coachsyn · 5 years
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coachsyn · 5 years
DC really is beautiful.  On my way to and from the hospital to go see my grandson, I take a look around.  I look at others going on about their day.  I know we all have our different struggles in life, and I know at times it seems unbearable, but it wasn’t until I watched my grandson fight for his life several times, that I realized, if he could fight being only days old, I could too.   My grandson was born with a serious heart condition that will require several surgeries.  On his first surgery, he died of cardiac arrest three times, and just a few weeks ago, he successfully overcame his second.   As I go to see him lying in the hospital bed I am left to wonder, how is it that he has already endured so much in his life, yet he lies there and smiles and laughs, hours after his second surgery?  To say he is a miracle would be an understatement.  I use the phrase, “Insult the Standards by Becoming the Change.”  A term I have now coined for him specifically.  Every day he defies all odds, and though he is only a baby, he forced me to change my life. I knew to be able to help my family through these tough times, I would need to be stronger than ever.  At that point, it all made sense.  I realized why I had spent so many years battling and struggling, for if I hadn’t learned those lessons and toughened up, I would have never been able to face my reality today.  Those struggles were difficult, it has bestowed one of the greatest gifts this life has offered me, aside from my two children and daughter-in-law. There was no way, I could face my grandson and watch him fight, and I not do the same.  As I held him moments before his first open heart surgery, days old, I made a promise to him that if he fought, I would do the same.  I promised that I would always have his back and be there for him.   Part of why I began Synergy of Strength was to allow my children and grandchildren to get a deeper understanding of who I am and why I have reacted the way I have in the past.  With coming to grips with my past I learned I had a lot of self-awakening to do, so I went to work.   That’s what led me to become a life coach.  I had been through a lot of major struggles in my life, death, divorce, military, being disabled, cancer and neck fusions but I never gave up.  It has become my passion to help others through my story to gain a deeper understanding of one’s self.  I can help tear down those mental blocks that keep your potential bound. In this video, I was taking a moment to look and reflect, not just on my journey but those in front of me. Would I ever be able to help them?  That you may never know.  I was given this gift to tell my story, someone needs to hear it, so please, like, share, and follow my story.  I find peace driving through DC and videography has helped me tell my story in another dimension.  Through learning these different hobbies, I am able to expand my reach and help in my development. Leave me a comment and let’s discuss life. Until next time, Keep Insulting Standards by Becoming the Change!   To follow more of me visit: www.synergyofstrength.com or to hear my podcast at:  https://anchor.fm/linda-acevedo or for more of my videos at: https://youtu.be/u_Jwi2BbRc4
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coachsyn · 5 years
On my way to and from the hospital to go see my grandson, I take a look around.  I look at others going on about their day.  I know we all have our different struggles in life, and I know at times it seems unbearable, but it wasn’t until I watched my grandson fight for his life several times, that I realized, if he could fight being only days old, I could too.   My grandson was born with a serious heart condition that will require several surgeries.  On his first surgery, he died of cardiac arrest three times, and just a few weeks ago, he successfully overcame his second.   As I go to see him lying in the hospital bed I am left to wonder, how is it that he has already endured so much in his life, yet he lies there and smiles and laughs, hours after his second surgery?  To say he is a miracle would be an understatement.  I use the phrase, “Insult the Standards by Becoming the Change.”  A term I have now coined for him specifically.  Every day he defies all odds, and though he is only a baby, he forced me to change my life. I knew to be able to help my family through these tough times, I would need to be stronger than ever.  At that point, it all made sense.  I realized why I had spent so many years battling and struggling, for if I hadn’t learned those lessons and toughened up, I would have never been able to face my reality today.  Those struggles were difficult, it has bestowed one of the greatest gifts this life has offered me, aside from my two children and daughter-in-law. There was no way, I could face my grandson and watch him fight, and I not do the same.  As I held him moments before his first open heart surgery, days old, I made a promise to him that if he fought, I would do the same.  I promised that I would always have his back and be there for him.   Part of why I began Synergy of Strength was to allow my children and grandchildren to get a deeper understanding of who I am and why I have reacted the way I have in the past.  With coming to grips with my past I learned I had a lot of self-awakening to do, so I went to work.   That’s what led me to become a life coach.  I had been through a lot of major struggles in my life, death, divorce, military, being disabled, cancer and neck fusions but I never gave up.  It has become my passion to help others through my story to gain a deeper understanding of one’s self.  I can help tear down those mental blocks that keep your potential bound. In this video, I was taking a moment to look and reflect, not just on my journey but those in front of me. Would I ever be able to help them?  That you may never know.  I was given this gift to tell my story, someone needs to hear it, so please, like, share, and follow my story.  I find peace driving through DC and videography has helped me tell my story in another dimension.  Through learning these different hobbies, I am able to expand my reach and help in my development. Leave me a comment and let’s discuss life. Until next time, Keep Insulting Standards by Becoming the Change!   To follow more of me visit: www.synergyofstrength.com or to hear my podcast at:  https://anchor.fm/linda-acevedo or for more of my videos at: https://youtu.be/u_Jwi2BbRc4
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coachsyn · 5 years
I had battled for almost 20 years with crippling depression and PTSD. I felt that doctors diagnosed me but were not really helping me to cope and overcome. Before PTSD was so common, it was believed that discharged military vets that were diagnosed with PTSD meant that we were "crazy" or going to "snap." I found others would become scared of you, almost as if they were going to catch it too.   In life we have certain experiences that "traumatize" us but that doesn't mean that we are crazy, it means that we are human and there are some things that are difficult for us to talk about and "get over". Truth is, we will never get over the things that hurt us, but we can learn to manage our emotions that are associated with the incident. 8 million adults suffer PTSD and though you feel you're alone, you don't battle by yourself. It's hard coming home from war only to have family and friends look at you and treat you like an outsider simple because we fought for our countries' freedom. It hardly seems fair to be judged because of a condition that we endured at an unideal part of our lives, but without knowledge there is misunderstanding and ignorance. PTSD affects men and women, of all races, all sexual orientation, and of all political views, for numerous reasons. For years all I wanted was to be unleashed by this pain I had felt, and I was on a search to do it without medicine and doctors, much like alcohol, I knew that was a screen smoke.  My desire to do it without medicine was nothing against the medicine or doctors or even the patients.  I had Lupus and all of those medicines has crippling effects on the body when battling such a disease.  I knew the true pain I was feeling was in my head, from all of my pain, now I just had to figure out how to heal.  I knew I would never be healed, and I knew each day was a battle, but I knew it was a fight I was going to win. My goal is to help others conquer this crippling diagnosis with some techniques that have helped me throughout the years. As a life coach I can help you discover the core of your fears and help you to cope in order to lead a happy, healthy, and productive life. I will teach you how to gain the mental and physical strength needed to achieve your goals. I am dedicated to Inspiring, Motivating, and Empowering others through telling my story. At Synergy of Strength we offer life coaching as well as online physical fitness programs. Our philosophy is that our bodies only do what our minds allow them to do so we must work on our mental state to be able to obtain an overall sense of health and wellness to truly be successful. We work on breaking down mental blocks while training our bodies to hit new levels. In my battle I learned to step outside my box to find new activities that I loved, and even revisited some in the past that used to bring me joy. I reverted back to writing and art, and through that I found a new love of videography. It is important to connect with things that bring you peace and allow you to express yourself, and who knows where that new journey may lead. Mine, led me to my life’s purpose of helping others. Now I can tell my story so many different ways. Till next time, Keep Insulting standards by Becoming the Change! To hear my podcast visit https://anchor.fm/linda-acevedo. Leave me a comment of what you think and let’s chat about life!
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coachsyn · 5 years
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