the theater with the fire gift (which he might discover during the season, I concur with @cbrownjc there (as well^^)).
The "Dream-Lestat" manifestations will be the representation of Louis' guilt, but also saying that what Louis cannot, for a lot of reasons. They will also taunt Louis with (and show us) that which Louis suppressed in s1.
Claudia will be (even more) breathtaking this season, which will make what will happen to her even worse to watch. That will not soften the blow of her diary-reveal (as said before likely at the trial) wrt Louis though, and I fully expect them to have the relevant entry read out (or narrated by her) live on stage.
I think the NOLA "reunion" will be around the year 2000 and that this is why Louis stopped killing, though why exactly will remain to be seen.
That's more or less it. I hope they'll think of the "Book of Hours" that got lost in Berlin (from ep6), I hope they'll think of Jonah, and maybe Miss Bricktop. I'm very interested to see what they do with Alice and Daniel's daughters, as daughters and twins are very important in the VC.
I'm extremely excited about the hints we'll get wrt more - since the Talamasca are apparently involved that opens the door to sooooooo much - and opens up crossover possibilities, too.
And I haven't heard anything of the "cameos" that Sam mentioned (of other vampires) - so we might see those in the last episodes as well.
Who knows, maybe Gabrielle will show up at the end!!! (And, maybe she will be the "interior designer"... and maybe, just maybe, Antoinette will show up as well.)
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avelera · 6 months
Oh GOD you, too, are an online lectures geek pls consider this your invitation to talk about favs--ones that stuck with you, current obsessions--the more the better! In trade, I'll tell you the two things I'm currently adoring: Yale's Open Course podcast on The Civil War to Reconstruction done by David Blight (man forgot more than ten other civil war historians know even if he mumbles *constantly*) and A History of Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch (so! worth the Prime BBC free trial <3)
Hiya! Don't mind if I do!
So 99% of the lectures I've watched lately are on the Great Courses Plus which was recently and stupidly renamed "Wondrium", which I find profoundly stupid because instead of just saying, "Hey, check out the Great Courses, yeah you can kinda guess what the streaming service offers," I have to instead explain what this nonsense term "Wondrium" means, ANYWAY, they've got lectures about basically everything.
Essentially, it's Netflix but for college lectures. YouTube has become so unreliable as far as what's actual information and what's completely made up or even racist conspiracy theory BS that I find it completely untrustworthy. Also, most documentaries are trying to prove something new, or offer a new angle on something, OR they're SO rudimentary and 101 that even for topics I know less about in history I tend to already know everything they're going to say.
So I pivoted to college lectures because 1) it's a whole series so like, dozens of hours I can just throw on in the background while doing something mindless and 2) I know it's going to be trustworthy, reliable, and provide me a baseline on a topic instead of some "new controversial spin" on it. Like, goddammit, sometimes I just want to better understand the history of Ancient Egypt, not your stupid theory about how they were secretly all space aliens or that we've got the carbon dating all wrong or whatever made up nonsense.
So, here's a list of some of my favorites!
Hannibal: The Military Genius Who Almost Conquered Rome - I consider myself about as near an expert as a non-academic can get on Rome and this lecture actually taught me some things, which is rare, so I recommend it as a fantastic deep dive!
How the Crusades Changed History is a pretty good short version that I recommend to anyone who enjoyed The Old Guard's Nicky and Joe BUT, for the best Crusades lecture, I'd recommend this History of the Crusades podcast. Sharyn Eastaugh is not just insanely informative, but her dry wit made me laugh out loud at least once an episode at the sheer hapless ineptitude of the Crusaders.
In the Wake of the Plague is a fantastic new lecture by Wondrium, the lecturer is amazing and it provides a lot of objective insights into how humans react to plagues that is VERY relevant to current events, BUT their lecture on **The Black Death in general is the one that got me obsessed with their lecture series. I watched it in the first week of Covid lockdown and let me tell you, having this super in-depth, objective look into how people behaved during the Black Death was incredibly valuable (and chilling) going into those years because it all played out with astonishing similarity. Also, anything by that lecturer, Dorsey Armstrong, is awesome. She's a Medievalist of the highest order. I also recommend her lecture on King Arthur.
**The Birth of the Modern Mind: The Intellectual History of the 17th and 18th Centuries - this one wins the award for "Lecture I thought most likely to bore me to tears that ended up being the single most fascinating I've heard in YEARS." Seriously, the way it explores the evolution of how we think in the modern era, through the philosophers who first conceived of these ideas, was jaw-droppingly fascinating. I also recommend it to writers of historical fiction and fantasy for a crash course, by proxy, of how to write people who think differently than you.
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World - I once had beef with a post here on Tumblr that claimed that academic Classicists don't care about slaves or normal people during the Roman Empire, which is just profoundly absurd. I pointed out this lecture to them if they actually wanted to learn more about the subject instead of complaining that an art history professor may not have been prepped for a lecture about the lives of enslaved people in Ancient Rome. If that is a subject of interest, this lecture is great.
The Real History of Pirates - a must-listen for OFMD fans who want to get an introduction to historical pirates and the history of pirates in literature, which "Our Flag Means Death" owes as much if not more to than the historical figures.
**Turning Points in Middle Eastern History - One of the first lectures I listened to and still one of my enduring favorites. It's the first one I picked up for writing my Old Guard fic, Lights Out, when I wanted to write Joe from a more informed angle and I learned so much.
Understanding Japan: A Cultural History - One of my favorite lectures based on format, the lecturer picks a literary work or cultural concept as the entry point to explore the timeline of Japanese history. It's a fantastic way to give a wider and more holistic look at each era, pairing it with a cultural touchstone.
Shout-out to "The Mysterious Etruscans" because I just think they're neat. The lecturer is also very good and I highly recommend his lecture on ancient cities as well which taught me a lot that I didn't know.
Also a shout out to, "Warriors, Queens, and Intellectuals: 36 Great Women before 1400" for its subject and the lecturer who is great and she also has a really fascinating talk about the history of Spain.
Ok, I THINK that's some of the top ones! ;D
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aropride · 1 year
spotify's current price for premium in the US is $10.99/month, which is a dollar more than before they raised it for the first time recently. the average mcdonald big mac in america costs approximately $5.15. at the new price, you are losing the equivalent of 1 mcdonald big mac every 5 months, which is a tragic loss. however, if you cancel spotify premium, you will be gaining the equivalent of over 2 mcdonald big mac every month, or 25.6 mcdonald big mac per year.
you are a 14 year old tiktok user living in america. (no you're not, i know. we're playing pretend right now. come play in the sand with me. do you want to build a sandcastle). it just so happens that the 13th of april is your birthday, and you just had a birthday and got some birthday money. you've been getting really into [popular artist of ur choice], and you want to listen to them while you're on the bus to school, so you buy spotify premium. you start with the 3 month free trial and when it ends you remember how unbearable the ads are and renew your plan. you have this plan until you go to a four-year college, when you get the student plan. once you leave college, you split the family plan with 3 friends (you have 3 friends after leaving college, so you're already winning). you keep this for a year before becoming disillusioned with streaming services and cancelling your spotify premium plan for good.
in high school, you used spotify premium for 52 months, at $10.99 a month. in college, you used the spotify student premium plan for 48 months, at $5.99 a month. and before you began downloading music off the internet, you used the family plan for 12 months and paid one quarter of the price, $4.25. overall, you have spent $877.03 on spotify premium in less than a decade, not accounting for price changes. this is equivalent to over 170 mcdonald cheeseburger. if the average american eats fast food 1-3 times a week, and you mcdonald cheeseburger two times a week, that's 85 weeks of cheeseburger. 1.6 years of cheeseburger.
or let's say you're a tumblr user. you run a blog where you mainly post about various 80s and 90s rock musicians, and you enjoy listening to music. you've been thinking about getting spotify premium because you're using the free version and the ads are annoying. you figure even though it's $11/month, spotify premium is probably the better option.
a year of spotify costs you $131.88. five years is $659.40. a decade is $1318.80. 60 years is $7,912.80.
or maybe, you post about your desire for spotify premium and your tumblr mutuals immediately start keeling over and sobbing and writhing in pain. your friend stresses the importance of physical media and the fun of piracy, and you decide to believe them and you go to the nearest record store. the store i'm currently looking at online, which i won't say the name of because it's fairly regional, sells cds. most of them seem to be around $13 new or $8 used. you don't really care about buying things used as long as they work, so you tend to go for the used options, but you can be talked into a little treat every once in a while. you burn some CDs from your favorite popular artists, because you know they won't miss the $50 you just saved yourself, and then every month you buy yourself a cd or two from the record store.
after a year, you've bought 13 used cds and 2 new ones for a total of $130. after five years, you've spent $650. after a decade, $1,300. and in sixty years, when you're in your elder years, you'll have spent a grand total of $7,800. but unlike in the alternate universe where you spent $7,912.80, you own all the music you bought (or burned onto CDs). you can pass things down to your grandkids/pet fish/guy down the street who's really into vintage technology who will be excited to inherit them. or over the years if you're less interested in an artist's music you can sell them and get (some of, if not all of) your money back. and when spotify takes your favorite artist's music down or when your phone suddenly breaks, you can still listen to your music. music that you paid for.
you're an american. will you buy cheeseburger and rock and roll disc as god intended, or will pay the devil $10.99 a month to steal your soul?
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rockturbot · 2 months
I saw in an interview that the GK2 writer did consider writing about Manfred, Gant and Blaise but he thought it wouldn't be a fun game to play. If that game WAS made, what do you think it would be like in terms of story and gameplay?
I'm obviously not sure how exactly *Capcom* would make this game, but I can write you an outline of a version of it that I at least wouldn't be disappointed by!
Hope everything makes sense, I'm writing this at 4 am. Under a cut because wow did this get Long.
There'd be AAI-style gameplay, with the usual interrogations and the logic mechanic. That one would be modified in such a way that you're not only piecing facts and events together, but uncovering people's emotional weak spots. Once you find them, they're added to the organizer and you can object with them during interrogations to pressure characters into saying what you need them to say to win the case. Also, outside of interrogations, Gant can use Perceive.
Unlike regular AAI, this one would include actual trial segments, at least in the final case. Now, I'm pretty sure the reason regular AAI does *not* do this is because it's simply hard to incorporate cool twists if you're playing as the prosecutor. As the defense, if the prosecution says the case happened like this and you prove it happened differently, that's fun and exciting! But if you're the one saying it happened like this, and then you just ... prove exactly that ... yeah. That would feel kind of flat. So the way that this would work is similar to the last day of RftA, where Phoenix has at least a rough plan in mind to prove Gant did it from the beginning, but we the audience aren't in on it and watch him unravel it testimony by testimony. Basically the tension would be in the "how" rather than the "what".
On to the story. I know the common idea for a game like this is that Manfred would be the main character, but with what we canonically know about him - a perfect record and nothing ever really going wrong before Greg came along - it would be hard to write meaningful conflict for him, external or internal, and I feel like a game as dark as this one would have to be in order to do its cast justice wouldn't work without plenty of both.
So: except for the segments in court, Gant is the protagonist. A detective who joined the force out of idealism, but who's growing increasingly frustrated and disappointed in the law because of how little justice he feels he actually gets to create, between having to let obviously guilty culprits walk free because some loophole makes the evidence proving their guilt illegal and feeling like he's forced to uphold the letter rather than the spirit of the law more often than not. Insert sad backstory of Blaise (a minor antagonist/rival character in this game) destroying his faith in prosecutors by accepting bribes by a corrupt politician Gant risked his life to apprehend and losing the trial on purpose, thereby also ruining any chance of them being held accountable for their crimes in the future because of double jeopardy.
Manfred fills the sidekick role, but as more of a mentor character than an assistant, showing Gant how to manipulate people, evidence, and the law itself to get the results you want. Although Gant knows Manfred's obsession with perfection makes him dangerous, he's also the only prosecutor he still feels fully comfortable working with, because he's the only one he knows for sure will never betray him like Blaise did and lose on purpose, and Gant reasons that as long as he makes sure they only ever convict people who are actually guilty, it's morally okay for him to use Manfred and his methods as a "weapon" to arrive at that goal. His trust in Manfred - or rather his trust in himself to keep Manfred under control somewhat - gets shaken throughout the game, though; if Manfred can forge evidence to fool the court, he could also manipulate evidence to fool Gant. Can he really be sure he's only arresting the right people?
Manfred also gets to be the viewpoint character for a mostly comedic filler case with incredibly low stakes blown incredibly out of proportion because of how big a threat even small things pose to his perfection.
Blaise, as said before, is a minor antagonist/rival who keeps impeding their investigations and generally making their lives harder (think Verity and Eustace pre-AAI2-4) Every once in a while he's actually useful, providing vital information, but always at a cost. Maybe his and Gant's shared backstory is revealed in a flashback case.
Remember what I said earlier, about Gant worrying about Manfred deceiving him? At around the 75% mark of the game, Gant finds out this has happened at least once, whether by Manfred deliberately framing an innocent person or by going so far with his methods that the resulting injustice completely outweighed the justice of the guilty verdict. With this knowledge, every single other case they worked together now seems suspicious too. Gant confronts him. They end up beating the hell out of each other, and Gant has his Dark Night of the Soul moment where he despairs over the fact that he became a detective to fight for justice, but is unable to stop injustice when it happens right in front of him. The next day he decides to report Manfred to the PIC, even at the cost of incriminating himself by confessing to all the ways they broke the law together, but when he arrives at the building, Manfred is there, waiting for him with a deal: he knows how to get around double jeopardy, and he'll help Gant finally bring the politician Blaise let walk free to justice if he agrees to tell no-one what he knows.
Gant is conflicted at first, but agrees eventually, and they get to work. Now - if this game was actually made, they would of course base this on Japanese law, and I don't know much about that. I've read that in the US, at least, double jeopardy does not apply if it's proven the judge accepted bribes from the defendant to pronounce them not guilty, because then the defendant was never "in jeopardy" in the first place. So, at least in this outline, that's what Gant and Manfred are doing now: framing the judge from back then for taking bribes. Gant feels conflicted again - this is his first time deliberately framing an innocent, but Manfred convinces him that one innocent man going to prison will be worth the justice the politician's victims were denied for so long. (Manfred doesn't care about the justice aspect too much, of course - he just knows it'll convince Gant to stick to the deal).
They succeed, the case is retried. Blaise ramps up his efforts to stop them, worried about his positive public image suffering for losing a case with such a high-profile suspect if they're found guilty now. He fails, of course - Gant and Manfred win, the politician's original victims come up to thank them, and Gant thinks to himself that if the price of fighting the world's many unnecessary evils is employing some necessary evils in turn, it's one he's willing to pay after all. There's some RftA foreshadowing in the end credits with Gant saying to himself that since Blaise has aspirations of becoming Chief Prosecutor one day, he'll need to find a way to control the Prosecutor's Office somehow to ensure they act according to *his* idea of justice, not Blaise's.
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kurenai-works · 2 months
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Hello everyone, today is my 29th birthday.
With that in mind, I figured it would be the best time to talk about this, so I'm proud to present to all of you 東方雷秘儀 ~ Strike in the Holy Apex, my very first Touhou Project fangame!
The game's story will be centered around a mysterious thunderstorm that's raiding the entirety of Gensokyo, so it's up to a group of heroines to investigate the situation and save the day.
As some of you may know, around November of last year, GameMaker has become free to use for everyone, which prompted me to take the opportunity to create an engine that looks roughly similar to ZUN's original Touhou Project games. I showcased it in greater detail on YouTube sometime around late February and I was very pleased by the generally positive feedback it got.
Taking that into account, I continued to expand the work I've done and it has grown a lot during the past four months; menus function properly, game settings can be modified, controller support has been added, several gameplay tweaks have been implemented, and so on. There's still a number of things that need to be ironed out by the time I'm writing this post, but considering the progress I have done on it so far, I have faith that a trial version for the game will be ready for release soon. This has to be the biggest project I've worked on... by a country mile. Speaking of the trial version's release date, that will be disclosed at the very end of this post.
GameMaker being free to use has given me a joy I genuinely can't describe, and I bet my inner child would’ve been happy too by hearing those news. After all, I've had experiences with GameMaker for well over 15 years, basically almost half of my entire life!
So, what should you expect by the time the trial version is released? First things first, it'll obviously consist of only three stages.
Secondly, you'll be able to play this adventure as the usual duo; Reimu and Marisa. More playable characters will be available in the full version.
Thirdly, the game's main mechanic. It's called the Brave Gauge, and it has functionality almost similar to the Season Gauge found in Touhou 16: Hidden Star in Four Seasons. It's not the most original idea I've had, but for the record, and coming back to my familiarity with GameMaker ever since my teenage years, this system was taken from a very old draft which dates all the way back to 2014, while making some adjustments to it. Here's a little bit of proof:
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I'm going a bit off tangent here, but seeing these filenames kinda makes me feel embarrassed. The game has "Ascii" on the name because all of the graphics in there were made using ASCII characters, which was done during a time when my artistic talents were non-existent, so they looked quite messy and overall made the game have a goofy aura to it, haha.
And lastly, considering that I'd like this game to be played by a wider demographic, it's gonna be available in three different languages: English, Spanish (my native language, hooray!) and Japanese. These can be selected anytime via the options menu.
I don't know any people who are fluent in Japanese, and the few friends that I have don't seem to know much about the language either, so that translation is gonna be handled 100% by myself using tools like DeepL. I know that translating all the stuff in one go can lead to heavily mistranslated results, so I'll be making sure to convert my game's text as meticulously as I can. If there's anyone out there who understands Japanese fluently and is willing to translate the text for me, please hit me up because that'd be really appreciated. In case that happens, I won't be able to reward the translation financially, but I will be adding your name to my game's end credits.
So yeah, I don't have much else to say. The game's trial version will be available on Itch.io this August 30th.
The game has a long way ahead from being completed, so anticipating a release date for the full version is not feasible, at the moment. Regardless, I'll make sure to update on that once I have made abundant progress on it.
Both versions of the game will be released as pay-what-you-want. In simpler words, they'll be available free of charge with the optional choice of depositing a sum, in case you're feeling generous. After all, not to brag, but it goes without saying that I'm handling every detail in the game; not just the programming, but also the art, music and writing. While I have used some code libraries to facilitate the inclusion of certain aspects in my game, most of the heavy lifting is carried out by me, so it'd be really appreciated to have some compensation for the work I have been doing for almost half a year. It's not by any means mandatory, so it's fine if you can't for whatever reason, hahaha.
Anyway, I hope you look forward to this game of mine as much as I do! See you then!!
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radioactivepeasant · 3 months
Free Day Thursday: Fragile Things
(This is the one where overuse of light eco at the point of death rewound Damas’s soul back three years. He still isn't sure whether he actually died and accidentally entered another timeline's body when that Damas would have died early, or if he just had an extremely detailed vision. Either way, he broke into Haven and kidnapped TPL Jak literally right in front of Errol and his patrol, and 100% forgot to explain this to his people. Including Jak.) This is long so I'm breaking it into two three posts because even with a read-more it'd be a lot of scrolling.
Two Months Before the Incident:
For the children of the North Quarter, the bridge was a popular place to play and congregate. Most people didn't mind their youngsters hanging around the area, as it was close enough to the tower to discourage general mischief. Footraces, dramatic games of make-believe, even impromptu Raids matches were held on the dusty landmark. It wasn't uncommon for a passing adult to stop and keep an eye on the children for a while, occasionally playing referee.
It was not common for that adult to be King Damas.
He leaned against the tower, and an entrance to the filtration levels that only a handful of Spargans had the code to. Nine children ranging from ten to fourteen in age were spread across the bridge in little groups. The smaller ones were playing a fairly unhinged version of Raids that had evolved to include someone's pet dogat. The older three were crouched closer to him, intent on learning a marble game Jak was trying to teach them. Kill-Grid, he called it, some fusion of checkers and an Arena trial. Damas hadn't quite gotten the hang of it yet, himself, but he enjoyed watching Jak play.
One of the water staff exited the entrance and was taken aback to find him there. For a moment, the balding man looked around as if expecting trouble. When he realized that the king was merely taking his turn looking after the collective of children, he relaxed.
"One of these days someone is going to go right over the side of this thing," he sighed.
"And that's why they're never up here unsupervised," Damas agreed. Never taking his eyes from the children, he asked, "How are the new saline filters working out?"
Jeriko made a face. "All good but one. There's a crack in the seal we didn't notice at installation. We're going to have to take it out and use the old filter until it's fixed."
"Ah. I'll have the Trade guild remind its members to examine imports from Kras more closely." Damas rubbed his nose and shrugged. "Still, three out of four isn't bad."
"No indeed.”
They were silent for a while, and Jeriko noticed something. While Damas’s eyes periodically flitted across every little Spargan on the bridge, they always came back to one in particular. The skinny little thing he'd brought back after dropping off Sig for his infiltration mission. Jak, right? Or Jag? Jeriko could never quite tell, but the boy was almost always in the tower. Far more than any of his playmates would have been. Jeriko could almost swear the boy lived there.
"You knew him already, didn't you?"
He couldn't say what had possessed him to ask what so many whispered about already. A death-wish?
But Damas wasn't offended. There was a faraway quality to his gaze as he murmured, "Yes."
He folded his arms and sighed.
"He's thirteen, now. Thirteen! It doesn't seem real."
This was not what Jeriko had expected to hear. He turned to face his king in shock.
"Did you know him...before? In Haven?"
Did he leave a kid behind? He wouldn't do that, right?
Damas’s mind was far from the bridge. He answered honestly, but he did not think then how his answers would be interpreted.
"He's changed so much-! And yet for me, it seems only days since we were first separated."
Oh. Jeriko blanched. The coup. Jak had probably been a hostage to ensure that Damas cooperated. He would have been a newborn then! The poor kid! Jeriko didn't want to think about what kind of life he'd led before Damas went back for him. And now Haven had his other child, too? It was unthinkable.
"Does...does he remember?" Jeriko asked cautiously.
Damas shook his head. "No. I was a stranger to him."
His voice caught on the words.
"But it is...better this way. Better he is spared the horrors I remember. If I must rebuild our relationship from the beginning, I will gladly do so as long as he's safe."
Jak looked up then, meeting Damas’s gaze. He blinked at the intensity of it, then beamed and waved.
Damas smiled and waved back, but his eyes were still troubled.
And now, so were Jeriko's.
Five Days Before the Incident:
(The snippet where Jak jumpscares Damas by asking "Hey are you secretly my dad or something")
The Incident:
On the mainland, autumn had arrived. The air was cooling, and leaves were beginning to change color. On the desert island colloquially known as The Wastelands, fall meant temperatures dropping from 100° to 75°, and the air drying out. A relief for everyone except the people who harvested humidity to sell water. The cooling of the air meant that the sandstorm season had ended, and the rainy season would be upon them soon.
In the city of Spargus, that meant children anxiously awaiting the first major storm of the year. Once it had rained for more than fifteen minutes in a single span, the council would choose a day within the week to celebrate the Rainfall holiday on. Rainfall meant a four day break from school, and distribution of carefully conserved fruits and sweets, and the annual plays and mock battles held in the Arena to entertain the youngest Wastelanders. (And some of the older ones, not that they'd admit it.)
Jak had never heard of the holiday before being brought to the desert city. But it reminded him of Aurora Night in Sandover -- or more specifically, Rock Village. Uncle Erasmus had brought the tradition down into the coastal village when he settled there, long before Jak arrived.
He wondered where in the world Erasmus had ended up -- or maybe when. The calendars were all messed up now.
The holiday sounded like a lot of fun. There had never been more than three children in their little neighborhood in Sandover, and celebrations were subsequently quite small. But here there were more kids than Jak had ever seen in one place before. And even the older ones were excited about Rainfall!
Jak sat under an awning with a few other twelve and thirteen year olds, sorting spent ammunition casings to be recycled. It was normally a chore for very young children, but someone in Jak’s class had gotten them all on punishment.
The actions of one affected the whole.
That's the lesson the teacher was trying to impress on them: that one person breaking rules and taking risks in the ruins could put a whole team in danger.
Half the kids understood the lesson behind the group punishment. The other half -- including Jak -- thought it was just grown-ups being mean.
"Y'know what's the worst about this?" complained a girl to Jak’s left -- one of his regular playmates these days, "It wasn't even me this time! For once, I didn't sneak off, and I'm still getting baby chores!"
Jak snorted. "Lose-lose," he signed.
"You said it," Flick agreed.
She tossed another empty Scatter cartridge into a basket and nudged Jak's foot with her own.
"Hey, you think the big boss will give you a Rain Bead this year?"
Jak tilted his head quizzically.
Flick took a moment to wind her braided hair back up out of her way, only to undo her work again by shrugging.
"Y'know, since you live...somewhere in the tower. Does he take care of you? Or do you live on the first floor?"
"I live with Damas? You knew that already?"
He wasn't that surprised that she'd forgotten. There were a lot of floors in the tower, and three of them had people living in them. And since people didn't like to talk about Damas’s other kid, the baby his friend in Haven was searching for, they tended to assume that Damas wasn't the one looking after Jak.
The only exceptions were the guards and the filtration staff. They gossiped worse than old Mrs. Perch! Inside the tower, it was an open secret that Jak had either been adopted by the king, or was a biological child that had been taken from him when he was exiled.
Jak pretended not to hear them gossiping when they saw him. It just made his head hurt.
Forget figuring out how that could work. Damas said he wanted to be Jak's dad on purpose! That was even better, right? Because it meant he wasn't obligated to look after Jak, he did it because he wanted to.
Jak watched a strand of bone beads bounce against Flick's braid -- off-white against bright teal -- and counted them silently.
Thirteen, one for every Rainfall Flick had experienced. She was looking forward to her fourteenth bead. Some Wastelanders had as many as twenty hanging from belts or hair! But only those with parents living in the city.
It wasn't a gift friends could give. Apparently it was reserved only for parents and guardians.
Jak didn't know if Damas would give him a rain bead, but he was hoping he would. Ada
Lost in thought, he didn't notice the half filled blaster casing still contained until his hands tingled.
Oh, he hadn't meant to channel it out!
Jak pretended to light one of his fingers on fire and watched the eco hop from vein to fingertip like a perverse candle.
It wasn't enough for a full fireball, but that was for the best. The last time there was an eco imbalance, he'd nearly singed off Teacher Rustin's eyebrows.
"Aw cool!" Flick leaned over with a wide, crooked grin. "Man, I wish I could channel."
Feeling a bit whimsical, Jak used the fire to write words in the air before it ran out.
"That's what the shells are for, right? Even the playing field."
"Yeah," Flick sighed, "I guess that's true."
Then she started digging around for more blaster casings.
"Do it again."
"Guysss!" a younger boy whined from further down the line, "Quit! You're gonna get us in more trouble!"
Considering this was the youngster who had gotten them on group punishment in the first place, nobody paid him much attention.
"Here! How about this one?"
Flick tossed another shell to Jak.
"Nah. Empty."
The baskets were nearly full by the time they found more eco. Most of their classmates had finished their allotted baskets and been dismissed to carry on with their day by then. And according to Rustin, Jak could have left by now. But he hadn't channeled yellow eco in months! Now he wanted to find more!
Jak held up three shells triumphantly. Now this was enough for a fireball.
Rustin leapt to his feet.
"Noooooo you don't!" the young man shouted, "You get out of here with that eco!"
Cackling, Jak and Flick scooped up a handful of disorganized cartridges and shells and dashed out of the stall towards the beach.
Nobody minded if kids made a mess on the beach. Wasn't much to mess up. Flick turned a cartwheel -- showoff, Jak couldn't do that! -- and landed on her feet. Jak just did a somersault, as he always did back h- back in Sandover.
"Hey! I'll throw a sandball, and you blast it outta the air, okay?"
Flick ran to the surf and began packing wet sand into a sphere.
Jak drew the remnants of the yellow eco out of the spent casings. The stuff ran out quickly. You either channeled it out, or it got absorbed into your core.
The warmth gathered in his palm, sharpened his sight, and Jak waited.
Flick pulled back her arm and launched her projectile straight up.
The fireball struck it dead-on. Sand rained down on them both.
Laughing, Jak brushed it out of his hair and shoved the fully empty casings into his pocket. Sorting through the random assortment they'd grabbed, he was disappointed to find no red residue in any of them. Oh well. There was a hint of blue, though.
Jak curved his right hand down into his left palm.
"You got it, partner!" Flick ran back to make another sandball, missing Jak's wince.
He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but he wasn't her partner. It was Jak and Daxter, not Jak and Flick. Damas’s friend would find Daxter, Damas said so! He was so sure of it! Damas was always telling him that he would see Daxter again, that he couldn't give up.
Flick was his friend -- she'd probably be Daxter's friend, too -- but Daxter was the one who'd been through enough with him to be a partner.
"Okay! Ready for launch?"
Flick waved an arm.
"Readyyyyy- go!"
This time, Jak didn't shoot a fireball. This time he'd gotten a fingerful of blue eco.
Just that little bit was enough to propel him four feet up in a single leap to slap a hand against the sandball, smashing it.
"Yoooo!" Flick crowed, "That was awesome!"
Then an idea struck her. Jak recognized that little shimmer. When the girl's brown eyes looked almost gold for a moment, that was cause for concern. That meant somebody's parents were going to get called by the end of this.
Unfortunately, it also meant something really fun was about to happen. Choices, choices.
"Wait here." Without waiting for an answer, Flick turned and pelted up the beach, sending up little sprays of sand in her wake.
Jak tucked the Vulcan cartridge into his pocket with the other casings and shrugged. The weather was nice, he didn't mind waiting. The water was just beginning to cool, the perfect temperature for swimming. Jak struggled with his boots -- laces, he *hated* laces! It took *weeks* for Damas to teach him to tie his own stupid shoes! -- and kicked them off with a grumble before diving in.
The salt stung his eyes, but Jak had grown accustomed to that years ago. He pushed past the cloudy grit of the shallows and down past the breakers, to where the water was clear, and clean, and blue.
There was coral here. Not as dense as the reef in Rock Village, but there were more fish around it. Parrotfish nibbling at odd ends, wrasse darting in and out and hiding in the sand, funny little things shaped like flat ribbons that bumbled along. Jak loved to watch them all.
Sometimes, if he looked hard enough, he could find pieces of orbs under the coral. There were some whole ones, too, but prying them out would require breaking the coral, and Jak still remembered Samos's hour long lecture about coral being an animal of some kind. Jak didn't want to hurt an animal that wasn't hurting him just for the sake of something shiny. The shards of orbs he dredged up were enough -- the adults certainly seemed to think so. Apparently there were so many broken orbs around the desert that shards had become the most common form of currency. Jak wondered what could be powerful enough to smash an orb.
It wasn't until he came up for air that he realized Flick had been calling him. He wasn't sure when she'd gotten back. Time seemed to disappear when he was underwater. In no particular hurry, Jak swam a leisurely circuit before making his way back to shore. Flick had a bag over her shoulder that she was clinging to with a clear impatience. What was she up to?
"C'mon! Hurry! Before my mom figures out I took these!"
Well that was both promising and ominous at the same time.
Jak shook off seawater like a crocadog. (He saw them swimming beyond the reef sometimes. He badly wanted to touch one, but it Wasn't Allowed, apparently.)
Flick squealed and jumped out of the way.
"Ja-aak! Quit!"
He did not.
Once he'd wrung out his scarf -- and flicked the water off his fingers and onto his friend -- Jak leaned over with a questioning grunt.
Flick's eyes sparkled with mischief.
When she pulled back the flap, shiny yellow and blue plastic caught the sunlight.
Bullets. Unspent bullets.
Flick was fourteen; she was allowed to have Scattergun cartridges -- Jak still had to wait a year to be allowed to hold a gun -- but Blaster and Vulcan rounds? Absolutely not. The lure of the forbidden pulled at Jak, and he only hesitated for a moment.
The last time he'd given in to that call, his best friend got turned into an ottsel. But, they'd also uncovered Gol and Maia's plot.
And it wasn't like there was any dark eco here. He definitely had no chance of turning Flick into an ottsel.
Jak took adventure's bait, hook line and sinker.
Prying open the bullets to get the eco out was difficult. It took several minutes, and the sun was beating down uncomfortably on their shoulders when they finally cracked the seal on a Vulcan round. But it was so worth it. The rush of blue eco, shooting through his body, made Jak feel almost like he was back on Sentinel Beach. He whooped and took off down the strand, laughing.
Go go go go go! cried the eco in his blood, Faster! Higher! Further!
He'd made it halfway up the side of the cliff before he felt the eco beginning to wear off. Making the most of every last spark, Jak kicked off the rock wall and into a backflip, landing on his feet.
The nice thing about blue eco was that he was never out of breath after using it.
Jak turned to find Flick, much further down the beach. He waved his arms with a theatrical, "TA-DA!"
Flick whooped and waved her own arms. She waited until Jak had jogged back to her before pulling out a Blaster bullet.
"Now let's do fire!"
They spent close to half an hour playing with the elements of motion and range and fire. It was so strange to Jak that this was such a foreign concept to children in Spargus. There were no open vents here, no clusters of raw eco oozing from the rocks and the sea and the earth itself. Was it because it was a desert?
"Hey Jak," Flick said when they had begun to wind down, "How come you can channel more than one eco?"
Jak looked away from the sun, which was beginning to sink, with a startled grunt.
Oh. Right. The sages only ever channeled just one. He supposed monks were like sages in training, so they probably only channeled one eco, too.
"I don't know. I just do." Jak shrugged. "I can't turn it off. It just happens."
Flick laid back on the sand with her hands behind her head. "Huh. Well, that's kind of cool though."
They were quiet for a few seconds, but the calm wouldn't last.
Flick abruptly sat up and shifted to look at Jak. He blinked back at her upside-down visage and wondered why he suddenly had a bad feeling.
Was this what it was like to be Daxter?
"Have you ever channeled more than one eco?" Flick asked, "*at the same time?"*
A year ago, Jak would have said that was impossible. Picking up green turned off the effects of blue. Yellow turned off red. He just couldn't hold onto two at once.
Or so he'd thought.
But then came the last battle against the Acherons.
Now Jak sat up, frowning.
"Actually, yeah! Only once, but it was like-"
He made a few meaningless gestures, trying to convey a sensation he couldn't describe.
"It was all four! And- and they mixed or something into- to- white eco or something!" Jak's hands were exaggerated into a shout. "It was like mega powerful!"
"Nuh-uh!" Flick challenged, but she was smiling. "There's no way. You did not homebrew light eco."
"Wasn't me, it was four sages!" Jak explained. "Maybe that's why I could do it?"
"Well can you only do it with all four, or does it work with three? Or even just two?"
The wheels were turning in Flick's head.
"What if you wanted speed and firepower, but not super strength?"
"Blue and yellow! Maybe!"
Jak didn't know that it wouldn't work.
And even if it didn't, at worst one would just cancel out the other.
"Might not do anything, but who knows!"
"We'll know.”
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
eagerly awaiting your thoughts on the finale & season as a whole queen, whenever you might be ready to share them! i watched ep 8 and have just been staring at my ceiling lol.
Hi Anon! Actually, I got to see the finale a few weeks back but I couldn't discuss it until it aired for obvious reasons. I was very curious to see how the rest of the fandom would react to it. As you've probably guessed, I'm not crazy about it, though there are some moments that I really enjoyed.
My main gripe with this episode is that by changing the book plot point and making Lestat the one who saves Louis while Armand was apparently intent on both he and Claudia dying, it creates a massive plot hole where Armand's motivations make even less sense than they did at the end of ep 6 (I talked about this in more details in another ask). Now Armand doesn't kill Claudia because he wants Louis more than anything in the world and he sees Claudia as competition (which she never even was in this version but okay). Now he wants to kill both of them, and he does this because...he's a villain who does villainous things muahaha! Who the fuck knows, tune in next season to find out...maybe
It points to the same sloppy writing that is recurrent throughout this entire season. The writers introduce major deviations from the books—which, great we love that, imo the show does best when it creates its own fresh new storylines, as evidenced by ep 5 and most of present-day Dubai—but then they turn around and still try to shoehorn in the same story beats from the book and it just doesn't work anymore, so the whole thing ends up feeling incoherent and contradictory.
Do I think Armand would have any qualms about killing Louis under different circumstances, absolutely not! My pookie hunts down and dismembers rogue fledglings as a pastime. In fact, the only reason he doesn't obliterate Louis and Claudia to ashes the minute they set foot in Paris is precisely because he falls for Louis and becomes so obsessed with Louis that he would do anything to have him.
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If they were gonna change that plot point by removing Loumand's love story entirely then commit all the way and at least give us another plausible motivation for Armand putting on a whole ass fake trial and pretending he could not prevent it™ when his intent was to kill Louis anyway. What was the pretence for if not for Louis' benefit? What was the aim of his big machiavellic plan if it was not to get rid of Claudia and the coven in one fell swoop so that he and Louis could be together? Who the fuck knows, tune in next season to find out...maybe.
I also have a problem with the final twist/reveal. The way the show frames it, it doesn't come down to Louis finding out that Armand had a hand in Claudia's death. He already knew that, though not the full extent of it—because he's a dumb dumb who believed that Armand was oh so helpless next to the fierce vampire Sam. No, what pisses Louis off the most is the reveal that Armand didn't save him at the trial (although Armand still does free him from the coffin even though he's the one who wanted him killed in the first place, go figure).
But you see, Lestat loves Louis the mostest because at least HE saved Louis from the revenge trial...that he planned and rehearsed for months. So ShackLestat, as we're calling him, gets a bit of a rushed impromptu redemption arc with a tender hug and a kiss while Armand is thrown into a concrete wall and sent packing.
The final reveal is not about Claudia, it was never about [her]. The reason Louis resents Lestat in 1949 and pulls his little CW teen drama stunt in Magnus's tower hasn't changed; Lestat still crossed an ocean to rehearse a play that would burn his daughter alive and still stood by as said daughter was burnt to death. Armand is still the POS who sold them out. That hasn't changed much either. The decision of who Louis forgives comes down to who rescued him—which of his two toxic husbands was the better knight in dusty armour that chose him over Claudia. But who tf cares right? Loustat reunion everybody, yay! 🎉
I have so many other discrepancies and inconsistencies I could talk about, but at this point, I've made peace with the choices the show made. It's clear that the strikes had a huge impact on the writing and the overall quality the show might have had in a more ideal scenario. Hopefully, s3 will fare better, especially since RoJo—just like he keeps reminding us in every interview—will be writing about a character that he actually gives a fuck about for a change. 🙃
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wonumatics · 1 year
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✰ jeonghan x gn. reader ; fluff, suggestive ; 0.8k
note: this was inspired by that one ep from b99
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22:54, Tuesday.
Yoon Jeonghan was a man of pretty smiles and interesting opinions on Stieg Larsson’s works. It was a lonely night for you and he happened to be a wonderfully single drinking partner. You did the honours of initiating the experimental kiss at the local bar which soon led you to his place. He was great, on and off the bed. He’d even offered breakfast earlier this morning, but you declined with the excuse of work. You were satisfied with exchanging numbers for now.
10:07, Thursday. 
"You see that fucker over there?"
Frowning, you turn from your place in the courtroom’s gallery to follow Doyoung's gaze. Nicknamed Mother Doyoung by your co-workers, he never resorted to swearing unless the situation called for it. 
"That's Jeonghan. Thanks to him, I'm back in court today for— "
The rest of his words get drowned by the sight that greets you. Yoon Jeonghan, dressed in a crisply ironed white shirt, blazer, and slacks, stood near the entrance as a defence attorney, representing the perpetrator you helped Doyoung catch on Tuesday. 
Pause. Rewind. A montage of that night plays in your head. His hands were around your waist, lips tracing your jawline, and oh, what have you done?
You were a cop. You helped society by catching the bad guys. Jeonghan, on the other hand, helped free the aforementioned bad guys, undoing all your excellent work with legalese.
As if sensing your eyes on him, Jeonghan looks away from the sheave of papers he held and into your eyes, his calm and calculative look washed away by recognition. Mustering all your strength to keep your expression neutral, you tear your gaze away from him, wishing the earth would swallow you whole. If word got around your precinct that you slept with your antithesis and, worse still, enjoyed it, you halt your train of thought. Some things are better left unfinished. 
Doyoung pats your shoulder. "Don't glare (name). We know they're satan spawns, but we've got to keep things professional." 
Things between you and Jeonghan were far from professional. Nevertheless, you nod along. "The evidence is watertight this time." You lean into your chair and fold your arms. “We’ve got this.”
21:19, Thursday. 
The trial ends with the jewellery store robber walking free because, according to Jeonghan, the fact that the two of you found a bag containing glass cutting tools and shards of glass (from the store’s main window, obviously) right before the trial seemed too coincidental to be unfabricated evidence. 
Is he a despicable menace to society? Yes. 
You stare at the empty shot glass in front of you, the noise around you fading into the background. You were supposed to be here for a celebratory dinner for winning the trial, not a pity party hosted by you, for you. 
“Detective (name).” 
Think of the devil and he appears. You look up to find the version of Jeonghan you had first met, the one minus the courtroom persona. "Abettor of thievery." You say by way of greeting.
He raises an eyebrow. "The court acquitted him of all charges." 
You roll your eyes. "Whatever." 
He leans against the counter, lips curved into a smile that either makes you want to rip his hair apart or kiss him; you don't know which.
"Me versus you and the scores are one and nil." He pauses to inhale deeply. "Your defeat smells wonderful, love."
Jeonghan definitely deserves to get his hair ripped out. But you're stopped by your choice to be the bigger person. And the small part in you that recalls the way his eyes lit up when you’d asked him about the straw hat-wearing rock seated on his bedside table. “That’s Dolljong”, he’d said excitedly before picking them up from their artificial habitat and briefing you about their routine. 
Is he cute? Heck, yes.
You settle with "Shut up," and busy yourself with your next order.
He stares at you, expecting you to say a little more. "So, you're still down for the date on Saturday, right?" 
You blink, not expecting a question about the conversation you'd both had the previous day. “You're not your work, (name)” were the words Irene, your sergeant, had told you when you'd offered to do overtime during the holiday season. This statement applied here, didn't it? You were at odds against him professionally but you did not have anything against the guy himself. 
You sigh. “It'll be a mess if anyone finds out.” 
He chuckles. “No kidding, Sherlock.”
You wrinkle your nose at the nickname. "Don't call me that and—" Your voice trails away, warmth travelling up your neck. He'd moved closer, face a breath away from yours. 
"Yes or no?"  
"Yes." You mumble before giving in and tugging him by his collar, lips crashing against his and his hands settling on your waist, You break apart, satisfied with the dazed look clouding his eyes. 
"Are you free right now?" 
His eyes dart between yours and your lips but not for longer than a moment. 
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eryanlainfa · 6 months
important thought i just had. how do you imagine hugo’s gender nonconformity like how does he identify with any label in particular or is he just Like that. and more importantly do you think he’s already figured it out by the time he meets the gang or do you think the egg breaks later. BC SEE i’ve always imagined up until the trials shes never had the time to think about herself at ALL, like she obviously knows shes kinda *flicks wrist* yk but otherwise she’s never really actually come to any real conclusions about herself. so i think as soon as they move in with varian and once they’ve finally settled and they have SO much free time and so many things going on in their head, they’re trying new hobbies and finding all sorts of things to tinker with and most importantly they finally have the opportunity to care about their appearance and suddenly the gender crisis hits them like a fucking FREIGHT TRAIN
all this is to say because. I was thinking about that again today and then i remembered aiden and it was like my third eye opened bc i realized the sheer potential in that scenario with airigo. like i feel like aiden would’ve seen that shit coming a MILE AWAY and i think that’d be so cute and also so fucking funny and. I need to hear your thoughts ok
[Hi. Future Ery talking. I started rambling and I have no clue if what I said is actually coherent or even answers your question at all- But the idea was there! Also I personally headcanon everything and anything, I love switching labels of one character and making a whole new au for it. But covering EVERYTHING would be too long so I answered regarding Aiden's main timeline only- but if you want me to talk about transfem Hugo in particular I'd love to!!]
Sobbing and crying this is so cute and funny your brain is wonderful mwah mwah. I think all you said could 100% work and I can see a version where it would make sense for Hugo to not had the time to discover themself properly. And Aiden just clocking her right away is so funny 😭
Saddly it wouldn't work in Aiden's original timeline simply because, in this case, Hugo wouldn't be Hugo if he hadn't transition already.
I've never really openly delved into my headcanons for the whole gang, because I like people being able to interpret my art however they want (and also because I can change my mind whenever and no one would know-). But in Aiden's universe, Hugo isn't amab.
But to go back on how I imagine Hugo's gender noncomformity!
Firstly, in universe, I'm not sure neither Hugo nor Aiden really identify with a gender label. They don't really have a word for it so they're just how they are. But I personally label him as bigender transmasc. And I do still label them as gay. Cuz. Queer homosexuals representation. Yay.
Secondly- Hugo actually transitioned before figuring out his gender. Being an orphan is already harsh, being poor is terrible and he figured being female generally made things more difficult. So she didn't want to be one. When he got recruited by Don for the first time he was already dead set on not wanting to be a girl and didn't have a name anymore so Donella is the one who named him Hugo. I think Don was "supportive" as in she really didn't care, and if helping Hugo transition meant he would be more useful then that worked for her just fine. So Hugo got to transition but it wasn't really because he didn't feel like he wasn't a girl, she just didn't think it would be advantageous for him to be one.
Sorry I got sidetracked- cough- Back on topic.
One thing I wanted regarding Hugo's relationship to gender is the fact that he is comfortable being fem BECAUSE he got to transition.
For work they would play whichever role worked best no matter the gender. At first, looking like a guy needed more work, which bothered him because it was his goal, so for a while he had a clear preference for appearing masculine. But years later, after having transitioned to a comfortable point, she figured she really didn't mind being either gender. And it made playing different roles even more fun and easy for them. Not necessarily in a fluid way, he's just everything at once most of the time.
So he already got herself figured out quite well when 7k starts. Actually, Hugo being openly queer is another reason why she caught Aiden's interest so fast. And I wanted them to mirror each others in a way, with Hugo being comfortable because he transitioned and Aiden being more comfy doing the absolute bare minimum-. Also I had this one joke that sometimes Nuru and Hugo would have girls nights during the journey. So I needed she/her Hugo for all of this to work lol. But I do believe Hugo still gets to affirm and discover himself even more after he settles, it's just mostly about other things.
BUT YOU KNOW WHO'S EGG GOT TO CRACK DURING THE TRIALS IN MY MIND-??? Varian. He's agender. My whole gang is trans and the joke was that Varian is the token cis guy of the group (because I thought it was funny). But he isn't. He just doesn't know because he's always too busy thinking of literally anything else and he never really registered that was an option. He still uses he/him tho. Because I enjoy gender fuckery.
In summary :
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○ Bigender ○ agender ○ genderfluid ○
Also, since I decided to finally talk about my headcanons, I think too many people assumed Aiden is the one pregnant -in that one comic-. They aren't.
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dittydipity · 1 year
finally got around to finishing the finale of the ghost trick remaster. i've played and watched this ending more times than i can count but it's still so SO good.
all of my insane thoughts and overanalysis/overthinking under the cut
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when the last portion/chapter of a game or book is called 'final chapter' or the title of the story.. GRRRRRRGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
when the four of them are discussing what to do and they're like "we might not be able to change your fate of dying" and yomiel is just. "i can accept that." 😭😭
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man no matter how many times i see it, yomiel getting flung back and impaled on the post never fails to make me flinch
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These long, lonely ten years…
you were my one and only friend.
How about it?
Do you remember now...
*spotlight, the reveal*
...old friend?
he finally rember after so long of forgor...
and then the whole retelling of the story by sissel and yomiel where they narrate interchangeably without any indication of who is talking but you can still tell who's narrating hewioagljadsklfajds
Somebody, please reach a hand out to me... //
My body wouldn't move, but I still managed to reach out a "hand" to him.
ueueueue them finding the comfort they sought and needed in each other because at our cores, we all need connections..
catboy yomiel real and canon
Those ten years were very happy for me.
But they weren't happy for the man...
and there was nothing I could do for him.
^ LINE THAT PEOPLE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ENOUGH. god these lines hit so hard bc it's like. when all you want is for someone you love to be happy and you're trying your hardest and you're giving everything but you just don't know and you just can't understand that there just isn't any way for you to help, no matter how much you want to..
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man just. imagine that when you finally think you're going to be free. that after so many years of limbo you think you're finally going to get what you've wanted. and when you get to the final steps of your plan, you find that your best friend, the only person keeping you afloat throughout this whole time, just died. because of you.
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jowd being the one to say this is so good. bc out of all the people, he might be the one that understands yomiel the most. yomiel's entire goddamn existence and everything he's believed and been forced to endure has finally been righted. jowd's own predicament and resulting fate change from this whole ordeal is also incredibly drastic, but that's what makes him the one who most closely relates to yomiel. yomiel's twisted, revenge-fueled desire to make jowd feel the same pain he felt turns into empathy and understanding.
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do you ever think about how, for the 4 of them (sissel, yomiel, jowd, missile), they have 20 years of memories overlapping each other in a 10y period? if not more, from all the rewinding and trial error of this one night? when they "return" to the new present that is born from this final aversion of fate, do they just find themselves in a completely different place in life, with a whole entire set of memories? do they just. slide "back" into place in this new timeline and replace the placeholder version of them that existed in those 10y that were completely changed, all of a sudden now with all of that version's memories and experiences?
how disorienting and confusing and discombobulating would that be, to suddenly have two completely different versions of the same period of time in your head
it's not as bad for missile, since he's only two years old when the events of the game happen, and so "only" has 2y worth of memories that overlap, but for sissel and yomiel and jowd...
and the fact that only the four of them will remember. sissel and missile are fine, as animals, but for yomiel and jowd.. how often did the people around them think they were insane, talking about things that never happened and knowing things that they shouldn't know, breaking down over things that remind them of this overwritten timeline
When we go back, our fates will no longer be interconnected.
It will be like we never met...
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hiweoaghlkjadslkfjkl and in that new timeline, yomiel's one and only friend, the only being he could have called a friend in those years of limbo from the previous timeline, now has nothing to do with him.
and so before that happens, he has to apologize for everything he made sissel go through. even though sissel chose to stay by his side, it's only human nature to feel guilty for something you can't help. he needs this solace.
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and sissel gives it to him.
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all these four can do is hope that the stars will align and the gods that started this whole mess will allow them to meet once again
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these have to be some of the most genuine, heartfelt lines in the game, alongside the thanks that yomiel gives sissel.
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not me getting sad about ray's reluctance to even talk about himself. oh boy.
his reluctance to reveal just how much he messed up and failed. how hard he tried and how much he's sacrificed just to help his friends. telling this almost complete outsider how much of a failure he was and expecting them to understand his selfish, selfish reasons
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can you imagine? waiting for 10 years to pin all your hopes and sacrifices on this stranger that didn't stop to give you the time of day the first time. and if they don't help you this time, everything would have been for nothing. having to just stand back and watch as everything happens this second time around because you can't risk messing it up this time.
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doing all of this knowing that, whether things work out or not this time, you're going to disappear at the end.
Of course!
Because that's what doggies do!
the wave of relief and satisfaction when reincarnation starts..
From just that single night as a human, I got a glimpse into their world.
And I learned something...
Their fates, their lives - they were all interconnected...
Somewhere, somehow, in some way.
And, now, this is MY new fate.
literally just in awe at this story.
the reveal of sissel's new fate w the next lines.. one of the most fulfilling, complete endings and feelings of closure i've ever gotten from a game.
It suits me just fine to curl up and watch...
...watch the strange and beautiful patterns of their lives as they unfold.
And it looks like...
...I'll have plenty to watch
here for quite a while.
and the credits song kicking in.. the way it's timed perfectly with the final reveal and snaps to the main theme in time with the end of sissel's speech. it's SO satisfying.
and the fact that the credits song is a remix of the main theme that we've heard so much throughout the game as a way to end each chapter with a sense of mystery, but this final time, it's triumphant. it's the same tune but this time we've solved everything. everything is going to be okay.
i love you ghost trick
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boss-hoody · 4 months
So I continued to play Final Fantasy 14
idk what day I'm on.
Upon rematching against the harder version of Titan, I once again fell off the stage, but this time it was because I backflipped out of an AoE. At least this time I looked cool.
I eventually cleared the main story of A realm reborn, and I used my free fantasia for the sole purpose of making my guy taller. I have no regrets.
I LOVED the 3 part raid that recreates the endgame of FF3. FF3 was technically my first Final Fantasy. I had watched my mom play 7 when I was a kid, and years later picked up the FF3 remake on DS. Needless to say, I look forward to what future raids have in store.
Because of my funky hours, I cross into a point in time where my server is totally dead and its impossible to get into any duties. So I took up a trade and became a Weaver! I quickly reached a point however, where I required materials a weaver could not make, and so, I turned to the Market board to obtain them.
After accidentally spending 300k on material and setting my savings for an apartment back to basically 0, I said "BEGONE, MIDDLEMEN!!" and took up the required trades to obtain the various unweavable items. So now I'm a weaver, a leatherworker, a carpenter, a blacksmith, a botanist, and a miner! All for fashion.
I eventually got back to playing the MSQ and finished the ARR post-game. I was GLUED to the screen, and before I knew it, it was 4am and my distrust for Lalafells had increased significantly
Heavensward is included in the free trial so I have EVEN MORE to play. Very excited. But first I think I'm gonna focus on gathering and crafting, and selling the goods on the market board. ELIMINATE THE MIDDLE MAN! BECOME THE MIDDLE MAN!
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herotome · 1 year
Finally-official-devlog #112
Also known as FOD112 hi-ho, Wudge here.
Gosh there's just. So much. I'm actually drafting this devlog a few days early so that I'm not suddenly overwhelmed on devlog Tuesday again. But without further ado-
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This is the big cheese right here -- each character has their own layer, each character's clothes and expressions have their own layers, and there's a separate layer for the soft orange lighting on top of it all. 😭
On that note, here's most of the individual image files that create the CG with their powers (and my code) combined:
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And since this is a cropped version of a BIGGER CG (featuring ALL the love interests sitting together), I had to tinker with the position code a great deal to properly feature these three goons Of course it was worth it of course twas merely at the cost of all my energy and sanity at the prospect of eventually possibly also adding in blinks and expression changes--
Mad props as usual to the sweetwonderfulamazing Remnantation who first completed this CG -checks watch- sometime last year! With some additional edits by me since then~
And, did you happen to notice something new in the lower right?
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Tadah... a brand new click-to-continue icon animation! I made (mostly) all by myself! The lil sparkle burst is free from production crate, but I drew the star and added the rotation code... ... Honestly, the hardest and most time-consuming part of this was finalizing the design. Originally I was gonna make it rotate 45 degrees, flip, rotate 45 more degrees, flip, etc-- and messed with that concept for several hours before scrapping it for a simpler, more graceful idea. :| Part of the process, I gots to tell myself, part of the process...
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Next up is Jade's powers, as you may have seen in the preview last week. Much like the CTC animation, I did a lot of research on other ideas - various glowing VFX like vertical veins across the cheeks and smoky rising from the eyes, as well as a bigger low opacity character zoom effect - before settling on something simple. Jade's power usage here is... pretty mild in context, and I figure I can always store the more dramatic animations for later in the story.
Here's a still of the effect btw:
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Her eyes look like headlights lmaooo. Honk honk!
Do I have more to update with? Believe it or not, yes.
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I made some icons, which took a fair amount of trial and error: on the left you'll see an earlier draft, on the right are my more final redesigns from the same day(...night. midnight. I worked on these until midnight).
I had to look up some guidelines because most of my previous icons did NOT look good or legible when sized down to 50x50 pixels. What I learned was, tadah, I had to draw with an unprecedented line width of 200 pixels! (For non-artists: I typically draw with a pen width of 12 pixels at most).
I also studied the icon styles of Persona 5, which saved me a lot of time - they had a cool stylistic choice of diagonally tilted color blocks and thick black outlines.
Here's yet another gif of icons in action...
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Did you see them? Did you?? For a split second, in the upper right.... Still gotta adjust some of the text overlap, don't look at that.
Oh and the "How to play" page is brand new. I coded it from scratch... That also took all night...
... Oh. Oh. And remember your MC's phone?
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This old thing? Yeah. Visual upgrade:
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Also rendered and colored in by Rem <3 Where would I be without them...!
The text, though, can be updated in code!!!! I spliced the phone into layers, with the screen on top and code-generated text just below it, so I can update the caller ID at any point in-game without making any new images.
Took a little while to get it to work... honestly it doesn't look 100% centered... but it's fine. This is fine...
And then... more code. After much tears, blood and strife, I got a musical crossfade to work. It shouldn't have been challenging but it was a nightmare -- when calling the crossfade the second track would either not play at all or its volume wouldn't change and I was starting to develop a preference for eating gravel. But I persisted, found a much simpler code that actually works. After the tearsbloodstrife.
And...... lastly... I simplified this big block of code:
vbox: pos (269, 76) add "sprites/MC/mc[mc_number].png" hbox: if mc_number ==1: text "DEFAULT" style "MC_label_text" elif mc_number ==2: text "LAVENDER" style "MC_label_text" elif mc_number ==3: text "PETUNIA" style "MC_label_text" elif mc_number ==4: text "SUNFLOWER" style "MC_label_text" else: text "TBD" style "MC_label_text"
...(not properly indented bc tumblr is mean 2 me)...
down to these lines, to make my future life easier:
default PrintMC = ["Default", "Lavender", "Petunia", "Sunflower", ""]
text PrintMC[mc_number] style "MC_label_text"
Two!!! lines!!!!!
Instead of typing out additional if/else lines, I only need to add new names to the PrintMC list. Won't really affect the player at all, but it's a HUGE quality of life update for me!
...Anyway that's it, thank you for checking in. <3
Stay safe and keep warm,
PS screw it I'm gonna queue post this early.
PPS have you listened to our composer's new single yet? No?!?!?!
Every click, every listen helps, and every song of his is a BOP that deserves recognition!
ok that's all for real now xoxoxo,
wudge (again)
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
do u have any game recommendations that have character creation? besides bg3 ofc
gonna be real i wouldnt recommend bg3 for a character creation game because you can only use preset faces ...... bro but if you mean it in an oc way......
i would recommend.............
heavily modded skyrim, if you don't wanna do it yourself use wabbajack, some of the modlists on there are designed for graphics or high end systems and have very pretty characters. there's also ones not like that with rougher characters or more vanilla characters. lots of choice! do not get into the community though, this is a warning
following on from that, any elder scrolls game - morrowind is the best and one of my all time favourite games
you can follow on from that with fallout if you like the setting. i recommend fallout 1 and 2 the most as i'm not the hugest fan of bethesdas fallout but that is not a common opinion that be a hot take
heavily modded final fantasy xiv, you can fully mod on the free trial version as far as i know - be warned this is an extremely slippery slope because it has a modding community to rival skyrim and many customisation mods are paid for however there are ways around that. anyway you can get mods from here, here and here as well as the nexus
elden ring, dark souls 3 - the other dark souls but those character creations look like dogshit ass but still fun to make ocs in imo.. demon souls if you own a ps5....... i do not
pillars of eternity, tyranny, while visually quite limiting the character creators are still very neat from a roleplay pov - tyrannys has a lil "post character creation" game you get to play where you make "post game" choices and i uh, used to play that all the time for fun without intent to keep playing.....
a good follow up to that would be dragon age, all three of them but specially origins, i used to play the origins and not continue the rest of the game for fun! now be warned all of these games suck terrible dick in terms of modding because it's awkward and annoying and easily broken! i recently replayed dao and dai and so much of that time was spent troubleshooting...... joyous
have to kind of mention mass effect after? but ur kind of always making the same character..... ive always struggled with mass effect personally. maybe its the setting?
you can also look at starfield since that's got actually a pretty decent cc but i did find it quite limiting. but i've not really played it for more than an hour cuz bg3 exists so i can't say much
back to crpgs, the two pathfinder games! again limiting on the character side but roleplay side very very strong. i've not played wotr but i have mutuals who act like it is gods gift to gaming and i believe them. i really liked the first!
the outer worlds could be a good choice, i really like that games aesthetic but it's another space game and i think we're seeing a pattern that i'm just not that into those. hm. it was bethesda style gaming in space before starfield exists with the personality of fallout, kind of ?
this ones going far out there but crusader kings iii has an insane character creation and my favourite ruler ever was this old witch woman cannibal who slowly but surely turned her whole corner of the globe into a witch worshipping cannibal cult. i miss her
age of wonders 4 has a really cool cc, you can even make dragons with the dlc like Actual dragons.... i have made so many characters in there and gave them their funny little lores.. age of wonders has real cool lore and it is Completely ignored by tumblr afaik and that sucks
encased is a really cool rpg it's another sci-fi-y one.. it isn't as polished as you might expect cuz it's a very ambitious game but a small indie studio but i would say if you enjoy fallout 1 + 2 you will enjoy encased
dragons dogma! you get to make two people in this just like in bg3! i made a lil girl and her big brother and i was so fucking emotional over them that i was crying constantly even when nothing was going on. i played dragons dogma to fucking death on the ps3 and i think its interesting and rich enough to sink ur teeth into
i have to mention greedfall as the owner of the greedfall url.... greedfall is very interesting as its a double A title akin to a dragon age game.. it might make one feel a tad uncomfortable because it comes across as colonialism the rpg but it does get very interesting and it has neat as hell characters and magic and big monsters who fuck hard
wasteland 3! kinda again has the fallout type of vibe it is violent and full of dark themes and twisted themes but its also extremely comical its true black humour at times and you get to make two characters again and you can even make TWO MORE CHARACTERS so i had a bunch of custom characters.. u can get really wild in the cc as well and builds are SUPER fun....... v good game
spellforce 3!!!!! i love this game, the cc is again like another crpg one but spellforce 3 has very deep lore spanning many games .. its not typical crpg in that its also like a strategy war game too but i think it does the mixture very well and i LOVEEEEEEEE the lore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh i forgot to mention divinity original sin 1/2 because .. bg3 should lead you right there but uh. play them both! the first is so good in coop i feel cuz of the natural banter between the protagonists. if you don't have friend the second is very good single player just. be warned i don't think it has good endings but the ride is worth it!! and divinity lore fucks hard. i also recommend divinity dragon commander because its so much fun
can i say stardew valley? mayhaps sun haven too? if ur crazy like me you can turn these into prime oc generators. also mods
oh, monster hunter world and by extension wild hearts. monster hunter world lets you make a cat and while ur character themselves doesn't get to do much story wise i did get very obsessed with my character and wanting them fight cool monsters. wild hearts is similar though your character does feel a bit more special- be warned this game is known for running like ass on most systems, its pretty good for me but be warned all the same
TEEHEES.... KENSHI!!!!!!!!!!!! i was holding back on mentioning kenshi but i can't. you can make a whole fucked up lil squad if u want. u got weird alien races. u got a billion fucking mods. u can have ur buddies limps removed and give them robot ones. u can make an army of weirdos. bro i got so invested in my kenshi squad i was writing FANFIC. i was dreaming of them. i was unable to sleep about them. i miss them so fucking much dude!! kenshi doesnt really have a story beyond what u make it. that shit is a SANDBOX.. and i love it so much. everyone should play kenshi. its kinda like rimworld if u want a comparison. i think its Perfect. the best game to exist ever (lie) its so wonderful....... man........its also broken as shit cuz its the most ambitious game to exist ever and it was made by 1 dude so
oh if u like anime games i have to mention code vein (souls like) and god eater (monster hunter like ?) they have very good ccs and i know people super into the lore and stuff. i only played code vein and i liked it a lot honestly
uhhh i mentioned 1 mmo so i should probably mention guild wars 2, the cc is very good, the whole games end game is about fashion and looking amazing. the lore is also super duper neat! i haven't played it for a long time now but i did play it on launch and i had a blast for a few years
if you like d&d i would recommend solasta! it has a very good cc i think honestly and it feels the most like this is d&d in a video game out of every game i've ever played, and it translates the system very and faithfully (as opposed to say bg3 who changed things for game reasons). solasta is also best with friends because its so in that vibe of this is a silly lil d&d party. its much fun
lol i got the block text limit popup
kotor 1 and 2, it might be hard to get into the lore and characters if you're not into star wars but i found it pretty ok to as not a huge star wars fan. i also think they deserve to be played despite that as well because they are fantastic rpgs and some of the best bioware ever made
vampire the masquerade bloodlines!!! i am not a vampire fan really, a small one, but this game captivated me.... very easy to get into making a character i feel and ur given enough to make characters that align different ways easily. the combat did not age well..... but the story and roleplay absolutely did
ok.. im gonna stop here.. but i will say give games like icewind dale and arcanum a chance.. look at old as hell crpgs and try them. this includes bg1+2 which i still need to play myself but will be soon! they are classics because their stories are fantastic, and shouldn't be missed out on!!!!!
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
BTS Tutorial: Pandora's Unlimited Looping
As Whoopi Goldberg once famously said in the movie Ghost: "You in danger, girl." Many chart accounts on Twitter are saying our streams have Jimin dropping out of the Top 20 already.
Looping on Pandora is a crucial strategy at a critical time when YouTube is deleting views, radio is reluctant, and our Spotify playlists must support several members. We must make use of all tools available.
Please read this post and share the link to this tutorial with all big accounts and your social media. We need all hands on deck.
Pandora is an old and trusted streaming service that counts for Billboard charts.
If you have a free 90-day premium trial, it lets you make your own playlist that you can loop for 24 straight hours without clicking around or signing in.
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Here's why you don't want to just use the free version:
--the streams count three times LESS than premium streams
--Pandora will auto-play other songs in between the songs you want
--there are constant ads you have to sit through to get to a song
So just bite the bullet and use a free trial. It's good for months and they will remind you before you get charged!
Okay, so, let's assume you've been a good ARMY and you've made your free premium Pandora account.
You want to start straight away searching for songs to save into MY COLLECTION.
Today, we need to make a playlist to promote Face--specifically Like Crazy. (We can also use this strategy later to help all of BT'S songs. Our goal right now is to prevent freefall in Week 3 before D-Day is out. But this will be good practice for all our boys once we get it down pat, especially if YouTube doesn't get straightened out!)
My playlist looks like this:
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Now look here. There are 1,440 minutes in a day. We know Like Crazy is 3:32 minutes long. In theory, you could loop this song 410+ times in a day and all those plays will count. We know that 150 premium streams is the equivalent of buying the song once, so looping like this is like buying the song twice that day.
I am not saying you shouldn't buy. You should. In fact, both SHERRY and JIMIN FUNDS will be prioritizing Like Crazy digitals in Week 3, so please buy if you are US/PR ARMY and can make new accounts!
Either way, when you make a Pandora playlist of all of Jimin's Like Crazy versions, remember to click that loop button once on the bottom ribbon:
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And then just sit back every day and let those streams pour in.
Puppykitties, I know you must be so tired. I have an eyestrain migraine a mile wide and am not supposed to be on the computer right now. I'm certain the last thing you want to do is delve into making new accounts when you're already working hard.
Word on the street is that using Pandora WORKS WONDERS:
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We already know this is a tried and true technique for other K-pop fandoms whom I will not be mentioning here. I appreciate their hard work and respect the knowledge they've earned. Please leave them alone. ARMY needs to focus on BTS and make good use of the techniques they have learned.
For visual learners, here's an instructional video on setting up Pandora, but honestly, it's pretty intuitive.
I know we have some very important conversations that need to be had, but I strongly feel we need to put shipping and solo discourse aside right now. We are losing precious time because ARMY is reluctant to use this app. But we cannot maintain buying records like we did for the first two weeks of Face.
We NEED to use Pandora--in addition to requesting radio play and using Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, and Facebook-- and hope those streams supplement sales drops.
Please do not abandon any platform even if they frustrate you. I'm just saying I don't think I can over-emphasize how crucial Pandora is going to be for Week 3 for Jimin. And isn't Jimin what unites us all?
I really, really need your help to get all major Jimin accounts familiarized and on board with this, so Jimin fans can hop on Pandora early this week and go hard. It is the most effective use of our energy right now.
Love, Roo
To my friends tagged below, any help spread the word is deeply appreciated. Thank you all!
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