#beginner’s guide to PC building
tofupixel · 3 months
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🎨 Pixel Art Beginner Guide
Hello, I'm Tofu, a pixel artist based in England. I work full-time doing pixel illustrations or game-art. I started learning in my early 20s, so no it's not too late for you!
I run a 7k+ member Discord server called Cafe Dot, where we host events like gesture drawing and portrait club.
I currently have Good Omens brainrot so expect some fanart on this blog. I also occasionally do/reblog horror art so be mindful of that!
Due to so much AI nonsense on every platform, all my public work will be filtered/edited with anti-AI scraping techniques. Supporters on my Ko-Fi can see unfiltered work and also download it.
Want to learn how to do pixel art? Check my tutorial tag!
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What app do you use? I use Aseprite on PC and occasionally Pixquare on iOS (use code tofu for 30% off Pixquare!! <3) Free alternative: Libresprite on PC
Why does your art look so crunchy / compressed? Glaze
How did you learn pixel art? I first started out watching MortMort and making tiny sprites. Then once I started getting interested in landscapes/environment art, I did many, many Studio Ghibli studies.
How can I also protect my art? You can use Glaze and Nightshade- Glaze protects against Img2Img style copying, and Nightshade poisons the data so the AI thinks it's the opposite of what it actually is. There is a lot of misinformation going around (likely from pro-AI groups) so do your own research too! If you're a pixel artist you can also tilt or blur your art after upscaling, which will make it near useless to AI models (or regular thieves) once downscaled again.
Feel free to send me an ask if there's anything you want to know! I am always happy to help beginners :--3
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ansu-gurleht · 2 years
okay here is my beginner’s guide to morrowind! it talks about some of the mechanics you’ll want to know, but it’s also a little bit of a walkthrough to get you a good start on your journey. note that i originally wrote this for somebody specific: i don’t think it does, but if it seems like it’s talking at somebody in particular, that’s why. anyways, i hope this is helpful!
before you start the game:
there is only one mod i absolutely recommend you play with, and it’s not quite a mod at all.
when you download morrowind from steam or gog or whatever, you have the game! congratulations! however, what you really own is the assets of the game and a horribly broken engine. that’s where openmorrowind (openmw) comes in.
openmw is a remake of the original engine of morrowind. you see, morrowind’s original engine fucking sucks. this is for a multitude of reasons, but for me, the reason i switched was because at the later stages of a playthrough, the game will literally start corrupting your saves. don’t have that problem with openmw!
i can’t really give you a guide on how to install it and get it running better than the one on the openmw website (https://openmw.org/en/). go install it and you will have a much smoother experience overall.
before you start a new game:
before we start talking about PLAYING the game, though, let’s also take a peek through the options.
in the first page of the options, “prefs,” you’ll find some things you’ll want to switch on. namely, subtitles, always use best attack, and auto-save on rest. i’m not sure which of these are enabled by default, but enable them all.
in the “controls” section, you’re likely going to want to swap the “activate” and “jump” buttons. for some reason, the default control scheme has “activate” set to “spacebar” and “jump” set to “e”. this is, of course, counterintuitive to anyone who plays modern pc games. go ahead and just swap those around.
in the “video”-“video” section, go ahead and set your game to the highest resolution, and maybe increase the field of view a bit (i play with 75 fov, but you may prefer higher. idr what the default is, probably stupid low). in the “video”-“detail” section, crank up that view distance as high as it’ll go. i’m not sure what the default is, and i’ve fiddled with my set-up to maximize it for openmw. also turn on trilinear texture filtering and the anisotropy to the highest setting. also raise all the “video”-”water” settings to their maximum values. trust me, you can run this. it’s a new engine but the game itself came out in 2002. not the most graphics-intensive game out there.
tutorial and creating your character:
okay, that’s the options out of the way. now let’s hit that “new” button and make a new game.
watch the intro cutscene, talk to jiub, and tell him your character’s name. follow the instructions of the guards until you get to the one who asks you where you’re from. this is how the game asks you for your race. there’s no bad options here - pick whichever race you like best. you can take into account the bonuses each race gets, and compared to later games in the series these bonuses are more significant, but you can really play any character with any race in this game. it’s worth noting, however, that the beast races (argonians and khajiit) can’t wear full helms or boots/shoes. for a first timer, i would probably recommend dunmer (dark elf).
after that, go into the census office. this is where you build your class properly. you CAN take the class quiz, or pick from the premade classes. i would not recommend this. i’ve come up with a custom class that i think covers pretty much all the bases and gives a fairly enjoyable experience for a newcomer:
specialization: magic
attributes: endurance, intelligence
major skills: long blade light armor conjuration restoration marksman / destruction
minor skills: short blade medium armor spear mysticism alteration
now let me explain my choices here, to give you an idea where i’m coming from, and what those choices mean.
your specialization gives you +5 to all nine of the skills that fall under that specialization, and makes those skills increase more quickly. i’m giving you magic because magic skills don’t always increase the fastest, and every little bit helps.
your chosen attributes get +10 each. endurance determines your starting hp, which is obviously important, among other things, such as how much health you gain on level up. intelligence increases your maximum magicka. when you level up, you get to pick three attributes to increase, and depending on what skills you increased to get to your new level, you get multipliers on how much you can increase certain attributes. i recommend always increasing endurance, even if you don’t get a multiplier for it. speed, which affects your, well, speed, and strength, which affects your physical damage done as well as your carry weight, are good choices for leveling up as well. but you can increase other attributes as you think is necessary - i won’t elaborate on what each one does here, you can look it up on uesp.
your major and minor skills are what you need to increase in order to level up your character level. major skills get +25, minor skills get +10.
i always recommend at least one weapon skill and at least one armor skill for your major skills. i’m giving you long blade, bc it’s the most ubiquitous and useful weapon skill in the game, and light armor, bc it’s generally speaking the best armor skill in the game, and is also lighter to carry around as well.
i’m giving you conjuration and restoration bc having a magic skill as a major gives you a starting spell from that school. conjuration gives you bound dagger, which summons a daedric dagger for you to use for 60 seconds (and gives you the requisite skill to use it effectively), and restoration gives you hearth heal, which is a very effective heal, albeit a somewhat costly one to cast.
i’m giving you two options for your last major skill: either marksman or destruction for ranged capabilities. note, however, that marksman is not as good in this game as in later titles, and not all destruction spells are at range. destruction gives you the starting spell fire bite, a decent on touch (melee range) fire spell.
just like you have a weapon skill and armor skill in your major skills, i recommend doing the same thing with your minor skills. so i’m giving you short blade, the second most ubiquitous and useful weapon skill, and medium armor, which is almost as good as light armor, albeit a bit heavier. you can mix and match your armor pieces to great effect in this game, and wearing at least one piece of a type of armor (a medium armor gauntlet, for example) will increase that skill when you get hit.
i’m giving you spear mostly bc it’s a fun weapon to play with, and not in the other games. mysticism is an important skill for a few reasons: 1) telekinesis, which we’ll mostly use to disarm traps from a distance, and 2) teleportation spells like almsivi/divine intervention, which lets you teleport to the nearest tribunal temple or imperial shrine respectively, and mark/recall, the former of which lets you set a point the latter can teleport you to from anywhere. alteration gives you access to a lot of good spells, like feather, shield, levitate, water breathing, water walking, and open.
okay, that’s enough about your class. next you’ll be asked what your birthsign is. i’m going to recommend either the steed, which gives you +25 speed and makes walking around at the beginning of the game more bearable, or the lady, which gives you +25 personality and +25 endurance. up to you whether you value the speed or the endurance more. there are other options, of course, but i think these are best for a first-time player.
okay, after you pick your birthsign and confirm your character, you’re free! kind of. not really yet. you’ll be notified you now have an inventory menu, and instructed to pick up the papers on the table to your right. do so. then, we’re going to do something a little sneaky. on the shelf against the rightmost wall is a limeware platter, which costs like 650 gold. you want that platter. so you’re going to take it. now, you just did this in full view of a guard. but you’re fresh off the boat, so he won’t arrest you - he’ll just confiscate what you stole. BUT, if you drop the platter before he gets to you, he won’t have anything to confiscate. and since YOU dropped it, it’s technically YOURS now, so you can pick it up without any ramifications.  congrats! you just got like, 300 gold (note: your mercantile skill affects how much gold you get from selling things. very rarely will you ever get full asking price for anything).
(how do you drop the platter, you may ask? well, to open your menu/inventory, you need to right-click. very counterintuitive, i know. but you’ll get used to it. to drop an item, click it and drag it outside of any of the menus. you can either drop it directly beneath you, which usually happens, or you can place things directly onto surfaces like tables or shelves if you’re close enough to them.)
now you’re expected to go out the door across from the platter shelf. go out, and close the door behind you. there’s nobody in this side of the building, so with the door closed, you’re free to just jack anything you see without ramifications. there’s a lot of ingredients to take, if you want to get into alchemy (which can be useful, for either making beneficial potions or for making a quick buck), but most of what you want is the expensive stuff you’ll find. there’s a book you can take (books can be very expensive in this game), some silverware, a bottle of liquor called flin, a lockpick, and a shitty dagger. you’ll want to sell everything you get here except for the lockpick, and maybe the ingredients if you want to do alchemy. there’s a little chest on the bottom of the shelf by the exit that’s locked. you should be able to pick it with ease with the lockpick you just got, even though your security skill sucks atm. there’s like, 31 gold in there i think? worth taking regardless. to pick the lock, equip the lockpick (click and drag it onto the little portrait of your character in the left of your inventory screen), and “attack” (left-click) over and over while pointing your cursor at the chest until it unlocks. there’s a couple of torches you might want downstairs, as well.
after you’re done looting, leave the building. you’ll find yourself in a little courtyard. the game’ll tell you to look in the barrel by the next door, and take the enchanted ring you find inside. don’t get too attached to this ring. go into the next door and talk to sellus gravius, the guy inside. this is your first real encounter with morrowind’s dialog system. it is not like skyrim’s. at all. get used to it. this weird wikipedia like structure is going to be your best friend. you have a list of all available options on the right, and you can click highlighted options in the text itself. you can talk about whatever to sellus, but you have to say a couple specific things to progress. i can’t remember what it is exactly, but he doesn’t have much to say outside of it, so it shouldn’t be hard to figure out. he’ll give you some money, a package for caius cosades, and a note with instructions on how to find caius cosades. don’t accidentally sell the package. don’t try to open the package. just leave it in your inventory until you’re ready to go find caius.
seyda neen:
after that, you’re free to go! and this time you’re really free, and you can do whatever you want now! but that’s a bit overwhelming, so i’m going to let you know what there is to do in this town, seyda neen.
first off, almost right outside the door there’s a bosmer (wood elf) named fargoth. he’s lost his ring. yes, that ring. give it to him. that’ll earn you better prices with the local merchant, who happens to be fargoth’s friend. don’t worry, if you want the ring, we’ll be getting it back later.
now to go make some money with all the shit we stole. go to arrille’s tradehouse, which is the building with the little raised platform adjacent. the “front” door is locked, it’s actually arrille’s house, so you have to go around on the platform to the real front door. go inside and talk to arrille. in the right pane of the dialog, you’ll see the option to barter with him. click that and get to selling your shit. 
here’s what you want to buy with the money you just got (around 500-600 gold). buy all the chitin armor pieces you can. it’s very good light armor for this stage in the game. buy the iron saber for now; you’ll be replacing it soon but you need something, and it’s cheap. buy one of the journeyman’s probes - you need these to disable traps - and one of the journeyman’s lockpicks, since the one you stole from the census office only has 10 uses. buy 3 bottles of sujamma - it’s a regional liquor that gives you +50 strength and -50 intelligence for 60 seconds. it’s VERY powerful for dealing with foes you normally shouldn’t be able to handle at a lower level. note the intelligence drop though: if you need to cast a spell, cast it before you drink the sujamma. buy 2 scrolls of almsivi intervention - like i said earlier, this teleports you to the nearest tribunal temple. lastly, buy 2 scrolls of ondusi’s unhinging. sometimes you need to open something that you just can’t pick with your too-low security skill. that’s where this scroll comes in.
yes, you just spent like, all of the money you just earned. it’s okay. we’re going to make it back and then some, soon.
before you leave arrille’s, go upstairs (behind him). talk to the guy, hrisskar flat-foot, at the top of the stairs. he’ll offer you a topic about recovering gold. he wants you to find out where fargoth (the ring guy) is hiding his gold and valuables. you’re going to help him find it, because YOU want those valuables as well. we’ll get back to this quest later, though.
next, talk to elone, the redguard behind the counter. she’s a scout, which means she knows a lot about the land. you can ask scouts all sorts of interesting questions about geography. but what you want from elone is directions to balmora. ask her about balmora and she’ll give you said directions in the form of a note.
finally, talk to the wizard lookin’ fella in the corner. ask him about the latest rumors. keep in mind what he says about mentor’s ring - we’ll be pursuing this later.
now, let’s make sure we equip all the armor and weapon we just bought. right-click to bring up your inventory/stats/map/magic menu, click on each piece of armor and weapon, and drag them onto the little portrait of your character to the left. that’s it! you’re equipped and ready to face the wilderness.
the wilderness, plus notes on combat:
leave arrille’s tradehouse from the door you came in from. jump off the corner of the platform into the water below, and cross that little river, heading west. on the far shore, you’ll find your first foe: a mudcrab! very scaaaaary! this is your introduction to combat. it works a little differently in this game. first of all, just because you SEE your weapon connect with an enemy, doesn’t mean it’s going to HIT necessarily. this game plays off of dice-rolls, and a lot of factors contribute to whether or not you’re gonna actually do damage. but the two most important factors are: 1) your level of skill with the weapon you’re using, and 2) your fatigue. that’s the green bar in the bottom left of your screen, what you’d call in skyrim your “stamina”. if your fatigue is low when you enter an encounter, you’re going to really struggle to fight!
here’s a somewhat annoying thing about fatigue: running at full speed diminishes it! so when you’re out in the wilderness, you’re going to want to conserve your fatigue by walking. it’s slow, but hopefully bearably so if you picked the steed as your birthsign. and it’s better than dying to a mudcrab because you were too tired to properly swing your weapon.
fortunately, there’s this thing called resting! if you’re out in the wilderness, you can press “t” to rest for as long as you’d like, or “until healed” (until your hp, magicka, and fatigue are completely restored). unfortunately, this close to seyda neen, you can only “wait” - all this does is restore your fatigue. it’s illegal to rest inside of most settlements, or even in their outskirts.
anyways, hopefully you’ve completely dominated that first mudcrab of yours. should go down in one hit, so long as you can connect. another thing to note: you may have noticed when you bought your saber that its damage stats are ranges. for instance, its chop stat (the one you’ll be using with your “always use best attack” enabled) is 5-18. to maximize your damage on the high end of that range, you’ll need to hold down your click for a second or so to wind up the attack. you’ll do a lot more damage this way rather than just mashing left mouse button!
anyways, after you’ve gotten your first kill, proceed along the coast, making sure to head between the rocks just up the way. you’ll find either a rat or a kwama forager (worm thing), and that’s how you know you’re going the right way. it’ll attack on sight, but there’ll be another critter there, a little grey insect looking thing called a “scrib” that thumps its tail on the ground and squeals. it’s not going to attack you when you get close, so don’t attack it. be nice. it’s just a little guy! if you do decide to attack it, though, you might be in for a nasty surprise: it has a paralyzing bite! a scrib can really catch you off guard at this low level. so leave the little guy alone!
across from the scrib, to the left, you’ll find a corpse. if you’ve been talking to the residents of seyda neen (i highly recommend you do) you may have heard that the local tax collector is missing. this is him. take the tax record and 200 gold from him. let’s read the tax record! to read any note or book from your inventory, click and drag it over your character portrait! this is really how you interact with anything in your inventory. note who has the highest unpaid tax to find a motive, but we’ll get back to that later. we’ve got some other stuff to do in the swamp.
proceed northwest, killing any little critters (except scribs!) that get in your way. pretty quick you’ll find yourself with a mountain on your right and the ocean on your left. follow the coast along those mountains. you’re going to find pretty quick a weird looking door on your right. that’s an ancestral tomb door! they all look like that. make a note of where this is, we’re coming back to it. keep progressing along the coast.
eventually you’ll find a little shipwreck. yes, that’s a ship, albeit a local, kinda weird-looking one. just before you get to the ship itself, there’ll be a chest next to a log that’s sticking up out of the water. there’s a silver longsword in there! take it, it’s your new weapon of choice, slightly better than your saber. now let’s explore the ship! get on board and take the trapdoor down to your right. at the end of the interior, next to the next trapdoor down, there’s a crate in the water with moon sugar in it! you may be familiar with skooma, the narcotic? moon sugar is what it’s made from. it’s very valuable, but also very illegal, so we’re going to have to be careful with how we sell it. we’ll get to that eventually.
take the trapdoor further down, and immediately swim up, bc you’re gonna be underwater! at the end of this section of the ship, you’ll find a little chest on the floor with 3 diamonds in it! woohoo! now let’s get out of here, that skeleton’s freaking me out. there’s nothing of note in the cabin section of the ship, so don’t worry about it. let’s go back to that tomb!
samarys ancestral tomb:
okay, right outside the tomb, SAVE! you need to save a LOT in this game if you want to make progress! i recommend having multiple running saves going as well as your quicksave. my most recent playthrough has 5 different saves that i cycle through. it’s a good way to make sure you don’t get stuck in untenable positions! make sure you have your silver longsword equipped and head on in.
once you’re in, open the door right across from you. in the next chamber, you’ll see these little raised things with jars on them. those jars have dead people in them! you don’t really want what’s in those jars, though - you want what’s next to them. always check next to these jars in ancestral tombs for valuables. most of the time it’s just clothes or ingredients, but sometimes, like in the case of the first jar on the right, there’s valuable scrolls! take it, and proceed down the corridor and turn right.
here’s your first challenge! a ghost! this is why we got the silver longsword first, because only silver weapons (or higher quality) or enchanted weapons can actually hit ghosts! this ghost knows a nasty little fire spell that can do quite a bit of damage if you don’t kill him quickly. just keep up your consistent, charged hits until he goes down. across from the entrance to this chamber is another jar-plinth with another scroll, this time an offensive one! take it, it might prove useful. save again!
on the other side of the next door is either a greater challenge or an even greater challenge. sometimes it’s just a skeleton, and sometimes it’s a lesser bonewalker, which can be very dangerous! take him down as quickly as you can, because bonewalkers often know very detrimental curses that can lower your attributes. save again after you kill it!
next, you want to disarm the trap on that urn in the bonewalker room. equip your journeyman’s probe and start clicking on that urn, just like you did with the chest in the census office! once the trap is disarmed, take mentor’s ring! told you we were gonna get that. it’s a very useful ring that increases your intelligence and willpower by 10 points each. go ahead and equip that. there’s a weird named ash in the urn, and a key to the chest next to it, but don’t bother. the chest never has anything valuable in it. don’t forget to reequip your silver longsword after you disarm the trap!
speaking of, here’s another little tip. press f1. this gives you the quick-select menu, where you can assign items or spells to your number keys. i’d put your main weapon (right now the silver longsword) on number 1, then put your most used spells on the next few numbers, in whatever order or fashion you prefer. makes swapping between items and spells much easier.
heading back to seyda neen:
leave the tomb and hug the mountains going east until you hit the road. then follow the road east some more until you see a man fall from the sky. yes, that just happened. he’s dead and free-game, so let’s loot him. take his nice enchanted sword (it’s slightly better than your current weapon, so long as it has a charge), equip his nice conical hat, and either equip his robes and shoes (you can wear robes over your equipped armor in this game! isn’t that so cool) or take them to sell later. take any gold he might have on him, and take those weird “scrolls of icarian flight” he has. do NOT use those scrolls. sell them. you will DIE if you try to use those scrolls. also, take a gander at his journal underneath him, and then take it to sell as well.
alright, from here, follow the road east and south back to seyda neen. let’s head back to arrille’s to sell some of the stuff we got. note that you are now carrying moon sugar, which as i said, is illegal. honest merchants won’t trade with you if you have moon sugar or skooma in your inventory. we’ll find some dishonest merchants later, don’t worry. but for now, you’ll have to simply drop the moon sugar on the floor before you start selling. don’t forget to pick it up when you’re done!
next, remember that guy you noted from the tax record, the one with the highest unpaid tax? we’re going to pay him a visit, ask what happened to the tax collector. i won’t tell you where he is; check the houses around seyda neen until you find the one with his name on the door. before you go in, save, and make sure your fatigue is up.
talk to him. he’ll confess to killing the tax collector, giving you the option of letting him go, or doing justice right then and there. do the justice. he’ll immediately attack you - with his fists. this might not sound scary to you at first. in later games, hand-to-hand combat merely does a little bit of damage to your health. in this game, hand-to-hand hits do damage to FATIGUE. and remember how important fatigue is? it affects everything, from physical combat to your chance at casting spells. so you’re gonna wanna take this guy down before he does too much damage to your fatigue. if your fatigue reaches zero, you get knocked out, falling to the floor. at this stage, hand-to-hand hits actually do damage to your HEALTH. and it’s easy to get trapped in a loop of getting knocked down. so don’t let that happen and kill him quickly. this fight is probably actually harder than the bonewalker, since this guy does a lot of damage to your fatigue with each hit, and you’re draining your own fatigue by swinging at him. but keep up with your consistent charged hits and you should be able to take him down.
be sure to take the ring he’s wearing! it’ll come in handy later. then loot the place - it’s effectively your house now, a decent starter shack. especially important is the book on the floor, which is a skill book increasing your mercantile skill, and sells for a pretty penny. there’s also some ingredients in the various barrels and sacks, if you’re into alchemy.
next, let’s go back to the census office. yes, the place you started at. talk to the old dude who set up your class and birthsign. there’ll be an option to report the murder. do so, and he’ll give you 500 gold. nice!
next, head on to the lighthouse on the coast. you should be able to see it from anywhere in seyda neen. step inside and talk to the lady immediately on your right. ask her about the ring you picked up from the murderer and she’ll give you two pretty high-quality healing potions! nice. now, head upstairs. there’s a very valuable book at the top you can take (the lady downstairs can’t see you now) which increases your unarmored skill. 
now head outside to the top of the lighthouse. stand at the corner facing the rest of the town, and wait until 10pm. if you’ve spent a lot of time resting/waiting, you might have missed your first 10pm, and will have to wait almost a day for the next one. don’t worry about it, you don’t have a time limit. now watch that little torch-wielding gremlin fargoth crawl around for a little bit. he’ll make a few stops along his way, but don’t worry, he can’t see you from up here (even though he does approach and stop in front of the lighthouse at one point). eventually he’ll stop by a tree-stump in a mucky pool - that’s where you need to go. once he walks away from there, head back down the lighthouse and go there. inside the stump you’ll find a bunch of gold, fargoth’s old healing ring, and a nice lockpick. take it all.
now, hrisskar wanted you to return with the money so he could split you a cut. instead, we’re just going to never talk to him again and keep all the money. there’s no repercussions for this at all, unless you’re a completionist who wants to finish every quest completely. but there’s not really a tracker for your completed quests, so it doesn’t really matter.
one last thing to do in seyda neen. we’re going to talk to an altmer (high elf) named eldafire. she can usually be found across the bridge towards the silt strider (the big bug thing you probably saw when you got off the boat), although she tends to roam a bit. ask her for a little advice. she’ll recommend you take out the bandits in the addamasartus cave nearby. let’s do that.
addamasartus cave:
the cave is right across from the silt strider landing, hiding behind a big boulder. save and rest until healed right outside the cave, then head on in. the first enemy shouldn’t be much of a problem to you at this point. she should go down in a few hits, and not get much of a chance to hurt you. take any valuables she might have, especially the addamasartus slave key.
the next enemy, who is beyond the door down to the right, is going to be much more challenging. he’s a mage who will cast a weakness to fire spell at you, and then cast a fire spell at you. you’re a dunmer, so you have some resistance to fire, but this guy can still fuck you up if you’re not careful. try to dodge his spells until he runs out of magicka and is forced to attack you in melee. or be brave and try to take some swings as you dodge. up to you. don’t be surprised if he kills you a time or two - he’s pretty tough. if you need to, go outside (or close to the front door) to rest to heal your wounds after he’s dead. or before he’s dead - no shame in running to fight another day.
okay, now that the hard part is done, we can explore the rest of the cave. go down the stairs to where that mage came from, and turn left when you get to the water. there’ll be another enemy, this one throwing throwing-stars at you. you can try to dodge them - they’re kind of small so it’s difficult to see them - or you can just tank the hits as you rush her down. they don’t do much damage. she’ll go down pretty easy, too. she’ll have a lockpick and probe - take them. if you picked marksman as your ranged skill, you can take the throwing stars as well, although they’re not as effective as a bow would be.
now, loot the room - the crates, sacks, chests, etc. the crates near where the throwing-star lady was should have a total of 8 moon sugar and 2 bottles of skooma in them. the chest will have a random leveled item (that is, an item suited to your level) - you might get lucky with this! in my test run, i got a steel daikatana, which is better than my silver longsword (except against ghosts). don’t forget the crates and barrel over by the water! sometimes the crates can have scrolls, potions, or soul gems in them.
next, go behind the rocks to the left of where the throwing-star lady was. you’ll find a door the slave key will unlock. on the other side of the door you’ll find a little stretch of water. at one point you’ll have to dive under to get to the next chamber - just watch your breath meter! but you shouldn’t have a problem, it’s not a very long dive. at the bottom of the water in the next chamber, you might be able to find a skull to the right. if not, don’t worry about it! but there is a rising force (levitation) potion right next to the skull. don’t drown yourself looking for it though, it’s not that important.
in this chamber, you’ll see a spiral pathway rising out of the water. find where you can clamber onto the pathway and follow it up. there’ll be a rat up there - but nothing you can’t handle. up there you’ll also find some glowing mushrooms. in between them there’s a few pieces of gold, a netch leather pauldron (don’t worry too much about that part - your chitin pauldron is better), and the important part, a “thief ring”! it’ll give you a decent buff when you need it. it’s a little tricky to see against the stone floor of the cave, but try your best to find it.
follow the rest of the passage until you come out near the beginning of the cave. you may have wondered why we went down (to where the mage was) instead of up to where there was a door earlier. we’re going to go up there now. your addamasartus slave key will open the door, and you’ll find two argonian slaves and a khajiit slave. talk to them and offer to let them go free, and unlock their bracers. congrats, you’re an abolitionist now! the game tracks how many slaves you’ve freed for a hidden faction you’ll find eventually. you need to free quite a few to join that faction, so try to free every one you can if you want to join.
now you’re done with addamasartus! feel free to leave. we’re done with seyda neen, now, as well, unless you want to head by arrille’s first to sell off some stuff before you leave. don’t forget to drop your moon sugar and skooma before you barter, and then don’t forget to pick it up before you leave!
next stop, balmora, where the imperials wanted you to go. there’s a couple of ways we can get there. the first and easiest is to just hire a silt strider to take you there. those big bug things are basically giant buses, and they have routes all over the western half of the island. but i recommend you walk to balmora, following the directions elone the scout gave you. a big part of this game is exploration, and you’d better get used to it quick. don’t be afraid to get a little sidetracked here and there. explore the occasional cave or mine or tomb on your way - but always save before entering one, and know your limits. the dungeons in this game are largely not leveled to you, and if you enter the wrong one too early, it can really ruin your day. so don’t be afraid to turn around and leave, or load the save you made before entering, if things get too tough.
there’s a little town called pelagiad between seyda neen and balmora. feel free to stop there to restock if you need to. otherwise, just follow the road signs and elone’s directions. you’ll get to balmora in no time. and don’t forget! conserve your fatigue. you don’t want to be running everywhere, run out of fatigue, and then run into even a basic enemy you suddenly can’t handle because you can’t connect any of your hits.
once you get to balmora, go to the south wall cornerclub like you were told in your directions to caius cosades, and ask around to find out where caius lives. i’m not going to hold your hand on quest instructions any more! figure it out on your own. it’s not too hard, so long as you just remember to talk to people about important topics - usually “latest rumors,” “little secret,” “little advice,” and “morrowind lore.” but peruse the other topics, too! you might learn something about the people and place you’re in.
before caius gives you your first official orders, he’ll tell you to join a guild to establish a cover identity. there’s a lot of factions in this game you can join. you’ve got the imperial guilds: the fighter’s guild, the mage’s guild, and the thieves’ guild; the morag tong (essentially the dark brotherhood of this game, but a bit different flavor-wise, as well as in how it works); the religious guilds: the tribunal temple and the imperial cult; the imperial legion; and the great houses: house redoran, house hlaalu, and house telvanni. i won’t go into detail about all of these, but i will mention a few.
factions, and a bit on fast travel:
even if you don’t plan on playing through the questline, i recommend joining the mage’s guild. it gives you a couple of invaluable services: spellmaking, enchanting, and the guild guide. the first is self-explanatory: it lets you use any magic effects you’ve already learned to make custom spells from them. enchanting as a service is what it sounds like - you pay somebody to enchant items for you (you still need to bring a filled soul-gem, though). the guild guide is probably the most important, however. basically, it’s a teleportation service between the mage’s guilds of vvardenfell.
morrowind doesn’t have a fast travel system per se, but there are quicker ways to get around than just walking everywhere. we’ve mentioned the spells that can do this, like almsivi/divine intervention and mark/recall. but you can also take the bus (silt strider) across most of western vvardenfell, or a boat across most of eastern vvardenfell. but those two systems are largely disconnected; the only real way to trade off is to silt strider to vivec, walk (or divine intervention) to ebonheart, then take a boat to sadrith mora or tel branora, or vice versa. 
but the mage’s guild guild guide solves this problem rather nicely! you can teleport from anywhere in the west to sadrith mora in the east much more quickly than the silt strider-boat trade off in vivec and ebonheart. so join the mage’s guild, i’m serious.
the only other factions i’m going to mention are the houses. they’re very important, and you’re going to want to join one. and only one, i might add - once you join one, you’re locked into it. so make your choice wisely. here’s a brief description of each house:
house redoran is a house of noble warriors, whose capital is ald’ruhn, literally inside the hollowed out remains of an ancient giant crab. they are most favored by the local warrior-poet god, vivec, and most of the buoyant armigers (vivec’s personal army) are from redoran.
house hlaalu is a house of sneaky merchants, whose capital is balmora. they’re the most closely affiliated house to the empire, whereas the other two are distrustful of the empire - and therefore distrustful of house hlaalu.
house telvanni is a house of arrogant wizards, whose capital is sadrith mora (literally translates to “mushroom forest”). they live in settlements built around giant fungal wizard towers, and are most distant and distrustful of the new forces (like the empire) in vvardenfell. they’re also most likely to own slaves, although they will accept argonian and khajiit as members all the same.
there is a bit of a disparity when it comes to the rewards you get from quests from these houses. telvanni gifts you with powerful spells and enchanted items; hlaalu gives you gold; redoran gives you, um. “honor.” which doesn’t sell for much in this economy. that might affect your decision here, but really, choose whichever faction appeals to you most. you’ll be able to get your hands on lots of money and powerful artifacts regardless of which house you choose. 
i think that’s about all you really need to know to get started in this game! really, the best piece of advice i can give you is: take your time. take in the atmosphere, the lore, the books, the dialog. absorb yourself into this game and you will have the most amazing experience with it, i think. if you have any questions, let me know!
P.S. i’m going to add things to the end of this as i think of them:
a lot of the time, you’re going to run into people you need information from who won’t give it to you. every npc has a disposition stat, basically how much they like you, and if it’s too low, they won’t discuss certain topics. there’s a few ways to increase their disposition. 1) use the speechcraft skill to admire, intimidate, or taunt the npc. (taunting actually serves a different purpose to the other two, but we’ll get to that shortly.) 2) use a spell, namely the “charm” effect from the illusion school of magic, to temporarily raise their disposition with you. 3) increase your personality attribute, like with telvanni bug musk (always a good item to have around). and 4) bribe the hell out of them. you can bribe in 10 gold, 100 gold, and 1000 gold increments. 100 gold tends to be the most efficient way to bribe, and most people will open up to you after about 200 gold spent this way. money isn’t exactly difficult to come by in this game, especially after the first few levels, so this greasing of the wheels of commerce won’t hurt your wallet too much.
okay, that’s about how to increase a npc’s disposition. how about the scenario where you need (or want) to kill an npc without getting a bounty on your head? simple: either 1) take them out into the wilderness where there are no witnesses (this only works in cases where you can get this person to follow you, such as by using the conjuration school’s “command humanoid” effect), 2) use the “frenzy humanoid” effect from the illusion school to get them to attack you (this shouldn’t trigger a bounty, or for their friends to attack you as well), or 3) “taunting” them to get them to attack you. if your speechcraft is low, this will take many tries, because most of the time your attempt to taunt will fail, and also because it generally takes several successful taunts to get an npc to actually attack you. but you don’t have to worry about using a spell this way, and if you’re patient it’ll work out just the same. 
another thing to note: if you’re on an assignment from the morag tong to kill somebody, you’ll get what’s called a “writ” with their name on it. the morag tong, unlike the dark brotherhood, is a government-sanctioned entity - using the tong to have someone killed is completely legal. this writ is your permission to kill that person. you don’t have to worry about incurring a bounty when you have a writ - you can just straight up merk somebody in broad daylight. watch out, though - sometimes that person’s nearby friends will attack you too. most of the time, though, although they might shout about it, nobody will report the crime. if somebody does, expect to be approached by a guard. in that instance, just present your writ to them, and they’ll be forced to let you go. (if this appeals to you, consider joining the morag tong. although every major city has a morag tong chapterhouse, you can only join the tong from the headquarters in vivec city. i won’t tell you exactly where those headquarters are in vivec - it’s actually fun trying to figure out on your own. just ask around and you’ll figure it out.)
okay, i forgot to mention. once you’ve leveled up your major or minor skills 10 times (repeats of the same skill count as well), you’ll get a notification saying it’s time to level up. to do this, you need to sleep in a bed. simply resting won’t do it. you need some kind of bed. make sure it’s a bed you’re allowed to sleep in! i recommend saving before trying to sleep in a bed. sometimes you’ll find a bed in like a mages guild and assume it’s free game but it’s actually someone in particular’s bed and you get expelled from the guild for trying to sleep in it. not a fun time. 
since you’ll have the goty edition of the game, you’ll have tribunal enabled. that means sometimes when you rest you’ll get attacked by a dark brotherhood assassin. they’re not too tough, though, and they have very useful and very expensive armor and usually a decent weapon. if you want the attacks to stop, talk to a guard about them. but why would you, it’s free money. 
i forgot to mention in the main body of this guide, but there are only a handful of places where you can pawn off your skooma and moonsugar. there are two in balmora: there is ajira, the resident alchemist of the balmora mage’s guild, and ra’virr, a merchant whose store is right next to the mage’s guild. in general, if a merchant is a khajiit, and normally deals in ingredients or potions, they’re likely to buy skooma and moonsugar. 
another thing: you do have a journal! your character automatically records most important information in it about your quests. now, this is an actual journal, with entries in chronological order. so it can be difficult to find relevant information by just looking through it normally. if you have the goty edition (which you should) you have the option to categorize by topic and quest! should be a button on the right. not all quests are marked, but most are. 
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girlboss-enthusiast · 6 months
Please tell us how to get into IT without a degree! I have an interview for a small tech company this week and I’m going in as admin but as things expand I can bootstrap into a better role and I’d really appreciate knowing what skills are likely to be crucial for making that pivot.
Absolutely!! You'd be in a great position to switch to IT, since as an admin, you'd already have some familiarity with the systems and with the workplace in general. Moving between roles is easier in a smaller workplace, too.
So, this is a semi-brief guide to getting an entry-level position, for someone with zero IT experience. That position is almost always going to be help desk. You've probably heard a lot of shit about help desk, but I've always enjoyed it.
So, here we go! How to get into IT for beginners!
The most important thing on your resume will be
Studying for certs can teach you a lot, especially if you're entirely new to the field. But they're also really important for getting interviews. Lots of jobs will require a cert or degree, and even if you have 5 years of experience doing exactly what the job description is, without one of those the ATS will shunt your resume into a black hole and neither HR or the IT manager will see it.
First, I recommend getting the CompTIA A+. This will teach you the basics of how the parts of a computer work together - hardware, software, how networking works, how operating systems work, troubleshooting skills, etc. If you don't have a specific area of IT you're interested in, this is REQUIRED. Even if you do, I suggest you get this cert just to get your foot in the door.
I recommend the CompTIA certs in general. They'll give you a good baseline and look good on your resume. I only got the A+ and the Network+, so can't speak for the other exams, but they weren't too tough.
If you're more into development or cybersecurity, check out these roadmaps. You'll still benefit from working help desk while pursuing one of those career paths.
The next most important thing is
🔥🔥Customer service & soft skills🔥🔥
Sorry about that.
I was hired for my first ever IT role on the strength of my interview. I definitely wasn't the only candidate with an A+, but I was the only one who knew how to handle customers (aka end-users). Which is, basically, be polite, make the end-user feel listened to, and don't make them feel stupid. It is ASTOUNDING how many IT people can't do that. I've worked with so many IT people who couldn't hide their scorn or impatience when dealing with non-tech-savvy coworkers.
Please note that you don't need to be a social butterfly or even that socially adept. I'm autistic and learned all my social skills by rote (I literally have flowcharts for social interactions), and I was still exceptional by IT standards.
Third thing, which is more for you than for your resume (although it helps):
🎇Do your own projects🎇
This is both the most and least important thing you can do for your IT career. Least important because this will have the smallest impact on your resume. Most important because this will help you learn (and figure out if IT is actually what you want to do).
The certs and interview might get you a job, but when it comes to doing your job well, hands-on experience is absolutely essential. Here are a few ideas for the complete beginner. Resources linked at the bottom.
Start using the command line. This is called Terminal on Mac and Linux. Use it for things as simple as navigating through file directories, opening apps, testing your connection, that kind of thing. The goal is to get used to using the command line, because you will use it professionally.
Build your own PC. This may sound really intimidating, but I swear it's easy! This is going to be cheaper than buying a prebuilt tower or gaming PC, and you'll learn a ton in the bargain.
Repair old PCs. If you don't want to or can't afford to build your own PC, look for cheap computers on Craiglist, secondhand stores, or elsewhere. I know a lot of universities will sell old technology for cheap. Try to buy a few and make a functioning computer out of parts, or just get one so you can feel comfortable working in the guts of a PC.
Learn Powershell or shell scripting. If you're comfortable with the command line already or just want to jump in the deep end, use scripts to automate tasks on your PC. I found this harder to do for myself than for work, because I mostly use my computer for web browsing. However, there are tons of projects out there for you to try!
Play around with a Raspberry Pi. These are mini-computers ranging from $15-$150+ and are great to experiment with. I've made a media server and a Pi hole (network-wide ad blocking) which were both fun and not too tough. If you're into torrenting, try making a seedbox!
Install Linux on your primary computer. I know, I know - I'm one of those people. But seriously, nothing will teach you more quickly than having to compile drivers through the command line so your Bluetooth headphones will work. Warning: this gets really annoying if you just want your computer to work. Dual-booting is advised.
If this sounds intimidating, that's totally normal. It is intimidating! You're going to have to do a ton of troubleshooting and things will almost never work properly on your first few projects. That is part of the fun!
Resources I've tried and liked are marked with an asterisk*
Professor Messor's Free A+ Training Course*
PC Building Simulator 2 (video game)
How to build a PC (video)
PC Part Picker (website)*
CompTIA A+ courses on Udemy
50 Basic Windows Commands with Examples*
Mac Terminal Commands Cheat Sheet
Powershell in a Month of Lunches (video series)
Getting Started with Linux (tutorial)* Note: this site is my favorite Linux resource, I highly recommend it.
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Projects for Beginners
Ask A Manager (advice blog on workplace etiquette and more)*
Reddit is helpful for tech questions in general. I have some other resources that involve sailing the seas; feel free to DM me or send an ask I can answer privately.
DO NOT work at an MSP. That stands for Managed Service Provider, and it's basically an IT department which companies contract to provide tech services. I recommend staying away from them. It's way better to work in an IT department where the end users are your coworkers, not your customers.
DO NOT trust remote entry-level IT jobs. At entry level, part of your job is schlepping around hardware and fixing PCs. A fully-remote position will almost definitely be a call center.
DO write a cover letter. YMMV on this, but every employer I've had has mentioned my cover letter as a reason to hire me.
DO ask your employer to pay for your certs. This applies only to people who either plan to move into IT in the same company, or are already in IT but want more certs.
DO NOT work anywhere without at least one woman in the department. My litmus test is two women, actually, but YMMV. If there is no woman in the department in 2024, and the department is more than 5 people, there is a reason why no women work there.
DO have patience with yourself and keep an open mind! Maybe this is just me, but if I can't do something right the first time, or if I don't love it right away, I get very discouraged. Remember that making mistakes is part of the process, and that IT is a huge field which ranges from UX design to hardware repair. There are tons of directions to go once you've got a little experience!
Disclaimer: this is based on my experience in my area of the US. Things may be different elsewhere, esp. outside of the US.
I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have more questions!
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lauramkaye · 2 years
Disco Elysium For Beginners
So apparently my cunning plan is working and some of my mutuals are interested in learning more about my recent obsession by playing the game Disco Elysium. Great!!! In your honor, and so that I will have more people to talk about the game with, I present to you Laura's Beginner's Guide to Playing Disco Elysium.
What Is It Even About?
Hope, despair, poverty, the human condition, politics, pinball, art, love, loss, communism, experiencing a bisexual awakening in your forties, colonization, dancing, substance use disorders, unions, mental illness, truth, trying to be a good person in a completely broken society, beauty, the end of the world, joy, complicated relationships, kindness, intersectionality, the complex and problematic nature of the profession of police detective, cryptids, juvenile delinquents, PTSD, and falling helplessly in love with Kim Kitsuragi.
Oh wait, did you mean the plot?
You play as an amnesiac detective who wakes up after an apocalyptic bender that obliterated his memories. There is a dead body hanging in a tree behind your hotel, and you are there to find out who killed him with the help of Kim Kitsuragi, a detective from another precinct who has also been put on the case and who will be your partner while you are in town. You can, as the official site puts it, "become a hero, or an absolute disaster of a human being."
Where to Get It
Disco Elysium is available for Mac and PC via Steam and for XBox and Playstation (both current and previous generation) and Nintendo Switch. The current version is "The Final Cut" which includes full voice acting. The Steam version goes on sale pretty frequently - I'd keep an eye on Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales if you're interested in picking it up. The MSRP is $40 but you can often find it for around $20 if you look for a sale - the PS4 version is $17 on Amazon right now (11/15/2022).
I'm Not Really A Gamer, Can I Still Play?
Absolutely! DE does not require any "twitchy" gameplay - you interact with the game by reading/listening to text, selecting dialogue options to talk to people, and clicking things/people to interact with them in some way. It runs very much like a tabletop RPG, where all the uncertain things are decided by skill checks and dice rolls.
Notably, DE is quite replayable even though the solution to the mystery doesn't change, because different character builds will have very different experiences and may even see completely different sidequests and dialogue. Unlike most RPGs, DE makes many checks silently, in the background, and if you don't pass the check you just don't see the relevant content and never know you missed anything. I'm on my third full and sixth partial playthrough and I still find new things.
Mechanically, playing Disco Elysium goes something like this:
Go into a new area.
Look around. You will see little colored circles appearing, either on top of items/people in the environment, or sometimes around your player character's head.
Click on the colored circles to interact with them. You will learn something, do something, or start a conversation.
Doing stuff and talking to people gives you XP! Every time you get 100 XP, you get one Skill Point. You can either use it to increase one of your skills, unlock a slot in your Thought Cabinet, or forget a Thought from your Thought Cabinet. You don't have to spend them right away; you can save them up if you want to.
Once you have clicked everything you want to click and talked to everyone you want to talk to for now, go somewhere else.
What the Hell is a Thought Cabinet?
As you go through the game, you will unlock "thoughts" that you can ponder. You have a certain number of slots in your "thought cabinet" where you can be mulling over an idea; you start with three slots and can unlock more up to a max of 12. Thoughts will have certain effects while you are thinking about them, which might be positive or negative. While you are still thinking them over, you can equip or unequip them at will. Each "thought project" takes a specific amount of time.
Once you have spent the designated time on a thought project, you will see the message "Breakthrough Imminent" and then you will "internalize" the thought. The thought will have effects on the gameplay, which can include skill buffs and debuffs or other effects. Once the thought is internalized, you can no longer unequip it. It will take up that slot permanently unless you spend another skill point to forget it.
So what thoughts should I internalize?
A lot of them are mainly for flavor or role-playing but a few notable ones:
Actual Art Degree gives you bonus XP when you pass a passive Conceptualization check. This is the most common passive check in the game, so AAD is the thought to take if you want to get as many skill points as possible. You unlock the thought by talking about art as much as you can.
Get Jamais Vu as early as you can on Day 1 by talking with Joyce Messier at the dock. It opens up some key dialogue options and skill checks as well as giving you bonus XP whenever you click an orb.
Ace's High or Ace's Low gives you extra Empathy bonuses towards Kim. Which you will want, because Kim is the Best.
Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre is available starting on Day 3 and will give you $2 and some XP when you pass an Encyclopedia check.
Homo-Sexual Underground. Its only effect is to allow you to talk about sexuality with Kim. Therefore it is the most important thought in the game, because approximately 90% of players will be in love with Kim by the second in-game day.
Okay, What About Skills?
Your character "build" (strengths, weaknesses, abilities, etc.) is primarily determined by two things that you can adjust as the game progresses by spending Skill Points: Skills and Thoughts.
Skills in DE are similar to skills in other RPGs in that they determine how good you are at various things. The main difference is that instead of the more traditional skills like strength, dexterity, or charisma, DE has skills like Savoir Faire, Rhetoric, and Empathy. As befits a game that emphasizes the story and characters over combat, the skills are a lot less about how good you are at punching monsters and a lot more about the state of your character's head. The skills are broken down into four categories:
Blue or Intellect skills - brainy stuff like Logic, Rhetoric, and Encyclopedia.
Purple or Psyche skills - emotional stuff like Empathy, Volition, and Authority.
Red or Physical skills - the condition of your physical body. Endurance, Electrochemistry, and Pain Threshold live here.
Yellow or Motorics skills - how well you use your physical body. Things like Hand Eye Coordination, Perception, and Composure.
There are good descriptions of each skill in the game. At the beginning, you can choose from three predefined archetypes (Thinker, Sensitive, or Physical) or create your own by allocating 12 points between the four skill categories and picking one skill as your "signature."
What Is The Best Skill Build?
There isn't an "best" one! You can play the game equally successfully with any build, but different builds will feel very different to play, especially early in the game.
That said, I would recommend against doing a 3-3-3-3 build because it just won't be as fun. Most skills generally start to really show effects at around a 4, and failing skill checks is often funny and shouldn't lock you out of completing any checks except if you've done something really unusual.
Basically the "best" build for you is whatever is the most fun - pick something that speaks to you and go for it.
In general, Intellect builds will get a lot of worldbuilding and lore and be really good at detecting. Psyche builds will have a better sense of other people and the world and strong intuition. Physical builds tend to be able to punch their way through obstacles but aren't very smart or empathetic and struggle with following their gut instincts/cravings without thinking about it. Motorics builds will find several early-game skill checks a lot easier for them and will be good at skills like shooting, picking locks, noticing stuff, keeping cool under pressure, and talking about cars.
Some key things to consider when deciding on your character build:
Encyclopedia is the skill that gives you lore and worldbuilding information.
If you want to min-max your build to get as many skill points as possible, make sure you have good Conceptualization so you can unlock the thought Actual Art Degree.
Esprit de Corps is similar to Empathy, but it works specifically on other cops. Doing a run with high EDC helps unlock a ton of lore about many of the other key characters in the game.
Electrochemistry will try to get you to drink, smoke, have sex, and take drugs. It will also give you insights into the drinking/smoking/drugging/sex habits of others. VERY high EC will allow you to unlock a leopard-print unitard underwear option for your player character.
You have two health pools, Health and Morale. Health is affected by the Endurance skill and Morale is affected by the Volition skill. If you start a game with only 1 point in either purple or red skills, that can mean you die very easily early in the game. My first playthrough I did a high INT build and I died in the first room of the game from turning on the lights even though I had a terrible hangover. So just be aware.
Shivers is my favorite skill in the game and I'm not alone there. Shivers allows you to have a connection to your city. A lot of the best moments in the game come during Shivers checks and the writing is generally really evocative. Great for atmosphere.
My favorite skills are Esprit de Corps for character knowledge, Shivers for cool atmosphere, and Drama because Drama is just really funny.
What Else Do I Need To Know?
If you seem stuck, go somewhere else and talk to more people OR spend a skill point to level up a skill.
You can zoom in and out. My first playthrough I didn't realize this for a while and kept missing certain characters who were standing somewhere I needed to be zoomed out to see.
A lot of things that are usually part of game menus have to be unlocked. You get a map by buying it at the bookstore. You get your stats and to-do list by finding your police ledger.
Cuno seems horrible but if you gain his trust there's a lot of depth to his character. There is also a potential ending where Cuno acts as your partner during the endgame.
Do the sidequests. They are often the best stories in the game.
Don't be TOO afraid of disappointing Kim. If you avoid being racist/sexist/hurting people, he will usually come around.
That said, if you play as a terrible person he won't be your friend anymore. I don't know how people can take the emotional trauma of that, but some people do!
Save frequently, Just In Case.
Don't be too hasty to reset. Let things play out. Most of the deaths are pretty funny and sometimes you might think you died but really you didn't.
That said, it's fine to reload a save if you messed something up. It's a single player game, it isn't "cheating" to do this if you want to.
If you fail the red check at the church it is extra double okay to reload a save and make that not have happened. (This is probably one of the two highest-stakes skill checks in the game because if you succeed you get one of the best scenes in the game and if you fail you get one of the worst.)
Look at everything and talk to everyone.
I like to keep at least one unused skill point at all times in case I need to unlock a skill check I've failed once.
If you arrest someone or send the body to Processing, Kim will be gone for the rest of the day. There are some things you can only do with him and some you can only do without him, so plan accordingly.
Hope this helps and always feel free to ask if you want more help/get stuck/need hints/just want to scream about the game with me!!
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furryprovocateur · 3 months
Would you recommend phantasy star online?
reasoning beneath the cut if you want it
it's hard to recommend the game because it's very dated (in an interesting way most of the time, but objectively in bad ways as well). the story is extremely hands off and hard to piece together, especially when certain quest plotlines will flat out not resolve if you do something as innocuous as tell someone your name. gameplay-wise i think it's only really compelling if you either really enjoy hunting for rare weapons/items or enjoy the feeling of building a character in an MMO-esque setting.
one of the biggest problems is that there's a limited amount of areas to explore (4 in episode I and 4 in episode II, episode III is a sequel that completely eschews the formula and is a card-game, and i've never played episode IV). most of the plot development and characters to be found will be in episode I, so you're largely going to be treading over the same environments. i personally prefer episode II's levels by a large margin, so it's a shame you can blitz through them with basically no quests or anything to do in them.
all of this is assuming you're playing offline. if you can play online (which would require playing on a fan server) then your experience will likely be a lot more positive. you can get a lot out of the game if you go into it with expectations that it's a 20+ year old "MMO" (the creator disliked that term for it, but it functionally plays similar to one) with dated aspects.
if you are interested in playing it after reading all this, you probably want to play blueburst (the PC version with the most amount of content). i play gamecube which CAN connect online but i've never been able to do it (more because my router is inaccessible than anything else). it also has less content than blueburst but tends to be the version most people talk about when they talk about this game.
also, i wrote a beginner's guide to picking which class you should use because there's 12 to pick from and the game gives you little to work with for which one to go with. i'll link it here <- 3200 word text document
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ashantisadvice · 6 months
How to Build a Gaming PC: A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners
Building your own gaming PC can be a rewarding experience that allows you to customize your rig to suit your specific needs and preferences. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of building a gaming PC from start to finish, covering everything from selecting components to assembling your system. ding to the manufacturer’s instructions. Install the motherboard into the…
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annicaax · 2 years
Ayakoi Installation update/Guide. Steps I followed!
I have installed the Qoo App. Thanks to my buddies and fellow bloggers who gave me authentic app download links.
Qoo app allows you to download an apk file which you can install on your android device using an apk installer... The app itself isn't directly available in playstore from what I'd learnt. Anyway, I ran it from Bluestacks android emulator on my PC
Steps I followed to install AyaKoi.
1. I ran the Qoo App from Bluestacks!
2. I created my Isekai login password! This is basically signing up with the Qoo App. Use your google account or Facebook. Sign up, it's simple
3. In the search bar within the Qoo App, I typed Ayakashi Romance -- and I saw "ArR JP" and "ARR En" show up in search results. They both appeared in English because well, the Qoo app's inbuilt language is English.
4. I installed ARR Jp... i.e. Ayakoi.
5. An icon was created both on my blue stacks home page and PC home screen
6. Just double clicked that and bingo! The app was ready to use!
7. I was familar with the layout but I still used "Google Translate" to aid me with registering the player name and basic info!
I was guided to the prologue. Aizen book is a separate arc. But I do need to clear Twilight's Main book and build Aizen affection level until 12 to read his story.
So... there my Ayakoi journey has begun. But as you can already expect, I'm at square one. I'm a beginner with barely any story keys, diamonds or stuff...
i wanted to make this post because some of my friends here and on discord have been asking me how I plan to do it/did it. Hope it's been helpful.
Just know that your journey in Ayakoi will begin from the beginning. Not surprising right? With some patience and daily gameplay (I'm quite busy myself and I can't play much but a drop a day makes an ocean!), you can enjoy ARR JP version!
Thank you for reading this post. I hope it has been helpful.
Qoo App: The legit Qoo App apk can be downloaded from their website. Just google Qoo app. There will be lots of fakes in playstore. So just download the apk on your PC and send it to your Android devide and install it! Or you can install Bluestacks on your device. Once Bluestack is set up, double click on the Qoo App APK you have downloaded earlier and bluestacks will run it for you, guiding you to its installation and sign up.
I have not installed Qoo App on my phone but I don't think it's that hard to install an app's apk. I will try from my phone and let you know the process in detail if you want!
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myautisticpov · 2 years
Anyone got any recommendations of very beginner friendly “how to mess around inside your computer without breaking it” youtubers?
I just looked up how much it would be to replace my PC and, like, the entire range that this PC is from now starts at nearly twice the price I paid for this PC for just slightly newer versions of the same hardware (and a smaller SSD)
So that puts me into the zone where building one from scratch is probably cheaper (because it was about the same before), and if I’m gonna be doing that, I might as well start by keeping this one going and then taking the new parts back later
Anyway, the USB ports and wifi card are fucked, it definitely needs cleaning for dust (which might actually fix the ports, tbh), more RAM couldn’t hurt, and I could probably use a new graphics card, which all seems beginner friendly enough, I’m just a very anxious person and could use some guides that are gentle about walking you through things
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eleplay · 1 year
Your setup looks so cute! The pc and specially all your prints and various cute stuff! I also want to update my pc but i'm a bit intimidated with all the info there is @_@
thanks so much! 😊
pc building is very very intimidating imo, i did my first build after using a macbook pro for like a decade. and while there are lots of pc building resources out there, there are so many that it can be overwhelming. my "short" advice talk is that, if you haven't already, you should search up a short guide (or video) that covers all the basic components for a pc, and what functions they serve (and if you're just hoping to upgrade parts of an existing build then this would hopefully narrow down what parts you should be focusing on). understand the basic structure of the beast.
and then two online resources that i found very helpful were:
logical increments. good for template builds rated by both performance capabilities and price. linear, calming. also technically has the previously suggested pc part breakdown guide, but i think there are probably ones out there that are better explainers for complete beginners.
pc part picker. invaluable resource as a database for looking at example builds, and also has a tool where you can save potential builds and check if all of your parts are compatible (one of the most annoying parts of pc building to me). i will note that its compatibility checker is not 100% foolproof, although usually it will tell you if it's uncertain, so it's always good to double check/google search as much as you can regarding parts compatibility.
those would be my starting angles, and then supplementing with searching pc building reddits (although... ig i'm not sure what the state of those are with recent events) and youtube videos.
and if you're US-based and happen to live near one, microcenter is pretty much The pc building store, and they have experts that you can talk shop with* and even hire the services of to do pc builds/upgrades for you. *in theory. i'm the kind of person who busted into the microcenter for the first time in my life with a list of the specific parts i wanted and even what aisle to find them in, and only sort of briefly interacted with the people at the counter to request the parts that were under lock and key. the person looked at my list and was like, "wow, you really did your research. we could talk alternatives if you want, but this seems good," which i appreciated but at that point my brain was so fried from considering all the endless options that i didn't want to talk shop, i just wanted to shop shop.
anyway good luck and godspeed. my last parting words are to remember that compatibility shouldn't just be considered regarding part-to-part interaction, but if they'll physically fit in your case. and that you should look up what thermal paste/pads are.
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games-sport · 1 year
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The Beginner's Guide to Building a High Performance PC
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jaisrakesh · 13 days
Why Unity 3D is the Best Platform for Aspiring Game Developers
Unity 3D has become the go-to platform for aspiring game developers, providing a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly environment to create interactive content. Whether you're an indie developer, a student, or someone looking to break into the gaming industry, Unity 3D offers a range of tools and resources that make it the best choice for game development. Here’s why Unity 3D stands out as the best platform for aspiring game developers.
1. Beginner-Friendly Interface and Learning Resources
Unity 3D's intuitive interface and vast learning resources make it incredibly accessible for beginners. With an extensive library of tutorials, documentation, and community forums, Unity provides aspiring game developers with a supportive environment to learn and grow. The Unity Learn platform offers free courses, live training sessions, and projects that guide new developers from basic concepts to advanced techniques, making the learning curve less daunting.
2. Cross-Platform Development Capabilities
One of Unity 3D’s greatest strengths is its ability to develop games for multiple platforms, including PC, consoles, mobile devices, VR/AR, and even the web. Aspiring game developers can create a single game and deploy it across different platforms with minimal adjustments, saving time and resources. This cross-platform versatility opens up a wide range of opportunities for developers to reach diverse audiences worldwide.
3. Extensive Asset Store
Unity’s Asset Store is a game-changer for new developers. It offers a vast marketplace of ready-made assets, including 3D models, scripts, animations, sound effects, and more. Aspiring game developers can easily find high-quality assets to speed up the development process, allowing them to focus on building gameplay mechanics and refining their ideas rather than starting everything from scratch.
4. Strong Community and Support Network
The Unity 3D game developer community is one of the largest and most active in the world. This supportive network of developers, artists, and programmers helps newcomers navigate challenges and share valuable insights. The community's collaborative spirit, combined with Unity’s official support, ensures that aspiring game developers are never alone in their journey.
5. Powerful and Scalable Engine
Unity 3D is known for its powerful rendering engine, which allows developers to create stunning graphics and complex physics-based interactions. It’s scalable to projects of any size, making it suitable for everything from small indie games to large-scale AAA titles. Aspiring game developers can start with simple projects and gradually take on more complex challenges as their skills grow.
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epicwinsft · 16 days
Master Your Fortnite Aim with These Game-Changing Settings
If you’re struggling with your Fortnite aim, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this guide is here to help you take your gameplay to the next level. In this video, we dive deep into the best Fortnite aim settings that can instantly improve your Fortnite aim and give you the competitive edge you’ve been looking for.
Why Are Aim Settings So Important in Fortnite?
Your Fortnite aim is the most critical factor in ensuring you can land consistent shots on your opponents. Whether you're playing on console or PC, the right aim sensitivity and ADS sensitivity settings can make all the difference. Understanding how to adjust your Fortnite aim settings is essential for improving your accuracy, building speed, and overall performance in the game.
Key Settings to Improve Your Fortnite Aim
In the video, we break down essential Fortnite settings like:
Look sensitivity: This controls how fast your view moves as you look around. Finding the right balance is crucial for keeping your aim steady and precise.
Aim sensitivity (ADS sensitivity): This impacts how fast you can aim down sights. Tweaking this setting is especially useful for players who rely on ADS for long-range shots.
Look Input Curve: We discuss the difference between linear and exponential curves, and how each affects your aim in Fortnite. Whether you prefer fast, snappy movements or smooth, controlled adjustments, this setting plays a big role in your aim.
Turning boost and look dampening time: Adjusting these settings can make your Fortnite aim feel more responsive, giving you the speed to track fast-moving enemies.
Aiming Tricks for Beginners and Pros Alike
If you’re new to Fortnite or looking to improve your Fortnite aim, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we also reveal a pro tip for using gaming monitors that come with a virtual aim point feature. This feature lets you adjust the crosshair’s size and color, making it easier to track targets, especially for beginners.
My Personal Fortnite Aim Settings
At the end of the video, I share my personal Fortnite aim settings that have helped me improve dramatically. You’re welcome to try them out and adjust them to fit your own style. Remember, fine-tuning your settings based on your comfort level and playstyle is key to mastering your aim in Fortnite.
If you’re serious about improving your Fortnite aim, this video is a must-watch. We break down all the key settings you need to focus on, whether you’re a beginner or a pro, to ensure you can dominate in Fortnite. So don’t forget to subscribe, try out my personal settings, and use the tips shared in this guide to boost your aim and win more games.
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hayleymedbil · 17 days
Decoding Medical Billing: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the World of Medical Coding
**Title: Decoding Medical‌ Billing: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding‌ the World of Medical Coding**
**Introduction:** Medical billing and coding play a crucial role ⁤in the healthcare industry⁢ by ensuring that​ healthcare providers receive proper reimbursement for their services. However, for beginners, the world‌ of medical coding can seem complex and overwhelming. In ‍this ‌article, we will break down the basics of medical billing and coding, providing you with a ⁢comprehensive guide to help you understand this ‍important aspect of healthcare administration.
**The Basics of Medical Coding:** Medical coding involves the transformation of ⁤diagnoses, ‌procedures, and medical ‍services into ​universal alphanumeric codes. These codes are used for billing purposes, insurance claims, and data analysis.⁢ There are two main code sets used in medical coding – ICD (International Classification ⁢of Diseases) and CPT (Current Procedural Terminology).
**ICD Codes:** ICD codes are used​ to classify diseases, injuries, and other health conditions. They provide a standardized way to document the medical necessity of services provided. ICD codes ⁣are maintained by the‌ World Health Organization (WHO) and are updated regularly to reflect changes in healthcare practices. Some common examples of ICD codes include: – ICD-10-CM: Diagnosis⁢ codes used in clinical settings – ICD-10-PCS: Procedure codes used ⁣in hospital settings
**CPT Codes:** CPT codes are ‌used to describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services provided by ‌healthcare providers. These codes are maintained by the‍ American‌ Medical⁣ Association (AMA) and are updated annually to‌ reflect new‍ procedures and technologies. CPT codes are essential⁢ for accurate ‌billing and ‍reimbursement. ⁣Some common examples of ⁤CPT codes include: – Evaluation and management services – Surgical procedures – Laboratory tests – Radiology services
**The Role of Medical Coders:** Medical coders are professionals who assign the appropriate codes‍ to describe the services ​provided by​ healthcare providers. They ensure that the codes are accurate, complete, ‍and compliant​ with ⁤coding guidelines. Medical coders play a vital‌ role in the revenue cycle of healthcare organizations by ⁣translating medical records into billable codes.
**Benefits of Proper Medical Coding:** Proper medical coding ‍is essential ⁤for healthcare organizations ⁣to receive⁢ accurate reimbursement for their ⁣services. It also ​helps in data analysis, quality reporting, and compliance with regulatory requirements. By ensuring accurate coding, healthcare ⁢providers can improve revenue streams and reduce the risk of audits or penalties.
**Practical Tips for Beginners:** If you are new⁤ to medical coding, here‌ are some practical tips to help you navigate this complex field: 1.​ Invest in ⁤coding education and training programs to build a solid foundation in medical coding principles. 2. Stay updated ‍on coding changes and guidelines by ‍attending workshops, ⁣webinars, and conferences. 3. Practice ‍coding scenarios to improve your coding accuracy and speed. 4. Join professional ‍organizations like the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or⁣ the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) to network with other coders and stay connected with industry updates.
**Conclusion:** Medical billing and coding are essential components of the healthcare industry that ensure accurate reimbursement ⁢for healthcare services. ‍By understanding the basics of medical coding ⁤and following best practices, you can navigate⁣ the​ world of medical billing with ​confidence. Remember to stay updated⁣ on coding changes, invest in‍ coding education, and seek opportunities for professional development to excel in this rewarding field.
mastering medical ⁣coding requires dedication, continuous learning, ​and attention to​ detail. By following the guidelines outlined in this beginner’s guide, you can enhance your coding skills and contribute ⁣to ​the⁤ efficiency and success​ of healthcare organizations. Good luck on your coding journey!
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rallytyper · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Computer Typing Games: Enhance Your Typing Skills with Fun and Engaging Activities
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In today's digital age, proficient typing skills are more crucial than ever. Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone looking to improve your typing speed and accuracy, computer typing games offer a fun and effective way to practice. These games are designed not only to help you type faster but also to improve your overall keyboard proficiency. In this article, we'll explore the different types of computer typing games, their benefits, and how you can use them to enhance your typing skills.
1. The Evolution of Computer Typing Games
Computer typing games have come a long way since the early days of simple, text-based exercises. Initially, these games were rudimentary, focusing primarily on typing drills that lacked engagement. However, as technology advanced, so did the complexity and entertainment value of these games. Today, you can find a wide variety of typing game online options that cater to different skill levels, from beginners to advanced typists.
1.1 The Early Days of Typing Games
In the early days, computer typing games were primarily educational tools designed for schools and training centers. They featured basic graphics and focused on repetitive exercises to help users memorize key positions. While effective, these games often lacked the excitement and engagement needed to keep users motivated.
1.2 The Rise of Typing Game Online
With the advent of the internet, typing game online platforms began to emerge. These games allowed users to compete with others worldwide, adding a competitive element that made practicing typing more enjoyable. Online typing games introduced leaderboards, achievements, and multiplayer modes, making them more engaging than their predecessors.
1.3 Modern Typing Games for PC
Today, typing games for PC have become highly sophisticated, featuring immersive graphics, storylines, and even role-playing elements. These games are designed to challenge users in various ways, from speed typing challenges to accuracy drills. The combination of entertainment and education makes modern computer typing games a popular choice for individuals of all ages.
2. The Benefits of Playing Typing Practice Games
While computer typing games are undeniably fun, they also offer a range of benefits that go beyond entertainment. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced typist, playing typing practice games can help you improve your skills in several key areas.
2.1 Improving Typing Speed
One of the most obvious benefits of playing keyboard typing games is the improvement in typing speed. These games often require quick reflexes and fast typing, which helps users develop the muscle memory needed to type quickly and accurately. Over time, regular practice with typing games for PC can significantly boost your words-per-minute (WPM) rate.
2.2 Enhancing Accuracy
In addition to speed, computer typing games also focus on accuracy. Many of these games include features that penalize users for mistakes, encouraging them to type carefully and precisely. This emphasis on accuracy is especially important for individuals who need to type large volumes of text, such as students and professionals.
2.3 Building Keyboard Proficiency
Another key benefit of typing practice games is the development of overall keyboard proficiency. These games often include exercises that target specific keys or key combinations, helping users become more comfortable with the layout of a keyboard. This proficiency can be particularly valuable for those who work in fields that require extensive typing, such as programming or data entry.
2.4 Reducing Typing Fatigue
Typing for extended periods can lead to fatigue and discomfort, particularly if you are not accustomed to proper typing techniques. Keyboard typing games often incorporate lessons on ergonomics and proper finger placement, which can help reduce strain and prevent typing-related injuries.
2.5 Boosting Cognitive Skills
Beyond the physical benefits, playing computer typing games can also enhance cognitive skills such as hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and concentration. These games require users to process information quickly and respond accurately, which can translate to improved cognitive function in other areas of life.
3. Types of Computer Typing Games
The world of computer typing games is vast and varied, with options to suit different preferences and skill levels. Below, we'll explore some of the most popular types of typing games and what makes each one unique.
3.1 Speed Typing Challenges
Speed typing challenges are among the most popular typing practice games. These games typically present users with a series of words or phrases that must be typed as quickly as possible. The goal is to achieve the highest possible WPM rate without sacrificing accuracy. Speed typing games are ideal for those looking to improve their typing speed in a fun and competitive environment.
3.2 Accuracy Drills
For individuals focused on improving their typing accuracy, accuracy drills are a great option. These keyboard typing games often involve typing complex sentences or paragraphs with challenging vocabulary. The emphasis is on typing without making mistakes, and users are often penalized for errors. Accuracy drills are particularly useful for professionals who need to ensure that their typing is error-free.
3.3 Typing Games with Storylines
In recent years, a new genre of computer typing games has emerged: typing games with storylines. These games combine traditional typing exercises with engaging narratives, making the experience more immersive and enjoyable. Players must type correctly to progress through the story, adding an extra layer of motivation to improve their skills.
3.4 Multiplayer Typing Games
For those who enjoy a bit of friendly competition, multiplayer typing games for PC are an excellent choice. These games allow users to compete against others in real-time, racing to see who can type the fastest and most accurately. Multiplayer games often feature leaderboards and rankings, adding an extra incentive to practice regularly and climb the ranks.
3.5 Educational Typing Games for Kids
Typing games for PC aren't just for adults; there are also plenty of educational typing games designed specifically for kids. These games often feature colorful graphics, fun characters, and age-appropriate content to keep young learners engaged. Educational typing games are a great way to introduce children to proper typing techniques from an early age.
4. How to Choose the Right Computer Typing Games
With so many options available, choosing the right computer typing games can be a bit overwhelming. However, by considering your goals and preferences, you can find the perfect game to suit your needs.
4.1 Identify Your Goals
The first step in choosing the right typing game online is to identify your goals. Are you looking to improve your typing speed, accuracy, or overall proficiency? Different games focus on different aspects of typing, so it's important to select one that aligns with your objectives.
4.2 Consider Your Skill Level
Another important factor to consider is your current skill level. If you're a beginner, you may want to start with basic typing practice games that focus on key placement and finger positioning. On the other hand, if you're an experienced typist, you might prefer more advanced keyboard typing games that challenge your speed and accuracy.
4.3 Look for Engaging Features
When selecting a typing game online, it's also important to consider the features that will keep you engaged. Do you enjoy story-driven games, or do you prefer competitive multiplayer modes? Look for games that offer the features you find most enjoyable, as this will help you stay motivated to practice regularly.
4.4 Read Reviews and Recommendations
Before choosing a typing game online, it's a good idea to read reviews and recommendations from other users. This can give you insight into the game's quality, difficulty level, and overall user experience. Additionally, you may discover new games that you hadn't considered before.
4.5 Try Multiple Games
Finally, don't be afraid to try multiple computer typing games to find the one that best suits your needs. Many games are available for free or offer trial versions, allowing you to test them out before committing. By experimenting with different games, you can discover which ones you enjoy the most and which are the most effective in helping you achieve your typing goals.
5. Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Keyboard Typing Games
While computer typing games are a valuable tool for improving your typing skills, there are a few tips you can follow to maximize their benefits.
5.1 Practice Regularly
Consistency is key when it comes to improving your typing skills. Make it a habit to practice with typing games for PC regularly, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Regular practice will help reinforce muscle memory and improve your overall proficiency.
5.2 Focus on Accuracy First
While it may be tempting to prioritize speed, it's important to focus on accuracy first. Start by playing typing practice games that emphasize accuracy, and gradually work your way up to faster-paced challenges. This approach will help you build a strong foundation of precise typing skills.
5.3 Use Proper Finger Placement
One of the most important aspects of typing is using proper finger placement. Many keyboard typing games include lessons on ergonomics and finger positioning, so be sure to follow these guidelines to avoid developing bad habits.
5.4 Set Realistic Goals
When playing computer typing games, it's important to set realistic goals for yourself. Whether it's achieving a certain WPM rate or completing a challenging level without mistakes, setting achievable goals will keep you motivated and on track.
5.5 Take Breaks
Typing for extended periods can lead to fatigue, so be sure to take regular breaks when playing typing games for PC. This will help prevent strain and ensure that you can maintain your focus and accuracy throughout your practice sessions.
6. Conclusion: The Power of Computer Typing Games
In conclusion, computer typing games are an
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logicproforwindows · 2 months
Logic Pro X for Windows
Logic Pro X is among the most powerful and popular digital audio workstations (DAWs). Originally developed for macOS, this software has long been a favourite among music producers, composers, and audio engineers for its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface. But what if you’re a Windows user? Can you use Logic Pro X on Windows? This article delves into everything you need about Logic Pro X for Windows.
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Introduction to Logic Pro X
Logic Pro X is known for its robust functionality, which includes a vast library of sounds and instruments, powerful mixing and mastering tools, and seamless integration with other Apple products. Its intuitive user interface allows beginners and professionals to produce high-quality music efficiently.
Can Logic Pro X Be Installed on Windows?
Officially, Logic Pro X is only available for macOS. However, there are several methods and alternatives that Windows users can consider to run or find similar functionality to Logic Pro X for Windows.
Methods to Use Logic Pro X on Windows
1. Using a Virtual Machine
One popular method to run Logic Pro X on Windows is using a virtual machine (VM). A VM allows you to install macOS on a Windows PC. Here’s how you can do it:
Download and Install VirtualBox: This is a free VM software.
Obtain a macOS Image: You’ll need a macOS disk image (DMG) file.
Set Up the Virtual Machine: Allocate enough resources (RAM and storage) to your VM.
Install macOS: Follow the prompts to install macOS.
Install Logic Pro X: Once macOS is running, you can install Logic Pro X just as you would on a Mac.
2. Using a Hackintosh
A Hackintosh is a non-Apple computer that runs macOS. This method involves more technical knowledge and can be unstable, but it’s another way to get Logic Pro X for Windows. You’ll need:
Compatible Hardware: Not all PCs can run macOS.
macOS Installation Tools: Software like UniBeast can help you install macOS on your PC.
Follow a Guide: There are many online communities and guides to help you build a Hackintosh.
Alternatives to Logic Pro X for Windows
If running macOS on a Windows PC sounds too complicated, several excellent alternatives to Logic Pro X for Windows offer similar features.
1. FL Studio
FL Studio is a powerful DAW with a user-friendly interface. It offers a wide range of plugins and instruments, making it a great alternative to Logic Pro X for Windows.
2. Ableton Live
Ableton Live is known for its unique session view, which is ideal for live performances and music production. It’s another top choice for Windows users looking for a Logic Pro X alternative.
3. Cubase
Cubase offers professional-level features for recording, editing, and mixing music. It’s a solid choice for anyone seeking a Logic Pro X for Windows alternative.
Download Logic Pro X for Windows
For those determined to use Logic Pro X on a Windows system, you can visit Logic Pro X for Windows to download the necessary tools and guides to help set up Logic Pro X on your Windows PC. https://www.logicprodownload.com/logic-pro-windows/
Key Features of Logic Pro X
Even if you’re using Logic Pro X for Windows through a VM or Hackintosh, you’ll still get access to its impressive features:
1. Comprehensive Sound Library
Logic Pro X comes with an extensive library of sounds, loops, and samples. Whether you’re producing electronic music, hip-hop, rock, or classical, you’ll find a vast array of sounds to enhance your tracks.
2. Smart Tempo
This feature automatically manages tempo across all your recordings, making it easy to integrate different tracks seamlessly. It’s particularly useful for live recordings and collaborative projects.
3. Drummer and Drum Kit Designer
Logic Pro X includes virtual drummers that can play along with your music. The Drum Kit Designer lets you create custom drum kits with unique sounds.
4. Flex Time and Flex Pitch
These powerful tools allow you to edit the timing and pitch of your recordings with precision. Flex Time lets you adjust the timing of notes, while Flex Pitch corrects pitch issues.
5. Advanced Mixing and Mastering
Logic Pro X offers professional-grade mixing and mastering tools, including a variety of EQs, compressors, and reverb units. These tools help you create polished, radio-ready tracks.
Why Choose Logic Pro X for Windows?
While there are many DAWs available for Windows, Logic Pro X stands out for several reasons:
1. User-Friendly Interface
Logic Pro X’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, even for beginners. Its layout and design help streamline the music production process.
2. Integration with Apple Products
If you use other Apple products, Logic Pro X integrates seamlessly with them. For instance, you can use an iPad as a remote control for Logic Pro X, or import projects from GarageBand.
3. Regular Updates
Apple regularly updates Logic Pro X with new features and improvements, ensuring that you always have access to the latest tools and technologies.
Logic Pro X for Windows may not be officially supported, but you can still enjoy its powerful features on your Windows PC with the right tools and methods. Whether you use a virtual machine, build a Hackintosh, or explore alternatives, plenty of options suit your needs.
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Leading 10 Must-Read Medical Billing Books for Aspiring Professionals
**Title: Top 10 Must-Read Medical Billing Books for ⁢Aspiring ⁢Professionals**
**Introduction:** Medical billing‍ is a ‍crucial aspect of the healthcare industry that ensures healthcare providers are ⁣reimbursed for the services ‌they provide to patients. Aspiring professionals looking to enter the field of medical billing can benefit greatly from reading comprehensive and informative books that cover the essential aspects of⁢ medical billing. In this article, we will explore the top 10 must-read medical billing books that ⁢can help aspiring professionals enhance their knowledge and ‍skills in this field.
**1. “Medical Billing and Coding For⁤ Dummies” by Karen Smiley:** – Comprehensive guide for beginners with easy-to-understand​ explanations – Covers topics such as coding systems,‍ insurance claims, and medical terminology
**2. “Step-by-Step Medical Coding” by Carol J. Buck:** – Detailed guide that focuses on correct coding practices – Includes ⁢real-world examples and case studies to reinforce learning
**3. “Principles ‌of ⁣Healthcare Reimbursement” by‍ Anne Casto:** – Explores the ⁤reimbursement process in depth, including Medicare and Medicaid⁤ guidelines – Provides ⁤insights into compliance and‌ auditing in ‍medical billing
**4. “Understanding‌ Health Insurance” by Michelle A. Green:** – Covers the basics ​of health insurance and how‌ it‌ impacts medical billing – Ideal for those looking to understand insurance terminology and regulations
**5. “The​ Medical Billing Handbook” ​by Angie Oliverson:** – Offers practical tips and strategies for efficient‍ medical billing practices – Includes best practices for managing accounts receivable and denials
**6. “ICD-10-CM ⁣Expert for Hospitals” by Optum360:** – Focuses on the ICD-10-CM coding system used in medical​ billing – Includes official coding guidelines and conventions for accurate coding
**7.‍ “Health Insurance Today: A Practical Approach” by Janet I.⁤ Beik:** – Explores the complexities of health insurance and managed care – Provides insights into payment systems ‌and‌ regulatory issues in healthcare
**8. “ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Handbook” by Nelly Leon-Chisen:** – Comprehensive guide to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding systems – Includes official coding⁣ guidelines and ‍conventions for accurate coding
**9. “Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office” by Marilyn ⁢Fordney:** – Covers insurance processes, claims submission, and reimbursement procedures – Includes practical examples and ​exercises to reinforce learning
**10. “Professional⁤ Review Guide for the CCS Examination” by Patricia Schnering:** – Ideal for ‍those preparing ‍for the Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) exam – Includes practice questions, case​ studies, and exam tips for success
**Conclusion:** Investing time in reading these top 10 medical billing books can greatly benefit aspiring ‍professionals⁤ looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field. Whether you are a beginner or⁣ an experienced professional,⁤ these books provide valuable insights ‌into medical billing⁢ practices, coding ⁢systems, insurance regulations, and​ reimbursement processes. By incorporating the information from these books into your practice, you can improve your efficiency, ⁤accuracy, and compliance in ⁣medical billing. Start⁤ building your library with these essential medical billing books today!
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