#beguine spirituality
theridgebeyond · 1 year
How the Soul Speaks to God
Lord you are my lover,
My longing,
My flowing stream,
My sun,
And I am your reflection.
— Mechthild of Magdeburg, as quoted in Visions and Longings: Medieval Women Mystics by Monica Furlong
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Landscape and spirituality are not, for us, inevitably interwoven. We experience no inescapable linkage between our "place" and our way of conceiving the holy, between habitat and habitus, where one lives and how one practices a habit of being. Our concern is simply to move as quickly (and freely) as possible from one place to another. We are bereft of rituals of entry that allow us to participate fully in the places we inhabit.
We have lost the ability even to heed the natural environment, much less perceive it through the lens of a particular tradition. Modern Western culture is largely shorn of attentiveness to both habitat and habitus. Where we live—to what we are rooted—no longer defines who we are. We have learned to distrust all disciplines of formative spiritual traditions, with their communal ways of perceiving the world. We have realized, in the end, the "free individual" at the expense of a network of interrelated meanings. Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality [beguines]
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jehannethemaiden · 1 year
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Hadewijch of Antwerp (c. 1200 - c. 1260), Vision 7:
Matins were being sung in the church, and I was present. My heart and my veins and all my limbs trembled and quivered with eager desire and, as often occurred with me, such madness and fear beset my mind that it seemed to me I did not content my Beloved, and that my Beloved did not fulfill my desire, so that dying I must go mad, and going mad I must die. On that day my mind was beset so fearfully and so painfully by desirous love that all my separate limbs threatened to break, and all my separate veins were in travail.
The longing in which I then was cannot be expressed by any language or any person I know; and everything I can say about it would be unheard-of to all those who never apprehended Love as something to work for with desire, and whom Love had never acknowledged as hers. I can say this about it: I desire to have full fruition of my beloved, and to understand and taste him to the full.
I desire that his humanity should to the fullest extent be one in fruition with my humanity, and that mine then should hold its stand and be strong enough to enter into perfection until I content him, who is perfection itself, by purity and unity, and in all things to content him fully in every virtue. To that end I wished he might content me interiorly with his Godhead, in one spirit, and that for me he should be all that he is, without withholding anything from me For above all the gifts that I ever longed for, I chose this gift: that I should give satisfaction in all great sufferings. For that is the most perfect satisfaction: to grow up in order to be God with God. For this demands suffering, pain, and misery, and living in great new grief of soul: but to let everything come and go without grief, and in this way to experience nothing else but sweet love, embraces, and kisses. In this sense I desired that God give himself to me, so that I might content him.
As my mind was beset with fear, I saw a great eagle flying toward me from the altar, and he said to me: “If you wish to attain oneness, make yourself ready!”
I fell on my knees and my heart beat fearfully, to worship the beloved with oneness, according to his true dignity; that indeed was impossible to me, as I know well, and as God knows, always to my woe and to my grief.
But the eagle turned back and spoke: “Just and mighty Lord, now show your great power to unite your oneness in the manner of union with full possession!”
Then the eagle turned around again and said to me: “He who has come, comes again; and to whatever place he never came, he comes not.”
Then he came to the altar, showing himself as a child; and that child was in the same form as he was in his first three years. He turned toward me, in his right hand took from the ciborium his body, and in his left hand took a chalice, which seemed to come from the altar, but I do not know where it came from.
With that he came in the form and clothing of a man, as he was on the day when he gave us his body for the first time; looking like a human being and a man, wonderful, and beautiful, and with glorious face, he came to me as humbly as anyone who actually belongs to another. Then he gave himself to me in the shape of the sacrament, in its outward form, as the custom is; and then he gave me to drink from the chalice, in form and taste, as the custom is. After that he came himself, took me entirely in his arms, and pressed me to him; and all my members felt his in full felicity, in accordance with the desire of my heart and my humanity. So I was outwardly satisfied and fully transported. Also then, for a short while, I had the strength to bear this; but soon, after a short time, I lost that manly beauty outwardly in the sight of his form. I saw him completely come to nought and so fade and all at once dissolve that I could no longer recognize or perceive him outside me, and I could no longer distinguish him within me. Then it was to me as if we were one without difference. It was thus: outwardly, to see, taste, and feel, as one can outwardly taste, see, and feel in the reception of the outward sacrament. So can the beloved, with the loved one, each wholly receive the other in full satisfaction of the sight, the hearing, and the passing away of the one in the other.
After that I remained in a passing away in my beloved, so that I wholly melted away in him and nothing any longer remained to me of myself; and I was changed and taken up in the spirit, and there it was shown me concerning such hours.
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hymnsofheresy · 1 year
saw a tik tok saying that the beguines were only "pretending" to be religious. which i find very funny because a glance at their writings simply disproves that. they had a deep influential spirituality. but I find it so interesting that so many people cannot conceptualize the complexity of religion. that religion is capable of being a tool of oppression, but can also be a means of organizing people and ideas to strive towards liberation.
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santmat · 1 year
The Unknown Christianity
In the coming days am going to focus on sharing the lost or hidden Christianity information, from the mystics, the Coptic tradition, Syriac, and Ethiopian, maybe also from medieval times: Cathars, Brethren of the Free Spirit, Beguines, also monastic writings, and vegetarian passages from canonical and non-canonical sources, church fathers, and the Nag Hammadi Library. There is a rich spiritual tradition that's almost completely unknown, whose saints are orphaned looking for a place to call home after being rejected as heretics by those few who actually know their names.
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auroraswanderlust · 1 month
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The Beguinage in Bruges
I chose this location because of its tie to nature. None of the other spiritual places we visited really had a strong tie to nature. Here the community is built around a vast green yard. Lush with grass, flowers, and small bodies of water.
Thai site connects to the reformation through the devout women responsible for its birth. In the 11th and 13th centuries women banded together to focus on their spiritual and material needs which became the birth of the beguine movement.
These women loved a pious and celebrate life but still attracted the disapproval of the Catholic Church. They did not follow the established rules of the Catholic Church, instead they didn’t take vows of poverty and were allowed to keep their property. They lived independently and freer lives than nuns and the male church leaders didn’t like this.
I was surprised to learn that this community is still inhabited today. Some women, all single women from Brugge, from the Order of Saint Benedict continue to live there.
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reelleabroad · 3 months
The Berguinage in Bruges
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Bruges is a beautiful city, nicknamed “the Venice of the North”. There are several historical things associated with this city, but one of the most unique is the Beguinage. This is a community of women who come together and serve. It was started during the 1200’s and the structures are still there today. The single women and widows who formed this community, referred to as Beguines, were religious and wanted to serve those in need. They established a place where they could have their physical and spiritual needs met while also being close to those that they were helping.
The Beguines were not under a specific religious organization. This caused issues for them during the Reformation. The Catholic Church especially did not like how much freedom these women had, as their community was very different than the nunneries that religious Catholic women could be a part of, and so after some time the Beguines were declared heretics. I do not know if false teaching was actually occurring by these women or not. The women were welcomed into the Berguine order as long as they wished, but were free to leave and marry should they choose. While at the Berguinage, they lived lives of poverty and abstinence, not believing that people should work to obtain wealth and worldly things. While there were not many Berguinages, the ones that existed did good for the communities they impacted.
I had never heard of this order before and find the concept of it fascinating. The Reformation movement was about correcting errors of living and doctrine that was prevalent in the church. These women took it upon themselves to find a way to live their lives for God the best way they knew, even if that meant going against what was commonly practiced. While I acknowledge that there is a line, some things that are commonly practiced should be, I belief that we should all have that mindset.
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epoxytoaster · 7 months
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Loved this picture photo of the very inspirational and spiritual fundamentalist ARTIST BOB MARLEY.
This artwork from Artist Epoxytoaster
of REGGAE ARTIST BOB MARLEY Is reworked into light and pixel. Creation inspired from an amazing original photograph
I'm not sure who the original photographer was however the light in the image just Inpired me to draw colour and pixel to enlighten the original photograph.
Hopefully understanding that the image was magic to beguine with..
And hopfully to enlighten you to listen to the spiritual and fundamental inspirational REGGAE ARTIST #BOB MARLEY
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scentedchildnacho · 8 months
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Uhm the man with the pink bike is also a very bad man....i was asked what type of man steals a little girls bike.....that would be a pedophile long time in jail man....he is too fragmented with homogenetics or doesn't know how to use fragmentation John wayne gacy very scary man
He also stole......all the roses from a spiritual group which are more courtesies from the table each gets one after their decoration time is over and placed it all in a broken wreath with horns he made in front and wore it like a crown.....
Most of the violence is obsessed with the art of life....the nuns apparently test on us beguines and anchoresses to see if we can be educated in or included and this apparently is important and placed with children because they all want to execute me for how much better and biologically correct they are for being around the children
So She will have to arrive ..kathryn has to actually have done something to be sexually executed
Did you do this to hurt what judges me?
Pope Francis I guess gives away his pretty expensive and lavish apartments because their that wealthy and God was like a metal fire disk in the sky no one could look at mortally
So some type of monastics was given to us because it's I told you that tribe is for God they don't do those things
So he apparently had his artistic intelligence humiliated because it was a matter of great pride to him to align himself with very notorious rabbinicals
Ashkenazi s......ash can nazis were a very fierce tribe and they did help commit atrocities for adolph hitler
And he tells me that he is with I am..... Yahweh and God is just stupid.....so this is when i notice he doesnt understand homogenetics....or how to use fragmentation in post metropolis studies and had been in jail a long time.......
No one is Yahweh.....there is only Christ there is truly nothing without Christ and most folk a.i. groups if judeo do not use Yahweh it's obscure and European.....
Doesnt understand the lawsuit....God does get disciplinaries because Christians sometimes have to be confronted about things they attempt to do when it's you are not political like
But this stuff is more based off how mohawk would figure or strategize to remove tribes with European heritage from its sense of prestige
I've looked into folks and people with alternate words for God actually try to leave the people because latinism is very educated and they feel it was social and for children.....its folks that more try to do something prior David
God nukes....its people very literate and educated God is nukes folks is very their place is the homeless
When I have to be made fun of as only for tubi movies instead of vintage I'm sorry but you have to pay for those sororities or fraternities and it's not what you expect or think it will be they didn't do it to have a party
The ballot box has vietnamese on it also....so something Cambodian ness.....I was white and my street training is maybe empathic to Cambodian lost boy problems and they want schools there and such
Wants a plane ticket to Vietnam I guess.....
And that's if migrants were released from the border to planes I could have been offered plane tickets for health care......so Sheila....the thing is energy is expensive they caused disease so they could aquire these expensive medias.....these new Delhi modest medias that was expensive
I like it because I lived in poverty for the James Webb Euclid etc ...it maybe wasn't prior
Yea that's also his mistake is wanting to tourist more when it's been proven that life isn't better anywhere else
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fhuryleebaker · 9 months
The Beguinage in Bruges
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The Beguinage in Bruges was founded in 1245. It was the home of an all-women's movement in Medieval Europe with many communal houses. The Beguines were women who dedicated their lives to God without giving up the world. Women could go from one Beguinage to another. I chose this place because of its purpose. It was a place to meet the spiritual and material needs of the women. It was also a place of peace and tranquility, and the Beguinage today still has signs that request the silence of visitors. The Beguinage was an essential feature of Medieval Northern Europe.
Many Beguinages were suppressed during the Reformation. However, a few in Belgium survived, including the one in Bruges. They were destroyed by iconoclasts. Iconoclasm was a movement where Christians decided that creating art and architecture related to God was wrong, so they damaged or destroyed it. This caused many things to be lost in time, including many Beguinages.
One element about this place that interested me was that they close the doors at night. I think this is a good thing to do because it keeps the women safe. It also contributes to the theme of peace throughout the Beguinage because closing the doors allows for peace and no harm behind the doors.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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“Marguerite Porete is the essence of divine love and the truth that all we are is love. Marguerite was a French Beguine born in the mid-13th century.. She wrote a spiritual masterpiece titled The Mirror of Simple Souls. It reveals the spiritual process she went through to be transformed by divine love.Marguerite was arrested as a relapsed heretic and a Free Spirit. The Catholic Church conducted an unprecedented trial to decide her fate. Like Joan of Arc, much of her life is recorded because of the transcripts of her lengthy trial. She maintained her truth that the soul has no other will but God’s, and that when the soul is united with God’s love this state of union causes the soul to transcend the contradictions of this world. She suggests that we can be transformed by divine love into love itself, which isn’t separate from God. And that ultimately no outside source is needed in this transformation. It’s between the soul and God alone. Marguerite was burned at the stake in 1310 along with her book The Mirror of Simple Souls. It continued to gain in popularity but was distributed as an anonymous text, until 1946, when Romana Guarnieri identified Latin manuscripts of the Mirror in the Vatican. Marguerite’s name returned to the text when it was published for the first time in 1965. Marguerite is a courageous truth teller. And the truth of her experience is that love alone can free us. Not the love another might give us, not the love of family, or of friends. All of this is powerful, and significant. But, the true source of love for us is in the fact that we are a soul, and that the soul is in union with the divine. She reminds us when we’ve forgotten that love is the essence of who we are. And that true love is found within. Marguerite says, “Love has no beginning, no end, and no limit, and I am nothing except Love.” This is a time to own and to know this truth more fully. It is the most profound and radical act we can ever take: knowing the love we already are.”  
Excerpted from "The Divine Feminine Oracle" by Meggan Watterson; Art and illustration by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman"Marguerite Porete" Mixed Media 2019
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theridgebeyond · 1 year
The Power of Love
Sometimes it happens that love is sweetly awoken the soul and joyfully arises and moves in the heart of itself without doing anything at all. And then the heart is so powerfully touched by love, so keenly drawn into love and so strongly seized by love, and so utterly mastered by love and so tenderly embraced by love, that it entirely yields itself to love. And in this it experiences a great proximity to God, a spiritual radiance, a marvelous bliss, a noble freedom, an ecstatic sweetness, a great overpowering by the strength of love, and an overwhelming abundance of immense delight. And then she [the soul] feels that all her senses are sanctified by love and her will has become love, and that she is so deeply immersed and so engulfed in the abyss of love that she herself has turned entirely into love. Then the beauty of love has bedecked her, the power of love has devoured her, the sweetness of love has submerged her, the grandeur of love has consumed her, the nobility of love has enveloped her, the purity of love has adorned her, and the sublimity of love has drawn her upward and so united herself [love] with her [the soul] that she must always be love and do nothing but the deeds of love.
— Beatrijs of Nazareth, as quoted in Visions and Longings: Medieval Women Mystics by Monica Furlong
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Rainfall over the Sacred Mountain, Taos, NM. Photo: Geraint Smith (Sep 3, 2023) :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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The landscape's silent immensity—and the God to whom it points—is able to absorb all the grief one can give it.
-Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality [beguines]
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tonkifivestar · 2 years
Iron addicts gym iron wars
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Washington, Newport 5:30 p.m., Women's Meeting (O, CW), Sweet Magnolia's Women's Sober House, 502 Fourth Ave., Sandpoint 7 p.m., Saturday Night Live (O, W), North Summit Church, 201 N. Close Encounters (O), AA literature study, Hospitality House, 216 S. Demos and game-offs drop-ins welcome.Īlcoholics Anonymous: 9 a.m., Attitude Adjustment (O, W), Church of God, 221 S. Free bagpiping, drumming and Highland dancing lessons for adults and children.įamily Game Day: 1 p.m., Creations on the Cedar Street Bridge ages 4 through adult. Info: Janet, 20Īlbeni Falls Pipes and Drums Band: 9 a.m., First Lutheran Church. Info.: Ĭardio Junkies: Sandpoint’s running club, 7 a.m., Joe’s Auto Body, Baldy Mountain Road. Lindsey Stirling: Festival at Sandpoint concert 6 p.m., gates open 7:30 p.m., music begins. Zach Simms: 5-8 p.m., Pend d’Oreille Winery, 301 Cedar St. Info.: īrother Music: flute music 5-7 p.m., Pend d'Oreille Winery, 301 Cedar St. Tickets are $10, Lake Pend Oreille Repertory Theatre event. "Peter Pan": 1:30 p.m., doors open 2 p.m., show begins Panida Theater, 300 N. Fly tying enthusiasts of varying expertise bring your own supplies. Info.: 20 or įly Tying Group: 1 p.m., Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar.
Hosted by Sandpoint Friends of the Library.įirst Free Saturday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Bonner County History Museum, 611 S. Used Book Sale: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., East Bonner County Library, Sandpoint branch, 1407 Cedar, 10 a.m. Boyer Road learn to milk a cow, ride a horse, learn to rope and much more. Rascal Rodeo: for those with special needs, but all welcome 10 a.m., Bonner County Fairgrounds, 4203 N. Fresh produce and more COVID-19 safety protocols in place. Sandpoint Farmers Market: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Farmin Park, Third and Oak. Long Bridge Swim: 8 a.m., mandatory safety meeting, Sandpoint High School 9 a.m., swim starts. S.A.M.: “First Friday” gathering, 6:30 p.m., Cedar Hills Church, 227 McGhee Road. NARFE: National Association of Retired Federal Employees, 11:30 a.m., Connie’s. Discussion on “spiritual transformation.” Hosted by Linda Evans, Sandpoint Beguine Society. Table Talk: Public discussion group meeting, 7-9 p.m., Pie Hut, 502 Church St., Sandpoint. Narcotics Anonymous: 6 p.m., Sandpoint Church of God, 221 S. Recovery meeting for hurts, habits and hang-ups. Call 263-7621.Ĭelebrate Recovery: Sandpoint Church of the Nazarene, Highway 95 N dinner, 5:30 p.m. Also free parenting and Life Skills classes. Free pregnancy testing, obstetrical ultrasounds, counseling and baby needs. You can also call the District 14 AA Helpline at 1-80.Ĭrisis Pregnancy Center: From 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 502 N. For additional information about Alcoholics Anonymous and to get a list of online AA meetings, please go to. 7 p.m., Attraction Not Promotion (O, CW), Gardenia Center, Fourth and Church 7:30 p.m., Bonners Ferry Friday Night Group (O), United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln, Bonners Ferry. Catherine Catholic Church, 393 Summit Boulevard, Priest River 7 p.m., S.O.B.E.R. Info.: 219.barĪlcoholics Anonymous: 7 a.m., Attitude Adjustment (O, CW), Gardenia Center, Fourth and Church, Sandpoint 7 p.m., Dry River Rats, St. Live music: 9 p.m.-midnight, 219 Lounge, 219 N. Live music: 5-8 p.m., Pend d’Oreille Winery, 301 Cedar St. Berry: live acoustic music 5 p.m., Paddlers Alehouse, 100 Vermeer Drive. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen: Free dinner, Lincoln and Ontario, 4 p.m.-6 p.m., St. (north on Division near Baldy), 3:30-4:45 p.m. Teen Craft & Create Club: teen hangout for all things creative 1-3 p.m., East Bonner County Library District, Sandpoint branch, 1407 Cedar. Senior Meal: Clark Fork-Hope Area Senior Center, 11:30 a.m.ĭuplicate Bridge: 12:30 p.m., Clark Fork-Hope Area Senior Center, 10th and Cedar. Spiritual healing meditation service: 10:30 a.m.-noon, Gardenia Center, 400 Church St., Sandpoint. For first-time visit, call 20 to reserve a space. Sandpoint Senior Center breakfast: 8:30 a.m., Sandpoint Senior Center, 820 Main St. Sandpoint Rodeo: 7:30 p.m., Bonner County Fairgrounds, 4203 N. Ian Newbill: live music 7-9:30 p.m., Matchwood Brewing, 513 Oak St. Gregory Alan Isakov with the Shook Twins: Festival at Sandpoint concert 6 p.m., gates open 7:30 p.m., music begins. "Peter Pan": 4:30 p.m., doors open 5 p.m., show begins Panida Theater, 300 N. Summer String Academy family concert: free family event, 1-2 p.m., Sandpoint High School, 410 N. Summer Strings Festival: three-day music camp, runs through Aug. Editor’s note: If you would like to have your meeting or event shared with the community, please contact us at Aug.
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
I dont often know the exact limit of my patience and anxiety but this is Definitely Beyond It
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santmat · 1 year
Why We Seek to See the Inner Divine Light - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
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Hazur Baba Sawan Singh says, "The Masters come and They tell us, They initiate us and They tell us, about the different planes within. They tell us about what are the Sounds within, what are the Lights within in the different planes. They tell us about the path of how one has to transcend across these planes." Baba Somanath: "The darkness in the well of the world is driven away when the Self-Effulgent lamp of Knowledge sheds it Light... Rivet my attention at the still-point between the eyes [Third Eye Center], and show me the Light of Spiritual knowledge... Between the two eyes, be baptized in the Immaculate Light."
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Why We Seek to See the Inner Divine Light - View @ YOUTUBE:
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Mystics have universally taught, East and West, that "the Light of God is within everyone", as George Fox, founder of the Quakers once said. If we can transcend cultural blinders that imply it is impossible for us to see spiritually, mystically or inwardly with the Single Eye, there is indeed hope for us to reunite with the Divine Light, right here, right now, in the present moment, see for ourselves and discover that "darkness is not really dark" (Psalm 139: 12). Once we are open to this possibility, then there is the potential of adopting a contemplative meditation practice that leads to the experience of the Inner Light. There is hope we might be able to temporarily transcend the world of the five senses during our meditations and finally begin our journey exploring the "New World" of Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us, the Kingdom of the Light. "If one is whole, one will be filled with Light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness... there is light within a Person of Light, and it illuminates the entire cosmos." (Gospel of Thomas) "If your Eye be Single, your whole body shall be full of Light." (New Testament) If the energy of our attention is scattered and dissipated into the world of the five senses, when we close our eyes we naturally see darkness, but if our attention or awareness returns to the Single Eye -- Third Eye, the seat of our soul -- Light shall appear. "Do not cease seeking day or night and do not let yourselves relax until you find the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and make you into pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of the Light." (Book of Faith Wisdom, Pistis Sophia)
On today's Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast a satsang format with the theme of finding the Inner Divine Light, exploring the wisdom of Plato, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt, the Gnostic Book of Faith Wisdom (Pistis Sophia), the medieval Beguine Christian mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg from her spiritual classic, Flowing Light of the Godhead, George Fox, a Bhajan (Mystic Poem/Hymn) of Sant Namdev, Guru Nanak from the Adi Granth (Sikh scriptures), the Sar Bachan Radhaswami Poetry of Swami Ji Maharaj, Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj from, Quintessence of Yoga: Secret of All Success, Swami Vyasanand from, The Inward Journey of the Soul (Chal Hansa Nij Desh: O Swan-Soul Return to Your Abode), Yogani Mataji of the Radhasoami Faith (Sant Mat), Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji, a long reading from selected Bhajans (Mystic Poetry/Hymns) of Baba Somanath on the Inner Mystic Light of the Inner Regions, Santji, and excerpts from the Satsang Discourses of Baba Ram Singh Ji.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
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