#because she really reminds me of hiyoko
ultimatemissadhd · 7 months
I really hate this idea of everyone from sdr2 just instantly forgiving eachother for what happened in the killing game.
Because you CANNOT convince me that Mahiru would forgive Fuyuhiko so easily.
I can see her forgiving Peko fast because she wanted to protect Fuyuhiko.
(hell maybe she would do the same for Hiyoko)
But Fuyuhiko? Nah.
She tried talking with him, making amends and he got her killed.
Then he comes out of the killing game alive while the survivors claim he changed and is a better person, she would get frustrated that he couldn't be such a good person when she was alive.
I live for their angst.
Redeemed Fuyuhiko would try to talk to Mahiru and she would go "oh so now you want to talk?"
And he knows her frustration is reasonable. He knows that he would be as angry as her in that scenario.
It would be no longer about Natsumi and Sato really. It would be about how Fuyuhiko's redemption arc came too late for Mahiru.
I think what would not help would be the fact that everyone else would forgive eachother.
Imposter and Teruteru would be cool quickly, Mikan and Ibuki and Hiyoko (as much as Hiyoko and Mikan can be cool with eachother but you know what I mean), Nekomaru and Gundham (Nagito is Nagito he doesn't count)
Mahiru would feel this pressure like she has to forgive him because everyone else forgave eachother. But if she's to forgive him, I think she would want it to be a result of her choice and feelings and not pressure of others.
Do I think Mahiru and Fuyuhiko would forgive eachother?
I think eventually, maybe they would be pretty cool with eachother. But I don't think they would every 100% forgive and forget.
Mahiru will never exactly forget how she literally got killed, even if it was in a virtual reality, it felt real to her.
Fuyuhiko will never completely forget about what happened to his sister and why. And even though, he will know it wasn't Mahiru's fault really, she will still remind him of that event.
I think this would be a long process of those two having to understand their own feelings because they both have a lot of them.
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atopearth · 1 month
Norn9: Last Era Part 1 - Prelude
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I have been wanting to play this fandisc ever since I finished the main game, but I had to finish Amnesia: Later first so I literally had to stop myself from dropping everything for it hahaha. Anyway, to say I'm excited is an understatement because I am SO ready. Personally, I'm planning on starting with Senri or Heishi because they're my least favourites but I'll see, I might alternate with guys I kinda like so I don't get bored haha. Nagisa is pretty! I'm actually so glad we're getting more background on Masamune and the island because we basically knew nothing about it in the original game. As for Masamune's uncle, definitely a genius scientist for making the hiyoko-san! Who doesn't want adorable little chicks cleaning and cooking and even navigating a ship?! I mean if it's going to be functional and practical, why not be cute as well?! I believe in the importance of cuteness and I approve. Anyway, it's nice to finally see "adults" in this world aside from Yuiga. Lmao at Masamune being surprised at how many hiyoko there actually were on the ship hahahah. I find it amusing that the Hiyocook wasn't actually good at cooking tasty food until Masamune gave it a cook book haha. It's also interesting but sad to know that the hiyoko actually can't remember too many things and that Masamune actually has to delete recipes if he wants Hiyocook to cook something else. They're robots, but seeing stuff like Hiyocook getting dejected that Masamune didn't like its' cooking and then becoming happy when Masamune said the food is delicious, isn't that enough for you to care about them?
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I guess it's nice to know that just as everyone else came on the Norn unsure of what to expect and how to interact with others, Masamune was also worried about talking to people outside of the island. I think it was sweet of him to be considerate towards Kakeru and want him to be able to relax here. Ooh so you have to go through the whole Prelude with all the characters perspectives before you can go to the individual story! I like that because it's very interesting to me right now. Is the sister Masamune is talking about Nagisa, and her brother is Natsuhiko? I never thought about it until now but their hair colour is the same isn't it! I know people aren't that fond of Masamune but I really love him. I love how he prioritises others before himself without any hesitation, and I think it's exactly because of that, that Kakeru can't help but open up and like him for who he is as well. Since there's only nine squares, I assume we won't get to the girls' perspectives, which is sad because I would have liked to see their initial impressions too even if some bits and pieces may have already been shown.
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Even though Mikoto is harsh as usual, seeing her so concerned and worried about Sakuya reminds me of how much I liked them together. I can see why Kakeru has always been irked by Mikoto considering her attitude when she first arrived on the Norn, especially when he cooked for everyone and she didn't appreciate it at all and instead said pretty harsh words. I can't blame him for disliking her at all haha😅 Both Sakuya and Mikoto are stubborn, but I like seeing Sakuya who usually dotes on Mikoto and would do anything for her be strict with her and not budge on her ruining her health by not eating. Mikoto is a true tsundere that cares about people too much for her own good even if she doesn't express it well. Honestly, I never really thought too deeply about the story of Rapunzel but I do agree with Sakuya to an extent that the witch was "protecting" Rapunzel in her own way whether those were her true intentions or not. Natsuhiko, Setsu and Ron chilling on the ship together was such a nice CG, I actually quite like their relationship. I didn't expect Ron and Natsuhiko to have known each other for eight years! It's sad to think about how tough Natsuhiko's life was after leaving the island and how his desire to stop the Reset was the only thing fuelling him. Lmao at Natsuhiko being so sweet and packing Ron's bags for him when he leaves for the Norn, it's so funny how he packs stuff like cold medicine haha, he's too cute! Natsuhiko really is like a mother or wife haha, I love how he told Ron to keep his hands to himself and wear pajamas to bed🤣 I thinks it's nice to see that just as Natsuhiko was interested in Mikoto after seeing photos of her during his investigation, Ron was also interested in Nanami even though it's mainly because he knew she had the power to erase memories.
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Personally, I will always agree with Natsuhiko's thoughts and feelings towards the Reset because it's ridiculous to control how the world should be, it's egotistic and forces your own ideals on the world itself. Also, in the end, the fact that they keep doing multiple Resets already goes to show it does nothing but merely reset things to a certain time but humans don't change how they act and the decisions they make. If they don't remember, they won't learn and if they don't learn, they will always do the same thing thinking it's the right way. Ron throwing away the bag Natsuhiko so thoughtfully prepared was so sad but so him. I didn't expect Ron's name to come from Mahjong though lol. Lmao, I can't help but love Hiyocook, it's so dedicated to cooking and gets dejected when it's Akito's turn now that he's come aboard the ship hahahaha.
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I really enjoy seeing the guys interact and learn things from each other considering their various different backgrounds, especially Sakuya, I'm happy for him that he gets to experience a bit more of the world with Kakeru and Akito teaching him things. Lmao at Akito scared of cracking eggs because he's worried a little chick will come out of it🤣🤣 HAHAHA, Akito being scared of birds because he met a peacock who ended up trying to court him by following him 24/7 and leaving him bugs and stuff on his doorstep is so silly!!🤣🤣 Akito meeting Senri for the first time in six years and not being able to call out his name because Senri didn't remember him broke my heart. It was obvious that Akito was good at cooking because he wanted to cook delicious food for Senri but hearing him say it really warms my heart. He's always done everything he could to protect and love Senri but they were forced to be separated in such a terrible way. It was so sweet how Akito actually talked to Hiyocook and swapped shifts so he could cook for Senri, poor Akito faced his fears did Senri! Even though I do acknowledge that Kakeru can go a bit too far sometimes (also Senri's fault sometimes tbh), when he got Senri to say that the food was delicious louder so Akito could hear it, I was so happy for Akito. And honestly, if Kakeru wasn't so drastic, Senri really might just stay in his room forever being babied by Masamune and them who would bring him food.
I feel bad for Mikoto, can totally understand why she was scared of Itsuki, his first impression is definitely the worst haha. Lmao, I love how Ron's comment about thinking that Itsuki was some sort of prostitute made all the girls avoid him🤣 Legit ruined his reputation with one word. HAHAHA, Itsuki definitely deserved the flying kick from Sakuya when he asked Mikoto to meow🤣 LMAO at Itsuki thinking Senri was a zashiki warashi (child ghost) because he never realised he existed😂😂 I've always wondered about Senri's tattoo on his face but since they never addressed it, I just thought of it as some sort distinction to make him look less plain haha, but knowing that the adults in the village basically did it to brand him and always recognise him so he can never run away just makes me all the more disgusted with them. They tried to kill Akito and branded Senri for their livelihoods thinking that just because they needed them to live, it was all right to do these things because it was a matter of life and death. It was actually pretty funny how when Sakuya wasn't feeling good after seeing the future, Senri got Ron to help and Ron was basically useless and just kept wondering how he should pull himself together and be a proper adult like Senri told him he should hahahha.
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I was actually wondering why it felt so quiet, I completely forgot about Heishi! I can't remember if it was ever told, but I really didn't realise that Heishi was part of a travelling entertainment troupe playing the flute before he came on the Norn! I can see why Itsuki cares for Heishi so much in his route now. He was the one who gave Itsuki the push he needed to see his sister's grave and make him realise that there are things more important than just listening to The World and going along with things using excuses like it can't be helped. It's also nice to see Nanami get to break out of her shell with Heishi because he just does whatever he wants. I always felt like Heishi was the one who helped Nanami get out of her shell the most so I was disappointed when I actually didn't like his route, but hopefully this will be better considering I'm really enjoying the Prelude! I really like how the three hour train ride (one way) was how the three of them started playing cards together and getting along haha! I knew Itsuki's sister's body wasn't in the grave but I never thought that it was because her body got incinerated since people didn't know what her illness was and thought it might be contagious. That is certainly something cruel to have to face with every time he visits the grave, it must hurt to think he couldn't stop it and couldn't even save the house or their belongings, that is so terrible. They basically razed everything that reminds him of his life with his sister. I think it was really sweet of Heishi's Grandpa and Seiji to give Heishi so much money in hope that he could run away and live a free life for himself instead of being shackled to The World. It's sad to think that Heishi has nothing important to him so he thinks it's pointless to run away to somewhere he doesn't even know, but I think his decision is right in that by being beside Mikoto and them, there's a chance he'll find a way of life he wants to live, and that by interacting with others who understand and know his powers, he can learn to accept that it's a part of him instead of just calling it an illness. I've always liked how Heishi gave his tie to Nanami, it's so cute. I liked how Masamune scolded them for coming back so late and Kakeru called him a dad hahaha. I think I especially liked it because Nanami, Itsuki and Heishi have never really experienced something like that where their parents would be so worried about them coming home so late and shout at them, it's endearing haha, not everyone gets to experience that normal concern and love.
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Overall, I really liked the Prelude! I kinda hoped to see more of Masamune's part with the scientists but oh well, I still enjoyed seeing everyone's perspectives. I personally enjoyed seeing how Heishi, Itsuki and Nanami's relationship developed from the beginning the most, but I think it was also really cute to see how Kakeru always flusters Masamune and what kind of feelings Masamune had as the first one on the ship waiting for everyone to board. But yeah, I really just enjoyed watching everyone pop up one by one filling up the ship as they all became the rowdy bunch they were when Koharu joined. The extra insight into everyone's thoughts and feelings as they all left things behind once they stepped on to the Norn for their various reasons was interesting to watch and I honestly can't wait to see more of their stories!
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Pretty sure it was moved to the beta editor But Tumblr doesn't seem to think it was, so...
Thread move/continuation from: this post || @hxpelessnurse ||
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🩹 - Mikan
Mikan felt a sigh of relief leave her as he told her not to apologize. “Most of m-my friends are single still too,” She added. “I definitely th-think M-Mioda could use someone to… calm her down a little.” The rocker was a rather wild one, and considering her rise to fame in the underground idol world, she was quite popular with both men and women alike. Still, Ibuki seemed far too distracted with causing chaos and making music to settle down. Mahiru and Hiyoko were on their own. They seemed quite happy together and Mikan had no intentions of breaking that apart. And as for her other friends? They were all off doing other things or working in the hospitals alongside her. She could probably gather a handful of friends who would be interested in a mixer party. But she’d think about that later. Mikan listened to him talk, her eyes lighting up as he explained he’d visited Seoul before. “L-Lucky! I’ve only been wh-when I was really little,” she replied. “I b-barely remember my trip with my g-grandmother.”
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“I g-guess… people with older ideologies tend to shun those who d-don’t quite fit the molds that they think s-society should have… I’m n-not upset over it. I’ve lived my whole life with p-people telling m-me I’m not fully Japanese. It doesn’t offend me like people think it should.” There were far worse things she could get upset over. He was right about people coming from different backgrounds being more interesting though. She always found patients who came from other places to have the best stories to tell. “Really? I would have n-never guessed!” She exclaimed, taking a sip of her drink. “I know how you feel. K-Kids can be really cruel for no reason. But I don’t b-blame them. They don’t know any better.” Mikan leaned back in her seat, a genuine sense of connection forming between them. Part of her wanted to ask him home with her - a bad habit she had desperately tried to rid when she was younger - but she wanted to take this a little slower than her past relationships. Minato seemed too good to be true and she wasn’t about to let it go sour so early on. “Eh… so… I know this is b-being a little forward. But I f-figured since I’d already mentioned it before… I’d really like to do this again w-with you.”
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Sounds like this Mioda friend of yours has a lot of energy, A little too much. Kind of reminds me of my best friend Junpei, that guy can always bring the hype, and make any moment more vibrant with his energy."
A soft chuckle as he thinks of a few times his best buddy did what he does best, be the same outgoing dude he was known for being. There was never a dull moment with his best friend Junpei Iori around. If his buddy agreed to come, he would more than likely just come for the party to meet new friends, as Junpei was in a relationship with Chidori Yoshino, and he honestly couldn't be any happier for those two.
For some reason, Minato felt like that name sounded very familiar, he didn't know anyone with that name personally, but he could have sworn he heard it somewhere before, he just couldn't remember. Either way, this person sounded a bit overly energetic, It made him curious about her other friends she has, especially since this Mioda character sounded very happy-go-lucky, and that wasn't a bad thing either.
When they further spoke about Korean food, Minato brought up his most recent visit to Seoul, a travel experience that he thoroughly enjoyed, not just for the wonderful food, but also because of the location he was investigating at the time, good food, and constant communication with spirits was a perfect recipe for a very good trip if he ever went to Seoul again, he would definitely have to invite Mikan to join him, especially if she hadn't been there for a long time, and besides, not only did he enjoy her company, it would also be a very nice switch since he had been there only with his coworkers, it would be especially enjoyable with Mikan Tsumiki right by his side.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Really? Hmm, in that case, the next time I go to Seoul, maybe can come along? I'd be happy to have you with me on that trip."
Hearing her state something so boldly that she lived her life being cast aside due to the slight difference, it kind of amazed him. On the outside, Mikan appeared so weak and frail, but never did he think that she would be so strong after living through that for such a long time.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Yeah, I think so too. But, wow... you're much stronger than I thought, I am very glad.. I admire that about you Mikan."
A soft chuckle after Minato revealed his other ethnic origin, something that was often hard to believe when it came to it, Thankfully, just like he thought, she understood how it felt too.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Yeah, it's hard to tell sometimes, and people these days can definitely be that way. Some kids can definitely be cruel, but they'll learn eventually."
Minato was a little surprised when she asked for a second date, he honestly didn't think it would happen, so evidently, but he wasn't complaining this time it didn't take him long to have an answer, because he also wanted to have another date with her, so he smiles.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "You're not being too forward, in fact, I would be more than happy to go on a second date with you Mikan, I'm really enjoying this time we're spending together, and I'm looking forward to more." He says with a smile.
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goddessofwind8water · 2 years
Project Edens Garden Theory's
Spoilers for the prologue
He fells Similar to Chiaki or Kaede as a leader or hope advocate. And like Kirigiri in his extreme usefulness of his talent . He is also really good at separating people when they are in an argument as we saw while we were getting people to gather in the courtyard as well as getting people to do what he wants
I believe that he will be a pillar of hope as well as a leader
So I think that he will ether be framed or killed in one of the late game chapters, most probably the 4th or the 5th chapter, to lower the groups spirits right before the final stretch
Grace reminds me of Tenko, for a lot of reasons, mostly the nicknames insults and build i guess. She's also very aggressive and competitive to the point that former friends of her often wonder if there anything she won't do to stay on the top.
I think shes going to burn out early, probably in the 1st or 2ed chapter (I wanna say third but i feel that jest because i keep equating her to Tenko).
I have two theory on how
The first is a similar motive to Sayaka or Teruteru, she is stated to defend her total aggressively in which case i think it is more likely to go out in the first chapter, whenever she ends up being the victim like Sayaka or the killer like Teruteru i don't know
The second theory is that it will be a crime of passion, (or a killing made in the heat of the moment)
Grace likes talking smack (even if you couldn't tell from the prolog, it specificity mentions it in her character card) If she were to talk smack to an agitated character (presumably after the 1st chapter but it's not set in stone) and ether be killed by that character in a fit of rage or she gets angry at a charterer and kills them (similar to Mondo, maybe beat to death with a golf club??)
I don't have much on her, i don't particular think she's gonna die. I think that Damion is going to have a character arc and learn the error of his ways and Eva will be a type of narrative foil.
I really don’t know as much about her a I do the others, maybe that’s why she’s the ultimate lier, I don’t know.
the Matchmaker, I don’t think I need to actually need to draw the link from her to Hiyoko, there’s the similar dress and the occasional jab at others (one more than the other but still) Anyway, don’t really see her surviving particularly.
my best guess is that she tries to get involved in something she shouldn’t, for instance, say two characters are close or even dating, they get in a fight, and than she as the (proud) ultimate matchmaker tries to steap in to help, she pushes the wrong button and an already agitated person snaps, and kills her.
If there’s going to be a double murder in the game I think it would be here, the killer either would kill her and then have to kill there friend/ partner to hide the proof or they kill there friend/ partner then she comes in trying to help and is collateral damage.
Also on a similar note she could kill two people so that they could, be together forever, tho that’s if she goes full on crazy.
On the hand she could just be a way for the creators to tease ship.
This is only the first part of my thoughts
Other parts will be linked here:
if there are no links then I have yet to finish my thoughts on the other characters.
also I you want to talk about any of this both the chat function on this post aswell as my dm’s are both open!
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owashicomix · 2 years
Edens Garden Discussion
I watched Project Eden’s Garden sooo here are my thoughts on the characters.
Damon- Kinda reminds me of Byakuya, design and personality-wise. It’s refreshing to have a protag that isn’t a total pushover. I think he’ll be a survivor.
Eva- With a talent like Ultimate Liar. I think it’s amusing how drastically different of a character she is to someone like Kokichi. Whose whole gimmick was lying. I also like her design, I think she’ll die right before the end. Ch.5 killer.
Wolfgang- One of my three faves so far. I like how he’s usually a normal guy but once he steps into the trial room, he’s a total savage. I think he’ll be an interesting rival for Damon. Rivals are known for dying right before the end. Sooo maybe Ch.5 victim?
Grace- Gonna be real. Didn’t really like her that much. All she did was act angry and insult ppl. And not in a funny way either. I think she’ll eventually snap and kill somebody. Probably sooner rather than later. So I think she’s gonna be the Chapter 1 killer.
Toshiko- I don’t think there’s ever been an actual kid in the killing games before. Characters like Hiyoko and Ryoma were just really short. By default I think she has to be a survivor. I can’t see her killing anyone and I don’t think anyone in the cast is fucked up enough to kill a kid.
Eloise- She seems alright I guess. Don’t have much to say on her. I think she’ll be a victim. Ch.2 victim.
Desmond- Yooo I peep the dreads. Is he black? He has an English sounding name so I just assumed so. I think it’s amusing how his personality is chill and laid-back but his talent involves him handling guns. Might be a killer? Maybe like a Ch.2 killer.
Jean- Pirate Guy. Quick fun fact when I was planning a fanganronpa myself last year, I had an Ultimate Pirate Guy on the list. But I ended up scrapping it. Jean seems cool. I know it’s obvious for the buff guy to die in Ch.4 but I think it would suit him. Ch.4 killer. 
Ulysses- Seems kinda plain. Maybe it’s because I get Korekiyo vibes from him. But I think he’s gonna snap in Ch.3 and be a killer. Prediction: Ch.3 killer
Kai- Made it to the 2nd of my 3 faves. I think he’ll be a good comedic relief character. Within 20 seconds of meeting him this loser just starts crying lol. Lowkey I think he might be the mastermind. Like imagine he just hosted a whole killing game for social media clout. That’d be funny. 
Diana- Token nice girl. I think she’ll die early. Ch.1 victim.
Jett- The 3rd of my 3 faves. A funny goofy guy. Admittedly it took me a moment to remember what drag racing is. I thought he was just cosplaying as a power ranger.  Seemed oddly insightful with his extreme haunt knowledge. I hope I’m wrong but I think he’s gonna die for Mark’s development. Maybe like a Ch.3 victim.
Mark- Meh. I feel like the shy guy with bad self esteem issues has been done enough in danganronpa. With Jett dying in Ch.3, Mark will come out of his shell and probably be a survivor. 
Cassidy- Meh. I thought she was a bit extra. However I do think it’s nice that she donates to charity. And her hatred of rich people could lead to an interesting rivalry with Wenona. Ch.3 victim methinks.
Wenona- 3 Mehs in a row. As of right now she’s just the mean rich girl but she might get some development later on. So keep in mind my opinions may change. I don’t see her as a victim or a killer soooo survivor.
Ingrid- Ending off this discussion with a meh. I guess it’s cool to see another buff girl but her personality was lacking. Prediction: Ch.4 victim 
Excited to see what comes next.
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4, 25
ill do them for each game
4: v1- toko fukawa/genocide jack mainly because its giving poor representation of did with the whole evil alter that kills people bs
v2- hiyoko saionji she really reminds me of my sister personality wise which spoiler alert is not a good thing at all
v3- kaito momota which is terrible since he has the same name as my second favorite vocaloid but besides that my god i could not stand you i dont even know why you just gave me the ick
25: v1- celestia queen loml how could you do such a thing i was rooting for you
v2- gundham why 😭 i was also rooting for you my boy <3
v3- kirumi & gonta are tied i really didnt expect either of them to go especially kirumi as quickly as she did but idc i love the both of them sm
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Okay, I think there’s something wrong with me, like… since Hibiki’s death, I just… haven’t been able to take my mind off it. Like, I know there’s still ASOOT Hibiki but… still. Hibiki is a comfort character of mine and this death just… hit me really hard. I’m sorry if I was being rude in the ask boxes, to be honest I… I don’t know anymore. Like, I want to write something like a story blog and use Hibiki but I have no idea where to start or what to write to be honest.
//Your reaction is reminding me a lot of how people initially reacted to Hiyoko's death.
//It took me by surprise just how many people were affected by it, and I mean SERIOUSLY affected.
//No matter what people may tell you, there's no shame in feeling this way. I'm not going to give you instructions or advice on how to deal with it, because we all grieve differently, but know that your sadness is entirely justified, and don't try to repress your sorrow.
//And while yes, she's gone on this blog, there's still others out there doing her justice. And I promise from the bottom of my heart, this will NOT be the last we hear of her in this story.
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You basically killed Mahiru in the simulator for no reason.
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Bu-But...But this... this couldn't have happen, it had to be edited!
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Fuyuhiko I already told you, this wasn't edited or anything! This is from the CCTV footage of Mahiru's middle school and yes; Natsumi did all this which I'm surprise neither you OR Peko ever took notice or realize that maybe your mom was right about Natsumi should of went to boarding school!
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...She... she really did all this, then Hatomi she... she was protecting her friend...?
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She did and while what happen to Natsumi was awful; I can't blame Hatomi for doing what she did if this is what Natsumi was like this!
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Ar-Are you saying my sister deserve to die then?!
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Of course not, if anything I think sending her to boarding school was the better option and I'll be honest; You AND Peko were idiots if you ask me as Mahiru's death really could of been avoided!
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How the fuck dare you, I'll-!
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*fell to the floor as he's on his knees from getting shock* ...
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*holds the button* Fuyuhiko just shut the hell up already, honestly you wanted to see this and I'm showing you the truth of it!
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I'll just say this you 2, but as say; your are 2 fucking morons for even thinking of resorting to murder and sorry but the whole 'we grew up as Yakuza' isn't going to work as the clan is fucking disbanded so that excuse ain't gonna fly here anymore!
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I'll say this here but Mahiru didn't deserve to die and Hiyoko should of not gotten dragged into this mess, want to know why?
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Simple, Mahiru had no idea that Hatomi killed Natsumi and only did so after the fact, but Peko... you helped with Fuyuhiko's murder during the process and when he attempted to kill Mahiru.
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So really, you both hurt a lot of people! Not just Hatomi, but Mahiru and Hiyoko too and honestly this death could of been avoided entirely!
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Honestly, I bet your father is seeing all this and viewing you both as a bunch of idiots, I could imagine it right now - you fail to realize how bad your sister was, you kill someone trying to protect her best friend, you dragged an innocent person and gave her more insecurities about how weak she is and killed someone that had no idea and avoided you because of your sister's awful behavior - honestly Fuyuhiko, I do feel sympathy for you but I can't say how you acted didn't help your case at all.
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While Peko, I know you were groomed and I'm sorry that you were raised but the way you were pressuring Mahiru to apologize to Fuyuhiko and threaten her, your not helping at all and I think you should owe Mahiru a massive apology for how you acted.
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If anything, you do remind me of Hatomi; she was impulsive protecting someone she care about and yet you think she was horrible for killing Natsumi - honestly if anything, your just some enabler that just allows Fuyuhiko to do whatever.
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Which I find ironic that you got on Mahiru's case about her being an enabler when I can say the same for you as well; you really are nothing but projecting, so I expect you to apologize to Mahiru once you see her.
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*starts crying* ...I-...I'm...I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry...!
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...At least now your realizing where you went wrong, Peko.
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catboy-syrup · 2 years
yaknow what I’m restarting both my obey me games cause i haven’t played either of them in literal months lmao
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danganronpa-atn · 2 years
"Oh, wow! A plushie of myself! Thank you so much!" Akane gushes as she takes the toy from you. She gives you a big smile and a hug in thanks.
"Oh wow, thank you so much!" Chiaki sleepily exclaimed as she took the plushie from you. "It's so cute!" She hugged the plushie close to her chest and smiled at you. "I'm really happy you thought of me when you saw this. Thank you so much!"
"The fuck is this?" Fuyuhiko demanded, holding the plushie out at arm's length and giving it a look of disgust. "Why would I want a plushie of myself?" "I-I thought you might like it," you stammered, feeling your face flush with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, I'll take it back." You reached for the plushie, but Fuyuhiko jerked it away, clutching it to his chest. "No, fuck that. This belongs to me now."
"Ah, them's my Four Dark Devas of Destruction!" Gundham exclaimed as he took the plushie from you. He held it up in the air and looked at it admiringly. "They are my personal army, you know. I've been training them since I was a child." He then looked at you with a sinister grin. "And now, with this new addition to my forces, I shall be unstoppable!"
"H-Hey, thanks for the plushie… I-I really appreciate it!" Hajime stammered, his cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. He fidgeted with the toy self-consciously, not quite sure what to do with it. "No problem, Hajime. I thought you might like it," you replied, smiling warmly at him. Hajime averts your gaze, clearing his throat awkwardly. "W-Well, I guess I'll just put it over here with the rest of my stuff then…" he mumbled, setting the plushie down on his desk.
Even though you two aren't dating, you giving Hiyoko a plushie of herself makes her feel special. She knows you did it because you care about her, and she appreciates that. She might bully you a bit, but it's only because she likes you. She thinks of you as her gummy bear, and she hopes you know that she cares about you deeply.
"Thank you so much for the plushie! It's so cute! I love it!" Ibuki exclaimed as she hugged the plushie tightly. "Ibuki's sure she'll treasure it forever!"
"Hey man, thanks for the plushie!" Kazuichi says as he gives you a fist bump. "It's really cool that you made one of me!"
Mahiru is really happy that you gave her a plushie of herself! She gives you a big hug and thanks you for thinking of her.
Mikan is so touched that someone would go out of their way to make her a plushie of herself. She gives you a sincere and heartfelt thank you, letting you know just how much it means to her. She's extremely shy, but she's also very grateful. Thank you so much for thinking of her.
"Thank you so much for the plushie!" Nagito says, holding the plushie. "It's really awesome, and it gives me a lot of hope. Just like how this little plushie of myself represents the power of hope, I'll use it as motivation to keep pushing forward and never give up!" He then holds the plushie up to the sky. "Even in the darkest of times, we must never forget the power of hope. It's what allows us to stand up to despair and fight for a better future. So thank you for reminding me of that with this adorable plushie."
"Thanks for the plushie!" Nekomaru saids as he stuffs it in his jacket pocket. "It's really cool to have a mini-me to cuddle with. I'm sure it'll come in handy during long games back at the high school where I coach."
She gives you a small smile and a nod of thanks. You can tell she's happy to have a plushie of herself, even if she doesn't show it outwardly.
Meanwhile, in Novoselic…
Sonia looks upon her father, the King of Novoselic. "Father, this kind stranger has given me a plushie of myself." Sonia says. "In return, I'd like to ask that you let them have some of your wealth when you pass away." The King of Novoselic, Edmund Nevermind, thinks about this for a while and turns back to Sonia. "Sonia, my dear, you are too kind." King Nevermind says. "I will be sure to remember this act of generosity when I pass the throne to you. May they live a long and prosperous life, as you will when you take the throne."
He's so excited that he gives you a big hug! "Thank you so much, new kid! This is the best present I've ever gotten!" He then starts to look at some of the girls a little too closely and then back to the plushie. "Hmm… I wonder what she looks like without her clothes on…" He then looks up at you with a perverted grin and his nose starts bleeding a bit. "Hey, do you think you could get me a plushie of one of the girls with their clothes off? I promise I'll take good care of it!"
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Cherry Blossoms
Pairing: Ultimate imposter x reader
Byakuya loved you. Nobody knew that but him. Until one lovely day....
You were on your way to school. You had forgotten to eat breakfast and you were hungry as hell. You decided to stop by an ice cream truck and get you ice cream.
"excuse me, may I have [flavor] ice cream?"
The ice cream worker gave you the ice cream and you continued your walk to school. On the way you met many of your upper and lower classmates, you waved at them with the hand that wasn't holding your ice cream and continued. You had finished your ice cream by the time you got there.
Your seatmate, Byakuya was reading a book when you came into the classroom. It wasn't out of the ordinary but he still looked beautiful while doing it. A lot of people found him unattractive because of his weight but he never cared about that, Nor did you. If someone has a good personality and respects you that's all that matters. Right?
You sat down and waved at him. He responded with a wave back, not taking his eyes off the book. Your energetic teacher came in and started her lecture.
I noticed them come in but I because I need to keep up my Byakuya persona I didn't acknowledge them until they waved at me.
They were always kind to our classmates even when some were rude. They remind me of Cherry Blossoms. Token for granted, Beautiful, and free. I wish I could be free like them. I don't even know my own identity for crying out loud. I know they have struggles of their own and I wish I could get rid of my act so I could spend time with them. Usually it's Ibuki following me around when she's not harassing Mikan. It's not that I don't like Ibuki, she's really positive. But it's hard to have privacy when she's around.
Ibuki had gotten the hint that I like them and has given me advice but it's still difficult finding the courage to ask them as me. They only know me as Byakuya. I don't even think they like me.
"Hey Byakuya! Whatcha doin?" I jumped as Ibuki snuck up on me from behind
"nothing. Even if I was, it's non of your business." I said coldly, mimicking what I thought Byakuya would do if someone was as asking about what he was doing.
"well it totally seems like your thinking of them" Ibuki said with a large grin. I knew exactly who they were talking about.
"now now Ibuki. It is true that he needs to man up and not keep them waiting for so long but it's best if they take an easy and calmer approach". Mahiru, another classmate of mine walked up behind her. I could see the yellow pigtails behind her. Mikan was stumbling trying to keep up with them. I guess she fell on their way over here.
"But ham hands is totally boring and rude. Why would someone as horribly sweetening as [name] like him? I can't see the chemistry."
"well that's because you can't see most things at all with your height Hiyoko" Ibuki said laughing. Hiyoko came out from behind Mahiru and stomped on her feet.
"U-um maybe I can help? N-Not that I wanna assume you need help!" Mikan spoke up. I was curious by what she meant.
"speak up then" I said to not scare her into running away or crying. She's really sensitive so I don't want to make her feel worse the she already feels.
"we'll t-they really like going to this park with this huge Cherry Blossom tree, they've told me about it when we ran into each other. H-hopefully that helps even a little bit" "Hah! Like that would help you worthless bitch!-" Hiyoko was cut off by Mahiru scolding her.
Never did I think that a group of classmates would help me with my feelings twords them.
"okay. I think I'm ready to start my plan. Thank you guys." I say with a small smile. The girls stopped what they were doing and smiled at me- except Hiyoko who just had a smirk on her face. "I knew my advice would help. I'm a natural at dating advice".
I began my plan to tell them about my feelings. I already invited them to the park that Mikan told me about. She even gave me directions. All I had to do was wait. But when I got to the park I saw that they were already there. I was surprised and nervous since I was planning on going over my confession while I waited.
"Oh, Hi Byakuya! Thanks for inviting me here. I love this park" they said with a big smile on their beautiful face.
"yes. I did invite you here. I have something I wish to say to you." They looked at me with their head tilt. "What is it?" I prepared myself for rejection and begin with what I memorized on my way here.
"Well. I want to start off by saying that I appreciate your attempts at making everyone happy and caring about them. Even me. Even though I never show it, you truly brighten my day. Your kindness twords people you don't even know that well intrigues me. You always look good without even trying. Even if you show up with bed hair. Your hobbies make my even more interested. But I feel as if I'm not being honest with myself or with you. I don't even know my identity and I already love you. It's silly I know. And it took a lot out of me to not act like Byakuya and work up the strength to ask you out so I hope you appreciate my attempt-" I was cut off when they hugged me. It was a very sweet and warm hug. The type of hug you crave in winter. I truly felt as if I was loved and appreciated for myself and not as Byakuya.
They pulled away and grabbed my face. They hands were soft. Honestly even if they weren't they still made me feel soft inside.
"well. I'm glad you feel that way. And it doesn't matter about who you were acting as. It was still you who was I was seatmates with, friends with, and now here with. Is thier anything you want me to call you instead of Byakuya?" They said with a very g*ntle and caring smile. I was taking a risk but I went for it.
"I want you to call me anything you want. I do not care what you wish to call me as long as I'm your partner and friend". I pecked thier forehead and we sat down on the grass under the cherry blossom tree. A few cherry blossom petal fell on their head. And I chuckled. Thier was ice cream nearby so I got us some.
I finally felt loved as myself by my Cherry Blossom. And I was going to make them feel just as loved.
-----------------the end--------------------------
Hey guys, so I felt like writing this because I had a pretty good day so far. This is kinda long but I enjoyed writing it. Hope y'all did too.
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avilexce · 3 years
hi hello! can you write danganronpa 2 girls cuddling hcs? thank you so much!
of course, love!
there are spoilers for the trial of chapter 2 (in pekos hcs)
mikan tsumiki
she would be flustered the whole entire time i swear
she would be the little spoon and she would always ask if your comfortable
“a-are you sure you wanna c-cuddle with me?”
she’s so cute
she would be so happy if you told her you love her
please please PLEASE tell her how much you mean to her
mikan wouldn’t talk very much.. but she loves hearing you talk while you two cuddle!! it comforts her ^o^
if you ever offer to cuddle with her after hiyoko had been pretty harsh on her that day
she’ll get so flustered
please tell her you care about her and that you don’t mind cuddling with her
hiyoko saionji
okay so hiyoko trusts you as much as she trusts mahiru!!
so she is very uh... clingy?? not clingy but... clingy
she likes cuddling with you after a dance show/competition
she likes being the little spoon
i wouldn’t say she gets super flustered like mikan.. she would definitely get a bit flustered tho!
she loves cuddling after taking a shower/bath, idk why but she just does...
if you guys are cuddling face to face she’ll wear her hair down
ibuki mioda
she can’t do it very long if it’s during the day, since she’s pretty energetic
but if it’s at night she can cuddle for however long you want!!
she likes face to face cuddling...
if you’re taller than her, she likes resting her head on your chest
if you’re shorter, she likes to when you rest your head on her chest
BUT if you guys decide to spoon while you cuddle she likes being the big spoon! it makes her feel as if she’s protecting you
again, if it’s during the day she’s pretty loud.. make sure her mouth isn’t near your ears...
if it’s at night she usually talks in a softer voice, but it���s still sorta loud
she definitely brags about it the next day
she loves you so much
if she’s feeling playful she’ll tickle you a bit if it’s not too late
sonia nevermind
sonia is so sweet pls
after you two cuddle for the first time, she would love to do it again!
but she most likely wouldn’t cuddle with you when in public, because she’s the ultimate princess and there are definitely some jealous fans that would fight for her
she loves cuddling after a long day of being a princess
imagine sonia becoming queen of her kingdom...
so we all know about her obsession with serial killers, right?
if you’re scared of them she’ll tell you about the not so scary ones, or the ones that are locked up so you don’t get scared!
if you’re not scared of them then she’ll tell you about the ones that haven’t been locked up!! like genocide jack, etc.
she doesn’t mind being the big or little spoon, but if kazuichi was a bit more weird towards her than normal please let her be the little spoon
she prefers to cuddle face to face tho, mainly because she likes being able to see your face!
overall sonia is a great gf who loves cuddling with you
akane owari
akane bae...
she’s not the biggest fan of cuddling? just bc she prefers to train in that time
she’s fine with cuddling if it’s late at night!! but she isn’t the biggest fan of cuddling during the day
but there are some occasions where she will cuddle with you during daytime... like if she was training with nekomaru and he was really rough on her
she’s the big spoon if you two are spooning
if your cuddling face to she likes to talk to you about random things.. like her love for food!!
also she will want to watch while you two cuddle, keep that in mind.
like ibuki, she’s very energetic, and so she usually can’t cuddle very long during the day
if your shorter than her expect head pats a lot
mahiru koizumi
mahiru loves cuddling sm omg
she prefers face to face cuddling!!
but if you two are spooning she’ll probably end up being the big spoon
if you guys are cuddling face to face, she loves leaving kisses on the top of your head
if you guys are spooning, she’ll hold one of your hands
if you fall asleep while cuddling, she might get out of bed and take a photo of you
when you wake up, she’ll ask you if you’re okay with her keeping the photo
if not, she won’t do it again and she’ll throw it away
i feel like the only person mahiru would be okay with seeing you guys cuddle would be hiyoko
obviously if the class is having a sleepover or something then mahiru is okay with it, if you two are about to go to bed
chiaki nanami
i personally think chiaki would love cuddling!!
especially since she stays up late playing video games, you cuddling with her is a bit of a reminder she needs to sleep!
you’re probably gonna have to be the big spoon most of the time, because she’ll usually be playing video games
she will put them down... eventually to talk to you though!
personally i think she would only cuddle with you face to face if she wasn’t playing video games, and if she was sleepy from playing them all day
she usually cuddles at night with you, because that’s when she’s a bit more tired
and that’s also when she decides to stop playing video games for a bit so you two could sleep
she loves it when you play with her hair when she’s about to fall asleep
she prefers to have music on while you two cuddle, but no music is fine too!
she would probably rant to you about the game she’s playing
ugh shes so sweet i love her sm
peko pekoyama
peko is touch starved. there’s no doubt in my mind she’s not
naturally she’s going to be the big spoon, since she’s the ultimate swordsman and stuff...
and cause shes hot
we all know that she wears braids...
and she likes it when you take out her braids while cuddling
she does like cuddling face to face!!
if you are cuddling face to face and you want to sleep, she’ll put you’re head in her chest, doesn’t matter your height
obviously she doesn’t have much time to cuddle bc yk.. fuyuhiko and stuff
but fuyuhiko secretly loves your relationship with her and is happy that she found someone she loves
so he will let her take off a bit of time to spend time with you... even if that time is cuddling
obviously she won’t cuddle with you in front of others... maybe fuyuhiko? but if it’s anyone besides that she won’t
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cryzono · 3 years
On Hiyoko Age Headcanons
Put under a readmore because it contains discussion of csa
I'm very sorry, but I'm speaking out about something that's bothered me for awhile. There is a popular headcanon that Hiyoko is a younger child than the rest of her classmates, and I believe some of the discussion around it is misguided. However, mostly the problem I have with the headcanon is a very personal one. It's one that I've been grappling with silently for awhile now, because I figured I was being unfair, that I was being biased. Maybe I am, that's your call, but please hear me out before you make that decision.
I must express that the primary reason this headcanon makes me uncomfortable is because it basically invents cocsa (child on child sexual assault) ships in the fandom. I know that any discussion of shipping is, ultimately, going to sound very petty, but I promise that I am discussing with serious intentions. Personally, I'm not very attached to Hiyoko ships, but some people are. Some people who are also survivors are. It is thus incredibly insensitive to me to make up this kind of headcanon, because it puts people in a situation where something they do for fun and for a sense of representation is suddenly reminding them of their trauma, and for no real reason other than its just a popular headcanon. Given the fact that one of these ships is one of the most popular wlw ships and that it can be argued that it has some elements of canon coding, you can understand my concern over the subject. At the end of the day, I dont care what you believe to be true about Hiyoko; but i draw the line at inventing cocsa ships. I draw the line at pretending anybody who ships her is anything like a proshipper. There are plenty of truly dangerous ships in this fandom, and its much more productive to target those ones instead of make up new ones.
Look at it this way; do this with any other character. You wouldn't do this to, say, Kokichi, who behaves "childishly," for similar reasons to Hiyoko, who has a small stature, and is often compared to a child. You wouldn't do this to Fuyuhiko, who is intended to parallel Hiyoko in just about every way, including appearance, disposition, and backstory. You wouldn't make an au where the popular ships involving them are now cocsa, because that'd be obviously incredibly insensitive to people who have experienced csa, right? Its the same sentiment here. Its made even worse by the fact that Hiyoko already is a character that people who have experienced csa are inclined to, being a victim of csa herself. So you can see how it might be really damaging to put people in that kind of situation.
And I can't help but notice that there is a big difference between Kokichi or Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko: Hiyoko is a girl. Women have been historically infantilized by society, Hiyoko is a character that has been infantilized by her society. Its clear that her behavior stems from how society treats her, and it feels wrong to do that to her in the interpretation space as well. I have an issue with headcanoning a character as a child based on how they look and act at all, given that people look and act in all different ways, and particularly neurodivergent people are stereotypically known to like "childish" things and have "childish" tendencies. In part, this ignores the fact that Hiyoko is a child already, because she is a high schooler and high schoolers are children, but it also infantilizes someone who clearly displays having trauma and potentially an unspecified trauma disorder (as lashing out at people and age regression is a common symptom of those.) Trauma based specifically on how she has been infantilized and how she has been taken advantage of by those that are older to her.
Overall, this isn't a callout. This isnt me saying you have to change your mind. I'm just asking you to please consider this perspective and to take a step back from your headcanons and ask if they might be confirming some preexisting bias you have and if that's really worth it for the kind of damage it might cause. I'm open to discussing this, I can't expect you to have an open mind if I don't. But I really do ask that you at least take this into consideration first before commenting.
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austajunk · 2 years
hmmmmm Mikan with 2,4,6,8 and 23!
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
This is a complicated question because while I do like Mikan a lot, there were always characters I liked more than her in the game. But I really vibed with her when she basically told Nagito that he was a lonely dickhead and was going to die alone and that no one loved him. God, how fucking badass. A legend. She bodied him and my heart has been full and my skin has been clear ever sense.
To be clear, ya’ll know I love Nagito, but I also love seeing him get so fucking owned from the most unexpected source.
4. How many people I ship them with
Let’s see, she’s one of Chiaki’s girlfriends. I really like shipping her as a bad duo with Junko and Nagito. And I’ll be honest, depending how it’s done, I think Tsumionji can be interesting. Come at me. I’m ready to be flamed but I think there can be a lot of healing and understanding with her and Hiyoko’s relationship. Hiyoko obviously bullies Mikan because she’s suspicious of Mikan and has trust issues and because Mikan’s weaknesses remind her of herself. After Future Arc, I really do wanna see where they go from there as friends.
6. My least favorite ship of them
Probably with Hajime. It does admittedly creep me out just a bit. Yandere vibes make me nervous.
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Definitely her Despair look. Creepy horror nurse for the win!
23. Future headcanon
She gets a lot of much needed therapy and learns to love herself and let the pain out. Beautiful.
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sir-sunny · 3 years
More headcanons!
(tw for talking about food ik some people struggle with that stuff)
Izuru only really likes plain/bland foods. Don't ask me why he just does. Hajime, on the other hand, loves suuuuper spicy, suuuuper sour, suuuuper salty, whatever just make it strong.
I think it's a pretty common headcanon that Nagito cannot tolerate spice, but I offer the alternative! He has terrible taste buds so he quite likes spice because it's strong enough to taste
Chiaki and Kokichi live off sweets, Ryota only eats what's put in front of him (and you have to keep reminding him it's there) and Chihiro (because I hc they're sibs with Ryota and Chiaki and cousins with Kokichi) is just incredibly stressed trying to feed their idiot siblings some nutrition. They end up installing mini Alter Egos on everyone's phones so they can be constantly reminded to eat some vegetables
Ibuki and Kaz rope Nagito into dyeing his hair at least once. I would love to believe it looks good, but that would be putting too much trust into Ibuki and Kaz
Non despair, Taka, Sakura and Mukuro would be best friends, they're some of the only ones with an ounce of maturity. They also train together a lot, Sakura teaches her favourite martial arts, Taka teaches Kendo and Mukuro teaches how to fight dirtyyyy
Mondo Leon and Chi also train together! It started just Mondo and Chi, but Chi is a lot smaller and weaker than Mondo so Leon started just showing up and saving Chi's ass a bunch
I think Mikan would benefit training with Akane, the both of them have been through shit so I think Akane would help Mikan get strong and feel more safe and secure in herself
Peko and Nagito do art therapy together with their therapy dogs. Peko deserves a fluffy. Nagito deserves a doggo. They deserve therapy. Simples
Gundham actually makes sure everyone on the island gets a designated therapy animal. They don't all live with theirs, like Mikan has a pony that Sonia teaches her to ride (idk) but they all have their designated fluffer to go to
YOOOO NAGITO DYING HIS HAAAIIRRR. i loove the concept of ibuki and kaz giving nagito a makeover laskfhkaj (....nagito with black hair ........)
taka, sakura, and mukuro would be such a powerful force man,,, they'd all wake up at the crack of dawn to race the sunrise
yes!! akane giving mikan fighting lessons!! mikan's very clumsy and timid but akane's very patient and supportive <33
auahhahagaha nagito and peko definitely deserve therapy dogssss
THATS SO GENIUS EVERYONE GETS A THERAPY ANIMAL AAWH omg i wanna think abt what everyone's animal would be
ibuki - parrot (she sings w it)
mahiru - sugar glider (who's v photogenic)
hiyoko - teacup pig (she probably calls it mikan)
nekomaru - boarder collie (they run laps together)
teruteru - cockatoo (he feeds it gourmet meals)
nagito - golden retriever (CUDDLES)
hajime - tabby cat (who hates everyone but hajime)
imposter - chameleon (see cuz they both change-)
kazuichi - goat (he got attached to it while he was fixing the fence at the farm)
sonia - banana ball python (kaz is v scared of it)
akane - tortoise (think like rainbow dash and tank aksjhs)
fuyuhiko - chihuahua (they are alike aaksjhs)
mikan - pony (she visits the farm everyday to brush its mane)
peko - samoyed (fluffy fluffy fluffy)
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
hi! i saw that your requests are open and i came running. do you think you could write shuichi, rantaro, hajime, kaede, and mahiru (if you write for them) with the ultimate actress who uses her talent in more way than one, like covering up her emotions. for example, she always seem happy, calm, and willing to help anyone, but really a kind of broken person because she's been through a lot. thanks 💜
welcome, anon (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ it’s been a while since you sent me this request but i’m only writing now, i’m so sorry 🥺
w/n: i used they/them pronouns because i didn’t want to exclude anyone!! also this might have slight angst i’m not sure
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Shuichi Saihara
okay but you melt his heart with your kindess. always helping those who around you, showing so much kindness and love to them, being caring with them, always offering help and constantly checking on them,, he thinks you are an angel
of course you are no different to him, and he’s very grateful
after spending more time with you and getting to know you better, he’s able to read you well
he could see how sad you actually are, always putting yourself aside and taking care of others, but getting nothing in return
it’s not like you asked something in return. nobody could ask you how are you feeling, and that felt kind of lonely to him.
you deserved love, too, even if you’re the ultimate actress/actor
so just like you did it with him, he’ll try to break your shell
he’s a bit nervous and shy about offering his help, but he wants to solve this. he wants to see you happy, in a real way
if you feel like avoiding him, he will leave you alone for that second, because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
but after seeing how much this means to him, you invite him over and you two talk a bit about you
you can see how much interested he is and it feels?? kind of weird?? ugh
don’t cry.
“it’s okay, Y/n, you don’t need to hide your emotions, w...we are all cheering for you and willing to see you happy, so don’t you feel like a burden when talking about yourself.”
you didn’t expect that coming from him but you can see how much he can relate to you and how much he means this
it melts your heart tbh, the fact that he’s trying is enough to make you cry
Rantaro Amami
to be honest he knew it for a while but didn’t know how to approach you
he might have tried to get you talk about it but you always managed to dodge the question
so he let it slide.
you looked so nice and caring when offering your help, listening to your friends’ problems and giving them advice, always being there for them,, you were truly an angel
the one who anyone needed
but also the one who didn’t have anyone
people told you your acting skills were really something
but who could have guessed you weren’t acting at all?
he could see how lonely you are
and mostly how desperate you are to have someone listen to you
it was breaking his heart, you were the reason of everyone’s smile but you had no one. so you just predicted. predicted like a happy person
because you didn’t want to become a burden or pressure anyone
you just wanted someone. someone that could walk up to you and ask you that question you haven’t heard in so long
“Y/n, do you want to walk together?” it was Rantaro who offered you this time
your eyes sparkled in joy as he waited for your response, you immediately nodded
as you two take a walk, he tried to start a conversation, he didn’t want to talk about himself at all. he wanted you to let it all out, and relax
it was hard for you, but when you did, he smiled and gave you a hug
“you matter, Y/n. your feelings matter no matter what, you don’t have to hide them or anything, nor you have to help everyone... we care for you, always.”
he patted your back kindly, showing you the affection nobody has ever done.
“you don’t have to hide anything, okay?”
your lips curl up to a smile as you return his hug
Hajime Hinata
he basically admired you for being such a warmhearted person
you were ready to do anything for the ones in need without hesitating, and you always carried a smile!!
it was like you are an iron wall, nothing could ruin your day and your hope, that’s what he admired the most about you
“Y/n, aside from your talent, you’re such a kind person,” Hajime told you
“do you think so? thanks, Hajime...” you’d say and leave immediately
has he said something wrong...?
after spending more time with you, something started bothering him
it was you
the way you actually never smiled
yes, you were kind and the best friend someone can ever have, and many people liked this about you
but was this the real you?
he wanted to talk to you. unlike others, he wanted to talk to you about you, not for a problem of his for you to solve
he wanted to fix if there’s anything troubling you
“Hajime? welcome,” you let him in, “did you need anything?”
“Y/n, aren’t you using your talent more than you should?”
e h h ?
so you were found out. don’t you dare playing dumb, Y/n
you were so surprised that someone actually suspected this side of yours, but aside from that, you were so happy. so happy that someone finally noticed
after realising he sounded rude, he awkwardly apologized and asked the same question,, in a kinder way? yeah, that’s it
and you started sniffing. eyes getting watery and your hands go up to wipe your tears away
he thought he did something wrong until you smiled. you were thankful.
“it-it’s okay, Y/n, i got you, you can tell me,... it’s fine, i won’t judge or pressure you, i just want you to be yourself,” he calms you down
seeing how he was willing to listen to you reminded you of yourself. you always did this with others but you were never shown affection, you can’t help but feel like crying to the thought of he’s willing to listen to you
“it’s not only me, i’m sure everyone here would appreciate if you opened up. we’re willing to help you because that’s what you always do, right? so... don’t predict anymore, please.”
but it’s just like he said, he got you.
Kaede Akamatsu
you were everyone’s joy, everyone could trust you in the blink of an eye and you’d always make their day
Kaede adored this side of you, you were so soft and a nice person
whenever you and her talked, she could tell you about her day and would play piano to you, it kind of relaxed you and she knew it
you were smiling to the sound of everyone having fun, but you were standing there alone
her eyes met yours, and you quickly turned your head
she thought you were just shy and invited you to hangout with others
but you said it was fine, and left
the thought of you didn’t leave her head ever since then
you were down to listen to anyone having troubles and find them solutions, giving them best advice and helping them in the slightest things. but you were never letting people approach you, avoiding them with a smile, making it seem like you’re okay with it
but she knew it wasn’t
she wanted to ask if anything’s wrong, she knew that might be because of your talent but still you looked so lonely to her and if anything’s bothering you, be there for you
when she said she’s willing to talk to you, you were touched so deeply that your heart skipped a beat. but you just couldn’t let her worry about you
“it’s ok! no need to worry for me!” you let out a giggle
“but... is it really okay, Y/n?”
no matter how hard you tried to convince her everything is alright... your eyes said otherwise.
“hey... we’re friends, you know? i care for you... you’re always hiding your true self behind your talent but the truth is you’re just torturing yourself. so don’t hide your true feelings, if we are really your friends, let us get to know you.”
you wanted to cry right there, but you held back instead
but this time, you didn’t refuse her words, which she knew were right already
“okay, but don’t judge, okay? you asked for it.” you let her inside, hesitating a little.
“never!” she said determinatedly. she won’t let that go to waste. because she cares for you and she’s willing to do anything for you, just like you with everyone.
Mahiru Koizumi
you were one of the nicest people she knew!
everything that comes from you would lighten up everyone’s day
if everyone is having a bad day... bam! you fix it.
she thought you were really a nice person for helping anyone at anything.
“Mahiru? mind if i carry your camera for you?”
yeah, you were like that.
but for some reason, you didn’t like to be on the spot light at all, you always came up with excuses and left when you were asked questions
which Mahiru found indeed weird, seeing you like this got her worried
she asked Hiyoko about it, but Hiyoko was really chill about it, she said she didn’t think there’s anything wrong with you
but Mahiru could say by looking in your eyes, you were kind of a lonely person who seeked some love? yes.
making her way to your cottage, she thought everything she wanted to talk to you, but she forgot as soon as she saw you standing beside the door
“Mahiru? did you need anything?”
then everything comes back to her mind and she remembers it. but she kind of messes up telling you because of how nervous she is asking you that.
“i think your talent is amazing, Y/n, but i think you m-mustn’t use it all the time...” ah, god, she sounded so wrong
you were confused
so was she
“i didn’t mean it in a bad way! i mean... do you really smile when you smile? do you mean it?”
that’s when she got you
she said she was worried that the person in front of her was actually not you and some stranger
you let her in since it’s dark and cold outside and talk to her, telling her you’ve been through a lot. you can tell how sorry she feels for you from the look on her face
“Y/n, i’m... i’m so sorry,” she puts her hand on yours, “but that’s all in the past now, isn’t it? nobody here is going to judge you for that... so feel free to open up to me or your friends any time, okay? i care for you and i don’t want to like you for your talent, i want to like you for who you really are.”
Mahiru, you are so sweet, i am gonna cry-
hey, everyone! i’m back writing my requests and i’m willing to finish them ASAP... soo, uhh, i know it’s hard talking about your feelings but if you’re having a hard time, i’m willing to listen to you so feel free to text me anytime :) i might not reply fast but i’ll reply no matter what... you matter and it’s all true, i love you all 💗
also as a writer (i’ve been writing since 9 but my writing still sucks-) i’ve been writing whole weekend since my step siblings are gone lol also i was exercising and studying,, my schedule was full. 😩 anyways it feels nice to get back even though i was gone for 2 days-
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