#because while i don't love his movies i think he's a good director who usually brings very good performances out of his cast
pynkhues · 1 year
Thanks for answering my question. I agree with all your points. I have only seen one film with Lilly in it and I DEF see your perspective I do feel, though that she was good in scenes with Timothy it’s like you said how well actors work with others. Like succession for example. I felt like all around that cast is so solid and pretty much. Everybody has a chemistry with everyone.  I’m also impressed on how actors can really portray complex characters and how well you can feel how the  character is feeling even with so little dialogue . Which I feel like it’s kind of hard to do . in my opinion Christina and Manny in gg did that so well. Like such good face actors! there’s so many other examples and other shows, but that’s just a few that comes to mind. Thanks again !
You're very welcome, anon! Yeah, the Succession cast is pretty stellar across the board, but it does have it's weaker performers tbh (I thought Dasha Nekrasova was pretty bad even before I realised she was the same Dasha from Red Scare and I think Nicholas Braun plays gormless and vapid well, but I do sometimes wonder what a different actor might've done with Greg).
Christina Hendricks I do think is a wonderful actress, even though her choice in projects is often hit or miss, and I think Manny can be really great too and has more range than he seems to get cast on the basis of.
I actually think Manny is a really responsive actor, and one who rises to meet his scene partners which means when he's good he's really good, which he was opposite not just Christina, but Matthew Lillard and James Lesure too, who are also really great actors. It does mean though that I think when he's not getting a lot from a scene partner, or he's working with a weaker actor, he can fall a little flat sometimes. It's also why I can personally find him a bit hit or miss in scenes where he's on his own, but yes, when he's great, I think he's great.
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OC questionnaire
Thanks @the-golden-comet here and here, @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife here, @happypup-kitcat24 here, @mrbexwrites here, @museandquill here,
@the-golden-comet here, and @drchenquill here!
Rules: answer the questions in the POV of an OC, then provide three more questions!
I thought I'd catch up finally with this game, but alas.
Previous Questionnaires:
Rounds One and Two
Round Three: Maddie, Ash, Noelle, Ewan, Jazlyn, Lexi, Alex, Carmen
See below for: Gwen, Gabriel, Liam, Xitlali, Akash, Jedi, Rose, Sam
#1- Gwen
Do you celebrate birthdays?
“Of course I do! I sometimes have a party, though it's usually small. We have a tradition that over the weekend of my birthday, whenever it is, we visit where we buried my twin sister, who was stillborn. As a way to honor her.”
Where do you go when you need to unwind?
“My room has this corner that feels hidden. It's where I put a bunch of beanbags and pillows and curl up in there to read.”
Have you ever meditated?
“Yes, I have! It's a good way to unwind sometimes, but I prefer reading to do that. Clearing my mind is really hard.”
✨ Gwen intro ✨
#2- Gabriel
What would you do if your enemy asked for help?
“My enemy? I don't have enemies. The closest I have is Parker, and I'm not giving him any title that fancy. He's just a nuisance. If he asked for help, I wouldn't ignore him, you know? Unless it's a situation he could just get out of if he applied himself just a little more.”
Would you ask your enemy for help?
“Ugh, if I must use Parker again, then: no. He's unreliable. I'd never ask for his help.”
Do you act on impulse, or do you think before you act?
“Finally, a question about me. I think before I act, and pretty efficiently, I may add. I am very proficient at identifying a problem and then offering a solution to it. I've been told that I act too quickly, but that's a load of bullshit. I don't act on impulse, but I also don't take too long analyzing every single possible option. Like Liam, for example. *Sigh* Whatever, are we done?”
Other Gabriel: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#3- Liam
What’s, in your opinion, the worst way to die?
“Oh, my opinion, you say? Haha, okay. The worst way to die is doing something you love. Okay? I keep hearing some shit like that, it's very annoying. ‘Oh, the guy who loved mountain climbing died mountain climbing! At least he died doing something he loved!’ No! If I'm doing something I love, I want to see the end of it! I want to keep living so I can DO IT. I would hate to die in the middle of a debate. I'd lose the argument by default! Either that or they have sympathy for me and decide to declare me the winner posthumously, but what kinda bullshit win is that? I didn't earn it? What if I died in the middle of shooting a movie? Then some other director takes my place and makes it awful! No, I want to see my movie in theaters. I want to see it go to Blu-ray. You want me to die doing something I love? Screw that mentality! I'm not gonna die until I'm old enough to not be able to do the things I love!”
How fond would you say the local authorities are of you?
“Well, I got my dad out of a ticket by arguing with a police officer. Despite my win, I don't think he liked me. I was...fourteen? So I feel like they have this begrudging respect for me.”
Are you capable of murder?
“I believe so. At least manslaughter. And I'd get away with it, too. I took a forensics class in high school, so I learned which crimes got solved and which ones didn't. Gotta make sure the police tamper the hell out of the scene, though. Make it impossible to find evidence. Also, I could be misgendered as a woman either through visuals or DNA. Usually that'd be very annoying, but to get away with a crime? Honestly, it's a benefit in this case. I will admit that. Now, because I've never murdered anyone, I have no idea what would push me to that point in the first place. There is absolutely no precedent. However, knowing myself, it would take a while to truly piss me off. But I'm not gonna say I'd never do it. I believe everyone is capable of murder if you get them to a certain point in their life. It just varies on what the degree is. I do hope I never get to my point, but it would be stupid of me to claim some moral high ground on something I don't actually know for a 100-percent fact.”
Other Liam: OC in three, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, interview
#4- Xitlali
Imagine this: An entity appears in front of you to grant you one wish, what would you wish for?
“One wish? Okay, fine. That's not too hard. I wish prejudice would go away! I am tired of working twice as hard to get half as far as everyone else simply because I don't have powers!”
If you had the power to change one law of your world, what would it be?
“There are so many laws against Inutilia, it's literally impossible to pick one. I suppose I'd change the law about powers being on our applications. It's crap that I'm passed over for any team I try out for unless I prove I am the best.”
In your opinion, what is more important: sympathy or empathy?
“Unironically, sympathy. Yeah, yeah, empathy means that you feel what the other is feeling, but some people who genuinely struggle with empathy are the most sympathetic people I know. I don't need anyone to know my pain, I just need them to see that I'm in pain. Me and everyone else like me. I don't need anyone taking pity on me, but maybe if one higher-up just felt a little bad, then I'd have more rights.”
More Xitlali: questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
#5- Akash
Do you have a stuffed toy/plushie/toy that you have fond memories of? Do you have it, and if so/not, then why?
“Huh. I guess I do. Robbie and I, when we were in...I think fourth grade, went on a day trip to Houston with our families. Ha, I wonder if we actually were in the same general area as our friends now! That'd be sick. Anyway, we went to the Science Museum, and honestly it was dope. Thankfully our moms loved taking pictures of us so we have a lot of memories, but the toy part comes in during the gift shop. I got this green brachiosaurus and Robbie got this orange triceratops and Sammy somehow ended up with a pink sparkly T-Rex. I still have the brachiosaurus. I named him Steven.”
Do you have a nervous habit/quirk, and what is it?
*runs hand through hair, laughing awkwardly* “Well it's-- Oh no, shit, I just did it.”
What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
“Neapolitan. It's three flavors in one?! How is this not everyone's favorite, I don't get it.”
Other Akash: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, kiss, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, outfit, fun facts
#6- Jedi
How do you celebrate your birthday?
“I do not do much for my birthday. But Carmen always gets me something.”
Do you have siblings and if so who are you closest with?
“I have one sibling, Kirstie, who I suppose is who I am closest to by default. We talk as often as we can.”
What job would you hate the most?
“I suppose a job where I feel like I'm not making an impact. [Suspicious pause] Or maybe it's just if I couldn't do any science!”
Other Jedi: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, smash or pass acearo version, art, fun facts, Picrew
#7- Rose
What is your happiest memory?
“That is a pretty hard question. I guess the first time I hung out with Lexi one on one. Usually she wants larger groups to hang out in, but she invited me to the art museum downtown once. Her mom went with us, obviously, but we were free to roam the actual museum. It was incredible.”
What do you wish to achieve?
“One day, I hope to become a fashion designer. I'd love my own studio. Mainly I just want to hold my designs.”
How far will you go to reach your goals?
“I'm not sure. I don't think I'm that ambitious. If it doesn't happen, I'm sure I'll cope and just find something else.”
✨ Rose intro✨
#8- Sam
Are you petty?
“Hold on, let me think about it. [Several seconds of silence] Oh, no, I think I am! I compete with Kaitlyn over stupid things all the time and I'm annoying to her on purpose when she's annoying to me!” *throws her face into her hands* “Ugh!”
Do you forgive easily?
*face still buried* “Obviously not.” *raises head* “Actually, I think I do. I move on pretty quick. If Kaitlyn apologized, it'd be pretty hard to forgive, but I might eventually, y'know? What if she changes? The first few times it happened, I did forgive her when she apologized. But I also wasn't afraid to storm off when it happened. Am I easy to forgive? Ugh, it feels like I'm running in circles! Please ask me another question!”
Would you describe yourself as very emotional?
“I'm almost crying now, what does that tell you?” *wipes her face and shakes it off* “It's okay! I'm totally fine actually! Nice meeting you, byyyyye!”
Other Sam: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
Tagging @urnumber1star @somethingclevermahogony @buffythevampirelover @nailamoonsi @finickyfelix
Your questions: 1) Is there a part of your personality you wish to change? 2) What is something you know that many people don't? 3) What does love mean to you?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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lulidragon · 6 months
2024 Masterpieces
Hey, it's just the first trimester of 2024, but God, Love Lies Bleeding and Dune Part 2 were a very gorgeous releases for the Cinema.
In Love Lies Bleeding the director; Rose Glass made an excellent 80's pulp setting besides a unconventional Queer Love Story, for a instance the film can give you the impression of being another movie with "Grl Power" and exacerbating LGBTQ Propaganda that we are sated.
Nonetheless, Kristen Stewart and Katy O' Brian achieves a natural and human perfomances through of entire movie, along the experimented Ed Harris in a still ambitious history.
While in Dune Part 2, it has a crazy built of the development of characters and plot than the first Movie of 2021.
Denis Villenueve managed to plasme the vision of Frank Herbert, who wrote Dune's to advertise about the danger of believe blindy on Charismatic Leader's, because if the wrong people with radical intentions have power they could made with this an totalitarian system.
And you can't even imagine how much I hate Paul Atreides now!!!!
But that hate is good, due to the fact that the screenplay has been well written, Tch brought a wonderful perfomance, he has a lot of the achieve to make more human and relatable Paul, I think that is very very probably he'll win almost all Awards the next year.
His relationship with Chany in this movie brokes my heart, usually in Hollywood Movies don't make a well written couples or ships, but this one of the few exceptions, Chani is not only the love interest of Paul now, she was a good female character who has her own personality and desires and she proves that Zendaya is a underrrated actress.
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem amplifies the fun of the franchise - REVIEW
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*Slight Spoilers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem*
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been a franchise that has consistently been rebooted and I have never minded.
While the 2003 series was my initial Turtles introduction, the 2012 series really made me a fan. It had the right balance for me of brotherly affection, drama, stakes, and weird obscure villains.
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While Rise of the TMNT wasn't exactly my taste, I can appreciate the animation, comedy, and going for a different new take. Plus my god is the Rise of TMNT movie good. I'm all for making really cool characters into animes now.
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Going into this movie I had extremely high hopes. Not only has this franchise rarely disappointed, but it was produced by Seth Rogen, who has worked on shows like The Boys and Invincible, and directed by Jeff Rowe, who is not getting NEARLY enough credit for this movie. He was a writer on Gravity Falls and the co-director of one of my favorite animated movies: The Mitchells vs The Machines.
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And I got to say, this movie does not disappoint.
The animation style is both impressive and at times disgusting in the best possible way. This is the first time I've felt New York feel grubby and grimy. Every shot looks wonderful, and that cannot be understated.
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The hardest part of the Turtles is usually the brother dynamics. I feel like if not written or performed correctly, the Turtles can come off as buddies or even acquaintances. But this was not a problem here. The idea of having all four actors in the same room clearly paid off, as the four of them riffing and mocking each other were some of the highlights of the movie.
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I do think coming out of this, some of these turtles will be the definitive versions of the characters. While Mikey and Raph have their charms, Micah Abbey as Donnie and Nicolas Cantu as Leo were stands out for me.
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The idea of taking Donnie from the tech guy to more of a calculating nerdy weeb was genius. Donnie often is the guy who is most made fun of because he is nerd, and I think pivoting to him being a smart-ass and respected for his brain was a nice touch.
Leonardo as the goody two shoes dork who wants to lead so bad also worked for me. Leonardo can sometimes come off a sorta bully or arrogant for even trying to be the leader. Making him unsure but wanting to be a good leader makes him charming and more likeable.
Also among our heroes are Ayo Edebiri as April O'Neil and Jackie Chan as Master Splinter.
While April does not have as much to do as I would've liked, I think Edebiri is a nice addition and I'd be happy to see more of her. She has good chemistry with the brothers, although it did take me out of the movie to think of the age gap between Edebiri and Cantu.
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Jackie Chan's Splinter may be my biggest problem with the film. While he is a passable Splinter and has plenty of laughs, he does not seem as fierce of a warrior as he has seemed in the past, nor as wise. I do not mind a flawed, anxiety ridden Splinter, but he should feel like he can take on the Turtles easily, and I don't think he can.
(Also, Jackie Chan is a bad father in real life and shouldn't disown his estranged daughter for being gay. Read all about it here!)
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I'm not going to go to into the details of all the villains in the movie, as there are quite a few, but I really loved the inclusion of the vast TMNT universe, and their own fun takes on them. One of the benefits of having Seth Rogen as a creative is access to all his very talented friends. A highlight for me was Mondo Gecko, voiced by the great Paul Rudd.
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The main antagonist of the film being Superfly was a rather interesting choice. While I was sure we were going to have a Jekyll and Hyde situation with Superfly and Stockman going in, the idea that it was his mutant son was a weird but fun choice. Clearly Ice Cube was having a lot of fun playing a villain. He gave me quite a few laughs and felt like a proper first villain for these turtles. I'm glad they didn't just jump into Shredder or Kraang.
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While all the characters are fun and interesting, what I really love about this story is the central theme of acceptance. Having them all have the goal of being accepted by society felt natural, important, and very teen drama, which is fresh to the TMNT. They are often outsiders who don't really care about that, just protecting the city. Making that at the heart of the movie made me feel for them in a way I haven't before.
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Leaving the movie where it does excites me for more movies and the upcoming show they have planned. I think this version of the turtles can last us a good 5-7 years, and will end up being as iconic as the ones that came before.
Not that there is a super high bar for TMNT films, but this is definitely my favorite. I think kids are going to love, TMNT fans are going to love it, and non TMNT fans are going to be pleasantly surprised.
I highly recommend you go see this movie, I know I am definitely going again soon.
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katy-133 · 9 months
Emesis Blue Cinematic Parallel: The M (1931) Tape
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Okay, so I'm late to the party talking about this, since it's been like 10 months since Emesis Blue was released, but I have seen zero people mention this when talking about the various cinematic parallels the film uses, and I think this is a very funny one.
I'm not even sure if this was an intentional parallel on the part of the screenwriter, or just a coincidence, but Emesis Blue included a reference to MacGruber (it was the, "How did you know he wouldn't shoot you in the head?" "I didn't," exchange between Spy and Soldier), so Emesis Blue is not above referencing comedies.
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Okay, so early on in Emesis Blue, Scout sees a bunch of tapes knocked over in Medic's office. As he's tidying them up, he notices one tape is labelled "M (1931)."
The implication is that it's M for Medic, and it's footage of Medic from 1931. Scout's medical report (the one Soldier finds) says that he's 23 years old and Emesis Blue is set in 1968. Scout is curious about what Medic was up to before he (Scout) was born, between the wars.
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Scout steals the tape.
In a later scene, we see Scout at home, watching a black and white film. This film is 1931's M, directed by Fritz Lang (very good director I can recommend; he also directed Ministry of Fear, a film about a man who gets caught up in a bunch of espionage stuff because he won the wrong cake at a raffle--I enjoyed it enough to re-watch it multiple times). The film is in German, which makes sense, as Medic's first language is German.
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While we don't get to see Scout's initial reaction to watching what's in the tape (as we cut to the scene in media res), I imagine it was a mixture of disappointment in himself, upon realising the tape is just a movie and that he betrayed Medic's trust for basically nothing.
Kinda ironic, as his trust in Medic will be tested again and again later in the film.
So, this plot beat reminded me of something. And when it occurred to me what it was, I smiled. Because it's a rather unexpected callback when you remember that Emesis Blue has referenced films that can be described as highly respected, iconic, and (very important here) dark. Films like The Shining, Jacob's Ladder, Se7en, and Dr Strangelove.
The film I'm thinking about is…
2005's The Pacifier.
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For those unfamiliar with this film's work, The Pacifier is about a military man who, after failing to protect a scientist, is forced to look after and protect the scientist's 5 children in the suburbs while his boss tries to recover the computer program the scientist was working on. The film's premise is part of the tradition of the "main character (who is usually played by a famous irl wrestler/bodybuilder/martial artist) is an action man who is unexpectedly forced to survive in a domestic setting" subgenre since 1990's Kindergarden Cop.
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In this film, the main character (Shane Wolfe played by Vin Diesel), while cleaning the house, comes across a disk labelled "GHOST." This looks significant, because Ghost is the name of the computer program the scientist was working on that everybody is after.
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Shane Wolfe, after fighting tooth and nail to protect the disk in an action sequence, pops it into a disk player… and Whoopie Goldberg appears on the screen.
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The disk was not the much sought-after computer program. It was the 1990 romance film Ghost, starring Whoopi Goldberg.
Cut to Shane and the kids looking very very disappointed.
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(Gif source)
Scout: "Jeez. You got a whole video store in there."
Both The Pacifier and Emesis Blue have a major plot beat where a main character finds a labelled piece of storage media, mistake it as important documents, take it, and then realise it's just a movie. And that is very funny to me. I love it. Cinematic masterpieces. Chef's kiss
Again, this may be entirely unintentional on the part of Fortress Films. Still very funny though.
People who make "Every film reference in Emesis Blue" metas, get on this.
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
People really go from zero to worse possible, crazy insane. Now, how the hell did you get there conclusions. From absolutely zero evidence of anything.
There's speculation because there's been some stuff going on that make you pause, but them there's complete madness.
Throwing it back to a few days ago, when we found out Tom and Harry established a production company. How can people say that someone who has been in the industry since they were 12yrs old, doesn't know how to produce, and has to go to school for it. The set is his school. Do they know how many actors/actresses are out here producing and directing without the formal education, and they are applying what they've learned over the years while at work, to the production and direction of whatever projects they have going on. Regina King is a good example of that. She went to school, studied communication, and then went on to have an acting coach before she got her first project, and now she's out here writing and directing.
Yea, I don't understand that honestly. I really don't. And it seems like it's mainly Tom stans (and even Z stans?) that do this?? But, correct me if I'm wrong. I've been in a LOT of various fandoms over the years, and I'm also in other several fandoms even currently, and I have yet to see fans get so upset and complain about EVERY.SINGLE.LITTLE.THING. 😩😓
Usually, when other fans in other fandoms hear about a casting announcement, or new project of their fave, they're typically just excited and happy about whatever new thing their favorite actor is doing.
But with Tom (and even Z at times), it's like, no matter what is announced, no matter how good or promising, there's always SOMEONE who has to have something negative to say about it! 😒🙄
1 - Tom announces a really promising project (TCR) about a man who struggles with multiple personalities
Naysayer Fans: "Ugh, I can't believe Tom is going to do a series based on DID disorder. It's just making the DID community look like monsters, just like every other Hollywood project! I'm boycotting this project, and I don't think Tom should do it!" 😤
2 - Tom is cast for the Fred Astaire biopic
Naysayer Fans: "Ugh, I HATE biopic films! 🙄 This movie is going to be so boring to watch."
3 - Tom decides to do a Romeo & Juliet Play on the West End
Naysayer Fans: "Yay! This is a good move for Tom. But why does his Juliet look like that?? I don't think she's pretty enough to play opposite him. This is going to be a disaster."
4 - Dom accidentally lets it slip that Tom and Harry are working on building their own production company
Naysayer Fans: "Does Tom have any experience to be a producer and to own a production company? What schooling did he get? This is going to blow up in both of their faces"
5 - Zendaya is cast as Tashi in "Challengers"
Naysayer Fans: "Ugh, what on earth? The script sucks! It's terrible! This is going to be such a cringe movie. Why is she going to be having a threesome onscreen with two white guys?"
6 - Zendaya is rumored to be cast opposite Robert Pattinson in an upcoming film for the future
Naysayer Fans: "I like Robert Pattinson, and the plot sounds interesting, but can Zendaya have someone other than a white man play her love interest in a movie please?"
7 - Tom's Spiderman has updates
Naysayer Fans: "Ugh, I'm sick and tired of Spider-Man!😤 I want Tom to work with more interesting directors and not be typecast in this role forever."
This is just a brief example of how some fans react anytime Tom or Z do anything in Hollywood. Whereas, I don't see these many think-pieces with other actors whenever their new projects are announced. The think-pieces can just be exhausting at times. Don't get me wrong, there are some instances when fans really do have valid points (or even valid concerns) about an announced project of one of their faves (I've even expressed some myself), but 90% of the time, fans are just complaining simply to be complaining! 🥴
I totally agree w/you. I think Tom has had about as much experience as he needs in order to start his own production company and produce the films that he and Harry want to produce. I don't see anything wrong with it. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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yibo-wang · 2 years
Summary of what happened at the Hidden Blade Guangzhou RoadShow.
I have been away from my phone all day today so I only found out about what happened a few hours ago. I don't like bringing weibo/twitter drama to tumblr but everything that's been happening made me really angry.
It was expected that the antis would definitely try and ruin it as much as could cause they've done that every single time something important happened in yibo's career. But to think they would sink as low and involve big directors and actors for their petty and selfish acts is a new low even for them.
While yesterday was Hidden Blades first release in cinemas, it did exceedingly well for a film that's undoubtedly different from the usual spring festival movie genres. The GP and fans both had positive reviews about the movie and Yibo's acting.
As far as I know the hateful words and reviews against Yibo have been increasing. Antis who weren't even in China were sending reviews that they hated the movie etc when the movie hasn't even been released anywhere else? Give me a break. (Below antis leaving reviews but their location is from out of China)
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They're trying to suppress the positive response from the public on weibo, saying hurtful things towards the movie, director and actors. It's really disgusting.
You see Cheng Er and the rest of the cast and crew and anyone Yibo has worked with before know how sincere and dedicated he is to his work. For Hidden Blade especially they've praised his acting, his professional behaviour and it's not just one person it's the director, it's Tony Leung himself, it's Wang Chuajun, Da Peng and so many others.
It's actually breaking my heart when I saw the videos from today because why do they forget he's also a human being? That's he's only 25 years old?
Idk what image everyone has of Yibo in their mind but to me he's really very innocent at heart. Never in my years of watching him have I seen him have malice or hatred against anyone.
At the Roadshow today, despite everything that was happening he was really very thankful towards everyone who came, especially to the audience who came to watch the movie more than once because they loved watching it the first time and enjoyed the details.
One encounter today that really moved me was between him and a fan who was sharing her experience of watching the movie.
Translation: I would like to add one more thing. I was asked to convey this message from our group. Though we are Yibo's fans, after watching Hidden Blade, we turned from his fans to his movie fans. Thank you for being a good actor. We wish hidden blade success.
Yibo was really holding back tears 🥺
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Cheng Er talked about how he really appreciates the sincerity the audience who watched the movie showed towards the film and how much he appreciates Yibo as an actor.
You see this is probably the first time Cheng Er had to experience such disturbing behaviour towards his film. Yes he's a grown man with years of experience with him but this is not negative reviews because people didn't like the film. This is because of their hatred for Yibo. And Cheng Er knows all of this cause repeatedly he has spoken or either posted against whatever lies the antis have spewed against the film and Yibo.
Cheng er: As all of you are audiences who really watched Hidden Blade, I believe our efforts including yibo’s will live up to your expectations. He has worked really hard —his image & expression in his eyes. I'm very thankful to such an excellent actor. I only dare to say this because all of you have watched the movie. I don’t dare to praise him recently because… [Audience asking that he should praise Yibo more] so I hope people who really watched the movie can sincerely spread the true situation and quality of our movie (link to video)
Once again despite everything, Yibo isn't forcing anyone to like him. All he asks is to be sincere in their remarks about it cause the movie isn't just him. These blackened tags and reviews affect all the people who have worked day and night for Hidden Blade to come to life. He accepts the criticism if it's genuinely because of his acting but not if it's just because their hatred for him.
Yibo: Like what the director and that audience said, a movie can create a lot of thoughts but you still need to continue with your life. For Hidden Blade, I hope we can exchange sincerity with sincerity. We made this movie with our heart, so we sincerely hope that people will like the movie. I also hope that audiences can sincerely appreciate the movie. Of course, you can also not like like the movie after watching it, there’s no problem. [Fans: we like it!] Exchange sincerity with sincerity. Thank you.
I do want to say that despite the antis efforts for the smear campaign, the passerby comments and almost all of the general public had a good experience while watching the movie and relayed good reviews. (Some of them down below + Link to one of the film critics review)
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The thing is I'm really happy with how the GP is talking about HB. Infact Yibo was very happy during the other times in the roadshow. He kept smiling, talked so animatedly and with enthusiasm it was delightful to see him that way. But what bothered me most about the whole thing is that this situation was big enough for Yibo (who doesn't let useless remarks affect him) and Cheng Er to be bothered by it.
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go-go-devil · 1 year
4 & 8?
4. Is there a film that you love except for the ending? What would you change about the ending?
Granted I've only seen this film once so far, but while I really enjoyed The 'Burbs I thought the ending was a bit too weak compared to the rest of the story. Spoilers for a somewhat obscure 1980's black comedy incoming!
So basically the entire film is about this painfully average American suburbanites being suspicious about their weird new neighbors, the Klopeks, thinking that they might be murderers and going to great (& illegal!) lengths to gather evidence for this (often coming up short in the process). But then at the VERY end of the film the main character ends up being proven right about them being murders when he himself is almost murdered right after finally declaring that he was wrong about his suspicions of them!
It's not a horrible ending per say, I just thought it felt rushed and goes completely against the main comedy of the film; that being the paranoia that so often breeds in average white Americans whenever something slightly different from their boring way of life enters their neighborhoods. I think it would've been WAY funnier if the Klopeks weren't murders after all and at the end the mc accidentally gets them arrested for something completely innocuous in comparison, like them owning weed, but he's still treated like a hero for what he did for a bit before everyone goes right back to their usual business. Agree to disagree 'Burbs fans, but that's just how I feel.
8. Has a film ever made you extremely angry?
If Yorgos Lanthimos's The Lobster has a million haters I'm one of them. If Yorgos Lanthimos's The Lobster has ten haters I'm one of them. If Yorgos Lanthimos's The Lobster has one hater then that's me. If Yorgos Lanthimos's The Lobster has zero haters then I am no longer alive. If the world is for Yorgos Lanthimos's The Lobster then I am against the world.
This is my personal worst film I've ever seen. Even worse than bottomless pit budget garbage like Poor White Trash 2 because at least that film doesn't trick you into thinking it's a good movie. This movie is a "satire" with no point. It pretends to mock the strictness of our amatonormative society with a system forcing people to find a romantic partner in 45 days or else face punishment, only to then introduce a group of deviants who don't want romance or sex and spend the rest of the film demonizing them. "Oh, these 'loners' are actually JUST as bad, if not WORSE than the dystopian government forcing people to pair up with strangers because these people, for no fucking reason, decide to maim those who dare form a relationship and/or have sex!!1!"
I have actually tears in my eyes as I type this I'm so angry right now. This entire film is just another reminder that most people don't want people like me to exist in society, particularly due to the fact that so many critics and arthouse snobs think it's a good if not great flick. This pretentious motherfucker of a director couldn't even fathom the idea that maybe, just fucking maybe, a satire is supposed to punch up at the society it's criticizing, not lay down like a limp dog with the useless hypothesis that "Humans are INHERENTLY cruel to each other and there's NOTHING we can do about it."
So yeah, this movie makes me real fucking angry! I hope it and its rotten ideology gets buried and forgotten in the deepest sands of time!
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musette22 · 2 years
Minnie, I am having A Thought. (I've been having This Thought for a while actually.) So I'm sharing it with you because what else would I do.
It goes a bit like this:
Fast forward 20 or so years.
Chris is a successful and award-winning director and father of two teenage girls who stays with him every other week when he's not away shooting. (His marriage didn't so much fail as it slowly turned into something more like a business partnership. They still do Christmas together.)
Sebastian has had an equally celebrated acting career. He still does some movies here and there but he's been more focused on writing the last few years, getting some stories published and some scripts picked up for indie productions. He's single. (He's been in relationships, but they've usually lasted a year or two, never quite finding that thing that would tie them together.)
So Chris is directing a new movie. And Sebastian Stan is cast in one of the leading roles.
That had been a surprise. They run in the same circles and see each other occasionally, but it's been decades since they've worked together. They were just kids back then it seems.
It's kind of nerve-wracking honestly. Sebastian is a seasoned pro, has done so many celebrated projects, and Chris sometimes still feels like that kid from Boston.
But Chris loves the script, it's beautiful -- the kind of slow paced and bittersweet story that really resonates with him: a pair of childhood friends meeting again in their old hometown and reminiscing on what was and could have been.
And Sebastian really is perfect for this role, there's no denying it. He brings so much subtle emotion to every scene he's in. Chris is mesmerized.
"The one that got away" is a classic trope, some would say cliché, but in Sebastian's hands it becomes real, the idea of second chances and happy endings so believable.
Like it could even be true for himself.
It's a dangerous thought. One best left on a movie set. Not one to bring with him when Sebastian Stan smiles at him with crinkles around his blue eyes and asks if he's coming out for a drink with the cast.
To catch up. Reminisce on good old times. (Not think about things that could have been.)
(Except for how he does.)
((And, as it turns out, so does Sebastian.))
Oh my god, Em 😭❤️ AAAHHH!! This is everything to me... I am SO weak for the idea of them finding each other (again) later on in life, once they're older and more open to certain possibilities they may not have (been able to) consider when they were younger 🥺
"Chris is mesmerised" - 🥺🥺🥺 of course he is, he always has been, he just didn't realise what it meant, before...
And the fact that this movie of Chris's also has 'the one that got away' theme, how bloomin' poetic 💕💫 I so wonder what happens while they're out for that drink...... 👀
Ugh, I absolutely love it, all of this. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful thought and please don't ever hesitate to send me your thoughts, Evanstan or otherwise 😘😘 Sending you a big, big hug! 💜
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
My thoughts on The Last of Us show
Fair warning, it's a long one
I've been a huge fan of tlou since the game first came out, and ever since then Ellie has been my #1 favorite character. But being a bookworm I've learned over the years to be wary of show and movie adaptations, because they always lack what makes the book, or in this case, the game, good. I didn't have a lot of hope for the show, but I was pleasantly surprised by the first episode. And every episode after that made me more and more disappointed and uninterested, except for the last one. Normally I wouldn't go to such lengths to explain why I didn't like a show, but because the game is so close to my heart I just can't not say anything. And I wanted to preface this by saying that I don't think the show is bad per se, if there wasn't original work to compare it to it would be amazing (my sister, who knows nothing of the game, loves it), and I'm not writing this out of disrespect (mostly). But since this is the internet you'll probably take it however you want anyway. So I guess we'll start with something that I know will piss people off a lot; the casting.
There are two things I care about when it comes to who is cast to play preexisting characters, in this order; 1. If the person cast is able to play the character well, and 2. If they look like the character. You know where this is going. I don't think Pedro Pascal was a great fit for Joel. Was he good at playing him? He was, about half the time. I'm not too mad at his portrayal, but I think it's obvious by now that he's the new shiny famous actor everyone loves and everyone wants to see. Because everyone's obsessed with him, no matter what, his fans will watch whatever he's in. He can bring in a lot of money for the directors and producers. I can't help but feel he was cast just for that, and not because they couldn't find anyone better to play Joel (acting wise and look wise), and that is what bugs me the most. In the game, Joel doesn't seem so haunted by his past, or he at least hides it more. He has a deeper personality, he has lighthearted back and forth conversations with Tess, and he never treated Ellie like a monster. He also wasn't as scared as show Joel was, clickers were more of an annoyance than anything, especially at first. There was no hands shaking, eyes full of fear, "from this point on we are silent. Not quiet, silent". Game Joel acted like he spent the last twenty years dealing with infected, because he has. Show Joel didn't give off that vibe. However, show Joel dealing with the raiders was better, that's where I really saw Pedro Pascal portray him well. Overall, Pedro Pascal did a good job, I just wasn't as big a fan as I wanted to be.
A casting I actually was a huge fan of, was Sarah's. Like I said previously, I care about an actor's ability to play a character accurately much more than looking like that character. I saw some people online say they were unhappy with the casting because Nico Parker looks nothing like her, but she played her so well. I watched the first episode three times, and every time the thought that kept popping up in my head was "wow, she is Sarah, she did a fantastic job". I'm very happy with how show Sarah turned out.
Bella Ramsey's portrayal was probably the worst, in my opinion. When I first heard that she had been cast, I was excited. I watched her in Game of Thrones, she looks like Ellie and I thought she'd do well at playing her, too. In some parts she did, but not in the parts that were the most important. She was great at playing the defensive, angry, loud Ellie who's fighting raiders and protecting the people she cares about. But that's a small fraction of Ellie. While I was watching the show, I was also watching a playthrough of the game. More than not, Ellie is kind, generous, sweet, and genuine. She's more open about caring for people, more calculated, and much less sarcastic, and when she is sarcastic, it's usually lighthearted. Show Ellie was so angry and explosive. A scene where that really stuck out to me was when Ellie was trying to patch up Joel after he got wounded by the hunter at the college. Show Ellie showed her fear through anger, while game Ellie just showed her fear (which is, like I said, more genuine). And where game Ellie was genuine and open with her feelings, show Ellie seemed much more awkward with expressing her thoughts and feelings. That's where I think Bella Ramsey did the worst job. I don't know if she really knows how to play someone like Ellie. She was fantastic as Lyanna Mormont, who is very strong, mean, and tough in all the best ways. She gave off strong modern feminist "I don't take shit from anyone" vibes, but that's not really Ellie. She's not mean. She also, and this is a big part of Ellie's character, isn't disrespectful towards Joel. In the game, Ellie listened to Joel and respected his decision when he said no guns. In the show, as soon as she got the opportunity, she went behind his back and took a gun from Bill's stash. I won't analyze and tear apart every single thing that went wrong with show Ellie. I think you get my point. She was much too different from game Ellie, I rarely considered them the same person.
Anyway, more on characters later. Right now I want to talk about the differences in the episodes. And before I start, yes, I know the show was going to be different in certain ways from the game. I understand and accept that. That doesn't mean I have to like some of those changes.
In episode one there were a few differences, for instance the plane crashing instead of the car. But pretty much all of the differences I loved. I have no complaints about the first episode, but I wanted to make it known that I enjoyed it and the changes. I'm glad we got to see more Sarah, and more about how the infection started and spread. The first episode was the only time where I felt scared while watching this show.
Episode two was where things started to go downhill. With Joel and Tess's kind of awkward feeling relationship (didn't like how she low-key talked to him like he was a child when she said she wanted him to hurt Robert). That's another thing, I didn't like that we didn't get the scene where Tess killed Robert. I understand that they probably had to cut it out to save time, but she's in the game for such a short time and her "if you hadn't tried to fucking kill me" line was her best. Kinda felt like they disrespected her character by reducing her to this mean, anxious scaredy cat who, like Joel, acted like clickers were more than an annoyance like her game character did. Game Tess was awesome, and show Tess fell short. However, I preferred how she died in the show. Blowing herself up with a building full of infected was much more meaningful than just shooting two guys.
Speaking of suicide. Episode three. My least favorite episode, and the most disrespectful the writers were to the original characters. Nick Offerman was a perfect cast for Bill. But the show tore his character apart. Like Bill said in the show, he's a survivalist. I've met survivalists, they are the most arrogant group I know, and that's a compliment. They are hellbent on kicking the apocalypse in the ass and surviving until the bitter end. They don't commit suicide. Growing old in an apocalypse is the biggest accomplishment to these people. They're strong and they're not quitters. Taking away that essential part of Bill's character was the biggest mistake the show made. And they did the same to Frank. We don't know a lot about game Frank, but he sure has hell didn't give up as easily as show Frank did. In the game, Frank hated Bill and wanted to leave, but on his way out of the town, he got bit, and decided he didn't want to turn, so he hung himself. Suicide isn't cute or sweet or peaceful, ask anyone who tried to overdose, and no matter what anyone tries to tell you, suicide is sad, and a bad choice to make. I don't care that they made the whole episode a pro gay love story (didn't like it but don't care when compared to the rest), I don't care that they rewrote Frank to not hate Bill, I do care that not long after Canada decided to start killing off their unwanted citizens, this show tried to spin suicide into a peaceful out to chronic illness or an unhappy life. This episode was trash, and sent all of the wrong messages. The writers ruined an amazing character, and I will not forgive them for it. And what disappoints me the most is that Neil Druckmann worked on the show. I'm a writer, I understand wanting to change characters and storylines drastically after ten years. But I draw the line at changing already published and established stories, especially when it's so painfully obvious that it's politically motivated. I don't care what anyone says, it's wrong to take a character that people have loved for years and make them different for no good reason.
Woohoo, episode three rant over. I could say more, but I don't think I need to.
I didn't have too many complaints about the entire story with Henry, Sam, and the resistance group, which happened in episode four and five. There are many differences between the game and the show, but I didn't mind the changes. In fact, I loved the scene when all of the infected started coming out of the sinkhole and the bloater ripped off Perry's head. That was awesome. Actually, one of Bella Ramsey's best performances as Ellie was when Henry killed himself after Sam turned. Her cry of anguish felt so genuine. It was one of those few moments where I thought, "there she is, there's the Ellie I know".
Episode six was eh. I didn't like that they went straight to Jackson and never went to the dam. It felt cheap, especially when Dina's character popped in for a second. I love Dina but damn, that scene was bad. Maria's character was also disappointing. She was so on guard and untrusting of Joel and Ellie, acted more like a cop than anything. In the game she actually formed a bit of a relationship with Ellie immediately. And the thing with Tommy kind of treating Joel like a bad guy. Game Tommy took full responsibility for the stuff they did in the past, he regretted it but he didn't act afraid of it, or of his brother. In the game he was glad to see Joel, in the show it felt like Joel and Ellie were imposing. I also disliked that the entire scene of Ellie running away and Joel and Tommy going out to find her was cut out. And their fight about Joel leaving was lacking emotion because in the past episodes they didn't really build up a relationship to make it emotional. They still acted like they hardly knew each other at that point. Anyway, something I did like was the Shimmer appearance. That felt more organic than Dina's. But the whole scene at the college was lame. Watching Joel fall on top of a piece of rebar broke my freaking heart in the game and dammit! I wanted to see it again. I wanted to see more fighting in general. The college scene in the game is so intense and cool, and it was cut down to the end of the episode and a hunter stabbing him with a broken baseball bat. Again I know they were probably short on time and money and obviously couldn't add all of the scenes in the show, but this was an important scene and it felt rushed.
Episode seven was something to be desired. I didn't like how they wrote Riley's and Ellie's friendship to be so awkward. They're supposedly best friends, and the show made it seem like they weren't as close as they were in the game. And to talk a little bit more about show Ellie's character, game Ellie was upset that Riley was leaving, but she still more or less supported her right away. Show Ellie was much too explosive, yelling and storming out like she did. But other than that, the rest of it was alright.
Very much disliked episode eight. I think it was Bella Ramsey's worst episode, which was especially obvious with her first encounter with David and James. They also cut out the entire scene where Ellie and David had to kill a bunch of infected. That whole scenario led to Ellie putting down her guard slightly and I was disappointed to not see it. I didn't like how the show emphasized the group being religious. There are a few things here and there that show they are in the game, but obviously, being a cannibal pedophile should take priority when showing how a person or group of people are villains. In the show, David being a cannibal pedophile felt secondary to him being the leader of a religious cult. Then towards the end it felt like they made it too obvious that David was a pedo. I like the game because they told you exactly who he was in a subtle way. The audience isn't dumb, we don't need it written out in bold words for us. I also thought that it was a well accepted thing in the game that the entire group was okay with eating people, but I don't necessarily care that that was changed. Something good that the episode did were the scenes when Ellie was David's prisoner. She was still too angry and explosive, but the "broke your fucking finger" line was great, as was the scene when they had her on the table to be chopped up. The ending was okay, but I preferred the game version where Ellie was so distraught that Joel had to pull her off of David's body after she killed him. It was also the first time they actually seemed to have the relationship they did in the game.
The last episode felt rushed, but it was nice to see them with something that resembled their relationship in the game, although they were both still awkward and didn't seem very comfortable with each other. I loved how they made the scene where Joel killed all the fireflies look sad. The last episode was one of the best, only second to the first. I didn't care for the change with how the fireflies found them, but I don't hate it. I understand it was, again, probably a time and budget thing. They had the giraffes! That's what matters.
Really, it's not a "bad" show. Visually it was stunning the majority of the time (the fake horse was more funny than cringy). But where they differed from the game and some of their casting choices is where they went wrong, at least for me. One of the things I looked forward to most was seeing the infected. The show did such a beautiful job with them, but we hardly ever got to see them. I wanted so much to see the scene when Joel gets stuck in one of Bill's traps and has to shoot infected upside down. But they traded that for bullshit. Made me sad. I did like that they changed the reason Joel and Tess decided to agree to smuggling Ellie out of Boston. In the game they just wanted the guns Robert stole from them, while in the show Joel wanted to find Tommy. I didn't mind that change at all. I also loved Marlene. I have nothing bad or even slightly negative to say about her. She's amazing.
Overall, to me, the show in some scenes felt more like a retelling than a remake. Or like it was based off of a fanfiction that someone who played the game a few years ago wrote from memory. If not compared to the source material, it's great. But it has source material, and at times it felt like that source material was not respected. It's a shame, because it's a beautiful game with a beautiful story and beautiful characters. The people who only watch the show won't know who Joel and Ellie really are. If they make a second season, I have no plans to watch it.
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longinglook · 2 years
happy to see you back (sorta) and that you are ok! I'd love to hear your thoughts on shows and what you're looking forward to, but no pressure :) whatever works best for you
HIIIII hello happy to be back (sorta)!! I have about 9 months worth of show to review so I'll give them a grade out of 5 and I'll try to be brief with any comments lol I haven't scrolled through my dashboard on here in ages so I have no clue what everyone thought about them!
Under a read more because it's literally an essay
WATCHED (in some sort of chronological order)
-To my star s2: 3.5/5
I think I need to rewatch it already and binge it because following it weekly was extremely frustrating to me and I feel like I might have been too harsh on my judgement. Everything about Jiwoo's choices and actions seemed extremely irrational to me and it was a struggle to watch. It might make more sense if I watch all of it at once again though. It was still well made, well acted and well produced so at least there's that.
-Roommates of Poongduck 304: 5/5
I am EXTREMELY biased about this show because I've been obsessed with this pairing since Kissable Lips (camp masterpiece, I feel like nobody gets it the way I do) and I was sooooo happy to see them again with different characters. I honestly loved the show, I feel like it was using a lot of common kdrama tropes as opposed to the usual bl tropes and it was so fun to me. The pace felt great, the characters and their motives made sense, the chemistry was so great... That said I need everyone to go vote for Jiwoong on Boys Planet because being an idol has been his dream and his goal for ages and he finally deserves a GOOD chance
-Triage: 4/5
I had started this back when it was airing but I was missing a few episodes and I have to say I am pleased with it. It had some weird pacing issues and that's why I wouldn't give it a full 5/5 but the plot was very interesting and engaging. I would definitely recommend it.
-Love mechanics: 4.5/5
I was very unfortunately a love mechanics (2020) enjoyer and veemark have a hold on me so I had to watch it and it was definitely better than the original one. They fixed some of the plot issues and the longer run time allowed them to give the characters more depth. It did feel slightly repetitive or slow at times but the actors are so good that I didn't even mind.
-Vice versa: 3/5
Very cool concept, I was a bit worried about it at first but I enjoyed the plot. My main issues were with the pacing (it felt way too slow at times) and I wasn't completely sold on the romance/chemistry either. The way the parallel universe rules were explained felt a bit lame, having someone just straight up tell them how it works while I was hoping they'd have to figure things out together. I have to say i LOVED the small details they used to define the other universe like the transparent paper or the different food, it was a fun extra element that highlighted they were strangers there. I honestly don't remember too much else of this show which means it wasn't a standout to me.
-The Eclipse: 4/5
THE ACTINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I was so obsessed. The plot got a bit lost but wow I loooooooved the brainwashed school prefect slowly realizing he's being manipulated by the people in power. That was GOOD. I liked the characters more than the plot they ended up with. The trailer was overpromising in that regard, I was expecting a full on mystery/possible scifi elements but it got sidetracked and lost itself. The final episodes when they're shooting the movie make no sense to me. It still gets a 4 because of the main couple, both characters and actors.
-Kieta Hatsukoi: 5/5
I had not seen this before and I finally caught up and wow it is as good as they say. Genuinely heartwarming and wholesome, i LOOOOOOVE the friendships, the OST is so good omg it was so sweet and funny. I already want to rewatch it, it's in the same category as Light On Me for cute slowburn with wholesome friendships
-The director who buys me dinner: 1.5/5
Honestly it's a 1.5 because the plot is somewhat interesting but it did NOT deliver at all. The short episodes might have been the first hindrance to fully developing the storyline but the weird idol with a bad attitude side character subplot took up way too much time. The flashbacks felt rushed and hard to follow, I think Tinted With You had tried something similar but in my opinion they had managed the pacing and plot way better. This is one of those webcomic adaptations that gets destroyed by the short running time and low budget unfortunately. If it ever got remade properly I'd be interested though.
-Cutie Pie 2 You: 2.5/5
It started out better than s1 and then I sort of lost interest and remembered why I didn't like s1. SO much wasted potential. I only tuned in to see Nuer and Syn and they did not disappoint (I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED their spicy scene, god it was so awkward and honest and true and still managed to be hot) but I wish they'd gotten more screen time. Please give them a spinoff! The whole wedding fiasco was so boring, the comedy did not land well this time, how do you manage to have so much filler content in a 4 episode special is beyond me
-Between Us: 4/5
Oh the UWMA nostalgia hit so hard with this one. It was exactly what it should have been and slightly better than I was expecting (I think New's directing has improved over the years). Seeing Pharm, Team and Manaow together again made me so happy, my best friends. When the original ost started playing at the end I might have sobbed. I spent the whole time screaming for Team to get theraphy and stop trying to actively trigger his PTSD but he wouldn't listen. I had read the novel and I was a bit worried about the adaptation but I think they managed to capture the sense of comfort and safetly that Win provides to Team very well. Even the misunderstandings and the repressed feelings weren't too frustrating except for one or two instances. I even managed to enjoy the new side couple, Prince is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! Man I just love characters who are sure about their identity and have been for a long time.
-The New Employee: 3.5/5
Cute. Nicely acted. Adored the flashbacks to university and the friendships. Plot wasn't anything too exceptional and it seems like they ran out of it 4 episodes in. Just okay
-Individual Circumstances: 2/5
The past few months have not been a happy time for kbls. They seem to be going for quantity over quality and they've been falling flat. I think the parallel between the story and the novel being written are the only interesting thing about this show, but they're also so obvious they don't really help saving it. I zoned out so bad I can't even remember why they had broken up in the first place. Were they even together? The low budget was also a heavy weight here, it just wasn't good.
-Gap: 2.5/5
I struggled rating this because it has some high highs and some low lows. I just wasn't vibing with the plot, i know the title is literally GAP and the show is about the gap in age, power, etc between them but god it got so repetitive and frustrating I couldn't really take it seriously anymore. Things I liked: Freen's acting, i think she did a great job portraying Sam. I liked Sam's character a lot, her awkwardness and apparent coldness and how she tried to break free from the manipulative power her grandma had over her. I think she was very interesting and layered and well acted. Another thing I liked were the intimacy scenes. I wasn't expecting much but I found them to be very well done, the chemistry was good and they felt very realistic. I don't think they were overdone and honestly we needed some lesbian sex to restore the balance after 5000000 bls. Cons are literally everything else, the people at the office and Sam's friends all felt like comic relief caricatures with no depth, Kirk was absolutely unsufferable. I'm only saving Tee and Yuki who I am hoping will get a spin off because I SAW THEM... I heard that baby in the last episode... How did they sacrifice such an interesting side couple for what? 10 minutes of extremely pointless Saint screen time? As a lesbian, (this is my excuse as to why this got so long)
-My school president: 5/5 10/10 1000/1000 <3/<3
WOW!!!! I was expecting less than nothing because the trailer had not prepared me. I thought it would be yet another boring high school slow burn with unexperienced actors but instead we got this amazing gem. I am SO happy I gave it a chance, it had my attention right from episode 1 and it was my motivation to get to the end of each weekend. Gemini and Fourth are incredible!!!! It was such a wholesome show about frienships and growing up together and being supportive. I loved every minute of it. THE MUSIC!! oh my god the music!!!!!!!!! Both the original songs and the bgm were so on point, I am so obsessed with all the tracks. I am usually not a fan of slow burn but if it's like this then I am all for it. The characters are clear about their feelings a few episodes in already and then it's more of a self imposed boundary that they keep pushing and pushing and that tension is just so much fun to witness. Honestly GMM was on fire these past few months, all my favorite shows were from them and it seems like they've been listening to some feedback unless it was a coincidence that all the good shows ended up airing at the same time lol
-The warp effect: 4/5
I am so confliced about this show. Everything about it is a full 5/5 for me except for Alex's character (and Army not shutting up ever). I'm trying not to spoil the ending because it's only been a week since it aired but it's hard to explain what I liked and what I didn't like about it lol. I guess I liked how the time skip worked but, while for most of the show it felt like it was an ensemble cast narration, the ending really does remind us that after all Alex is the main character. The side characters and their subplots were all interesting and varied and felt very refereshing for GMM standards (except for Army constantly outing Joe, I get that they were trying to portray him as someone very sure and proud of his identity and a bit slow at understanding others but man... they were really forcing his character to get some drama between them). Spent a solid bunch of time rooting for a Jean/Kat couple only for it to get adressed in canon and get laughed at so I quickly and bitterly gave up and accepted they were never going to be anything but straight. The more we found out about Alex and Jean's first time the more horrified I was, I did NOT want that Alex to ever be dating her so I was scared they'd put them together anyway since they're main leads. The actual ending was a compromise I can accept but still... Not ideal. If only there was a magical camera to send all idiots forward in time to witness the damage they've done...
-Moonlight Chicken: 10000000/5
A masterpiece!!! Legendary!!!! Everything I've ever wanted and more!!! There was nothing I didn't like? Not a single thing I can think of? Maybe just Alan being overly bitter and mean but oh well assholes exist everywhere. I went in with zero expectations because the trailer had made it seem like it would be all about cheating, as soon as I found out there would be no cheating involved I dropped all my reserves and was on board 100%. EarthMix were perfect and delightful, they're just so good together and their characters worked very well as a pairing. Surprisingly slow burn seeing how ep 1 part 1 starts. I like that Wen's job is shown a lot and he actually has real tasks to do that someone in his position would do (him answering emails at the temple really got to me lol). The atmosphere the setting the lighting the colors... Just gorgeous. AND THE SIDE COUPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't even get me started on Li Ming and Heart. Wow. Getting double GeminiFourth for a few weeks was such a treat, 3 days in a row of them delivering incredible performances (their first kisses lining up on the two shows was just adorable).
-Never let me go: ?/5
I sort of dropped this one? I was following it weekly up until ep 4 or 5 and then it lost me. The pacing was way too off and they had weird audio issues. The editing as well was bothering me, with really long closeups with nothing happening and similar issues. The plot wasn't interesting or new enough to keep me interested. I might finish it now that most of the shows I was following have ended.
-Bed Friend:
I started this for two reasons: I will be tuning in for its spinoff since it's TutorYim AND I've been hearing about this show possibily getting made for the past 3 years. I remember when people wanted it to go to SaintZee (rip) so I wanted to check it out and I see what they meant. James has Saint energy, I won't elaborate. It's definitely as explicit as a show about friends with benefits should be lol I hope they can develop the romance aspect nicely and I hope it won't stem soley from King trying to "fix" Uea. The flashbacks to Uea's past are rather alarming (another instance of me screaming GET THERAPHY at him every time he's on screen) and I'm hoping there won't be too many more insances of them. As if the abusive mother wasn't enough? It feels too tropey to send all these bad "punishments" his way because he's an explicitly gay character.
-A Boss and a Babe:
Here comes another fully biased review, I couldn't not watch this as an avid ForceBooker. Only one episode in so there is not too much to say but honestly I am on board with ANYTHING from them. It's directed by New so I am prepared to be let down at some point but they could seriously just show me 60 minutes of Force's face and I wouldn't mind. I'm excited because it did not look slow burn-y at all and that fills my heart with joy. I like office romance comedies so much what can I say. I KNOW Cher looks like an absolute dumbass but I know there's a brain in there. He's so cute he'll never get on my nerves. I will fight every single person on MDL to defend Book and his acting, I don't care.
-Our Skyy 2: STACKED LINEUP. More PhuTian and more PatPran are a dream come true, a blessing, a gift etc. Please air soon I need to water my crops. I am honestly excited for all couples (I just need to catch up on never let me go I guess), give me that little extra content to boost my serotonin and PLEASE BE GOOD
-23.5: MILKLOVEEEEEEEEE I also really really want this to be good because it has so much potential please please please. Happy about more GeminiFourth as well, and Ford too! He did so well on My School President, I need to see more of him.
-Middleman's love: TutorYim. TutorYim. TutorYim. TutorYim.
-Only Friends: I am hoping this will be a BL version of friend zone with a more grown up writing. Stellar cast again so I am very intrigued. (I've been affectionately referring to it as the gmm horny show)
-Last Twilight: could be a big hit or a big miss depending on how they handle it. I am very curious and a bit hopeful after seeing Moonlight Chicken
-The Next Prince: I think I'll end up hating this one but the trailer was so dreamy, straight out of a royalty AU. The truth is I believe Nunew should be the next global idol and singing a few OSTs for his bls + the occasional youtube cover isn't the way to go. (I am sort of joking, of course if he's happy doing this then it's not an issue at all) (IDK why Wabi Sabi sent their actors (Yacht especially, wtf) on a Korean survival and Nunew is still shackled to Zee)
-Absolute Zero: I feel like this will be a disaster. It sounds interesting on paper but I have zero faith they'll do it justice. Please prove me wrong
-The Korean Why R U remake: I feel like I am contractually obliged to tune in since the original show is what made me who I am today as a person. I have serious doubts this will work the same magic on me.
-About a hundred new Kbls (I truly can't keep up and I end up skipping most of them unless someone I trust really recommends me one at this point)
-Rumored season 2 of blueming? Rumored season 2 of Kissable Lips???????
I think that's all for now (lol) I swear to never take another 9 month break because this recap took me 2 full hours to write
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hoffmannwrites · 1 year
On My List
1  - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 + 1 Masterlist
Author’s Note:
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Description: 5 Times Steve and Eddie kiss as friends, and one time they don't.
Warnings/Tags: Everyone lives, Nobody dies, 5+1, Kissing, Fluff, Idiots to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, some pretty brief mentions for drinking, smoking, musical theater (yes, that gets it's own warning), uhhh they're gay your honor, no beta we die like Barb, let me know if I missed anything?
Suddenly, Seymour
By the time their 4th kiss rolls around, Steve is starting to think that maybe he hallucinated the whole fucking thing. Eddie hasn’t made a single move or mentioned any of the kisses at all to Steve since NYE. Even Robin had gone from “Oh my god, he’s totally into you” to “well, you know how Eddie is. He loves to cause chaos.”  Eddie and Steve still see each other regularly, usually at least once a week on their own volition and a couple times in between while driving around the children. And in the almost month that had past, not once has Eddie even hinted at anything happening between them.
So, Steve did what he did best and pushed it all down and focused on anything else other than the metal head. This focus included helping Dustin audition for the school musical, Little Shop of Horrors.  Steve didn’t know much about acting and his singing knowledge was limited to what he learned as a kid in church choir, but he was very good at critiquing Dustin. Steve even watched the movie with Rick Moranis and everything so he knew what was going on in the musical and how it should feel (and totally not because he thought Steve Martin looked kinda hot in the leather jacket with the motorcycle even if he was a piece of shit).
Dustin was auditioning for the lead, Seymour. Part of the audition was having to do a duet with someone auditioning for Audrey, and kissing her at the end of the song. Dustin was really good at every other thing he had to do for this role, but the idea of kissing someone random on stage in front of the whole town was really freaking him out. (Sure, cannibalism and murder was fine, but god forbid there was PDA). Of course, Steve became his personal director for this particular issue, as the ex-ladies man was very familiar with kissing practical strangers in public.
“Listen, you just gotta think about Suzie,” he advised.
“You want me to think about my girlfriend while kissing another girl?” Dustin questioned, looking at Steve like he has 5 heads.
“No that’s not what I-“, Steve started. He sat down on the couch next to the now Sophomore. “Look. This whole song is about realizing you’re in love, right? It’s about finally getting the girl. It’s about finally realizing that the person who’s been by your side this whole time, who’s had your back since day one, who’s never hurt you is the love of your life. And you’re finally ready to see that, to admit it,” Steve explains. “Not only are you falling in love with your best friend, but you have this feeling of-of hope. There’s a weight off your shoulders and everything just might work out in your favor. And that’s how you feel about Suzie, right? Like it’s all gonna be okay when you look at her?” Dustin nods in response and Steve continues. “So you gotta take all that- all that love and light and- and hope and put it into this song, and the kiss. It’s not about kissing someone on stage, it’s about making the audience feel that joy that your character is feeling.”
“Wow, Harrington. I didn’t know you were such a fuckin’ sap.” Eddie’s voice rings out from the doorframe of Dustin’s bedroom, scaring the ever living shit out of the other two boys. “Jesus Christ, Eddie, you can’t just sneak up on people like that,” Dustin scolds.
Eddie puts his hands up in defense “Sorry, sorry. Stevie was on a roll, there. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Yeah, he was. I just still don’t get how I’m supposed to kiss someone that I’m not into without it being weird or at least looking weird, ya know?” It’s Eddie’s turn to offer some advice, now.
“Oh, Dustybun, it’s way easier than it sounds. Isn’t that the whole point of acting? You do it every week at Hellfire, this is just like that. You’re woo-ing the fair maiden to get access to the castle and it’s armory. Except, instead of rolling a D20 and convincing me, it’s an audience that actually wants you to win.”
And Dustin thinks about that for a minute, because yeah he does have to “act” in Hellfire every week and there have been a few times where his character has had to flirt his way out of some sticky situations. But he still has his reservations. “If it’s so easy, why don’t you guys do it?” He says to his mentors,  not wanting to admit they were right so easily.
“Fine,” Steve almost snaps before Eddie has the chance to make some sarcastic come back. The metal head looks over at Steve, a little wide-eyed, but before he can protest, Steve is talking again. “I’m no singer, but I’ll do my best. You know the song?” He asks Eddie. 
“Uh, yeah kind of,” he croaks out, too caught off guard to really say anything else.
“Alright. We’ll start with the last chorus. You okay taking Audrey?” Eddie nods his head as Steve hands him a lyric sheet, still a little stunned at everything that’s happening. Man, he just came to pick up some Hellfire notes Dustin had for him. And now here he was, standing in Dustin’s bedroom, singing a fucking love song with Steve Harrington. Shit, he wasn’t even a soprano, he can’t hit these notes! Eddie clears his throat and starts singing, albeit taking it down an octave. Steve is right there with him, singing the back up vocals with surprising emotion. Holy shit, Harrington can sing. Holy shit, can Harrington act? There’s no time to really dwell on the revelation right now, because Eddie realizes he should probably be acting too. Only he doesn’t really have to act like he loves Steve because he does, oh god, he does. Has been since he watched that idiot jump into a lake that was also an inter-dimensional portal with zero hesitation.
So they’re singing to each other, standing face to face but far enough apart that it’s not, like, weird or anything. And then it is weird, it’s so so weird because they’re on the last bit of the song and Steve has moved in closer to Eddie and is looking at him like he did right after Eddie kissed him on New Years. By the third “sweet understanding”, Steve grabs both of Eddie’s hands and steps in really close now, so much that they’re singing the last line directly to each other, staring each other in the eyes. And when that last note wraps up, where there should be some orchestral music and applause from an auditorium filled with people, Steve moves his hands to around Eddie’s waist and kisses him like they do in all those sappy movies. Steve’s hand are everywhere and Eddie feels like he’s being completely held together by the younger man, like every piece of him will shatter the second he lets go. And they kiss, chaste and unmoving, waiting for the fake applause to die down and the stage lights to fade to black so the next scene can start. But they break apart and Steve turns to Dustin and raises his eyebrows looking for approval, like he didn’t just melt the metal heads brain.
“Woah.” Dustin is kind of flabbergasted by the display he just saw. “Why didn’t you guys do the plays in school? That was super convincing. Like, so good.”
Steve smiles, all teeth, beaming and proud. “Yeah, well, we were busy. With sports. And, uh,” he gestures vaguely to Eddie, “and drugs.” Eddie has regained enough brain function at this point to shrug in agreement with the last statement, but he’s wondering if Steve’s really that good of an actor or if there’s something else there. No, probably just wishful thinking. But as Dustin gets up to find the papers Eddie came for and Steve offers them both a rushed goodbye as he realizes he’s late for his shift, Eddie can’t help but remember that this is the fourth time Steve’s mouth has been on his. 
Idk shit about fuck about D&D. I've been trying to get someone to teach me or let me join them or anything and I simply cannot. If I am using the wrong die for this hypothetical situation in my fictional non-canon story about fictional people in a fantasy horror show, I'm sorry. This isn't Um, Actually, okay? I'm just guessing.
I also know nothing about the licensing process for school musicals, but the Little Shop movie came out in ‘86 and I love the idea of a fanatic drama teacher making it the musical. And Dustin would love it because it’s about a giant plant who eats people because it’s an alien. I also haven’t seen the full musical (not the movie, they’re different) since I was like 7 so please pardon me if they don’t actually kiss during Suddenly, Seymour. 
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cousticks · 11 months
Fave character and why (overall)
What type of characters do you typically enjoy? (for me i usually like dead characters because of their... idk there's just so much to work w there 😭 like so many things for interpretation/potential)
What got you into bsd
What got you into tumblr
Can you give at least one tip or advice on how to recover from a hyperfixation on something when u need to be productive?
Are you better at writing or drawing?
If you could choose, which would you be better at?
Do you like painting?
Are your friends nice?
Forgive me for the random asks. jus answer the ones you want to ty ❤️
Is it weird if I answer all of them? I think all of these are fun to answer so I'm gonna answer all of them. Tysm!!
Favorite character overall is... really difficult. I like so many different characters for so many reasons across so many different medias. Even choosing a favorite from BSD is wildly difficult. Of all characters ever, one of my favorites is Cal Trask from John Steinbeck's East of Eden (the book, not the movie, even though he is played by James Dean). East of Eden is one of my favorite books ever, and most of the incredible themes in it, all of the cycles it represents, as well as the cycles it finally breaks, are done through Cal. He struggles with being good despite a thematic predisposition to being anything but throughout his portion of the novel doomed-by-the-narrative style, until at the end the resolution is that... he doesn't have to be either, he only really has to be him. I love that book dearly and could talk about its themes for hours (and have!). As far as favorite BSD characters specifically, that's near impossible for me to say, but a rough top-group would include Kyusaku, Kouyou, Dazai but specifically mafia era, Kunikida, and Albatross. I don't have any really good reasoning for those top favorites beyond "hehe, I like them," honestly.
I usually enjoy characters that it takes a while to piece together their motivations. Morally grey. And I mean actually morally grey, not the asshole-that-does-nice-things antihero type. I like characters that make me want to think about them and piece them together and study them like bugs under a magnifying glass until they start to catch on fire. Dudes who suck but have so much potential to be more. Make me have to justify why I enjoy them in front of a board of directors. I love to be able to fill in between the lines.
A former friend group got me into BSD back in 2019 because they were all watching it and I happened to have the time and energy to. The sheer amount of media to consume & intrigue of the characters is what made me stay, though.
This is horribly embarrassing but my first stint on Tumblr ~7 or 8 years ago was sparked by learning that the Onceler fandom existed and being absolutely fascinated by it. It was already dying out by this point, so I wasn't active or anything in it, but I thought the way people interacted across blogs to make these wild stories was so fascinating. Specifically the Truffula Flu zombie arcs. I was a Camp Entre loyalist. A couple years later I accidentally deleted my blog and didn't get active on Tumblr again until a little over a year ago, though, when I wanted to start engaging with the fanbases some media I was fixating on at the time.
If I could figure out the secret for recovering from a hyperfixation in a productive way I would be a much more functional person. Sometimes I'm able to approach things with an "if you can't beat it, join it" mentality, and can come up with ways to connect my current task to whatever I'm fixating on. Here's the secret: you're allowed to be cringe with it. If you need to do the dishes and need to make it a mental competition for "oh boy I need to be less of a disaster than Dazai its fucking on" or "I need to do my math homework so Kunikida will be proud of me" or "gotta do my laundry... I gotta be dressy for my port mafia work attire..." then do it. Who cares. That doesn't work all the time, but it can work sometimes. And when it doesn't? I normally just try to clear my mind entirely by doing something that sucks so much I can't think of anything except how it sucks. For me its cardio. I hate cardio exercise. But if I go on a jog and come back I a) feel a little better and more functional because I went on a stupid exercise for my stupid mental health, b) got some of the excess fixation energy out, and c) that sucked so bad i would literally rather do Anything else i might as well be fucking productive. These are not sure-fire ways but they help me. And my most important one? You can't focus when you're stressed. Trying to force yourself to focus when you're stressed about an assignment and panicking because you can't focus will not help you, it will make the problem worse. It is okay to give yourself some grace, walk away, try to put yourself into a healthier mindset, and come back. That's another reason I like to take walks when I can't focus, even if its just a small one down the hall for a glass of water and then back. Don't force yourself. Never force yourself. You'll feel worse and more frustrated.
I'm much better at writing. I'm horrible at drawing, I just do it anyway for fun because sometimes I need to get my fixation kick out in a visual manner. Writing has always been my strong suit.
If I could choose? I think I'd still pick writing, honestly. I'm sometimes jealous of those that can make gorgeous art, but I'm happy in my world of writing because it has helped me in so many other areas of my life as well. I don't live an artists life, unfortunately, and writing has served me well.
I do like painting! I haven't in a very long time, as I don't have the time or energy much, but I used to sculpt and paint my creations. I'm not saying I was particularly good at either, but I used to, and I enjoyed it.
I didn't always have nice friends. But these days? They are. I wouldn't trade the friends I have now for the world.
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
Hi again! 🥰 Here's the second part of the gossip 😂😅 
Ok so about the first movie I mentions the The Batman Vs Dracula (2005)... honestly it's probably not a scary movie at all😂 I just have a very vivid memory or watching it as a kid and being terrified of "scary" movies very since. It was on of those straight to DVD animated movies. There was to be an animated cartoon show called "The Batman" and I use to watch it ALL the time with the animated Justice Leagues. The movie was one of those like off set ones. Like you know how there was Tom and Jerry the show and then they had all the individual movies with separate plots that kinda ignore the other stuff! It was like that and since it was like a kids show movie they actually probably didn't show any violence at all I was just not a child who liked vampires😂 The actor who actually voices Batman in the show and movie is the same guy who narrated the Curious George show so that about how kid friendly it was😂 I mean it probably wasn't a bad movie it just scared me so bad and I've hated movies like it since🤣 it took me ages to watch like Vampire Diaries or like Grimm after😂
I'm gonna be honest too😂 I also only watch The Christian Bale Batman movie after starting Peaky Blinders and hearing Cillian was in it😂 Plus my dad already had it so I don't have to pay😂 It was actually a good movie though! I still need to see the other two in the series😂And it defiantly have to look up Anthropoid too maybe if you think it's good! English is my only language but if Cillian's in it I can probably just watch for him😂😂
And ohh yes! I'd defiantly recommend some of those other movies too! Most of them are Alfred Hitchcock movies and his stuff is good (or the thrillers are)! I was even thinking a while back if trying to include in of his works in a Peaky Story I was trying to right! Did you know the first film he directed came out in 1922 (Number 13) ! It's technically on the list of lost films but be still released a good number in the 20's and 30's😂 I wanted to get something where the reader is at the movies with Finn or Isiah and when they hear who the director is they won't stop making jokes about his last name😂  
I'll defiantly have to take a look at "The Medic" when I can too! I'm honestly not super use to reading the real person stories, I usually stick to the totally fictional character, but I'll definitely have to give it a try if you think it's good! I think I've read some of the other stories on the lists though and I remember liking them a lot!! So I'll have to look into it!
I think I may end up leaning towards Bonnie or Michael for the comedy blood dialogue story, but I still want to write for Ollie, even if it is Platonic I feel like he's appreciated😂 He's basically to Alfie what Lizzie is to Tommy and we know how hard Tommy made it😅 I can imagine Alfie being even harder to work for sometimes when he's pissed (Even if I do love the man!)
And yes! Omg! Michael changed so much even after the first two seasons 🥲 I can both understand why it happens but also I really liked like S2 early S3 Mike who wasn't totally power hungry and trying to be a mini Tommy! Even though we see bar again once I always wonder what happens to his Foster Family, or at least his Mother and Brother!  I think if there was an episode where Mike like ran into his little foster brother who's grown up now it could have been interesting! Like it could have been cool to see how that played out if his little brother showed up one day needing help because he didn't realise mike wanted to forget them (Maybe I have a new idea now😂) The first time I saw him in the pics and trailer of season six with the mustache was kinda shocking to me. Because then I saw the mustache all I could thing about was how it remind me of Inspector Campbell's (And Hitlers). And since considering what Campbell did to the family (esp. to Polly for Mike to get out of jail that one episode in S2😭) it made me draw a parallel. It was like proof he had turned in to one of his families worst enemies and that's when I knew who was gonna die🥲 Or like it was proof he had kinda of turned into what both his mothers never wanted him to be😭 And that just struck me with how much he had changed since the start! I think Finn's character was kind of how Polly wanted Michael to turn out (At leat the part where he wasn't made for the family business) but because of all the trama he had gone though and his own inabliltiy to share his feelings or be content with what he had he kinda went down😭 He really was an interesting character though and I really did like him in the very first seasons he was in! I really do wonder how he would have turned out if he had never left his foster family after first meeting the Shelby's.
It did make me laugh the other day though. I was trying to start Animal Kingdom b/c I wanted to see more stuff Finn Cole was in, and it seemed to me like it was like a Modern Day American Peaky Blinders almost😂 And then I found two more thing he was in (I'm still looking for more😂) and I read their synopsis. And it hit my mind that based of those 4 movies Finn Cole seems to enjoy playing Characters that start of as like the "innocent Farm Boy / Nice guy" types and slowly become more corrupted or end up becoming power hungry or the "darker bad boy running from the law" type😂 Also he seems to enjoy taking roles with characters in difunctional Families, and don't get my wrong he plays those characters very very well (like the empty stare he did as Mike sometimes was creepy!) but I kinda want find something with him in it where I don't have to prepare myself for someone to die or murder someone every few episodes 😂
And that you for your kind words about your inbox being open💕💕💕 They really make me smile!🥰🥰🥰 I may have to do the thing you mentioned with a side blog or another one! That's so nice of you❤️❤️ Your so great!!❤️ I feel a little bad every time you say it's open but I still kinda hide😂😭 My anxiety has been getting better tough! I'm hoping that soon I'll actually get back on and start interacting with my actually blog and stuff! 💕🥰
And it's ok about the music too! One of my friends ended up finding a hurricane playlist on Spotify and I didn't realize how many songs there were referencing hurricanes😂 Once the lights went out we played Uno in the dark with only a small lamp to see our cards😂 it was actually fun and a good distraction! We also played Cards against Humanity enrich went how you may expect it to go with a bunch of college students😂
And here is my end now!❤️ I hope you  are doing well and I can't wait to hear from you again! I enjoy our messages very much! Have a great Day or Night!❤️
Xoxo Gossip Girl🤫
Hello darling, I’m so sorry this took me ages to reply!
How have you been? 🥰
(I’ll add this to the ask box I left for you in my master list (at the end).
I don’t remember watching that movie at all…. But since you mention it’s not scary, I guess I will add it to my list then! (I’m a chicken when it comes to terror films lol) omg I can’t believe never heard of this cartoon! Maybe it wasn’t popular in my hometown? Oh but of course I know of Tom & Jerry! It was one of my favorites! Just like the animaniacs (is that correct?) I remember watching the last Tom & Jerry movie in like 2021? But I guess the different plots was a plan so you didn’t have to watch it in order… oh no! curious George? Guess I will have to google that one! Because it does t ring a bell, I used to watch more like Melissa explains it all and Sabrina 🤭🤭 hahah about vampires since you enjoy them, did you see Buffy? Interview with a vampire is a must then, I know I watched that one a looong time ago! You know just about two years ago I was able to watch that Halloween film (sorry I forgot the name) where Angelica Houston is a witch and she and other witches get together in a hotel and they all turn into horrible women and then put a spell on two kids who saw them and turn them into mice? It’s an ancient film but I haven’t found the “courage”to watch it until recently haha
Oh don’t worry dear, I didn’t know it was Cillian until later hahaha because he looked kind of different as Dr Crane huh? Yeah! I liked it too, whenever it’s on the tv I watch it again :) oh you should watch Anthropoid it’s one of my favorites! Everything about it is amazing, the story, the characters… incredible work! Tbh, there are some films I only watched for him too 🤭 like Trascendence or Anna haha…
Ohhh thanks for the recommendation! The name doesn’t sound familiar, but sometimes I’m so so distracted that I don’t pay enough attention so maybe I’ve watched some of his films without knowing (?) hahaha I think that’s a great idea for one of those lines that feels so natural and funny! It’s an unusual -and funny- last name.
It’s been so long but I guess we were talking about mrs murphy’s fics (?) don’t worry if you don’t read the real person stories though, it’s understandable:) there are loads of other stories -all amazing- to read, I’m trying to catch up in a few but it’s a never ending story hahaha
So have you written for Ollie? Well you definitely have a true point there with the Tommy-Lizzie comparison and I also think Allie is probably as hard as a Tommy to work with…
Michael was a good kid, but he got carried away and like you said he tried to become a mini-Tommy and that messed him up, who knew things would end up like they did ? Right? It’s one of those things we got stolen from the show,like his adoptive mother forgot about him? They never crossed paths again? (Why does this sounds like a plot for a fic? 😂), ugh the mustache was horrible! 😳 hmm I see what you mean there, haven’t thought about the resemblance between Michael and Campbell until you mentioned it! It’s sad the way his character turned out, all of that frustration and anger towards his own blood? He had a good life, but well… he’s gone 😂 . She practically raised Finn! Another sad story, the poor boy doesn’t feel like he belongs there… and made mistake after mistake.
Oh is it good? Never seen it, but I think I remember watching some advertising for it in some channel… hahaha how’s the search going? I don’t think I have seen anything else from his work, I just know Ada (Sophie Turner) did another series but it was canceled later. Hmm really? That sucks! The poor guy will get stuck into that kind of characters and the. It will be hard for him to get different roles 😂 or so I think… why do I think he has the type for a doctor in Greys Anatomy? 😂 like one of those interns you really dislike because he’s a total douche 🤭 let’s hope he gets another kind of role where he’s not the resentful guy 😁😁😁
I mean it! Every time you need to talk to someone, you know where to find me! And no, please don’t feel like that at least not with me 🥰 feel free to come as a anon, side blog whatever makes you feel comfortable and safe! I haven’t heard from you, so I hope everything has been good with you darling.
I know the hurricane was a long time ago, but I’m glad that you guys found a way to stay busy during that time (I love playing uno btw! Can go for hours 😆), that’s my go to game sometimes! Most of the board games to be honest, monopoly, uno, memory…
This is all for now, hope to hear from you soon! Don’t hurry though take your time or reply in parts, whatever works for you! I really wish (worry) about your anxiety as I know it hits like waves at times, so take care of yourself, sending you all my love as usual, would love to hear from you!
XoxoGg s🤫🤐
Link to the most recent replies here and here ♥️
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theharpermovieblog · 2 months
Tumblr media
I watched Men (2022)
A rather divisive horror film that I was excited to see, but which I never got around to until now.
After the suicide of her overbearing husband, Harper goes to the country to heal, but finds only danger and derision in the form of the local male population.
Director Alex Garland often gives us well made and wildly plotted films that make his audience think while being entertained. His films "Annihilation" and "Ex Machina" should go down as science fiction classics. With "Men" Garland enters the world of horror through the eyes of a woman.
First off, "Men" has phenomenal acting through and through. Both Jessie Buckley and Rory Kinear give great performances, Kinear getting the chance to play many characters, and he does so extraordinarily.
And, honestly, I adore Jessie Buckley. Her acting is always top notch and she has a deeply charismatic smile and personality which she brings along with her talent. She's also been in a few 'love em or hate em' films. I usually end up loving them.
This film does Remind me ever so slightly of the British teleplay "Robin Redbreast", in which a newly divorced woman moves to the English countryside, finds something off with the locals, and also finds herself somewhat maligned for being an independent woman. Other than the obvious setting similarities, I suppose "Robin Redbreast" reminds me of "Men" because both films are part of a subgenre of horror, in which women's place in society is where the fear comes from. Films like "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Stepford Wives" are other good examples.
The main character in "Men", Harper, is lost in the horrific madness of being a woman in a man's world. She is seen as weak. She is blamed for her husband's suicide and told she drove him to it. Her fears over being stalked aren't taken seriously. She is sexualized or ignored with little more than surface level pleasantries to keep her gaslit and feeling unstable. The scariest thing about "Men" is that it's real to a degree. These are things that many, if not all, women deal with.
We are shown all of these horrible things being done to a woman through one actor, as he takes the place of all the men Harper encounters at her house in the country. Using one actor is a way to represent the toxic male culture and attitude toward women. There is no reason to separate these men in any way, because no matter their differences or how they treat Harper on the surface, they all feel the same way toward her and see her as less-than in some way.
The English countryside setting takes us to the old world, what some men consider the more "natural" world where women supposedly knew their place. It's here that Harper not only encounters these men, but also the evil that drives them and forms who they are.
"Men" works as a drama and as a horror film. I'm not sure what certain people's problem with this film is. Perhaps it has too artsy of a third act for some. But, personally, I really don't understand those who don't get it or who don't care to understand it. I enjoyed this movie thoroughly and found it to be extremely well made all around.
And the ending is great. When did people stop liking wildly freaky horror endings?
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I like Baz don’t get me wrong I think he did a great job but I think the director race is too heavy loaded this year and I just don’t feel like he’ll make the cut. Also what’s working against Baz is he has a very distinct style meaning a lot of his movies tend to be excessive, colourful, and extravagant however what he’s doing is not new and we have seen it before look at the great gatsby, also his style doesn’t translate well when it comes to the academy.
Brendan Fraser- he did gain weight but they also added fat suit to him, critics have been all over the place with whale but with audiences the whale has not resonated and it’s mostly because the film is very flawed and perpetuates fat phobia ( it’s also adapted from a theatre production which has also been a mixed bag)
Colin Ferrell - I am referring to his banshees film not Batman (I actually totally forgot he was the penguin the make up for Batman was actually really good I almost forgot)
Austin Butler- I may have phrased it wrong but his performance was always excellent, I just meant he’s done a good job of campaigning during FYC events and has really built the momentum to not just be nominated ( which I think is a guarantee) but to win the Oscar.
Tom cruise- I bring him up because Top Gun: Mav is beloved by both critics and audiences so I don’t think he will be nominated in reality he has a very very very small chance of even being considered but all I’m saying the academy can be weird sometimes. Also golden globes is divided into two categories best actor is drama and best actor in comedy/musical which means Austin will probably win a globe for comedy + musical so one of the drama nomination spots are free (with how week the men category is outside of Brendan, Colin and Austin being locks the last two spots are still anyones guess) since the spot is free tom cruise could be the surprise. I don’t think he should be but Tom cruise has massive pull in Hollywood.
RE: Baz.... You're probably right about Baz anon. What's so interesting though is that while he may not get nominated, people tend to LOVE his films lol!
"Moulin Rouge" was nominated for EIGHT Oscars (including Best Actress and Best Picture), and took home three.
"The Great Gatsby" was nominated for a couple of Oscars.
I agree that some of his films don't really need all of the stylistics, but I think for "Elvis" it definitely worked in his favor because Elvis was bigger than life, and FLASHY. Come to think of it, I think only Baz could have done this movie justice lol. 😅🤣 It fits his style of movie-making so well!
RE: The Whale.... See, now I'm even MORE curious to check it out lol! 😅 Anytime critics bash something, I sometimes want to see it even more just to form my own opinion lol.
RE: Colin... LOL Yea, I knew which film you were referring to, I was just saying that I was impressed by Colin in "The Batman" cuz I hadn't seen him in a while until that movie. I honestly hadn't seen him in something in a while until "Batman". I have heard that he's been getting some great reviews for "The Banshees of Inisherin"(sp?) though.
RE: Austin... Austin needs all the campaigning he can get cuz he's the youngest out of all of the other major contenders, AND he's a relative "unknown" to most in the major motion film industry. Even though he's been acting for nearly 20 years, Austin is someone who primarily did smaller TV roles prior to "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and "Elvis". So yea, he needs to be out here campaigning like a crack addict looking for his next hit if he wants a chance lol 😅🤣
RE: Tom Cruise... Top Gun Maverick was easily one of my favorite films of the year. You might be right that the GG's may surprise us. I just don't think think that these types of films usually get nominated/or win at these types of shows. It's a shame imo (because it was a well-done movie imo), but that's usually how it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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