#been a long period of itme
*13 meltdowns later*
hello guys im back
the picture below is from this blog
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I would eat these so fast
I would run like ive never run in my life
I would marry both of these if they were people
I want 2,000 of each of these I want to savor them I want to devour them
everything in my soul is begging for the smell of these... oh my god and everything else in the blog looks like it smells really fucjgin goodddddd
there are very specific old smells I cant remember what exactly what some of the smells but my favorites are the smell of that kiddie pool rubber, my Korean grandma's detergent, and cigarets at the beach and the airport and the cities
I guess im a very smell person with my biggish nose
Sad creature hours
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ok guys I gotta find a remote job stay safe I love yall
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wheeboo · 10 months
hii rania! idk if your soft thoughts are still open but hoshi taking care if you when you're on your period. he'd be a little clueless but still attentive. he'd hate seeing you in pain and do anything to help you feel better and feel okay
HI SKYEE and yes soft thoughts r always open 25/8 😍
soonyoung hates this.
he hates seeing you so wilted on the living room couch, the colour drained from your face, and nothing but exhaustion evident in your expression all day long. he swears he hasn't seen your smile for the past two days since your period started, if he recalls correctly, almost as if a gloomy cloud has settled over you. he's never seen you look so burnt out.
pacing back and forth in the kitchen, he feels his mind race with uncertainty. he's always been a pro at dancing, choreographing, and making people laugh, but this is uncharted territory for him. he knows you've mentioned your period before, and he's aware of the basics, but seeing you in such discomfort brings out this determination to lessen your pain. even in the slightest.
finally, he grabs his phone and starts typing away, brows furrowed in concentration. he's googling things like how to help your girlfriend during her period and period remedies. his eyes narrow as he skims through different articles and websites.
then he takes a deep breath, trying to conquer his nervousness as he heads back to the living room and places himself down on the couch right next to you.
"okay, i've been doing some reading," he admits with a shy smile. "so, i learned that heat might help with the cramps. do you want me to get you a hot water bottle, or one of those, uh... heating pads?"
ugh. that sounds like heaven right now, you think. your cramps haven't felt this painful in a long itme.
"i think i have a heating pad in the bedroom that i haven't used in a bit," you tell him. "it should be in the second drawer on the bedside table."
soonyoung's eyes light up as he hears your response. "got it. i'll go grab it for you." and swiftly, he's on his feet and heading towards your bedroom.
he returns shortly, holding the heating pad carefully with both of his hands as if it's the most precious thing in the world.
sitting back on the couch beside you, he reaches over to push away the blanket from off your body. then gently, he places the heating pad on your abdomen and adjusts the settings to a comfortable level before bringing the blanket back over your body.
"how's that? does that feel okay?" he asks.
you feel a wave of warmth seep throughout your body, the soothing sensation bringing a sigh of relief from your lips.
"it's perfect, soonie, thank you," you say, giving him a faint smile.
his eyes soften as he watches you adjust your position, frowning from the little groan that leaves your mouth. he reaches over to grab your hand in his.
"i hate seeing you like this." he pouts.
you squeeze his hand reassuringly. "i know, soonie. but having you here makes it much better, honestly."
"can i ask for something though?"
you lift an attentive brow in his direction, cringing slightly from the wave of pain that hits you momentarily. "what is it?"
there's a small grin that crosses his lips. "smile for me, please? i miss it."
you let out a chuckle, appreciating his sweet request despite the discomfort. "you really want me to smile right now?"
"it's been two days, and i miss it," soonyoung assures. "and your smile is so pretty."
his words touch your heart, and you can't help but feel a surge of warmth despite the cramps. you take a deep breath, pushing through the pain to let a genuine smile grace your lips.
there's a sparkle of satisfaction in his eyes as he leans in and places a soft, gentle kiss on your forehead. "much better. thank you."
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ficmachine · 2 years
Living with Funtime Freddy headcanons please?
Hey dude! not currently writing for FF but i'll make an exception this itme around (tho, please check Fandom List for characters next time)
However in the world you may have gotten your hands on the massive bear animatronic, it definitely came with a lot of change to get used to. It's one thing to welcome home a new pet or a housemate and learn to live with them, a whole ass animatronic though is... Something else, entirely.
For one, you find yourself to have a lot less space to move around in. Whether your house was comfortable for you before, it's a completely different story with him here. You'll probably have to move some furniture around to make it more accessible for the both of you.
In a first few days a lot of your things ended up broken or damaged, too. It wasn't an issue for him before, in a place where there wasn't a lot of clutter, but finding himself somewhere meant for humans? He definitely has to get used to being more careful.
It still takes him some time though.
Funtime Freddy hasn't exactly seen the outside world asides of being rented for birthday parties or the things he overheard about it. He's used to idling for long periods of time, and keeping himself and Bonbon occupied if he needs to, so suddenly having a free roam of a place he's never been to? Definietely spurrs on his curiosity - he's got so much to explore, so many things to learn about.
Suddenly, after he's done getting accustomed to your place, it's a full-time job keeping him inside. If you have a garden with a fence that's hard to peer into? Letting him out there could be an option, but never before it gets dark. Better safe than sorry, after all.
He understands that for one reason or other it's better if he doesn't get noticed by others, but he's closer to finally being outside and exploring more so than he ever has been before. He understands though, so he won't wander out by himself. At least not when you're awake.
You don't need to know that though, right? It's not like you're here while you have a baby cam installed.. Right?
(You should probably get a baby cam set up, just in case. That or he needs to stop tracking muddy pawprints into the house)
Asides from that though? Having Freddy around definitely livens the place up. He binges your favourite shows with you (and finds more for you to watch), helps you in the kitchen and learns how to do chores so that he can take some of them over.
He's a bit restless but the both of you fall into a very domestic pattern eventually. He even becomes you new alarm in the morning.
Honestly, there's nothing better to wake up to than freshly made breakfast - even if it's a bit overcooked.
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itmlab · 9 months
How to share location on android? - ITM lab
Share your location with someone else on Android. This can be done by either sharing it for a certain period of time or continuously.
How to share location on android? - ITMlab
There are two ways to share your location with someone on Android.
There are two ways to share your location with someone on Android.
Share for a certain period of time. This is the default option, which means that the person you’re sharing with will only be able to see your location during the specified period of time. To do this:
Open the app and tap “Share location” in the top right corner or tap on “More options” when viewing an item in Maps (like an address).
Scroll down to the bottom and select “Share my current location” or “Share my ETA.” You can also select either one of these options directly from Google Search if someone asks where you are while they’re using voice search or text input on their phone/tablet device
Share your location for a certain period of time.
To share your location for a certain period of time, follow these steps:
Open the Google Maps app on your phone and tap the blue dot that represents you on the map.
Tap Share icon in bottom right corner (looks like two people).
Choose who you want to share with by selecting one of their email addresses or phone numbers from your contacts list; if they aren’t already saved as a contact, input their name and add them as a contact afterwards so that next time this step isn’t necessary! Also choose how long they should have access to this information: “Until I turn off sharing,” “Until end of day today,” etcetera depending on how long you think this will take before resuming normal life activities again later tonight when all is calm once more.”
Share your location continuously.
To share your location continuously, follow these steps:
Go to the Location settings by tapping Settings>Privacy & Security>Location.
Tap “Share My Location” and then select an app on your phone that you want to share with (e.g., Google Maps). You can also choose “Off” if you don’t want anyone else seeing where you are at all times (or ever).
You can share your location with friends and family in a number of different ways.
To share your location for a certain period of time, you’ll need to open the Google Maps app and tap on the green search bar at the bottom of your screen. Then enter in “share my location,” which will bring up two options: “While I’m Driving” and “Always.” If you want to share only when you’re driving, choose “While I’m Driving.” Otherwise, select “Always” to share all of your movements with those who have access to them!
If someone has given their permission for continuous tracking (which we recommend), they can access that information by opening up their own Google Maps app and tapping on their avatar icon in the top left corner. From there they will see an option called “My Location History” where they can see where this person has been over time by selecting any day within recent weeks or months depending on how far back they would like go!
In this article, we have seen the two ways to share your location on Android.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to share your location on Android:
Open the Google Maps app on your Android device. This app comes pre-installed on most Android phones, but if you don’t have it, you can download it from the Google Play Store.
Once you’re in the Google Maps app, make sure you’re signed in to your Google account. You can sign in by tapping on the hamburger menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner, and then selecting “Sign in” if you’re not already signed in.
On the map, find the location you want to share with others. You can search for a specific address or use your current location.
Once you’ve found the location, tap and hold on the map at that point. This will drop a pin on the map to mark the location.
At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see a bar with information about the location. Tap on this bar to expand it.
In the expanded view, you’ll see several options. Look for the “Share” button and tap on it.
A menu will appear with different sharing options. You can choose to share the location via different apps such as messaging apps, email, or social media. Select the app or method you prefer for sharing.
Depending on the app you select, you may need to choose a specific contact or enter an email address before sending the location.
Once you’ve selected the contact or entered the email address, tap on the “Send” or “Share” button to share the location.
The location will be shared with the contact or email address you selected, and they will be able to view it on their device using the chosen app.
That’s it! You have successfully shared your location on Android using Google Maps.
Q1: How can I share my current location with someone on my Android device?
A: To share your location, open the Google Maps app, tap your profile picture or initial, then tap “Location sharing.” Choose who to share with and for how long. They will receive a link to your real-time location.
Q2: Can I share my location with someone who doesn’t have a Google account?
A: Yes, you can share your location via SMS or email. In Google Maps, select “Share your location,” choose a contact, and select SMS or email. They will receive a link to view your location without needing a Google account.
Q3: Is it possible to share my location for a specific duration?
A: Absolutely, you can specify the duration for which your location is shared. In Google Maps’ location sharing, set a timer for how long you want to share your location, ranging from a few minutes to several days.
Q4: Can I share my location in real-time while moving?
A: Yes, Google Maps allows you to share your real-time location while you are on the move. The person you share with can track your location in real-time as long as you have the sharing session active.
For more visit: How to share location on android? - ITMlab
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rohitdhenge78 · 1 year
Transforming Aspiring Managers into Industry Leaders through PGDM courses
Management education in India has come a long way since its formal establishment in the postgraduate studies of universities in the early 1950s. With an emerging economy heavily dependent on organizations and industries, the significance of management education has never been more important. The Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) courses have been designed to equip students with the right behavioral and managerial skills required to become industry-ready.
The Importance of a Holistic Approach:
A good PGDM course is not just about imparting theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge to aspiring managers. A holistic approach is essential to the development of students. Equal importance must be given to the head (knowledge acquired, analytical and decision-making skills), heart (attitude and interpersonal behaviors required to be a responsible human being), and hands (skills applied in practice). A progressive management course must focus on developing these three aspects of a student to transform them into industry leaders.
Relevance to Industry Trends:
The curriculum of Postgraduate diploma courses is periodically revised to make it relevant to the latest trends and industry needs. The importance of having managerial skills in addition to technical skills cannot be overstated, especially in an economy that relies heavily on organizations and industries for its growth. A PGDM course ensures that students are well-equipped with the skills necessary to contribute to the socioeconomic progress of the nation.
Quality of Inputs and Placement Records:
PGDM courses are well-known for the quality of inputs and placement records. Aspiring managers must choose the right PGDM course to begin their journey toward a bright career. The curriculum of the course is customized to cater to the different domain needs of each specialization. The course transforms students by inculcating the right behavioral and managerial skills in them, making them industry-ready. 
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Contributing to the Education Ecosystem:
In addition to providing students with a platform to implement what they learn in classrooms, PGDM courses also focus on value-based leadership. Educational institutions have a responsibility towards contributing to the education ecosystem of the nation, and the best institutions put their best foot forward in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.
Industry-Academia Interface:
PGDM courses aim to build a robust industry-academia interface to enable students to learn directly from those who are making a positive change to the industry landscape. Institutions host international-level summits, conferences, seminars, and competitions for students to interact with leaders from all walks of life and different sectors of industry. This approach ensures that students are exposed to real-world scenarios and provided with an opportunity to learn from the experiences of leaders.
The PGDM courses offered by educational institutions like ITM Navi Mumbai fees in India are designed to transform aspiring managers into industry leaders. The holistic approach, relevance to industry trends, quality of inputs, and placement records make PGDM courses a popular choice for students seeking a bright career. 
The importance of managerial skills, in addition to technical skills, cannot be overstated. It is believed that PGDM courses do not just produce managers, but shape leaders who will paint a beautiful picture of our promising tomorrow.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
Gallavich Week Day 5: Fix-It / Rewrite
Right, so fix-its aren’t so much my jam, but there is this one weird, weird, weird thing that I’ve (so far) been unable to meta into any sort of sense. Namely, Mickey looking like that in season 11 while apparently not working out. It’s just… uh… he… what? At one point I hypothesized that he’s been bitten by a radioactive spider or the like, leaving him magically super buff, and to be honest, that’s still the most reasonable explanation I can think of, soooo…
Today I'm back at my nonsense to bring you, everyone and especially our dear @gallavichthings, 2,711 Very Serious words about Mickey being a secret superhero. Well. Except for the hero bit.
Read it below or on AO3.
In Which Mickey Milkovich Does Not Save the World
Afterwards, he would always refer to it as the radioactive motherfucker bug from hell, but the truth is that Mickey never saw the thing that got him.
He was going about his business (namely poking around the Gallagher basement for any forgotten shit he could sell for beer money now that all the cash from the wedding had been surreptitiously replaced with I.O.U:s) when he felt a sudden, sharp pain just above his ankle. Cursing up a storm, he desperately waved his foot around and lost his balance and stumbled straight into one of the many piles of boxes that littered the basement. By the time he was back on his feet whatever creature that had dug its nasty little teeth/pincers/claws into his tender flesh had scurried off, leaving Mickey with a throbbing ache and a halfway impressive puncture wound on his left leg.
Muttering darkly about fucking Gallaghers being so used Frank they didn’t know how to keep goddamned monster vermin out of their shitty house Mickey limped up the stairs to pour some Jamison on the wound, and then pour some down his throat because he had the bottle out already so he might as well. He borrowed one of Franny’s colourful pirate-patterned band-aids, and when his nosy as fuck ex-EMT of a husband asked about it later that evening Mickey said he’d dropped a can on his foot, it’s just a scratch, man, no you don’t need to take a look at it, just put your fingers back in my ass, please.
Mickey didn’t make a habit of lying to Ian, but he figured that telling the truth would lead to all sorts of questions about why he was in the basement and having to come up with plausible explanation for that when he should just be focusing on getting railed wasn’t part of his plans for the evening. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to Ian, who’d been getting so worked up over money lately, to distract him with that sort of unimportant stuff while they were banging. Mickey was a considerate spouse.
Thankfully, Ian dropped the subject and proceeded to do his husbandly duty. Mickey went to sleep deeply satisfied.
He was almost as satisfied the next morning when he woke up to realize that the pain in his leg was gone, as were all traces of the wound itself. Mickey had always healed pretty fast, but this was quick enough to have him questioning whether or not he’d really been bitten/stung/whatever at all. Maybe he’d had more beers than he thought and imagined the whole thing… ?
It didn’t really matter, and if that had been the whole of it Mickey was likely to soon have forgotten all about the radioactive motherfucker bug from hell. However, in the next few weeks he started noticing stuff, weird stuff. For instance, it wasn’t just the (possibly imagined) bite/sting that healed far more quickly than normal; it was all the little cuts and scrapes he tended to acquire. A big bruise from running into the table while playing with Franny; faded to nothing the next morning. A cut from the razor; gone within the hour. For the first time he could remember, Mickey looked at his naked body in the mirror and saw not one single wound (though there were still scars aplenty). It wasn’t a bad thing, per se, but it was weird.
Then there was that thing with his muscles. Mickey had been in decent shape for most of his life and whenever he got locked up for extended periods of time he made a habit of hitting the gym on the regular. Really wasn’t much else to do in the joint, and having a decent bulk reminded the other inmates that you weren’t someone they could push around; letting people know that you could beat the shit out of them often meant you didn’t have to actually do it, which saved everyone a lot of time and energy and trips to the prison quack. But on the outside, exercise wasn’t very high on Mickey’s list of priorities, meaning he tended to slim down a bit after a while in freedom.
Not now, though. Almost a year after being out of prison, and he was still as built as ever; if anything he seemed to be developing more muscles, in spite rarely engaging in anything more taxing than vigorous fucking. (Okay, so there was a lot of vigorous fucking, but still. If anyone ought to be building their biceps from the sex they were having, it should be Ian.)
Mickey didn’t mind being inexplicably ripped, though. He felt great, looked great – and Ian seemed to be pretty into it, too. Then again, Ian seemed to be pretty into Mickey whether he wore dirty clothes, sported a beard, sported a dress, or hadn’t showered in a week, so maybe that wasn’t saying a lot.
But even given all that, maybe Mickey still wouldn’t have thought too much about it (he was, after all, very busy being on his honeymoon, which required lots of determined sleep-ins, dedicated beer-drinking, and – obviously – lots and lots of banging) if there hadn’t one day come a knock on the front door. At first he ignored itm in the hopes that someone else would get it, but when it became apparent that a, he was alone in the house, and b, whoever was at the door wasn’t giving up anytime soon, he grabbed the family baseball bat (even big soft ass Larry would react to Mickey opening the door with an extremely illegal gun in hand) and went to answer the insistent knocking.
Outside stood two women, looking an unsettling mix of sober and apprehensive and eager. One of them reminded him vaguely of Angie Zago; the other was taller and darker and quite possibly brooding.
“Can I help you?” he demanded, not quite as rudely as he might have. He didn’t think they were social workers, but one never knew; they’d been checking up on Debbie and Franny ever since Debbie pleaded guilty to statutory rape.
“Mr. Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich?” Not-Angie inquired in a polite sort of tremble. 
“Who’s asking?” Mickey demanded, feeling a little thrown by the use of his full name. The only people who pulled that out was law enforcement, and neither of these ladies had that feel about them. Especially since they seemed to be… excited to meet him, which wasn’t a reaction Mickey was used to getting. Particularly not from ladies looking like they ought to be out collecting for the fucking Red Cross.
They better not be asking for donations for the Red Cross.
“I’m Tania and this is Dreamweaver,” Not-Angie said. “Can we come in? It’s really best if we talk in private.”
Mickey didn’t move. “Dreamweaver? You kick your mama too many times in the kidneys before you were born or something?”
The women glanced uncertainly at each other. “Mr. Milkovich,” the one improbably called Dreamweaver began, but Mickey cut her off:
“You with the police?”
They quickly shook their heads. “No, we— “
“You here to give me money?”
“No, you see, it’s— “
“Okay, thank you, bye.” But as he moved to close the door, Tania – displaying more spunk than he’d have given her credit for – took a step forward and blocked the entrance.
“Have you been experiencing any strange body phenomena lately, Mr. Milkovich?” she blurted. “Wounds healing very quickly, perhaps, or increased muscle mass?”
Mickey stilled, eyes darting between the two women. Small, small smiles on their faces now, as if they knew they had him. There was a hint of hunger to those smiles, making Mickey feel uncharacteristically uncomfortable. The urge to push Tania back and slam the door shut was strong, but…
“Fine,” he said at long last. “Come on in.”
They better not be fucking cannibals either.
They called themselves The Guardians, and they wanted him to save the world.
Mickey asked what numbers they were talking and, after getting bored of their uncomprehending stares, clarified: “How much is it gonna pay? What’s my cut?”
Dreamweaver frowned. “You mean… money? As in a… salary?”
“Yeah, sure. What’s my salary?”
“Mr. Milkovich, saving the world is a higher calling and a duty, it’s not something that– “
“Uh-huh. So, just to be clear, you’re not gonna pay me?”
They weren’t. Mickey laughed in their faces, stood from the couch, and told them bye and good luck with that and don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.
They reasoned with him. They pleaded. They explained, again and again, that after the evil society USCH destroyed The Guardian’s headquarters in a devastating attack, the two of them–and Mickey–was the only thing standing between the world and utter destruction. Surely, he must understand that it was nothing less than Fate that had brought the one remaining Bestower Bot into the Gallagher basement and his path? Admittedly, injecting Mickey with the bio enhancer might have been the result of a malfunction – Tania and Dreamweaver had found the bot dead down the street a couple of nights ago – but didn’t he see that he had been called to serve as a warrior in the fight against evil?
“Yeah, no thanks,” Mickey told them, and then he picked up the bat and waved it around until they took the hint and left.
When Ian returned home a few hours later, Mickey carefully didn’t mention the curious visit or any of what Tania and Dreamweaver had told him. Ian was pretty into saving people and had all these lame ideas about service and honor, and Mickey found it more likely than not that his husband would both be upset that Mickey, rather than Ian himself, had been called as a warrior (it’d be Lip and West Point all over again, Mickey just knew it), and demand that Mickey answer the call and run off like some loon to get himself killed by evil technomancers.
Mickey didn’t particularly feel like dying and he didn’t like the idea of hurting his husband’s feelings either, so he kept his mouth shut and skillfully derailed all of Ian’s attempts at asking about his day by giving him a blow job, teasing him about being a grunt, and allowing himself to be wrestled to the floor when Ian decided he’d had enough of teasing. It was a good evening.
As he lay in bed that night, back against Ian’s chest and with those strong arms wrapped around him, Mickey wondered if it would be worth risking Ian’s reaction by going public. Okay, Tania and Dreamweaver had mentioned how he’d probably gotten a pretty small dose of the bio-whatever-the-fuck, lending him nothing more exciting than enduring muscle mass and enhanced healing, but that should probably be enough to turn him into a cut above the rest, right? He could hire himself out to the highest bidder and make a fortune doing private security or collections or stuff like that. Fuck, he’d even consider taking on jobs for The Guardians, if they just agreed to pay him.
It was a fun thought to play with, but in the end a long life in the shadows made Mickey wary of putting himself out there like that. Besides, he’d seen enough movies to know that it’d probably wouldn’t be long before he mysteriously disappeared to some secret government facility to be experimented on. He’d had enough of the state’s hospitality to last him a lifetime, so thanks, but no fucking thanks.
And that could have been it. Should have been it, but of course Tania and Dreamweaver wouldn’t leave well enough alone. They started showing up at the Gallagher house at all hours, whenever they knew they could get Mickey alone. They accosted him on the way to the Alibi, they sat down next to him on the L, and they left him pictures of puppies with little notes saying stuff like “Only YOU can SAVE him from BURNING. Have a HEART”.
It was exhausting. Fearing the retribution of the cartel hadn’t anything on fearing seeing Tania and Dreamweaver’s disappointed-yet-still-somehow-hopeful-and-terribly-determined faces appear in a crowd, or round a corner, or on the porch when he went out for his evening smoke.
Mickey began to lose sleep. He’d spend the nights tossing and turning, which led to him staying in bed half the day to catch up on much needed rest, and he was often so tired he couldn’t bring himself to put on proper clothes or go outside the door the whole day. 
Ian was on his ass about getting a job; he didn’t get that Mickey had a job, and that job was not getting lured into sacrificing his life for the greater good. If Ian didn’t like the prospects of being a prison widow, how offensive wouldn’t he find the prospect of being an actual widower, after his husband got blown to bits by some big bad villain?
It got to the point of Ian initiating a sex strike to force Mickey to get “a real job”, which struck Mickey as really fucking unfair, considering how all he was trying to do was make sure Ian even had a husband to refuse to fuck.
Enough was enough. Something had to be done. Fortunately for Mickey – and unfortunately for Tania and Dreamweaver – Mickey had a guy for everything. As annoying as The Guardians were, Mickey didn’t have the heart to see them killed, but he figured that having them kidnapped and shipped off to some sweatshop on the other side of the world would serve the same purpose. He felt a little bad about it, sure, but he had given them plenty of chances to fuck off. Not his fault they couldn’t respect a fucking boundary.
Mickey called Johnny, told him the score, and a few night later Johnny called Mickey to tell him it was done.
It was done. Over. Mickey would finally be able go about his life in peace again, giving all his attention to his husband and doing his outmost to make him the happiest man alive every single day, even when Ian was annoying as hell and started asking pointless fucking questions about how Mickey was in such great shape even though he never did as much as one single curl up.
I see. So… you’re telling me that you have secret superpowers.
Yeah. Except, not actually secret anymore. ‘Cause, you know, you told me we shouldn’t have secrets.
… yeah, that was three months ago.
Guess it must have slipped my mind, huh.
Must have. But let me get this straight: you couldn’t get a real job because you were busy dodging secret agents, and your muscles are the result of you getting bitten by some magic robot—
Radioactive motherfucker bug from hell.
—and not you sneaking down to the basement to do weights and cardio almost every day?
… oh.
Yeah, oh. Carl told me about it, asshole. He noticed you using some of the stuff down there. Don’t get why you’d wanna keep that a secret though?
Mick. We have to be honest with each other, remember?
Jesus Christ, I don’t know, okay? I don’t know.
Guess the first time was back when you had that dip a couple of months after the wedding. Few times after that, if we had a fight or whatever and I needed to let off some steam. Then you started working and sometimes I got bored watching TV all day but you were all mopey about your shitty job and me not having any and you have this thing about your body—
I don’t have a thing about my body.
­—so I didn’t really wanna rub your face in me having all that time to work out when you could barely squeeze in dozen push-ups in the evening. And I guess I didn’t really want anyone to know that I… cared, or whatever.
Cared? About what? Being healthy? Looking good? Being strong?
Whatever, man, I told I don’t fucking know. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, ‘cause it was a radioactive motherfucker bug from hell that did it.
Of course it was. Come here. Show me what that bio enhanced body of yours can do.
Ahahahahahaha, would you look at that. I tried to meta it anyway. 😭😭😭
You might reasonably ask about Mickey’s visit to Kev Fit – how does that fit? WELL, I rather imagine that whatever Mickey does in that basement is enough to keep him fit but still not SUPER hardcore? So when he starts worrying about Ian thinking him weaker than, he decides to take it up a notch and do it properly in a real(ish) gym? And his comment about “not remembering how much working out sucks” is part of the whole “not wanting anyone to know this is something I care to do on the regular”… Yeah, it’s pretty weak. All in all, I’d say the radioactive motherfucker bug from hell is still our best bet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is probably the last time I have one of them tell the other a story this week, but I make no promises. These little ficlets don’t tend to go as planned. (Ha! She said, as if there was a plan to begin with. Oh, well. I guess it’s working out so far.)
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clockworkotter · 4 years
huge rambling mess about pain
hoo boy, I am strugglin’ lol
My life is just consumed by pain and I can’t escape itm or even really keep on top of it right now, it’s just too much. My usual levels are bad but the extra nerve pain I’m having just sends everything through the roof
I’m pretty sure most of the words out of my mouth today are just me flatly telling my husband I’m sorry I’m not functioning or thinking straight, I’m in a lot of pain and him being patient and loving with me
I just want to function at least, but I can’t. I’m going to run out of pain medication well before my next appointment, but I’m also getting that injection in a few days, assuming everything proceeds without a hitch of course. I’m already taking the max of OTC I can take without actively destroying myself. I don’t think I’ve been in this dire of circumstances for years. 
The cats want to cuddle and comfort me and I have to tearfully beg them to not jump on me, or try to get in my lap, because I can’t stand the pain. This fuckin’ blows.
It’ll be okay, I’ll be ok. It is so, so, so hard right now though. I have to make it to the injection and then I have the recovery period and waiting period while it starts to work and then hopefully I’ll have a grace period where I can get by until my appointment. If I can do that, I will be able to stretch my heavy meds long enough to keep me sane, even if I don’t exactly get relief from them. Depending on these fucking things is infuriating. Anyone who takes this shit for fun is welcome to take on my pain levels as well. I’m not unsympathetic to addicts, but it hurts pretty bad to know that these wretched things that I have to fight for and spend so much effort being responsible with are used for recreation. 
I dunno I’m rambling, fuck it
it’ll be ok it’ll be ok it’ll be ok
and if it isn’t, then it still will be. Because I don’t have a choice.
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charminblood-blog · 4 years
25 Hottest Israeli Women in the World
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Hot Israeli women have been taking the world by storm lately, with more and more of them delving into acting and modeling. But why are these beautiful Israeli women so special? Is it their classiness, their long legs, or the fact some of them are exceptionally smart? As it turns out, these women offer more than meets the eye. From brains and beauty to entrepreneurship and class, these 25 sexy Israeli women are giving Western beauties a run for their money.
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Born into a Jewish family, Gal Gadot first got her big break at the 2004 Miss Israel pageant. She became a beauty queen and got to take part in Miss Universe 2004 in Ecuador. But the world wasn’t ready yet for what this beauty could bring, so she kept her calm and fulfilled her duties. As one of many hot Israeli women who had to complete military training, Gal enlisted as a combat instructor in the Israel Defense Forces. At the same time, she was working on getting her education, studying law and international relations. Then, 2009 came, and Gal got a role in Fast and Furious as Gisele, making her a well-known face in the movie industry. Her most significant movie role so far was in Wonder Woman. It has presented her to a whole new legion of fans and let her top lists of sexy Israeli women all around the world. The sequel to Wonder Woman is going to come out soon. In the meantime, Gal is keeping busy with ad campaigns and collaborating with directors such as Kenneth Branagh. It’s evident she’ll stay in the limelight for years to come; with that gorgeous face and a humble yet dazzling smile, who would mind watching her on the silver screen?
Bar Refaeli
Model, Television Host, Actress, Entrepreneur
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As a model, actress, and entrepreneur, Bar Refaeli is who every girl wants to be. She carefully juggles both her good looks and brains, never forgetting that she has a mission in this world. At the same time, it’s hard for men not to admire her beauty; she even kept Leo DiCaprio in a relationship for quite some time. As a model, Bar is famous for her 2009 cover of Sports Illustrated, topping the 2012 Maxim Hot 100 list, and various magazine appearances. What most people don’t know is that she’s a savvy businesswoman as well. Due to her investments in MyCheck and fashion brand Castro, she has been able to increase her wealth all on her own. But, Bar is no stranger to controversy. Her most famous fall from grace is the fact that she avoided military service in her own country. However, she maintains her solidarity with military women and shows her support on social media often. Additionally, she loves volunteering, frequently helping abandoned pets and sick children.
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An Israeli-American actress, Bar Paly isn’t as famous as her namesake, Refaeli. However, she makes up for that by working hard on her career and gracing us with her presence in various TV shows. Bar started her career at the tender age of 17 and became a frequent cover girl. She appeared in GQ and Rolling Stone before transitioning into acting. Since 2003, she has acted in cult favorites such as How I Met Your Mother and The Starter Wife. Moreover, she has rubbed shoulders with the likes of Charlie Sheen in A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III and Dwayne Johnson in Pain & Gain. She joins other hot Israeli women on this list because of the way she looks. With her golden locks and milky skin, she is every man’s dream. And with her career blossoming as we speak, we’re sure to meet her on the silver screen again.
Esti Ginzburg
Fashion Model
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Since women in Israel have to complete military service, Esti also enlisted and later even showed her support for all those who don’t ignore the country’s law. However, her modeling career didn’t start after that. She actually took part in a milk campaign at the tender age of eight, and since then, has been modeling for various famous designers and brands, such as Tommy Hilfiger, Pull and Bear, and Burberry. With her luscious golden hair and a figure to die for, Esti Ginzburg is one of those hot Israeli women that have a fantastic career before them. This model has already shown how well she can pose for the camera by appearing in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Moreover, she has revealed she’s not afraid of working hard to achieve her goals.
Moran Atias
Actress, Model
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As one of the most beautiful Israeli models in the world, Moran Atias joins the ranks of other hot Israeli women on this list. With her dark hair and warm eyes, she’s every brunette-loving guy’s dream. But, Moran has also shown she’s a talented actress and model. Her most notable works include Land of the Lost, Mother of Tears, Third Person, and Crazy Eyes. She has also delved into TV acting, appearing in The Resident. Little do people know, though, that Moran was discovered quite early on and became a model for Roberto Cavalli. We’re not surprised given her figure and ability to work the camera just right. However, we’re glad she has decided to grace not only the runway but the silver screen as well.
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This little Libra shows just how much those who share her zodiac sign are capable of achieving in a short period of time. After leaving the military, Alona Tal decided to up her chances of becoming famous by doing commercials. Her big breakthrough came with Lihiyot Kochav, an Israeli movie. Since then, Alona has become a well-known face in the TV industry. She has appeared in various famous shows, such as Monk, Pretty Little Liars, and Ghost Whisperer. Most notably, she played Veronica Mars’ friend and Jo Harvelle in Supernatural. Right now, Alona is a doting mother and wife who is slowly but surely building her Instagram following and advancing her career. Don’t think her career is on permanent hold — we’ll be seeing more of Alona quite soon.
Odeya Rush
Actress, Model, Filmmaker
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Have you heard of Odeya Rush? You must have, as she’s one of the up-and-coming actresses everyone should be on the lookout for. What’s more, she’s a part of the hot Israeli women’s club with her angelic eyes, dark hair, and exquisite figure. Although quite young, Odeya has already made a name for herself. With 516 thousand followers on Instagram, a role in Netflix’s Let It Snow, and even a part in Oscar-nominated Lady Bird, she’s on her way to becoming the new Natalie Portman. But, Odeya has also done modeling campaigns for Gap, Guess, and Tommy Hilfiger. As such, it’s safe to say she has shown how versatile her career can be — and how much she has to offer the world.
Natalie Portman
Actress, Filmmaker
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As the reigning queen of hot Israeli women, Natalie Portman is the most famous actress on this list. A blockbuster favorite and Oscar winner, she has shown multiple times how talented she is. And let’s face it — her beauty is only becoming more apparent with age. As the star of Léon: The Professional, Natalie began her career at the age of twelve and later moved on to various box office hits, such as V for Vendetta, Thor, and No Strings Attached. Her fans loved her in Black Swan, and so did the Academy. Yet, we love her for breathing life into Padmé Amidala and becoming a part of the Star Wars universe. Now a mom of two, Natalie is keeping busy with ad campaigns for brands such as Dior and movies like Lucy In the Sky. But, this beauty is not afraid to show off her brains either. She’s a Harvard graduate and an advocate for animal rights, not to mention an anti-poverty and #MeToo activist.
Agam Rudberg
Actress, Model
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Although not as famous as some other hot Israeli women on this list, Agam Rudberg is a beautiful face that has shown her talent time and time again. Primarily working in Israel, she has graced TV shows such as Ahava Me’ ever Lapina and Split. Her most recent role was in Temporarily Dead, a medical drama. With 374 thousand followers on Instagram, a smile that could brighten any day, and an eerie resemblance to Bar Refaeli, Agam is doing quite well in her career now. Her country adores her not only for her good looks but her morals as well. She has openly criticized her lookalike for refusing to enlist in the military, saying she ought to have tried at least.
Maria Domark
Model, Internet Celebrity
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What can we say about Maria Domark? A popular model from Israel, Maria has amassed an extensive following on Instagram. More than a million people watch her every move and wait patiently for photos of her beautiful face. But, apart from serving good looks online, Maria is working hard on her budding modeling career. With an hourglass figure, full lips, and blonde hair, she is a sought-after face for many brands and is currently modeling for ITM. While her career is advancing, though, Maria is working hard on branching out. She even has a single on her YouTube channel, which she made in 2019. Perhaps a singing career is in the cards for her, as well?
Rotem Sela
Model, Actress, Television Presenter
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With a degree in Law and Business Administration and experience as a clerk in the IDF, Rotem Sela is one of those hot Israeli women that has shown she is a smart cookie as well. Despite her good looks, she doesn’t allow to be seen as just a model. Her experience speaks for herself, and today, she is an actress and a political and LGBT advocate. Rotem is famous for her role in Beauty and the Baker and for putting Israeli film and TV industry above Hollywood’s bright lights. She maintains that she always wanted to succeed in her home country. With many roles under her belt, it’s easy to conclude that she’s one of Israel’s most prosperous actresses.
Shlomit Malka
Fashion Model, Television Host
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With Moroccan and Russian descent, Shlomit Malka joins this list of hot Israeli women as a blue-eyed model who has graced many international campaigns. She is mostly famous for her work as a model but has also shown her talents as a television host. During her career, Shlomit has collaborated with L’Oreal, Maybelline, Chanel, and Armani. She has also appeared in magazines such as Marie Claire and regularly posts her work and what she’s up to on Instagram. In 2013, she was also one of the highest-earning Israeli models. However, her career could have ended quite suddenly after her 2017 accident. She was in critical condition and even in a coma. Luckily, she pulled through and continues to dazzle us with her natural beauty.
Yarden Harel
Television Host, Photographer
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Yarden Harel is a popular model who has, during her career, branched out into other fields in order to show off her talents. Most notably, she was an entertainment correspondent for Rokdim Im Kokhavim and Zinor Layla and even served as a backstage host on The Voice: Israel. Right now, though, Yarden is putting all her efforts into her lifestyle blog and showing off her photography skills on Instagram. With more than 280 thousand followers, her content appeals to younger audiences and those who appreciate quality, beautiful images. Of course, it helps that Yarden is still a natural beauty who’s not afraid to show off her smile. What’s more, she hasn’t lost that X factor that jump-started her career!
Neta Alchimister
Model, Swimwear Designer, Social Media Star
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With a huge Instagram following (1.6 million), Neta Alchimister is a social media star, model, and entrepreneur. She is most famous for her modeling campaigns for the brand Castro, as well as her own bikini line BaNaNhot. Neta was quick to start her career after completing military service. After being discovered at 15, she has been working hard on making a name for herself, appearing in Blazer’s swimwear edition and often collaborating with Anna Zak, another Internet personality. To us, it seems Neta is one of those hot Israeli women that has fully embraced social media and is using it to her advantage. Luckily, we’re able to marvel at her good looks every day and keep supporting her with our likes and comments.
Yael Shelbia
Fashion Model, Actress
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Her career is still blooming, but Yael Shelbia has already shown her modeling talents to the world. She’s well known both in Israel and internationally due to her Instagram and various ad campaigns. Most notably, she was one of the faces of KKW Beauty in 2018. Right now, Yael is slowly but surely working on her career as a fashion model. After getting discovered on Germany’s Next Topmodel in 2017, she has become a sought-after face with many agencies vying for her attention. Still, she’s young, and we probably haven’t even seen a fraction of all her talents. According to her Instagram, she may even branch out into acting soon.
Tal Berkovich
Actress, Writer, Fashion Model
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Born to a Romanian father and an Indian mother, it’s safe to say Tal Berkovich has a type of beauty that could easily conquer the whole world. Her unique decent gives her the facial features most modeling agencies are after. Thus, it’s no surprise to see she has done various lingerie and sportswear campaigns. Yet, Tal is also an actress and a writer, not to mention a trained ballerina. In fact, she was the youngest member of the Israeli National Ballet. Right now, Tal is doing more photoshoots and showing off her camera skills on Instagram. Some even say she resembles a young Cindy Crawford with her long brown hair and a killer body. Fortunately, she isn’t going anywhere any time soon, so we just have to keep an eye out for her new projects.
Dar Zuzovsky
Actress, Model
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You have probably seen Dar Zuzovsky before; her beauty has landed her not just a spot on our list of hot Israeli women but multiple campaigns with brands such as Urban Outfitters and Sephora. Starting her career as a model at the age of 15, Dar quickly rose to prominence and has even become an actress in the meantime. As far as Hollywood fame goes, Dar still isn’t as well known as Natalie Portman. However, something tells us she still hasn’t shown us all her acting talents. Still, from her appearances in Beauty and the Baker and Papa, it’s clear Dar is able to carry roles effortlessly while at the same time looking as magnificent as ever. The future seems bright for Dar, as her next movie, Harry Haft, includes the likes of Danny DeVito, Peter Sarsgaard, and Ben Foster. Yet, we wouldn’t bet on her quitting modeling forever. After all, with a face that even graces a mural in LA, it would be quite a shame not to see her in magazines!
Yuval Scharf
Film/Television/Theatre Actress, Model
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As a successful movie actress, Yuval Scharf is making a name for herself internationally. This red-headed beauty is honing her acting chops one role at a time, taking all acting difficulties in stride and making the best of them. Of course, Yuval wouldn’t be on our list of hot Israeli women if she didn’t have that X factor we all know and love. Her fiery hair, light-colored eyes, and exquisite bone structure make her a unique model. But, it seems Yuval is determined to make it in the movie industry — and honestly, she’s going places. She learned how to act in Nissan Nativ Acting Studio and is now branching out into non-Israeli production by appearing in a BBC show called McMafia.
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If you were to ask the next pick for our list of hot Israeli women why she became an actress, you’d get a surprising answer. In her childhood, Inbar suffered from asthma and had to use a nebulizer. To pass the time, she devoured movies and sought idols in the likes of Natalie Portman. For someone with her health condition, you wouldn’t expect her to come this far. Yet, Inbar has proven that she is not only a strong woman but a talented one as well. She had a lead role in Imposters and appeared in Lucifer and Prison Break. Therefore, we can expect to see more of her in the following years, perhaps even on the silver screen!
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We cannot say that Amit Freidman is as famous as some other hot Israeli women on this list. However, her beauty is not to be underestimated. It has landed her plenty of modeling jobs, though she’s best known for fiery bikini pics. Still, Amit’s career, though not as substantial as, let’s say, Bar Refaeli’s, could take off quite soon. She’s slowly building up her Instagram following and regularly posting about her jobs. What’s more, she keeps it light and throws in a few cat pictures now and then — you have to appreciate a hot animal lover!
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Shira Haas is a young star in Israel who already has quite a few hits under her belt. Even though she’s only 24, she has managed to act alongside actresses such as Jessica Chastain and Rooney Mara. Furthermore, critics loved her acting in Princess — you could say that role essentially put her on the map. However, her doll-like features, long shiny hair, and a stare that could touch even the coldest heart are what has made us include her in our lineup of hot Israeli women. There’s something about Shira that’s so natural yet almost ethereal. Her hair has a type of warmth that’s not that common among beautiful Israeli women, while her smart gaze tells you that she’s more than a pretty face.
Roni Meron
Actress, Singer, Musician, Model, Host
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Roni Meron could definitely give Cindy Crawford a run for her money. However, it seems this beauty has switched to singing and songwriting, as she hasn’t acted in anything since 2015. But don’t feel bad for Roni — her career is still on the rise. With her magnificent voice, a premium record deal could be in the future. In fact, she was even offered a few girl group deals when she was younger. Nevertheless, knowing what that would mean for her future, she turned them down and opted to finish high school. As one of the most obscure hot Israeli women on our list, Roni is mysterious but wonderful to look at. Hopefully, she’ll continue appearing in print and on TV, giving us a reason to pay more attention.
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A talented actress, no doubt, Hada Yaron is an up-and-coming star that has done something most hot Israeli women haven’t been able to. She won the Best Actress award at the Venice Film Festival, becoming the first Israeli to achieve such success! But she deserved that award fair and square, as her performance in Fill the Void left everyone in awe. What’s more, she didn’t stop there. Since then, she has appeared in Felix and Meira and Mary Magdalene. Most recently, she acted in Troppa Grazia, which was screened at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. As a natural beauty, though, Hadas is gaining in popularity all around the world. In the 21st century, she’s unique with her sincere eyes and a lovely figure. Plus, since she has already shown her many talents, we could even say that she ought to become a fixture in a lineup of some of the best Israeli actresses ever.
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Born in 1989 in Jerusalem, Daniella Kertesz can boast about rubbing shoulders with famous actors such as Brad Pitt. She played Segen in World War Z, as well as Onie in AfterDeath. That has allowed her to become popular in Hollywood, with more promising roles to come. However, Daniella actually started her career quite early. When she was about to start ninth grade, a casting director offered her to audition for a TV series. She got the part and became a truly lucky girl, playing Noa Sperling in Reds. After a few other small roles, Daniella got her big break with Ha-Emet Ha’Eroma. She also appeared in Loving Anna and Autonomies. But, her acting experience isn’t why she’s on our list. Daniella joins other hot Israeli women because of her exquisite beauty and fiery hair. With her bright smile and classical features, she’s the epitome of an Israeli goddess. Hopefully, Hollywood catches up with her and gives her more roles so that we can enjoy not only her looks but her talent as well.
Yaara Benbenishty
Actress, Model
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Slowly becoming a famous social media fixture, Yaara is a face to be on the lookout for. Not only is she a natural beauty, but she has also shown her acting talent over the years. Yaara has appeared in The Inheritance, Oboy, and Fauda, showing everyone she can be anybody on the screen. Furthermore, she’s working on becoming a true influencer, with almost 100 thousand followers. S he often does ad campaigns for brands such as Fresh and shows her following how she keeps her figure in top-notch shape. Most notably, Yaara isn’t afraid to show her makeup-free face. Her beauty is famous in the beauty industry, which is why she even finds work as a model. However, we feel Yaara is more inclined toward social media and movies. Luckily, it seems she could become the next big thing, as she already has another movie in the pipeline, Frankie’s Baby.
Anna Zak
Internet Personality, Model, Singer
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I'll explain my reason a little bit later. )Now, when I typically short premium via structured trades. I size the trade to represent my max risk and play the odds. For example, if I were to put on this trade and was risking $1,000 on the trade. I'd sell 4 call spreads which would have a max risk of $972. I'm not a proponent of stopping out of short premium trades. As you know, most options expire worthless. However, there are cases where outliers occur and short premium trades go ITM and end up being losers. By sizing my trades according to the amount I'm willing to lose. I'm not really stressed about any large overnight moves or morning gaps. You see, I've already outlined my line in the sand. In fact, this is one of the problems that I have noticed with those that use option strategies like iron condors. Now, I'm extremely disciplined about following my rules. I know that if option volatility isn't elevated (or rich). it doesn't make sense to add on more risk (to receive a greater premium) because that's how potentially big losses can occur. Some of my clients achieve a great deal of success after a few weeks of learning my simple rules-based approach. However, when some tell me their profits, relative to their account size. I won't hesitate to let them know if they're taking on too much risk and sizing poorly. Of course, some listen. but others will still size up to big.
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For example, if I were to put on this trade and was risking $1,000 on the trade. I'd sell 4 call spreads which would have a max risk of $972. I'm not a proponent of stopping out of short premium trades. As you know, most options expire worthless. However, there are cases where outliers occur and short premium trades go ITM and end up being losers. By sizing my trades according to the amount I'm willing to lose. I'm not really stressed about any large overnight moves or morning gaps. You see, I've already outlined my line in the sand. In fact, this is one of the problems that I have noticed with those that use option strategies like iron condors. Now, I'm extremely disciplined about following my rules. I know that if option volatility isn't elevated (or rich). it doesn't make sense to add on more risk (to receive a greater premium) because that's how potentially big losses can occur. Some of my clients achieve a great deal of success after a few weeks of learning my simple rules-based approach. However, when some tell me their profits, relative to their account size. I won't hesitate to let them know if they're taking on too much risk and sizing poorly. Of course, some listen. but others will still size up to big. thinking that they will always have a chance to get out of position before it reaches max loss. But sometimes it doesn't work that way.
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Are there any key technical levels?Some questions to ask yourself: Is a key moving average that is broken, support or resistance levels violated, a spike below or above the VWAP or whatever technical indicator you're looking at. Now, I know some option investors who don't use price charts or technical analysis; some are very successful. However, even if you don't. understand that there are other traders who do (with serious money behind them). just knowing what levels they might be getting in and out of could be some useful information. Is There Liquidity Risk?During periods of high volatility.
Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training. Why Size Matters - Especially In Options TradingIn my previous article I wrote about how style drifting could kill your trading account. It's a must read in my opinion.
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I'll make it a binary trade. Basically the premium spent on the position is what I'm willing to lose. For example, if options are $0. 50 and I want to risk $500 max on the trade. I will buy 10 contracts. If I get my move. I'll take my profits. Too many times. traders will buy 20 or 30 contracts under the same risk parameters. see the options go to $0. 30 and get out.
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If you invest for a long enough time.
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Going all in or full size was not the right play in this situation. You see, it's important to have some kind of perspective and understanding of the stock or ETF you're trading. The type of move we saw in UVXY is not uncommon relative to how it trades. The option investor should have been aware of this and sized smaller. Putting volatility levels into context is essential if you're going to be using options to express investment ideas. Examine the time frame?In my previous article , I share a story of one of my trades, where I had to close out a position because I was leaving to go to a dentist appointment. I bought back some short puts for $0. 10 expiring in an hour. those options that I bought back ended up closing deep ITM.
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Position sizing is critical for near term options. it doesn't matter if you're buying or selling premium. In many cases, if I do buy premium on an option expiring in a short time frame. I'll make it a binary trade. Basically the premium spent on the position is what I'm willing to lose. For example, if options are $0. 50 and I want to risk $500 max on the trade. I will buy 10 contracts. If I get my move. I'll take my profits. Too many times. traders will buy 20 or 30 contracts under the same risk parameters. see the options go to $0. 30 and get out.
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It is important to learn that these instruments are riskier than owning the stocks themselves, because unlike actual shares of stock, options have a time limit. There are 2 types of contracts. Calls and Puts and How to trade them and the basics behind them. What is a Call Option and how to trade them?A call option contract gives the holder the right to buy 100 shares of the stock (per contract) at the fixed strike price, which does not change, regardless of the actual market price of the stock. An example of a call option contract would be:1 PKT Dec 40 Call with a premium of $500. PKT is the stock you are buying the contract on. 1 means One option contract representing 100 shares of PKT. The basic thought and learning how to trade call options in this example is you are paying $500, which is 100% at risk if you do nothing with the contract before December, but you have the right to buy 100 shares of the stock at 40. So, if PKT shoots up to 60. You can exercise the contract and buy 100 shares of it at 40. If you immediately sell the stock in the open market, you would realize a profit of 20 points or $2000.
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The second step, which it's essential to carry out, as a way to evaluate the signal support providers declare is from the demo or cost-free accounts. Several binary brokers permit you to test your competencies by way of a Digital currency demo accounts which replicate the real trading With OTC binaries nevertheless, there is not any commission. In principle, the time period ‘brokers’, just isn't proper. Binary corporations aren't arranging a offer or acting for a intermediary; Whatever they are, is definitely the counter-social gathering to every in their customers’ positions. So there's no payment or commission to the trade. The difference is usually that expiry instances of property are not on the same working day. Expiry times are: stop of tomorrow, finish of day immediately after tomorrow, end of week, conclude of thirty day period, stop of quarter, etc. Right before talking about the nitty-gritties with the alerts supplied by the Option Robotic as well as their precision, it is vital to be familiar with what binary options signals are to start with. A binary options signal is usually an inform sent by using email, audio or text advising the trader regarding the best and many profitable options to trade on. Alerts are created depending on meticulous Examination of an asset’s value motion charts plus the similar developments in an effort to get there in a projected motion which happens to be then transmitted to the trader in true time. There are actually long-lasting alerts that keep legitimate for nearly weekly and short-phrase alerts which can past for fifty minutes – everything depends upon how you prefer them. We shall concentrate on the latter alternative of brief-phrase indicators. Fibonnaci– This method is predicated on a sophisticated mathematical sequence which repeats alone following some time. Just like something mathematical, Fibonnaci is definitely quite possibly the most precise investing manner and has somewhat decreased challenges as compared to Martingale. If a client believes the cost of a commodity or forex are going to be over a particular selling price at a set time, he purchases the binary option. If he believes it will be underneath that price, he sells the option. The cost of a binary is always beneath $a hundred.[seventeen] Binary Solution Robot has made a name during the binary options trade given that the company with essentially the most credible signals. Like a trader, you will have to align on your own with the very best sign supplier to have a regular income from binary options. Your supplier Consequently ought to be Binary Option Robotic. Once you make your alternative, it is amazingly vital which the signal service you decide on has several important functions. This is especially critical if you use the automatic application along with the indicators. The choice of prevent-decline limitations exists to grant you comfort – you require not must consistently contemplate the amount you happen to be winning or be worried about the losses. of a variety of technical indicators and statistical equipment which might be instrumental from the generation of your indicators. UpDown signals are 70% precise which could go greater or lessen with regards to the current market conditions. However, it continue to stays considerably reduce than what most signal companies’ commonly offer. To point out a number of facts in the event you aren’t now knowledgeable, the normal ITM % among sign providers and car traders is 86% and has been so to the longest time until date. Consequently, the 70% that UpDown Signals offer you isn’t highly amazing. As it is, it is going to choose some exemplary client treatment combined with special options to put them forward of your stiff Levels of competition. In contrast to most suppliers, UpDown Alerts doesn't mail signals all over the trading day – as a substitute it sends signals only in the course of a certain time period. Also, the amount of indicators despatched every day is extremely restricted, generally two-3 as well as none depending on the sector conduct. Being a trader, you should make certain that everytime you are paying out any funds it is definitely worth the Charge. And consequently it is more imperative that you take a look at the efficacy from the signals right before committing on your own for the sign provider companies. Automatedbinary’s best function, hands down, will be the $50,000 demo version which happens to be open to all, be it the registered users or maybe Online holidaymakers who ‘mistakenly’ land on the internet site and would want some enjoyment. Michael listed here unfolds the which means and importance of binary investing indicators within a concise fashion. It's also possible to find out about a few of the best binary options investing platforms offering very lucrative alerts to your traders. By turning out to be aware of these types of buying and selling signals, you can assure your good results in the same. Have a good time buying and selling!forex club Tags:forex club,forex club mt4,forex club investment,forex indicator club,forex investors club
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shelbs60759 · 5 years
Bonsai Trees
I have always had a love of bonsai trees. Every time that I saw them, I would stop and really look at them to try and figure out how they are maintained. During my freshman year at UU, I decided to buy a bonsai tree kit online and grow my own. We planted my tree the week on finals in the spring semester. It took almost a full month possibly two before the tree sprouted. I managed to grow and shape my little tree for two years, but during my junior year, my tree died. I attribute the death to my roommate at the time, who kept our room quite cold.
I have looked into bonsai tree care and this website (https://www.bonsaiboy.com/catalog/indoorbonsaicare.html) was really helpful. This site says that the tree should be outside as long as the temperature stays above 40 degrees. The tree should be positioned to receive morning sun and afternoon shade. The tree's soil should never be dry. It is important to keep them well watered. When training the trees, you need to do a lot of intensive research before training them or get them after they’ve been trained. If they have already been trained, then you just need to do the periodic trimmings and pinching to keep them miniature. The biggest note on trimming and pinching is to make sure some new growth is left on the tree. If no new growth is left it will hinder the health of the tree. These trees need to be repotted periodically so that their root system can be trimmed back and flourish in the new pots.
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Photo retrieved from: https://www.amazon.com/Brussels-Golden-Ficus-Indoor-Bonsai/dp/B0000DGF9V
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Photo retrieved from:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Blue-Maple-Seeds-Bonsai-Tree-Multicolor-Maple-seeds-Small-Maple-for-Home-/282921844080
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ITM Mumbai Mirror: News about the Reputed Colleges
In today’s time, management studies are receiving a lot of preference and importance from every sector in the corporate world. The students are referred with a degree of management as most big companies are concerned with that and in a great matter as well. In different companies are offered to the individuals who have completed management studies. There is one thing that people can assure is that there is no dearth of jobs in this field of work.
In the management field, there are different categories of jobs available. These jobs are available depending on the course of study that you have chosen for management studies; it can be in finance, marketing, sales and even in retail. In the fresher period of an employee, one will have a full time payment as well. The range of jobs open up more and with the range broadening, the salaries also tend to increase.  
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                   ITM Mumbai Mirror | Image Resource: shutterstock.com
Things Important for Management Studies:
• There are certain skills that one needs to posses in order to get admission in a reputed management college. In ITM Mumbai Mirror, recently news showed up regarding a seminar held between certain reputed colleges in India. The ones that came 1st, 2nd and 3rd are noted as great management colleges.
• One should have some leadership skills in order to play the managerial role at some point of his or her career. It is not important that you are looking for a job in any particular sector; the recruiters will only see the overall skill set that you posses. It is hard to sustain in the management industry for long.
• In ITM Mumbai Mirror, the college ITM has been regarded as one of the good colleges to be in for management studies. One can check the new or internet to acquire appropriate knowledge about the college.  
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