#just go see someone who recommends exercises and support first
not-poignant · 11 months
I'm late to the party but if you're still doing the fanfic meme...I'd love to know 2 and 14 for Stain!
Woo let's do it! For A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
2: What scene did you first put down?
I feel like I've been saying this a lot, but the first scene I wrote is the first scene everyone reads. I've been writing in chronological order for a while now!
I ran a lot of scenes in my head mentally first. Because my first image of this story was of them as like... the ages they are in the game, and it just wasn't working. They were too young, and not mature enough. Things really kicked off when I was like 'okay, what if Sebastian is a divorcee who leaves and comes back' and then really kicked off when it was like 'what if Alex becomes a cleaner to pay for his grandparent's medical debt.'
All of those things came in stages and I really noodled on this story and its structure for over a month.
By the time I started writing, I was ready to start writing. And I knew I'd start with Alex being like, quite provocative and shocking to set the tone, so the first sentence is literally around him reminiscing on the fact that he used to imagine forcing Sebastian to give him revenge blowjobs lmao.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I don't really like to be didactic with my writing. Like I don't set out to 'teach' moral lessons or anything like that, and I'm maybe even a little selfish in that I'm often not thinking about the reader in that way at all. I'm thinking about writing an entertaining story for myself with entertaining characters. I really want to entertain the people who read the story. I think more about emotional responses than learning. I'm not trying to teach, I'm trying to entertain. But teaching can be a byproduct, it's just not the focus.
BUT, I do think I like exploring themes around classism, small-town dynamics (it's not the first time I've explored this), attitudes of learned helplessness, what real support in a community looks like vs. lip service support, etc.
In a perfect world, I want readers to go away having enjoyed the fic and gotten something meaningful out of it. Even if that meaningful thing is simply that they felt comforted during a tough time, or they got to escape from reality for a while and feel happy for the characters at the end.
I don't know if I need them to learn anything new about something grand or whatever. I'm not out here trying to teach deep lessons, but because my characters are often learning deep lessons, sometimes that happens anyway. Alex for example, devaluing himself the way that he does? A lot of people (including me) relate to that. Giving someone like Alex access to support, means some people (including me) get to vicariously experience that getting support or looking for it can be scary, but often lead to good things.
That's not a bad thing to take away from any story.
But I'm pumped if people enjoy it, and I'm not out here trying to teach big lessons. My goal is always the emotional responses and the emotional engagement and the emotional journey. If people read my stories and feel nothing at all, then I'd be the first to be like 'hey, um, hey, there's better writing out there, you'll enjoy that more, trust me' lol
From the fanfiction / AO3 fiction meme!
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Recovery - Chapter 41
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Author’s note : As always, THANK YOU to @shady-577 who kindly agreed to read this beforehand ❤️. I kept this one short and « sweet » 👀. Hope y’all enjoy it !
When you got to your couple therapy appointment, you were rather optimistic. Both you and Marshall were in a good mood and you went there holding hands, smiles on your faces. You’d even had a talk before, telling each other just how committed you were to making things work, because you were so in love with each other. It would have been childish to expect the therapist to give you praises and a pat on the head for being such a great couple, but you did not expect her to dissect every aspect of your relationship, making it feel like you were under a microscope. She started the appointment by asking each of you to say why you were here and, even though both of you answered by talking about most recent events, she asked a lot of follow-up questions about how the relationship came about. You knew your relationship was far from perfect - after all, every couple has their issues - but it did make a dent on your confidence. During that first session, she seemed to pick up on a lot of things. She mentioned that the both of you treated this relationship like it was something you needed, instead of something you wanted, relying on mechanisms similar to addiction.
- For this relationship to work, you need to want this, she explained.
- We wouldn’t be here otherwise, you said. We’re here because we want it to work.
- Or are you here because you’re too scared of functioning without the other one as a lifeboat ? She asked.
You both stared at each other. Evidently, she had picked up on something. Of course you wanted to be in this relationship. But she was also definitely right about you treating your relationship like an addiction. The time spent apart was like being on withdrawal and Marshall’s presence wasn’t only something you wanted - it was something you craved. In hindsight, it was true that you had relied on him for a lot of things. He had been instrumental in your sobriety, had been there for you through tough times… So maybe you tended to think of him as a solution to your issues.
- Isn’t that what couples are supposed to do ? Marshall asked. Support each other ? What’s wrong with that ?
- Support is indeed a key component of a relationship, the therapist agreed. But there is difference between supporting someone and having your stability rely on them entirely.
- So… You think our relationship is unhealthy ? You asked.
- I’m not here to judge your relationship, she said. I’m here to give you tools to solve your problems and increase intimacy so that you can thrive.
- What do you recommend, then ? Marshall asked.
- I’d like to see you both on a weekly basis, she said. I already see Marshall regularly, but we might also schedule appointments with you, Y/N. I will also be giving you exercises.
- Like homework ? You asked.
- Like homework, she said with a smile. I’ll end today’s session with a simple one : go on a date.
- A date ? You chuckled. We already live together. We’re past that.
- From what I gathered, you haven’t dated for very long, if at all, she explained. The dating stage is crucial in a relationship. It helps build communication skills, it nurtures emotional intimacy, it also helps establish trust and commitment.
- We can give that a go, Marshall said as he took your hand.
- Good then, she said. I’ll see you next week.
You left the therapist’s office a bit puzzled. Overall, you were satisfied, but you were also a bit frustrated. All this first session had done was set the tone but you hadn’t really gotten to talk about the events that had led to this session. You had mentioned the track, how hurt you were, as well as the cheating part, but you hadn’t addressed it fully. Marshall, however, seemed rather satisfied. He mentioned something about it taking at long as it takes and being willing to put in some work. All in all, it was encouraging and it gave you hope that you could actually move forward as a couple.
- So… A date ? You asked playfully.
- It’s true that I’ve never really taken you out on a proper date, he chuckled. We just got down to business.
- We already knew each other, though, you pointed out.
- Still… We could use a date, I guess, he said. A real one.
- I’d like that, you nodded.
He pressed a kiss to your temple and told you he had an idea. All you needed to do was to trust him. You decided to leave the planning up to him and, as you went home, you got back to your usual schedule, planning details for Talia and Jamal’s wedding. You were looking at stuff on your iPad while Marshall was next to you, reading a comic book. Your phone started ringing and you froze as soon as you saw the name on the screen. It was Simon. You weren’t too sure what to do so you just let it ring. Marshall was absorbed by his reading and didn’t see the caller ID.
- You’re not picking up ? He asked.
- No, you said quietly.
- What’s wrong ? He questioned as he looked up.
- It’s Simon, you said earnestly.
- Oh.
He stared at you intently, clearly waiting to see what your next move would be. You quietly hummed and went back to your web browsing. However, the phone kept on ringing and ignoring it, with Marshall’s gaze upon you, was growing harder.
- Do you want to pick up ? He asked.
- I don’t know, you admitted.
- Do you want to talk to him ?
- I don’t know, you repeated.
- Do you miss him ?
- I don’t, you sighed. Marshall, please stop with your questions. You’re not helping matters.
- I can’t take it, he said. I’m sorry but I can’t shake the image of him holding you. Touching you. Kissing you. And knowing he is blowing up your phone makes me mad.
- I get it, you said as you reached for his hand. I’m sorry. I’m yours. You know that, right ? And we’re working through it.
- I know, he said as he held your hand. But knowing you’re mine doesn’t change anything to my will to eviscerate him.
- Marsh… I know it hurts but… I’m the one at fault, you said. I’m the one who kissed him. It’s my mistake. Simon didn’t do anything wrong.
He stared at you silently and nodded. You kissed his cheek and held his hand in yours. Obviously, he hadn’t forgiven you yet, and he was still hurt by the whole situation.
- You’re too good, he sighed. I wish you would just say he’s as faulty as you. I wish I could blame him instead of you. I think that’s what hurts the most. It would be so much easier.
- I’m sorry, you said sheepishly. But I can’t lie… I’d rather be honest.
- Speaking of honesty… when are you going to tell him to beat it ? He asked.
- Tell him to beat it ? You asked with a raised eyebrow.
- You’re not really going to entertain this, are you ?!
- I… no, you said. I’m not entertaining anything. But Simon has been a true friend this past week. He even offered to help me look for a job.
- Your « true » friend explored your tonsils days ago, he pointed out coldly. Your « true friend » wants much more than a friendship.
- He pushed me away, you said. As a friend should.
- Is that why you’re back ? He asked. Because he pushed you away ?
- What ? No, you said in disbelief. I’m here because I love you, Marshall. I’m here because you said we can work things out. Because that’s what I want. I want to be with you.
He looked at you intently, not saying anything. You could see the sadness in his eyes. It was a feeling you knew all too well, it was the same feeling you’d felt when you learned about what happened with Tracy in London. Knowing the person you loved had been touched by hands that aren’t yours, been kissed by another’s lips, and wondering what could have happened if things had gone further. Your heart strained and you were feeling more guilty than ever.
- What if he hadn’t pushed you away ? He asked as he swallowed dryly. What if he had taken you to bed ? Would you have let him ?
- I don’t know, you confessed. I hope not.
He closed his eyes and sighed. Obviously, it was not the desired answer and you knew it hurt, but you also didn’t want to lie to him. You respected him too much to lie to his face. You brought a hand to his cheek and stroked it. You could see him release the tension of his clenched jaw as you touched him. You placed a kiss at the corner of his lips, then another one in his neck.
- Marshall, I love you, you said. I am yours. Yours only.
- I know it’s my fault, he said as his eyes were still closed. I know that… the way I made you feel is what led you to do it. But it still fucking hurts, Y/N.
- I’m sorry, you said as you kept on kissing him. I’m so sorry. I love you. You know that, right ?
He simply nodded, eyes still closed. You kept on kissing him, hoping that it would make his pain go away. He wasn’t too responsive, at first, but he let you kiss him nonetheless. Eventually, he kissed you back, each kiss growing more passionate. You were straddling his lap and you could feel him getting hard underneath you.
- I’m yours, you whispered.
- If you don’t stop what you’re doing, I’m going to take what’s mine, he warned.
- Yours, you repeated as you kissed him.
- You can still barely walk, he pointed out.
- Just be gentle, then.
He hummed and kissed you hungrily. His hands on your hips pinned you against him and his rock hard erection. You were soaking wet already and you whimpered, aching to feel him. Five minutes later, you were naked and he was on his knees, face buried between your legs. His soft tongue against your clit felt heavenly. He was making you see stars and you were about to come but you needed more. You begged for him to be inside of you and you could see the hesitation on his face. He got undressed and positioned himself at your entrance. You winced a little when he entered you, still sore from the previous day’s exertions, and he almost stopped but you pleaded for him to keep going. You needed to feel him inside of you, dying to have this heavenly connection. You were all his and you needed him to feel it. You were laying in the couch, legs wrapped around his waist, moving your hips in sync. His moves were slow but he was hitting the right spots. You were a moaning mess under him.
- it’s so good, you whimpered.
- Yeah ? He asked.
- Yeah, you moaned. Please don’t stop.
- Say you’re mine, he pleaded.
- I’m yours, Marshall… I’m yours, you cried in pleasure.
- Say you’ll tell this motherfucker to beat it, he ordered.
You stared at him in shock, confused by both your pleasure and his request. You didn’t want to think about it. Especially not in the middle of sex. You were desperate for him to make you come, but his movements stilled.
- Marshall, please, you pleaded.
- Say it and I’ll make you come, he said.
- Marsh… i- no…
- Maybe you can ask Simon to make you come then, he groaned as he stopped what he was doing.
You stared at each other for a second and, before you could fully comprehend what was going on, he was pulling his sweatpants up and leaving you, naked on the couch, in a state of frustration and confusion.
He had left Y/N on the couch,right in the middle of sex. He wanted to please her, to give her what she wanted, make her see stars and bring her to orgasm but he couldn’t let go of the thought of Simon. It haunted him, kept coming back at the worst moments. Every time he looked at her and thought of how in love he was, he couldn’t help but think of her ex. The one she had willingly kissed. Thinking about her with him made it sick to his stomach and the thought of him calling her was driving him mad. Usually, he would have vented in the form of writing lyrics but the last time he had picked up his pen, it hadn’t worked too well.
He knew it was a dick move, using sex as a way to get her to get rid of Simon, leaving her high and dry. But he couldn’t help it. He had to get the anger out or his system. He spent two hours in the gym, punching his boxing bag, imagining Simon’s dumb face in its place. He punched until his fists were almost numb but at least, it did a decent job helping him with his thoughts. After a hot shower, he went to the bedroom, where he found her laying in bed, reading a book. She was focused on the reading, not paying attention to him. He observed her face, as beautiful as usual even though she was clearly frowning.
- Hey, he said as he leaned against the doorframe.
- Hi, she said dryly without looking up.
- I’m sorry, he sighed. I’m an asshole.
- You are, she nodded.
- I’m really sorry, though, he said apologetically.
- About what ? She asked as she looked him in the eyes. Using sex to get back at me ? Leaving me high and dry without so much as an explanation ?
- All of it, he said. I just… I didn’t plan- I don’t deal with it very well. I keep on seeing you with him. And knowing you want to keep talking to him… it hurts so much, Y/N. I can’t stand it.
- I know, she said. I know.
- I don’t think you do, actually, he said sheepishly.
- Right. It’s not like you had me meet your ex-wife and mother or your children, or like you keep working with your ex, she said sarcastically.
He stared at her in silence. She had a point and, as hard as he was trying to come up with an argument to counter it, he couldn’t. He simply sat on the bed and looked at you.
- Right, he said sheepishly. So… you’re going to keep him in your life ? I just… I need to know because… the thought of you being around the dude you cheated on me with…
- Marshall, I just need a minute, she sighed. You have absolutely no idea how hard it’s been for me. And I know I’m not the only one suffering, here. And I don’t mean to be selfish. But the truth is… Simon was here for me, and even though I regret what happened, he did act like a friend. And even though I know I’m going to have to tell him that we can’t keep talking, I just need to wrap my head around it. Not because I love him. Not because I miss him. But because I’m lonely. Besides you, I only have two friends. Talia and Jamal. And I love your friends, but they’re not mine. And now, it’s going to be even harder to connect with people because your song is humiliating for me. And I know i hurt you but guess what ? You hurt me too. Several times. And I’ve been doing a lot of the emotional work in this relationship. I’ve moved countries for you. I’ve given up a ton of things for you. I have accepted a lot of things for you. I just need a minute to adjust. And I need you to understand that it’s hard for me.
He swallowed dryly and looked at her. He knew he had put her through a lot but hearing her saying it frankly and out loud felt different. Suddenly, he felt like the most selfish person on earth. He sat on the bed and took her hand.
- I’m sorry, he said.
- I’m sorry too, she replied. I guess… we both put each other through things that are hard to get over.
- Yeah, he nodded. But I love you, Y/N. I just want us to be happy. Just tell me what you want, what you need and I’ll get it for you.
- I just need time, Marshall, she said. And I know I hurt you but you using sex as a form of punishment or whatever that was is not ok.
- I didn’t mean to, he said. It’s just… I don’t have a lot of ways to work through my feelings. I either rap about them or fuck them out of my system. Or exercise.
- Hence the bruised knuckles ? She asked.
- Yeah, he shrugged. I know it sucks. I just… have to work on it, I guess.
- I know, she said softly. And I know you’ve been putting some actual work, with therapy and everything. I see it.
He laid down and rested his head on her knees, closing his eyes as she ran her fingers on his scalp. Her touch was soft and he felt at peace, wishing they could stay like this forever.
- I love you, he mumbled. I’m so scared to lose you.
- I’m scared too, she said.
- I don’t care what the therapist said, he continued. I’m ok with being addicted to you.
- Im addicted to you, too, she said softly. I can’t stay away from you. It’s like… I always need my fix.
He sat up and kissed her lovingly. She leaned into his embrace and they kissed hungrily, pouring their feelings into the kiss, whispering sweet words to each other.
- Let me give you your fix, he whispered. I want you.
- Are you going to leave me high and dry ? She asked.
- No, he promised.
She nodded and, soon enough, they were under the sheets, moaning each other’s name. He made up for his earlier outburst and made it a point to make her come again and again, until she had tears of pleasure streaming down her face. Afterwards, they cuddled, simply enjoying each other’s warmth. They were all fucked-out, exhausted. They were about to fall asleep when Y/N’s phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and saw Simon’s name, which made him tense up instantly. After the talk they had, though, he understood her position and, even if it physically hurt him, he didn’t say anything. She threw him an apologetic glance before picking up, getting up from bed as she took the call.
- Hi, Simon, she said. Look, I’m sorry I didn’t pick up sooner… Yes, I’m good… Well, I’m back home… with him, yes… We’re working through it… Look, I don’t know how to tell you but… I don’t think I can keep talking to you. I hope you understand…
He could her her conversation - or at least what she was saying and his heart felt a little lighter as he heard her say she couldn’t talk to him anymore. It was selfish, but it felt good.
- I love him, she said. I need to do what’s best for me… thank you for understanding… wait… are you sure ? … what’s that about ? … I guess… Ok.
She came back to bed and handed him the phone. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
- He wants to talk to you, she whispered.
- I don’t want to talk to him, he scoffed loud enough for Simon to hear. Tell him to go to hell.
- He says it’s important, she insisted.
He sighed and took the phone.
- Hello ? He asked. What do you want ?
- Hi, he heard Simon say. Marshall’s is it ? I have information you might find useful.
- Look, man, he replied curtly, I don’t know what you want but you heard Y/N. We don’t need you. So whatev-
- I know who leaked your track, Simon said. The one about Y/N.
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dontwinmarioparty · 4 months
not trying to be offensive or anything but in your opinion what could damien do to fix this situation? genuinely curious here, sorry, just wanted to know how to fix a mistake like this, because no question it was not handled correctly imo
Take this with a grain of salt, because I’m putting myself in his position and thinking about what I, Erik, would do in his place.
I’d expect that after taking the social media break, however long that may be, coming back and addressing how he handled the interaction on stream. Unblock the OP and apologize for the last comment (pointing out OP’s follower count), and acknowledge why an apology is necessary for that comment. It’s one thing to say “I’m sorry”, but acknowledging why you’re saying sorry shows a genuinely apologetic attitude.
I don’t think he owes anyone outside of OP an apology, considering the interaction wasn’t about them. He can control his twitter timeline the way he wants to.
Secondly, and honestly more importantly, openly showing support for Palestine as he has been doing. Uplifting Palestinian voices, sharing helpful information, and possibly even donating to Palestinian aid & relief causes is the best way to handle it and show that the apology initially delivered wasn’t just performative.
What I’m hoping for is that he expresses a newfound awareness of why the fan was initially upset, and why people are upset with how he handled it as of this post.
If my bias may come forward for just a moment, I do not think Damien is a manchild, a horrible person, a Zionist, or any other hurtful terms. I think he’s someone who went into a fan interaction impulsively, and his assumption on nature of the interaction affected how he responded. It’s socially unaware at best and privileged at the worst. But Damien has proved time and time again in the past, and in the present, to be considerate of marginalized people both in and outside of his community, which I am hoping he is going to continue to express going forward.
I think his break is going to give him time to think on his feelings, and why his reaction to this fan was so hostile in the first place. He expressed it was a point of sensitivity & frustration which he was going to learn from.
To the peeps demonizing OP in my inbox, stop it? Maybe? OP is a Palestinian who’s family is actively witnessing and living through a genocide on their day-to-day, and was sincerely taken aback by an old joke from 5 years ago. It’s valid as hell to want an apology for that. Assuming that the fan was fishing for a reason to “cancel” Damien is parasocial as hell, and I also recommend you take a step back and unpack why you’re so eager to defend him over the marginalized person here. If your trauma was being used as a joke in a TNTL without your express permission, wouldn’t you, too, want an apology? Exercise some empathy why don’t ya.
This is gonna be my final response on it until Damien addresses it himself in whatever form. Until then, I’m going to be reblogging useful information regarding Palestine & Gaza whenever I see it.
My definitive thoughts on this will be linked here and here.
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delucadarling · 20 days
Current rambling thoughts on dieting/weight loss, nothing that's a downer:
Back in April I got blood test results that showed my cholesterol was high and my sugar was barely shy of being diabetic. It spooked the shit out of me, as despite being fat most of my life, I was also pretty healthy and somewhat active. It was after getting covid that I was so fatigued I dropped the active thing pretty much entirely.
The doctor was more focus on the sugar, and recommended cutting back simple sugars, adding in more fiber, and increasing my weekly activity.
I'd been wanting to get back into shape for a long, long time but I've been nervous about trying the gym again. My dad was one of those shithead people that secretly films people in the gym doing things 'wrong' or committing the sin of being fat in public. It had me terrified of trying to get fit where other people could see me, because you know, most people don't want to be mocked.
Lucky me, I have the most amazing, supportive girlfriend ever. She took me by the hand and very gently showed me around the gym, helped me learn how to use the machines, and didn't mind when I shadowed her around as she did her workout. From there, I got excited! I used to LOVE working out, I just mostly did simple stuff, running, and swimming. I did a lot of WiiFit when I was younger, and this one Jillian Michael's DVD I found at Walmart for like $5 at the time. Running was the big one though (hello Zombies, Run folks).
So just making those changes (less soda, more fiber, more exercise) over the course of maybe 3ish months I dropped almost 15 lbs. I hadn't been tracking my weight, but I did compare the results the doctor took from my previous three appointments. I was kind of shocked! I've never had a healthy relationship with weight loss, and every time I've tried to lose weight it lead to a lot of heartache, misery, and doubled weight gain. So I more or less wrote off my ability to trim down and decided to just be fat and happy.
I will say though, the extra bulk has recently frustrated me. I can't do yoga the way I used to. My limbs are still flexible but I keep getting blocked by my own fat. I have to go real easy on my joints because of all the extra weight, which is frustrating, because I'd honestly love to try jogging again. I just don't want to fuck my back and knees up again.
I decided to give losing weight another try, with a lot more self-love, after a lot more research, and with the support of someone who has loved me even at my fattest and never said a word about it.
It hasn't been too hard this time. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I am impatient, I want to see results NOW, but obviously that's not how things work. And slow is better anyway.
I know tumblr has a generally negative view on weight loss, and I fully include myself in that. I bought into the 'starvation mode means you'll never ACTUALLY lose weight permanently) thing, I was convinced anyone trying to lose weight had the same disordered ideas on it that I used to have (and still struggle with sometimes). It's a loaded topic for a hundred reasons, so I am trying to be conscious of when I talk about it and around who. Hence the tags and putting it under a cut. I'm happy and excited to be trying this out, putting my health first, trying to feel strong and capable in my body, but I absolutely know first hand how upsetting hearing about dieting can be. Not to mention how hard it is to avoid the more toxic side of trying to change your diet and fitness.
I've found a lot of resources that are very facts based, cut and dry, and leave out the moralizing behind weight loss and weight gain and just weight in general. There are a lot of very encouraging resources as well.
So yeah! As said, this is just a ramble, I like to write to get my thoughts down, and it always comes easier when it feels like I'm talking to someone, not just myself. I probably won't post a lot about this, but it's been just over a week since I started tracking my food and daily weight specifically, which always used to be something that would send me into a bad habit spiral. This time feels different. I've been doing fine. There have been a few moments of disappointment, but they've been easy to shake off. Mostly I'm just astounded to learn more about the macros involved in the food I eat, and I'm also happy to have tools to help me find portions that make me feel full and not stuffed. On the days I've been not kept to my deficit goals, it was because I was hungry and decided it was more worth it to feed myself than stick to a number and I didn't feel a bit of guilt about it afterward.
I'm pretty pleased with how it's going so far. I feel stronger, I feel more energetic, and tracking my food intake and weight makes the part of my brain that loves a spreadsheet very happy.
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Is it okay if you write Mammon, Satan and Beel comforting MC because they failed a bunch of tests in rapid succession?
Not a problem!  The three of them would certainly do their best to cheer up MC in this situation in their own unique ways.  Thanks for the prompt!  Enjoy!
How would Mammon, Satan, and Beelzebub comfort MC after they failed their tests?
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Mammon has failed plenty of tests, so he’d completely understand what MC is going through.  He’d tell them not to stress over it since, in the grand scheme of things, grades aren’t that big of a deal.  He’d encourage them to forget about those “dumb pieces of paper” and to just toss the tests in the fire as if they never even existed!  (That’s what he does sometimes.)  However, if MC really wanted/needed to do well on the tests, then he’d take the matter a little more seriously, offering to find them a tutor (Satan, Belphie, Solomon, or even himself if it’s mathematics) who knows the content really well and can help them improve for future exams.  You’d better be appreciative that the Great Mammon is takin’ the time to do this for ya, ‘cause he wouldn’t do it for anyone else!  With that settled, he’d take MC out to do something they enjoy together, which would help to take their mind off of what happened and brighten their spirits.
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Satan would immediately devise a plan to aid MC in relearning the content on the tests they failed, which would include him making study guides for them and promising to work with them when they study and do homework every day until they’re no longer struggling.  He’s confident that this strategy would ease their academic worries, but now he needs to address their current emotional state.  He’d recommend that they go to a cat café together since petting and playing with the adorable animals, paired with a nice beverage, could put anyone in a better frame of mind.  (It works on the Avatar of Wrath, after all!)  He’d also reassure MC that their grades don’t define them and that as long as they’re trying their best, that’s what matters—they don’t ever need to be perfect.  Remember that you can come to him anytime if you need assistance or support with anything, MC.
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Beelzebub would feel bad for MC when they mention to him that they failed their tests.  He has trouble with exams, too—although, his constant hunger and the times he was caught eating the test sheets are partly to blame for that.  Still, he doesn’t like seeing someone he cares deeply about be this upset, so he’d do what he can to bring their smile back to their face.  He’d first invite them to their favorite restaurant/bakery/café with him so they can enjoy the foods and drinks that make them the happiest.  Next, he’d bring them home to cuddle, exercise, or watch a movie together—whichever de-stresses MC the best.  Finally, he’d sit down with them to look at their tests and search for the correct answers so that they can learn from their mistakes and figure out how to do better on upcoming tests.  If MC is okay with it, he’d ask Belphie to work with both of them as well since the younger twin does well on exams.
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stuffie-medical-vents · 3 months
Hi, very nervous system here.
Listen our father is 100% a narcissist. He was our main abuser. (NOT SAYING NARC ABUSE IS REAL BECAUSE IT ISNT)
We have tried SO HARD to explain to him why the shit he did is abusive and not acceptable. We tried fighting back, talking with him, writing to him so he can't cut us off and yell, sending him screenshots of mental illness symptoms of ours and how they're disabling.. like we've tried everything. We don't have NPD but we have ODD so I get hating criticism or being told something if it isn't done right but we've tried being gentle, writing professionally worded letters... and he still thinks he's in the right and we're just an ungrateful confused little shit who doesn't deserve anything nice. I mean he's a shitty person anyway but I want him to understand us.
We want to try and explain why he's in the wrong.
Coming to you because I'm hoping you might have some answers as to how I might be able to get him to sit down and listen to me when I speak! When any of us speak!
I'm sorry if I didn't word anything write and any of it sounds shitty I don't mean it to! Fully support cluster PDs! I just think it's his NPD that's causing him to ignore our voice because he's stated he feels bad for some of the things he's done, which means he understands! He just won't listen to what we have to say and why what he did is entirely wrong and not justified and how if effected us.
I hope this makes sense.
Our mother was also very neglectful and she's definitely a narcissist too but she's done way more listening and learning than he has. She's gotten much better and even apologized. I want to help our father too and maybe even mend our relationship since he's apparently upset that we never speak to him and didn't wish him a happy father's day and he can't seem to figure out why. If we can get him to finally stop cutting us off and speaking over us I think we can make him understand! I just don't know how to do that.
Hello. This isn't the usual thing I do. If you want more further things, please go to @fluffy-clusterb-paradise. But I will answer. Anyone who sees this, please see the tags before clicking.
As someone with NPD, I will answer to the best I can. First off, I appreciate you being as respectful as you can. But remember, don't throw that word around if you don't know. But if your father has been diagnosed with it, then it's fine. And it's good he shows some remorse. I'm gonna try my best to explain and give some of my points of view.
People with NPD gain that due to childhood trauma. So he most likely went through something and never properly had a father, which caused him not to know how to be a proper father. Which is understandable.
Here's where my advice comes in. I think he should go to therapy. And maybe you could convince him too. But other than that, here's what I got to say. Have you ever heard of the talking stick or feather? Maybe try that exercise. Get a random object, and the person holding that object can only talk. You start first, then give him the object so he can talk. And the cycle repeats? Will this work? Maybe and it may not. But if it doesn't. Walk away. Make it obvious that you won't listen if he won't. But don't speak, that might make it worse. Just walk away.
Disclaimer: I can't say what it will work. And I am not always in the best headspace. So, my writing may act dramatic or irrational. But please also keep in mind that I've been abused badly most of my life. So I'm used to taking high measures and cutting people off.
What can I say, though?: I recommend asking him if he learned how to be a father. Asking him what he thinks about you. How he feels about his actions. If he knows how to help. Feel free to use any of these or add on. These are only suggestions.
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redwineconversation · 2 years
Ellie Carpenter Le Progrès Article (February 19, 2023)
Typing this one-handed with my non-dominant hand because I got stung by a bee in the palm of my dominant hand on Saturday and holy CRAP does it still hurt. 0/5, do not recommend.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply. @OL Comms Dept: I'm not even going to beg for Starbucks, just send me something that will make the swelling go down. :( :( :(
Obviously this is bias but Le Progrès > your local sports newspaper. I said what I said. Also, shoutout to Arctic Cafe for finally getting the promo they deserve.
After eight months out with injury, Ellie Carpenter is back: "At Lyon, it's always about winning"
She may be the most French out of the international player at Olympique Lyonnais. In any case it's in Molière's language that Ellie Carpenter, who came to Lyon in July 2020, takes part in this interview. Eight months after her severe knee injury in the final of the Champions League, and two weeks after her return to the field, the Australian international looks back on this difficult period. The Lyon right back also talks about her career oath and her ambitions to experience a really good second half of the second with Lyon, "the best women's club in the world," with whom she has signed for until 2026.
How did you experience this return to the field?
There was a lot of emotion. I hadn't played for eight months... It was a long time, I didn't always have good moments. There was a lot of work as well. I'm really happy to be back with the team, with my friends.
Physically, how do you feel?
I'm back 100 percent. I told Sonia (Bompastor) and the staff that I didn't want to play again until that was the case. I felt good in training the week before the game against Rodez, so I let the coach know. I was able to play 30 minutes, I was really happy. It did [me] a lot of good.
Have you rekindled your speed again?
Yes, I think so (laughter). I even feel stronger and faster than before my injury, because I did a lot of physical fitness for eight months. When you tear your ACL, your leg muscles become all weak, it's hard to get them strong again. I still have to do twice as much fitness.
How did you experience this injury [process]?
It was my first serious injury in my career. Before that, my maximum, it was being out for two weeks. But it was good for me. It taught me a lot of things, like patience, because I am someone who needs things to go fast all the time usually. There, it was 4-5 hours of work each day, always having to do the same exercises over and over, it was really hard for me. But I was really well supported during my entire rehab by Rémi (Pullara), the physical therapist, who was with me every day, through good days and bad.
A lot of players were injured at the same time as you, was that easier to experience?
Yes, even if for the team, it wasn't good to have so many injured players at the same time (laughter). But just seeing them, saying hello, working together sometimes, that helps.
During those hard times, were you able to seek comfort from your loved ones?
Yes, I called my family but it was complicated with the time zone difference. There is twelve hours difference, when it's the morning in Lyon, it's night time in Sydney. But I was able to take advantage of this injury to spend six weeks in Australia last summer, with my parents and my brother. It had been such a long time since that had happened, because since I was 16, I only saw my family once or twice a year on average. Seeing them over a longer period of time was really good for me mentally, and it helped with my knee [rehab] as well.
How did you get into football?
My parents were both PE teachers at school. We're all really sporty in our family. I started playing football around 3-4 years old, with my brother. I played with the boys until I was 12. I wanted to beat them so I needed to be at the top athletically because we weren't on the same muscular level. I think my aggressive and physical style of play is a result of that.
You also performed at a high level in athletics, correct?
Yes, until I was 12. My specialty was the 100m sprint. My record 12.74 seconds.
Is there a competition between you and Delphine Cascarino?
(Laughter) We never ran against each other, but I think it would be pretty even. Delph' [Delph = nickname for Delphine] and me, we're the two fastest players on the team. I really like playing with her, it solidifies the right side.
So you preferred football over athletics then?
Yeah, with the exception of the Olympics, there are more international opportunities in football compared to athletics. Beyond that, I like team sports, I'm more at ease playing a team sport than an individual one.
You made the right choice: at 16, you participated in your first Olympic Games with the Australian National Team?
Yeah, I was really young, it was a super experience. When I was 12 to 15, I trained every day in sports studies with the boys. I had a lot of specific sessions to work on technique with a specific trainer. Before that, I played with the U-16s, then the U-20s as well, when I was 14. I was always out of my depth. At that time, I wasn't a defender, I was playing as a 10. Then I dropped back, they offered the right back position and that suits me really well: you can defend as well as attack, even if what I prefer is to defend. I prefer to stop a forward from scoring by blocking her shot than to score.
You've been at Lyon since July 2020 and you extended until 2026, just after your injury. Was there any hesitation?
I feel really good here. I see myself [staying] in the longterm with this team. I don't see a better environment [elsewhere] for me. The quality of the training sessions, the club's infrastructure, the generosity of staff up to the president really make it the best women's club of the world.
How is it different than what you experienced in Australia and in the United States?
It's a question of mentality first and foremost. Here, it's always about winning, winning, winning. We always want to win, be the best all the time, whether it's in training or during games. This mentality allows you to push yourself, to give your best.
At Lyon, you've known two trainers. In an interview with The Guardian, you said you were more in line with the coaching of Sonia Bompastor. How is it different than that of Jean-Luc Vasseur?
The two coaches had a completely different method. I like to play with a lot of freedom, to not have to overthink. When a coach tells me to just play my game, I'm more at ease. Sonia [Bompastor] is like that. She also gives me advice as a former defender.
You're very young. In what areas do you think you can progress?
Athletically, it'll be harder to be even faster (laughter). But technically, there's always room to be better. I can improve on the quality of my crosses, for example. Lyon is the best place to improve, next to the best players in the world. I'm 22, almost 23 [Carpenter's birthday is in April]. I think that at 26-27, I will be at my peak.
Will the second half of the season be less complicated than the first?
The first half was complicated because there were a lot of injuries. The results weren't always great but weren't catastrophic either [Losing 5-1 to Arsenal kind of qualifies as catastrophic in my mind but whatever]. The team did some really good things despite the difficult context. The return of several players changed things. The team is becoming stronger and stronger and the second half of the season will be very interesting.
The first big test is this quarterfinal of the Champions League against Chelsea. How do you see that game?
I think it's like a final. Chelsea is currently the best team in England. It's the kind of game we all want to play during our career. Playing at Stamford Bridge, that will be really cool.
Would you have preferred another opponent?
We have to beat the best teams anyway to go all the way. The level of the quarters is so high that each game is like a final.
Will you be the outsider or the favorite?
I don't care! For the final against Barcelona, everyone saw us losing and we saw the result. Anything can happen in the Champions League. What I am sure of, is that's it is going to be a really big game.
Will you explain to your teammates how to neutralize your national teammate Sam Kerr?
Indeed, I know her really well. She's an exceptional player, who scores a lot and is really fast. I've started talking about it to Wendie [Renard]. But we will also go up against Kadeisha Buchanan who knows us really well as well.
The World Cup will take place this summer at your home in Australia. It must be really special for you?
It's an absolute dream to play it at home. When it comes to winning it, that will be difficult but we have a good team, so who knows?
How is this World Cup shaping up?
I think it will be the best World Cup in history, especially because for the first time there will be 32 teams, just like for the men. We always play in a sold-out stadium with the National Team. Our first game was scheduled to be played in a small stadium but there was such a high demand [for tickets] that it will be played in a stadium with a capacity of 80,000 people. There's a real momentum, women's football is developing well in Australia. It will be even better after the World Cup.
How do you explain then that all the international players play in Europe?
The problem is that the Australian league only lasts 4 months, which is really short. That's why I went to play in the NWSL, which lasts eight months. We've all done that, but it's hard physically, and there are never any vacations. There must be 13 or 14 Australian who play in the English league, 4 in Sweden. And me, the only one in France!
"Your restaurants open much too late!"
How is Ellie Carpenter off the field?
I'm somebody who is really calm. I like the city and the simple things. Like walking along the Rhône or the Saône [rivers in Lyon] when it is nice outside, and get a coffee in a nice area with friends. I always find the best cafes in a city. I have two or three places in Lyon that I really appreciate like Arctic Juice or Placid, which are the best for me.
It seems that you have a really cheerful attitude?
I'm always happy, always up to do something. I'm really open and always the first to organize a dinner or an outing on our days off, with the other girls from the team. Especially with the other foreign players, we're all really close because unlike the French players, we don't have our families here and that brings us closer.
Do you have any other hobbies?
A little bit of shopping, some series on Netflix such as "Blood and Water" or even "You", which I'm watching at the moment. Sometimes going to the movies with Vanessa Gilles and Ada Hegerberg, who go a lot. But the movie can't last longer than 2 hours because otherwise I don't have the patience for it (laughter).
Do you appreciate Lyon cuisine?
Yeah. I confess I have a weakness for pralines. But you have a real problem here in France with the restaurants. You can't eat before 7.30pm ... That's much too late! In Australia, it's as of 5pm. But anyway, I'm starting to get used to it...
She has beaten all the records of youth accomplishments
From the first questions regarding her rehab, Ellie Carpenter indicates that the hardest part for her was being patient. Waiting isn't really her thing. It must be that the Australian player has always been a quick and dynamic player. After having played in various youth teams, she made her debut in the Australian W League, the equivalent of the D1 Arkema [French League], at 15. Then the following year she was part of the Australian National Tea, at the Olympic Games in Rio. A huge memory for her, at the time the youngest athlete representing the Australian delegation, all sports considered. At the same time, she would become the youngest football of all time to take part in the Olympic Games.
On May 9, 2018, while she plays in the American League after having signed for the Portland Thorns, she also beats the record for youngest player, at 18 years old and 11 days, during her first game in the NWSL. 11 days later, she scores a goal against Washington and becomes the youngest goal scorer in the history of the American League.
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this feels so silly to come to vent blog but here i am lol
i feel like i'm never going to grow out of my insecurity. i'm not insecure in the way i see it portrayed with everyone else. i'm fourteen and if these are what hormones are like i don't think i can do it. i've always had anger issues, i've always been sensitive and i've always been unhealthily jealous but as i've entered teenagehood, it's only gotten worse.
i'm constantly, always lashing out at the people i love and getting angry at them whenever they call me out on it. i hold onto grudges even weeks after the incident has passed and tell other people about it as if it just happened to make myself seem like the bigger, better person. i form wickedly strong attachments to people that i've just met and create such unrealistic standards of who they'll be that when they inevitably don't meet them i come apart at the seams and feel like my life is over and i need to take drastic measures for two weeks, then i lose the attachment and form an arguably worse obsession where i'm bitter and angry and jealous and want nothing but the worst for them but they dont feel nearly as vividly as i do so i feel stupid and it creates this cycle that im really fucking sick of because i've never met anyone who loves or hates as strongly as i do and i feel like im going crazy
i am such an awful person because of my insecurity and i hate myself for it
it's been so long and i'm so young and i know yo7 cant get rid of insecurity overnight andnit's a "self-love" thing but i'm really, really suffering. i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. i have periods of time where i'm good, i feel really fucking fantastic and i don't care about other people and online shit and i think "i was just being dramatic, im actually fine" and then something small happens and i fall apart all over again and it gets worse every time
i dont even know what to do. im sorry if this is too much to put on a vent blog, please ignore this if it is im just feeling weird and it's 9pm and thats probably why im so emotional right now i just want to know im not alone
Alright first things first- never base your perception of anything on the way books or shows, any kind of story made for entertainment, portrays them. They can help if the team making them is particularly attentive, but they little inherent benefit to being accurate.
Good news- It isn't just hormones. Yes, hormones can make your issues worse and cause instability, but there is always something you can do to fix this problem by your own hand.
Additionally, you just happen to be asking someone who's gone through something very similar!
Bad news- I got through the worst of it through sheer force of will, heavy dissociation, and several years of unwilling social isolation. So lets hopefully avoid that for you! (Even if it does, its really not the end of your life)
Its going to really tough. I mean it. Sometimes it'll feel like you're not making progress at all. Sometimes you won't want to get better. You might make some Bad decisions.
What do to- therapy. I often recommend therapy, because seriously, it is heavily underrated. Your therapist can provide you with many exercises, resources, and its very good to have someone listen who can respond in a constructive manner. I was able to get therapy because my highschool offered it for free, and by my second year I was old enough to make those decision without parental permission thanks to local laws. See if your school, local community center, or other provides similair services.
Support system! A good support system is essential to getting through this. It's going to feel counterintuitive, but stick around those people that didn't meet your standards. It's important to build a social network, and upon learning to tolerate them, you may find yourself truly loving and caring for one or several of them.
Journaling! When having trouble with your thought processes, this is very good! You can get an overview of your stream of consciousness, physically get a look at the areas you need to improve on, and take steps to correcting your attitude. Changing the way we think is important to healing, and this can help catch harmful thoughts. It can also help you catch bad ideas before you try to execute them irl.
Overall- ^^These are just the things I feel are most relevant to your situation. There are many different steps you can take, and plenty of resources online to help you determine whats best for you. THE most important thing however, is to want change. That seems easy, but none of this will change fast. This is the sort of thing that can easily take years. It takes a determination that can be easy to let go of in favor of instinctual reactions and whatever gives you dopamine. These emotions will come and go, and the best you can do is sometimes simply trying to not let them drown you.
Remember, you're not irredeemable. You're just a kid, and being a kid is fucking difficult. <3
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lifebyyounews · 5 months
April 30, 2024 Ask the Team Q&A
All of the questions from the ask the team q&a with King can be found below the cut:
Q: Can you talk about any plans for a more involved wants and fears system? A popular play style is following your characters wants. These wants are context dependent and related to your character’s personality and aspiration. The wants are also medium- to long-term and progressively build on each other in a wants chain. A wants chain is when completing want A unlocks the ability to roll for a greater want B that has as a prerequisite. Any plans for something like this? A: We believe that our current system is capable of this over time. Our needs, traits, skills & quest systems are quite powerful. Its a good question. Long-term desires and autonomous behaviors are important.
Q: Can we have humans from multiple households in our active characters palette? A: Yes, your active characters are who you've interacted with most recently
Q: Will we be able to change the length of a day? I would love to be able to slow down how fast the day passes so that the libbies will have more time each day to get things done. A: Currently, we have time speed-up and time skip. Time slow-down is definitely something we will be experimenting with during Early Access.
Q: Will it be possible to mod the text on the UI menus? For example if we wanted to mod the text that appears on the character creator screen? Or if we wanted to edit the "Humans" tab in the town menu to say "Elbys" or "Youmans". A: While we don't have an editor for this currently, it is moddable. Our localization tables are .csv files for moddability, so if someone wants to make a mod to update labels, you just need to create an appropriate loc file (matching the directory layout of the base assets) and add the line you'd like to be modified.
Q: Will pregnancy be in the game at launch or will it be added later once all life stages are available? A: We have unhooked 'Pregnancy' for the start of Early Access - with that said, modders can go in and see how it works. With that said, 'Pregnancy' will be added during our Early Access period and will be available at full-launch.
Q: Are characters able to multitask? (Eat and watch TV at the same time, talk and eat at the same time, watch TV and exercise, etc)? A: Currently, this isn't something that they can do - and I suggest you drop this into ⁠requests
Q: I just want to confirm something. The recommended limit for characters in a region is currently 90. So is that the overall limit for a save file or is it possible to have multiple regions? So then if you had 2 regions you could have up to 180 characters in the one save file but only 90 of them would be loaded at once, is that correct? A: It's per region at the moment. When we add a new region, we will roll out cross-region agent populations and cross-region behaviours as well as cross-region travel.
Q: Just the same question from last time! But are we able to customize needs per character? For example can I create a vampire type character with no sleep need and a custom need to feed on blood, but still have normal base needs for everyone else? Expanding on that can we alter the amount of needs if I want to remove one or add an extra? A: Yes, we have a Needs editor! In principle, you could make that mod. But in practice, we will almost certainly need to add extra support. Part of our aim for Early Access is to extend our mod-support to make gameplay mods like this possible!
Q: My first question is, can you toggle the grid in build mode? A: Yes! And it's good practice to do this a lot - particularly placing furniture to get the angles just right.
Q: Will characters be able to cook larger serving size meals? Like for example, a group serving that other characters can grab from. And would they be able to put away leftovers? A: Not currently, but we have noted this request!
Q: Do you plan to tackle culture representation and if, how? For example, can we expect clothing, habits or objects from different European and non-european cultures (like hijabs, no shoes inside and so on)? A: We've laid out a foundation for inclusion with regards to gender, sexuality, and demographics and please let us know if there's anything more you'd like us to add in these regards. As far as cultural representation, we have added hijabs and are absolutely open to adding other cultural wearables (please add your requests in the channel!) -- That said, any religious symbols, books, and iconography will remain with modders.
Q: Will there be group activities between three and more characters? A: At the launch of Early Access, not yet. It's on the list.
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capriciouscaprine · 8 months
I got curious about what triggers the feeling of hunger while bored at work today, which led me down a slight rabbit hole bc of course one of the results was from one of those blog sites where there's another post for you to read right below the first one and you just keep scrolling
anyways, of course reading about hunger led to an article about studying feelings of hunger after weight loss, and the particular study that they cited just really hammered home that even (these particular) doctors have no clue about weight and health
the study selected some number of medically-defined "morbidly obese" people and had them come to a three-week camp three times over two years to instruct them on "healthy" eating and exercise; "morbidly obese" brings to my mind someone who can barely fit in an armchair, but the definition is having a bmi score of 40 or greater
at my height, I would only need to be 225 lbs to be at a 40 bmi, and my greatest weight was 200 lbs; at 200 lbs I felt completely fine, no trouble at all navigating the world physically or going up and down stairs or whatever, and definitely not my mental stereotype of medical obesity; even now at 135 (after one year of loss) I'm considered on the higher end of "healthy", while at the same time my cheekbones are legit starting to pop out of my face
back to the study, those subjects lost on average around 24 lbs over two years, and a few years later 80% had gained it back
to me, this indicates that you can't actually reduce your mass by any meaningful amount long term by following medically recommended "healthy" eating and exercise advice
the people I see on here (myself included) that have lost far more and maintained our loss (relatively, ex: not gaining back everything we've lost) are NOT following "healthy", medically recommended plans for eating and exercising
(which btw exercise is only linked to an average maintained (subjects didn't gain it back) total loss of 3% across multiple studies; it shapes your body and is important for joint and bone health, but pretty much no one is going to be satisfied with only a 3% loss (3% of 100 is 3, so 3% of 200 is 6, and 3% of 300 is 9))
pretty much, by demanding their patients lose mass to meet an arbitrary number no matter what the patient is actually experiencing, doctors are tacitly endorsing our unhealthy way of life that they claim to not support, bc no "healthy" method of reduction will net the results they are insisting their patients achieve
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guardianmedical · 1 year
How Medical Clinic Works With You For Optimal Health?
If you're like most people, you've tried to take care of your health on your own. And while that's a great first step toward improving your overall well-being, it can be hard to stay motivated and focused when things don't go as planned. That's where a medical clinic in Werribee comes in!
A medical clinic is more than just another health care facility--it's an environment that offers personalised care and support from trained staff who understand how important it is for patients to feel comfortable going there without anxiety or fear about what might happen during their visit.
Comprehensive Assessments
Medical clinics are places where you can get expert advice on your health. They provide a wide range of services, including diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The clinic will take the time to understand your symptoms, explain what they mean, and recommend appropriate treatments accordingly.
If you don't feel well enough to make an appointment yourself or have a doctor's appointment scheduled within 3 days' time then we might be able to help!
In addition to being able to see doctors at any time, they also offer telemedicine services so that even if there's no one available at their place physically due unknown reasons such as sickness or vacation...you can still get access without leaving home!
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Personalised Treatment Plans
Personalised treatment plans are a crucial component of medical clinic Near Werribee. If you're looking to get healthier and feel better, then it's important that your doctor has a personalised approach to your health needs not just a one-size-fits-all solution.
Personalised treatment plans can be tailored to the patient's budget and lifestyle, but they also need to be based on an assessment of their overall health state. This means that if someone has arthritis in their knee or back pain in their neck, they may benefit from different things than someone else who is experiencing migraines because their condition requires different kinds of treatments.
Patient-Centred Approach
Patient-centred care is a way of treating patients that emphasizes the importance of building relationships with them. It's based on the belief that the health care system should be designed to meet the needs of individual patients, not just get them through their visit as fast as possible.
In patient-centred medicine, physicians listen carefully to their patients' concerns and use those conversations to learn about their lives. They also offer insight into how best to help them manage their health issues so they can achieve better health outcomes overall and stay healthy longer than they would otherwise be able to do so.
Continuity of Care
At a medical clinic, you get to see your doctor and other health care providers in person. This means that they can more easily understand how your body works and what it needs. They can also provide recommendations for treatment when appropriate.
Medical clinics are also places where you can go for help with your overall wellness, including nutrition and exercise programs. You might want to focus on one area at first like weight loss or chronic pain management but once you feel better about yourself, try another area of interest!
We know that you have many questions when it comes to your health care. Thats why medical clinic Near Werribee offers comprehensive assessments and personalised treatment plans, so you can get the information you need to make decisions about your health.
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iwillbewalking · 1 year
Type 2 Diabetic Walking Mistakes, Getting It Right
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Walking mistakes of type 2 diabetes could make exercising less efficient and may reduce your plans for walking. It's a shame since just 30 minutes every day is proven to alter the life of someone with type 2 diabetes. Walking is among the most effective ways to reap the benefits of exercising for diabetics. You're lowering your blood sugar levels by i need balance help your muscles. The muscles on your legs are among the biggest within your body. Muscles ingest blood sugar, and as a result, lower levels of glucose for several hours after you have walked. Exercise every day can increase the strength of your muscles and muscle mass burns calories quickly. It's an effect that is cumulative, helping you shed weight. A morning walk in the sun can help you sleep better, as well. There is also the reduction in stress and the elimination of depression. The most important thing is that half of the treatment for type 2 diabetes is exercising. Therefore, there are several reasons to be cautious about diabetes-related walking errors that can prevent you from working out.
Mistake Number One, Not Talking to Your Doctors - Type 2 diabetics must be granted permission from a doctor as well as a podiatrist. You must know whether there's a reason to consider a different method to get exercise or if you have to start slow. The doctor will inform you about any changes in the dosage or timing of your medications and the podiatrist will examine your feet for any issues which could make walking risky choice. After they have cleared you medically, that it is safe to begin your walking routine. Mistake Number Two, Not Wearing Good Shoes and Socks - Diabetes-related walking errors could cause ulcers in the foot, and these are not to be dismissed lightly. Our feet need the additional security of diabetic socks which remove sweat and allow feet to breathe. They also require the type of footwear that will protect the feet and provide support to ensure we can walk with confidence. Repeated motions such as walking can cause skin to wear down within "hot spots" if our shoes aren't of the right type. Avoid using any walking shoes for your diabetic feet.
Mistake Number Three, Pushing Too Hard At First - One of the biggest diabetes-related walking errors to avoid is walking excessively fast. You'd like to see the outcomes immediately, but if are planning to keep this up each day, you must start at the lower end and gradually increase. The trainers recommend starting with 5-10 minutes each in the beginning. You can increase the time by 5-10 minutes each week until you get where you want to be. You could also break down your walking time into multiple 10-minute sessions, and still achieve excellent results. If you are using an pedometer or any other measurement device, it can help you understand how exercising can add the health of your. Some devices can tell you the amount of calories you consume throughout the day long, and it will make you think. It could change your lifestyle as the sedentary lifestyle was one of the factors that caused us to become type 2 diabetics. Mistake Number Four, Not Planning Ahead - What are you going to do? Do you feel safe walking there? Are you required to walk for only the day? You must locate a location which is safe. You might need to walk in an entire group to ensure. There could be a track at a school close by that you could utilize.
Community centers offer walking trails and, of course, there's the mall in case of unsafe weather and security. There are some malls that open early for those who walk. In terms of security, it's recommended to have a companion walking alongside you. A companion will assist you in sticking to your walking schedule. There are walking groups that you could join such as stroller walkers, mall walkers as well as race walkers and hikers to mention a few. You can find them on the internet or with social clubs and churches such as Silver Sneakers, to find the kind of group you'd enjoy. Mistake Number Five, Not Being Prepared - You're an type 2 diabetic making diabetic-related walking mistakes such as not knowing the right steps to take prior to walking can lead you in trouble. Are you aware of the ideal moment to start walking? It's generally 1-2 hours following having eaten, and in the morning is more beneficial than later in the day or evening, depending on your timetable.
Always test your blood sugar before you start. If your glucose monitor shows your blood sugar is below 100, it is recommended to take a 15-30 gram carbohydrates prior to walking. If your glucose is higher than 250, you must hold off until it drops prior to exercising. Take a large glass of water approximately an hour before the time to go for a walk. take a few drinks every 20 minutes if have been walking for a long time. When you are done drinking, sip an additional glass. Drinking water should be a deliberate choice. It will become a routine in the future. Take an energy drink for yourself to look for indications for low blood sugar levels while you walk. If your friend is diabetic, they could require insulin as well, and it could be a lifesaver because you're prepared. It is important to keep an eye out for any blood sugar drops during the time you exercise, and even especially in the first of your new regimen.
Mistake Number Six, Stretching Before You Walk - I'm sure, we were taught to stretch first, then walk after. Physical therapists have since corrected this error. If you try to stretch muscles that aren't warm, you'll cause injury to yourself. It's recommended move around in a couple of minutes before you begin to warm your muscles. After warming up, stretch. Lean back or sit on the wall and then move your ankles around several times. Widen your arms and then twist your waist. Bring your arms towards the sides and create circles. Place one arm on your head and lean towards the opposite side, and then switch arms for eight or ten repetitions. Your head should be leaning from side to side and from front toward the back. However, don't turn your head into a huge circle. There are plenty of leg stretching videos on the internet. Take a look and test these. After you've stretched then it's time to begin walking.
Mistake Number Seven, Walking Wrong - There are many diabetic-related mistakes which can cause injury or, at the very least, reduce the effectiveness of walking. Maintaining your head low to watch your feet is not a good posture when walking. It causes neck pain and shoulders. People who pay attention to their feet as strolling are much more prone to fall. It may sound strange but it's the truth. People with diabetes who are older have poor balance, and this causes us to be afraid that we'll fall, however, keeping an eye on your feet is an awful habit to begin. Try walking with your chin in the air and your eyes fixed on the sky and you'll be less likely to slip. Take a walking stick with you when you feel more secure. It may be difficult to break from looking down and down, but you'll be amazed how much better you feel when you keep your chin raised. You might even smile more.
Another dangerous habit is to lean toward the forward. It can hurt your legs and back. Stand taller as well as your stability will improve. The walking stick can help you initially when it's difficult to adjust your posture. It's tempting to get faster walking speed by overstriding or by kicking your lead foot too far ahead. The leg that helps you to walk faster is the one that you are pushing off with from behind. Make sure you get a strong push off using your back leg and you'll be able to walk faster and with better balance. The most common diabetic walking errors are your arms. It's true that you shouldn't use them, but the way you use your arms could aid or hinder your walking posture. In fact, not using your arms in any way is not a good idea. You should move your arms using your stride, with your elbows bent and at your sides. Be careful not to move your arms to far. This is referred to as "chicken winging" and it isn't helpful. Keep your elbows straight and move your arms naturally. You're now walking.
Avoid Diabetic Walking Mistakes and Stay On Your Feet - Staying safe when we're trying something new is a top priority for diabetics with type 2 diabetes. This is because it takes longer to heal from injuries, particularly foot and leg sores. If you're not able to walk, there are plenty of other things you can try - biking, swimming, chair exercises to continue moving towards the diabetic cure through eating a balanced diet and exercising. If you are able walk, it's a great and easy method to get stronger and feel healthier. Do not forget to celebrate the little steps you're taking. They shouldn't go in silence. It isn't always easy to make a change therefore don't listen to those who are negative, or "do not despise the day of small things." I wish you a happy and prosperous day. Martha Zimmer invites you to visit her website to learn more about the type 2 diabetes and its complications, and how to deal with them. She also provides fantastic tips for healthy eating to make life with diabetes less difficult.
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vermilionhealth · 2 years
How to Deal with Sore Knees and Stiff Hips and Understand Their Connection to Fatigue!
When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, sore knees and stiff hips may be the first thing that comes to mind.
However, there are invisible symptoms that can be just as troubling. Up to 75% of patients say they experience fatigue and other sleep issues.
That’s because rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic condition that affects your whole body rather than just your joints.
Many experts believe that the fatigue is caused by antibodies that circulate through your blood and trigger inflammation.
Read more: Daily Positive Affirmations: Running is Empowerment.
This can create a troubling cycle where physical discomfort interferes with sleep and the lack of sleep makes physical discomfort more difficult to bear.
If you’re tired of rheumatoid arthritis holding you back, there are solutions.  
Learn more about lifestyle changes and medical treatments that can restore your energy.
Lifestyle Changes
Simple lifestyle changes can make rheumatoid arthritis easier to deal with.
See how self-care can help you manage fatigue and other symptoms:
Exercise regularly.  How can you motivate yourself to work out when it’s a struggle just to stand up? Remember that physical training provides long-term relief as you strengthen your muscles, extend your range of motion, and brighten your mood. If you need motivation and guidance, try out Crossfit.
Eat healthy.  Choose foods that appear to have anti-inflammatory effects. That includes most fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fatty fish. Go for healthy snacks such as the vermilion jellies!
Stay hydrated. Fatigue is a common sign of dehydration. It’s especially important to drink enough water when you have a condition like rheumatoid arthritis that can intensify such symptoms.
Reorganize your home.  Conserve your energy by making your home and office more user-friendly. Place item that you use frequently within easy reach. Buy a small cart with wheels for moving supplies from one room to another.
Prioritize sleep. While sleeping more may not eliminate fatigue, it can help. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Keep your bedroom dark and quiet.
Psychological Changes
Your attitude also plays a major role in how rheumatoid arthritis affects your life.
See how transforming your outlook can boost your energy levels:
Lighten up.  Treat yourself with compassion. You may need to cut back on your responsibilities so you can protect your health. Focus on your own abilities instead of trying to keep up with others.
Prepare for setbacks.  Frequent and dramatic fluctuations are typical with rheumatoid arthritis. You’ll probably have easy days and times that are much more challenging. Give yourself permission to rest when you’re feeling under the weather.
Seek support.  Even your closest family and friends may find it difficult to understand your fatigue. Look for support groups or online forums where you can meet others who share similar experiences.
Medical Treatment
New and more effective options for treating rheumatoid arthritis have been introduced during the past two decades. Following your doctor’s recommendations could help you to reduce the inflammation that causes fatigue.
Consider these strategies:
Change your prescription.  There are now several categories of drugs for rheumatoid arthritis. Discuss the side effects with your doctor and ask about trying a different medication if you experience excessive fatigue. 
 Increase mobility.  Physical therapy can increase your strength and overall fitness. Your doctor may be able to provide a referral, or you can find someone who specializes in rheumatoid arthritis through the American Physical Therapy Association.
 Manage depression.  Having rheumatoid arthritis doubles your risk for depression. Let your doctor and loved ones know if you need help. Medication and counseling have a high success rate. While there is no current cure for rheumatoid arthritis, appropriate self-care and medical treatment can increase the quality of your life. Reduce fatigue so you can feel happier and return to doing the activities you love. Please share this article.
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petnetwork1 · 2 years
The Benefits of Joining a Pet Network in Moncton or Halifax
If you’re living in Moncton or Halifax, and you’re looking for a way to connect with other pet lovers in your area, then joining a Pet Network in Moncton is a great option. These networks provide a great way for people to meet and share information about pets, as well as to find new homes for adoptable animals.
1. What is a pet network?
A Pet Network in Moncton, also called a animal network or petting zoo network, is a type of network in which each node is a animal and each edge is a petting interaction between two animals. Pet Network in Moncton are used to study the behavior of animals in a social setting and to investigate the effect of social interaction on animal behavior.
2. The benefits of joining a pet network
There are a lot of benefits to joining a Pet Network in Moncton. For one, you can find a lost pet more easily. If your pet gets lost, you can post a picture and description of your pet on the network, and people in your area will be more likely to see it and help you find your pet.
Another great benefit of Pet Network in Moncton is that they can help you find a new pet. If you’re looking for a new pet, you can browse the profiles of pets available for adoption in your area. This can save you a lot of time and money by avoiding pet shelters.
Finally, pet networks can help you connect with other pet owners in your area. This can be helpful if you need to find a pet sitter, or if you just want to chat with other pet owners about your pets.
3. How to find a pet network
There are a few different ways that you can go about finding a pet network. One way is to go online and do a search. This can be a bit daunting, as there are so many options to choose from. Another way to find a Pet Network in Moncton is to ask your friends and family for recommendations. If you know someone who has a pet, they may be able to connect you with a good Pet Network in Moncton. Finally, you can also check with your local animal shelter or rescue organization. They may have a list of pet networks that they work with. Whichever way you decide to go, be sure to do your research and ask lots of questions.
4. The importance of pet insurance
If you are a pet owner, you know that they are a part of the family. They provide us with companionship, love, and sometimes even laughter. That is why it is so important to protect them as much as possible. One way to do that is by purchasing pet insurance.
Pet insurance can help you pay for unexpected vet bills if your pet becomes sick or injured. It can also help you pay for routine care, like vaccines and checkups. And, best of all, it can help you avoid costly emergency vet bills.
The cost of pet insurance varies depending on the type of pet you have, the age of your pet, and the coverage you choose. But, in general, it is not very expensive. And, in the long run, it can be a great investment.
If you are thinking about getting pet insurance, be sure to do your research. There are a lot of different plans available, and not all of them are created equal. Choose a plan that fits your needs and your budget.
And, most importantly, don’t wait until your pet is sick or injured to buy insurance. It is best to have coverage in place before something happens. That way, you know your pet is protected.
5. How to care for your pet
There are a few key things you need to remember when taking care of your pet. The first is to make sure they always have fresh water. You should also feed them regular meals and make sure their living space is clean and comfortable. In addition, you should take them for regular vet check-ups. By following these simple tips, you can ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life.
6. Adopting a pet
There are many benefits to adopting a pet, such as gaining a loyal friend, getting more exercise, and helping to reduce stress. Pets can also provide emotional support, especially for people who live alone. Before adopting a pet, be sure to do your research and find an animal that would be a good fit for your lifestyle and personality.
7. Vaccinating your pet
Vaccinating your pet is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Pets need vaccinations to protect them from diseases such as rabies, parvo, and distemper. Rabies is a deadly disease that can be spread to people, so it is important to make sure your pet is vaccinated against it. Parvo and distemper are also serious diseases and can be fatal if not treated.
Vaccinations are not just for dogs and cats. Ferrets, rabbits, and other small animals also need to be vaccinated. Make sure you talk to your veterinarian about the best vaccination schedule for your pet.
Vaccinating your pet is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Pets need vaccinations to protect them from diseases such as rabies, parvo, and distemper. Rabies is a deadly disease that can be spread to people, so it is important to make sure your pet is vaccinated against it. Parvo and distemper are also serious diseases and can be fatal if not treated.
Vaccinations are not just for dogs and cats. Ferrets, rabbits, and other small animals also need to be vaccinated. Make sure you talk to your veterinarian about the best vaccination schedule for your pet.
Joining a pet network is a great way to connect with other pet lovers in your area. These networks provide a great way for people to meet and share information about pets, as well as to find new homes for adoptable animals. By joining a pet network, you can help make a difference in the lives of animals in your community.
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How to Find the Best Fitness Trainer for Your Needs
Getting in shape is one of the most common goals people have. Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight, or stay healthy, working with the best fitness trainer can be an invaluable resource in helping you reach your goals. But how do you know which fitness trainer is best for you? Here’s what you need to consider when selecting a trainer that’s right for your needs.
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What Makes a Personal Trainer in Point Cook Necessary?
●       When you don't feel like pushing yourself, he inspires you.
●       He makes sure you start exercising according to your needs.
●       He explains the proper kind of exercise.
●       His leadership decreases the likelihood of gym injuries.
●       You achieve the most significant outcome in the allotted time.
6 Things to Consider When Looking For the Best Fitness Trainer
With the aid of a personal trainer, you may successfully meet your fitness goals. You'll get a customised fitness plan while working with one that considers your objectives, ailments, and hobbies. They offer support and accountability to help you stay motivated and finish your training regimen. Keep a check on these things when deciding on a personal trainer in Point Cook.
Ask Around
If you’re looking for the best fitness trainer, it’s worth asking around and seeing who your friends or family members recommend. Personal recommendations can be invaluable when it comes to finding someone who is both knowledgeable and trustworthy. They could be able to help you too if they were successful in reaching their fitness objectives with a certain trainer.
Check their Qualifications
Whichever fitness trainer you decide on, ensure they are qualified and certified by a legitimate organisation. Your trainer must have the necessary experience and knowledge so that they can help effectively guide you towards achieving your personal goals.
Explore the Services They Offer
Each fitness trainer will have different services available depending on their expertise. Before committing to any particular person, find out precisely what type of services they offer and see if they align with what you need help with specificity. It could range from diet advice to strength training programs or anything related to physical health and wellness. Knowing what services are available ahead of time will help ensure that there are no surprises down the line once you start working together.
Certification in First Aid and CPR
It helps if your potential trainers have certifications in first aid and CPR so that they know how to administer emergency care should it ever be needed. Although exercising is generally safe, mishaps can nevertheless occur. Make sure the individual you are personally training is familiar with emergency procedures. You should also enquire if the gym has an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Liability Insurance
Verify the insurance coverage of any prospective coaches, just in case. It is always advisable to go for safer options, as it's better to be safe than sorry. Generally, the best fitness trainers are all updated with training and insurance.
Put Everything in Writing
A top-notch personal trainer will provide you with written documentation outlining the specifics of your arrangement, including costs, cancellation rules, liabilities, and other crucial data.
What to Ask a Prospective Personal Trainer
   ●  Once you establish the fundamentals, check to see if the best fitness trainer will be a suitable fit for your objectives. You could enquire with them: ● What is their attitude towards motivation? It is better to work with a coach that provides uplifting encouragement. Avoid instructors that use negativity to motivate their students. ● What level of expertise do they possess? Find out whether they have any prior employment experience in the industry. ●What categories of customers do they typically serve? Have they engaged with folks who are comparable to you? ●Do they know your requirements? Find out whether the trainer has expertise working with clients like you if you have specific fitness goals, such as running a marathon or if you have an injury. ● What is their daily schedule? Ascertain whether their availability fits with your timetable. ● What is their price range? Make sure their prices are within your budget range. ● What are their terms regarding cancellation? Even if you cancel at the last minute, some of the best personal trainers insist that you still pay for your appointment. Some regulations are more forgiving than others. ●Do you also need to buy a membership to the gym? Some fitness professionals operate in facilities where there are monthly dues in addition to training expenses. ● Do they provide packages? You can save money in the long run by buying several sessions at once.
Enrol with One of the Best Personal Trainer in Point Cook
Working with a fitness trainer is one of the best ways to reach any health-related goal you have set for yourself. When selecting a personal trainer, make sure they come recommended by someone who has used them or checked online reviews. Also, check their qualifications and services offered beforehand, so there are no surprises once things get going.
With these tips in mind, finding the best personal fitness trainer for your needs should be easy. If you are working around finalising the best fit for you, do check Josfit Personal Training. He aims to help you achieve your desired change systematically and professionally and sustain your continuous achievement, whatever your goals or dreams may be.
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w last post literally. i got diagnosed w pcos when i was 16 and i was told because i didnt have any visible symptoms i had nothing much to worry about. everytime ive been to the doctor since ive had my feelings on it dismissed, and ive been told because i LOOK healthy that i’m fine and theres nothing they can do except put me on birth control. they can’t give me any kind of medication to help with any symptoms i might experience. 
my first time there i wasn’t given any information on PCOS, they gave me a pamphlet and that was it. like the absolute lack of care or empathy or anything lmfao. i had to find out myself that it could lead to diabetes and cancer. and diabetes already runs in my family so i’m even More likely to get it when i’m older. i didn’t know that pcos was a hormonal imbalance that affects your insulin levels, that it causes inflammation or anything. and half the treatment options recommended for you is to lose weight, but that’s that treatment offered for practically every fucking issue you can have as a woman with a disorder that AFFECTS your weight. and it’s not just oh eat less, don’t have so much sugar or take out. it’s don’t eat red meat, don’t eat bread, don’t eat wraps, don’t eat potatoes, don’t eat gluten, don’t eat dairy, don’t eat anything with a large amount of carbs. which is completely inaccessible for me!!!! 
and maybe some people are totally comfortable with those lifestyle changes but as someone who already has a really really bad relationship with food, it makes eating as a whole so hard and i’ve spent practically the past 10 months every single day thinking about my weight and my body and food and obsessing over it and i thought going into the new year i’d regulate it all by starting to cook more and finding food i enjoy but having all these limits on what i can eat has just completely torn me down. because no i don’t want to eat chicken with every freaking meal i have as a source of protein and i don’t want to eat eggs for breakfast everyday. and is that so fucking bad of me. Diet culture and discussions around food with PCOS make me so unbearably depressed ive spent all day thinking about it and hating myself for not being one of those people who can just suck it up and deal with it. and being sad in general that i have pcos and i have these symptoms and i have to learn to manage them. and its either be upset with my weight forever and risk diabetes which i dont even see the point in trying to prevent when i have all the odds stacked up against me! or be severely depressed w an eating disorder. 
like i can’t say it anywhere for support on it because i know a lot of it would just be like Well suffer then lol. and like You have no discipline etc. like. i Like vegetables dude. I like a lot of things. but oh my god do you know how many fucking recipes i can bear looking at of the same things over and over! and autism already makes it hard enough for me. all i’m saying is i just don’t want to get sick and die of physical illness as much as i don’t want to get sick and die of mental illness. but i feel like no matter what direction i look in Either one is going to happen either way. 
so anyway. i’m just sad that so much of the talk around pcos is weight and diet and exercise oriented. i’m not saying those things don’t contribute, they clearly do. i’m just saying i’m going to have pcos forever and theres nothing i can do to erase it, it’s lifelong. i can do what i can to reduce symptoms if needed, but it’s always going to be there no matter what. and i’m again just so sad that nobody seems to understand my sadness over it. my mother had no thoughts on it when i was diagnosed and my doctors have all been so dismissive about it. i just feel really alone in my struggle lollllllll. 
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