#because if you couldn’t tell that’s the main genre here 😂
questwithambition · 9 months
A friend and I have started a tradition of “book awards”: at the end of the year, around December, we collaborate on a PowerPoint titled “books awards 20xx”. Each slide is a category, and on each slide we both put our personal winners of that category - these vary from more traditional (book / series / author / character of the year) to the more fun (character crush, interior design aka illustrations and mise en page, and on of my favs, Dragons 🐉). And then sometime early January on our call we just go through the presentation and talk about the books and what we loved and what we’re planning to read and gush some more about lesbians wielding swords (they’re just the best, I have to tell the truth). Anyway, it’s a really fun time, a way to keep record of the books read, and also makes you excited about the reading ahead!
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bravetemptation · 2 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2022
It’s December 31st, and here we are. What a YEAR. Let’s take a look:
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 7
2. Word Count posted for the year: 247,189 words (holy shit 😅)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis; Liam Payne/Oli Wright; Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson
5. Story with the most:
6. Kudos: 491 - From This Moment On
7. Bookmarks: 149 - From This Moment On
8. Comments: 58 - From This Moment On
9. Work I’m most proud of and why: A Little Twist of Fate - this fic is so long, probably one of the longest I’ve ever written, and it’s fantasy, which is my favorite genre. Even though it has the least interaction, I don’t think I wrote a better one than that this year.
10. Work I’m least proud of and why: I don’t really have one - I think everything I wrote this year was pretty good 😂
11. Share or describe a favorite review you received: every comment I get is a blessing - I don’t usually get a lot of them, so when someone takes the time out to even say three words about how the fic impacted them, I feel very pleased.
12. A time when writing was really really hard: I would have to say in June and July, when I had four WIPs going at the same time, which my beta will tell you I NEVER DO. I’m a one fic at a time type of person. I couldn’t figure out which one to write or where to take any of them. Thankfully they all got done and published 😂 that and right after my first Harry residency show when I got Covid and it knocked me out for two weeks 😂
13. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: All of the Zouis content I did in A Little Twist of Fate, because it came off so realistic that @daggerandrose thought it sounded like a zouis fic and I was completely unaware that I could even write any pairing other than Larry.
14. A favorite excerpt of your writing: The first time Harry and Louis touch properly in Your Gift Is Wasted On Me:
“Come on, come on,” he heard Harry mutter, and he completely agreed. But finally, they were doing it.
“And the winner …”
Louis held his breath.
“Of this season of the Great British Bake Off is …”
Louis grabbed Harry’s hand, squeezing it tightly as he waited the agonizing three seconds.
“Fucking yes!” Louis yelled, jumping off the sofa and dancing around. Niall was on his feet too, but as Louis turned to Harry, he found him sitting there, his mouth open slightly, staring at the screen as though he wasn’t even seeing it.
“Harry, what …”
“You held my hand.”
15. How did you grow as a writer this year? I allowed myself to just write. In years past, I kind of did maybe two stories a year just because I wanted them to be different, I wanted the perfect prompt, or I was just lazy as hell. But this year I was pushing out fics every few months and it felt GREAT.
16. How do you hope to grow next year? I hope to possibly enter a fest or two so that I can get a little more traffic on my fics (as well as querying in real life for my finished book and finish writing the new one I’m working on - that’s going to be super exciting)
17. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer? (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc) Every person who helped me work through plot holes and major mistakes and read my work before it was even out - especially @sunflowersometimes @daggerandrose @chloehl10 . They’re my main source of motivation ❤️
18. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? Not specifically, though I like to think I put a piece of myself into every fic and every character, and if you know me really well, you’ll be able to catch it. But I wrote a fantasy fic which is literally what I want my real life to be so I THINK I’ll go with that 😂
19. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers? Write. Write every day, even if it’s only three pages or three sentences or three words. Write from your heart. Don’t let the interaction - or lack thereof - of others dictate how you feel about your work. Ask other writers to beta for you - it’s more fun when you work with someone else.
20. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? I have several projects in the works: The Dear Devoted Delicate Series (one mini fic for every year they’ve been together); If There’s No You (an amnesia fic); If We Can’t Stop The Bleeding (a vampire fic); and Place In Me (a 1D reunion fic). I’m sure there will be more but that’s all I really have planned at the moment. Hopefully you’ll get to see them ALL 😘
21. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read. Anyone who wants to do this can - I’m sure most of you have already been tagged 💞
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sassaffrassa · 2 years
fanfic asks for the new year... 5 and 8!! and 11!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
ok so the first WIP on the docket is for an exchange so here's the second one, which is a friendly gangbang sex-pollen fic starring your man Vernon Roche and the Blue Stripes
“It’s a fever, like any fever— it’ll kill him. Eventually.” Shorty’s been medic for like a million years by now but even he blushes as he adds, “Unless someone fucks the toxin out of him.”
Fenn pokes his head into the tent. “Did you just say—“
“Out!” Ves snaps, going for her blades. She likes Fenn, he’s practical, and a ruthless son of a bitch, but she doesn’t trust his sense of judgement— he likes to poke people when they’re weak, and he likes to prod Roche when he’s antsy, and if he gets into one of his moods about this- this— whole stupid mess? She’s not having it. “Watch the door, and send somebody to get Thirteen,” she says in her Commander voice, the one she stole from Roche. Then she turns to Shorty. “Did you just say—?”
“As far as I could ever tell, it’s nontoxic to elves,” Shorty offers uselessly. “Only humans— well, half-humans too— are affected to the point of life threatening illness, but I’m told it’s used as an aphrodisiac for elven fertility rituals.”
Ves puts her hands on her hips. “Why do you know that,” she says with a squint.
“I’ve lost patients to it before,” he says with a weary look— his whiskers hide a lot of the lines of his face, but his eyes get very tired every time he thinks about the men he’s lost. “The first, we didn’t realise what was happening— the fever didn’t get him, it was the clawing at his own belly to get at his insides that did it.”
Ves feels a cold wave of horror inside her own stomach at the thought— “The second time, I recognized the symptoms. Got one of the boys to try his hand at managing it for the lad, but… my helper couldn’t go long enough to keep the fever down and the other one died. Fever cooked his brain through.”
Roche makes a pained noise then, hunching in on himself. Ves stares blankly at his shivering, bony back, picturing him digging his fingers into his gut to carve out the pain and ache as they all watch helplessly. The little red lines of infection— are they a little longer? A little darker, coursing through Roche’s veins like Black Ones clogging up the rivers, invading and burning as they go?
“Ok. So. We fuck him,” she says, decisively.
(crack done seriously 🤝 emphasis on die in fuck or die)
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
(lol everybody asked for 8 and now i’m determined to answer each one individually)
for you: the story of conman, grifter, terrible actor Sophie Devereaux Julian Pancratz, who never went to Oxenfurt academy, stole the lute that he has the first time he meets Geralt, and makes up terrible songs in order to preserve his cover, and then keeps doing it because he wants Geralt to like him.
morally grey grifter meets unintentionally honorable witcher, somehow catches feelings. he’s in it for the long con.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
gangster AU— noir is a genre i’m not much used to writing in, and urban fantasy pseudo-noir even less so 😂 but i really love all the brainstorming that this mob boss au generated on discord and i wanna write more of thisssssss
also more cowboy au, i like cowboy au
i will use the same tropes i know and love, where loyalty without morals is violence, and twisted fealty might feel like love but it’s still a power imbalance. (squishing Roche until he squeaks is my main motivation)
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experi-sketches · 1 year
This or That Tag
I’ve had this sitting around for a little while, meant to get to it much sooner but you know how it goes 😅 I was tagged by @starlit-hopes-and-dreams​, thank you!!
(I may cheat on a few of these and pick both? Whoops!)
Historical or Futuristic
I couldn’t possibly choose. Right now I’m writing fantasy/historical, but this is my first long-format project with that setting. Typically I’ve always written stuff set in modern day or in the future. For reading, though, I tend to prefer historical settings!
Opening or Closing Chapter
So much easier to write the start of something than the end of something, imho lol. Especially if it’s a long project. The pressure to wrap everything up nicely and make it all feel like it went somewhere & meant something? That’s tough
Light and Fluffy or Dark and Gritty
Give me grit. Give me drama! I just can’t help it. I need characters who struggle, I need characters with tragic backstories, I need to make my protags walk through fire so that they come out stronger (and a little damaged??) on the other side! Light and fluffy has its place, but overall? Give me that grit. (I’ve always preferred dramas to comedies lol)
Animal Companion or Found Family
Found family. 100%. Found family is one of my absolute favorite themes in any media/art, so of course I love it in my own writing, too 😂
Horror or Romance
I’m not really a big fan of horror as a genre, I just don’t gravitate towards it. I typically don’t do romance as a genre, either, but I love a good romance happening alongside the main plot. (For writing or reading.) Mmm.
Hard Magic System or Soft Magic System
This one is too hard to pick. It really depends on the story, I think? I love writing & reading both, so long as it’s done well for the story it’s in.
Stand-alone or Series
Series, all the way. I think I’m physically incapable of writing short-format things, it always ends up ballooning into a larger project. The same goes for reading - I really enjoy getting to know characters, and one novel just isn’t enough!
One Project at a Time or Always Juggling 2+
Again, I think I’m physically incapable of dividing my attention between multiple projects. I get so obsessed with whatever I’m working on that I can’t move on to something else until it’s done. To those of you out there who juggle multiple stories, I applaud you. I have no idea how you do it 😭
One Award Winner or One Best Seller
At the end of the day, I think the reason most of us share what we write is so that other people can appreciate it. I’m not out here trying to write a masterpiece. I just write what I like to write because I enjoy it, and I want (hope) other folks enjoy it too.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi
This one is very similar to the historical/futuristic one above - I’m currently writing fantasy and I love it, but overall? I love both and couldn’t possibly choose one over the other.
Character Description or Setting Description
So I feel like this one is calling me out a little bit lol. I tend to go ham on describing a setting (I know, I’m working on it, okay? 😅) but I often keep character descriptions basic. I only tell the reader the most relevant/necessary details of a character’s appearance. I feel that 9 times out of 10 a reader gets a few details & then constructs their own mental image of the character anyways, and then it’s quite jarring to have that image disrupted/altered. Besides, I just enjoy describing places 😂
First Draft or Final Draft
Oh gosh, I would never post a first draft anywhere on the internet. Mine are always a disaster. Although to be fair I’m not sure I’ve ever posted a “final draft” either - I can always go back and do more revision lol
Leaving no-pressure tags for @burntcoffeewhump​ @pierrotwrites-hc​ @dont-touch-my-soup​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​ & also leaving as an open tag!
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tom-whore-dleston · 3 years
From the Dining Table
Pairing: Harry Styles x f!reader
Genre: Smut (lemon)
*18+ only; please do not consume if you are younger than 18 years old*
Warnings: sensory deprivation (blindfold), oral sex (f receiving), reader gets nervous but Harry comforts her, reader teases Harry at end
*Please note that you are responsible for your own media consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you or make you uncomfortable, please do not read!*
Summary: You get a little nervous about receiving oral, but luckily the solution to your problem is around Harry's neck.
Word Count: 1.3k
Beta Read: N/A
*all errors and mistakes are mine*
Notes: Here is day 1 of Fuckuary!! Sorry it took so long 😭😭😭 Y'all know how slow my ass is at writing 🥲 I probs should've prefaced that I may not upload fics on it's respective day, but hey, filth is still filth even if it's late 😂 felt appropriate to have Fuckuary start with Harry Styles since his bday is on the 1st. Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed!
Fuckuary Day 1: Sensory Deprivation - Harry Styles
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Kicking the door closed behind you, Harry pushed you against the wooden frame to kiss you roughly on the lips. The whole night, you and Harry couldn’t wait to get your hands on each other. Now, you can finally ease that pent up sexual tension. He broke the kiss to lead you onto the table in the dining room. You hopped on the table, wrapping your limbs around Harry and continued smashing his mouth on yours. He lifted your skirt to reveal your dampened panties.
“I can’t wait any longer, baby,” Harry growled, dropping to his knees. “I need a taste of my dessert now.” As Harry was about to rip off your panties, you swiftly gripped his hands. It was a rare occasion for one of your partners to go down on you, but when they did, you were always shy and nervous. Even though Harry was a trusting and loving partner, you were still nervous about him going down on you.
“Everything alright, love?” You remained silent as Harry rose from between your legs to level his gaze with yours. “Did I do something wrong?” God, he was so sweet and perfect, you felt embarrassed for pushing him away, literally.
“No, oh no, you could never do wrong, baby,” you stammered. You caressed his soft face as he tilted his head in confusion. “It’s all me.” You looked down shamefully, in which Harry lifted your head to look him in the eye.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, my love. You know you can always tell me what makes you uncomfortable.” Harry’s words were so comforting, you couldn’t help but smile at him. You sighed before you finally conjured the courage to speak up.
“I don’t know. I just always get nervous whenever I’m about to be eaten out. I mean, I want to…like really bad. But I can never cum from it because I always get turned off from watching.” Harry listened and nodded, but you still turned your head away. “Sorry, it’s embarrassing-”
Harry grabbed your hand and brought it up to lightly kiss it. “Love, I want you to listen to me.” You whipped your head back towards him. “It’s okay to get nervous while having sex. We don’t even have to do anything tonight if you’re not up for it.”
“But I want to.” Your hands slid up his arms, lingering around his toned muscles. This caused him to suck in a deep breath. He didn’t proceed in questioning you because your touch was enough to prove you were serious. As your hands reached his shoulders, your eyes set upon the tie that hung from his neck. It was as if a lightbulb went off in your head the moment your hand landed on the end of the tie.
“What if you blindfold me with your tie?” You paused. “That way I won’t have to watch.” You studied Harry’s face as he pondered on your proposal.
“Is that what you want, love?” You nodded enthusiastically. He grinned before locking his lips with yours. While your lips danced in unison, you fumbled with his tie, failing to loosen it around his neck. Harry unraveled it with ease and you giggled as he waved it around in the air.
“If anything feels uncomfortable-”
“Harry, please! Just stop talking and blindfold me!” You loved Harry for being so gentle with you, but right now, all that you craved was his lips on your sopping cunt.
Harry laughed, ending with a lip bite. “Oh, right away ma’am!” He gently wrapped the tie around your eyes, tying the silk in the back into a bow. His fingers stroked the side of your face and you flinched at the sudden touch. All you could hear was Harry’s smug chuckle as his fingertips traveled down your figure. It thrilled you having your sight cut off and not knowing what to anticipate.
You felt his slender fingers hook under the band of your panties, gasping as they slowly slid down your legs and fell to the floor. You lay back on the table, spreading your legs in the process. Harry let out a satisfied hum as your wet pussy was displayed before him. His hands gripped your thighs, the aggression of his hold causing his rings to dig into your skin. Your heartbeat picked up as his breath fanned over your slit.
“Please, baby.” Your voice was laced with desperation as Harry continued to prolong your pleasure.
“Yes, ma’am.” His British accent turned into an animalistic growl before he latched onto your wetness. A loud moan bounced off the walls of the dining area as you arched your back off the table. Even with the tie over your eyes, you still squeezed them shut as you succumbed to your desire. With the way he flicked his tongue along your slit, you were in disbelief that you used to deny something so deliciously sensual.
As you whined and thrashed around on the table, Harry smiled against your clit, his smirks sending shock waves through your body. He loved watching you finally allow yourself to feel pleasure. His tongue continued to swipe over your pussy, testing what made you squirm so he could repeat it with more fervor. You were about to close your legs around his head, but he pulled your thighs further apart until you were practically in the splits.
“Feels good, doesn’t it, love?” Harry cooed, his glistening lips ghosting above your swollen bud.
“Oh god, yes, Harry! Don’t stop, please, don’t stop!”
That talented mouth of his immediately got back to work, causing your mouth to fly open even if no sounds came out. The more he ate you out, the harder Harry’s cock throbbed in his pants. As much as he wanted to touch himself to how hot you looked on the table, making you feel good was his main priority. Your pussy began to pulse around his tongue and your stomach turned into a knot.
“Holy f-fuck, I-I think I’m gonna-”
“I know, baby, I can feel you.” Harry swirled the tip of his tongue around your nub. “I want you to cum for me. Lemme taste how sweet you are.” Without another word, he sucked harshly on your button, causing you to grip his curly hair until you reached that peak of euphoria. Harry ate past your orgasm, leading to him finishing in his pants. He released your clit from his lips with a smack before stepping back to admire you in your drunken state.
You lay on top of the dining table for a few moments until your heart beat was steady and your breathing was slow. You tried to take the blindfold off your face, but it was tied a lot tighter than you anticipated. Your hands reached out for Harry but you were only met with emptiness.
“Harry,” you called out, waiting for him to return your touch. The man in question chuckled before hovering over your frame to gingerly remove his tie from around your eyes. His eyes twinkled as they were met with yours once again.
“How do you feel, love?” he asked, brushing hair out of your face and lightly stroking your face with his fingertips.
You giggled blissfully. “Never been better. I’ve never cum that hard before. So umm, thank you!” You sat up to wrap your arms around his shoulders and closed the space between you too, connecting lips once more. Feeling more confident, you snaked your hand down to grope his bulge through his pants. You hummed against him, realizing his pants were wet and sticky from his cum.
“Mmm, did you cum while eating my pussy, baby?” Harry grunted as you firmly grasped his cock, making it rise to attention.
“You were so hot. I couldn’t help myself.” His British accent was now laced with lust and his blue eyes turned into a darker shade. His change in tone caused you to raise an eyebrow. Without further thought, you grabbed the tie from the side and started to cover his eyes with the silk.
“Think it’s my turn to make you cum with my mouth.”
*Thanks for reading :) Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. Your responses are what keep me motivated to write. However, please do not repost or translate my work anywhere.*
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