#because it was such a cute episode for my ships
wolfinshipclothing · 3 days
Rewatching Avatar: the last Airbender (WITH MY MOM!)
Ok so i convinced my mom to watch ATLA with me. she's 68, but with the mind (and the looks mind you) of a 40y/o woman who loves cartoons, so it was quite the blast.
i'll go Book by Book and tell you guys her very amusing (and accurate) thoughts.
So here i go.
-first coment is when she saw Zuko and it was like "ooh, he's hot!" and i was like "he's a teenager" and she was like "he's also not real" so point for her.
-IMMEDIATELY after learning the Avatar has to learn the four elements, she already knew Zuko was going to chance sides and teach Firebending to Aang.
-First episodes were a bit slow but she caught onto it because of the fantasy elements. she had a bit of a hard time picking the whole bending thing. not the bending itself, but the fact that not everyone who lives in the earth kingdom or wears green is an earthbender, but she catch it up quickly.
-she pointed out that Aang's airbending is not very consistent. "Why doesn't the Avatar just blow them away?! he did so in that other episode" and well, its kinda true.
-when it was Haru's episode i said "you're gonna like him". and when Haru showed up she was "ooooh i like him! not as much as the prince tho."
-"you realize its the brother (sokka) who things all the plans, right? he's the brains" she said, halfway through Book One. she's a smart one my mom.
-"when is the earth master going to appear?" "aang has to learn waterbending first" "well but he could appear!" "just wait, mom -.-"
-she is dumbfounded and amazed at the creatures of the Avatar World. "i don't know what the heck that is but is cute/ugly as fuck".
-"this girl Katara is gonna end up with the prince right? Fire and water, perfect match" oh mom. you're in for a dissapointment.
-in the fortune teller episode "but aang's too young for katara! he's twelve right? and she's, fifteen or something?" and i said "yeah, it was kind of a thing at the time" and she said "makes no sense. also, the Avatar is like a superhero. those people... belong to the world, you know? they cant be with anyone". she's pretty wise my mom.
-"I LIKE JET!" then Jet tries to kill the old man "i dont like Jet" then Jet tries to blow up the dam "i hate Jet."
-She thinks Uncle Iroh is the best, specially after he was kidnapping. "He sure knows how to fight" she said. "he's a bit of a goof chummy guy but he gives good advice" (remember this is still Book One).
-she was mindblowed by "the storm". "poor prince. no wonder he's always so mad. still, i like his scar. it looks like a flame."
and i was like "what?" and i realized that, yes, zuko scar sometimes looks like a flame when looked from the side. my mom had to point that out to me T.T.
-after roku's episode "poor aang. he's gonna do all that, learn all the elements, fight that son of a bitch, and all that before summer? its too much" :(
-during Bato's episode "nah. nah, you can't do that Aang, come on." "he feels left out" "but that scrolls is important right? its about the guys father!" right she was. also she didn't stop laughing at Uncle Iroh flirting with the bounty hunter girl.
-she was having none of Master Pakku bullshit. when katara confronted him she was "hell yeah, show him whats good!" and when we found out master pakku was gran gran old 'boyfriend' "OH, now he's gonna teach her just because she's the grandaughter of his lost love. right. -.-" and i was laughing mad because dont we all know its the truth? XD
-when she saw the fire nation armada she was like "O.O HOW DO YOU EVEN BEAT THAT?"
-and when zuko ship exploded "noooooo! dont kill my princeee, he's so preety! :("
-she doesn't know why sokka felt in love so fast with Yue, and neither do I.
-she got repeatidely frustrated by Aang not taking serious the situations that should be serious, but she shrugged it as "he's twelve".
-at the end of the season, when we see Azula for the first time i told her "i cant BEGIN to tell you how long we had to wait to see how this turned out, because season two took forever to air (we live in latino america)". she was just as excited as i was and wanted to see more.
-as a personal note, i watched this series as a kid and its wild to rewatch it as an adult becase, like, you can apreaciate how well paced and well thought everything is, and how the characters actions NOW reflect what we will learn from them later.
All in all , my mom liked it Book I A LOT, and we waited little in watching book II.
its late so i'll talk more about the other books in other posts. let me know my thoughts so i can pass them onto my mom! :D
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heretherebedork · 3 days
It's that time again... let's rate the We Are Couples!
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PhumPeem are turning out to be adorable, it's true, and Phum confessed very sweetly when Peem froze up and we do know that Peem likes him back despite his own protests... 9.5/10 I do wanna see where this goes.
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QToey is... cute? I suppose? I dunno, the vibes feel a bit off for me now. They started so well and now it's kind of... I think the complete removal of all issues isn't paying off. Part of what worked with them were their struggles and getting rid of the struggle just kind of makes them... there and that gets them, for the first time, an 8/10 because they're cute but I don't really think anything is going to happen that I need to see.
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TanFang, on the other hand, continues to be absolutely perfect. They have issues that they resolve through communication and they tease and they balance each other so perfectly that it's like watching the most satisfying thing in the world so 36954736/10 forever and ever my most beloved
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ChainPun had better get more damn screentime because I love them. And I need more of them. And I need is ASAP. Please. Please. Give them the time they deserve! Pun is pining adorably and Chain was absolutely ready to kiss him last episode and to be shipped. 15/10 please give them more time!
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dean-is-love · 2 days
My thoughts on 9-1-1 and why I started watching
So, I've been seeing 9-1-1 on my dash for some years now. After the Supernatural fandom died down a bit in late 2021-2022, Eddie and Buck started showing up on my dash more and more. Frankly, I didn't really care so much, it was around the time I stopped actively blogging on tumblr.
In early 2024 I was back on tumblr occasionally, checking in with what was trending from time to time - now i'm on here almost daily again - and i saw that 9-1-1 was trending. I vaguely remembered that it was something about firefighters but didn't really pay attention to it.
Then posts started appearing on my dash about Buck coming out as bisexual in season 7, which I thought was amazing. As a bisexual person myself, I really love when there is bi representation in media, and coming out stories are really close to my heart because they helped me so much with figuring out my identity when I was younger.
I was skeptical at first because I thought it was just a one off mention kind of thing - like these things usually are - that maybe he was more of a side character.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was a multiple episode thing, that he was actually dating a man - I'll tell you my thoughts about Tommy later in this post - AND that he was one of the main characters of the show.
I knew about Buddie and knew that the fandom would probably be equally as happy and divided about this development.
Because I was procrastinating on my exams HARD and was sick of watching random youtube videos I decided to start watching 9-1-1 to get context for Buck's coming out and hopefully enjoy the show and the shipping while I was at it.
My first surprise was Buck actually being a main character. I think because of how I have usually seen people come out - or rather not come out - in other shows, I was pleasantly surprised.
It's the kind of thing where you can theorize a character being bisexual, but you know the writers are just queerbaiting/never intend to make them actually bi. Characters who are bi in these kind of drama shows are usually bi from the start, if that makes sense.
An example that comes to mind is Magnus from Shadowhunters. He was bi from the beginning, there was no big plot about him coming out - it was just a fact. There are many examples for writers never going through with it, but it's obvious that they are intentionally writing it - two examples are Dean Winchester and Stiles Stilinski.
I have no clue what was going on behind the scenes of this show and I'm not that deep in the fandom (because I don't want to get spoilers for the later seasons), but the fact that Buck didn't start out as a character that they meant to make bisexual from the start is what means the most to me.
I think the early seasons have almost no clues to his bisexuality (i'm on season 3 as i'm writing it).
There is queerbaiting with Eddie and Buck and I think that is pretty obvious from the end of season 2. I think it started in the last episode of the season, when someone was livestreaming and comments about them being cute together popped up in the chat. After that their friendship was suddently more and more in the spotlight.
Knowing now that they -partially- went through with it and actually made Buck bisexual, I don't mind it as much as I would have without knowing.
I really enjoy the representation on this show, it feels more natural to me than other shows I've seen recently.
That being said, I need to talk about Tommy.
Disclaimer he has been in maybe 3 episodes so far so please don't crucify me if I get something wrong about him.
Piecing together information from my dash before watching the show, I had reached the conclusions that Tommy was a) a pilot b) probably a character that was newly introduced in season 7 to date Buck and then disappear forever.
The second conclusion, as sad as it is, is simply how gay characters are treated in these kinds of shows (I mean it happened to Glen in season 2).
So imagine my surprise when Tommy showed up in Chimney's flashback episode. This was honestly huge for me. And yes, he is a side character, at least for now. But I do think that two established ("straight" - the other firefighters mention Tommy's girlfriend) characters getting together is amazing.
I love that they didn't pair up Buck with someone random and instead have him date someone who is already on the show, and has been for a while.
And okay, it isn't Eddie, but if the writers have the balls to go through with Buddie, hats off to them.
But I personally think Buck+Tommy is amazing too, and I'm really excited to get to season 7 to see it all unfold. (I do have a soft spot for Tommy)
I hope that watching so many cheesy speeches about family will pay off in the end, and that I can enjoy the bi Buck storyline to its fullest once I get to it.
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Listen, I'm still not over ep 11 yet. AND THEN THEY GIVE ME THIS I- *muffled screaming*
Anyways, welcome to my crack posts. =D
Warning: long post 😊😅 (I somehow took even more screenshots than last time 😭)
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I knew something like this would happen hehe
Don't lie, Peem, he'd already won your heart the moment he said "Na, krab" with those puppy eyes
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I love how despite thinking they're enemies up till this point, Tan immediately jumps on the ship the moment he learns it exists.
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Fang: cute. <3
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Q: cutee. <33
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Shy babygirl Peem has my whole heart 🥺🫶🏼
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Yeah? Anyone specific you want to draw a portrait of, Peem? Someone from Engeering, maybe? Someone who confessed to you in front of all your combined friends just last night? No? 👀
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This smile. This goddamn smile. I get you, Peem, I totally get you.
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Q peeking in small into the bag is so accurate 😭
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As I'd said in my previous post: "Right in front of my salad?!" and "Something very LGBT just happened to me o.o"
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I love nose boops hehe
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[Phum: I have to go to class.]
You actually go to class?! *pikachu meme face*
Q's face perfectly expresses my feeling, and I'm definitely saving these as meme pics
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Peem's plan to be hit on backfired so fast so hard 😭
Poor boy went into shock 😭
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Peem is never hearing the end of this from Q. Never.
I love their friendship though. Besties forever. <3
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Toey looks so excited here 😭🫶🏼
He's definitely over the moon that his two beloved hias finally realized they like each other (and of course he manifested this wdyem)
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Throwing stones from inside a glass house, huh Q?
You're just as bad as, if not worse than Peem.
*shaking my head fondly* these boys are so whipped for their baes
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This ep gave me a lot of meme pic ehehe
Why so surprised, Peem? You were the one telling Phum to flirt on you, why so shy now huh?
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Oh, Aunt Pui knows. She's just trying to help her nephew get a nice boyfriend hehe
Also- learning the family business early on? Nice move, Phum.
I'm pretty sure Aunt Pui will accept Phum as family the very instant they start dating.
Actually- she probably already has.
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What will you be tying next? The knot?? (I am so so happy I can make that joke and actually mean it now.)
Oh, and I love love love their dynamics. I'm always looking for verse because I don't like active power dynamics, but this show really delivered on it. There's always a push and pull, but throughout, they're equals. Yes, even through that slave era (remember how exactly Peem came to be his slave?). It did start off with a slight imbalance, but it evened out pretty fast (because Phum is incapable of not being the cutest clingy little puppy for more than ten minutes and Peem is weak for it).
PhumPeem/PeemPhum is giving me so much that I'd thought I'd almost never get from BLs (there are a few other examples, I think, but this is probably my topmost).
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I don't know if y'all have noticed, but Phum is deliberately soft and is often using polite pronouns for the last two episodes.
It's just... they're so pretty 😭
This scene is just >>>
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Phum is 200% committed. Other upcoming BL romantic interests, please take notes.
Jokes aside, what started out as a potential red flag (even two years ago, this relationship would have been very very different) turned into the greenest flag (with a side of childhood trauma).
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Did he just-
He almost confessed!!! So close!!
Also- please give me them as boyfriends already, I'm on my hands and knees. But can you imagine what they'll be like when they actually start dating...?
I CAN'T WAIT. GIMME NOW. *grabby hands*
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This scene made me speechless. Ep 12 was full of beautiful, absolutely stunning scenes, but this was what took my breath - his cute smile that lights up his whole face, his "Pai, krab" and the sheer relief when Peem asks him if he wants to go.
For a moment there, he thought Peem would leave, just like all the people in his life. He knows it wouldn't be permanent, but it's hard to get rid of such an old, deep-rooted fear.
But Peem, unknowingly, immediately waves it away by asking him if he wanted to come with. The only thing is... I don't think it was that unknowing.
I'll end part 1 on this note. Part 2 will be posted soon!
If you've reached this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a doughnut 🍩
And here are my previous We Are posts.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...well anyways.
That was certainly a ten-minute rollercoaster.
In order of events, shall we?
Okay. Love that Lydia's finally starting to use and understand her Banshee powers, and we love that Stiles is so supportive and helpful with it. Love that for them. (Though, as an aside, how come Stiles, who has normal human hearing, had to cover his ears when she screamed, but Scott, who has SUPER WEREWOLF HEARING, just winced a little? I guess maybe he hears it differently as a supernatural being. Maybe it's not as jarring. I'll allow it. XD)
THIS RUNNING BAT GAG IS MY FAVORITE THING! I LOVE THAT STILES STILL HAS THE BAT!! More importantly, I love that his reason for keeping Lydia in the car is that he only has one bat. XD
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT KIRA BEING SOMETHING! I don't know what the heck she IS, but a normal human being cannot just take on that much electricity like that and be fine, much less take out the whole power grid in the process. But she clearly likes Scott, and she didn't, like, immediately attack him after that happened, so she can be something and not be an EVIL something, right? And this also means that Scott can tell her he's a werewolf and it'll all be fine and good. RIGHT?!
That said...
WTF JUST CAME AFTER ISAAC?! DON'T HURT MY BABY!! GO AWAY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!! WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU?! I DON'T LIKE YOU!! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!! Literally the fact that even Chris was panicking because as annoyed as he might be about his daughter's interest in werewolves, he clearly does like Isaac, and he doesn't want anything to happen to him, and SOMETHING IS CLEARLY HAPPENING TO HIM GOSH DARNAT LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!
As an aside, I know there's been, like, a whole Derek and Peter side plot happening these last couple episodes, but we get so little of it each time that I don't feel like I have enough to react to lol. I'm sure our stories will collide again at some point though. For now, I know that Derek wanted to talk to his mom about something, and whatever they talked about...the answer wasn't pretty.
So anyways...yaaaay cliffhanger endings that I CAN'T SATISFY BECAUSE I HAVE CLASS TOMORROW!
I will 100% be watching another episode tomorrow as soon as class is done. I can guarantee you that much. (Also finals are next week and then school is done, so the odds of me finishing this show within the next couple of weeks are PRETTY high lol.)
Ugggggh I hate everything. XD
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(The way they both jumped lol. Oh boys. XD <3)
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atlantis-just-drowned · 7 months
I'm crying right now
So we have Eulalie, looking gently at a doll with a damaged eye and smiling sweetly, before saying those lines :
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And right after, we have the look on Pluto's face, who is eternally trying to hide his injured eye behind his strand of hair :
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Yes Pluto. You're pretty in your own way. *sobs*
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queer-deoxys-jizz · 8 months
Since I'm bored you're subject to my new poll
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dragon-fly34 · 13 days
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Have ever see a big sister with her brothers in a post apocalyptic world 🥺
And this was based on a fact about me in real life, which in this case is me, my younger brother and my younger cousin
Now that the 3rd season of Sweet tooth is out, I decided to make some posts and facts about this series, starting with my favorite characters, which are Becky, Gus and Wendy
In my opinion, Becky is a kind of big sister to Gus and Wendy, even though these two are blood sisters, and they protected them at any cost
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flashhwing · 8 months
I’m so glad I’m not invested in Bells Hells because it means any ship that goes canon is an automatic W for me. no hate just peace and love on planet critrole
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curiouschaosstarlight · 2 months
Hey, if anyone's having a hard time pronouncing "Don Gero Mask", here's two helpful clips for you! 'w'
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chimchiri · 1 year
even more pony rambling because this goddamn episode.....
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Listen. This goddamn show. This fucking episode. I'm already headcanoning Wonderbolt shenanigans but now I notice this.
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i-like-gay-books · 1 year
my eyes have been opened to the possibility of rory x paris oh my GOD
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fitzfunnymoments · 1 year
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SOBBING AND CRYING I just saw this cover of a sticker book that shows Stretchy giving Stripy a flower
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zayadriancas · 2 years
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cave-monkey · 3 months
Monkey King 2009 Episode 8 (Part 1/2)
This episode makes me scared for the future. It's so wholesome. This episode was all about what great friends these guys are, how much they care about each other, how important these relationships are to them, and I mean. It did a great job. It did a wonderful job!
They are definitely getting ready to rip them apart. They might let it ride a few episodes more only to spring it on us when we've let our guards down, but it's coming.
Okay, so I already broke and talked a bit about Six Ears and Stone Monkey in this episode, so I won't go too crazy on that (maybe), but I do want to mention Stone Monkey's furiously intent expression while running to save Six Ears's life, and then how the second he was in range to attack that expression flipped to a smile. He also ripped Six Ears out of there and slipped back to a more serious expression when he asked him what he was doing out here all by himself. This entire episode Stone Monkey's kind of flipping between...really intense and then really flippant, which was interesting to watch? But also a bit whiplash-inducing. Jade Rabbit definitely took it as 100% real, and maybe it is - it's not like you can expect any version of Monkey King to not to be a little cocky - but...I dunno. I think there's some nuance there. It reminds me a bit of how he'd go from 0 to 60 when confronted with the four generals in Episode 6 compared to how carefree he might have been acting even just seconds earlier.
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That smile is also only moments after he just watched the Demon King send Six Ears flying, and we got a shot of his face immediately after that too, and he wasn't happy about it. Stone Monkey, I think, can smile maliciously, but he still...hm.
I get the impression Stone Monkey doesn't really like showing that something's actually getting to him, especially when his "enemies" can see it. He'll pretend he's more confident than he is, or otherwise that it doesn't actually bother him at all, at least until he can't hide it anymore and it comes out of him snarling (we saw this in action in Episode 6, where he went from avoidance/running away at the beginning of the episode to passive-aggressive antagonism in the middle to having to be held back from squaring up to Marshal Ma at the end). Even when he's genuinely (or "genuinely") annoyed with someone, there's generally a sort of playful air of exaggeration, or he'll teasingly escalate for fun. What it looks like to me is Stone Monkey enjoys confrontation so long as it's basically harmless, but he doesn't like being actually angry. This might have something to do with the fact that when he actually loses his temper, he gets violent. We see this with the Demon King and with Ginseng Fruit.
Which isn't to say all his quick changes in mood are deliberate obfuscation. That's going too far. But I do think it's a part of his character that pokes its head out of the brush every now and then.
We also see a little of how people react to it. Stone Monkey was visibly struggling enough during his fight against the Demon King that Jade Rabbit was moved to help him a few times even though she was still very angry with him, and when she'd knock the Demon King down or trip him up (from hiding, Stone Monkey didn't know (maybe) that she was there) he'd immediately flip over to mocking laughter and confident poses like he hadn't been worried at all. This PISSED her OFF.
It also makes me kind of wonder how Six Ears perceives it. Both Stone Monkey and Six Ears will default to mocking and taunts and making fun when they can during a fight, so it's not like Six Ears isn't familiar with the tactic, but he also doesn't see how stressed Stone Monkey gets when trying to get to him before a rescue, either. He only sees the smiling entrance.
I'm feeling this out because of the part in this episode where Stone Monkey - for probably the first time ever - refuses to let Six Ears fight with him, and even throws him away from danger. (I LOVE that scene.) I have a lot to say about it, actually, and I'll get into what I think was going on from Stone Monkey's perspective there in a second, but from Six Ears's side that cannot feel good. Yeah, Stone Monkey's just trying to protect him, but he's also not trusting Six Ears to help. He's forcing Six Ears to leave his best friend alone in the middle of an enemy war party, because he doesn't trust him to help. That's got to feel like a horrible slap in the face, at least once the battle is over and Six Ears has time to process it.
And I'm sure that's not going to have any consequences whatsoever.
From Stone Monkey's side (didn't I say I wasn't going to talk about them that much? well I lied), going back to their earlier conversation where Stone Monkey asks Six Ears what he's doing out here alone, and then the look on his face when Six Ears explains (plainly and almost casually for the situation, like he doesn't realize he's rocking Stone Monkey's entire world) that he noticed Stone Monkey missing and went looking for him because he was worried that he might be in danger somewhere.
Stone Monkey's shocked.
It isn't that I think he didn't realize Six Ears cared about him before this moment; it's that this is the moment where I think it really clicked. That Six Ears will notice and miss him when he's not there, that he'll worry about him, that Stone Monkey has someone who will come try to find him when he's lost and help him when he's hurt. Six Ears has been doing this for him since they met, even outright scolding him for always vanishing without telling anyone, so Stone Monkey's definitely been a little slow on the uptake here, but I also think this is the first time Stone Monkey's heard Six Ears actually spell it out like this.
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The progression of Stone Monkey's face during this conversation.
Six Ears also tells him not to apologize or say anything about always getting Six Ears into trouble, since Stone Monkey's always having to save him anyway. I mentioned before that I thought the sworn brothers thing was really important to Stone Monkey at the time, just because of how rough things had been with the troop and how nice it probably was for him to have someone willing to claim him and to let him claim them in turn, and I think this is something very similar. Confirmation that he's as important to Six Ears as Six Ears is to him. That they'll take care of each other.
Then fast forward a couple minutes and Stone Monkey throws Six Ears to the top of the cliff instead of letting him fall with him. I think this conversation is definitely a huge part of that.
It's not that I think Stone Monkey wouldn't have wanted to save Six Ears even before it, but I do think his emotions are running a little high at that moment. He saw Six Ears get flattened by the Demon King not long ago, they just had a very important conversation for Stone Monkey, and I think in that moment the thought of losing Six Ears when he probably feels he just got him (or had just allowed himself to believe he really had him, not much difference) was probably overwhelmingly horrible. He's already proven himself protective of Six Ears in the past, and I think that feeling is probably dialed up to a million at that moment, and so it's probably not surprising if he panicked and took a chance to shove him up on a high shelf for safekeeping. (Maybe Stone Monkey's mystic universe powers make him capable of recognizing narrative death flags and he said NOT TODAY.) (I kid.) (Or do I?)
There's also a possibility - way more of a stretch, not sure how I feel about this idea one way or another honestly - that he maybe now feels he can trust Six Ears to come back even if he isn't right next to Stone Monkey. That Six Ears won't leave him for dead, but will go get help and bring it as fast as he can, or will return to help on his own.
Or it's just that Stone Monkey 100% would have thrown Six Ears to safety in the past, but this is just coincidentally the first time there's been an opportunity. (Stone Monkey, shrugging: If you don't want to be tossed out of the fight, don't be so tossable.)
This ties into what I was talking about above (way, way above, oops) that Six Ears isn't always privy to the times Stone Monkey isn't confident. Maybe Stone Monkey didn't like even their combined chances and chose to save Six Ears because he genuinely thought they were going to die there when that tree went down, maybe he really did think he had a better chance of holding out longer than Six Ears, maybe he was going full big brain and knew that if he went back and tried to bring the army, there was a good chance the four generals just wouldn't listen to him, and it's just good luck that sending Six Ears lets him get his best friend safely out of the way. Maybe it's a weird mashup of many different reasons.
I don't think he genuinely believed he could single-handedly fight his way out of that canyon. I'm not sure if Six Ears knows that.
I'm not finishing this thought now, but I'm stewing on it.
And anyway, on a lighter note, most of Stone Monkey's intentions are totally moot because Six Ears - the universe's favorite trouble magnet - manages to either run immediately into another division of enemy soldiers (tiger guy probably had a grudge and went looking for him, actually) who bailed out of the canyon for their own reasons and gets tree-ed again for awhile.
There's also the possibility he took it upon himself to guide off some of the army from the canyon so Stone Monkey wasn't overrun while also handling the Demon King!
Anyway, I love these monkeys. This also totally derailed from being about Episode 8 so I'm going to do a part 2 to get things back on track.
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tophsazulas · 8 months
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geia in every episode - step by step
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