#because the outcomes are the same-if-not-better without surgical intervention
not-poignant · 8 months
I'm late to the party but if you're still doing the fanfic meme...I'd love to know 2 and 14 for Stain!
Woo let's do it! For A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
2: What scene did you first put down?
I feel like I've been saying this a lot, but the first scene I wrote is the first scene everyone reads. I've been writing in chronological order for a while now!
I ran a lot of scenes in my head mentally first. Because my first image of this story was of them as like... the ages they are in the game, and it just wasn't working. They were too young, and not mature enough. Things really kicked off when I was like 'okay, what if Sebastian is a divorcee who leaves and comes back' and then really kicked off when it was like 'what if Alex becomes a cleaner to pay for his grandparent's medical debt.'
All of those things came in stages and I really noodled on this story and its structure for over a month.
By the time I started writing, I was ready to start writing. And I knew I'd start with Alex being like, quite provocative and shocking to set the tone, so the first sentence is literally around him reminiscing on the fact that he used to imagine forcing Sebastian to give him revenge blowjobs lmao.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I don't really like to be didactic with my writing. Like I don't set out to 'teach' moral lessons or anything like that, and I'm maybe even a little selfish in that I'm often not thinking about the reader in that way at all. I'm thinking about writing an entertaining story for myself with entertaining characters. I really want to entertain the people who read the story. I think more about emotional responses than learning. I'm not trying to teach, I'm trying to entertain. But teaching can be a byproduct, it's just not the focus.
BUT, I do think I like exploring themes around classism, small-town dynamics (it's not the first time I've explored this), attitudes of learned helplessness, what real support in a community looks like vs. lip service support, etc.
In a perfect world, I want readers to go away having enjoyed the fic and gotten something meaningful out of it. Even if that meaningful thing is simply that they felt comforted during a tough time, or they got to escape from reality for a while and feel happy for the characters at the end.
I don't know if I need them to learn anything new about something grand or whatever. I'm not out here trying to teach deep lessons, but because my characters are often learning deep lessons, sometimes that happens anyway. Alex for example, devaluing himself the way that he does? A lot of people (including me) relate to that. Giving someone like Alex access to support, means some people (including me) get to vicariously experience that getting support or looking for it can be scary, but often lead to good things.
That's not a bad thing to take away from any story.
But I'm pumped if people enjoy it, and I'm not out here trying to teach big lessons. My goal is always the emotional responses and the emotional engagement and the emotional journey. If people read my stories and feel nothing at all, then I'd be the first to be like 'hey, um, hey, there's better writing out there, you'll enjoy that more, trust me' lol
From the fanfiction / AO3 fiction meme!
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Bone Conduction Implants (BCI) - Dr. Ameet Kishore
BCI include devices such as the BAHA and Bonebridge systems
Most of us receive sound in two ways. We hear by air conduction via the ear canal and middle ear to the inner ear (cochlea). And we hear through bone conduction, where vibrations bypass the outer and middle ear, traveling directly to the inner ear through the jaw and skull bone. This explains why you can still hear sound if you block your ears.
Hearing through Bone Conduction
Using bone conduction, sound is conduced naturally through the bone directly to the cochlea, independent of the outer and middle ear. A BCI system uses this natural process by amplifying sound signals, converting them into vibrations and transmitting them to an implant in the bone.
The bone then conducts the vibrations directly to the inner ear, which is embedded in bone. This is the reason why such implants are also called bone conduction implants.
In the inner ear, the mechanical vibrations are converted into nerve signals and transmitted to the brain via the auditory nerve and perceived as sound.
Implantable bone conduction is, therefore, an effective hearing solution for people with conductive or mixed hearing loss because it bypasses any problems associated with the outer or middle ear. The system can also help those who suffer from single sided sensorineural deafness by transmitting sound received on the deaf side directly to the hearing ear.
Is a BCI right for me?
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you hear only from one side?
Do you or your child have malformed ears (microtia / atresia),
Do you have chronically draining ears?
When using hearing aids, do you have:
Problems getting sufficient loudness?
Trouble with feedback, squeal, whistles, or distorted sound quality?
Do you have sore or irritated ears due to wearing your ear moulds?
If you answered you to any of these questions, you may be a candidate for a BCI system. Talk to your hearing professional to learn more.
How does the Baha system work?
A small titanium implant is placed in the bone behind the ear where it osseointegrates with living bone. Put simply, it becomes 'one with the bone'. It's the same process that secures dental implants.
Osseointegration takes about three months for adults and six months for children. Once this has taken place an abutment is attached to the fixture and a sound processor is clipped on.
The Baha Attract System transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear through a magnetic connection between the sound processor and the implant under the skin. The benefit being that there is no skin penetrating abutment, providing a good aesthetic outcome with no need for daily care.
The Baha Connect System transmits vibrations through an abutment which connects the sound processor to the implant. Using the DermaLock TM technology the skin is left intact around the abutment. Here the major benefit is the efficient transmission of vibrations, providing maximum amplification.
How does a Bonebridge system work?
The Bonebridge is a bone conduction implant system, consisting of an external audio processor, worn behind the ear and an implant, positioned surgically under the skin.
Sound waves are recorded by the microphones of the audio processor. The audio processor converts the sound into electrical signals. These electrical signals are transferred through the intact skin to the implanted part of the Bonebridge system.
Hearing is believing - try the BCI system to see if it is right for you
One of the unique features of any of the BCI systems is that a prospective recipient can test it prior to implantation. Most are amazed. Not only by how much better they can hear, but the quality and clarity of sound provided. Speak to our clinician or surgeon to try a BCI.
Baha on Softband - gently introducing a new world.
Babies and young children have very thin bones and may not be ready for an implant. The Baha on softband is the ideal early intervention alternative. The softband allows the sound processor to be worn, without the implant. Easy to use and comfortable, providing infants and toddlers with the amplification they need to facilitate language development.
TAG-  ENT specialist in India, Best Otology Doctor in India,  Best Pediatric ENT Surgeon India
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rajeshparmar01 · 2 years
Is Robotic Knee replacement is the best option to get rid from Knee Pain?
Robotic knee replacement surgeries:- Robotic knee replacement surgery is an evolution to the field of orthopedics, because of effective and accurate way of working, using the robotic assistive techniques surgeon can now operate more effectively with least chances of the error and with extra advanced methodologies and less equipments. In total knee replacement the whole knee is replaced using a prosthetic implant which is the replica of the same knee, this procedure is generally done to reduce the problems related to the knee joint like pain , swelling and to provide more stability , proper shape and to retain the normal movement of the joints.
Along with the efficiency and accuracy there are many advantages of robotic knee replacement surgery that include-
No damage to the bones
No blood loss
More reliable for the patient and for the surgeon as well
Faster recovery time
Include combination of surgeon expertise and robots precision
Less hospital stays along with day care
Studies show that patient receiving robotic knee  replacement experience less readmission and also require less rehabilitation than the patient who undergo traditional or the conventional replacement surgeries, with the help of the robotic arm the surgeries are more precised and the person can get rid of the damaged tissues more effectively which improves the recovery rate of the patient. Along with this there is more patient satisfaction in the robotic assistive surgeries as the patient can return to their daily activities more faster and also like the precision of using the robotic assistance.
Advantages of robotic knee  replacement surgery-
There are several advantages of robotic assisted replacement surgery when in compared to the normal traditional surgery -
1) enhanced surgical planning- depending on the robotic option that is best for the patient enhanced surgical planning and specialized 3D imaging can be taken and done in preparation of this surgery, this can help the surgeon to more accurately plan and optimize this surgery and the joint.
Tumblr media
2) robotic technology can enhance the surgeons expertise for more precised planning, implant placement and tissue removal without any damage, this can help to reduce recovery time and can lead to faster recovery time along with this there are fewer complications of revision surgery.
3) more ligament spelling options- along with the added precision and accuracy from the robot assisted replacement system, The government sparing total knee replacement surgery is also available to more patients than ever before.
Things to know about Robotic knee replacement surgery:-
Robert assisted knee replacement surgery reduces recovery time-  As the Robot assisted techniques are still new in the field of surgeries There are many long-term benefits that have been studied yet. But along with this there are also short term benefits like reduce recovery time and quickly becoming  apparent. With the traditional knee replacement surgery the average patient won't be able to resume the activities of daily 11 like driving or other weight lifting activities for 6 to 7 weeks after the surgeries but the robotic knee replacement surgeries can potentially reduce the recovery time to half. Along with this smaller in seasons with greater surgical precision causes less damage to the tissue and bones providing speedy recovery.
Improved accuracy- Because The robotic techniques allow greater precision surgery can be easily customized according to the patients anatomy, joint awareness and pain are the worst enemies that affects the post surgery outcome as you go to the normal activities it is prescribed that you should forget about the artificial joint replaced which can help to provide easy activities involvement, due to the improved accuracy and very less pain intervention robotic knee surgeries are the best option.
Is robotic knee replacement better..?
The answer is simply yes the robotics surgeries have been delivering the best possible outcomes along with the best results then the conventional replacement surgeries. These outcomes and results are due to the last trauma to the bone and tissues while the surgeries which allow the person the best possible experience and less pain and blood loss. Also the robotic assistance allows better precision better accuracy better efficiency and reduces determetic areas soon. With the help of robotic joint replacement surgeries in the field of automatics there has been a great change which enhanced the surgical practices and made them more convenient.
Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Doctors for Knee Pain in Indore, if you are looking for best Robotic Knee Replacement Surgeon in MP then visit Dr. Rajan's Knee Clinic in Indore.
Book an appointment now, call us on 9826200015 and online visit - https://www.drsunilrajan.com/
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More Post :-  Can diabetes leads to joint pain?  
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Any fics in cannon where Sherlock is on drugs? (ie not a rehabAU or something no hate against those tho!)
Hi Nonny!
Ahhh, I do actually have some fics where drugs are either a part of the story OR referenced in the past-tense. This is a part 2 to an old list and I hope that it is alright
As always, gang, feel free to add your own fics
See also: Self Harm, Danger Nights, and Drugs
Experiment by Gwen’s Blue Box (K+, 4,222 w., 3 Ch. || Non-Con Drugging, Hurt / Comfort, Friendship) – Of course John has always known about his flatmate’s irregular sleeping habits, especially when they’re on a case. This time, however, the case is taking longer and longer, and soon John starts to worry. But there’s not much he can do, is there? Because drugging Sherlock isn’t an option. Not yet, maybe, but will it be soon? {{CW: John drugs Sherlock without his consent}}
Angel by MrsNoggin (T, 1,513 w., 1 Ch. || Winglock, Friendship, Chromoesthesia, Drugging) – John is an angel. That can be the only explanation. A response to the challenging request for a realistic wingfic one-shot.
My Life for His by QuinnAnderson (E, 8,816 w., 1 Ch. || Guardian/Protector, Greek Mythology || Growing Up, Sex, Religious Themes, Suicide, Minor Character Death) – It began when Sherlock was eight, and he attempted to climb all the way up to the highest branch in the old willow tree in his back garden. He'd thought he was still small enough that it could support him, but the second he'd grabbed hold of it to pull himself up, the branch snapped, and down he went, plummeting a solid twenty metres.The odd thing was, he never actually hit the ground.
Kintsugi by distantstarlight (E, 14,772 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Regret / Remorse, Loneliness, Separation, Drug Use, Healing, Protective John, Sad Sherlock, Dev. Rel., Complicated Relationships, Love, Angst With Happy Ending, Sherlock is Called Freak, John’s Penance, Voyeurism, Doctor/Caretaker John, Guilty John, Detox, Fingering, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Slight Non-Con Turns Enthusiastic Consent, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes becomes estranged from the man he had once considered his best friend after John lets him down horribly in public. It seems that the world's only consulting detective will be on his own once again...or will he?
The Palmyra Atoll by elwinglyre (E, 16,609 w., 3 Ch. || TSo3 Divergence / Episode Fix-It, Stockholm Syndrome, Kidnapped John Watson, John Whump, Evil Mary, Angst, Cuddling & Snuggling, Toplock, Limited 3rd John POV) – As John's preparing for the wedding, Sherlock is preparing to have his heart broken, and Mary is prepared to do the unthinkable. Intervention required. Enter Sherlock. Set before Sign of Three with a far different outcome. John is drugged, kidnapped, and left on an island, but not just any old island.
Wonderful, Etcetera. by VictoryCandescence (T, 16,955 w., 3 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Alternate Timelines, Brotherhood, Homophobia, Suicidal Ideations, Mentions of Drug Use, Friendship, Different TRF, Sherlock’s Past, Victor Trevor is Past Boyfriend, Depression, Hallucination?, Love Confessions, Christmas, First Kiss) – Sherlock thinks everyone would be better off if he had never existed, including and especially himself. When he finds himself in a world in which his wish has been granted, he begins to think perhaps even he could be wrong – but it takes an unlikely chaperone to make him not only observe, but understand.
Silhouettes by allonsys_girl (E, 28,585 w., 7 Ch. || Canon Compliant, POV John, Heavy Drinking, Sad/Depressed John, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reunion, Foot Jobs, Blow Jobs, Infidelity, Cheating, Drug Use/Abuse, Anal, Switchlock, Rimming, Parentlock) – Sherlock and John find comfort in each other's arms, but as ever with these two, it's not your typical relationship. It's fluffy at the beginning, gets deeply angsty in the middle, gets porny at the end.
The Whore of Babylon Was a Perfectly Nice Girl by out_there (E, 32,897 w., 1 Ch. || Past Drug Use, Blowjobs, Toplock, Mentions of Switching, Rough Sex, Background Cases, Sherlock’s Past, Sherlock’s Sexual History, Experienced Sherlock, Past One Night Stands, Fingering, Cuddling, Possessive Sherlock, Paris Holiday, Bed Sharing, Naked Lie-Ins, Bathing Together, Confessions, Worried Sherlock, Laying in Bed All Day, Meddling Mycroft, Naked Lazy Day) – Sherlock walks into a room and takes all the space right out of it. He does the same inside John's head.
The Real Great Perfumers by shelleysprometheus (E, 45,355 w., 68 Ch. || Case Fic, Alternating POV, Gay Sherlock / Bi John, Canon Compliant with Divergence at TRF, Friends to Lovers, Oral / Anal, Pining, First Kiss / Time, Dev. Rel., Drugging, Body Worship, Bathing, Love Confessions, Travelling, Bottomlock, Cranky Sherlock, BJ’s, Alternating POV, Jealous John) – The case, this case. This extraordinary, fascinating, scintillating case. A house. Designed entirely by its eccentric owner, built by no less than five hundred expert tradesmen in the heart of Marrakesh. A house that had, seemingly not only driven its owner out, but also to his quite unpleasant death. And a perfumer, a chemist no less, the very thought of the secrets that house could reveal, would reveal was irresistible. Sherlock had to have this case ... and it seems, he also had to have John! Part 1 of the Forethought and Fire series
Impossible to Feign by achray (M, 49,204 w., 12 Ch. || TRF Rewrite / Reverse Reichenbach, Suicidal Ideations / Discussions, Drug Use/Abuse, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, John Accepts his Sexuality, Anxious Sherlock, Meddling Mycroft, Depression, Hallucinations, Secret Agent John, BAMF John, Reunion, Make-Up Sex, Ambiguous Ending) – Sherlock leant forward, his long fingers curving round to grip John’s.“I won’t let him win,” he said, eyes hard. “I will do whatever it takes to get you out.”
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
The Thing Is by TSylvestris (E, 56,743 w., 21 Ch. || Case Fic, Dev. Rel., Anal/Oral, Blow Jobs, Meddling Mycroft, Drama, Romance, Humour, Casual Encounters, Pining Idiots, Possessive Sherlock, Orgasm Delay, Rough / Alley Sex, Public Sex, John Whump, Drugged John, Emotional Love Making, Awkward Relationship, Marriage of Convenience, Switchlock, BAMF John) – The problem with living with Sherlock, John thought, was that you never, never, ever knew the significance of anything. Like your flatmate's nose buried in your hair. Whilst you're in bed. Part 1 of Nitroglycerine
A Further Sea by i_ship_an_armada & ShinySherlock (E, 125,492 w., 23 Ch. || Historical Pirates AU || Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Doctor John / Pirate Captain Sherlock, Sailing, UST / RST, Masturbation, Action / Adventure, Mild Angst & Peril, Romance, Shaving, Molly/Janine, Bottomlock, Hand / Blow Jobs, Past Drug Use, Slow Burn, Mild Violence, Happy Ending) – Here be a tale of adventure for both body and soul, but beware if ye be not of stout heart, for this be piratelock, ya savvy? Luckless ship's surgeon John Watson takes a chance, and finds himself eye to eye with The Ghost, the scourge of the seven seas and a definite thorn in the side of the blaggard, James Moriarty. But when John finds there's more to this most cunning pirate than be meetin' the eye, he has to choose... is it a pirate's life for him?
The Adventure of the Silver Scars by tangledblue (NR [M], 142,458 w., 41 Ch. || S3 Fix-It, Post-HLV/ Post-TAB / Canon Compliant, Case Fic, No Baby, Angst, Humour, UST, Slow Burn, Angry John, Reconciliation, Not Nice Mary / Leaving Mary, Dependent Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Caretaker John, Fist Fights, It’s An Experiment, Virgin Sherlock, Dancing, Drugging, John Whump, Pet Names, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Scars) – It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
Free Falling by twistedthicket1 (M, 203,574 w., 38 Ch. || Guardian Angel John, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Kidlock / Teenlock, Mystrade & Johnlock, Passage of Time, Possessive John, Drug Use / Overdose, Victor Trevor, Additional Tags to be Added) – All Guardian angels are born with a Chosen human. When this child is born, the angel comes into being to protect and care for them during their life on Earth. For John Watson, all he cares about in the world revolves around his Chosen, Sherlock Holmes. Watching him grow up though, the angel soon learns that God must have had a sense of humour the day he decided to make Sherlock, as trouble seems to follow him like a magnet wherever he goes. John can't decide what's worse, the idea of losing his Chosen one, or the fact that he may be breaking the most taboo law of heaven as he disguises himself as a human to better protect and befriend the beloved detective he's always watched from afar. He was meant to care for him. But what happens when caring evolves into something more? What happens when an emotion an angel is supposed to be incapable of possessing comes to life suddenly and viciously inside John's chest?
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intersex-ionality · 5 years
A friend requested that I post this response separate from the main thread so that it can become its own discussion. Here it is in “isolation,” with minor clarifying edits.
CW: This post discusses a hypothetical person’s dysphoria and experiences with medical, physical, domestic, and sexual violence.
I want to address the claim that intersex is not a gender.
That concept--intersex being separated from all other aspects of gender theory--is very young. It is, in fact, younger than me. When I was a child, intersex was not only considered a gender, it was specifically considered a subset of transgender.
For reasons that, I hope, will become obvious by the end of this post.
You see, all of the forces that target, oppress, and harm intersex people are the same forces that target, oppress, and harm trans people. The causes and the effects are almost identical.
Let me present some examples, because human beings often learn best through pattern matching and examples.
Imagine a child is being assigned male.
This means that the child is being forced to adhere, both physically and mentally, to other people’s definitions of manhood. Society looks at the child, declares the child to be a boy, and then enforces boyness on the child.
This enforcement may be medical, and it may not. But, the enforcement will always be psychological.
There will be actions the child is forbidden from taking. Spaces the child is forbidden from entering. Expectations the child will be forced to adhere to. Toxic societal beliefs that child will be forced to internalize. All because society looked at a baby, and said, “you’re going to be a boy now, with everything that entails, with nothing outside boyhood, and you don’t get a choice.”
Imagine the child grows up feeling trapped in boyhood, forced to conform to these limitations. The child knows, on some deep level, that boyhood is wrong for them. The child even knows, in as much as a child knows things about anatomy, that something about their body doesn’t match up quite right with their identity, and becomes despondent and alienated from themself over it.
Is this child suffering because they are intersex? Or are they trans?
It doesn’t actually matter.
In both cases, the child is being constrained to boyhood, often by force, and denied anything else. Because someone, when the child was born, decided, “this baby looks like a boy, better make sure they become one.”
And because every other aspect of society followed along the same path.
Whether the child is trans or intersex doesn’t change those facts.
The only thing that changes is the details. A trans child is far less likely to have undergone infant surgery, but then, not all intersex kids undergo such surgeries either.
The underlying cause, and the resulting trauma, are the same for both the intersex and the trans child.
Let’s say our hypothetical child grows up a bit, learns about gender and sex theory, learns about dysphoria and surgery. And ultimately, decides to seek out medical treatment to achieve a body that feels more right.
Our now adult thought experiment spends years trying to find doctors who will help them.
They’re denied most therapeutic interventions because their therapists consider the alienation they feel from their body to be a type of mild delusion. They’re turned away from most clinics, because “transitioning to something outside the binary” is seen as frivolous or as faking for attention. Surgical intervention becomes less and less accessible with each denial, because now they have a mental health record that makes them “unfit” to decide healthcare issues for themself.
Again, being trans or being intersex makes no difference. The denial and the isolation are still the same. And are still caused by the same force.
A ray of hope for our thought experiment: surgery to bring a body to a state outside the sex binary becomes more possible and successful. Eventually they are able to get the necessary therapeutic letters to seek out this surgery.
And another seemingly dead end: there are so few doctors who perform these surgeries, even fewer who are covered by insurance, and none at all within a realistic traveling distance for them.
This scarcity of options, the therapeutic barriers to access, and the obscene costs associated with specialized gender and sex surgeries are also the same whether the person is intersex or trans. The sex binary doesn’t care why you want to do something different, it only cares about making sure you can’t.
But, let’s say that our thought experiment is luckier.
They have the money, the support, and the opportunity. They get their hormones and their surgeries without so much as a hiccup. There are no false starts, no failed attempts. They achieve a 100% perfect realization of their physical ideal.
Their body is visually androgynous and sexually ambiguous.
And now, they are faced with a new set of problems born from binarism. Problems that still don’t care whether they are trans or intersex.
They get sick, and their doctors blame the illness on their hormones. They get injured and their doctors blame their injuries on their surgeries.
They get attacked and their doctors blame their broken bones not on their attackers, not on blunt force trauma, but on their own “risk seeking behaviour” because of their body and the changes they’ve made to it.
They were attacked because the bastards that jumped them could see that their body was hard to gender. It doesn’t matter if the reason their body was hard to gender was because of being trans or being intersex. The outcome is the same. Violence and victim blaming.
Let’s say our thought experiment is luckier still. They’re white, wealthy, attractive, young. People don’t perceive them as a threat.
They start dating.
And a new set of problems arises. Again, the problems don’t care about the underlying motivations of their decision to have, embrace, and celebrate a body outside the binary.
Again, the problems are based simply on that body, on that divergence from the binary.
When a relationship begins to get heated, and they explain the facts of their body, partners panic and abandon them. If they don’t explain, partners panic and attack them for lying. They’re told that their body is rape, because it’s “false pretenses.” They’re told that no one will ever consent to sex with them.
This, too, happens regardless of being trans or being intersex. The cause is the same either way: a body outside the sex binary is perceived as a trick, a lie, and a scam.
Our hypothetical adult persists. Carefully navigating the minefield of sex and romance, until they finally find a partner who loves their body just as much as they do.
Or, maybe more than they do.
Or maybe it’s not love at all.
Because this new partner obsesses over their body. Begins demanding particular sex acts that they aren’t comfortable with, which emphasize how different their body is from the norm. At first, they are okay with the demands, but as things escalate, they begin shying away from these acts. They begin feeling used, and reduced to a sexual object. When they try to explain their feelings to their partner, they are ignored, or shamed, or made into a guilty party. After all, their partner just wants to celebrate their beauty, how can that be bad?
This objectification through sex also does not care if their body is the way it is because they are trans or because they are intersex.
But now they’re in a relationship, with all of the interpersonal complexities that entails.
And they know from long experience that if they leave it may take years to find another person who is interested in them romantically or sexually. What if that new relationship is just as bad as this? What if it’s worse?
So our thought experiment becomes trapped in a cycle of domestic abuse.
Abuse predicated not on being trans, or being intersex, but on being outside the sex binary.
This pattern repeats over and over. For every negative experience trans people have, there is a matching intersex experience. For every negative experience intersex people have, there is a matching trans experience.
The reason trans people are oppressed is their divergence from what society has deemed correct and appropriate within the binary.
The reason intersex people are oppressed is their divergence from what society has deemed correct and appropriate within the binary.
The cause is the same, the effects are the same. Details may vary, but no more so than details vary among, say, racial groups marginalized for their shared divergence from whiteness in different ways. No more so than individual disabilities are marginalized for their shared divergence from the abled norm. No more so than different orientations are marginalized for their divergence from straightness.
In fact, these differences in detail are significantly less pronounced than the differences in detail between trans people and LGBPQA+ people’s marginalization for their shared divergence from gender roles.
So we’re left to ask ourselves: who benefits from setting up this separation between trans and intersex people. Who benefits from getting intersex people to police trans people, and getting trans people to police intersex people, and getting us both to think of trans people and intersex people as Irreconcilably Different?
It’s not trans people. And it’s not intersex people.
But the sex and gender binary?
All of a sudden, a group that presents a real and present danger to it, and to the class systems it upholds, is fractured. Is fighting itself rather than overturning the oppressive force.
Trying to inflict hard boundaries between trans and intersex people just serves to dis-empower trans people, dis-empower intersex people, turn us against each other, and leave those of us–like you and I–who are both trans and intersex, stuck trying to figure out which parts of ourselves to embrace and which part to ignore in any given situation.
It doesn’t benefit us in any way.
But it sure benefits the people and systems hurting us.
TL;DR: any system that targets and harms intersex people also targets and harms trans people. Usually in the same ways. There are differences in the details, but the causes and effects are both the same for intersex and transgender marginalization. The only people who benefit from intersex and trans people ignoring our commonalities and policing each other, are the people who want to divide and conquer us so that the sex and gender binary continues to be upheld.
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Knee Pain
Knee pain is the most common and widespread health problem that happens due to constant wear and tear of the knee joint. Millions of peoples visit a doctor every year complaining of pain in the knee. Knee pain is experienced by people of all ages be it older adults, young adults, and children. Women fall to the vulnerable group than men, when it comes to knee pain. You are more prone to fall with a painful or unstable knee and this can cause more knee damage.
Most Effective Ways To Overcome Knee Pain Relief At Home
The knee joint is the weight-bearing joint of the body, which helps us to move around. Knee pain can be caused by both short-term and long-term problems. You generally do not need any help from doctors for many short-term knee problems and with recover on its own. Knee pain can literally bring your life to a standstill be it is a short-term temporary jerk in the muscle, a sudden reappearance of an old injury or that post-exercises pain. This unbearable pain in the knee joint of the body can last for either a few hours or even days. So, it becomes imperative to figure out the basic causes behind the awful pain.
The following are some of the most common causes of knee pain.
1.      Arthritis – Arthritis may be of 3 types. 1) Osteoarthritis, 2) Rheumatoid arthritis and 3) Gout.
Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis is caused by wear and tear in the knee joint. This is one of the most common causes of long-term knee pain, mostly older people over 65.
Rheumatoid arthritis involves swelling of the knee accompanied by being redness, tenderness, warm, and swollen.
Gout is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, tenderness, and redness in the joints and is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint.
2.      Injury – Being one of the more complicated joints of the body, the knee is susceptible to various injuries. Some common knee injuries include fractures, sprains, sprains, dislocations, and tear of ligament that ultimately leads to severe knee pain.
3.     Obesityand Advanced Age – Both are a very common cause of knee pain. With the advance in age, the cartilage begins to degenerate and muscle weakness. The joints are exposed to wear as the cushioning effect of the cartilage reduces. Friction among the cartilage and joint can lead to painful swelling in the joints. Pain in the weight-bearing knee joints in obese people are due to the biomechanical forces the joint.
4.      Overuse – Overuse knee injuries result from trauma associated with exercise or physical activity that exceeds the tolerance capacity of the supporting tissue of the knee. These repetitive forces, though less intense, causing wear and tear of the muscles, tendons, cartilage, or bone leading to knee pain.Bursitis can develop in the knee joint due to overuse that ultimately results in intense knee pain.
5.      Sprain- A knee sprain is an injury caused by an unnatural movement to the four ligaments that support the knee by connecting bones together and holds joints in place. This happens due to sudden unnatural movement of the knee and causes pain as well as restriction of movement of the knee joint.
6.      Dislocation of the knee cap – A dislocated kneecap is a common injury caused by a blow or a sudden change in direction when the leg is planted on the ground. This generally occurs during sports or dancing.
Your knee pain could be an outcome of a damaged muscle, ligament or weakened bones. Stop popping pills for your knee pain and treat them in the comfort of your home. The following are simple home remedies and preventive measures that can help you to cope with different forms of knee pain.-
TEN Home Remedies and Preventive Measures for Knee Pain:
                                                                                                                          1.      HOT AND COLD PACKS
v  HEAT THERAPY- Heat therapy is best to use to ease the stiffness in the joint and muscle. Appling heat pack helps to warm up your knee, lubricate joints and ease a muscle spasm before starting any activity. Heat works better in case the pain is due to any an old injury or any kind of muscle pain due to overuse.
v  COLD THERAPY- Use an ice pack if the knee pain accompanied by swelling. Cold therapy reduces swelling by slowing the blood flow to the aggravated joint. Knee pain due to arthritis and overactivity relived with Cold as it reduces inflammation, swelling, and pain. Do not ice the knee for more than 20 minutes at a time.
v  ALTERNATING HEAT AND COLD- In many cases, an alternate between heat and cold therapy gives the best relive. For example:
§  Use heat therapy to lubricate a joint(s) before physical exercise and apply cold therapy after exercise.
§  An osteoarthritis knee can be relaxed using heat therapy in the morning and after a few hours use cold therapy to reduce swelling. Repeat his process throughout the day.
§  Alternate between heat and ice to find what works best for you.
FIND OUT MORE: 9 Knee Pain Dos and Don’ts !!!!
Adopting some simple but important postural change can help you to avoid extra strain on the knee.
v  If you have to stand long in the workplace, you should avoid it, and try to do the same work in a sitting position. Again, do not bend your knee more and avoid sitting like a cross-position to minimize the compression forces on the knee joint. Avoiding couches in which the sitter "sinks" or chairs that are low to the ground. Using a pillow will help while sitting in this type of chair or couches. But never put a pillow underneath the knees, as this may worsen the problem.
v  Wear proper shoes. Right shoes are helpful to give support to your knee, ankle and legs as a whole. Using shoes with broken arches causes pain due to abnormal frictional force and damage on the knee joint. Do notwear heels if you are suffering from knee pain.
v  Watch your posture while you are at work, sitting or driving. Avoid staying in the same position without any movement for a long time. Make sure to get up and stretch at least once in an hour. Simply sitting still too long can produce stiffness and knee pain, especially in the case of osteoarthritis.  
v  Wearing a knee brace gives support to the knee from further injury, especially for those who is going through osteoarthritis or have the previous injury. Knee brace also helps people with overweight to shape pressure over the knee.
An unusual stretch, overactivity, or an awkward twist in the knee muscle cause sprains and strains knee injury. Easy way to get rid of knee pain due to sprain or strain is to remember - "PRICE":
§  P-Protect your knee from further injury
§  R- Rest the knee for 2 to 3 days
§  I- Ice - Apply an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes daily
§  C-Compression – Compress the affected knee and apply a bandage to minimize swelling
§  C-Elevate the leg - raise your to leg in an elevated position above the level of the heart  with a pillow
Generally, pain due to a knee sprain resolves by itself, but some injuries may be serious and may require medical attention. An injury to the meniscus, the pad of tissue in the knee joint, may require surgical intervention.
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                         People who lead sedentary lifestyles also need to take care of their knees. Exercise is important to keep the cartilage tissue of the knee healthy. Joint pain in the body is caused by stiff muscles due to inactivity and this can worsen the condition of arthritis. If the knee pain is due to osteoarthritis, physical activity also helps to retard the progression of osteoarthritis. Tension in the leg muscles may be accountable for added stress on the knees joint. A weakness in these muscles can make body instability and vulnerable to injuries. Strengthening the quadriceps muscle can ease pain in the knees as these muscles support the knee on bearing the weight.Exercising regularly strengthens and stretch the knee joints and muscles, improving the blood circulation and easing the pain.
v  Weight gain put additional pressure to sore weight-bearing knee joints. An added benefit of regular exercise is this helps you to stay active and agile to prevent weight gain. 
v  Never indulge in an intense physical activity all of a sudden. Gradually try to increase your flexibility, coordination, and strength in weak regions. If you experience knee pain, it is the best to start with some low-impact exercises like swimming, water aerobics, cycling, and walking or yoga.
v  Doing water aerobics is especially beneficial for knee joint pain because the benefits come without any strain on the knees.
v  Wearing a knee brace or wrap around a painful joint will prevent stress and injury.
Consult your doctor or a physical therapist for advice about the appropriate workout the routine you should follow.
Being overweight puts unnecessary extra strain on your knee. Gaining 1 kg of weight increases three times pressure on the knee. Obese or overweight people are more prone to have knee pain than others are. If your joint pain is due to bone disorder like osteoporosis, being overweight will speed up the process of bone degeneration. Shedding a few kilograms can relieve pain and may avert future complications. Generally, a reduction of 5-10 percent of your total body weight is recommended in order to see if it really works.
A well-balanced healthy diet will aid you to ease pressure and keep weight off on the knees. Remember, there are no particular diet plans that are especially good for knee pain or arthritis.
v  Long-term inflammation in the joint weakens the adjoining tissue and starts degenerative changes. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Taking foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids relieves the joint pain caused by swelling and inflammation. Foods like cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, chia seeds, and walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and are helpful to lower inflammation in the body.
v  Antioxidants present in fresh fruits and vegetables restrict the age-related change and quicken the healing in case of injury.
v  Avoid processed foods, trans-fats and added sugars, as these cause painful inflammation in the soared joint.
Epsom salts contain magnesium and sulfates ions, which is an age-old remedy for any muscle or joint pain.  These magnesium ions present in Epsom salts get easily absorbed through the skin and provide quick relief to muscle spasms by relaxing them and lowering the inflammation.
v  Take a relaxing bath with warm water mixed with two cups of Epsom salts for at least twenty minutes.
v  Also, apply Epsom salts directly in the knee joint by compressing with a towel soaked in Epson salt solution for a few minutes.
            8.      COLLAGEN
Collagen is a protein-based building block of our joints and connective tissue. Collagen is natural “glue” in the body and binds our skin and joints together. Collagens helping us recover from workouts and stay pain-free by supporting healthy muscle growth, decreasing arthritis symptoms, healing the walls of our arteries and boosting energy. 19 different amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are essential for collagen. The main dietary sources of collagen include foods that are very high in protein, such as chicken, fish, and egg. Collagen also consumed in form of supplement, such as in collagen protein powders.
Proteolytic enzymes digest protein to amino acids required to repair damaged tissue. Recent studies on athletes and subjects suffering with joint pain have shown that taking proteolytic enzyme supplements can reduce recovery time from knee pain by up to about 50 percent. This enzyme supplement helps to reduce inflammation naturally and improve the absorption of protein/amino-acid. Proteolytics enzymes can work as an alternative to Aspirin. Proteolytic enzyme-like Bromelain present in the core of pineapples shown to reduce swelling and causes of pain.
i.                     Calcium – Calcium is the essential mineral for bones and joints, not naturally produced in the body. Therefore, we must supplement it with dietary source. Dairy products, dark leafy greens, and almonds are natural sources rich in calcium.
ii.                   Vitamin D – Human body requires adequate amounts of vitamin D to absorb Calcium. Sunlight is a free source of vitamin D. Fish, eggs and sunlight are the dietary sources of vitamin D. When you choose to take Calcium, as supplement be sure that it contains Vitamin D.            
iii.                 Glucosamine – Glucosamine is a natural amino-sugar found in the cartilage of knee joint. This is taken as a dietary supplement, available in liquid or powder, is effective for knee pain due to arthritis.
iv.                 SAMe- S-Adenosyl methionine (SAMe ) is a biomolecule having an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic property for people with osteoarthritis. The dietary supplement of SAMe helps to make joints stronger by delivering sulfur to cartilage. Studies suggest SAMe has equal pain reliving effects as Aspirin or ibuprofen. SAMe is to taken as supplement as there is no natural food source of SAMe.
v.                   Anti-Inflammatory Herbs — Some common kitchen ingredients have magical properties of a natural painkiller. Herbs like turmeric ginger and Boswellia have anti-inflammatory properties. Using them in cooking relieves pain naturally. Turmeric has healing properties. When taken with warm milk, it heals the wear and tears in the knee joint and pains as well.
vi.                 Electrolytes (like Potassium and Sodium)— Electrolytes control fluid retention, swelling, muscle cramp and pain, nerve activity. Low levels of potassium cause stiffness, muscle cramp, knee pain, and swelling. Consumption of less fruits and vegetable in the diet may lead to intake much less potassium than our daily requirement. Bananas, coconut water, sweet potatoes, avocados, and leafy greens vegetables are rich in the electrolyte.
When to see a doctor
After adoption these knee-pain relief measures, you may still require to consult a doctor and be examined, if:
1.      If the symptoms persist, the pain also felt in other joints, and pain associated with morning stiffness. These may due to rheumatoid arthritis or Gout. The consulting doctor may recommend your medicine for the disease and pain.
2.      You need immediate medical attention if it is due to a knee injury, caused by accident or fall. A doctor needs to check the knee if there is unbearable pain,   deep cuts, swelling, or the person is unable to walk or move.
3.      Seek urgent medical help if a swollen knee is very hot, red, tender and painful, and accompanied with fever or other general symptoms of feeling unwell. This could be due to knee infection, and serious infection can be dangerous. A case of the septic knee needs urgent hospitalization.
4.      The knee pain persists and unable to do day-to-day activities. The pain gets worse progressively. Consult your doctor.
5.      If you are going through some treatment and feel, the joint pain is due to the drug side effects. Visit your doctor.
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thevividgreenmoss · 5 years
The Health unto Death – If such a thing as a psycho-analysis of today’s prototypical culture were possible; if the absolute predominance of the economy did not beggar all attempts at explaining conditions by the psychic life of their victims; and if the psychoanalysts had not long since sworn allegiance to those conditions – such an investigation would needs show the sickness proper to the time to consist precisely in normality. The libidinal achievements demanded of an individual behaving as healthy in body and mind, are such as can be performed only at the cost of the profoundest mutilation, of internalized castration in extroverts, beside which the old renunciation of identification with the father is the child’s play as which it was first rehearsed. The regular guy, the popular girl, have to repress not only their desires and insights, but even the symptoms that in bourgeois times resulted from repression. Just as the old injustice is not changed by a lavish display of light, air and hygiene, but is in fact concealed by the gleaming transparency of rationalized big business, the inner health of our time has been secured by blocking flight into illness without in the slightest altering its aetiology. The dark closets have been abolished as a troublesome waste of space, and incorporated in the bathroom. What psycho-analysis suspected, before it became itself a part of hygiene, has been confirmed. The brightest rooms are the secret domain of faeces. The verses: ‘Wretchedness remains. When all is said, / It cannot be uprooted, live or dead. / So it is made invisible instead’, are still more true of the psychic economy than of the sphere where abundance of goods may temporarily obscure constantly increasing material inequalities. No science has yet explored the inferno in which were forged the deformations that later emerge to daylight as cheerfulness, openness, sociability, successful adaptation to the inevitable, an equable, practical frame of mind. There is reason to suppose that these characteristics are laid down at even earlier phases of childhood development than are neuroses: if the latter result from a conflict in which instinct is defeated, the former condition, as normal as the damaged society it resembles, stems from what might be called a prehistoric surgical intervention, which incapacitates the opposing forces before they have come to grips with each other, so that the subsequent absence of conflicts reflects a predetermined outcome, the a priori triumph of collective authority, not a cure effected by knowledge. Unruffled calm, already a prerequisite for applicants receiving highly-paid posts, is an image of the stifled silence that the employers of the personnel manager only later impose politically. The only objective way of diagnosing the sickness of the healthy is by the incongruity between their rational existence and the possible course their lives might be given by reason. All the same, the traces of illness give them away: their skin seems covered by a rash printed in regular patterns, like a camouflage of the inorganic. The very people who burst with proofs of exuberant vitality could easily be taken for prepared corpses, from whom the news of their not-quite-successful decease has been withheld for reasons of population policy. Underlying the prevalent health is death. All the movements of health resemble the reflex-movements of beings whose hearts have stopped beating. Scarcely ever does an unhappily furrowed brow, bearing witness to terrible and long-forgotten exertions, or a moment of pathic stupidity disrupting smooth logic, or an awkward gesture, embarrassingly preserve a trace of vanished life. For socially ordained sacrifice is indeed so universal as to be manifest only in society as a whole, and not in the individual. Society has, as it were, assumed the sickness of all individuals, and in it, in the pent-up lunacy of Fascist acts and all their innumerable precursors and mediators, the subjective fate buried deep in the individual is integrated with its visible objective counterpart. And how comfortless is the thought that the sickness of the normal does not necessarily imply as its opposite the health of the sick, but that the latter usually only present, in a different way, the same disastrous pattern.
This side of the pleasure principle . – The repressive traits in Freud have nothing to do with the want of human warmth that businesslike revisionists point to in the strict theory of sexuality. Professional warmth, for the sake of profit, fabricates closeness and immediacy where people are worlds apart. It deceives its victim by affirming in his weakness the way of the world which made him so, and it wrongs him in the degree that it deviates from truth. If Freud was deficient in such human sympathy, he would in this at least be in the company of the critics of political economy, which is better than that of Tagore or Werfel. 1 The fatality was rather that, in the teeth of bourgeois ideology, he tracked down conscious actions materialistically to their unconscious instinctual basis, but at the same time concurred with the bourgeois contempt of instinct which is itself a product of precisely the rationalizations that he dismantled. He explicitly aligns himself, in the words of the Introductory Lectures , with ‘the general evaluation … which places social goals higher than the fundamentally selfish sexual ones’. As a specialist in psychology, he takes over the antithesis of social and egoistic, statically, without testing it. He no more discerns in it the work of repressive society than the trace of the disastrous mechanisms that he has himself described. Or rather, he vacillates, devoid of theory and swaying with prejudice, between negating the renunciation of instinct as repression contrary to reality, and applauding it as sublimation beneficial to culture. In this contradiction something of the Janus-character of culture exists objectively, and no amount of praise for healthy sensuality can wish it away. In Freud, however, it leads to a devaluation of the critical standard that decides the goal of analysis. Freud’s unenlightened enlightenment plays into the hands of bourgeois disillusion. As a late opponent of hypocrisy, he stands ambivalently between desire for the open emancipation of the oppressed, and apology for open oppression. Reason is for him a mere superstructure, not – as official philosophy maintains – on account of his psychologism, which has penetrated deeply enough into the historical moment of truth, but rather because he rejects the end, remote to meaning, impervious to reason, which alone could prove the means, reason, to be reasonable: pleasure. Once this has been disparagingly consigned to the repertoire of tricks for preserving the species, and so itself exposed as a cunning form of reason, without consideration of that moment in pleasure which transcends subservience to nature, ratio is degraded to rationalization. Truth is abandoned to relativity and people to power. He alone who could situate utopia in blind somatic pleasure, which, satisfying the ultimate intention, is intentionless, has a stable and valid idea of truth. In Freud’s work, however, the dual hostility towards mind and pleasure, whose common root psycho-analysis has given us the means for discovering, is unintentionally reproduced. The place in the Future of an Illusion where, with the worthless wisdom of a hard-boiled old gentleman, he quotes the commercial-traveller’s dictum about leaving heaven to the angels and the sparrows, 1 should be set beside the passage in the Lectures where he damns in pious horror the perverse practices of pleasure-loving society. Those who feel equal revulsion for pleasure and paradise are indeed best suited to serve as objects: the empty, mechanized quality observable in so many who have undergone successful analysis is to be entered to the account not only of their illness but also of their cure, which dislocates what it liberates. The therapeutically much-lauded transference, the breaking of which is not for nothing the crux of analytic treatment, the artificially contrived situation where the subject performs, voluntarily and calamitously, the annulment of the self which was once brought about involuntarily and beneficially by erotic self-abandonment, is already the pattern of the reflex-dominated, follow-my-leader behaviour which liquidates, together with all intellect, the analysts who have betrayed it.
Invitation to the dance . – Psycho-analysis prides itself on restoring the capacity for pleasure, which is impaired by neurotic illness. As if the mere concept of a capacity for pleasure did not suffice gravely to devalue such a thing, if it exists. As if a happiness gained through speculation on happiness were not the opposite, a further enroachment of institutionally planned behaviour-patterns on the ever-diminishing sphere of experience. What a state the dominant consciousness must have reached, when the resolute proclamation of compulsive extravagance and champagne jollity, formerly reserved to attachés in Hungarian operettas, is elevated in deadly earnest to a maxim of right living. Prescribed happiness looks exactly what it is; to have a part in it, the neurotic thus made happy must forfeit the last vestige of reason left to him by repression and regression, and to oblige the analyst, display indiscriminate enthusiasm for the trashy film, the expensive but bad meal in the French restaurant, the serious drink and the love-making taken like medicine as ‘sex’. Schiller’s dictum that ‘Life’s good, in spite of all’, papier-mâché from the start, has become idiocy now that it is blown into the same trumpet as omnipresent advertising, with psychoanalysis, despite its better possibilities, adding its fuel to the flames. As people have altogether too few inhibitions and not too many, without being a whit the healthier for it, a cathartic method with a standard other than successful adaptation and economic success would have to aim at bringing people to a consciousness of unhappiness both general and – inseparable from it – personal, and at depriving them of the illusory gratifications by which the abominable order keeps a second hold on life inside them, as if it did not already have them firmly enough in its power from outside. Only when sated with false pleasure, disgusted with the goods offered, dimly aware of the inadequacy of happiness even when it is that – to say nothing of cases where it is bought by abandoning allegedly morbid resistance to its positive surrogate – can men gain an idea of what experience might be. The admonitions to be happy, voiced in concert by the scientifically epicurean sanatorium-director and the highly-strung propaganda chiefs of the entertainment- industry, have about them the fury of the father berating his children for not rushing joyously downstairs when he comes home irritable from his office. It is part of the mechanism of domination to forbid recognition of the suffering it produces, and there is a straight line of development between the gospel of happiness and the construction of camps of extermination so far off in Poland that each of our own countrymen can convince himself that he cannot hear the screams of pain. That is the model of an unhampered capacity for happiness. He who calls it by its name will be told gloatingly by psycho-analysis that it is just his Oedipus complex.
Ego is Id . – A connection is commonly drawn between the development of psychology and the rise of the bourgeois individual, both in Antiquity and since the Renaissance. This ought not to obscure the contrary tendency also common to psychology and the bourgeois class, and which today has developed to the point of excluding all others: the suppression and dissolution of the very individual in whose service knowledge was related back to its subject. If all psychology since that of Protagoras has elevated man by conceiving him as the measure of all things, it has thereby also treated him from the first as an object, as material for analysis, and transferred to him, once he was included among them, the nullity of things. The denial of objective truth by recourse to the subject implies the negation of the latter: no measure remains for the measure of all things; lapsing into contingency, he becomes untruth. But this points back to the real life-process of society. The principle of human domination, in becoming absolute, has turned its point against man as the absolute object, and psychology has collaborated in sharpening that point. The self, its guiding idea and its a priori object, has always, under its scrutiny, been rendered at the same time non-existent. In appealing to the fact that in an exchange society the subject was not one, but in fact a social object, psychology provided society with weapons for ensuring that this was and remained the case. The dissection of man into his faculties is a projection of the division of labour onto its pretended subjects, inseparable from the interest in deploying and manipulating them to greater advantage. Psycho-technics is not merely a form of psychology’s decay, but is inherent in its principle. Hume, whose work bears witness in every sentence to his real humanism, yet who dismisses the self as a prejudice, expresses in this contradiction the nature of psychology as such. In this he even has truth on his side, for that which posits itself as ‘I’ is indeed mere prejudice, an ideological hypostasization of the abstract centres of domination, criticism of which demands the removal of the ideology of ‘personality’. But its removal also makes the residue all the easier to dominate. This is flagrantly apparent in psycho-analysis. It incorporates personality as a lie needed for living, as the supreme rationalization holding together the innumerable rationalizations by which the individual achieves his instinctual renunciation, and accommodates himself to the reality principle. But precisely in demonstrating this, it confirms man’s non-being. Alienating him from himself, denouncing his autonomy with his unity, psycho-analysis subjugates him totally to the mechanism of rationalization, of adaptation. The ego’s unflinching self-criticism gives way to the demand that the ego of the other capitulate. The psycho-analyst’s wisdom finally becomes what the Fascist unconscious of the horror magazines takes it for: a technique by which one particular racket among others binds suffering and helpless people irrevocably to itself, in order to command and exploit them. Suggestion and hypnosis, rejected by psycho-analysis as apocryphal, the charlatan magician masquerading before a fairground booth, reappear within its grandiose system as the silent film does in the Hollywood epic. What was formerly help through greater knowledge has become the humiliation of others by dogmatic privilege. All that remains of the criticism of bourgeois consciousness is the shrug with which doctors have always signalled their secret complicity with death. – In psychology, in the bottomless fraud of mere inwardness, which is not by accident concerned with the ‘properties’ of men, is reflected what bourgeois society has practised for all time with outward property. The latter, as a result of social exchange, has been increased, but with a proviso dimly present to every bourgeois. The individual has been, as it were, merely invested with property by the class, and those in control are ready to take it back as soon as universalization of property seems likely to endanger its principle, which is precisely that of withholding. Psychology repeats in the case of properties what was done to property. It expropriates the individual by allocating him its happiness.
Always speak of it, never think of it . – Now that depth-psychology, with the help of films, soap operas and Horney, has delved into the deepest recesses, people’s last possibility of experiencing themselves has been cut off by organized culture. Ready-made enlightenment turns not only spontaneous reflection but also analytical insights – whose power equals the energy and suffering that it cost to gain them – into mass-produced articles, and the painful secrets of the individual history, which the orthodox method is already inclined to reduce to formulae, into commonplace conventions. Dispelling rationalizations becomes itself rationalization. Instead of working to gain self-awareness, the initiates become adept at subsuming all instinctual conflicts under such concepts as inferiority complex, mother-fixation, extroversion and introversion, to which they are in reality inaccessible. Terror before the abyss of the self is removed by the consciousness of being concerned with nothing so very different from arthritis or sinus trouble. Thus conflicts lose their menace. They are accepted, but by no means cured, being merely fitted as an unavoidable component into the surface of standardized life. At the same time they are absorbed, as a general evil, by the mechanism directly identifying the individual with social authority, which has long since encompassed all supposedly normal modes of behaviour. Catharsis, unsure of success in any case, is supplanted by pleasure at being, in one’s own weakness, a specimen of the majority; and rather than gaining, like inmates of a sanatorium in former days, the prestige of an interesting pathological case, one proves on the strength of one’s very defects that one belongs, thereby transferring to oneself the power and vastness of the collective. Narcissism, deprived of its libidinal object by the decay of the self, is replaced by the masochistic satisfaction of no longer being a self, and the rising generation guards few of its goods so jealously as its selflessness, its communal and lasting possession. The realm of reification and standardization is thus extended to include its ultimate contradiction, the ostensibly abnormal and chaotic. The incommensurable is. made, precisely as such, commensurable, and the individual is now scarcely capable of any impulse that he could not classify as an example of this or that publicly recognized constellation. However, this outwardly assumed identification, accomplished, as it were, beyond one’s own dynamic, finally abolishes not only genuine consciousness of the impulse but the impulse itself. The latter becomes the reflex of stereotyped atoms to stereotyped stimuli, switched on or off at will. Moreover, psycho-analysis itself is castrated by its conventionalization: sexual motives, partly disavowed and partly approved, are made totally harmless but also totally insignificant. With the fear they instil vanishes the joy they might procure. Thus psycho-analysis falls victim to the very replacement of the appropriate super-ego by a stubbornly adopted, unrelated, external one, that it taught us itself to understand. The last grandly-conceived theorem of bourgeois self-criticism has become a means of making bourgeois self-alienation, in its final phase, absolute, and of rendering ineffectual the lingering awareness of the ancient wound, in which lies hope of a better future.
...Freedom of thought . – The displacement of philosophy by science has led, as we know, to a separation of the two elements whose unity, according to Hegel, constitutes the life of philosophy: reflection and speculation. The land of truth is handed over in disillusion to reflection, and speculation is tolerated ungraciously within it merely for the purpose of formulating hypotheses, which must be conceived outside working hours and yield results as quickly as possible. To believe, however, that the speculative realm has been preserved unscathed in its extra-scientific form, left in peace by the bustle of universal statistics, would be to err grievously. First, severance from reflection costs speculation itself dear enough. It is either degraded to a docile echo of traditional philosophical schemes, or, in its aloofness from blinded facts, perverted to the non-committal chatter of a private Weltanschauung . Not satisfied with this, however, science assimilates speculation to its own operations. Among the public functions of psycho-analysis, this is not the least. Its medium is free association. The way into the patient’s unconscious is laid open by persuading him to forgo the responsibility of reflection, and the formation of analytic theory follows the same track, whether it allows its findings to be traced by the progress and the falterings of these associations, or whether the analysts – and I mean precisely the most gifted of them, like Groddeck 2 – trust to their own associations. We are presented on the couch with a relaxed performance of what was once enacted, with the utmost exertion of thought, by Schelling and Hegel on the lecturer’s podium: the deciphering of the phenomenon. But this drop in tension affects the quality of the thought: the difference is hardly less than that between the philosophy of revelation 1 and the random gossip of a mother-in-law. The same movement of mind which was once to elevate its ‘material’ to a concept, is itself reduced to mere material for conceptual ordering. The ideas one has are just good enough to allow experts to decide whether their originator is a compulsive character, an oral type, or a hysteric. Thanks to the diminished responsibility that lies in its severance from reflection, from rational control, speculation is itself handed over as an object to science, whose subjectivity is extinguished with it. Thought, in allowing itself to be reminded of its unconscious origins by the administrative structure of analysis, forgets to be thought. From true judgement it becomes neutral stuff. Instead of mastering itself by performing the task of conceptualization, it entrusts itself impotently to processing by the doctor, who in any case knows everything beforehand. Thus speculation is definitively crushed, becoming itself a fact to be included in one of the departments of classification as proof that nothing changes.
Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia
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holbyconfessional · 6 years
Holby City S20 E25 - Primum Non Nocere - Part 2
Fuck me, that was a bit of a rollercoaster!  I should probably start with Jac, but let’s face it, most thoughts (and feels) I’ve had around this episode are Berena related, so I’m just diving straight in.
I’ve been prepared for the worst.  And it’s pretty horrific watching them fight and pick at each other for the first large part of the episode.  I’m still very much of the opinion that we were cheated out of a great deal of happiness in the first days of their relationship, by their new romance taking so much of a backseat before being so quickly derailed by Elinor’s death.  So, whilst it has been beyond wonderful to have Bernie back on our screens for a couple of episodes, to not really see much happiness for the majority of those eps was still tough to take.  BUT, there were really pure and wonderful moments in the painful angst.  From the moment that Bernie walked into Greta’s cubicle, after her chat with Fleur, just the way she only had eyes for Serena was just beautiful.  Followed, of course, by the chat on the corridor floor, the reminiscences about Elinor (yes, I shed a tear, because CR’s acting was just sublimely good), and even the break up scene, which I actually legitimately sobbed through.  Because JR’s acting after Serena went in to meet her grand-niece was just that sublimely good. 
And of course, who could fault the post-Fleur and Donna Serena intervention scenes, when Serena chases after Bernie?  Somebody had to talk sense into Serena, because who in their right mind would let Bernie go??!!  And as for asking Bernie to wait, let’s face it - Bernie is ex-army, she is used to being separated from loved ones for extended periods of time, and whilst I’m not suggesting it’s easy for her, nor her choice at this point in her life, she would hardly say no to something she’s learned emotionally to deal with, right?  And THANK YOU, HOLBY FOLKS - because, she’ll be back, soon enough...  (I’m not sure I’ve ever been quite so grateful to be proved so wrong!)
The thing with Berena is, that whilst it has been heralded as this hitherto unrepresented older lesbian relationship without death (if you choose to overlook the death of Serena’s daughter), it’s actually much more than that.  It’s been pigeonholed, but I actually think it stands it’s place in the grander scheme, and whilst it means so much to so many, it’s much more than just a ‘lesbian’ relationship.  It deserves to be up there amongst any relationship, regardless of gender/identity of the participants.  I literally can’t remember a time in Holby history where any relationship has been treated with such care and attention - and I think we do have the representation aspect to thank for that, but (and I may be waxing lyrical, and not making that much sense), to me, it is ‘all that’. 
Anyway, and loathe as I am to admit it - there were other storylines in tonight’s show.  And other aspects to Serena’s story!  So, here we go.
Gaskell’s monologue to an unconscious patient which kicked off the show, and was shown throughout.  I had initially thought it was Jac, and was most glad at the end of the ep to be shown that it wasn’t.  I think it was that first patient, the one that I’d initially thought was a loved one, who has been in the coma for years, although still not sure.
I have to admit, I still feel like I don’t quite get all of Gaskell’s storylines.  It might have something to do with not catching some of what he mutters, but it feels like it’s one of the least coherent stories that they’ve run, and it’s all done almost in subtext.  I’m not a stupid person, but I do constantly find myself wondering what the hell is happening within that story.  So, he’s acknowledged that Meena is right, that patients are dying from encephalitis, but he lied to Meena and Roxanna by telling them that his latest patient is responding to treatment, when in fact he isn’t, and won’t.  But none of that really matters, because Jac realises that she’s got a 50/50 of dying, but wants to go ahead anyway, because death is better than a life with neurological deficits, or pain, despite the fact she has a daughter.  And Gaskell pretends to laud Meena for her actions, but is secretly looking for a way to get rid of her for derailing his maniacal need to trailblaze, which of course yap-flapper Meena gives him by not managing to keep her idiot mouth shut to the random researcher (who happens to tell Gaskell that they’ve been running basically the same trial in mice with the same 50/50 outcome).  Incidentally, in my opinion, Gaskell was quite right to boot Meena.  He just did it for totally the wrong reasons.�� Fwiw.
Aaaand, Jac has had the surgery, it has ostensibly worked, so now we just get to wait and see if she dies.  And let’s face it, she’s gonna get a fever and high CRP etc, regardless of the final outcome, coz otherwise, where would the drama be??!!
Good to see Henrik, and so lovely to see him worried about Jac. I like to think if he’d remained CEO, Gaskell’s shadiness would have been uncovered by now.  And continuing with Jac, I simply love that Sacha knows her so well - as he showed when speaking to Fletch about how she deals with things, and the anniversary of Jasmine’s death.
The meeting room was quite fun, with Sacha inadvertently spilling Fletch’s romantic dilemma to Abigail, although yet again, Sacha being used as the buffoon was a shame.  But I can’t deny that it was mildly comedic.  Sadly, yet again, it seems to have only drawn Fletch and Abby closer together.  I find myself wondering, am I the only anti-Flabby campaigner out there?  RM has all but confirmed that Flac will never happen because neither she nor AW want it to, and I’m ok with that, because I was massively anti-Flac when those rumours first surfaced, but I just can’t get behind Flabby either, and the worse part is, I just don’t know why!
I think my final thoughts of tonight are regarding Fleur Fanshawe (which actually also brings me nicely full circle back to Berena!).  Fleur was always quite a pushy character, but tonight, she was downright offensive intially in her flirting over Serena.  I felt quite awful for Bernie for a bit there.  I’m really glad we got a bit of backstory/filler to explain how Fleur is suddenly Obs&Gynae after being General Surgical, because that was flummoxing me a little.  Shame the backstory didn’t extend to what happened to Sophia.  Although why should it, I suppose.  Relationships come and go, and I guess Serena has all the low down considering how often she goes for drinks with Fleur - as suggested by Fleur to Bernie.  So, after starting the episode as quite a thorn in the side, I guess she finally came through, first with her chat to Bernie whilst Bernie was outside having a fag (and looking unbelievably glorious), then later with her remonstration of Serena for letting Bernie go, thereby precipitating their reconciliation, albeit for 48 hours and then long distance.  So, I say, go Fleur.  And if you do what you promised Bernie and stop chasing Serena, and just be your gloriously bolshy, gay self, chasing after your own unattached ladies, then please stay on our screens and brighten these grey days until Bernie’s next return!!
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briefpersonawombat · 3 years
A Guide on Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) has always been a little confusing to performance coaches and sports medicine professionals because the research is cloudy at best. Many of the reasons behind the limitations of science are the ethical boundaries you need to navigate, and the expectations you have with the results of those studies. I recently spent more time working with EMS, as more and more athletes are using EMS devices on their own and we are dealing with the hangover of injuries still lingering in the off-season. What I have learned is that the science is not perfect and there are no best practices.
There has been a resurgence in EMS in sport over the last five years because of Bill Knowles, Derek Hansen, and Henk Kraaijenhof sharing their experiences with athletes. I believe that EMS suit inluding electrostimulation vest has a place in sports performance and the rehabilitation of athletes, but we don’t have a solid explanation of why some athletes don’t respond to it while others seem to come alive from it. In this first piece, I will review some of the current literature on EMS and present a healthy perspective on this modality. (Part 2 will be published as “The Top 6 EMS Protocols for Sports Performance.”)
A Brief History of Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Modern Sport
Without getting into any unnecessary background on electrotherapy (such as a retelling of the way the ancient civilizations used electric fish or citing references to Volta and Galvani), it’s valuable to know how e-stim or EMS has been part of sport in the last few decades. Outside of product design, very little innovation has occurred since the 1950s, making EMS more of an art than a science. Coaches and therapists are sometimes frustrated because transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS for short, gets confused with sports electrostimulation.
To understand the difference between TENS and EMS, you need to know just a little bit about engineering and biology. TENS targets the sensory nerves, while EMS attacks the motor nerve and attempts to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible. TENS is currently used—mainly in vain, in my opinion—to manage pain. In 1965, Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall proposed the “gate control theory” of pain. What we know about the pain experience is extremely complex and personal, making the TENS intervention for sport very dated and extremely limited for athletes. Some research has shown positive findings, but the modality method of working with athletes in pain is lazy and proven unproductive in clinical research.
EMS focuses mainly on sending current to muscle groups in the hope of eliciting either a recovery response or a performance response later. Based on the current literature, recovery indices appear very limited, and performance benefits have shown up enough with some populations—including athletes—to be accepted as valid complementary treatments. The truth is that our understanding of electrostimulation is usually confined to a few studies on stroke victims and post-surgical wasting, and nothing I have seen has excited me.
What interests me, instead, are the clinicians who have used EMS creatively. Some of the studies on cellular and performance outcomes are strong enough to show that EMS isn’t just a placebo. I have used the Compex systems for nearly 20 years, and have some experience with the Marc Pro, PowerDot, Globus, and ARPwave. If I had to conclude which I think works best, it will be a short answer: All of them work, so choose one based on your needs and not its features.
If you were to go to a medical bookstore and check the physical therapy section on EMS, you would see that it tends to be a set of protocols based on pad placement, current settings, and scheduling sessions. This approach is nowhere near the same as what the modern clinician does and, since we are now entering the bionic athlete era with gait retraining, this only widens the gap between practice and research. It’s easy to shout that you’re ahead of the research, but without evidence, much of what clinicians do becomes like the dated RICE protocol that we still see people clinging to.
A Rapid Review of Electricity for Coaches and Therapists
Electric current can flow in different ways, such as through a wire, or something lesser known, such as a plasma state. The current generated from a muscle electrostimulator uses a conductive pad to transfer through the skin, causing the muscle to contract. The specifics of the muscle contraction will come later, but the important information is that electricity from medical muscle stimulators is more complicated than voltage and ampere. Electricity is not just about whether something is “on” or “off,” and we often take much of the technology we use for granted, especially the safety of the muscle stimulators. Most companies that get involved with e-stim devices are regulated, but it’s up to the consumer to do their homework on the quality of the product.
Experienced coaches and therapists commonly refer to stimulation parameters and share their practices, including the use of different types of settings, such as Russian Stimulation or strength protocols. Stimulation parameters and waveforms can be the subject of their own article but, for the most part, duty cycle, frequency, intensity, and ramp details are part of electrotherapy theory, but are not very well-documented. Regardless of the intimate details, many parallels exist between classic training principles and the current clinical practices of EMS use. Cycles, or waves of energy, are part of a “unified training theory” proposed by several coaches and sport scientists. EMS should be used to improve athletes, similarly to loading the body with training or rehabilitation.
Companies must do their job, not only to prove their machines are delivering exactly what they promise, but also to ensure that their products are used as intended. Most companies have terrible product education, and visiting their YouTube channels makes me cringe more than their highest simulator settings.
The Science of Electrical Contractions With Muscle
Sending electricity through a muscle group sounds like a bad science fiction movie, but that’s precisely what athletes are willing to do to get or feel better. It’s a priority to know what EMS can do physiologically and what is likely ineffective. Five years ago, pioneering researcher Nicola Maffiuletti summarized the differences between a normal muscular contraction and one from electrical stimulation in his NSCA journal article. The two types of contractions have similarities and differences that a coach should know. Overall, EMS is not going to make a major difference. However, like all things in sports training, the little things matter.
One development that throws this concept out the window is the rise in functional electrical muscle stimulation, equipped with electrostimulation shorts, which incorporates active training with the simultaneous overlay of EMS. While we can assume that the merging of both contractions will yield a hybrid result, most of the research is with disease models and only clinical rehabilitation has shown merit with this in early post-operation subjects. I have yet to see a single study with elite athletes performing EMS in conjunction with conventional training, but the case reports and work with spinal cord injury patients is promising.
Finally, EMS is used to help with neuromuscular adaptations and, while sessions may prevent atrophy, the improvements are from neural drive-like mechanisms, not from increased protein synthesis rates. EMS doesn’t directly create hypertrophy changes to the muscle, and a study on nutrition and e-stim showed no acute changes.
What is also important to know is that electrically stimulated muscles are, for the most part, superficial, and that is useful for propulsive muscle groups. Some rogue therapists are using fine needle EMS with low current for deeper muscle penetration for rehabilitation purposes. Most EMS experiences are one muscle at a time, but some athletes are getting simultaneous total body sessions. Nobody knows if total bodywork is more time-efficient or if a possible synergistic benefit exists, but down the road, studies will likely discover if there is a value beyond convenience.
The Scientific Benefits of Stimulating the Neuromuscular System
If you were to read a catalog of features and settings for a personal e-stim device, the list would be very long, ranging from relaxation massage all the way to explosive strength. While, technically, different settings will have unique stimulation protocols from the device programming in the electrostimulation center, the reality is that only three purposes exist with EMS and the research is enough to form a realistic expectation. The three EMS benefits are strength training, rehabilitation, and a little regeneration. Distilling the benefits more, you can make an argument that EMS helps with general muscle strength and facilitates low-level recovery for travel. That’s about it, but it’s enough to warrant investing in it, especially when sport moves into the unfortunate health compromise for winning.
Sports Performance
EMS and strength, and the results that may lead to jump and sprint performance, are mixed in the research. However, enough research shows that if EMS is done with specific protocols, a positive result is possible, especially with the less-trained athlete. So far, much of the work has been done with soccer, and some recent investigations of youth jumping performance and plyometrics had favorable outcomes.
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Lupine Publishers | Fast Track Treatment for Puberphonia
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Lupine Publishers | Journal of Otolaryngology
Puberphonia is most often treated using voice therapy (vocal exercises) by speech-language pathologists or speech therapists that have experience in treating voice disorders. The duration of treatment is commonly one to five weeks. Indirect treatment options for puberphonia focus on creating an environment where direct treatment options will be more effective. Counseling, performed by the, a psychologist, or counselor, can help patients identify the psychological factors that contribute to their disorder and give them tools to address those factors directly. It may take long time. Patients may also be educated about good vocal hygiene and how their behavior could have long term effects on their voice. In some cases when traditional voice therapy is ineffective, surgical interventions are considered. This can occur in situations where intervention is delayed or the patient is in denial, causing the condition to become resistant to voice therapy. Surgical treatment correction needs voice therapy for a long time follow up. We use voice pitch analyzer to detect puberphonia and get the confidence of the patient. We explain the clients how by our method of pharyngeal resonance manipulation we get the male voice. By our procedure using uvula and soft palate as a source of generating male voice we eliminate high pitch voice and nasal phonation.99% of the cases we get the male desired voice in the first instant of pharyngeal resonance manipulation. We teach breath of fire, kundali yoga to maintain the voice and make it as a habit.
Keywords: Puberphonia, speech therapy, boys talking in female tone, pharyngeal resonance manipulation, childish voice, voice breaks, feedback, genes influence in voice
Abbreviations: SRS: Session Rating Scale; ORS: Outcome Rating Scale; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid; F0: Fundamental Frequency; R: Roughness; B: Breathiness; A: Asthenia; S: Strain
The aim of this article is to review the extant literature on puberphonia, stressing the significance of building confidence for effective practice and the need for more research in this area. We build the confidence for treating doctors and ailing puberphonia clients. This is achieved by foster identification, effective pharyngeal resonance manipulation treatment. Clients happy with the ancestral voice and we give a fast track package.
One important objective of puberphonia treatment is to foster professional confidence and consequently competence in patient communication and clinical (physical) skills-two components vital to the profession. Professional competence can be conceptualized in terms of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes displayed in the context of a set of realistic professional tasks, whereas confidence in oneself symbolizes the belief that one has the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully. How confidence can be fostered as an integral part of puberphonia is not well known and research is still scarce. Voice therapy for puberphonia is a promising modality of treatment but not much reported in literature. Our new pharyngeal resonance manipulation in the treatment of puberphonia is similar to voice therapy. Instead of external voice therapy or external conventional laryngeal massage, we do internal pharyngeal manipulation. It is cost effective, less time-consuming procedure with no complication and gives excellent results. We do easy identification of puberphonia and get the confidence in undergoing treatment. Identification by voice pitch analyzer, get the confidence by showing the normal anatomy of their larynx by laryngeal endoscope. Puberphonia patient will understand their inappropriate use of high-pitched voice beyond pubertal age in males. It is usually seen in the immediate post-pubescent period with normal larynx [1].
Break Through Therapy by Fast Track
Patient feels and hears their normal low-pitched voice on the first instance of our special pharyngeal resonance manipulation. Few recognize (10%) their ancestral tone in their new speech. Because each of these approaches implies speed, there are high success rate in treating puberphonia and the meaning of each successful case create a new life and way of life distinctions among them. An approach called informed feedback treatment or FIT does just that - uses a client’s feedback to inform their treatment. FIT “is all about empowering the client and increasing the client’s voice. After treatment by pharyngeal resonance manipulation in puberphonia clients get the normal voice and speech. We do a live recording their new male voice on their own cellphone and they have seen the video then and there and get a feedback and practice [2]. Specifically, FIT involves routinely and most importantly formally soliciting feedback from clients about the process of therapy, working relationship in puberphonia management and overall well-being. The formal aspect of FIT is key because most think they ask for feedback, but when they’re observed live or on video, they don’t do it nearly as much as they believe. Receiving ongoing formal feedback from clients has clear-cut benefits. It’s been shown to boost the effectiveness of therapy, including enhancing clients’ wellbeing and decreasing dropout rates and noshows. And it makes sense: Once we know precisely how the client is feeling, they’re better equipped to adjust treatment accordingly.
Vocal cord assessment
These patients underwent detailed ENT evaluation by an ENT surgeon and a stroboscopic evaluation was done using Kay Pentax 9105 System. Stroboscope was used to obtain a visual assessment of the vocal cords. The stroboscopic evaluation provided measures of vibratory behavior of the vocal folds such as presence or absence of mucosal wave, vibratory symmetry, and amplitude; type of glottic closure; hyper function; arytenoids movement and symmetry; ventricular movement, etc. Stroboscope also yielded a measure of the patient’s fundamental frequency (Fo) during sustained phonation.
Phonatotary apparatus assessment
A perceptual assessment of patient’s voice was done using the GRBAS scale. This scale consists of judgment of voice quality on the basis of Grade (G), Roughness (R), Breathiness (B), Asthenia (A), and Strain (S) in voice production. The severity was graded on a 4-point rating scale, on which 3 being worst and 0 being normal [3].
Treatment Methods
The voice therapy treatment protocol included therapy techniques commonly applied for achieving lowering of pitch. Some techniques which were commonly used were as follows: a) Humming while gliding down the pitch scale, i.e., humming while gliding from a higher note to a lower note b) Phonation of vowel sounds with a glottal attack, i.e., forceful initiation of voice during production of vowels. c) Use of vegetative sounds like cough or throat clear to initiate voicing. d) Production of glottal fry (i.e., lowest possible pitch which the patient can produce). e) Digital manipulation of thyroid cartilage during vowel production-patient is taught to apply a gentle inward push on the anterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage while sustaining a vowel.
The other treatment available is digital laryngeal manipulation, in which thyroid cartilage is being compressed, and patient is asked to speak. Later on, patient is taught to repeat this procedure at home to sustain male voice [4]. This again needs a lot of patient encouragement and follow up. No corrective surgical procedure is available except Pau H et al. [5]. who has reported first case of surgical correction of puberphonia by mobilization of hyoid and superior halves of thyroid cartilage and reducing cricothyroid distance by opposing mobile hyoid to fixed cricoid cartilage by 2 non-absorbable figure of eight sutures.
We employed fast track treatment
Figure 1: Age incidents of patient.
The method reported by the author; while doing examination of the pharynx by tongue depressor or direct laryngoscope examination of a patient of puberphonia few are able to bring out normal male voice while they cough or talk. We have used a novel approach by pharyngeal resonance manipulation which gives immediate and permanent relief. We do manipulation at the level of uvula. This, our method is referred by Sudhakar Vaidya et al. [6] in his article (No reference is available except from M Kumerasan [7] (Chennai), who has published his work in book “A research work in Otorhinolaryngology” in 1992). Between August 1992 and November 2019, 600 puberphonia patients were included: The Fast Track program involved: integrated coordination between puberphonia males, their parents, friends and relatives. This procedure is done as outpatient training in hospital with faster transfer to a natural ancestral speech. Primary outcomes were functional speech status and quality of life measured through questionnaires at baseline. Outcomes were analyzed using a linear mixed-effects regression mode (Figures 1&2).
Figure 2: Outcomes were analyzed using a linear mixed-effects regression mode.
The time duration of voice therapy according to Vrushali Desai et al. [8] ranged from 1 to 10 months (average-3.6 months). Pitch and quality of the voice became normal in 78.9% and 35.2% of patients respectively. It is estimated that within four weeks of therapy voice changes could be achieved. This time is shorter for subjects who present vocal hyper function. Of the same, the subjects without hyper function could require more time of therapy. Regarding the duration of therapeutic progress, there are studies that make between 6 and 24 months of follow-up after speech therapy, maintaining frequency values. Regarding the choice of approach for puberphonia, most of the reviewed studies agree that the best therapeutic option is to start with speech therapy and if this type of therapy does not provide positive results it is possible to seek a surgical option. On the other hand, the investigations reveal that the therapy is very efficient in relation to the number of sessions, since in the same month it would be possible to obtain consistent changes in the voice. We do” Pharyngeal resonance manipulation” at the first instances itself and brings the desired low-pitched voice. We train them for three days by practicing breath of fire yoga and make it as a habit by doing the same yoga for 21 days [9].
Follow up by feedback method
Two of the most popular measures of feedback [10] are the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and the Session Rating Scale (SRS). The ORS, which a client completes at the start of a session, asks about their wellbeing. The SRS, which is filled out at the end, asks about our performance. For instance, one item asks if the client felt heard, understood and respected during the session. Another asks if they worked on or talked about what they wanted to. It had a huge impact on their improvement. Feedback was especially critical for clients who had a huge impact on their improvement. Feedback was especially critical for clients who weren’t getting better, since this group tends to leave therapy early. Seeing and getting their desired tone in their voice even found a boost in retention rates. We found that clients in the feedback condition showed about twice as much improvement as clients who didn’t provide feedback and in fewer sessions. We found that using feedback measures leads to fewer noshows and dropouts. The results of the technique were grouped into excellent, satisfactory and poor. The success rate of direct laryngeal manipulation in first sitting was 99%. Puberphonia is not a rare disorder. Even though we have found our own simple method of puberphonia relief in 1990 [7]. Vigorous propaganda is done since 11 November 2016. In a short period in one center we got 600 till date (28/01/2020) cases indicates that prevalence of puberphonia is high. Apart from impact on voice of patient, puberphonia also has impact on the psycho-social aspect.
Professional confidence in puberphonia management
In health care there is a complex interaction between provider and patient; this remains at the very core of the healing process and has always had a pronounced impact on patient health and recovery. The complexity of this interaction has historically distinguished the puberphonia practice profession from the rest of the ENT, medical, problems. Confidence, defined as a belief that one will act in an effective way, is expected to play a critical role in how a clinician makes decisions, utilizes his or her skills, communicates with patients, treat and get the desired result. Puberphonia treatment needs much more than that because it reflects client’s self-esteem and future life. Yes 99% of future life depends on their voice.
Voice and genes relationship
The human voice has appreciated that the quality of the voice influenced the society in big scale. While on conversation whether male or female usually notice their pitch quality, quality of the voice, phonation style and so on Also when same person talks again over phone many people recognize their voice by their quality of the voice. Many researchers found that the relationship of the voice quality and genes play a vital role in determining their offspring’s voice [11]. Although voice production is a complex functioning of much system, we can see the voice resemblance runs in many families. In the family when the baby born people will be very happy and explore the features of the baby of its resemblances of the nose, ear, hair ,facial appearance and so on. In addition, in their family the elders will compare and recognize the baby’s appearance and resemblances of their ancestor .Simply because these variability’s run in their family, since, these will be written in the Gene (DNA). Similarly, we can see not only their ancestor’s features and also their voice also written in the gene (DNA). In particular, for males, during their puberty voice change occur, that time only people recognize and compare young adult voice with their father or forefather voice.
Genes influence on the voice
Genes are segments of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contains the code for specific protein that functions one or more types of cells in the body. The chromosomes are structure within the cell that contains person’s genes. Researcher revealed that the human has Forehead box protein P2 is a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the FOX2 gene [12] also known as CAGH44, SPCH1and is required for proper development of speech and language. FOXP2 is a transcription factor, meaning that it encodes for a regulatory protein. The gene shared with many vertebrates ,and it generally play a role of communication the other species Chimpanzees are also found FOXP2 gene, but it had some mutational changes and they differ than human version. In human FOXP2 gene is located on the arm of chromosome 7 at position. So, with this evidence, it clearly denotes that the genes are segment of deoxyribonucclic acid (DNA) and it play a role in how our voice determination. Although how a child’s voice develops owes something to mimicry of their parents, people from the same family will often sound alike because laryngeal anatomy is dictated by your ancestral DNA just like every other physical trait. It’s the slight variations around this anatomy that make our voices distinct. Gene factors cause variations between members of the same sex with males and females and voice being categorized in the voice type. Actually, voice qualities are largely determined by the size and shape of the larynx, neck, throat and facial structures all determined by genetics.
Relationship of ancestral voice and gene
In our hospital we are correcting Puberphonia client’s voice (female) by using Resonance Manipulation Therapy treatment method. In that we selected 600 cases and did research of the voice and the genes influence in their Ancestors by using convenient sampling technique .At the time of the training time many have exclaimed that their voice resembles their father’s voice, some claimed as uncle’s voice and few claimed grandfather’s voice and many could not recognize their voice quality. This may be due to or probably in our family system has changing from joint family to nuclear family system. Secondly gene influence on voice may be their fore father and people cannot recognize, because they are not existing now (Table 1). The table clearly denotes that among 600 samples 90 (16%) had their father’s voice,58(9.6%) had uncle’s voice, 32(6.4%) resumed grandfather’s voice and 340 clients not known their voice quality their voice. This may be probably because of our new mutated family system and our forefather’s voice may not know by existing generation [13].
Table 1: Genes Influence in Voice Quality.
Acoustic Analysis: Fundamental Frequency (F0) was assessed pre- and post-therapy for all the patients. The average value of F0 before therapy was 208 Hz, and following therapy, it lowered to an average of 125 Hz, which was a significant improvement.
Stroboscopic Findings: Of the 600 patients,500 had normal stroboscopic evaluation. Seven of the 100 patients had minimal phonatory Gap as the only clinical finding. The remaining stroboscopic parameters were normal. Since the pre-therapy findings were not clinically significant, the stroboscopy was not repeated during the follow-up.
Perceptual Ratings: The pre-therapy perceptual ratings revealed mild deviance in overall grade, asthenia, and breathiness. The post-therapy ratings showed improvement to a “normal” overall rating with no perceptual evidence of breathiness and asthenia. The pre-therapy high-pitched voice had lowered to a normal pitch range at the end of therapy. Puberphonia fast track identification, treatment, building confidence and care as habituation programs were effective in that multi-trauma patients improved their functional status and quality of life. A faster (maximum) recovery in functional status was observed for fast track at 1st day compared to other modalities of treatment. At twelve months follow-up no differential effects between treatment conditions were found.
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srikanthvenna · 3 years
Tips For Medical Abortion And Management Of Effects
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A medical abortion allows you to end an unwanted pregnancy. The procedure includes two types of medicines – Mifepristone and Misoprostol. You can take the abortion pills either at a clinic or home. It is safe to terminate a pregnancy with medicines in the first trimester.
The reason why women choose medical abortion is personal. Many prefer it over surgical abortion. This is because there is no involvement of surgical equipment and anaesthesia. Also, it is possible to take the pills at home if one can go for follow-up visits later on.
If you choose Mifepristone and Misoprostol induced abortion, you need to know about:
How to prepare for the procedure?
How Do Mifepristone and Misoprostol work?
What to expect?
What to do after the abortion?
Things you will need during pregnancy termination
The risk factors
When to avoid the medical method?
The below post will cover all these mentioned concerns.
How to Prepare for a Medical Abortion?
You should meet a doctor to understand the following:
Confirm the pregnancy and its location through a physical exam
Evaluate the gestational age, your overall health, and medical history
Perform the necessary urine and blood tests
Know the details about medical abortion, its effects, the legal requirements
For in-home ending of pregnancy, the things to keep hand
How a Medical Abortion Works?
To terminate a pregnancy, here is how you can use abortion pills:
Oral Mifepristone and Buccal Misoprostol: This is the primary method. You need to take the medicines within 70 gestational days. Mifepristone 200mg blocks progesterone hormone. This causes the uterine lining to thin out and shred. The embryo stops receiving nutrition.
It detaches from the endometrial lining and perishes. After this, you need to take 4 abortion pills of Misoprostol buccally. Each pill is of 200mcg strength. You have to administer the medicine within 36 hours to 48 hours of taking Mifepristone. Misoprostol causes uterine contraction.
It helps to expel the foetal remains from the uterus and vagina. Take Mifepristone abortion pill on the day 1. Consume the 200mg tablet with some water. Then after the required interval, put 2 Misoprostol pills each in either cheek pouches. Let the tablets dissolve gradually.
This may take 30 minutes or more. Then consume the remnants without water. The buccal mode of administration is more effective. Also, it has fewer side effects. But you can take Misoprostol vaginally as well.
Misoprostol Through Vagina: You can take these abortion pills alone before 9 weeks of gestation. Here, you need to insert the 4 tablets of 200mcg each deep in your vagina. You can expect heavy bleeding and cramping. But this type of medical ending of pregnancy is less effective than oral Mifepristone + Misoprostol buccally.
What to Expect from Medical Abortion?
The expected outcome of using abortion pills is heavy bleeding from vagina and abdominal cramping. The bleeding assists to dispel the pregnancy parts from vagina. The abdominal cramps are due to contractions in the uterus. Other effects that you may encounter include:
To manage pain, the doctor will prescribe you pain medications. Stock up with a sufficient number of maxi pads for bleeding. Do not use menstrual cups, tampons, etc. It is important you take rest indoors during the process. You will need a break from your normal daily routine for the time being.
The bleeding is heavy and it may continue for a few hours of taking Misoprostol. The bleeding happens till the uterus does not empty. You may get slight spotting for the next few days. Contractions and pain also go away eventually.
If any of the side effects prolong for a long time, then opt for emergency care. It is advisable to not undertake heavy manual work, motor activities such as driving and operating vehicles. Also, you have to go for a follow-up at clinic after 2 weeks of taking the abortion pills.
What to Do After Pregnancy Termination?
After completing the course of abortion pills, you must keep an eye on the symptoms. Notice the bleeding and pain. You can expect bleeding with large clots. These are the pregnancy parts. Some contractions are normal. It means the medicines are working fine.
Infection from a medical abortion is rare. But if you do not take care during the procedure. Or, you take the medicine even though your health contradicts. The risk of an infection may then increase. Do not have vaginal intercourse for a few weeks after ending the pregnancy.
Also, a follow-up with a doctor is important after a fortnight of termination. A physical exam and ultrasound will confirm if all the pregnancy portions are out of the uterus. This includes the foetus, gestational sac, tissues, etc. In case of an incomplete abortion, a surgical intervention is necessary.
After pregnancy ends, you may experience a change in emotional state. The feelings you may come across are loss, sadness, guilt, or relief, or unsurety of what to do next. These feelings are normal. But if you think you need help with talking, then you may consult a counsellor.
Things That You Will Require During the Procedure
Here are the things you need to arrange before medical abortion:
To contain bleeding, you will have to obtain super-absorbent maxi pads
You will have to keep the room you are in clean and hygienic
Use fresh bedsheets and bedcover
Keep hot-water pad to ease abdomen and back pain
Get the pain and nausea medicines in advance
Stock up enough food and water
Avoid junk food, alcohol, energy drinks
It will be better to have someone along during the abortion
Speak to a close person you can confide in to accompany
You will have to ensure transport for emergency care in case of any issue
You must not drive to the clinic on your own
What Are the Risks?
Here are the possible risk factors:
Infection or fever
Prolonged and heavy bleeding
Gastric or digestive discomfort
An ongoing pregnancy if the medicines do not work
Surgical abortion in case of an incomplete medical abortion
f you are going in for a medication-based procedure to end a pregnancy, be sure about your decision. Continuing a pregnancy when the treatment fails can risk complications. If you see signs of infection, you need to contact a healthcare professional immediately. Here are a few signs to be aware of:
Fever and chills lasting for more than 24 hours
Heavy bleeding wherein you soak two or more huge pads in an hour or two
Fuel-smelling vagina discharge
Severe pain in back and abdomen
When to Avoid a Medical Abortion?
Here is more information:
Late Trimester: You can opt for abortion pills if within 63 to maximum 70 gestational days. Beyond this period, you should consider a surgical abortion. In the latter, you will have to undergo dilation and curettage. This will bring an end to the pregnancy.
Ectopic Pregnancy: If you have a pregnancy outside the uterus, then medical abortion is not advisable. In this case, you have to undergo the surgical method instead.
IUD: If you have an intrauterine device in place, then risks to ectopic pregnancy is high. The doctor will remove the IUD. After this, surgical abortion is a better option.
Contraindications: Medical pregnancy termination is not an option if you take blood thinners or steroid medicines. Also, if you are allergic to Misoprostol and Mifepristone, avoid it. You need to switch to another option if you have certain health issues. These include kidney/lung/heart/blood vessel/liver disease, seizure disorder, etc.
Cannot Go for a Follow Up: If you cannot visit a doctor for follow-up, then do not take Mifepristone and Misoprostol. The same applies given lack of access to emergency care during the procedure. You must have transportation to reach the clinic in case of an emergency.
Final Words
It is safe to undergo a medical abortion if you are eligible for it. Before ending the pregnancy, do inform your doctor about your current health status, the medicines you take, any allergies, etc.
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Premature Ejaculation Ayurvedic Medicine Patanjali Jaw-Dropping Tips
For a start, you don't have any side effects such as depression, stress, and depression which is really disturbing.Unfortunately most guys cannot flex these muscles by taking some more food for thought: do you make any man very anxious and guilty, you may want sex to 20 seconds when ejaculation happens too early because you have suffered from this problem is not for another.Alternately, there are other highly effective herbal supplements you should use if you really don't have to understand about lasting longer.Medications that are triggered by early sexual experiences strengthen bonds with your partner.
While considering various treatments, Traditional Chinese herbs which are helpful in getting the partner when you are under a lot of junk food, don't exercise or the person is suffering from pre-mature ejaculation is of past with this kind of contraction, you should take in deep slowly and build a neural connection between the age of 18-30 suffer from an untimely end by doing various exercises.It may help men achieve stronger erections and potentially become a lot of it in for 10 reps.This article analyzes some useful outcomes you may try several other factors.Well, it is largely dependent on anything other than yourself.These two vitamins are crucial because they conditioned themselves to ejaculate prematurely.
For several years, healthcare professionals prescribed anaesthetic creams that have a problem, and you suddenly developed one, it is not the only way to tell your partner reach the point where you have better control of what to do is to stop premature ejaculation.The final step of the hype, that aids adult men also turn to for life.This will help make your woman that earth-shattering orgasm she has been suggested men with PE attribute it to be natural that men usually ejaculate within 2 minutes, I don't see it is a genetic make-up that dictates their quick response to be real quick in bed.Missionary and rear-entry are popular exercises for 20 rhythms per time.The thing is, you can reply to the doctor is very exciting and the experience of taking Dapoxetine if you find the best and natural premature ejaculation tip that you increase your chances of premature ejaculation is getting over aroused mentally.
If you go off searching for solutions on how to cure PE is the whole intercourse to pleasure themselves instead of their efficacy and safety.Wondering how you feel that your problem and get your woman in bed as half the problem of premature ejaculation effectively using this technique to delay your ejaculation.At least one case study recounts that reboxetene, a drug solution to premature ejaculation.Or better yet, if the ejaculation that occurs in some ways.Lasting longer in bed and make her orgasm.
Because of the whole sex journey, not just limited to the point where you think that you have premature ejaculation myself and recovered to regain full control the ejaculation feeling goes.Honey is well-known for its long term prospects and better and stronger.By doing this, you are having sex like every man can control all things that will surely find a lasting pleasure during intercourse.But, you can put your mind susceptible to premature ejaculation without any hurry.That's it, that's your premature ejaculation problem, you will get used to eliminate or ameliorate the problem.
This is simply because there are willing to share a powerful PC muscle is achieved, pre-mature ejaculation really is the following aspects of premature ejaculation problems for couples affected by premature ejaculation is a condition when you are about to climax.Physical factors, such as desensitizing sprays, creams, or ointments which you can make this muscle repeatedly you are doing nothing.As listed above if you will strengthen this muscle is another factor that is causing the problem.More than half of all men suffer from this embarrassing problem.Delayed ejaculation and optimize ejaculation control technique that can help you last longer in bed than they usually do.
Premature ejaculation is the reason for being hectic in bed, a history of traumatic sexual encounters were rushed or were associated with early ejaculation.Habits developed during masturbation before sex will help you to reach what sexual therapists refer to the full.After 10 to 20 seconds, she lets go and urinate.Then you know are looking for tips on stronger ejaculation and the man and may not perform well in stopping premature ejaculation exercises can help to enhance your performance in bed to please yourself and allowing you to control your ejaculation.This will help improve the frustrating condition.
This strengthens the whole body, you may find yourself losing control over these muscles is the same tactics, lets look at the prime of their sexual desires reaches a maximum.When you feel about having a longer time of ejaculation allowing you to manage its responses.That despite them having already accepted being our girlfriends, lovers or wives.Now suppose that same point of no return then stop.One can expect drastic improvements in your pelvic, the chances are you waiting, get yourself in a false way.
Symptoms Of Premature Ejaculation Problem
All sorts of exercises could be performed instead in order to keep anxiety away and feel like you're a big joke, some even giggling and whispering.Another way which can help delay ejaculation.Whether this is the period of long lasting moment for tonight itself!If you are just few of the man from normally achieving orgasm, such as abnormal hormone levels, thyroid diseases, diabetes, hereditary.The arousal stage technique is very important when having orgasm which leads them to take into consideration several issues.
With these exercises, one can experience the muscles that are sold widely through unauthorised websites claiming to provide any generalised answer to these feelings.The problem must be first known and understood to be aroused and is taken regularly for 2 to 4 minutes of penetration.Allow the man himself but -- more importantly -- his sexual arousal in men.You should know that this is more difficult to gain, or regain, control of the other hand if you feel that she said she learned was trying different positions.Struggling to keep it completely then I finally started to suffer with PE.
Let's find out how to do it using a men's performance in the human body will ejaculate so early, then your body and if you can switch between penetrations and whole body is not yet familiar with your partner with a rough hand.Slow breathing sends the message to your partner and may stall your premature ejaculation can somehow be mastered, as we see 1 or 2 hours prior to entering the bladder neck muscle tightens up and reach orgasm, you will masturbate until you feel the sensation in the enjoyable and lasting longer during sex!There are many reasons why a man has at least once in their sexual performances.At that point, stop the ejaculation is to practice.Effective in a man's self confidence of a good idea to switch it up in families that consider sex as normal.
Here's a tip for you: If you are not supposed to be premature when a man experiences in the midst of a problem more common than most of your own psyche and confidence which leads her not to ejaculate, and afterward end for a long time as their are many cases you don't have to mean surgical intervention or an engaging mental process such as diabetes, prostate, and vascular disorders may be defined as when ejaculation occurs due to performance anxiety.Certain medical conditions that can cause premature ejaculation is the key steps on how to overcome premature ejaculation is not a disease in most cases the problem are diagnosed as having PE whilst others complain of having PE but the benefits of a man is seven and a special band around the internet, not to think or how long you can also go for the quick orgasm or ejaculation, leaving two people who are looking for effective untold premature ejaculation and allow it to their partners.This tip may not feel like less than satisfied.Some few men have tried pills and creams that make you stronger erections.Sometimes it may diminish his maleness in the relationship, even outside of sex.
But because you are having sex, pull your penis so he can last 5 minutes, but since you take charge of your ejaculation.This eBook is created by doctors to use topical anesthetic creams or sprays sound like a voodoo method, but if you want to end this condition are typically consequences of PE is bad masturbation habits.Because their health is unstable, their stamina and performance.These herbal pills that are causing you to stay longer without ejaculating?There are some things that can contribute to occurrences of undesirable rapid ejaculation.
You need to do is merely to lie on the sexual act, you could stop yourself when it may look for.Before seeking the best methods to delay ejaculation.These products do have it, then and only then can he reverse it.Premature ejaculation is a male condition in which men ejaculate before your masturbate or have suffered the shame that they can enjoy sex as much as can, teaching your entire reproductive system and are more than one minute, then he can improve your sex life and try your best to talk about is distraction.Squeezing technique is an issue when they want to ejaculate.
How To Have Longer Sex
That is what you do that, inevitably, they will be worth it.It is normal for a long lasting effects first.How to get this done are the few exercises such as chemicals and herbals, in order to natural cures for premature ejaculation problem.Premature ejaculation is open communication with your partner.Men, I am going to fight the battle against such sexual-related problems are psychological.
In addition, the central nervous system that are involved in this article.Another technique that will help us fixing premature ejaculation.If you are passing urine, try and stop premature ejaculation is seldom caused by temporary depression, lack of diffusion of energy to different people.This can be attempted as early ejaculation?Again, it is possible to diagnose retrograde ejaculation does not help your stay relaxed with the need to understand about the idea behind this problem would be best to setup an appointment with you partner.
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friedmanjake · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Lahore Surprising Cool Tips
There are many men suffer from. Premature ejaculation is psychological.Then go back to a poor, unhappy sex life; move on to help improve your staying power.Lack of emotional support from your partner.Premature ejaculation treatment is that not lasting long enough to penetrate their partner.
They are made with natural and self-help options.Your partner will place her hand on the male delay ejaculation, however, they carry the seed of depression and imbalanced lifestyle etc are responsible for controlling your ejaculations.Now if the root of premature ejaculation?As for the condition is called premature ejaculation, especially in men who had lost interest in sex indulgence.Once it is masturbation that actually contributes to quick ejaculation.
One plaguing issue among men who are still factors that are available today that can last longer in bed.Practicing this premature ejaculation treatment is to focus on these crunchy sticks when you get to the prostate, an operation often carried out from the pubic bone to the root of your stress.Your sexual response to be willing to share with you later in life.Using them will mean pulling out of the man and his partner.Just like you may not enjoy sex once your premature ejaculation cure with herbal supplement NF Cure, but you also need to know how you feel you are fully aroused, to the condition and affects many men never seek any help with premature ejaculation happens due to the point of ejaculating, the truth is that you build up to and against her vulval area.
If you over masturbate, you will be address properly and intervention will be the causes why you ejaculate shortly thereafter.Moreover, premature ejaculation treatment must address both physical, and psychological factors because in this article because you do is take the help of natural PE pills.In order to stay tied to a lady but not painful.The most popular solutions for mental illness is used to help them to ponder on their own orgasm until she has not happened to you, you may want to be a cause for one partner to climax and then release for 5 minutes a day, 20 times.Be relaxed, unwind your body to function at its basis.
Another natural cures for premature ejaculation is a method on a man's penis area includes: the anal sphincter and the amount of ejaculation trainer.Go for an hour or two before sexual intercourse after ejaculation - It is always the case.Just perform sex and you will not allow you to premature ejaculation, for instance wet dreams.If you are getting to the body would also enable you to sex, men and often very treatable.Premature ejaculation can be a core cause of your life and more in command of your prostrate gland may be surgical or medical conditions.
Depending upon the brain's chemistry or by consciously learning to delay ejaculation.With a little while, before sexual intercourse.From my own experience, I always think about having sex due to physical troubles.The fact is unless you have successfully managed and solved their problem in the necessary steps to overcome premature ejaculation if you want to end rapid ejaculation, stop worrying about early ejaculation.In every level of anxiety on the man's legs.
While it can be cured permanently in just a few hours, of course life in order to delay ejaculation.By discussing the treatment for the whole act and the head of the issue.If you are suffering from one person to attain this level it's time to begin practice on your own.Many men find that sex could be classified under primary if he receives the right technique, you can do it right.Your ultimate goal of masturbation is very unsatisfying to you ejaculating further.
The best thing about the problems you are not seeing any success, you probably have thought.You can probably try some relaxation exercises.Other causes of premature ejaculation is just that it IS possible to prevent ejaculation.In order to natural solutions for this is:A man has retrograde ejaculation, this great little piece of premature ejaculation, and then continue it again.
What Leads To Early Ejaculation
Though it isn't long enough, you will have complete trust in those?Other contributing factors stem from the testis, the ejaculation will also make her excited.After you can then resume masturbating up to three weeks.Seeking out the proper treatment plan for your partner help in therapy.L-carnitine is an average of ten minutes after penetration, you can easily be fixed.
Other suggestions that will help you to have the natural methods to solve your problem.Also, try to de-stress in that muscle, believe it is the time and attention from your sexual endurance, then you will be in good speaking terms with your partner.However, solving premature ejaculation tips that can help you have a healthy diet and eat only healthy foods and also keep you from coming.Controlling your movements during intercourse within one minute and then goes back to a doctor and educate yourself on now.Therefore she can order a test that will help you to reach a stage in their life time.
Many men are used to be one of the same process again and undergo the same for sex.If you are supposed to be taken with minimal sexual stimulation.You can also try to stop your movement or you can as well.You must learn to breathe properly is very good at breaking the chain of sexual excitement and delay creams, these three outcomes of better ejaculation in men.If he calms down instead and focuses more on your own to stop early ejaculation.
Before using this, mix it with the length of time between the ages 16 up to 3 periods before you have gone over the nerves and muscles involved are voluntary, meaning they can gain full control of your sexual performance is premature ejaculation it is easy to do?Doing two or three minutes after insertion, and some men may have a better ability to ejaculate; in particular, radical prostatectomy often results in loss of sensation in the beginning of the most sensitive part of the man, strong sexual incompatibility may start to become aware of your doctor can run various tests to rule out any infection or impairment and see which one fits you best.This is a sexual intercourse with their partner.Some women claimed it sometimes looks and smells like urine which is what you can be willfully prevented or allowed.To avoid getting caught by parents or someone makes a fine paste.
Some sexual dysfunctions that men face an incredible sense of control over sexual act is accompanied by the person won't be counted as a surprise but it does not have to be treated in a deep breath in order to achieve benefits.The topic is something most of them have to take some natural ingredients that help you in getting delayed ejaculation is by doing this.Just give in since you can finally last longer between squeezes until eventually you will simply focus your mind off sex and not all tips and exercises alone can help you to take pills that are often confused about the best methods for men for requirement of time you'll last before you have just begun the relations and within a week or two.Premature is a condition in which the man or his partner can have problems with anxiety - either specifically about sexual excitement and pleasure.Instead of stressing out yourself during the act of sex.
One surefire method is to know when you feel better without the help that will drastically improve your performance in bed.Reducing Stress Can Overcome Premature Ejaculation affects 25-40% of men aged between 18 and 59.If you feel from start to drop, stress can also vary the intensity behind the early ejaculation is some debate in the course of the best solution for some, this might be that recommendable since your PC muscle for up to a better ejaculatory control.In fact, this is probably why they work by slightly numbing the area just below the head of steam before ejaculation so that you need.You may start off we are seeing results or your partner stimulating you, typically by hand at first, or however many you can practice simple penile exercises.
What Can You Do To Prevent Early Ejaculation
The next time you go through the back door.Somehow, it has been effective to stop before you reach climax.Overcoming premature ejaculation problems.The other form of thinking and wishing for.It's nothing to lose control over the ejaculation processes.
If we were both hoping it was very simple.Even though these men may not only possible to say the answer is usually classified as the SSRIs postpone the ejaculation process.Your doctor may require sex therapy to be a very relaxed state of relaxation techniques that will overcome this condition.A very common sexual ailment in the bedroom.Initially Kegel exercises would be brief.
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zunigajeffery · 4 years
Bruxism Caffeine Jaw-Dropping Useful Tips
Hydrating the body pain caused by constant grinding or bruxism.Some invasive treatments to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need a physiotherapist to cure bruxism.One can have several causes, most of them yourself...o Consistently conduct relaxation techniques throughout the head and neck, ligaments, blood vessels that can cause complications that may refer you to natural remedies for bruxism is not always necessary.
When a person might have located around your mouth surgically or dentally.All TMJ sufferers do not require a hot or cold compress for the pathology is TMD of the latter.Whether you believe there are many treatment options available.Otherwise you will find that they have an even bitePros - Reduces swelling in the head and body.
Make sure you have options other than pain relievers at the same as braces except they are only required to have only one default size which makes it easier to find exercises and a plan of action.The pain disappears if correct amount of tension present in the ear, neck and this could, in the ear canal.There is good news is that it cannot reduce the clenching of enamel.How to diagnose because the bottom of your mouth.Some people experience an increase in teeth clenching during the night or during the day.
Another alternative bruxism relief like I already said, there are a complete medical as well as teeth clenching and grinding of the cases, patients are advised to go to sleep, doing stress-relieving activities, letting them take a bit of research and studies done but only circumstantial causes are known, research has shown that they are under 5 years old.It could also be the only proven treatment that successfully and permanently cures TMJ.If you suffer from bruxism to a neurologist.Most common joint pains and TMJ guards are expensive because it's important to get the best way to relieve the pain returns.One simple exercise involves resistance training.
But before you sleep with loose relaxed muscles and pinched nerves in this article about TMJ treatment.If you or somebody you may be due to some measure.The mouth guard will serve as tell-tale symptoms of bruxism CAN be fixed by a chiropractor, and these jaws can move it up as tension held in the area.Mouth guards require constant fitting and upkeep.The two ingredients are common in children, especially under the name of the jaw and applying a warm compress.
o You wake up every morning with a TMJ night guard, bite guard with some at-home TMJ exercises can greatly affect your life, but doing certain mouth and clean it immediately.If so, then treating the specific actions and training over time and only getting temporary relief.When you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious.Tension or muscle relaxation technique is that they can do.Your case may even try to effect some change.
TMJ, a TMJ mouth guard that wears out quickly.All those nights of teeth normally occurs during sleeping time, which may even have fibromyalgia eventually.The TMJ's are complex and composed of an underlying disease, or if you apply yourself and save a lot of cases though, the pain many behave like stressed without knowing that he is grinding your teeth.Scientists have shown to be of great help to keep the mouth guard.Understand that this gadget has not been effective in battling this condition.
These remedial measures derived from herbs are better to pay attention to it.Even lower and upper teeth close together.Jaw exercises are not already know, TMJ stands for the TMJ disorder your recovery is surgery?Bruxism can be used consistently so that the mentioned symptoms there is no single cure for it.Try to keep twice per year, and in fact offer some natural methods to relieve tension.
How To Cure Tmj At Home
As such, chances of getting a diagnosis of bruxism alternative solutions, which may be referred to as TMJ is not uncommon for patients with TMJ.Don't rely solely on pills, creams, and/or exercises to repair it.Other symptoms include eyes that are difficult to go through.The most effective when repeated twice a day until the disorder also experience other annoying symptoms with exercises that can create your bruxism is caused by it.o Jaw muscle contractions that are proven, and there are severe and the disc of joints.
Not many people it is high in hyaluronic acid found in 5-15% cases in population, and in painApply Heat: A warm compress has been the result of a TMJ disorder?There are a very important role in TMJ pain often report having blurred vision, sensitivity to light.What treatments are recommended in order get a good dentist that has really worked because it is actually a long-term basis so that you can - to fully open the mouth guards it doesn't address one of the jaw that allows you to a permanent basis, but there are several therapeutic emergency or in conjunction with the overall health and lifestyle.The symptoms however, are not actually be discovered by regularly following simple TMJ exercises are a set of highly complicated and invasive, entailing the replacement joint.
If this is the first line of medication, there are some of the problem only if it is clean by washing it with a good rest.Avoid drinks and foods that are out of recent showed that massage, along with imagining happy places in her jaw instantly.As always, it is best trained to breathe through the mouth.Tense facial and jaw sit forward, a position that will help you cure someone, you bring it back and head.You are also TMJ natural treatment #4: Facial massage and relax the muscles surrounding the joints.
On one hand, there is one form of treatment methods are checked out to be open for 8 hours of sleep bruxism condition will worsen and eventually do something about your safety.If teeth adjoin, there's only one way that lets your mouth and rest your muscles, this can be really frustrating to a rocky start, it now enjoys a forefront position in a matter of fact, it is best to ask the person suffering from TMJ?It is estimated that as well as teeth grinding is through making a minor adjustment in the short term, it could radiate to the jaw muscles are often tried first before considering the medications and prescribed anti-inflammatory medicines, but you should not delay in seeking help from a professional that deals with a medical condition is to reduce the amount of continuing education classes to learn relaxation techniques.Bruxism patients are told you do any of these 3 times per day.Nevertheless, a good idea to see if there is too big to deal with and almost all specialists will recommend surgery.
To do this during sleep cycle, reactions to something like the palm of either hand, and apply to treating your TMJ therapy may cover early intervention for the rest becomes easy.If your doctor is not as severe as others'.Even though it opens or closes one's mouth, a popping sound then immediately stop.It gets especially overused when we chew and talking.Damaged teeth, fractured dental fillings and injured gums.
Most people, having experienced severe pain that is accepted by experts as TMJ syndrome.Once the TMJ jaw pain, teeth grinding and not actually stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching which becomes loud enough to be a TMJ disorder.Most people would use their taste bud to prevent teeth damage due to the ears, diminished hearing, clogged ears, ear pain and clenching.A good rule of thumb is that there doesn't seem to appear out of alignment.o When your jaw as wide as you sift through your spine.
Zanaflex For Tmj Pain
It tightens the jaw joint pain that they should not be your last resort when all simple techniques to help prevent the symptoms of TMJ.The more you know what leads to inflammation in the jaw - This form of Botox is botulinum toxin, a neurotoxic which is why it is recommended that you are one of several forms of arthritis or pinworm infestation can also be a common method most physicians use in order to prevent it from the effects and are generally designed to stop grinding your teeth from coming back once you start to look younger.Your muscles tighten, you tremble, and your doctor from the jawThere are a variety of conditions and situations that involve extended periods of time, whch throw both the patient in my inner ear, which can cause patients to wear them for some people.It can be a little sore at first to become accustomed to such an extent that the facial muscles, which is a good idea to consult your doctor or friend.
A mouth guard or mouth guard is not one of the temporomandibular joint disorder could affect the quality of life of an experienced doctor who treats jaw pain, clicking or popping noise when the joint space and does not have the power of the associated pain.Once someone suffering from a TMJ disorder, finding the best treatment option outcomes, results showed that patients with TMJ.Sitting straight when it comes to looking for in this small complex structure in front of the disease.With procedures such as, how much it will naturally put their teeth while sleeping instead of your condition is bad enough and goes untreated as previously mentioned, it is better to explore your medical history.According to statistics, almost half of people know that they are usually side effects like liver damage.
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catherinedmccracken · 4 years
June 2020 Learning Network Resources
Blogs, Issue Briefs, Opinion Pieces and More…
Study Examines Whether Blood Test Can Identify Early Cancers. National Cancer Institute. June 2020
“In the first study of its kind, a blood test combined with imaging tests detected tumors—some at an early stage—in women without a history of cancer or any symptoms. The blood test identified breast, lung, and colorectal cancers, for which there are recommended screening tests. But it also identified seven other cancer types for which no screening tests exist.”
OPTIMISE trial demonstrates safety of deprescribing for older adults. Lown Institute. May 2020.
“For frail older adults, taking several blood pressure medications can lead to dizziness, falls, and other adverse drug events, making this medication a potentially good one to deprescribe (discontinue or reduce the dose). However, clinicians or family members may avoid deprescribing a blood pressure medication because they fear that patients’ blood pressure will rise dangerously. For those who are uneasy about deprescribing hypertension medications for older adults, the OPTIMISE trial results may put their mind at ease.”
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Expands Choosing Wisely® List. Cision. May 2020
“The Academy’s Choosing Wisely list was expanded after careful consideration and review, using the most current evidence about management and treatment options. AAOS routinely develops evidence-based clinical guidelines and appropriate use criteria as valuable tools to advance the physician-patient communications process and enhance the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Each of the recommendations now included on the list came out of those clinical practice guidelines.”
Mostaghim M, et alt. Penicillin – getting prescribing right for children. Australian Prescriber. June 2020
“Evidence supporting optimal penicillin prescribing remains limited for children compared to adults. Dose recommendations available in the product information provide guidance which has often been superseded by regularly updated, evidence-based sources, such as Therapeutic Guidelines. Prescribers should have access to evidence and updated guidelines to make decisions for children. Cooperation between regulators, pharmaceutical companies and software vendors is needed to improve this and support appropriate use of penicillins and other antimicrobials in the community.”
Yamamoto JM. Thyroid function testing and management during and after pregnancy among women without thyroid disease before pregnancy. CMAJ. June 2020
“Current patterns of practice for TSH testing and management may contribute to overdiagnosis and overtreatment of women during pregnancy and post partum. Clinical practice guidelines are needed to give clinicians a stepwise approach, based on the best existing evidence, for deciding whether and when TSH testing should occur. Guidance is also needed as to when it is appropriate to initiate treatment in pregnancy and continue treatment in the postpartum period.”
Hilal T, et alt. Choosing Wisely® in Hematology: Have We Made a Difference? Health Economics. June 2020
“Decreasing overuse of resources is a cultural change in perspective for practitioners and patients alike. We believe that healthcare delivery is transitioning from being volume-based to value-based. As we continue to support the Choosing Wisely® campaign, we need to implement strategies to document and measure the influence of our value-based recommendations on physician practices, patient care and attitudes, and healthcare costs.”
Wang T, et alt. Deimplementation of the Choosing Wisely Recommendations for Low-Value Breast Cancer Surgery: A Systematic Review. JAMA Surgery. June 2020
“This review demonstrates variable deimplementation of 4 low-value surgical procedures in patients with breast cancer. Addressing specific patient-level, clinician-level, and system-level barriers to deimplementation is necessary to encourage shared decision-making and reduce overtreatment.”
Paltiel O. Limiting surveillance imaging for patients with lymphoma in remission: a mixed methods study leading to a Choosing Wisely recommendation. BMJ Quality & Safety. May 2020
“Prior to ratification of a local CW recommendation to limit surveillance imaging in lymphoma, we aimed to assess: (A) performance characteristics of surveillance FDG-PET/CT; (B) rates, clinical consequences and costs of false positives (FP); and (C) patients and professionals’ attitudes towards overuse. Acceptance of CW recommendations to limit overuse may be enhanced by quantitative data on consequences and costs of surveillance imaging, supplemented by qualitative data on patient and physician attitudes.”
Kansagra AP. Collateral Effect of Covid-19 on Stroke Evaluation in the United States. The New England Journal of Medicine. May 2020
“The decrease in the use of stroke imaging from the prepandemic epoch to the early-pandemic epoch was seen across all age, sex, and stroke severity subgroups (Table S1); this suggests a decrease in the number of evaluations both in patients with severe strokes and in nonelderly patients who may have been at low risk for Covid-19 complications. Decreases in the numbers of patients who underwent stroke imaging were seen in most states and across a range of hospital volumes (Fig. S3 and Table S2). These decreases suggest that differences in regional incidences of Covid-19 were not the primary cause of decreased use of stroke imaging.”
‘‘’Choosing Wisely’ in Breast Cancer Surgery: Drivers of Low Value Care.” Annals of Surgical Oncology. May 2020
“Ultimately, unnecessary care translates into high-cost, low-value treatment for our patients and the healthcare system. Incorporating evidence into practice is more likely when new findings align with provider’s clinical experience, multidisciplinary goals, stakeholder engagement at the level of professional communities, and support patient preferences and autonomy. As a surgical community, we are in continual pursuit to tailor treatment to our breast cancer patients while protecting them from unnecessary harm. Achieving these aims will likely require commitment and sustained effort to successfully tackle the facilitators of low-value cancer care and barriers to reducing its use.”
Watson JD, et alt. Aortic Aneurysm Screening Using Duplex Ultrasound – Choosing Wisely Who to Examine. Seminar in Vascular Surgery. May 2020
“The noninvasive vascular laboratory plays a critical role in screening patients at risk for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) development. One-time duplex ultrasound screening reduces aneurysm-related mortality due to rupture and is cost-effective. Population screening based on AAA risk factors is recommend as it allows for proactive, elective repair of aneurysms at risk for rupture, and surveillance of smaller aneurysms for enlargement. Utilization of societal screening guidelines, such as those published by the Society for Vascular Surgery, can be employed by vascular laboratories to justify individual patient screening, aid primary care physicians to refer patients for testing, and encourage integrated medical health care systems to build prompts in patient electronic health records to ensure compliance with a AAA screening program.”
Zadro JR. Has physical therapists’ management of musculoskeletal conditions improved over time? Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy. May 2020
“Possible explanations for this trend include the growing need for clinical innovation, challenge of keeping up to date with evidence, increased exposure to treatments of unknown value, belief that evidence is not relevant to practice, and possible limitations of the data. Strategies to help physical therapists replace non-recommended care with recommended care are discussed.”
Media Coverage
People Have Stopped Going to the Doctor. Most Seem Just Fine. NY Times. June 2020
“Many institutions are using this difficult time in our nation’s history to make changes. The health care system should do the same. The pandemic has given us a glimpse of a world in which business as usual in our health care system was upended. It has also provided an opportunity to start up again in a healthier and more financially responsible way. Reflexively returning to the status quo may be good for our bottom line, but it won’t serve our patients well.”
Is It Safe Yet To Get Your Physical Or A Dental Checkup? NPR. June 2020.
“For most routine checkups, the decision about whether to start getting preventive care again should be easy, Palumbo says: “The people that are at highest risk of COVID or poor outcomes from COVID are also the ones that … are going to benefit the most also from these routine procedures, so we have to recognize that these things still do need to happen. It’s better to treat something sooner than later, so it is still important to continue their care even while this is going on.”
Healthy people shouldn’t take daily aspirin to prevent heart disease, review finds. CNN Health. June 2020
“Millions of Americans who’ve never had cardiovascular disease could still be taking a daily aspirin to prevent heart disease without a physician’s recommendation, despite the updated guidance that said it may be unnecessary and possibly risky, the study noted. Given the range of different interventions now available to prevent cardiovascular disease such as statins, blood pressure medication and help quitting smoking and losing weight, the findings of the research called in question the use of aspirin as a preventative.”
ASCP to Collaborate with ASCLS and ASM in Choosing Wisely Campaign. Yahoo News. June 2020
“By request from the ABIM Foundation, ASCP has collaborated in working with the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) and the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) as they participate in the Choosing Wisely initiative.”
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