#bedman case
nvskyprospekt · 1 year
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slow frog blink + bedmochi (^_– )
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eru-iru · 1 year
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me and my need for bedman and faust friendship
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tentachicken · 2 months
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bedman mochi spinning standee
he can spin
(so hypothetically, say i ordered a few extras of this guy. would you be interested...?)
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manzisme · 9 months
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guess what gang. found more gg doodles and comms i forgot to post over on tumblr. *Baiken j.D's you*
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ramenlethal · 29 days
Hello, strangers!
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so, i am in a server where there are full of bedman fans (me included) and i announced that tomorrow (today now) i was going to have a blood draw
i was pretty scared of the thing, so i said this:
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and... guess what!
–I belong to these fandoms: Hololive, Guilty Gear (bedman fanbase mostly), touhou, puella magi madoka magica, bang dream, ddlc, pjsk, visual novels like saya no uta, and moooore... i can also draw charas from other fandoms too
–I can also draw ocs!
–I would also like it if you, the requester, send me a prompt or a reference picture for the thing you want to draw, or both! both are okay tbh
–Something in return is not necessary, but if you actually want to give me something, a pony town skin or a drawing made by you would be nice !!
–You can request in my "ask me sth" option!
–Don't ask too weird stuff like nsfw or hard g0re, I mean I can do it but only slightly, not too explicit
–The requests will be closed on sunday, so take all the time u want to request your ideas!
That's all, strangers! see you, and good luck with your ideas!
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evanatsuhi · 2 years
if the next dlc character ends up being bedman/delilah (DONT TELL ME i havent watched the teaser) i need everyone to pray with me that the fourth character will not be jam so that she can stay dead forever (she burnt down along with her restaurant)
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yazmati · 29 days
in case anyone was worried I was done posting bedman content fear not i have an unspeakable number of images in my ipad….prepare yourselves for the bedman zine i guess
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a-ramlethal-fan · 1 year
I HAve an idea. an ANGST idea.
so. ramlethal is a living weapon right. she did at some point helped jn fucking obliterating a whole city. everyone there just died (they got revived by bedman i think but it still counts).
“What if a gun had a soul?”
I rest my case.
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hubristicassholefight · 6 months
Hubristic Assholes Tourney Round 1 part 3a
Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass) vs Bedman (Guilty Gear)
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Propaganda below cut! (spoiler warning)
Lelouch thinks he's singularly strong enough to take down an entire empire that controls two-thirds of the planet and owns giant murder robots. There are many, many times where he nearly gives away his secret identity, get himself or his allies killed, and/or ruins his own rebellion because he overestimates himself. Most notably, the entirety of his hubris throughout the series culminates in all of his allies turning against him and him only being able to survive because his "brother" has the exact required superpower to be able to sacrifice himself to save Lelouch. He also believes (mostly correctly, in the case of Code Geass) that he is so important that his death will bring about world peace; Lelouch is very similar to what happens when you take Light Yagami and make him both effective and actually a decent person.
SO ngl I'm not entirely sure if this counts as hubris or not But. Him and his sister were both born with a condition that made their brains go too fast and forced them to have to be in a coma so their brains don't overheat. So Bedman was in a coma, dreaming, and found out that dreams were connected to a different dimension called "The Backyard". Now, there's a lot of confusing lore when ot comes to The Backyard, but it's essentially the "code" or "operating system" of reality. So what do you do when you find out that you can basically manipulate reality via your dreams while in a coma? Try to become a god of course! Well, kinda. More specifically he wanted to create what's basically a new world, one where he can rewrite a few things so that him and his sister don't have to deal with being in a coma. But that'd require basically god like powers to actually pull off. Now, at some point while he was making his plans in The Backyard, he met the pope (no like, literally the pope,) otherwise known as Ariels. Before this he was full well ready to die to meet his goal, but Ariels offered a few alterations to his plans that would allow him to live (and allow her to meet her goals as well). So with her connections as the pope, Ariels was able to fashion him a mechanical weaponized bedframe that he could control and use for his missions (aka murder lots of murder). Fast forwards a bit and surprise surprise! The plans are kinda sorta falling apart. He's still sticking with it to the bitter end and, by God, is the end bitter. A retired vampire and some people who used to/still work for the assassins guilt he used to run (long story) figured out Bedman's weaknesses, then put together a plan to defeat him. Of which involved a gay man who uses a billiards que as a weapon and a robot (who's also gay long story). So these 2 confront Bedman, the robot tells him to touch grass before blowing up in his face and allowing the gay man to crush Bedman with a giant que (again, long story). This act wakes Bedman up. After this they kinda fuck off, then Ariels appears. Bedman, who looks like a literal wet cat at this point, informs Ariels that he is no longer useful in combat, and will use his remaining power to heal the casualties. What does Ariels do? Laugh. She fucking laughs and tells him that she's been manipulating him all long, and that he did so perfectly he even dies for her in the end. So he, understandably tbh, gets absolutely fucking furious with her and proceeds to begin creating an absolute world and prevents her from killing him. Telling her that he could've just, done this the whole time on his own. But it's already too late, he's dying from being awake for too long. So he uses the last of his power to do... Something. We aren't sure what Exactly he did, but he did something that allowed his sister to be awake. After which he turns to stone and Ariels is upset that she wasn't able to kill him herself. NOW, if this at all makes him sound super sympathetic, that's because I was trying to skip over a lot of stuff to save time and that included the part where he uhhhh, you know, kills hundreds, potentially thousands and enjoys it. The first scene you see of him is him choking a man in his dream world while tauting him and grinning. He isn't a good person and fully deserved what was coming to him (in fact his original plan most likely involved more people dying). Anyways, if you want to know more watch the Xrd arcade mode cutscenes and then watch the Xrd story mode they're all on YouTube;
So here's the other stuff I want to say about him: I LOVE HIM SO MUCH he's such an asshole he's great. Whenever you win a match as him he goes on a rant that could be summed up as "sucks to suck" but is 10 times longer than it needs to be while talking at mach 10. Example of this: "We talk about 'survival of the fittest' a lot but all that really means is the skilled live and the unskilled die. Since you're clearly in that second group, maybe pick your fights a bit more carefully? Do you understand what I'm saying? It's never going to matter how much you 'want it' when you're up against someone who can kill you with a sneeze." He also has an instant kill (a special attack that every character has a unique version of, it's also usually very over the top and flashy,) that is called The Theater of Pain. Basically, what he does in this attack is drag the opponent into his nightmare world (which is a movie theater) and subjects them to their worst possible trauma. He watches this with a grin and proceeds to fucking CLAP afterwards. My dude literally has his very own personal murder torture dimension and still felt the need to remake the whole world. If this doesn't sound like an asshole who's be done in by their hubris idk what does.
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gear-project · 7 months
Annon-Guy: What's your stance on Bedman and his successor, Bedman? as seperate characters in terms of story and gameplay?
On a more personal note, I've been something of a fan of Romeo and his Bedframe for some time.
Ironically, I found Romeo's personality to be snarky and unlikeable on first impression back in the Xrd Sign days.
That is, until I started playing AS Bedman himself.
I started to see how much of a genius and tactician he actually was, despite appearing to be "looking down on others" (which actually wasn't the case... making him a very deep character).
We later found out that Romeo was doing everything to save his Sister, and would have sacrificed himself to do so, which was very tragic.
The Question Mark in "Bedman?"'s designation name for Strive means that there is an air of mystery still within the frame itself, so there is much to learn about what happened exactly.
For clarification purposes though, I always refer to it as the Bedframe on this blog, to differentiate it from Bedman (Romeo) himself.
As for what I think about the differences:
In a lot of ways, this references a lot of concepts in Mecha Anime, particularly the "destroyed machine" trope.
When I think of Gundam Wing Zero, for example (Heero Yuy's Gundam which he piloted in Endless Waltz), there is a scene where Heero performs a sniping shot on the Brussel's Palace Bunker with a very powerful Twin Buster Rifle.
Hikaru Midorikawa (who voiced both Heero in Gundam Wing, as well as Bedman) plays the role of a self-destructive character here.
Heero fired the Buster Rifle "knowing" that his machine would self-destruct, but if that meant stopping a great WAR from starting... he would do so at the cost of his life in order to save others from the conflict.
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This imagery mirrors the transition from Bedman to the Destroyed Bedman? Bedframe.
An Error-Prone Guardian Machine, dedicated to protecting the lives of the innocent.
So next time you play with Bedman?, I hope you'll enjoy the facets of it being a "broken" machine more significantly in the symbolism.
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bed-poke-man · 10 months
Hello, users of Rotomblr.
Please call me Bedman, or anything similar. My pronouns are he/they and I am 17 years old.
I seem to be located in a region known as "Galar", I have never heard of this location despite my high IQ, not even including the strange creatures that inhabit this place.
I have a sister named Delilah, who will occasionally use this blog as well, indicating her presence on any post of hers by typing in green.
I am not accustomed to this new change of location yet, but I will gladly have you know that I specialize in Psychic, Fairy, and Steel-Type Pokemon.
I currently have an Espeon and a Klinklang.
//ooc info under cut
this blog contains unreality, and i pretend that pokemon are actually real. if any of this triggers you in some way or another, i suggest not interacting.
hi!! my name's hugh! i'm the only mod for this blog and i use he/him! my main is @shingetsu-online ^_^
this is a faller blog, where a character from another piece of media [in this case, guilty gear,] gets transported to the pokemon world.
i really like pokemon and i recently got into guilty gear so i was inspired to make this blog !!!
bedman, delilah, and i are all minors, so PLEASE, no nsfw interactions.
basic dni criteria, no proship, no nsfw, no ableism, no terfs [i am literally trans], etc.
also please do keep in mind that bedman is an arrogant asshole, so if he says anything mean, just know that it's in character, i'm not as horrible as he is.
that's all!! have fun !!!
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solradguy · 1 year
curious if you could elaborate on, like, specific cases(?) or just the general phenomena of gg community ignoring character flaws since i feel like i probably agree n wanna hear someone else's thoughts on it
Almost every single Guilty Gear character has done something that would get them ostracized in other fandoms, I think. But what I see sorta often in GG's community is that sometimes people will go to great lengths to defend one character and then talk about how bad another character is for the things they've done. Zato, for example, did horrible things to Millia and her hating him/wanting him dead is entirely justifiable. But Zato gets condemned for that while Happy Chaos, who brainwashed numerous people to fight and die for him just because he thought it was funny (among other things he did before and after that), rarely gets criticized, presumably because his personality is sillier and he's got a more broadly appealing design.
I get stuff like this happens in pretty much every fandom that's ever existed ever, but it's really funny seeing it in a game called Guilty Gear, where every character has done horrible things that haunts them haha. I went with the Zato and Chaos comparison because at least in some other characters' cases, the character does have some guilt over their actions or has a redemption arc of some kind (Bedman and Ky are good examples of that), but neither Zato or Chaos seem to have much remorse over how they've treated other people yet Zato is frequently hated while Chaos is adored.
Going back to Ky for a sec since he might seem like an odd choice to include there: Ky was a child soldier that wanted to utterly annihilate a sentient species capable of intelligent communication with evidence of a unique culture, and he killed them mercilessly when he could. But he eventually realized what he was doing was awful and went back on everything he was raised to believe to try to make up for what he did. And it haunts him. It wasn't like he woke up one day and just decided to stop killing Gears because he got bored of it; it's a major part of his character that the weight of what he had done was crushing him and he'll never fully forgive himself (or ask for total forgiveness) for it.
Bedman doesn't get as much of a chance before he dies to try to make up for what he had done, but it's still there a little bit right at the end. He's also young too and not having a fully developed prefrontal cortex is a pain in the ass. Sympathy to all the people younger than 25 out there.
Even Sol, the other main box art guy, has a whole list of awful shit he's done. He also wanted to destroy the same creatures that had individual thoughts and desires as Ky did and in Sol's case it might even be worse because he was partially responsible for their creation in the first place, and he was ruthless during his Holy Order arc when he fought against Gears the most. Ignoring Aria's wishes to be allowed to die peacefully from her illness and Sol wanting to sacrifice the entire world to save Jack-O' at the end of Strive are both selfish and awful in their own ways too. Sol is also THEE guilty Gear though. We know that's all weighing on him something fierce.
But this is what makes Guilty Gear so GOOD. It's not black and white. The good guys are deeply flawed and the bad guys can be sympathetic. This series has an insane amount of nuance that all too often gets boiled down to who's redeemable and who isn't and nearly everyone's a little bit of a bastard in their own unique ways.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I think if someone is a fan of a character that's taken/tried to take away the autonomy of another character, emotionally manipulated someone via dog murder, or wanted to exterminate an entire species that was mostly fighting back because of how humanity had treated them in the first place, that they should keep that in mind when harshly criticizing other characters' actions.
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eru-iru · 2 years
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the deepest parts of your psyche
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mikadll · 1 year
the mercs and who their main/s in strive would be
scout: may/leo/ram (he heard they were top tier)
soldier: sol/goldlewis (the team went over the lore for each character in the roster for him)
pyro: giovanna/bridget/jack-o (cute companions enjoyer)
heavy: sol/ky (prefers The Classics over gimmicks)
engineer: asuka (fascinated with the different test cases and killing the team with them)
demoman: faust/sol/bedman (likes to swap between improv, explosive gameplay, and being technical. has the most fun playing)
medic: bedman/asuka (enjoys tormenting the team with bedman error followups in particular)
sniper: hc/zato (the reason why spy "hates" fighting games)
spy: he claims he's "too good for fighting games" but he goes online on tower as i-no and researches hc/zato counterplay
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guiltygearconfessions · 8 months
I think at least a part of the problem you're having is that you tag both the bedframe and Romeo as just "Bedman", even when the person submitting is treating them as different characters (because Bedman is explicitly Romeo's name) and they technically are. Unless the bed is possessed anyway, in which case wanting to fuck a robot possessed by someone of indeterminate age is....
I suppose you raise a good point. I feel like canon is a bit waffley regarding how we're supposed to view the character of Bedman? as opposed to the regular Bedman. Even then I was under the assumption that people interested in the bedframe were interested in a third iteration distinct from the man or the man-possessing-bedframe, but for all I know I could have been wrong about peoples' intentions this whole time
It's very confusing...
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mocolococoffeesimp · 2 years
What about headcanons for Bedman meeting someone who seems like an airhead, but manages to outsmart him somewhat often and is surprisingly smart. And then he begins to fell for them (ahhhh sorry if this is a lot or confusing)
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-Bedman would be frustrated with you at first, seemingly how you asked the most obvious questions at times. How you forgot simple meetings and walked with your head in the clouds. He would be somewhat frustrated.
-But, the first time you outsmarted him, he was flabbergasted. It was just a simple friendly chess game, but you won it. Which, to him, was the most unbelievable thing. You beat him in a game of wits?! He demanded a rematch after that. And, after losing yet again, another rematch. After losing five times in a row, he started accepting the fact, maybe you weren't as lost as he thought.
-This led to him, discussing about his theories with you more often. To a person listening it may have sounded like you were just pretending you understood him, but he knew better. He knew he had found someone who could hold their own in an intellectual discussion.
"So, that concludes my epitome of my theory."
"Okay...But, if you were to connect a with c, wouldn't that like, make the whole thing more efficient?" His face froze for a minute, as he process the suggestion you had given to him. He gave you a cocky smile, as he nodded to you.
"Indeed it would. Glad to see you were listening to me." He never would admit it, that you were his equal. He had his pride, but he would be glad to know you actually understood what he was saying.
-Long evenings discussing different topics. He wouldn't mind the one talking for most of the time, as he knew you were listening to him as you nodded to him and said something every now and then. That something often being the piece of information he was uncertain of or he simply didn't know. Your small interactions with his rambles, made him appreciate you so much more. And, with that he learned that looks can be deceiving. But, in this case he was glad that your looks had deceived him to get closer to you.
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