#bedtime now. goodbye
wp100 · 3 months
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this tweet is so weird like fanfiction isn't real. who cares if something isn't realistic. it might be "realistic" to some people. not everyone's experiences are universal.
Write whatever the fuck you want, regardless of experience, yknow, unless it's something actually really serious, like mental health. some things require research before writing or portraying
edit: and might i add that fic writers and artists are pouring their hearts into the fics and art you read/look at for FREE? We post our work for free and people say stuff like this. Saying stuff like this doesn't help, just feels unnecessary, and a tad mean
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seesgood · 2 years
those people that just make you fall in love with writing over and over and over again  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
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elmelloill · 1 year
i hate confidently stating things which turn out to be incorrect but this is the one exception. if someone can tell me "oh yeah in this one obscure interview the artist just lists them all" then please tell me. let me rest.
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mnmdash · 2 years
I don't feel sick, but I think the last 3 weeks of being constantly coughed at by germy children may be taking its toll. All I want to do is sleep
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
BAHAH pls i need a fic where ellie’s cockblocking gets to the point where aaron is desperately asking auntie penelope or jj to babysit her and jack for a night.. he would even entrust spencer for a few hours if nobody else was available just for some alone time😫🤭
on hiatus
this concept is so funny i love it cw; mentions of sex (nothing explicit), brief suggestive content, bau teasing aaron, reader referred to as mom, dad!aaron wc; 1k
"Can't you ask?"
"Well, I could." Aaron's gaze shot to the side, through the blinds and down into the bullpen.
"It wouldn't hurt, right? Because I don't know about you, but I can't wait another night." You exhaled, a slight buzzing effect coming through the phone as a result.
"I'm right there with you." Aaron admitted, resisting the urge to squirm in his seat. "I'm seconds away from reinstalling that damn crib."
"So ask. Anyways, I gotta go. Jack will be home soon, and I should get Ellie up so she does sleep tonight."
Aaron chuckled softly, his eyes finding the family photo framed on his desk. "Why does it not surprise me that for nap time, she'll stay in her bed."
"Stubborn. Just like her father."
After saying goodbye to you, Aaron exited his office, heading to where JJ, Penelope and Derek were all congregating. Their eyes rose as he approached.
"What brings you down here?" JJ asked, using her feet to twist her chair back and forth. "We're not dawdling, I swear."
He brushed past her playful - and untrue - comment. "Need a favor."
Brief distress flashed on Derek's face. "If it requires more paperwork, just give it to Reid."
Like you had said, there was no harm in asking. "It has nothing to do with paperwork. Just in need of a babysitter for tonight."
Penelope's hand shot up, eyes brightening. "Me."
"Big Friday night eh?" Derek wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "What's on the agenda, where the two of you headin'?"
"Nowhere." Aaron shrugged nonchalantly, a smidge of embarrassment heating his face. He was hoping he could persuade with minimal details. "It'll only be for a few hours. We just need them out of the house."
"Oh," JJ smirked after a moment, accompanied with a touch of sympathy. Out of all people, she would understand. "I see."
Aaron met her eyes, keeping his face still but with subtle pleading, hoping she'd tune into it. One that read: I'm begging you not to elaborate.
They were adults. It wasn't a topic of taboo. He just wasn't just too partial on openly discussing his sex life with his colleagues. Doesn't matter how long he's known them.
"Need some, mommy and daddy time, don't you?"
Aaron's stern expression continued to linger, but gradually softened in confirmation. He was tired; tired of waiting and being on the brink.
"No wonder you've been so grumpy."
Aaron shot Morgan a look, before stating his case. "Ellie's out of her crib now. She's learned that the world still continues to go on past bedtime."
"She's out of her crib?" Penelope aww'ed, her bottom lip pouting in bittersweetness.
"And comes into our room," Aaron paused, "every night."
For the first few nights, Ellie had stayed put; the excitement and newness of it all enough to keep her in bed. However, it didn't take long for her to realize she could simply, get up.
She'd come into the living room - you'd usher her back into bed. Jack would come out a while later, complaining Ellie had gone into his room and awoken him - Aaron's turn to return her to bed.
Then came the excuses. She needed water (a sippy cup was given to her, and told this meant she had to go to sleep now). She wanted to watch a movie and "cuddle, please?" It took everything in Aaron to decline, especially after she played up the sweetness in her big, brown eyes.
You'd think after all that, she'd exhausted herself, but no. Next came her crawling into bed with the two of you.
That's where the matter currently stood. She didn't want to sleep in her new big girl bed, but rather, the big bed. Right in the middle, snug between the two of you, and keeping your plans on hiatus.
The next night, you had thought you were in the clear. But sure enough, the second Aaron was straddled atop you, his lips trailing your skin and leaving you breathless, did little footsteps make their way down the hall. Aaron would roll off you instead, supporting himself on an elbow, while you laid there defeatedly, anticipating the opening of your bedroom door.
And again the following night, the same occurrence of events. Admittedly it's been a while since the two of you have been intimate, due to a certain toddler and cases taking Aaron out of town.
Derek laughed, "She's a little menace. I love that kid."
Aaron sighed, both his frustration and need only growing more. His voice wavered on the desperate side, "So can one of you? Please. Just a few hours is all I'm asking."
"I'd be happy to relieve you two. For a full night even, Henry and Michael would love to have Jack and Ellie sleepover." JJ offered, and Aaron internally let out a deep sigh of relief. "Will and I have been there, I get it."
"And Aunt Penelope can come too, don't worry." JJ interrupted Penelope with a smile, reaching over and giving her hand a gentle tap.
"I'd- We'd appreciate it. Thank you." Aaron's shoulders dropped, and he could already feel the tension leaving his body. A rush of energy swept through him too, anticipating the delightfully, now long, night ahead. He could not wait to get home.
His thoughts were put on hold when he noticed the glint in JJ's eyes.
"And so you can relieve yourself."
Derek cackled while Aaron rolled his eyes, turning away from the group to hide his smile.
"Just let me know what time you want them over."
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obsessedwithceleste · 6 months
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Fighting Fate (It’s a losing battle)
Theodore Nott x gn!reader
Inspired by, and dedicated to @musingsofahufflepuff
Summary: soulmate!au in which everyone sees in black and white until they meet their soulmate. Bold of fate to assume it can tell you what to do.
word count: 3.1k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Ever since your first day at Hogwarts, you’d been told that you were lucky. A one in a million chance. Exceptional. Because as soon as you’d been sorted, and the sorting hat had been lifted up off of your head, your eyes had met his, and the world had burst into color.
It had been wildly disorientating at first- you almost fainted from the visual overload as the banners over each section of students burst into bright color. As you went to take your seat, you got strange looks from several students, but you never felt his eyes leave you.
You’d always thought it was rubbish. Even at the ripe old age of eleven. Your mother had first explained the idea of soulmates to you as a bedtime story. You remember her explaining how everything looked bland and colorless now because you hadn’t met your soulmate yet. But once you did, the world would come to life.
“When will I meet my soulmate?” You’d asked.
“Well, that’s the catch isn’t it? It’s different for everyone. Some meet their soulmate very young. At school even. But some, some will never meet their soulmate. They can be anywhere in the world, fate doesn’t discriminate.”
You’d scrunched your little nose up in distaste.
“That’s stupid. Why do I have to listen to fate?”
Your mother had only laughed, tucking you in and kissing your forehead goodnight. But the sentiment had remained as you grew up. How could someone really just be meant for you? Ridiculous.
Theo had known that you were going to be his soulmate before fate did. He’d watched silently from his seat on the train as you boarded, a nervous grin on your face as you waved goodbye to your family. You were perfect, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. At least until Mattheo swatted his arm.
“What’re you staring at, mate?” He’d asked loudly, gaining the attention of the other boys in the carriage.
“See them, there?” Theo asked, pointing to where you were boarding. “That’s going to be my soulmate.” He’d announced proudly.
“Yeah, okay mate,” the other boys had laughed, quickly moving on to the next topic.
But Theo didn’t take his eyes off of you until you disappeared through the train doors and off into some unknown compartment.
The next time he saw you was at the sorting ceremony. He watched as you confidently made your way up to the front, the smile never leaving your face as McGonagall lowered the hat onto your head. It only took a few moments of deliberation before the hat was being lifted off of your head and Theo’s eyes met yours.
It was like the wind was taken out of him as the room sprung to life, colors swirling around his vision as his eyes raced around the room in awe.
By the end of the night, all of Theo’s friends had been sorted into Slytherin with him. Mattheo, Enzo, Draco, Blaise. Even Crabbe and Goyle.
“I was right on the train. About them being my soulmate,” he’d announced proudly, pointing out different objects and describing the different colors to his friends who wondered in amazement.
You on the other hand, didn’t speak a word of it to anyone until you accidentally let it slip to your mother over break that you could see the pretty colored ornaments strung up on the tree.
She’d been thrilled of course, wanting to know every detail about this soulmate of yours. What did he look like? What house was he? Had the two of you spoken.
You answered each question with less enthusiasm than the one prior, and eventually she got the point and stopped asking.
As soon as the news slipped that Theodore Nott, a child of the sacred twenty-eight, and son of Tiberius Nott no less, could see in color however, it didn’t take long for people to start noticing you. Telling you how lucky you were to have found your soulmate. To be able to see color. As if you wanted a soulmate at eleven years old.
The first few years it was easy to avoid. Being only eleven or twelve, Theo was content admiring you from a far. Third year was when the boy finally got the courage to really try and talk to you for the first time. Sure he’d said hi a few times over the past couple years, but nothing you’d found particularly note worthy. Especially not for someone who was supposedly your soulmate.
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“Are you any good at charms?” A voice asks, startling you as you look up from the essay you had been finishing up in the court yard. It was a warm, cloudy day, with only a light breeze, so you’d thought it would be the perfect day to take your studies outside.
You stare up in surprise at the brunette boy in front of you, watching silently as he takes a seat across from you.
In the past, you'd played the avoiding game, quickly scurrying off if you saw the boy or his friends approaching. This year, you hadn't been taking the same precautions, and it seemed Theodore was taking full advantage.
“I’m alright,” you reply hesitantly.
That was a lie. Charms was your best subject, but you were hoping the boy might go away. He didn’t.
"I know that you're top of the class," he responds, staring intently at you with a sly smirk.
That afternoon you begrudgingly helped Theodore with his charms homework, and he happily helped you with your DADA essay. There wasn’t a whole lot of interaction between the two of you, but he wasn’t horrible you supposed. At least he had brain cells to rub together.
After that he kept popping up sporadically throughout your third year.
At quidditch tryouts he'd insisted on partnering with you for several of the drills. You both were offered a place on the team. In the Great Hall he'd seek you out to ask about the homework assignment he'd missed after skiving off of class with Mattheo. The fact that you gave him your notes each time meant nothing. Obviously. And every so often, between the shelves of books in the library, you'd see a flash of soft brown hair, and intense eyes gazing at you before they disappeared as if you were imagining it.
With each increasing encounter, the both of you made idle conversation as you kept the boy at an arms length. It was nothing personal really. In fact the more you thought about it, he seemed perfectly alright. But something in your stubborn thirteen year old self just wanted to stick it to fate. So you continued to ice the boy out.
Theodore however, was nothing if not determined. He knew from the moment he saw you that he was meant to be yours, and he’d be damned if he let you slip through his fingers. Thirteen year old Theodore was a stubborn bastard and he knew he was willing to play the long game.
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Things grew a bit more complicated in fourth year when you became friends with some of the Slytherin crowd.
It had been an accident really. You’d been reading down by the Black Lake when Daphne Greengrass had stumbled upon you, followed closely by Pansy Parkinson and Lorenzo Berkshire.
“Oh!” she’d said in delight, seeing the book in your hands, “I love that book!”
The two of you ended up talking enthusiastically about the novel for almost an entire hour with Pansy and Enzo butting in every so often to add their thoughts.
“Wait, you’re Theodore’s soulmate aren’t you?” Enzo asks, eventually recognizing you.
You eye the boy cautiously as you nod slowly, suddenly feeling self conscious.
Pansy just wrinkles her nose.
“Sorry you got stuck with such a tosser.” She says.
The four of you are quiet for a moment before your laughter breaks the silence, the other three following shortly after.
After that, you’re integrated into their little group seamlessly. You’d always been a bit of a loner. Sure people would wander up to you often enough to chatter about what it was like to see colors, but that was really all people wanted to know about you. Like it was some trivial party trick.
It was nice having your own friends to study with and wander about Hogsmeade with on the weekends. It was nice to have people who liked being around you simply for being you. Not because some magical force had decided to bind you to a whole other human and grant you the ability to see color.
It didn’t take long for Theo to notice you hanging about more frequently. How could he not? You were so pretty. So smart and witty. So perfect. He was just so happy to have you around more often. Even if it wasn’t to spend time with him specifically.
He reveled in any little morsel of information that he could scrape up from your friends. Your favorite color, your favorite sweets at Honeydukes, your class schedule. Theo was willing to admit the last one was a bit weird, but he was really just hungry to learn anything he could about his elusive soulmate.
Soon enough, it didn’t become unusual for Theodore and Mattheo to join the four of you on your little excursions. Popping up at the Black Lake, or meeting up with you at the Three Broomsticks. He was just always there. As if he was making a point of it. And begrudgingly you began to let him in.
A friend of your friends was okay you thought. Wouldn’t hurt to get to know him a bit. That wasn’t crossing any lines.
For Theo however, this was huge. He was finally getting somewhere. Even if you weren’t ready for any sort of romantic relationship, he was going to be the best damn friend you’d ever had.
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By fifth year, there was simply no denying it. Theodore Nott was your best friend. You weren’t really sure how it had happened. The two of you just fit so well together. He had truly wormed his way into your life.
It had started with the study sessions.
"Remember when you helped me with charms in third year?" He'd asked. "I got top marks on that assignment."
As those became more frequent, it had turned into afternoons by the lake with both of you deep in your own novels, but sharing the comfortable silence.
Then it had morphed into weekends at Hogsmeade. Your friends thought they were being subtle when they consistently slipped away, leaving you and Theo to wander about the village. You couldn't find it in yourself to mind though.
You’d tried to keep him at an arms length. You really had. But Enzo couldn’t make you laugh as hard as you did with Theo. And Daphne just wasn’t the intellectual match that Theo was. And Pansy always made sure you let loose sure, but being around Theo was just- freeing.
You still weren’t sold on the whole soulmate thing though. Sure Theo was great. Perfect even. But you just couldn’t shake the icky feeling of blindly trusting fate to decide your life.
Then it happened. No one was expecting it. Especially not Pansy. But you and Pansy and Draco and Theo had all been working late on a potions assignment before dinner, and on your way back up from the dungeons, Pansy ran smack into a certain platinum haired Ravenclaw. You’d later find out that her name was Luna Lovegood. As soon as their eyes met, Pansy stumbled, leaning into you for support. You already knew what was happening as her eyes darted around wildly.
“Oh. I suppose we’re soulmates then aren’t we?” The girl said, a dreamy look overtaking her.
It all seemed too easy for them after that. It was like a flip had switched and the two were just mad for each other. A picture perfect example of what soulmates should be.
You found it to be slightly horrifying how blindly trusting fate could severely change a person and their relationship with an essential stranger.
Theo however, couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy. He had what? Almost five whole years on Pansy, and was lucky to get a friendly hug out of his soulmate. Yet Pansy and Luna were inseparable after only a few short weeks.
Not that Theo thought he was entitled to your affection necessarily. But it would be nice if you’d at least acknowledge the bond you two shared he thought.
“Why don’t you believe in soulmates?” Daphne asks one night.
It was one of those rare nights where it was only you, Daphne, Pansy, and Enzo huddled together wrapped in thick, warm blankets inside Daphne and Pansy’s dorm room. Salazar knows where Millicent was off spending her night. A bottle of shared fire whisky sat between you and packs of chocolate frogs littered the floor.
You blink in surprise at your friend’s question. You didn’t talk about soulmate stuff much.
“I do believe in them,” you say with a simple shrug.
“Yeah but you don’t really believe in them, ya know? Why?” She pushes.
You pause again, glancing at Pansy who was looking back at you intently.
“I don’t know. I guess I just don’t like the idea of someone deciding to be with me, just because they’re supposed to.” You say finally.
“I suppose I know what you mean.” Pansy murmurs after a moment.
You look at the girl in surprise and can tell the other two are shocked as well.
“Don’t get me wrong. I adore Luna. Really. I always tell her that I’m so glad that fate put us together. But then sometimes I wonder. If it weren’t for fate, would I have even given her a second glance that day I bumped into her in the corridor?”
There’s a silent lull as your group mulls over Pansy’s words before slowly drifting off to a new topic.
In another dorm, not so far off, Theo lay on his bed staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“Think they’ll come around soon?” Mattheo asks, sensing his roommate’s building tension.
“I dunno. But I’ll wait,” he replies, closing his eyes and letting images of you flood his mind. “They’re worth it.”
That night as you’re leaving to return to your dorm, Enzo catches your arm, pulling you off to the side.
“You can never tell Theo that I told you this, but the first time I met Theo, we were on the train waiting to leave for Hogwarts and he pointed out the window to a someone and said ‘they’re going to be my soulmate’. Then, at the sorting ceremony he got all dizzy all the sudden, and when we got to the common room, he said that he’d been right about who his soulmate would be. You. Just thought you should know.”
And with that, he’s gone.
It’s after that that you really begin to see Theo. You’d never really given him a fighting chance. But now, you kind of wanted to.
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It’s the beginning of sixth year when Theo finally notices the shift. Notices you actually seeking him out on purpose, not flinching away when your hands brush, eyes hovering on his lips a bit too long for it to be accidental. And to say that he is ecstatic.
Meanwhile you were silently kicking yourself for taking so long to get over your petty bullshit with fate. Sure you still didn’t love the idea of it all, but after spending enough time with Theo, you could really, truly see the appeal.
After that night in fifth year, you began noticing how Theodore was one of the only students who could keep up with your academic prowess. He could always sense when you were tired, or stressed, or simply in a mood, and always did his best to subtly cheer you up. He was always there. Even after all the years you had put him through the wringer, he remained by your side. And that’s what really convinced you.
It’s also what landed you here, at the top of the astronomy tower, with your head in Theodore’s lap as his fingers raked gently through your hair.
It had become a usual meeting spot for the both of you. Theo had brought you up here a week into the school year starting. It was his safe place. His getaway when everything got to be too much, or when he just needed space to think. When those words had left his mouth you had melted. He trusted you. You had meant so much to him for so long, and you couldn't be bothered to give him the time of day.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, eyes gazing out at the swirling navy sky that seemed to stretch on forever.
“For what, amore?”
“Dunno. Making you feel like you weren’t good enough, or makin you feel like a bad soulmate.”
Theo looks down at you, and you meet his steady gaze.
“I knew I was good enough, amore. We wouldn’t be soulmates if we weren’t perfect for each other.” He replies.
You perk up at this. “You think I’m perfect?” You ask, a dopey smile appearing on your face.
Theo just rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he laughs. He'd grown used to your antics. Just another piece of you that he'd grown fond of.
“I said that we’re perfect together. But you’re perfect too I suppose.”
It hadn’t taken nearly as long as you had expected to reach this point. It seemed that Theo had just been waiting for the word to switch on boyfriend mode. All it took was one spontaneous, heated make out session in his dorm room, and you had the boy wrapped around your finger. (He already had been for years, but you didn’t need to know that.)
“Alright. Wrap it up love birds. You better be fully clothed,” Pansy calls, head peeping up from the top of the staircase leading up to the tower. “You two have been up here for hours, and you can’t have them all to yourself Theodore. They were our friend first.”
“Yeah! Time’s up lover boy!” You hear Enzo call.
Theo groans, head falling back as he rises lazily, offering you a hand up.
“I waited five years for this, can’t you guys let me have my moment?” He calls back.
“No!” The chorus replies.
With a laugh, you grab onto Theo’s hand, tugging him towards the stairs.
“C’mon. If we get Mattheo and Enzo drunk enough, they won’t notice if I spend the night,” you say with a cheeky wink.
“I heard that!” Enzo’s voice rings out.
“You wouldn’t say no to me anyway,” you shout back.
With a smile, Theo follows you down the stairs after your rowdy friends, hand wrapped tightly around yours. It had taken him five long years, and he certainly wasn’t going to let go anytime soon.
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I'm a sucker for soulmate aus
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wicchyy · 9 months
—0.3 boundary less ; james potter
sum: you and James are best friends. right? /bestfriend!James
warnings: none rly
notes: i fully believe in being best friends with james yall will not have boundaries
You’ve been friends with James Potter for as long as you can remember. Since you were in diapers, perhaps. You’d bathe and splash around in the bath with him when you were younger. Your mums were close and you’d spend almost every holiday with the Potter family. It wasn’t a strange thing for you to be seen with James after all. You’d already been apart of James’ life since day one. You knew the marauders of course, the rest of them. But you chose not to be apart of their group, deciding that they could have their own fun of pranks and troublesome adventures.
You however always sat on the couch late at night, when the boys were out doing something you’d prefer not to take part in. Then when the clock struck midnight, they’d come inside with their hushed voices and footsteps trying not to alert anyone. But you would always be there to see none other than James.
If he’d been hurt or in need of a good night hug, you’d wait just a while before your bedtime to see his face. At least if you wanted your morning the next day to be a pleasant one. He was your best friend, your lucky charm, your favorite person.
James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter stepped inside the commons just to see your usual presence. But this time you weren’t practicing your charms or reading a muggle book. You were tucked in nicely with a big knit blanket, hair splayed on the pillows, snug in James’ warm quidditch sweater.
“I’m heading straight to bed, boys. Absolutely knackered.” Peter whispered, patting Remus on the back and saying his goodbyes quickly.
The other joined you on the couch. Remus grabbing the book from the floor, clearly after your use. He settled on the single chair beside you and Sirius quickly joined him, planting his arse on the floor and leaning against his boyfriend’s feet. They knew James’ routine so well, knowing he’d want to spend the few moment with you and waiting up for him.
James made his few steps toward you, brushing stray hairs from your face before blowing at it. He knew it was just the thing to wake you up. Your eyes fluttered immediately, waking up to seeing James Potter’s pretty face. It certainly was a way to wake you up.
“Jamie!” You slapped his chest, straightening up your body and rubbing sleep away from your eyes. James took his place comfortable beside you, placing your foot atop his lap and smiling softly at you.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He replied, “You sure y’not tired? I’ll take you up upstairs if you are.” James always had a way of making your heart beat faster with the way he expressed his care.
“I’m quite fine. I was waiting for you guys, y’know.” You sighed softly, leaning back comfortably.
“Missed you darlin’, your loverboy here has decided on some new pranks we’d like to put in action next week.” Remus chimed from behind you.
“Mm. Remind me again, Y/n. Why aren’t you ever present for our wonderful tricks?” Sirius says in his tired tone.
James chuckles, answering for you. “Because, Pads, she’s a good girl.” He pats your knee.
You smiled at your best friend, “Yes, Jamie. I am. But also, because I prefer the solitude of the commons rather than running around and creating trouble around the castle.”
“Mhm. I thought your preferred solitude was with me.” James smiles.
You retracted your legs from his lap and changed your position to sit beside him. Thighs touching, warmth immediately radiating off him and you were impatient for him to wrap his arms around you. James took your change of position as a sign to immediately circle his arm around your shoulders. “Certainly one of my favorite.”
Remus simply smiles at you while Sirius rolls his eyes. They’ve become used to this behavior by now. The absence of boundaries between you and James’ friendship was somewhat of a regular routine for their eyes.
James dips his head at the curve of your neck, his nose prodding at your soft skin. You can feel his mouth curving up to form a smile. James breathes out a soft sigh, the feeling causing shivers all over your skin. “You smell nice, sweetheart.” He lays his head on your shoulder and your hand starts to mess with his curls.
The intimacy of this— of your friendship, was something you’d always treasure between you two. You’ve been chastised by Sirius many times as he’s told you about the attachment you and James have. How both of you had been unable to secure a significant other as you played the part well in looking so.
“Wearing your sweater, so technically you smell nice.”
“Mm, no. ‘S just you, honey.”
You laughed lightly, your fingers still messing around with his hair. He loved it as well as you.
“Oi, can you both just get it over with? Go get a room and snog or some—“ Sirius complains.
“What Pads means is that perhaps we should bid you goodnight now. He’s quite tired.” Remus cuts in, pulling at Sirius’ shoulder and getting him to stand up.
Sirius starts, but hes quickly being pulled up the staircase by Remus. “What—? That’s not what I mean, Moons.”
James waves his friends off, relaxing now that no one ought to judge him for the version of himself when he’s with you.
“Christ, I never want to leave from your arms.” James flirts.
Your fingers stop messing with his curls, but instead grabs at the arm he has around your shoulders and pulls his face closer. You set his head on your lap, his face gazing up at you.
“Sorry, Jamie. Y’know how you make my lap warm.”
James just smiles softly up at you, taking your hands to both of his cheeks. He likes the warmth of your palms that have been lying beneath the blankets and near the fireplace. “Missed you today, sweetheart.”
“You always miss me, Jamesie.”
He smiles with his perfect lips, pouting like a baby knowing that you find his ridiculous look adoring. “True. However, I only have one class with you on Fridays and I have clubs the whole day after. And I promised the boys I’d discuss forward our plan today.”
“Too occupied to see me, hm?”
“Never. I truly am sorry, honey.”
You pinched his cheeks lightly, glancing just barely at his plump lips you so badly want to kiss. “You only have time for me when it’s late, James?”
“Oh, come on. You know it’s our time when it’s late.”
True. Nights like these were reserved for you and James only. And you wouldn’t have it any other way, truly.
“I guess I can accept your apology. With only one more request.”
James smiles up at you. “Stay at my dorm tonight?”
“Obviously.” You laughed, tracing James’ soft skin with your fingertips. “I’ve got my period today, need your aiding cuddles.”
“Course, sweetheart. I’ve always got ya, haven’t I?”
James positions his body to sit up and he places a quick, featherlight kiss on your cheek. He stands up from the place in your lap. “Come on now, up you go honey. Much warmer in my dorm.”
You grab his hand and intertwine them, standing up as James envelops you on his arms.
You’d never need anyone else if you would always have James with you, just like this.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Gone VI
Pernille Harder x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe:
Summary: Your first night alone in London
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You don't go with your mothers back to the airport.
Their flight is late in the evening and they don't want to interrupt your sleep schedule.
So, after dinner, they say their goodbyes and leave.
Your apartment, which was once welcoming and warm, goes cold in an instant, like Magda and Pernille leaving has sucked all the warmth and sun out with them.
You just sit on your sofa in silence, unsure of what to do with yourself now.
You try to watch a bit of tv but it's all in English and makes you miss the familiar Swedish back home. You try to play a few games on your phone but you've been stuck on this one level for a few weeks now and get frustrated easily, throwing your phone down on the cushions next to you.
You think about reorganising everything but it's only recently been unpacked and you don't want to ruin all of Momma and Morsa's hard work.
You sigh, trying to relax back against the sofa but you just can't get comfortable, shifting around anxiously whenever you feel a hint of comfort. You back is ramrod straight and you keep glancing around like you expect someone to be in the room with you.
You get up, sighing. You don't know why you're suddenly so restless but you pace the length of the room before dipping into the kitchen. You've already eaten dinner and you're not actually that hungry but you still poke around in your now full stocked cupboards and fridge for something even mildly interesting.
In the end, you end up right back on the sofa, knee bouncing.
You reach for your phone again, just as in incoming call comes in.
"Hi, Momma."
Pernille's face fills the screen, happy and smiling. You can hear the hustle and bustle of the airport around her but you don't really care either way, even if you have to lean closer to the phone to fully hear what she's saying.
"We just got through security and everything," She says," Magda's around here somewhere trying to get some food. I told her that it's all overpriced but, you know her, she'll do what she thinks is best."
It's completely normal, the words she's saying, the almost teasing bite to her voice but it still makes your throat close up a little.
It makes you want to cry.
It makes you want to sob down the phone and beg her to come back. it makes you want to bow out of your contract with Arsenal and go home and quit football all together so you can stay with Momma and Morsa forever and never leave their sides.
But you don't do that because, deep down, you know you don't want to quit football and you know you want to play for Arsenal.
So, you force yourself to just look at Pernille's face, to memorise every line and angle and the shape of her features because you know that it'll be a while until you see her in person again.
"Well," You say, forcing your voice to remain unchanged, to not give away just how close you are to bursting into tears," You know Morsa. She'll try and swindle a discount somehow."
Pernille laughs, a fond eye roll appearing on her face that you memorise too. "I keep telling her if we just go to the lounge then we get complimentary food but she says that stuff is just fancy for no reason." She shakes her head. "Honestly, sometimes I think she likes spending money for the sake of spending money."
"She's got you to keep her in line though," You say and Pernille smiles.
"I suppose so." There's silence for a moment and then," Well, I just called to let you know that we're all checked in. Boarding won't be for another few hours and you should be in bed by that point."
"Are you giving me a bedtime?" You tease. You have to force yourself to tease because the thought of your mothers getting on that plane and leaving you in England by yourself is enough to rip your heart to shreds.
"Well," Pernille says," If that's what you think then I can't stop you."
You smile at her. "That's exactly what you're doing."
She smiles back. "I love you and we'll come and visit soon, okay?"
"I love you too, Momma."
You go through the motions of getting ready for bed. You shower. You change. You pull back the covers and slip in. You put your phone on charge.
You just kind of lay there, unmoving as you stare up at your dark ceiling. There's no other sounds in your apartment.
At home, there was always some kind of sound. Sometimes Momma clearing stuff away or Morsa talking on the phone. There was always something but now there's nothing.
You've never felt so alone in your life.
Some sort of foreign wounded sound spills out from your throat as the tears finally roll down your cheeks.
You don't think you can do this.
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enwoso · 3 months
Can I request either alessia is on a team bonding night out and has Ella minding grumpy but grumpy has a nightmare and wakes up and refuses to settle without alessia so all the Arsenal girls come back to do their bonding night at alessias so grumpy can relax and go back to sleep
Grumpy having an allergic reaction to something and getting sick and alessia and the girls have to look after her
NEED HER — alessia russo x child!reader
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grumpy masterlist
"wit woo! doesn't your mummy look gorgeous, tiny!" ella giggled as she looked at you with a smile as alessia emerged from round the corner, her heels clicking on the wooden floors which took your attention from the tv playing one of the many films you and ella had lined up for the night.
you and ella sat both in pyjamas, blankets covering the two of you as you'd turned alessia's living room into a blanket fort along with all your teddy's from your room joining just to make sure they didn't feel left out.
alessia had spent the last hour getting ready to go out for some food and a few drinks with the arsenal girls it being part of their team bonding. when nights like these occurred you usually would spent the night with either your uncles or your grandparents but since ella was in london, ella jumped at the opportunity to see her favourite little russo.
"mummy look like a princess" you smiled as alessia gave you a pout as she came over to kiss your forehead and say her good nights to you.
"mummy loves you and be good for auntie ella, okay?" your mummy's tone had changed so you knew she was serious and you nodded, "'ove you too"
ella getting up and walking alessia to her front door. the cab filled with some of the arsenal girls already out side waiting. "and ella remember no sweets after 8 and her night light needs to be on and she doesn't-" alessia began her list of reminders to her best friend, things ella had heard at least five times today.
"doesn't like her door shut, i know less! now go and have fun with the girls and have a few drinks for me yeah?" ella patted the blonde on the shoulder as she stood in the doorway saying her goodbyes, waving to a few of the arsenal girls who she knew that were sat waiting for the blonde in the uber.
"i'll should be back before 12! call me if you need anything!" alessia called out as she walked down the garden, ella waving her off watching as the uber pulled away. moving to shut the front door hearing it click in place before walking back to where you were sitting contentedly watching bluey.
"right i think it's sweet time, tiny!"
after eating too many sweets that if alessia found out she would definitely be a little mad as the ending credits of the last film you were watching were rolling on the screen now, after watching luca first, ella should have maybe put on cars or the good dinosaur but she didn't.
and she wouldn't even deem it a scary film but you were scared. you'd watched pinocchio. ella didn't even noticed the warning that said it wouldn't be suitable for children under the age of 8. just assuming because it was in the children's section that it would be okay for you to watch.
ella knew you were scared but when she asked you, you had told her you were a big girl and nothing scares you.
so when ella put you to bed at your bedtime of half seven making sure you put your night light on and leaving your door open after you'd drifted off to sleep. ella now hoping to be able to catch up on her own series while tidying up the mess you and her had made over the evening.
what ella didn't expect half an hour later was:
"ella.." you spoke quietly, your blanket and esme the elephant teddy held close to you as you stood in the dimly lit hallway. ella looking up from her phone to see your scared frame as tears pooled in your eyes.
"oh tiny, what's wrong?" she cooed as you wondered close to her, your bottom lip starting to wobble as she held you in her arms.
"n-nightmare" you choked out as the tears began. images of the film you'd last watched replayed in your head as well as you nightmare which was of a similar story line.
“shh it’s okay, don’t cry” ella tried her best to calm you down but everything she tried had no affect on you, the tears carried on and ella was at the point where she didn’t know what to do.
she had tried rocking you back and forth, putting bluey on the tv for you to watch, reading you a story book, giving you some milk but nothing worked and nothing soothed you.
“wan m-ma-ma” you whimpered as you sat in ella’s lap, ella conflicted as she didn’t want to ruin alessia’s night but she also didn’t want to have you upset and there was nothing she could do that would settle you. you didn’t just want your mummy, you needed her.
the brunette sighed in defeat, picking her phone from her pocket and getting alessia’s contact up, pressing on her number. to her surprise it only took a few rings before the blondes voice could be heard.
“ella? is everything okay?” she asked, a slight wince on alessia’s face as she could hear you small whimpers for mummy in the back ground.
“um i’m sorry to ruin your night but less she won’t stop cryin’ for you. i’ve tried everything!” ella said, feeling guilty about ruining the blondes night out which only came once in a blue moon for alessia to begin with.
alessia reassuring ella over and over that it was okay, “ella i’ll be ten minutes max, just keep comforting her and i’ll be as quick as i can!”
alessia finished the last little bit of her drink getting up from the table, making sure she had everything before booking an uber back to her house. the arsenal girls had ended up in the local darts club a few drinks along with a gossip and a few games of cards.
“sorry girls but i need to go, y/n won’t settle for ella” alessia apologised as a few of the girls nodded understanding the blonde’s situation before beth spoke up.
“if it’s not too much trouble for you could we not finish the bonding night at yours? maybe order some food in?” beth suggested, alessia taking a minute to think before agreeing. the rest of the girls beginning to pack their own things before making arrangements of who was going in what uber.
eventually after twenty minutes alessia made it back to hers, rushing in front of the other girls. knowing the current state of her that her daughter was in.
unlocking her door with her set of keys, dropping her back and shoes at the door. leaving it open for the girls to come through as the blonde made her way to the living room. her heart breaking slightly at the sound of your cries. you never cried like that so something must of really upset you.
seeing you bundled up in ella’s arms a look of relief came over ella as she saw her best friend. alessia’s motherly instinct kicking in as she scooped you up into her arms. you head going into her neck as your cries immediately started to quieten down.
“what happened?” alessia asked, wondering what it was that had upset you, normally when you were with ella you didn’t even need alessia around. getting on with the brunette like a house on fire always giggling and joking around with her.
“she had a nightmare, and i have now learned that pinocchio is not suitable for children” ella scratched the back of her neck a awkward smile appearing on her face as she spoke. alessia humming, it all made sense to the blonde now.
alessia excusing herself upstairs to try and settle you down for the night as she allowed the arsenal girls in telling them to make themselves comfy as ella chafed away to them.
“it’s okay baby, mama’s here.” alessia cooed as she lay with you in your bed, drawing little shapes on your back as you hiccuped. you starting to feel more relaxed as you clung to your mummy not wanting to let go.
you breathing was starting to become more shallow as you drifted in and out of sleep, the only sound to be heard in your home was the hushed voices of the arsenal squad. alessia placing a sweet kiss to your forehead.
“mummy loves you so much”
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mecub-writes · 15 days
A while ago I had an idea for a fanfic for @somerandomdudelmao’s Marble Sky, and I finally wrote it! This is probably all gonna be proven wrong at some point, but whatever! It was fun to write!
Ward is five when he decides he’s going to be an astronaut. His teacher shows the class a video of space– stars and galaxies and planets and rockets– and his eyes light up and he thinks, I’m gonna do that. He announces it to his teacher after class, and she smiles and tells him he’ll have to get really good at math and science if he wants to go to space, and he nods. He can do that. 
That Halloween, Ward makes an astronaut costume out of paper mache and an old painter's suit. It’s messy, but he wins the class costume competition, and he gets a ton of candy from trick-or-treating because everyone thinks he’s adorable.
That night, he stands on his bed in his costume holding a roll of tape and his award from the costume competition: a little box of glow in the dark stars and rockets. It’s a long way up to the ceiling, but if he climbs the headboard just right he can get onto his shelves, and from there it’s just a balancing act. Usually it’s scary getting up there, but now he’s an astronaut. He can do anything!
He scampers up the shelves and holds on with one hand as he tapes a star to the ceiling above his bed. Then another star, and then a rocket, and then a galaxy (A spiral nebula! He knows this one!) for good measure. He’s struggling to tear off another piece of tape for a shooting star when his mom clears her throat from the doorway and he nearly falls off the shelf.
When he gets his balance and turns towards her, she’s watching him with her usual smile: small, tired around the eyes, but affectionate.
Ward waves. Technically, he’s not supposed to be up there, but it’s Halloween and he won these stars fair and square.
“It’s past your bedtime, kiddo,” his mom says.
“But mom, look!” He holds up a big green star. “I have to put these up.”
“Hmmm,” she says, but she’s smiling in a way that Ward knows means she’s gonna let him stay up. “Okay. Just be careful, and make sure your lights are out soon.”
His mom says, “G’night,” and turns to go. Her voice sounds kinda flat but kinda wobbly, which is how it gets when she’s really tired and needs a hug.
“Wait!” Ward calls after her. She turns. “Can you sit with me while I put up the rest of these? You could even help!”
She stares for a moment, then shakes her head. “I’m too tired tonight, kid. Can I help you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Of course, mom,” Ward says, even though he knows she has work tomorrow and he’s going to put all of the stars up tonight. But she smiles again, bigger this time, so it’s worth it. They have to take care of each other, and this is him taking care of her. She’s not happy all the time, but she’s smiling now, so Ward knows he’s doing something right.
He makes sure to be quiet putting the rest of the stars up. His mom needs to sleep.
Ward joins science club in sixth grade. It meets every Tuesday after school, and they spend the hour doing experiments or talking about new advancements in different fields. Students can sign up to present, so he signs up and gives a presentation on the mirrors on space telescopes. The teacher who runs the club, Ms. P, tells him afterwards that it’s one of the best researched presentations she’s ever seen. Ward beams.
After his presentation, someone starts a conversation about the possibility of alien life, and the club spends the rest of the hour arguing. Sources are pulled. Theories are made. Two of the seventh graders nearly get into a fistfight over whether or not there was ever liquid water on Mars. It’s the most fun Ward’s had in a long time, and he leaves in the middle of a group of friends all teasing each other and laughing.
It’s raining when they get outside. Ward sighs and sits down under the awning in front of the school, waving goodbye to friends who run off laughing and shrieking through the rain to their parents' cars. 
His mom is picking him up. She told him she’d be a bit late, but she promised to be there.
Ward waits. He does some of his history homework. He walks in tiny circles. He thinks about his telescope presentation. The rain drums on the ground and on the awning, steadily getting heavier. 
Ms. P leaves the school building, shouting a  goodbye over the downpour. Ward waves back, a sinking feeling in his gut. It’s been half an hour since school ended, and there’s no sign of his mom.
He does some of his math homework. It’s interesting enough.
The rain doesn’t let up.
Finally, after an hour has gone by, Ward gives up on waiting. No one is coming for him, and if he sits out here in the cold he’ll just get sick. He pulls up his hood, tucks his backpack under his jacket, and heads out into the rain with his head down. 
It’s a mile and a half to his house. Usually it takes forty five minutes, but in the rain without an umbrella it’s longer. Ward loses track of the time around the same time he starts shivering, and by the time he reaches the front door he’s just glad to be home.
He changes into dry clothes and makes himself tea and soup. He can feel himself getting sick, but he doesn’t call his mom. It’s fine. He knows that even if he did, her job wouldn’t let her off.
No one is coming for him. 
In his junior year of high school, Ward takes AP physics, AP calculus BC, and AP biology. Everyone, including his counselor, tells him he’s crazy, (although the counselor phrases it as “doing something highly inadvisable”) but he doesn’t care. He does his homework under the glow in the dark stars he put up when he was a kid, and he dreams of space. His dreams are different from when he was five, more I’m-gonna-discover-an-exoplanet and less I’m-gonna-discover-intelligent-alien-life, but the goal is still there. He’s going to go to space, no matter what. That’s what he reminds himself of when physics and bio have a test on the same day, or when his calc teacher announces that missed tests cannot be made up.
It’s what he reminds himself of on the days he comes home exhausted from school and finds that his mom hasn’t gotten out of bed all day. It’s what he reminds himself of the day he has to check her pulse to see if she’s alive or just sleeping. (She’s still breathing, but Ward has to spend the day checking up on her and making sure it stays that way. He emails his teachers. The biology and physics teachers understand. The calc one does not.) He’s bone-tired, but it’s going to be worth it some day. 
Ward gets through that year, and the next, and he graduates. He gets into every college he applied to. His mom hugs him tight, looking more alive than she has in months.
The night before Ward leaves for college, he stares up at the stars he put up years ago. They’ve been with him every night since he was five, and now he won’t have them. 
The idea is suddenly unbearable. Before Ward can think, he flips on the lights and climbs up on his bed and peels off the glow in the dark stars. He can reach the ceiling without climbing the shelves now. The stars go back in their original box, preserved on the top shelf for years, and he tucks them into a box along with his bedding.
A knock sounds on the door of his room. He opens it and sees his mom standing there, giving him the watery smile she’s been giving him for years.
“It’s past your bedtime, kiddo,” she says.
Ward tucks her into a hug, and they stay like that for a long time.
Ward smiles at the cockpit of his plane. It’s perfect, but it’s missing one thing.
He tapes a little glow in the dark star to the dashboard. There.
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little-diable · 6 months
Chi, I'm here to request a smutty Tommy blurb if you're still accepting them. I can't stop thinking of the garden scene you wrote recently and now I'm hoping you'll be inspired to cont that thought OR write something between Tommy x reader which finds them giving into their passion outdoors. I think you're onto something about this setting being relaxing for Tommy 😉
My love!! Thank you for this, I truly love this pairing just as much. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: No direct follow up to this, but the same vibes, just pwp, Tommy eats out his wife in their garden
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (f), outdoor
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader (800 words)
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“I think this was the first time they didn’t cry,” (y/n) whispered her words to her husband as she sat down next to him. She had just waved goodbye to her father who had taken her and Tommy’s children with him for the weekend.
“They’re growing up.” Tommy kept his eyes closed, smoking his cigarette as he enjoyed the sun rays dancing over his pale features. The soft summer breeze wrapped itself around them, teasing the two lovers. 
“Don’t act like I didn’t catch you close to tears as Emma told you she won’t need another bedtime story last week.” With a sigh Tommy opened his eyes, shaking his head at his scowling wife before rolling his head back towards the sun. 
“Don’t rub it in, eh? I can’t let my wife run her mouth and destroy my image without paying the price for it.” (Y/n) couldn’t stop her laughs from rumbling through her, leaning closer to kiss Tommy’s warm jawline. The hum leaving her husband left (y/n) grinning and squealing as he tugged her closer, landing on his lap. “So, we’ve got the house to yourselves now, don’t we?” 
“What’s your plan, Mister Shelby?” Their eyes met, his full of excitement and mischief, hers filled with curiosity and longing. He pulled her in for a slow kiss, allowing her to taste cigarettes and tea on his tongue, a mixture she had learned to love over the past years, adjusting to the way Tommy Shelby lived two different lives as a cruel gangster and as a loving family man. 
“First, I want to get a taste of my wife, right here only for my eyes to see.” Tommy rose to his feet with (y/n)’s legs wrapped around his waist. “And then I’ll fuck you through the night.” 
“I certainly won’t stop you from doing so.” She was placed down on the ground, on the blanket their children had sat on this morning, keeping their clothes clean before driving off with their grandparents. (Y/n)’s eyes followed his every move, watching Tommy push her dress up to her waist, groaning at the sight of her bare cunt. “Took off my underwear after they left, I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to grow impatient.”
“A smart woman I’ve got on my hands, eh?” He smirked at her before he buried his face between her thighs, tongue brushing through her slit, tasting her arousal. The birds sang in the distance, yet not loud enough to drown out her moans, the beautiful sounds clawing through her as Tommy ate her out. 
He loved the sounds rumbling through her whenever he touched her, only his to pick up on, his to coax out of her. Tommy had his wife at his mercy, ready to feast on her, to turn her into a trembling mess as he towered over her with his cock twitching in excitement and his heart racing from the adrenaline thumping through him.
“You taste so sweet, fuck, I could die between your thighs, darling.” He groaned his words against her cunt as his fingers found her pulsing bundle. Cruses left (y/n) at the touch, forcing her to arch her back off the blanket, eyes focused on the blue sky above. He always managed to push her close to the edge within a few seconds, leaving her gasping and trembling for him only.
“Jesus, Tom, you’re too good at that.” A proud grin tugged on his lips as he dipped his tongue into her tightness, feeling her walls tense around the strong muscle. She was close, ready to let go with his name leaving her – the first orgasm of many to come. Her fingers tightened their grip on the blanket, trying to hold onto it as the intense feeling washed through her.
It was a spectacle so beautiful, Tommy wasn’t sure if it was just a trick of his brain, imagining the most beautiful sight he could come up with. But the moans were too powerful, and the trembling of her body was too real, leaving him chuckling as he watched her fall apart.
“I won’t say no to spending the next few hours like that.” (Y/n)’s breathless whispers drew another laugh out of Tommy as he crawled up her body, meeting her lips in a slow kiss.
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love-belle · 1 year
single thread of gold !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which he's her biggest supporter.
for when you're their biggest fan and it shows. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // lewis hamilton x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - in my lewis grind era!!! hope u liked it!! thank you for reading, i love you <3
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, lilymhe and 892,728 others
yourusername by my personal photographer ❤️
tagged lewishamilton
username just fell to my knees.
username what kills me is that i'll never be her and i'll never be with her
username MOTHER
carmenmmundt gorgeous 🤍
-> yourusername all u baby 🤍
username y/n on track 😮‍💨😒🤨😐 y/n irl 😘🥰😍☺️ and i love that about her
username what a queen
danielricciardo we need our champion back pls 🙏
-> yourusername sorry he's with me now x
username can lewis fight question mark
lewishamilton baby why are people asking if i can fight ?
-> yourusername bc they love me and they wanna fight u
-> lewishamilton so they love you but hate me
-> lilymhe it's more like we hate you for taking our wife
-> lewishamilton we?
-> lilymhe did i stutter?
username what an icon i love her
username killing it on and off track
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, yourbestfriend and 864,728 others
lewishamilton we look good in black
tagged yourusername
username idk who i should be more jealous of
username power couple frrr
danielricciardo parents 🗣️🗣️🗣️
-> lewishamilton y/n says it's your bedtime
-> danielricciardo nvm im disowning u
username their fashion sense is out of this world im in awe
username mother and he's just there
-> lewishamilton real
yourusername we look fucking fantastic in black that's what
-> lewishamilton that we do
yourusername lolololol are u single
-> lewishamilton sadly no x
-> yourusername shame x
-> landonorris go flirt somewhere else
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon, carlossainz55 and 914,718 others
yourusername one single thread of gold tied me to u
tagged lewishamilton
username why am i crying????
username is this what true love is
username LORD ME WHEN
landonorris gross (i love you both very much)
*liked by yourusername*
username goodbye this was the last straw for me
username oh she's down bad bad
username he's so pretty i could cry
-> yourusername same
username the fact that i will never meet someone who will me as much as these two love each other
username im okay *cries*
charles_leclerc good luck for your race!! everyone's missing you around the paddock
-> yourusername thank u love 🤍 missing u all always, can't wait to see u all in barcelona
-> username the way y/n and lewis basically adopted charles 😭😭😭
-> username y/n took one look at him and his condition in ferrari and said not on my fucking watch and we love her for that
lewishamilton another taylor swift song???
-> yourusername yes bc yes
lewishamilton you're my lover ❤️
-> yourusername SHUT UP WAS THAT A TAYLOR REFERENCE???????
-> lewishamilton NO YOU'RE JUST MY LOVER
username me when ur honour
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
key; nika , reader
summary; just pure fluff and nika being a cutie pie!! the pair is shortly separated from each other due to reader visiting family. only one lyric from “sailors song” is used, but i do have several other ideas for this song, just leaving out a chunk of the chorus!
word count; 722 words
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you'd been down in iowa for the past two weeks, visiting family. all while your poor girlfriend sat waiting for you in seattle. nearly every night you'd facetime, or atleast work a phone call into both of your tight schedules, but it was difficult being away from eachother. especially for nika.
nika was always on the more "clingy" side, and loved physical touch. but, ever since you'd moved with the girl from connecticut to washington, every second you were away from her felt like a second too long. she had you all to herself all the time, so you being nearly two thousand miles away was hard on her. and on top of that, the timezones of ames and seattle didn't match up. every night when you'd lay down for bed, it'd be nine for you, but seven for nika. which made this much harder on her.
you really did try. every single night, without fail, you would try your hardest to stay up for nika. during your "bedtime" she'd be at a team dinner, or late practice. the second she got home, it was only 8:30 pm' for her, but 10:30 pm' for you. she'd sit on her bed, watching as your eyes would flutter shut every couple minutes. you were tired. so she'd let you sleep, never once hanging up the phone. right after you, she'd head to sleep aswell. she couldn't bear seeing you look so peaceful, so precious, so hers, but not at the same time. she wanted you next to her.
in the morning, you would have already been up for almost three hours when nika gets up. right when you knew the girl would set her alarm for, you'd send a sweet "goodmorning baby, i miss you so much :((" to nika. the first text from you would set the tone for her whole day, and this one left her feeling pretty sappy.
"i miss you too, moje dijete. you'll be home soon, right?"
"yes, but i miss you now ☹️"
"i miss you now too, pretty. i have to go now, quinn is making us come in earlier than usual. let's hope we're not in trouble 🤞🏼🤞🏼."
"good luck, niks. i love you 💕"
"i love you more, i will text you when im done."
and she did. nika always kept her promises. thankfully she was able to facetime you during the day, when you and herself weren't consumed with sleep. the call was long, almost two hours. which didn't compare to the twenty six hours she was away from you.. but it would do until then. the call was sadly cut short when your mom had knocked on the door to tell you it was time to go over to see some cousins. goodbyes were said, and once again you were out of the brunettes reach.
that night was late for you. first, you were stuck watching all the younger kids which tired you out majorly. then, you had to help carry out your sister who'd drank one too many at the dinner table. and finally, you fell asleep in the car from pure exhaustion. the five minutes you took to move yourself from the car, to your bed, were not spent speaking to your girlfriend. she understood.
when nika headed to sleep, her dreams were filled with you. her head was on your pillow, your scent filled her senses, it was almost as if you were there. after her long day, she needed the soothing dreams of you next to her.
when she woke up to her newest goodmorning text from you, "two more days!! i can't wait to see you, baby!", she could only think of her dreams of you from the night prior.
"goodmorning !!"
"what's got you in such a good mood this morning, love to see it!"
"i had a dream about you :((("
"aww baby!! are you going to tell me about it?!"
"mhm, you were here with me. and we cuddled. i miss that so much."
"you're going to make me cry ☹️☹️"
"i've been doing that the last few days.."
"hmm.. doing what?"
"dreaming of you."
"i sleep so i can see you, cause i hate to wait so long."
"nika!! i can't even :((( i love you so much baby."
"i love you more 🥹"
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divs are by @/anitalenia , feedback encouraged , the cliffhanger on this one is just odd to me .. @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Robb Stark*Cant Catch a Break
Pairing: robb x f!reader
Word count: 1223
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Warnings: making out, sneaking around, almost oral, handjob, getting caught, slight begging, teasing, horny desperate robb, angry mother
Masterlist Here
a/n: i promise i'll have some requests up soon i just am struggling with one of them the now so its taking me a bit plus christmas etc but enjoy some horny robb i wrote at 2 am
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Ned and Catelyn had intrusted their eldest with the most important task ever. Babysitting the kids. As Robb waved goodbye to them as they drove out the driveway your headlights switched on a street back when you got the ‘they’re gone’ text. Hey, you had to seize the opportunity.
“Hey,” Robb grinned as he opened the door, deliberately leaning on the frame to show off his arms not that you were complaining.
“Hi,” you grinned back as you leaned up to kiss your boyfriend, ignoring the loud ew Arya gave as she walked past, “Do I not get to come in?” you pouted.
“I suppose you can,”
“Oh, you do?”
“On what conditions?”
“A kiss,”
“How about more than a kiss?” you teased as you kissed him again.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he mumbled against your lips.
“Whereas I’m going to kill myself if you two don’t get a room,” Jon grumbled as he walked down the stairs as Robb finally let you cross the threshold.
“Good idea Jon,” Robb smiled obnoxiously as he grabbed your hand, “You know where to find me. Now forget,” he said as he pulled you along up the stairs with him.
“Hey, you’re supposed to be babysitting!” Jon yelled.
“We’re not babies!” you heard Rickon yelling in the background as Robb pulled you into his room.
Usually in his snaps or video calls it was a mess but today it looked passable, “Oh you cleaned for me, how sweet,” you smiled as he closed the door, pushing your back against it as his lips dangled just above yours.
“What can I say? I’m a gentleman,”
You laughed as your hand snaked up to the back of his neck, “Its just a shame I don’t plan on acting very lady like,”
Usually, you loved Robbs siblings but if one more knocked on the goddamn door you may just combust. Sansa had come complaining about Arya hogging the tv which meant Arya then came to complain about Sansa being an ‘air head’ for watching reality tv which resulted in Robb going down to tell Jon to deal with it. Jon however had also been up about four times to ask dumb questions like where the batteries were or if you wanted any pizza put on or any other excuse, he could muster to ruins Robbs evening with a shit eating grin.
“Where were we?” Robb asked as he all but slammed the door after helping Jon figure out the oven.
He crossed the room to where you sat on the edge of his bed. His lips quickly found yours as he moved you to lay down on his bed. “This is better,” he teased as his lips moved to your jaw, kissing down your neck as his soft hands slipped under the thin fabric of your top which he’d tried to get off at least three times already.
As his hands cupped your tits, squeezing slightly making him groan against your skin there was a soft knock on the door. Robb groaned so pathetically you wondered if he’d cry, “What?” he called.
However, Rickon took this as come in which he did making Robb quickly shoot up to be kneeling over you as you fixed your top as Rickon pouted, “Its bedtime,”
“Goodnight little man. Close the door on your way out,”
“But story time,”
“Get Jon to do it,”
“But you always do it,”
“So, it’s his turn,”
“but you’re better at it,” Rickon whined, stamping his four-year-old foot with a pouted lip.
You sighed as you looked to Robb, “Cmon how long can it take?” you whispered.
Robb sighed as he looked down at you, “But we were gonna…you know,” your head turned to Rickon then back to Robb and the look you gave him was enough, “Okay fine, c’mon Rickie,”
“What were you doing on top of her?” Rickon asked as he padded out the room, Robb quickly behind him to tell him never to repeat what he saw with the promise of candy.
You were straddling his lap as his head rested against the headboard. you had finally ditched the t-shirt leaving you in a cute bra and skirt as you grinded against Robb’s painfully hard bulge through his strained sweatpants. Thankfully the sweatpants were the only thing left on him. His hands had moved under your skirt, grabbing your ass as you tugged on his curls making him moan into your mouth.
Your lips moved to his jaw, kissing down his neck, “What are you doing?” he half groaned as your hands roamed his abs as your lips moved to his chest, kissing all the way down his torso.
“Can’t say you haven’t earned it,” you grinned, shuffling back as your hand moved to palm him over the fabric of his trousers making his head roll back, “Unless you want me to stop,” you teased.
“Dear god don’t stop,” he groaned as your hands toyed with the hem of his waist band. “You wanna hear me beg? is that it?” he asked, his desperate eyes searching your teasing ones.
“Maybe, could be kinda hot,” you teased as your hand slipped under the fabric to take hold of his hard on making him moan softly. Your hand wrapped around it, stroking it softly, “I like it when you’re all desperate,”
“Fuck please baby. I really am desperate, so fucking desperate please,” he said as your hand sped up slightly.
You grinned as you leaned down, moving the fabric away painfully slow to reveal his hard cock already wet with precum. You leaned down to place a kiss to his tip, Robbs hand moving to rest on the back of your head as your tongue poked out to lick it when suddenly the door slammed open, banging off the wall as laughter rang out.
You shot up as Robb quickly pulled up his sweats and jumped out of bed, accidentally pushing you on your back in the process, “Bran I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Robb screamed as he chased his cackling brother down the hall as you scrambled to pull your top back on and run after him to stop murder.
As Bran bolted down the stairs, Robb soon after him, and you just reaching the top of the stairs the front door swung open to reveal a once happy looking Ned and Catelyn. Their faces first turned to shock as Bran ran into his mothers’ arms still grinning like a Cheshire Cat then to confusion, then you felt Catelyn’s eyes fall on you and then quickly turn to Robb in anger.
Meanwhile Ned put the pieces together slightly slower before muttering “poor kid,” under his breath as you quickly rushed down the stairs.
“I’m just gonna-“you said, pointing to the door which you were soon heading out of, “yeah. Bye Robb, bye guys,” Cat watched you leave with a fury and Ned with a sorry glance.
“Wait but-“ Robb said, trying to reach out but you gave him a sorry look as you left the house, hearing him sigh and go, “Aw man!” he said before muttering, “I can’t Catch a fucking break,” making Cat cross her arms and Robbs life suddenly flash before his eyes. One thing was for sure though. He was going to kill his brother.
General taglist: @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-josie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate @justtilly @jjkjbhj @clairacassidy @valeskafics
Game of thrones taglist: @mysunflowerspace  @xyinparadise  @nyotamalfoy @asgards-princess-of-mischief
Robb Stark taglist: @kimm4710
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doctorbitchcrxft · 2 months
Tall Tales | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader (Eventual ;) )
Warnings: mentions of smut, canon gore, canon violence
Word Count: 3986
A/N: This episode was a challenge to write, but so much effing fun. I hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it!
(he's so sexy in this gif i'm nutting goodbye goodnight i'm gone)
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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Dean refused to let you hunt for the next two weeks following your concussion. You were pissed off, but you knew it was for the best. When the brothers settled on a case, they stuck you in a motel room and would occasionally come check on you between hunting. They found something at a college in Tennessee, and that was about all they told you before putting you to bed for the next week. 
When Sam would come check on you early on, it was to make sure you had enough water or food in your mini fridge. He’d always bring a book with him to sit with you while you rested. When you could finally tolerate the sound of other people’s voices again without going cross-eyed, you got him to read it to you. 
He snorted. “You want me to read you a bedtime story?” 
You deadpanned at him. “Yes, asshole. Please?”
“Okay,” he laughed. The book was called The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, and you were completely fascinated. Sam’s voice would often soothe you to sleep as he recounted bits of Egypt’s history to you.
Between Sam’s visits and hours spent staring at the ceiling or pacing, Dean would visit. Most often, he’d come to your room at night. Not for any sexual purposes; in fact, when you suggested you have sex, he was fervently against it.
“Why?” you’d asked. 
“ ‘Cause you’re still hurt,” he replied simply, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you to his chest. “And…”
“And?” you prompted, tilting your head up at him.
“I just wanna be with you right now,” he admitted quietly. 
You smiled against Dean’s neck, nuzzling into him.
Sam was clearly pissed off with Dean the next time he came to visit you. 
“What’s goin’ on?” you’d asked.
He sighed, “Just Dean being… Dean. “ He sat at the foot of your bed as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. “How’s your head?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet,” you smirked. 
Sam made a bitch face at you. “Really? Elvira?”
“Of course. I love her,” you giggled.
“Seriously. How is it?” 
You shrugged. “Same ol’ same ol’. I’ll live. How’s your, uh, mental state?”
“I knew you were gonna ask that.” Sam shook his head. 
“C’mon, you can tell me anything. What’s goin’ on?” you questioned, scooching closer to him. 
The brunet seemed thoughtful for a minute. “I, uh, don’t really know.” He chuckled awkwardly. “I’m really gettin’ worried, (Y/N). After Wandall and what I did to Jo—”
You cut him off. “Sam, that wasn’t you. We’ve been over this—”
“Yeah, but still. It’s been really bothering me.” You replied, “Well, yeah, that’s to be expected. Meg took you for a hell of a ride.” You thought for a second about your words. “Gross.”
Sam laughed before becoming serious again. He seemed to be thinking deeply about how to talk to you. “I’m really worried about what’s happening to me. Especially since…”
“Since what?” you prompted.
“Since you wouldn’t shoot.” You dropped your head back, sighing. “Sam, we’ve been over this. If you really go dark side, I’ll do it. But it seemed like your conscious mind wasn’t doing those things. It seemed like psychosis, almost. I’m not gonna kill you over that.”
“Well, then, when does it end?” he argued. “Conscious or not, I killed someone. And you saw it happen. And you still wouldn’t.”
“Yeah, because I care about you, Sam. You’re my best friend. It’s gonna take a lot for me to gank you,” you scoffed.
He softened a bit and sighed. “I get it,” the brunet muttered. “I just… I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to it every day. And I don’t know how to stop it. And Dean’s freaked, but he won’t talk to me about it. I’m sick of him pretending that everything’s fine.”
“Well, you know how he is,” you reminded him. 
“Yeah,” he replied. “Still.”
“I hate to tell you this,” you began, fiddling with the hem of the quilt on your lap, “but the more freaked out you are, the more susceptible you are to—” “To demonic possession,” he finished. “Yeah, I know.” “And if that’s what this ‘dark side’ thing is supposed to be, we gotta get you back under control,” you continued. 
Sam nodded pensively. A mischievous look crossed his face suddenly. “So, uh, how’s things with you and—?”
“Oh, god,” you groaned, flopping back on your head. “Do we have to talk about this?”
“I mean, yeah, I’ve seen the two of you. I’m not completely blind,” he chortled. “So, talk.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know, honestly. I don’t— I just— with everything going on, I don’t wanna… go there, y’know?”
He made a face at you.
You chucked a pillow at him. “I’m not talking about our sex life, dipshit. I don’t wanna make him commit to me with everything happening. But, then again, we’re hunters. We’re never not gonna have tons of shit goin’ on.”
“I mean, do you want a relationship with him?” Sam asked.
“Eh, I don’t know,” you shrugged unconvincingly.
“Don’t lie.”
“Fine, I do.” Sam laughed.
“But I don’t want to want that, y’know?” You cringed at yourself. “God, I sound like a sixth grader with a crush.”
“Yeah, you do,” Sam snorted. “But I’m happy for you guys. I want you guys to be happy.”
The next time Dean came to visit, he was carrying a case of beer. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be hunting?” you asked, throwing your journal aside.
“Alright, fine, I’ll leave,” he smirked, turning back to the door.
“No, no!” you said, bounding over to him. You spun him around and kissed him gently. “Stay.”
“Always,” he said against your lips.
Something you were beginning to learn about Dean was his love languages. You were big on psychology. Though you knew he wasn’t and would never let you pick his brain aloud, it was fun to do in your head. Given the way he redressed your head wound in the earlier days of your admittedly severe concussion, made you dinner, and did your laundry, you deduced he liked to give love through acts of service. 
However, he seemed to be hellbent on not receiving it in that way. He refused to let you redress the wound on his shoulder until the dressings Jo put on it were saturated in seeping fluid. 
“Dean, you’re gonna start growing a science experiment in there. Let me help you,” you’d said, more stating it than begging. 
“I’m fine, (Y/N). Seriously.”
You got your first aid box out of your duffel and threw over your shoulder, “This is not up for debate. Come here.” 
With a reluctant sigh, he did eventually listen to you. Given the beers he brought you, the crappy movies, the card games, and hours spent just in each other’s company, you figured his receiving love language was quality time. And you were more than happy to give that to him.
On day twelve, you were insistent you could spar with Dean again. He was insistent, however, that he wouldn't do it.
"Dean! C'mon, man! It doesn't even hurt anymore," you protested, putting your hair up in a ponytail.
"(Y/N), I'm not gonna risk hurting you—"
"Dean!" you warned. "I'm rusty. If I'm gonna help you guys with this hunt in two days, please, dude, I'm begging you."
"Fine," he grumbled. "Don't say I didn't warn you, though."
You smirked, preparing your fighting stance. He eyed you challengingly, his smirk encouraging you to rush him. You did so, and he easily dodged you. However, you had prepared for that scenario, and whipped your back leg around to hit him in the stomach while he dodged you.
Dean grunted, and you jumped back from him. You aimed a punch toward his jaw, which he blocked easily. Several more punches were thrown between the two of you before you got fed up.
"Stop holding back!" you pushed.
"I"m not," he argued unconvincingly, throwing a sloppy left hook at you.
"Your form is shit, you're barely out of breath, and you're mostly on the defensive," you replied. "Stop holding back. You won't break me."
"Dean," you cut him off. "Vamps aren't gonna hold back. Whatever we're dealing with isn't gonna hold back. I'm healed enough. Quit it."
He finally did listen, making you incredibly happy. Beating Dean Winchester in hand-to-hand combat was nearly impossible given the size and muscular advantage he had against you. However, your father had trained you well on how to use speed and endurance to your advantage.
You fought with Dean for quite a few rounds before he knocked you back into the dresser in your motel room, and you hit the back of your head on the corner.
"See? I told you that was gonna happen," he said angrily. Although, you knew he was more angry with himself than he was with you.
"I'm fine," you replied, standing and rubbing the back of your head. "Again."
"No," Dean asserted, turning away from you. He shrugged his jacket back on.
"Wha— Where are you going?" you questioned, becoming aggravated with his stubbornness. "I said I'm fine, Dean. Again."
"We're done for today, (Y/N)," he stated firmly, leaving no room for argument.
You scoffed. "I hate it when you do this."
"Yeah, well," Dean said gruffly, "I hate it when you act like a stubborn brat. Why is it so wrong that I don't wanna hurt you?"
"Because I'm asking you to!" you argued. "Hurt me! Don't fucking go easy on me! I already gave you my reasons why you shouldn't! I'd rather you hurt me than whatever we're up against!"
"I get that, (Y/N), but you can't ask me to fucking do that," he responded, turning to face you. "I won't hurt you."
You sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow, Dean."
"Yeah. See you," he grumbled. Then, you heard the door slam shut behind him.
You knew your fight had been stupid. You sat by the door all day, anxiously awaiting Dean's return. Just when you were beginning to lose hope that he'd show, you heard a knock on the door.
"Hey," you said awkwardly, opening the door for him to come in.
"Hey," he replied.
"I'm sorry. I was being stupid. I wouldn't do that to you if you asked me," you told him, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"I'm sorry, too. I didn't wanna shut you out," he said, unable to meet your eyes.
You grabbed his hand, making him look up at you. "Hey, you know the only reason I asked you to do that was because I trust you so much, right?"
Dean nodded. "How's your head? I didn't hurt ya too bad, did I?"
You shook your head. "Can't even feel it," you smiled.
By day fourteen of concussion recovery, you were clawing at the walls; ready to hunt again. You strolled back into their room at nine in the morning that day to get a run-down of the case so you could get back to your job.
“Thank god you're here,” Dean exhaled, getting off the bed he was lounging on when you walked in.
You snorted. “What, two weeks without me and you can’t function?”
Dean scoffed. “No.” He paused. “Well, kinda.”
“What’s been happening? And… why couldn’t you tell me anything about the case before this moment?” you asked.
“I, uh, I wasn’t sure if you’d believe us,” Sam told you.
You sat in the chair across from him, crossing your arms. “Why not?”
“It's just, we've never seen anything like it—”
“Not even close,” Dean chimed in.
“Oh-kay, well, why don’t you start from the beginning?” You leaned back in your chair and crossed your slender legs, knowing this was going to be a long conversation.
Sam huffed, gearing up for his story. “So, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window, only there's a campus legend that the building's haunted. So we pretexted as reporters from the local paper—”
“Pretexted?” you cut Sam off. “Okay, professor.”
He made a bitchface at you. “Would ya let me talk?”
“Fine, fine. Keep going.”
“I found these two kids at a bar who had the professor for Ethics and Morality. Both of ‘em said there was nothing about this guy that would’ve suggested he’d jump— I mean, wife, kids, tenured— everything. And the girl— her name was Jen— said she didn’t think it was suicide,” Sam explained. “Apparently, there’s this urban legend from about thirty years ago about a girl having an affair with a professor. He broke it off, and she jumped out the window of room 669. Anybody who sees her dies.” Sam shot a look at Dean. “Dean was supposed to be talkin’ to other locals, figuring out if the urban legend was even real, but, he, uh, got distracted.”
You straightened in your seat, shooting a look at Dean. “Distracted how?”
“He was too busy slamming purple nurples to even string together a coherent sentence,” Sam scoffed.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was not!” Dean protested. 
“What, so you never drank a purple nurple?”
“Yeah, maybe that, but I wasn’t wasted,” the older brother argued. “I just took a few shots with this classy chick. She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore. We were talking about local ghost stories.”
You quirked a brow at Dean, jealousy beginning to burn in your chest.
“She was, uh, more interested in me than talking about ghost stories, but I cut her loose before the poor girl embarrassed herself,” Dean said.
“Ah, what a saint,” you cooed sarcastically.
Dean shot you a look. “And then Sam came over like, ‘Dean! What do you think you’re doing?’ He thought I was chattin’ her up instead of focusing on the case. Which, I wasn’t— thank you, Sam— everything was just blah, blah, blah, lecture, lecture, lecture,” Dean continued.
“Right! And that's how it really happened,” Sam scoffed.
Dean shrugged.
“Sam, did he make out with the chick or not?” you questioned.
Sam seemed taken aback. “Seriously? That’s what you’re worried about? But no, he didn’t.”
The tension in your body released.
“And I don’t sound like that, Dean!” Sam turned back to his brother.
“That's what you sound like to me,” the older brother shrugged.
You flicked your gaze between the two of them. “What’s going on with you guys?”
“Nothing. No— it's nothing,” Sam sighed.
“No, come on. You're bickering like an old married couple,” you snickered.
Dean got up and moved over to the kitchenette behind you. “No, see, married couples can get divorced. Me and him, we're like, uh, Siamese twins.”
“It’s conjoined twins!” Sam immediately corrected him.
“See what I mean?” Dean kept his gaze on you and gestured to his brother.
“Look, it—” the brunet sighed again, “—we've just been on the road for too long. Tight quarters, all that. Don't worry about it.”
You nodded.
“So, anyway. We figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime,” Sam continued. “We went and talked to the janitor, pretexting as electricians. He said he’d been workin’ there for six years, let us into the professors’ office, and told us he was the one who found the guy. He said the professor brought somebody up with him, and that was the thing to distract Dean from the nuts he was stuffing his face with.”
“Come on! I ate one, maybe two!” Dean protested.
“Just let me tell it, okay?” Sam shot back. “Anyway, janitor says the cops never found the girl the professor was with, and he didn’t even see her leave the room. But apparently, the professor brought girls up a lot. Maybe you missed that, Dean, since you were too busy snacking to focus on anything else.”
Dean glared at his brother.
“And get this?” Sam told you. “There is no room 669. And the professor’s office was clean of EMF. Next, we thought we should probably check the history of the building. Of course, I couldn’t do that, because my computer was frozen on bustyasianbeauties.com.” The younger brother spoke pointedly at Dean, who seemed dumbfounded, honestly. 
“Dude, I told you, I wasn’t on your laptop,” Dean grunted.
“Well, did you dig up anything about the building? Or on the suicidal chick?” you asked.
“No. History's clean,” Sam replied.
“Then it's not a haunting,” you stated.
“Maybe not. Tell you the truth, we're not really sure,” Dean replied.
“What do you mean, you're not sure?”
Sam spoke up again. “Well… it’s weird.”
“What’s weird?” You asked, feeling like you were pulling teeth.
“This next part, we, uh, we didn't see it happen ourselves exactly, but it's pretty fucking weird. Even for us,” Dean chuckled in disbelief. “Apparently, this guy got beamed up on his walk home. Right outside of Crawford Hall.”
“ ‘Beamed up’?” you questioned. “Like… Star Trek? Aliens?!”
“Yeah,” Dean nodded.
“Aliens,” you deadpanned.
“Look, even if they are real, they're sure as hell not coming to earth and swiping people,” you said.
“Hey, believe me. We know,” the older brother replied.
“I’ve been hunting my whole life and never found any evidence of real alien abduction,” you shook your head. “It’s all bullshit.”
“Yeah, that's what we thought. But… we figured we'd at least talk to the guy,” Sam said.
Dean picked up the story then. “Found the guy drinkin’ himself into oblivion. He thought we wouldn’t believe him. Honestly, I still don’t know if I do.”
Sam cut his older brother off. “He said he blacked out, and when he woke up, he was, um—”
“He got probed,” Dean chuckled. “Some alien made him their bitch. And apparently, they did it a lot.”
Sam snickered. “He said… He said they made him slow dance, too. I mean, what the hell?”
You scoffed. “You guys are exaggerating again, right?”
“No, not at all,” Sam responded.
“Then this kid’s just nuts,” you stated.
“We're not so sure,” Dean argued. “There was a— a scorch mark in the ground outside Crawford Hall. Perfect circle.”
“Had to have been made by some kinda jet engine,” Sam cut in. “There’s nothing else it could’ve been. Given the timing alone, I figured, there’s gotta be some kind of connection.”
“I still wasn’t completely convinced,” Dean added. “I mean, between the angry spirit and sexed-up ET? What the hell. But what could we do? So we just kept on digging. We talked to this guy in probe-guy’s frat. Sammy did his whole 'I’m here for you, you brave little soldier’ speech, gave the guy a hug— the whole thing made me nauseous—”
“I never said that!” Sam argued.
“You're always saying pansy stuff like that,” Dean rebutted. “Would you let me talk?”
Sam quieted down, still upset.
“Anyway, the guy tells us that probe-guy was a huge dick. Apparently, he was going probe-level-stuff to his pledges this semester. And that was the one connection I could make out— both the victims are dicks. Think about it. A philandering professor gets a dead girl. A pledge master gets hazed. And that was when Sam started flippin’ out about his laptop— which I didn’t touch, by the way!— and started insulting my food—”
“It's not food anymore, Dean!” Sam cut in. “It's Darwinism.”
“I like it!” Dean scoffed.
Sam kept going. “All I ask from you, the one thing, is that you don't mess with my stuff!”
“And then he threatened my car, (Y/N),” Dean said. You knew he was serious, but his dramatics drew a laugh from you.
“Did you take his computer?” you questioned.
“Serves him right, but, no,” Dean replied.
Sam glared at Dean. “Well, I didn't lose it. 'Cause I don't lose things.”
“Oh, that's right, yeah, 'cause he's Mr. Perfect.”
You talked over them. “Okay, okay. Why don't you just tell me what happened next?”
Dean huffed. “There was one more victim.”
“Right. Now, we- we didn't see this one ourselves, either,” Sam began hesitantly. “We kind of put it together from the evidence. But this guy— He was, uh, he was a research scientist. Animal testing.”
“Yeah, you know, a dick,” Dean added. “Which fits the pattern. Cops didn't release the cause of death 'cause they had no clue what the cause was.”
“So, we checked it ourselves,” Sam chimed in.
“Yeah,” the older Winchester confirmed. “I’m tellin’ you, (Y/N), those remains were gnarly. Looked like somethin’ was chompin’ on him. Again, happened right outside Crawford Hall. Then, Sam found a belly scale. From an alligator.”
“Classic urban legend,” Sam broke in. “A kid flushes a baby gator down the toilet, and it grows huge in the tunnels.”
“This can’t get any weirder,” you shook your head.
“Then we tried callin’ Bobby—” Sam said, “since you were still down for the count. He was caught up in another case, though. So, we decided to search the sewer. We split up, each taking one end of campus.”
“Did you find anything?” you asked.
“Yeah, I found something, just not in the sewer,” Dean began, getting frustrated. “Sam fucked up my car. He let all the air out my tires. He’s gonna bend the rims!”
“Why would he do that?” you questioned.
“I don’t know! ‘Cause he thinks I screwed with his computer or something!” Dean responded angrily. 
“I told you, Dean, I didn’t go near your car,” Sam said. 
“And how do you even know it was him?” you asked.
“ ‘Cause I found his money clip by my car. I’m keepin’ it for reparations. For, uh, emotional trauma,” Dean snarked. “Then, he full-on tackles me trying to get it back.”
“Oh, come on, I did not tackle you—”
Dean cut Sam off. “Oh yeah? Then how’d we end up on the floor?”
“ ‘Cause you’re an idiot, that’s why!”
“Okay, I think I’ve heard enough,” you broke in. 
The two boys stared at you.
“You showed up about an hour after that,” Dean finished.
“I'm surprised at you two. I really am,” you sighed. “Sam, first off, Dean did not steal your computer.”
“But I—” Sam argued.
“Shh! Shh,” you scolded. “And, Dean, Sam did not touch your car.”
“Yeah!” the younger brother petulantly cried, staring at Dean.
“Sam,” you warned. “And if you two would’ve pulled your heads out of your asses for a second, you probably would’ve figured out what we’re dealin’ with.”
Sam looked confused and looked over at Dean.
The older Winchester shrugged. “I got nothin’.”
“Me neither.” Sam looked back at you.
“A trickster,” you announced.
Dean snapped his fingers triumphantly. “That's what I thought.”
“What?! No, you didn't,” Sam argued.
You snickered. “You guys were the biggest clue.”
“What do you mean?” The brunet quirked his head at you.
“These things create chaos and mischief as easy as breathing, and it's got you so turned around and at each other's throats, you can't even think straight,” you explained.
“The laptop,” Sam realized.
“The tires,” Dean immediately added.
“It knows you're onto him, and it's been playing you as a result,” you nodded.
“So, what is it, what- what, spirit, demon, what?” Dean asked.
“Well, more like demigods, really. There's Loki in Scandinavia, Anansi in West Africa; dozens of them. They're immortal, and they can create things out of thin air. Make ‘em vanish just as quick,” you continued. “The victims fit the M.O., too. Tricksters target pricks, knock them down a peg, usually with a sense of humor— deadly pranks, things like that.”
“(Y/N), what do these things look like?” Dean said, and you could tell he was realizing something.
“Lots of things, but human, mostly,” you shrugged.
Dean looked over at Sam. “And what human do we know who's been at ground zero this whole time?”
It took Sam a moment, and he frowned, but finally caught on. “The janitor.”
Sam and Dean decided they would stage a huge fight right where the trickster could see them discussing whether or not the janitor was your guy or not. As night began to fall, you were supposed to meet Sam outside Crawford Hall to help Dean confront the trickster because you knew he’d be looking for Dean after the two brothers separated.
You and Sam followed the slow, sexy eighties music down the hall to the auditorium, and you flanked both doors leading down into it. You stood at the top of the stairs, waiting to catch the trickster off-guard. You clutched your stake tightly as you took in the two women on a bed on the stage dressed in lingerie, looking at Dean like they were going to eat him alive. Anger bubbled in your chest at the thought.
“Look, man, I— I got to tell you, I dig your style, alright?” Dean told the trickster, who was seated in the audience with his back to you. Dean chuckled. “I do. I mean, the slow-dancing alien—”
“One of my personal favorites. Yeah,” the trickster said. You could hear the grin in his voice.
“But, uh, I can't let you go,” Dean told him.
“Too bad. Like I said, I like you. Sam was right. You shouldn't've come alone,” the trickster replied.
“Well, I'll agree with you there,” Dean said darkly.
You slammed the door shut behind you, as did Sam. 
“That fight you guys had outside— that was a trick?” the trickster asked.
Dean grinned.
The trickster hummed. “Hm. Not bad. But you want to see a real trick?”
A masked man with a chainsaw suddenly appeared near Sam and attacked him. You immediately ran to his aid, jumping on the back of the man and grabbing his arm.
“Are you fucking crazy?” Sam asked you over the roaring of the chainsaw.
“Probably, yeah!” you yelled. You wrapped your arms around the masked man’s neck, trying to close his airway. “Does this thing even have a windpipe? Can it even suffocate?”
Suddenly, you were flying down the steps of the auditorium.
“Ooh, that’s gotta hurt,” the janitor commented, chewing on a sandwich he was suddenly holding.
“Oh, fuck you!” you said, getting up to charge him. 
One of the girls from the stage appeared before you suddenly, throwing you back down to the floor.
“Nice toss, gorgeous!” you heard the trickster cheer.
You reared back and kicked the woman squarely in the stomach, sending her stumbling back. You wrestled with her continuously, until suddenly, she disappeared from underneath you. You looked up to see Dean stabbing the trickster through the chest. 
“That’s my boy,” you smiled under your breath.
The trickster fell back into the seat behind him, dead.
Sam approached you and helped you off the ground. “You didn’t hit your head again, did you?”
“No, no,” you laughed. “I think I’m okay.”
Dean walked over to you and Sam. “You guys okay?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Sam nodded.
“Well, I gotta say... he had style,” the older brother chuckled. You helped Dean up the steps, bearing the brunt of his weight given the many injuries he sustained.
“Alright, let's just get the hell out of dodge before somebody finds that body,” you said, putting Dean in the backseat of the car.
Sam ducked down into the front seat beside you, and you started the Impala.
“Look, Dean, um... I just want to say that I'm, uh— Um…” Sam couldn’t seem to muster an “I’m sorry.”
“Hey. Me too,” Dean nodded.
You snickered. “You guys are breaking my heart.”
“Shut up, (Y/N),” the boys groaned in unison. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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gavitaffy · 2 months
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A/N: HII! This is my first story here on tumblr, I’m excited to hear what you guys think about this (please be nice :’)) I don’t got a lot of experience with writing fan fic’s, but reader? a lot of good experience there. I don’t know completely how tumblr works so smby please teach me
Warnings: None
Not proofread
Pairings: Pablo Gavi x f!reader
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You were standing near the field, and 2 minutes were left of the game. The whistle finally blew, Barcelona won, again. You went over to the players with your camera crew looking for any players.
You wandered around with your gifted jersey woth number 6 on it from the club, you were a sports reporter and coming to matches wasn’t rare.
As you stood there for about 5 minutes you finally got a hold of someone, Gavi.
¡Hola Gavi! Felicidades por tú victoria de hoy y 3 goles de esté partido, ¿cómo te sientes? (Hello Gavi! Congratulations with your victory today and 3 goals this match, how are you feeling?)
¡Hola y muchas gracias bonita! ¡Los 3 goles fueron absolutamente increíbles, no me lo esperaba! (Hey and thank you so much beautiful! The 3 goales was completely fantastic had mever imagined me that).
¡Tan bueno! ¿Qué crees que te trajo esta suerte hoy? So good! What do you think gave you the luck today?
You looked Gavi in the eyes as it seemed like he pondered about your question and started to blush
Por supesto mi familia, por supuesto (My family, of course)
¡Que lindo! (How cute)
You turned to the camera and said your goodbyes, right as the camera turned off Gavi said
Quise decir que hoy eras mi amuleto de buena suerte (I meant that you were my good luck charm today)
You looked at Gavi in a mix of shock and admiration
¿Qué quieres decir con eso? (What do you mean by that?)
Lo qué quiero decir con eso es que eres hermosa (What I mean by that is that you’re beautiful)
Both of you started to blush heavily, he noticed this and decided to make a move on you
¿Tienes un marcador? (Do you have a marker?)
Si, aquí (Yes, here)
Quitate eso. (Take that off.)
He pointed at my barcelona jersey. You were shocked by the bold statement, as you took your jersey off, he took his off. The compression sweater fitting his body perfectly, which displayed his abs to the point where you could stare at them for hours.
Déjame firmártelo (Let me sign it for you)
Oh, muchas gracias Gavi (Oh, thank you so much Gavi)
What you didn’t know he didn’t just sign it, but on the inside of the jersey he wrote his number, he gave you his jersey and winked at you saying
Te espero en mi próximo juego hermosa (I expect you at my next game beautiful) he said and walked off
You put his jersey on and now you were a blushing mess, you went straight home and decided to take a shower, but as you took the jersey off it went inside out as you notched the black marker stains, as you studied it closer you saw a number, shocked you sent messages to the unkown number.
Unkown number
Hola, ¿quién es? (hello, who’s this?)
Soy Gavi, ¿no me recuerdas? (it’s Gavi, don’t ou remember me?)
Calro que sí, pero no sabía que eras tú quien escribió el número en la camiseta (Of course, but I didn’t know it was you who wrote the number on my tshirts)
Fui yo😉 (It was me)
¿Para qué quieres mi número en realidad? (What do you need my number for actually?)
Para invitarte a salir en una cita… (To ask you out on a date…)
¿Así que me estás invitando a salir ahora? (So you’re asking me out on a date now?)
Sí, eso estoy haciendo. ¿Mañana a las 17:00 te parece bien? (Yes, I am. Tomorrow at 17:00?)
Me parece perfecto🫶🏼 (Works for me)
Nos vemos entonces🥰 (See you then)
*Phone number saved as Gavi🫶🏼*
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A/N: It’s waaay over my bedtime now, first story out of the way! I hope you liked it, maybe a pt. 2 would be fun but we’ll see♥︎
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