#because there is something special about her and cass just— almost destroyed her mom (in a good wholesome way)
caitlynmeow · 5 months
Out of the three daughters it’s actually Cassandra who goes for marriage and settling down with her own family.
It’s simple with her: she met the love of her life and they both want to be around each other forever. Her very charming girlfriend proposed and Cassandra said yes because she realized that she wants to spend the rest of her life with this mofo.
And just like her mama, she decides to have three daughters who are very loved by their grandmother and two aunties.
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srose-foxfire · 3 years
“First Impressions” Part 4 (Damirae Fic)
“Yo man they trying to ambush us by camping. Watch out while you jungle.”
“Seeing it Jon.” Damian said as he looked down at his phone killing some monsters to build his assassin character. At the same time, he was watching the small map located at the top left of the screen to see where the opponent team was and watching out for his own team.  
Damian Wayne wasn’t much for video games. Much less for mobile games but he didn’t mind spending this type of time with his oldest childhood friend; Jonathan Kent. They been friends since kids, and Damian was very grateful to have a true friend like Jon. Whenever he needed to vent to someone, especially since most his siblings drove him insane.
“How’s the holiday with everyone at the farm?” Damian asked, as he approached an opponent and ambushed the marksmen player from the bush. Scoring him a kill.
Jon approached Damian’s character and cast a skill that started adding health point to his bar. “It’s going good. Everyone is having fun; I think they’re playing some board game right now.”
“Watch out!” Jon called, both he and Damian were crashed into by an enemy character that had transformed into a vehicle releasing one of their own teammates to attack both their characters slaying them in the promise. Damian looked up from his phone and looked at Jon’s devastated face on his laptop screen. He couldn’t help but laugh at his friend how he really got into the game. From their own group of friends, Damian and Jon were the only ones playing this certain type of mobile game. So, they were both on the same page and to help carry their team to victory, the two friends would video chat.
Damian looked back down on his screen and saw both of their character would respawn in five seconds. “Shouldn’t you be with them?”
Jon picked up his phone and repositioning himself on his chair before his character revived. “I could be saying the same about you.” He said so calmly. “I heard from Cass that Dick came with his wife and kids, shouldn’t yoube spending time with your family?
“I greeted them; I just don’t want to be… around anyone right now. Especially my family.”
“Why?” Jon continue as he ran to the bottom lane of the battle map to help one of their teammate to escape. “Afraid they gonna bug you about your first date.”
Damian looked up from his phone to see Jon’s face wasn’t showing any type of emotion with what he just said. In the process, the game announced his assassin character was slain by an enemy. He could feel his face flushed, “what are you… it wasn’t a date... besides I don’t know where you even heard-”
“Cass told me.” Of course, it was Cass. Damian had locked himself in his room to avoid this.He didn’t even think it was a date, it was just two friends going out to the movies. Nothing special happen, but what was the most memorable to Damian was that they had sat down at a park bench drinking hot cocoa while they waited for Alfred to pick them up. They only talked, but Damian felt he was learning more about her and she of him while they were both being very open to each other. They both shared their favorite novels and Raven started pointing to some constellations scattered across the night sky.
Jon and Damian stayed silent as they continue to play, Jon knew when not to pry and Damian was grateful for that. Though a reason why Jon wasn’t interrogating him any further was because Damian had turned into a tomato on the screen. They continued with their match and were destroying their opponents’ turrets, which helped gain them higher ground into their opponent’s base.
“That was too easy.” Jon finally said as their opponents had declared a surrender after wiping them out. “You wanna talk now?”
“There’s nothing to say; I was just hanging out with a friend.”
“With a girlfriend.”
“Not you too.” Damian groined as he slammed his forehand onto his desk. He didn’t want to have this conversation. “We just went to the movies and then drank hot cocoa in the park waiting for our ride to go home. That’s it.”
“Cass made it sound like there was more.” Jon said very nonchalantly. Damian would have to speak with his sister and ask her to stay out of his life when it involved his friends. This was ridiculous, he had felt an immense happiness that night with her, but once it was over. That magic and happy feeling he had felt were gone when they said their goodbyes, she left the next day to spend Christmas with her family that lived outside of Gotham. If Damian had known sooner, he would had given her a small gift.
Damian rested his head on his arms and looked to the side, he was bad talking about his feelings. This was hard even for him and whenever he was questioned by either his siblings or Jon, it never ended well for Damian would shut them up by threatening in taking their life with his katana.
Tired of his silence, Jon sighed heavily from the screen, “well you just promise me you will treat Raven right, or else you’re gonna have to deal with me.”
Damian raised a brow as he lifted his head to look at Jon who was leaning back on his chair, with arms crossed and a goofy smile on his face. “How do you know Raven’s name-” Damian cut himself short when he heard a knock come from Jon’s room.
“Hey Jon, can I come in?”
“Sure, thing Cuz!” Jon shouted, as Damian’s brain shut down upon hearing that voice.
The door opened and in came Raven, holding carefully a steaming scarlet red mug. Damian couldn’t help but stare at her beauty, she was wearing a black skirt over dark red tights, with a green woven ugly Christmas sweater. Though she looked childish in her Christmas outfit, she looked very cutewith the added reindeer and small Christmas lights headband blinking on top of her black raven hair. “Punch is done, so I brought you some. Oh- hi Damian.”
He could feel his face was flushing again and thankfully the lights had dimmed in his room so the computer screen couldn’t quite catch his blush. He cleared his throat but feared his voice would break. “Hello Raven, what are you… wait… cousin?”
Raven chuckled lightly, “partial cousin. Louis and Clark Kent are old friends of my mom and she made them my godparents when I was small-”
“Making Raven part of the family, so I call her ‘cousin’.” Jon added very proudly, and he even had the audacity to have a smug on his face. Like he knew this news would now torment Damian. He took a mental note that next time he was in front of Jon, Damian will punch his face in.
A/N: I am finishing two more requested Damirae prompts almost finished feel free to send a request on something for me to write for Damian and Raven. Hope you all enjoyed part 4 of “First Impressions.” 
Happy Holidays to you all!! 
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bh7theseriesblog · 3 years
The Origins of Big Hero 7
Big Hero 7: The Series
*A flicker of black and white starts up for a while, static noises barely blocks out a voice*
Umm…Hello? Can you hear me?
*the flickering and static stops as it shows a 14 year old girl with dyed blue hair and purple eye contacts*
Can you hear me? Oh it's working!
*The girl sits on the chair in front of the camera. She smooths out her sea green skirt as she clears her throat*
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Hi! So…after some thinking I decided to make a video diary so I can remember what I said. After all, who knows when it'll come in handy right? Oh right! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Cora Mizichio.
*Cora chuckles slightly before continuing*
So I guess I should start with my life and such. Let me warn you though, it's kind of a long and wild story.
*she pulls out a phone and starts showing pictures*
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I have lived in San Fransokyo for my whole life with my Dad, Mizuchi and Grandmama, Kaguya. My mom, Akemi passed away when I was a baby.
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*image of a blonde hair woman smiled warmly before switching to Cora and her family. Her father being Goliath in stature and her grandmother dressed in a kimono with a cane*
Then my family found out that I'm incredibly intelligent for my age. I suppose hacking into your father's computer to send a birthday card at the age of 4 does that. My Dad is very sweet and an old softie, but is very protective of me and wasn't sure that I should go to school. So I was homeschooled, it was fun being taught by Grandmama and such about Marine biology, but…I felt kind of lonely…
After all my studies, I actually made a habit of bot fighting disguised as an unknown cat-masked competitor under the name 'Nekodomo'. It earned good money since at the time Dad hadn't gotten any luck with jobs due to his height. But it was my very first night of bot fighting that I met him…Hiro Hamada
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*she flips the photo to a young Asian boy her age, with messy raven hair, large almond brown eyes and a tooth gap in his smile.*
I've never had very much luck when it came to making or having friends, so if I someone told me that I would end up dating this guy I would had laughed. But yeah we did. I was paired up with Hiro in one of those special bot fighting events like the duo duel. We won, but than the cops were coming and I was so scared of getting caught that I couldn't move. But then the next thing I know Hiro grabs my hand and we were running like crazy before the cops even spot us! I have no idea how long we had been running, but to be honest I didn't really care because I was still awe-struck by the fact that Hiro had save me from getting arrested and we didn't even know each other at the time. But that was all about to change, because as we were finally approaching a safe distance from the cops, it was at that moment where I tripped and fell flat on my face, and at the same time broke my mask. Thankfully Hiro picked me back up and we started running again, with me leaving my broken mask behind. Once we finally stopped and knew we were safe, that was when Hiro and I actually first met face-to-face. Now I have to be honest with you, I've never really known if the whole 'Love at first sight' thing was actually real or not, but it's the only thing I can describe how I felt when I first looked into Hiro's eyes. It was there when we properly introduced ourselves to each other and after that, we started seeing each other more. And it was only after 4 months of hanging out together, that I finally got to meet his family, and he got to meet mine.
*The picture now showed Hiro with a woman holding a calico japanese bobtail cat and a young man on either side of him.*
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The woman on his left is his Aunt Cass, she runs a coffee shop called the Lucky Cat Cafe. The young man on his right is his older brother Tadashi. And the adorably cute kitty-cat Aunt Cass is holding is Mochi, their family pet. They are really cool people, and they always asked how I was doing and such, and Mochi is such a sweet kitty that he always tries to cuddle up to me whenever I come over. Hiro and I actually became an official thing one night when I saved his butt from Yama's minions. And boy were they surprised! Aunt Cass actually bounced when Hiro told them that I'm his girlfriend! Dad and Grandmama met them that night too, while dad wasn't too happy at first about me dating, Grandmama convinced him…after hitting him on the head with her cane.
*Cora giggled at the memory*
Anyway, After a slight misadventure where Hiro and Tadashi landed in jail and Cass had to bail them out, Tadashi actually took Hiro to SFIT, San Fransokyo institute of Technology that same night. Hiro told me that he met Tadashi's friends. There's Gogo: the cool biker chick, Honey Lemon: the stylish Chem genius, Wasabi: Laser neat freak, and Fred: the secret Billionaire super hero geek. Afterwards Hiro and I actually applied to SFIT by entering the showcase! Hiro made these miniature robots he called Microbots which he can control via head transmitter, I on the other hand did super strength suction cup shoes that can stick on any surface. We both won and we…were gonna celebrate until…a huge fire broke out in the showcase building and Tadashi ran back inside to help Callaghan, a teacher at the school….he didn't make it…
*Cora turned quiet, looking at her hands as she takes a deep breath*
Hiro wasn't himself for a while. I visited him a lot since the fire, and I mostly talked and tried to comfort and be there for him. Then came the day Hiro stubbed his toe and Baymax came along.
*A picture of a white inflated figure came to the picture*
Baymax was Tadashi's project, a robotic nurse to be more specific. He heard Hiro say ow and activated to help him. Then one of Hiro's microbots started acting weird, and Baymax followed the direction it went! It was then we found a guy in a kabuki mask controlling the Microbots. But they were destroyed at the fire right? Once Hiro pieced together that it was the kabuki-masked man that started the fire to steal them, which in turned killed Tadashi…Hiro decided to build Baymax some armor which…well
*the next picture showed Baymax in protective gear*
We traveled down to the port where we saw him take some type of machine out of the ocean. But then it turns out Baymax called the gang to help us, but sadly the guy in the mask saw us. We barely escaped with our lives that night! Thankfully Baymax being a walking marshmallow, also makes him an inflatable raft too. Afterwards we got to Fred's mansion and discussed over what to do next. Side note: it was weird to see that Fred is a billionaire.
*shows portrait of a young Fred and his parents in classy attire*
Hiro and I then built ourselves armor to fight the guy in the mask. Honey lemon got this cute chemistry purse to pull out what she needed, Gogo got some sick skates to zoom past us, Fred got a killer Kaiju costume that breaths fire, Wasabi got awesome laser blades on the backs of his hands, and I got my aquatic camouflage suit with squid strength suction cup shoes! And learning back from his previous work, Hiro turned Baymax from a stay puff marshmallow with bicycle gear to an awesome superhero!
*the next photo shows Baymax in his red armor*
After training and flying around the city we got down to business. We flew to Akuma island where the masked guy was, and it was there we learned something interesting. Krei and some government officials had something called 'Project Silent Sparrow'. It backfired when the portal sucked everything in, and the pilot was stuck. But then the masked guy attacked us! We tried to fight back but….
*a small clip showed Fred jumping only to be punched away *
We bombed, big time.
Hiro and I got lucky to get the mask…but the person was not who we thought….
Turns out Callaghan grabbed the transmitter and used it and the Microbots to protect himself in the fire…leaving Tadashi to die….
It was then that Hiro took out Baymax's health care chip and ordered him to kill Callaghan…
*Cora took a deep breathe before standing up and leaving the room, she returned back with a glass of water and started drinking it. Once she was done She then continued.*
Thankfully the gang got Baymax back to normal but Hiro was furious. He just left with Baymax…but we eventually met up with Hiro at his place, with a video of Tadashi…it was also when we showed him what we discovered. The pilot was no random person Krei hired. She was Callaghan's daughter, and Callaghan was out for blood.
We got to Krei Tech where Callaghan got his portal running. Hiro then learned what we needed to do to beat him; instead of the mask, we take out the Microbots, then he'd be powerless. But despite that, the portal was still open, and ready to tear itself to pieces. Then Baymax dropped the biggest bomb on us, Callaghan's daughter was still alive in there.
Hiro and I got on Baymax to rescue her. We found her pod but Baymax's thrusters were wrecked from the debris…
Baymax…he got us out by rocket punch…but stayed behind in the portal…
It's been weeks since then…
Krei agreed to keep our identities a secret, Callaghan is in prison, and his daughter is making a steady recovery at the hospital. And the news had been exploding over 'the mysterious group of heroes' that saved the city.
Hiro and I had been doing good, we talked to the gang a lot and we actually reapplied to SFIT again.
*Cora then looks at the clock beside her and gasped*
Oh man it's almost midnight! And first day of class is tomorrow! Anyway, thank you for listening! And…Baymax…I don't know if you can hear me..but Hiro has been doing good. We all miss you…especially me and Hiro...wish us good luck, cause who knows what happens tomorrow.
*Cora smiles at the camera before turning it off.*
A.N: This is an updated look for the prolouge chapter of Big Hero 7: The Series!
Liking the new visuals? ;3
This chapter has been edited by WolfWitchHuntress1318 at Fanfiction.net! Thank you for being my patient editor! Thank you for following and reading Big Hero 7! Love ya!
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My thoughts on STYGIAN by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Book review)
The new installment in the Dark-Hunters series doesn't disappoint. It has everything I love about these novels: heartache, humor, great battles, and heartfelt down-to-the-earth moments. And, of course, a great love. 
I know that I sound like a broken record in my SK's book reviews but she always surprises me with her books and I love that. Stygian has its good share of surprises. Although, I admit that the plot twists aren't as mind-blowing as they had been in some of the earlier books. The story both takes you to the deepest pit of angst and makes you roar with laughter until your belly hurts. 
Also, it shows the Apollite/Daimon world like we've never seen before. We see how the betrayal that meant Apollo's curse to his own people warped the Apollite mindset, specially Stryker's. To tell the truth, I stopped hating Daimons a long time ago. Don't get me wrong, I don't like them killing and stealing human souls but I get why they do it. Being in their shoes, I don't know if I'd do the same.
And now, I get them even more. 
One of the things that I like the most of the book is that it fills some of the gaps left by the previous books and has amazing cameos of the characters we know, like seeing Wulf in passing before he became a DH.
Stygian is a fine example of Sherri's great talent and exceptional imagination. Once more, she takes us to this amazing world she has created during all these years and let us live in it for a while.
Not wanting to spoil anyone who hasn't read the book yet, I'm spilling all the juicy details below the cut.  It's really long and full of explicit spoilers so read at your own risk.
If you're still with me, let's dig in. I have so much to tell you.
*sighs dreamingly* Urian... Uri... my Urimou.  This adorable man, gosh, you have to love him. Since birth, he's the cutest thing ever (well, being the biological son of who he is, I don't know why it surprises me. I guess that being raised by Stryker I thought he wouldn't be THAT cute but he's even more adorable). Anyway... what I was saying? Oh, yes, I died of cuteness overload with him.
He’s so passionate, so loving, loyal. He’s willing to do anything for those who he loves
His childhood wasn't easy. At all. Between the raw and devastating sense of treachery because of the curse that Apollite race had (and still has, rightly so) and Urian's own (inexplicable at the time) sense of not-belonging had a great impact on him. As it did the blatant discrimination of everyone toward him. Seriously, they had not even an ounce of compassion to feed him?!! Bastards all!! 
It didn't help either the tough love he got from his family, especially his brothers, which more often than not were a bunch of assholes (pardon the language but that’s what they were) with him like the rest of the people. However, there's something that can't be denied. Despite that brotherly animosity, Urian was a loved child. By his brothers and sister, by his surrogate mom and Stryker. They LOVED him and they had his back, no matter what. That makes me happy.
All that made him the amazing person that he is.
It breaks my heart that because nobody would feed him, Urian fell into the claws of Xanthia. Marrying her out of necessity is so heart-breaking. My poor Urimou. He wasn't in love with her but he respected her as his wife and the ungrateful cow cheated on him!!!  And no less than with his brother-in-law! How dared she?! The only good thing that was worthy in that marriage was the children. Gosh, reading how much Uri loved those kids and they loved him was so great. 
Then, it came along Bethsheba, who was like a few steps up in the healthy relationship ladder but not nearly high enough. He wasn't in love with her either and she was a rebound. She cared about him but treated him as a trophy husband. She reminded me of Sera (Max's dragonswan) when the dragons first got married. Well, it makes sense. Both Sheba and Seraphina were Amazons and in their culture men were inferior.
It broke my heart the guilt Uri felt when Sheba was killed (without mentioning how awful her death was). He cares so much about everyone in his life and all he wants is protect them.  Watching them die and incapable of doing anything to stop it literally destroys him bit by bit.
It doesn't surprise me that after such bad experiences with marriages he took so long for getting married again. 
Centuries pass until he meets Pheobe at last. For what we knew from previous books, we all thought she was the love of his life, and yes he loved her very much but that relationship was condemned to failure from the beginning and not just for the obvious my-father-wants-you-and-your-entire-family-dead thing. 
If there's something (I think it's the only thing Phoebe is right in reproaching him at the end) is that he withheld things from her since the beginning. True, he told her that he was Stryker's son and all but he didn't tell her that he had killed her grandparents, which he should have.
And just like his 2 previous marriages, this one was likewise for necessity. This time it wasn't Urian the needy part but Phoebe. She needed him for feeding and sharing the souls because she wouldn't kill a human for them. Also, she needed him for both her own and her family's protection. Maybe, she didn't mean to but put him in a tough situation. He was split between protecting her and being his dad's second-in-command.
Urian also has a responsibility in this. He chose to lie to his dad. Granted, Stryker isn’t the most understanding person but as we learn later, Stryker might’ve supported him. Crazy, I know.
And there's another thing. I never thought Phoebe would be as petty as she was. So whiny. I agree with Stryker when he says she was immature and insipid. I think her lowest point was getting mad because Cass wanted Wulff with her when they get to Elysia. As if the case was reversed she would've done the same thing with Uri.  I know she was worried about him, rightly so, but I don't know... her attitude was spiteful. It riled me up.
I guess going trelos was helping her mood, to be honest.
And her hissy fits at the end and working with Apollo!!! Yeah, nope. I don't like Phoebe anymore.
On the other hand, I love Sarraxyn. I think she's perfect for Uri. I've been thinking that since she first appeared and paired her with Urimou without knowing she was truly his HEA. I don't know how I got that idea but it was back when I was reading Dragonbane or Dragonmark, I'm not sure. That's why the revealing of Phoebe being alive threw me off so bad at the end of Dragonsworn. It's been a year of wondering who Urian's true love was (In fact, I mentioned in this review). I love that Sherri chose Xyn. I'm over the moon because of that.
I love that Xyn wasn't willing to settle for less than what she deserved. She knew that as long Urian needed other women to feed and kill humans for their souls, their relationship wouldn't work. It didn't have to do with the love they felt for each other but their circumstances. I think they handled it the best possible having only a yearly rendezvous instead of forcing things, which would have destroyed them both.
Besides, if they had stayed together, Urian wouldn't have met Phoebe, Stryker wouldn't have cut his throat, and neither Ash would have saved him and turned him into a no-daimon.
I can't wait to see more of Xyn and Uri in the coming books.
One of the most delightful things about this book is how much we see of her. As I've repeated a gazillion times already, I love Polly and, honestly, now I love her even more. The whole grandma/grandson thing going on between her and Urian is simply amazing. Because that's what she is to him. Twice his grandmother, actually. First, because of Stryker, right. But also because of Styxx. She officially adopted him too and we know thanks to the Chronicles of Nick that Styxx will eventually call her Matera. He's not there yet but he will.
My goodness, she loves Urian so much. We get to see her most kind side with him, especially when he was really young. I just adored the scene when she invites him to see the sunrise in the pool in her garden. 
Of course, she wouldn't be her if she didn't have a plan to use him eventually but wow, you better not harm Uri or you'll feel her wrath. 
I laughed so hard when Apollymi appeared almost at the end when Uri was seeking Phoebe and she says that if it wasn't because the lot of them were there because of Urian she would have split them into oblivion.
That's who she is. She protects fiercely those who she loves.
Okay, I officially nominate this man for the best dad in history award. Even if he cut Urian's throat. Don't care. Since I read Silent Night, I knew he had a heart but damn! Not like this! 
I have to thank Apollymi for choosing him as Urian's surrogate dad because I don't think there's anyone else who could have done a better job. Well, except for Styxx, of course. 
When Stryker says that Urian is his pride and joy is because he truly is. The fact that he didn't kill Phoebe and kept her alive all these years because he couldn't harm what his son loved is astonishing. As it is that he cut his son's throat not out of anger as he made everyone believe but out of pain, in a foolish and reckless desire to protect both Urian and himself from further heartache. Like he said, he cut his throat but couldn't kill his son.
I'm so glad that he and Urian are in so much better terms now. That fills my heart with joy because, despite everything that has happened, Urian loves Stryker as much as Stryker loves Urian.
If we thought only Urian's adoptive Apollite/Daimon family was psychotic and crazy, well, his blood family isn't too far behind. Oh, my goodness! I laughed so, but SO hard the scene when Ash comes back after sending Uri to Kalosis and Styxx is waiting for him. That was hilarious. Seriously, I just remember about it and I start laughing out loud.
I think Acheron needs to start thinking before acting, especially when his family concerns. I mean Styxx and Beth overprotection gets overboard but if there's anyone who could understand where that comes from is Ash. And if the situation was the opposite and Styxx would've sent Katra to some hellish place without telling his brother, Ash's angry fit would have been even worse. 
Too funny is seeing Beth in Mama bear mode. So it is Styxx trying to calm her down before she attacks Stryker and then Apollymi.
The moment with those 2 that melt my heart was when Stryker shared his memory of Urian as a child and Styxx declared that from now on they're brothers. See! That's why I adore Styxx, my baby!
Now, they all are a crazy, amazing and big family. 
Seeing Urian's point of view as he got to know Styx was amazing (and made me cry all over again because, you know, it's Styxx and all the feels). In conclusion, Urian is me when it comes to defending his best friend/dad. My favorite scene on Styxx is when Urian bitchslapped Ash for how he treats his twin brother and, in this book, it got better with the new details. I won't get tired of reading that. Ever.
A note on Urian having children:
Let's be honest. Urian asking Apollymi to make him infertile didn't work as he planned. I mean, I understand his point of not bringing children to this world to suffer the curse and watch them die but he loved Geras and Nephele as his, so he had the heartbreak he was trying to avoid anyway. The same thing happened when he adopted his nephews and nieces later on.
Urian's exact words to Apollymi when he asked her to take his ability to procreate were "Can you please make it so that I will never father any while I’m an Apollite?” but he's not an Apollite or Damion anymore. Does that mean he can have children now with Xyn if they wish so? 
I love Ruyn Widowmaker. I need to know so much more about him. Like, right now!
I never thought I would cry for the death of a Daimon but oh, boy, how I did! Several times and bitterly.
Urian using Moppet as a nickname for Wulff is the funniest thing ever. Does Wulff know that? I think not or he'd have staked Uri LOL!!
I love seeing CoN bunch in the main series.  Shadow, Kaziel, Aeron, Brynna. It makes me crave Cyprian's books even more. Gah! I wish SK would say the release date already.
And, of course, I'm so excited for the truce between Daimons and Dark-Hunters. I think it's more than necessary now than ever because Helios joined the list of baddies to defeat as if we didn't have enough with Apollo, Zeus, Noir and Azura, Kessar, Morgen.
We have the title (Queen of All Shadows) but not the description. But for the epilogue we can guess is Xander/Brynna story. I can't believe we're having a DH/human pairing for the next book!! So good to be back to the roots. It's been a really long time since the last novel, which if I'm not mistaken it was Dark Side of the Moon with Ravyn and Susan. Because even if Devil may cry and No Mercy are about a DH, Sin wasn't truly one and Katra is far from a human; and Samia was indeed a huntress but Dev is definitely NOT human. 
And after that, we'll have Shadow's book!!! Shadows Within. That hasn't a description either and I can't do a wild guess who his HEA is.
What I like about this line up is that connects a lot with the chronicles of Nick and we could get the much-needed details about what the hell went/is going/will go on that front. I'm desperate to know.
I know there's a million of details I'm forgetting but I think I've covered the most important things. Anyone who wants to talk about the book, feel free to message me on this blog or on my main one ( @green-arrows-of-karamel  ). I'd love to know what you all think about it.
PS: Wait for my favorite quotes from the book that I’m about to post too 😊
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Chapter 1: The Origins of Big Hero 7
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Big Hero 7
*A flicker of black and white starts up for a while, static noises barely blocks out a voice*
Umm…Hello? Can you hear me?
*the flickering and static stops as it shows a 14 year old girl with dyed blue hair and purple eye contacts*
Can you hear me? Oh it's working!
*The girl sits on the chair in front of the camera. She smooths out her sea green skirt as she clears her throat,*
Hi! So…after some thinking I decided to make a video diary so I can remember what I said. After all, who knows when it'll come in handy right? Oh right! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Cora Mizichio.
*Cora chuckles slightly before continuing*
So I guess I should start with my life and such. Let me warn you though, it's kind of a long and wild story.
*she pulls out a phone and starts showing pictures*
I have lived in San Fransokyo for my whole life with my Dad, Mizuchi and Grandmama, Kaguya. My mom, Akemi passed away when I was a baby.
*image of a blonde hair woman smiled warmly before switching to Cora and her family. Her father being Goliath in stature and her grandmother dressed in a kimono with a cane*
Then my family found out that I'm incredibly intelligent for my age. I suppose hacking into your father's computer to send a birthday card at the age of 4 does that. My Dad is very sweet and an old softie, but is very protective of me and wasn't sure that I should go to school. So I was homeschooled, it was fun being taught by Grandmama and such about Marine biology, but…I felt kind of lonely…
After all my studies, I actually made a habit of bot fighting disguised as an unknown cat-masked competitor under the name 'Nekodomo'. It earned good money since at the time Dad hadn't gotten any luck with jobs due to his height. But it was my very first night of bot fighting that I met him…Hiro Hamada
*she flips the photo to a young Asian boy her age, with messy raven hair, large almond brown eyes and a tooth gap in his smile.*
I've never had very much luck when it came to making or having friends, so if I someone told me that I would end up dating this guy I would had laughed. But yeah we did. I was paired up with Hiro in one of those special bot fighting events like the duo duel. We won, but than the cops were coming and I was so scared of getting caught that I couldn't move. But then the next thing I know Hiro grabs my hand and we were running like crazy before the cops even spot us! I have no idea how long we had been running, but to be honest I didn't really care because I was still awe-struck by the fact that Hiro had save me from getting arrested and we didn't even know each other at the time. But that was all about to change, because as we were finally approaching a safe distance from the cops, it was at that moment where I tripped and fell flat on my face, and at the same time broke my mask. Thankfully Hiro picked me back up and we started running again, with me leaving my broken mask behind. Once we finally stopped and knew we were safe, that was when Hiro and I actually first met face-to-face. Now I have to be honest with you, I've never really known if the whole 'Love at first sight' thing was actually real or not, but it's the only thing I can describe how I felt when I first looked into Hiro's eyes. It was there when we properly introduced ourselves to each other and after that, we started seeing each other more. And it was only after 4 months of hanging out together, that I finally got to meet his family, and he got to meet mine.
*The picture now showed Hiro with a woman holding a calico japanese bobtail cat and a young man on either side of him.*
The woman on his left is his Aunt Cass, she runs a coffee shop called the Lucky Cat Cafe. The young man on his right is his older brother Tadashi. And the adorably cute kitty-cat Aunt Cass is holding is Mochi, their family pet. They are really cool people, and they always asked how I was doing and such, and Mochi is such a sweet kitty that he always tries to cuddle up to me whenever I come over. Hiro and I actually became an official thing one night when I saved his butt from Yama's minions. And boy were they surprised! Aunt Cass actually bounced when Hiro told them that I'm his girlfriend! Dad and Grandmama met them that night too, while dad wasn't too happy at first about me dating, Grandmama convinced him…after hitting him on the head with her cane.
*Cora giggled at the memory*
Anyway, After a slight misadventure where Hiro and Tadashi landed in jail and Cass had to bail them out, Tadashi actually took Hiro to SFIT, San Fransokyo institute of Technology that same night. Hiro told me that he met Tadashi's friends. There's Gogo: the cool biker chick, Honey Lemon: the stylish Chem genius, Wasabi: Laser neat freak, and Fred: the secret Billionaire super hero geek. Afterwards Hiro and I actually applied to SFIT by entering the showcase! Hiro made these miniature robots he called Microbots which he can control via head transmitter, I on the other hand did super strength suction cup shoes that can stick on any surface. We both won and we…were gonna celebrate until…a huge fire broke out in the showcase building and Tadashi ran back inside to help Callaghan, a teacher at the school….he didn't make it…
*Cora turned quiet, looking at her hands as she takes a deep breath*
Hiro wasn't himself for a while. I visited him a lot since the fire, and I mostly talked and tried to comfort and be there for him. Then came the day Hiro stubbed his toe and Baymax came along.
*A picture of a white inflated figure came to the picture*
Baymax was Tadashi's project, a robotic nurse to be more specific. He heard Hiro say ow and activated to help him. Then one of Hiro's microbots started acting weird, and Baymax followed the direction it went! It was then we found a guy in a kabuki mask controlling the Microbots. But they were destroyed at the fire right? Once Hiro pieced together that it was the kabuki-masked man that started the fire to steal them, which in turned killed Tadashi…Hiro decided to build Baymax some armor which…well
*the next picture showed Baymax in protective gear*
We traveled down to the port where we saw him take some type of machine out of the ocean. But then it turns out Baymax called the gang to help us, but sadly the guy in the mask saw us. We barely escaped with our lives that night! Thankfully Baymax being a walking marshmallow, also makes him an inflatable raft too. Afterwards we got to Fred's mansion and discussed over what to do next. Side note: it was weird to see that Fred is a billionaire.
*shows portrait of a young Fred and his parents in classy attire*
Hiro and I then built ourselves armor to fight the guy in the mask. Honey lemon got this cute chemistry purse to pull out what she needed, Gogo got some sick skates to zoom past us, Fred got a killer Kaiju costume that breaths fire, Wasabi got awesome laser blades on the backs of his hands, and I got my aquatic camouflage suit with squid strength suction cup shoes! And learning back from his previous work, Hiro turned Baymax from a stay puff marshmallow with bicycle gear to an awesome superhero!
*the next photo shows Baymax in his red armor*
After training and flying around the city we got down to business. We flew to Akuma island where the masked guy was, and it was there we learned something interesting. Krei and some government officials had something called 'Project Silent Sparrow'. It backfired when the portal sucked everything in, and the pilot was stuck. But then the masked guy attacked us! We tried to fight back but….
*a small clip showed Fred jumping only to be punched away *
We bombed, big time.
Hiro and I got lucky to get the mask…but the person was not who we thought….
Turns out Callaghan grabbed the transmitter and used it and the Microbots to protect himself in the fire…leaving Tadashi to die….
It was then that Hiro took out Baymax's health care chip and ordered him to kill Callaghan…
*Cora took a deep breathe before standing up and leaving the room, she returned back with a glass of water and started drinking it. Once she was done She then continued.*
Thankfully the gang got Baymax back to normal but Hiro was furious. He just left with Baymax…but we eventually met up with Hiro at his place, with a video of Tadashi…it was also when we showed him what we discovered. The pilot was no random person Krei hired. She was Callaghan's daughter, and Callaghan was out for blood.
We got to Krei Tech where Callaghan got his portal running. Hiro then learned what we needed to do to beat him; instead of the mask, we take out the Microbots, then he'd be powerless. But despite that, the portal was still open, and ready to tear itself to pieces. Then Baymax dropped the biggest bomb on us, Callaghan's daughter was still alive in there.
Hiro and I got on Baymax to rescue her. We found her pod but Baymax's thrusters were wrecked from the debris…
Baymax…he got us out by rocket punch…but stayed behind in the portal…
It's been weeks since then…
Krei agreed to keep our identities a secret, Callaghan is in prison, and his daughter is making a steady recovery at the hospital. And the news had been exploding over 'the mysterious group of heroes' that saved the city.
Hiro and I had been doing good, we talked to the gang a lot and we actually reapplied to SFIT again.
*Cora then looks at the clock beside her and gasped*
Oh man it's almost midnight! And first day of class is tomorrow! Anyway, thank you for listening! And…Baymax…I don't know if you can hear me..but Hiro has been doing good. We all miss you…especially me and Hiro...wish us good luck, cause who knows what happens tomorrow.
*Cora smiles at the camera before turning it off.*
A.N: After some thinking I decided to post my fanfic of Big Hero 7 over here. My editor is Wolfwitchhuntress. I hope you enjoy this story just as much as Fanfiction.Net. Love you guys!
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The Hardest Part is Over
Sometimes the hardest thing is to trust.
Stephanie Brown comes out when Bruce Wayne offers her Robin. It’s time for Robin to be a girl. 
A long, long time ago, I wrote a fic called These Twists and Turns of Fate. It was a long, detailed process, and the fic I wrote in that time was something I’m still proud of. But I always wanted to write another story; one where Stephanie Brown gets to stay Robin in that universe. 
And when @insidiousmisandry​ suggested I write some Robin Steph, I confessed to this AU, and recieved plenty of encouragement to return. It’s been over three years since I posted the original. Let’s see if I’ve still got it, huh?
Special thanks to @blackstarfires​ for consulting on this, and @sroloc--elbisivni​ for beta-ing. 
Warnings for: Dysphoria, homophobia and transphobia, child abuse, and panic attacks. 
Also on Ao3
Some people say that the path that we have taken is concrete and can never be changed.
This is, in the plainest of terms, complete and utter bullshit.
One story goes like this; Stephanie Brown is Robin for a short time, and never as herself. She dies as Spoiler and comes back to Gotham as Stephanie Brown.
But this is not that story.
This is the story of Stephanie Brown, the first girl Robin, in a world where she does not die.
It starts, like most things do, with a mother.
Crystal Brown has a baby girl and names her Arthur Brown Junior. The girl names herself Stephanie Brown.
In one universe, Crystal learns about this from a woman named Leslie.
In this universe, she learns it from her daughter.
The smallest of changes can have enormous effects. In one universe, Stephanie Brown’s path as Robin is short and brutal and tainted with the heaviness and pain.
Crystal Brown begins the process of avoiding that tale when she looks up at her child and mentions a woman named Marcie.
Steph’s breath catches in her chest. “Marcie?” She repeats, voice unsteady.
“She lived above us when you were younger,” Crystal says. Her eyes are clear and sober, her voice steady and kind as she reminisces. She doesn’t notice the way that Steph clings to the kitchen counter, the way her breath stutters in her chest in a staccato rhythm, verging on panic. “I’m sure you don’t remember her.”
Steph remembers Marcie; she can never forget Marcie. Marcie, with her beautiful deep voice and her sad eyes and those words of wisdom and importance that Steph has held so, so close to her chest and never quite let go of, even in her darkest moments. Marcie, an inextricable, ever so important part of her life, and one that Steph has never acknowledged out loud, has never admitted to anyone, because Marcie is hers, secret and hidden and safe.
“She’s in the paper today,” Crystal continues, not seeing Steph in this moment, not looking at her. “A lovely piece. She’s got a dance school now.” Crystal closes the newspaper. “Good for her. After all that she went through when she was transitioning, I’m glad she’s found herself.”
And just like that, with her mother’s acknowledgement of who Marcie is, that Marcie is not just a girl that they’d once knew, but that Marcie is trans, that Marcie is like Steph, Steph crumples against the counter.
When Steph falls apart, it is like a dam bursting open. Her tears flood the room, her sobs drowning out anything else her mother might be saying as her knees buckle and she collapses against the counter. Her hands go to her face, trying to stem the tide, but there is nothing she can do, because her mother has, without even knowing it, indicated, for the first time in her life, that she might support Steph in this. In her life, in her struggles.
Stephanie Brown has been alone for such a long, long time, and in this moment, for the first time, she does not feel that way.
“Art?” Her mother is panicked, is fearful, because she can’t tell that these are tears of joy. She can’t see the lightness in Steph’s chest, the slightest smile curving her mouth even as she cries. “Art, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Stephanie Brown opens her mouth and looks at her mother and reaches out and pulls her into a tight hug, burying her face in the fabric of her mother’s shirt.
There is no decision. There is no deliberation. The dam has burst and with it goes Stephanie’s self control and her fear and everything. It has all been swept away and destroyed.
“I remember Marcie,” she finally says, when her voice is under control and the tears have stopped flowing freely. “I… I remember her.”
“Oh!” Crystal tries to look relieved, but she can tell there is something deeper, darker, more complicated here. She reaches up and caresses Steph’s cheek, trying to brush away the tears that cling there. “I’m sorry, you just… you were so young when she moved away.”
“She was beat up by Dad and his friends,” Steph whispers. “Because she was trans.”
Crystal hesitates, but nods. “Yes.”
“I—I knew why he did it,” Steph says. Her instincts scream at her to run. This is too much, too fast, too real. But she is rooted to the spot, held tightly in place. “And it… it made me scared.”
“Sweetheart,” Crystal breathes.
“Because I’m like her,” Steph blurts out, cutting off whatever it is that Crystal will say next. “I’m—I’m a girl Mom. My name is Steph and I’m a girl and—”
It is her turn to be cut off as Crystal envelopes her in a hug. It’s almost suffocatingly tight, but Steph clings back but refuses to relax, because a hug can mean anything, a hug doesn’t mean—
“Oh! Oh my god, I’m sorry, darling, I’m sorry, I never—I love you so much.” She pulls back and her eyes are as wet as Steph’s, and she touches her cheek again. “My baby girl,” she whispers, almost reverently. “My Stephanie.”
And Steph begins to cry again, big, heaving sobs that shake her entire body and send her tumbling to her knees, towards the floor. And Crystal goes with her, wrapping her arms around her daughter, whispering apologies over and over again and declarations and promises, and, most importantly of all, her daughter’s name.
Stephanie takes every single utterance of those syllables and wraps them around herself like a cloak, like a talisman, like protection. Her identity, her mother’s love, they are all tied together, and she feels, for the first time in a very long time, that she can breathe again without fear, that she might not fall apart at the very seams of herself.
She puts on her Spoiler cloak that night and races across the rooftops by herself, and laughter bursts out of her lungs, a pure and joyful noise that sweeps her into the darkness of Gotham.
But no matter how much things change, some things must remain the same.
Tim Drake’s secret is discovered by his father, and it is one secret too many. Secret boyfriends and crime fighting—and the knowledge that Robin, his son, is dating Superboy as well as that ragtag, longhaired “boy” from the edge of Gotham is all too much for that man. He grounds his son, bans him from being Robin, and leaves Gotham without an important role filled.
Batman needs a Robin. This is a fact of the universe. He needs a Robin.
The role of Robin is balance in many ways. It is a partnership of banter and late nights, of reminders of who they are and who they should be. It is inspiration and kindness and light, balancing each other out and finding a dynamic that is… dynamic.
It is only natural, in many ways, that Bruce Wayne would extend the offer to Stephanie Brown when she stumbles into the Bat Cave, giddy that her codes work, intoxicated by the fact that her mother had called her by her real name before she crawled out the window that night, and generally radiating light and joy.
“Arthur,” Bruce says, and even that can’t dim the knowledge that her mom knows and loves her anyway.
She doesn’t protest the use of the full name, even though she hates it, even though it reminds her terribly of her father, and instead bounces on the balls of her feet, and grins. “Hey boss-man! So, I hear Timmy’s out of the game for now, so I was wondering if I could, like, start patrolling with Cass again, since she’s gonna be partnerless?”
He looks at her, and he sees someone determined to the point far past stubbornness, someone kind with a core of steel. Not a naturally gifted fighter, but there is always something to be said for not understanding the concept of staying down, of giving up.
He looks at her, and he sees Robin.
He offers her Robin, and the entire world grinds to a halt.
Every child in Gotham City has dreamed of being Robin. Every child dreams of donning the cape and mask, of being Batman’s partner. Robin is a Teen Titan, a member of Young Justice, Batman’s partner, the people’s friend, a force for good.
And Stephanie’s thoughts grind to a halt there.
Because Robin is a boy.
Stephanie Brown is not out by any meaning of the word to anyone but her mother, and Marcie, who probably has not spared her a single thought since that day on the playground. But…
Steph doesn’t know if she can do this.
Here we encounter another ripple in the fabric of reality. In this universe, Bruce Wayne funds a scholarship for LGBT students at Gotham University, and Vicki Vale does an expose on it that hits the front page.
He funds it in another, sadder story as well. But it does not make the front page, and Stephanie Brown never sees it, and Crystal Brown never thinks to point it out to her daughter.
But in this world, she did, and Stephanie Brown stares at Bruce Wayne, and her mother’s support and that knowledge make her brave enough to do something she’d never have imagined doing before.
She shakes her head.
“I—I can’t.”
Bruce frowns, prompting a further response. He can’t understand; he knows this child in front of him, knows the desire to belong, to be a part of something, to help, even if he doesn’t always agree with the methods, and has occasionally suspected otherwise.
She swallows, gulping for air like a drowning woman, and finally blurts out. “Robin’s a boy. I’m not. I’m a girl.” She throws out those last words like batarangs, as if expecting them to soar through the air and cut him, as if expecting him to recoil and then counterattack.
Bruce glances at the Robin costume he is still holding out. “I don’t see why Robin can’t be a girl.”
Bruce Wayne, as it is fairly well known, does not handle emotions well. So when Stephanie Brown, future Robin, bursts into tears in the middle of the cave, he proceeds to awkwardly retreat several steps, set down the Robin costume, call Alfred, pat her on the back awkwardly, before he finally manages to suggest they go upstairs to continue this conversation.
Stephanie follows him upstairs. Alfred makes a pot of tea, places a plate of cookies on the kitchen table between the two of them, and then makes a strategic retreat, forcing Bruce to deal with this situation entirely on his own.
The situation is less than comfortable for Steph as well as Bruce. Bruce Wayne is strange and foreign and confusing to her; she never knows what he wants from her, she never knows how he will react to anything. This kindness so far is unexpected, and she’s not sure how long it will last.
“Arthur…” Bruce stops, and then frowns. “Do you prefer a different name?”
“Stephanie,” she says, her heart racing in her ears. “Steph.”
“Stephanie,” he says, and it’s like music. Three whole people now have called her by that name, outside of her own head. Renee Montoya, her mother, and now Bruce Wayne. He taps his fingers on the table, and she realizes, with shock, that he is nervous. She’s never seen him nervous before. He is always impassive and scary and occasionally a total dork, but never nervous. And suddenly, she realizes that he wants to do this right, and something in her chest loosens just a little.
“How… how would you like to handle this?” He asks.
Steph looks up, confused. “Handle what?”
He frowns at her, as if confused by her having to ask. “Transitioning.”
She gapes at him.
Transitioning is nothing but the most distant of dreams for her. Her father and money are two terrifying obstacles.
But she thinks about not hating the image she sees in the mirror every day, and her heart aches just a little, thinking about the possibility.
“I… I don’t know,” she says, fidgeting in her seat, playing with the mug that Alfred had given her. “I—my dad—”
Bruce nods, considering. “Transitioning might be… difficult. Increasing your estrogen could threaten your physical regimen. We can work around it, of course, but it will take some considerations.” She thinks that if he had a notepad nearby, he would be taking notes, the look of concentration on his face is so fierce.
“I believe Leslie would be willing to help,” he says thoughtfully, taking a sip from his own mug. “She’s had some experience with this.”
“Stop,” Steph blurts out, eyes wide. “You mean… you still want me to be Robin?”
He looks at her, looking slightly bewildered. “Of course,” he says, simple and easy, as if he hasn’t just overturned everything in Steph’s entire world. “I’ll help with the costs, of course,” he adds, and Steph doesn’t even hesitate, just throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly.
“Thank you,” she whispers. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
He awkwardly pats her on the back, and in that moment Stephanie Brown realizes that Bruce Wayne, also known as the Batman, the terror of Gotham City, is a gigantic loser.
He places a Robin badge in her hand. It’s small and black and circular, with the bright yellow R emblazoned on it proudly.
“If you want,” he says, “Jason Blood enchanted this. It will allow you to alter your appearance while you’re Robin.”
Steph stares at him, gaping. Suddenly, the badge seems like the most precious thing in the entire world.
“I understand you’re only just starting your regimen,” he says. “But… I believe this might help with the dysphoria you mentioned.”
Steph wants to hug him again, but she holds herself back. Bruce Wayne, she is slowly discovering, is awkward at the best of times, and human contact baffles him. Steph is tactile by nature, but she’s trying to adjust. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to her, and she refuses to jeopardize it. “How… how do I use it?” She asks, staring down at it.
“We’ll stop by Jason’s on patrol tonight,” he says. “He’ll show you. His friend Sir Ysin is there as well. You might… talking with him might be interesting for you.”
Steph nods, not understanding. She knows about Jason Blood, Gotham’s local magic user, but Sir Ysin is completely unknown to her. But if Bruce thinks she’ll benefit from talking to him, well, it probably won’t be that bad.
She’s still patrolling with Bruce as Spoiler, as they work out the details of her costume and training, as well as the changes to her exercise routine and diet to try to compensate for the hormones she’s now taking. She’s itching to try on the outfit they’re designing; every inch of it feels more professional than her own Spoiler outfit, even if this one was designed by Babs instead of sewed by Steph herself. But even more importantly, the Robin costume is designed for a girl. She’s practically shaking with excitement whenever she thinks about it.
Robin, the Girl Wonder.
That’s her, that’s who she’ll be.
He pours her another cup of tea and she drinks. This is becoming routine, she thinks. Tea before patrol with Batman. It’s a quiet moment of contemplation before the chaos of the night. Just the two of them right now, with Cass out of town, but Steph wonders if things will change, when she returns. Maybe she’ll join them? Steph doesn’t know if Cass likes tea.
“Your hair,” he says suddenly, and Steph looks up suddenly.
“What about it?” She asks, fingering it. She’s got it in a ponytail, like she always does when she’s Spoiler, and then keeps it under her hood. She’s tried various things with it; sprays and pins and even tucking it into her costume, but the ponytail is the easiest way to handle things.
He frowns. “It’s a handhold. It could prove to be a problem.”
“I can’t cut it,” Steph blurts out, blanching at the idea of it.
He looks frustrated. “I know,” he says. “But we need to…” he trails off thoughtfully. “Hmm.”
“Barbara wore her hair long,” Steph blurts out. “Black Canary too.”
Bruce nods. “You’ll have to wear it loose,” he cautions.
Steph nods enthusiastically. “Okay,” she says.
When she comes back to the Manor the next day, after a long conversation with Sir Ysin about glamor magic for gender presentation and with her Robin’s badge calibrated to her appearance, she finds a bright red headband lying on top of her completed Robin uniform.
“To keep it out of your face,” Bruce says when she looks up at him.
Steph hugs him again, a giddy, light feeling building in her chest that only grows as she puts on the red tunic, the green leggings, the black cape. Red headband, yellow belt, the badge on her chest. The darkness, the long hair, the padding in her tunic already do most of the work for the badge. From a distance, in the dark, she already passes. Steph has worked hard on the badge’s illusion, carefully making sure that there’s no trace of shadow, that her jawline’s just a little softer.
She looks into the mirror and she sees Robin, and there’s no unease in her stomach. Maybe she doesn’t look like she wished she had as a child, but she’s Robin. She’s Stephanie Brown and she’s Robin, and that’s worth almost anything in the entire world.
Bruce sets a hand on her shoulder, warm and comforting, and she beams up at him, her smile so wide that she thinks her face might split in two.
“Are you ready, Robin?” He asks her, and Steph laughs, loud and cheerful and shameless.
“You know it!” She says, following him to the Batmobile with a spring in her step.
“You’re Robin!” Cass greets Steph eagerly when she comes home from patrol. How Cass got into her apartment, she’s not sure, but she’s waiting for her, looking tired but none the worse for wear after her own patrol. Cass’s mask is still on, but that does nothing to hide the enthusiasm with which she tackles Steph to the ground. “You’re Robin!”
“I am!” Steph laughs, hugging her best friend tightly.
“Happy for you,” Cass says, finally letting Steph sit up. “You… deserve this. Art.” Cass smiles at her.
“Oh!” Steph says. “I guess you haven’t heard?” Her heart races slightly in her chest. Another one, another risk, another time to have to tell someone.
Cass tilts her head in one of the silent but very evocative gestures she’s so good at. Steph thinks Cass could tell an entire story with a head tilt.
“My name is Steph now,” Steph says. “I’m… I’m a girl.”
Cass tries it out. “St-eph,” she repeats slowly.
“It’s short for Stephanie,” Steph says. “Like Cass is short for Cassandra.”
“Steph-an-ee,” Cass says again, as if she’s tasting it. She takes off her mask and smiles at Steph. Her smile is wide and honest and quite possibly one of the best things that Steph has ever seen. “It’s… good.”
Steph grins, trying to act as if there isn’t the strange feeling in her stomach that always happens when she’s worried about something and it doesn’t happen. Cass, she was sure of. Cass was never a risk. But it’s still so wonderful.
“Steph,” Cass hums again, thoughtful. Her dark brown eyes flick over Steph’s body, categorizing her every twitch. Steph wonders what she sees. “Names are… important? Being a girl… is important?”
“Very,” Steph says, then fights back a yawn. “I’ll explain more later, if that’s okay?”
Cass snickers. “You’re sleepy,” she says, both teasing and accusing. Then she picks Steph up bodily and dumps her in her bed. Steph yelps at the indignity, and tries to protest being thrown into bed while still wearing her full costume, including her boots, but Cass doesn’t seem bothered at all. She pecks Steph on the forehead briefly before putting her mask back on. “I’ll go now. Good morning!”
Then she opens Steph’s window again and vanishes into the first traces of dawn, leaving Steph alone in her room with a light heart and heavy eyelids.
“Stephanie,” Bruce’s voice is calm and steadying. It grounds her, even as the room feels like it’s spinning around her.
“He knows,” Steph blurts out. “My dad he—he knows. Tim’s dad—he—he—visited and he said he talked to him and—”
“Stephanie,” Bruce says, and her name, urgent and earnest and in the voice that is Bruce, not Batman helps her breathe again. “Can you get here? I’ll make sure your mother gets to the manor, but can you get here yourself or should I send Cassandra?”
Steph stares down at her hands.
“He says Tim can be Robin again,” she hears her own voice say, distant and far away. “He says he’s not going to stop him anymore.”
“We can discuss this when you’re safe,” Bruce says. “I haven’t heard from Tim.” He pauses, then says urgently. “Robin. Get back to the Cave.”
Steph nods jerkily, realizing that he can’t see her, but not saying anything. “Oh! The… the plans?”
“Bring those,” he says. “But get out of there now.”  
Steph has a go bag—she’s had one for years now. But it won’t do for a situation like this.  She grabs her Robin costume and stuffs it in there, snatches up anything that might be sensitive, that might give her father a clue where she’s going, and throws it all in haphazardly. The bag that results is too bulky and doesn’t contain the things she wants to bring; not her books or little treasures. But there’s no sign of her transition or job as a superhero here, and that’s what matters. Her father knows she’s gay, know she dates guys, but he does not know her to be a girl.
She snatches photos off her desk, shoves them in on top of things. Faces, faces, she can’t have him knowing the faces of people in her lives, even if most of them are harmless. She has no photos with Tim, and only one with Cass. But she can’t risk it. He might go after people in her life.
She has been scared of Arthur Brown as long as she can remember; he has ruled over her life, even in his moments of kindness. He is a tyrant, a locked closet, a black eye, and a cruel laugh. He can find her anywhere she runs, he always used to tell her that.
But he can’t find her if Batman’s protecting her. She whispers that to herself, like a talisman. She’s Robin. He can’t touch Robin. Bruce will protect her, Bruce will hide her.
She’s not that scared little girl locked in a closet anymore. She can fight back.
Or at least, that’s what she tries to tell herself as she barely remembers to snatch up the sleek black USB drive from her desk and holds it in her hand as she bolts for the front door, her cell phone in her other hand.
She collides with Jack Drake on her way out, and she draws herself up to a halt.
“Mr. Drake,” she says. Her tongue is clumsy in her mouth. “Can I help you?”
He frowns at her. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Just to a friend’s house,” she lies. She wonders what he sees when he looks at her—with her long hair and her piercings. He looks down on her, she already knows that, but does he notice that her jaw is softening, that there’s the faintest hints of mascara around her eyes? They weren’t there when she used to visit his house, showed up for her study dates with Tim. Does he notice them now?
“I was wondering if I can use your phone,” he says. “I’m afraid someone slashed my tires.”
Steph wants to scream at him, wants to tell him to go away, to find someone whose life he hasn’t just ruined, but she’s supposed to be a hero, she’s supposed to help people. Fumbling, she sticks the drive into her back pocket and hands over her cell phone. Trying to distract herself while he makes the call, she turns around to lock the door, anxiously looking at her watch the whole time.
She doesn’t notice that the USB drive was in the pocket where she keeps her keys, and that pulling out the keys sends it onto the ground.
She doesn’t know that after taking her phone back from Jack Drake and running to get her bike, which she will drive as Robin to the Batcave, he will see it.
She doesn’t know that Jack Drake will, realizing it is hers, pass it off to her father, who will use it to try to start a gang war that will end with himself in control over all of Gotham’s gangs.
All of that comes later.
Right now, Stephanie Brown is rushing towards Wayne Manor, heart in her throat as she tries to put as much distance between herself and her father as she can possibly manage.
She parks the motorcycle, and Bruce is waiting for her. He’s not in uniform, instead wearing one of those simple, but elegant suits she sees him wearing for work at Wayne Industries. She called him away from work, she realizes, and guilt floods her. He does important things and she pulled him away from it because she was a scared little girl—  
“Are you alright?” He asks, doing the most intimate gesture he knows how to do, placing an awkward hand on her shoulder.
“I’m—is my mom okay?” Steph says, because that’s easier to think about than the answer to that question.
“She’s here, she’s upstairs with Alfred,” Bruce says. “Stephanie. Can you tell me what happened?”
Steph looks up at him. She’s not short by any definition of the word, but Bruce Wayne is tall, and his presence is dwarfing. “My dad knows I’m gay because Tim’s dad told him.” She hates how small she sounds there, how pathetic and quiet and sad. She waits for him to react as he realizes she was overreacting, for him to tell her to just go home. He probably thought her dad knew his secret identity or something like that, he didn’t realize it was just her being scared of her father.
Bruce just nods, as if that’s more than reason enough to be scared. “We’ll keep you safe, Stephanie.”
Steph remembers playing hide and seek with her father. He could always find her, had a nose for knowing all of her little bolt holes where she’d go to hide. She remembers his laughter when he found her; sometimes kind, usually cruel. If he finds the Cave—
“He won’t,” Bruce says, and she realizes she must have said it out loud. He places his other hand on her other shoulder, standing in front of her, a wall of muscle and confidence. “Steph. You’re not alone. Let us help you.”
Steph opens her mouth and sobs come out, and Bruce Wayne hugs her tightly, pulling her against his chest. She grips the jacket of his suit and buries her face in the fabric and cries and cries and cries until there’s no tears left, and she’s kneeling on the floor of the Cave, with Bruce’s arms around her.
It takes them a day to realize the plans are missing, and Steph has a panic attack right in the middle of the kitchen, in front of Bruce and Alfred, as she realized just how badly she screwed up. Bruce sends Cass to go back to Steph’s apartment to see what she can find out.
But it’s Tim who shows up, bearing the bad news.
“He gave them to your dad, uh, Steph?” Tim Drake cuts an awkward figure, staring at her like he doesn’t know what to make of her. Cass has lent Steph one of the skirts Bruce keeps buying her, and she’s thrown on one of her baggy band t-shirts on top of it. She’s still working with the makeup thing, but Cass tried to help her that morning. The result is that her mouth looks lopsided and there’s mascara smudged on her cheekbone, but Steph is just trying to enjoy herself. She can work on perfecting how she wants to look later, when there’s not crises looming on the horizon.
He doesn’t know how to address her as Stephanie, his ex-girlfriend. And that’s not even tackling the big elephant in the room that wears red and green tights.
Maybe it wasn’t Bruce’s to give away, Steph thinks, as they talk about what her father might do with the plans, should he be able to access them. Maybe Tim can just take it back whenever he wants.
Steph can’t meet Tim’s gaze. It feels scorching on her back, and despite all of her anger and hurt, she feels ashamed.
She took Robin from him. She had no right to do that.
Being Robin is the best thing that ever happened to her, but it was also the best thing that ever happened to Tim. Steph can’t justify keeping it to herself, not when she has Spoiler and Bruce is helping her transition and—
Cass nudges her sharply. “Out of your head,” she says. “Focus.” It’s kind and soft, without condemnation, but Steph tries her best to refocus, to help.
When the meeting ends with Alfred calling them to lunch, Steph lingers back, meeting Tim’s gaze. “Tim…” she says, unsure of where to begin, of how to explain. Maybe she should cuss him out for letting her father drive her away. Maybe she should cry about him breaking her heart, let him actually deal with the mess he made of her for once instead of pawning her off to others.
But here she stands, tall and proud, her hair forming soft waves around her face and her chin held high, and she says. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you before I started being Robin.”
Tim lets out a sharp exhale and looks away. “You’re… you’re doing a good job. I’m glad he had you.”
Steph tries not to flinch at the past tense, but he’s a detective. He spots it.
“Has. Has you.”
“It’s… it’s yours if you want it,” she says, trying to keep her voice calm and firm and not to let the waver in, no matter how much she wants it to. Her throat is closing up with tears but she tries her hardest not to let them fall, because Tim Drake, she decides here and now, does not get to see her cry over this, not when he didn’t let her inside on the worst day of her life.
Tim looks at her, and he shakes his head.
“No,” he says, and Steph stares at him.
Because the thing is, she knows Tim Drake. She knows that he loves Robin, she knows that he begged for this position. She knows he loves it, loves being clever, being a detective. This is his family.
She’s grateful, yes, she wants to cry and shout it from the rooftops that she’s Robin, but she doesn’t understand.
“Batman needs a Robin,” Tim says, and it’s slow, like he’s trying to figure out the answer even as he’s saying it. “But… I don’t think… I don’t think I’m the Robin he needs right now.”
Steph frowns at him. “But I am?”
“You… it’s different with you,” he says, still struggling for words. “He’s… you… you challenge him. You’re good for him.”
“Tim,” Steph says. “You were great at Robin.”
Tim shrugs. “Maybe I was,” he says. “But he needs you, now.”
Steph wants to reach out to him, wants to hug him, but the space between them is still too awkward, too heavy, too loaded. There are still too many conversations they need to have before she can hit that point, before she can open herself up to him like that.
“What will you do?” She asks, instead of saying any of the things on her mind.
Tim shrugs. “Maybe work with Babs for a bit. And…” He hesitates. “Cass and I have been talking about Bludhaven. Maybe I can find a new start there.”
Steph swallows. “I see,” she says. She glances over at Cass, who’s eating, not paying attention to them right now. She tries not to be hurt, that Cass is going to leave again. But Cass is always leaving, Steph has to learn this. Cass is going to be Batman one day; it’s unspoken, but Steph knows this to be true in her bones. Cass needs to learn everything that she can learn; leadership and detective work and reading and writing and every other thing she can get her hands on, because she’s going to be the best.
Steph can’t begrudge her that, even if her heart already aches with the predicted absence.
“That’s nice,” she says. She turns, unsure of where she’s going, but wanting to end this conversation. Tim Drake is overwhelming. Right now, he’s bringing up all of the old memories, all the old hurts, and Steph can’t handle that right now. Right now, she needs distance, she needs focus…
She needs the old piano in the upstairs library.
“Steph!” Tim catches her on the arm and Steph turns. “Look after him, okay?” And the look on his face is full of such raw, honest concern that she melts just a little.
“I will,” she promises, and gives him a smile, a real one, warm and bright. She can’t remember the last time Tim made her smile like that.
He gives her an answering grin in response, then lets go of her arm. Once, she would have been upset at him letting go so quickly, would have mourned his absence. But that was then, and this is now, and Steph just quietly slips out of the room, searching for the piano that she knows exists in this large, cavernous house.
The Manor is a maze that Steph is still learning; Alfred and Bruce have provided her with a room, close to Cass’s. Her mother has one too, for the duration of their stay while they try to hunt her dad down,, to put him away so he can’t hurt either of them.
The room feels odd. It feels permanent. Every time she steps in there, she feels like something warm and soft has been wrapped around her. Like it’s saying welcome home every time.
Never in her life has Stephanie Brown felt so comfortable in every way; not in her own skin, not as a superhero, and not in this strange house that she’s wandering, in search of that piano that she’s seen once or twice before.
She finds it, and sits herself down to play. There’s sheet music in the bench; old pop songs that she doesn’t recognize and some classic pieces, yellowed with age. She flips through them, and promises herself she’ll go through them all, and add them to her repetoire. But now, all she wants to do is play an old favorite.
Melodia Africana II is fast and lyrical and it sweeps her up in it, helping her muscles relax as she plays. The piano is beautiful; old but well kept, and shockingly in tune, given that she’s pretty sure no one in this ancient manor actually plays. But the sound is gorgeous and deep, and she finds herself losing track of everything else in the room as she immerses herself in the music.
“You play very well,” Bruce says from behind her, as the last chord fades. She looks up.
“Thanks,” she says. She runs her finger along the edge of the bench. “Whose was it?”
“My mother’s,” he says. Steph swallows, but nods. “How long have you been playing?”
“Forever,” Steph says. She offers him a grin, wide and cheeky and far more confident than she feels. “Got a request?”
He laughs, honestly laughs, and Steph nearly falls off the bench. “Maybe another time,” he says, placing a hand on her shoulder. Steph grins at him even wider now, something warm and happy in her chest. “Right now, Alfred’s almost got dinner ready.”
Steph bounces up to her feet, grinning. “Food sounds awesome,” she says. “Then patrol, right?” The best part about summer is that there’s no homework before patrol. She can mess around with Cass and maybe Tim, if she’s up for it, instead of slogging through writing papers.
“That’s right,” he says. “I was thinking you might like to go out with Cassandra tonight. I’ve got a few things I need to do on my own.”
Steph nods, grinning. She hasn’t gone out with Cass as Robin yet, and her walk gains an extra bit of bounce as her excitement sets in. Batgirl and Robin are a dynamic duo in their own right, legends of their own, separate from Batman in many ways. She can’t contain her eagerness as she sits down next to Cass at dinner, and even knowing that Cass is thinking about leaving soon can’t reign in her enthusiasm. She isn’t even worried about her dad having Bruce’s plans, isn’t even worried about having to hide from him.
Those are worries for later.
For now, things are just fine.
She races Cass along the rooftops.
Being Robin is amazing, Steph thinks as she leaps across the gap over to the next block, the impact hitting her ankles hard but not slowing her down in the slightest.
Cass is faster though, always faster, and tackles her, arms wrapped around Steph’s middle as the two of them go crashing down to the ground in a tangle of limbs and capes. “Tag,” Cass says, incredibly smug and proud of herself, as if she couldn’t take Steph blindfolded with one hand tied behind her back. As if tackling Robin the Girl Wonder is an achievement that could even register to the One Who Is All. Steph laughs, letting her head fall back against the cement of the rooftop.
“When do you leave?” Steph asks, looking at Cass, when they’re sitting down, feet dangling over the side of the fire escape. It took them a while to find this place, but it’s a good one. Steph almost wishes she had food or something. It would be a good hang out spot, she thinks. Gotham is full of nice little niches like this one. Places to just take a moment and look at the world.
Cass shrugs. “Don’t know,” she says. She reaches over and pats Steph’s hand. “I’ll visit,” she promises. “We’re… a team.”
Steph turns and grins at her. “Thanks, Cass,” she whispers, and hugs her best friend as tightly as she can. Cass hugs her back just as tightly. It’s a wonder no one has a broken rib.
“I’m glad you’re Robin,” Cass says in her ear, almost soft enough that Steph might miss it.
Steph pulls back slightly, frowning. “You don’t miss Tim?” Cass and Tim were inseparable, like siblings. Their Batgirl and Robin dynamic had been wonderful; that was why Tim was going with Cass to Bludhaven. They balanced each other out nicely, in a way that Steph wasn’t quite sure she and Cass would be able to recreate.
Cass shrugs again, then places her hand over Steph’s Robin badge. Steph flushes slightly at the action, but Cass plows on, not noticing where the badge is or not thinking it important enough to move it right away. “It makes you happy,” Cass says. “I like that.”
Steph grins at her, and oh. That’s a thought for another time, she thinks, staring at Cass’s masked face and wishing that the mask wasn’t there so that she could see Cass’s face.
A crush on her best friend is not exactly convenient.
Cass, oblivious to Steph’s thoughts, stares up at the sky, at the signal, blazing right against the clouds. “I’ve never been to Bludhaven,” Cass says, and it’s almost conversational, almost nervous, but yet neither of those things at the same time.  
Steph grins at her, shaking her head slightly. “You’ll make it yours, Cass,” she promises her. “You’ll figure it out.” Because if anyone could, it would be Cass and Tim. It should be fascinating, watching the two of them try to untangle all of the complications and the dirt and the lies that flood Bludhaven.
They’re going to be amazing, Steph thinks, and she hopes Cass can see those thoughts in her body language. She doesn’t doubt Cass, not one bit.
Cass clearly smiles, even behind her mask. “Yes,” she says, confidently. “Tim will help.” She gets to her feet in a swift, graceful movement that mere mortals like Steph can only dream of. “Let’s go,” she says. “Night is… still young.”
Steph bursts out laughing, but takes Cass’s offered hand to get to her feet.
They take off across the rooftops again, this time with Steph chasing Cass. She probably won’t catch her the fair way, but then again, where’s the fun in that?
Some people say that Robin has to be a boy.
That is, to be crude, complete and utter bullshit.
In one world, Stephanie Brown dies on a helicopter. Her heart stutters to a stop and Leslie brings her back. She dies because of her own mistakes and the mistakes of many others, but particularly she dies because of the cruelty of two people.
Leslie hides Stephanie Brown away, where she comes out of the closet and transitions. She stays away until she is healthy and whole.
Stephanie Brown stops being Robin the day that Jack Drake visits her apartment in that world.
But this is not that world.
In this world, Stephanie Brown joins the Teen Titans. She joins Young Justice and fights by their side. She grows up and comes out in Gotham, and it’s messy and complicated. Her hair grows longer and her smile grows wider, and she lives.
She’s Robin.
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crownuponherhead · 7 years
FOR THE THINGS YOU SAID MEME: 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and obv u don't have to do all of them like usual cause that's a lot but uGH what a good meme
i can’t believe this has been in my drafts for two years. ily. 
things you said too quietly
“I’m scared.” Her voice came out as a whisper while they curled up together in her bed. The sun was rising through the window they’d forgotten to pull the curtains on the night before. Nevan looked at her tiredly, as if he hadn’t heard her correctly. In three hours they’d be heading to the airport to fly to visit his family for the weekend. and just from hearing what Nevan had been through growing up, the last thing she wanted was to actually witness it first hand. Shaking her head, Ana just gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing I just need to get ready soon, you know what I’m like in the mornings.” She gave him a tired smile and curled close to him. “I can wait a few more minutes though.”
things you didn’t say at all
She should have said it, she knew that. They were sitting on the bed in his room, her evening gown still on, her hair falling out of the curls she’d pinned away to look professionally elegant at the gala for the night. Now as the numbers on the clock clicked through to the early morning, Nevan’s hand twined with hers as they just sat in comfortable silence. The three little words sat on the tip of her tongue. I love you. She didn’t say them though, the thought just staying in her mind more instead. Dear God, I love you so much Nev. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I just want be with you forever and have moments of silence like this that feel like the best thing in the world. She didn’t  say it though. She just moved his head to hers and kissed him sweetly letting her words do all the work. As she pulled back, she stood up turning her head to look at him. “Will you unzip me?” 
things you said under the stars and in the grass
“Okay! All set, blankets, pillows, telescopes, popcorn, Cass’ very special star cupcakes and drinks for all three of us!” Ana announced as she walked out the door for the final time holding the tray of cupcakes and the bowl of popcorn. Looking ahead she smiled at the sight of her husband and her four year old playing on the swing set that they had in their back yard. Setting the stuff down, Ana grabbed her daughter quickly as she slid down the slide. Kissing her forehead. “Come on, Princess, Daddy’s gonna show us all the stars!” Ana grinned ear to ear at Cassidy’s smile and she let her down. Watching the little girl run to the blanket she smiled even more when she felt Nevan’s arms wrap around her waist from behind. “You know if it weren’t for the fact that our four year old is calling all the shots tonight and we weren’t in our back yard and if our drinks weren’t non-alcoholic it’d be like our first time.” She murmured leaning against him. Turning to give him a quick kiss, but he’d already beat her to the punch. “Make sure to show her the constellation we named her after.” She smiled against his lips and let herself be dragged to the blankets where she sat with her husband and her daughter both with incredibly dorky and happy smiles on their faces. 
things you said when you were crying
He finds her on the floor, where she sits surrounded by broken glass. She’s sobbing hysterically, her blood on her hands, some of it on her legs. Her hair is in her face, the curls flat and stuck to her face now from the tears. She shakes her head every time the words. “it’s okay” and “you’re okay” come out of his mouth. Choking on a sob, she buries her head in his chest as he picks her up, abandoning the glass on the floor. “I don’t want to die!” She sobs harder with each sentence. “I can’t - It’s not fair my life has been shit and I can’t die early now that I have you!” She just repeats her words her mind not properly working. When he sets her down in the bathroom to wash the blood off her arms and legs, she immediately leans over to the toilet empty her stomach contents from all the distress. “I can’t die, I can’t it isn’t fair.” She hiccups, letting him wash her hands off and listening to his comforting words.
things you said when i was crying
One thing they’d always had in common was how much their families both viewed them as failures. Granted it was in completely different ways but they both did. Right now she wishes she would have gotten home earlier and checked the mail first, although knowing herself it probably would have blown up if she had seen the letter from his father first. She probably would have booked a flight straight to Tacoma just to destroy him with words like she had countless people who just annoyed her. Instead she sat on the ground with her fiancé’s head in her lap completely speechless and she dumped all their pills down the toilet just in case. How she’d come home and scared her to much to even risk it, she’d call in all the prescriptions again in the morning. She hummed a old song they used to yell sing in the car while they drove endlessly around Arizona exploring and enjoying their young lives. Because if Ana was honest she didn’t think that words would come out if she spoke.
things you said when you were drunk
“Nevan, baby, I don’t know how I don’t fight every girl in this damn frat house every time they look at you.” She might have taken too many shots of vodka earlier but she totally blamed Aaron because he thought that he could out drink her and boy did he mess with the wrong girl. Now however she was feeling it as her boyfriend held her up right as they swayed on the makeshift dance floor of the house. Honestly, she felt ridiculously sloppy but she also knew it didn’t matter in his eyes. “Really though, especially all these freshman you guys invite because their clueless but like...I just hate it I feel the need to make it you know obvi that they’re messing and looking with the wrong guy. Like that girl, Mia’s grand little, ugh I wanted to punch her in the face for even trying to flirt with her like god what an annoying bitch.” She sighed again before grinning up at Nevan. “but like, baby, I just love you so much.” Ana let out a giggle and kissed his shoulder the only place she could reach in her state. 
things you said when you thought i was asleep
It’d been two weeks since they’d gone camping, laid in bed with him in her room, staring at the pictures on the wall with a sigh. “I’ve never been in love before you, I know you know that but it’s different. I know my mother loved me with all her heart and her side of the family tries their hardest to fill that void but it’s different. The love I feel from you is unlike anything in the world and I feel so at home in your arms. At ease knowing you’ll never hurt me with your words that there’s something so real with us that it’s not just me dreaming. I feel so at ease knowing this is real and not what I was doomed to live fake, all for money. I just...I love you so much.” She sighed looking over at her boyfriend who she thought was asleep and curled closer to him with happy sigh. 
things you said after you kissed me
“Nev,” Ana let out a soft giggle as her fiancé pulled her closer despite the fact that her family was just a few steps away in the ballroom. She’d pulled him away from the pretentious crowd a few moments ago after seeing how he acted around her baby cousins who were fascinated with seeing their Ana’s boyfriend. With another grin against his lips she pushed him back a bit gently. “Baby, you know those kids are gonna be searching for you in a few minutes, they’re head over heels for you. You’ve officially won the hardest approval in the Vanderbilt family, the children.” Looking at him with another grin she gave him a quick kiss before walking back towards the ballroom hand in hand. “Once the kids love you, the adults fall too.” She teased with a wink.
things you said with no space between us
if I do this one I'm gonna write literal smut and this is a PG ask meme. 
things you said that i wish you hadn’t
“Nevan I know you don’t want to but maybe this counseling will be good, and hey at least your Mom seems to care about it. Isn’t that a step up?” Ana said as she drove down the not so familiar streets of Tacoma in his car that she was so not used to. She really missed her BMW when she came to visit him but she didn’t want to kill her mileage Washington was too far for her precious car. As she held onto his hand she couldn’t help but feel how he squeezed it gently and then stronger each time the GPS gave out directions. “Plus I’ll be interning at Gucci this summer and the boss is a family friend and she’s already made sure I’ll be able to fly back every weekend and you’ll be done by fourth of July and can come back to the city with me and we can explore it like it’s our future. I promise it’ll be okay.” If only Ana knew it would be the first promise she’d ever break to him. 
things you said when you were scared
She sat in the in the waiting room with a blank face her arms had been picked and prodded all day, Nevan by her side had almost been force-feeding her all day with her nerves. Ana had been too silent the whole time too scared to speak the truth until this moment when they only had one more hour until the last test. “What if I’m dying?” She let out looking down at her arms now covered with bandages and her hands shaking from nerves. “What if I have to leave you like my Mom left me?” It’s all she got out before her nerves got the best of her and she found herself leaning into him to hide her tears too afraid that this moment was fleeting. She couldn’t even hear his promises of you aren’t to calm herself down, her demons were too real in this moment. It was almost as if it was karma catching up to her for everything she did after her Mom died. 
things you said when we were the happiest we ever were
please press the following to see the realest love in the world 
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