#because the same thing happened to him! in season 1! we saw!
Whenever I rewatch season 1 now, it breaks my heart a bit to see how relax and happy Sauron was around Galadriel. He smiled, laughed, joked, bickered with Galadriel, he ate and drank... the man had the time of his life!
I mean, you can say it was mostly an act to manipulate Galadriel if you want, but there's no way it was all fake. There were several times when we saw him react to a certain way while neither Galadriel or anyone else was watching. It's even more obvious now that we see him in his Annatar form : every time he fakes an emotion for someone, as soon as their back is turned his face is closed. It's pretty terrifying. When I see some people claim it's exactly the same thing he's doing with Celebrimbor as he did with Galadriel... I have the feeling they missed the point, somehow.
One thing noticeable is that he was constantly looking at Galadriel, whenever she was close to him he couldn't just stop take his eyes off her. Call me delulu all you want, I'm sure her presence explained a lot why he was so relax, happy and shall I say.... Kind? I mean, the one time she went away without him he nearly killed four men 😭When Gal was here, he behaved !
No wonder why he's so grumpy now as Annatar. He has no one around him who's got enough light to balance the darkness that consumed him. The moth lost his favorite flame, and now he's constantly bitter, dead eyed, unable to laugh anymore, and cruel. Someone here noticed that we never see him eat or drink anything. Darkness, unbalanced, has taken over again. For good, we know.
The only time we see a glimpse of his Halbrand self reappear is when he notices the resemblance between Mirdania and Galadriel, and it's again a question of light. It starts as pure flattery from his part to manipulate her, but his smile at his moment seems sincere. More sincere than any other of Annatar's smile, anyway.
Imho, Sauron was dead ass serious when he told Galadriel that with her at his side, he wouldn't be dark. It doesn't matter that he was right or wrong ; I think he really meant it, because he had already felt the influence she had on him.
I believe the last thing he wanted was for Galadriel to become a "dark queen", though it would have happened eventually because he would have influenced her just as much as she would have. He didn't want her to become like him, but to prevent him from getting worse. He wanted her to fix him, basically.
We can thank Charlie Vickers for his stellar acting. What a wonderful portrait of a complex "man" he's giving us here....
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Saw someone mention something about 'of course Gabriel would get along with a demon, he's an awful person--' and no no no you're missing the point. Like yeah, he does suck and has been awful to Aziraphale, but he's not Uniquely Awful, nor is that the reason he gets along with Beelzebub. He gets along with Beelzebub because they are fundamentally the same, because there is no difference between angels and demons in Good Omens.
One of the things reiterated again and again in the book Good Omens is how Heaven and Hell is fundamentally the same. It's noted that demon wings are not black, but white, and during what while the showdown between Adam and Satan in the series, all the angels and demons actually appear on earth and square off against each other--and the narration specifically says that you couldn't tell the angels apart from the demons. That's why Gabriel and Beelzebub get the same complaints from both Heaven and Hell about how hard it is to get the angels and demons to back down from a war, that's why Crowley says at the end of season 1 that the real Armageddon will be the combined hosts of Heaven and Hell versus humanity. It's why it was mentioned, when talking about season 1, that Heaven and Hell were envisioned as being the upper floors and basement of the same basement--is why the methods to get to both places are always in the same location! The escalators and the elevator!
And that's why Gabriel and Beelzebub got along. Because they were in the exact same position experiencing the exact same difficulties and complaints, and because they the exact same amount of actual care for Heaven and Hell--precisely zero. They fell in love because they're similar, but at the end of the day, all the angels and demons are 'similar', because the demons used to be angels too! Which we are reminded, when Crowley correctly analyzes angels like Muriel, Heaven as a structure, and guesses that they STILL haven't changed the passwords. Crowley recognizes that Heaven and Hell are the same, and are plagued by effectively the same problems, and so he rejects both. He rejects Beelzebub's offer to become a Duke of Hell, even if it would protect Aziraphale. He rejects Aziraphale's offer to become an angel again. Crowley knows that both sides are rife with systematic problems, and so he goes all-in on our side. And on humanity's side.
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mylittleredgirl · 6 months
i know some of you have been pressing your faces to the glass waiting for me to see this one in particular SO i saw "the nurses" the other night and am still thinking about it!!
i love love love it when characters get pushed to a point where you can almost see their childhood selves pop out, like are they even talking about what's happening right now? or are their 12-year-old hearts just screaming?? i love that margaret's outburst is both irrational (the hostile work environment is coming from inside the house; i was yelling at my tv "baby it's your fault!!!") and so so honest.
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[this turned into a bit of a character thesis, so not only is there a readmore, there will also be a reblog soon with the rest of the post because i maxed out the image limit] [edit: part ii now in the reblogs!]
this whole time, margaret has treated her subordinates with a heavy hand because she thinks it's the right and fair thing to do. the rules say this is how it works!
she maintains a high standard of excellence in brutal circumstances, but she's also reactive, moody, and unforgiving. she's often shown on the edge of losing control and authority, she inflames situations by overreacting, and the thing she punishes most egregiously is disrespect (toward frank, toward the army, toward herself). she intentionally underlines the distance between herself and the other nurses at every turn.
from season 3 "there's nothing like a nurse": [all IDs in alt]
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really, everything she thinks and does comes from a place of "they're not supposed to like me," but the childish part of her that is completely unable to see her own behavior is confused and hurt because "i'm just doing my job so why don’t they like me???"
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it's her job to maintain discipline, but especially here in 4077-land, she doesn't have to lead with the whip. henry was beloved because he was an overly permissive clown, which will never be her speed, but colonel potter has all the same training as she does. he's loved and respected as the Good Regular Army Guy because he leads with discernment and mutual respect.
it's easier for him. he's more experienced, he's respected and supported from above and below, and he has a calm temperament — which isn't nothing.
from season 4 "the interview":
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whether she's aware of this as a problem or not, we at home can see how margaret's inability to control her emotional reactivity causes her as much grief as her inability to control other people.
if she were capable of laughing off small slights, hawkeye and trapper wouldn't have used her as a chew toy so much, and henry might have taken her real concerns more seriously if they weren't lost in the noise of daily fits, you know? she rarely started it, so i'm not blaming her for the hostile chaos circus of seasons 1-3, but i am saying she would have had a better time if she knew how to take a few deep breaths.
this description from the script, after the near-brawl in the nurses' tent in act one, is basically her character thesis statement:
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and here, when she's reacting fully emotionally, the truth comes out! the reason that she won't be flexible and show compassion to the nurses isn't because of the rules, but because they're mean to her!!
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that's obviously a very bad place to lead from. she has enormous institutional power over them, including controlling their freedom of movement, but she feels like all the other girls in school are hanging out together and they hate her. because they are! and they do! the fight in act one boils over when they make fun of her hair, and that sent all of them back to middle school.
and in many ways, that's where margaret's emotional maturity is stuck (which is, i think, why i find her so endearing). she can't see herself. she knows they don't like her, trust her, or want her around, but she doesn't understand how she dug this hole herself, or how to get out of it.
to add insult to jealous injury, one of the nurses (mary jo, who gets between margaret and baker to stop the fight and takes care of the others in different ways) is margaret's age, and the others look to her as their chosen leader and personal support.
and i'm sure margaret had NO IDEA this was the messy truth until she heard it come out of her mouth.
and her emotionally breaking on the "one lousy cup of coffee" in particular…
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i wonder, how often does some version of that first tent scene happen? does she deliver their assignments every night? she walks in already defensive, they immediately stop laughing, and then... she either finds a reason to scold them or they ice her out until she leaves. (and they probably start laughing again as soon as she does!)
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from her perspective, when she arrived for the dreaded sleepover and they turned out the lights the minute she walked in, it's like they cancelled the nightly coffee klatch just to avoid spending one social minute with her.
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i also think the nurses are right when they assumed that she wouldn't have accepted an invitation to hang out with them (and might even have snapped at them for being inappropriate for asking). she doesn't cross that emotional line, even when she should — she didn't know gaynor was spiraling after losing so many patients in a row, and didn't respond compassionately when she learned.
has she ever invited them for coffee or a friendly chat? no.
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...... but her circumstances have recently changed.
[reblog with the rest of it is here!]
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Can we all stop with the "Aziraphale is wrong, Crowley is right" mentality please? The whole season was spent of saying "nothing is just black and white, everything is in shades of grey" and yet a lot of people are still falling for the black and white thing. BOTH were right and BOTH were wrong. Let's unfold this, shall we?
Starting with the elephant in the room, yes, Aziraphale was wrong for thinking he can change Heaven. We, as an audience, saw just how awful Heave can be, when Aziraphale didn't for the most part. He doesn't know why Gabriel is fired and he never learned how Heaven treated "him" after he averted Armageddon. He doesn't know all of that, but we do, so it's not fair to blame him for it. Him believing that he Crowley wants to be an angel again is simply due to the lack of communication between them. Both in season 1 and 2, Crowley mentioned multiple times that him falling was not fair because he never did anything more than just ask questions, unlike other demons who were all against Heaven. So Aziraphale assuming that that means he would like another shot at being an angel is completely reasonable.
Now, Aziraphale was also right for taking the job. Considering the events of season 2, it was very clear that Heaven wouldn't simply let Aziraphale and Crowley exist in peace after everything. Yes, they had 4 years of peace, but for immortal beings, that's more like 4 hours. Aziraphale wants to make sure that he and Crowley CAN exist without the constant fear of revenge or punishment. After all, we were just introduced to the Book of Life and there's nothing stopping Heaven from erasing one or both of them from existence forever. Aziraphale doesn't want to be with Crowley if that means living in constant fear, because that's not really a living, is it? He needs to do something about it. Even if Crowley doesn't see it that way, Aziraphale has to do something to keep them both safe, if not the entire Earth. So his choice of going to Heaven may not be "good", but it sure is the most logical.
As for Crowley... poor Crowley. He doesn't get it. In season 1, he came to Aziraphale and had to work to convince him to stop Armageddon from happening. And the moment he thinks that it can't be stopped, he decides to run away. And that idea stuck. Up until that moment back in season 1, Crowley didn't even entertain the idea of leaving Earth. But from that point onward, it's the only thing he thinks about. He brings it up every chance he gets. You could even argue that being a coward is one of the reasons he became a demon in the first place (sorry not sorry). But running away isn't an option. Running may save him from the problems going on on Earth, but no matter where he goes, he can't get away from Heaven and Hell. They can always pull him back, they can do worse things from afar. But Crowley doesn't see it. He tells Aziraphale "You can't leave this bookshop." as if that's not what he was planning to do since episode 1. Crowley loves the Earth. Even more so than Aziraphale. He plays dress up every chance he gets, he drinks poison for fun, he cares about the health of ducks and is clearly indulging himself in alcohol much more than Aziraphale does in food (speaking of, he was also the first one to consume human food and drinks and the reason Aziraphale does so in the first place). He's the one who convinced Aziraphale to stop the destruction of Earth in the first place. But Crowley is also very stubborn.
At the same time, Crowley knows better than anyone how Heaven and Hell work and how that can never be changed. He saw first hand how Heaven treats its own angels (I'm including Gabriel in this) and realises it's all a trap. He can tell. He fears for Aziraphale's life, and even for his if he were to accept it. Crowley tries to warn him more than anything. But just knowing everything is a scam is not enough.
The only way for Aziraphale and Crowley to be able to just be together is for them to make sure they can. And the only way to do that is by going in the belly of the beast.
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beauspot · 1 year
Good Omens Is a Big Deal
With everything going on I haven’t acknowledged how grateful I am for what Neil (and John) did this season. I always saw Good Omens as a romantic story and everyone involved seemed to be super supportive of that. To actually see a follow through on those themes was wonderful though. To see Aziraphale continue to look at Crowley like he’s the earth, the moon, and the stars. To see Crowley continue to save his angel not because he needs them to, but because they love him.
To see them have their dinners, and give the other access to their prized possessions. To see them dance. They love each other. They are in love with each other and it’s not implied or a throwaway line that can be edited out.
It’s the beating heart at the center of the story.
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And they weren’t meant to be. Neil himself will tell you when he and Terry wrote the book Aziraphale and Crowley were meant to be friends and that’s it. Over time their relationship evolved and where a lot of writers would simply ignore that and keep pushing forward Neil pivoted and said “you know what? let’s see where this goes.” The last time I can remember something like this happening was with Hannibal years ago, it’s so rare with queer pairings.
I know everyone was excited about the kiss and it is refreshing to see queer people actually get to kiss, it’s still not something that happens all the time, but that’s not what made them canonically queer to me. If they remained completely asexual and never kissed or showed interest in kissing one another I’d feel the same. While I always felt they were queer what sealed it for me were 3 things:
1. Nina and Maggie, a romantic pairing that parallel our angel and demon break down to Crowley how she and Aziraphale are partners (and it’s clear they don’t mean business partners, does Crowley look like he runs a bookshop?) but they never say what they’re really thinking. They go on to state how that’s all they needed, the obvious implication here being that Nina and Maggie shared their romantic feelings with one another and that Crowley and Aziraphale need to do the same. Upon hearing this Crowley takes that as a sign to confess his feelings.
2. Gabriel and Beelzebub, another pairing that parallels Crowley and Aziraphale who are also clearly in love with one another is something Crowley references while he is confessing his feelings. “If those two lovestruck idiots can go off together, so can we. Because I love you.”
3. Crowley and Aziraphale express plainly to each other that they need the other. Crowley says to Aziraphale he wants to stop pretending they aren’t a team, a group, a them.
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Aziraphale says verbatim “We can be together.” and “I need you.” He doesn’t say “We can work together” or “I need you to help me” or some other cop out that a lot of other shows or movies might come up with to continue to bait their fans, while having plausible deniability.
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They love each other and it’s not platonic.
To me, the kiss serves as a way to seal the deal for people who only understand queer love when it’s punching them in the face. That’s not to say queer people can’t like the kiss, it’s one of my favorite scenes in the show simply because of how heartbreaking it is, but they were a couple to me long before that. And to add onto that by making every other important pairing in the show queer as well? Nina and Maggie being happy sapphics who don’t die at the end. They’re not together, but the implication is that one day they will be. Two non-binary beings—Gabriel and Beelzebub—falling in love and choosing to be with one another forever. The angels and demons are all genderless and no one misgenders them and no one gives a FUCK.
That means so much to me and I genuinely cannot express how thankful I am that this show and this season were made. The only thing I can say is thank you for standing for something, because not everyone does.
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pankiebogs · 16 days
ii16 spoilers under cut
(Analysis of what the episode implies/means for Fan more specifically)
HELLO. SO. I kind of predicted this.
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These are specifically about Fan glitching in episode 14, and about PEOPLE OVERLOOKING IT!!! I always KNEW there was something more to it.
Fan glitching is both similar to Springy's glitching, but also the Shield and Tree Mephone made. So automatically I thought, Mephone generated Fan. He can generate things! But, I honestly did not expect this to be true. It felt too easy. (so i instead went with; when mephone regenerates the contestants they are "built" out of his code, so close at least....?) But. Well. You saw the episode. And I am a sucker for these tropes and I have been incredibly interested in what this means for Fan specifically, considering he was made SPECIFICALLY to be a fan of Inanimate Insanity.
Here's me talking about the idea about a month ago:
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As we all know, Fan's entire character is that he's a fan. That's the number 1 obvious thing. He was another "stereotype" as labeled by Mephone along with the other season 2 newbies. For almost every character it has been repeated that they are "more than what they are", which makes even more sense with the reveal. However, with this knowledge... What the Flip does this mean for Fan.
His entire arc has always been about his identity problems, and his extreme attachment to his identity as the #1 fan, which he STILL latches onto and puts so much of his confidence in. Almost like that... IS his purpose. Is everything he's ever known. All he had. But that was not only an emotional thing, he was quite literally created just to be the biggest Inanimate Insanity fan. That's his ACTUAL purpose. WHICH IS NOW MAKING ME CRAZY.
With this in mind, you realize how Fan being created is actually hidden in his arc. The writing doesn't make you consider the possibility, because the arc and personality work so well to hide it. This is shown most well once the prime shimmer asks him what he is beyond the show, to which he hesitates to respond to, saying he doesn't know. This whole scene is now in a completely new perspective to me. He ACTUALLY doesn't know. His identity literally IS built around the show, that's what he was made to be. That's all he's ever been.
I had mentioned Fan having parallels to Bot.
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Something along the lines of this. Your identity being One Thing but then realizing you can be more than that, that's the main parallel here. WHICH- IS EVEN MORE INSANE CONSIDERING THIS EPISODE NOW. Fan was ALSO made with a purpose to be ONE thing, Fan (and Test Tube) was quite literally repeating the same thing Mephone did- the same thing that happened to them, but even more so with Fan specifically.
The one thing I keep thinking about is how Inanimate Insanity is still a big part of Fan's life. That's still something he loves so much and ties to his identity even with his development of trying new things. How would he react when he realizes he's forever tied to the show he was made to love? That he's forever attached to Inanimate Insanity, no matter what?? HE WAS MADE BY MEPHONE, THE HOST OF HIS FAVOURITE SHOW THAT HIS ENTIRE EXISTANCE IS FOR?? THAT HIS LOVE IS GENERATED? Compared to other contestants, Fan is... even more stuck in the show. He literally surrounds himself with it even when outside of it. Honestly was Mephone projecting when he created Fan or something???
Fan describing him being eliminated as literally dying is kind of even more tragic now. sad!
His whole reality would be shattered if he found out. I don't think he'd have time to think: "wow I'm actually EXISTING for Inanimate Insanity and that actually IS my purpose? and I AM truly the number 1 fan because that's what my entire identity actually IS built on????" While that would validate him and help his insecurities, Fan would be. Well. When your entire person is created to be passionate and dedicated to the thing you were created FOR and you even made prior appearances JUST to serve as the fanbase and nothing more. I don't even know dude. He'd be in so much denial over it. He'd start to question the sincerity of his love, or, something. At least he's made with the things he loves: creative passion. Which he was also made to love . but whatever,
You'd probably think he'd at some point try to separate even more from Inanimate Insanity. Honestly I think the opposite. after his initial denial i believe he'd latch onto it even HARDER. I think he'd just start regressing to old coping mechanisms to deal with it.
The fact he was created FOR the purpose of being ONLY THE FAN Also makes me realize something about him and Test Tube. On one of his tumblr posts he mentions how Test Tube introduced him to so many new things and ideas he had no idea he could be so excited about, because he's always been just tied to Inanimate Insanity and nothing beyond that, as he felt there was nothing else to care about. Test Tube offers the support of opportunities, even as early as when they first met, and especially in Hatching the Plan once she made him realize there was more out there.
It just makes me go completely insane how most of Fan's arc is so built on the fact his entire existence is to serve as a fan, and that wasn't even just an emotional thing or whatever he quite literally felt like he was nothing but a fan. I need to sit down. or draw art inspired by this cause good god. Hey fan you're basically made from technology the thing you really love! haahaa... at least that love comes from a real place right? I mean. In short. Fan is just... made out of what he loves.
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ashtheketchum · 4 months
●Night swimm●
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Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader
Era: Season 1
Summary: Daryl has a crush on you since he saw you. Merle kept teasing him that Daryl should finally talk to you, but the archer never had the courage. One day you were taking a bath at night and Daryl saw you.
Warnings: +18 CONTENT, FEM.Reader, unprotected sex, shy Daryl, Merle being a tease/asshole, in the water, one slap on the ass, Daryl being a lil perv, tits sucking
Words: 3.5k
PoV Daryl:
Our small group had come together at some point and we all had tasks. There was me and my brother, Merle, we looked after the food for everyone, Shane the 'leader' who ran everything. Lori, Carol, Jacqui, Andrea and Amy took care of our laundry and the children were still learning things from school. And then there was (Y/N). She somehow took care of everything at the same time, she defended, caught us fish, taught the children new things and also helped with the laundry. She really was strong.
Unfortunately, sometimes I caught myself staring at her sometimes, and not in a harmless way. She always wore shorts and a top, with a lumberjack shirt. The shorts fit her ass perfectly and her top hugged her breasts perfectly too. Her loving yet stern smile turned me on again and again, so that I had to satisfy myself that same night. Inside, I felt incredibly embarrassed for staring at a woman so much that even my brother noticed and annoyed me about it.
Merle had tried to flirt with (Y/N) many times, but she always ignored him or turned him down. However, after he noticed the looks I kept giving him when he flirted with her, he actually stopped, but not because he was begrudging me and being a good brother. No, he did it to tease me. “Hey, her ass is hot, but don’t stare so obviously, little brother.” “Maybe we can share the little one? You get her every Monday and I get her the rest of the week, okay?” “Hey, slap her ass! Let’s see how she reacts.” He told me again and again, no matter when and no matter where. While hunting, while eating, and he even stands outside when I sat in my tent and masturbated. But one day he really went too far.
It was another one of those days where I stared at (Y/N) and today I would also talk to her about the food. I wanted to ask her if she wanted anything specific, whatever it was I would get it for her. So I slowly walked towards her, her back was turned to me and she was hanging up the laundry with Lori. (Y/N) had bent over slightly to pick up a basket, so I had a perfect view of her ass for a moment, but I had to pull myself together. I was standing just two meters away from her when I suddenly saw Merle. He walked between us as quietly as he could and slapped (Y/N) hard on the ass. Before she could turn around, however, he had disappeared again and (Y/N) was now staring at me.
Unknowingly, I stared after Merle for a moment before looking at her. Her look made me pause, all the color in my face disappeared and I only now checked what had just happened. Merle had slapped her ass and now it looked, to her, like I had slapped her ass. “Daryl?” She just said confused. I looked at her uncertainly, like a child who wanted to ask an adult something but didn't dare. She still looked at me confused, although I didn't see a trace of anger in her eyes. “You need something…?” When she asked me this, I shrugged together and realized why I wanted to go to her in the first place. And now my entire face turned bright red and I could now feel Lori's gaze on me. She looked at me confused, just as did (Y/N). “N-nah… s-sorry…” And with those words I walked away from her. In my head, I planned to stay in the forest for several days until this situation might calm down.
As I went to my tent to get my crossbow, I saw Merle staring at his hand. It was the hand he had used to spank (Y/N)'s ass. Merle had a satisfied grin on his lips before he looked at me. "And? Does she have a wish for the food?” His innocent question got on my last nerve, but I decided to just ignore him and disappear into the forest. Merle just laughed loudly before following me.
PoV (Y/N):
I looked after Daryl confused, I could still feel the stinging on my butt cheek. My eyebrows furrowed a little, but I slowly turned back around to pick up the basket to get the next load of laundry. “Is everything okay, (Y/N)?” I heard Lori ask. I jumped and looked at her with wide eyes, completely forgetting she was still here. So I gave her a quick little smile before nodding and then walking away.
However, nothing seemed to fit together in my head. Of course, I had noticed that Daryl stared at me sometimes and that he had trouble being alone with me, but I never expected him to slap my ass. A strange tingling sensation formed in my chest, but I ignored it and instead picked up the next load of laundry.
<Time Skip>
The sun was slowly setting and the temperature dropped a little, but still not enough. It was incredibly warm and sleeping naked or just in underwear these days was too dangerous. With the apocalypse, however, things changed and many things could no longer be done. And showering or bathing was one of those things. It wasn't that I really needed to wash, but I was longing for some grooming after a month of going without.
So I grabbed a few clean clothes, two towels and thick socks before I went to this huge pond. The water was pleasantly cool, clean and no walkers would come because I had searched this area twice today. The water shone in the moonlight and I was already smiling slightly.
I put my clean clothes on a stone before I started to take off my dirty clothes. It was risky because someone could see me at any time, but I hurried so that my body was quickly in the water. I also checked again to see if anyone in my small group was nearby. Since no one was there, the cool water greeted me very quickly and I sighed quietly. I briefly submerged myself completely so that my hair would get wet too. I gently massaged my scalp and body to rub away all the dirt.
PoV Daryl:
The world really wasn't on my side today. On a day when I wanted to stay in the forest for a long time, Merle and I found a deer and three rabbits. Merle had already brought the animals to camp and then gone to sleep, but I didn't want to lie down yet. I wandered around in the forest for a while, kicking some stones around and looking around. But suddenly I heard a loud splash, as if someone had gone into the water. I immediately raised my crossbow and I slowly moved towards the pond, which was right next to our camp.
I slowly walked through the trees until I suddenly tripped over something. I looked down in confusion before kneeling down and picking up the strange material. But as soon as I realized what material it was, I turned bright red and held my breath. It was a bra and not just any bra. No, it was (Y/N)´s bra, I sometimes saw the straps on her shoulders, through her top or when she bent over slightly. So I immediately looked around to see her, maybe something had happened to her, maybe she was kidnapped or someone forced her to take off her clothes. But when I looked into the pond, I turned even redder. She stood there, naked and wet. She was in the water up to her cleavage, but I could see the slight hint of her breasts. I saw her side perfectly, her fingers running through her wet hair.
Even if it was wrong, I hid a little more behind the tree, but only so that I still had a perfect view of her. It became incredibly tight in my pants and I had the uncomfortable need to touch myself again. She looked around briefly, which is why I hid completely behind the tree. I even held my breath. After a few seconds I looked back at her and my eyes widened more. (Y/N) had stood up and was now letting her hands slide over her perfect breasts. Her nipples had become a little hard from the cold water. My cock was throbbing incredibly hard, it was already painful.
Just as I was about to reach for the bulge in my pants, I stepped on a branch and it cracked far too loudly. I immediately squeezed my eyes shut, hoping (Y/N) hadn't heard. But I was wrong. "Hello?"
PoV (Y/N):
I heard a branch snap, which made me immediately go under the water again. I stayed quiet for a moment to hear any grumbling or growling noises, but I heard nothing. So it was a human. Fuck and right now I didn't have my knife in the water with me. "Hello?" I called out in the direction from which I heard the noise. There was a moment of silence before someone stepped out from behind the tree. It was Daryl and he raised his arms innocently, slowly lowering his crossbow to the ground. My cheeks immediately turn bright red, but my shoulders relaxed. I sighed quietly before standing up again, more unconsciously than consciously. “Daryl-?” Before I could say or ask anything else, the archer interrupted me. “I-I can explain tha’…” He murmured quietly, his face bright red.
It didn't fit together again. First he slapped my ass and then he watched me how I take a bath? Or were these all just coincidences? So I looked at him waiting, but I was too far away from him. We would have to talk too loudly and probably wake everyone up. So I crossed my arms over my chest so he could barely see them and I stepped more out of the water. I came out until the water only covered my waist and everything below. I could tell Daryl wanted to sink into the ground. "Yeah?… I'm waiting…" Although I didn't want to push him, I did want to get this all over with as quickly as possible. "I-I… I was… huntin' and then I saw ya… I'm sorry…" He didn't lie. Daryl wasn't the type of guy who liked lying, nor was he good at it. So I smiled slightly before relaxing a little more.
Daryl was attractive, I really had to say that. His arms, his blue, intense eyes and his physique in general always attracted me. Sometimes I felt really honored that he was staring after me. So I took a risk. “You wanna join?” My question immediately made him look up, but he immediately closed his eyes when he saw my naked body. I really had to hold back a chuckle, he was really cute. I slowly walked closer to him until I was completely in front of him. I gently grabbed his hand and I gently pulled him towards the water. “Come on… We can talk a little bit…” I then suggested. Daryl just grumbled under his breath before turning away and unbuckling his belt. I bit my bottom lip briefly before turning around and slowly walking into the water. I went low again until my breasts were now hidden again by the water before turning around and looking at Daryl.
He was now up to his stomach in the water, but he kept his top on. I looked at him briefly, confused but also amused, but I decided not to ask him. As he stood in front of me, his eyes wandered everywhere. To my eyes, to my shoulders, to my collarbone, to my lips, to my cleavage and then back to my eyes.
“Soo… why exactly did you slapped my ass?” I then asked teasingly. The tips of his ears now turned bright red and he cleared his throat quietly. His gaze shifted to the side and he took a few deep breaths. "Tha'… wasn't me tho… 'was ma brother…" He then admitted quietly. I tilted my head slightly to the side in amusement and I smiled softly at him. It was kind of clear to me that Daryl hadn't slap me on the ass, but I wanted to hear it from his mouth again. “And…why were you spying on me?” He shrugged again and looked down at the water.
I came a little closer to him so that my breasts were now pressed against his chest and he then looked deep into my eyes. His blue eyes lit up briefly and I could have sworn I felt his cock against my thigh. But I didn't mention it. Not yet. "I-I was… huntin'… just as I said…" Giggling, I placed my hand gently on his cheek and stood slightly on my tiptoes so that I was closer to him. With my other hand I grabbed his wrist and I put his hand on my hip. His other hand followed automatically and now he held my hips. “It’s okay… but next time just ask if you could join me, alright?” My suggestion made him gulp.
I looked briefly at his lips before looking back into his eyes. My hands went to his shoulders and I pulled myself up slightly until I could wrap my legs around his waist. Now his shaft was pressing against my pussy and I moaned softly before I came closer and closer to him. Daryl took a short, sharp breath before looking uncertainly into my eyes. “W-wha’ are ya doin’…?” He asked me uncertainly. He looked excited, almost afraid, but your grip on my waist pulled me a little closer to him. My eyes sparkled briefly with excitement. “I just want to spend some time with you… you don’t have to…” I whispered again quietly to confirm that he really wanted all of this. When the archer shook his head slightly and then nervously licked his bottom lip, I grinned wider and then pressed my lips gently against his.
The younger Dixon growled briefly before returning my kiss sloppily. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to grind my pussy against his shaft. A strangled groan escaped him and his grip around my hips tightened. “You’re so hard…” I giggled softly against his lips before placing my hand on his cheek. "'m sorry… 'm jus'…" Before he could say anything else, I kissed him gently again. “Don’t apologize… I like it…” I then purred softly against his lips. Swallowing hard, he nodded briefly before I reached down between us and gently grabbed his shaft. Daryl immediately gasped quietly and he also looked down. I bit my lower lip lightly, while I rubbed the head of his penis between my folds until it hit my entrance.
“You want that…?” I asked, just to be sure. The archer nodded again and he pushed me down slightly until his tip was inside me. I immediately inhaled sharply and pressed my face into his shoulder. I already knew that I had to stop myself from screaming. I lowered myself deeper and deeper onto him until he filled me completely. His pubic hair tickled my clit slightly, but as I pressed myself harder against him, I felt his abdomen against my sensitive skin. Without realizing it, I had bitten his top and narrowed my eyes. Even though I tensed incredibly hard, a loud whimper escaped me and I was breathing heavily.
“Ya okay…?” I heard Daryl ask quietly. I felt his rapid heartbeat against my bare chest and his breathing was incredibly fast. I wondered if this was Daryl's first time, but I immediately shook the question out of my head. “Y-yeah… It’s just… I haven’t fucked with anyone in a long time…” I then admitted quietly, which only made Daryl grumble. His one hand went to my ass and he massaged it gently. The touch immediately made me tremble and I felt him lift me up a little, only to immediately press me back against his pelvis. “Fuck, woman… ya’r so tight…~” He growled softly against my skin. Whimpering, I clutched at his top and quickly realized that it was bothering me. So I tugged on it gently, but right after I did, he bit my neck hard. Squeaking loudly, I tensed up. He lifted my pelvis faster and faster. "No…~" Was all he growled.
I understood what he meant, but I whimpered loudly. “Daryl, please…! Faster~…” My lips found his neck and I covered his skin with gentle but passionate kisses. He listened to my request and moved my pelvis against his faster and faster, the water around us sloshing around wildly. With my eyes closed, I enjoyed the feeling while placing thick hickeys on his neck. “God, ya feel so good~…” Daryl's deep voice made me tremble for a moment before I moaned softly into his ear. I kept whimpering or moaning his name, making him twitch. His cock twitched and throbbed more and more and the tip of it constantly brushed against my special spot. A tingling sensation spread through my stomach and I breathed faster and faster.
I leaned away from him so I could look Daryl in the eyes. His blue eyes looked deep into mine, his pupils were much wider so that you could barely see his blue irises. He bit his bottom lip hard and looked closely at my features. I had my eyebrows furrowed slightly and my mouth open in an 'O' shape, my eyes staring deep into his. “Fuck, why haven’t you ever spoken to me?” "'Was afraid… god, ya're just so pretty…" He lowered his head and moved me much faster now, my clit rubbing over his shaft again and again.
His sweet words sent a chill through me and I had great difficulty suppressing my voice. My inner walls hugged his shaft much tighter and they sucked him greedily, which only made the archer moan loudly. His gaze went to my bare breasts, which were bouncing up and down due to the movements. Water slowly ran down my breasts and my nipples became hard. Suddenly he pushed my upper body closer to him and he sucked greedily on my nipple. I immediately gasped loudly and grabbed his short, dark blonde hair tightly. “God, Daryl~…! Yes, just like that~!” My words made him growl and he twitched again inside me.
He flicked his tongue over my nipple and moved his pelvis slightly against mine. “Ya’re driving me crazy, woman~…” I had to grin, but another loud gasp escaped me as I felt myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm. “I’m cumming~…!” I whimpered loudly. Daryl growled briefly before letting go of one breast and moving to the next. As his lips wrapped around my nipple, he sucked hard again and I arched my back. "Fuck, Daryl~!" With his name on my lips, I came around him and I gripped his top tightly.
Daryl immediately growled loudly and pulled out of me. In the same second he shot his sperm into the water and he moaned my name. I was still in his arms, my pussy still throbbing but calming down a bit before Daryl slowly carried me out of the water. Once we got out of the water, he put me on the ground to put his pants on himself. I could briefly see his cute ass and a grin crept onto my lips. “Cute butt…” “Shuddup…” He must have been embarrassed. Once the archer was properly dressed again, he helped me get dressed and then picked me up bridal style. I just wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. “Do you wanna sleep in my tent?” I then asked him quietly as his footsteps led us to my tent. Daryl seemed to think for a moment before looking at me. "If ya want…" “I wouldn’t ask you if I never wanted that…”
Daryl snorted briefly and a slight grin briefly appeared on his lips. He then let me down to the ground in front of my tent and opened the tent. I quickly climbed in and then looked back at Daryl. “'m gonna get some clothes… gonna be back again…” And with those words he disappeared briefly. Smiling, I closed the tent slightly before lying down in my tent bed. I looked patiently at the tent door until Daryl opened it again and walked in to me. He had new clothes on. “Ya tired?” "Yeah… a little… you fucked me good." I teased him.
The archer looked away briefly, a visible blush forming on his cheeks. "Tha´ was nothin´, hun..." Giggling, I then moved to the side a little to give him some space. He very hesitantly climbed into the tent bed and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Well… was tha’ now jus’ a one-night stand or…?” Before he could continue, I pressed my lips to his. "No… I love you, Daryl…" He snorted briefly in amusement before kissing my lips gently. Even though he didn't respond to my words, I saw in his eyes that he loved me too. And that's how we fell asleep. With the knowledge that we loved each other and cuddled together too.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
(video of the interview comes out this week)
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"I love exploring the dark side of Aemond and delving deeper into his vulnerability."
"At the end of season 1, with his dragon, Vhagar, he knows he's made a mistake and lets his emotions get the best of him."
"It's good to see that feeling again and it breaks down and takes away that one-dimensionality: there's something more underlying beneath the surface that, in part, motivates it."
"Sure, but at what cost? Everyone saw the damage the three dragons did in the battle."
"After that moment, all of Westeros already knows what it is to fight with dragons and what they can do."
"Now, with Aemond and Daemon, if they sat together in a room, any item in it would be a deadly weapon."
"Yes, I think he has always seen Aegon as someone who is inferior to him."
"He feels like he doesn't have the drive to be a king and the perseverance to be a leader."
"While Aemond was training with the sword and studying with the masters, his brother was probably in some Flea Bed brothel squandering his inheritance."
"So Aemond, although he was the second son, always felt that he should have been treated as the first and always prepared himself for that."
"He also feels that he would probably make a better king than Aegon."
"He hates his brother, but he loves him at the same time, because he is his brother."
"They share a heritage."
"He wants to love him, but Aegon gives her plenty of reasons not to."
"When we are in the battle scene, and when Vhagar attacks Aegon and Rhaenys, the question arises as to whether he intentionally tried to hurt his brother, or if he was in his way or if he was just collateral damage."
"I think it goes back to the previous answer: I think of them as Michael and Fredo Corleone, at the time when the latter betrayed his brother and plotted against him."
"This is because although they hate their enemies, there is a deeper hatred towards someone who should protect and care for you."
"And Aegon never did that. In fact, he led the bullying. Aemond “forgives”, but never forgets."
"It's interesting that you mention Osferth, because in many ways he is the antithesis of Aemond, in the sense that they are children of royalty who were marginalized and have been treated unfairly by their brothers."
"Aemond himself, because he has been sidelined, has a lot to prove."
"He is the second son who will inherit nothing and recognizes that whatever he wants in this life he will have to go out and get it himself, by hook or by crook."
"He has tremendous power in Vhagar."
"And, of course, he recognizes that he can do things that no one else in the kingdom can do."
"And that's why he sees it as a call to greatness, to write his name in the history books."
"I think that in the first four episodes, Aemond is still not very much at the center of the conflict."
"You see it with Criston Cole plotting and trying to manipulate the council because they know war is inevitable."
"Now: Shakespeare said the eyes are the windows to the soul, but in Aemond's case, what does it mean to have one and the other a safari? Do you see less of his soul? There is silence."
"A lot of silence on your part and in those moments you say a lot without saying anything."
"I love those moments, because as a viewer, you can project your own interpretation on the character about what is happening through his or her gaze."
"Someone asked me if I thought Aemond had problems with his mother and I don't think so: he just wanted to be loved by her a little more."
"He is an empty child and children need that unconditional love to be balanced beings and develop a vision accordingly."
"And since he never had that, he had to look for solutions in other beings. In Vhagar. At Mrs. Sylvie, from the brothel."
"Children need to be loved unconditionally: if a child is not embraced by the village, they will hug them to feel their warmth and seek validation through other means."
"In Aemond's case, it's war."
"And of course, if he finds out what Cole, his best friend, has been doing with his mother, I don't know how he would take it."
"That's one of the most fascinating aspects of playing him."
"Because beyond that image that has been created, he is in a very different physical and psychological place from what we saw last season."
"He has cultivated this facade - almost homage - inspired by Daemon Targaryen."
"Now, there is a movie called 'Fire vs. Fire' starring Robert De Niro where he has a code to protect himself."
"Aemond has something similar."
"That's why it's so easy for him to reject the madame in episode 3, because he knows that in her world there is no place for love, since it is a weakness."
"He has to be seen as this 'Terminator' who scares everyone and is all-powerful."
"So it's interesting to see what's behind all of that, to see this abandoned boy who is still there."
"He knows that there is no turning point this time."
"What happened with Luke and Arrax, he knows was a mistake."
"It wasn't his intention."
"He let his emotions get the best of him and lost control of his dragon."
"Here he is in complete control and knows what the dragons can do."
"In episode 5 you will see all the consequences of this."
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bbygirl-aemond · 3 months
one thing that jumped out at me right away in episode 2 was jace's physicality. look at jace's movements here in season 2 episode 2:
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and compare this to daemon's movements in season 1 episode 10:
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in this scene with daemon, he's just drawn his sword and pointed it at otto hightower. he's angry and grieving because he just lost a child, and in that anger and grief he seeks to take action against those who he blames for this happening. but rhaenyra does not want this, and she quells him with a single look, and he obeys her, but he does not hide his reluctance. the grip he adopts on the pommel of his sword is a clear signal he has switched out of fighting mode, but he still remains at the ready, still physically grips the sword, still holds on to everything the sword symbolizes. he's backing down, but he still wants rhaenyra--and everyone else--to see what he truly wants to do.
in the scene with jace, we see something extremely similar play out. jace is mourning his brother, not his child, but he is similarly angry and wishing to take action. rhaenyra denies him just as she denied daemon (albeit for a different reason). and it's just so fascinating to me that the way jace reacts here is such a perfect match for how daemon reacted back in season 1; so much so that my first reaction to seeing him move that way was to immediately say "that's 100% daemon right there." jace, too, reaches for his sword, and he too adopts the same grip.
jace and daemon are obviously very different characters but i do think the ways in which they're similar is fascinating, particularly in the way they respond to rhaenyra denying them, in the way that they both obey immediately yet still display their disapproval of her command. i actually think this makes their loyalty to rhaenyra seem more powerful, in how readily they obey her even and especially when they really don't want to.
tldr: i'm like 99% sure harry collett saw all the jokes about him and daemon having the same awful posture and said "bet i can work with this"
(gifs are from @jace-targaryen and @thequeenwechoose respectively, but i did crop the jace gif to zoom in on him further and i removed the first few frames of the daemon gif so it lined up more with jace's movement)
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skamenglishsubs · 6 months
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 3, Episode 2
Episode 2 starts days or maybe a week after episode 1. The curfews and phone ban is in place, so Wilhelm and Simon make the most of their one hour of phone sex talking.
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Blink and you miss it: Wilhelm snapped a quick instant picture of himself and Simon at the palace in the last episode, using the camera we saw on his desk. The heart is still on his hand, so maybe it's the next day, or maybe he's been filling it in every day.
Cinematography: Intense red light typically symbolizes their mutual love, and this scene is overflowing with it.
Lost in translation: They both finish the phone call with "puss", which means kiss, but not exactly. It's more platonic, something you can say and do with your parents, or your kids, or end phone calls with. The other word for kiss, "kyss", is more romantic/sexual, and would be super weird to end a phone call with. Simon is using that word when he says he would kiss Wilhelm's collar bone birth mark.
Subtext: Of course Vincent doesn't believe anyone was bullied. He's the biggest bully, but what he does is just a joke, or the other guy deserved it. This is gonna be a recurring theme™ in this episode, how various characters look back on and remember, or choose not to remember, what happened to them.
Subtext: If you didn't pick up this meaningful glance, you're blind. The initiation porno was totally real, and Nils and August clearly remember it, and weren't as flippant about it as Vincent.
Culture: In Sweden, inner city schools are typically better and have richer students than the poorer schools out in the suburbs. This is the exact opposite of the typical US school demographical pattern.
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Subtext: Wilhelm avoids Farima's question by evading it. Note that it does make sense that she doesn't know what's going on at these schools since she's an employee, she's not upper-class herself. Wilhelm's parents know though since they attended Hillerska, but they would of course never admit it either.
Culture: Ironically, this is exactly how the real-world Danish royal family handled the Herlufsholm scandal in 2022 involving prince Christian. Only when the media storm in Denmark got too intense did they pull him out of the school, while furiously denying knowledge of the abuse or that he was involved in any way.
Cinematography: We're in the cursed music room, but the light is soft and golden, and the scene is just cute. No fight this time.
Subtext: We're touching the theme™ again, but from Simon's perspective. He has the same outsider perspective we have; speaking up about abuse is always good, and if the school's closing because of it, that's an obviously good thing. There's plenty of scenes in this episode showing that most Hillerska students don't share this perspective, they really love their school, as fucked up as it is.
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Subtext: Although it sounds like a rehearsed PR line and Felice is thinking about her girl group here, it's gonna come true for her and Sara.
Subtext: Yuck. No further comment.
Cinematography: The immediate cut to Felice getting her aggressions out in gym class shows us exactly what she thought of what the principal said and how much it pissed her off.
Blink and you miss it: Simon audibly sniffs Wilhelm's hair.
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Blink and you miss it: Micke made dinner for both of them, but in her depression, Sara ignores the cooked food (Pyttipanna, btw), and makes herself a cucumber sandwich instead.
Subtext: Micke is a man on a mission, and he is constantly steering the conversation towards helping Sara get her driver's license. For him, it's a way to make up for having been a shitty parent.
Culture: Sweden has long been a holdout of stick-shift cars, and if you don't do your practical test in a stick-shift, you'll get a restricted license, so it's not out of the ordinary for Micke to be teaching Sara how to drive one. However, automatics have seen a sharp rise in the last decade, and in 2024 automatics will finally overtake them.
Culture: The green ÖVNINGSKÖRNING sign is compulsory in Sweden if a car is being driven by someone on a learner's permit, with a parent or friend as the instructor. There's also a red version of the sign, which indicates it's a student driver with a professional instructor in a dual control car.
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Cinematography: The room is filled to the brim with things to do, there's a bazillion board games, they have books, magazines, fidget thingies, they're drowning in stuff, and yet the girls are still soooooo boooored just because they don't have their phones. Except Madison, who is knitting.
Subtext: Here comes the theme™ again, and Fredrika is firmly in camp denial. Everyone else is just lying and exaggerating! The wheels are starting to turn in Felice's head though.
Subtext: Nils and August are finally talking about the initiation without Vincent being present, and they can finally be honest about what they actually thought about it. It happened, they didn't like.
Subtext: Their idea of fixing it however is not to go out publicly and talk about it, but to just quietly stop the tradition, hoping they'll be the last ones. (Since there are no second-year students in the show, we have no idea what happened to them, so we're just gonna ignore that.)
Subtext: And here comes the reason that August wanted to put a stop to it. He was completely humiliated by it, and he doesn't want anyone else to know that he was humiliated, because that just makes it worse. This is also the reason that traditions like this keep on going, no-one wants to blow the whistle on it, because everyone was abused, everyone was a victim, it's hard for abuse victims to speak up.
Cinematography: The talk with Nils triggered an anxiety attack for August, and being inside his small room doesn't exactly help. Him going so close to the camera that he almost bumps into it really shows how he feels like the walls are closing in on him.
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Culture: This, kids, is a standard Swedish landline telephone jack. For the longest time I thought phone jacks looked like this everywhere, but it turns out that this particular design was only used in Sweden and Iceland(!?!). You won't find these in newer buildings because landlines are pretty much dying out, and if there are phone jacks they'll probably be using the much more common RJ-11 standard.
Culture: This, kids, is an Ericsson Diavox phone. The former government phone monopoly in Sweden, Televerket, only allowed certified and approved phones to be used on the network, and they only approved a very small set of phones, so everyone had pretty much the same phones in their homes. However, in the 1980's the market started getting flooded with "illegal" phones from other countries, so the monopoly simply stopped enforcing the rule, and you could finally, finally, plug in that novelty Garfield phone that you always wanted.
Blink and you miss it: Sara is studying for her driving test, and she's reading about driving in the dark.
Subtext: We're gearing up for the main plotline of the season, dropping more hints that maybe Wilhelm's image of Erik wasn't complete, and what August says sows some seeds of doubt in him.
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Subtext: This song is objectively not very good, please don't kill me, but it is very sixteen-year-old-boy-just-singing-from-his-heart, not thinking about the text.
Subtext: Simon isn't wearing anything purple, but just after he posts his song video, he picks up a purple shirt, drops it immediately, and then the camera lingers on it. Colour theory goes brrrrrrrr. He thought about Wilhelm, and then stopped because his music is more important to him or something?
Subtext: Unlike Simon, Wilhelm immediately understands how problematic the text is for him, and how people will interpret it...
Subtext: ...but since he doesn't want to hurt Simon's feelings, he lies about why he thinks the song was a very, very bad idea. And he cushions it by telling Simon that he thinks the song is jätte-jätte-bra. Giant-giant-good.
Subtext: Yes, but also no, and someone from the court really should have given Simon some media training and explained to him why he has to be very careful about what he posts. But it's drama fuel, which is why this disaster is allowed to happen.
Subtext: A nice little throwback to season 1, this is exactly what Erik told Wilhelm in the first episode, about making sure that their public image is carefully curated.
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Subtext: That's some on-the-nose foreshadowing there, since Felice is one of the main causes for the school ultimately closing.
Subtext: We're back to the theme™, Fredrika is saying pretty much the same thing as Vincent. It didn't happen, and if it did, it wasn't that bad.
Subtext: However, Felice isn't playing along this time, she's starting to speak up about the issues, and the result is a long, awkward silence, because her friends are not willing to do the same.
Subtext: Wilhelm and the rest of the rich kids are of course all wearing pretty expensive high-end hiking gear, in contrast with Simon who is simply wearing one of his usual hoodies and his usual winter jacket that we've seen before. That's a damn fine jacket from Fjällräven, btw, the same company that makes the weirdly globally popular Kånken backpacks.
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Blink and you miss it: Henry is getting dragged for his actually quite reasonable objection to the tent groupings.
Subtext: Felice physically distances herself from her friends, and joins Simon and Wilhelm, in a nice little foreshadowing of the show's ending.
Blink and you miss it: Did you miss the line in last episode where Ayub said they were also gonna go camping at Talludden with their classmates from Marieberg? Well, here they are, because they pitched their tents nearby, and decided to go check out the Hillerska camp. It's not just Rosh and Ayub randomly walking through the woods.
Subtext: In season 2, we learned that Stella has a crush on Fredrika that she thinks is one-sided, but Fredrika sure has some kind of reaction to seeing Stella being close with Rosh. Jealousy, perhaps? Not clear at this point in time.
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Subtext: Read the room Fredrika, for fuck's sake. At least Wilhelm has started learning to recognize privilege. The other rich kids probably recognize their privilege, but they're mostly just enjoying how much better they are than the poor regular kids.
Subtext: But Wilhelm's still got a lot more to learn. Yes, technically he is forced to spend his summer studying, and technically it is a kind of work, but the underlying reasons are completely different. If he skips it or fails, nothing bad will happen to him, unlike the Marieberg kids who rely on their summer jobs to have any sort of spending money.
Lost in translation: Wilhelm's dad says that the queen is going to be "sjukskriven", which is more serious than someone deciding on their own to take some time off or to use some sick days. It means that a doctor has evaluated you and decided that you are not fit to work, and that if you're a regular person, you are eligible for sick pay for the foreseeable future.
Cinematography: Yeah, mommy is really sick and Wilhelm is feeling the weight of responsibility, but take a look at that sunrise! It's so pretty! Wilhelm is completely in shadow because trouble whatever, but look at how that light just pops, with the sky and the water and the sun on the trees! Beautiful!
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Hello! I hope you're doing good
I saw your post the other day that you were accepting requests but I don't know if you still are, but if you are, I was wondering if we could get some Nolan Grayson content👉👈
Nolan Grayson NSFW alphabet
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I was given the chance to write anything, so alphabet time. This is post season 2 Nolan, cuz hes my bbygirl, and I think hed be a better partner in general.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I don’t believe viltrumite culture really does aftercare. They sleep together to have offspring, or maybe as a dominance thing, but I can’t see them doing a lot of healthy kink stuff, or just cuddling afterwards. He probably did something akin to it with Debbie, but its only after leaving it all behind after season 1 and getting with you that he would start to see more importance in it, especially when you give him a lot of aftercare whenever you are in charge. Hes not the best at it yet, but he does try.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On his partner, Nolans favorite part would be any muscularity they have, or if you happen to have a beard. If you have neither then its his partners thighs and hands. On himself its his muscles, especially his torso and arms.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I hope you got a bucket, viltrumites get the kryptonian treatment in this house. Which means, theres so much cum. Nolan produces even more than Mark. Mostly because hes older and is in his “prime” if that makes sense. Unlike Mark though, Nolan doesn’t see the amount he makes as an annoyance, since hes still quite prideful. You do catch him puffing out his chest a little if you mentioned its something you find attractive though.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has always had fantasies of being dominated or defeated in battle, whereafter the enemy will have their way with him. He has never once acted on these fantasies, but now that he’s with you and has gotten a reality check he might little by little try to step out of his comfort zone. Has had a few fantasies of being defeated, captured, and made into some kind of trophy wife, think like Leia in the slave dress type situation.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Theres no way to know how old Nolan is, but its assumed hes thousands of years old. This doesn’t mean hes got a lot of experience, since like I mentioned before, I believe viltrumites only do it to reproduce or for dominance. Hes probably gotten more game on earth than most of his life up till that point, so theres things you’ll have to teach him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position that puts you above him or has you pinning him in some way, especially loves any position where you choke him in some way, be it your hands or with your arm. When hes feeling more dominant himself you better except him to pull an amazonian position or something like that.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Nolan is serious in most situations, and the bedroom is the same, especially since part of him feels a little strange just doing it for fun like this. But also because Nolan thinks he has to pay attention and learn, to make up for his less stellar experiences in the past.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Nolan doesn’t shave any of the hair on his body, except for his beard to get his usual stache. Viltrumites I believe would take pride in their bodyhair. He does keep it neat and tidy though, kinda like a controlled chaos.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Nolan doesn’t really know how to be way too romantic in the moment, since being in love without a purpose is still so new to him. He has his moments though, where he just kinda looks his partner in the eyes with the most love filled eyes. Saying it, is still difficult though.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)                                                                                                                                       
The normal amount for viltrumites his age, which I believe would be once a day or once every two days, just to keep themselves from backing up too much of it. up until recently hes probably mostly done it for his health, but after getting with you he starts to do it for fun.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Doing it in the suit, or just his cape for that matter.
Strength and power in general.
Blood kink, pain kink, what comes with fighting.
Sparring and training with his partner.
Sensory deprivation
Asphyxiation and choking
Edging and overstimulation
Breeding (secretly, on him)
Roleplay (like the slave Leia and owner type roleplay. Getting this from him will be almost impossible though)
Dom/sub or master/slave
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Nolan could honestly do it anywhere, he doesn’t have a preference. That comes with being his age and having an ego like viltrumites tend to do. Hes a preference for doing it on battlefields or wherever you guys spar though.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Its not that hard to get Nolan going, but hes much better at containing it than Mark, but that’s more because of age and life experiences. The easiest way to get him going is to get his adrenaline up, so sparring or even outright fighting. That, or just jerking off somewhere nearby, cuz he will hear and smell it with ease.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Share. Nolan wouldn’t share himself or his partner with anybody, he is very possessive. Especially other viltrumites. It would be like putting to male hamsters together, one of them dies before its over.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Didn’t have much of a preference in the past since it wasn’t really anything he paid too much attention too. But with Debbie he preferred receiving, since it was the more “dominant” role. But with you he learns that he quite likes giving, he just has a hard time in the beginning getting on his knees below you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on the situation, but most of the time its slow and hard. But if its after you guys have sparred or fought, its faster and even rougher. He loves when you treat him roughly too. But there are times where its more slow lovemaking than anything else.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Nolan doesn’t have anything against quickies, its just not his favorite. If you both are in the mood, sure he enjoys it, but he prefers when you guys can take your time. But this also stems from viltrumites having so much damn stamina that one quickie doesn’t even scratch the itch.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nolans for trying most things, even more dangerous stuff, unless you are vulnerable like a human or something else in that genre, he wouldn’t want to accidentally crush you with his thighs or anything.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
More stamina than you could imagine, you can’t even dream of keeping up unless you are a fellow viltrumite, like Allen, or some other species like that. Could probably go nonstop for days, if not a couple of weeks without having to slow down. In the end, even If you are a fellow viltrumite, you guys probably just stop more out of boredom or because you have other things to do than exhaustion.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own toys, and doesn’t really see the purpose for the most part. Of course, he still has fantasies where they fit very well, but Nolan won’t admit it even if you can tell hes thought about it from his blush.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Depends on his mood for the most part. If you guys are alone, I could see him getting handsy or mumbling the raunchiest of things. The type to “accidentally” rip your clothes just right, or his own clothes for that matter, just to show off a little. He loves when you tease him too, he’s just still very bad at waiting it out.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud, even if you’ve somehow gotten him deep into subspace. He’s mainly grunts and groans, and he clenches his teeth a lot, meaning you’ll have to put something in his mouth. But if you do put something in his mouth, you might get some gasped moans and whimpers if you’re lucky.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Has written multiple very successful adult novels under a penname when he lived on earth. One happens to be an extremely popular series based around his own most shameful (in his opinion) fantasies, involving a muscular warrior put under the boot of an even bigger and more muscular warrior. He’s not good at it, but Nolan likes to draw. It tends to mainly be doodles, but he’s surprisingly good at vehicles and landscapes.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Very big and thick, like, you are so lucky he turns out to like bottoming the most. How Debbie took it, you’ll never learn, but that woman deserves a damn medal. Both a grower and a shower, you think he’s big when he’s soft, you’ll be in for a surprise when he gets hard. Veiny and uncut.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Its always been quite average for a viltrumite his age and position, meaning he was fine taking care of himself up until now. Now Nolan finds himself fumbling every now and then, because he feels like an uncontrollable animal at times with how much he wants it. Nolan is able to suppress it though, more for his own pride and dignity than anything else.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Nolan doesn’t really fall asleep afterwards on the regular, its only if you’ve really wrung his dry mentally, by for example putting him in subspace or similar. But its almost impossible to get him physically tired enough to sleep. He does like to cuddle afterwards, even if he doesn’t like to admit it.
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bridgertonnteas · 3 months
Regarding Bridgerton part2 & things that might have been changed or cut
I did get early screening for 5& 6 at the time but I never got one for 7 & 8 so I didn't see anything myself. however, I do know that there were at least 3 different versions of ep8 most of what happened is the same but there few differences that I know about & there was another version of another scene in ep7
1-In episode 8, the scene of Pen riding Colin those few seconds were part of a bigger scene. a montage that would have shown them after they reconciled. what I do know about the scene is that they made out / kissed a lot playfully, and they looked happy in it & few seconds of sex scenes that show them trying different things from him eating her out to the riding part etc. They weren't fully naked but just like the riding scene part with her wearing a robe and him being covered somehow in that area or waist down
2- No, there wasn't any other mirror scene. however part of the montage; there are few seconds of them looking at the mirror while he is kissing her neck & smiling
3- In the scene when things get heated in the streets in ep7, there was another version of it of him getting into the carriage with her and making sure she went home while still being upset with her, he doesn't let her go home alone in that version. I personally would have liked that version more because it would have shown that he was still worried about her which was clear already, but that version would have been better
4- I seriously don't know why the montage was cut and I don't find any possible explanation to that because why remove a happy scene like that more so when the leads were going around promoting how steamy the season is & how they had multiple scenes like the carriage and the mirror. I do know that both of them didn't see the final version of ep8 so they didn't know it was cut which sucks because thinking about it why did they have them take time to film that and then cut it, cutting it didn't change anything from the storyline and in fact, if they have let it stay it would have more to their story & those scenes were empowering to women with nicola's body type
5-Ben sex scenes were there in all versions but they weren't in the same quantity nor in the randomness of placements which I find it an odd editing choice for the final version and I still don't understand why that decision was taken
No, I don't have the original version of 8 & I never saw it myself but all my sources confirmed the same thing which is a shame because I feel the original version would have been better. I still did enjoy the ep8 we got tho, I have few complaints I did talk about before, but I don't wanna talk about it
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So I've seen a lot of 'Hop actively dislikes and distrusts Steve', 'Hop tolerates Steve because he's useful during UD shenanigans but doesn't like him', and the big swing to 'Hop has adopted Steve as his own and treats him the same/almost the same as he does El'
BUT, I present:
Hop pseudo adopts Steve because when he and Owens were trying to get the Harringtons to make any decisions about their teenager who saw some sketchy shit and may need government testing they legally gave Hop the rights to act in loco parentis and he takes that seriously because he doesn't want another Will Byers and he's pretty sure the Harrington kid has a concussion.
Hop who stays involved just enough in Steve's life season 1-3 that we the audience see Steve is getting attached. But Hop just sees an annoying kid who won't leave him alone when he's trying to deal with a rebellious psychic and her insane little friends and keeps asking stupid questions about highschool romance and teenage rivalry drama. Knows Joyce Byers doesn't like the kid but won't give a lot of reason why but he's mostly learned to trust that woman's judgement about people. Still gets him the job at Scoops when the kid's dad makes a stink about college and tells him if he survives a few months there he'll consider bringing him on the force, makes sense to keep him close and in a position to help should shit hit the fan again.
Hop who doesn't get it when Steve is one of the most relieved when he 'comes back to life' after Joyce and Murray bring him back from Russia. When Steve introduces him as "My Hop," (something he'd taken to calling him just before season 2 shenanigans) to his sarcastic, fidgety little friend like it means something. The girl, Robin, looks between the two of them and gets this sad look on her face for a second before smiling and shaking his hand and saying something about "Dingus has told me all about you".
Hop who complains to Murray one of the times The Party and assorted teens and adults are over at his renovated and expanded cabin (courtesy of Owens and shady government organizations recognizing these people are worth investing in, heavily if omens are to be believed) when the bald annoyance asks about what's up on there. Complains about having annoying teenagers who have nothing better to do but pester him legally put under his supervision cause their parents can't be assed to care and are spoiled little shits who are slightly more bearable versions of said parents cause he can stand toe to toe with one of those monsters they faced and the kids kind of listen to him. Complains about barely being able to breathe cause of regular visits and check-ins like Hop was still responsible for him. Says at least the extra hands are useful around the cabin what with the still healing up and El pacing herself after the showdown with Creel and still trying to find Max and the Byers not quite moved back to Hawkins yet.
Hop who doesn't realize that Steve hears every word cause he had gone looking for the older man when he disappeared for more than a few minutes, when he couldn't see him to make sure he was here and safe and alive. Steve who thought Hop actually had come to care for him in his own gruff way and had confessed to Robin that in a lot of ways the way Hop has taken care of him makes him the closest thing to the father figure he's always wanted but never thought he'd get to have. Steve who hears Murray hum and recollect a visit from Nancy and Jonathan where their romance officially started (he vaguely knows about the visit, didn't realize that's what happened, didn't realize she couldn't be bothered to even do the decent/considerate thing before moving on to something better) because it seemed it was a pattern he was seeing 'people liked Steve, but people didn't love Steve'.
Hop who hears a choked sound like someone taking a claw to the gut and turns to see Harrington. Steve Harrington his bandages just peeking out from the collar of his shirt and the opening of his sleeves. (He never did get the stories behind those, too busy being fussed over and being told about the kids and how they were doing as Harrington played babysitter) Steve Harrington a kid who went through hell and still managed to smile and laugh and stand tall and unyielding looking at him with a blank face his eyes misty and his shoulders starting to curl in on himself before he clears his throat, chokes out that he just wanted to make sure Hop was alright but looks like Murray had everything under control. He'd go now, get out of his hair, let him rest, let him breathe. Steve Harrington who walks away with purpose like a man on a mission and doesn't acknowledge the kids calling out asking if he's alright, make sure he has his walkie talkie on him.
Hop, who realizes maybe he left behind two kids who missed (needed) him. Who wonders who took care of Harrington's paperwork when he was concussed and sedated because he was bleeding out and feverish from infection and Hop was busy at the cabin reveling in the comfort and warmth of his daughter and the woman he loved and her two sons who were fast becoming like his own. Hop, who realizes too late that maybe if he'd given the kid half a chance he could have had 3 sons to sit with him and his daughter and the woman he loved as they basked in surviving another end-of-the-world. Hop who has spent years barely giving a damn about Steve Harrington and realizes that he's no better than the kid's own parents.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4.1
Part 4.2
Part 5
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demonioenelespacio · 1 year
I really love how s2 of Good Omens is written, because you have so many clues about what is going to happen at the end, the offer, the motivations behind the choices of all the characters… You have everything on the plate to cook an amazing recipe.
You start the season with them as angels and end it with an offer to be both angels again (just like s1 started and ended with a Garden). You get a brief glimpse of The angel who became Crowley, we get to see how they were so passionate about their work, you can see their joy. I mean, look at them
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Can you really blame Aziraphale for thinking that the offer is amazing? When that could mean that Crowley is this happy again.
But… The spark that our demon is missing is innocence, and that’s something Crowley can’t get back, ever (unless they delete his memory??).
Crowley is bitter and angry and anxious, but we know he can experience that joy from Before, because we can see that when he is making it rain for Maggie and Nina. We saw a real smile.
Aziraphale didn’t.
But the offer is not because he wants to change Crowley, because he knows who Crowley is now and loves him as he is. And because he knows that Crowley is still the same caring and kind being he was Before.
“I know you”
“You do not know me”
“I know the angel you were”
“The angel you knew is not me”
Yeah, it’s true, but that scene is to show Azira that he is still kind, he didn't kill the sheep, he is not going to kill the children. So, yes, Crowley isn’t that Angel, but the core is the same in the end.
There is also the fact that… Do you think Aziraphale ever thinks about how he planted the seeds of Crowley's Fall?
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This is the face of an angel who is going to end the career of another angel WITHOUT REALISING IT.
That Angel didn’t know about Earth, about humans, about the Great Plan, they were busy making stars. If Aziraphale had never told them that, would Crowley have thought of asking questions?
First offence and all of that… How unfair. How could Aziraphale make it right again?
The “Exactly” scene is so important. They are so stupid (affectionary).
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They mean the same thing (We can be together) but saying different things; a phrase (Nothing lasts forever) meaning different things for each of them. They don’t talk, they don’t really speak each other's language.
Also, the final scene is more painful, but we have the same argument in ep1:
“Oh, right, this is how you wanna do it?”
“No, I would love you to help me! I’m asking you to help me take care of (Heaven). But if you won’t, you won’t”
*Crowley leaves*
How can they have broken up so many times without ever being together (screams).
In ep1 we also have the two little mini half-miracles. And I have read some people take that as how powerful Crowley is, but come on. This Big Miracle is clearly because they are working together, the two of them together are more powerful than anything else. And boy, that rang an alarm in my head when I first watched the season, because… Crowley said in s1 that they will be waiting for the next Big Thing, this war "Heaven and Hell vs. Humanity". You want the best in your team, right?
Because if they are not… they can be against you.
So, yeah, I saw Metatron and was like “ok, here we go”. And look, his offer is to Aziraphale, because he is an angel, but Metatron doesn’t blink an eye before mentioning Crowley too. He wants both. But whatever, if Crowley doesn’t want to go to Heaven, if Heaven only gets Azirphale, well, success either way! Because if you separate the two of them, they are no longer a threat .
Also the fly, flying around very very noisy. You have Beelzebub saying they want Gabriel surrendered to them and acting a bit weird. All the clues there (I must confess I didn't expect the ship to be canon, I just thought they might be talking more lol. A nice win).
All this just thinking about episode 1.
The last thing I want to touch is Maggie and Nina talking to Crowley before the confession. Because… They told us what was going to happen.
They can’t be together, because Nina has to get over her previous toxic relationship before she is ready, and then, only then, they can try, if Maggie waits (she will wait).
Aziraphale has to get over his toxic relationship with Heaven before he is ready, and then, only then, they can try, if Crowley waits (he will wait).
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Watching "Bad Territory" and "Paths Unknown" from a mental health perspective really dials up the angst. It's so obvious that the Batch all really need therapy and it's sad to see them all struggle. So much has changed over the past year for them and by season 3, the cracks really show more than ever. Because they're so used to the solider life, pretty much all of them, particularly Crosshair, internalizes their pain to the point of self-destruction. They don't want to talk about it and it affects all of them.
Hunter's inability to keep his squad together after Order 66 happens takes a big toll on him. He directs all his energy at Omega and losing her in season 2 really pushes him over the edge. Instead of talking about it, he begins to act more recklessly. Hunter also has to deal with seeing Crosshair get turned against him and choose that at the end of season 1. There's also a lot of guilt he probably feels about leaving Cross and seeing the Batch's numbers dwindle. Going back to Omega, she probably gave him something to hold on to. She gives him a purpose despite all the guilt and pain he feels.
Crosshair is the most sensitive of the Batch in my opinion. He internalizes a lot and holds on to it. He lets it fester and I think he does so much more Hunter. Omega is the only person he feels comfortable enough to be truly vulnerable around. He has his moments with Hunter, but it's not on the same level as Omega. But even with her, he's so haunted by what happened to him that he doesn't want to talk about it. He also deflects a lot, putting himself down or lashes out to protect himself. One of the reasons why I loved the meditation sequence is because he slowly begins to find peace of mind. That's really going to help him when he eventually opens up.
Wrecker had to become more mature and the voice of reason for Hunter. While he has his jokey moments, he's much quieter and reserved. He knows he has to be strong for Hunter, just like Omega is for Crosshair. There's something sad to see the most jolly and upbeat characters become more quiet and serious. It shows just how dark things have become.
Speaking of Omega, she's not ok. Between her past and whatever else she went through on Tantiss, there is a lot going on in that little head of hers. She feels guilty for leaving the other clones behind and she went through/saw some very bad stuff. However, she's neglecting her own mental needs for two reasons in my opinion. #1: she's trying to not worry her brothers. She knows her absence affected them. I can imagine she doesn't want to feel guilty about putting more stress on them. #2: she's trying to be strong for Crosshair. Crosshair is the most outward with his mental struggles because it manifests as psychosomatic tremors. That and he pretty much lost all hope after being imprisoned. Omega selflessly puts her own needs aside to be there for him because she knows he's hurting more than he says he is. But how long will keeping up a brave face last for our little sunshine?
I really think "Identity Crisis" will force many of these characters like Cross or Omega to finally open up. They can't hide it forever. Crosshair in particular will have to confront his trauma if he wants his hand to slowly heal. It's a long journey though.
If we compare the Batch in CW vs. TBB S3, it's crazy to think how much they've changed since then. They're all struggling deeply. However, they have each other for support and sometimes, that's the best place to start for healing.
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anxious-witch · 3 months
Some thoughts on Edwin through the lenses of flaws and sexuality, specifically connected to his meetings with the Cat King and what metaphors I think are cleverly used through the offers he makes to Edwin.
(Under the cut bc this will be long and I don't wanna spam the tag)
Part 1, because I realized halfway through it will be too long for one post.
Let's start with him being trapped in Port Townsend. As much as I love Edwin, we see that at the beginning of the season, he shows disregard towards people and things that he either doesn't already care about or aren't in the sphere of his interest(as seen through Crystal and briefly Niko, when he was literally ready to write her off as hysterical at first), and under that falls the cat he gets the information from.
I don't believe he has any malicious intent, but he disregard the fact that the cat is a being worthy of respect. He could have befrended the cat and get the information that way, but he didn't think it was worth his time. He even says all the cats look the same to him. To Edwin, who pays attention to the smallest details? That speaks volumes on how much he simply doesn't care about cats. Which is why the Cat King makes him count all of them. Remember all of them, for all their differences.
But I digress. Let's go back to the Cat King's offers to set Edwin free and look at them through the lenses of storytelling. First thing we need to remember is what Cat King says before that. "My kingdom is all about wants and pleasures". But is it? We see on several ocassions that Cat King acts upon an act already commited against something or someone, as someone who delivers consequences of those actions. Trapping Edwin for trapping his cat, kissing Monty without permission for him kissing Edwin without permission, exploiting Esther's immortality loophole through Crystal after Esther's exploited his immortality loophole. And eye for eye. Now, back to the offers.
Cat King offers Edwin to sleep with him or to count all the cats in Port Towsend. Or as I like to see it-accept your desire of being attracted to men, or face your flaw. Neither of which is easy for Edwin, although by the end, he bith accepts his desire and overcomes his flaw(at least in part, since no one is perfect).
We see it again when they meet during episode 4. Yes, the Cat King flirts with him and shapeshifts into Monty at Charles, playing up Edwin's desires once again. Enticing him to it. But when Edwin refuses his desires, Cat King turns to his flaw again and makes him admit it through the truth spell. "I am ashamed, it is selfish" says Edwin after.
And the Cat King could have used his shame to manipulate him, but that wasn’t the point of his character. He wants Edwin to face himself. Because you can't improve withour facing yourself.
Now, when they meet in the forest, I think their dynamics shift drastically. Specifically bc of what happens in-between their meetings. Ala, Edwin begins to actually grapple with and accept both his desires AND flaws. He realizes he is in love with Charles and the whole thing with Monty, although ends awkwarly, is a big step in the direction of accepting that he does like men romantically. And we also see him open up to Niko more, to start accepting Crystal as a person, not a rival for Charles' affection.
So with that in mind, I think he has a lot more power now, that the last time he saw the Cat King. He is blindsided for a bit with the reveal of Monty lying to him. But what I think is also really interesting, is that Monty is the one uncovering both desire and flaws in Edwin here.
When he says Charles is the one Edwin has feelings for, that it's obvious, in Edwin's eyes, he is practically throwing his desire in his face. And what does Edwin resorts back to? His copying mechanism. His flaw. "Even if it were true, you are a bloody crow!" Because Edwin isn't ready to admit to wanting Charles. Not yet.
Which is why I think the Cat King only batters with his desire afterwards! "Second kiss is always better". And while Edwin rejects him, it is noticeable different. Edwin isn't scared, he is angry. And he doesn't deny his desire like the fiest two times. "Hear me, I am not your toy to yank around. I owe you nothing". Which is why Cat King gets angry foe the first time! He can feel how close he is, and yet Edwin rejects him yet again.
Then, Edwin shows off the bracelet and says "this is all that you are." As others have pointed out, the bracelet is obviously a metaphor for Edwin's sexuality that he keeps trying to hide. Yet, here he shows it off, throws it in the Cat King's face. "I desire you, but I do not love you. This is all that you are, an attraction, a fancy". And what does Cat King do or say? Nothing. Because he is powerless in the face of Edwin's acceptance.
I'll leave their last meeting for Part 2, because this got wayyy too long already
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