almostarts · 3 months
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Maxwell Yellen, Lounge chair, Belarus / USA, c. 1950,
Walnut, Enameled Steel, Webbing,
28½ h × 24½ w × 28 d in (72 × 62 × 71 cm)
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qcoded · 9 months
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some genderbend art I've been meaning to post :P empress belari and the collector!!
these can double as art for that canon divergent, teen girl!philip i was talking about lol
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lvmbien · 2 years
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Smn smn anniversary post?? idk
Im a little late on it, but March 13th of last year was when I started playing Obey Me. Which then resulted in me pulling several of my friends down with me and all of us becoming even closer. it was a great time, and even if Im not nearly as fixated on it as I was back then im still incredibly thankful for the game and our respective blorbos for being the catalyst that allowed our bond to grow.
(all that said; this is old art lmfao its been so long since ive drawn this dickhead)
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famouslook1987 · 4 days
एनसीईआरटी में अनिल करेंगे कविता पाठ
पिंडरा/संसद वाणी : स्थानीय विकास खण्ड के प्राथमिक विद्यालय बेलारी में इंचार्ज प्रधानाध्यापक के पद पर कार्यरत शिक्षक अनिल कुमार को एनसीईआरटी नई दिल्ली में आयोजित हो रही दो दिवसीय कार्यशाला में आमंत्रित किया गया है।हिंदी के प्रचार एव प्रसार के लिए केंद्रीय शैक्षिक प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान एनसीईआरटी नई दिल्ली में हिंदी पखवाड़ा शिक्षक कवि सम्मेलन के तहत डिजिटल शिक्षा में राजभाषा हिंदी का बढ़ता प्रभाव…
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townpostin · 2 months
Baba Baidyanath Seva Sangh's Kawariya Group Reaches Sultanganj Safely
1,100 devotees from Jamshedpur continue their pilgrimage with collective prayers and cultural events. The group of 1,100 kawariyas from Jamshedpur, part of the Baba Baidyanath Seva Sangh, successfully reached Sultanganj on Monday. JAMSHEDPUR – On Sunday, a group of 1,100 kawariyas from the Baba Baidyanath Seva Sangh set off from Jamshedpur and safely reached Sultanganj by Monday. Founder member…
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pinkworkshop · 1 year
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mengejasendu · 1 year
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Mengingat dialog sama diri sendiri (dulu pas masa pre-klinik) yang isinya perdebatan tentang idealisme, konsistensi prinsip, mengenali diri untuk menemukan bingkai diri yang disebut "passion" atau "jati diri" atau anggap aja belajar membaca peta diri menuju "tingkat maturasi" yang diinginkan banyak orang dewasa. 
Berkeinginan punya hasrat yang Istiqomah untuk mengasah diri, memberikan sebagian dari diri untuk percaya bahwa tidak ada yang lebih bahagia menjalani hidup dengan mindfullness menyadari bahwa aku menikmati itu semua, meski harus berkali-kali dikecewakan, dikhianati atau harus bersusah payah belajar untuk tidak menyalahkan diri.
Semakin kesini dengan abu-abunya kedewasaan, ternyata modal tabunganku berproses sedari dulu sama sekali masih jauh dari kata cukup untuk membendungi pribadi, untuk membentuk karakter ideal dalam diri. 
Pernah nggak sih kalian merasa diposisi bahwa life battery kalian udah nggak optimal untuk menyerukan ambisi, udah loyo untuk tetap keras kepala belari sama fastabiqul khoirot, udah kosong untuk konsisten sama hal-hal besar?
Rasanya cuma kepengen hidup jalan aja, ga perlu muluk-muluk harus A atau B. Dulu ada temen deket pernah bilang bahwa; 
"Salah satu hal yang paling berat dalam hidup adalah Istiqomah dan tidak ada istiqomah selain lebih istiqomah."
Ternyata memang seperti itu, konsistensi bukan tentang ujung atau berhasil tidaknya keinginan kita. Hasil dari konsistensi atau keistiqomahan adalah konsistensi itu sendiri, adalah self-belonging kita terhadap Istiqomah itu sendiri. 
Semoga siapapun yang kehabisan baterai ambisi, dan berkali-kali jatuh; nggak lupa bahwa konsistensi bersama orang-orang yang tidak pernah berhenti buat mencoba buat bertumbuh.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 13 days
The Doctor's Arrest at Casperia Prime
https://ift.tt/fKx0sz1 by hingabee, PunishedPyotr Of course, it was possible that his own regular therapy was doing him some good. Ziyal was still certain that Elim was never - and would never be - completely honest with Counselor Belaris, but maybe she was getting through to him anyway. Plus, things seemed to be going very well for him with Bashir right now. Specifically, Bashir was doing better generally. He was much more relaxed and not nearly as broody and cryptic as he had been before Ziyal had gone to Shikina. Elim said that he’d started taking regular pain medication for his leg while she was gone. Though she hadn’t really followed how that development was supposedly related to Chief O’Brien’s cat. “Look, Elim,” she said gently, “I’m sure it will be fine. There are going to be lots of Starfleet doctors there, and Starfleet can’t afford to have anything happen to such important medical personnel while there’s a war going on. Security will certainly be very strict.” Elim sighed. “That’s what worries me…” Words: 5639, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Series: Part 75 of Does Your Mother Know Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Tora Ziyal, Luther Sloan, Hans Jordt, Original Male Character(s), Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek Ensemble Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan, Elim Garak/Hans Jordt Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Age Changes, Age Swap, Episode: s06e18 Inquisition (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Vacation, medical conference, Honeypotting, Interrogation, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Daddy Issues, Dubious Consent, Gore, Literary Device: Chekhov's Gun, Section 31 (Star Trek), Gaslighting
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jusuffarhan · 1 month
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Mungkin kita semua pernah di titik ini apapun maksiatnya.
Langkah pertama untuk jadi lebih baik, yaitu dengan menerima kita lekat dengan salah, tanpa salah mungkin kita akan lupa untuk kembali kepada Allah ta'ala.
Jangan sampai lupa, salah itu yang buat kita jadi manusia, maka pakai salah hari ini untuk mengevaluasi diri dan terhubung kepadaNya kembali.
Karena apa lagi yang lebih baik di lakukan selain kembali mengejar ridhoNya?
Yuk, kencangkan lagi tali sepatumu, dan mulai belari lagi meskipun dari awal.
Temanmu @jusuffarhan
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meeresufe · 4 days
Belarys and USSR
I'm sorry I didn't put anything out for a long time. / Sorry for the mistakes in the text
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cyberphuck · 4 months
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I gave my friend her birthday gift (which I've been working on for weeks) last night, so I can FINALLY start to post pieces of it here and infodump about my OCs a little bit. (some of the drawings are of her OCs and if I get permission I'll post those too.) Right to left: Anna Nabokov, chainsmoking art thief. The fur coat is a family heirloom. Not her family, but someone's. Yves "Yaya" Belarie: Former cop, top of his class at the Academy, doesn't believe violence is the answer. Violence is the question and the answer is "yes." Patrick "Poppy Pinks" Pinkerton: Owner of the Queen Lizzie Theatre in Glasgow. Kicks exactly as much ass as you're imagining a 6'5" Glaswegian drag queen would. (Also former cop, bottom of his class at the Academy.) Jericho Pferdman: Fresh off a really bad breakup that ruined his life and his hair. He didn't have to poison his ex to death, but everyone deserves a little treat now and then. Simon "Stripes" Flagg: Always volunteers to go first.
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qcoded · 8 months
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Designs for my Genderbend AU :P Empress Belari and The Collector!!!
I fucked up and forgot Bel's earring, but otherwise these turned out nice 😭
wasn't sure whether to give her pants or a skirt so. alt ver!!
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planktonheretic · 1 year
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Summery WIP with Belari...
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Giving Report with the Healthcare Boys (LU in Healthcare snippets)
What patient handoff and/or shift change looks like for some of the boys!
Wild stretched as he entered the staff lounge and caught sight of a coworker getting on shift. His feet were sore and he had a headache, but overall he felt pretty good despite the chaotic day.
"How was today?" his coworker asked.
Wild shrugged. "Busy."
His coworker smirked. "Well at least you're actually mostly in uniform today."
Wild looked down at his black scrub bottoms (that he absolutely didn't steal from Twilight), light blue polo, and sleeveless black jacket. "Yeah, I guess so."
"What kind of adventures did you have today?"
Wild laughed. "Only one, thanks. We eventually found MRI."
"How long did it take for you and your patient to find MRI?"
"Um," Wild shifted awkwardly. "Maybe twenty minutes? Didn't mess up her appointment, so it was fine. Besides, she got to see the ambulance bay and a friend of mine showed her the back of the ambulance, which she thought was really cool."
"That sounds like way more than twenty minutes!" his coworker laughed.
"We had fun and got there eventually," Wild shrugged as he crossed his arms. "That's all that matters."
When his coworker continued to guffaw at the entire situation, Wild rolled his eyes exasperatedly and clocked out. He was ready to have some of the dinner that he'd made for himself yesterday, and he was excited to get home and relax.
"I just fueled her up, she should be set to fly for you tonight," Sky said as he pat his hand against the helicopter with a warm smile. "The only thing I can think of is that you need to watch the cyclic; it's a little jerky if you adjust it too fast. I was going to see if maybe I could look it over but we kept getting calls."
Belari nodded. "Got it! I'll take a look at it with the shift checks. Sorry you were flying all night, though."
Sky shrugged. "It wasn't too terrible. But I'm definitely ready to go to bed."
Belari laughed at that. "Sky, you're always ready to go to bed."
Twilight grabbed a clipboard and his finger slid down across different names of patients. "So these two are the ones who have been the biggest ones to look out for. Airway issues for this kid, and the parents aren't in there, so just keep an ear out, especially if her nurse is busy. The other is on seizure precautions, everything's set up but he's already had one seizure today."
The tech he was handing off to sighed. "Poor kid. I thought they'd gotten that under control."
"Yeah, we all thought that," Twilight remarked sadly before continuing with his report. "This one here is a standby with one assist, usually uses a bedside commode for toileting. This one in room 12 needs a sitter, you might get stuck there a bit. He's not really bad, just developmentally delayed and likes to throw things. He's nonverbal, but he understands more than you think, so just redirect him. Loves to listen to Barney, so I've literally just been playing it on repeat all day. Kept him pretty preoccupied. Rooms 1, 3, 4, and 5 are night baths. The 24 hour QCs have been done, I think you'll just have to do the EKG machines."
"Is the lift still broken?" his coworker asked with dread.
Twilight grimaced. "Uh, yeah. But the only one you'd need it for is room 8, and she's pretty light."
His coworker crossed her arms. "Yeah, light to you, Mr. I-Can-Bench-Press-the-Planet."
Twilight couldn't help the laugh that escaped him, and then he spluttered to try and compensate when she waved him off.
"Get out of here, Twi," she said exasperatedly. "It's gonna be a long night and you don't need to be here for it."
Wind settled beside his preceptor as the night shift respiratory therapist pulled up a chair. He shifted nervously, knowing that Daphnes had said he would be giving report for one of the patients; this was Wind's first time even attempting to give report.
"All right, go for it," his preceptor's relief said, ready for report.
Wind swallowed and nodded. "Okay, so room 12 is a 54-year-old female, post-op day 1 for a CABGx3. She's still intubated because they can't get a good neuro on her, I think? Like for us she's been fine, breathing spontaneously on the vent, but they're afraid she can't protect her airway if we extubate."
Daphnes held out a small piece of paper to Wind, who jumped, realizing what he'd forgotten. "Oh! Right, her last gas looked good, but her lactate was high so that's another issue she's got going on. She's got a 7.5 ETT, 23 at the lips, cuff's fully inflated and intact. She's on 30% FiO2, PEEP of 8, pressure support."
"Tolerating the vent? Suctioning, any secretions you're getting out?"
Wind's heart skipped another beat as he felt like he was messing everything up. "She's tolerating it, yeah. Hasn't really bucked it all. Because, you know, no neuro and the like. She isn't following commands or anything. They're not sure what's wrong. She doesn't have a lot of secretions, last time I went in she was good. Lung sounds are clear, a little diminished in the bases."
The respiratory therapist finished scribbling notes and then nodded. "Okay, sounds good."
Wind leaned back heavily in his seat as his preceptor gave report on the other two patients they'd been caring for. When he was finished, Daphnes put a hand on Wind's shoulder.
"Good job on report," he said with a smile.
Wind watched him uncertainly. "I thought it sucked."
Daphnes laughed. "It's your first report. You went over the broad strokes. You'll get there, Wind. Good work today."
Smiling, Wind perked up and nodded. "Thanks."
Hyrule tried not to feel overwhelmed when he brought the stretcher into the large room filled with people waiting for him. He could do his job and take care of the patient, but giving report always made him nervous.
He caught sight of Legend in the corner, who gave him a smile and a nod.
Taking a deep breath, Hyrule stood beside the stretcher alongside a tech while Mo and another nurse moved to the other side of the hospital bed where they'd lined up with the stretcher, grabbing the sheet under the patient.
On three, the four slid the patient from the stretcher to the bed, and people swarmed around her as Hyrule stepped back.
"71-year-old female, stroke alert, last known normal was two hours ago at 1945," Hyrule started loudly so both Legend and the physician could hear him as they worked. "She's got right sided facial droop and arm weakness, as well as aphasia. No neglect or vision changes to my knowledge. She hasn't changed for us over transport, she's just been like this since we got on scene. She can follow commands, can't really say anything but she'll track your movement. Vitals have been stable throughout transport, glucose was 112. I've got bilateral 18s in both ACs, one's saline locked and the other's KVO. Sinus rhythm on the monitor. History of TIA and hypertension. Any questions?"
"Does she have family coming?" Legend asked as he labeled blood samples pulled from one of her IVs.
Hyrule nodded. "Daughter's on her way."
The charge nurse walked in. "CT 3 is ready for you guys."
Legend nodded. "Thanks, Roolie. We'll see you later."
With that, Hyrule stepped out of the room as Legend and a few others guided the patient's bed out of the room and headed off to get a head CT. He blew out a deep breath of relief and made his way to his partner, who was cleaning the stretcher.
"Well that was exciting," Mo commented.
Hyrule had to laugh. "Yeah, no kidding. Maybe we can sleep the rest of the night."
"You really think so?"
"Me neither."
"Well you took your sweet time," Legend grumbled as Warriors plopped into a seat beside him.
"I can't help that morning huddle took an eternity," Warrior fired back, rolling his eyes. "I'm not charge today, and the one who is just stood there for like a solid five minutes figuring out where everyone should go. So what do you have for me?"
"In the twenty years it took you to get here, I discharged one of the patients," Legend explained, getting a good-natured chuckle out of his friend. He pulled up the other patients' charts. "You only have two to worry about. Room 28 is a 24-year-old female, A/Ox4, stable, she's here for generalized body aches, they're doing a flu workup for her so she's on droplet precautions. She's been stable, no known medical history, she's fine in there. I took care of all the orders for her, we're literally just waiting for results."
Warriors nodded, reviewing the chart briefly before Legend moved on to the next patient. "Okay, this other one is the issue. Roolie brought him in about an hour ago, respiratory distress CHF patient, was on CPAP with Roolie and then we intubated him here; he's on propofol for the sedation. He's gotten 60 of IV Lasix and 2 inches of nitro paste, got a Foley in and it's put out like 150 so far, so mostly responsive to the Lasix. But they did an echo on him and his EF is absolute garbage, so even though we're getting fluid off it isn't doing much. They're talking about putting him on a milrinone drip, I've got the tubing and stuff ready if they decide to do it. Big surprise, he's been consistently hypertensive for me, started out at 220/136 now his systolics are lingering in the 160s. He was tachycardic and I think the nitro didn't do him any favors for that, but the good thing about milrinone is that you got reflex bradycardia with it, so hurray."
Rubbing a hand over his face, Warriors grumbled, "You always manage to bring me such great patients, don't you?"
"Hey, I got rid of a stroke patient earlier, you should thank your lucky stars," Legend retorted. "Stroke alerted her and she went straight to surgery. These two are all you got. They're working on getting this one up to the ICU as soon as possible. You've got an 18 in the left AC and a 20 in the right upper arm. Your propofol is going at 30 in the AC. The tube is a 7.0 and it's 21 at the lips. They're alive. End of story."
"Well, that's all that matters, anyway," Warriors muttered, perusing the patient's chart before glancing at his friend. "You okay?"
Legend huffed. "Am I okay? Yeah, sure, we got our asses kicked last night. But it's over. Just going to stay a bit to catch up on charting and then I'm getting the hell out of this nightmare."
"Charting," Warriors said with as much disgust as he could muster. "I hate charting."
"You and me both. Good luck, Wars."
In the ICU it was typical to have only one to two patients. On a day like this, where staffing was short, however, it was surprising and rarely a good sign when one was lucky enough to be singled with a patient.
It usually meant the patient was a mess.
Four sighed as he grabbed his report sheet and his multicolored pens and sat down beside the nurse who he would be receiving report from. After pulling up the patient's chart, he gave his coworker an affirmative nod that he was ready.
"This is a John Doe, just got up to the unit at 1545 from the OR. He is approximately somewhere in his 30s. Involved in a motor vehicle crash, vehicle versus a tractor. He got extricated and flown here. He was awake and lethargic on scene, apparently, got RSI'd in the field when he couldn't really protect his airway from bleeding with facial trauma. Got 2 units of RBCs in the air, another in the ED, and another in the OR. CT showed right femur fracture, skull fracture with intracranial hemorrhage, multiple facial fractures, rib fractures, and cardiac contusion with tamponade. They placed a bolt in the OR, he v-fib arrested and they shocked him twice. We've given 1L crystalloid for more fluid resuscitation and 1 unit FFP. He's kind of vasoplegic but not by much, still he's on epi at 3 and Levo at 5. Still getting a fluid bolus right now. Ready for systems?"
Four scribbled feverishly, and then he paused. "Wait, who was the surgeon?"
Four smiled. Good. That meant the team would be keeping a close eye on the situation. "Okay, I'm ready for systems."
"Neuro, he's a RASS -3 with a goal of -4. He's no longer paralyzed, it was reversed at 1600. He's got the bolt, it's subarachnoid. His ICP has been steady in the..."
The longer the nurse talked, the more Four realized this was going to be a long shift. But he'd get through it. They went through neurological, respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, genioturinary, musculoskeletal, and skin individually before reviewing lab work, and then Four wrote down what points of access he had, including a central line, an arterial line, and three peripheral lines, as well as all the different medications going in through them. After finishing handoff with the other nurse, Four sat in his chair for a moment and just took a deep breath.
Time to get to work.
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
A Valyrian Legend
  by Shella Longclaw
 I wish to thank Flock Leader Vasillis and the Winged Men’s storytellers for preserving this story for thousands of years. Storytellers are highly regarded by the Winged Men and maintain meticulous records of stories. Vasillis kindly shared this tale with me during my visit to Carcosa.
The Valyrian noblewoman who married Yellow Emperor Chai Duq had told a Valyrian legend to her two sons and guests. I understand how most maesters feel about legends and myths, but I respectfully ask to keep an open mind concerning this tale. Perhaps, we won’t be so quick to discard things like “believing in grumkins and snarks nonsense,” after examining this tale.
The story begins, “In the mysterious lands of the far west, there lives plant children and snarks. Your great ancestor the first Lord Belaerys had traveled there with Lady Owya and Lord Latus.
“They had a small army and three powerful dragons. They foolishly believed that they could conquer the massive land of the West. The Warlord Brandon had men who turned into giant wolves. His men slaughter the Valyrian army. The snarks and the plant children killed Lord Belarys and Lord Latus’ dragons. They wisely surrendered their Valyrian swords to the warlord.
“Lady Owya refused to yield. Her dragon was one of the oldest and biggest dragons of Valyria. Aureus was a fierce she-dragon who defeated nearly all the snarks single handedly. The last snark leaped into her dragon’s mouth. The cold snark turned the dragon’s fire to ice. The fiery dragon became a mad ice dragon and spawned four ice dragons that flew northeast. Lady Owya charged on despite the loss of her dragon.
“She slayed three plant children. The ice dragon’s breath changed dirt into a hard glass. The children used up all their weapons to slay the ice monster. One of the plant children grabbed the glass and stabbed her in the chest. It melted on her hot blood but not before it pierced her heart. Her veins went blue. Her skin grew cold and pale as snow. Lord Belaerys and Lord Latus escaped with their lives. Her unbridled ambitions doomed her to death.”
When asked by Prince Zi if the legend was true, she answered, “probably not, though our house did indeed lose a sword as did the ancient houses of Latus and Owya.”
Here are interesting details to consider. It must be noted that snarks aren’t a Yi Tish legend, though oddly enough griffins are part of Yi Tish tradition. “Warlord Brandon” could easily mean a King Stark. The North does have stories to match this, where certain people are “skinchangers.” The plant children could be the Northern legendary “children of the forest.”
Now, in the tale, Lord Belaerys and Lord Latus surrender to possibly King Stark. This could have occurred in the Age of Heroes, which is when the legendary sword Ice came in the possession of House Stark. The sword is Valyrian steel, and no one knows where the Stark kings acquired it. Likewise, no one knows why Valyria never attempted to conquer Westeros. Was it simply too far away, or did a crushing defeat scare them away?
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thessalian · 2 years
OC Interview
Honestly, anyone who wants to do this, but tradition dictates that I tag @hyperewok1 specifically. And we’re gonna go with Alisaie for this one.
name ➔ Alisaie. Last name is Featherwind, these days.
are you single ➔ So, so very much, very happily not single.
are you happy ➔ Overall, most of the time, sure!
are you angry ➔ Given the wyvern-shit we’re having to deal with at the moment, and what it’s done to good people? That too, yeah.
are your parents still married ➔ That’s ... a philosophical point, I think. I mean, there’s that whole thing about “‘til death us do part” in some vows but death only parted them for about forty-five seconds as far as I know, so ... maybe? I'd say I’ll ask them if I ever end up in hell, but I’ll probably just end up trying to kill them harder.
birthplace ➔ Belarys, in a ratty-ass house on what some pun-criminal once called ‘the high street’ because a lot of drugs get sold there and the pun just kept going for eighty-some years and counting now.
hair colour ➔ I want to say ‘blonde’? But honestly, as pretentious as it sounds, ‘white gold’ is closer.
eye colour ➔ Blue
birthday ➔ Ah. That. Yeaaaaaaaah, my parents didn’t really do that. The People tagged it ‘somewhere in early spring’ but I don’t think ‘when the first new frost onion shoots start sprouting’ is specific enough for this.
mood ➔ What, right now? Bewildered as to why you’re asking me about my mood right now. Or did you mean a general mood sort of deal? Because that changes depending on circumstance and circumstance right now is “Oh, fuck, these questions should be easy but I guess not”. I guess that’s a mood.
gender ➔ Female
summer or winter ➔ Either works, for various reasons, but my wife’s not much for snow no matter how much I love it, so I’ll go with summer for her.
morning or afternoon ➔ Once again, I’ll take either, but my wife isn’t the fondest of early mornings, so I get my best Ree-time in the afternoon.
are you in love ➔ Have you met my wife? How could I not be in love with that?
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Eeeeeeh ... Lust at first sight, love at first encounter. Real love - friend, lover, whatever - comes from who they are, and most people don’t show the whole of themselves in their physicality.
who ended your last relationship ➔ I didn’t really have relationships before Ree. The People’s packs don’t usually work that way; think “extended polycule” rather than just “a bunch of people hunting together”. So I guess you could say ‘fate’, because I got told by our soothsayers to ‘seek the sun’ and left the pack to do so.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I mean, maybe? No one’s said if I did, anyway. Well, Legolas, probably, but he’s a dire moose, and his heart mended real fast when I came back for him.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ I was the one who proposed, so no.
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ If I haven’t hugged or at least just half-hugged someone over the course of a day, something is wrong. So definitely yes.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Did ... you miss the ‘secret’ part of that? If I have, they’re really good at keeping secrets, because I don’t know about it.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Yeah, once. Worked out for the best, though.
love or lust ➔ Love if I have to choose. It encompasses so many more things.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ That depends entirely on mood. Lemonade right now, but could change in the next five minutes. Also depends on how good both things are. I’d rather have great iced tea than shitty lemonade, and vice versa.
cats or dogs ➔ I mean ... right now, dire moose? But eventually dog.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ See, the clue there is in the word ‘best’. Why would I settle for regular anything when I could have the best?
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ What is it with you people and trying to make people choose between two apparently disparate things? I can have both. I will have both, depending on mood. Stronger people than you have tried to stop me, and failed miserably.
day or night ➔ ...Okay, that’s just circumstantial as fuck. For what? What would I be doing? Some activities work better at night; others work better in the daytime! This is stupid.
been caught sneaking out ➔ Not so much sneaking out of the house (I snuck out a lot; just never got caught), but I did nearly get caught sneaking out of someone else’s house with a few random valuables once.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Nope, and I think it’d be a little hard to now. *extends wings*
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ I don’t think so. Why would wanting something hurt?
wanted to disappear ➔ *loooooooooong thinking* Right. After careful consideration ... what the hell are you smoking? Of course not! I like me.
smile or eyes ➔ Smile. Okay, mostly because that encompasses the eyes as well as the mouth. I am allowed to cheat.
shorter or taller ➔ I like the little dark butch ones. See also: my wife.
intelligence or attractive ➔ Those two words are so fucking vague. Like, there are different kinds of intelligence, and different ways of being attractive. So ... neither; my preference is heart.
hook-up or relationship ➔ Used to be the former, kind of, but ... you know, the fact that I’m married now might give you a clue as to my current preference.
do you and your family get along ➔ My parents were criminals. My father threw me off an airship tower (and if I wasn’t what I am, I would have been dead a long time ago). Both of them went and joined an apocalypse cult and tried to corrupt an entire city. I beheaded my father; my mother banished me to a weird-ass demiplane briefly, and all I could say to the dragonborn who cracked her skull (once I got back, obviously) was “thanks”. So ... I would say ... not really?
would you say you have had a “messed up life” ➔ It had some messed-up bits early on, but mostly it was fine.
have you ever run away from home ➔ Not exactly; probably would have if I hadn’t been very forcibly disowned first.
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Again. AIRSHIP TOWER. THROWN OFF OF. I think that qualifies.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Why would I be friends with them if I hated them? What kind of societal norms are we dealing with here? My friends might get a little annoying sometimes, but I love them anyway. Not in spite of; almost because of.
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ The things they’ve done for me, sacrificed for me, and got past to have me in their lives? I could not ask for better friends, and wouldn’t dare try.
who is your best friend ➔ Now, generally speaking I would not play favourites with my friends; they are all unique and precious and can’t be quantified enough for that. However, I hold the belief that if your pair-bond is not your best friend, you are doing something wrong. So that makes it easy - my best friend is my wife.
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