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Random Interviewer: How many children do you have, Lady Storm Witch?
Shelby: biologically, Legally, or emotionally? Because there IS a difference
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tiredbread · 1 year
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guy corner. a corner for guys
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sweetspring13 · 4 months
Under the weather hugs
Joe knocked on the hardwood door and could immediately hear the soft shuffle of feet on the other side. The door creaked open, revealing Taylor bundled in a cozy sweater, her nose red and her eyes slightly watery.
"Hey, you," Joe greeted, leaning in for a hug. He kissed her forehead softly, noting the warmth of her skin.
Taylor hugged him back tightly but soon pulled away, coughing into her elbow and then sniffling, rubbing her nose with her wrist. "Sorry, I’mb a little under the weather… snff… I thidk I’mb catchidg a cold or sobethidg… snff... snff..."
Joe rubbed her back gently, concern in his eyes. "Are you sure you want to go out? We could just stay in and watch a movie or something."
Taylor shook her head, giving him a reassuring smile despite her congested voice. "Id’s jusd sobe sdiffles... Sniffle... I’ll be fide."
She grabbed her coat, and they stepped out into the chilly air, the cool air hitting them full force as they started walking.  As they walked around the park, Taylor kept sniffling stuffily between words, and wiping her nose with the back of her hand "So, how´s the movie?" she asked, her voice thick with congestion.
Joe glanced at her, smiling softly. "It was good. Busy, but good. We're wrapping up some scenes now, and it's coming together nicely. What about you?"
"Hhh...hhih...hhetxchew!! Snfl...ughh, I’ve beed doihg this the whole day... snffl." Taylor sneezed suddenly, pulling a travel pack of tissues from her purse. She dabbed at her nose, sniffling again.
Joe rubbed her arm comfortingly. "Bless you! Are you sure you don´t wanna go back? This chill can't be good for you right now."
Taylor shook her head, her voice determined despite her stuffed-up nose. "Yeah, I´mb fide.. snffl.. I wadt to get sombe coffee firshh... huhh...first... heehh...hhehiishOOoo!!! Snfl..." Another shiver ran down her spine as she pitched forward with another desperate sneeze, her hands cupped to her face. "Aahh...snfl...ahht'CHSHXT!!! ...Ughh."
“Woah.. God bless you!” Joe said rubbing his hand up and down her back as she sniffled and collected herself, as gently steered them toward a nearby coffee shop. “Let's go in and warm up a bit."
He pushed the door open and let her in first. They chose a small table in the corner, and a moment later, an old waitress came to take their order. Taylor started to speak, but a stuffy and sickly-sounding sneeze interrupted her. "Can I get a skinny carmell latte with sombe aldmond mbilk with... huhh..." Her voice turned into a breathless, hitching whisper as she squeezed the pink rims of her nostrils through the soggy tissue, eyes halfway closed. "Hhehh...snfl...ehh'chiiihew!!!"
She sneezed, and in an effort to keep from coughing, she didn’t blow her nose, which would have required a semi-deep breath. Instead, she just sniffled and massaged her nose in the damp tissue. The waitress, standing there with sympathy in her eyes, told her, "Oh my! Bless you sweetheart. That's quite the head cold you've got there! You should be tucked into bed right now."
Taylor nodded gratefully, "Exgcuse mbe.. Snffl” Taylor thanked her and finished her order, then Joe made his. Before the waitress could leave, Taylor sniffled congestedly and asked, “Cad we get sombe mbore napkings, please? snfl..." as she wiped her nose with the now very overused soggy tissue. The waitress nodded promissing she would be right back.
As they waited for their drinks, Taylor and Joe caught up on their days apart. He began to tell her stories from the movie he was filming. "So, we had this one scene where everything was supposed to go smoothly, but the props kept malfunctioning. It was hilarious. One of the guys tripped over a cable and almost took down the entire set!"
Taylor giggled, which quickly turned into a series of coughs. She sniffled wetly, reaching for her crumpled tissues. "I cad just picture that. Snff... sounds like a crazy day...snfl."
“Yeah, it was! It´s this one scene where the director wanted this dramatic rain effect. They had these huge hoses and it was just—” Joe paused, watching Taylor's eyes flutter closed again.
“Huhh… hheh… heht’CHOO! Huh… hhhehtSHOO!” Taylor sneezed into her tissue, then sniffled wetly. “Sorry, Joe. Snff. Go od...”
He smiled sympathetically. "Bless you. Anyway, the rain was more like a waterfall. The whole cast was soaked, and the director was furious because the scene wasn’t supposed to be that wet."
Taylor giggled, but it turned into a cough. She quickly covered her mouth with her tissue, then wiped her nose again. "Oh mby god! Add could you mbake it right?."
Joe chuckled. "Yeah, it was a mess. But it’ll make a great blooper reel."
Their drinks arrived, along with extra napkins. "Thagk you," she said to the waitress, who smiled kindly and walked away. Taylor grabbed a handful and blew her nose vigorously, her face scrunching up in discomfort.
“You really are having a tough time with that cold. Aren´t you?” he said gently.
Taylor wiped her nose one more time and nodded. "Yeah, I don´t kdow where id cambe fromb… snff… I was fide yesterday… Snff… I'b just glad I'b dot workidg this week."
They sat for a while longer, Taylor sneezing and sniffling, Joe talking softly about his work and making her laugh. Despite her cold, Taylor felt glad they had gone on this little date after not seeing each other for a few weeks. As she took her last sip, Joe looked at her with a gentle smile. "Ready to head home?"
Taylor nodded, sniffling again. He signaled for the waitress to bring them the bill. She walked over with a warm smile.
"Here's your bill, dears," she said, placing it on the table.
As Joe pulled out his wallet, Taylor's breath hitched again. "Huhh... huhh... HUH’ISHHOO! Snfl..." She quickly grabbed a napkin, blowing her nose with a grugly and stuffy sound. The waitress looked at her with sympathy.
"Bless you, sweetheart," she said, shaking her head slightly. "You really should be in bed right now, nursing that cold. And you," she turned to Joe with a mock stern look, "you better take good care of this poor thing. What were you thinking, taking her out while she's this sick?"
Joe smiled sheepishly, nodding in agreement as he handed her his card. "I know, we’re heading straight home after this.”
The waitress nodded approvingly. “Good. You make sure she’s warm and has plenty of fluids. And maybe some soup if you can manage it.” She winked at Taylor, who managed a weak smile.
“Thagk you,” Taylor said, her voice barely a whisper through her congestion.
Joe quickly paid the bill, leaving a generous tip as a token of gratitude for the waitress’s kindness. They both thanked her again and stood up to leave. Taylor making sure she grabbed a few napkins for the way home. Joe helped her with her coat, and they made their way to the door.
As Joe pushed the door open, a gust of cold air hit them, causing Taylor to shiver. Her breath hitched once more, and she sneezed violently, doubling over. “Huhhh... hehhh... heht’SHOO! Hheh... hehh... hheh’CHSHOO!!”
Joe rubbed her back soothingly as she sniffled and wiped her nose with a fresh napkin. “Bless you, Tay. Let’s get you home.”
Taylor nodded, leaning into Joe for support. They walked slowly, Joe’s arm around her shoulders, providing warmth and comfort as they made their way back to her house. "I'b really sorry for ruiding our date... snff." She told him as they walked wrapped around each other.
"Hey, you're not ruining anything," Joe reassured her, kissing the top of her head. "I just want you to feel better."
“I kdow.. I just.. Snffl.. We habe beed so busy lately ahd I wandted to.. snffl.. Uhhh...hh...hhet'tchshh!! ...Ugh, 'scuse be...hhh...hhtxchsht!!.. Snfl..”” Taylor doubled over and sneezed desperately into one hand; eyes squeezed shut. Before she'd even opened them again, she felt her boyfriend´s arm around her shoulders, and a warm kiss on her forehead. “Bless you love,” Joe murmured low in her ear, with another kiss for good measure. “Don´t worry about any of that. I´m just happy to spend time with you, I don’t care where. Come on, let's get you home.” He rubbed her back as she wiped her stuffy nose “'Kay,” Taylor agreed woozily, a weak smile spreading across her pale face as she allowed her boyfriend to steer her towards the warmth of the house. ------
Once they got home, Joe helped her out of her coat and guided her to the couch, spreading a warm blanket around her shoulders, as she reached for some tissues in the coffee table.
"How about I make you some tea?" Joe offered, heading to the kitchen.
Taylor sniffled, her voice muffled from under the tissues. "Thadk you. That sounds really good right dow."
Joe busied himself in the kitchen, soon returning with a steaming cup of tea. He handed it to Taylor, who accepted it with a grateful smile. She took a small sip, savoring the warmth.
"You really are the best," she said, her voice still thick with congestion.
Joe sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Am I?" He said playfully, leaning into her
Taylor nodded, pressing a small peck on his lips, which he eagerly returned, multiple times, making her giggle.
The living room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the TV screen as a movie played. Taylor nestled comfortably against Joe's side. She had been sniffling constantly, her nose clearly congested and runny. Every so often, she wiped her nose on her sleeve, the wet sniffling sounds becoming more frequent as the movie progressed.
The warmth and comfort of their position made it hard for her to move. "Hh...snff...Snffl..." She sniffled wetly, trying to keep her nose from dripping. Joe glanced down at her and saw her wiping her nose on her sleeve once more. He gently reached over to the table, grabbing the box of tissues. He placed it in her lap and pulled out a few tissues, handing them to her.
"Here you go, Tay" he said softly, a gentle smile on his face.
Taylor let out a small, embarrassed laugh and took the tissues. "Thadk you... sorry... snff," she mumbled, blowing her nose with a gurgling sound. She snuggled back into Joe, holding the tissues close.
They continued watching the movie, occasionally talking about the plot. Taylor couldn't help but sneeze a few more times, her nose seemingly relentless.
"Huh... HAH'tchoo! Snfl..." She sneezed into a tissue, sniffling afterward.
"Bless you, T" Joe said as the blonde girl sniffled and hitched again, raising her head woozily..
“Th-thadks,” Taylor sniffled, eyes barely open as she pressed the clean tissue firmly to her glistening nostrils, already trembling wide open again in helpless anticipation. “Uhh'tcheww!! *Snfl*...Hh—hhh—hhehiiishu!!! *Snfl,*” The blonde girl sneezed  desperately, sniffled, and sneezed again, bobbing forward on the couch in helpless submission. “Ughh, snffl.. this sucks” She groaned softly, opening her bleary eyes and sniffling wetly behind the tissue, giving her nose a firm rub.
“I know baby, I´m sorry you feel bad” He tells her rubbing her back. She gives him a small smile and cuddles herself into his side again.
As the movie went on, Taylor's eyes grew heavy. She leaned more into Joe, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder. After a while, she drifted off to sleep, her breathing soft and even. He gently shifted to make her more comfortable, letting her rest peacefully against him as he watched the rest of the movie quietly, careful not to disturb her. When the credits rolled, he looked down at Taylor, who was still sound asleep.
“Tay, hey, wake up,” he whispered softly, brushing her hair back.
Taylor stirred, blinking sleepily. “Huh? Whad’s... Snff... What´s going on?”
“You fell asleep baby,” Joe said gently. “Come on, let´s go to bed.”
Taylor sleepily protested, “We cad stay here... Snff... It’s fide.” she mumbled; her voice thick with sleep.
Joe shook his head, helping her sit up. “Come on, baby, you´ll sleep better in our bed. I promise”
Taylor nodded groggily, too tired to argue and allowed Joe to help her up, and they made their way to the stairs. As they walked towards the stairs, the chilly temperature change made her nose tickle again. “Wait.. I.. huhh” She paused, her breath hitching, and she turned to sneeze into her elbow. “Huhh... hhehh... hehh’CHOO! Hhehh... hheh’TSHOO! Snff, snff...”
Joe kept a steadying hand on her back. “Bless you, Tay.”
They made their way up the stairs, Taylor sneezing a few more times as they went. Finally, they reached her bedroom. Joe helped her into bed, tucking the blankets around her snugly. He took a tissue box from the bathroom and placed it on her nightstand, handing her a couple, which she gratefully used to blow her nose again.
“Thagk you, Joe,” she said, her voice a soft murmur as she settled into her pillow.
Joe smiled, brushing a stray hair from her forehead. "You're welcome, Taylor. Now get some rest and feel better soon."
Taylor smiled up at him, her eyes already closing. “Goodnight,” she whispered.
“Goodnight,” Joe responded, walking into the other side of the bed and watching her drift off to sleep. ------
Taylor woke up feeling like she'd been hit by a truck. Every muscle in her body ached, her ears were blocked up and pounding, her throat burned, her nose was completely stuffed up, and her head felt like it was full of wet cement. Blinking groggily, she realized Joe was not beside her, and a wave of loneliness and self-pity washed over her. She rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly, feeling her nose begin to drip almost immediately.
“Snff, snff...” she sniffled congestedly, the sound liquid and deep. The tickle in her nose sparked again, and she rubbed it against the end of her sweatshirt, hoping to alleviate the itch. She got out of bed and shivered as a chill ran down her spine. Feeling cold and miserable, she sniffled again, her nose leaking once more.
“Hheh...snfl...” The tickle blossomed intensely at the back of her head, stopping her in her tracks. Standing in front of the bed, her eyes narrowed as her head fell back, and she cupped her hands in anticipation. “Aaah...snfl...ahhit'chhew!!!” She sneezed, her nose running. “Ughhh,” she sighed softly behind her cupped hands, blinking woozily as she sniffled again. The tickle persisted, less intense but building up quickly as fresh trails of discharge dribbled slowly down her lip. She sniffled again and reached for the box of tissues on her nightstand, snatching one and wiping it across her glistening nostrils just as they started tingling helplessly.
“Hhut'chshh!! Snfl....Hhehishh!!!” She wiped her nose on the soggy tissue, already reaching for another one as she sniffled miserably. She blew her nose once more and decided to go look for her boyfriend.
She trailed downstairs sleepily. She hadn’t thought to bring any tissues with her, so she just kept wiping her tender nose on the rough, increasingly damp cuff of her sweatshirt, and turning her face into her elbow whenever she sneezed. It wasn’t ideal, but she was just too sleepy to care.
As she neared the kitchen, she felt her breath hitch again, stopping her in her tracks. “Huhh... hehh... hheh’TSHOO!” she sneezed loudly into her elbow. Joe’s back was to her as he was making breakfast. He turned around, smiling sympathetically.
“Hey! Look who’s up!” he greeted her warmly, making his way over to her. He kissed the side of her head. “What are you doing out of bed, love? I was about to bring you breakfast.”
Taylor leaned against Joe, “I woke up all by mbyself,” she croaked miserably.
Joe cooed at her whiny but sweet comment and hugged her more tightly, kissing her cheek. “Aw, good morning, baby. How are you feeling today? Any better?” he mumbled into her neck.
She sniffled stuffily and shook her head. “Mby head is all fuzzy. I feel like I’mb stoned.” She wiped her wet nose on the end of her sweatshirt again.
Joe gave her a sympathetic look and noticed her face contorting as she was about to sneeze. He quickly grabbed some napkins from the counter and handed them to her just in time.
“Huhh... hehh... hheh’TSHOO! Hhehh... heh’CHOO!!”
“God bless you,” Joe said, holding her steady. “You should go back to bed, babe. I’ll bring you some breakfast in a minute.”
Taylor shook her head, her voice a congested murmur. “I don’t wadda be alone right now.”
Joe laughed kindly and kissed her hair a few times, noticing how she was shivering. “I don’t want you to get cold standing in the kitchen. Come on, let’s get you settled on the couch where it’s warm.”
Taylor nodded, her breath catching sharply in her chest. She sniffled and brought the crumpled napkins in her hand back to her face. “Aahh...aahishhhew!! Hhut'chheww!!! Ugh...snfl.” She groaned miserably, nuzzling her cold-stuffed nose through the damp paper and blinking dizzily.
“Come on, my love, let’s get you warm on the couch. Then we can get some medicine into you,” Joe sighed, stroking a few locks of blond hair back behind her ear.
A few feet in front of the couch, Taylor stopped abruptly with a quavering breath. Joe glanced over, seeing a trickle of snot leaking from her flaring nostrils as she brought both hands to her mouth in anticipation, her expression utterly tortured as her eyebrows knit together.
"HuhhESHOOoo!! Sniffle." Taylor’s thin shoulders snapped forward with a violent, sickly sneeze that she barely contained behind her cupped hands.
“Here baby,” Joe said gently, passing Taylor the tissues from the coffee table. “Thadk you,” she grumbled, grudgingly accepting the Kleenex and blowing her cold filled nose thoroughly, too sick and exhausted to be embarrassed anymore about how loud and disgusting it sounded.
As they sat on the couch, Joe wrapped a blanket around Taylor, noticing her shivering again. He pressed his palm gently against her forehead, feeling the heat radiating from her skin.
“I think you might have a fever, Tay,” he said, concern evident in his voice. “Let me go get the thermometer.”
While Joe went to find the thermometer, Taylor snuggled deeper into the blanket, sniffling and trying to get comfortable. When he returned holding the thermometer Taylor gave him a playful look.
“You kdow... snffl... I thidk I like id whed you play doctor,” she teased, her voice congested and raspy.
Joe chuckled, sitting back down next to her. “Well, lucky for you, you are my favorite patient.” He leaned in and kissed the tip of her red nose, making her sniffle and wrinkle it.
“I would hope so,” she smiled. Joe leaned in again, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. She sniffled as they kissed, and when they broke apart, she wiped her nose with a crumpled tissue.
“I dond’t wadt you to get sigck... snnfl,” she murmured.
“I don’t care about that,” Joe replied, his tone soft and reassuring.
“You should,” Taylor insisted, “id’s ndot fud, believe mbe.”
The thermometer beeped, and Joe checked the reading. “Yep, you’ve got a fever,” he said, caressing her cheek. “You must be feeling awful.”
“I’mb finde...” Taylor started to say, but a sneeze interrupted her. “Hehh... hhet'tchshh!! Snfl... hht'chxeww!! ... Cough, cough, cough...” she hastily turned her face into her elbow so as not to sneeze directly into Joe´s lap
Joe chuckled softly. “You surely sound fine,” he teased, handing her more tissues. “Bless you, baby.” He told her, placing a kiss on top of her bangs.
Taylor blew her nose loudly until the wet sound finally cleared a little. Joe rubbed her shoulders comfortingly as she drunk her tea. She sneezed constantly, unable to go five seconds without needing to sniffle, her nose perpetually running. They finally finished breakfast, and Taylor was blinking tiredly.
“You look exhausted babe” Joe told her gently “Why don´t you lie down for a while,” He got up and got another blanket for her.
“Would you lay dowd with mbe?” Taylor looked up at him with tired eyes.
“Of course,” Joe replied. He lay down beside her, stroking her hair. Taylor sniffled and tried not to sneeze on him, but eventually, a congested sneeze escaped.
“Hehh... hhht'shoo! Snfl...ughh.. snffl” she turned her head to the side and pinched her twitching nose lightly between her thumb and forefinger, shivering with the powerful force of one raspy, congested sneeze.
“Bless you,” Joe said, yawning and bringing the tissues closer to her.
“Thadks... sorry,” she mumbled, embarrassed.
“It´s okay, sweetheart,” Joe replied, hugging her gently.
Taylor wiped her nose again and, finally, exhausted, fell asleep in Joe’s arms. ------
When she woke up from her nap, she felt a little better. Her fever had gone down, but her voice was still thick with congestion, and she was still sneezing and sniffling constantly. They decided to play some card games, despite Taylor’s frequent need to pause for sneezing fits and nose blows.
They were both competitive, getting really into the game even though Taylor had to stop often. “Sorry, it’s mby turn... hehh... hehh’tshoo! Snfl... just a sec...” she said, blowing her nose before continuing to play.
Joe watched her with a mix of amusement and concern. “That cough is sounding bad,” he said after another fit of coughing interrupted their game. “We should get you more medicine.”
“I’mb okay, baby. Id’s just a cold,” Taylor reassured him, though her voice was hoarse and congested.
“You sound awful, Tay. I don’t want you to get any worse,” Joe insisted.
Taylor smiled weakly. “You don’t need to worry so mbuch,” she said.
“That’s not possible,” Joe replied, his eyes filled with affection. ------
As the evening wore on, Taylor’s cold began to worsen. They continued playing their board game, but Joe noticed Taylor getting increasingly distracted. Her competitive spirit had waned, and she looked puzzled and a little disoriented when he told her it was her turn.
“Hey, Tay, it’s your turn,” Joe said, watching her with concern.
“What?” Taylor sniffled and looked up, startled. “Oh, sorry... snff... I didn’t realize,” she mumbled, her voice thick with congestion.
Joe observed her closely. Her eyes were getting smaller, her cheeks flushed, and she seemed unfocused. He could tell she wasn’t feeling well.
“Are you okay?” he asked gently.
“Yeah.. I’mb just tired,” Taylor replied, but Joe wasn’t convinced. She sniffled harshly a couple of times, trying to get some air through her nose. “Snfff... SNFF... snffff... uhh. I’mb so stuffed up… snff.”
Joe reached over and rubbed her back soothingly. “How about I get you some more tea? It might help.”
Taylor nodded weakly, and Joe went to the kitchen. When he returned with a steaming cup, he saw just how flushed and uncomfortable she looked.
“I think you’ve got a fever again, baby,” Joe frowned, moving one hand to Taylor’s forehead and pressing his palm flat against her clammy skin. It felt relieving, easing some of the pressure of her pounding headache, and Taylor sighed inadvertently.
“I dod’t have a fever,” she argued weakly, with another sharp sniffle.
“Yes, you do. And you need a tissue,” Joe said gently, reaching for a tissue as Taylor’s delicate nostrils began to quiver and flare, irritated by the clear, watery snot trickling sluggishly from her nasal passages down the divot in her upper lip.
“I’mb fuhh...fide...sniff!...” Taylor grabbed the tissue clumsily from Joe’s outstretched hand, pressing it firmly to her flaring nostrils as they fought to release the wet tickle lodged inside her head, making her breath hitch and her eyes flutter shut. “Uhhh...huh...uh'tchooo!! ... Snff... ehhISHOOoo!!”
The blonde girl snapped forward sharply at the waist, surrendering to two miserably congested sneezes, the damp tissues clamped over her nose and mouth to shield her boyfriend from the spray.
“Ughh, excuse be,” she sighed softly. She reached for the tissue box for a fresh tissue, finding it almost empty. “Oh, do we habe ady mbore tissues?.. Snff.”
“I’ll go find some more, but you need to take more medicine first,” Joe said, concern etched on his face. He quickly got up to find another box of tissues and a wet cloth for her fever. She protested weakly, saying she was already feeling cold, but Joe’s concern made her cave in. She let him place the cloth on her forehead, immediately shivering from the cold.
“Ughh... Id’s so cold... Snff... Snfff,” she muttered, her nose running. She sneezed congestedly into her soggy tissues. “Hhuh...uhtchOOoo!!! Ishhxiew!! Snfl...ah...snfl...ahhh...aht'chhhew!!!” Each congested sneeze brought a weak shiver.
Joe noticed her over-used tissues and opened the new box, snatching a few and giving them to her. “I’mb so sorry I’mb so gross,” Taylor said, grabbing the tissues and blowing her nose again, the gurgling sound just as wet as before, if not more so.
“Hehh...ISHHuhh!! Hih'HHTchuh!!! Snnfl...ughh, 'scuse be,” she chuckled weakly, unfolding the tissues once and blowing again.
“God bless you, baby! And stop saying that, you are not gross. You are just sick,” Joe told her gently, reaching for the tea cup he had brought a few minutes ago and she had yet to drink. “Here, drink this. It’ll make you feel better.”
“Thadk you, love,” Taylor said, taking a sip. The warm tea felt wonderful on her sore throat and shivering body. “This is so good...”
“I’m glad you like it,” Joe said, smiling.
“I’mb sorry I’mb being such a baby... snff,” Taylor wiped her nose on her sweatshirt, feeling a bit embarrassed about being so whiny with Joe, who was being incredibly sweet and patient.
Joe leaned in and kissed her forehead. “You’re allowed to feel bad, Tay. It’s okay.”
Taylor smiled weakly, sniffling again as she leaned into Joe’s comforting embrace. They continued talking about friends, work, and upcoming events, with Joe’s gentle reassurances making her feel a little better despite her worsening cold. ------
“I’mb dot really hungry,”
“How about some homemade soup? Nice and easy on your stomach.” Joe tried again, determined to take care of her.
Taylor looked at him amused and laughed softly. “You’re godda cook for mbe? Real food?”
Joe grinned. “Yes, real food. You just sit tight on the couch, and I’ll take care of everything.”
“There’s ndo way, snfff,” Taylor said, shaking her head. “I wadda see it happendig or else I wod’t believe it.”
Together, they went into the kitchen, where it became clear Joe didn’t know where to start. Taylor, ever the controller, started gathering ingredients. Joe, seeing what she was doing, playfully grabbed her by the waist and forced her to sit down on the kitchen island.
“No, no, no, no,” he laughed, holding her firmly. “You’re not lifting a finger. You are sick, remember?”
She joked, “I dod’t wadt to get food poisodig od top of by cold.”
Joe grinned. “You can help me by just giving instructions, okay?”
“Fide,” Taylor agreed, her voice thick with congestion. And started telling him where he could find everything.
As they started cooking, Taylor sniffled and sneezed every few minutes. “All right,” she said, “first you ndeed to grab the... heh... uhhh... Hhuh...hhtchhxiew!! ...Snff... the cuttihg board.”
Joe followed her directions, occasionally glancing over to make sure she was okay. “Now you habe to be carefull, first put sobe of the.. hehh..” Taylor´s voice trailed off for a moment, eyes narrowing as she raised a hand halfway to her face, looking like she was maybe going to sneeze;
“The what?” Joe asked, oblivious of her girlfriend´s current dilemma
“Th.. theh.. hHehh..” she nodded woozily, too distracted by the unbearable tickly feeling in her head to continue with the recipe. She pressed a finger under her running nose and rubbed hard. “Sniff.. snfff” "Just odehhh...huhh..." Her brows knit together as if she were trying to remember something important “Heeh...hh-Hh Hh-hiiishOOoo!!! Snfl... snff.. excuse mbe”
“God bless you!” Joe says cheerfully, chuckling as he passes her girlfriend some tissues “You good there?” He watches as she blows her nose
“Yeah.. snff.. sorry” She mumbles kind of embarrassed, face behind her tissues.
“Okay.. now, where were we?” He asks as he turns to the pot again to resume his cooking.
Finally, after a while the soup was ready. Joe poured some into a bowl and handed it to Taylor.
“Thank you for being an excellent sous chef,” Joe said with a smile. Taylor laughed softly, “Thadk you, baby” She smiles lovingly at him.
He leaned in to give her a kiss, but felt Taylor's soft, hitching intake of breath against his lips as they kissed. Soon their lips parted, and Taylor gave in to another sick, stuffy sneeze.
“Aah'chshht!! Snfl,” Taylor shivered with the force of the desperate sneeze, tissue pressed firmly to her cold-stuffed nose to protect Joe, who pulled back just enough to avoid getting head-banged.
“Uhhh...snfl...sorry, baby,” Taylor sighed woozily. “I tried to hold id, but I...snfl!...I just coulded't help it.”
“It's okay, T. I like your sneezes.” Joe winked, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Oh mby God, dod’t say that,” Taylor giggled, blushing.
“It’s the truth,” he said charmingly, stealing another kiss from her lips and planting one on the tip of her red nose.
“You wod’t like theb so mbuch whed they stard combig fromb your own nose,” she teased, sniffling softly.
Joe just stood there looking at her with heart eyes and a smile. He couldn’t resist stealing another kiss from her cheek, making a soft “mwah” sound. Charmed by the notion that his boyfriend still thought she was cute when she was half-drowning in snot, Taylor joked weakly,
“I guess you really do love mbe, huh?”
Joe agreed, dropping one final kiss on his girlfriend's warm forehead. “I guess I really do.”
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simstorian-blog · 7 months
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World Map: Oasis Springs
Area: Skyward Palms
Lot Size:  30 x 20
(4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms)
Gallery ID: Simstorian-ish
Packs Used
Expansion Packs
Cats & Dogs
City Living
Cottage Living
Discover University
For Rent
Get Famous
Get Together
Growing Together
High School Years
Horse Ranch
Snowy Escape
Game Packs
Dream Home Decorator
Jungle Adventures
Spa Day
Desert Luxe
Build Mode
Chateau Pt. 1
Chateau Pt. 2
Florence Pt. 1 (Armchair, Bouquet, Fresco Mural)
Baysic Bathroom (Floor Tiles, Modern Wipe, Trash can)
Brownstone Pt. 2 (Traditional Arch Medium, Traditional Door Medium)
Klean Pt. 3 (Painted Wall w Wooden Skirting, Painted Plaster Walls)
Lili’s Palace
Folklore (Skanzen Big Barn Door - 1)
English Country Wall Set – Wallpaper with Subway Tiles
Scandinavian Wall Set – Wallpapers with Tiles
Buy Mode
The Lighthouse Collection
Precious Promises (Lustre Small)
Chateau Pt. 3
Chateau Pt. 4
Chateau Pt. 5 (All decorative items)
Chateau Pt. 7 (drawer, silk rug)
Colonial Pt. 2 (Potted Palm Tree)
Grove Pt. 1 (Potted Olive Tree)
Grove Pt. 4 (Potted Lemon Tree)
Baysic (Double Beeding w Blanket, Packs Clothing)
Livin’ Rum (Coffee Table Tray, Phone and Keys)
Orjanic Pt. 2
Coastal Pt. 5 (Foot Stool, Rug)
Coastal Pt. 6
Coastal Pt. 7 (Double Bedframe, Full Length Mirror, Lamp, Wool Rug)
Coastal Pt. 8 (Coffee Pouffe Table, Ottoman, Roman Blinds – 2 Tile)
Country (Ottoman)
Octave Pt. 4 (Light Switches)
Lottie (Throw Blanket)
Macaron Kitchen (Bar Stool)
Gale Dining (Wine Bottle, Wine Glass)
Elsie Bedroom (Upholstered Chair)
Gwendoline Sofa
Hampton Retreat (Seaside Prints)
Vara Office (Desktop PC)
Domaine Du Clos Pt. 2 (Armchair, Fireplace)
Domaine Du Clos Pt. 3 (Nightstand, Wall Lamp Left & Right)
MCM Pt. 3 (Narrow Rug Long)
Oak House Pt. 4 (Accent Table, Folded Towels, Moisture Cream, Shampoo, Shower Gel)
Oak House Double Bedding
Oak House Double Bedframe
Oak House Pt. 6.2 (Narrow Leather Shelf)
Vera Bathroom (Bathrobe, Mounted Hook, Mounted Towel Holder, Soap, Toilet Kit)
Woodland Ranch (Both Double Bedframes, Nightstands, Old Rug, Wardrobe Small)
Woodland Ranch Pt. 3 (Lamps, Paintings, Wooden End Table)
Oak & Concrete (Magazines)
Clothes Minded
Motivational Speaker
Industrial Light II – Ceiling Lamp A
RusticLife Rug
Kediri Pt. 1 (Throw Pillow Solids)
Sumba Pt. 1 (Pillow Set I)
Yarra Pt. 3 (Bed Pillows)
Eliza Walk in Closet
Tray Files: DOWNLOAD
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 2 months
Finished my frankly redesign!!
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Close ups:
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What the words say:
Ponytail, because it's the best for school
Nerdy ahh glasses/J
Strawberry freckles!!(acne)
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What words say:
Nerdcore/scene :>
Hate this bag :/
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What the words say
~Design stuff~
She's kinda bassed off me in year seven/the start of year nine
She looks like a unironic "teachers pet" so she bestie keeps to the dress code(kinda-)
Braces and strawberry freckles(acne) becauses she's a fellow teen lol
Has scrunchies on demand
Fishnets and socks because fishnets and socks
Shes got a ponytail bc lived in those during (most of) high school
Glasses because she's a NERD/J
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What it says:
Her full name is "francesca"
She makes/collects pins
She's bilingual
She hates the smell of chlorine
She gets bad mad migraines
Bisexual(no pref)
Has a tumber acc
LOVES possums
Makes Kandi
One of her eyes is a cat eye
Had a wattpad acc
Panic! At the disco fan
Her favourite song is "crazy = genius"
Likes to scrapbook
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What it says:
Skull for my desine
Kinda mid tbh
(the heart is from Dracula)
Anddddddd that's it! I'm probably going to do the rest of the girls now because I'm on a roll >:D
Just a reminder that this is for G1 because I could care less about G3😚😚
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1000feetunder · 15 days
Trevor? Hey trevor can you hear us are you okay?
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Trevor sat in his cell. It had beed several hours, perhaps even a day or two since he returned to UrbanShade.
His Dealmaker asked how his mission had gone.
He confirmed the AI had been destoryed. A lie, but it worked.
And now he was here.
He still had his original deal of collecting the Crystal to complete, but he was granted some rest.
His eyes had been wrapped in bandages after his body was retrieved and brought back.
He was told it was for others safety as they weren't sure about the after effects. He was one of few who died first this way. But he could take them off once he arrived back at his cell.
Standing, he made his way to a mirror. And carefully he unwrapped the bandages.
The first thing he noticed was how blurry the world had become.
He leaned closer to the mirror to see himself clearer. His eyes were scared.
Everything was so dull. Colors had changed for him.
He could no longer see properly.
Wet tears began to streak down his face.
Of all things to be taken from him-
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Why this?
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ldrfanatic · 17 days
Hiii! How are you?
Milk with slytherin boys please?
I apologize in advance this is my first time making a request so i hope its ok :)
Physically: i'm short 5'0, i have fair skin, rosy cheeks, i'm a little chubby, i have an hourglass body shape, a little tummy, thicc thighs, i have a small button nose, a heartshaped face, foggy green eyes, hooded lids, i have meduim size lips? If that makes sense. I have dyed copper hair, bangs, a long wolfcut type of haircut, my hair go down to the middle of my back. About me: i'm French,i can speak english, sign language and learning italian. i'm funny. I'm autistic, and i have general anxiety disorder, i have verbal tics, i often do 'pop' sounds with my mouth or reapete things out loud sometimes on a loop, (TW: I grew up in an abusing setting and i have scars, bad ones, especially on my back.) I'm insecure. My love language is giving the bigger half when i'm sharing, or giving anything really. The Way i liked to be loved is through words of affirmation and physical touch. I'm very forging, I like to make my own opinion on people, i'm the mom friends. I have a short temper when i'm stressed, i am very blunt, i'm not scared to speak my mind, of i like people i compare them to bugs or animals as they are my special intrests. If i had to describe my style it would be fairy grunge? Like long skirts, knitted sweaters (the soft kind not witchy cause few sensory issues), converses or sandales, golf jewlery i can also be dressed in full black, form fitting maxi dress with new rock or naked wolfe type of shoes. I love music, anything. And i mean it. Pop, alt, rock, metal, screamo, indie, country, rap. But mostly 2000s 2010s music for the nostalgia. My favorite s'ingère is Billie Eilish. I love doing crafts, i do crochet, i love reading books (dark romance/fantaisie/fiction) i'm a 'nerd', i love happy Potter, lord of the rings, the Hobbit, i love vampires, i love video games, such as animal crossing, SIMS unpacking, and cozy games but as the last of us, the walking dead, until dawn, the quart etc. I have a black cat. I'm a picky eater, potatos are my safe food though, i'm more of a sweet person than savory, brownies are my favorite desserts, I smell like vanilla. Roses and hydrangeas are my favorite flowers. I love trinkets, i collect pretty much any pretty thing i find, twigs, Shells, rocks, little lost things like beeds, crystals, sometimes little toys. I love plushies, i have a teddy bear and a white tiger. I'm a night owl. I love looking at the moon (i have a moon phase tattoo between my boobs. And sun tattoos around my nipples ) i also love taking pictures especially polaroid of people and animals :)
I hope that was enough, thank you for taking time out of your day to read, and thank you for writting.
Again, CONGRATS ON THE 1,000💕💃🏻
Much love ♡
Thank You Soooo Much @alygatorcow !!
1000 follower celebration my bookcase
This one took some thinking but I’m gonna pair you with our sweet Theodore Nott. I know what you might be thinking but hear me out.
Theo is a little tall but he lovesss having short girlfriends. (even if you were 5’7 tho he’d still adore you). Theo likes that you’re all cute and little and he can just hug you and you fit so easily in his arms. (I have a tall bf yall and he tells me all the time how cute and “widdle” I am).
He also adores your figure and won’t accept anything else for an answer. His mother always taught him that the most important thing in a woman is a good heart. really though, he just loves thick thighs and likes having something to hold onto.
Theo thinks that it’s really hot that you can speak French. He helps you learn italian and you try and help teach him french but he struggles enough sometimes with english so that endeavor was quickly put on hold.
At first, the noises you make are very foreign to Theodore, but once he understands them and you, he comes to appreciate them as just a part of who you are and he loves you for it.
Growing up with his father, who used to hit him and his mother, Theo also has scars. He doesn’t like to talk about them but he will with you if you want him to. More than anything, Theo tries to comfort you. He knows what it’s like to have that sort of background and when people get angry, he knows that it comes from a place of care but also he realizes that he always finds it more helpful when people are just there for him rather than when they get angry. So that’s what he does for you.
Finally, Theo loves your tattoos and your style. He really has a thing for your long skirts he thinks they make you look very fairy like and ethereal. He’s not a night owl I wouldn’t say, but it’s very cute when he tries to stay up as late as possible with you. His eyes will get all droopy and his accent will get a little thicker. He will however, do really sweet romantic gestures for you that are very personal like creating or buying you a display case that you can put all the stuff you collect and he will listen to you talk about all of it for hours on end.
theo’s nicknames for you include:
- love bug
- piccola fata (little fairy)
- sunflower (given to you after a particularly cute little date to a sunflower field)
tysm for this request!!! tysm for being a follower and let me know if I got anything wrong. I tried to include as much information as possible without making it like a book for you to read 😅💚
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villains4hire · 1 year
winters-club asked:
"Hey mum, happy mothers day." Octavia presents her mother with a neatly wrapped package. "Hope you like it. Made it myself."
It was a rare beed of a hellhound from the envy ring, its fur jet black, yellow hellish eyes and fins underneath its normal canine ears, its head cleanly caught off and its fur in fine condition as if Octavia did the taxidermy almost instantly after the creature had met its end.
"I know Leviathans gotten stricter about hunting his rarer breeds of aquatic animals but I thought it would look good among your collection." At the very least the Envy Prince wad willing to make an exception for the young Goetia
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"Come here, sweetheart." And oh she'd get yoinked up from underneath her arms to be sat on a leg that'd go to the side while on her throne. Opening the package, that beak smiling as her daughter would find herself getting preened lovingly by her mother bird, like one would its chick.
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"Thank you, dear, it's a wonderfully awful gift, such craftsmanship as well, I'll look at it with undying hatred everytime I walk by to admire all the terrible features and detail," Stella was very much an older demon set in her ways. But Octavia was her soft spot, Impington scurrying up after a talon snapped for his presence, "You, go place this immediately in the family den as part of the center piece on the mantle."
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Happy Halloween XD
Treat 🍬🍭
*cautiously puts treat in your bag, afraid of pain if i refuse*
Kakashi usually doesn’t partake in the trick or treating part of the holiday. He doesn’t like sweets so there’s no real win for him to drag himself put the door and collect them.
What he does instead, is take all of the candy he gets throughout the day from his sensei and other adults who see him in whatever costume he decided to put effort into this year, tosses it all into a bowl, and walks around as the friendly scarecrow handing out candy
Obito tries to get in on this and get a candy from the cool friendly scarecrow, but instead of candy Kakashi shoves a Kunai in his bag and tells him he beeds to train more
The two of them almost fight then and there, but Rin ends up dragging Obito away for more trick or treating
(It’s ok, he snuck a chocolate bar in there for Obito too, he just refuses to let Obito know)
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radiantindustries · 23 days
Automatic Vacuum Blood Collection Tube Assembly Line
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Radiant Industries Provides Automatic Vacuum Blood Collection Tube Assembly Line in Maharashtra, India We are a Blood Collection Tubes Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. An Automatic Vacuum Blood Collection Tube Assembly Line streamlines the production process of vacuum blood collection tubes with high automation. It handles various stages of tube assembly, including sterilization, filling, sealing, and labeling, providing a fully integrated solution for high-throughput blood collection tube manufacturing. How It Works: Tube Production: Form plastic tubes from pellets using extrusion or injection molding. Vacuum Creation: Create a vacuum inside the tube using pre-formed vacuums or a vacuum pump. Additives and Coatings: Additives like anticoagulants or preservatives are added using automated dispensing systems. Cap Assembly: Seal the tubes with caps using automated capping machines to ensure airtight closure. Labeling: Automated systems apply labels with batch numbers, expiration dates, and other details. Quality Control: Sensors and cameras inspect each tube for defects, proper sealing, and correct labeling. Packaging: Sort, group, and package the tubes into boxes using automated systems, including shrink-wrapping or other protective measures. Applications: Medical Device Manufacturing Clinical Laboratories Pharmaceutical Companies Research Institutions Radiant Industries is a Automatic Vacuum Blood Collection Tube Assembly Line in Maharashtra, India Including Ahmednagar, Akola, Amravati, Aurangabad, Beed, Bhusawal, Bhandara, Buldhana, Chandrapur, Daulatabad, Dhule, Gadchiroli, Gondia, Hingoli, Jalgaon, Jalna, Kolhapur, Latur, Mumbai City, Mumbai Subarban, Nagpur, Nanded, Nandurbar, Nashik, Osmanabad, Palghar, Parbhani, Pune, Raigad Ratnagiri, Sangli, Satara, Sindhudurg, Solapur, Thane, Wardha, Washim, Kalyan,Karli, Kolhapur, Mahabaleshwar, Malegaon, Matheran, Osmanabad, Pandharpur, Sangli, Satara, Sevagram, Solapur, Ulhasnagar, Vasai-Virar, Wardha, Yavatmal. Feel free to contact us for more information and inquiries. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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iowamedia · 2 months
13 Beaches With Advisories this Weekend
DES MOINES, Iowa—The Iowa Environmental Council has released the Weekly Water Watch report about the advisories issued for beaches in the State of Iowa. The information is taken from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources data collected in the past week. There are 13 beach advisories for the week of 7/19 12 Beaches with an E. coli Advisory:Backbone Beach (Dundee, Delaware County, IA)* Beed’s…
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trendilyyours · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: KATY PERRY The Beed Zigzag Woven Mule w/Sculpted Heel 10M/NWT.
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marieblogsworld · 7 months
Hello everyone! Its me again, your one and only Eva a BEEd student. So today we’re going to write a blog about the cone of experience, here we are going to make an activity in each level. Are you ready? Let’s go, everyone☺️
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1. Verbal Symbols
In this level, the activity that I will give entitled “Guess the Verbal Symbol”. In this game the students will guess what is presented in front using a verbal symbol.
2. Visual Symbols
In this level, the activity entitled “Symbolic Collage Creation” this activity engage participants in a creative activity using visual symbols to express their thoughts and emotions.
3. Still pictures, Recordings, Radio
This level, the activity will be entitled “Guess the Soundtrack”. This game, the teacher will gather a collection of still pictures depicting scenes from popular movies or TV shows. Prepare a playlist of audio recordings featuring the soundtracks from those movies or TV shows and the students will guess the soundtrack.
4. Television and Motion Picture
In this level, the activity is that the students will create a show. They will make a story and they will present it with a creative way. They will use cartoon to make a cartoon TV and they will cut pictures for using this as the puppet that they will present in the cartoon TV.
5. Exhibits
In this level, the activity that I prepare here is the visiting of museums. Students will visit a museum and after they will create a reflective in what they see and experience in visiting the museum.
6. Study Trips
In this level, the activity of this is that the students will have field trip or have a field analysis like the one we experienced. We visit some place to have an analysis.
7. Demonstration
This level, the activity entitled “DIY Showdown”, a game where teams select a demonstrator to showcase their DIY skills by creating a project within a given theme or challenge, while the other teams observe and take notes, and a winner is determined based on creativity and execution.
8. Dramatized Experiences
This level, the activity is that the students will choose one movie that has a drama and they will imitate it. Then they will present this activity in front of the class.
9. Contrived Experiences
In this level, the activity is that the students will have a reporting or role play that they will present to the class.
10. Direct Purposeful Experiences
This level, the students will go to a community service where in they will teach some children. In this, students will teach some of the knowledge or learnings. For example, if you are an educ student and you have the knowledge to teach some kids you can apply your learnings in that.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy reading🥰
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extremebooty · 7 months
dump of odd seo website pickup lines
Did it hurt when you fell from non existent heaven? Because you look like an angel. Not the religious kind, but the kind I can get drunk enough to
Did it hurt when you were ripped from the cold bosom of oblivon and given conscious thought?
If it means anything, my mind has no religious viruses.
Lets compare stories of religious guilt trauma over Corned Beed and Kashmiri chai
"Dark Humor"
It's getting dark...
Wanna read?
Hello, my name is Endo...
I just wrote about you in my dark emotional journal
Tell me you are a banana because I find you peeling. Smell this rag! I’m sure you can inhale the chloroform. You have the most beautiful states I have ever seen. Can I be reincarnated as your child? I would like to suck on them till I am old and graying. 
If I could choose a place around you to live, I will choose your socks. I want to be with you only every damn step of the journey. Just say yes now, and I won’t have to spike your drink You are so beautiful that I want to be reincarnated as your child so that I can breastfeed by you until I’m 20. If I could be anything, I’d love to be your bathwater. 
On the off chance that you become mixed up amidst murkiness
Hello infant, need to see a combination between my white Dragon and your Dark Hole? (dark humor pick up lines )
I just expounded on you in my dim passionate diary. Wanna read? Hello child, would you say you are comprised of dull matter? Since you’re incredible. You should be Catwoman cause the Dark Knight Rises.
Did it hurt
Hey babe did it hurt when you had that gross tracking worm thing ripped out of your bellybutton? Because I’m nervous…
Did it hurt? When you clawed your way out of your grave?
Have you ever wondered what started my scarf collection? Would you like to find out?
Robert Pattinson in Twilight
Game [of] Thrones
Want to come back to my house to watch Game of Bones? Err… Thrones! I meant ~Thrones~.
Baby! You know nothing. Want to learn something new?
Breaking Bad
Do you wanna come back to my place and see my Jesse Pinkman?
Boxer or briefs? Whitey. Tighties.
Move on over, Walter. I think Malcom wants to be in the middle.
Gay & Lesbian (most of these are actually Canada themed)
I’m a man who drinks beer from an Awesome Land. Need I say more?
Girl, you’re such a Banff (i.e., a Bad Ass, Nice, And Fascinating Female).
Take me to bed or lose me forever. from “Top Gun”
Hey sergent i want to empty my gun magazine in you.
Bone up.
I understand you better than you understand your skeleton. They are the cutest thing I want to have in my grave yard. 
Your skeleton with be better next to my bed.
And I don’t just mean my skeleton.
Another Doctor Is Required Because You Were Not Charged For Dating The Patient.
I need a life. Please lower your standards and go out with me.
Gracious you discouraged?
Young lady, when you don’t message me back, I at times go into a tropical depression.
“It is safe to say that you are the methods for creation? ‘Cause I truly wanna hold onto you. *Death. I need to hold onto demise.”
I don’t think a lot about depression, however, I’m quite incredible.
You appear to be discouraged. We should blast the depression out of one another!
Damn Girl, you’re adorable, allowed me to get your email address.
Hello, there sailor? Wanna… assess mama’s gills?
I’ve been somewhat discouraged since the time of my vasectomy.
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unit2-ss24 · 8 months
Media Application - Design 8
Draft 2
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I think this design worked out quite well considering I wanted to experiment with using multiple colours on the bodice and by adding the shading it helps to add to the 3 dimensional element of my designs. I really like this colour combination as I feel they compliment each other very nicely as well as adding this funky vibe to my designs. In contrast Im not sure whether or not to add detail in to each section of the top or just some like I've done as I feel it could look a bit too chaotic however I'm not to sure if it currently looks unfinished as I have not done this to the entire top. Furthermore I like how for the beads it alternates between a coloured beed then a gold bead therefore thinning in with the gold element of my collection as well as adding a more playful essence to the design.
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