#beclaws they “think it looks cool”
Oh, okay! Let me toss the question back at you--how about you and Netzach? How'd you two meet and what kicked off your relationship?
Only if you feel like sharing, of course!! /gen
~ librarian-lover 📖
ofc ofc!! thamk fur the ask @librarian-lover! /gen sorry i took so long two answer :'3 and sorry abt how long the answer is, too! /lh
i dont have a whole story planned out yet (beclaws chronic illness is a meanie) nor a name fur my s/i, just vaguely put twogether bits and pieces here and therer, but im hapy two share my ideas!! ill put them under the cut so that the post isnt 5 meters long /lhj
Local Idiot™ somehow manages two get hired at L Corp /lh
they start out in the welfare depawrtment, as one of the furst mempurrs
they dont dislike being there, but being that deep underground offsets their agoraphobia a bit- not enough two cause them panic, but it definitely makes it so that their mental corruption levels rise quicker
so they sign up two transfur two the safety team instead (beclaws control team is "too yellow" and info team is too menacing and safety sounds. not scary and ok maybe they just enjoy how green the halls are there if they cant have bloo)
they happen two bump intwo netzach on one of their furst few days there and they introduce themselves two each other
and while my s/i's attempting two make small talk (and mostly failing), theyre kinda like.. "huh, something abt him seems kinda sad.... oh, people have said that about me a lot! and im purretty touch starved, maybe he needs a hug...? wait, but it'd be weird two hug someone yew just met, right?? maybe i can be his furriend or something thatd be supurr awesome and nyaice-"
they're having All the Thoughts™.... they just cannot stop Thinking™ /lh
so they're trying two come up with excuses two talk two him day after day- while noticing his alcohol and enkaphalin usage, which... kinda worries them. they've definitely been stressed enough themself two the point where they've wanted two turn two drugs... was this a similar case??
efurry time they try two go up and talk two him, though, their voice just... won't come out.
so they have the idea of writing a letter instead! maybe thatd be easier..
theyre very nervous, and constantly state how "its not a crush or anything, i just wanna be furriends and get two know each other meowre!" followed by something like "oh but no purressure if yew dont want i mean i just want yew two know im feeling this way is all!" beclaws they're not quite sure if 'friend-crush' or 'squish' is an ok term two use, beclaws feelings are confusing. the way their brain automatically thinks of the worst case scenarios also makes it so that the letter starts off with something like... "if yew're reading this im purrobly dead or i dropped this on the floor somewhere"
they put said letter in an envelope and seal it with a white heart sticker that they color in the queerplatonic flag colors and write netzach's name on the back.
and they go "ok tomeowrrow im delivering this!"
tomeowrrow comes. they fold the letter intwo their pocket....
and they dont have the guts two deliver it-
"ok ill just carry this around in my pockets while working. in case i die or something.."
they still make attempts here and there two try and deliver the letter two no avail
other agents in the safety depawrtment have obviously taken notice of this and occasionally tease them about having a (supposed) crush on the sephirah of the safety team- meowre in a teasing playful way than anything else
but these teasing interactions turn out two be a bit of a blessing- the whole safety team kinda grows closer twogether with these mischievous lil interactions and hangouts (my s/i included ofc- im just keeping it vague beclaws i wanna make it so that others can bwoop their nuggets intwo this kinda scenario if they wanna ehehe)
uhh i dont have meowch else past this point but like.
theyre sneaking around during netzach's meltdown (although they very definitely shouldnt be, they want two be of help somehow- think of a scenario similar two how the sephirah meltdowns play out in teequeue's playthrough on the lp archive?)
afterwards, they meownage two listen in on bits and snippets of the manager's talk with netzach after his meltdown
that kind of... intensifies their feelings twowards him! like "whoa thats so cool of him actually two keep mewving furward even when life is so scary... i wish i could be like that"
so it becomes not only "i wanna be his furriend" but "i think... i really look up two him."
followed by "and also... its confusing but i wanna give him platonic kisses. does that make sense?? are- are platonic kisses a thing??"
ofc theyre just kinda talking two themself in their head trying two figure out "its not romantic but i think i wanna kiss him?? but! thats purrobably weird ill just say its a squish and try two deliver that letter..."
they. still dont meownage two deliver that letter even after the fall of L Corp
but thankfully, they get another chance two in the Library!
there, they actually manage two work up the nerve two talk two netzach, learning furrom their past mistake of just letting the oppurrtunity slip by- and they do it on their furst day, too!
they actually get along quite well and are p relaxed with each other!
my s/i doesnt drink (just beclaws they think there are better tasting and smelling things out there) and they encourage netzach two purractice some moderation beclaws they just worry like that a lot
often times after receptions, they nap snuggled next two each other (meowch two the delight of my touch starved s/i)
the qpr really only "started officially" after my s/i was explaining two another assistant librarian that "even tho i wanna kiss him it isnt romantic but i cant explain why it just doesnt feel romantic"
but they were explaining loud enough fur like. efurryone on the floor of art two hear beclaws. "what is volume control im neurodivergent also stop making me so flustered /lh"
netz has (purrobably?) nefur heard of anything like that befur, but is willing two give it a shot
so theres always kisses on the cheek or forehead pre-reception and purrobably meowre kisses and closerer snuggles post-reception. sometimes occasionally kisses on the lips, lots of hand holding or havin an arm around the other or little ways of showing physical affection (ᶦ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᶜ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁿᵉᵗᶻᵃᶜʰ ᶦˢ ˢᵘᵖᵘʳʳ ᵖʰʸˢᶦᶜᵃˡˡʸ ᵃᶠᶠᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿᵃᵗᵉ) tl;dr: local idiot joins lobcorp, tries and fails two befurriend netz, meownages two actually gain the nerve two talk two him during the events of ruina and talks a little too loudly but it turns out two be ok beclaws qpr
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verm1c1de · 7 months
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more notebook doodles
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arsenic-katnep · 3 years
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i redrew an album cover beclaws i think it looks cool!!
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
it's the "opened my eyes on vr15sr3z1" anon from yesterday, i only saw that you had answered my ask when i was checking my dash befur going to sl33p so i didn't have the time or energy to write out my essay BUT it's morning now and i can so yes the widespread fandom purrception of it is wildly innaccurate to the characters and the canon! it's all just "vriska and terezi are in love and that's all there is to say about it" painting it as a purrfect healthy relationship with no flaws at all (1/?)
(2/?) when in fact there would be PLENTY of flaws literally everywhere like did you even READ homestuck??? they reduce the characters to a few traits and ignore any pawsible nuance in them and also like did you people just completely forget that they disabled each other? that was a thing that happened and it s33ms like everyone just completely brushes it off for their ship??? i s33 people acting as though vr15r3z1 is unarguably canon and just the absolute best pawsible ship and writing up huge -
(3/?) thinkpieces on it that are just simply incorrect. and people do in fact reduce characters to simply their role in a ship CONSTANTLY especially if the ship is pawpular enough in the fandom- i s33 this with r053m4ry where one time i tried looking fur art of kanaya and all of it was just r053m4ry ship art??? which of course happens with vr15r3z1 as well but with the bonus of being accused of being an awful homophob3 if you try to point this out. i haaate how it’s become such a prevalent ship
(4/? IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I HAVE THOUGHTS) based entirely on false purrceptions of the characters and how it would work. here’s my take on it: while they obviously do care about each other a lot and are important to each other’s arcs, the extent to which that is and their treatment of each other would not make for an easy good relationship!!! it would purrobably be at least somewhat unhealthy even if just beclaws neither of them are very healthy people (another thing that bothers me is that
(5/5) despite people complaining endlessly about how terezi is reduced to a manic pixie dream girl in m/f ships with her, they ignore her trauma and reduce her to a manic pixie dream girl fur vriska), it would purrobably be very dependent on at least one side, it would purrobably n33d some sort of intervention and safety net to work even as a friendship, and yet the fandom acts like they’re just made fur each other and UGHGH WHY. i have more thoughts but i f33l like i’ve gone over enough fur now
ok first off TY TY TY TY for going off omggggggg ive like. Never s33n anyone else who f33ls similar to the ship as i do and half the time its just ppl going ‘yeaaa the fandom is a 8it 8ad at portraying it’ and nothing else and this is soooooo nice to s33 ^_^
second off, “(another thing that bothers me is that despite people complaining endlessly about how terezi is reduced to a manic pixie dream girl in m/f ships with her, they ignore her trauma and reduce her to a manic pixie dream girl fur vriska)” THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS ENTIRELY THIS HOLY SHIT YOU. YOU GET IT,
i think my 8iggest issue with it is like…. idk how to word it 8ut terezi and vriska DO have a lot of like… 8uildup? ‘coincidences’? in their arcs Towards eachother, and it is like… Interesting cool 8ut its like… in the fandom, instead of it 8eing portrayed as smth that continuously hurt eachother, or amplified their trauma, or made entirely new trauma, instead of it 8eing viewed and portrayed as something to get over, to heal from, to grow away from, it’s portrayed as their Destiny, as Romantic, as them 8eing Meant For Eachother, which i guess is made “canon” in post-retcon 8ut its just so….. demeaning to s33.
its not inherently a 8AD ship, i Can s33 genuine like… romantic tension or whatever towards eachother, and (vris)rezi s33ms p chill and mostly devoid of the issues that made it previously awful for the 8oth of them, the fandom is just. so fucking 8ad at collecting what could possi8ly make the ship romantic and cute.them disa8ling eachother isnt romantic or cute. terezi staying with vriska out of fear that if she left her for a second she’d do awful things isn’t romantic or cute. vriska dragging terezi along in her crimes for whatever fuckoff reason, to 8e more dramatic or smth, isnt romantic or cute. terezis trauma that she’s responsi8le for everything 8ad someone does isnt romantic or cute. vriskas trauma that if shes not as intense as possi8le (ex; killing people) or she’ll die (ex; getting eaten 8y spidermom) isnt romantic or cute.
and i 8riefly mentioned this in the tags of my og post 8ut, i f33l like ppl portraying them this way so commonly and so consistantly is just issues with the ppl making the content themselves. sometimes its ppl who only rlly care a8t d4vekat or whatever who will post either a diluting occasional ‘haha gremlin girls getting up to crimes’ which comes off as just. not SUPER 8ad 8ut -rolls eyes-. or its like wlw who have ‘love HAS to hurt’ or ‘if ur in a shitty rel8ionship you should stay cause its not like you can find anyone else like you’ issues, theres all the vriska stans who are visi8ly projecting with just ‘i think im a terri8le person 8ut i want a cute girl to hold me 8ack and make up for me’ shit, and its like……… sorry u guys have these issues 8ut -puts hands on shoulders- u n33d to understand. this isnt how good romance looks at all. just cause its COMMON takes doesnt mean theyre GOOD takes. pls love urselves
like… vriska and terezi are really complex and good characters, even if they arent rlly good as people or in how they handle shit, they have a lot to them in a way that female characters most often just Dont, and i like and appreci8 that, and i love s33ing the way their whole deals kinda intertwine and how its put together……. 8ut i dont like that ppl take literally the worst aspects of their rel8ionship in all of their existences and paint it as the 8est, the most romantic, the most dramatic, the 8est, the most lova8le and appreci8a8le, 8est possi8le outcome for them. i just. i wish ppl would reread homestuck a lot hskkjhgkkgfklgfk they were fucking MISERA8LE dudes
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eye-searing · 6 years
y’know what? Fuck being considered “””cringey””” I’ll type with as many cat faces and animal puns as I want to. It’s fucking fun!!! 
Going off of this, I go back and cringe when I read things I wrote when I was twelve/thirteen. I was on the wof fannon wiki, working on my wofsona, Commander Searing of the SandWings’ edgy mary-sue backstory. (The name Searing got kinda conflated and after I stopped using her I took the name for myself.) Back then thinking Billdip was even remotely okay, looking at Kenny Southpark and going “ha ha ha hawt” (legit the cringiest thing here) and writing badly designed HTML and even worse poetry:
“Ohhh, oof there’s a demon growing inside of me. He’s in my my veins. There goes my bone marrow!!! Blood, dripping. Oh god, it’s everywhere. I got some in my eye :(”
And as much as my stomach twists think about it now, y’know what??? I was having FUN. Lots of it!!! Being a lil middle school shit and freely expressing myself. I wasn’t really exposed to cringe culture until I was fourteen, which is when I started feeling bad about my old art and dead account. 
I when through a phase of breathing in those toxic fumes, only doing the things I like “””ironically””” (ie: roleplaying, having a ‘sona, liking MLP) and being really self conscious less I ending up being cringy.
Y’know what??? Fuck that shit! I’m going back to having fun!!! Liking bright colors!!! I need to redraw my sona because (ahem, beclaws) the multi colored horns and bright orange underbelly looks tacky as FUCK and I need to make the blues deeper and greens brighter anyways so MINOR REDESIGN where all that happens and the ub/horns are a lime tinted yet sandy color. Potentially black scerla because that look cool af!!! The side stripe isn’t a stripe, it just follows the seem of the scales and is more green!!!
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amicicidalgambler · 7 years
> Acquire random dokis.
god one highblood lifespan s33ms too much how do yall DEAL
I wouldn't know, I'm not dealing.
A lot of it seems to 8e violence or art, though.Or 8oth.
......much more relatable than im comfortable with LOL
You're not anywhere near as 8ad as what I'm talking a8out.
I have no idea how high8loods on your planet survive, though.
i dunno :OO by being snooty????
eridans younger than me so he cant say
All high8loods are snooty. 8y my account all of yours should 8e 8atshit insane.
i mean he has aggressive tendencies but thats what im here for???
so he can get em out with someone who agr33s to it :00
I killed most of my kismesises so I guess that says something a8out my "aggressive tendencies."
fkgdfkjh vriska n o
Vriska yes.
It was fuuuuuuuun.
listen you know im ok with casual murder but if you kill your kismesis theres a pawblem with the relationship!!!
Well there isn't a paw8lem anymore if they're dead.
vris k a
And some of them were self defense.
thats diffurent!!
And one of them I'm going to argue was very romantic.
Two of them, actually.
how so????
I mean one of them was killed during a dinner d8.
by you though?????
Got in a fight over her trying to 8etray me.
yikes :((
No, stop that.It was fun.
thats not a healthy pitch date vriska
It doesn't need to 8e healthy to 8e a good one.
...no it really does
Aw come on.
It was *fun*.
its not good!!!
i dont know!! XOO its not my pawsition to tell you what to do about it but im clawncerned!!
Why are you clawncerned?
its not a good pattern to get into
Well that ship has already sailed.
Look, I have two quadm8s right now that I've kept alive for almost half a sweep, that's the 8est I've done since I was six sweeps.
and thats great!!!! just
k33p it that way please??
I definitely won't kill Nadaya, and I don't even know how Mak's mortality works.
As much as he'd pro8a8ly like that to 8e his way of going out when the time comes.
oh my god
He's a clown. Intim8 ritual style murder sounds like something he'd appreci8.
hhhhhh i guess
> That is not something you need to daydream about while talking to Nepeta, stop that.
Alright alright, I'll stop.8ut still, my track record is improving a little.
yeah it is!!
If I get a moirail on top of this though that means it's the end of the world.
i dunno getting you one might be good fur you :PP
I haven't had one since I was six sweeps.
and thats ok!!
just sometimes stabby people benefit from someone there to help :pp
I think I've only 8een interested in one person since. And so I've heard.
ooh ooh who is it
Old flarp partner.
oooooooh?? :33c
She was a purple8lood, part of the church. She thought it was important to the gods to give help and violence in equal measure or whatever, 8ut she was only good at the second one. Since I was one of her main partners while we were part of the same guild, I got a lot of her attempts at the first.
ohhhh boy
She wanted to fuss over people she just didn't know how.
i mean its kind of sw33t but at the same time im not sure another violent purrson would be the best pale match fur you :pp
I don't get along with non-violent people.
wonder why :PP
There aren't even that many of them in the first place.
there are plenty!!
Name three that aren't a Zahhak or a Vantas.
felides mom!!!
listen just beclaws i dont know them doesnt mean theyre not there
That's not who I'd want as a moirail, though.
i guess...
It doesn't even sound that appealing in the first place.
I already get more than enough attention.
yeah?? :33c
Yeah ::::P
Share whaaaaaaaat.
who is it
Who's what.
i thought you meant you were getting pale attention and im here fur the gossip!!!!
No, I meant I get more than enough attention from my quadm8s.
A moirail as affection8 as Nadaya would 8e way too much, and I don't think one that 8arely sees me is what you had in mind.
i thought you werent into all the romantic shit tho
Put that paw 8ack down.
What do you mean?
:33c no
you said he was really affectionate and its supurr adorable
oh im all ears
First of all Nadaya is affection8 with almost anyone.
Second of all
second??? :33c
It's so much more than that.
uh huh??
It's also stupid though. You wouldn't want to hear it.
i 33333333% want to hear it
i counted 8 3s fur you and efurrything
I just
I don't think I've loved anyone else.
Only him.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my godthats so cute kJSHfdjhhr
im gonna cry
It's so *much* though.
thats what being in love is all about!!!!! X33
It wasn't even pleasant at first.
Almost painful.
I'm literally not made for this.
youll be ok!!!
It makes everything too complic8ed.
how come???
Do you really want to hear?
> This is...starting to feel slightly gay to you.
I mean. I don't know. I know I love Nadaya and it's not like what I've felt towards anyone else I've had in a quadrant, 8ut I don't know what those feelings are.
you mean youre flipping on him or you dont know what you felt fur anyone else??
The second one.
I don't think of them as not quadm8s 8ut I don't think it's love either.
that is a tricky one
Or at least that's what I usually think.
i mean if efurryones ok with it then it should be ok
Yeah. 8ut it 8others me.
May8e I'm over thinking it and it is love and Karkat's powers couldn't see everything.
what pawers???
Godtier powers. He can see rel8ionships 8etween people as strings.
I let him use me to practice changing them and he said anything romantic didn't look normal.
thats so fucking cool im like incredibly jealous
but idk you could be right he might not know efurrything!
It's all stupid.
its not!!
It is!!!!!!!!
I can't even decide if I agree with him or not.
its not stupid its your life!!!
and you can take your time, he doesnt get to define anything fur you >:00
My life is generally stupid!
it is NOT
It is!!!!!!!!
its furry impurrtant!!!
What's furry impurrtant!
your life!!!!!
Well DUH 8ut it's also stupid!
nuh uh!!!!!!
Something can 8e important AND stupid!!!!!!!!
maybe but not this!!!!
It's DUM8 I'm a MUTANT without FEELINGS.
Mutants usually have the feelings department more than covered.
im sorry X(( do you want me to go get nadaya??
No I'm just ram8ling.
I'm not actually upset.
you sure?
I'm not good at self depric8ing jokes. Or honesty.
8ut I'm not upset.
you are good at them this one was just a rare miss XPP
8ut really, if anything I feel 8etter.
:DD !!
I haven't exactly gotten to talk a8out that.
im honored :OO
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liohart-blog · 7 years
(( /As many of the texts as you're willing to do for Kay/
Text meme | still accepting 
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
[txt: 💐🦀💫] i don’t know when you left alternia or how much you remember… but we can’t watch sunrises here. not fur very long, anyway… :’33[txt: 💐🦀💫] :00 but the ones i’ve s33n are bright and full of color and light and life.[txt: 💐🦀💫] they remind me of you, i think.
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
[txt: 💐🦀💫] i think i love you a little more every time you smile
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
[txt: 💐🦀💫] !!! wait, don’t play monopoly without me!! XOO[txt: 💐🦀💫] i mean if i can join?[txt: 💐🦀💫] i mean if you want, i don’t have to, i don’t mean to intrude or anything i purromise!!
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
[txt: 💐🦀💫] you’re not the only one with an appurrtite for bites.
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] i think you would have liked the game.[txt: 💐🦀💫] i mean it was scary and all… and intimidating, and ours went a little weirdly…[txt: 💐🦀💫] but it would have b33n cool to fight by your side, and adventure together![txt: 💐🦀💫] i miss that sense of purrpose sometimes.
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] i wouldn’t be angry if you hadn’t lied![txt: 💐🦀💫] i’m not a wriggler, karkat! i’m 13 and i can handle it. i can handle *you* and i want you to give me one DAMN good reason why you think i can’t!
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] you’re not going to leave, are you?[txt: 💐🦀💫] i mean i’d understand i guess, i mean you’d probably get tired of it all after a while and it’s not like i’m going to stop you beclaws i shouldn’t, i mean it’s not my place and if you want to do that you can choose to but um[txt: 💐🦀💫] will you at least tell me befur you go?[txt: 💐🦀💫] please.
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] sometimes i don’t want to talk to you.[txt: 💐🦀💫] not like i want time away from you or anything, i just… i don’t know.[txt: 💐🦀💫] expurression is hard. words are impurrfect. sometimes i’d rather sit with you and watch the stars or play a game or hold your hands[txt: 💐🦀💫] maybe that’s too forward :’33 the last one at least… but i wouldn’t mind the furst two, purrvided you wanted to?
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] you had to die to become a drinker, didn’t you?[txt: 💐🦀💫] that’s what the legends say, anyway… but they also say you turn into a cave flapper, and that you can’t stand in clear moonbeams or you’ll crumble to ashes.[txt: 💐🦀💫] did it hurt, when you died? do you even remember now?
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] look look look!!![txt: 💐🦀💫] – attachment: img_768940.jpg –[txt: 💐🦀💫] baby chirpbeasts!! they’re just here in this tr33 and they’re so cute????
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[txt: 💐🦀💫] dfghjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjl;’jhgftrdeswq[txt: 💐🦀💫] oh gosh!! sorry![txt: 💐🦀💫] XPP furnoodle stepped on my phone.
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yumenosakiacademy · 8 years
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@mefukimeme ah, it’s fine nyan. but ikr! they’re both good kids they seem like v cool senpais! ...i would talk abt san/rio w them... they’re (aka the whole san/rio danshi crew) apparently embrassed abt their love for the san/rio characters and they became friends maybe through that i think? but they’re all v good boys n v cute... plus i love san/rio so like... that’s a plus.... also!! i found this v important pic from the collab cafe an’ i jus’...... he Nya........ :3c
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the full pic is this, which is even betta beclaws we have kouta dabbing n Yuu n Ryou being nerds while Seiichirou looks like he’s abt to do martial arts pfff
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edit: they dem boyz
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edit: ‘m sry fur adding meowre but.. i just saw this n im crying... (context: “boys can get dry too” n he’s applying some he/llo kitty body lotion on Ryou)
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crepuxulum · 8 years
it’s still the 28th somewhere, which means it’s still timely of me to post the Pale Proposal thread (also located here as a google doc!!) from two whole years ago on this day
[11:06] -- chironsToxophilite [CT] began pestering acidulousConviction [AC] at 23:06 -- [11:06] CT: D »--> May I ask [11:06] CT: D »--> How has your gift been managing so far [11:07] AC: :OO!!!!! [11:07] AC: :33 < amazingly!!! [11:07] AC: :OO < i k33p her hidden tho so no one else touches her! [11:08] CT: D »--> E%cellent [11:08] CT: D »--> Though I should ask the same of you [11:10] AC: :33 < you could!! [11:10] AC: :33 < but it will take me a minute to get ofur the amazing shock im feline rn [11:11] CT: D »--> Why is that [11:11] AC: :OO < beclaws!! [11:11] AC: :OO < you talked to me furst!! [11:11] AC: XOO < i think i might just faint of shock
[11:12] CT: D »--> I am [11:13] CT: D »--> Not in the habit of being social, it is true [11:14] AC: :OO < but you attempted! [11:14] AC: :OO < fur me!! [11:14] CT: D »--> So I did [11:14] AC: XOO < omg i f33l a swoon coming on [11:16] AC: :OO < so much swooning its like a swoonami [11:16] CT: D »--> You are absurdly cheeky [11:17] AC: :33 < you love it tho [11:18] CT: D »--> I am aghast [11:18] CT: D »--> Such accusations [11:19] AC: :33 < terrible i know [11:19] AC: :33 < but i have [11:19] AC: >:33 < evidence!!!!!!! [11:20] CT: D »--> Do you now [11:20] AC: :33 < yes!!! [11:21] AC: :33 < inti will totally help with my purresentation [11:22] AC: :33 < shes really good with evidence [11:22] CT: D »--> Is that what your notes were for [11:22] AC: :33 < that too [11:29] CT: D »--> Who is this Inti [11:29] AC: :33 < the furriend you gave me pawve course! [11:29] AC: :33 < you said i could name her so i did! [11:32] CT: D »--> That I did [11:32] CT: D »--> Is she simply good with evidence or is she the evidence [11:33] AC: :33 < both!!!! [11:36] CT: D »--> Of course [11:37] AC: :33 < as you can s33 she is the picture purrfect evidence/evidence handler [11:38] CT: D »--> I cannot argue against such solid facts [11:40] AC: :33 < i will send you pictures since you cant actually s33 the evidence [11:40] AC: :33 < so here!!!! [11:40] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  sent 3 files! -- [11:44] CT: D »--> I see you've been enjoying yourselves [11:46] AC: :33 < pawlways! [11:46] AC: :33 < supurr ship selfies has legit b33n a thing since she came hive with me [11:48] AC: :33 < which you should totally be apawrt of sometime [11:50] CT: D »--> Oh [11:50] CT: D »--> Is that a formal invitation [11:50] AC: :33 < why yes [11:50] AC: :33 < yes it is [11:52] AC: :33 < unfurtunately when you DO come ofur its gonna have to be on my mini cruiser and not the big battleships im employ33d on [11:52] AC: :33 < claws i dont want the gross peopurrle on either ship to s33 you [11:53] AC: :33 < pawlso i dont have purrmission fur that on one of those so [11:53] AC: :33 < yeah [11:53] CT: D »--> I understand [11:54] CT: D »--> I am flattered to be invited at all [11:54] AC: :33 < well why wouldnt i invite you???? [11:54] AC: :33 < youre amazing and my fafurite company! [11:54] AC: |33 < pawlso one of my best furriends so duh im gonna invite you [11:59] CT: D »--> You are e%ceptionally sweet [11:59] CT: D »--> I would be happy to visit your cruiser [12:00] CT: D »--> I would prefer to speak with you beforehand, if you are so inclined [12:00] AC: :33 < pawve course!! [12:00] AC: :33 < im cool basically whenefur [12:06] CT: D »--> Whenever you are ready then, I will e%pect you [12:06] AC: :33 < if you want to now i can! [12:08] CT: D »--> That will do fine [12:10] AC: X33 < whoo! [12:10] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  pops on over in like .5 seconds in her jammies which is sweat pants and a tank because WHO CARES ABOUT CLOTHES WHEN GOING TO SEE FRIENDS -- [12:14] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  is totally not nervously fidgeting at all!! he shoots her a small, but genuine, smile and resists the urge to tuck back her hair by doing it to his own -- [12:15] CT: D »--> You look comfortable [12:16] AC: :33 < these are my jammies! [12:16] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  hops on over and finds the seat nearest him. probably some kind of table or chair arm -- [12:19] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  that makes him Old Man Chuckle TM, but an end table probably isn't the best place for an unofficial jam -- [12:19] CT: D »--> So they are [12:20] CT: D »--> Though I had thought that furniture intended for seating may prove more useful for this [12:20] AC: :OO < oh [12:20] AC: :33 < well sure [12:21] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  sits up and rolls onto her feet and plops down next to him, feet crossed at the ankles, grinning up at him. -- [12:22] AC: :33 < so whats up? [12:31] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he gave her a not-so-serious Look at her table hopping, but schooled his expression back into neutrality when she settled in. he brushed back his hair before responding -- [12:33] CT: D »--> I am very fond of our visits [12:34] CT: D »--> Of you [12:35] CT: D »--> You have assisted me a great deal, in more ways than one [12:37] AC: :33 < haha i hope so [12:37] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  obviously he's not done but she doesn't want him to feel like its onesided. She IS listening, after all. If it were anyone else she'd probably have tuned them out. Or not have come at all. -- [12:38] AC: :33 < i like coming ofur! [12:38] AC: :33 < and pawve course i like you too~ [12:40] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  He smiles, small and maybe a touch awkward, at her response. He is SO out of practice with this stuff, but he's thankful she responded how she did -- [12:40] CT: D »--> I'm very glad [12:43] CT: D »--> But as much as I value your company, it would be fair to neither you nor myself to deny the feelings I began to harbor for you [12:47] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  her face drops slightly but not so much in a bad way. Just more of a shocked way. This isn't something she's dreading, just not something she was expecting. -- [12:47] AC: :OO < what kind of emotions?? [12:47] AC: [[pretend i wrote felines. just pretend]] [12:48] CT: ((i'll purrtend, even)) [12:48] AC: [[omg dont u start]] [12:49] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he is resisting every urge to reach out to her right now, he desperately hopes she'll reciprocate his feelings but he won't do anything to push her either way -- [12:53] CT: D »--> I realized that I am pale for you [12:53] CT: D »--> Quite smitten, in fact [12:59] AC: :OO < oh [12:59] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  It's gradual but during her slow silence a light lime tinge appears on her face, an embarrassed grin spreading across her face as she rubbed the back of her head. -- [01:00] AC: X33 < heh i thought it was just me [01:00] AC: :33 < im glad its not though [01:05] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he does need to dab at his temples in her silence, but he tries a tentative smile when she responds. he is already terribly fond of her blush and vows to see more of it, if he can -- [01:05] CT: D »--> As am I [01:09] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  she tries really hard not to snort at his tenseness and at least manages to redirect her amusement into a grin. -- [01:09] AC: :33 < so i guess that makes us a thing now huh? [01:09] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  by which she means HELL YEAH ID LOVE TO DATE YOU. Which she articulates by scooting over a tad and letting their knees touch. -- [01:10] CT: D »--> If you are willing, I would be happy to be a "thing" with you [01:11] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he finally gives in and tucks a lock of her hair back, success!!! -- [01:16] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  that starts a purr. This is obviously a thing she has waiting for. She doesn't let him move his hand right away and leans directly into it for more contact. -- [01:16] AC: :33 < id like that a lot actually [01:19] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he will absolutely take that as an invitation for more contact. he leans in to nuzzle the crown of her head while his thumb lighty traces her cheek. they're not action he's not done before, but they seem heavier, more meaningful now -- [01:20] CT: D »--> Good [01:23] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  she takes a moment to relish the less in his unrestricted touch for a bit, reaching up to touch a hand to his arm as well as the hand that's touching her face. She does lean up to press a kiss to his chin before pulling back slightly. -- [01:24] AC: :OO < okay so since were a thing now i do kind of have something to tell you [01:25] CT: D »--> I am here to listen [01:25] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  and totally not blushing at all, noooo -- [01:25] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  wow what a cute. okay deep breaths. -- [01:26] AC: :OO < ok so atten isnt my name furst off [01:27] AC: :OO < im not just a chef im pawlso kind of a pirate and a wanted criminal pawll at once [01:28] AC: :TT < and uh [01:28] AC: :33 < its nepeta [01:32] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he's switched from nuzzling to trademark hairscritches at this point, but he pauses to cradle her face in one hand, the other on her shoulder -- [01:33] CT: D »--> Nepeta is a lovely name [01:33] CT: D »--> Thank you for telling me
(brief intermission, holy crap is this long)
[01:24] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  she's certainly not expecting such a positive response so when it comes she just shoves her face in his hands. -- [01:24] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  she was absolutely positive he would just nope right out. If not because of the whole pirate thing then because of the name thing. -- [01:25] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  more quiet purring though. no ones ever said her name was nice before -- [01:25] AC: X33 < thanks [01:30] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  her bashfulness was totally unexpected, making him grin widely when she ducks her head. he takes advantage of this to continue his scratching, bowing closer to her -- [01:30] CT: D »--> There is only so far you can go in there, you realize [01:32] AC: XOO < theres plenty of room i totally got this [01:33] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  trying very hard not to let her voice squeak as she pulls a baby birb and tries to make a nest in his hand so he cant see her blushing -- [01:33] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  he can probably feel it tho -- [01:36] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  the warmth he can feel through his palms tempts him to tease her more, but instead he tilts his head forward, his hair curtaining around her -- [01:37] CT: D »--> Mine is Dhanus [01:44] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  at the sound of his voice she does at least peek one eye from the palm of his hand. Once he reveals his name though she resurfaces completely only to press their foreheads together with a grin, blush be damned. -- [01:44] AC: X33 < i like it [01:44] AC: "33 < it suits your purrfectly [01:52] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  her blush gives him a strange sense of of gratefulness and pride, that he is able to witness it at all and that he's the one to put it there. he hums at the forehead touch, using the opportunity to give her a quick lil eskimo kiss -- [01:52] CT: D »--> Thank you [01:58] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  at the eskimo kiss she grins, blush brightening slightly, and lets out a little purr-y chirp before tilting up to kiss his nose. -- [01:58] AC: :33 < dhanus [01:58] AC: X33 < i really really like it [01:59] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  and she does. its a good name for a shield or a legendary sword or something. -- [02:04] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he lets out a crinkle-eyed chuckle and thumbs a lock of hair from her face, at this rate he is pretty sure his smile is never coming off -- [02:04] CT: D »--> I am fonder of Nepeta, myself [02:13] AC: X33 < thats beclaws youre biased you nerd [03:54] -- chironsToxophilite [CT] changed their mood to CHUMMY  -- [03:54] -- chironsToxophilite [CT] changed their mood to SLEEK  -- [04:27] AC: X33 < thats beclaws youre biased you nerd [04:27] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  that smile is. . .really amazing, wow. It lights up his whole face and gives her a warm tingley feeling in her gut and it's not unpleasant. Besides it's so much better than the grump he usually tries to pull off. -- [04:31] CT: D »--> I have no clue what could have given you such an idea [04:32] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he puncuates his joke with a very very light noogie, he's so grateful to be able to tease her with all this affection -- [04:42] AC: :33 < gosh i wonder~ [04:43] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  of course she takes the noogie with a giggle and in return gives him a playful headbutt to the chin. nothing jarring just a nudge really. -- [04:52] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  the nudge did catch him by surprise, but he just laughs and nuzzles between her horns, his smile softening at the edges -- [04:53] CT: D »--> I am so thankful to have you here, truly [04:57] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  the nuzzling prompts a hug and return nuzzles and she squeezes him close. Its not like its any different than what they usually did, it just felt different. Because feelings. Which are weird. But not always bad. -- [04:58] AC: X33 < hush you youre making me blush [04:59] AC: :33 < but im glad your ehere too [05:03] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  he finally allows himself to return her hug fully, chuckling deep in his chest at her admission -- [05:03] CT: D »--> Don't encourage me to go on [05:09] AC: X33 < dont you dare [05:10] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  the rumbling in his chest makes her nuzzle into him more, grinning as she smushes a cheek against his chest area -- [05:15] CT: D »--> I could wa% poetic about your blush, how endearing its color and warmth is [05:15] CT: D »--> Or your bright smile, or how tempting it is to comb your unruly nest of hair [05:23] AC: X33 < rude its not a nest [05:24] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  anymore. she bops him on the chest with a fist. obviously its not going to hurt him but shes not even trying. -- [05:24] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  he's getting all her cute bits right now, he better appreciate -- [05:26] CT: D »--> If you insist [05:29] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  that's assuming he hasn't been trying to memorize every moment of this visit. he knows there will be many more opportunities for cuteness appreciation in the future but he wants to memorize each and every one -- [05:30] CT: D »--> That does remind me [05:30] CT: D »--> The ne%t time we meet, I might suggest bringing a few blankets or pillows along, if you are so willing [05:31] AC: :33 < sure! [05:31] AC: :?? < what fur tho? [05:32] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  gonna do it anyway but she wants to know why -- [05:32] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  adjusts slightly so she's sitting in his lap and lounging properly -- [05:35] CT: D »--> I have few of my own, and [05:35] CT: D »--> I had thought you might appreciate a proper pile [05:35] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  as fine as he is with complimenting her, he's still the teensiest bit bashful about Official Pale Activities -- [05:39] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  fffffuck this is just. so much. all at once. she hasnt had a proper pile in sweeps. The blush is back again, though lighter, but she grins right through it -- [05:39] AC: :33 < yeah cool! [05:39] AC: :33 < but only if you give me a pillow of yours in exchange [05:39] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  for reasons that totally have nothing to do with her cuddling it when she sleeps -- [05:39] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  totally -- [05:41] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  as silly as it is, he's relieved when she responds, and he grins right back at her -- [05:41] CT: D »--> I believe I can manage that [06:01] AC: :33 < then i can bring some next time [06:02] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  leans against him super casually because casual is the best kind of atmosphere for her -- [06:02] AC: :OO < you know its b33n furefur since ive b33n with somepawdy [06:02] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  still kind of embarrassed about sing the moirail term excuse her -- [06:03] AC: :33 < but this isnt bad [06:03] AC: :33 < it doesnt really f33l like anything has really changed ofur than maybe title wise [06:03] AC: >:33 < and now you can nefur say no to my purresents efurrrrrrr [06:10] CT: D »--> As if I could ever say no in the first place [06:10] -- chironsToxophilite [CT]  caaaaasually tucks an arm around her, they just became official and the last thing he wants is to crush a rib or two -- [06:13] CT: D »--> But I can understand the feeling [06:15] CT: D »--> The last thing I would want is to rush you, so tell me to stop if I cross a line [06:20] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  wiggles into his hold and slumps back with a sigh.  -- [06:20] AC: :33 < i will [06:20] AC: :33 < purromise [06:20] AC: |33 < but youre good fur now [06:22] -- acidulousConviction [AC]  luckily she's totally cool with lounging so rib crushing wont be a thing anytime soon -- [08:37] -- acidulousConviction [AC] ceased pestering chironsToxophilite [CT] at 20:37 --
4 notes · View notes
catnipin · 8 years
(all the texts!!)
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
:33 > *yawns and rubs my face on my fafurite cool guy! good meowrning!*
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
:33 > so when exactly are you going to tell me whats happening betw33n you and droogs kid?
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
:33 > hey are you busy can you s33 me yes okay nice because im in front of your door
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
:33 > heyyy did you know? that your fursonas rely hot?? tell akwete i love him
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
:33 > can i interest you in a wet pussy? ;33
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
:33 > its 4am and i cant sl33p beclaws i k33p on thinking about this really cool dude i like! purrlease help?
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
:33 > okay but where the fuck is that cat i ordered? its b33n like furever???
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
:33 > what do you think our fursonas kittens would look like? i hope theyd have two mouths!!!
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
:33 > i dont know whats going on here but i could really use some help
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
:33 > pssst you know what? i love you
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
:33 > okay but why do humans have to use dick socks??? :00
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
cev rfbbm,lbrf
:33 > wait
:33 > that was my butt i butt texted you
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
:33 > are you sure that you love me? because sometimes it really doesnt f33l like it at all
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